#Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia
deadpresidents · 10 months
You have mentioned your interest in reading about Saudi Arabia and I share your interest, so I want to know if you think the crown prince will actually become king eventually?
Yes, without a doubt. The Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), is already the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia and has instituted major economic, cultural, and religious reforms over the past few years that have dramatically changed Saudi Arabia. (Of course, he has also been responsible for some impulsive foreign policy disasters and brutal human rights violations.) With the possible exception of the Emirati leader, Mohammed bin Zayed (MBZ), the Saudi Crown Prince is already the most powerful leader in the Arab world.
King Salman is still alive (at least he was a few minutes ago), so he is officially in charge, but the King is nearly 88 years old and it is believed that he has been in failing health for a while now. It's not unusual for there to be a de factor ruler while the Saudi King is still living, and in every instance that de facto ruler ultimately succeeded the King. King Saud was forced to hand over power to the future King Faisal because Saud was utterly incompetent and unfit to effectively rule the country. King Khalid, who had assumed the throne when Faisal was assassinated in 1975, handed the reins over to future King Fahd because his health was failing. Fahd suffered a massive stroke in the 1990s, and future King Abdullah stepped in as de facto ruler until he was proclaimed King upon Fahd's death. So there's a lot of precedent for the de facto ruler to eventually become King in his own right. MBS has taken about as much control over Saudi Arabia as possible while still respecting the position of his father, but he's undoubtedly the person calling the shots and he's seemingly (and, in some cases, publicly) sidelined any potential threats to his rule once King Salman dies or abdicates.
Unless there is some shocking turn of events -- and it would probably take nothing short of a revolution at this point -- MBS will eventually succeed his father as King. That will make him the first grandson of Ibn Saud, the founder of the modern Saudi state, to become King. Since the death of Ibn Saud in 1953, every one of his successors as King of Saudi Arabia has been one of his roughly 50 sons. And because MBS is still so young (he's only 38 years old right now), he will likely have the opportunity to rule Saudi Arabia and become the most influential leader in the Middle East for decades to come.
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uma1ra · 11 months
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The second Nakba
Dear friends tonight Israel war planes are bombing Gaza and there is a ground invasion meaning mass killings of innocent lives remember 48% of are children. The UN just voted for a ceasefire voted against it.
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oldfritz · 1 year
i often think about the creepy saudi guy i met at a club in tampa and his equally creepy friend
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usa-journal · 1 month
Former Saudi Official Accuses Crown Prince of Forging King's Signature on Yemen War Decree
A former Saudi intelligence official has made serious allegations against Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, claiming the prince forged his father's signature on the royal decree that initiated Saudi Arabia's prolonged war in Yemen.
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The accusation, made by Saad al-Jabri in a recent BBC interview and later detailed to The Associated Press, suggests that Prince Mohammed, who was the defense minister at the time, bypassed his father, King Salman, to authorize a ground offensive against Yemen's Houthi rebels. Al-Jabri, now in exile in Canada, alleged that this decision was made without the king's knowledge and contradicted an earlier agreement with the United States to conduct an aerial campaign without ground intervention.
The Saudi government has not responded to the allegations, and the U.S. State Department declined to comment. Al-Jabri, a former major general, has been embroiled in a long-running dispute with the kingdom, which has detained his two children, allegedly to force his return to Saudi Arabia. Al-Jabri also claims the crown prince seeks to have him assassinated.
The Yemen war, which began in 2015, has become one of the world's worst humanitarian crises, with over 150,000 deaths and widespread suffering. Al-Jabri's claims cast further scrutiny on Prince Mohammed's leadership, particularly as he increasingly takes on the role of Saudi Arabia's de facto ruler.
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saveralivehindi · 1 month
साऊदी अरब के प्रिंस के मोहम्मद बिन सलमान को सता रहा मौत का खतरा! जानें क्या है पूरा मामला
दुनिया के सबसे बडे प्रिंस और एमबीएस(MBS) नामसे मसहूर सउदी अरब के प्रिंस मोहम्मद बिन सलमान  को अपनी मौत का खतरा सता रहा है। साउदी के प्रिंस मोहम्मद बिन सलमान सुरक्षा के कड़े घेरे में रहते हैं। फिस भी उनको अपनी मौंत का खतरा सता रहा है ।  दरअशल, मोहम्मद बिन सलमान ने अमेरिका के एक समाचार आउटले(पाॅलिटिको) के एक रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक मोहम्मद बिन सलमान के डर का जिक्र किया है। रिपोर्ट के अनुसार क्रराउन…
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saxafimedianetwork · 2 months
King Salman Allows Saudi Cabinet To Meet Without Him Or Crown Prince
#SaudiArabia's #KingSalman has issued a decree allowing cabinet meetings to proceed without his or #CrownPrince #MBC's presence. The eldest cabinet member, a descendant of the founding king, will chair meetings in their absence. #Cabinet #RoyalDecree
Continue reading King Salman Allows Saudi Cabinet To Meet Without Him Or Crown Prince
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lyfeeonline · 2 months
Jeddah Central Project: A Vision for the Future
Jeddah, a vibrant city on the Red Sea coast, is poised for a remarkable transformation. The Jeddah Central Project, a staggering $19.9 billion development, promises to propel the city into the ranks of the world’s premier tourist destinations. This ambitious initiative, spearheaded by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in 2021, is more than just a construction project; it’s a vision for the…
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xtruss · 3 months
A Saudi Nuke? Biden Is About To Give 'Mr Bone Saw' What He Needs
The U.S. President is pulling out all the stops to get a deal with Saudi Arabia.
— Spencer Ackerman | June 17, 2024 | Zeteo
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President Joe Biden fist bumps Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on July 15, 2022. Photo by Royal Court of Saudi Arabia/Handout/Anadolu Agency via Getty Image
There are unforced errors. There are mistakes we can see coming in advance. And then there's President Joe Biden aggressively pursuing a deal with Saudi Arabia that will give Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman much of what he needs for a nuclear weapon.
Biden is pulling out all the stops. National security adviser Jake Sullivan spent a weekend in Riyadh in late May to secure a longstanding diplomatic priority that the administration hopes can incentivize Israel to stop its genocide in Gaza. It would fulfill – and upstage – Donald Trump's "Abraham Accords" between Israel and several Arab states by securing full normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia, the most powerful among them.
But with Israel intransigent in its determination to assault Rafah, the Biden team has pivoted the deal to work as a bilateral endeavor, though the door remains open to the Israeli government to join. And for more than a month, the White House has declared that it's within field-goal range of an accord with the man ubiquitously known as "MBS," evidently trying to manifest momentum for it. The deal, which the Wall Street Journal reported last week is gaining momentum, would see the U.S. for the first time provide a formal guarantee of U.S. reprisal to any attack on Saudi Arabia. If Biden can close, he will immediately secure a signature diplomatic aspect of his presidential legacy.
When spotlighting the initiative over the past several weeks, the press has tended to focus on the defense guarantees and expanded access to sophisticated U.S. weaponry that the Saudi royals will gain from Washington. That's not unreasonable, considering that such weapons are sure to affect the balance of military power in the region, to say nothing of promising that U.S. troops will defend Riyadh in a military crisis. But the lasting impact of the deal is more likely to center around the United States agreeing to provide Saudi Arabia with technology, equipment, and expertise to enrich uranium on its own soil.
While details are scarce, that last part is crucial: the Saudis demand to control their own nuclear fuel cycle. Owing to its uranium deposits, "it's not natural for us to bring enriched uranium from a foreign country to fuel our reactors," the Saudi energy minister said in 2018. Whatever the reasoning, it ensures the Saudis will have the crucial component for a nuclear weapon. "Enrichment could bring Saudi Arabia to the brink of acquiring nuclear arms, and U.S. policy should prohibit it," a bipartisan group of nuclear experts wrote to Biden in September. They reminded him that stopping the proliferation of enrichment technologies has been the cornerstone of U.S. nonproliferation policy "since the dawn of the Atomic Age." Whatever safeguards will accompany a U.S.-Saudi nuclear deal, we can reasonably assume they will be nowhere near as aggressive as the nuclear inspection regime around Saddam Hussein.
“Mister Bone Saw” ...
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chloeworships · 5 months
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deadpresidents · 1 year
Despite reading dozens of books on Saudi Arabia, the Saudi monarchy, and several biographies of Mohammed bin Salman, I must admit how surprised I am that MbS's actual speaking voice sounds exactly like Tom Hardy's posh accent in Inception. It's quite jarring at first.
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digitalislamicguide · 6 months
Saudi Model Alqahtani at Miss Universe Sparks Controversy with Shahada Flag
Rumy Alqahtani’s participation in Miss Universe, coupled together with her revealing apparel and the Saudi flag displaying the shahada, has raised Muslim social media concern. Orthodox Muslims see her involvement as opposite to Islamic modesty, reflecting wider worries about westernisation underneath Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s reforms. Photo: Instagram/rumy_alqahtani Rumy Alqahtani, a…
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plitnick · 8 months
Saudi-Israel Normalization Is Not A Path To Ending The Violence in Palestine and Israel
Once again, Biden is trotting out this terrible, potentially destructive idea that has little chance of even coming to be and no chance of being helpful. In the latest edition of the Cutting Through newsletter, I explain why this is a bad idea, and why it is being pushed even harder right now.  Saudi-Israel Normalization Is Not A Path To Ending The Violence in Palestine and Israel
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timesnew7 · 1 year
Crown prince Salman: Saudi Arabia and Israel getting 'closer' to normalization
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Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) has revealed in a US television interview that his country is moving closer to normalizing relations with Israel. He also expressed concerns about Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon, stating, "If they get one, we have to get one, for security reasons and the balance of power in the Middle East. But we don't want to see that." MbS made these remarks in an interview with Fox News, where he discussed a range of topics, including the potential for diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel. He emphasized the importance of resolving the Palestinian issue as part of any normalization agreement. “For us, the Palestinian issue is very important. We need to solve that part," the Saudi Arabi's de facto leader said. Regarding Iran's nuclear ambitions, MbS expressed worry about the consequences if Iran were to acquire a nuclear bomb and stated that such a scenario would lead to a "big fight with the rest of the world." US officials are actively working on brokering a historic deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel, which would include discussions on US security guarantees, civilian nuclear assistance for Saudi Arabia, and potential Israeli concessions to the Palestinians. While challenges remain, the US sees potential benefits in such a mega-deal, including reducing tensions in the Arab-Israeli conflict, countering Iran, and strengthening alliances in the Gulf. The interview coincided with a meeting between US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, during which they pledged to work toward Israeli-Saudi normalization. Both leaders also expressed concerns about Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon. MbS defended OPEC+'s decision to cut oil output, denying that it was intended to aid Russia in its war in Ukraine. He also discussed the need for reforms in the Saudi security system to prevent incidents like the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the future. While the potential for improved US-Saudi relations and Israeli-Saudi normalization exists, it faces challenges in the US Congress due to concerns over MbS's role in various issues, including the Khashoggi case, Yemen's conflict, and oil prices. (With inputs from agencies) Read the full article
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summarychannel · 2 years
Israel issues an official threat after reconciliation with Iran and moves in the Gulf
This episode of Samari TV goes back to the normalization agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The Wall Street Journal said that Tehran pledged to Riyadh to stop supplying the Ansar Allah Houthi group in Yemen with weapons and military equipment. While the Reuters news agency provided full details of the Chinese mediation role in completing the Saudi-Iranian agreement, and Beijing pledged to play the role of an impartial guarantor to achieve Saudi conditions for agreeing to enter into a state of peace with the Iranian opponent. On the other hand, the episode indicates Saudi Arabia's efforts to balance its rapprochement with China and its historical relationship with the United States. As Riyadh continues to conclude important billion-dollar trade deals with Washington in the telecommunications and aviation sectors to confirm on the American side that the Kingdom does not intend to exit the historic strategic alliance with it.Finally, the episode continues to follow the angry Israeli reactions to the agreement between Riyadh and Tehran, with reference to the Israeli journalist Eddie Cohen's tweet on the social networking site (Twitter), in which he affirmed Israel's refusal to possess any Arab force for nuclear weapons, in reference to his efforts to Saudi Arabia to build its own nuclear program.
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james237698 · 2 years
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centrally-unplanned · 5 months
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The grand ambitions of NEOM, the futuristic city-building initiative launched in 2017 by Saudi Arabia’s crown prince Mohammed Bin Salman, are being dramatically tempered. On April 5, Bloomberg reported that the first phase of The Line, a 106-mile-long “linear city” stretching inland from the Red Sea’s coast, will be just 1.5 miles long by its expected completion date of 2030.
No waayyyyy
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