#Creeptober 2023
tortillasconsal · 1 year
Day 2. Cracks
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Very silly comic for the 2nd day, but in my defense I had planned something more elaborate that couldn't fit in a square canvas.
Obviously by "Cracks" I can just think of somebody's mask getting cracked somehow, and I scuttled through my mind deciding which masked babygirl I'll choose and went for Eyeless Jack bc I really didn't feel like drawing anything more elaborate than that guy. I was going to do a comic about someone kicking EJ to try to escape, but it took me too long to figure out a good pose and frames that would fit the whole thing so I had to improvise..
Ayways yeah- I don't really have much to say about EJ right here, in the first day I made a piece that settled an interesting scene between Tim and Brian where I felt inspired to write the context of their situation, but this is just EJ being hit by a brick. Not really lore worthy, but really funny.
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6-and-7 · 11 months
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Creeptober 20 - Shimmering Bubbles
Neither rain nor sleet nor gloom of void shall keep this mailmare from her appointed rounds.
As a friend of mine once noted, "Yog-Sothoth’s most common manifestation is as a “conglomeration of glowing spheres,” sometimes compared to a series of “iridescent soap bubbles,”" so it and Ditzy have that much in common.
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creep-tober · 11 months
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Creeptober 26 - Inner Demons Justice: MAG 179 - Accomplice
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vangold · 11 months
Creeptober Day 27 - Full Moon
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Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling, By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore, “Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,” I said, “art sure no craven, Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore— Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s Plutonian shore!”             Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”
What would an Edgar Allan Poe themed Creeptober-Week be without The Raven!? 'D be like a house without a room, gentlenerds, like a house without a single bloody room <__<
Have a blessed Samhain, ma peeps :)
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jack-daww · 1 year
Day 11: Something lost
Sometimes, Finn wonders where things she loses end up. Because surely, they don’t stay in the same place. She’s fairly certain she has lost things in one place and then found them in another, or found things in a place she has checked so often that there is no way they’ve actually been there the whole time. When she was younger, Finn thought someone must have been stealing her things and returning them later, but of course, that’s impossible.
Finn sighs and runs a hand through her hair. She’s looking for her keys. Again. Really, she has no idea how she keeps losing them. She takes a deep breath. She’s not in a hurry, but not knowing where her keys are is frustrating. She closes her eyes and just breathes for a moment. No reason to get so worked up over some keys.
Finn’s thoughts wander. She thinks back to when she was little and thought her things were getting stolen when she lost them. But what if nobody stole them? What if the fact that she forgot where they are send them into some kind of alternate dimension? A dimension they appear out of an unspecified amount of time later. The thought scares her. Because, if you can lose things, does that mean you can lose people in the same sense? If nobody knows where you are, not even yourself, do you end up in that same place?
Finn closes her eyes and tries to imagine it. Tries to imagine a place that doesn’t exist, filled with nothing but everything lost at the same time. She imagines she can’t feel her body, can’t feel the space around her. Finn knows nobody knows where she is, not exactly. So she starts spinning, until she can’t tell just where she is, either.
The area around her doesn’t exist. Nothing exists, because Finn is gone. Still, she concentrated and reaches out, tries to grab one of the lost things that are in the same not-space she is in. The dizziness slowly goes away and Finn becomes aware of her surroundings again. She’s in her living room, both hands stuffed in her pockets.
She pulls her right hand out, the one she reached out with. When she opens her fist, there are her keys, laying on her palm. Finn blinks. She remembers the feeling of nothingness around her, in a space that isn’t a space at all. Finn shudders. She hopes people don’t get stuck there, not like their lost things do. She grips the keys tighter. She’ll have to be more careful of being aware where she is from now on.
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dangerboxstudio · 1 year
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Doin Creeptober this year with some friends, trying to play around with traditional art and get my speed back up! Days one and two, some sorta Fog fae and my terrible beautiful wonderful Spider Evelyn.
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sjwinklerart · 11 months
October Drawing Challenges: Day 17
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
Hey you. Yes, you, with the face. If you're following this blog, there's a good chance you like The Magnus Archives, and if you like The Magnus Archives there's a good chance you like spooky stuff in general.
If that sounds like you, and you also enjoy making/viewing art, then have I got the art challenge for you!
Presenting my personal Inktober alternative, Creeptober! 31 days of horror-themed prompts to get your creative juices flowing. This year's list is (vaguely) focused on the Desolation, but don't let that constrain your artistic impulses. All manner of spook-tacular subjects are welcome, from cosmic to gothic to downright campy. Similarly, I welcome art forms from drawing and painting to writing and music.
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(Transcription under the cut)
Heck, if that list doesn't float your boat, I'll include last year's (Stranger-centric) list as an alternative! October is the month to celebrate horror, and I can think of no better way than an artistic event. Just @ the blog in your art pieces, and I'll be glad to reblog them. Happy spooky season, everyone!
Creeptober 2023 prompt list:
Something Buried
Faceless Ones
Envy Your Dead
No One Goes In, No One Comes Out
A Chill in the Air
The Man Who Fell to Earth
Dizzying Heights
Against the Clock
Something Lost
Probing Look
Out of Place
Broken Trust
Shimmering Bubbles
Something Broken
Hi-Tech Terror
Crack of Dawn
Hanging Tree
Inner Demons
Radio Signal
Fresh Meat
Something Buried
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mgcoco · 18 days
Hi darling!
I have been looking for the prompt list for Tolkientober 2024. @glorf1ndel was so kind as to point me to you as the creator of the prompt list of Tolkientober 2023. Last year I enjoyed writing Éomer of Rohan centric one-shots so much, and it really was a boost to my writing skills. I was wondering if you intend to make the prompt list again this year. You see, I intend to focus on Faramir x Éowyn this time and I am not finding them in the inktober and creeptober lists of this year.
No pressure, though! I appreciate and admire your work ❤️ have a wonderful weekend/day.
Hello there! I’m so happy to hear you’re looking forward to doing Tolkientober again this year! I am planning to put together a prompt list in a couple weeks, it’s just been way busy in my personal life 😅.
I’m working with the folks who run Tolkien Trewsday on twitter again too, and we’ve been brainstorming lots of great prompts, so it should be a good list! ♥️
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pomrania · 1 year
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Days 1-8 of Drawtober 2023. I'm using this year's Plaguetober prompts by @plaguefairy and Creeptober prompts by @creep-tober.
1: “safe” + “something burned” . 2: “puddle” + “faceless ones” . 3: “honey” + “transformation” . 4: “time” + “envy your dead” . 5: “lock” + “no one goes in, no one comes out” . 6: “artifact” + “a chill in the air” . 7: “resilient” + “the man who fell to Earth” . 8: "lace" + "monument" . 9-16: here . 17-24: here .
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undcrcurrcnts · 1 year
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[ Pspspspsps if I shared the things I wrote for Creeptober 2023 here would you guys be interested ]
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tortillasconsal · 1 year
Day 3. Silence
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So today's silly of the day is The Rake!!
I had planned from the start that for this prompt I wanted some theme of an "interrupted silence". As in you try to escape as stealthy as you can but you end up making noise and getting caught anyway.
The hard part of this was choosing the character. Boy did I have a hard time with it. But at the end I chose The Rake, and lucky for you I have stuff to say about him.
So for my AU I want to go for a more "traditional" take with him using cryptids and local leyends like Moth Man or The Sasquatch. With people that claimed they've seen him, groups trying to hunt him down and a whole Subreddit dedicated to his sightings.
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The Rake is known as this humanoid monster that roams the Appalachian Mountains and is the cause of many disappearances of people and animals alike. His origins are unknown even for beings like Slenderman. People theorize that he's a man that has gone for so long without civilization that became a savage creature, he's a demon or an evil spirit, he was a human experiment.
So this is the third piece of Creeptober, like I said I had a hard time deciding the protagonist of today and so I also had a hard time with the rest of the process. When I thought I was finished with the colors I noticed that the background felt too empty and didn't know what to do about it, so I ended up just doing some random shapes so it looked like The Rake is hiding behind some bushes or something(? Idk
Nothing that would really explain his existence, like all the other supernatural leyends that infest the famous mountains. Which are also a Rabbit Hole I'd like to dive deeper in my AU, but maybe another day
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I do like how the other characters look like in the first two frames which by the way-
fun fact: those two are some old creepypasta OCs I want to revamp and reintroduce sometime soon!
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6-and-7 · 11 months
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Creeptober 26 - Hanging Tree The Tower: MAG 008 - Burned Out
"People had always whispered about Agnes, but now the whispers got nasty. Nasty enough that when smoke was seen pouring out of the old Fielding house a week after little Henry disappeared, no-one did a thing. No-one phoned the fire brigade or tried to help. They just watched. Agnes must not have phoned for assistance either, as by the time the fire trucks arrived, there was nothing left to save.
Through it all, nobody saw any sign of life from within the building. No screaming, no movement, nothing but the roaring of the flames. When the fire was finally put out, they did find human remains, but it wasn’t Agnes, nor was it Henry White. The only body they found was that of Raymond Fielding. All that was left was a badly-charred skeleton, missing its right hand."
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creep-tober · 1 year
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Creeptober 9 - Dizzying Heights
Cover for the Sunset Archives chapter 17 - Daredevil
"Statement of Cloudchaser Stratus, regarding a dare to climb the water tower on the south side of town."
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vangold · 11 months
Creeptober Day 26 - Costume
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"Even with the utterly lost, to whom life and death are equally jests, there are matters of which no jest can be properly made. The whole company, indeed, seemed now deeply to feel that in the costume and bearing of the stranger neither wit nor propriety existed. The figure was tall and gaunt, and shrouded from head to foot in the habiliments of the grave. The mask which concealed the visage was made so nearly to resemble the countenance of a stiffened corpse that the closest scrutiny must have had difficulty in detecting the cheat. And yet all this might have been endured, if not approved, by the mad revellers around. But the mummer had gone so far as to assume the type of the Red Death. His vesture was dabbled in blood — and his broad brow, with all the features of the face, was besprinkled with the scarlet horror."
For the prompt of "Costume" nothing fits better than my personal favorite story from Poe, The Mask of the Red Death.
I tried my best to got their look right. Not just a red cloak but an actual blood-soaked shroud. I think I nailed it :)
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jack-daww · 1 year
Day 7: The Man Who Fell To Earth
Rick was sitting on their porch with a piece of pie, enjoying their day off when they see the man. Well, seeing him might not be the right way to phrase it. What Rick actually sees is a ball of fire, rushing towards the ground like a meteor. A shooting star that doesn’t burn out, pulling closer and closer to their garden.
First a dot, then a ball, glowing more and more. Rick can hear a high-pitched noise, something that sounds like screaming, but not. The ball of fire pulls closer and then the fire stops and Rick can make out what looks like a figure, falling down fast, limps flailing behind the body. They curse and jump up as it looks more and more like the figure will crash into their garden.
Rick clutches the wall of their house as the figure crashes into their garden, shaking the ground as it goes. The screaming cuts off and after a while of complete silence, Rick decides to approach the crater. They stand at the side, quietly mourning their garden as they look at the figure laying on the bottom.
Though the figure seems to be humanoid, their limbs are laying out in ways that shouldn’t be possible, obviously broken in multiple points. Their head is seemingly covered with some kind of helmet, what seems to be the front facing upwards. Rick sneaks forward and nudges the figure. They step back and wait for a reaction. Nothing.
As the silence stretches on, Rick contemplates calling an ambulance. But would they even listen to them? Who truly believes that some guy just fell out of the sky? Then the figure snaps upright, and snap is the only word Rick has to describe the motion. They can hear the bones cracking as the move back into place, as the limbs right themselves with a terrible grinding noise. Rick feels sick to the stomach as the figure stands up and look them. Well, Rick thinks they’re being looked at. It’s hard to tell with the helmet.
Then the figure reaches up and pulls the helmet off, showing dark skin and curly hair and intense eyes. Rick can’t look away, even as the figure smiles sheepishly.
“Sorry, could you tell me where I am?”
Rick keeps watching as the figure – man? - looks around and climbs out of the crater. Then he reaches out a hand towards Rick.
“People call me Astris.”
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