#Crossfit gyms near me
aaradhyamhandicrafts · 11 months
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amritmaurya01 · 1 year
Life can be a whirlwind, and sometimes, we unintentionally forget special moments and people. This is exactly what happened to Taapsi, a vibrant soul based in Goa. Amidst the chaos of her busy life, she forgot her best friend Maya’s birthday. Feeling remorseful, Taapsi sought to make amends and rekindle their bond. With a heartfelt apology and a thoughtful gift, she set the stage for an unforgettable experience at Tattva Wellness Spa.
Tapsee and Maya had been inseparable since childhood, sharing laughter, tears, and countless memories. However, as life unfolded, responsibilities and distractions took their toll, causing Taapsi to unintentionally overlook Maya’s special day. Overwhelmed with guilt, Taapsi knew she needed to make it right.
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gxbbyhoneybadger · 2 years
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No Man but You #7
(Final chapter)
Pairing: Joel Miller x !F!Reader
Summary: Joel and Y/n are on the hunt for Elliot and Ellie. Doing whatever it takes to find the teens and bring them back safely, all the while Max was left back inside of a cabin where an unexpected visitor pays a visit. And once they reach the hospital, only bloodshed was left behind.
Warnings: adult language, blood, physical violence, torture, kidnapping, mentions of cannibalism, signs of possible pedophilia, angst, tension, death, fires, mentions of rape, massacres, smut, gentle passionate sex, dirty talk, oral (M&F receiving).
Part I, Part II Part, III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI,
Minors DNI 🔞 18 below the cut
Y/n opened the door and enters the outside, Joel was right behind her as she loaded her gun. "Where'd they run off to?" Joel murmured to her. "We'll follow the tracks, it's a clear path to wherever the hell they ran of to." Y/n explained.
"Oh shit! They're over there!!" A hunter shouted when he spotted Y/n and Joel. "Shit." Joel growled. Y/n grabbed Joel's wrist and pulled him away, they both ran as fast as they could to get away.
"Move it! Don't let him get ya!" Another said when he leapt at Joel, who punched him straight in the face and shot him. Another hunter grabbed Joel from behind until Y/n ran and jumped onto the hunter's back and rolled him off of Joel. She rolled and threw the hunter off of her before stabbing him in the skull. "Come on!" Y/n grunted while she ran with Joel.
More hunters begin to crowd them, but they ended up being slaughtered by the duo. Soon, Joel and her were sneaking around near a cabin, Joel made Y/n wait behind him when he stepped out—until he's grabbed by another Hunter as he entered a street.
"Gotcha, asshole. Finish him off!" The Hunter shouted. "Hold him still!" The second one said, "Oh shit!!" Y/n attacked them. She grabbed her knife and knocked one off of Joel—allowing him to kick the second guy in the crotch, and headbutt him.
Y/n quickly stabbed her knife into the man's left side of his chest, then his right, then his shoulder before punching his throat and slightly lowering down to fly her hand behind his left knee and slice the knife forward—tripping the hunter backwards on his back in pain. Using her training she had learned from the Jaguars. "Son of a bitch!" He grunted in agony.
"You come with me. Come on." Joel growled as he grabbed the hunter and started to drag him as Y/n dragged the second one. "Let me go. I'll. . .fuck you up!" He weakly threatened
~Fifteen Years ago~
Y/n was sleeping on a small twin bed, it wasn't soft, yet it also wasn't that hard. She gasped when she woke up suddenly, half shaking as she looked around to remember her surroundings. She sat up and rubbed her ring finger, only to feel that her ring was gone. A sorrowful reminder that she threw it away. Shutting her eyes as she remembered his face, at least waking up to him near her, even after their arguments, he'd always end up lying next to her.
But he wasn't here, not anymore. "You alright, girl?" Nica whispered as she turned on a small lamp. "Oh, Nica." Y/n muttered as she wiped her tears looking away from Nica. "You crying-?", "N-No. Just thinking." She sighed.
"Ah. . . About what?" Nica grunted as she sat up. "Nothing important, you should get back to sleep." Y/n saw her sit on the edge of her bed and slide on her socks. "We get up at this hour anyway, might as well talk." Nica smiled.
Nica and Y/n both ate their breakfast before heading to the gym to stretch. "Make sure you got your protein." Nica said to her. "Uh huh. I already got some of Nick's protein bars, he makes them himself?" Y/n wondered. "Yep, he was a CrossFit trainer, he knows more about health and protein foods than I do. But I've been learning." Nica sighed as she stretched her legs, "Here, lemme help you." Nica walked over and stretched Y/n's legs out.
"What's on today's schedule?" Y/n sighed, feeling her muscles being stretched out satisfyingly. "Gonna be lifting some weights, legs and arms, and also do some defense and offense drills. Gonna go through the basic training." Nica said. "The boxing and other stuff?", "Y'know it."
Y/n hummed and groaned when she felt her back pop. "Damn, you really needed that sleep, huh?" Nica chuckled. "It felt good. Best sleep I've ever gotten in five years, Nica." Y/n chuckled as Nica started to laugh. "So, you're not going to tell me what woke you up?" Nica asked. Y/n lost her chuckling and went quiet as she remembered the nightmare.
"I didn't mean to be a prude or anything, but if it's something traumatic, it's good if you take some of the therapy sessions with me." Nica said. "Therapy classes?" Y/n scoffed, "I was always told therapy was for the locos." Nica laughed again and sat up with Y/n. "It helps, it's group therapy, we all just talk. No advice or much, just talk about our troubles." Nica added while getting up to grab some dumbbells.
"Oh, well, I don't think it's really for me." said Y/n. "It's okay, you can still just talk with me. I'm a vault." She grinned. "It was just about my. . . ex." Y/n murmured lowly. "Ooh! Some tea, I see?" Nica chuckled, "Tell me."
"Just, we got engaged. . . And. . . Then this hit us."
"Oh shit, is he? Did he-?", "I don't know. . . I left him and that's how I ended up traveling with Frank a week ago." Y/n added. "This was recent?" Nica asked. "Not really, like more like a few months ago.", "Shit." Nica gasped at her answer, "Why?" She muttered.
Y/n shrugged her shoulders, "We just said some bad things to each other. . . He touched a nerve and. . . I couldn't stand it so, I left alone. Leaving my brother and his brother behind." Y/n confessed while lifting the dumbbells. "What did he say." She questioned.
". . . Just. . . Something about loving me and everything we did being a waste of his time-", "That motherfucker!" Nica hissed, "No way, he didn't say that-!", "He said that." Y/n confirmed it and Nica was flabbergasted. "Well, fuck. . . He's an idiot." Nica hummed. "I just. . . I think he was still grieving and he didn't like when I brought it up."
"Wait, grieving? He lose someone?" Nica inquired. ". . . His daughter. . ."
"Oh. . . Damn, I. . . That's a valid one." Nica sighed as she started to do situps. "I lost my son." Y/n said, cringing from the words she never thought she'd ever say in her life. "That's what my nightmare was about. . . I shot him to put him out of his misery. . . He was bit." Nica looked at her with regret and guilt. "I'm so sorry, Y/n. . . I didn't know.
"It's fine. Least now I can focus on myself and survival." Y/n said, "Let's start training." Nica nodded her head and stood up from the ground, all the while, Fernando was standing behind the corner—listening to the entire conversation.
They finally bring them to a basement where Joel started to beat them for information all while Y/n watched and waited for her turn to torment the men.
"What do you want? What the fuck?" The hunter tied in the chair grunted out as he tried to escape. "You wait here." Joel muttered, Y/n pulled out a seat for him and set it from of the hunter. "Now. . . the girl and the boy. . . Are they alive?" Joel questioned the hunter, Y/n held her own knife and stood beside them.
"What girl? What boy? I don't know no kids." He lied—Y/n brought her blade down into his knee. "Fuck!" He screamed. "Focus right here. Right here." Joel said as he slapped the man's face. "Or I'll let her pop your damn knee off. The girl and the boy." Joel repeated once more.
"S-She's alive. The b-boy too. She's David's newest pet, Darla feels the same for the b-boy." He grunted. "Where?" Joel said. He didn't answer, Y/n twisted the knife as he squirmed and cried out, "In the town. In the town!" Y/n ripped out her knife before shoving the hilt of the bloody knife in the hunter's mouth as Joel holds up a map. "Now you're gonna mark it on the map. And it better be the same exact spot your buddy points to. Mark it." Joel ordered him.
Hunter leaned forward and marked the location, Joel looked to Y/n as she tipped her head. Knowing which building to find. "It's right there. You can verify it. Go ask him. Go on. He'll tell ya. I ain't lyin'. I ain't lyin." He muttered out as Joel walked around him and began to strangle him until he snapped his neck.
"Fuck you, man. He told you what you wanted. I ain't telling any of you shit!" The second hunter said as Y/n approached him with a pipe. "That's just fine. . . We believe him." She said while raising the pipe. "No, wait-!!"
Ellie and Elliot were asleep in their cell, James walked in before grabbing Ellie. "Wake-y, wake-y. Come on." He said. "Let go!" Ellie gasped. "Ellie!" Elliot yelled as he stood up. "Get-!", "Stop!" Ellie yelled as James dragged her out of the cell, she grabbed the bars and Elliot shoved James into the wall. Until David grabbed him and threw him back into Darla's arms.
Ellie bit David's hand when he grabbed her, he grunted before ramming his knee in her stomach. Elliot struggled against the larger woman as they lifted Ellie onto the slaughtering table. "I warned you." David growled as he raised his cleaver. "She's infected!! I'm infected! We're both infected!!" Elliot yelled. David paused and looked at Elliot as Darla looked down at him. "Really?" David scoffed.
Ellie knew Elliot's plan and played along, "And so are you. Right there. Roll up my sleeve, roll up his pants. Look at it!" Ellie said. "I'll play along." David sighed as he slammed the cleaver by her head. Darla forced Elliot to the wall with his arms behind his back before checking his legs. They both saw the infected bite marks and remained quiet.
"What'd you say? Everything happens for a reason, right?" Elliot reminded him. "What the hell is that?" James said as he looked at the bite marks, one on Ellie's right arm and one on Elliot's left leg. "They would've turned by now. It can't be real!" Darla defended as she possessively held onto Elliot. "Looks pretty fucking real to me!" James shouted. Ellie quickly takes the cleaver and hacks it into James' neck, rolling off the table towards the doorway. Ellie sliced the cleaver into Darla's knee and Elliot elbowed her nose before David fired a few rounds but misses.
They both ran out the room as Darla yelled in agony. Ellie grabbed a switchblade from a nearby cabinet before following after Elliot who had jumped out into the blizzard.
"Okay. Shit. Oh man." Ellie muttered as Elliot pulled her hand along, "What the fuck is wrong with these people?" Elliot almost tripped when Ellie ran into his back. "Fucking animals is what they are." Elliot whispered as he snuck into a storage room Ellie right behind him. "Where you going, kids? This is my town!" David shouted.
"I need a gun." Ellie whispered. "It's okay, we can do this." Elliot said. They move to the front of the store and keep an eye out for the hunters. "We heard gunshots!" Someone said. "Infected!" They heard Darla say. "What?"
"The boy and the girl. They're infected and they got out!" Darla snarled. "This is bad, Darla." A woman said. "Alright, I need you to round up everyone who isn't armed and get 'em to clear outta here. We're gonna find those kids and we're gonna kill them." David explained. "No! I want the boy. I want to deal with him myself." Darla ordered.
"Oh fuck. I'll take the kids to the shelter." The hunter said before David, Darla and the woman split up; more hunters come around nearby hunting for the kids. "Oh fuck." Elliot gasped when he almost tripped.
"Tired of this shit. He's crossed the line this time." A hunter groaned as Ellie and Elliot snuck around them. "I've been saying this for months.", "We've indulged them enough. These brats killed our men and now they're infected."
"Let's clean this mess up. . . then we can have a town meeting. Put David's leadership up to a vote. That other guy was a better choice." Ellie and Elliot both snuck into a restaurant before they see Darla and David waiting at the far exit. "You're easy to track." She smirked before they ran towards the kids. Ellie grabbed her knife before Elliot went in and tackled David to the ground—trying to wrestle the gun away from him. Darla attacked Ellie and shoved her into the ground, Elliot kicked at David and got away. Grabbing his gun and running to knock Darla off of Ellie before dragging her away and running to hide.
He knocked over a candle which started a fire on a table, spreading to the walls then to the ceiling.
"That's alright. There's nowhere to go! You want out? You're gonna have to come get these keys. I know you're not infected. No one who's infected fights this hard to stay alive. So what is it, Ellie?" David questioned as Darla shut and locks the doors.
"Oh, hey, Ellie? I'm sorry about your horse. I truly am. I hope you take comfort in knowing we won't waste any part of him." Darla said while she searched for the teens, "I never liked you from the beginning, but the boy, who is he? Your brother? I really like him, I like the young ones. More energetic." Darla cooed as she looked under a table.
"Ah, you fuck." Elliot grumbled beneath his breath.
"You know, I. . . I wish you hadn't killed James. He's a good kid—just doing his job. In fact, all those people you killed. It's just gonna make our group stronger. Fewer mouths to feed. Stronger survivors." David said while Elliot snuck under a table and Ellie hid behind one of the walls. "Ellie! Elliot, come on. I know you're dying to say something to me." Darla called out.
"Creepy piece of shit." Ellie growled.
"No? Nothin'? Sure about that?" Darla muttered before she ambushed Elliot out of the blue, dragging him out as he yelled and kicked her hands. Darla hissed at the hits; Ellie ran out to a distracted David, managing to stab him in the neck. His point-blank shots miss by some stroke of fate. Elliot kicked Darla's gut and crawled away, running to punch David in the face and run towards Ellie when he started to shoot that them. "That was good, kid. It's gonna be alright." David sighed as he put his gun away, grabbing a machete instead.
"Don't shoot the boy, David!" Darla snapped. David ignored her and continued talking to the kids. "You know, you keep surprising me. It's a shame you wouldn't come around. Give up now and I promise to be quick. Promise."
"Yeah, go fuck yourselves!" Ellie cursed. "Okay then. Don't say I didn't give you a chance. You know, I love how you think that you're better than this. Better than us. But you're not." David said. "Ah, you crazy fuck." Elliot c
"It didn't have to be this way, you know. You brought this on yourself. You did."
Ellie charged at him again, before Darla knocked her into the wall—knocking her unconscious as Elliot continued to attack the two adults.
Joel and Y/n both approach the Silver Lake's outskirts. They killed the guards and quickly sneak inside to find the teens backpacks. "Why is their stuff here?" Joel muttered. "They were driving them away." Y/n said as she opened a door into a meat locker room filled with corpses. She covered her mouth and stumbled backwards. "Joel, we gotta find them!" She said with worry. "Oh, Christ. We gotta find them. We gotta find them." Joel said when he saw the meat locker.
"We gotta go." Y/n said as she exited the room and stepped onto main street, seeing the burning building. "Holy shit. . ." Joel muttered. "Come on!" Y/n said as she started to run towards the building.
Ellie woke up when Elliot was slammed against the wall by David, Darla shoved him aside and grabbed Elliot herself. "You're such a brat. We take you in. Feed you. Shelter you. In return, you bite us, kill our men, and act completely selfish with that little bitch!" She cursed at him.
David found Ellie as she reached for a knife, til David kicked her hard in the stomach. "I knew you two had heart. Y'know, it's okay to give up. Ain't no shame in it. I guess not. Just not your style, is it?"
"Y'know, David, I wanna have fun with him. I wanna make it last." Darla sickly grinned as her eyes wondered up and down Elliot's body, her hand holding his throat as her other caressed his right side. Elliot was reaching over to a brick on a nearby table. "I really wanted to have you all to myself, David would've ignored you if you hadn't gone and screwed it up."
David kicked Ellie down again, before crawling on top of her back and pinning her down. "You can try beggin'." He said as turned her over; Darla shoved and slammed Elliot on the table and started to strangle him.
"Fuck you!" Elliot hissed. "You think you know us? Huh? Well, let me tell you somethin'. You have no idea what we're capable of." Ellie managed to reach and grab the machete before hacking it into David's arm. Darla looked behind her and gasped as Ellie started to crawls on top of him to slash him more. Before Darla could look back, the brick smashed against the side of her skull.
Knocking her down and making her dazed before Elliot kicked her face and straddled her—bringing the edge of the brick down onto her face, again, and again, again, and again. Breaking and shattering her nose, forehead, teeth, and more. "Ellie! Elliot! Stop. Stop!" Joel yelled, Y/n pulled Elliot off of Darla and dragged him away as he kicked a screamed. Joel did the same to Ellie as she struggled to get out of his arms.
"No! Don't fucking touch me!", "We'll fucking kill you!" They screamed in a panic. Y/n turned Elliot around and held his face. "Hey! Hey! Stop it! It's me! Look at me!" Y/n yelled to him. "Shhh. Shhh." Joel hushed both the kids as they still tried to move away. "No-!", "It's okay. It's me, it's us. Look, look. It's us." Joel said to Ellie. The teens stopped struggling as they finally realized who was there with them.
"He—She- They tried to-" Ellie stuttered as Joel pulled her in to embrace her shaking body. Elliot whimpered before holding onto Y/n tightly, hiding his face in her chest as he started to cry. Y/n held his head and whispered: "Baby boy. . . You're okay. . . It's okay, we're here. . ."
"Oh, baby girl. . . It's okay, it's okay." Joel muttered to Ellie, he looked to Elliot who slightly peeked over Y/n's arms and cried as he saw Joel. "Joel." He whimpered as he quickly stumbled towards him to hug him as well. Ellie looked to Y/n as she stepped closer and knelt beside her, Ellie launched herself onto her body and hugged her. "Y/n. . ." She sobbed. "It's okay now." Joel said to them.
The adults held their faces and made them look at each other, telling them how they needed to leave and get Max, adding that they'll be okay. Y/n helped Ellie up and Joel helped Elliot up, both holding the teens near to their sides as they leave the restaurant, letting the bodies burn in the fire.
Joel opened the door and ran towards the stairs, "Max! C'mon on down! We're back, we gotta leave!" Joel said, Y/n led the teens to sit on the old couch and cleaned their faces as she glanced at the stairs. "Max!" She yelled. A small whine came from a nearby closet and opened—the small light brown headed girl ran straight into Y/n's legs and began to cry as she hugged her.
"Joel! She's here!" Y/n said as she picked up Max and held her, "Baby? Max, what happened? Why weren't you upstairs? Hey, hey, don't cry." She whispered while cleaning her tears. Joel walked to the girls and brushed back Max's hair to look at her, "What's this? Max, where'd you get this from?" Joel asked her when he saw a red bruise forming on Max's frail cheek.
She choked on her sobs and reached for Joel's shoulders to hug him, squeezing her legs around his sides and holding him close while burying her head into Joel's neck, still crying and shaking. Y/n looked at the stairs and carpet, seeing drops of blood and empty bullet shells. "She used the gun, Joel. . ." Y/n muttered as she looked at Joel. "We needa leave." He sighed. "We can find a different house than this, rest up, and leave in the morning."
"Alright." He replied, "I'll keep watch."
Spring had finally arrived, Y/n and Joel were both healed from their wounds—only their scars remained on their sides; Elliot and Ellie were both zoning out as Max held onto Joel and Y/n's hands—jumping and leaping with a smile on her small face; Y/n was heading towards Salt Lake City via an old turnpike. The distracted teens were staring a deer painting on a wall. "Kids! Did you hear us?" Joel said as Max and Y/n looked at them. "No. . . What?" Ellie asked.
"Look. Hospital. This is where we go." Y/n said as Max giggled. "Let's go, kiddos." Joel said before pulling Max up onto his side, she laughed when he prodded at her side.
Y/n walked and searched the abandoned cars for any supplies as Joel spoke to the kids. "Heh. Feel that breeze, huh? I tell you, on a day like this, I'd just sit on my porch, pick away at my six string."
"Hm, I remember that. . . You used to play for me." Y/n reminded him, "You'd always make me sing and teach me how to play sometimes. . ."
Joel chuckled at the fond memory of Y/n complaining that her fingers hurt from the strings, "Yeah, once we're done with this whole thing, I'm gonna teach y'all how to play guitar. Yeah, I reckon you'd really like that. Whaddya say, huh? Ellie, Elliot, I'm talkin' to you." He said. "Huh? Oh, yeah, sure." Ellie said.
"That sounds great." Elliot added while following the adults. Max picked up a few knick knacks lingering on the ground and started to fiddle with them as she skipped onwards with joy. "You never told me why you're deliverin' them." Joel said to Y/n as they walked. She held the strap of her backpack while moving forward, "Marlene said that their mother was there waiting for them. . . I guess I felt. . . Obligated? I dunno, just. . . It felt like I have to take them back to their mom. . . I don't know if it's the guilt or something but. . . Marlene also said she'd repay me for what she did. . . I just hope it's worth it." Y/n said.
"What did Marlene do?" Joel asked, she turned and looked at him with a woeful grin. ". . . I'll tell you later." She muttered before looking at a sign, "Look at that. Another city, another abandoned QZ. There's the hospital. Come on, kids."
Soon enough, they all hop the over QZ gate and entered a bus terminal, "This is one of the short ways, but we have to be careful." Y/n warned them. "Maybe we cut through here, huh?" Joel suggested before Y/n tipped her head towards the teens behind them who were silent. Joel turned and was curious himself. "Everything all right with you two?" He asked.
"Yeah, we're fine." Ellie said. "Y'all just kinda seem extra quiet today." Joel added. "Oh, sorry." Elliot apologized. "No, it's not. . . it's fine." He sighed.
Y/n looked up to the balcony and groaned when she saw the ladder up there. "How many times is Marcus going to leave that up there?" She mumbled. "Here, lemme help. Here we go." Joel said as he prepared himself into a boost position. Y/n shook her head and glanced at a old chest buried under some planks. "Hold on, Joel." She said before running towards it. She removed the planks and opened the chest, seeing a red climbing axe. "Yes. . ." She muttered as she picked it up, glancing at the kids who were still quiet while Max giggled with Joel.
"Ellie. Elliot." She said. "What?" They both answered. "I'm gonna get the ladder, get over here."
"Right. . ." Ellie mumbled. Y/n ran and jumped on the wall, hooking the axe into the surface and pulling herself up and climbing onto the ledge. She grabbed the ladder and set it down for the rest, she stood and turned her head. "Holy—kids, you gotta hurry up and see this!" She gasped.
"Okay?" Elliot muttered as he and Ellie both climbed up before their eyes grew wide, Joel set Max on the ladder and climbed up after her, "Oh my god. Whoa!" The teens said as they run off. "What is it? Ellie? Elliot!" Joel yelled. "Oh. . . you gotta see this, Joel!" Ellie said. Y/n grabbed Joel's hand and pulled him up the rest of the way, Max squeaked as she followed her older brother.
"What is it? I don't see anything. . . What the hell is-?", Are you kidding me? C'mon, hurry up!" Elliot smiled as he ran off. He and Y/n follow and finally see what's got them so wide-eyed: a wild giraffe roaming around.
"What in the Sam Hill?" Joel mumbled as Y/n chuckled at his reaction. "Whoa. You see this?" Elliot said with a flabbergasted smile. They find another giraffe eating right by a hole in the building as they entered another room. Joel looked at Y/n who was grinning at the sight of wildlife before he started to slowly step towards the animal. "Shhh. . . don't scare it." Ellie whispered.
"I won't. . .I won't. . ." He said as he goes to pet it. "What are you doing?!" Elliot hissed. "It's alright. C'mere, c'mere. Hurry up, c'mon. Go on." He said, Max was the first to follow Joel as he took her small hand and had her reach up to graze the side of the giraffe's large face. Ellie and Elliot close behind soon after Y/n approached them. "Hey there." Elliot muttered.
"So fucking cool. Aw, where's it off to?" Ellie asked. "Here, c'mon. . . Let's go. Come on." Elliot smiled as he grabbed Ellie's wrist and ran after the giraffe. "Slow down, kids!" Y/n groaned.
"Hurry up. C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!" Ellie said. Y/n and Joel ran with Max as they reached the rooftop where the teens remained. From the roof, they saw the old zoo and a whole herd of giraffes.
"Oh man. . . wow. Look at those things. . ." Ellie said to Elliot as he watched. "So. . . this everything you two were hoping for?" Joel asked them. "It's got its ups and downs, but. . . you can't deny the view though." Ellie said. "You always liked giraffes, didn't you, Elliot?" Y/n inquired. "Yeah. . . Closest thing that looks related to a brachiosaurus. . ." Elliot grinned.
"A what?" Ellie asked. "A brachiosaurus. . . Those dinosaurs with the long necks?" Elliot said. Ellie shrugged her shoulders as he sighed, "Nevermind." They continued to just watch the giraffes before they head onwards. Joel stopped at a door and let his eyes wander and find Y/n's as she watched him with uncertainty.
He looked at the kids as she crossed her arms. "We don't have to do this. . . You all know that, right?" He said. "What's the other option?" Ellie asked. "We go back to Tommy's. All of us. Just. . . be done with this whole damn thing." Joel suggested, Y/n lifted her head and looked at him while Max held onto her hand, her eyes glimmered with hope.
"But. . . After all we've been though. Everything that we've done. It can't be for nothing." Elliot said. "Look, we know you mean well. . . but there's no halfway with this. Once we're done, we'll go wherever you old two want. Okay?" Ellie grinned at the adults. Y/n chuckled and shook her head. "I'm not leaving without one of you stuck at my side." Y/n said.
"Well, I ain't leavin' without any of ya as well, so let's go wrap this up." Joel added with a grin. Y/n led them out and they exit the terminal and into the old QZ processing area. Max smiled while running around.
"Well, this place takes me back." Joel said while Y/n walked into an old tent. "How so?" Elliot asked. "It was right after everything went down. Me and Y/n ended up in a triage just like this. . . Man, everywhere you looked, you just. . . saw families torn apart. The whole damn world seemed to have turned upside—down in a blink." Joel explained. "I remember seeing a girl sobbing her little eyes out when her father was dragged out of the QZ, poor guy was infected." Y/n added while walking out of the tent.
"Is that after you lost your kids?" Ellie wondered. "Yes, it was. . ." Joel said as Y/n looked at him. "I. . . can't imagine losing someone you love like that. Losing everything that you know. I'm sorry, Joel and Y/n." "That's okay, Ellie." Joel said. "I know they're somewhere better now." Elliot added. "Thank you, Elliot." Y/n murmured.
"Oh, hey, guys. We got somethin' for you. Here. Maria showed me this to me and I, uh. . . I stole it. I hope you don't mind." Ellie said as she reached into Elliot's bag and pulled out three separate photos. She gives one of the pictures of him and Sarah at her soccer game to Joel. Elliot grabbed one and handed it to Y/n, the picture of Noah and her at his basketball game.
Max held the last one and handed it to the both of them: a picture of Sarah, Noah, Joel and Y/n together when he proposed to her. Y/n felt the ache in her heart when she saw the memories in front of her, but she felt the remembrance of herself and Joel in a heartwarming way—softening the ache of her heart with fond and beautiful memories.
Joel sighed as he looked at the family photo of him and Y/n with their kids. "Well, no matter how hard you try, I guess you can't escape your past. Thank you, you three." He said. Y/n smiled and nodded her head at them before Max reached up to her shirt and made her pick her up. But Ellie and Elliot both wore smirks as they glanced at each other, "Great, now what?" Y/n sighed.
"We already know who decided to get engaged with that old man." Ellie snickered as Elliot covered his mouth to avoid laughing. Joel rolled his eyes as he turned away, "Oh, c'mon Joel!" Ellie laughed. "Oh great." Y/n grumbled as she followed Joel.
They cleared the QZ and entered an abandoned traffic tunnel. "This time it's gonna be different. I just know it." Ellie muttered. "What do you mean?" Elliot asked. "They're gonna be there—the Fireflies, I mean. I'm sure of it." Ellie said.
Ellie and Joel gasped when they see a sea of infected in the tunnel, all of them ducked out of sight. "Oh, shit." Joel muttered. "Holy shit!" Ellie muttered. "Shh, quiet, I know a way out of here. We can avoid the infected, but the bad news is: there's a huge current."
"Oh my god. There's so many of them." Ellie continued. "Whatever we can do to avoid those things!" Elliot whispered. "Let's just follow Y/n." Joel said to the kids. She went her own way and found another private entrance into a hidden tunnel; they hopped over a trailer and towards a flooded portion. "Watch your step. That water is pretty deep." Y/n warned them all as she started to cross the strong rushing water.
"Hey, that's what we can do once we're done!" Ellie said. What's that?" questioned Joel. "You can teach us how to swim." She smiled. "You got it." Joel said. "Yeah, you all need it." Y/n teased.
Joel followed Y/n and they both swam ahead in the water, "Where on the other side!" Y/n said. "Cool. Drop that ladder down for us!" Elliot said. "Alright, hold on." Joel added as Y/n positioned the ladder. "Just stick to the edge. It's shallow here." Y/n said.
"Oh, it's freezing!" Ellie shuddered. Y/n continued to find stable footing around the flooded area, slowly making her way across, soon enough they see Saint Mary's Hospital nearby. "Hey, look. There it is!" Elliot pointed out. "Just stay put." Joel said as Y/n swam around to find a pallet for the kids, "Joel, come help."
They continued to move towards another flooded tunnel that has a even faster-moving current. "Shit." Elliot muttered. "Oh no." Ellie whispered, Joel picked Max up before Y/n jumped across a gap. Joel and Max behind her. "Okay. Come on—jump." Joel said as he and Y/n waited with open hands. "You're gonna catch us?" Ellie asked with uncertainty.
"We got you." Y/n said. Ellie was the first to jump, making it on her own. "See? You didn't even need us." Joel said before Elliot looked at them. "Oh fuck.", "Come on, Elliot! You can do it." Ellie smiled. He backed up before running and jumping, grabbing onto Joel and Y/n's hand just in case. "Scaredy cat-", "Shut up, Ellie." Elliot growled, "Let's get the hell off this thing."
The bus they're walking suddenly started to shake from the rushing current. "Oh shit!" The teens yelled. "Oh shit! Kids—Kids, move! Oh shit, I got it!" Joel shouted. Y/n shoved Max towards the teens to catch just as the surface started to break under the adults weight. "Y/n!? Joel?! Here, c'mon!" They screamed
The shifting bus knocks Joel into Y/n and she fell inside of it, he turned and tried to grab her hand but it was too late. "Joel!" Y/n gasped. "Son of a bitch! Aw, shit!" Joel growled when he jumped in to get her. "Joel, wait!!" The teens shouted before the water grew stronger.
The current pinned Y/n firm against the windows as Joel held onto the poles and pulled himself closer as he reached for her hand. Ellie and Elliot jumped back onto the bus, attempting to kick open the doors of the bus. "We made it! We fucking made it! Okay! Open, you piece of shit!!" Ellie cursed. Elliot jumped and kicked the doors open, hitting the half-drowning adults in the heads and face. "C'mon, let's get you—Oh shit, oh shit!" They both said over each other.
"Kids, give her your hands before-!" But Joel couldn't finish his sentence when the bus finally gave in—turning and sending all four underwater. The current thrashed against their bodies as Max watched from above with panic, chasing after them in the dangerous current.
Climbing and jumping over the gaps and almost falling. The teens were dragged underneath the water, Y/n swam towards them and Joel followed. They spotted the two unconscious in the water, they swam with more power and speed towards them. Ellie was grabbed by Joel and Elliot was pulled up by Y/n. They dragged their unconscious bodies to the surface and set them on their backs. Y/n coughed as she listened to their breathing, "Joel! Joel, they're not breathing! Fuck! Chest compressions!" She said as she started to perform CPR on Elliot, Joel copied her moves and started on Ellie.
"C'mon." He growled—Y/n flipped Elliot to his side which caused him to weakly cough up water before lying him back down. "C'mon, Elliot. . . Come on". She hissed as she kept going. "C'mon. . . c'mon. . . C'mon. . .c'mon. . ." Joel whispered. "Joel, Joel! Where's Max!?" Y/n gasped as she continued the chest compressions. "Oh shit-", "Hands in the air!" Two guards shouted as they approached the four.
"C'mon. They're not breathing!" Joel argued as he and Y/n kept going. "Hands in the fucking air!"
"Come on, kids!" Y/n begged. Joel continued CPR until the man knocked him out with the butt of his rifle. Y/n yelled Joel's name and grabbed her climbing axe before hacking it into the guard's knee—until the second guard knocked her out.
~thirteen years ago~
A year had passed Y/n, she adapted to the Jaguars rules and schedules. Had her first patrol, learned more than ever, and enjoyed Nica and Fernando's company. She was in her quarters with Nica as she braided Y/n's hair into two French braids.
"So. . . I see you working up, Fernando~" Nica purred as looked at Y/n in the mirror. "Shut up. Fernando isn't like that-", "Uh huh, I see how he looks at you. Hell, he treats you ten times more respectful than me! And I've been here longer than you."
Y/n rolled her eyes as Nica giggled, "Maybe it's time for you to move on from your ex-fiancee, and hop onto lovely Fernando." She purred. Y/n nudged her side as she relaxed in her seat, "I'm good. . . I don't feel like dating anymore. . ."
"Huh, didn't take you for a one night stand, girl-", "No! I'm not like that either." She sighed, "Fernando is a nice guy, but. . . I'm just done. . . No one night stands, no hookups, no friends with benefits. . . I just want it to be done. I just want a normal friend."
Nica nodded her head as she finished braiding her hair. "You look nice with braided hair." Nica stood back and smiled at her as she zipped up her jacket. "What kind of jacket is that?" Y/n asked. "A military one, has this cover sewn inside, pretty handy when I'm trying to hide my face from Hunters. Has pockets inside, extra heat just in case you're stuck in the snow, or it keeps you cool during the summer." She grinned.
"Shit. . . I need that thing." Y/n said. "Over my dead body, this is the second one left.", "Who has the other one?", "Jeremy." she smiled. Y/n stood and walked to her bed, slipping off her shirt and grabbing a different one. "We have today's patrol, and when we're done, maybe I'll think about finding you one of these." Nica added while tying on her boots.
". . . Fine." Y/n chuckled. "Great, let's go." Nica smiled while dragging Y/n to the doors. "Tonight, I really want to drink some coffee. . ." Y/n groaned. "You gotta hold on then, maybe Fernando's daughter has some." Nica said.
"Fernando has a daughter?" Y/n asked. "Yeah, he keeps her away, also hides his coffee with her as well." Nica answered, "She's probably fifteen or fourteen, depends. But he still treats her like a little girl.", "Why does he hide her?" Y/n inquired.
Nica shrugged her shoulders as they walked, "Maybe outta love and parental protection." She grinned
Y/n groaned as she groggily opened her eyes, seeing the light and bright ceiling as she slowly woke herself up. "Welcome. . ." She heard someone say. Y/n growled as she sat up to look at her, "Sorry about those guards knocking you down. . . Didn't know who you were." A woman said. Y/n's eyes looked over to the woman, wearing a white tank top with a sweater tied around her hips. She had light brown hair, down to her mid-back, the similar hazel eyes that reminded her of Max's irises. She also had Elliot's nose. . .
"You traveled. . . All this way. . . Just to bring my kids back to me." She whispered as she sat down in a chair. Y/n sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed her eyes, "Yeah. . . Guess I did, but I wasn't alone. They helped, the man and the other girl."
"Right, Ellie. . . She has my sister's spirit in her." The woman said. "Your sister?" Y/n muttered. The woman looked at her with a melancholy grin, "Anna Williams is my sister, we were twins. . . I got pregnant a year before her, I had Elliot. Then she had Ellie soon after, named her after my son for fun before she passed. . . Then a few years later, I had Max. . . We were both blessed with children, immune to this virus. . ." She grinned.
"Max and Elliot. . . Are Ellie's-?", "Cousins, yes. They were separated because Marlene thought it'd be safer if they were all huddled together, plus I was moved to a different QZ." She said, "I never introduced myself, I'm Amy Williams." Y/n nodded her head and sighed. "Max, where is she-?", "She's fine. They found her, she's here now.", "Ellie and Elliot-?", "They brought them back. Now, about the deal with Marlene-", "No. . . I don't. . . Forget it." She muttered.
Y/n sighed and looked at the door, "Lead me to them then-", "You don't need to worry anymore, we're taking care of-", "I'm worried, just. . . please." Y/n said. Amy chewed her inner cheek as she exhaled with regret. "They're being prepped for surgery."
Y/n stared at her with confusion. "The fuck do you mean surgery?" She growled. ". . . The doctors told me that the cordyceps, the growth inside her, Max, and Elliot, has somehow mutated even more. It's why they're immune. Once they take it, they'll be able to reverse-engineer a cure. A damn cure to end all of this." Amy explained.
Y/n scoffed and crossed her arms, "The infected grows over the brain." She added. "I know. . ." Amy muttered. Y/n's brow arched as she clenched her fists. "Find somebody else-", "There is nobody else-", "You're their fucking mother! Her aunt! You're going to let them kill your own children, your own flesh and blood just for a damn cure?! You're not a mother, a mother wouldn't let her children be sacrificed for other selfish bastards in the world. The Fireflies will just use the cure against everyone else I bet!" Y/n yelled at her. "Does it look like I want to do this? This isn't about me, or you, or anyone, this is for the world and humanities survival!" Amy argued back. "Fuck humanities survival!" Y/n snapped.
Y/n stood and walked to her, "You're going to fucking show me-!" Amy pulled out her gun and aimed it at her. "This hurts me. It really does. I said my goodbyes, and now I have to go through with it. For the future." Amy said as she slowly lowered her gun, "Someone's going to escort you out. And don't even try anything." Amy warned her before a guard ran to the door.
"What?" Amy growled. "It's the small one, she got away. She's running around in the hospital! We can't find her." He snapped. Amy huffed as she ran out, "Take her out of here. If she tries anything. . . Shoot her." She ran off.
Joel suddenly gasped as he wakes up in a hospital bed. Seeing Marlene sitting at his bedside. "Welcome to the Fireflies. Sorry about the. . . They didn't know who you two were." Marlene said to him.
"And the kids? Y/n?" Joel asked. "They're alright. They brought them back and found Max. You came all this way. . . How'd you do it?" Marlene replied. "It was her. . . Y/n. . . She and the kids fought like hell to get here. Maybe it was meant to be." Joel muttered as he sat up correctly.
"I lost most of my crew crossing the country. I pretty much lost everything. And then you and her show up and somehow we find you just in time to save those kids. Maybe it was meant to be." Marlene grinned.
"Take me to them." Joel said. "You don't have to worry about them anymore. We'll take care of-", "I worry. Just let me see them, please." Joel cut in.
Marlene stayed silent until she answered: "You can't. They're being prepped for surgery."
"The hell you mean, surgery?" Joel huffed. "The doctors tell me that the cordyceps, the growth inside her, has somehow mutated. It's why she's immune. Once they remove it, they'll be able to reverse-engineer a vaccine. A vaccine." She said as she stood up.
"But it grows all over the brain." Joel reminded her. ". . .It does." Marlene whispered. "Find someone else." Joel snarled. "There is no one else.", "Listen, you are gonna show me where-!" When Joel stood and walked to Marlene, her guard knocked him down to his knees.
"Stop. I get it. But whatever it is you think you're going through right now, it is nothing compared to what I have been through. I knew them since they were born. I promised her mother and her sister that I would look after them." Marlene said. "Then why are you letting this happen?" Joel questioned her. "Because this isn't about me. Or even them. There is no other choice here." Marlene snapped.
Joel sighed as he sat on the ground with his arm resting on his perched knee. "Yeah. . .you keep telling yourself that bullshit." He growled.
Marlene glared at him, "March him outta here. He tries anything, shoot him. Don't waste this gift, Joel." She then leaves the room, right into Amy. "Max is hiding somewhere, we have to find her.", "Fuck." Marlene sighed as she and Amy ran off.
"Get up. . . I said get up." The guard said to Joel, pointing his gun at him. Joel slowly stood and started to walk towards the door, until he stopped. "Go on. Move. I said move. . . . Gimme an excuse." The guard said.
"Which way?" The guard pointed to the side, continuing to walk on as he passed his and Y/n's backpacks. "What the fuck you doin'? Keep walking. I said keep walking-!" Joel hit the gun away from his head and overpowered the guard before pinning him to the wall. "Where is the operating room? I ain't got time for this." He shot the guard in the stomach and questioned him again, "Where?" He shoots him again, "Where?"
"Top floor. The far end." Y/n cut in before shooting the guard in the head for Joel. He dropped the body as she grabbed and tossed him his bag. "We have to go. Right now." She said. "Gunshots! Search the floor!" A Firefly yelled.
"Oh shit." Joel muttered before grabbing Y/n's hand and leading her to hide in a different place as the guards came searching. Y/n didn't hold back from attacking the Fireflies, slitting their throats open with her knife before shooting another down. She followed behind Joel and made sure to watch out for her as she used her axe to hook it into their throats.
The two jumped and climbed over desks, sliding into the doors and blockading it with more hospital beds. "That should give us some time." Joel muttered. Y/n and Joel turned around when they heard tiny sobs coming from a closed cabinet. She approached it and opened it, seeing a huddled Maxine sobbing as she covered her head.
"Joel! Max is here!" Y/n gasped, Max sniffled before jumping into her arms and crying, Joel approached and hugged Max. "Baby girl." He mumbled, she let out a small and frail high pitched squeal as she cried. "It's okay, baby, it's okay. We have to get your brother and Ellie, okay?" She asked her.
Max nodded and clutched onto Y/n as Joel and her both looked around for the surgery room. "Over there!" Y/n said as she started towards the hospital room. Joel was the first to open the door, Y/n set Max down behind her: seeing Elliot and Ellie is knocked out on the surgery tables.
"Sweet Jesus." Joel whispered.
"Doctor?" A nurse gasped. "What're you doing here?" The doctor asked, he ran to the small table and grabbed a scalpel before holding against the adults, "I won't let you take them. This is our future. Think of all the lives we'll save. . ." He said, Y/n and Joel both stared at the doctor.
Stalking closer as Y/n pulled out her gun and shot the doctor straight through the stomach—he yelled when he collapsed, Joel punched him and continued until he fell unconscious. "No! You fucking animals!" A nurse screamed. "Kari, shut the hell up!" The second warned as he stayed away. "Please. I don't wanna die." She begged.
Joel helped Y/n disconnects the tubes from the teens, she lifted Ellie and he picked up Elliot. "Come on, baby boy. I gotcha. . . Oh shit. Get back!" Joel said as Max ran to them, Y/n nudged the back door open and they all made their escape. Running down the halls and through the obstacles away from the guards. Max ran to the elevator and pointed back at the Fireflies running after the pair. But they eventually make it to the elevator safely. "C'mon, c'mon." Joel muttered as Max clicked the button repeatedly.
"Hey! Stop!" A guard shouted as the lift started to move. "Oh fuck." Y/n whispered as the doors shut and it started to descend. Joel rested his head on the wall as Max hid by the corner of the elevator. Y/n's gun fell from her hands as she held onto Ellie, Max picked it up and handed it to her. "I can't hold it right now, baby. . . Hold it for me, okay?" She whispered. Max gulped and nodded her head with glossing tears.
The elevator stopped and the doors open, he and Y/n both get out in the lower parking garage. Max reached up and pressed the elevator stop button. "Okay. Come on, come on." Y/n said before she and Joel froze when Marlene and Amy both aimed their guns at them.
"You can't save her or him, or Max. Even if you get them out of here, then what? How long before Max and Ellie are torn to pieces by a pack of clickers? That is if they haven't been raped and murdered first. Unlike one of you." Marlene said as she looked at Y/n.
"Keep your mouth shut." Y/n growled. "That ain't for you to decide." Joel hissed at Marlene. "It's what they'd want. And you know it. Look. . ." She said as she started to lower her gun. Amy looked at her with shock as she held up her gun still. "Put it down, Amy—", "No.", "Amy-", "I said no-", "Put the fucking gun down now!" Marlene yelled at her.
Amy complied and lowered her gun as Marlene spoke, "You can still do the right thing here. They won't feel anything." Marlene whispered.
"It's their purpose. . . They're alive just for this. To die and save us. Isn't that what we want?" Amy added, "They need to die for us. . . To save us all."
Joel was driving out of the town, Max was awake as she watched the windows, Ellie and Elliot both slowly waking up beside her. "What the hell am I wearing?" Ellie groaned. "I hate dresses." Elliot murmured.
"Just take it easy you two. . . The drugs are still wearing off." Y/n said to them as she adjusted herself in her seat.
"What happened?" Elliot sighed as he rubbed his eyes.
Joel looked to Y/n and they glanced at Max who was watching them through the review mirror. "We found the Fireflies. . . Turns out there's a whole lot more like you three. People that are immune." Joel said. Y/n looked at the window as she started to speak, "You're mother wasn't there either. . . Turns out she was one of the immune people, that's how it passed to you. . . They tried making a cure outta her but. . . It failed just like all the others."
"There's dozens actually. Ain't done a damn bit of good either. They've actually st—They've stopped looking for a cure. I'm taking us all home. We're sorry. . ." Joel said.
Back in the parking garage. Marlene lowers her gun, but Joel shoots her in the stomach. Amy yelled as she raised her gun and aimed at Joel before she was shot in the chest, she gasped and held her wound as she slowly crumbled to the floor. The adults both looked down between them to see Max holding the pistol in her trembling hands, the smoke still flowing from the barrel of the gun.
She let the gun slip from her hands and on the ground, Y/n re-adjusted Elliot in her arms and reached to grab Max's hand, leading her and Joel towards a truck. They both sat Ellie and Elliot against each other comfortably, Max was lifted in and set beside them. "Stay here. . ." Joel said to her. Y/n tapped his arm and looked at Marlene and Amy both gasping.
He shut the door and followed Y/n to the weak bodies on the floor. "Wait! Let us go. . . Please." Marlene begged. Amy reached up towards Y/n with weak eyes as she glared down at her. Y/n watched Joel and he watched her as they both held their guns in their hands and glared at the two.
"You'd just come after them."
They continued to drive on as the adults remained quiet, Y/n looked back at the sleeping three before back at Joel. "They look comfortable." She whispered. "Yeah. . . They do." Joel muttered, he sighed and pulled the car over into a garage. "You want me to drive?" She asked. "No. . . Can we talk?" He mumbled, Y/n nodded her head and he got out of the car shutting the garage door. She followed behind him and quietly shut her car door.
"Joel, what's wrong-? Fuck. . . You're not bit, are you-?"
"No, I'm not. . . It's. . . I wanted to talk to you. Only you, about. . . us." He said as he entered the old house, it was empty and cleared already. "About us?" Y/n muttered as she followed him. He entered the upstairs level and opened a door to scavenge for any useful items as she followed him.
"I miss you, Y/n." Joel said.
". . . I'm right here, cowboy." She chuckled awkwardly. "No. . . I miss you." He repeated as he walked closer to her holding the sides of her face as he looked into her eyes. ". . . I love you, Y/n." Y/n looked at him with a slight anxious sense, she shook her head and backed away while holding her face with her hands as she sighed.
"Don't do this. . ." She muttered. "Do what? Tell you that I love you-?", "Joel-", "When I finally got to hold you again, I never wanted to let you go. When I kissed you, and when you kissed me, I wanted more, Y/n. This entire time, all those months, I've wanted you even more than I ever have." She kept shaking her head as she held her hair, "Don't. Don't. Joel, don't say anything you'll regret."
"I don't regret saying that I love you.", "Joel." She groaned as she turned away, "We can't. This can't happen."
"Why not?", "Because we can't go through that again. I can't go through it again.", "Through what?" He inquired as he held the loop of his jeans. "Getting over us. . . Every time I tried to sleep, I couldn't stop thinking of you. Or Sarah. Or N-. . . I can't do that again. For fifteen years, Joel, I've been trying to forget about everything from before. . . Then I saw you, and when we. . . My mind always flies back to you and Tess. . ." She clenched the sleeves of her jacket as she shut her eyes, "And I know, I know that if this starts again, it'll just lead to more pain. Me and you can't handle more of that. . . We can't. We have them now. . . Whatever we had. . . It's gone." She said.
~Y/n pov~
I didn't want to hurt Joel, nor did I want to reject him. I wanted him, I wanted him so badly, but I knew what it could lead to. Distrust, arguments, fights, and worse. I can't stand walking away from him again. "I don't know what else to say." I sighed, he didn't speak, but I heard his steps. I turned to face him, but stopped when his big arms gently wrapped around my waist.
"Joel, we-", "I know. . . But, let's just remember how it was, just for tonight. . . Then we'll stop and go our separate ways, like we both said at the beginning of this." His southern drawl was husky, just like I remembered it, deeper and rough just how I liked it. A shocked sigh left me when he kissed my neck, fuck, just feeling his beard softly brush against my skin made me squeeze my thighs together.
"Ngh—Joel." I whispered, feeling his arms grow tight around my waist as his kisses traveled up my neck and behind my ear as his hands grazed my stomach and slid up my body towards my jacket zipper, slowly pulling it down and removing my jacket off my arms. "Tell me what you want, like you always did." He said as he pulled me back into his broad and musclar chest, gasping as he nipped my earlobe and let his breath glaze over my skin. "Joel~" I mumbled, he turned me around and held my face in his calloused hands. I let out a shuddering breath as I saw his eyes glance at my lips then back at my eyes, without thinking, I just tipped my head as a response. And he knew my responses better than anyone, he pressed his lips on mine and kissed me.
He slowly walked me to the wall as he continued to kiss me with tongue and hold my body close to his. He swallowed my weak moans as he pushed his larger thigh between my own, I grabbed his arms and squeezed his biceps before sliding them up to his shoulders and to his neck. My hips rolled against his thigh for friction, he groaned when I brushed against his erection that was strained against his jeans. "How do you want me, doll? C'mon, tell me." He growled into my ear as he grinded up against my body.
I bit my lip while whimpering into his shoulder. "W-We should—Ah-!" He covered my mouth when I moaned too loudly, he took my hand and led me to the bed and laid me down. "Tell me, sweetheart." He grumbled into my neck. "Like this." I mewled before taking his lips and messily unbuttoning his shirt, I was growing frustrated by the buttons but his hands stopped mine. "Not yet." He said—placing another kiss on my cheek before lowering onto his knees, his fingers worked the zipper of my jeans—he slid them down my thighs and down my ankles, removing my shoes along with my pants.
His eyes locked on me before kissing my abdomen, my back arched forward as his hands pushed my shirt up even more. I grabbed it and slid it off my head, letting my hand comb through his pepper and salt colored hair. "Joel." I whined. I felt his breath blow over my Jaguar scar before he gently kissed it, "If I didn't say what I said that day. . . This wouldn't be here." He whispered as he continued to kiss my navel before hooking his fingers into my briefs before sliding them down my thighs.
"J-Joel, what're you doing down th-ERE!" I moaned—my thighs quaked as I clenched them around his head, my fingers combing through his hair as my hips grinded into his face. I've missed this. Oh shit! I fucking needed this.
"Joel~ It's been so long—Oh shit! G-Gonna cum~" I gasped. His groan sent vibrations up my body, his tongue prodding at my wet slit as he watched me with those starving eyes. "Right there!" I cried, my orgasm was shattering my reality, my back lifted off the mattress as he continued to suck my clit, he nipped at my labia; I could feel his smug grin against my thighs as he kissed his way up my abdomen and to my breasts.
His rough hands groped them as his lips sucked and kissed each one, I held his head there while my hips lifted up to roll against his erection. I pulled his hair and pushed him over on his back, "Let's see if I remember how to do this." I said as I undid his belt and unzipped his pants, I slid between his legs and spread them apart more for space. I pulled them down just enough to let his cock spring out from his own briefs, I practically gulped at the sight.
I forgot how huge Joel was over the years, that vein on the side of his cock was more prominent, strong and thicker. I gently held his cock and started to slowly pump his length in my hand, I heard Joel hold back his groan when I kissed the head of his length. "Fuck, you're huge, Joel." I whispered—licking a stripe from base to the tip—taking more of him into my mouth. Using my salvia to moisten his cock.
I took more of him deeper down my throat, my memory getting back to me as I thought of the other times I'd randomly surprise Joel with a blowjob. When he came back from his job, in the shower, in the bed in the mornings, or late at night, in his truck, or in a bathroom at an old bar years ago.
I was always the risk taker in our old relationship. I grazed my teeth against his rock hard cock and swirled my tongue around the tip, tasting the precum. I missed that taste, he gently removed me from him and held my neck to kiss me. I cupped the side of his face, his beard brushed through my fingers in such a satisfying way. His hands held my waist and lifted me onto his lap; he moved and lifted his hips halfway to push down his jeans.
"I love you." He whispered against my lips, I whined his name in a whisper when I felt his cock rubbing against my soaked folds. Joel lifted me in his arms and gently turned us around, laying me back on the bed. My head rested on the pillows as he spread my legs, laying over me before kissing and sucking on my shoulders. "Joel." I whimpered.
He brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked on them for a second before lowering his hand down between us, I felt his finger gently push into my cunt. It felt tight and foreign to me now. I hissed when he slowly pushed his second finger inside of me, "Fuck!" He kissed my cheek and distracted me from the burning feeling.
"It's okay, I got you, doll." He whispered to me. "Joel, Joel." I muttered as he kissed my breasts. "Just look at me." He said, I opened my eyes and watched his. I slowly lifted my hand and held his face, pulling him down to kiss me—feeling his cock beginning to push against me. A grunt came from my clenched teeth as he started to add pressure. "It's okay. . . I'll go slow. . . Just how you like it at first. . . Slow." He reassured me.
My legs caressed the sides of his waist and thighs, wrapping around his body as pulling him closer, he stopped me from adding more force as he looked into my eyes. "Slow and steady." He whispered. "Fuck slow and steady, Joel. . . I've been waiting for twenty years to have some sort of release, waiting for you. . . Because I never trusted any other man besides you." I confessed as I shut my eyes, feeling him rest his head on mine.
". . . No one but me?" Joel muttered. "No Man but you." I whispered.
With that, he breached my inner walls, a wanton moan flowed from my mouth as he hugged my body. His warmth was pressed against mine, our legs tangled together. "Yes, come on, Joel, fuck me." I mumbled into his lips, his tongue twisted and turned with mine as he coiled back his hips and thrusted.
A grunt coming from him as he held the headboard, "Damn, sweetheart~ Fuckin' forgot how tight you were—Oh shit." He groaned. Gasping and holding his shoulders as he started to get into a familiar rhythm, pumping his cock in then out of me.
The pain faded and the pleasure began to seep through, his length reaching into deeper parts of me as I winced. "Joel." I mewled, dragging my nails down his back and to his ass, digging into his flesh and pushing him deeper into me. My breasts bounced with each heavy thrust he pumped into me, getting steadier and quicker with the repetition.
His balls were slapping against my flesh, his hair below the belt were stimulating my clit just perfectly. I was wet, I could hear the pornographic sounds echoing from us. "Joel—Shit! Oh, ah, fuck!" I whimpered—covering my mouth as I shut my eyes. "No, no, no, keep yer eyes open. Look at me." He commanded.
"Ngh! I-I can't-! Gonna-!", "I know, baby! I know~ cum, c'mon, cum on my cock like you always did." He growled into my ear before biting my neck. I screamed into my pillow as my body was shocked by my breathtaking orgasm, I felt something flow out of me and wet both me and Joel in our nether regions. My breath was panting as I held his strong forearms, looking at his veins that made him look ten times sexier.
I tried to speak but he kept grinding his hips into me, I realized that he hasn't finished yet. "F-Fuck-! Sensitive-! Ngh! J-Joel-!", "I'm almost there, sweetheart. Just a few more seconds." He groaned out, cupping the back of my head and pushing my thigh upwards to spread me wider.
Choked moans and mewls were drowned in my throat as I felt another orgasm arriving again, "M'gonna pull out-", "D-Don't! C-Can't get pregnant either way—inside, cum inside of me, Joel!" I begged him as I bit down on his shoulder. He snarled into my neck before letting out a strangled moan as he pushed his cock deep, slowly rolling his hips before finally stilling inside of me.
Pumping ropes and ropes of his cum into me, coating my walls with his desire as he weakly grunted. My legs still wrapped around him as he caught his breath, I released my teeth from his skin and sighed. "Sorry. . ." I mumbled. He shook his head and chuckled, "It's alright. . . I missed when you did that. Markin' me as yours." He whispered while kissing my throat.
I giggled and hugged his shoulders—bringing his chest to rest against my breasts. "You do know I mean it, right?" Joel muttered as he laid on his side and pulled me closer into his chest to hug me. ". . . Mean what?" I sighed.
"That I love you." He replied. I looked at his face and let my thumb gently trace over the same small scar over the bridge of his nose. "I know you do, Joel. . ." I said. He held my hand brought it to his lips—planting a kiss on my knuckles. "Say it back." He said. ". . . I don't know, Joel."
"I know you feel the same, Y/n. . . I know you've been tryin' to forget me. . . But it's different now. We're together, after everythin' we've been through. . ." He said. I felt my mouth go dry as I held his hand in mine. It was difficult to say, after so long of avoiding this exact problem. . .
I sighed and looked at him. "Joel. . . I. . . I don't think I'll stay. . ." He looked at me and leaned on his arm to look down at me. "Pardon?" He asked. ". . . In Jackson. . . I. . . I'm not. . . I don't think I'll be able to adjust to it, or feel comfortable in it." He held my arm and kissed me, not letting me go as he hugged me again.
"Don't say that." He told me. "I can barely stand beds anymore, hell, even regular walks.", "How do you think I feel? Y/n, you and me will work through this. Together. . . Stay. Stay with me, with Ellie and Elliot, and Max. They all need you and me." He said.
I buried my face into his chest and sighed. "Joel Miller. . ." I said, ". . . I'm in love with you." I heard the small gasp of relief when he tightly hugged me. "Good. . ." He mumbled.
~3rd pov~
Outside of Jackson, the truck finally breaks down. Both of the young teens remained looking at her bite marks as Joel checked the engine with Y/n standing beside him. "Well, looks like we're walking." Joel sighed as he shut the truck. "It's a straight shot through here." Y/n said as Max held onto her hand.
"Alright." Elliot sighed as he and Ellie followed Joel and Y/n. "Actually kinda pretty, ain't it?" Joel asked them. "Yeah.", "I guess so." The two said. "Reminds me of hiking." Y/n smiled.
"Alright. Now watch your heads going through." Joel warned the three as he and Y/n both lifted the barbed wire fence. The five make it through with ease as Y/n exhaled with exhaustion, "Joel, I'm feeling my age catching up to me." She sighed.
"Oh. . . Feelin' my age now too. Don't think I ever told you three, but Sarah, Noah, Y/n and I used to take hikes like this. I think, ah. . . I think the five of you would've been good friends. Think you really would've liked them. I know they woulda liked you." Joel said. "Noah would've shoved Sarah into one of the lakes." Y/n chuckled. Joel and Max smiled at her energy.
"I bet we would've." Ellie said.
Y/n led them around a small cliff to walk around on, soon they all saw the town of Jackson. Y/n clenched her strap as she took a shaky inhale, thinking about being trapped within those walls. "Alright, come on." Joel said.
"Hey, wait. Back in Boston—back when I was bitten—I wasn't alone. My best friend was there. And she got bit too. We didn't know what to do. So. . .she says "Let's just wait it out. Y'know, we can be all poetic and just lose our minds together."" Ellie said. Elliot crossed his arms and sighed.
"I had a friend in Boston. . . We were both idiots and snuck out, then we were bit. . . He didn't want to turn so. . . He shot himself, and I couldn't make myself do it. . . " He looked to Ellie and they both said: "I'm still waiting for my turn."
"Her name was Riley.", "And his name was Carl and he was the first to die. . . And then it was Tess. Then Henry, and Sam, then our mom." Elliot said as he and Ellie looked at Y/n and Joel.
"None of that is on either of you." Joel replied. "No, you don't understand." Ellie sighed. "I struggled for a long time with survivin'. And you—No matter what, you keep finding something to fight for. Now, I know that's not what you want to hear right now, but it's-"
"Swear to me, to us. Swear to all of us that everything you guys said about the Fireflies is true." Ellie said.
Joel and Y/n watched the kids, Max didn't look at her brother or Ellie, but she held onto the adults hanging hands and stayed smiling at them. "We swear." They promised.
"Okay. . ." They muttered.
They continued to approach the gates from afar, on the watch tower looking through the binoculars was Matt and Tommy next to him. "Well, congrats." Tommy chuckled to Matt as he laughed, "Yeah—Shit. . . It's them! They're back Tommy!" Matt smiled as he handed Tommy his binoculars.
"Holy shit. . . Still together. . ." Tommy grinned, "Open the gates!" Matt started to climb down the ladder and to help open the gate for the group. Max was running to the gates and towards Jackson. The teens ran after her and Tommy had his eyes remaining on Joel and Y/n, seeing their hands intertwine together.
Joel was grinning as Y/n smiled, both of them carried a small blush on their faces.
"Those damn Hometown Sweethearts." Tommy chuckled.
~The End~
Hello everyone, thank you for reading my miniseries of The Last of Us. I hope you enjoyed the story so far. I'm thinking of making a second part of this series if y'all want it. It's your choice.
It'll all be answered soon if you agree to a second part.
And trust me, the second series will definitely have more smut involved heheheh. A deeper story with Ellie and my two other ocs. Y/n will have an old enemy who is rather close with Abby's father and Darla. What will happen when Ellie and Elliot find out about the truth? Who was the stranger who attacked Max in the cabin? The WLFs and the Jaguars will have a history of bad blood, and Fernando has a darker history than what he led on. And Joel of course is our beautiful texan hunk, we need more smut with him!!
(Spoiler: Joel. Will. Not. Die.)
The choice is yours. . . Make your choice.
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hazelroses1 · 1 year
Yes, Katsuki Hit Himself in the Face Staring at Eijirou Weightlifting. What of it?
CW: mention of sexual excitement, Gym AU
Not Katsuki trying to go harder in the gym whenever the sexy, buff-as-shit redhead who wears stupid "Do You Even Lift, Bro?" shirts with the sleeves cut off is working out. He doesn't put more weight on the bar, use heavier dumbbells, or run until he's about to pass out. No fucking way. That's why when he hits himself in the face with a 50lb weight doing double dumbbell cleans (who the hell does them from inside the stance like this workout prescribed anyway), he knows it's not because "Red" is back squatting with a stupid amount of weight on the bar.
He took his shirt off before he got started. Fair, they're in a CrossFit-style warehouse gym, and it's hot as fuck in the summer. The fans don't help, but Katsuki is okay with that because he gets to watch the sweat drip down Red's tanned skin. He means get gets to admire his definition.
"Fuck!" Katsuki hisses, putting the dumbbells down to walk it off. 
Of fucking course, Red comes over after re-racking his bar. "Hey, man! You okay? Lemme see." 
Before Katsuki could protest, Red is towering over him, grasping his jaw, and turning his head to get a good look at his injury. Katsuki can smell his earthy deodorant and feel the heat radiating off him in waves. His nearness has Katsuki's pulse thumping hard in shorts that aren’t going to hide an erection.
"Aw, damn, bro. That's gonna bruise," he says, releasing Katsuki and taking the strength in Katsuki's knees with it. It's hard to keep himself upright as Red gives him a bright smile and sticks his fist out. "Name's Eijirou. What's yours?"   Fuck, he’s friendly. Katsuki knows he is, but anytime Red— Eijirou— tries to speak to him, Katsuki pretends he's too engrossed in his workout. No, he's not a coward; he's busy. 
 "Katsuki," he replies, staring at Eijirou's fist. "You're sweaty as shit. I'm not fist-bumping you."
Instead of getting offended, Eijirou laughs. "Yeah, you’re right. Well, I see you in the gym all the time. Your bench press looks amazing."  
"Your back squat ain't half bad either," Katsuki says while bending down to get his weights and hoping his face looks red from exercising and not from blushing. "I'm fine. You can leave now." 
 "You're kinda mean," Eijirou pouts, but he smiles once more. "I like it. I bet you’re great at pushing people to keep going and reach their goals!"
 Katsuki raises an eyebrow at him. "You want me to yell at you and tell you what a bitch you're being when you wanna quit?" 
Katsuki was on his last rep of his final set when he smashed the dumbbell into his face, anyway. Tch, if Eijirou wants someone to "motivate" him, he has no problem doing so. Katsuki wants to see the full extent of what this tank is capable of.  Gym days turn into partner work outs with Eijirou, which turns into questionable touches and wandering hands, which ends with them going to a weight lifting meet together for their first date. They're boyfriends now. Katsuki demands it, and Eijirou is happy to oblige.
Good thing Katsuki was paying too close attention to Eijirou's thick ass that day because if he didn't punch himself in the face with a dumbbell that weighed as much as a small child, he may not have gotten Eijirou all to himself.  
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sarahlizziewrites · 2 years
15 OC Questions!
@vacantgodling tagged me, and actually, @mrbexwrites tagged me in the same game aaaaaages ago, and I've finally realised what OC I can do this for!
I'm going to answer as Sitora but for the modern AU - part of No Meet Too Cute - which I will be working on in the near future. The questions seem pretty contemporary so I'm going to answer as Commuter!Sitora
1. Are you named after anyone? My mom used to tell me that 'Sitora' means 'Star', but she never really told me anything else beyond that. I just asked Dad and he doesn't even know, just remembers she felt pretty strongly about it when I was born, and he wasn't gonna argue.
2. When was the last time you cried? I don't remember. Someone punched me in the nose when I did that boxing taster class and that made tears come to my eyes - does that count?
3. Do you have kids? I'm a little young for kids right now! Still got a lot to get done before then :) I love kids though, and I especially love it when kids invite me to play with their toys. It's the best.
4. Do you use sarcasm? Infrequently :P I'm generally pretty sincere, unless I know someone really well. Wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea about something I said.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people? What their smile is like - whether it reaches their eyes. Also, if they seem like the kind of person that a kid would invite to play with their toys.
6. What's your eye colour? Blue. Dad says they're just like mum's.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? LOVE the adrenaline rush from a good jumpscare! And happy endings...well, the good ones are believable, most are pretty unrealistic.
8. Any special talents? Got the gym's record on the ninja course when I was sixteen - Đindic was pretty pissed at first but he got over it when I brought him one of those orcish hot water pies. Said it was better than the ones his grandma used to make, which I guess is also a special talent :)
9. Where were you born? Right here in Brightfield, never left :)
10. What are your hobbies? I'm pretty busy with school and work at the bakery, so when I'm not there I'm at the CrossFit gym. Sometimes, when I look after Malva's kids we play MarioKart on their old beat-up GameCube. Someday I'm going to beat those kids at it and it's going to be so great.
11. Do you have any pets? Nope, but I'm always chasing the damn neighbourhood cats off the back step. Do they think I have something they want? I HAVE NOTHING FOR YOU, KITTY.
12. What sports do you/have you played? Well, let's see. When I was a kid I was on the softball team, the soccer team, the hockey team - now I do climbing (bouldering, top rope, lead, I'd love to try some of that urban climbing but I'm pretty sure it's illegal), CrossFit, and I'm always up for a pick-up soccer or basketball game. I got banned from the roller derby league for 'excessive violence', which I've been told is pretty unusual.
13. How tall are you? 6'0"
14. Favourite subject in school? PE was the only class I was any good at, really. I always looked forward to History class though, Ms. Barleyvale was an amazing teacher and always told interesting stories.
15. Dream job? I'm at school for Non-profit Management, so when I graduate I'd love to start a charity, maybe a sports camp for kids who don't have a lot.
I'm going to tag @bethtriestowrite, @sleepyowlwrites, @words-after-midnight, and anyone else who would like to!
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espies-galaxy · 1 year
How Finding Your Right Inspiration Can Change Everything.
Dear World,
Today I was scrolling down my Instagram, and like any typical summer, you see copious amounts of people at the beach or hiking, basically out and about. More likely than not, if you are a girl, you have friends, models, and celebrities, and they are this "ideal" image that is out there.
These girls are tiny, with long legs and flat tummies. Kinda makes you feel bad about yourself if you were not blessed with fast metabolisms and you have a severe craving for that Cotton Candy Blizzard that only shows up for like one month out of the year. When I noticed this happening on my feeds, I started looking into something more suitable and more achievable for someone with my body type.
I happily work out roughly 3-4 times throughout the week. Do I need to work on my eating habits... I mean, yeah, I really should. But I am doing better than I used to, and you have got to start somewhere; you do not just start liking kale overnight.
So what I did was I went through Instagram looking for more inspiring body images types like athletes or trainers. They show that strong, healthy, and fit are all COMPLETELY different than the tiny little models and celebrities we see. Do not get me wrong, those body types are just as beautiful, but it is extremely hurtful to only see those.
Again, do not get me wrong, if you can kill it and get your absolute ideal image, then good for you, darling, because not everyone has those chances. If you are like me, you know that getting down to 110 pounds will be a near-impossible task without having to take serious measures.
When I did this, it was like an awakening for me. I realized that I could be beautiful without stick-thin legs, or just because I could see my triceps muscle meant nothing more than having solid arms. I may not have abs or a little fat on my body, but that is perfectly okay.
So there you go on my idea of body image. Now, get this. I realized I am awful at going to the gym by myself like I literally look around and then leave. I had it in my mind that girls do not squat with weights because I will get man thighs, or girls do not do bench presses. Girls just run, and magically they are what my mind said was "ideal."
I used to be an athlete, but once I stopped, it was like I was never taught to work out and condition on my own. So I thought, hey, maybe join the YMCA, but again the problem with the gym, I just did not know. I searched a little deeper and have seen loads of my friends talk and show their progress with CrossFit.
My mind looped right back around to if you do CrossFit, you will be a lady bodybuilder, but I sought out information anyway and found a gym that is like 5-7 minutes from my house. I went and talked to the owner, and he basically was like, unless you want to look like that and you do the diet that goes along with it, your body will just tone up.
I took a free class, and as silly as it sounds, I was instantly hooked. I am now starting my fourth week there, and in the three weeks so far, I have only lost about two pounds, but I have lost inches. Not a mass amount, but enough you can start; well, I can start to see the difference.
Now, I go three times a week and do yoga on the weekends. I have a coach who is encouraging and is teaching me the things a coach growing up should have taught me. On my off days from the gym, I am going for a walk, a run, going for a hike, or something semi-active. I get antsy and annoyed like I am wasting my time. The days I work out are at 6 a.m., and I have zero problems with waking up for it because that workout makes my day.
And it could be the release of endorphins from exercising, but I am getting into the swing of things. Who knows, maybe one day I will wake up and look at myself and be like, yeah, this is where I want to be. Then, I will go to the gym, and who knows how much I could be lifting or squatting or even how many darn pull-ups I can do.
For now, it is a day-by-day mindset. I will continue to look at the more body-positive people, even if ours our polar opposites. As long as you and I are strong, happy, and healthy, it does not matter.
I encourage anyone who reads this to think about what their ideal image is, and if you are where you want to be, then try to be the one to inspire other people because you never know when someone might need it.
The One With The New Outlook On Life (originally written by me on July 5, 2016)
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Walking on a Dream
The 2 days at home before surgery flew past. I said goodbye to my kids the night before we left knowing that the next time I would see them, I would be two weeks post-op and would look very, very different. They were no different to usual. My son grasped it a bit better, but their attention span and emotions weren’t in line with what was a pretty big deal!
The morning before surgery ended up being my first, and last CrossFit class since before Christmas. We had booked to go to CrossFit Green near the hospital and it was always my plan that I would do a final class in Dublin before surgery. I had just hoped that I’d also make it to some in my own gym before. It turned out to be the first (and last I hope) workout that I seriously considered quitting. I was so deconditioned from being out of the gym for a month and still not 100%. My heart rate skyrocketed pretty quickly. I knew I would never reach the numbers on the board. At the end, I didn’t actually do as badly as I thought given all the factors, but if I hadn’t been getting surgery, I would have been seriously pissed off at myself for even of thinking of quitting.
Later that day, was my marking appointment. That appointment had been in my head since my surgery was booked - maybe then it would all seem real, because that appointment would mean it was really happening. What I didn’t anticipate, were the nerves. It was like Éilís read my mind when I went in - “a lot of patients feel nervous for this appointment but leave feeling much better,” which was exactly what happened.
I signed the consent form to confirm I wanted to go ahead with the surgery. There was a section to say I understood there were alternatives to surgery. We both had a good laugh at that: “I think I’ve exhausted all of those 😂”
I took the final pictures of my diastasis that night. I didn’t sleep terribly, but I wouldn’t say I slept well. I was fasting from 4am (I set an alarm and took a protein bar just before) and no liquid after 8am.
I walked the 15 minutes to the hospital with Alex. He already knew - I wanted to carry my hospital bag as it would be the last time I was carrying anything for a while. I’m stubborn, but I had my reasons - I don’t like asking for help and if I can do it myself I will do. I was admitted at 10am. We went to a small waiting room until I was called. We waited only 15 minutes before they told me that this was it and we had to say our goodbyes then. That felt so strange, but I wasn’t at all nervous. Poor Alex looked a bit lost, but I felt pretty calm and definitely felt ready.
I was taken to a bay to get changed into a robe, compression socks and to give a urine sample. I was there just minutes, before a doctor started taking my medical history. I didn’t even have a chance to get changed once he left, as the next thing two nurses came to get my urine sample, take a blood sample and insert a cannula for my IV. Everything felt like it was happening at breakneck speed. I literally had questions about practically everything in my medical history being fired at me, as someone else took blood at the same time.
By the time that was done, I noticed everyone in the waiting area were being taken at different points and leaving the area we were in. What I didn’t realise was they were being taken along more or less for surgery. I don’t know what I expected, but I somehow thought I was going to be taken to another room to wait. I didn’t think the next part would be the holding area right next to the operating theatre!
I had absolutely no concept of time, but the last time I checked my phone it was 11:29 and at that point I was called. I knew my surgery had been scheduled for 1:30pm and I knew that meant nothing as such, but I had in my head I had ages to wait. When I was told this was the point I would be leaving all my stuff and this was it, I was pretty shocked. I was led to the holding area where they drew the curtain around me in a room full of patients waiting for surgery, just like I was. The only difference was, surely I had a while yet to wait?
The nurse came in to go through a final few things. She asked me had I been waiting long for surgery. In terms of that morning: no 😂 in terms of everything else: it felt like it. She patted my leg and told me it wouldn’t be much longer. I don’t know how I managed to stop myself asking, ‘how is this possible because everything seems to be happening so fast’ 🙈 I have absolutely no idea how long I was sitting there before Éilís came over. I was aware I could see lots of pairs feet under the curtain that were moving about and no doubt leaving for surgery. I could hear surgeons and anaesthesiologists alike speaking to patients and leading them away. Probably the thing that set me off was hearing someone at the desk in the room say something about, ‘Éilís Fitzgerald’s patient.’ It wasn’t me they were speaking about, but my heart rate hit the roof and I realised I had to chill the hell out if I was going to be sitting there, especially if it was going to be for some time yet. I tried to just close my eyes and take deep breaths to calm down. I think I actually even drifted off for a few minutes I was so successful 🤣
When Éilís came in, I honestly felt like it was a dream. Apart from the fact when I had dreamt about that moment in the months previously, it usually ended with me being told it wasn’t happening and I had to go away and put more work in 🙈 Thankfully, this was real this time and there was no going back. We spoke for a few minutes and she asked me if I had any last minute questions, but the answer was no. I don’t know why I felt so calm at that point. It’s hard to describe - yes the day felt like someone had pushed the fast forward button, and very surreal. However other than small moments in the lead up, I didn’t ever feel anxious or nervous. All I felt was calm and ready. This was absolutely what I wanted, with the person I wanted to do it, and I knew I was in the best hands. I had long made peace with decision that this was how my journey was going to end up. We were finally there.
I had a few more minutes to sit before they were ready for me, so I stayed where I was. I say a few more minutes, but I genuinely have zero idea of how long it was. The next thing I know, the nurse and the anaesthesiologist himself came over. I instantly liked him. He introduced himself as, “I’m the person who’s going to put you to sleep with some lullabies. Shall we go do that now?” He then apologised for the wait. I said to him, this is all happening a lot quicker than I expected. I really don’t feel like I’ve been waiting at all. “Oh we all feel bad you’ve been waiting so long.” It was crazy 😅 I genuinely felt like I was in the weirdest time warp. Everyone else thought I’d been waiting ages, but I felt like I hadn’t been waiting at all.
I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it certainly wasn’t that I would walk out the holding room only to be one or two doors down into the operating theatre. Or that I would just casually walk in and then be told to hop up on the table 😅 At that point they placed the wee sticky pads on my chest for all the leads for the monitors and applied the compression pumps to my legs there and then.
I was trying to take everything in. I couldn’t quite believe even at that point that it was actually happening. I didn’t even feel nervous at all, but there was a real sense of relief and excitement. There were loads of people in the room getting ready behind me. I was aware of Éilís coming through the door to my right. The last thing I remember was the anaesthesiologist asking me the colour of the cannula, ‘pink to make the boys wink’ 😂 and then a pink mask being placed over my nose and mouth. I just remember that sweet smell of the mask that was the same as when I used gas and air in my first labour. I could feel the gas I was inhaling, and the nurse told me it was just oxygen, but I guess it probably wasn’t because I don’t remember anything else after that 😂 Either that or the timing of that was exactly at the same minute as I was given the knockout. Last time I trust someone that tells me that 🤣
My first memory was kind of coming to in recovery and thinking, ‘whoa I think I’m going to be sick’ and promptly retching. I wasn’t actually sick, but a doctor came over sharpish with a sick bag and then I was gone again. I just remember thinking, ‘bloody hell why do I have to go and test the abs straight away doing something like that 😂🙈’ I vaguely remember being told when I was going to be taken upstairs, but I felt like I was being pulled back under and couldn’t fight off the sleep. I remember being left in the room, but it was a colossal effort to keep my eyes open. The last thing I recall at that point was being aware of whoever was next me - the woman and her husband were speaking Spanish. I felt reassured that I must be okay, because I heard and understood everything they said (although if you ask me now I couldn’t tell you what they said!) I always thought I’d be the one waking up speaking Spanish under the influence of the painkillers, but it turns out I was just meant to be in the bed next door 😅
The next thing I realised my visitors were in the room. It took absolutely everything to force my eyes to stay open, but the fact that they were there I knew I wanted to be conscious. I still had absolutely no concept of time. They were only there a few minutes before Éilís came in. She could have told me absolutely anything and I would struggle to remember. What I do remember is her taking off the binder to let me look. I have no idea how I reacted or what I said. I’m guessing I shook my head in disbelief (because that’s still how I react now). Despite the fact my tissues were very stretched, somehow the quality of those tissues was actually very good for the sutures to take hold. There are no guarantees, but it’s likely the load I had put through them and the work I had put in which made the difference. I was told my diet was going to be changed due to the fact that she thought I might get really sick from anaesthetic because of the volume of it going through someone smaller framed like me. Somehow though, I managed to eat every meal I had and I didn’t retch again. I wasn’t at all sick and have no idea why. Maybe my body was just able to cope somehow.
I’ve spoken to a few people who said they had slept great the night of surgery, but I didn’t at all. Despite the painkillers and feeling like I was in a fog, my brain just wouldn’t switch off (no change there then) and of course the nurse came in regularly to see if I needed more pain relief so it felt like the night after I had each of my kids, where they just keep checking on you. That’s obviously so reassuring, and if I was asleep I wouldn’t have noticed, but I just didn’t sleep well for whatever reason.
In the morning, my catheter was taken out at 7am and I knew I’d be up and going to the toilet for my first walk. The nurse helped me the first time and I was immediately shocked at how straight I was able to stand without forcing it. I had expected the worse, so was pleasantly surprised when it just felt comfortable to stand almost straight. The nurses changed my bed when I came back because they said I was a query for staying another night, which was reinforced by the fact I was told to make another dinner choice. I knew most patients left the next day, so that was a bit confusing, but I put it down to my low blood pressure. If my blood pressure is anything, it’s always low. When I had my son, it was dangerously low the morning after given birth and I couldn’t stand. I knew it wasn’t as low the morning after surgery, but everyone remarked on it. ‘Is your blood pressure usually low?’ was a question I was asked by a couple of nurses and the physio.
When Éilís came in to check on her patients, she confirmed there would be no reason why I couldn’t leave that afternoon after showering etc. It sounded like I had been marked as a query to ensure if needed, the bed was there. That visit I remembered a bit better 😅 she took the binder off again to show me and said she was happy with how everything looked.
My nurse came back in and said she would change my belly button dressing after my shower. I managed to shower myself which I was surprised at, but so relieved. It just felt amazing to feel clean. My dressings were changed and I was then able to get dressed and put my binder back on myself. Of course, I was knackered by that time, so all I wanted to do was sleep. I was waiting on my prescription when Alex came in. The nurse read it out and I just remembered looking over at Alex thinking, that can’t be right. It sounded like the only painkillers I was being prescribed were paracetamol! Alex said, “Claire, when I had surgery on my hand I ended up with more than that, that can’t be right.” I asked Alex to get the nurse who had been with Éilís in the morning to ask her. Her face when I explained was an absolute picture! It turned out the doctor who had signed it hadn’t realised I had an abdominoplasty! 🙈 It was promptly corrected 😂 I can handle a lot, but wouldn’t have liked to be climbing the walls with the pain later thinking, why didn’t I say something?
The hospital physio visited me before I was discharged. It felt completely ironic if I’m honest. At the very beginning, we now know I should have been seen by a physio on the ward after having my son, and ever since then I’ve lucked out when it comes to physios. I couldn’t help but smile wryly at the fact I wasn’t being discharged post-op until I had been seen. She said my surgeon had told her I was pretty clear on everything I could and couldn’t do, but she just wanted to check coughing, breathing and log rolling. She readjusted the bed and when I log rolled, she told me I was really strong in doing it so she had no concerns. The coughing was no doubt the worst thing about being post-op. It is absolute agony, but a necessary evil to ensure I didn’t end up with a chest infection or worse post anaesthetic.
Before leaving, she took my blood pressure thinking she would get me to walk the corridors and then downstairs. I was game, but she decided because of my low blood pressure we wouldn’t do it. I felt able to, but this was day 1: there would be plenty time to test the waters when the time was right. She handed me a leaflet for post abdominal surgery and apologised: “you can’t do the majority on here anyway which I’m sure you know, but I mistakenly crossed out walking as well. You can walk and that’s it.” 😂
We were lucky to be staying across the road from the hospital. However, I was more than a bit mortified when Alex said he’d be taking me in a wheelchair to the apartment then would return it to the hospital. That led to a hell of an argument 🤣 but in the end I had no energy to fight him on it long enough to get my way and walk myself. I’ll probably never forgive him for making me do that. Talk about overprotective! I love him, but honestly I swear he insists on some things knowing how much it’ll wind me up!
I thought I’d struggle sleeping at night, but thankfully not. Although positioning myself took time, we got there eventually. Alex drove me crazy at times, but I can’t fault him as a nurse. He was on top of my painkillers and what I could take and when, did everything for me like dressing me, drying my hair and helping me clean my belly button. He cooked, brought everything to me and opened every door before I could even think of doing it. The odd time I slipped up, he gave me the hard stare that I’m pretty sure he reserves for me when I piss him off because, I’m ‘too stubborn.’ 🤣🙈
The second day I probably wanted to go out for a walk, but I was exhausted, and ended up napping on the couch. I hadn’t felt great that day so I listened to my body. While I was keenly aware of how everything felt like it was going better than I had expected, I knew I would now play a part in that in terms of what I was doing. The Monday after surgery, I went for a small walk and although I was walking a bit gingerly, I was pretty much straight when I was walking. I’m naturally a really fast walker, so to see Alex slow down for me was a reality check, but I knew I would get stronger at some point and wasn’t bothered how long it took, I was just grateful to be doing well.
That evening, I spotted my ankles were pretty swollen. I knew going to bed I would be immobile for the whole night and while I could have taken the compression socks off between days 3 and 5 post-op, I made the decision to keep them on at night. I also decided that on top of walking outside during the day, I would walk lengths of the long corridor in the evenings outside our apartment. Alex said it wasn’t quite 100m so I would do ‘there and back’ a few times. The first time I did 4 times, only for Alex to tell me it was quite quick so I decided to do more. Every night thereafter from then on, (with the exception of two nights when I was just too tired) I did 10 full lengths of the corridor which would take about 20 minutes (at the start) on top of any walk during the day. I wasn’t actively trying to do them quicker (Alex doesn’t believe that, but it’s true), but each time got quicker and easier. It gave me a bit of movement before bed, and equally some alone time and headspace to try and figure things out.
The next day was the only blip in my initial recovery. I noticed there seemed to be an infection at my belly button. I had been told that was really common given what belly buttons are, but I just knew it wasn’t quite right. When I explained how it looked over the phone, Éilís agreed it sounded infected and prescribed me antibiotics. I probably caught it a day earlier than maybe normal, as the next day it was red around it and looked more infected, but by that time I was already getting antibiotics into my system so thankfully, had no issues with a fever or anything else. I’ve always been hyper aware of everything going on at my tummy and that wasn’t about to change post-op. I think that’s probably why I caught it so early.
At 7 days post-op, I had my first physio consult. We discussed surgery and how I was doing and they had a look at my tummy. They both remarked how upright I was and how good it looked. I think Antony even commented I was looking ‘jacked.’ I have no idea what he was seeing, but I’ll take it 😅 The whole thing was surreal. I couldn’t believe a week had passed since that absolute blur of a day that would change my life forever. I still can’t get over it now.
The next day, Alex was leaving to swap with my Mum, who had been looking after Cailean and Emily since the Wednesday before. We had agreed it wasn’t fair on the kids to be away from both of us for so long, so Mum would come out as Alex went home. I would be on my own for about 5 hours, with Alex threatening to lock me in if he thought I was going to do anything that wasn’t allowed 🙄 I had suggested I would do my outdoor walk before my Mum arrived, but I had to compromise to my lengths of the corridor. Even then, he wasn’t happy I would be opening the apartment door myself. When he was leaving was the first time I got emotional. He had driven me crazy as I said, but I couldn’t have done it without him. Not just surgery - everything I had gone through in the last almost 4 years. He has been my rock throughout and I’m so lucky to have him.
I was probably a bit more emotional on my own between Alex leaving and my Mum arriving, so I was glad when she arrived a bit sooner than expected. During that week, I continued being able to walk more and for longer, but still listening to my body when I needed a rest.
The Monday after Mum arrived, was probably the most eventful. I thought my infection was getting worse - although that was based on how my belly button looked. It was decided that the way I cleaned it would change - no more antiseptic or ointment, just water and instead of a dressing, a panty liner inside my vest under the binder to ensure it was wicking any moisture away from the belly button. I was relieved - it previously felt like a never ending cycle where I would clean it, try to dry it as much as possible, but it would look worse again the following day when I took the dressing off.
My Mum had arrived in Dublin with conjunctivitis in both eyes, but it was steadily getting worse. I had no idea how to access doctors while we were there, but we ended up in an out of hours clinic at a nearby hospital. She had heard how awesome the doctors were and didn’t want to miss out 😂 That was probably the first time I was in close proximity to others outside of the shops in the waiting room without my jacket on. I watched two families with toddlers waiting to be seen. I’ve been that soldier many a time with my two. I suddenly thought they’re probably looking at me thinking I’m due a baby myself…only to look down and realise, “Nope. Nobody will think that ever again.” 🥹 It was the first time it hit me, but even then it felt like the feeling was barely scratching the surface.
My final appointment before going home was to get my dressings off at 12 days post-op. It was the weirdest feeling walking into the hospital and up to Éilís’ office, when the last time I had been there was my marking appointment the afternoon before surgery. I had taken paracetamol before just because I thought it would probably hurt. By that day, I had come off all painkillers and was only occasionally taking paracetamol - usually for a headache rather than anything to do with surgery. The dressings coming off wasn’t the most pleasant experience, but it was over quickly thankfully. It was the first time I got to see my scar and I know it seems strange, but I was delighted. It was the next big part of the puzzle post-op. When the nurse got me to look in the mirror once she had trimmed the sutures and cleaned it, I think I once again shook my head. I just couldn’t believe that that was what I looked like now. I still can’t. I was told the swelling below my belly button would go down and there were some cracking bruises, but I couldn’t care less if this is how it looked from now on. I’m over the moon and blown away the results. Compared to how I came into that office 13 days previously, it was night and day.
It was even harder to comprehend when the nurse took the photos and compared them to the very first consult last March 🤯 she put them side by side and said: “you can tell you’re fit and strong, but look at the difference.” I swear I feel like one of those Churchill dogs in those adverts that used to shake it’s head. I just cannot get my head round it.
Leaving the appointment though, I felt strange and I can’t really put into words how I was feeling. There was an air of finality creeping in again and I didn’t know how to feel. I didn’t know the words to thank my surgeon and her team for everything they had done. How can you thank someone who has had such a profound impact on your life? Who has changed your life for the better? I still can’t comprehend that this is it. I still don’t feel any of this is really real. I don’t know how, or when that will change.
My team - my physios, my surgeon and of course my husband - want to protect me at the minute. I love them for it, but there’s no denying: no matter what we all do, there is a weight of expectation and I can’t ignore it forever. Even in the lovely comments on my first update post-op, I had incredible comments like: “the whole community are wondering how you’re getting on,” “the update we’ve been waiting on,” “lots of us interested having followed your journey,” and “can’t wait to see your next update”. Even that’s hard to believe. People have been following from the beginning and they want to see it through with me to the end. It blows my mind as much now, as it did in the beginning.
I came home to my kids and my husband two days after that appointment. My son has grown up with this as much as I have lived with it. There have been times he’s been fixated on my tummy, and he completely understood everything about it getting fixed by the time surgery came. It came as no surprise then, that every single day I FaceTimed him when I was away, he asked to see my tummy. When I eventually showed him, he was speechless, which is pretty impressive for an almost 4 year old, who never stops speaking! The poor wee guy couldn’t comprehend it either.
I know it might be hard to understand why I have shared everything over the years and now I have the biggest update of all, but I’m not ready to share yet. I’m really struggling with it myself. I don’t know how I feel about everything. That’s partly why I made the decision to release these blog posts first. I hoped that if I tried to process it by writing (which has always been my go to throughout this journey), maybe I could figure it out. I’m reluctant to see anyone I know yet. I was happy in my bubble in Dublin because no one knew me there. I could go out for a walk and be completely anonymous. I go out for a walk now feeling I might bump into someone. I don’t want to hide away forever, but I’m dealing with some huge emotions and thoughts right now, after what has been years of my life.
There is one thing for certain I do know in all of this - how even more incredibly lucky I am now. Not only do I have my amazing physios, I now have the most amazing surgeon. I knew that before she even laid eyes on me in person, but throughout all of this, that has just become clearer each time and of course, no more so than when I woke up post-op. Her skills as a surgeon were never in doubt; but they were the cherry on top of an incredibly kind, caring and supportive person who got me as a person, how I felt, and what I wanted to achieve from day 1. That is everything I could have asked for and more. As with everything I have experienced throughout, there will never be enough words to express my gratitude for what my team have done and continue to do for me.
I have videos and pictures from those early days post-op. I will post these when I’m ready. I know many women following are considering or are getting an abdominoplasty, and I know maybe something I share might help. Maybe even just as reassurance that if that’s the decision they’ve made, they won’t regret it.
I have never been ashamed of getting surgery. It was very clear to me, even as early as 2020, that it would be my only option. That was reaffirmed when I was opened up. There was just no way I could do it myself: no matter what I did and no matter how hard I tried, or how long I put in the work, and I know I did absolutely everything humanly possible to try.
When the time comes, I will be putting the same efforts into my final chapter of rehab. Whilst I know they wouldn’t agree, it’s the very least I owe my surgeon and my physios. Once again, so much time and effort has been put into me and I couldn’t not repay that the only way I truly can. Even then, that probably won’t ever be enough for everything they have done for me. 🍀🌟❤️
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versary · 2 years
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did 23.1 tonight at a great gym near my parents' house. it was 14.4, which i vaguely remember from my second month of crossfit haha:
14 min AMRAP
60 cal row
50 toes to bar
40 wall balls
30 cleans @ 61/43 kg
20 ring muscle ups
i was truly not expecting much - my fitness seems non-existent at the moment even though i'm so strong but nevertheless. held the row at 930-950 pace, did the t2b in quick sets of 5, wb in 15-15-10, cleans as quick singles, and finished them with 15 seconds left on the clock....... took a few seconds to chalk my hands, jumped on the rings with 9 seconds left, and made one of the most effortless muscle ups i have ever made. truly was not expecting that; i've barely even tried RMU since the quarter finals last year! hugely stoked. and people i never met were coming up and chatting and i know i say this every year but i love that in crossfit, when you win everyone wins.
anyway, no redo for me. i don't think that could have gone any better for me! back to melbourne next week and then doing the last two weeks in the new new gym.
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aaradhyamhandicrafts · 11 months
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amritmaurya01 · 1 year
In the sun-kissed coastal paradise of Goa, resides Dhanakshi, a spirited young woman who always seeks to bring joy to her loved ones. However, life occasionally throws curveballs, and in the excitement of her sister Kavya’s birthday, Dhanakshi had forgotten to buy her a special gift. Determined to make amends, she embarked on a heartfelt journey to create a memorable surprise for her beloved sister.
Days before Kavya’s birthday, Dhanakshi realized her mistake and felt a pang of guilt for forgetting such an important occasion. In her quest to find the perfect gift, she came across the Tattva Wellness Spa at Cidade de Goa – IHCL SeleQtions. An idea began to form in her mind: what could be a more wonderful present than the gift of relaxation and rejuvenation?
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The Ultimate Guide to Using PPC Ads for Gyms and Fitness Studios to Stay Ahead of Competitors
In today’s competitive fitness industry, staying ahead of the competition requires a robust digital marketing strategy. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is a powerful tool that gyms and fitness studios can leverage to increase visibility, attract new members, and boost revenue. With the rise in online searches for fitness solutions, PPC allows your gym to appear at the top of search results and be visible to your target audience. This guide will walk you through the benefits of PPC for the fitness industry and how you can effectively use it to outperform competitors.
What is PPC?
PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, is an online advertising model where advertisers pay a fee each time someone clicks on their ad. Essentially, it’s a way of buying visits to your website rather than earning them organically. PPC for gyms involves placing targeted ads on platforms like Google Ads and social media to attract potential members to your gym or fitness studio.
Why PPC Ads are Essential for Gyms and Fitness Studios
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Instant Visibility: Unlike organic search strategies that take time to show results, PPC delivers immediate visibility. As soon as your ad is live, it can appear on the first page of Google search results for relevant keywords like “gyms near me” or “fitness classes.”
Targeted Reach: PPC ads can be finely targeted by demographics, location, and even search intent. This means you can target local gym-goers who are actively searching for fitness solutions within your vicinity.
Cost-Effective: You only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This ensures that you’re only paying for actual engagement and potential leads rather than for impressions that don’t result in action.
Trackable Results: One of the great benefits of PPC is the ability to track the performance of your campaigns in real time. Metrics like clicks, conversions, and ROI can be easily monitored, allowing you to adjust your strategy as needed.
Key PPC Platforms for Gyms
When it comes to PPC for gyms and fitness studios, there are several platforms you should consider:
Google Ads: The most popular PPC platform, Google Ads allows you to target users actively searching for gyms and fitness services. Ads appear on the top of search results for high-intent queries like “gym memberships” or “personal trainers.”
Facebook Ads: Facebook PPC Ads are perfect for targeting users based on interests, location, and behaviors. For instance, you can target people who are interested in fitness, health, or specific workout types like yoga or CrossFit.
Instagram Ads: As a visually-driven platform, Instagram ads allow you to showcase your gym’s facilities, fitness classes, and success stories. You can use Instagram PPC Ads to target a younger audience interested in fitness.
YouTube Ads: If you produce workout tutorials, fitness tips, or promotional videos, YouTube is a great platform for targeting users interested in fitness content. YouTube PPC Ads appear before or during fitness-related content, capturing engaged audiences.
PPC Best Practices for Gyms and Fitness Studios
To make the most out of your PPC campaigns, it’s important to follow best practices. Here’s how to optimize your PPC strategy:
1. Use Localized Keywords
Your target audience is likely looking for local gyms or fitness studios. Use localized keywords like “gym in Pune,” “fitness studio near me,” or “best gym in [your location].” These keywords will help your ads appear to people searching for fitness services in your area.
2. Craft Compelling Ad Copy
The success of your PPC campaign depends on the effectiveness of your ad copy. Ensure your ad headline grabs attention and includes an action-driven call-to-action (CTA) like “Join Today” or “Get a Free Trial.” Highlight unique selling points, such as special offers, state-of-the-art equipment, or a variety of fitness classes.
3. Optimize Your Landing Page
When a user clicks on your PPC ad, they should be directed to a landing page optimized for conversions. The landing page should have a clear CTA, like “Sign Up Now” or “Book a Free Class.” Ensure the page is mobile-friendly, as many users will be searching for gyms on their phones.
4. Track and Adjust Your Campaigns
Track your PPC campaigns regularly using tools like Google Analytics or your PPC platform’s built-in analytics. Monitor which ads are performing well, which keywords drive the most traffic, and the overall cost-per-click (CPC). Adjust your strategy by removing underperforming ads and focusing on high-converting keywords.
Staying Ahead of Competitors
To ensure you stay ahead of your competitors, it’s important to constantly refine your PPC strategy. Keep an eye on your competitors’ ads to see what keywords they are using and identify any gaps you can capitalize on. Additionally, offering promotions and highlighting the benefits of your gym will differentiate you from others in your area.
Consider running remarketing campaigns targeting people who have previously visited your website but didn’t sign up. Remarketing allows you to display ads to these potential members, encouraging them to come back and join your gym.
Partner with a PPC Marketing Agency in Pune
Managing PPC campaigns can be complex, especially in a competitive industry like fitness. Partnering with a PPC marketing agency in Pune ensures that your campaigns are handled by experts who understand the nuances of PPC advertising and know how to get results. An agency will manage your campaigns from start to finish, providing insights and data-driven strategies to maximize your return on investment.
At Digital Rhetoric, we specialize in creating custom PPC strategies for gyms and fitness studios. With a dedicated team of PPC experts, we help fitness businesses increase membership sign-ups, improve brand visibility, and stay ahead of the competition.
Investing in PPC for gyms is a smart move for fitness studios looking to increase their reach and drive more memberships. With localized targeting, instant visibility, and trackable results, PPC advertising offers gyms a competitive edge in a crowded market. To stay ahead of the competition, it’s important to work with a professional PPC company in Pune that understands your business goals and can create targeted, optimized campaigns to grow your membership base.
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gyms-in-mobile-al · 3 months
Discover the Best Gyms in Mobile, AL: Your Ultimate Fitness Guide
Mobile, Alabama, is not only known for its rich history and vibrant culture but also for its dedication to health and fitness. With a wide array of gyms tailored to different preferences and fitness goals, finding the right one can significantly impact your workout routine. Whether you're a fitness novice or a seasoned athlete, this guide will help you navigate the best gyms in Mobile, AL, ensuring you find a place that feels like a second home.
Diverse Options for Every Fitness Level Mobile boasts an impressive variety of gyms, each offering unique amenities and training programs. From spacious, high-tech facilities with state-of-the-art equipment to smaller, boutique studios focusing on personalized training, there's something for everyone. Gyms in Mobile cater to all levels of fitness enthusiasts, whether you're looking for intense CrossFit classes, peaceful yoga sessions, or high-energy group fitness classes.
Cutting-Edge Facilities Many gyms in Mobile, AL, pride themselves on featuring cutting-edge facilities. These gyms often house advanced cardio machines, expansive weight training sections, and versatile functional training areas designed to cater to a wide range of fitness routines. Moreover, several gyms offer luxurious amenities such as saunas, steam rooms, and even cafes, making your gym visit not just about sweating it out but also about relaxation and socialization.
Professional and Supportive Staff What sets Mobile AL gyms apart is the presence of highly qualified and enthusiastic staff. From personal trainers to fitness class instructors, the professionals you'll meet are dedicated to helping you achieve your fitness goals. They are not only certified and skilled but also supportive and motivating, ensuring you get the most out of every workout session.
Community and Motivation Joining a gym in Mobile is more than just accessing fitness equipment; it's about becoming part of a community. These gyms often host regular community events, fitness challenges, and social gatherings, fostering a sense of belonging and motivation among members. This community aspect can be incredibly motivating, especially on days when you need that extra push to get to the gym.
Flexible Membership Options Understanding the need for flexibility, gyms in Mobile offer a range of membership plans. Whether you're looking for a month-to-month contract, a prepaid plan for a year, or even pay-as-you-go options, you can find a plan that suits your lifestyle and budget. This flexibility ensures that fitness is accessible for everyone, regardless of their financial situation or commitment level.
Specialized Programs and Services In addition to general fitness offerings, many gyms in Mobile specialize in particular areas such as senior fitness programs, rehabilitation services, or sports-specific training. These specialized services ensure that you can find a gym that not only helps you maintain general fitness but also caters to your specific needs and goals. Whether you're recovering from an injury or training for a marathon, there’s a gym in Mobile equipped to support you.
Convenient Locations and Hours Convenience is key when it comes to maintaining a consistent workout routine. Fortunately, Mobile AL gyms are scattered throughout the city, with various locations near residential areas, business districts, and even schools. Moreover, many gyms offer extended hours, with some operating 24/7, allowing you to workout at a time that fits your schedule, be it early morning, late at night, or anything in between.
Commitment to Health and Safety Given the current global emphasis on health and safety, gyms in Mobile have stepped up by implementing rigorous cleanliness and safety protocols. Regular sanitization, social distancing measures, and ventilation improvements ensure that members can train in a safe and healthy environment. These measures reflect the gyms' commitment to their members' well-being, providing peace of mind along with physical health benefits.
Last Word: Whether you’re just embarking on your fitness journey or looking to switch up your routine, the gyms in Mobile, AL, offer an impressive range of options that cater to all preferences and fitness levels. With their state-of-the-art facilities, supportive staff, flexible memberships, and commitment to community and safety, these gyms stand out as top choices for anyone looking to stay fit and healthy. So, take the first step towards a healthier lifestyle by exploring the best Mobile AL gyms today!
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sattarctg · 11 months
Sweat, Smile, Repeat: Why Crossfit Gyms Near Me Are Worth It
CrossFit gyms near you offer a unique and rewarding fitness experience that combines sweat-inducing workouts with genuine smiles and a commitment to repetition. If you're wondering whether CrossFit is worth it, let's dive into the reasons why these gyms can be a game-changer for your fitness journey. Read More:
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fitnessxpressgk · 1 year
Thinking if CrossFit is safe and beneficial for kids? We have got you covered with complete details.
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sandhai · 1 year
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How to Choose the Right Weight Bumper Plates for Your Fitness Goals
When it comes to strength training and weightlifting, using the right equipment is essential for achieving your fitness goals. One crucial piece of equipment in any gym or home setup is the bumper plates. These specialized weight plates not only protect the floor and barbell but also allow for safe and effective lifts. However, selecting the right Buy Bumper Plates Canada can be overwhelming with the plethora of options available. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to choose the ideal bumper plates for your fitness goals.
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Determine Your Fitness Goals:
Before purchasing bumper plates, it's essential to have a clear understanding of your fitness objectives. Are you focused on Olympic lifting, powerlifting, CrossFit, general strength training, or a combination of these activities? Knowing your primary fitness goals will help you select the appropriate weight and size for your bumper plates.
Consider Your Skill Level:
Your level of experience in weightlifting should also influence your choice of bumper plates. Beginners may opt for a set with lighter plates to gradually build strength and technique, while advanced lifters may require a mix of heavy plates for maximum gains.
Quality and Durability:
Investing in high-quality bumper plates is crucial for long-term use and safety. Look for plates made from solid rubber with stainless steel inserts, as they offer superior durability and can withstand heavy impacts without cracking.
Weight Increments:
Bumper Plates near me Canada typically come in different weight increments. Ensure that the set you choose has a variety of weights that align with your fitness goals. Common increments are 2.5lb, 5lb, 10lb, 25lb, 35lb, and 45lb. Having a range of weights will allow you to progress in your training steadily.
Thickness and Diameter:
Consider the thickness and diameter of the bumper plates, especially if you plan to perform Olympic lifts. Standard Olympic bumper plates are 450mm in diameter and have varying thicknesses based on weight. Check that the plates you select comply with Olympic weightlifting standards if you're serious about your lifting technique.
Space Constraints:
If you have limited space in your gym or home workout area, compact bumper plates might be a more suitable choice. Compact bumpers are thinner than standard bumper plates, allowing you to load more weight on the bar while taking up less space.
Price and Budget:
Bumper plates can vary significantly in price. While it's tempting to opt for cheaper options, compromising on quality can lead to problems in the long run. Set a budget that aligns with your fitness goals and seek the best quality plates within that range.
Brand Reputation:
Research different brands and read customer reviews to gauge the reputation of the bumper plates you are interested in. A reputable brand with positive feedback is more likely to provide reliable and durable equipment.
Selecting the right bumper plates is a crucial step in reaching your fitness goals safely and effectively. By Befitnow considering your fitness objectives, skill level, quality, weight increments, dimensions, space constraints, budget, and brand reputation, you can make an informed decision. Remember, investing in top-notch bumper plates will enhance your training experience and help you achieve your fitness aspirations. Happy lifting! For more details you can call us +647-545-5393 and mail us [email protected]
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