#Crazy Shrine Maidens
animenekos · 7 months
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Kannagi; Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens - Episode 2
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animefan191 · 11 months
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midnightbears · 2 months
Arranged marriage with Gyomei pls. Kagaya matched Gyomei with Y/N ​​for some reason and Gyomei slowly falling in love with y/n 🥲🥲❤
✿ i love you, and i want to find out what that means together.
#STARRING: himejima gyomei ft. fem!reader
#TAGS: arranged marriage. gyomei is in his early twenties in this one! set before the main events of kny. some invented lore for the sake of the story please just bear it thanks
#NOTES: hello there! thank you for your request <3 tbh I've always had this specific idea stuck in my head and you just gave me a reason to write for it LMAO i actually went kind of crazy with this fic omg i loved to write it let me know if u would like a part two! hope you like it and hope it wasn't too much LMAOOo
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your existence could be hashed over with one word.
ever since you could remember, your entire life had been mapped out for you: what to eat, what to not eat, what to like, what to dislike, what to wear, your hobbies, your pastimes, your vocabulary—everything. apparently, every inane thing that had been shoved down your throat was only done to make you a dignified woman worthy of whichever lord they married you off to.
you and your family hailed from a long line of priests and priestesses, where the girls were raised to be proper wives and shrine maidens and the boys were carefully taught the profession in hopes of serving important figures throughout japan.
you were helping your mother tend to the flowers one day when a messenger from the ubuyashiki clan—a kakushi, as you heard they were called—appeared before your temple's door, asking your father to choose and provide the clan with one of his daughters.
you were picked immediately, and you had no choice but to stand before your father, trembling, and pretend that you agreed with his decision with a serene expression on your face. you could tell this was just his way of finally getting rid of you.
in the words of your father behind closed doors, if someone couldn't be bothered to have the decency to visit the temple in person and instead sent a mere messenger to request a carefully trained shrine maiden, it was clear they didn't deserve the best of what he could offer.
you smiled, agreeing with him.
when you went to pack what little things you had, nobody was in the shared quarters; at least you would spare yourself of your sisters' cruel remarks over your father's decision. you did not have many things of your own; you packed your hairbrush, a book, and what few things you held dear.
the kakushi was waiting outside when you emerged. trying to maintain a semblance of calm, you offered him a small smile. he looked at you with curiosity but did not say anything. kindly, he allowed you a moment for a brief prayer before the buddha statue at the front of the temple. then, you were off.
no one came to say goodbye to you.
it was alright, you supposed. the only person you could think fondly of was your mother, and a barbed wire of melancholy slowly wound around your heart at the thought of not being able to part ways properly. you knew that she preferred you over her other daughters, but even so, you were aware that she would never hear the end of it from your father if she came to say her farewells. you would write to her.
you were the third of six sisters, and always, one of them was more talented than you were, just a tad bit more attractive, just a tad bit more creative, just a tad bit more charming. sure, you were well-versed in the duties of a useful spouse—okay, all your sisters were as well. what good was that when you had nothing special about you? what was it your father called you? ah, yes, mediocre.
the kakushi did not speak to you for the entire trip, for which reason you did not know. a question hung on the tip of your tongue, although you dared not ask it. at some point, he urged you to wear a blindfold and climb on his back, which you simply accepted, knowing better than to ask.
you didn't make anything out during the journey, only listening to the sound of small pebbles vibrating against the ground as he made his way up a mountain. after what felt like hours, he finally put you down, gently tugging the blindfold off you and allowing your eyes to adjust to the bright light of morning.
once you were presentable, he escorted you toward the estate entrance. you could tell he was a bit off put by the way you were just accepting things, but he didn't say anything about it.
the kakushi stopped before the towering gate of the ubuyashiki mansion and offered you a deep bow. you thanked him, and you could see him smile with his eyes before he left. another kakushi, a woman this time, escorted you toward a graveled garden, a small figure sitting by the engawa.
she knelt on the ground and bowed her head, and you did the same until she picked herself from the ground.
looking forward, you met the gaze of a boy who looked to be around the age of fifteen, with kohl black hair that sat just above his shoulders. he had the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen, so easy to look at, lavender tainting the irises. he had the calming smile of a buddha, and although knowing nothing about him beyond reputation, you felt at ease with him.
"i am kagaya. i trust your journey went smoothly? thank you for your patience, maiden. i apologize for not going to your temple in person, i hope your priest will forgive me. believe me, i wanted to, but i'm afraid my illness would not have allowed me to make the trip."
the boy's voice was unlike any other you had ever heard, fluid and gentle, causing a wave of reassurance to wash over you. you felt at ease immediately, as though something had just taken every burden off your shoulders and instead shrouded you in a cloud of repose.
"it was no trouble, oyakata-sama, truly." you followed this with a deep incline of your head, your own voice remaining serene and mellow, "it is an honor to be in your presence."
kagaya smiled. "your temple is of great renown. my clan has had the pleasure of counting with your priests and maidens across the centuries. there is no need for such formalities, child."
granted, you were sure you were older than him by a few years, but the way he called you 'child' was comforting, and you were not about to question him, simply keeping quiet.
"you are to marry one of my pillars, maiden. he is an honorable man, the lord of stone, i am sure the two of you will get along. he should arrive any moment now."
you willed yourself to say something, yet you simply could not. you were not the first maiden who was given to a lord for marriage, and you certainly wouldn't be the last. still, your heart did a flip at the simple notion of ending up in a similar situation as your mother, forced to produce offspring until your husband found you undesirable.
for a moment, a cold hand wrapped around your heart in fear of what that man would do with you. however, the single thought of the young boy before you lying about the pillar's honor revolted you. he was telling the truth, and if he said the stone pillar was a good man, then you had nothing to fear.
softly, the sound of footsteps reached your ears, and you turned slightly to see a towering figure approaching, his presence both imposing and serene all at once.
the man who stood before you was unlike any you had ever seen. large beyond comparison, clad in the dark robes of a uniform and a green haori. his stature was immense, with muscles that seemed chiseled from stone. he was young, with an impassive face, yet undeniably handsome. his eyes, clouded with a milky whiteness, told you that he could not see, yet he moved with a grace that belied his blindness.
"this is himejima gyomei, the stone pillar," kagaya introduced, "he has been chosen as your betrothed, and i trust that you will find solace and strength in his presence."
gyomei walked toward you, his movements slow and deliberate, his footsteps echoing throughout the garden—
your breath hitched as he knelt before you, reaching his hand out. but instead of what you expected, he pressed his palm against your cheek, his voice reverberating like a chiming bell inside a cathedral. he caressed your cheek as one would treat an injured butterfly.
"maiden beloved," he murmured, tears spilling from his eyes, "i apologize for making you wait."
the ceremony was that same day, quick and endearing.
you were married in front of oyakata-sama, his wife, and other members of the corps as witnesses. before you knew it, the wedding concluded, and your husband guided you to your new home with you by his side.
gyomei was not acting like he had been given you as some justly won right to do with as he pleased. that set your heart at ease, greatly so, and in some way, it was like he could tell, too. he was walking slowly, allowing you to keep up with his large strides. small talk filled the empty silence of the way home as he listed all the things you would assist him with.
you were to cook for him, clean the estate daily and take care of it when he was away, write letters for him and read them when he received any, and...
huh. that was it.
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getting used to your routine was easier than anticipated as weeks passed, although you would be lying to yourself if you said that gyomei's patience and demeanor weren't helping you in the slightest.
he had insisted that you sleep in a separate bedroom within the estate, taking into account that despite being your husband, he was still a complete stranger to you. the very moment you reached your new home, he made sure to explicitly tell you that he did not wish to embarrass you or cause you discomfort in any way, shape, or form.
during mornings, you would naturally wake up at the crack of dawn, your training making things much easier. you would dress yourself in the robes gyomei had gifted you for your wedding and make your way to the kitchen to start a big meal for the day. you'd wake him up then, guiding him to the kitchen to share breakfast together.
most of the time, you ate in silence, although you did not mind at all. after that, you would wash dishes, and he trained. the estate was not that big, so having to sweep the floor or dust the shelves daily did not bother you, and you instead found comfort in the repetitive routine. you would finish quite swiftly and urge gyomei inside again for tea time during noon.
you tried to entertain yourself as best as possible during the afternoons and evenings. usually, you would find yourself tending to a small garden you'd created when you arrived. your husband would sometimes join you, captivated by the sweet smell of the flowers and the sensation of the earth beneath his fingertips. you would explain what the flowers looked like and how they were meant to be taken care of, and he, in turn, basked in your every word.
gardening duty was one of the things you enjoyed most back at the temple, and since no one else was willing to get their hands dirty, you were the maiden who would regularly take care of the flowers.
you bought flower seeds during your first trip to the market in the nearby town and took the time to introduce yourself to as many people as possible. the locals were very kind to you, and as you started frequenting the shops more and more, you were always being greeted by folks who wished you and your husband the best.
as months passed, your relationship with gyomei deepened in ways you had never expected. the initial tension and clumsiness of living with a stranger began to fade, replaced by a growing sense of familiarity and comfort.
gyomei, true to his word, respected your boundaries and gave you space to adjust at your own pace. however, small gestures of care and affection started to seep into your daily life. he would often leave freshly picked flowers from your garden by your bedroom door, their vibrant colors and sweet fragrance greeting you first thing in the morning. sometimes, he would assist you with household chores, his presence making the mundane tasks feel lighter and more enjoyable.
he began to pay attention to the little things, like how you offered wounded slayers who stumbled upon the estate a fresh meal and a place to redress their wounds, or how you fed the cats mingling around your shared home every single night, even noticing that you had taken the time to name them and remember everyone.
the town's people, too, played a part in your growing closeness. they would often remark on how harmonious you and gyomei seemed together, their kind words fortifying the bind that tied you together. you started to see the way gyomei interacted with them and how much respect the people had for him—and you couldn't help but admire him more each day.
your conversations, though initially skimpy and shallow, began to flow more naturally. gyomei's deep voice would rumble through stories of his past with the children of the orphanage, his experiences as a hashira, and the lessons he had learned along the way. you, in turn, shared snippets of your life at the temple, your family, your dreams, and your fears. it was through these conversations that you realized how much you had in common despite your different backgrounds.
anyone with a pair of working eyes would see it, or, at least, anyone who had known for at least once in their lifetime what a soul-stirring connection with another human felt like. you found comfort in his presence, seeking him out like a moth to a flame, and he, in yours, only wanted you to tend to his wounds after missions, fix his haori, or wait by himself outside just so he could pray by your side.
eventually, it got to a point where the separate bedrooms became less of a necessity and more of a formality. you often found yourself falling asleep together in the living room after long conversations or shared moments of silence. whenever you did manage to part ways, you always lingered by your door, a dreamy smile encasing your lips.
you could not deny yourself anymore. you were the happiest you had been in years.
one evening, as you both sat for dinner, the familiar quiet enveloping you like a warm blanket, gyomei's voice broke through the tranquility.
"i love you."
the bunch of food you were going to bring into your mouth splattered into the bowl again with a messy splash. oh. oh my god. you whipped your head toward your husband, who stared at you with a soft expression on his face.
"you do not have to say it back if you do not feel the same, but i wanted you to know." then, gyomei went back to chewing his food as if he had not said what he had just said.
gyomei shifted his head in your direction with a worried expression, your teary tone and doddering heartbeat doing nothing to mitigate his apprehension. he tried to reach for you, but you jerked away from him. he could tell that whatever you were feeling was not directed toward him, but still, it pained him greatly to know you were suffering.
"g-gyomei, i—"
your hands were shaking, and he reached for them to trace your skin with the pads of his thumbs. he opened his mouth, but you beat him to it as you keeled over, shoulders trembling as sobs left your mouth, your usual calmness thrown out the window.
"y-you said that you wouldn't embarrass me! there is nothing special about me. what is it about me that you could possibly love? you're always so good to me," you were throwing word vomit at this point, and the worst part was you did not even know where it was coming from, "i haven't done anything to receive your affection! i'm just doing the things i'm supposed to do..."
tears slid down his cheeks before he could stop them, and he leaned forward to pull you into his embrace. your body completely froze, an unknown emotion taking over. gyomei had never initiated contact before. most of the time, you had to be the one to grab his hand or tug his collar.
"my little maiden... you have no idea how precious you are to me," gyomei murmured, his voice impossibly gentle and firm. he held you close, his large, comforting presence grounding you as your sobs began to subside. "you see yourself through the harsh lens of your own eyes, but i see the truth of your heart with my own. your unconditional kindness, your strength, your sincerity—these are just some of the reasons i love you."
his words seeped into your cold heart, slowly quieting the tempest inside. you couldn't understand how someone as incredible, kind, and powerful as gyomei could see such worth in you, but the sincerity in his voice and the warmth of his embrace made you want to believe him.
"you don't have to prove your worth to me or anyone," he continued, his voice alleviating your wounded spirit. "you are enough, just as you are. your presence in my life is a blessing, and i am grateful for you every single day."
"gyomei," you whispered, your voice trembling but no longer with fear. "i… i love you too. i was just scared. scared that i wasn't enough for you."
he smiled softly, wiping away your tears with his thumbs. "you are more than enough, my love. and i will spend the rest of all my lifetimes showing you just how much you mean to me."
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© midnightbears on tumblr, july 2024. please do not repost to another platform, plagiarize, translate, use for AI-related purposes or claim as your own.
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drenched-in-sunlight · 2 months
Zullie the witch has now done a video about the jars and compares the erdtree version to the hornsents version really eloquently as usual.. but also man some of Zullie’s analysis just made me feel even more strong feelings for Marika! Everything she’s gone through and how much it influenced everything she did!! Sob
i fr cried tears of joy when that video was released and it has such a thoughtful, kind view on Marika's story and her motivation. for weeks now i have to flood my youtube search with anything but ER content because all the lore channels engage with her story in such a bad faith reading (like... don't even get me start on why tf are ppl saying Marika should be grateful they made her a "successful" *air quote hands* saint jar... the Hornsent wants those shrine maidens to die, if she escapes and continues breathing... they didn't success shit)
it truly amazes me that no matter how clear the lore is on Marika's past, people would rather ignore everything to make it sound like she has no love in her and everything she does is from some inherent evil cold blood impulse within her or sth.
hell, Gloam Eyed Queen has no characterization and story at all, yet ppl are more willing to write headcanons (that they insist must be canon) making her up to be some kind of pillars of goodness to dunk on Marika. that's crazy. so that video from Zullie is truly a godsend to me.
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andieperrie18 · 10 months
When the SHEEP bare Fangs
Pairing: Mizu x Reader
Series: Blue Eye Samurai
Prompt: No blade was always made the same. In all of Mizu's life under the apprenticeship, there was only one black blade made in the forge of her swordfather. A special blade made of one particular samurai lineage that said to have ancestors the slayed demons that wreaked blood years ago. Now this blade was in the hands of one of her companion.
(Still haven't finished watching the series but it got me so hyped that its driving me crazy with how few the Mizu x Readers fics are. I'm still working this out. Its corny but this plot has been bugging me for days now everytime i'm watching.)
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That blade was familiar.
One that she has seen before, when she was still a budding teen apprentice under an infamous swordsmith hidden in the woods of Kohama. Same dark and shiny blade which had flame like designs on the very edge and the signature of her master close to the very hilt of the blade.
No blade was always the same and even she cannot remember every single one she had smithed but this one, she has only seen it once, and now her second time as it was in the grasp of one of her companions, a shrine maiden who became their healer that she had met back in Horokonai. Ringo had met the girl after winning the sacred festival challenge and she had offered them lodging for the meantime.
Mizu would have assumed that Y/n was playing bait brave as Ringo dragged her wounded stated away from the number of enemies that surrounded them. She looked at the female dressed in a white loose jacket and a red hakama and the said blade black sword with a grip of natural swordwielder.
Her hand wrapping the handle was strong and firm, her feet apart, back full and levelled as it rise and fall. Mizu could see Y/n's growing breath with every gasp, each release going a few minutes slower than the one before. Just like that tenggu-masked client did when her swordfaster asked to know and witness how the client will wield the sword.
"Y-You... Your s-sword..." she trailed as Y/n turned to her before she her lips curved to that usual smile Mizu was so used to seeing.
(THAT'S IT. I CAN FINALLY WATCH IN PEACE. I'mma finish the series first.)
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kurogane2512 · 10 months
kurooo hello!! the signora breeding fic was so good 😭💖 owo thank you for the delicious food and i have so many thoughts in my head.
Not necessarily a request, and its more of my own headcanons (i imagined fem reader with a cock but can also be gn) But you know who else would be very into breeding?
Her family was split apart, but she was still expected to be a noble and carry out her clan's legacy. So me thinks she'd also be expected to produce heirs. It's a big deal for Jean bc I imagine she'd want her own perfect little family with you and a child... Or two or three... I dont think she minds how many children you want as long as you keep her filled up.
also?? YAE MIKO.
Especially when she's in heat!! She's all red and sweating and panting, and she'll shoo away all the guests and the shrine maidens so she can tear your clothes off as she's begging you to take her right then and there. She'll use her tail to lock you in place as you bottom out inside her, she's been dreaming of having yokai pups with you after all.
Alternatively, i think g!p Miko would also be into breeding you. g!p Miko in heat would have you in a mating press all day and all night, painting your cunt with white. Don't even bother crawling away from her even when it hurts so bad from feeling so good, she'll just use her tail to make sure you don't get away.
and maybe... Eula. Never mind her crazy family, they're beyond saving 🙄 she'll just start a new family then. You better get busy breeding Eula then, after all, you think she wants to restore her entire clan.
That's all!! Also can i be 🐼 anon?
Oh my gosh anon this is amazing I WENT FERAL CAEIOFJEIQJ
I can see Jean being slightly hesitant at first due to her work schedule as she doesn't want to overburden you and ignore her own children. But Varka gives her assurance that she'll have a better workload and even get paid maternity leaves so she finally works up the courage and asks you to breed her full ;) Having already had a broken family once, she'd definitely want to keep this one together and I just know she'll be fully devoted! Now all she wants is for you to breed her full <3
Yae in heat is absolutely desperate and so feral, she honestly wouldn't care for the place she wants you to take her right then and there!! Bend her over the Sacred Sakura Tree at the Shrine and pound into her sopping cunt then fill her up with your seed! She feels so euphoric, her voice is hoarse from her messy moans but she can't stop! The fact that this is supposed to be such a holy place and she's committing this sinful act as the head shrine maiden herself.... oh, she couldn't care less when you are pounding into her so well.
G!p Yae wouldn't even let you get out of the bed that day! She's going to keep you pinned under her all the time and keep drilling her cock to fill you up. Her fuzzy tails will wrap around you all nice and cozily to keep your body close to her, she's going to put you in all sorts of positions just to push her cum the deepest in and ensure nothing spills out
Ahh poor Eula will want to have a nice loving family for once :( Sure her parents always meant well for her and raised her like a proper lady but she knows how it all could be better. Similar to Jean, she'll be devoted to her new family and make sure her children don't have to face what she did, and she trusts you to play an important role in that! It's likely going to be very vanilla and loving sex but it's going to last the whole night <3
And ofc, go ahead with that anon and thank you so much for the praise on the Signora breeding fic <33
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ningguangsworld · 9 months
My Beautiful Omega
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Summary: After finding out your mate's cheating, a friend helps you or maybe your future mate.
Pairing: cheater!omega yae miko x alpha!dragon male reader, alpha!dragon male reader x omega!ningguang
Warning: Angst, Cheating (yae miko), Smut, Dom!male reader, Sub!ningguang, Fluff.
A/n: This happens a year before the traveler appears
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You are an adeptus who has been with Rex Lapiz for thousands of years, just like your archon you are a dragón. You participated in the war of the archons thanks to your anemo, cyro and electro visions and your dragon from, you were of great help especially during the night.
In your dragón form, your scales were black as night, which allowed you to camouflage yourself very easily, which allowed you to kill the enemy with ease. During the war you earned all kinds of nicknames which were "the black dragón", "the storm dragón", but without a doubt your favorite was "the blue lightning".
You are also an alpha without an omega, althougn that changed after the war because after the war appoximately six months later you found a beautiful omega.
Her name was Yae Miko, a kitsune with pink hair and purple eyes, and a smell of sakura blossom that drove you crazy. They both quickly started dating and shortly after they became a couple, everything was perfect, but there was a little ploblem.
And the was that Miko apparently didn't want to have sex with you, you understood at first and also she allowed you to mark her as your omega, but as time went by she started to behave strangely.
From one moment to the next she became quite sharp with you, she no longer hugged you or allowed you to smell her, which became a problem, since you needed to smell her to be able to calm your heat. Because of this you have to masturbate to control yourself, you also noticed another strange thing about Miko.
This was that sometimes when you were close to her you cloud smell another scent on her, as is she were with another alpha, when you asked her about is she denied it, you tried not to think to much about it after all she would never be able to cheating you right? How wrong you were.......
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You are currently flying in your dragón form towards Inazuma, since you received a letter from miko saying she wanted to talk to you.
"(I wonder what's going on, since Miko hasn't spoken to me in a long time)" you thought as you flew, you were slightly worried about Miko, since you thought she might have something happened.
But you quickly dismissed that thought, as you knew miko was perfectly capable of defending herself. You looked ahead and realized how close you already were to inazuma.
So you increased your speed to get there faster, you went thought the thunderstorm very easily since you are quite resistant to lightning, then you landed in a nearby forest and detransformed and returned to your human form.
After you detransformed, you stretched a little since you were flying for hours and your body was a bit sore from flying so much. After you finished streching, you headed to the great narukami shrine using your electro vision to increase your speed.
While you were going through the forest you took a shortcut to get there faster, when you finally reached the shrine, you quickly started to climb the stairs, when you reached the top of the shrine, you asked one of the maidens about Miko's whereabouts.
"Excuse me, could you tell me where Miko is?" You asked the maid who recognized you immediately.
"Oh Sir Y/n welcome, Mrs. Miko is in her office" she answered you, kindly to which you thanked her.
"Thank you very much miss" you thanked her, bowing slightly, making her blush a little as you walked away.
While you were heading to the Miko's office, your pointed ears managed to pick up noises from Miko's office, every time you got closer to the office the noises became louder and louder. Every part of your body was telling you to stop and stop moving forward, but you ignored it and kept moving until you reached the office door.
You placed your ear against the door, so you could hear the noises more clearly, and what you heard made your heart break.
"Ah~, ah~, ah~, more faster!~" what you just heard was Miko's moans, you felt your heart sink, you didn't want to believe that Miko was cheating on you, but all those hopes were shattered by what you were hearing.
You feel you ears flattening to the sides of your head, and your tail twitching slightly out of sadness and anger. This explains all the times you had to cancel your dates because she was "busy", but it turns out Miko was busy with her lover.
The only question that came to your mind was who? Who could Miko be cheating on you with? But apparently, Miko took the trouble to answer your question......
"Ahh~ more harder Ei!, p-please~ more harder~!"
"Okay, but remember you asked for it" after hearing that you heard how the blows increased as well as Miko's moans.
So Miko decided to cheat on you with Ei huh? You always considered Ei to be one of your closest friends, and someone you could trust but apparently she didn't mind fucking your omega.
You sighed deeply, in an attempt to calm down which you managed and decided to knock on the door to end all of this.
"Excuse me, Miko, It's me, can l come in?" You asked softly as you knocked on the door, and suddenly the noise inside the office stopped and Miko with a somewhat tired voice answered you.
"Give me a second darling", "darling?" How the hell does that bitch dare to call you "darling" after fucking with Ei? You gritted your teeth angrily, as you listened to them tidying up the office in an attempt to pretend that they weren't fucking each other, how stupid, the smell of both of their hormones gave them away.
"You can come in now", you heard Miko tell you, you let out a big sigh and opened the door and entered Miko's office. As soon as you entered, you were invaded by the smell of Miko and Ei hormones, you fixed your gaze on Miko, and noticed that her clothes were messy as if she had put them on quickly.
You could also notice how Ei was sitting quite close to Miko's side but you ignored it.
"Hello dear, do you need me for something?" You asked as you sat in front of Miko, you felt your stomach turn as soon as you called her by that nickname but you hid it.
"If there is something, l would like to talk about"
"And what would, you like to talk to me about?"
"Y/n l want to break up with you", as soon as those words left her mouth, you froze in your seat, you already found out that she was cheating on you, but even hearing those words felt like a bucket of cold water.....
"To be honest, l never loved you, you were just a game for me, since l saw you as someone interesting, l gave you a chance but l got bored of playing with you. I even cheated on you with Ei for two years but you never realized"
Every word that came out of Miko's mouth felt like little blades sticking into your back. Were you considering forgiving Miko if it was only for a week, or a month but two damn years? You just lost any trace of affection towards that woman.....
"I see.... well that's it officially you and l stopped being a couple, l hope you can be happy with Ei, since l was never good enough for you...." you told her with somewhat broken voice as you headed to the door but before leaving you said something to her.
"Oh, l already had my suspicions that you were cheating on me, but all those noises you made while l was behind the door, only confirmed what a damn unfaithful bitch you are..."
With all that said, you left the office, ignoring, how miko called you after you insulted her, as soon as you left the sanctuary you returned to your dragón form letting out a loud roar in the process as you took to the sky, you began to fly very quickly to be able to get away as fast possible from Inazuma.
As you flew back to Liyue, you didn't notice the tears falling from you blue eyes
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As soon as you returned to Liyue you headed to the jade chamber to see Ningguang, a very close friend of yours.
As you landed in the jade chamber, you transformed into your human form and quickly headed to Ningguang's office.
When you were in front of the office door, you knocked softly while waiting for Ningguang to answer you.
"Come in" you heard her respond, you sighed happily and somewhat relieved that Ningguang was in her office. You opened the door and entered the office, when you entered, you saw how Ningguang was sitting behind her desk, reviewing some papers.
When she heard you enter, Ningguang looked up and her eyes lit up slightly when she it saw that it was you.
"Ah Y/n, l'm glad to see you, how-" Ningguang froze mid-sentence when she saw you crying, worried she quickly got up from her seat and approach you, taking your face in her hands, lifting your face slightly so that you could look her in the eyes.
"Oh Y/n, what happened? Ningguang asked worried, you sobbed and hugged Ningguang, burying your face in his shoulder. Ningguang hugged you back as she looked at you worriedly, wondering what could have made you cry.
You were able to calm down a little and raised your head and answered Ningguang's question.
"M-Miko.... she cheated on me...." you answered her, your voice a little low and shaky but loud enough for her to hear...
Ningguang's eyes widened when she heard what you said, how could Miko fool you? Like her, you were the richest man in Teyvat and you were an adeptus of Morax Lapis, the strongest, and with all this, how could she deceive you?.
"Could you explain to me what happened?" She asked softly, you looked her and nodded softly. Ningguang pulled you towards one of the pieces of furniture and made you sit down. When you sat down, you took a deep breath and began to tell her everything.
"Miko sent me a letter saying that she wanted to talk me so l went to lnazuma to see what was happening. I got to the shrine and went to his office, while l was going his office l started to hear noises. When l was in front of his office, l heard the noises more clarity and l realized that they were moans, she is fucking Ei so when they both finishing playing they tidied up the place to pretend that they didn't do anything, heh as if their hormones didn't give them away, anyway whe l went in and talked to Miko she directly told me that. She was cheating on me, she said that only l was a game to her....."
With every word you say word to Ningguang, your voice began to break little by little and the tears returned to your eyes.
Ningguang looked at you worried as she listened to you, immediately when she saw that you were crying again she hugged you again, she unconsciously directed your head towards her chest, you wrapped your arms around Ningguang's waist as you hugged her back and your tail unconsciously wrapped around Ningguang.
"S-She 'sob' said she never loved me" you said as you sobbed and hugged Ningguang. "I really loved her, but she decided to pay me like this..." you said with a broken voice, you looked up and looked into Ningguang's eyes. "Ning... do you think something is wrong with me?...."
"Oh Y/n of course there'n nothing wrong with you, she just didn't know to appreciate you" said said Ningguang as she caressed your cheeks making you lean against them. "You are perfect just the way you are l'm pretty sure there will be someone who loves you"
Listening to Ningguang you started to feel a little better as you hug her a little tighter.
"Thank you very much Ning, hey... don't you mind if we stay like this for a while?" You asked a little nervous since you didn't want to bother her.
Ningguang, seeing the position you were both in, simply laughed softly and answered you while gently stroking you hair.
"Y/n, of course l don't mind, we can stay like this as long as you want"she said, smiling softly at you, you sighed a little relieved and nodded softly as you settled your head on she chest.
But without you knowing it, thousand of things were happening in Ningguang's head to make you forget about Miko since before you and Miko started dating she had feelings for you but she had to hide them when you started dating Miko but now you both over, she plans to make the most of this opportunity.
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Two months passed since you and Miko broke up, it still hurt a little but little by little you started to get better thanks to the help of Ningguang who, when she had free time, always visited you and went for a walk with you.
Also during those two months you began to feel attached to Ningguang, literally your inner alpha was screaming for you to claim her as your omega, you wanted that too but you had to resist since you wanted to forget about Miko one hunderd percent before starting a relationship with Ningguang, but unfortunately you couldn't see her this week since your heat, which was supposed to arrive within a week, was ahead of you and now you are in heat.
You thought that just like when you were with Miko, you would have to go thought your heat alone but this time it was different.
Currently you were in your home, a large palace built near some mountains and which you name the "Thunder Palace" and of which you were quite proud.
You were locked in your room and you were lying on your king-sized bed and you had your face buried in a pillow, breathing in its aroma sharply since that pillow had the smell of Ningguang. The reason why it had its smell was that during one of the days of rest from Ningguang she went to the thunder palace and spent the day in your room.
As you breathed in the smell of the pillow in an attempt to calm yourself down, you couldn't help but think that pillow was Ningguang. You imagined you on top of Ningguang, claiming her and making her scream your name.
You practically growled at that thought as you continued to smell the pillow and thinking about Ningguang, you felt like your whole body was on fire so you had to take off your shirt an attempt to cool off.
You felt like you couldn't take it anymore and you were about to masturbate but before you could do it you heard a knock on your room door.
"Y/n, it's me can l come in?" You could hear Ningguang's voice you managed to calm down a little as you stood up and walked towards the door to open it, when you opened in you saw Ningguang.
Ningguang, seeing you shirtless, she felt her face get hot and couldn't help but admire your well-working body. Her gaze fell on your strong arms and abs which had an eight pack.
Oh archons, how she would love for you to surround her with your strong arms while you dominate her just thinking about it, she had to squeezed her thighs to calm her excitement.
But she quickly remembers why she came and shook her head, as she pushed that thought from her mind and cleared her throat slightly.
"T/n, there is something l would like to tell you. In fact, l have wanted to tell you this for a long time" she said, still a little blushing while trying not look at your body.
"Well, what is that you wanted to tell me?" You asked calmly while with all your willpower you tried not pounce on Ningguang and fuck her right there.
"Y/n, l love you" she suddenly surprising you "I love you ok? I have always loved you, but l had to hide it when you were with Miko, but don't think that l'm taking advantage ok? I wanted to wait a little longer but l can't hide it anymore. Listen, l know you're still trying to forget about Miko, but if you give me a chance", she said while gently holding your hand, "l promise you l will make you happy"
You didn't say anything as you looked at Ningguang, but you tail was wagging quickly because of the happiness you were feeling before Ningguang spoke again, you quickly grab her arm and you pulled her towards your room making her let out a cry of surprise and you slammed the door to your room.
"Y/n what are you-mmph!?" Before Ningguang could say anything, you smashed your lips against hers as you wrapped your arms around her waist.
Ningguang's eyes widened in surprise, but little by little, she began to kiss you back as she wrapped her arms around your nack and closed her eyes.
While you both kiss passionately, you made Ningguang lean against the door with some force making her moan into the kiss, you bent down slightly and grabbed her thighs making her moan again and you lightly tapped Ningguang's thigh indicating that you wanted her to wrap her legs. Around your waist to which she obediently did.
Then you started rubbing your erection against Ningguang's clothed pussy, causing her to moan louder.
"(S-So big~)" Ningguang thought when she felt how you rubbed against her. This may be her first time, but she was very sure that you were bigger that average! Just thinking that made her even wetter as you roughly rubbed against her clothed womanhood.
Ningguang's muffled moans continued until you both separated due to lack of air. When you two separated, a thread of saliva formed that still joined your mouths.
You two looked into each other's eyes which were full of love and lust.
"You know something Ning? For the last two months l have been feeling attracted to you" you said making her surprised "l haven't been able to stop thinking about you, damn,even my inner alpha been asking me to claim you, and l completely agree with him~" you said as you moved one of your hands to her hips and squeezed them, causing her to let out a surprised squeak.
"So, what do you said, Ning, are you willing to help your alpha?~" You asked as you looked at her and smiled seductively. Ningguang, up this point, was already quite blushing and nodded her head, making you laugh softly.
"Good girl~" you said causing a shiver to run down Ningguang's spine as you carried her your bed.
When you got your bed you laid Ningguang on it, and started kissing her neck making her moan, and she put her hands on your head pushing you further towards her neck.
You gently bit Ningguang's skin and them licked it to relieve the pain. You quickly found her sensitive spot and began to abuse it by biting it, making Ningguang scream with pleasure.
While you were busy with her neck you moved your hand towards her center you ran your over her clothed pussy and felt how wet she already was.
"I barely touched you and you're already wet~", you said mockingly and Ningguang responded with a moan as she moved her hips in the direction of your hand, waiting more friction.
After hearing that moan, you couldn't control yourself anymore and you quickly began to take off her dress, atmost tearing it until you left her completely naked.
You took a moment to admire her beautiful body and then took your hand to one of her breast and squeezed it, making her moan. Then you decided to play with her nipple, pinching it between your fingers, making her moan more. Then you took it to your mouth, suckling it and passing your tongue over it. You also decided to give attention to her other breast with your other hand, squeezing and pinching it, Ningguang, feeling overwhelmed by pleasure, brought her hands to your hair and began to pull it.
"J-Just like that honey~" Ningguang said moaning as she pulled your hair hard making you moan, sending a vibration through her skin, you left her breast and bit her neck again, then Ningguang started to beg you.
"H-Honey please~"
"Please what? If you want something you have to be more specific"
"Please make me yours~" Ningguang finally said. Upon hearing her, you quickly unbuttoned your pants and took them off, revealing your big, fat cock.
"Oh my god..." Ningguang breathed softly as she couldn't look away from your cock, just looking at it could make her feel wetter that she already was.
With your hand you grabbed your throbbing cock and began to rub it against her clit sending waves of pleasure though Ningguang's body as she gasped and moaned as you rubbed against her, you took the opportunity to lubricate your cock in the process since you didn't want to hurt her when you were inside her.
When you finished you opened her legs and aligned your cock with her entrance and little by little you began to put the tip of your cock inside her, Ningguang moaned in lower voice as she had the halt of your cock inside her and she moved her hips asking you for more but she started to get frustrated when you pulled back leaving only the tip inside.
"Y-Y/n p-please stop bothering me and-ahh!~" Ningguang l can't keep claiming you as she feel how you suddenly shoved your cock inside her again and she let out a loud moan, her wet and slippery walls closed around you as you moved slowly inside her, as you felt bad for having entered her that way but was not the case with Ningguang since she loved how you slammed your cock into her pussy without warning.
"Ngh~ h-honey more faster p-please~"
"Your wishes are orders~" so you started to move faster and Ningguang wrapped her legs around your waist as she wanted to feel you deeper inside her and she moved her hands to your back and scratched it while she moaned in your ear.
Ningguang's nails were so dug into your back that it could make it bleed, but you didn't care, since you were more busier by your omega's pleasure and your own, one of Ningguang's hands moved to your hair and touched one of your horns not knowing how sensitive they are, making you growl and urging you to move faster, making Ningguang gasp and move her head back and que you took the opportunity to bury your face in her neck again while you smelled her delicious vanilla scent and let out yours in the process.
"(Dark chocolate...)" Ningguang thought as she smelled the smell of your hormones making her feel even more submissive.
While you kiss her neck, you quickly found her scent gland and started licking and biting it gently and you brought your hand to her clitoris and rubbed it quickly with both of your fingers overstimulating Ningguang.
Your cock hit her g-spot, making her let out a big gasp and moan and increasing the speed and strength of your thrusts hitting her g-spot repeatedly, making her scream and moan with pleasure.
You looked up from her neck and saw her adorable fucked up face, her eyes looked at you with love and so much need, her baby hairs tangled and sweaty, some of her hair was stuck to her forehead due to sweat and the rest of her hair was loose scattered of the pillow, and you saw how she cried tears of pleasure that fell to her cheeks.
The mere sight made you feel proud of yourself when you saw the state to which you reduced Ningguang, you leaned towards her face and licked her tears, feeling her salty taste and then you kissed all over her face.
"What a good girl, taking everything l give you without any complaints~" you said as you stopped kissing her face and caressed her cheek. Ningguang moaned as her heard you words, feeling completely happy as she leaned intro your touch. After a moment, you began to move again.
"Ahh!~ Y/n~, you're so fucking deep inside me~" Ningguang said as she moaned, her hands were in your hair and she caressed and pulled it lightly. She love the way your tip touched her cervix.
Then you decided to chance position, you gently removed Ningguang's hands from your hair and settled down, you grabbed Ningguang's left leg and put it on top of your shoulder giving yourself a better angle and you started moving even faster touching every sensitive spot of Ningguang driving her crazy while you placed your hand on Ningguang's waist to keep her completely still.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Ahh!~ mmm~, l want more~ please give me more~".
"Fuck, you're so tight around me, you like me to fuck you until you can't move, don't you?" You gave light bites to Ningguang's leg but she didn't answer you as she felt to overwhelmed by the pleasure to think in a response and she simply responded with a moan. "Fuck, but what a whore you are~, but you're my whore, aren't you?~"
"Fuck! Yes! Yes! I'm your whore♡~"
You smiled to yourself as you continud hitting Ningguang with your thrusts. You continued until you felt Ningguang's walls throb and tighten around you.
"What happened my love, do you want to cum?~" you asked with a smile making Ningguang quickly nod. "Then cum, cum for your alpha~"
After saying that you let go her leg and leaned down and kissed her again swallowing all her moans, your cock was throbbing as you felt Ningguang's contractions, you were really planning on filling her with your seed and you were going to do it if or if.
You felt that her walls tightened even more around you and after a big muffled moan from Ningguang, she finally came, wetting your cock and part of your abdomen with her sweet fluids and you broke the kiss with a thread of saliva.
Ningguang gasped for air as she felt breathless, she felt in heaven to finally reach orgasm but she still didn't feel satisfied as she wanted you cum too although she didn't have to wait long for that.
You waited for Ningguang to recover from her orgasm and then you began to hit her mercilessly making her moan as she was still feeling sensitive from her orgasm.
You took out your fangs and caressed them against the soft skin of Ningguang's neck, who left you enough space so that you could bite her and claim that she was only yours.
"Fuck, my love l'm going to cum inside that little pussy of yours, do you think you can take it?~" you asked as you rammed into her with all your might.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! P-please cum inside me!~ l want to feel your seed filling me up~" she said without a doubt.
Then you bit her hard to mark her and with a few more thrusts, you shot all your cum inside her filling her womb and your cock began to swell to prevent any drop escaped.
Ningguang moaned in pain, remaining completely still, trembling and totally submissive to your grunts and sore from the bite and the knot.
Shortly after, you released her, seeing the mark quite satisfied and licked it to clean the traces of blood. You would also release your scent to calm your now omega and after that you would kiss her shoulder and neck as a consolation.
Ningguang, somewhat trembling, would accept the comfort and after a few seconds she would calm down. You waited a few minutes and took your cock out of Ningguang, who complained slightly because even thought you filled her, she felt empty without your cock inside her.
Then you lifted Ningguang and placed her on top of you, hugged her and caressed her hair tenderly, then you took the sheet and covered you two.
"You did so well, it's okay you can rest, let your alpha take care of you" you said as you kissed Ningguang's head, Ningguang sighed happily snuggling closer to your chest asking for more affection which you happily gave her.
Before she passed out from exhaustion she said something to you.
"I love you my alpha~"
"I love you to, my beautiful omega~"
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trendywaifus · 1 year
hello !! could i request sfw and nsfw relationship headcanons for tingyun ? i love her so much but there’s not a lot of content for her </3
there isn’tttttt, i wish we had more content for herrr and you’re only one who reqed for her! gahhhh! yae and tingyun’s designs are so good, I love fox girls :>
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— well well, you managed to swoon tungyun, why aren’t you lucky! as good as she is in dealing with people everyday as the amicassador and keeping her feelings at check so often, she never expected herself to fall in love with you. then again, how could she not when you’re so wonderful? you’re like a breath of fresh air.
— tingyun is a affectionate partner and she sees no reason to hide the fact that you’re her lover. honestly, i see people interested in her on the daily because of how well-spoken and beautiful she is but too bad her heart is only for one person!
— she loves chilling with you in the sleepless earl tea house. tingyun has so many stories to share and most of em consist of how goofy some of the locals can be. she still can’t believe that someone told her she looks like she’s related to a fox shrine maiden on some novel that she’s never heard before. you want to know why they even thought that? because she’s also a “ fox woman “ who has the “ same aesthetic” as the aforementioned maiden. that gotta be racist right?
— she loves cuddles after a long day! tingyun relishes at the thought of resting her head on your chest while you stroke her ears and scratch around the base of them, the feeling is like sweet heaven. she purrs, her brown tail swaying side to side in delight.
— has a thing for neck kisses, or hell your neck in general! kissing at the sensitive spots on your neck and feeling you shiver against her makes her feel a type of way. she wants to mark you so bad but she can’t, it’ll expose too much. she rather mark you in places only she can see.
— she def scents you, yup that’s right, gatekeeping yo ahh. if non-foxian tries to flirt with you or anybody in that matter, they’re met with a immediate passive-aggressive verbal attack from her.
— tingyun lets you groom her fur!! it’s one of her fav activities with you. she finds it so domestic when y’all sit and you comb her tail with delicacy. sometimes she gets so happy, she wags her tail and it ends up swiping against your nose. tingyun scrambles to apologize to you while you sneeze nonstop.
“ a-ah, i’m so sorry darling! “ tingyun quickly turns around to you sneezing, she smiles sheepishly. “ it appears like my tail has a mind of its own it, h-haha! “ your sneezes dies down after a few moments and she takes the chance to cup your cheek, tracing circles against your cheekbone apologetically. “ i’m fine, yunyun’, no need to apologize. “ you send her a reassuring smile, kissing the inside of her wrist. your hands found her waist, “ though, may i have a kiss for compensation? “ tingyun giggles, dropping her hand to your thighs and motioned closer to your face, her jade eyes sparking with mischief. “ gladly, my love. “
— switch. she’s a switch but she’s leaning towards the submissive side though. tingyun enjoys being spoiled if it’s by you! it’s part of her nature to shamelessly indulge herself in certain things like this. oh, how she loves it when you lure her in by the waist, traveling your hand near her tail and describe to her how much you want her laid out on the bed seeing stars.
— loves it when you praise her while she’s giving you head, pleasuring you by rubbing her pussy against yours, or when you’re deep inside of her. when you tell her how good she’s doing with that enticing smile on your lips it drives her crazy.
— if you merely play with her tail and ears with a lil technique, she’ll cum on the spot. she’s sensitive in the right hands.
— tingyun’s a scratcher, she doesn’t do it intentionally but she claws at your back or anything she can get her hands on. she’ll sulk if she ruins one of her fav sheets and blankets. if she scratches your back to the point of bleeding, she makes up for it x100. she tries to cut her nails every so often to avoid it.
— oh, did i say that tingyun’s also a creamer?
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trancylovecraft · 1 year
(KNY)(MASTERLIST) You, Shibou. I, Kokoro
☆♡☆ AO3 LINK ☆♡☆
[F/N], A shrine-maiden that was brutally killed in the Sengoku era reincarnates five hundred years later as the strongest hashira alive.
However, Her older brother turned demon is haunted by her passing every day, Grieving over the loss of his little sister.
When they finally meet each other again, He really can't blame himself for what he does next.
GENRE(s): Tragedy, Slow Burn, Heavy Angst, Dark Fantasy, Classical Driven, Action, Drama.
RECCOMENDATION: While not necessary at all, I highly suggest listening to Achilles, Come down. While reading this fanfic as it a song that helped inspire the story and mood.
Thank you!
1, Chapter One: "Michi-Nii" 2, Chapter Two: "You crazy-ass cosmonaut, Remember your virtue, Redemption lies plainly in truth." 3. Chapter Three: "Achilles, Achilles, Achilles, jump now. You are absent of cause or excuse. So self-indulgent and self-referential, No audience could ever want you" 4. Chapter Four: "Achilles, Achilles, Achilles, come down Won't you get up off, get up off the roof?" 5. Chapter Five: "These explanations are valid. But it should be known if the same day a friend of the desperate hasn't spoken to him with an indifferent tone.." 6. Chapter Six: "Loathe the way they light candles in Rome. But love the sweet air of the votives" 7. Chapter Seven: "The souvenirs of a lost country, the hope of a promised land. This divorce between the woman of her life-" 8. Chapter Eight: "You’re scaring us and all of us, some of us love you Achilles, it’s not much but there’s proof" 9. Chapter Nine: "Feel your breath course frankly below and see life as a worthy opponent" 10. Chapter Ten: "I witness that a lot of people are dying because they consider that life is not worth living." 11. Chapter Eleven: "He changed a lot after that and that this story had-" 12. Chapter Twelve: "Do not waste yourself on this roof" 13. Chapter Thirteen: "You will not be more than a rat in the gutter" 14. Chapter Fourteen: "..So much more than a rat" 15. Chapter Fifteen: "Soldier on, Achilles." 16. Chapter Sixteen: "You crave the applause yet hate the attention, Then miss it" 17. Chapter Seventeen: "But it's cool in a weird way that I wish I could be" 18. Chapter Eighteen: "Where you go, I'm going." 19. Chapter Nineteen: "Your act is a ruse."
Mitsuri x Reader: You, Tsuri
You, 'Katsu.
Daughter of Ōkami (To Scorch The Sun)
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adventures-in-teyvat · 6 months
you guys know what’s crazy is that the shuumatsuban is literally an organisation that takes in orphan children and then trains them to become top secret ninjas. hello house of hearth sus amongus impostor
like sayu is literally an orphaned, traumatized child with abandonment issues. i headcanon she’s around 15 so technically she isn’t quite a child, but really, was she ever given a chance to be a child OR grow up? when children experience things beyond their years, it is ironic how as they grow up they seem to perpetually have the mind of a child and yet they have grown up way too fast and have never been a child at all. and so anyways you know what’s even sadder is that she’s literally depressed and yoimiya is the only person who notices and actually seems to care
anyways yeah i love sayu and i have an entire headcanon universe in which she actually receives care to make up for the lost years she spent raising herself after her master abandoned her because she was “ready” and they didnt want her to get attached to them😲
like thats why i love the dynamic between heizou and sayu (THAT IS IF THEY EVER ACTUALLY INTERACTED IN GAME. IM SO MAD ABOUT THIS THEY HAVE SUCH MASSIVE POTENTIAL, LIKE KANO NANA, THE SHRINE MAIDEN WHO CHASES HER, IS LTIWRALLY HEIZOU’S COUSIN. COME ON HOYO). heizou in my mind is her found family (and ofc yoimiya because yoimiya IS canon) because i think she deserves more than one character who would treat her like a sibling or child or just like she’s family. and also he would take her under his wing to help him solve cases and i just think that’s really neat because it would bring in a wonderful sort of dynamic like he’s teaching her and also taking her away from the shuumatsuban and also protecting her because obviously cases can be dangerous and also he’s her friend and literally acts like an older brother and i just think it’s wonderful and it would be such a wonderful change of scenery from how she is literally a depressed, orphaned teenager with no one to actually care about her except for yoimiya (who she thinks is annoying because she prioritizes sleeping and also misunderstands yoimiya’s intentions; yoimiya wants her to come to festivals to make friends, but sayu thinks she wants her to perform tricks, etc etc)
anywyas i just realized i never yapped indepth about why i always have had this headcanon friendship between heizou and sayu but this is why and i STILL want to write a long fanfiction about it but i dont have the capacity to focus on one thing at a time. anyways. ueah
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animenekos · 7 months
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Kannagi; Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens - Episode 7
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dalooneylass · 8 months
A personal tweak to the Zelda Timeline
So basically I’ve been thinking about LinkedUniverse and been doing some sorta LU fanart and THAT had me thinking about the Zelda Timeline, and more specifically how it would make more sense if Four Swords and Four Swords Adventures swapped Timeline placements. And that’s what this post is about.
Why I feel FS would work better if it came after FSA in the Timeline and vice versa.
So reason number one is how Vaati is characterised in FSA & MC vs how he’s characterised in FS. In the former games, Vaati is shown to be power hungry and Cunning, like when he imprisoned and then impersonated the king in order to both find the Light Force, and stop Link in MC. And while he’s not the MAIN villain and is being manipulated by Ganon in FSA, I think it’s save to say that he’s still in control of his own actions, and was likely scheming up his own plans independently of Ganon, and I might add that in never of theses games has he ever shown interest in Zelda, never even called her pretty. Then we get to FS and suddenly Vaati has gone insane and is suddenly girl crazy and wants to marry Zelda, like, do I need to say more? He goes from Intelligent & Power Hungry, to Insane & Girl Crazy, and then back to Intelligent & Power Hungry. This Sudden change in character makes a lot more sense if FS came after FSA, as then he would be going from Intelligent & Power Hungry in MC, then staying that way in FSA, only to go mad from being sealed in the Four Sword for so long that he can’t even remember who he used to be in FS. Plus the new Timeline placement means that the fairytale mentioned at the beginning of FS suddenly becomes a reference to FSA, in which Vaati is partially implicit in Zelda’s and the Shrine Maidens kidnappings.
Reason number two is how the Gerudo are characterised in FSA vs OoT & BotW/TotK. Again It’s the issue of them going from Fierce Warrior Women in OoT, to Peaceful Desert Dwellers in FSA, and then back to being Warrior Women in BotW / the ancient past of TotK. This would, again, make more sense if FSA swapped Timeline placements with FS, because then the Gerudo are going from Peaceful Desert Dwellers, to Warrior Women, and then staying like that for all their later appearances in the Timeline, and since Twinrova is at least 360 year old, they very well may be the reason for this shift, as they have been manipulating the Gerudo tribe for a long time. This would also mean that FSA is now the game in which Ganon gets his Trident weapon that he uses in most of his future appearances.
And speaking of Ganon the third reason is Ganon’s reasoning for invading Hyrule + Shadow Link’s actions in FSA. In the Hyrule Encyclopaedia, the reason given for Ganon’s invasion of the kingdom of Hyrule is that he’s bitter over his defeat at the hands of the Hero of Twilight at the end of TP, and that Shadow Link, is a being born from that bitterness and brought into the world using the Dark Mirror. Now this is, in my opinion, kinda stupid. Cuz not only is the Ganon from FSA a different incarnation of Ganondorf than the Ganondorf that appears in TP and therefore shouldn’t be able to recall those events, but Shadow Link, (a being born from Ganon’s resentment) actions in FSA don’t really lend themselves to this explanation ever. Shadow Link, or I should say the Shadow Links in Four Swords Adventures only attack Link in certain stages, and when they aren’t doing that, their off harassing the citizens of Hyrule, smearing Link’s good reputation in the process. To me, if Shadow Link was born from Ganon’s resentment of being defeated in TP, then Shadow Link should be more focused on defeating the Colours, and not off tormenting the rest of Hyrule. Shadow Link’s actions DO however make a lot more sense if Ganon is invading Hyrule for similar reasons as to WW Ganondorf. That being he resents how the people of Hyrule get to live in a fertile, prosperous land, while the Gerudo have to endure living in the harsh, unforgiving Gerudo Desert, and want the kingdom for himself, this makes Shadow Link’s actions in FSA make more sense, since in this instance, Shadow Link is born from Ganon’s resentment of how easy Hyrule’s citizens have it, thus Shadow Link spends most of his time giving the people of Hyrule a hard time. And making FSA come before FS makes this explanation make more sense.
I feel like there’s probably more I could go into, but these are the 3 main points I wanted to talk about. I hope I’ve explained my reasoning well enough and that you have a nice day/night.
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animefan191 · 11 months
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klissblog · 2 years
Who does Saiki end up with?
5 Reasons to prove that Saiki ends up with Teruhashi.
This is a long post because I explain everything in one post. Saiki K maybe too japanese, but it doesn't matter if you open your mind. After you read this, you can't deny that Saiki will marry to Teruhashi because she is his only future wife.
I have just finished Saiki K anime (because someone recommended it last month, January 2023). English isn't my first language, but I hope I can explain why they will end up together. I hope it is not too late to write about this. 
I will type Kusuo, Kokomi (Teruhashi), Miko (Aiura) and Reita.
1. Kusuo´s type
As we can see, in the beginning, he thinks girls will give up on him in a short time and find a new love. 
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Chapter 0.2
The same as Yumehara, who gave up on Kusuo easily and he said that's way too fast.
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But Kokomi will never changed her feelings for Kusuo and that's why he says offu. (His face looks like he did not mean to say offu out loud). Chapter 214
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(Explain: Kusuo asked Miko´s help to stop Kokomi from being Gyaru. Miko accidentally tell Kokomi what kind of girl Kusuo likes and tell her to find another man, but Kokomi just listens only to Kusuo´s type. She knows if she stays true to herself, and she will never change her feelings no matter what. She knows one day (just a matter of time) her effort will melt his heart. That's why he said offu.
It is actually his type of girl he likes because Miko´s prediction is 100% accurate. Well, I think he might regret to reveal that because Kokomi will never give up. Kokomi is invincible, he always says that before. And yes, his heart begins to melt because of her (This is the reason why he feels nervous to be with Kokomi alone in chapter 216 because he is afraid that he will have a feeling for her, and he begins to say we are invincible in chapter 218). 
Ps. Offu means Oh! (my understanding). It can be positive or negative depends on situation.)
Ps2. Man i manga like to use his hand and cover his mouth when he is blushing. But I don't think Saiki is blushing. He doesn't want her to know yet (save for the last, Huh?).
2. God helps them to be together.
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I wonder why God (Asō sensei) always helps Kusuo and Kokomi to be together because I thought Kusuo was Miko´s soulmate. But he is not.
Miko said her soulmate is a student in PK academy and has the initials about s.k. Reita´s name 「鳥」 tori 「束」 tsuka. 「束」 contains s and k, which means to bind/bundle (to be possessed (by a ghost).
Ps. Toritsuka Reita 鳥束零太(とりつか • れいた) is from 取り憑かれた (とりつかれた/toritsukareta), means to be processed. A spirit medium is 「霊媒」 (れい ばい/reibai).
Ps.相卜命 (あいうら・みこと) Aiura Mikoto. Her name means fortune telling from 相 appearance (example face), 卜 predicting a future (example using crystal ball to predict a future) and 命 (personal) life (example date of birth). When I hear the word “Miko” 「みこ」 I think of this Miko 「巫女」 → shrine maiden, shaman because of her ability that predicts the future.
Initials can also be nicknames. Reita is a sidekick. He is in the psychic trio at the PK academy and in Japanese (psychics) サイキックス saikikkusu (initial s.k.k.s as Miko says about sk or ks) and psykicker(s) サイキッカーズ Saikik kā(zu) which has initial s.k. I think this is the answer as the picture below.
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Miko said that her soulmate has pink hair and has some crazy abilities (a Spirit Medium)
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Chapter 73 and the last volume
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(Explaination: This means that Asō sensei have given a hint who else has pink hair and made this storyline since chapter 73 or before. And the picture from the last volume (Japanese tradition, is also a hint about who ends up with whom.) If I didn’t see that Reita has pink hair, I thought Kusuo was Miko’s soulmate.
I think Aiura and Reita have spent time together (as a friend? I don't know) and Saiki just ignores them (season 2 ep 24).
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(Explanation: This scene does not appear in the manga. Appears only in the anime. We can see Reita holding Mikoto´s shoulder and saying "Don't run away. I can't deal with him myself". That means he needs Miko´s help. Reita did not ask Kusuo about it and Kusuo didn't interfere with them.
I have to be direct here. What did Reita say? It was a pick-up line indirect way. When boys and girls in manga or in reality have to confess, they need to be brave to say it, but some wants to just say it in an indirect way. Example in the picture below.
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"If you don't come home with me" later on, he means he wants her to be his wife and comes home with him. A strange pick up line, but what Reita says is a hint from sensei. Even though Miko seems uncomfortable, but she doesn't hate Reita. For a westerner, it might be ok to hold friend like that, but i am not a westerner. If a man (who i don't have feelings for) holds me like that, I will push him away.If Kokomi feels uncomfortable, Kusuo will say something. Unlike in this situation, Kusuo just ignores them. Don't forget that he can read minds.
We don't see Reita and Mikoto in a romantic situation. Only when they share the same room at the hotel. (maybe they don't have enough money or there is no more available room - irony) Just fight and make arguments like some couples in manga.
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If my man blames me that he has to wait for me in the same hotel room with woman-friend. She told him to take a bath which he did. She moved the beds, but he didn’t move the beds back. This is me, me, me, me, me and me.
Please remember the main focus character is Kusuo, not them and that's why we don't see that. But Asō sensei just wants to add this scene and it means a hint. It is pretty clear to me in the picture of the last volume who ends up with whom).
Plus, Kusuo doesn´t buy soulmate and no boy love. He admits that he is a tsundere.
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「ツンデレ歴はアンタのほうが長いからな」 → “You‘ve been a tsundere longer than me.”
「今回は僕がデレてやるよ」 → “I’ll be the one to be the ‘dere’ side this time.”
ps. Tsun is saying/acting cold and don´t care that opposite of his feeling. You can see Kusuo`s grandpa act like he doesn't care, being cold in front of Kusuo, but his acting is different when he is in another room alone.
‘dere’ = be nice, warm, in this context for grandpa can be care, kind and nice, but for couple = love, nice, kind, care
At the end grandpa and Kusuo wanted to be ’dere‘, but they are being ‘tsun’ to each other because they are tsundere in front of the one they like.
Ps. I have seen manga and anime. Kusuo is being ‘dere’ just only one girl, Kokomi of course in the way she is never known or noticed.
So, here I will explain when he is being a tsundere in no. 3
Please remember, Kusuo never shows his inner thought like his grandpa who is a tsundere as pictures below (Kusuo is also a tsundere). That´s mean what he says or acts, it´s not always true.
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3. Kusuo starts to like Kokomi. There are many reasons that he won´t fell in love with her in the beginning.  
Kusuo knows that Kokomi is beautiful, but he won´t fall for that because of his power that he can read her mind and know who she really is, and he has an x-ray version to see through everybody in just a few second. 
He doesn’t want to associate with Kokomi because she is at the top of pyramid, and he doesn’t like to stand out in the whole series. I mean all he cares about, is a normal average teenager (not to stand out and not be a loser). The power makes him special.
He uses his power to stop and avoid every girl and make them to give up on him. So, he never has a chance to experience romance. 
Besides, Kusuo doesn't know about love yet. The same as Kokomi who wasn’t sure that she liked Kusuo in the beginning. 
However, Kusuo can´t stop or avoid Kokomi, because God always helps her. (I can see Kokomi is author´s favorite female character here). These situations give him chances to get to know the real Kokomi. She changes her attitude about getting married with the rich guy and she never ever sway her heart. She always has the feeling for Kusuo and never change her feeling. And throughout the series she proves herself from being a bad girl to a (slightly – I think) nice girl like her name.
PS. Kokomi 「心美」  心 (heart) 美 (beautiful) = beautiful heart.
「ここみ」 Kokomi may comes from 心を読みます or 心読み (こころをよみ ます/kokoro (w)o yomimasu) →  read minds/minds reading. Normally, read minds 「心を読む」 kokoro (w)o yomu. 
Let´s take a look at timeline of Kusuo. Saiki x Teruhashi. I will divide into 3 parts.
The first part: Chapter 0 – 181: he tries to avoid her and has no feeling for her. He is not interested in relationships.
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These chapters show Kusuo´s expressions: stress, uncomfortable, awkward, tired, etc with Kokomi. He has no feelings for her. Please remember chapter 108 he means Kokomi is “troublesome/annoy no.4 the most dangerous of them all. 「忘れてたもっとも 危険で煩わしい 四号を」(wazurawashī – troublesome/annoy)
If you ask me the reason why he jumps out of window is because of gag manga. The same as Ranma. Both of them have instinkt to warn them from danger and avoid it, but he can't. It´s kind of funny for Japanese. Please don't take it seriously.
Anyways, there are three chapters in this timeline. The author shows that Kusuo has a romantic side that he is not aro or ace. (Saiki k is not hentai or shōjo and that's why it has a romance in funny way). These three chapters make me think that Kusuo is interesting in Kokomi.
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Chapter 38 - Kokomi threw away the chocolate that she would give to him, but he accepts it.
I mean Kusuo accepts chocolate because he doesn’t hate Kokomi that much. He knows about romance (who doesn´t know about valentine´s day, besides Reita asks him about how many chocolates he will get today), and he can read mind what Kokomi thinks of him. The author's purpose is to show that he is kind of interesting in Kokomi. Kusuo never gets chocolate from the other girls. Kaidou throws away chocolate from Nendou and he will not eat it. This is not a joke for Kaidou, even they are friends, but he won’t eat it.
Chapter 131 – the second confession. The first confession, Kusuo looks awkward, but the second confession, he is blushing. I can see this as tsundere – He says something not nice (tsun) which is different from his face expression (blushing – “dere”). Btw, blushing is blushing. It is not embarrassing. There is a picture above showing he is embarrassing in chapter 227, and next to that picture Kusuo is blushing and grandpa says Kusuo is happy.
Chapter 161.5 - Indirect kiss (appears in romantic manga). Kusuo takes her smoothies and drinks it. He smiles at Kokomi when she notices that there is less drink than before. In this chapter I know for sure that he is a tsundere.
The second part: Chapter 182 – 203: Kusuo is more open to Kokomi and respects her feelings.
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Chapter 182: At the mixer, Kusuo felt guilty that he used a dirty plan to get rid of Kokomi. And from this chapter Kusuo is more open to Kokomi because he feels ashamed of what he did to Kokomi. He owned her a lot. These three guys are not deserving her because these guys did not pay attention to Chiyo without Kusuo´s power.
Explain: Even though Kokomi is having a good time, she still thinks of having Kusuo with her and makes him smile. Why does he help her? I did say he feels guilty about his plan to sway Kokomi´s heart, but Kokomi sways Kusuo´s heart instead and Kusuo smiles. The reason is because of his type. The girl who never waivers, stays true to herself. That´s why Kusuo stops his plan and says to these guys “I can´t give her to any of you”. If this Shoujo manga, the man who acts like this and says no one can have Kokomi, he is a tsundere and jealous. So, Kokomi sways his heart. From this chapter, Kusuo is more open to Kokomi´s feelings. He respects her feelings and does not avoid her.
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He looks away while his friends are greeting Kokomi in chapter 189. Kusuo is angry at Takahashi that he ignores Kusuo and he still makes an angry face when Kokomi asks him to be her art partner, but Kusuo does not refuse to be her art partner (chapter 197). He does not use his power to avoid being with Kokomi in chapter 202 unlike chapter 55. Kusuo looks unhappy.
Explain: If you think Kusuo can´t communicate with Kokomi that he does not want to be with her. The question is he can´t or he doesn´t want to?
He looks unhappy but is he unhappy? This is typical tsundere (act different from his feeling). He has a power if he doesn´t want to be with her, he can use his power to switch his name when Kokomi draws a lottery like in chapter 55. This means he acts unhappy (tsun), but his feeling is ok to be with Kokomi (dere) chapter 202.
The third part: Chapter 204 – 281. Kusuo is being ‘dere’ 「デレ」 to Kokomi
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Kusuo did promise that he wouldn´t buy a present for Kokomi, but he did it anyway. He buys it and takes it home, and then switches the present. He will buy something for Mera because he feels sorry for Mera´s family and poverty: he has empathy, this is sweet (chapter 240). But why did he buy a present for Kokomi? They are not that poor and promises in Japan should not be broken, unless it is important. Does Kusuo do this to help Makoto (Kusuo does not like him) or does Kusuo care about Kokomi? He wants Kokomi to be happy with the present. She doesn't even know if it is from him (chapter 204).
Explain: He bought the gift (dere) but does not tell her (says no in the beginning, seems he does not care - tsun). This is unlike Mera. He’ll buy food in the canteen and give to her. I don’t think he’ll give her a present in secret; being tsundere.
Chapter 214 - This chapter Kusuo says Offu (opens his mouth and says). This chapter he could pretend that Miko was his girlfriend, but he didn’t do it. He cares about Kokomi and says "Hope nothing happen").
Chapter 242 - He carries Kokomi to infirmary in front of people. Kokomi tried so hard to be kindness and popular. Saiki could use power to save her, but no one deserve Kokomi. No one noticed how tried she was. Just only him noticed her. His feeling are angry to those boys.
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I know Kusuo likes Kokomi for sure in this chapter. Kusuo came to save Kokomi without thinking about himself. I mean Kusuo has power. He can use it and there are many different ways to help Kokomi with his power. He can use the power to pull her before she falls to the ground (see the way he helps chiyo in the picture) and let those men carry kokomi to the infirmary. Do you think that the author wants to show that Kusuo does this because Kusuo and Kokomi are just friends? No.
Asō sensei wants us to think that Kusuo forgets himself about being a standout when it is about Kokomi. 
This is a kind of typical romance manga where the guy helps the woman in a situation. Some guy doesn’t know his feelings yet, but his action proves that he has feelings for her. And the way he carries her. It is not normal for Kusuo. Carries a woman in front of others (Draw attention). 
Kusuo looses control of being himself at that time (helps kokomi in front of others). We can see that in this chapter both Kusuo and kokomi have their own priority (Kusuo – avoid stand out, Kokomi – being popular). But they choose each other over their own priority. (Kokomi says sorry to the boys when they want her to talk with them -she chooses kusuo). 
These actions are ‘dere’. He is being ‘dere’ in the way she doesn’t see it because she is unconscious. If Kokomi didn’t ask her classmates, she would not know.
When Kokomi runs to him, he says “Yare Yare” with a small sweat drop. But chapter 280. Kusuo has a small sweat drop and explains the reason he doesn´t want to be with Kokomi because of being a standout.
This action calls “tsun”. He has a power. He knows that Kokomi finds out that he helps her. He did not jump out of window. He did not teleport or hide himself from her, but he says yare yare and his face does not match his action. He walks and then waits for her when she calls him.
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He is a tsundere because he doesn't admit that he cares about her. chapter 260
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Chapter 279
What is the reason he had to go back in time, and what he did, made his friends not remember about hugging, many Kusuo´s (the power) and confession. Kusuo knows that his friends will accept him for who he is (he has a power). His friends don´t forcing him to tell his secret and they can wait if he wants to talk to. They don´t care if Kusuo has a secret and continues being his friend. So, the power is not the reason he went back in time and wipes his friends´ memory about it. Kusuo said that he felt bad about Chiyo´s confession. I mean he does not need to go back in time, just put the device on to seal his power and say to his friends about the power, but he went back in time anyway. Well, the reason is not about the power and the confession. So, there is only one thing left. What is the worth for Kusuo then?
The pictures show that Reita, Kusuo and Miko stand next to each other, but his friend asked where Kusuo would go. If Kusuo, Reita and Miko disappear together, they will mention their names. That means Kusuo went back in time one day alone. He didn´t take Reita and Miko with him because of the butterfly effect. He could manage this alone after he knew what and where was going to happen.
Think about what Kokomi said "stayed with me". I think it's a hint from Asō sensei. It appears after Miko says your friends will still accept you and he says yeah. Kokomi says (I combine 2 situations) Kusuo could read Kokomi's thoughts (what she thinks when she sees they are hugging) and he still stayed with Kokomi.
I mean, I did mention chapter 214 when she saw Miko with Kusuo, and Kusuo cares about Kokomi´s feeling. He doesn't want to hurt her feelings about hugging either, and he is not the type of the person who would try to explain to her about it.
Well, Kusuo doesn't hate Miko when she hugs him, but it is pretty clear to me that he chooses to stay with Kokomi over Miko. He risked his life for Kokomi, so she wouldn’t remember about hugging. That's why he went back in time and that's why Miko did appear just two panels in the next and last two chapters (chapter 280 and 281).
This chapter is the last chapter in weekly magazine (Shōnen Jump). Asō sensei had to write two more chapters (280 and 281) and made a new ending because it´s not enough pages to make the book (have to be the same thick as vol. 1-25). These two chapters published in Shueisha's Jump GIGA. For those who think Kusuo will die after the meteor. Well, the author wanted chapter 279 was the true ending (happy ending) which proved that Kusuo survived and his power wasn't gone. The author means chapter 280 and 281 are unnecessary and pointless. (but for me, the author made it´s clear that Kusuo ends up with Kokomi in chapter 281)
Read Asou sensei´s afterword 1 and 2 under.
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chapter 280
He can't control himself and continues staring at her face for about a 0.5 minute after losing his power. His face is very close to hers (less than 5 or 10 cm). He got caught (seems nervous or worried). He falls for her charm and beauty, otherwises he won't stare at her for so long.
Later, he doesn't want to be in Kokomi's group because he doesn't want standing out. (Well, he's not ready for troublesome things yet.)
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Explain the pictures
ろくでなしBLUES is the first manga that I know about author´s hint from the last volume. The ending, two boxers are on boxing ring. The readers don't know who the winner is, but the picture from the last volume shows who is the winner.
うる星���つら Urusei Yatsura (gag manga the same as Saiki k) - The ending is quite the same as Kusuo. The woman, Lum wants Ataru to say love, but in the end Ataru says he will say it on his deathed (Ataru is a tsundere til the end). Kusuo is also a tsundere and the author won't let us see the moment Kusuo says offu in front of Kokomi in the way that she knows it, but the author shows Kusuo smiles instead. He did say in one chapter he refuses to say offu even he is kokomi´s boyfriend (typical tsundere).
The picture from last volume shows who (mostly, the main characters – Japanese tradition; hints from the author) ending with whom. Kokomi´s holdes Kusuo´s shoulder is from the cover, but I have to remove the front cover from the book as in the picture. This is the hint from the author, but Asō sensei does not show it in the front cover. He gives us many hints and we have to find the easter egg.
The first day Kusuo and Kokomi met and talked, Kusuo did not let´s kokomi touch him. But in the end, he is totally fine.
Chapter 281 - The ending Kusuo says
“So, my life in peace 「平穏」 is over now, but I actually feel that´s not bad at all. Perhaps, I like to deal with hassles (めんどくさい mendokusai) after all”.
When I heard it, I think of the word 「穏便」 in chapter 181
「僕は 面倒なく穏便 に すませたいだけだ」  → I wanna calm down/settle down peacefully without trouble), 「穏便」 uses in the context to settle peacefully and carefully without causing trouble. Kusuo means Kokomi's romance is a trouble for him.
Ps. When he say trouble 「面倒」 mendō or めんどくさい mendokusai - the same word), he says in two chapter: 279 and 181. Not in chapter 108.
Kusuo calls his friends "troublesome" in chapter 279/ season 3 ep 2. 面倒な奴らだ全く。 But he can be with them I mean they don’t ruin his peaceful life). He is not honest. He smiles and says friends are troublesome (He is being tsundere). He is kind of thank his friends not forcing him to tell the secret, accept him and still be his friend (dere side). That means he did not mean his friends are troublesome.
That´s why the last chapter his words refers to Kokomi only. He changes his mind (opposite from chapter 181) and says bye to his peaceful life and he likes troublesome. (Ready for troublesome things)
Asou sensei shows on twitter that Kusuo startled when he heard someone calls Kokomi´s name. Kokomi says she has not make Kusuo says offu yet. Do sth, God. So, Kusuo smiles. (Well, Kokomi sways his heart once and makes him smile (chapter 182) and she did it again. Her effort melts his heart finally). First, he doesn’t want powers, but Kokomi words is one of the reasons that drives him to accept his power and ends his peaceful life.
Ps. When Kusuo talks about God, he refers to Asō sensei who helps Kokomi, but when his friends talk about God, Kusuo refers himself as a God. Example Saiko´s ship episode: God likes Kokomi and he says it's impossible. The ending when Kokomi says do sth, God. Kusuo grabs glasses and says he is a psychic.
The quote in the end “So, my life in peace is over now, but I actually feel that´s not bad at all. Perhaps, I like to deal with hassles (Kokomi´s romance and love effort) after all”.
This is not offu (he mentioned that even he is her boyfriend, he won't say offu. He is a tsundere like Ataru that will say on his death). However, this is a kind of confession because Kokomi said she hasn’t make Kusuo say offu yet. Kusuo heard it and smiled. Then he said he liked to deal with the trouble. Both chapter 279 and 281 shows that Kusuo chooses Kokomi and has feeling for her.
I personally like the ending of chapter 279 more than chapter 281 because I don´t need to find what is the trouble for him.
What happens next?
Being with a tsundere you have to be patient and understanding. Kusuo will be more open like his grandfather in chapter 183. He asks Kusuo to do what he wants. From the quote at the end, he sure be more opened. This relation will work eventually.
4. Kusuo´s reaction (He treats Kokomi special than the other friends. Like a girlfriend or couple). Of course, he loves her.
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Ps. you can find more reactions in another post.
5. Asō sensei has a plan that Kusuo ends up with Kokomi from the beginning. Please respect that.
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The ending cover & pic next to it (Reita and Kusuo has the same hair color), the 2nd popularity poll, the hairstyle, match color, the dolls represents the one you have feeling for, the author and his wife
The author plans since beginning that Kusuo and Kokomi have the same birthday month (August 6 and 16: Leo). Miko and Reita also have the same birthday month (September 7 and September 10: Virgo). Saiki's father x mother and grandpa x grandma have the same birthday month. The first name of Saiki´s family begins with k and Kokomi's name begins with K.
Kokomi began to talk to Kusuo and has the feeling for him on her birthday. She asked (God) for a decent man and saw Kusuo. Kusuo´s father asks God about a nice girlfriend for his son, and Kokomi appears. Asō sensei likes this couple very much. He planned on sending them to each other since beginning.
Throughout the series, we can see the romantic moments and development of their characters and personalities. For example, chocolate on valentine´s day, indirect kiss, holding Kokomi in front of people.
The author changed Kokomi's hairstyle like his wife's, and he tweeted that Kusuo´s tie and Kokomi´s sweater were the same color in 2022, even Kokomi didn’t win the vote. She was the only one girl in the choices. (Who cares. He likes Kokomi. The match color is common for couples because even my husband's tie matched my dress when we attended the party). Celebrating 5 years, Kokomi´s dress and Kusuo`s tie has match color and duet song, Kusuo´s shirt and Kokomi´s dress is blue and white while Miko’s dress is red. If Kusuo´s pants are red, I'll say it a 50 50, but Kusuo and Kokomi always have match color Kokomi wins 100%(Match color is not in the storyline, and I think it's more like they are a couple after destroying meteor/the story-end). Don't you think Asō sensei didn’t plan on Saiki x Teruhashi?
Kokomi is his favourite female charater and God (Asō sensei) loves her. His wife (Furukawa Mirin) is talented and beautiful (like Kokomi, I guess his type). Kokomi is the main female character and has a lot of airtime. She has a big aura (giantic wings with black and white feathers: dark and bright side, no one 100% good/perfect), but her aura is smaller than Kusuo. I guess her guardian spirit is Asō sensei (not dead, but helps Kokomi a lot to be with Kusuo than other woman). So, he plans Kusuo x Kokomi from the beginning (birthday month, etc and look at his picture again above - look alike Kusuo) and he makes Kusuo x Kokomi happen at the end of this manga (you can read chapter 279 and 281).
The first popularity poll (from the reader) Kusuo won the 1st place, but Kokomi did not get the 2nd place, so Asō sensei asked his acquaintance (friends, family, colleagues, etc) for the second popularity poll (total 46 ppl). Seems like he wants Kusuo and Kokomi to win. When Kusuo and Kokomi get 1st and 2nd place, Asō sensei draws crowns to them like the prince/king and princess/queen on the coloring pages. Alt Asou sensei did, shows/proves that He is the most powerful SaiTeru shipper and no one can beat him.
The pictures from the anime. Only Kokomi holds Kusuo doll and Mera holds food which represents what they like (author's drawing). Kusuo and Kokomi are holding each other's doll (the name of the episodes). Same post, same background, but different color. Kusuo is just holding a girl doll (Kokomi). Asō sensei didn't draw these pictures, but he won't let Kusuo hold the other girl's doll other than Kokomi to avoid misunderstanding who Kusuo ends up with. (No fan service for AiSai)
Well, the picture from the last volume is pretty clear to me that Saiki Kusuo ends up with Teruhashi Kokomi. Kokomi holds him on the shoulder (picture from last volume) like Reita holds Miko´s shoulder (season 2 ep 24). Kokomi's hair drops down on Kusuo´s shoulder. That means they stand very closed. Kokomi's brother looks at them with a smile (not siscon anymore) and Chiyo looks at Kokomi with a smile. They are happy for them.
Many people think Kusuo and Kokomi are just friends because in some cultures friends can hug and share drinks. But that does not mean that all cultures are the same. Don't forget Kusuo's personality and character, Asō sensei has shown Kusuo getting hugs from Nendou, Kokomi and Miko, but Kusuo has never given a hug to anyone except Kokomi. He never shares a drink with anyone other than Kokomi. Kusuo treats Kokomi specially than the other friends as a couple or a girlfriend. This is the point Asō sensei has made in the series. He plans Kusuo x Kokomi in the beginning: At Christmas, Kusuo expects Kokomi as a girl to visit his house instead of Nendou. It means that Kusuo is interested in girls. The author always gives them chances to be together and lets them know each other and develop feelings. Kusuo didn't have a feeling for her in the beginning, but the author shows that Kusuo has a feeling for Kokomi and he chooses her at the end either 279 or 281. Every hint that Asō sensei shows/gives (for who Saiki Kusuo ends up with) only points to Kokomi. He never ever plans that Kusuo ends up alone or someone else except Kokomi, see the picture from cover of the last volume that I have to remove the plastic cover. It confirms Saiki Kusuo ends up with Teruhashi Kokomi. That means Saiki Kusuo is going to get married to Kokomi because she is his only one possible wife.
I dont need to root/cheer this ship because it's already canon.
~/) /) ~ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ( •-• ) ~ ❤️Saiki x Teruhashi❤️ TeruSai/SaiTeru❤️ /づづ ~ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
Thanks for reading 😊
Update 25 august 2023
For those who read this, I know about this from the first day I watch anime and then read manga. I think it’s the time to reveal this lovely easter egg, because it’s almost September.
When Nendou writes his career survey about his plan after graduation in charter 265. (Ps. Nendo can’t write kanji)
1st choice「はしもと かんな と けっこん」→ marry to Hashimoto Kanna (she starred as Kokomi in live action).
2nd choice 「かやの あい と けっこん」→ marry to Kayano Ai (Kokomi’s voice in anime)
3rd choice 「ガッキーとけっこん」 → marry to Gakki (Aragaki Yui: not relate to Saiki k).
But in anime s.3 ep.1, Asō sensei changed no.3 to でんぱぐみのだれか(とけっこん) → Married someone in Dempagumi(.inc). Netflix doesn’t translate the texts in anime.
This episode was on aired in December 2018 (Japan) and March 2019 (Netflix). I think he proposed marriage to his wife, Furukawa Mirin, an idol. The author announced they decided to get married in September 2019 on twitter. Some idols and singers have contracts about no romances. I don’t know how long they’ve been together because of his wife is an idol, but obviously, before Saiki K ended. The hairstyle, the marriage proposal, dempagumi.inc sings Saiki k anime songs.
This makes me really like Saiki x Teruhashi even more when I saw this scene 🥰. The author changed one scene for Furukawa-san, and it’s in Saiki K forever. He is really sweet ❤️. In the author eyes, his wife is perfect, the most beautiful and talented like Kokomi. Without a doubt, Saiki married to Teruhashi.
Ps. About the popularity poll, normally the votes are from the reader, but i LMAO when I know he asks family, friends, his acquaintances for the votes (he can insist them to vote who he wants - who knows, it’s typical Japanese) and just for 46 votes he draws Saiki x Teruhashi who’s got 1st and 2nd place with the crowns on the coloring page ❤️🥰.
Extra credit and special thanks to jujus-stuff 🥰 who left the comment and explained about aro ace (which I still don’t know the meaning 😅) on my tumblr ❤️
Yess!!! Agreed with everything. Btw, i still think Saiki is aro or ace, or both, who knows, but, just to add something: Ace people can also fall in love, it's just more hard to happen, but It happens!! Btw, let's read the definition of being an Aromantic Person: A person who is aromantic experiences little to no romantic attraction to persons of any gender. People who are aromantic also lack interest in having romantic relationships. Romantic attraction refers to a desire to have emotional contact and interaction with a partner, while the definition of a romantic relationship can vary depending on the individual. ALT. Also, being an aromantic person myself, i've Fell in love only one time, it wasn't mutual but the feeling is valid, and so is my romantic spectrum. Still, i have more to say, since it's an spectrum, Saiki can feel or not romantic feelings, but, hence the informartions above, i have to say, Teruhashi is Saiki's romantic interest. Have this said, i think since we can say that Saiki is/can be aromantic/asexual/aroace the feelings that he has for Kokomi turns out to be even more special❣️❤️ That's it, i hope i've added more important informartions . So Bye bye❣️❣️
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jujumin-translates · 9 months
Sakuya Sakuma | [SSR] An Oni Protecting The People | Spirit・Snow Demon - Part 1
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Member of Another Troupe: Good work, Sakuya-kun. Your guest performance was great again this time.
Sakuya: Thank you so much! I had a lot of fun too. I hope you’ll call me again if you ever need help with anything else!
Member of Another Troupe: Ahaha. I thought you might say that, so I actually have a quick question for you, Sakuya-kun.
Member of Another Troupe: Our next project will be a longer play, broken into three different parts, with a leading role for each part…
Member of Another Troupe: So I was wondering if I could ask you and some of the other MANKAI Company members to play the roles of the snow demons.
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Sakuya: ! Are you sure?
Member of Another Troupe: Yes. I know that you and the others may have other things going on, but could you please consider it?
Sakuya: Thank you so much!
Sakuya: I’m sure everyone will be super happy to hear that, but I can’t decide on my own, so can I hold off on deciding on anything for now and take this information home with me?
Member of Another Troupe: Of course. We look forward to hearing your response.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Door opens*
Sakuya: I’m home!
Izumi: Welcome back.
Taichi: Sakkun, welcome back!
Tsumugi: We’re all having dinner right now.
Tsuzuru: I’ll get you a plate, Sakuya.
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Sakuya: Thank you!
Izumi: You had a guest performance today, right? Good work.
Tsumugi: That’s right. How was it?
Sakuya: It was really fun and I learned a lot!
Sakuya: (Everyone’s here, I wonder if I should bring up the thing from earlier.)
Sakuya: Um, Director. Can I bring up something to discuss with everyone…?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: So basically, you were asked to perform by a troupe you’ve done guest performances with before, and they want some of our troupe’s members to star in the performance, you included, right, Sakuya-kun?
Sakuya: Yep, pretty much.
Tsumugi: Based on what you said, it sounds like it’s about a shrine maiden named Kannagi who prays and summons spirits to protect the human village from disaster.
Sakuya: Yeah. And they wanted us to play the roles of the snow demons among those spirits.
Taichi: So the snow demon roles are like, a main part of all three parts!? That’s huge!
Tsuzuru: Those definitely seem like roles worth playing.
Izumi: So if you take one of the roles, how many other people do they need, Sakuya-kun?
Sakuya: They want two other people to also play the other snow demons.
Sakuya: Also, the third part, which is the one they want me to do, is a story centered on wintery and snowy scenes, like the name “snow demon” implies.
Tsuzuru: Wintery and snowy, huh? Considering you’ve done guest performances before, I think those themes would be really fitting for you, Tsukioka-san…
Tsumugi: That would be fine by me. I think the scheduling would work, and more importantly, I’m Interested in both the story and the structure of it.
Sakuya: Really? Thank you so much!
Izumi: Alright then, we need one more.
Tsuzuru: I’d love to do it too, but I’m buried in part-time jobs right now… But please let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help!
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Sakuya: Thank you, Tsuzuru-kun.
Taichi: Hey, hey! So can I do it instead!?
Taichi: I’ve always wanted to try doing a guest performance ever since I saw how crazy cool Juza-san was when he guest-starred in Yuzo-san’s troupe.
Taichi: Plus I’ve played the role of an oni before during a training camp, so can I do it… please?
Izumi: Ah, right, at the hot springs training camp. That role really fit you nicely, so I think you should go for it.
Taichi: Really!? Hell yeah!
Sakuya: Then I’ll make sure to get in touch with the troupe. I’ll let you know when I get the scripts and the dates of the costume fittings as soon as I know them!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Page turns*
Sakuya: (The script is for a three-part performance, so the story has a lot of depth…)
Sakuya: (I was only assigned the third part, but I have to make sure I have a grip on the earlier parts too so I can play my role well…!)
*Page turns*
Sakuya: (My role is a snow demon who quietly lives away from the human village and protects its people.)
Sakuya: (But the isolation and loneliness of living away from others causes him to end up disguising himself as a human and descending to the human village.)
Sakuya: (But it’s forbidden for snow demons to interact with humans. So if the snow demon breaks this rule, then--.)
Sakuya: So much isolation and loneliness all because it’s forbidden… I wonder what kind of place a snow demon would spend their time at then.
*Door opens*
Izumi: It’s all thanks to your help that I was able to buy everything I needed. Thank you, Kazunari-kun!
Kazunari: No probs! Lemme help you put everything away too.
Izumi: Ah, Sakuya-kun--.
Sakuya: Maybe there’s somewhere deep in the mountains with no other people around where I can go sometime soon…
Izumi: Eh!?
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Kazunari: What’s wrong, SakuSaku!?
Sakuya: …Eh?
Kazunari: If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m always here to listen, okay!?
Izumi: I know we all have times when we want to be alone, but you don’t have to go deep into the mountains for that…!
Sakuya: Ah, no, no, no…! You’ve got it all wrong!
[ Next Part ⇢ ]
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hazardous-who · 2 months
I’ve been running down my list of other major OBKK fics I want to write eventually, and I think I’m leaning towards something horror based, maybe cosmic? But I’m not entirely sure yet.
I love things like Silent Hill and Cry of Fear, that idea of being transported into some sort of hell then coming back out of it, unsure when you’ll be plunged back in- unable to tell if it’s reality or all in your mind. I also finally got to finish Still Wakes the Deep recently and the entire atmosphere and pacing was so beautiful and horrific with wonderful level and monster design, so I’m just UGHHH… My horror game and movie library is massive, and I’ve been diving into a lot of different media that’s been making my brain to ‘oh, I want to describe the horrors too.’ Liminal spaces have really been catching my attention too lately, the unsettling atmosphere and feeling of not being alone delicious, especially when nothing proceeds to show up.
But there’s also the Forsaken God / Shrine Maiden AU I know a lot of you really have been in my inbox asking for a full version of. There’s all sorts of things I could do with that one I’m super indecisive about however. There’s so much potential world building with it, especially with Obito in comparison to my other main stories, and some of the plot points I want to reach have me in a chokehold, I just don’t know how to get there so I can write it. Definitely more fantasy leaning again, but not as crazy as Ice & Snow with things like dragons- I know picturing massive structures and a rush of feelings I want to describe are very strong for this fic too.
My brain is just so full and I’m shaking the bars of my cage.
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