intotheelliwoods · 9 months
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Boys will be bugs 👀
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writernotyetauthor · 11 months
I so excited for your CanLiet Scott Pilgrim vs the world au idea
I who love to read that fanfic, omg i so excited
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So my AU idea—
It’s not a 1:1 comparison of the story/characters for obvious reasons 🫥 spvtw has got its own issues but AnYwAy:
Our boy Matthew takes the place of Scott Pilgrim as he attempts to win the heart of Ramona Flowers *cough cough I mean* Tolys! And by defeating his seven evil exes. The ideas for the exes are as follows (some I’m more certain of than others):
Eduard: kinda iffy on this one, but I could see him fighting with the nyos as a tie in to the “demon hipster chicks”.
ALFRED: need I say more? American movie star slash skating star played in the movie by Chris evans of Captain America fame???? Match made in heaven.
Feliks: so this one gets interesting. Tolys and Feliks are exes, but who is the singer of The Clash at Demonhead? The ex of Matthew and current gf of Tolys ex #3? I think Ukraine. The vegan (or whatever else gives Feliks his special powers) police are Czechia and Slovakia.
Natalya: “You had a straight phase?” I think we’d all prefer this battle to play out like in the comics instead of… what happened in the movies 😬. But I also think she would totally rock Roxanne’s outfit!
Lovino & Feliciano: So these two I feel like is the biggest stretch, esp since I’ve never really seen any feli/ tolys stuff but dangit I needed another pair of siblings Tolys has some connection to and I’m starting to run out 😭. When it comes to the battle of the bands, I keep imagining some kind of Måneskin thing for them & I think that’s be sick.
Ivan: 🥲🥲🥲
When it comes to ideas for a Knives Chau-ish character (bc euugh Scott why) the ppl who came to mind were either like, Ludwig or Gilbert. Who are in college at least. I’d be leaning towards Gilbert because of the prucan precedent and because of Tolys and Gilbert already having somewhat of a rivalry. He’d be some kind of international grad student or something.
For other characters I…. Havent thought about as much 😅. Sex Bo-Bomb would probably consist of a bunch of Matthew’s friends/exes who haven’t already been giving roles.
If I were to develop this more, I think it could be cool to expand on the music aspect of it, esp with alternative punk/rock/whateva music from the different countries. My knowledge of that is kinda limited but I’d love to learn more about it!
So yeah! That’s the bulk of my idea. Ya mentioned reading it as a fanfic but I think it could work as a real fun hetagame too! If I wasn’t bogged down with other projects & hetagame ideas I’d make it mself. Until then imma keep rolling it around in my brain and maybe draw Tolys with a bunch of different hair colors.
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gerudoevernight · 2 years
Hi, I have decided to postpone the rest of my Fusion AU art until November because I am doing Linktober! With the DLinks, but the LUtober prompt list. We'll see how this goes...
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Here's the prompts, just on case you wanted to know.
I'll still post little things about my Fusion AU (probably) but I won't do another character reveal until November (unless I get very very bored). Also I have a huge study commitment until November 7th, so all-day drawing sessions are really just a no-no right now. Because guess who is studying to be an EKG technician?! (I'm having so much fun).
Edit: This is going to take longer than October, probably...dangit, NaNoWriMo is next month...Turns out I'm doing a two-month novel-long story! I will try to finish before I post the thing! I have a little more free time than I thought, so I'm going to start on the blog edits at the same time.
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fluffi · 3 years
pairing: jay x gn!reader genre: fluff, badboy!jay, highschool!au, friends-enemies-lovers!au word count: 2k event: for @lovesick-net​​ and (early) jay day 200421 <3 author’s note: simple little one-shot for jay’s birthday (i wont be uploading anything for his actual birthday). i had to speedrun this fic because i kept changing the plot and this hasnt been proofread twice (unlike my other fics) T-T i hope it’ll still work out. warnings: (reader makes one bad decision)
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Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring
The alarm clock stopped its boisterous wailing
10 more minutes. I don’t have to style my hair today.
Thirty minutes passed.
Ugh. I’ll just miss assembly.
This time, the ringing stopped before he could slam his hand over the alarm clock.
“Jongseong, do you not have school today?” Jay could only make out a bush of black that stood above him as he sat up, dazed and drowsy.
“Yeah, I do. I’m about to get ready. Why?”
“It’s 9 am! You should be at school! At this point, you don’t even have to go anymore.” His mother huffed in disappointment.
It was an exaggeration, but she had a point. School started at eight in the morning. It was already an hour later but he was still sitting in bed.
“I’ll get ready now. 10 minutes. Good to go.” He shooed his mom away, already running to the bathroom to wash up.
“I’m leaving now Jay. You know darn well that I have an important meeting today and I can’t miss it just for you to not get a tardy. Heck, you’re already late! You’re-”
“Mom! I can’t walk to school! It takes too long.” Jay whined as he brushed his teeth, his muffled voice interrupting his mother’s speech.
“Young man, stop interrupting me. I told you a week ago about today’s event and it’s not my fault that my oldest son can’t take care of himself. You’re going to have to take another mode of transport, you’re old enough to deal with this yourself!” With that, his mother stormed out of his room, her feet obnoxiously thumping on the floor.
“I’m also your only son...” Jay muttered. 
Of all days, why did she have to have her meeting today? Monthly evaluations aren’t that important. Dangit, I should’ve been taught how to drive. Jay returned to his rapid multitasking, grabbing his school uniform while washing his face. He didn’t even look twice,
After taking the quickest shower he had ever taken in his entire life and shoving all of his essential (what he determined as essential, at least) belongings into his bag, he opened to door and dashed outside only to be met with…
Rain everywhere. Drenching the front yard’s perfectly tended flower garden and creating heaps of watery mud. It was pouring at 9.15 am. There was thunder and occasional flashes of light zooming through the clouds. The city was in shambles.
Not like, shamble, shambles. It was shambles in Jay’s opinion as he groaned and stomped his way through the rain.
Screw school. Screw this stupid rain, screw my alarm clock, screw this-
“Dude, why are you running in the rain? You’re soaked. Are you heading to school?” A pink-haired boy in a red Ferrari shouted from across the street.
Jay sighed in relief, immediately running across the road to said Ferrari. “Choi Yeonjun. You are a life-saver. Could I get a ride real quick? I’ll pay back for engine fees and for soaking the inside of your Ferrari with rainwater.”
“Hop right in, and don’t worry about returning. Let’s have some fun with this baby.” Yeonjun smirked and revved the engine, swerving past cars and buildings like it was a little RPG game.
At this rate, I’ll make it to school in no time.
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“Dude, I’m so sorry. I guess you have to walk.”
Just as he thought things were taking a better turn, Yeonjun decides to show off his new driving skills and zooms through roads at a rapid speed, so fast that he crashed the car by a tree. It was a miracle that both of them didn’t get hurt but as far as Jay was concerned, he could worry about that some other time. This was just slowing him down on his long and tedious journey towards his form of hell.
On the bright side, the rain had stopped and the sunshine was back as if nothing had happened.
“I’ll get going to school.” Jay internally groaned and started sprinting in the direction of his school.
“Hey, at least I helped you get closer to school! Didn’t I?” Yeonjun shouted from behind and coyly smiled.
Such a boastful punk, Jay thought. “Whatever, bro!” He turned back and gave his older friend a quick wave before dashing off.
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“Park Jongseong! You’re late...again.”
“I’m aware.” Jay didn’t spare his English teacher an eye and slung his backpack over the chair, about to take a seat.
“Stop giving me attitude, I’m your teacher.Why are you tardy for the fourth time this month?”
“Alarm clock.”
“Alarm clock what? Are you afraid to speak up? I don’t see you acting like this in the hallways.”
Jay looked down at his feet and sighed before side-eyeing his teacher. “Overslept, okay? Sir if you could just let me off the hook you would be able to proceed with your Shakespeare nonsense.”
The entire class snickered. It was no secret that Jay loathed Mr. Jung, the English teacher. Who didn’t? Mr. Jung treated every student in school like they were incapable toddlers and it was a wonder that anyone would dare to stand up to his stupid remarks. Jay’s carefree attitude towards his horrible teachers was one of the reasons why he earned so many fangirls.
Not like you were one, of course. You watched as he pulled his chair out and sat next to you out of the three other vacant seats at the back of the class.
Mr. Jung rolled his eyes and continued writing on the blackboard. “Also, Jongseong,” he added, “you’re wearing your school shirt the wrong way round. See you in detention for your tardiness.”
A few of the girls in a few seats in front of him whispered rapidly, although whispering didn’t stop Jay from finding out about their gossip.
“Lol! So much for being the bad boy of our grade. He looks like a wreck today.”
“I know right? I wonder what the other fangirls will think of this. Should we send the pictures to the fan club?”
The second girl giggled. “Yeah, duh. Name it jay-park-wreck-images.”
So much for my reputation. Jay could only roll his eyes as he pulled out his supplies, ignoring the camera clicks coming from the seats in front of him.
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“Oh, yay. At least I’ll have a detention buddy now.”
Jay eyed you up and down like your statement was some sort of monstrosity. “Detention? You, detention? Pfft.” He laughed.
“Yeah, Jay. Me, detention. Why are you so happy about it? Glad to be stuck with another girl?”
“What, no-no. You just...don’t seem like the type to be in detention. How’d you get it?”
“This..may be kind of embarrassing, but...” You turned to the side and Jay gasped.
On the sleeve of your uniform was a...rabbit? It wasn’t too obvious as to what the marker doodle was but it was apparent that you had intentionally spent time to draw on it.
“Look, I was bored in assembly this morning and found a spare marker in my pocket! Don’t judge, we all know how bad assembly can be.” You blurted just as Jay was about to ask why you had done what you did.
“You could’ve just drawn on your hand or done something else with the marker.” Jay sighed and shook his head at your dumb decision.
“I was out of my mind, okay? Ugh, Assembly always drives me nuts. I got called out for for the horrendous ink bleed when Mr. Jung saw as I walked into the classroom. He said it ‘didn’t follow school guidelines’.”
“For once, I agree with Mr. Jung. It was a stupid choice, you know? If you didn’t draw on your uniform then you wouldn’t have to go to detention now.”
“Jay Park, the bad boy of school, is telling me to be a rule abider. Biggest twist of the century.” You rolled your eyes.
Jay frowned and turned back at you, losing that little spark in his eyes that he once kept. “I’m not a bad boy you know? I just don’t like the system in place here.”
“As if anyone is going to believe that. Go hang out with another girl of yours. I’m not here to be your toy.”
“People like you are the reason why everyone thinks I’m a bad person. I thought you were different, you know?”
You had been preoccupied with taking notes for class, but now you looked at him with squinted eyes. “Well, I am different. Different as In someone who doesn’t fall for your useless charms. Go suck up to your fangirls or something.”
Jay rolled his eyes and scooted away from you. He thought he had been lucky to meet you, but he guessed not.
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You always do this, you idiot. You were so close to making a new friend.
You put your hands in your head and side-eyed Jay, who seemed to be struggling as Mr. Jung blurted out an entire unit’s summary.
The boy hadn’t brought any stationery and was definitely on the wrong page of the textbook. You figured that he was this disheveled from his absolute lack of planning but you still felt bad.
His hair was a mess, it was still damp from the rain before. If only you could help him style it…
Why do I want to touch his hair? That’s weird and gross.
You were so occupied with thinking about Jay that you realized that he was still struggling in class.
Maybe you could make things better.
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“I’m sorry.”
Jay was struggling to find the page you guys were on for class when a pencil blocked his view.
“What do you want?” He said as he tried to look past your pencil swinging.
“It’s a pencil for you since I realized that your table is practically empty and you’re going to need something to take notes with for later. Also, it’s page 153, not 53.” You leaned over to help him flip the pages.
“Oh, that makes so much more sense. I was wondering why we were relearning unit 3 when finals aren’t even near yet.”
You raised your eyebrows, looking up at a relieved Jay. “So you do pay attention in class.”
“Of course I do! I’m a student. You should stop using that stereotype on me.” Jay frowned and a tinge of disappointment shadowed his face.
“Right, I know. I’m sorry. I’m trying to work on it, it’s rumors and assumptions that have built up over the past few years and I understand that it shouldn’t get in the way of our friendship.”
“Friendship? We have a friendship?” Jay chuckled and cocked an eyebrow up, teasing you.
Maybe it was that eyebrow slit or the weird tension that was building up between the both of you. You felt your face heat up. “I mean- yeah, friendship. Are we not friends?”
“I don’t know, hun. I thought we were something more.”
It was perfect timing as the bell rang and you immediately started packing things into your bag, eyes glued to the clock instead of the amused boy next to you.
Jay laughed, running his hands through his blonde locks and watching as you started running out of class, your eyes occasionally looking back at him to see if he was still staring at you.
“See you in detention!” He called, drawing the attention of your classmates.
Jay Park needs to learn how to shut his mouth. Everyone was now staring at you and you were flustered, embarrassed, shocked, and confused. The weird mix of emotions were driving you nuts. All you could muster was a little nod and you dashed out of there as fast as you could.
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“Today we’re going to learn about Murphy’s Law. It is where anything that can go wrong will go wrong.”
“But everything that can work, will work.” Jay raised his hand and added, sparing a glance at you jotting notes in the back of the classroom, oblivious to his reference towards you.
“You’re right Jay. Murphy’s Law works both ways. Reversing it is considered part of science…”
Today morning was a storm (figuratively and literally) and everything seemed to be going wrong for Jay. Murphy’s Law prevails. but there’s always a rainbow after the storm. You were his rainbow and his lucky charm.
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2021 © fluffi
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nattikay · 3 years
So with Rise of the Titans coming in less than a week now, I just wanted to make a clarifying post of sorts on my current mental state with it, since ToA is my primary active fandom at the moment and I have a decent number of followers who came for it. A sort of heads-up on what to expect from this blog when the film releases.
I have made it no secret that I was extremely crestfallen by the decision to reverse Jim’s transformation at the end of Wizards, for a multitude of reasons that I have discussed before. However, I have also always tried to allow for the caveat that I don’t know what will happen in the movie, that such a change might have been necessary for the events of said movie, and that seeing the movie might change my mind.
However, while it is possible that the movie might change my mind....it’s highly unlikely.
As I have mentioned before, one of the things that draws me to troll!Jim specifically as a character is the fact that I find his hybrid nature extremely intriguing. It is this intrigue more than any other aspect of the show that drew me into the fandom. 
That said, there are really only two scenarios the movie could potentially pull that would make me change my mind about reversing the transformation:
Bring Jim’s halftroll form back in some way, shape, or form.
Present a different scenario that I find even more intriguing.
Note that neither of these are speaking to the objective quality of the movie. I have no doubt that, whatever happens, it will be very well-done in terms of animation, emotion, storytelling, etc. And I do not say any of this to diss on the creative team who put it all together, as I have nothing but respect for their passion and skills. 
But as for my personal experience and interaction with the series up to this point...well....I’m sorry, but it’s been clouded. 
My anticipation for Wizards last summer was higher than that for any other show that I can remember looking forward to, ever. So much so that it took a physical toll on me because of how high my anxiety spiked leading up to, during, and a while after its release. And I got burned. After all that excitement, all that anticipation, all that hype, the one possible thing that I was most dreading and hoped wouldn’t happen...happened. And Boy Did It Hurted. 
After that ordeal, I’m in a...kinda weird place, emotionally, for RotT. There’s still residual anxiety left over from the emotional fiasco of Wizards, and with my favorite character now (sorta) gone...there’s not really much excitement tbh...only apprehension. I haven’t even been able to bring myself to really watch any of the trailers. 
I will definitely still watch the movie, but at this the current moment it feels a little more out of a mix of obligation and “let’s-get-this-over-with” just to see the canon ending. Which is a shame and believe me I wish I could get as excited as everyone else...but it is what it is.
As for my fanworks and how the movie will affect them...well, obviously I can’t say 100% for sure without having actually seen the movie. Currently my post-canon works take place in a universe where everything that’s happened in canon so far did occur, but sometime after the events of Wizards Jim chooses to go back to halftroll form, with Douxie making the potion for him and even slightly adjusting it so that he can still walk in daylight. Here’s the current possibilities as far as I can imagine:
I completely ignore the events of the movie and just continue with ^ that headcanon.
I accept all the events of the movie but still have Jim transform back afterwards. So basically the current version but with a little more in-between.
One of two scenarios mentioned earlier happens, and I will adjust accordingly. Unfortunately I think this is the least likely possibility as I am not very optimistic about either scenario occurring (but would be more than happy to eat my words) 
I accept all the events of the movie but only as an AU where Jim is still half-troll, be it that he never changed back in Wizards OR that he used Douxie’s potion as mentioned above.
I basically keep the current headcanon but pick and choose specific ideas or events from the movie to incorporate into it.
so...yeah, I guess. That’s where I am with RotT right now, and perhaps you now have somewhat of a better idea what to expect from this blog in the coming days/weeks. 
mostly I just want to retreat into the headcanons that make me happy in peace. If that makes me a bad fan or something, then...whatever I guess. imma just continue liking what i like because dangit that’s what i’m here for.
*another obligatory disclaimer that again this just applies to my personal subjective experience with the show and is not meant as any sort of objective critique or dismissal of its quality*
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trucetale · 3 years
I had a thought again!! So in the Trucetale AU I was thinking like Grillby and Gordon Ramsay were both judges on Master Chef and Gordon just like spits the food out and Grillby’s flame flickers a green color before he does the same!! Also he cusses…. A lot but in Italian!! IM DRAWING THAT SHIT BTW!!!
Grillby is another well known chef who specializes in burgers and pizza and he was born in Italy but moved to the States when he wanted to make his own Bar&Grill place. Shoot I have to make his ref sheet first dangit!!
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theuntamednarrator · 4 years
Shenanigans on the High Seas
from @trensu​, the blog that brought you WangXiantics, and from that other blog that just, like, screams a lot in the tags, comes the AU that we all desperately need because, frankly, we’re a little dehydrated from crying over the Nie Bros (drumroll please)
You know you want it
the Zidian is Jiang Cheng’s ship. he inherited it from his mother, who was known as the Violet Spider, Scourge of the Seven Seas
before she retired, Captain Yu had two first mates she’d trained since childhood, Wen Qing and Luo Qingyang
after Captain Yu retired they got married and are now Pirate Wives with an-all female crew aboard the Yiling Matriarch
her bright red sails are just as feared as the purple sails of Zidian or the sable sails of Ghost General
any man who sets foot on the Matriarch best be prepared to lose it, and the leg it’s attached to
rumour has it that every carpenter from beijing to budapest pays the Matriarch a commission, for keeping them in work making peg legs, but that’s just a rumour
JC captains the Zidian alongside his first mate Jiang Yanli
the rumours about her say that she’s the reason there’s so little murdering done by those aboard the Zidian
but the crew know she once ordered a captive tied to a chunk of bait and thrown overboard near Shark Reef Bay
granted, she let the crew fish him back out after the first bite, and Jin Zixun never said another word about Captain Wei Wuxian until he was ransomed
but still
speaking of WWX, he captains the Ghost General, though far from doing any actual captaining he’s usually to be found up in the crow’s nest with a bottle of rum and his flute
luckily, his trusted first mate Wen Ning is more than capable of handling the General
his very favourite targets are the Jin Company’s slave traders, and most of his crew are former captives who chose to stay with him after their rescue
regardless of how drunk he might be, no one can fight like Captain WWX, except perhaps JC and JYL, they did grow up together after all!
because WWX was a foundling fished from the wreckage of a vanquished merchant ship by the Violet Spider at age 6 and taken to the island hideaway where her lover, former merchant sailor turned stay-at-home-dad Jiang Fengmian, is raising their two children
because this is a HAPPY AU DANGIT, and we deserve ONE AU where these two don’t traumatise their children
Captain Yu and JFM are in fact very, very happy together and raise little WWX together alongside JYL and JC
Captain Yu and JFM met when she raided his ship
he offered himself and all the gold aboard in return for his crew’s lives
she thought him rather striking and went about setting him up on a little island she knew, very out of the way, where she can visit as often as she likes
JFM is DELIGHTED by this turn of events, which he loudly denies has anything to do with Captain Yu’s famed skill with a whip
while JFM was settling into his sugar baby life, his crew were returning back to their home port to report to JFM’s business partner, Lan Qiren, that the Violet Spider had killed JFM and taken all their gold
LQR, who had secretly been in love with his best friend and business partner for years, declares the Violet Spider his ARCH NEMESIS and sets about trying to destroy her
when his brother and sister-in-law die and leave his two nephews in his care he ropes them into the feud
the Lan Brothers both join the merchant navy and are the very most eligible bachelors polite society has to offer
they hate all pirates of course but especially the unholy trio of Zidian, Ghost General, and the Yiling Matriarch
this makes it VERY awkward when Lan Wangji finds himself THROWN OVERBOARD during a terrible storm, rescued by WWX, and dragged aboard the General
at first, recognising the uniform, WWX keeps LWJ under his eye by tying their wrists together with a length of rope for absolutely no other reason definitely not cause he’s cute, nope, no sir
later, LWJ manages to snatch a sword and an EPIC DUEL ENSUES *cue he’s a pirate (main theme) from PotC here*
they’re in the rigging, they're sliding down the sails, they’re fighting up and down the deck
LWJ is HORRIFIED to realise at one point that WWX is laughing
even worse, he, LWJ, is having fun??? wtf he’s never had fun in his life how dare
after the fight ends in a draw LWJ and WWX come to an Understanding and have many deep and meaningful conversations as they sail back towards port
both of them fall madly in love of course, but Pirate!WWX and Midshipman!LWJ are just as emotionally dense as the OG varieties so there’s A LOT of pining
Seriously- so. much. pining
they probably battle a sea monster at some point because that’d be sick
finally, they arrive back at the port and WWX asks (sadly, because pining) where he should leave him and LWJ says (sadly, because pining) that any of the Gusu Cloud piers is fine
and WWX laughs because how funny! my dad used to be a merchant sailor for the Gusu Cloud Company
which is how LWJ discovers that the ‘dad’ WWX has been telling stories about for literal WEEKS is actually his uncle's now not-so-long-lost-love!because they are both Disaster Drama Gays™ they decide they simply MUST do this Right. After all, it’s an Epic Reunion™!!!
LWJ convinces his uncle to come out sailing with him (even though LQR has not boarded a ship since JFM was lost, cue sweeping nostalgic music and distant stare into montage of the two of them in their Youth)
they row him blindfolded out to the island where JFM and Captain Yu live and the moment LQR sees JFM it’s jaws to the floor.
there are tears
JFM puts his hands on LQR’s shoulders and says ‘my old friend. you never said’
they hug
it’s adorable
don’t roll your eyes it’s adorable and you know it
Captain Yu and LQR still Do Not Get Along
their Epic Rivalry™ continues but now it’s just morphed into them trying to outdo each other in displays of affection
JFM’s little island house soon holds more jewels, gold, fine silk, and artwork than half the royal coffers of europe
family dinners are a DELIGHT
JC freaking runs whenever his father hosts Captain Yu and LQR for dinner
because 1) god dad, you're so embarrassing, and 2) HE DOES NOT WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING THEY GET UP TO BEHIND CLOSED DOORS THANKS
JYL thinks it's sweet and loves seeing her dad so happy
WWX does the pirate-time equivalent of a bro fistbump with JFM, like, NICE.
LWJ is very quiet but secretly loves it because he, as we all know, is That Bitch
‘A wedding! I love it! drinks all round!’ – WWX, probably, when the three finally announce they’re getting married
the wedding is WILD
there’s a whole lot of dancing, WWX is in the thick of it of course
LWJ wants so badly to ask him to dance but he still hasn’t told him how he feels (because emotionally dense disaster gays, remember?)
he finally has to go outside after WWX somehow convinces LQR to dance a jig with him which means WWX has officially asked everyone to dance except him
he goes and sits in the tidal rockpool, and his billowy white shirt is all wet and see through when WWX comes stumbling out of the party calling for him
WWX sees LWJ silhouetted by an endless horizon of ocean and stars and dies. he's quiet for the first time in his whole life
then LWJ turns and sees him so of course WWX has to go down and talk to him. he may be a pirate but he’s not a barbarian (unlike some certain nies we could name but won’t he’s definitely not still salty about the arm wrestle incident with Captain Nie’s ‘little brother’ eh he’s not much of a fighter but he’s great with languages yeah right his wrist still hurts sometimes bloody barbarians)
‘ah lan zhan lan zhan! you aren’t allowed to run away; we haven’t had a dance yet. even your uncle danced with me surely you can’t say no!’ *pouts*
lwj.exe has stopped working
but of course he can’t deny WWX anything so he makes to head back inside
now wwx.exe has stopped working
because to HELL if he’s sharing wet LWJ in a see though white shirt with the rest of those imbeciles
‘ah, um lan zhan lan zhan we can hear the music from here just fine can’t we? let’s just dance right here?’
and of course LWJ says yes
so the two of them just dance together on the edge of the ocean, waves lapping over their bare feet
until a particularly big one knocks them flat (listen, it’s a trope for a REASON dagnabbit)
WWX ends up sprawled over LWJ’s chest and he’s laughing and apologizing
but LWJ is just looking at him, wreathed in stars, eyelashes so wet and glittering, the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen
WWX notices how still he is and they just pause for a moment and stare at each other
doesn’t really matter who kisses who but they are kissing and it’s wet and salty, there is sand in their teeth, and they absolutely do not give a flying dutchman
they don’t even register the cheers and catcalling until JC runs up and dumps a bucket of water over their heads
because dammit he hasn’t spent months running out of every room his parents and LQR are in just to watch his big brother pop his cherry get it on on the beach
the rest of the gang are all watching from the porch
WN and LXC look very awkward and embarrassed
JYL looks fond and is shaking her head
JC meanwhile is having a heated argument with WQ because there were bets on you see
WQ ‘pouring a bucket of water over them is cheating I’m not paying you one penny JC’
JC ‘I’m a pirate why on earth would you expect me to play by the rules pay up Captain’
WWX and LWJ sneak away while they’re all arguing
The General has one new crew member when she next sails out
ANYWAY married gay pirates wangxian having adventures AU is what we’re saying
Also for your consideration other delightful Pirate!AU options include:
naval officer!lwj chasing down pirate!wwx (think norrington/sparrow if Disney weren’t COWARDS);
high society!lwj in love with blacksmith-turned-pirate!wwx (the Elizabeth Swann/Will Turner dynamic, except with Swann in the forge fight because we said so);
davy jones!lwj pining for calypso!wwx (carving your heart out = chest brand anyone? seriously, just imagine LWJ setting foot on dry land for the first time in 13, 16, 10 YEARS, playing the song he’s composed for his love and WWX IS NOT THERE!!!!) 
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starwolfslippy · 4 years
People I Would Like to Know Better
𝟎𝟏.     ALIAS   /   NAME: Deerling
𝟎𝟐.     BIRTHDAY: July 5th
𝟎𝟑.     ZODIAC   SIGN:  Cancer
𝟎𝟒.     HEIGHT:  I think 5'2? ^ ^;
𝟎𝟓.     HOBBIES: Drawing, Gaming, Playing with pets, Running, Talking to friends, DnD (when we get to do another session), watching shows and movies
𝟎𝟔.     FAVORITE COLOR: I like too many colors dangit ;v;
𝟎𝟕.     FAVORITE BOOK: Wings of Fire, Cucumber Quest, Bone
𝟎𝟖.     LAST   SONG: BNA- Night Running
𝟎𝟗.     LAST   FILM   /   SHOW: Magia Record
𝟏𝟎.     INSPIRATION: Talking to friends, drawing the muses, music, playing games muses were in, my bloodthirsty ass xD
𝟏𝟏.     STORY   BEHIND   URL: Starwolfslippy- I originally didn't have any plans to make an rp blog for my AU, but I missed rping and decided to make it. It was named after the AU ^ ^;
Tagged by: @icantlose, @leaderisms
Tagging: anyone else who wants to!
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whitecatindisguise · 3 years
DANGIT I THOUGHT I GOT YOU- well here have MOST OF THEM BECAUSE I MESSED UP. 🎶🎀✍✨💗💚👎🌸💻🎨😜( i hate that emoji with a burning passion) 🤘🌍💭
🎶 If your fanfiction were to be turned into MEP, Animatic or AMV, what song would it be based around?
Well, it actually depends which of my stories you mean 😅 but seriously, I never thought about that. I have only one idea, concerning my Till Death Do Us Part oneshot. The song for this one could be What I Wouldn't Give by We The Kings.
🎀 What's the most common type of fic you write?
What-if and AU scenarios.
✍ Have you finished a complete fanfiction story before? If so, what?
Yes, several, in fact. There is The Blood Of The Rose, a Cardcaptor Sakura fanfic, then we have The Tale Of White And Black, a Wakfu fanfic, Forever and Ever, Free! fanfic, He Will Pay, the first installment of He Will Be Found (TTS), Let Me Make You Proud (TTS) and The Sundrop Alchemist (TTS).
✨ Which fanfiction are you the most proud of and why?
The Sundrop Alchemist. It's my first time writing Hugo and Donella, plus I absolutely love how the rewrite of the original Tangled movie with Varian instead of Rapunzel came out.
💗 If you were purely making a fic for yourself, without fear of what other readers would think about it, what would you write?
Well, I usually write for myself, with the exception of requested oneshots, so I don't think I would change much.
💚 What do you like the most about your writing style?
The unpredictability. I can have a perfect plan for how the story should go, but my mind might change the idea completely, turning it into something ten times better.
👎What is something you won't ever write about?
Sex, as in actual scenes of people having sex. I can write that people did something like that, but writing an actually scene of it happening? Nope, no can do. It just makes me uncomfortable to write about it.
🌸 Ever written OCs in your fanfiction (not minor side ones)?
Yup. I've created an OC for my Wakfu fanfic, who started as a side character but turned into one of the main ones. I even started to write a spin-off of the story, which focuses on the OC. Plus, I even got a fanart of her, which you can check here.
💻 Do you write on computer, phone or other device?
I usually write on my computer, but sometimes I also use my phone.
🎨 If you could ask for any kind of fanart for a certain fic or fic scene, what would it be?
Any kind of fanart makes my heart melt and eyes turn into stars. But if I could request anything specific, I would love it if someone was able to draw/paint the possessed Varian from my LMMYP story (the one with crazy grin).
😜 Do you put any references in your fanfiction (e.g. maybe a quote from another series, or mentioning a character from another show)?
Not really. I don't recall ever doing that, unless I was writing a crossover.
🤘 Ever written self-insert characters, or at least referenced yourself in the story?
Only once, when writing my Once Upon A Group Chat story.
🌍 Written any crossover fics? If not, what would you write for a crossover fic?
A oneshot Team Genius, which is a TTS/BH6/CS crossover. I'm not sure about The Sundrop Alchemist, which might be considered a crossover between Tangled Movie and Vat7k.
💭 Any fanfiction ideas you're not sure on writing about?
I... don't think so... there are several WIPs and fic ideas which are waiting for me to pick them up, but I doubt I have any ideas which fall into "not sure if I'm going to wrote it" category.
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chouetteffraie · 5 years
Just Shy of Decadent [Dazatsu Halloween Week - Day 1]
So, it’s still the 24th for me, but the mods gave the all clear to start posting and I’m a little excited so.... :discord eyes emoji:
 I like to think of it as a spiritual successor to my previous vamp fic The Art of Decadence but you don’t have to read that one to understand anything here. I just didn’t like the vampire au ending without romance because I want my boys to be HAPPY dangit
Also, fair warning: my version of vampires are 1. Sexy and 2. Basically follow Sims logic. What can I say, I love hot vampires
Anyway I hope you enjoy this! This is actually my first time participating in a ship week (I was always too busy to do the other ones) so I’m super excited!!
Also have this lil meme I made because I think I’m funny and I’m bad at writing horror
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Without further ado, here’s my day 1 entry! (Placed under a read more because it got kinda long)
Day 1- vampire // “It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain; but once conceived, it haunted me day and night."
Atsushi was leaving. Dazai didn’t like that one bit.
Every day he gained more space in his dresser drawers, more free hangars in his closet, and the small backpack slowly swelled as more clothes were cleaned and packed away. While he sat in bed and watched the dusky night sky slowly bleed out for the morning sun to rise, waiting for Atsushi to return home and collapse into bed, Dazai often stared at the pack as if it were an intruder, gaze pointed and hostile. If Atsushi noticed these glares when he finally stumbled in the door, shaking his head at Dazai’s offered neck and falling on the sheets, he never commented on them.
That was another thing Dazai noticed and detested. Why, all of a sudden, was Atsushi refusing his blood? Dazai could tell he wasn't feeding properly lately, with his outings getting more frequent and how exhausted he looked all the time, yet he was refusing his own supply of food every night. In fact, he was running away from his personal food source- why was that? 
Not every vampire had access to a human stupid enough to offer their blood freely. Atsushi was lucky to have such an offer. Really, Dazai thought, scoffing under his breath, he should be more grateful! After all, Dazai did take the boy in and feed him for months now.
His thinking was backwards, he knew. For somebody to want a vampire to drink from them was...unconventional. But what could he say? He liked the pinprick of Atsushi's fangs piercing through his neck and Atsushi's soft lips closing securely over the area. They weren't exactly warm, but they were comforting as he placed them gently beside his wound and refused to let a single drop go to waste. Dazai liked this part of him being needed and so cautiously taken care of, as if each drop were precious. The lightheaded rush he got when Atsushi drank his fill excited him almost like he was teetering on the brink of death with only Atsushi's gentle hands leaning him back on a pillow to save him. He knew Atsushi would never let him fall, so he allowed himself to indulge in being what Atsushi craved.
Hearing it play back in his head, Dazai couldn't help but agree with the dubious look that normally showed on Atsushi's face as he saw how much Dazai enjoyed volunteering his blood. He was a bit unusual, he supposed. It didn't matter much. Dazai was never one for conventions, anyway.
Sleepy footsteps in the main room of his apartment caught his attention, a near-silent click signaling Atsushi’s arrival. Dazai could hear him stumble clumsily as he toed off his shoes and trudged to their shared bed, a quiet grumble slipping out about the trouble he had that night.The mattress dipped a few moments later and a solid weight fell beside him, not providing any warmth but drawing Dazai closer all the same. An exasperated sigh seemed to echo in the otherwise silent apartment as Atsushi braced himself for the oncoming back and forth.
��Hungry?” Dazai asked, offering a smile so devious it put Atsushi’s own fanged grin to shame. Atsushi shook his head and pointedly turned away, making sure Dazai got the message that he was not interested in feeding. Refusing to give up, Dazai bent and nuzzled his own face gently into Atsushi’s neck, putting on a pout he couldn’t see. “C’mon, Atsushi-kun, you’ve worked so hard...give yourself a break.”
“I’ll be okay,” Atsushi insisted, making no move to push Dazai away. “I don’t need to feed every day, and I’ll get more soon enough.”
Dazai frowned at that. “Ah, about that…” He trailed off, tightening his hold on Atsushi. Barely tilting his head, Atsushi peered at Dazai through one half-lidded eye. “How long will you be gone? I’ll miss my roommate when he’s on his vacation.”
Atsushi stiffened, turning his head so his face was burrowed in the pillow. The arms underneath it clutched it tighter, tight enough that Dazai would worry Atsushi was trying to smother himself if he needed to breathe. After a moment, Atsushi relaxed himself before saying, “I wouldn’t wait for me, Dazai-san.”
“What’s that? I couldn’t hear you, the pillow is muffling your voice,” Dazai proclaimed, trying to pry Atsushi’s face away. He had no such luck and let out a ghost of a sigh. “It almost sounds like you’re telling me that this is goodbye.”
Again, Atsushi was silent, yet Dazai could nearly hear him sift through his words carefully to find the right ones. The longer Atsushi took to choose the more apprehensive Dazai felt, his stomach churning and his face soon twisting into a grimace. When Atsushi began to speak, though, his words were awfully bland and curt. “Well, I have to find food somewhere.”
“Yes, I understand that,” Dazai responded, pressing his nose to the spot Atsushi’s pulse should be. As dense as ever, Atsushi paid no mind and continued.
“And the people here are sharp. They’ll have figured me out soon.”
“Hmm, that does sound like trouble,” Dazai hummed before trying to cuddle up even closer. He was a step below desperate, the kind of gnawing feeling that made him want to yell at Atsushi and tell him that he was here and willing to be used. 
Let me be what you crave, he pleaded internally. Or am I not human enough for you?
Atsushi sighed before turning in Dazai’s grasp so he was facing him. “I feel like you aren’t taking this seriously, Dazai-san.” When he spoke, the moonlight glimmered against one of his fangs, pale and alluring. When he shut his mouth, Dazai felt the resentment bubble up for a brief moment. Quit leading me on, Atsushi-kun. Such a tease.
Allowing his expression to lift, Dazai merely shrugged. “You’re right,” he answered instead, listening to Atsushi’s groan before shutting his eyes. He knew Atsushi wouldn’t be sleeping tonight- the hunger pains normally kept him up, and although Dazai never let him know, Atsushi was too restless to allow him any sleep. This way, though, he had an excuse to keep his grip on Atsushi tight, keeping the boy close before he was chased away by the rotten people in the city below.
The bag was packed tighter until eventually it looked as if it would burst. Atsushi started lingering in the middle of rooms, small. fond smiles on his face. The times Dazai caught him, he’d hold himself back, watching from a safe distance as Atsushi prepared himself to turn to the next chapter of his life. The thought of being a secondary character, never to be mentioned again, left a bitter taste in Dazai’s mouth. He gritted his teeth every time.
One morning, Dazai was pulling on his vest, the golden light streaming in through the windows and telling Dazai that he was at least an hour late to work. Atsushi sat up in their bed, sleepily watching him as if he thought Dazai couldn’t see him in the mirror. Without turning around, Dazai asked, “Are you enjoying yourself over there, Atsushi-kun?”
“Hmmm?” Atsushi asked, dazed.
“Oh, nothing. It’s just that, normally, people prefer to watch others remove their clothes. Or is that backward for vampires, too?”
The comment took half a second to get through to Atsushi, but once it did, he was a sputtering mess. After fumbling around, hands reaching for something and finding no purchase, he grabbed the blanket and pulled it over his head. “What- that’s- inappropriate, and-”
A deep chuckle interrupted his stammering. Atsushi peered over the blanket at Dazai, who was now looking at him over his shoulder. “Well, how am I supposed to know about vampiric fantasies?”
“That is not what was going on just now,” Atsushi insisted. Dazai only gave him a dubious look before moving to swing his long coat over his shoulders. When he walked past Atsushi, he grabbed the edges of the blanket and pulled it over Atsushi’s now-exposed feet, looking up to meet his eyes once more. He stood there, stooped down and captivated in that violet-gold sea, before he was hit with the gut-wrenching reminder that Atsushi was days away from leaving one night and never returning. What made things worse was that Atsushi didn’t tell him when he was planning to leave, and the fear of starting an eternity of coming home to an empty apartment was almost more than Dazai could take.
He considered sitting on the edge of the bed and forcing Atsushi to hear him out, convince him to stay. However, he knew how it would play out: Atsushi would smile and nod before telling him not to worry and reminding him how late for work he was. He was becoming an expert at brushing Dazai off gently, something Dazai didn’t know he’d be proud if it was him who served as his teacher.
Instead, Dazai cleared his throat and patted Atsushi’s leg awkwardly before turning to leave, hoping he’d be in the same spot when he got back.
Dazai came home early that night to find Atsushi getting ready to head out for the night. In the pale moonlight, Dazai noticed how sickly he looked. Atsushi was no longer a ferocious creature of the night with fangs ready to hunt; instead, he looked tired and weak. He looked surprisingly human, weary from a day’s work. 
But by the human definition, Dazai was useless, a waste. To a vampire he was needed, a renewable food source with an appetite to be reminded of his own terrifying mortality. If Atsushi was no more human than he, well...Dazai didn’t like to dwell on the what-ifs, especially when they involved Atsushi ditching him for anybody else. 
Atsushi gave him a weak smile as he tried to brush past him and venture onto the street, but Dazai stopped him by grabbing his shoulders firmly. Carefully he guided Atsushi back to the couch, pushing him down on the cushion and removing his jacket and vest. Atsushi watched, confused, before he tried to stand back up. Dazai grabbed his wrist with one hand and used the other to unbutton the top of his shirt, pulling one shoulder down to expose more skin. Dazai watched Atsushi pull his bottom lip between his teeth, eyeing the newly exposed flesh. When Dazai tugged on his wrist he didn’t put up a fight, though he didn’t move any closer to Dazai’s shoulder like he surely wanted to.
“Go ahead,” Dazai invited, tilting his head. “You need your strength. I can tell.”
Cautiously, Atsushi leaned forward and placed his own hands on Dazai’s shoulders as his hands dropped from Atsushi’s. Casting a weary glance at Dazai, Atsushi leaned forward and gently pierced his skin, right on the pulse point where Dazai was beginning to notice two small dots regretfully fading away. Dazai raised a hand to rest on Atsushi’s waist as he waited for him to drink his fill- for a moment, he hoped Atsushi would nearly drink him dry so he could use that to guilt him into staying. However, Atsushi abruptly pulled away, wiping his mouth hastily and looking away in shame.
“H-hey, what’s-” Dazai started, jolted out of is dizzy daydream before it really began.
“I don’t want anymore,” Atsushi answered, shutting his eyes tightly.His hands withdrew from Dazai’s shoulders- Dazai only pressed firmer against Atsushi’s waist. Voice shaky, breathy even, Atsushi added, “Thank you for feeding me.”
Slowly, Dazai scanned Atsushi in the dark, a frown slowly dragging the corners of his mouth. “But you’ve barely had any, Atsushi.”
“I have enough reserved, thank you.”
The shortness behind his words sent the dread in Dazai’s stomach fluttering, and he tried to push Atsushi closer to him in response, offering his neck again. Atsushi stiffened, trying to resist Dazai without being rude and battling the emptiness in his core that Dazai’s blood had begun to fill. “C’mon, Atsushi,” Dazai tried to coax, reaching his other hand to brush Atsushi’s hair to the side. “Just let me do something useful before you leave-”
A sharp cry echoed in the otherwise silent apartment as Atsushi shoved Dazai off of him. Bewildered dual-toned eyes watched Dazai for his reaction, staring into a gaze as confused as his own. Before long, he slanted his eyes and clenched his fists, nearly growling before he finally broke the quiet between them.
“Would you quit saying that?” With a harshness Dazai didn’t realize Atsushi had, Atsushi tried to hold Dazai in a contemptuous gaze before tears pushed their way to the surface. “You’ve told me a million times how all you’re trying to do is ‘be useful’ to me and I just wish you’d quit selling yourself short! Besides,” he paused for a moment, holding back a sniffle. “I don’t want to leave you thinking I left because you didn’t serve a purpose for me, or something.”
Stunned into silence, Dazai watched Atsushi bring up a hand to wipe at the few tears that managed to fall. Inspecting his hand, Atsushi let out a gentle laugh at his own expense before his gaze trailed down to the threads on the couch. He picked at one aimlessly, hoping to avoid eye contact, suddenly embarrassed.
A bittersweet smile stretched across Dazai’s face, looking more like a grimace to Atsushi. “Why would you keep me around if I were useless, then? You can’t tell me having a personal blood bank wasn’t convenient.”
“I didn’t keep you around for convenience,” Atsushi persisted, venom dripping from his tone as if the idea were abhorrent. So like him, Dazai thought. How human of him to think so. “I wasn’t even the one who kept you around- you were keeping me.”
“If I remember correctly, I’ve been nothing but supportive of your decision to drop everything and run,” Dazai countered. 
“Well, maybe,” Atsushi responded, back to picking at threads on the couch. “But...you were the one going through all the trouble. Hiding a vampire, offering your blood after every bad night.I need to leave, Dazai-san, before I cause anybody else any more trouble.”
Dazai merely nodded, turning his head to stare at the wall in front of him. He wanted to tell Atsushi that running wasn’t the answer he needed- that he could stay and work things out, that a life of hiding out at night with Atsushi and keeping him happy and fed sounded just fine to Dazai- but he knew that he was the last person to give such advice. After a pause, Atsushi let out a scorned laugh, turning to see what interesting thing had caught Dazai’s attention and unsurprised to find nothing there.
“What trouble do you think you’ve caused me, Atsushi-kun?” Dazai mused just as Atsushi opened his mouth. Any defeatist remark Atsushi had ready fell flat and he drew his knees to his chest, curling in on himself as if he were trying to disappear.
“I just said,” he answered, voice muffled as he hid his face in his knees. For a brief moment, the air in the dusky apartment was stagnant, a stark contrast to the thoughts bouncing through both men’s heads. A bitter stalemate between the two loomed behind them, threatening them with the future neither of them wanted yet providing no reasonable escape. Atsushi wasn’t ready to let go of his fear- with his knees curled up to hide him from the world, he barely looked ready to acknowledge it. Dazai thought the same could be said for his pride; should he let go of that, he worried he’d fall deeper and deeper into decadence, allowing the love he so desperately craved to tear down the walls he meticulously built and wreak havoc on his very being.
But he was proven wrong when he realized how close he was to losing Atsushi for good. So, with no other option, he swallowed the lump in his throat, taking his parasitic pride with it.
Atsushi heard him move before he felt him, the rustling of the trench coat Dazai didn’t have time to removed breaking the silence before the couch dipped beneath his weight. A hand gently fell on Atsushi’s knees, warm and comforting. Atsushi could practically feel the blood rushing beneath Dazai’s skin; after all this time of dealing with the man’s suicidal tendencies and dangerous mission, he had learned to use it as a reassurance that he was alive and safe and here. Bracing himself, Atsushi carefully looked up at Dazai with wide eyes.
They were drier than Dazai expected, though they were just as conflicted as he thought they might be. With a sigh, Dazai turned and gave Atsushi the smile he normally used to cheer him up. He felt a softness that was normally never there, and judging by the way the belligerence subsided behind his ametrine eyes, the gesture didn’t go unnoticed.
Comforting another was a foreign action to Dazai. He spent his time observing the rest of humanity, watching from afar. He did the understanding, yet he was never understood. That barrier was almost always in front of him, a one-way mirror of isolation that prevented him from learning how to make that connection. Now, he resented this as he burrowed in his mind for words of solace that wouldn’t leave himself feeling stripped bare and vulnerable.
“Atsushi-kun,” he started, not wanting Atsushi to think he had nothing to say and was merely waxing confidante, “Have I made you feel unwelcome?”
Atsushi sniffled and looked away. “Of course not, but I don’t want to overstay my welcome. You’ve been to kind to me...I need to leave before I leech off of you even more.”
“I’m not a kind man, Atsushi, and I’m not quite sure where you got that idea,” Dazai admitted. He averted his gaze. “I used you to feel more human, and all it did was help me realize that in that subject you would always surpass me, despite being fundamentally…” Trailing off, Dazai snuck a look at Atsushi’s face, pleased to see he was merely looking on in interest and not sadness. With another sigh, Dazai continued. “The point is, I didn’t bring you in with selfless intent. I thought you could help me fill a hole I didn’t know how to fill.”
Deep in thought, Atsushi hummed before nodding. His chin hit his knees a few times before he said, “I kind of liked it. Being needed, that is.”
“So you knew?”
“You could say that. I had my suspicions.”
Like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar, Dazai watched Atsushi with wide eyes, his mouth agape. Atsushi chuckled and slowly lowered his legs, swinging them back over the end of the couch to avoid kicking Dazai. After a moment’s thought, he leaned down to rest his head gingerly against Dazai’s shoulder. His voice small, Atsushi asked, “Did I help at all? Did I help you fill the hole?”
Dazai leaned his own head down so it was resting on Atsushi’s, silver hair tickling his cheek. HIs hand clutched at his chest as if he could feel his heart for any patches and he resisted the urge to hum in contemplation. “I don’t know,” he started. When Atsushi’s shoulders slumped, Dazai quickly added, “But I think it’d get bigger if you left.”
When Atsushi made no effort to move, Dazai resolved to sit still until the end of time, determined to keep Atsushi next to him. Too soon the boy stirred, however, and Dazai nearly spoke his protests when Atsushi asked, “Can I make a request, then?” 
Dazai didn’t know how to say he would willingly die for Atsushi, so he nodded dumbly instead. With a soft smile, Atsushi asked, “Can we start this again? Do it over, only this time we stop trying to use each other. Is that...okay?” 
There was a sparkling hope in Atsushi’s eyes- no, in his entire being, sparking off his fingers like fireworks and threatening to light Dazai up with him. It was all Dazai could do to not sweep Atsushi off his feet and make a million promises he wasn’t sure he could keep- though he knew he’d damn well try. Dazai managed to hold himself back, save for the goofy smile that spread across his face. It felt too big and awkward, foreign to his lips. If he didn’t know any better, he’d worry his face would crack. Yet it drew out a similar grin from Atsushi, and Dazai decided that, if that were to happen, it would be for a noble cause.
Not wanting to ignore Atsushi, Dazai finally nodded. His voice came out softer than he anticipated, barely above a whisper. “It’d be...more than okay,” he said, as if his pleasure in the idea were a sacred secret. “I’d like that a lot, actually.”
Dazai may be terribly decadent, but he wasn’t foolish enough to let such a wondrous opportunity slip between his fingers. He beckoned Atsushi closer, allowing them both one last indulgence before the real work began. This time, when Atsushi slowly drew away, he kept him locked in his grasp.
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pokeprism · 4 years
Altered End: Chapter 4 (The Perfect Plan)
This is the fourth chapter of my Undertale AU! The raw text is below the cut!
FIRST: Prologue --- PREVIOUS: Friendly Reminders --- NEXT: Rest And Release
Sans, Chara, and Frisk appear on the other side of Sans’s shortcut to Snowdin Town’s welcome sign. Chara looks around and gets a feeling of warmth just like any other time they’ve been there, then notices that Frisk and Sans are walking further into town and starting a conversation.
“Sans! I thought you were going to Judgement hall!” Frisk barks.
“Well we DID say that we were gonna visit Pap right?” Sans replies.
“We? What do you mean ‘we’?! You did all the talking!”
“Ehh, fair enough. But I know I don’t wanna disappoint him.”
By this moment, the townsfolk have noticed Sans talking to a complete stranger as if they were close friends, and begin to watch as the skeleton and human continue on. Chara has been keeping up with the duo without being noticed, as per usual for them at this point.
“Dangit Sans! That would have been so simple! Why can’t you make things easier for me?!” Frisk exclaims.
“Woah kiddo, calm down. Didn’t I just do that for you? Besides, it’s a short walk from here to Waterfall once we’re done having dinner.” Sans reasons.
Chara bluntly butts into the conversation with “Frisk, you know he just helped us all the way past the mostly bare parts of this zone.”. Frisk and Sans both focus their attention on Chara as they continue with “All you have to do is have enough patience to spend dinner with these two. That’s certainly simpler than doing battle with all of this zone’s monsters and working at those puzzles, right?”
Frisk groans. “Sure, sure, you’re right. I’ve sat through worse, and my goal can wait for now.”
Sans sighs in relief, thankful that he didn’t have to use anything more than words for this situation. By the next moment, they get to the skeleton brothers’ house, and Sans opens the door and steps aside for Frisk and Chara to come in. Frisk walks in like anyone else would, whereas Chara phases through the wall to the left of the door instead. Papyrus is almost done cooking his spaghetti when he hears the door close.
“Oh? Sans, that was fast! How did you do that?!” Papyrus asks.
“I keep tellin’ ya bro, I got shortcuts.” Sans answers.
“Oh. Alrighty.” Papyrus plainly says, then turns back to his spaghetti, turns off the oven burner, picks up the pot, and dumps it in the colander. He turns in Frisk’s direction as he says “My spaghetti is almost done, human!” then pauses. “Eh? There’s a hand on your shoulder Human. Is that normal?”
Frisk checks both of their shoulders, and sees Chara’s hand on their right shoulder, then looks at Chara, confused. Chara returns the look, then lifts their hand off of Frisk’s shoulder. Frisk then turns to Papyrus, words at the ready.
“No no, it’s totally normal.” Frisk says with sarcasm. “But uh, Papyrus, could you call me Frisk?”
“Huh? You knew my name? Is that another one of your powers?”
Frisk blankly stares at Papyrus for a moment.
“Erm, I can call you Frisk if you want me to! So I, the great Papyrus, shall do so!”
“Thank you Papyrus.”
“Anyways, I’m gonna go up to my room.” Sans says. He then looks to Chara and gestures for them to follow him. Chara catches on, and begins to drift in the direction of Sans’s room. Sans then begins to walk upstairs as he adds “See you two in a bit!”
Chara makes it to Sans’s room first, but then politely waits for Sans to open his room’s door before phasing through the wall anyway. Sans is startled by Chara’s seemingly sudden appearance in his room.
“Wha- huh?!”
“Oh!” Chara exclaims, “Sorry about that, I’m still getting used to the phasing through walls thing…”
Sans uses his magic to shut the door, then turns back to Chara. “So, I have several questions, if I may ask ‘em.”
“Oh sure! Ask away!”
“First off, what’s your name? It’s rather impolite to not properly introduce yourself, right?”
“Oh yeah, I’m not sure what people think of me nowadays, but I’m Chara Dreemurr.” Chara looks away as they add “I didn’t think you would have been able to hide your shock earlier if I said it.”
Sans pauses for a moment, then regains his bearing and says “Welp, you were right about that part. But anyways, do ya know how you became a lost soul?”
“I've been one for a while, but without being visible… I think me messing with Flowey’s menus made me visible to Frisk when we started back at the ruins.”
“Oh, so that flower has those too?”
“Had. Frisk seems like they don’t have any menus right now either, hence why they aren’t doing that hitting-an-invisible-and-floating-button thing when they are about to do something.”
“Huh. Anything else going differently?”
“Well, my check ability isn’t working right. I can only see the health bar and not any definite numbers for stats and stuff like that.”
“That’s odd. Anyways, what are Frisk’s thoughts on this? Do ya know?”
“Frisk has said they know what their goal is, and that they’d rather not dawdle.”
“That explains their temper from earlier.” Sans then pauses for a moment, then adds “Welp, that was the last of my questions. Have any questions for me kiddo?”
“Not any I can think of.” Chara then has a sudden realization. “Oh! Sans, can you come along with Frisk and I? You’d be really helpful!”
“Err, for what exactly? I may have my shortcuts, but I’m not sure if anything else would be too helpful.”
“Okay then. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”
“Got it Chara. Should we go check on Paps and Frisk?”
“Oh yeah we should.”
Sans reopens his room’s door, and both he and Chara come out to see what’s happening with Frisk and Papyrus. Once Sans and Chara go down the stairs, and notice an empty plate on the table, as well as an absence of Frisk and Papyrus.
“Where did they go?” Chara asks.
Sans looks back upstairs, then turns back to Chara as he says “I think we walked past ‘em. Seems like they’re havin’ some platonic bonding time.”
“Oh fun. I’ll… Let them do that.”
Some time later, and in a different place in Snowdin, Flowey is getting annoyed. He’s set his trap in the stretch between Snowdin and Waterfall, and has been waiting there for almost the entire day. Flowey thought that Frisk would be coming by to advance to Waterfall, but they haven’t come by yet, and it’s now late at night. As a result of his impatience, Flowey thinks maybe if he catches Frisk while they are unprepared, he can snag their soul, and initiate his plan. Due to the current time and the fact that Frisk hasn’t shown up, Flowey gets an inkling of where that idiot might be. Flowey thinks that he might as well try to ambush Frisk, seeing as Frisk is most likely asleep. So Flowey begins to disassemble his trap and move toward Snowdin, all while looking for Frisk.
Back in the Skeleton’s house, Frisk is asleep on the couch due to the fact that there are no other beds in the skeletons’ possession. On the other hand, Chara has been unable to sleep thanks to seemingly no reason at all. They’ve been attempting to sleep on the floor just in front of the TV, about two tiles away from where Frisk is sleeping. Chara then notices an odd shape beyond their feet, and after a moment of Chara’s eyes adjusting to the darkness, Chara makes out the shape of Flowey just ahead of the front door. In a moment of panic, Chara unknowingly warps themself to Sans’s room just before panickedly (and mostly incoherently) yelling something to the effect of “FLOWEY’S HERE AND FRISK IS IN DANGER” Sans perks awake, and instinctively teleports himself just outside his door, instantly noticing the lot of vines in the house. Flowey is at the foot of the couch as he devilishly smiles to himself.
“Well well well…” Flowey softly says as his vines snake around Frisk, “Looks like you’re-”
Sans is quick on the draw with his blasters. Flowey instantly recognizes the sound of them, and disengages his vines before they can take any damage. In the same moment, Frisk hears the blasters go off and is unfamiliar with the sound, which makes Frisk snap into panic mode. Frisk gets up, bounds off the couch in the direction of the door (and in the process stepping on Flowey), and zips out the door after opening it. Chara floats back into the main room of the house as Flowey recovers from the blunt force of Frisk’s foot, then realizes where his prize went. Flowey quickly disappears into the floor as Sans and Chara share an OH CRAP moment.
Unlike their previous times through here, Frisk is running. From what? Flowey. He’s managed to get behind Frisk and has started after them with his vines engaged and pointed at Frisk. Thankfully for Frisk, they’ve pulled out the toy knife and are advancing faster than Flowey is. Flowey’s inability to catch Frisk for the time being is making his anger build, and he has decided that he absolutely can not, and should not let this idiot human get away. As Frisk continues to run, they can hear vines snaking on both sides of themself, but Frisk has learned from their previous encounter with flowey. Frisk quickly glances to their right and sees a vine coming for the arm, to which Frisk whirls and scores a hit, slicing the vine the moment before it would have gotten hold of them. Another vine attempts to trip Frisk by the ankle, but Frisk sees it  coming and hops over it, so far taking no damage. By this moment, Frisk is almost to Waterfall with Flowey a couple strides behind them, and Flowey is at his limit. He summons a mess of pellets then initiates their attack run, and they streak like bullets before they all land around Frisk, completely missing them. As Flowey fumes with anger and comes to a stop, a line of Sans’s blasters quickly vaporizes Flowey’s base of vines, and Flowey’s now missing base makes him tumble in the air just before he cartoonishly hits the ground with a resounding thump. Frisk witnesses this and is frozen with awe, whereas Sans sees Flowey hit the floor, and summons a bone cage around the flower as he summons a blaster and lines it up with the cage’s one exit. Unprepared for the sudden followup attack, Flowey takes a blaster beam to the face, and surprisingly lives with a small percent of health remaining. As Flowey regains his senses, time slows to a crawl, and in this moment, Flowey only has one thing on this mind: staying alive. He had come to the realization that if he dies here, there’s no coming back thanks to the reset button’s  nonexistence in this run. Against his desire to start his plan, Flowey disappears into the ground to flee from this battle and recover. Now that the flower is gone, the tension of the battle ebbs from the area, which leads Chara and Sans to look to Frisk, who is standing just beyond where the snow ends in this tract of land. Sans sighs in relief, then begins to walk toward Frisk. Chara begins to drift in the same direction shortly after Sans, but is going slightly faster. Frisk, relieved and with a tired gaze, just watches their approach. Chara gets to Frisk first on account of their faster approach.
“What the heck were you thinking, Frisk?!” Chara loudly asks.
“Well… I thought running would have worked?” Frisk admits.
Chara looks squarely at Frisk and says “You know what Flowey wants to do with your soul by now, right?”
“Yeah yeah, I do. I just thought…”
“Woah hey kiddos.” Sans says as he gets next to both Frisk and Chara. “No one got hurt. Everything’s chill. Can’t ya both be happy you survived tonight?”
Chara and Frisk exchange looks for a moment. On one hand, Chara realizes their mistake of scolding Frisk, whereas Frisk notes that they could have fallen at the hands (and or vines) of that psychotic flower.
“I’m sorry Frisk. I’m relieved we both got through tonight…” Chara admits.
Frisk nods in response.
“Anyways, you two look like you need some sleep.” Sans says, then quickly adds “Want a shortcut back to my place?”
Frisk tiredly nods in Sans’s direction, as does Chara.
“Welp, time to go back then. Come on kiddos.”
Sans begins to walk off, to which Chara and Frisk follow. And like that, they are back at the skelebros’ house. Chara sleepily phases through the door shortly before Frisk opens it and walks through, with sans close behind. All three of them get back to where they were before Flowey’s failed ambush, and softly drift off to sleep.
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Kay, after seeing your post for the Arendelle sisters a superhero au, I would love to know if you have any headcanons for pitchanna in a superhero au. Because I adore the superhero au’s and I love reading your headcanons ❤️
thank you!! I really do enjoy writing them. And in fact, I planned to actually write a little superhero AU sometime (I have a page or so written but I found myself totally at a loss for how Anna could solve the conflict, so it’s unfinished as of yet  😅 Maybe I’ll post the snippet sometime. Anyway:
Anna and Elsa, somewhat like another certain hero, used the fortune they inherited from their parents at their passing to become heroes. 
The girls were made honorary Guardians when they became allies and helped the Guardians on some past mission. Arendelle is quite close to Burgess, so they see Jack often, but the others are stationed elsewhere in the world Russia, India, Australia, etc)
Manny is basically the Charlie to the sisters/Guardians’ Angels. They never see him face to face, but they know he’s trustworthy and value his wisdom and intelligence.
Anna, called Sunfire, gets her power from the sun: sunrays energize her cells and allow her to create and manipulate light and fire as well as have enhanced strength and the ability to fly. When she’s soaked up enough sun, her powers can last for quite awhile. However, when contained in total darkness for too long or burning up too much sun fire she gets drained of energy and needs a recharge. (wow, might this be exploitable to a certain villain…?)
Dorky superhero catchphrase shouted in battle = “Light ‘em up!” It pumps her up.
The girls are careful to not work together too much, less they be recognized. Since Anna can fly, she often fights crime in other towns while the Snow Queen sticks to Arendelle. (If Elsa has to go somewhere, though, and/or Anna doesn’t feel up to flying, they take “The Sled”- a super fast, superpowered, geared up little dune buggy that’s tougher than it looks, designed by fellow Guardian ally, Hiccup.)
Pitch’s backstory is similar here: a former veteran and superhero in his own right who worked solo in his own city, then battled an unknown dark entity and was transformed against his will into the villain known as Pitch Black. He remembers little of who he used to be, but now works as a mercenary for other villains when the price is right- but mostly prefers causing trouble on his own terms.
He and the Guardians have been rivals for ages. He’s tried to recruit Jack as his ward but failed miserably. Anna and Elsa aren’t as familiar with him, but help the Guardians fight him on occasion. He finds the girls quite amusing foes- Elsa is all too easy to prey on with her insecurities and he wishes to see how far he can push before all that power breaks loose. And Anna is almost anyone he’s ever met. She’s not wholly unafraid of what he can do, unlike the Guardians; she’s also much more confident and ready to face him head-on regardless of those fears. He would obviously never tell them so, but the girls don’t need to team up with the guardians to take him on- they’re both very powerful on their own.
 What he doesn’t mind doing is a little flirting with Anna, though. He even goes a little easier on her than the others when they fight. (Which Anna realizes and is irritated by. She wants a fair fight, dangit.) At least in the beginning, he feels a sort of lustful crush, then slowly it grows into something else. He doesn’t fully understand what attracts him to her, he just knows how good the thrill of a fight with the pretty, tenacious young heroine is and how good it would feel to corrupt Sunfire and have her choose to leave the Guardians to be at his side.
Also, Pitch is totally one of those villains who has the heroine tied up or something and gives her the cliche “Aren’t we feisty?” or “I like your spirit”, which makes her want to bite his hand as hard as she can when he strokes her face.
Eventually Pitch connects Sunfire’s identity to the wealthy young college student Anna Normund. I’d love if he just decides to be nothing but petty and start trouble in Arendelle when he sees her dressed up and enjoying a date outside with her friend and classmate, Kristoff. Angry, she’s forced to cancel the date early under the guise of getting home to safety with a supervillain running around and changes into her outfit to go take care of him once she meets up with Elsa. But maybe it’s something else besides simple jealousy Pitch has going on…
She doesn’t know that he’s finally built up enough strength and a big enough army of fearlings and nightmares to start taking over entire cities. The Guardians are occupied defending their own cities from the monsters, so it’s up to the sisters to go after him. The city is swarming with fearlings, and the girls do what they can to protect the citizens. Anna insists they can get rid of all the monsters if they take Pitch down directly and wants to follow a group of fearlings she sees fleeing while Elsa gets people to safety, but Elsa doesn’t want them separated. Anna flies off anyway, promising she won’t get hurt and that she’ll try to draw him back to her sister so they can fight him together. Elsa tries to not panic, and calls the Guardians again, requesting backup as soon as they’re able, and can only pray it’s soon.
They lead her to an empty building, which immediately sets off Anna’s alarms. She’s not stupid; she knows perfectly well this is an obvious trap. But the longer she’s away, the more fearlings Elsa has to fight alone, and with the sun setting, it’s getting creepier outside where Anna couldn’t be sure if she heard whispers behind her or not. Against her better judgment but feeling low on options, she slips inside. She walks around with the silence weighing heavily around her for so long that she starts wondering if she got the wrong building when she’s ambushed, but manages to burn up all of the fearlings. Growing weary from using so much sunfire in one day, she flies up to the roof where the lights are to rest and get away from all the shadows.
Not that it makes a difference. The sun is gone- and its place, Pitch has arrived. Anna goes into attack mode and prepares to make him chase her to where Elsa is- only to find Elsa paraded in front of her, locked in the fearlings’ clawed grasp, ready to do their worst if Anna takes a step closer. 
Pitch taunts her about getting caught (but owns that he hadn’t expected her to come alone). He lets slip that he knows who she is (maybe commenting on how beautiful she looks in red- the same color dress she wore out with Kristoff)- and by extension, who the Snow Queen is. Anna is in despair. Her worst fears are coming true- her sister is in danger, her enemy knows who she is, and she’s let her city down. 
Pitch relishes having such an effect on Anna. Finally, something that truly frightens the girl. He’s about to see what other reactions he can get out of with his monsters’ help when Anna runs over and blurts out an offer. Take her instead, take her to his lair or wherever. She won’t fight him, so long as he lets Elsa go. Pitch is shocked, then doubtful… after all, why would the goody two shoes Sunfire offer herself up like this? …then sees some merit in her proposal. A lot of merit. The weakened Sunfire at his mercy, the faint-hearted Snow Queen left disabled from her emotional support sister being taken away, and best of all, the Guardians wracked with guilt over their failure to save these poor idiot civilians or sweet little Sunfire from any number of horrid fates he may give her.  She certainly isn’t trying to trick him; one of Sunfire’s most amusing qualities in how innocently honest she is. No guile at all.
He agrees, but he wants to seal the deal. Anna, uncertainly, asks how. Pitch wants to know if she’s ever kissed a monster. The look on her face was was more satisfying than the last good nightmare he’d given a child. He takes a step towards her, wondering if she’ll actually do it.
He doesn’t get an answer, nor does Anna get a chance to figure out what to say. She doesn’t see the Guardians racing towards her and Pitch at a distance, or the several balls of sleep sand hurled towards them, and she’s so busy feeling flustered and afraid for Elsa that she doesn’t notice Pitch dip back into the shadows to hide, leaving her to get hit with the wave of sleep.
The Guardians arrive, but not in time to stop Pitch from spiriting the snoring Anna away through the shadows.
😂 That’s where I ran out of ideas. Anyone can feel free to suggest some though!
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theblueskyphoenix · 6 years
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Storm put this image in my head... I had to draw it.
A young human child by the name of Wendy Carter coming into contact with Black Zirconia Wilson. 
... Gosh dangit I fell hard for another AU.
Send help... or join in the madness. There’s that too.... Like seriously. Storm and I have lore now. It’s getting crazy over here. Send help.
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imaginashon · 6 years
I love your art! I enjoy seeing it here and on DA! Anyway, I saw that you like werewolves, so... in the MML gang, who would be the werewolf? (In an AU, of course)
I don’t think I could choose a character that way TBH ^^;  While I love werewolves, I have never been too keen on making those kind of stories. I’m not big on them, I only really like the concept. I tried drawing to a few monster AUs, a PnF one and the GF one, but I just can’t get into it^^;
Though if I have to choose, if I were to make a story out of it, the Murphys would probably be the ones who are werewolves. Goes along with Murphy’s Law lol. Cavendish and Dakota could be Hunters part of a secret society of Monster Hunters, who do pretty poorly at their job and end up befriending Milo instead. Zack is the new kid in town and Melissa’s the daughter of a——
Ah dangit, now I just came up with another AU idea. I’m drawing this later after I scan the commissions tonight. I HOPE YOU’RE HAPPY WITH YOURSELF
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han--sama · 6 years
For Hans: I sent a message a few days or so ago, but I think it may have been eaten by Tumblr. You put: "Skelebros are my fav, please I want baby bones, undertale or underfell or underswap, i am ok with any of them as long as it's baby bones :'D" And I was wondering if you had anything in particular you'd like to happen? ~your SS
Hello Santa! I hope you’re having a pleasant day! >wAsdfghjkl DANGIT TUMBLR let my santa talk to me >:(
As for your question, i don’t really have anything in mind 🤔 can be anything you want (but if you’re feeling lost and want something then how about any baby bonified character meeting another skelly that is an adult? 👀)
OR, you can just draw/write any random scenario from the game but baby bonified (and see how it changes the thing xD) like toddler Paps making puzzles or spaghetti or encountering toddler sans doing the whoopie cushion thing
(Ages can be from teenie tiny baby till around 10~12-ish)
Anything is fine~ even if you come up with another thing I’m A-OK with it as long as you have fun ♡
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dreadlock-detective · 7 years
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I'm clearing out my ask box, so here's a rapid fire bunch of answers to the 43 questions in there! A lot of these I wanted to draw a comic or do a little animation for but just never got the time or energy, and others I didn't know what to say, but I think that some response is better than no response, so while these are all going to be either text or doodles, I wanted them all to actually get answers.
Below the cut because this’ll be a hella long one~ Plenty of Zelda doodles in there though so if you just wanna see doofy drawings click too!
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@definitely-darcy​ - Ahhh I'm sorry I wanted to make an animated gif of this for a long time now and just never got around to it T_T. But thank you for the kind words!
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@hfbdhhjsbnjdknfsjkbnfkjbgsm… I feel like this is some kind of internet talk that I totally missed the memo on
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@sgo-j - Buliara definitely needs some art! She'll actually show up in my AU comic if I get far enough… probably another 3 sets of pages away or more at this point though.
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@jackiithedevil - !!!!!!!! <3
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@sparkybananaboi - no wolf Link but it’s somethin ;D
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@scythfi-writer - Ahhhhh pressure! Eheheh, but glad I could entertain! Hope I haven’t disappointed so far ;D
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@draceempressa - …wait there's a sidequest about that!? I saw the sign on the cliff but never saw a sidequest about it lol. Dangit even though I got this ask a while ago I forgot all about it lol. WHELP something else to do when I get back into the game for the DLC!
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@rabbitmagic - Even a messenger of the heavens needs a hobby, right? :D
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@nathanswallofopinion - They only think that because they haven't been seduced by his amazing puns yet~
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Bucket has since died~ using my Windows PC now. Which drives me insane, but at least it's way more powerful than my old iMac. (Still hate Windows though - it's user interface is just so horribly inefficient…)
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We're all wonderful band of seally fools here! Glad to have ya!
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Teba's been in my AU comic stuff so far, and his family will probably show up in the next set if I get around to it. Unfortunately his personality doesn't lend itself too well to my stupid jokes so he's only been in my more serious stuff so far~
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Is this still a problem? I haven’t got a way to check lol. I need to update it anyway to be more informative so I guess I’ll check it out then!
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I have no idea what you're talking about, Anon~ Just a bunch of potassium lovers here that's all~!
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@redventure - That's Bob~ he's super supportive~ Kind of an enabler really…
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Ahhh!! thanks!!
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Hm. Uh. Not that I've seen, but I'm not exactly diving into their collection~...
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Once while he was relaxing out of uniform he ran into a nervous Shiekah girl. They got into a pretty heated argument over who’s face tattoo was upside down. Does that count?
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I think this was before my Mipha comic, so at least I’ve drawn her a bit more, but yeah no Link x Mipha stuff directly yet~ I might get around to it! No silly ideas are coming to me to doodle out right now though, sorry!
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But I needed to at least do my favorite bit
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Fun Fact: apparently the Hyrule Warriors website lists Dragmire as his last name again. Not that that game is canon but still. But yeah high five for old school Zelda lore!
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*cries because I don’t have photoshop on my PC to edit Kamina’s shades onto loads of Sidon screenshots for this reply*
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@purrple--kat - Well I sure have done a lot of art of them from commissions now haven't I? lol. I think they're a cute couple~ From my own relationship I can say that having the same sense of humor is vital for me, and those two are definitely on the same level!
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*strikes a Kamina pose with Kamina shades to make other Anon happy too~*
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@asfcruppy + @talk-shit-you-get-hit - I have a little comic half drawn for this but it's on my Surface instead of my PC.. need to get that moved over to finish it up~!
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…why did I never think to do this? Of all the dumb things I've done, this was not one of them! I am ashamed!
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YA HA HAA! YOU FOUND ME!... what you were looking for an answer from someone?
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All 900 Koroks end up in group therapy because they get so confused by Mr. Hero’s behavior they legit cannot deal and are tired of him handing them self help books~
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Bonus: They don’t have a digestive system, so logically you can just feed them the same apple over and over! (Need to go make another stal-horse friend sometime~)
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@fluxed-touko​ - Ssshhhhh! Spoilers maybe ;)
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@kirchuuuu (this one wont tag for some reason?)- I did one drawing of her being a bit older, but still wasn't an adult~ I like to imagine she'd actually still be super short though, mostly because it keeps her distinct from the others (speaking of, what the heck happens to Gerudo when they're older? the old gerudo are all so much shorter! And then there's the Twinrova witches from Ocarina… Gerudo spines must be all sorts of weird, start tiny, get huge, shrink down super small….)
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@capnbanana - Usually 8.5x11 (standard US letter size), 300dpi. 350dpi for commissions, and commissions and comics are more likely to end up a different size (though never smaller for commissions)
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Considering the lack of any sort of reference to a Gerudo king in BotW, I personally feel like the Gerudo abandoned that tradition after Ganny went evil. Not against him being actually Gerudo though!
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@legoofallthemes22505 (this one wont take either...)- SOON!
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@jcummins151 - Ahh thanks <3 I'm glad random strangers on the internet are enjoying my silly stuff! And I don't really mind that people want me to draw NSFW stuff - it's kind of flattering to know people find my art good enough to.. uh… wanna.. *cough* *Mighty Banana jokes*
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Ahahahaha, I love that this was the next one to come in after that last one! Nothing in the works but maybe some day :P
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@bearlycute - He’d freaking LOVE it if they’d be content to just watch or snuggle...
Thank you to everyone! Love hearing from ya’ll, and sorry if it takes me forever to reply to asks sometimes! Can’t guarantee I always will but I’ll always try to and DEFINITELY read every one! Love ya! 
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