#Crowley's music
flowery-king · 2 years
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Hmmm fnaf oc
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srslyarts · 2 years
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📺 + 📻 + 📖 + 🎶
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lilpy · 2 years
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Inspired by "No Spill Blood" by Oingo Boingo🐍✨
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sic-vita · 2 years
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Crowley + loving Aziraphale
I'll be the one who waits, And for as long as you'll let me, I will be the one you need
Someone to Fall Back On (Jason Robert Brown, Wearing Someone Else’s Clothes) // insp 
Good omens edits: 12/?
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hiraya-sa-dilim · 3 years
crowley is lil nas x kind of holy and aziraphale is hozier type blasphemous
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blondivae · 2 years
🎶 The Sound of Omens 🎶
Part 7 Act 1
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Meeting the Children
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fromedennn · 2 years
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idealism sits prison, chivalry fell on it's sword, innocence died screaming
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billiewena · 3 years
supernatural is a sitcom, actually
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teadragonart · 2 years
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A true form Crowley, based on @brutumfulmenao3‘s gorgeous descriptions. What does a fallen seraph become? Why don’t you come closer and find out...
Not pictured are the wings, I really wanted to focus on the eyes and chest and thought it might get a little lost if I had to scale back to fit the massive things in as well
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srslyarts · 2 years
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originally made this little icons for a “know my ship” meme but I still find it cute so here’s a little gif :)
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“Raven, sir! I find your personality attractive and amusing, and your confidence endearing. So, if you would allow me a single request from one as great as you… would you grant me a single smooch?”
***Art is by tinyfantasminha!***
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“Well, now... I can’t possibly deny a request from a doe-eyed fool such as yourself. Since you’re so painfully aware of my greatness, I suppose it would only be appropriate for me to reward you for it.”
Raven took you by the shoulders and steered you to the large window by his writing desk. Spring sunshine streamed in through glass panes, instantly warming your skin.
“This is how the scene must go. Standing... ” He paused to readjust your position. “... there, the light just so. Then you smile and gaze at me, and I take your hand on bended knee.
Raven gallantly knelt, cusping one of your hands in his own. He brought it to his face, letting your fingers graze his cheek. It was squishy and pliable, matching his tender-eyed, half-lidded expression and his soft smile.
“This is how I pictured you,” he whispered. In the quiet of the attic, it felt as though he were shouting it for the world to hear. “This is how a dream come true.”
And with that, Raven eyes fluttered shut and he pressed his lips to the back of your hand. His mouth was warm and full, and his kiss feathery. It was the sort of feeling that lingered, trapping you in the memory of him.
For however fleeing it was, you suddenly understood what it felt like to be the protagonist of a love story.
Raven broke the kiss and glanced up at you, breaking out into a smirk.
“Fuhuhu. You’re in awe of my talents, aren’t you? Savor this then, worm. Happiness is such a fleeting thing. You must treasure this moment while you still can.”
You gasped, yanking your hand away. Cradling your hand to your chest, you tried to still your spinning thoughts.
The back of your hand throbbed like an aching, bleeding heart.
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sic-vita · 2 years
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Crowley +Something Good (The Sound of Music) 
“But somewhere in my wicked, miserable past There must have been a moment of truth”
Good omens edits: 6/? 
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on-stardust-wings · 3 years
I think it's funny that Aziraphale likes "Hellish" music - or at least, he likes music by composers who ended up in Hell. He likes Beethoven, Bach, Mozart... and he doesn't like Elgar, one of the two classic musicians who ended up in Heaven. He also doesn't enjoy The Sound of Music.
It's not uncommon in fic that Aziraphale and Crowley have clashing tastes in music, that Crowley likes modern stuff and Aziraphale only enjoys classical music. But we know that they go to see concerts together, and Crowley keeps Tschaikowsky and other classical pieces in his car (they just get turned into Queen all the time, which he doesn't seem entirely in favour of, more like has grudgingly accepted as his fate). They listen to Queen together on the ride to Tadfield in the book, and it sounds like they both enjoyed Fat Bottomed Girls at least.
Aziraphale danced to modern music of the time in the Gentlemen's Club. I think he knows the difference between rock and bebop perfectly well; it's just another case of velocipede vs bicycle - he's messing with Crowley for fun.
But, that aside, I think it's another overlooked little prod at Heaven and Hell being not actually different, just names for Sides, the distinction between them arbitrary at best. The angel Aziraphale likes music by "evil" composers, in fact he prefers it so strongly that the idea of eternity with Elgar fills him with dread. The demon Crowley enjoys psychedelic rock, and some of The Velvet Underground's songs are quite heartfelt love songs (four letter words!). In the end they're more similar than they're different.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 3 years
I made a Good Omens music video! :) I’ve wanted to make this pretty much since the show came out and finally it is here! :) The song is one of my favourites - Almost Human by Aurelio Voltaire. This is my first complex music video so don’t expect anything glorious but I hope you’ll like it ❤! Can I hear a wahoo? :)
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blondivae · 2 years
🎶 The Sound of Omens 🎶
Part 1 Act 1
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And here it is!!! The very first part to my crossover fan comic between good omens and the sound of music! More to come soon!
Enjoy! :D
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notachaconne · 2 years
Ok this is not a britpick, it's music-pick, and I'm in a hurry because I'm going out but it always distracts me and I think it's nice for authors to know when they are putting in 'accidental' miracles.
You cannot play vinyl records on a 1930s mechanical gramphone. It uses a different sort of needle and it will tear them apart, and it goes at the wrong speed. A gramophone plays the previous technology, 78s, made not of vinyl but of shellac. That technology has a very different frequency response so it sounds very different. Vinyl got popular in about 1950, until then people were still recording and publishing on shellac. Playing shellacs on a turntable for vinyls also won't work.
Here is one of my favourite recordings on shellac, Coqueta by Orquesta Típica Victor, 1928. I think both the ineffables would kind of love it.
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