#DA movie thoughts
infinity2020corner · 2 years
I don't recall ever pointing out how funny Mr Bates and Miss Baxter look to me during the prank call scene.
I've generally assumed they've no idea what exactly is going on at the time, as Thomas previously leaves them wondering with a smirking "you'll find out."
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On one hand, Bates and his deadpan face somewhat convey utmost resignation at the latest Thomas scheme; on the other hand, Phyllis gets the mildly horrified expression of an older sister wondering what her troublemaker little brother is up to.
Meanwhile, the little brother and his soon-to-be boyfriend...
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ryssbelle · 6 months
JD is going to ugly baby cry when he finally finds Clay? Like the overflow of Relief and happiness Will literally turns him into a blabbering mess That only Floyd can understand Because Floyd is the sensitive one.
I haven’t fully decided how the moment would go, there’s a lot of directions but I did decide to kind of do a concept doodle of this scenario, sort of. I was gonna send it with this ask but I think it deserves its own post for how long it is XD but know you were the ask that spawned it. But yeah I have lots of ideas on what could possibly happen, the biggest aspect of it that is subject to change is whether or not Clay is there in what would be this aus version of the Branch Floyd reunion from the movie, and then like what goes with that you know?
I’m more along the idea that Clay would be there, as would most of them, due to the circumstances having changed so drastically that they wouldn’t be separated by a fight, but you never know. This is pretty close tho to some of like my first thoughts, also sorry for taking a literal month to answer again the concepts I made were meant to go with this but I was going through so many drafts I legit just exploded.
The concept doodle will probs be posted tomorrow tho ;D
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snowdins-bunny · 23 days
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Day 1 - First date
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stvlti · 1 year
Actually thinking about the immigrant narrative in Jaime's Blue Beetle because... This is a 2nd gen immigrant with alien tech fused to his spine......... In an America where his parents (and probably himself) get slurs thrown at them for being "illegal aliens"…......... There's some kind of metaphor there
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foolbo · 11 months
i love you italian characters that arent associated with the mafia i love you italian characters who arent gangsters i love you female italian characters who arent housewives i love you male italian characters who arent violent i love you italian characters with realistic accents
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mislamicpearl · 3 years
3Below and Wizards in Retrospect
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You know, even though the Tales of Arcadia fandom generally considers 3Below the weakest out of the three series, after watching it again I gotta say, that's giving it too much discredit! In regards to pacing, humor, and atmosphere, it's got a lot more in common with Trollhunters than Wizards did, and even if it might've been a bit more on the sillier side for some people it still had the same amount of heart as Trollhunters as well - the same way I came to love the Trollhunters as a team and family unit, so did I come to love Aja, Krel, Varvatos, Stuart, and even Mother and the robot parents. Aja and Krel especially are such a precious pair of siblings, I love how they bicker and argue over silly things but always look out for one another.
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The only thing I could say I didn't like about the show was Colonel Kubritz. My gosh what a stupid annoying hypocritical b*tch! None of her actions made sense and I just wanted her to die every time she was onscreen. Easily my most hated villain in the whole franchise.
As for Wizards, I was right with people in thinking the show was too fast-paced when I first watched it, and I do still wish that it'd been given more episodes. But now it's just 'cause I would have really liked to sit with the show for a bit longer! After seeing it again, I'm honestly incredibly impressed with how much they packed into it without sacrificing any of the great characterization, development, and world-building that I've come to expect from this franchise. While it is technically fast, it didn't feel like it - there was never a point where I thought "oh wait, we're doing this now?" and that might be due to me already having seen the show (though I did forget a lot of the details), but even with that I think the episodes flowed very nicely into each other. Characters were given slower moments to express themselves and their fears, and each next step of the plot was made clear and had a logic behind it. So I think the difference between a show being short and fast rather than being fast-paced is that you always know where you are with the characters and plot.
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Now unlike 3Below, which could be viewed without having seen Trollhunters, Wizards doesn't have light filler episodes (which contrary to most people's complaints about them are sometimes essential in a plot-driven show), or a self-contained story, and doesn't really stand well on its own like either of its predecessors - but it didn't really need to. It's a long movie-sequel to Trollhunters focusing on a different area of the story, specifically its history and magic.
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And that's cool! Sure I would have liked a third self-contained story about Douxie and new wizard characters (I know the Zoe character was originally supposed to be a deuteragonist alongside him and I do wish we could've seen more of her and tech wizardry), but the show still did a good job making him a likable protagonist, as well as give us a few new characters to love like Deya and Lancelot. The only thing I would nitpick about the show is that I'm not too big on how much of a shift there was with Morgana, who was the big final boss in Trollhunters but is now shown to be on the good side. Like, at least it could've been mentioned before that she used to be an advocate for magical creatures before she fell into dark magic.
But with that all said, my original point is just that this franchise is great. Trollhunters is still unequivocally the best but 3Below and Wizards are also really really good follow-ups. Here's hoping the movie proves to be just as good or even better!
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nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
question for the erik selvig stans that i know tumblr MUST be full of - hypothetically if someone wrote fic where he was already mentally-ill before the mind-stone stuff would people reject that as Far Too AU or not?
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guideaus · 20 days
god, does anyone else go and check out what people on here are saying about a certain piece of media you thought was mediocre, and then basically all the comments hail it as the greatest thing ever to exist and are making essay length posts about simple observations
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kronprinz-rudolf · 3 months
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lichtecht · 6 months
of the dfk 2023 audiobook translation
Narrator (audiobook): Robert puts another piece of wood on the trunk and swings the axe.
Bökh: „And you never wanted to get in touch?"
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The Nichtraucher picks up a piece of wood.
Nichtraucher: „Why should I? We didn’t see each other for the past ten years either.“
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He rips the piece of wood apart with his bare hands. While holding eye contact with Justus.
Justus lowers his head.
Jo: „Uh.. weren’t you-" Martina, quietly: „Jo, leave it. Lets go.“
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Martina, louder: „We need to go! We still have something to do.“
The kids leave. Jo and Martina are holding hands as they walk away.
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Bökh: „Yeah… Thank you, kids.“
Jo, whispering as they walk away: "What was that just now?!"
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Robert picks up the chopped wood and walks back to his wagon. Justus looks after him.
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Narrator (audiobook): If the two friends will find back together? Matze isn’t so sure of that.
Matze, sarcastically: „Well, that was a great success!“ Jo: „Yeah, so much for friendship between Internals and Externs.“
Narrator (audiobook): At least Robert granted Herr Bökh access to his wagon. He looks around lost in thought more or less, while Robert washes the dishes.
Dishes clatter. There is silence otherwise.
Justus stares wistfully at Robert while he washes the dishes.
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Justus takes his eyes off Robert and starts looking around while Robert continues to ignore him.
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Bökh: „I thought you were living in London.“ Nichtraucher: (silence) Bökh: ���It's nice here.“ Nichtraucher: (silence)
Justus starts walking around.
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Bökh: „I told the kids about our friendship.“ Nichtraucher: „As a cautionary tale?“ Bökh: (chuckles/scoffs) „No. Of course not.“
Narrator (audiobook): Bökh spots the poster of „the Bandits“, the same one hanging in his apartment.
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Bökh: „The 'Wild Dog' that we always played in is still there.“
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Nichtraucher: (silence)
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Bökh: „Should we meet there sometime? For a beer?“
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Robert looks up.
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He lets out a small huff, almost like an incredulous laugh or a scoff.
He dries his hands on a towel and folds it.
Nichtraucher: (silence) Nichtraucher: „I don’t know what we would have to say to each other.“
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Bökh: „Hm. Well. A lot of time has passed.“
Narrator (audiobook): Robert sits down at the table and lights himself a cigarette.
Justus turns as well and starts looking around again.
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Nichtraucher: „Why didn’t you come to Marie’s funeral back then?“
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Nichtraucher: „You didn’t even get in touch.“
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[„You didn't even get in touch“ -> parallels to „And you never wanted to get in touch?“]
Justus is silent. He starts fiddling with his jacket and pulls it off his shoulder. He lets out a deep, shaky sigh and is silent for another few moments.
Bökh: „…I don’t know, you met her and… and suddenly you were gone.“
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[Parallels to „suddenly your closest loved ones are gone“]
Bökh: „As if everything -our friendship, the band- as if that had all just been a dream.“
Justus turns around and looks at Robert.
Bökh: „Wir zwei. Wir hatten doch Pläne.“
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Bökh: „That really hurt me.“ Nichtraucher: „It hurt you.“
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Silence. Just the music.
Bökh: „Yes. Very much back then.“
The Nichtraucher lets out a soft incredulous laugh again, almost like a scoff.
Nichtraucher: „I see.“
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Long silence. Justus stares out the window. Finally, he turns and walks to the door.
Bökh: „You know where to find me.“
Justus leaves the wagon. Robert nods to himself silently.
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Narrator (audiobook): And with these words, Herr Bökh leaves his friend’s train wagon. If the two will ever see each other again?
#das fliegende klassenzimmer#dfk 2023 audiobook translation#dfk#das fliegende klassenzimmer 2023#mine#this is the most scene of dfk 2023 to me. i am having so many feelings and thoughts about it#there is so much to unpack#i really hope this did it justice... the whole. silent staring obviously doesnt translate#the silence in general doesnt translate#i would recommend to actually watch the scene#the silence is so so pivotal#another addition;#ach gott ich nehm grad neue bilder auf weil diese szene hq wirklich wert ist#und ich komm immer noch nicht darüber hinweg dass justus den nichtraucher allen ernstes 7 SEKUNDEN LANG ANSTARRT WÄHREND DER SPÜLT#ich hab hier wirklich am image limit gekratzt#tbh mit dem foto von den kindern kann ich nichts anfangen aber es scheint nicht unwichtig zu sein so i included it#it cant be robert and justus cause these kids are waaayy too young#if robert and justus met in school#these kids are like. idk. 9??#and i assumed they met when they were around the age of the kids in this movie#but maybe i got it wrong??#its so funny at some point i dont even talk about the Main Things of this scene anymore and focus on the most miniscule details instead#thats probably bc ive watched it maybe 10 times now and literally know this scene by heart. but let us PLEASE talk about the Main Things#i am so ready to have endless discussions about justraucher#hopefully the last addition of tags;#ok honestly i made almost as many edits to the tags as i did to the post#cause i kept changing little things so my comments werent up to date anymore#i think this part will be my magnum opus out of them all. but who knows theres still 9 to come#i think it shows that this is my favourite 🙃#oh yes i also added mentions to the parallels. felt like these were significant
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infinity2020corner · 2 years
I felt like sharing a few thoughts about Thomas and his first interaction with Richard (I'm sure they're not new or particularly original, but let me bask in them 😁😊)
As we all know, the scene opens with a chill Thomas in full butler mode, leading Richard to his quarters - with the blink and you'll miss it moment of Richard casually giving him a subtle onceover, while Thomas goes on about their schedule.
Then Thomas lingers in the doorway, making conversation, and there is a shift: Thomas enquiring about Richard's job smoothly transitions into Thomas good-naturedly teasing him.
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"So Mr Miller is the one who actually dresses the King?
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"Is he often ill?"
Richard might have largely been the pursuer for the rest of the film, but it is arguably this little moment that triggers it all, and I love it. I love that Thomas is evidently in a good place, that he is curious and impish; I love that, even though he's justifiably reluctant to be too daring, he's confident enough to indulge in some flirty banter with another man; I love that, regardless of his intentions, he is taking a first step of sorts, showing his willingness to explore a possible connection.
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And I just love the idea this might have been the main catalyst for the beginning of their relationship 🥰
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castorfell · 9 months
YAAAAAYYY I'M GLAD YOU FOUND THEM FUNNY!!!! The fact that V&V are teens makes it totally plausible too like they unironically called Crimp Cringe
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yarboyandy · 4 months
will you do more of the ella enchanted au pleaseeeeee please please
maybe idk what else to draw! Somewhere I vaguely started a She's All That AU but I can always do other rom coms
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supermarketcrush · 4 months
just finished moonlight trevante rhodes is so hot he made me forget im gay for a hot second
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chknbzkt · 1 year
In the Biomech AU explanation post, you said something about how the biomechs need treatment at each growth stage to update them with information and whatnot for their development into their intended purpose...And that Fazbear monumentally screwed up at every stage with the celestials and that messed them up? Judging by the picture of that doctor pinning the poor baby before stabbing them with a needle I assume that "screw up" is 1-ton TRAUMA?
Oh boy you have no idea 🥲
See, the people behind the scenes pulling the strings and shitting up everything intended for the celestials to be a main attraction that could outshine even Freddy Fazbear himself. I’m a tad inspired by the canon DA formerly being intended for theater but repurposed into a daycare animatronic these days, but instead they were a fluke star attraction more or less ‘banished’ to the daycare so they wouldn’t have been too harsh of a waste of resources in their failed objective.
They were intended to be a revolutionary biomech, a singular entity that could change shape and aesthetic onstage and wow focus groups because by Al accounts being able to alter your own biology and literally werewolf out into a different shape entirely?? That’s fucking amazing, and by all accounts they would have struck gold upon their debut!!
Except… plenty of members of the team assigned to them were very extreme and emotionally neglectful.
Now, Fazfuck Entertainment never really had a kid track record with being empathetic to even their own staff ffs, but this is doubly so for their biomechs. In their eyes, they exist only to attract audiences and take in tons of moolah, and the biomechs owe it to them to be the scrumptious little money makers they were made for.
So… their harsh methods and cold uncaring treatment of the DAs in their early days left them with a loooong string of… “issues” down the line.
The neurologists tasked with updating them could just whip their memories clean each time the stress and anxiety got too much, but while the ax forgets, the tree remembers. Trauma the likes of which was inflicted upon them during their various treatments and stress tests CANT just be wiped away in a snap. It sticks with you, it’s ingrained.
It cuts so deep that you start shaking when your handler carrying a speaker wife that looks too much like a needle approaches you the wrong way. And you don’t even know why.
It glued itself so deep that a sea of adults resembling the sea of unimpressed, disproving scientists you can’t even recall makes you wants to empty your stomach contents. But you can’t because you’ve gotta be good! Be good for the hardworking faculty that made you this big of a deal at all
And of course, let’s not forget the numerous times these people have mentioned that Sun’s existence is a mistake.
The DA was intended to be one personality. The two siblings have been forced through so many procedures in an attempt to merge them together or at the least completely eliminate Sun’s personality so the strain on their shared frame would cause too much stress when they switch. Of course it didn’t work, it can’t lest they both end up dead, or arguably worse, stripped of both personalities and functionally inert.
But man did their creators try their damndest, much to the twins’ dismay and terror.
So! When they both had a horrific meltdown on their opening night that decided their future as a star or a flop, they flopped hard. Not a lot of people really like seeing a kid’s mascot horrifically devolve into a screaming, twisting lump of Mental Breakdown Supreme a la The Thing so uh, that was a bust. They were stripped of all recollection and the project was deemed a failure. But the higher ups didn’t want their hard spent money to go to waste, BUT it became apparent that the DA can’t stand being around adults. Gods, not so many adults. They just can’t.
So what did they do with the highly unstable biomech(s) with PTSD out the wazoo? Put ‘em with the kiddos baybeeee-
I mean, it means minimal exposure to adults, Fazbear Entertainment has all but scrubbed The Incident from people’s collective minds (Or Else), and the DA still gets to make themselves useful! Sweet 😎👉🏽
I’m tinkering with making them a theater biomech like in Somnophobia, that way they’ll have plenty of time to build up their theatric flair and cool off from being harried by shitty execs and lab coats for a while, because I have it in my head that these two were Wayyyy finicky and unpredictable, too much so to be around kids at first.
They had to take time to spend healing each other and just. Talking in their mind palace because neither really knows Why they feel so seemingly needlessly stressed pretty much all the time, but I also think it lends credence to how snappish Sun is in-game and how it translates here. That poor bastard is treated a fair deal worse than Moon but that’s really not saying much
And uh, we won’t get into the whole Bonnie Incident right now, at least not during this post it’s getting long. Just know that he got too involved in protecting his little Moon and Stars and things got heated. He has protections the DA didn’t so they couldn’t just wipe his mind like they’d been doing the celestials without getting in trouble.
Their solution got them in less trouble… but it was more permanent.
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desire-for-madness · 2 years
I just finished the Cherry Magic movie and it was so positive that I cried many times. It's not the kind of movie that's going to blow you away with the plot, or throw you into a spiral of obsession or etc, it was just a soft and warm, a wonderful movie.
It felt like a movie that was needed, the characters were all brought back, their main essences stayed the same, lots of connections to the original series and no audience pleasing scenes.
The scene that for me is a interpretation of this movie is the ending scene. They could've waited and made a beautiful shot of cherry blossoms or blooming trees, but they didn't. They didn't try to unnecessarily add a filter to their story, life is life. It's up to us to put in the effort, communicate, be grateful for what we have and treat others with kindness.
10/10, will be looking for a way to support this movie by buying dvds or smth; I'll do research.
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