Prompt 50
`An alternate universe where everything is much the same, except Jaskier has D&D-style bardic magic, and is more than capable of joining Geralt on easier contracts, using his magic to boost Geralt's abilities almost as good as some of his potions.
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crystalmagpie447 · 3 months
hhmmhnh ra bbit
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smellophone · 7 months
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It’s a little more obscure, but this special has always held a special place in my heart :)
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supersquiddle · 6 months
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D&D character portraits for a new game I'm going to be playing with my friends! First Portrait - Vaskra Ametista, Dragonborn Long Death Monk played by my friend Frorocious Second Portrait - Silas Chrysomallus, Sun Elf Thief Rogue played by myself
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possumkingluca · 6 months
I DM'd for the first time on saturday and who decided that it was reasonable for one of the starting quests of dragon of icespire peak to have the party possibly fight a manticore um i mean the party lived because tasha's hideous laughter is a spell that exists and i'm cursed to forever roll dogshit on wisdom saves i think (though it was probably a blessing in this situation) but what the fuck why would you have a possibly level 1 party encounter a CR 3 enemy hello
wizards of the coast is so good at balancing (<- lying)
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mysticpeanutmoon · 1 year
My dear,
If one day I disappear for good, forgive me, I can't take this life I'm having anymore. There are many choices and at the same time many prohibitions, I feel that when I grow up I will be glued to these scars, what I want most is to live, but with each passing day I see that I don't deserve to live.
I can't have who I love the most without having controversies in my ear, who really should support us, doesn't. Having you is hard, but not having you is more painful. But I feel that without me, you would be better off, however, if I have to put up with this a little longer, I will want to end everything that has life.
I love you, but fear drowns me every day, I'm so paralyzed that I don't know how to recover, it's one of the situations I've never seen, neither medicine nor screaming can solve these problems. You rush me every day to get things done and tell me how slow I am, but I'm doing my best.
I know you want to marry me, just like you want us to live together. But it's impossible if the people who claim to be my parents are against me, and they don't support me as they keep saying that they would support any idea I had as a child, you don't know how to dissipate, there are parents who always understood you...
As much as I don't care what people say, I still look for someone's approval and that was painful to hear.
This "me" is not okay
She never knows what she wants, she always goes with what people think and not what she really wants, there's no way to know what she wants because, not even she knows.
She knows what she wants, but she doesn't know how to get to that idea, because at the same time she wants to be someone.
Need to be someone for people.
Not for her...
That the things I want will work out, my parents instead of supporting my plans as parents should do, they just keep pointing out the wrong, and when I'm really listening and still wanting to choose that, they keep implying more and more...
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Sahota in his seal form looks so soft and sad 🥺
shapeshifting into Just A Little Guy
(and it hurts to be in his natural form now because his seal pelt has been cut up by Vic!)
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beatgrooves · 2 years
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Neku cat :D
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solvicrafts · 8 months
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
...except I'm getting to this very late and have no idea who has or hasn't done this yet, so consider this a free-for-all for anyone wanting to do this, too!
Last song: Follow Fi (extended) - good background noise when I'm working on my websites :)
Bregan D'aerthe fan-site will be returning soon-ish btw! PROBABLY in April or May but it really depends on how much more our relocation is gonna keep getting pushed back :(
Favourite colour: I am a BIG fan of colors just in general but um...
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GREEN. Let's just say 'green' and make this a bit easier.
Last tv show/movie: Oh lord... I really don't watch tv much at all. As in... I've watched 1 show in the last 3 years, which is the Loki series.
Spicy/sweet/savoury: Mostly savory with a bit of spice. I do not usually like mixing sweet and savory. There's an Indian restaurant around here that makes great tikka masala and if I could only eat ONE meal for the rest of my life it would be that.
Last game: Minecraft. I was feeling a bit cynical after corporate put up some more ~woo~ feel-good brainwashing customer service posters so I fought back by putting up signs in my spooky scary underground dungeon saying shit like "positive vibes only" and a few other things that might be too much of a giveaway for where I work so I won't share them (YET!)
Last thing i google "do people seriously believe this crap?" with absolutely no added context because that's the mood I was in
@foxboyclit thank you for tagging me in this, it was fun!
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Pelt Shadric
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This is my silly npc, Pelt Shadric! He is just a funky little guy honestly, and absolute criminal! In a society that believes in only one god, it is a great time when you become a paladin of a "False God". He is a funky lil trauma blorbo and I absolutely adore him.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*My Commisions are Open!*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year
I was browsing and so crossed the path of a Werehog Amy fanart, then I crossed the path of a Werecat Blaze fanart... So I reminded: I've seen already Werehog Shadow and Silver fanarts too... And even Werelemur Tangle and Werewolf Whisper (What's quite weird to think, but the "were-" prefix is also quite weird if you consider some stuff...) If we count OCs, we had even a Werelynx...
So I had the thought I am considering my craziest so far: "What would a Were... tenrec? Gold look like?"
Well, two things for sure:
1- She would be the tallest of them all
2- She would surely be NOTHING happy with this new form (Just like Amy, who was crying in the fanart I saw... So maybe same reaction from Gold?)
Anyway what are your thoughts?
(Also, poor Silver, NOW he would feel quite short.)
Hullo there ^-^
The concept of the Werehog seems to be quite popular! Though I can certainly imagine why, haha; it looks cool and I also suppose people quite like their transformation plots and 'character is put in a situation where the control over themselves is compromised' storylines. But poor, poor Gold. Sonic the Werehog is 125 centimeters, so 1 1/4th of his normal length of 1 meter... Applying that exact same change to Gold would put her at a staggering one and a half meters of length. That's basically the length of a small human woman!! And I think she'd be quite terrified by how insanely fluffy she now is, as well as her mouth full of fangs and how much more generally ominous she looks. As for her temperament changes, I'm wondering what would happen. Sonic became a bit more aggressive and short-tempered, but he already is so in his normal hedgehog form, it just showed easier as a Werehog (like his house-smashing temper tantrum against Baker). Perhaps for Gold, her innate withdrawnness and awkwardness only becomes worse instead? Not helped by the fact she is now a towering, massive fluffy beast, haha.
And as for Silver... he is pouting about this all, lol. His Big Sister just became VERY Big Sister, who now is literally one and a half times as tall as he is. Considering how she already towered over him beforehand, it's not even funny anymore how much he needs to crane his neck to be able to talk to her! Good thing he can fly. But he'll support her through it all, assure her she looks just fine and he'll protect her from anyone being mean to her, and generally helps with finding a solution so Gold can fully return to normal again. Plus, with his mane he knows a thing or two about tangles and burrs in one's pelt, so he can keep Gold's much fluffier and longer fur nice and tidy. But I think both of them will be very happy once she un-Weretenrec's for good!
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hyacinth--girl · 2 months
Got blood test results yesterday and my doctor’s reading through everything and she’s like kidneys fine, liver fine, b12…*stern look*…ZERO, cholesterol fine, iron…*even more stern look*…ALMOST ZERO, haemoglobin fine, vitamin D…*most stern look I’ve ever received in my life*…ZERO oops
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romancethedawn · 1 year
Selkie!Luffy AU pt.1
Zoro reached for another chicken leg just as the rubbery fingers of his new captain snatched the tasty morsel right out from under his nose.
An annoyed growl escaped his throat and he sent a fleeting death glare at the idiot before sighing and reaching for some of the only food left on the table, a platter of fresh caught fish that had remained miraculously untouched by Luffy.
The swordsman didn’t question it though. All he knew was that he was hungry as hell after three weeks of being starved and beaten, and if the empty pit next to him didn’t slow down soon he’d go hungry again. So he quickly began devouring all the fish he could before Luffy caught on.
Sadly, it didn’t take long for the red menace to take note of Zoro’s new meal. In an instant those big doe eyes were being directed right at him, as Luffy made soft whining noises in the back of his throat like some damn dog.
The swordsman gritted his teeth and continued enjoying his food while resolutely ignoring his persistent companion.
The bastard had eaten everything else on the table, it only seemed fair that Zoro got to eat something! After all, he was the one who had been STARVED!
“Uh…uhmmm… Z- er… Mr. R-Roronoa… sir?” The little cabin boy who had been clinging to Luffy like some kind of lamprey for the past couple of hours finally spoke up. He’d talked a bit during Zoro’s rescue as well but he hadn’t been very vocal since their return to the inn run by Rika’s mom.
“What?” Zoro pushed out the word through his mouthful of fish before taking a sip of ale and shooting the kid a warning glare. It wasn’t that he hated the boy. He was just too soft, it rubbed Zoro the wrong way. Kid needed to toughen up.
“Ah! Er…. Well…” The boy startled a bit before continuing to stutter through whatever he wanted to say. Zoro sighed, perhaps he’d been laying the big scary bounty hunter act on a little thick.
“What is it, kid?” He asked again, trying to make his voice more friendly and less… gruff. He couldn’t help but snort when the kid startled again, this time at Zoro’s sudden shift toward kindness.
“W-well… D-do you think you could let Luffy have s-some of the fish?” His voice had gotten higher with every word until he was practically squeaking. It was honestly a bit difficult to decipher what he wanted. Zoro raised an eyebrow in question and the kid, Koby he thinks his name was, laughed nervously before looking away, a distinct redness tinting his cheeks. “I-I was only with him for a couple of days before we got here, but in that time I learned that Luffy loves fish more than anything!” He exclaimed in all seriousness. Causing Luffy himself to burst out laughing.
“No, No, Koby! You’ve got it wrong!” His captain crowed, the hint of laughter always in his voice shining even brighter. “I love MEAT more than anything!” he cheered excitedly, holding up the last piece of meat at the whole table, which Zoro noticed with some chagrin was also the last piece of fish he’d been staunchly guarding. Damn… The bastard was more slippery than he’d thought.
Luffy, still laughing like an idiot, then proceeded to shove the entire fish in his mouth, head and all. Zoro was about to yell at him about choking on the bones and other things he’d heard the women in his village nag their children about, when the rubber wonder pulled the fish out of his mouth again, only this time it was missing the meat and all that was left were pristine bones.
Both Zoro and Koby stared at their friend with varying looks of concern and disgust. Zoro remembered hearing that a walrus was able to suck the skin right off a seal before but he’d never, not once in his life, seen a human being do anything similar.
It was in that moment that he resolved to never get near Luffy when he was eating. Ever.
“O-oh… sorry I-” Koby bowed his head in disappointment, but perked up quickly when Luffy ruffled his hair.
“Thanks for looking out for me though, Koby!” Luffy grinned, it was one of those way too bright ones that immediately entranced anyone who happened to be looking at it. Zoro included, he was ashamed to admit.
The red tint to Koby’s cheeks only got more intense and the young boy quickly ducked his head to hide that fact.
“So tell me, Captain…” Zoro started, taking another swig of ale, forever thankful that Luffy had taken one sip and promptly spat out the drink declaring it ‘yucky’. He didn’t think the two of them could ever get along if the straw hatted idiot kept drinking Zoro’s booze the way he ate his food. “Where’s the rest of the crew?” He continued, curious to meet them and see what other odd personalities Luffy had no doubt drawn to his side.
However, instead of starting to excitedly list off names like Zoro thought he would, Luffy just stared at Zoro blankly for a moment before throwing his head back and laughing. The act was equally as bewitching as his smile and Zoro was starting to get annoyed with this kid. Seriously, did he have the sun trapped beneath his skin or something? This level of brightness was just way too much.
“Oi! I’m being serious!” He growled at his new found Captain. The sound of Luffy’s laughter died immediately and he just smiled warmly at Zoro instead.
“They’re not like Zoro,” he finally answered, “we still have to find them!” That stupid grin continued to stretch his face like nothing had changed and, Zoro supposed, nothing really had. Luffy was still Luffy and Zoro was still Zoro. They’d figure out the rest as they went.
Deciding this was a fine enough answer for now Zoro shrugged and went back to his food.
“Can’t be helped then.” He said before shoveling the very last bite of fish and rice into his mouth and taking another messy gulp of his ale. “What about your ship?” After hearing that there wasn’t a crew, his hopes weren’t high and judging by the way Luffy started badly whistling and Koby was avoiding eye contact even more than usual, he guessed it was pretty safe to say they didn’t have a ship either. He sighed heavily, was he going to be the only person with any forethought on this crew? He hoped not. It seemed like a cursed existence.
“Weeeellll…” Luffy started by drawing out the word to make it as long as possible and Zoro felt something in his forehead twitch. Probably a blood vessel straining from all this idiocy. “I do have a ship. It’s just… not super cool…” The rubber captain finished dejectedly.
Zoro opened his mouth, to comfort his childish captain or scold him, he wasn’t sure. But Luffy bounced back quickly, he was made of rubber after all, and his eyes were practically sparkling when he turned to his new first mate again. “But don’t worry, Zoro! We’re gonna get a better one really soon and it’ll be awesome! We’ll sail the Grand Line and find the One Piece! Just you wait!”
Staring into that way too bright smile with those big sparkly eyes blinking up at him, Zoro couldn’t bring himself to knock the kid down, so he simply smiled indulgently at him. “I’m sure we will, Captain.” He agreed easily enough and his positive reaction seemed to make Luffy even happier because he kicked his smile up a few notches, practically blinding his poor swordsman.
“That being said…” Zoro started as he stood from the table and kicked his chair in. “We probably need to get out of here before those Marine’s come knocking. We may have freed them, but Marines are Marines. They’ll want our heads soon enough.”
Koby looked like he wanted to disagree but Luffy had already gotten to his feet and settled his straw hat back on his head before the boy could even get the words out.
“You’re right. Let’s go!” Luffy threw his fist up in the air excitedly. Zoro simply nodded his approval and slipped his swords into his haramaki. Koby spluttering and protesting all the while.
Zoro had to admit. Parting with the kid was rough. Not because Zoro had any particular attachment to him. Koby just cried. A lot. Then the little squirt finally got the guts to toughen up and actually hit Luffy! Granted, he was only capable of doing so after Luffy backed him into a proverbial corner… but Zoro wasn’t one to dwell on such things.
Although, that look of horrified realization on his face right after he’d done it did make Zoro chuckle under his breath and hide his grin in his shoulder. So it was more of a win for Koby than the poor kid would ever realize.
After all was said and done they ended up at the docks loading the supplies Rika’s mom had so generously given them into Luffy’s absurdly small and ragged “boat.” Although, after watching the spectacle that was Luffy eating, Zoro wasn’t so sure these supplies would last them much more than a day.  
When the last sack of apples was loaded into the little dinghy Luffy threw his arms behind his head while blowing a rather loud and long raspberry and flopped into the boat back first.
His drop caused the boat to rock violently back and forth for a moment. Zoro quietly cursed his captain’s impulsiveness before stepping into the vessel himself.
“So…” he started as he took his seat in the little dinghy, “where to, Captain?”
The boy in question giggled brightly before sitting up fast enough to make the boat rock again as he pointed to the distant horizon.
“To adventure!” He cried happily.
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heroicleader2763 · 3 months
and then they had mentally ill sex.
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hyaciiintho · 1 year
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🌸。*゚+. THIS IS A TEST POST !! This is not an actual inbox call, I just wanted to test and see how the graphic would look posted to tumblr ;; ;; Might use this when doing inbox calls and then a copy/paste text body.
With that being said-- how do people feel about a "permanent" inbox call post? Just for my own reassurance so I don't feel like I'm bothering people but don't wanna like... constantly make a new inbox call post. Basically just a list of people commenting below a post, one that maybe specifies whether people prefer random IC interactions or want asks leaning more to IC questions/ooc headcanons stuff?
I know it's silly because if we're mutuals, we shouldn't be afraid to reach out to each other, BUT !! I also know some people do not like random asks, so... it would just be for the sake of... "You have permission to send random things whenever you feel like it" but of course it's not like I'm expecting you to answer things immediately after I send them either.
But yeah, just a thought! If it seems too silly I'll just keep making individual posts each time ♡ c':
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you, a werewolf, vs her - and emotionally traumatized teenager hot off her first intentional murder
who will win?
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