#Curufin x Reader
doodle-pops · 2 years
Think You Can Warm Me Up
[Elves and Cockwarming x reader]
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Request: What elves do you think would like cock-warming? - anon
A/N: This was a lot of elves to think for since I've added more over the months gone by. Enjoy!!!
Warning: smut, cockwarming
More: Brat Taming
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Loves it – sometimes when they’re too busy to have sex with you but you want to feel them, they’ll suggest you sit on their lap, only to feel them raising your body slightly to slide themselves into you. When you lift your hips to move, their hands will be planted firmly on your waist with a stern look on their faces warning you to stay still. They’ll keep their hands on your waist, using it to pull you closer to rest against their chest and hold you down. Some use it for punishment when your bratty side comes out. They’ll rile you up by making out with you, having you grind on them feeling as though you two are about to have sex, but then when you’re about to ride them, they’ll lean in to whisper, “Not so fast love, no moving, sit right there and stay still or I’ll leave you empty. You thought I’d just give in and give you what you wanted, my poor confused little one” Other times, they’d use it to literally warm themselves up. When you two are relaxing as such, they’d throw the suggestion out to you and once you agree, the two of you will just be lounging about with their cock buried in you, staying warm. There are times you’ve fallen asleep with them buried in you. “You feel so warm and tight love, stop shifting so much, just stay still. This feels good, now we can cuddle.”
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Hates it – the first time you suggest the act, they were down to try it, but once you sank your warm hole onto their cock, it was over for them. Their hands would immediately shoot out to grab your waist, urging you to move but you’ll simply push it away and lean into their chest informing them that you’re not supposed to move. “It’s called cockwarming for a reason. Now stay still. Don’t get mad, remember you agreed to this, so sit and enjoy it.” This was absolute torture for them, they couldn’t take it anymore. Knowing that if they moved their hips right then, you’d probably hop off and that wasn’t part of their plan. Waiting till you were settled in and comfortable, with ease, their hands would sneak around your waist holding you firmly to their chest and without any warning, begin thrusting into you. You’d admit that this was not how you planned the session to go but with the way the tip of their cock was brushing against your soft spot, your moans gave it away. Now whenever you suggest it to them, they’d smile at you saying that they’ll behave, only to abuse your heat as soon as you sink down on their cock. The longest they’ve ever lasted was five seconds. “If you really thought I’d sit through all that torture, you’re absolutely wrong. Now be a good girl/boy and enjoy my cock.”
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Mixed feelings – one minute it’s torture for them the other it’s blissful. It just all depends on their mood not so much yours. If they’re tired and just want to be warmed or you want to feel them, they’d let you go ahead without interrupting you. They’d simply wrap their arms around you and pull you in closer, pressing a kiss to your forehead and drifting off to sleep. Other times it’s when they’re busy doing paperwork and could do with a little relief. Letting you sit on their lap with the table hiding their cock buried deep in your heat, they’d let you lean into them so they could continue their work. “This feels good, didn’t think I’d be needing this, but after I’m finished here, I’d bend you over this table for a good fuck, hmm.” When you’re teasing them all day and acting up and then decide it’s time to kick it up a notch by making them feel you were about to ride them after your tedious torture only to sit still on their cock, now you’re just asking for it. They’d be grinding their teeth the entire time when you tell them not to move while pretending to do something important, informing them that when you’re finished then you two can go at it, they’re not going to listen, not when you were suffocating their cock. They wouldn’t care at that point, so say goodbye to whatever it was that you were doing. “Don’t you think this is a little too much love, don’t you think this has gone on for too long because I think so as well. How about we change that by having me fuck you, now.”
Maedhros, MAGLOR, CARANTHIR, Amrod, Fingolfin, FINGON, TURGON, FINARFIN, Finrod, AEGNOR, Glorfindel, GALDOR, Egalmoth, ROG, ERESTOR
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Taglist: @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @mysticmoomin @aconstructofamind @lilmelily
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batsyforyou · 2 months
Squishing and Kissing the Elves Cheeks pt.2
Tags: dramatic form of affection, crack?
Author's Note: this is the current highest winning and I just decided to do Eonwe, this one as well as the pokémon one and the other. So, basiclly everything lol.
Taglist: @asianbutnotjapanese
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Squishing and kissing Maeglin’s cheeks 
He has a very thin face so there isn’t much to grab and pinch but when you do grab and squish his face (much to his shock and horror) he’ll gape at you. And when you kiss him? He is so caught off guard he’ll shove you away in a panic. Red finger prints on his pale cheeks and with his labored breathing he’ll look like a cornered animal. 
He’ll demand to know what you were doing, “I was just trying to love on you, love.” You say. 
“Oh.” He gulps, his cheeks flaring with color. “Could you, could you do that again?” 
Essentially he is that meme, “What is this? Affection? Disgusting, do it again.” 
Squishing and kissing Turgon’s cheeks
He is beyond embarrassed 
Hates PDA so if you so much as reach to cup his face while outside he’ll flinch back so hard his face would catch fire. (blushing)
He’ll snap his head around while covering his mouth and look to see if any of his siblings saw you and if no one even glances in his direction he’ll calm down. 
If you try to squish his cheeks alone he’ll be just as embarrassed so he’ll pull back some while mumbling a complaint about having to bend down so far 
But don’t worry all you have to do is jut out your bottom lip and pout before he gives in. 
Letting you pinch and kiss his cheeks as he listens to your giggles with red ears. 
Squishing and kissing Maglor’s cheeks (Not finished) 
“Yes, my dear?” 
Slowly approaches, “Would you be upset if I stole a few minutes of your time?” 
“Not at all!” Glancing up from his music sheets he cocked his head, “My love, I can hear your heart beating from here. What has sent your heart a flutter?” 
Frowning he scooted his chair back, “Celegorm hasn’t done something has he?” 
Giggling, you shook your head, “No, no! I just, you're so cute.” 
He smiled, patting his lap, and you hurriedly took his invitation, lifting your skirt over his legs to comfortably settle against his chest. “I do believe that is a trait to describe you.” 
Giggling, you pushed your face into the crook of his neck as he held you in his embrace. After a few minutes cuddling you pushed yourself back a little to meet his eye. 
Reaching up you squished his cheeks together and kissed his nose and other random spots on his face. 
With one more smacking kiss to his lips you grin, bumping his nose with yours, “I love you.” 
Running his thumb over the apple of your cheeks he looked up at you with admiration in his eyes. 
“I love you, enterally.” 
Squishing and kissing Maedhros’s cheeks 
You’ll have to wait and make sure the elf is sitting at his desk if you even want to attempt getting him with your dramatic affection. Thinking Maedhros will shove you off you act fast, giggling as you rush to his side. 
“Melda? What are you-” Quickly taking a hold of his cheeks you squish them together and give him one singularly wet, smacking kiss and race off, laughter trailing in your wake. 
Stunned and confused, Maedhros ponders exactly what happened, a slow smile growing on his lips. 
By the next morning you were struggling to move from your bed, sitting at your bedside and staring at your bedroom floor, no thoughts were entering your mind. Seeing you on the bed Maedhros smirks, yanking on his belt to make sure it's secure he leans over to you and pinches your cheek with his one hand, leaving a passionate kiss onto your lips. 
“There.” He says. “Easy pickings.” 
It very quickly turns into a game of Cat and Mouse. 
It’ll happen in the corridors, at the dinner table and any place that holds no political importance. Leaving his brothers to roll their eyes and groan at their brothers show of sickening affection. 
And as the oldest, nothing makes him more happy, annoying his brothers and loving on his love. 
Squishing and kissing Curufin’s cheeks
You slowly approached him, taking careful sure-footed steps into his office you observed his still form. The constant scratch of his quill acted as a lure to distract your husband from what was about to happen. Feeling laughter bubble inside your chest you tightly bit your lips, 
So close ….. 
The elf grunted, “Don’t even think about it.” 
Feeling your ballooned excitement pierce with a pop, you sighed, his words mimicking his brother’s skill in archery. 
“How did you know?” 
Crossing your arms you gave up on being sneaky, instead strutting right up to his desk and plopping your butt on the corner. 
Counting his papers he licked his fingers and pulled a fresh paper from the stack, “Your first mistake was thinking that I would not recognize your presence in a room. To think I would not recognize your footfalls and the subtle minute traces of your scent, is insulting.” 
You raise a brow staring at him and as the minutes ticked on he sighed, “I could hear you through the wall.” 
You groan, dropping your back to stare at his intricately designed ceiling. Of freaking course he did. 
“Please Curufin? Please, let me have this.” 
Circling a set of numbers he marked Caranthir’s name beside it. 
You pouted, “Pretty please? I won’t ask you for anything else all year!” 
“We both know that will never happen.” 
“Curufin.” You beg. 
Dropping his quill he rubbed at his temples, “Would it really make you that happy?” 
Sighing he leaned into his chair, burying his fingers into the fabric of his sleeves. 
Squealing you grabbed his face and planted a big fat kiss on him. Enjoying every minute  he lets you squish and kiss his cheeks. 
Squishing and kissing Erestor’s cheeks  
Pulls away almost immediately, the elf is snapping his face anyway from you so fast you practically hear the neck snap audio. 
He is so red in the face because he is so angry at himself for actually enjoying it and he feels so embarrassed over the fact that he can feel something grow in his heart. And just knowing that he likes being cooed at and loved so “Childishly” with a dramatic flair, he doesn’t want to look at himself. He is a hardened soldier who faced countless battles and struggles in his long immortal life. So being handled like that by you feels so good and so wrong at the same time. 
Essentially, he is that meme where people go, “This better not awaken anything in me.” lol 
Squishing and kissing Caranthir’s cheeks
Slamming the door to your shared chambers Cara grunted, yanking at his tunic and muttering under his breath. 
Peeking over the sofa you watched your love with interest, setting aside the book you’d been reading. 
Taking his boots he stepped on the heels, slipping his feet out and kicking them to the side. 
You tried again. 
“Cara, my love?” 
He grunted, near snorting at you as he fumbled with the buttons, struggling to pop them. His face stood as a testament to his mood, a blister red and his ears seemingly twitching at the heat. 
“Oh, my sweet baby.” You call. “Come sit and I’ll help you.” 
Ignoring you, he huffed and yanked at his clothes with the strength only an elf could carry. The fabric ripping off his back and shoulders, Caranthir pulled the garment from his arms and sighed. 
Finally free of his clothes, save his leggings, Caranthir trudged towards your spot on the couch and climbed into your lap, hiding his face in your stomach. 
Frowning, you gently reached into the small box under the side table and pulled a small brush from its contents. Humming a lullaby in a soothing tone you removed his braids and pins and brushed his hair until the tension in his back melted away. 
“Hard day?” You asked. 
The rumble of his voice hid itself in the folds of your shirt. “Worse than you know.” 
Pushing himself onto his back he rolled over to look up at you.
“Can you?” 
Grinning you tossed the brush into its box and took a hold of cheeks, “I’d love too.”
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Your Father's Son - Curufin x maia!reader
For the first time ever, Curufin wishes he wouldn’t resemble his father so much.
Words: 1.3k
Tags: Curufin has a bit of an identity crisis, fluff, reader is a Maia of Aulë
A/N: I genuinely never thought the day would come where I write a fic for this guy. Honestly don’t care that this is probably not really canon compliant, this version simply speaks to me so much more. Since it’s pre-oath, I imagine the daddy issues just hadn’t taken on their final form yet. Guess I can still sneak this into @doodle-pops underrated character event 👀
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Whenever Curufinwë and his family visited the Halls of Aulë, his father really lived up to his name. The fire of his fëa glowed in his eyes and filled his voice with an insurmountable passion, captivating all who listened, as he described new projects and techniques he had come up with. His mother always stood next to his father, beaming with pride at her husband’s accomplishments and occasionally chiming in with remarks about her own craft.
Today was a truly remarkable occasion. His father stood at the centre of the hall, holding an intricately crafted box in his hands.
“Thank you for so graciously receiving me and my family, Lord Aulë,” his deep voice boomed across the room. “Today, I am here to reveal my greatest creations yet. Behold.” He opened the box and produced three brightly gleaming gems. A collective gasp went through the hall and excited whispers broke out amongst the present Maiar and Elves.
“The Silmarils,” his father continued, “imbued with the light of the Two Trees themselves.” Curufinwë watched with pride, as his father was immediately swarmed by curious onlookers, hoping to gain a closer look at the Silmarils and ask him all manner of questions about the creative process.
He spotted a familiar face in the crowd and a pleasant tingle spread through his body. You wore an expression of pure awe, eyes glued to his father’s spectacular creations. How he wished you would look at him like that. He would gladly rip the Silmarils from his father’s hands to offer them to you if that’s what it took.
Sometimes he wondered if his feelings could ever be reciprocated. The Valar and Maiar seemed so close and yet so far away and to his knowledge, Maia and Elf couples weren’t exactly common.
Your eyes met and you offered him a happy smile, making your way over to him. “It is lovely to see you here, my lord,” you said with a polite bow.
“The pleasure is all mine,” he replied, taking your hand to ghost his lips across the back of it, delighting in the surprised blush on your face.
“What your father created … breathtaking. We’re all honoured to be in the presence of such a master craftsman,” you gushed.
Curufinwë’s smile almost bordered on smugness. How else could anyone feel in the presence of the greatest of the Eldar? He knew how much work his father had put into creating the Silmarils. How much of his fiery fëa had flown into them. All the sleepless hours slaving away in the smouldering forges had more than paid off.
“Oh, I almost forgot! Your mother showed me one of the new hair brooches you made for her. It was stunning, you truly are your father’s son. With all the talent you inherited from him, surely there are creations rivalling the Silmarils in your future.”
Curufinwë felt an unexpected pull in his chest. You truly are your father’s son. Words he had heard more times than he could count and that he normally perceived as the greatest of compliments, but somehow it felt different when they came from you. Was that all you thought about when you looked at him? How much he took after his father?
He should be honoured, like he always was. Who else but him could even dream of holding a candle to his father’s genius? And yet …  I’m more than just my father’s son, his mind told him, but he immediately suppressed that ridiculous complaint. He clenched his jaw and gave you a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.
“I pray you are right.” His façade could never hope to deceive the perceptive Maiar.
“Are you all right, my lord? Did I say something to upset you?” you questioned but he only shook his head silently and took his leave with a grumbled Please excuse me.
He didn’t know how many corners he had turned when he just so happened to find himself in front of a mirror in an empty hallway. He recognised the frame’s design immediately – it was one of the first crafts for Aulë he had helped his father with. He could still vividly remember the pride he felt when his father had praised his diligent work and how he had begun to chase that high ever since. For as long as he could remember, nothing had mattered as much to him as gaining his father’s approval.
Curufinwë stared into the mirror, watching his father’s piercing gaze stare back at him. His face contorted into a scowl, just like his father’s did, when in the presence of his blasted half-brothers.
He tentatively reached up to loosen the pins that held his hair in place, watching it cascade across his shoulders and back like liquid midnight. No matter how much he wrecked his mind, he couldn’t think of a single hairstyle that his father did not favour as well.
“There you are,” your voice suddenly appeared next to him. He tried to hide how startled he was as he turned to face you.
“You followed me?”
“I wanted to make sure you’re all right,” you said timidly, as if debating whether or not to regret your action. He couldn’t give you an honest answer, so he remained silent.
After a while of uncomfortable silence, he spoke up. “Is he all you think about when you see me?”
“My father.”
“What? Of course not-“
“I have talent of my own, you know. Everyone always says how alike we are. How grateful I should be, to have inherited his skills. But-“ His breath quickened, and he turned his back to you, running his hands across his face in frustration. I’m more than just my father’s son. “I don’t want you to think of me like that. Not you, of all people.”
You moved to stand in front of him and took his hands away from his face, holding them in your own instead. For a moment, Curufinwë thought he saw something akin to genuine affection in your eyes, but surely his mind was deceiving him.
“Who says that’s what I do?” you said tenderly. “I adore you for who you are. Your father-“
“You adore me?” he interrupted you in disbelief. A sudden realisation seemed to dawn on you, as if you hadn’t meant to use those words.
“Well, yes, of course I do,” you floundered, “A great deal. You are an amazing craftsman in your own right and the passion you show for your works is most certainly your own. I love when you come to me to show me new ideas, I … could listen to you for hours.” You bit your lower lip and looked away, your statement hanging heavy in the air for a moment.
Curufinwë swallowed strongly and then took hold of your chin to turn your face towards him slowly. “I … adore you, too,” he confessed and felt his heart swell as your eyes lit up with joy and your lips curved into a smile. “There’s only one opinion I value more than my father’s when it comes to my craft. Yours. Sharing my ideas with you is one of my greatest joys.”
“I don’t really know what to say,” you replied, but the smile on your face never faded.
“You don’t need to say anything. For now, let’s just … I don’t know. Come to terms with these feelings. And forget about my embarrassing insecurities,” he mumbled the last part and felt his cheeks heat up, hoping it wasn’t too noticeable.
You laughed and nodded. “I’d like that.”
A small part of him wondered if this is how his father had felt, when he discovered his mother’s mutual feelings, but he silenced that part immediately. Not now, idiot.
He shook his head, and a  relieved smile graced his features. Maybe the Maiar weren’t so far away after all. Maybe – just maybe – he didn’t mirror his father as much as everyone told him.
Coming from you, he chose to believe it for now.
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lamemaster · 1 year
A Conspiring Universe (Curufin x Reader)
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Pairing: Curufin x Reader
Genre: Lovers to enemies (hehe)
Summary: Such was the unfortunate tale of your meeting with Curufin. A fate orchestrated by the entire universe.
AN: Idk Curufin just came and demanded this so here it is. Another story for the underrated character event. @doodle-pops
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"Your father destroyed lives, he does not get my respect," your words reverberate through the serene room, a stark contrast to the tranquility that hangs in the air. The faint scent of ripe oranges and sugar from your marmalade fills the space, a bittersweet reminder of domesticity amidst the impending storm.
In the golden light of the Sun, you see him for the first time. The last time you laid eyes on him, the Sun and the Moon had yet to grace the world. "You never even gave us... my family a chance. Always on your high horse. Always preaching whatever your parents told you about," Curufin remains unchanged. Despite the passage of time, the regrowth of his fana has not tamed his fervor, nor dimmed the fire that has long defined him.
This is how you greet your husband after eons of separation. Your veins pulse with adrenaline, your heart pounds like a drumbeat of fury. "You and your wretched family took away everything from me," your accusatory finger jabs the air, finding its mark on Curufin's conscience.
"You took away my son, his happiness; you trampled upon his heart," your steps carry you closer to him, until your breaths mingle, noses almost touching. "And in doing so, you took my everything," you refuse to let your tears fall. Not today. Not in front of him. He does not deserve them. Not after the last time you had begged him with the same tears. You had pleaded for your son.
"I wish I hadn't met you," the words slip out, unhindered by any interruption. So you continue, your voice like a river finally allowed to flow freely. "I wish you had perished at Alqualondë, or I wish you had ended my life before you departed Tirion," a tremor runs through you, but you steel yourself against it. After all these years, after carrying the weight of a bond you never asked for, it all crumbles like a dam breached under pressure. "I wish... I... I had died."
"Please," his voice is a whisper, a fragile sound that blends into the walls around you, almost lost in the echoes.
"Every single day of your exile, I yearned for death. To depart this world. To journey beyond even Miriel's reach, and to leave you. To abandon you as you abandoned me," your voice wavers, your knees threaten to give way, and the tears stream down. At that moment, the arms that wrap around you. 
You do not allow him to embrace you completely. You shrug off his arms even as the world blurs. “Curufinwe I hate you,” your voice is a whisper but you know he hears it. “I hate you so much.” Tears not belonging to you, stings the skin of your hands. Tremors foreign to your body rock your shoulders.
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Curufinwe, like his father, fell in love with the most unexpected person. None in Aman had expected such to occur, yet, it had. Just like none had expected Feanor to marry unremarkable Nerdanel. They hadn’t expected for his son, his shadow, Curufin to wed the daughter of a priest.
But love comes where it is destined. And it stays there like an unwelcome tenant. It came for Curfin and you. 
Your upbringing immersed you in tales of the Valar and their valor, bound by reverence and tradition. Curufin, however, was raised in a household that reveled in defiance, a family that dared to question the authority of those who claimed dominion over Arda. Neither Feanor nor your parents had assented easily. But that too had come to pass.
Or else what could have been the chances of Curufin getting a sudden impulse to stroll, a mere few hours after he had delved into his father's smithy, a place he could stay in for days without respite. Why did he choose that exact moment for a break? And why did his steps lead him to the temple, a place his family had shunned? How was it that you, who usually worked out in the gardens of the temple was the one singing the hymn that morning? What had led you to sing like that, that particular day?
It was as if the entire universe had conspired to blend your path to him. On a pleasant sunny day, when the flowers bloomed bearing all the colors of the rainbow, and the air thrummed with the subtle fragrance of incense, you met Curufin. 
It had happened in a fraction of a second. Your eyes met his and it was undeniable. In a hall full of people your singing faltered at his sight. Notes forgotten and worship discarded. Curufin on the other hand did not pause. He moved towards you uncaring of the eyes on him. 
Such was the unfortunate tale of your meeting with Curufin. A fate orchestrated by the entire universe.
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eunoiaastralwings · 1 year
This ask has been on my mind since like FOREVER 💗💗💗💗💗💗
I was wondering if you could do a feanorians x little brother ft nolofinwe where y/n was born very weak and frail but was still loved by his family dearly just that because of his frail body he's constantly bullied and hit by other elflings (and maybe some adults). Whenever he sees his brothers and father he feels so utterly useless but bottles everything up .
Make it end up in fluff please 🙏🙏
Thank you and have a wonderful day/night ❣️
characters feanorians x little brother reader ft. Fingolfin
fandom tolkien- the silmarillion
a/n am still uneasily writing about kids - so I made it into a headcanon. Idk if this is what you intended am sorry - so you can request else where because idk what else to do this - but I hope you at least like it @oggy4god
warnings angry overprotective family members xD
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As your dad - expect him to treat you the same as any other of your brothers. He doesn’t care whether or not you were born weak - Feanor still wants to achieve your goals and dreams, like each of his other sons did. He would help you achieve it too. 
Eru forbid if he witnesses anyone bullying you he will turn their lives to literal hell. He would protect you with his might and title - the most important to him being a father. He will allow no harm to come upon you. After your bullying incidents he keep just an extra eye and care on you - letting you know you can always talk to him. He will be extra caring on your side. 
If you ever feel useless compared to him - he will tell you otherwise and make you shine with your skills, no matter how small they may be, he is so proud of you.
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I love her, OK? I could not miss your hot momma out. Just like Feanor, she wouldn’t see you any less. You receive a little more attention from her (sometimes your brothers are a little jealous of this but they understand and love you) - more care too. She will encourage you and help you every step of the way to help you achieve your dreams - she sits with you day and night.
Nerdanel is someone who doesn’t like to use the terms “weak” or people referring to you having a “condition” - she likes to think you were extra blessed by Eru, especially when you start to show your kindness and uniqueness to the world - showing your hidden talents. She is the proudest mother - and she shows it.
Your mother would be first to witness the change in your moods - you starting to get depressed. She knows you very well and finds the reasons behind it without having to even question. She likes to deal with it quietly - but if your bullies ceases to stop, she is not afraid to take it to the next level. If she uses her title among the Nolder for anyone, it will be for her children - especially you darling.
Sometimes she cries herself to sleep - thinking about all that you had to face alone and how hard it must have been for you and why you didnt come to her.
In seeing you like this - she understands depression and other mental illnesses so she advises and helps to start therapy or retreats among elves - knowing it is more common than one would think.
Oh - and if it comes to having to get getting revenge on the kindergarten moms who bullied her kid. . . oh, she will ! ! !
Nerdanel consoles her son -and then takes her revenge on those who mistreated him.
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As your oldest brother - he advises you like a 2nd father, he isn’t afraid to step in when Feanor is away to come and protect you. He lets you take it a little more easier in training. When you cannot achieve anything as fast as your brothers - he sits down next to you and comforts you with small pet talks. He tries to make you feel better about yourself by telling the number of times he failed before achieving something - letting you know how things take time and life isn’t about a race. Mae tells you to believe in yourself and that is the most important thing - he tells you to listen to yourself and the people that are family - “They say many things - but you mustn’t listen to them, but to the people you keep in here” - points to your heart.
When you finally learn to achieve a level in your training - he has the biggest proud face. He picks you up and places you on his shoulders, cheering for you. 
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While your mother invites therapy for mental health - your big brother Maglor creates songs to boost up your self esteem. Ever seen music fights? - Yes, he does that to your bullies, before filling you with a heart warming and encouraging song like in those Disney movies - he becomes Baloo (The Jungle Book) or even Genie (Aladdin).
He becomes your personal cheerleader - singing from the top of his lungs as Mae carries you on his shoulders.
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While he doesn’t show it well - he loves you greatly. If he ever sees anyone bullying you and making you feel bad about yourself - big bad brother Tyelko is going to threaten the very lives of your bullies, he becomes the bully of your bullies LMAOO.
He then feels better and drops in front of you - wrapping his arm around your shoulder insisting you go for a hunt that’s the only way he knows how to comfort. Otherwise he gets either Nerdanel, Mae or Maglor.
Expect Huan to be the bestest boi to protect you from big bad brother Tyelko is away to bully the bullies that tried to hurt you.
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If anyone learns of you being mistreated first, it is your overprotective big brother Cara - he sees red when he sees or hears of someone bullying you. Cara would straight up punch them in the face - he doesn’t care who/what they are: “HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK OF LAYING A HAND ON MY BABY BROTHER?!”
His words are searing with deadly anger - making them cower in fear. He will make sure they apologize to you - the one that you deserve. While Cara is caring, initially he is mad at you for hiding or bottling up everything. Afterwards he vows to let no harm come to you. Cara knows what it is like to be judged on - because of his ruddy freckles skin. 
Slowly the both of you become closer to each other like this - gradually opening up to each other and he has the proudest look on his face when he sees you defending him, small tears even gathers in his eyes.
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Like Cara - he is so mad you had no one told anyone of your mistreatments, he will report straight to Feanor. He doesn’t know how to comfort - he never learnt that so he pulls you to the others to give you comfort, though he becomes the extra pair of eyes to protect you from anyone who dares to mistreat you. He can be a little hard on you at times - but when he learns he’s causing you hurt too he immediately stops - he does care deeply for you but he doesn’t know how to help you otherwise.
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Please - if your older twin brothers ever sees someone hurting you - expect them to prank (and scare) the life out of them. They are letting no one hurt you in any way - they take on their roles of becoming your big brothers very seriously - even if at times it seems like it doesn’t.
Sometimes during training they purposefully fall behind you making you go ahead of them or failing on pretend - because they love seeing that triumphant amazed smile on your face once in a while. They will literally do anything to make you happy - once even daring to cut the hair of your school teacher that was giving you a hard time - “He doesn’t deserve it - if he cannot treat someone as amazing you right ! ! ! - Even Atar isn’t mad at us!”
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Best Uncle Nolofinwë seeing this precious little nephew getting mistreated? - Oh, he will not allow such a thing to happen, for a split second he is about to lose his anger like your father - but he controls it and does it the right way of reporting it and making sure they achieve their punishment to even dare to think of doing such a thing to you. 
Afterwards - waiting for Feanor to come, he will take your hands in his and talk to you in a calm caring voice - telling you it is OK to feel like the way you and that everyone does feel like this once in a while - but the most important this is not let it cast you down: “You may think you only feel like this, young one - but we all do. . .Some are better at hiding than others and it is never good to hide it. We must accept that sometimes we need a little help. . .a little encouragement from the bad thoughts - and most importantly. . .you must never let these thoughts or words of others plague your heart, my dearest little nephew. . .”
Feanor is a little jealous and scowling at how his half-brother is having a moment with his son - expect your father to be in a sour mood and scowling at Fingolfin for a few moments before he turns to you and provides you the best of comfort - also severing the punishments for your bullying while your uncle shakes his head but offers your something in between a smile and a smirk.
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kiatheinsomniac · 2 years
Hi :) your silm stuff is so hot - feeling silly for asking on anon but a girl is shy. Could i request reader x curufin with 9 of the smut prompt list? Maybe when they just got married in valinor, he strikes me as having to almost mechanically figure out what does it for his partner. Hoping you have a nice end of the year <3
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: The end of my year was great, thank you! I hope yours was too :)
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Curufin x Reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: NSFW content, MDNI, smut, fingering, dry humping
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Your sheer robe had been untied and was thrown open, the nightdress ridden up to your hips with how your thighs caged either side of Curufin’s ribs where he hovered above you. His lips were hot and needy against yours, his palms smoothing up and down the curves of your sides. 
This was familiar enough to things that you had done before, albeit without going any further, and you appreciated that he was trying to give you that sense of familiarity to soothe your anxieties. His hands roamed down to your hips, squeezing before a moan escaped your lips when he rolled his hips against yours, grinding against your clothed cunt with how your legs were parted to bring him as close as possible. 
“Is this ok?” He asked softly, lips grazing against yours. 
“Uh-huh.” Was all you could utter out with a nod of your head as you curled your arms further around his neck and tangled your fingers in his dark hair. 
“Good…” The word left his lips in a groan and his mouth met yours once more to swallow each of your sweet moans as he rocked his hips against yours, not caring in the slightest about how your wetness had seeped through your satin panties and was now staining the tight-fitting trousers he had yet to remove alongside his shirt which had been cast to the floor, bearing his toned torso to you. He was so tall and broad and you had always adored how he easily towered over you with his fëanorian stature but now it seemed so seductive as opposed to simply protective and it had you squeezing your thighs on either side of him, pushing your hips up in search of more friction. 
His lips left your mouth to pepper across your jaw and press against your neck, looking for the softest and most sensitive spots that had you tugging his hair and tilting your head back to allow him easier access. Deciding that you were prepped enough for now, his fingers slid down just a little further to the bows over your hips that were keeping your panties together. He appreciated your choice of undergarments being so easily accessible. Oh so slowly, he began to pull at the little bows, giving you enough time to say that you weren’t ready but you made no move to stop him and so the fabric fell loosely at your hips and you let out a soft moan when he pulled it away from your body, revealing the sheen of your wetness clinging to the material and your drooling slit to his hungry eyes. 
You looked away bashfully, cheeks warm with your shyness but your husband’s hands simply squeezed your thighs as he dipped his head down to capture your lips in a sweet kiss. A muffled squeak escaped your mouth when his fingers swiped through your folds, pushing your wetness upwards and brushing over your clit, causing your body to jolt up towards his at the unexpected pleasure. 
“Does that feel good?” You bit down on your kiss-swollen lip and nodded your head, reaching down to guide his fingers back to your clit. He watched in awe as you puffed out your breaths and squirmed beneath him, one hand having left his hair to feel over the hills of his abs while your thighs squeezed his waist, legs wrapping around him to keep him close. His fingers dipped down further and in response to the whine you let out at the loss of stimulation, his thumb began to rub at you where his fingers had just been as he sank one finger slowly into you. 
“More! More, Kurvo, please.” You whined as you buried your face in his neck, tears building in your eyes at the foreign pleasure. Your hands remained tangled in his dark hair as he kissed his way across your collarbone and down to your right breast, licking a stripe over your hardened bud before his free hand came up to tease your other breast. 
“Is it good when I touch you here?” He asked and you meweled at the lewd sucking noise of his mouth upon your breast, paired with the noises of his fingers now pistoning into your sticky cunt. “Or maybe here?” You let out a cry of his name when his fingers curled up – a piece of advice from Celegorm earlier on in the evening – and he brushed against that spongy spot within you that had your toes curling in pleasure, able to only nod your head to spur him on. His hand and mouth switched breasts and he felt your body writhe beneath him, walls fluttering around his fingers and your moans resounded like a melody in his ears. You were too high on your orgasm to protest when his fingers removed from you and instead the blunt head of his throbbing cock pressed to your hole, smearing your wetness and his own precum over your messy pussy. “Hey…” He cooed, reaching up to cup your face so that he could press a sweet kiss to your lips. “I love you…”
“Love you too…” You breathed out and he could feel your legs tighten around his waist, beckoning him into your body. He knew with just one taste of you that he could easily grow addicted to having you like this, his sweet, beloved wife. 
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lovefairymina · 1 year
Curvo...I just need a hug..please
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Sighing from the interruption in his reading, he caught a glimpse of your fatigue figure. A frown easily marred his face at the lethargy. “Come,” he beckoned calmly with arms opened. “You can lie in my arms while I continue to read.”
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Hello darling, I love what you've got here and was hoping I could have some headcanons (any character/group of them you're up to writing for)
They've noticed you've picked up one or more of their mannerisms (the way they talk or a certain way they move)
Have fun with it,
The Phantom
Noticing you’ve picked up their mannerisms - Caranthir and Curufin
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Author’s note: Aaah, my first ask! Hi Phantom!! Thanks for your request, I had so much fun writing this. I chose Cara (can u tell he’s my favorite) and Curufin for this one :)
This is the tune I was listening to while writing — let’s vibe into the new year. Enjoy!
Whenever Carnistir comes home from running errands, he flees into his study, plops down onto the couch, puts his feet up on the table and just rests his head against the backrest. You have watched him close his eyes and murmur a few exhausted complaints countless times — it has become a normal part of your day at this point.
He just sits like this for a good 15 minutes. It's his way of coming back to his senses and managing his stress and anger so he doesn't lash out on you.
Today, you've had an excruciatingly busy day, constantly having been on your feet, rushing from one end of Thargelion to the other, never catching a break. Delivering envelopes, helping friends out, organizing things for the Festival of Starlight that was to take place in less than a week. Somehow, the entire kingdom seemed to have chosen you to consult about this year’s decorative choices, leaving you to juggle a thousand samples of fabrics and candles in your arms when you make it through the door of Carnistir's study.
The second you enter, he gets up from his desk and takes the load off your hands, proceeding to ask how your day was since he's had no chance of catching you inbetween errands.
You just hold up your finger, silencing him, furrowing your brows and shaking your head at him.
He stands there, stunned, when you walk right past him, let yourself fall onto the velvet couch and prop your feet up on the table.
Carnistir would be confused at first, but soon after feel flattered and amused that you're acting like him and doing it so comfortably, as if it came naturally to you
Sometimes he feels insecure about his need to take care of his anger and temper this way, but seeing you copy him reassures him and makes him feel seen
His lil heart goes b-bum
He just cocks his head to the side and watches you with a bewildered expression as you begin to do the same thing he does almost every day — quietly whispering about the things that drained you the most during the day. 
When you open your eyes again, you’re met with a smirk. 
"Don’t even!" you warn him, pointing your finger at him again.
He just laughs, warm eyes scanning your face, watching you blush for once. "Care to suffer together?"
He sits down next to you and copies your move, chuckling all the while. 
"I didn’t know I had such an impact on you." 
"Oh, shut up."
His finger comes up to poke your rosy cheek teasingly, your roles having reversed in this very moment
Your heads rest next to each other on the sofa's backrest, he looks at you fondly before taking your hand and closing his eyes, ready to enjoy the much awaited silence at the end of this stressful day. 
It's no secret he acts like a know it all sometimes, especially when his father is around
Arguing with him on a factual basis is almost impossible.
Whenever someone tries to prove him wrong, he just clicks his tongue, says "Please," and eyes them condescendingly.
Everyone knows he’s about to go on the longest rant, spitting nothing but facts and making his point. Virgo energy
They just shut up and let him finish because they know arguing with Curufinwë — the insufferable spring of wisdom, as his brothers call him —wouldn’t work out for them
Seriously, how does he know all that stuff? Nobody ever questions it.
You're sat at the dinner table with him and his family, recounting an amusing story of an evening spent making bets with Curufin and Celegorm when the latter chimes in about how you only beat him because you were lucky to have Curufin with you.
Next to you, Curufin straightens his posture, ready to expose his brother and point out his inability to admit defeat but this time, you are quicker than him
You just click your tongue, go "Oh, please", and begin to list all the reasons for his failure, going into each and every detail, successfully reducing the silver haired prince to a quiet, frowning little person across from you.
Curufin raises his eyebrows, slowly turning his head towards you, listening intently to the way you're articulating yourself — you sound just like him???
When you finish, you look into your partner’s sparkling eyes, elegantly raise and clink your glass with his. He just shrugs in response, grinning cockily.
To say he's proud would be an understatement, he just had the biggest ego boost imaginable because someone as captivating as you would pick up something he would always do
"I couldn’t have said it better myself, really."
The others are frozen in place for a few seconds, in complete awe and disbelief about the scene that had just unfolded in front of them.
Celegorm, having ceased to protest alltogether, just receives several pats on his shoulders from left and right, followed by wheezing, especially from his younger brothers. 
It's safe to say, from this day forward, he would think twice before questioning you again unless he'd want to be humiliated by not only his brother but yourself as well.
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theelvenhaven · 1 year
Blinded by Arrogance
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Curufin x Reader
1.3k words
A/N: A big thank you to @saviorsong for helping find Curufin's more practical nature to help finish writing this fic.
Part 1 | Part 2
* * *
Something had changed. Dramatically. 
The lavish gifts had all but come to a standstill- no more expensive clothes, or expensive bottles of wine and food. No more jewelry or other baubles and trinkets. To be perfectly honest you were entirely relieved that was the case. As nice as the gifts had been, it hadn’t felt genuine and just was a means to show off… Arrogant you dared to think. 
Though you tried not to think of Lord Curufin like that seeing as in truth he had your heart. He made you feel all warm and fuzzy, you enjoyed the titillating conversations he shared with you. His mind was fascinating and his cleverness never failed to surprise you, but you had always wondered what soft things would sound like coming from him. 
Well soft for Curufin, as you knew he was at all times a hard-ass. That was just part of who he was, and it was a treat you sometimes found equally as endearing as well as frustrating. As you just wanted him to show some emotion. 
Especially if what he was lately insinuating was to be more romantically involved with you, seeing as he didn’t just gift anyone fine and expensive gifts. Let alone freely give out gifts made by his own hand, all of which had been exquisite. 
Yet… it was impossible to notice the shift in his gifts and the things he was sharing with you now. Gifts that were meant to be more of the kind on sentiment. Curufin’s version of sentiment. Practical and logical.
While Curufin was no poet, he certainly was… blunt in explaining how he felt for you, the letter was very practical and well put together, in a very Curufin manner. It wasn’t anything like describing you to be a beauty that rivals the stars of Varda but it certainly got the point across that he found you beautiful, amongst other things.
In fact over the last several weeks, Curufin had sent you multiple letters and all of which you kept in one of the pretty trinket boxes that he gifted you. At least the gifts he did give you were usable. 
There was another noticeable difference in Curufin’s behavior with you, he was a bit softer with you. Speaking in a noticeably gentler tone, brushing hair away from your face, even daring to let his hand brush against yours while walking close with you. It made your heart pound heavy in your chest, and left you blushing and overwhelmed- in a good way- by such small gestures. 
It was all you needed to fall even harder for the Lord hook, line and sinker. 
Curufin had noticed the change too, in your behavior. How responsive you were to those softer sappier things that Celegorm suggested- even if it wasn’t that sappy. If it were anyone else, he’d never… But because it was you, well… Curufin couldn’t deny that any of those things felt good to do with you. Proudly so, because he wasn’t afraid to show you off. 
The rules of propriety were important, but when it came to you, Curufin was more than willing to bend them to his will. To dote on you, as soft as he could stand. 
Now the two of you walked together through the walkways of Himlad, enjoying a comfortable silence between one another after a long conversation about how your day was going. You felt the familiar brush of his hand against yours and this time it certainly felt intentional instead of accidental. 
You felt a warmth find your face at the feel of his hand against yours, as you wracked your brain in an effort to try and find something to talk about. But it was derailed as his rough hand suddenly slipped in with yours, his fingers lacing with yours and instinctively you closed your hand around his. 
Curufin came to a stop, bringing you to halt as well, the Lord turning to face you. Confident that the two of you were alone with one another, you looked up to see bright gray eyes looking down at you. Again with a softer look in his eyes as his freehand came and brushed some of your hair out of your face.
“There is something I’ve been meaning to speak with you on.” Curufin began in his deep voice, “I didn’t feel it would be appropriate to do so in one of my letters to you.”
You felt your heart leap into your throat in excitement as you began to wonder what it was he could be getting ready to ask of you. If he was finally going to ask you to court him or if it were going to be something else. Maybe something along the lines of why you had rejected him despite all his courting gifts… He never really seemed to ask you why. 
Though that didn’t explain why he was suddenly holding your hand, then again Lord Curufin could be a mystery to you with his intentions and meanings.
“Y/N, it is clear to me now, that the gifts I had been originally giving, were not ones that expressed my intentions more clearly.” Curufin said to you, having your full attention now, curious to see where this was going, along with that familiar palpitation of excitement returning in your chest. 
“And your intentions being?” You said softly, in almost coy like fashion, prodding a little more in an effort to get him to get his point across a little quicker. Curufin thought for a moment on your words, 
“My intentions being a that I wanted and would like to court you.” He said confidently, and you couldn’t help but begin to smile at his words, Curufin was pleased to see such a joyous expression on your face at the words. 
“I think you are kind and intelligent. Our conversations are always fascinating, and I enjoy the banter in which we share with one another.” Curufin began, and you were quiet as you listened to him feeling a blush come to your face, even if it was a practical statement in its own way it was sweet to hear.
“Not to mention the fact that I find you attractive, beautiful I think is the better way to put it. I enjoy your cleverness and your ability to make me think on things from a new perspective.” He continued, 
“And your stubbornness is admirable, seeing as you are rooted in your belief system in past conversations we’ve had even if I have tried to change your mind about something. Your personality is agreeable and I find it quite enjoyable.” For a moment Curufin paused, but you didn’t say anything as you waited for him to get to the crux of the matter. You were eager to hear whatever it was he said next,
“The fact of the matter is Y/N, despite what differences we do share with my practicality and your sentimentality I think we would make a fine match. I do not find myself often thinking so highly of someone else beyond my family members.” You hoped this wasn’t his way of asking you to court him, and Curufin could tell judging by the uncertainty on your face that you were looking for a proper question. He could admire your impatience as he simply just hadn’t made it that far yet, 
“As I said, I did not think it would be appropriate to do this in my letters, so Y/N I would like to properly ask for your hand in courtship.” Curufin said, still holding your hand and he watched the smile that began to find your face now. He released the breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding, so Celegorm had been right after all. This more sentimental road had worked in capturing your heart, the same way you had very practically captured his heart. 
“Yes! Curufin! I would love to court you!” You beamed ecstatically, before you pulled your hand away. Curufin had hardly any time to react before your arms were wrapping around his waist for an embrace. For a moment you felt him tense at your reaction, before his arms encircled your body to hold you to him, though it felt a little rigid.
But it felt good to be in his arms and to feel them around you. Finally things had worked themselves out for the better and now you could be with Curufin. Though there was still some arrogance, you were glad to see that he wasn’t blinded by it further anymore. 
* * *
Tags: @saviorsong @lilmelily @dicksoutformtl @fandomhoe101 @celebrimbor-telperinquar @red-riding @miriel-estelwen @ta-ka-shi-ma @nerdysimpy @thegirlwithoutaname87 @anunexpectedsideblog @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @eternalabysss @noldorinpainter
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❄ Nerdanel's Feanorian Christmas ❄
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I have seen a lot of blogs do this and I wanted to try myself :)
🎁Nerdanel has kindly allowed to let everyone ask anything and everything to her during this holiday season. She's willing to answer everyone Christmas letters until the 13th December 11 GMT (tonight). So only about 2 weeks as she's a very busy elf woman taking care of 7 kids, her hot-tempered husband and being the best sculptor in all of Valinor.🎁
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❄ ·⊰ RULES:
୧ *·˚ ❝The same rules apply as before, but here are a few new ones to ensure fun and safety ┆↰
❄ There's a limit of one question per ask please because Nerdanel is very busy (building gifts for her 8 membered family). However, there is no limit on the number of asks from one person.
❄ You can ask her NSFW questions, however you must be 18+ to do this and these questions will be tagged accordingly.
❄ Will you like your letter to be privately send to your inbox so no one else can see, please state so in the ask with emoji:🤫
❄ Anons are allowed, however it would be more personalized if you wish to reveal yourself and as said before no one but Nerdanel will know who are if you choose the option above.
❄ Don't forget to have asks enabled if you choose the option of secret letters. DMs are too clustered and Nerdanel doesn't really like it. You can reply her privately too if so you want :)
❄ We know people love her unconditionally, both pre-oath and post-oath, but for this holiday season, please only pre-oath!
❄ If you could kindly follow and reblog, it would be great so more people can know about this <3
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Dearest Nerdanel, can you send me:
😲- a letter with a secret; the ladies love to gossip. Or would you like to know one of Nerdanel's secret recipes? Like her personal hot chocolate recipe that even Fëanáro doesn't know but tries to steal a second mug of it. Or do you want to share a secret with her?
🥰- an emotional support message? We all know Nerdanel is certainly one of the best at giving advice and this is why we had the option of secret letters, what advice would you like from her, it can be anything. She'll hug you and cry with you; kindly wipe your tears. Even ask Carnistir to knit you something or anything from herself or one of her other sons :)
💌- send her a love letter (describe 2 things about yourself anything you love about her). Word of advice, just don't let Fëanáro see you.
📝- ask her any question (the option is limitless, it can be anything about her sons, what they like for or to do for Christmas, how to make them swoon, how does she keep her husband's fire under check if the Ñolofinwë's or Arafinwë's family come over? Anything!).
🔥 - a very naughty letter (18+ only; choose a prompt if you like), again and big time, do NOT let Fëanáro see you.
🎅 - a gift from her (Nerdanel will make you something special, just let her know your favorite color and share one thing or more about you).
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❄ ·⊰ NOTES:
Have fun and enjoy.
Pretty aesthetic by @sorisooyaa as per usual :)
Please kindly reblog so more people can see. Spread the love and joy.
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doodle-pops · 2 months
House of Feanor | Being In An Arranged Marriage With Them
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A/N: This was so much I wrote!! For some reason I felt like I made a few of them OOC, but what the hell. It's an AU, so they’ll all be different from the regular Silm verse 😆. I think I broke my wrist whilst breaking a sweat thinking of different scenarios for each of them, but I managed to make it to the finish line! Alas, the final piece! ಥ_ಥ
Warnings: arranged marriage, there are minor angst themes, neglect and loneliness, rejection, comfort and happy endings for most except (Feanor)
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Feanor
He’s not known as Fëanáro without reason. When those words came out of his father’s mouth, as much as he adored his father, he was incensed by the level and nature of the dictation he was subjected to. He felt he was unjustly punished for some unknown transgression by Eru through this method.
Don’t anticipate him to even breathe, let alone glance in your direction when you’re observing him. He would gladly lock eyes with your figure when you’re not paying attention and scrutinize you without remorse. There’s nothing you could say to convince him of your innocence in this arrangement.
He assumes that you had a say in choosing your spouse because he’s Fëanáro, the firstborn and Crown Prince, and everyone desired him. Though politics and royal duties didn’t interest him, he was now aware of the political rationale behind the union. Eventually, he resists continuing his resentment towards his father because his father was compelled into it (in his opinion).
This resembles a Bridgerton moment, akin to King George and Queen Charlotte, where you reside in one house while he lives in another, a significant distance away. His father can complain all he wants about the lack of effort to establish a connection, and Fëanáro would simply ignore and roll his eyes.
Throughout the arranged marriage, you will feel completely alienated and rejected. There was a time when you were excited about being wed to the Crown Prince, even though your freedom was being curtailed. Even at events where you’re expected to appear as a couple, you arrive in separate coaches.
Do not expect him to hold your hand or have your arm around his elbow. Fëanáro takes the commitment seriously, as he feels his own freedom has been taken away. Talking to him is futile, for he will merely pretend to listen while focusing on getting drunk to forget the entire night.
“Why do you despise me so much? You act as if I am the cause of this entire arrangement when it is your father who is responsible. Listen, if you intend to ignore me, it might be best if we end this, as I did not willingly sign up for this mistreatment, especially from you. We can part ways and continue our separate lives, or if we are to continue, at least afford me the same respect you expect.”
You displayed remarkable courage by confronting his tantrums and earning yourself a few withering side–glances filled with anger and disbelief, because “How dare you speak to me so openly, as if we are equals?!” Kudos to you; you’ve just earned yourself another round of silence for the remainder of the night and week, perhaps even into the afterlife.
Fëanáro has no intention of making your marriage work. Eru could punish him, but he’d simply retort and carry on with his life. It’s all about his belief that he’s being coerced into the same situation as his father and his determination to avoid making that mistake.
If this arrangement is to succeed, you’ll need to pray seven times an hour, every day, for the rest of your life for divine intervention. Otherwise, you’ll be left complaining about his behaviour and treatment while he remains unruffled.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Maedhros
He had anticipated this situation due to the constant rivalry between his father and his half–uncle, who incessantly engaged in banter to prove the superiority of their respective families. He often found himself thrust into the forefront of this unnecessary competition. Therefore, he approached the arrangement with a sense of neutrality (lie! he chats his mother’s ear off).
As the firstborn of the heir, he fully comprehends the specific obligations that accompany his title and embraces them wholeheartedly. So, when you join your parents for the first meeting, he gracefully accepts his fate as your husband (although he sheds a few tears in private to his mother).
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, My Lady/Lord Y/N. I am Prince Nelyafinwë Maitimo, your betrothed. I sincerely hope that in the brief time before our wedding, we can learn a lot to make our journey as a married couple smoother. Please, do not hesitate to inform me of any discomforts you may encounter, and I will do my utmost to ensure your well–being. Remember, I am your husband, not your master. Have no fear as we build a life together.”
He is a polite and reserved individual, leaning more towards propriety than humour. He barely possesses a funny bone and seldom indulges in levity, which can be one of the more challenging aspects of the marriage. Nevertheless, he is respectful, stands up for you, is considerate, and fulfils all the duties of a husband.
However, he respects your boundaries when it comes to intimacy, acknowledging that you both are strangers. This means separate sleeping arrangements. All other spaces, such as the kitchen, dining room, reading room, coaches, and carriages, are shared.
As a husband, he typically leaves most decisions up to you, entrusting you with the role of household caretaker and offering his input only when you seek an additional opinion or when he believes a change is necessary.
During the initial stages of your relationship, he hopes that you can build good bonds with the rest of his family, particularly his brothers and parents. He is observant of your reactions and interactions with them and adjusts accordingly if he senses any discomfort.
Despite his efforts to avoid such emotions, he becomes sentimental when he reflects on the life he has created with you, even if it feels somewhat mechanical. The absence of arguments and the harmonious atmosphere in the house bring him joy. There are moments of awkwardness, but you’ve both learned to overcome them (and the first time you saw him laugh was when you attempted to make a joke about it).
As your marriage progresses, you encounter numerous highs and lows, primarily stemming from the political aspects. You have expressed your discontent with being treated as a trophy and being involved in unnecessary competition, despite knowing this from the outset. Dealing with this, particularly from his father, is a challenge that you and Maedhros will face together.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Maglor
Maglor is just as composed as his older brother, but he doesn’t quite align with the idea of both of you being used for political and competitive purposes. He grapples with the notion that Maedhros accepted the idea of an arranged marriage for political gain so readily. Now, he feels a profound sadness that he can’t freely choose someone to capture his heart.
However, Maglor makes sure that your time together never feels forced or obligatory. He disapproves of the constant reminder of the arranged marriage hanging over your heads. He’s dedicated to making your marriage healthy and happy, erasing any memory of your freedom being taken away.
Inheriting his mother’s temperament, Maglor is a pillar of strength for your concerns and worries. If you ever feel like you’re falling short of the arrangement’s expectations, or if you’re fearful, confused, unhappy, or distant, he encourages you to confide in him without hesitation. After all, he’s your husband and should be your confidant.
The perk of living with Maglor is a home constantly filled with music and music sheets. You may grumble about the sheets being everywhere but his music room, but he melts away any tension by serenading you with songs dedicated to you. It’s his way of expressing his genuine affection and appreciation for having you in his life.
“I’d like to dedicate my next song to someone I’ve grown close to in such a short time. They’ve found their way into my heart, even if they’re not entirely aware of it. This song is for them, to show how much I truly care and consider them a dear part of my life. So, without further ado, my next piece is in honour of my wonderful spouse.”
Though he may put you on the spot, he hopes that you’ll be moved by his heartfelt dedication. He isn’t being manipulative; his intentions are sincere, and he genuinely appreciates having you in his life.
Among his brothers, Maglor stands out as the most understanding and the one who despises the mistreatment of the arranged marriage. He firmly shuts down conversations that dwell on the circumstances of how you ended up together and replaces them with whimsical tales of your imaginary first encounters. His theatrical skills come into play as he playfully flirts and teases you, creating a charming and flirtatious atmosphere.
Only when you’re comfortable, does he extend his hand or arm for you to hold, patiently listen to your conversations, or spend time planning extravagant surprises.
Throughout your marriage, Maglor’s primary aim is to provide comfort and eliminate any tension or discomfort. You’ll have a loving husband who will fiercely defend your marriage against anyone who challenges it.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Celegorm
Another individual who defiantly scoffs at the arrangement, dismissing it because no one would dare challenge his freedom. Unfortunately, much to his discontent, the news proved true. As a result, he’s now in a fit of rage, flipping tables, and has disappeared for weeks, remaining unseen and unheard.
Tyelko isn’t present during the initial weeks of the arrangement, as he’s off wandering in the forest, complaining to Orome about the perceived unfairness of the situation. All the while, you are left alone in the new house. One can only imagine the shock he’ll experience upon his return.
His return is facilitated by Orome, who encourages him to give the arrangement a chance and approach it with an open mind. Thanks to Orome, your first meeting with Tyelko is relatively amicable, as he meets you standing in the doorway with a concerned expression on your face.
The look of concern you give him is unsettling for Tyelko, as he is accustomed to expecting anger for behaviour. Not knowing how to respond, he might inadvertently snap, making him come across as a jerk. This leads to you becoming reclusive to avoid triggering his temper, making his plan to scare you off fail.
Tyelko soon realises that you rarely speak or interact with him, leaving him to his own devices with homecooked meals and a comforting, caring tone. You even avoid making eye contact when he addresses you directly, leading him to conclude that you’re afraid or hate him.
“Why do you still treat me this way when I have been unpleasant? I don’t like it or enjoy how you look at me. Why must you still care for me when I have been unbothered? Are you manipulating me into feeling guilty? Because if that is the case, I can leave if it stops this unpleasant play. Just why are you still friendly with me?”
You could see the uneasiness in his posture prompting you to feel a sense of pity for neglecting an unheard-of side of him and the pleading tone makes you realise his sincerity. He genuinely wants to know how to end the discomfort in the house.
Accustomed to his harsh nature as described by others, you had found it difficult to imagine him being soft. It was a start in breaking the ice with your views and how you had perceived him to be during the arrangement. To which he scoffed at how you easily fell for the rumours of his roughness (he knows that he’s rough around the edges, but refuses to admit it).
Tyelko cautiously falls into the routine of becoming a caretaker alongside you since you gave him no reason to be hostile. All he can do is hope for the best. He’s still hesitant to let go of his freedom as it brings him peace of mind.
He eventually finds himself slowly warming up to the idea of you doing your best to understand and not readily judge. This eases the preconceived notions he had about you from the beginning. He thought your demeanour was all a façade to control him.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Caranthir
Two distinct reactions unfold the moment he’s abruptly brought up to speed with his situation: firstly, he swears, and secondly, he makes a swift attempt to escape the room. This was far from the life he had envisioned for himself, or any different from what his family had endured. He had heard of such unfortunate circumstances befalling others but never fathomed that he too would become a victim.
He seems rather brooding during the entire introduction, and he’s taken aback by the familiar expression mirrored on your face. He had assumed that you would be delighted, as many individuals often eagerly vie for the role of a prince’s spouse, particularly from the first house.
He remains quiet and distant, wanting to intensify your the distance between. Both of you share similar attitudes towards marriage and living habits, which results in minimal attempts at interaction, with each of you occupying different ends of the house.
Polite greetings are given from your end while he silently grumbles and mutters incomprehensible phrases. You take it as a sign that he doesn’t wish to communicate. Though at times, you tend to feel the weight of his gaze on you, and if you catch him staring, he quickly averts his gaze, returning to his displeasure state.
It’s a significant challenge for him to partially embrace the role of a suitable husband, given the constant reminder of the unexpected circumstances that brought you together. Expressing himself has always been a struggle when in times of comfort forsaken, leading to Caranthir muttering his words grumpily.
“I’m not quite certain how to put this into words, but I want us to be on the same page during this arrangement. So, I’d like to know your expectations and views of me. This way, if I am to avoid you or limit our interactions to prevent any discomfort or tension, I can meet them.”
It’s not an easy task for him to forge a tiny connection when the circumstances makes it daring. He has to be mindful of his temper while closely observing your reactions to his actions. He critically assesses every aspect and draws conclusions accordingly.
When in his own environment and free from intrusion, he attempts to gradually involve you in his world by silently inviting you through non-verbal gestures. You have to get use to the fact that he doesn’t appreciate talking too much. This can offer insight into his true self, allowing you to connect more deeply.
However, as your relationship with Caranthir continues to develop, there are bound to be ups and downs, especially when dealing with his outbursts triggered by various factors or his siblings’ relentless teasing. One way to show your appreciation for your place beside him is by coming to his defence.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Curufin
I’d like to say he’s Feanor 2.0 in terms of his ideas and approach. However, since it’s Feanor orchestrating the arrangement, Curufin is fully on board and understands his father’s perspective on the benefits. I mean, he’s just as competitive as his father, which is the primary reason behind this arrangement.
Curufin perceives this as a political strategy that he must honour and uphold. From the day you met him, he has had no hesitation in stepping forward and reminding you of the duties you must fulfil as his spouse and the newest member of his household. Your loyalty to him must be unwavering.
Although your initial impression of him left you thinking he was controlling and demanding, all Curufin desires from you, aside from his earlier requests, is your comfort and happiness while living with him. You want to expand your house, sure. You desire a spacious backyard, certainly. You hope for more gifts, without a doubt. If you want to discuss your feelings, he’ll make an effort. If you need space, he’s willing to compromise.
I’m serious about this one; you’ll need to compromise with him if you want your own space—by that, I mean wanting to live separately. If you want separate rooms, he can work with that. Curufin has proper etiquette when it comes to the comfort of those he holds dear.
His top priority is to treat his spouse with the utmost care and respect, ensuring all your needs are met. The only thing he asks is that you don’t take advantage of his vulnerability and exert undue control over him.
“As your husband, it is my duty to ensure that all your needs are met, and in return, I expect the same from you. Whatever you require, please come forward and inform me; there’s no need to conceal your desires. Lay them on the table, and we can work on them together as we were intended to do. I also request that you maintain your dignity and pride when it comes to our new household and family, and everything will go smoothly. Furthermore, I ask that you don’t exploit my kindness and keep our personal life within the confines of our home.”
The entire arrangement may sound controlling and suffocating, but Curufin allows you your freedom. He believes in reciprocity—what he wants for himself, he’s willing to provide in return. He puts in his utmost effort to meet your needs, as long as you show the same enthusiasm.
When he attends an event, his greatest desire is for you to accompany him. He takes pride in showcasing his craftsmanship through the pieces he has created especially for you. He spends hours crafting an array of jewellery to match your preferences.
The surprising aspect of this marriage is his firm stance on conversations concerning your arrangement and your relationship. Everyone is aware of it, but he doesn’t allow others to discuss it, not even his brothers. He sees you as his spouse with the arrangement being a thing of the past.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Amrod
Much like Tyelko, Amrod possesses a rebellious spirit, often disappearing when the harsh reality of his situation becomes too apparent. When he does, it’s typically in search of his mother’s advice and assistance. His primary concern is unravelling the mystery of his father’s role in this arranged marriage. Sadly, his suspicions are confirmed as Nerdanel had no say in the matter; it was entirely Feanor’s competitive nature that drove it.
His mother’s invaluable advice to him was to make the best of the situation and take time to get to know you before making any serious commitments. She became his go–to source of guidance whenever he found himself in a tight spot.
Fast forward to the time when he meets you, he’s fully aware that you aren’t thrilled about the arrangement and even contemplated an escape before the introduction. It hurt to hear that you were reluctant to give him a chance, as he was open to doing so. This prompted his dedication to ensuring that the time you spent with him was worthwhile.
Much like Maglor, he’s determined to fill your days with joy and dispel the clouds of resentment, all while maintaining a respectful distance to avoid overstepping any boundaries. Whenever your responses leave him puzzled, he frequently seeks advice from his mother.
Simultaneously, he avoids his father due to his disgust at being essentially bartered like a commodity for his father’s satisfaction. Any discussion related to his marriage is swiftly shut down, and he walks away. He has no interest in hearing comments or mockery about the arrangement.
However, there’s no need to worry because he receives guidance from his mother. If you wish to converse with him, he encourages you to speak openly and share your thoughts without fear. He wants to hear your perspective on things.
“Please understand that I may not be the most well–known among my siblings, and you may have heard little about me. Nonetheless, please don’t hesitate to express your thoughts. While we may not be romantically involved or incredibly close, I will do my utmost to work towards a harmonious relationship. Please give me the opportunity to build something prosperous between us.”
Amrod is dedicated to establishing a secure friendship between the two of you before any romantic involvement comes into play. He aims to create a space where you can feel comfortable and relaxed without the weight of the arranged marriage hanging over your heads. There’s no rush, and you both have the time to sort out your duties and positions as your friendship grows.
Throughout your journey from friendship to romance, Amrod maintains a gentlemanly demeanour. Though you may encounter some challenges along the way, they will be infrequent. Your relationship won’t be flawless, as it’s impossible to forget that you were both thrust into this arrangement without your consent. However, it’s something you can bond over and find common ground to overcome your fears.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Amras
The quieter of the two siblings, Amras, maintains his silence even when informed of his situation. His irritation is clearly visible on his face, which leaves you anxious about what to anticipate. He reserves his complaints for private conversations with his twin and mother, all due to his father’s insistence on marriage, which he feels is encroaching on his freedom.
Amras’s silence remains constant from the moment you first met him. Your relationship is marred by a sense of being strangers living under the same roof. He refrains from even greeting you, still seething over the situation and pondering how to express his anger.
Despite his understanding that you played no part in arranging this engagement, Amras can’t prevent his anger from simmering. It’s not directed at you but rather at both sets of parents for their low regard for both of you. Amras struggles to find a way to communicate his feelings without intimidating you.
Amras notices your tendency to distance yourself whenever you’re in the same room with him or when you shrink under his silently judgmental gaze. Your eyes rarely meet his, and when they do, you quickly look away. Your actions make him feel as though he has harmed you or been hostile towards you at some point.
“Could it be that you...resent me for the circumstances that have come between us? You hardly speak to me even when I desire it, fearing rejection and silence. I can sense your anger over what your parents have done, and I share that anger. Perhaps we could attempt to build something together, starting as acquaintances and moving from there.”
His voice breaks, and he likely breaks down, allowing you to witness his vulnerability as he cries. He’s confused and doesn’t know what to do. All he wants is your guidance and support to navigate the storm he’s been thrust into. You are the only lifeline in the ocean he can rely on, just as you rely on him.
Amras may appear somewhat awkward, much like Caranthir, as he observes you in your element, awed by your ability to remain resolute. He is eager to assist and hopes that you will show him what is expected of him, as he has few memories of his parents’ dynamics and relationships.
His primary goal is to become the best husband possible for you, but he first wants to establish a basic foundation and compatibility. He follows you like an eager puppy, observing your features and silently appreciating your beauty. He feels fortunate to have ended up with someone good.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Celebrimbor
The moment those words escape his advisor’s lips, he feels a strong urge to toss them out the window. The idea of following his family’s tradition makes Tyelpë shudder. He neither desires marriage nor believes he’s capable of being a great husband, haunted as he is by his old life. He fears that others assume he will repeat his family’s mistakes.
Despite his personal reservations, he acknowledges the political necessity of the situation for the betterment of his kingdom. Consequently, he has no choice but to go with the flow and bear the burden. Upon being introduced to you, he maintains a stiff demeanour, silently repeating to himself, “Don’t mess up, don’t scare them.”
His conduct in this moment is heavily influenced by the obligation he feels toward the prosperity of his people, even though he resents it. Tyelpë can’t help but grind his teeth at the thought, as he believes there must be alternative ways to improve his homeland. However, like everyone else except Feanor, Tyelpe is reserved, observant, and respectful. He listens to you chatter on about the benefits of unifying both kingdoms while silently stewing in his own thoughts.
Polite and approachable, he makes an effort to ensure you don’t feel alienated by his role as your future husband. He respects your boundaries and the need for distance between you, given that you are still strangers.
“Please do not harbour any ill feelings toward me for the choices I’ve made to secure myself. We are still in the process of getting to know each other, and my intentions are far from ostracising you. The concept of an arranged marriage and warming up to a stranger from a distant land is still a challenge for me. I have much to learn, so I ask for your patience.”
During the pre–courtship period before your marriage, Tyelpë is a gentleman and crafts small trinkets as tokens of his growing fondness for you. These may include a hairpin, hair comb, bracelet, earrings, or a simple pendant necklace. He saves the more extravagant designs for when he becomes more accustomed to his role as your partner.
While you need not fear his temper, he kindly requests that you refrain from flaunting your relationship in public, even though everyone is aware of the arrangement. Tyelpë values his privacy and would be disappointed if his personal life became a topic of discussion.
Be prepared to spend nights alone in bed, as he isn’t yet comfortable sharing his personal space. He might suggest having separate chambers until some time has passed and he’s warmed up to the idea of closer proximity. He simply asks for your understanding, as his reclusive tendencies are his source of comfort.
The only potential challenge you may face is his reclusive behaviour persisting for a longer period than expected. He is aware that you may eventually come to terms with being paired with him, but he struggles with it. There are unresolved issues from his past that he needs to address before fully embracing someone new in his life.
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @mysticmoomin  @rain-on-my-umbrella  @asianbutnotjapanese  @batsyforyou @involuntaryspasms @stormchaser819 @aconstructofamind @ladyenchanted @addaigio @lamemaster @elficially-done-with-life @eunoiaastralwings @hermaeuswhora
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batsyforyou · 2 months
A Wild Puddle Encounter!
Tags: Puddles, water
Author's Note: So, I went to bed last night and was smacked with this idea. It kept me really entertained so I hope someone gets a giggle out of it, cause I did.
Taglist: @asianbutnotjapanese
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Would lift you over the puddle, help you over 
Glorfindel, Maglor, Celebrimbor, Beleg, Ecthelion, Thranduil, Gildor, Elrond, Finarfin, Fingolfin, Feanor, Finrod, Caranthir, Celebrimbor, Meludir
Would walk through the puddle and tease you about avoiding it 
Celegorm, Beleg, Mablung, Curufin, Feanor, Maeglin, Thranduil, Glorfindel, Fingon, Legolas, Celebrimbor
Would purposely splash the puddle 
Elladan, (me), Celegorm, Curufin (the not fun version), Meludir, Amras, Amrod, Fingon, Legolas
Would take off their cloak and put it over the puddle for you too cross
Finarfin, Fingolfin, Glorfindel, Gil Galad. Eonwe, Irmo, Finrod, Celebrimbor
Would avoid it, walk around
Erestor, Maedhros, Lindir, Curufin, Feanor, Elrohir, Caranthir, Turgon, Caranthir, Maglor
Would notice you avoiding it and make you “Embrace the suck” by making you walk through it
Sauron, Feren, Gildor, Namo, Haldir, 
Could not care it exists and walks straight through 
Eonwe, Celegorm, Mablung, Maedhros, Namo, Ulmo, Beleg, Legolas, Haldir, Eol, Sauron, Ulmo, Celebrimbor,
Would walk through the puddle while complaining or with a grimace on their face
Lindir, Turgon, Caranthir, Elrohir 
Happily splashes the puddle and later complains about their boots being wet
Elladan, Amras, Amrod, (me)
Would challenge it to a fight Pokémon style 
Glorfindel, Celegorm, Beleg, Fingon, Elladan, (me)
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felagund-the-valiant · 9 months
Big Hands and Tiny Paws - 578 words - tags: fluff
In All Shapes and Sizes - 612 words - tags: fluff
SFW Alphabet
Your Father's Son - 1.3k words - tags: Curufin has a bit of an identity crisis, fluff
All I Want Is You - 1.1k words - tags: best friends to lovers, first kiss Office Shenanigans (NSFW) - 1.5k words - tags: smut, semi-public sex A Heavy Crown - 992 words - tags: hurt/comfort, mention of canon character death
Birthday Delights - 712 words - tags: fluff, mild nsfw mentions/suggestive content Bring Back What Once Was Mine - 1k words - tags: mix of fluff and angst, mention of canon character death
General hcs Procrastination Troubles - 1.1k words - tags: fluff, unintentional secret dating, sibling's best friend trope
Having a crush on a reader who's friends with Ecthelion
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earthling55 · 2 years
The Silmarillion
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Maeglin - none yet
Others - none yet
Note: I don't have any ideas for Rog or Maeglin (or any other elves of Gondolin, so if you want one, don't hesitate to send it in!)
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Elladan - none yet
Elrond - none yet
More coming soon!
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The Woodland Realm
~ to be added to in the future ~
~ to be added to in the future ~
Send in a request here!
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eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
Can I please request a headcannon for the Feanor and his son x reader who is a medic. Any scenarios you’d like! But if you want ideas maybe they are watching their s/o heal someone or their s/o is rushing around them because they are hurt and the reader is scolding them for getting hurt and kissing their wounds.
Feanorians With Their Worrying and Caring Medic Reader
characters feanorians x gn readers
fandom tolkien- the silmarillion
a/n idk about this - hope you like it though :)
warnings slightly suggestive
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Feanor knew you would be rushing around him and scolding him for getting injured – again. He prepared himself for it as he made it down your medical wing. He rolled his eyes at the initial yelling you gave him – but still dressed the wound. You had made a whole ordeal – saying you would never dress his wounds again – if he continued, but that was never true, you should know as you just said for the umpteenth time now but still took the supplies and carefully examined his wounds. He knew trying to explain to you that working in the forges came with accidents – but you couldn’t look past the worry and love for him. It’s because he knew that he smirked. A prideful gleam in his eyes – and pulled you by your wrist to his lap – he traces a hand over your jawline – possessively and says “dearest, nothing I have encountered or will encounter will be life threatening – and if there was to be that fate, I can trust these hands. . .only I know what they are capable of” – he wraps his hands around your hands and kisses and bites your neck softly – pushing you down on the bed.
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Mae looked at his injury for a long time – he was wondering if he should treat himself or risk an earful from you. But he decided to do the right thing and approached your medical wing. You initially smiled – and it broke his heart because he knew he was about to make that disappear. When you saw his injury it dropped - your eyes widened. You screamed his name and rushed over to him – it started there – ‘What were you thinking? Don’t you know you would get hurt? You never listen to me! Mae, you’re hurt! I told you to be careful? Why do you always do this!’ – You rushed around him – scared and worried about the blood he was losing. You violently grabbed your supplies giving out to him. “Am alright. . .” he tried to whisper. “No you’re not! – You always say you’re fine, when you’re not!” You gritted – and started dressing his wound carefully. “Stop, trying to be so strong in front of you. . . – let me know your pain and let me help you.” You said – but Mae only smiled weakly and kissed your forehead.
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He knocked on your door carefully – it was a rhythmic knock or a secret code between the two of you – and you would instantly know it’s the other. Maglor knew there was no avoiding this – so he took whatever you were about to give him. He greeted you with a smile – despite the pain or the fact you started screaming at him the minute you saw him. Maglor only listened to your rants and scolding - he never said a word. But you would stop when you began to dress the wound – a permanent scowl from concentration on your face. He would either try to kiss it or massage it away – or both. You might tell him to lay off – but it wouldn’t stop him. Maglor doesn’t give up – we know this – so you would give up and let him melt away the scowl or frown – he’ll hum to get rid of the headache or migraine he knows you’re having because of him – “Forgive me, my love for worrying you. . .  - Am alright. . . your tender care and concern has healed me. It’s alright now, melda. . .” – he would caress your cheek. He’s the master of words – Maglor knows how to calm you down – and escape from another earful.
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As a hunter he's used to having cuts and scrapes on him - but what he isn't used to is having someone worry over him and panicking over something minor. Your scolding and worries - would only fill him with pride. He adores knowing a little cut on his arm or leg would have you running over to him and shower him with your worries and affections. He wouldn't care about whatever you're talking about - it's in one ear and out the other. Celegorm would have his hands on you at all times - you can't escape his grip even if you wanted to - so make sure your supplies are close by when you're dealing with his wounds - “Kitten, let me show you what can really satisfy the pain than some herbs. . .” - he'll attack with kisses and climb over you - hands above your head. I don't need explain anymore, do I? -We know where this is going ;)
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Oh Cara - this red faced baby wouldn't know what to say or do. He would stare at his hands, emotionless when you scold him - running around him to dress his wounds. Sparring can get all sorts of nasty cuts and wounds - he's used to it and treating his own wounds, but what he isn't used to is having someone run around him, worried or stressed. At first, he would get angry or annoyed - mainly because he doesn't understand why you're fussing over something so little. But when he learns it's because you care about him - he wouldn't know how to react. He may or may not mumble a small apology - depending if or not there's someone within earshot. Once you have finished - he'll slowly rub or draw circles on your hands - this is something he learnt from you, it's how you calm him down after his anger has gotten the best of him. Am a stronger believer on Cara picking up your habits in these type of situations - he watches and learns how you calm him down - then replicates if you ever need them from him. Personally speaking - am someone who cries after getting angry or stressed - if you're anything like me in front of Cara, he would panic. He's dealt with almost anything in life - but seeing his beloved cry would put him in a frizzy. He hates seeing you cry - it breaks his heart - so hesitantly he reaches for you and wrap his arms around you - “Melda. . . it's alright. . . look, am OK. Do not cry, my love.”
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OK with Curufin - there's no definite outcome, it can be either having a screaming session with him or an intense make out session. But you never know which one. This is mainly because he hates it when you stress over a minor accident he had in the forges. Curufin is tired of explaining to you it's part of it. He gets angry because you don't understand - or don't see how important it is to him - even if he has to undergo some pain. Other times, he's hot and bothered because of your sharp eyes and heavy breathing - shouting and running around him stressed. Curufin would stop you in from dressing his wound and pull you by your neck into a possessive kiss - “Y/N, what do you think you're doing?”
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Sometimes with the pranks - he and his twin will get into a lots of trouble. You would know you he was hurt from a shy smile - hiding behind your door. He knows you'll be yelling at him when he saw he was injured - Amras would tease nonstop until he reaches you, then run when he sees you. “It was an accident” - he would say when you glare at him. Then - before things so south he adds “Awe, don't pout” or “Awe, is my beloved angry?” - he might start squishing, pinching and poking your cheeks - distracting you from the dressing. Sometimes he distracts you so much - you accidentally dress the wrong arm or limb. He would throw his head back and laugh and teases you further - “Am I that handsome to you forget what you're doing?” - if you say he distracted you, he'll wink and say “I know” - he'll crack a smile out of eventually.
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The youngest are always the devils - right? - When Amras gets injured - he'll act like baby so you wouldn't scold him. But he when sees that doesn't work and you're about to scold him - he'll quickly start tickling you until you're out of breath and forget what you were about to say to him. For Amras - anything and everything is always fun and games - he's ready to tickle you if you ever get angry with him - or scold him about something. He doesn't like to be scolded - the only person tickling won't work is probably on his parents (Nerdanel especially - I doubt Feanor wanted to deal with their pranks or stupidity lmao) - or any of his brothers, except Armod - it's a full proof plan until they're involved. With you, however - he's easily able to get a lot of laughs and giggles out - followed by some sweet kisses. It's also his way of showing he's completely fine - especially if he's able to chase you to tickle you - “See? Am alright you were worried for nothing. - You don't realize how strong your beloved is!”
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Now Tyelpe - he'll the opposite of this father. He's understanding and caring. He sometimes finds it overwhelming because of you stressing over his wounds - because he hasn't had anyone to worry about for a long time. He was used to being alone. Your care and worries remind him of his mother and sometimes he tears up - so most of the time he hugs you tightly. It's his way of making sure you're real and alive. These are the moments he'll be most vulnerable around you - he'll take in your scolding and care without a word- because he needs someone like you in his life - he's gotten used to it and he likes it - he needs it. Tyelpe loves being close to you like this - “Am sorry for worrying you, my love. I promise to be more careful next time” - he may or may not because honestly speaking he loves having these moments with you - and he's willing to go under pain for that. It's the only time he can forget the world around him and be in your arms.
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tara's taglist: @mslizziesblog @wandererindreams @spidergirla5 @aeonianarchives
@i-did-not-mean-to since you wanted to be tagged to this :)
silm taglist: @doodle-pops
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lovefairymina · 1 year
Dear Lord Curufinwë,
Once again, I noticed people tend to keep comparing you with your father. I saddens my heart that there are only few of those who sees how different you can be at times. If you ever get troubled by the shadow of your father and his achievements, please, know this:
Whenever your eyes light up, there's a hint of gold and green in them, that gives your stare such wonderful warmth.
Your voice, while it isn't that deep, is rich. I heard it when you were singing a couple of times and couldn't get enough. Even if your brother Macalaurë had been there also. I can't put in words the way it stands (or osunds) different, but it always puts me at ease.
Your hair has warmer sheen to it, and shorter waves too. Am I too bold to admit that my fingers itch to browse through it? Probably yes. My apologies.
The way you move, it's so fluid and light and at the same time, there's firmness too.
The smiles that come from the bottom of your heart are a sight to behold. I miss them.
There's a lot more to see if one looks for it. Surely I'm not the only one who niticed? May the heartfelt smiles find their way back on your lips.
Sincerely, your silent, timid shadow.
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Tucking your letter into the inner pockets on his robe, he gave it a light pat as it sat beside his heart and smiled internally. It wasn't every day, in fact, he had never received a letter from anyone admiring or acknowledging the differences and greatest in him. These were words he would keep quietly to himself.
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