#health updates
sexyvixen7 · 1 year
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Jeremy getting some help from his sister & mom ❤
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pepperonibread · 5 months
All Bean Wants for Christmas Is Bloodwork
I recently had to switch to a new PCP (I worked for my old one and that did not go over well). I hate getting blood work done as much as the next guy, but apparently somewhere in my depressive kind of working irl kind of not stage a few months ago, I got a test through Quest that now I am responsible for.
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I had the appointment and everything last week. Roll up to the lab at 7 in the morning to be told "yeah, we can't take your blood unless you pay this." and me, being neurodivergent, settled on "welp, guess i'll just die" and left in a huff, more stressed about that than the idea of getting poked with a needle.
The thing is, I have polycystic kidney disease. As of my last blood draw in like, June I want to say (?) everything was fine and dandy with my kidneys except for the inherited cysts that make them a ticking time bomb. However, I recently have had a string of UTI's that cannot be explained and desperately need to get this bloodwork done in order to get a a urologist referral (and meds from PCP for depression and adhd), because my nephrologist is basically like "¯\_(ツ)_/¯ " You may be thinking "oh, well that's easy bean, if you feel you have a UTI just go to urgent care and get antibiotics" Yeah I thought of that one. Here's the catch - I have little to no symptoms when I do get UTIs! I have no idea what's going on until I think I am losing my mind or (as in the case last month) I wake up in the middle of the night barfing up stomach acid and ending up in the ER with kidney infections. And when you have kidney disease, further scaring from infections isn't good!
I'm an adult with bills and when things like this come up, unfortunately with the economy we're in paying them is kind of like "well do i want food this week or do i want to know what's wrong with me." And the state I live in only cares about the health of the rich old people who have moved here (can you guess where I live?) so yeah, that's where I'm at. I don't have money for this. I'm asking for help as much as I don't want to do that. I really hate this country.
Donations can be made via my ko-fi.
Thank you in advance if you are able to help. I really and truly appreciate it.
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sotwk · 1 year
So after hours of excruciating gut and back pain (it was like being in labor again) and an overnight stay at the ER, my gallbladder has apparently decided it wants out. 👀😪 Maybe it's tired of playing with stones. Surgery for removal to be scheduled soon.
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I'm doing fine now (pain meds yaaaay), and resting safely at home, but this has not been the best month for me, health wise. What is up with March?? 😵
No worries, though! I'm only sharing this in case my activity and ability to push out updates and requests take a noticeable hit. Writing and hanging out with you all is very good for my mental well-being, so I consider it part of my rest and recovery. 😊
Stay well, everybody! Take care of yourselves. ❤️
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capetowncapers · 7 months
Anyway I don’t care if you’re an adult and are telling yourself things are expected of you—you can still be proud of yourself for doing things that seem daunting or scary or overwhelming, especially if you’re mentally ill, chronically ill, disabled, going through it in general…
Who cares if making dinner or cleaning the kitchen or calling to make an appointment or sending that email feel like they “should” be “small things” if they feel big to you and you overcame them! Congratulate yourself anyway, dammit, because life can be difficult enough and it feels so so good to be gentle and kind and patient with yourself when you’re able to.
If you have anything in your life that makes it hard to do “basic” things, then you’re also allowed to feel proud and accomplished when you manage to do those tasks.
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myownjadedpieceofmind · 10 months
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It's been a while since I've said anything here...
I still haven't been approved for disability benefits, so most of my thoughts and energy has been zapped by trying to just stay alive right now. Financial issues aren't new, and it isn't like everyone else is doing so wonderfully that I feel like I'm alone in this. No, rather, I know I'm not alone, and in that regard I know my incessant complaints about my situation isn't changing the situation at all. So, I just don't talk about it as much.
However.... this Monday I had an appointment with my primary care doctor to really go over things. The torn hip labrum can't be fixed...or rather, the orthopedic surgeon I saw isn't confident that he can do me any good by fixing it. It seems my skull isn't the only part of my skeletal system that is messed up. I have pelvic and femoral antiversion, meaning...my bones are twisted. My pelvis is tilted, the hip sockets are too big, the hip ball joint is too small, and my femurs are twisted, so when I walk, I'm tearing my own labrum out. My left hip is already full of osteoarthritis, so if they did try to fix the right labrum, I would be putting too much stress on my left hip during the healing process that I'd likely need the left one fixed immediately.
I only weigh 108 pounds. Having me off my feet for 6months to heal from one hip surgery- that may or may not fix the situation- is risky. Add on another 6 months of healing for the chance of the left hip needing fixed immediately, and well.... let's just say, it isn't in the best interest of my actual health. Especially with the added bonus of a cardiac issue.
This is all going on, and then I broke a tooth. I've only got so many teeth left, you know?? So, I've been trying to come up with the funds to afford the dentures that I'm going to need here in about 3 weeks. I go see an oral surgeon next week for a consultation. The lowest price on my bottom denture is $700. That doesn't cover the teeth extraction. That doesn't cover anything but the denture.
I turned 44 on the 3rd. How the hell is this my 40s? Like... none of this is what I expected to be doing in my 40s. I found out that I've been lied to my entire life, gas lit and told that I was the healthiest person in my family. My parents used to brag about how few times I'd seen the doctor , because I didn't need to go, I didn't have anything wrong with me. Meanwhile, my bones were twisting under my skin, my skull had fused together too early and made no room for my brain. The entire time I was growing, I suffered.
And now... I wake up every day knowing there is no escape from the pain. I will live in pain every day for the rest of my life...
Somehow, it's comforting to know I wasn't imagining things when I was younger. I can't fix the situation...I can't figure out how to deal with the relationship I have with my parents. I don't know how to process any of what I have gone through in my life, and it's taken 44 years to be told the truth about the body I've been living in. I'm really proud of myself for having done all the things I've done in life...do you have any idea how much strength it had to take for my twisted frame to balance on stilletos all those years?!?!?!
Anyway. It's too much. I'm overwhelmed and exhausted and depressed and wildly detached from so many things. I'm trying to find a way back to some semblance of peace... I crave peace of mind more than anything.
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imsickofcoveringup · 1 year
Please check out my update. I'm heartbroken. I was in the hospital and everything is getting worse and scarier. I told my family and they didn't care. They get defensive and upset when I try to ask for help and I'm realizing more and more how little I mean to them. It would mean so so much If y'all would read and share my story. I've lost so much to my illnesses. But I just want to share positivity and love.
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Hey guys, what up??? 🥴🥴🥴
So if you don't follow @evilwriter37 and @cinna-wanroll , they both posted about my situation this morning. Long story short, I broke my wrist very badly. Or rather, one of the main bones impacted and caused a clean break and I have a small fracture as well on the other bone
I'm gonna be out of work for the next 4 to 8 weeks. I have access to short term disability but it's only 60% of my paycheck and I don't know how fast it'll kick in. Plus I don't know what my landlord will cover because I broke it on his property.
So if you have the means, please tip or donate to my blog or Ko-fi. It would really mean the world to me. I'll try to have a fair amount of updates the next few weeks as a thank you to y'all!
- Diggy
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
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Carlin's health update:
1. She's still experiencing seizures/passing out at the same rate as before. She doesn't like to talk about it online as much these days because it makes her very emotional (you could see her eyes welling up as she talked)
2. Her, Evan, and her dad are going to her cardiologist appointment this morning. Carlin says her dad's been very concerned lately that they still don't have any answers
3. She talks for a bit about being very afraid that this is her new normal and that she's going to have to adjust her life to this
4. She also talks about being increasingly embarrassed over passing out in public and that she tries to notify Evan when she feels one coming so they can get to a private place (that one made me sad).
5. She hasn't driven since May and Evan chimes in that it would take a long time of no episodes for him to ever feel comfortable with her driving again.
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Before I forget to make this post I want to let you all know I’m going in for vascular surgery again on 12/14. Meaning I will be resting a lot during recovery. Please send positive thoughts as the last two times I had this surgery I ended up hospitalized with pulmonary embolisms. (Blood clots in lungs) I’m at high risk for them again.
Love & Positivity 💜
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chaneajoyyy · 1 year
I just took another Covid test and it says your girl is NEGATIVE!! But i will take another one in 2 days to be on the safe side.
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wayward-jack · 8 months
Probably gonna make a new tag for these posts but anyway
For those that don't know we've been renovating my roomies grandmother's place to sell. She moved in a bit after his uncle passed. Well I fucked up and pushed too hard to get some painting done the other day and I'm paying for it now with my health condition.
I rested a few days after painting but I've triggered two major pain attacks just trying to do simple tasks like loading the dishwasher. Actually freaked out his grandma who kept asking if I wanted to go to the hospital. She's never seen them get that bad.
I might be on bedrest for the next weekish and taking it easy so I don't cause anymore attacks, unless this ends up just being the new norm after giving it enough rest. Then I dunno what to do other than see what doc has to say.
On the bright side I probably will have a lot more free time to stream and get through my backlog of comms =u=;
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sexyvixen7 · 1 year
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(Source: Jeremy Renner's Instagram Stories)
He's a fighter. It'll be a long road but he can do it. 🙏🏻❤
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nightmaretherabbit · 1 year
So uhm.
I may not get the next comic out till like Sunday or Monday.
I'm struggling with low sodium and electrolyte levels rn which is cause me to feel very dizzy and lightheaded rn.
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smittenbyvillains · 1 year
Life update
Just wanted to let you know that I had just gotten 7 teeth removaled that includes wisdom as well :(( so I might be writing more or not. I have lots of work to do for college. Feel free to send requests!
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capetowncapers · 5 months
Saw a post about how mental healthcare professionals often want to treat patients until they exhibit symptoms of their illness and then they get frustrated/irritated/surprised by this and
Me dreading calling about fixing the prescription on my one medication bc I gave my prescriber the pharmacy location I thought would make the most sense (then the pharmacy took several days longer than planned to fill the scrip and I ended up having to go back home sooner than planned for a number of reasons) and I forgot I had done this, assuming as a result that my meds would be ready at home
And I feel like she’s gonna be all frustrated but honestly…. Yeah your patient with brain fog and resultant memory issues…. Is probably going to struggle with brain fog and memory. Now and then.
Anyway, I felt like I could relate.
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red-riding-wood · 1 year
Health/Writing Update
Ramble below
Hey everyone... so, yesterday there were some developments with my health situation that were definitely for the worse. I was discharged from my outpatient program and my feed and PICC line were removed. (Honestly the reasons for this were such bullshit, but I won't get into them because it would take a lot of explaining. I'm sorry that I'm even getting into this at all but I felt I needed to share because this will likely affect my writing and such.)
I also tried setting something back up with hospital and I have been told no despite physically not being able to eat more than about 300 cals a day and having physical evidence of my condition that is, astoundingly, disregarded. To be quite frank, I feel as if I have been abandoned by the medical system.
My mindset is right back to where I was before hospital, when I was essentially starving to death and I was in this weird state of limbo where I just couldn't write or do anything, really. It's worse, now, actually; basically looking at that or getting an NG tube (which I have a lot of trauma regarding and for me would be an absolute worst case). I'm trying to get as much as I can down food-wise while relentlessly calling people trying to get some change to happen. Surgery isn't for another couple months at least so these people are insane if they think I'm going to last (and keep my weight) until then.
Until then, this time I want to try and pretend things are as normal as I can, and try to keep writing and posting as much as my health allows. But this is a heads up that I don't actually know what will happen with my writing, and I may be slow with it or responding to messages, posts, etc. I hope you all can bear with me because there are a lot of things in the works that I've promised and still intend to follow through on.
And also this isn't to say don't message me, tag me in things, etc. I want you guys to keep doing so, I just might not be super speedy with things.
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