#Customized Diary
newyeardiaries10 · 6 months
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Buy customised Diary printing in Delhi. You can choose from a range of designs, colours and sizes and get them delivered to your doorstep!
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vidhan12 · 1 year
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newyeardiaries · 2 years
Customized Diary Manufacture in Delhi 
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 16 days
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A fierce duel commences!
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exhausted-eternally · 7 months
Just a little reminder that I bind books if you're looking for a more unique gift for the artist or writer in your life. C:
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Feel free to check out my shop to see what I have available, or take a look at my commissions if you're looking for something custom made! (Stuck on ideas? Have a peep at my portfolio.)
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kyacchan-comics · 5 months
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DISCLAIMER: the point I’ll try to make here is about kind, genuine compliments, not cat calling or sexual “compliments”, OF COURSE.
So... a thing I’m trying to learn is to receive compliments. Yeah, really. I suck at it like many people and we usually learn that you have to reject them bc you need to be “modest”, “humble”... but trust me, accepting kind compliments have two good effects: one, it’s VERY good for your self esteem! Trust me! You won’t become an egocentric a**hole just for that. Two, it’s good for the person who made the compliment, they (and you) get a nice interaction and won’t be put in an awkward situation. I bet I’d explain my point better in my native language but... you know what, that’s good enough! Yeah!
(and yes, in a sea of rude customers, there’s plenty of good ones, luckily)
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cherrykilled · 1 year
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finally here it is!!! everything is heavily inspired by the fashion on one tree hill and red carpet looks from the early-mid 2000s
base game compatible ☆ 25 swatches
download here! (sfs)
base game compatible ☆ 24 swatches (22 solids + 2 patterns)
download here! (sfs)
requires mesh from ridgeport here! ☆ 25 swatches
download here! (sfs)
requires mesh from cinemasims here! ☆ 10 graphic swatches
download here! (sfs)
do whatever you want just don’t claim as your own! if you use any of these please tag me because i love seeing what you guys make <3333
@mmfinds @maxismatchccworld @aharris00finds @wcifsareclosed @ridgeport 
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aso-bi · 3 months
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₊˚⊹♡ The collection is complete!
All my Kusuriya no Hitorigoto emotes so far! I'll hopefully make more in the future.
If you want some emotes of your own DM me! Or check out my carrd below! •⩊• Carrd | Ko-fi
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accidentalshifter · 23 days
⛰️ 7 Blessings Mountain DR ⛰️
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Concept: An isolated world hidden within a lush, bamboo forest covered in a blanket of mist. Seven sects of warrior sages, who call themselves "Immortals," train their minds & bodies here. Learning secret techniques that allow them to wield incredible power. Sacred beasts and demons wander the mountain. A system of waterfalls, lakes, hot springs, and underground caves create a labyrinth that is begging to be explored...
Coiled deep underneath the foundations of Seven Blessings Mountain, a dragon sleeps. Ancient. Old. Waiting for it's moment to rise once again.
Will I be the one to wake it...?
*Disclaimer: Beautiful divider was created by the talented @thecutestgrotto
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⛰️ DR Information and Lore ⛰️
🎍 I've been shifting to places and dreaming since I was a child, but 7 Blessings Mountain was my first attempt at consciously creating a DR. This place is somewhere that I consciously chose to be for once, making it special in my heart amongst all my DRs. Originally, my shifting was more like a roulette table than anything I could direct.
🎍 It was born out of pure stress and a need for safety. At the time of its creation, I was in an unstable & dangerous living situation that afforded me no privacy or peace. 7 Blessings Mountain provided me a means of escape & also an environment where I could reconnect with my spiritual guides after many years of utter silence. Originally, 7 Blessings was just a waiting room in that respect. I had no clue it would grow into something more.
🎍 When I say "reconnect," I mean it. Before creating 7 Blessings Mountain, I had (avidly) been on a spiritual boycott for YEARS due to a growing bitterness in myself over the state of my life. I (immaturely) blamed my guides. And I resisted any meaningful conversation with them until my living situation/s became too much to bear alone. In reconnecting with my guides, I realized how very little I actually knew about them & their origins. I'm still on that journey towards reconnecting & healing the rift I put in between us. We're in a better place now, at least.
🎍 7 Blessings Mountain wasn't (originally) a mountain at all... It used to be a place I called 🦋 The Butterfly Room 🦋 ; My first waiting room...before I even had the terminology (or knowledge) for what that was. When I broke the taglock* that was tethered to it, the link I had to The Butterfly Room got subsequently weakened. I had to find a new taglock item I could use. Now, I know taglocks aren't really nessecary and you can always 10,0000000 robotic affirmations your way into shifting to your DR, but...that's not how my brain works! Wearing an item that reminds me of my DR/DR-self works best for me. So, when I found a new taglock item that fit my purposes...the DR's aesthetics changed.
It went from being a Rococo-styled salon in a French palace filled with blue butterflies to a bamboo mountain. The butterflies are still there, though.
*Please go read my Taglock Method post for a better understanding of shifting with items as catalysts.
🎍 I'm pretty sure the reason the aesthetics changed was because of the (new) taglock I used to shift after The Butterfly Room broke. The new one was a wood and azure epoxy, terrarium-style ring that was created to look like a mountain (with a waterfall) was sealed inside of it. The kind you can buy from Etsy. And at the same time that I bought the ring, I had JUST started getting into C-dramas. I mean, like. I was watching them every single day. I think my brain mashed the two things together by correspondence?? 🤷‍♀️ I could've pruned that out altogether but...gotta be real here, I enjoyed exploring a sacred mountain A LOT more than being stuck inside a Palace of Versailles rip-off.
🎍 I don't know a lot about my guides. Most of my life has been spent being shamed for having spiritual beliefs or being told that I'm crazy, so I've done a great evil to myself by suppressing communication with them and my intuition just to "pass inspection." Whelp, those days are over! I'm leaning fully into the crazy now. But more to the point, I can't tell if my guides have always been elemental or nature-based Taoist Sword Immortals...or if it's just an easy, convenient way for them to operate within my DR. I guess we'll find out, huh??
🎍 Another thing I'd like to touch on is that this DR was put together before I joined the shifting community, before I really knew the mechanics of what I was doing, before I got the hang of scripting or even KNEW it was something I could do. Therefore, none of the events, people, or interactions within this DR were planned. Everything just unfolded in a way that I didn't predict. All the cool lore at the top of this post was stuff I gathered over time exploring in this DR.
🎍 On that note, while this DR was inspired by me binging on C-dramas and my love for Taoism beliefs, it's not actually based on any specific media. The people & the situations I meet are a mystery to me. Which is exciting! I think that the "mystery factor" is one of my main motivators for me to shift anywhere.
🎍 7 Blessings Mountain was the first of my "Seasonal DRs" that I started out with. In my formative years as a Pagan, before Tumblr, I was really passionate about celebrating the Sabbats with my friends. But when everyone left to pursue their own lives and grew up, it kind of...also left a huge hole in my life where those celebrations used to be. Shifting filled that hole again by allowing me to experience the joy of the seasons through my DRs. And now, every time the weather shifts in my CR, I visit a different seasonal DR & celebrate the seasons again.
7 Blessings Mountain is inspired by summer.
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⛰️ The Details of 7 Blessings ⛰️
🎍 My safety protocol exists in the form/s of dragon statues littered across 7 Blessings. If any kind of danger is presented to me that I feel uncomfortable with, a dragon statue will immediately pop up and allow me an instant exit. These dragon statues might appear just when I want to leave DR in general. Dragon/s statues don't need a safe word to pop up. It's purely based on my psychological needs in the moment. If there arises a situation where I cannot speak, having this non-verbal safety cue will be beneficial/activate.
🎍 Dragon statues can be seen/perceived by others within my DR but can't be used in the same way that I use them. For all intents and purposes, to the denizens of 7 Blessings, the statues are just statues that have always just been there. Regardless of whether they were or just popped up a moment ago due to any perceived danger. The Dragon underneath 7 Blessings Mountain is an expression of this safety script. While dragons were probably a symptom of watching too many C-dramas, I also really love the legends and myth behind Eastern dragons above all over supernatural creatures. Foxes and Qilin come second and third.
🎍 Every day in 7 Blessings is locked within a perfect summer with few exceptions. I've seen a thunderstorm happen once or twice. But that's still summer weather for a tropical bamboo mountain in mythological China.
🎍 The mountain itself is sitting on top of a sacred power spot that is both culturally and spiritually significant to the people of Seven Blessings. I have left the exact mythology & conditions of the power spot open so that I can have fun discovering, through context clues that I gather, what the stories behind that are.
🎍 The seven sects of Sword Immortals use this mountain as a base of operations for the sacred rites of energy/spirit cultivations that they all practice. Each sect is different in the way they approach spirit cultivations. Some sects are severe while others are relaxed and allowing. Each sect is run by a Master Sage but many various minor sages also circulate in the sects, teaching their own spin on their sect's core tenants.
🎍 7 Blessings is a place of metaphysical & martial education that can translate over to your CR. If you, for instance, went to study with a sect that valued mental refinement, you might find that in your CR, you develop a greater capacity for left-brained thinking. If you studied with a sect that valued health and physical attainment, you might notice a positive shift in that direction in your CR. So, by visiting this mountain, you can fast-track progress within your CR.
🎍 7 Blessings Mountain was once an active volcano. The caldera has now been filled up with water and become a bottomless, azure lake. The location of the temples of all seven sects are situated around this lake at the top of the mountain. A main temple that unifies all seven sects exists on an island in the very center of the lake. Overseen by Grand Sage. All competitions and meetings of the Master Sages of each sect take place here. Most of the time, though, the sects take care of their business in-house & don't often interact.
🎍 Ferrymen situated around the lake help a traveler navigate across it. It's a huge lake! It also has significant dangers and oddities of the water itself that make the ferryman not only helpful but nessecary to have on Seven Blessings Mountain. These ferrymen aren't associated with any particular sect and kind of operate as an entity of their own. Each of the ferrymen on 7 Blessings have their own price for passage, ranging from simple asks to requests that are monumental. The price of the asks directly corresponds to the rarity and spiritual importance of the place you're asking to travel to.
If the price is too high for you, you're always encouraged to walk there yourself... ;)
🎍 Every Master and Minor Sage (along with the Grand Master) is a personal spirit guide I have now. Or have had in my past lives. And also a part of my infinite self. Think Jungian Parts Work therapy...but make it shifting!
🎍 Besides dragon statues, sages, sects and ferrymen, 7 Blessings Mountain is home to a ton of rare, mythological beasts. Something about the energy of the mountain itself has a magnetic/attractive effect to them. Many medicinal herbs grow, thrive, are harvested, and sought out here. However, 7 Blessings is also called home by a significant amount of demons. The seven sects mostly keep them in check. While not encouraged to point out by the sects, the demons were actually there first on the mountain before the Sages ever arrived on it.
🎍 Each sect has a sacred weapon that is a component of an old divinely-made machine that has an unscripted, mysterious purpose. I want to leave that up to my DR to decide...
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*New information will be added as I continue to explore this place.
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lggy · 8 months
idiot get turned into a doll
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newyeardiaries10 · 6 months
Essentially, personalized diary printing in Delhi offers people an opportunity to express their creativity and create a genuinely one-of-a-kind and customized writing experience.
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vidhan12 · 1 year
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homosekularnost · 15 days
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artificial condition
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harperdunes · 11 months
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🌊 miss supermodel, miss fun in the sun ☀️
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kyacchan-comics · 6 months
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Dude, big mood, but also: chill.
[read “Cone or Cup?” on Tapas]
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dollenjoyer · 9 months
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yayyy green and gold 🌻🌿
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