#DATA LOSS (crossover)
fandomandangstlover · 4 months
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howdy, ah haven't been here for awhile. uh.
data loss queenie & debunky :] please ask me about this au ah have no idea what to do with it jagxhsbkaab—
yes, debunky's paper thing changes expressions too :D!! hehe
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bloomburnweepwilt · 1 month
Disco Elysium Patricia Taxxon Concepts (finished)
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For context- one day I drew @patricia-taxxon with Rene and Martin playing boules together and now we're here-
I kinda had a hyperfixation crossover moment where a bunch of things kinda fit in perfectly
(also mild spoilers for DE)
So there are three main concepts here- 1: Contained to the human form Patricia, Avery the boule playing dog, and the recently introduced Amber as a friend Cuno found
Humanoid Patricia aka "The music friend" was a member of the failed game studio and is a close confidant of Loona and came with her to research the hole in reality. They we're actively researching how to put audio into radiocomputer technology and were composing music for the radio computer game that ultimately went bust after the data loss. In game you would probably find their fursuit head and thats how you would see the fursuit portrait.
Avery "the doggie of boules" would be Martin's doggie and would play boule with him and Rene. (like the og doodle that inspired this). Over the course of conversating with Rene, Avery would chime in for emphasis emboldening Rene as he talks about his war stories. Avery would also be an alternate means to getting Martins Sandwhich, where if you were able to telepathically connect with the dog you can convince her to have Martin give you the sandwhich.
And Amber is Cuno's pal essentially, Cuno was hanging out by the whriling in rags trashcan and fell in love immediately. There would probably be a reoccuring gag of Cuno hyping up Amber to absurd degrees then Amber doing something very very silly and Cuno and Cunoesse being like "NOOOOOOO- THE PIGS AREN'T GONNA BELIEVE US ABOUT HOW COOL YOU ARE"
Anyways- crossover over- this was a fun mini project to do. My drawing instincts are still rusty but trying to emulate the DE style a bit was fun!!! Also these do not represent the real flesh and blood patricia taxxon at all- these were more using the aesthetic ideas of patricia taxxon's online presence to make dlc characters essentially.
But uh- everyone have a good night!!!! Sleep a solid 8+ hours and play your comfort game because you deserve it.
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clonemedickix · 1 year
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It’s by far not the best Echo drawing out there, but man his eyes captivate regardless. Love me some Echo. And speaking of, just posted up a new chapter on AO3 🥰
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Adult content | Sexual Content | UNDER 18 DNI
Category: F/M
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon) Star Wars: Rebellion Era - All Media Types Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) - All Media TypesGame of Thrones (TV) The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types
Relationship: CT-7567 | Rex/Original Female Character
Characters: CT-7567 | Rex | CC-2224 | Cody | CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo |CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives | Clone Troopers (Star Wars) | Clone Force 99 | Bad BatchHunter (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) | Tech (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) | Crosshair (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) | Wrecker (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) | Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) | Cut Lawquane | Suu Lawquane | CC-3636 | Wolffe | CC-5576-39 | Gregor | Cid (Star Wars: The Bad Batch)
Additional Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions | Slow Romance | Adventure & Romance | WarPost-Star Wars: The Clone Wars | References to Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) | Clone Trooper Culture (Star Wars) | Clones | Inspired by Game of Thrones | Dragons | Inspired by The Lord of the Rings | The Silmarillion References | Dragon Riders | Battle | Goddesses | Swords | Lightsabers (Star Wars) | Jedi Culture & Tradition (Star Wars) | Jedi Code (Star Wars) | Explicit Sexual Content | Sexual Content | Implied Sexual Content | Sexual Tension | Sexual Humor | Blood and Injury | Blood and Violence | Serious Injuries | Medical Procedures | Medical Trauma | Explicit Language | Mild Language | Medical Professionals | Emergency Medical Technicians | Medical Conditions | Medical Jargon | Original Character(s) | LoveLove Triangles
Okay guys it’s a hard chapter. I’ll just preface it that way - covers the loss of Tech
When he landed, Echo and Boost went over the data again, hoping they could make some headway with the encryption. “I don’t know, Echo. You probably could have saved yourself some time and just gone straight to Tech with this.” Boost looked pretty defeated, looking at the technology and coding before him. “This is similar to our old encryption, but definitely more advanced. Maybe if I had a lot more time, I could crack it, but Tech would be far faster.” Echo sighed and nodded, knowing Boost was right. He stood and walked out of the hut where they kept their main computer and radio system, a disgusted, tired look on his face. He brushed his hand over his eyes, covering them for a moment, then decided to go look for Lara.
He found her on the basketball court, playing ball with Jek and Shaeeah, while Suu Lawquane watched with a smile from the sideline. Lara was dribbling the ball, bent over in a rather aggressive stance, watching the two children with careful eyes, looking for an opening in their defense to charge past them with the ball. The two kids were giggling and smiling, watching her, waiting for her to make her move, and when Lara finally did, they both grabbed her in a tight hug, holding on for their lives as Lara dragged them to the goal, laughing all the way. Echo couldn’t help but smile at the scene; she really did have a way with kids that was heartwarming. “Y’all are both such little cheaters - this isn’t football!!!”, Lara laughed helplessly. She stood and turned to see Echo there, next to Suu, his arms folded over his chest with a bemused look on his face. Lara handed the basketball to Shaeeah gravely and said “I need to go talk to Echo over there. You two practice hard, okay?” Lara straightened and breezed over to Echo with a happy smile, her gait and posture one of complete contentment, albeit somewhat unbalanced - she looked like she was smuggling a basketball under her shirt these days.
Echo smiled back at her, turning to intercept her so they could walk and talk. Lara was really heavy with child now, many months into her pregnancy. Everyone smiled that saw her when she walked by, her maternal glow lighting her like a candle from within. She hadn’t stopped going on missions as yet, but she’d basically stopped a couple months back, delegating the leadership more fully to Primer and Boost. She had promoted Primer to Captain (he’d deserved it for years, and really she felt herself a bad leader for that oversight), and Boost to Lieutenant as well, then brought along a couple of new sergeants out of necessity, by name of Falco and Phoenix. Cody had started taking his own small contingent of Dragons and clones out on missions, as did Rex. Overall, the Dragon Company had only ever consisted of one hundred clones, serving under General Lin and Primer. Now, they usually found themselves in groups of five, answering to whichever leader they got assigned to that day. Lara had taught them nothing, if not flexibility. Whether she liked it or not, Lara found herself being pushed firmly and lovingly back from active leadership by the clones, all of them naturally wanting to protect their beloved leader and her valuable baby.
“What’s up, Echo?” Lara asked as they walked along. She could tell something was troubling him; she could sense it within her even if it hadn’t been written all over his face.
“We got a new group of clones out - they’re settling in with the quarter master now - one of them even brought a girl with him.” He said this with a little smile and glanced over at Lara, who smiled back at the news. It was always good to hear that the clones were finding love and making families. “I was able to get a snippet of information off the computer of the ship we raided to rescue them. But I can’t crack the encryption on it.” He looked off over the sea, the irritation plain on his handsome face. “I have a very bad feeling about all of this, where they’re sending our brothers. I don’t know what it is, but for the first time I’m really a little scared.”
They’d reached Lara’s favorite spot on the hill, and stopped to look out over the fabulous sunset. “What are you afraid of, my Echo?” She asked him quietly, her arms crossed over her chest. She looked over at him, the tiniest smile on the corner of her lips - she still called him that, after all this time.
“I don’t know. With all the secrecy, I feel like there has to be some element of disposal to it. They’re taking us clones, and killing us off somewhere, where no one will say anything, hoping no one notices until it’s all over with. And who knows what they are doing to them there, before they’re killed? There have always been a lot of people in this galaxy who don’t even see us as people, so why would they care if they’re experimenting on us and then killing us?” His words made sense, and his sense of foreboding affected Lara, too.
“How are you going to get the information off the disk you made? I assume you already went to Boost with it.” She knew Boost was pretty good with code; if he and Echo together couldn’t break it, that really only left one option. And one barrier.
“I’m going to have to get Tech to look at it.” He said it a little reluctantly; he hadn’t seen Omega since he’d parted ways with the Batch on Coruscant. Tech and Wrecker had both told him how much she missed him, and how hard the adjustment had been for her, without him. To a large extent it was one reason the Batch hadn’t returned to Nidhogg for a good while; they didn’t want to upset the girl further. He saw Lara sigh, place her hand on her belly and then move to sit a bit heavily on the ground. It was strange seeing her moving in a slightly unbalanced way, her typically fit and trim figure distorted by the shape of the baby.
“Sorry, Echo, I just need to sit for a minute. If I don’t keep moving constantly, this thing makes my back annoyed,” she said as she rubbed her belly, a slightly amused, but strangely loving look on her face. Lara crossed her legs under herself for comfort, and watched as Echo sat with her immediately. “I’m sure Tech won’t refuse you. And you know Omega will be overjoyed to see you. Wrecker told me just the other day she’s been doing pretty well lately - Tech is even giving her flying lessons.” She smiled at Echo, the mischief fully apparent in her eyes. She could just imagine what that looked like - she’d been completely stunned that Tech could pull his fingernails out of the ship’s yoke long enough to trust Omega with the controls.
Echo laughed as well. It didn’t surprise him in the least that Wrecker had maintained contact with Lara. What had surprised him more was that Wrecker hadn’t put up more of a fight about wanting to stay on Nidhogg with the Dragon Company, so that he could be closer to his General. “Well, I might have go see that for myself. I have missed Omega. I wish Hunter had been more amenable to staying here. I hear they really like it on that island.”
Lara snorted a little. “I think it’s funny how Hunter ran from one beach side home to another. But yes, from everything Wrecker has told me, they like it on Pabu. And they’re eagerly taking bets behind Tech’s back about whether he’s going to ever make a move on that Phee chick. I need to meet this woman; anyone who’s able to get Tech’s attention off his data pad for more than sixty seconds is a hero in my book.”
Echo looked at her with an ironic expression. “The man used to stare at you for hours, Lara, like you were a mystery he had to solve. I think you already won that particular fight.”
“Well, everybody knows I’m a hero in my own book, Echo.” She gave him a mockingly serious look and then smiled and laughed. “I hope for his sake he actually does go for her. You all deserve happiness with someone who’ll love you back…” Lara looked at Echo very meaningfully while he gazed back with a ‘what?’, look on his own face.
“I do have someone that loves me back.” Echo pointed out.
“I mean physically, Echo.” Lara rolled her eyes at him and looked off in the distance. Silence reigned between them for a while, as Echo tried to come up with a rejoinder that would make sense, and put the argument to rest.
“I…don’t need that Lara. I can still feel the touch of you on my skin, the taste of you on my lips. The memories of our time together were part of what kept me alive on Skako Minor. There is no other touch I want, if I can’t have yours.” Echo reached over and took her hand with his, his expression serious, if not a little sad. “Letting you go was the hardest, but best choice I made in my life, and I’m pretty sure if I had to do it all over again, I’d make the same choice.” Lara met his eyes, her face sad, but understanding. She knew Echo would always be hers; she wondered quietly sometimes if she’d ruined him for others, tainting him with her love. Echo sensed the thought within her - he could see it on her face as well. “Hey. Lara.” He squeezed her hand softly. “I’ll always be the first man you made love to - really, truly made love to, in your long life. Rex can’t take that one away from me.” He gave her a slightly salacious smirk and she laughed.
“Very true, Echo. Touché.” She smiled suddenly, her gaze going unfocused, and looked at her belly, as if listening to something within her. Lara reached over for his hand and clamped it onto a spot on her abdomen, her smile so beautiful and quietly happy he stared, speechless. Echo felt a sudden nudge against his the palm of his hand and his focus changed to their joined fingers, his face going blank with shock. He looked up at Lara carefully, the question in his eyes obvious. “Yes. That was the baby.” Lara put some pressure on his hand, pressing it down a bit on that spot and he felt a sudden sharp jab from within her. Lara laughed. “It kicked you,” she giggled softly. Echo wished for a heartbreaking moment he still had two hands, so he could put the other on her as well. The thought flashed through him like a flare, but the after burn of it was clear on his face. Lara reached her hand up to his cheek and pressed her forehead against his, wishing she could make him see - make him know - how very unchanged her love was for him, no matter what the Techno Union had done. She had no words at that moment, so she stayed silent, he content to feel her touch, his hand resting against her belly, feeling the sudden swirls of movement within. Echo had always known Lara was a miracle, that everything about her was miraculous; here was further proof in his mind.
Eventually Echo removed his hand, and the two settled in to just sitting with each other quietly. Suddenly Lara spoke, the laughter just noticeable in her voice. “Do you remember that time I woke Fives up with a bag of frozen marbles down the front of his briefs?” Echo’s head whipped around, his eyes startled but already alight with remembered hilarity at the incident. Fives had been notoriously hard to wake up in the morning, often setting his alarm to full volume, then sleeping through it anyway. It drove Lara nuts, listening to it for long minutes waiting on Fives to notice it.
“I can still remember the sound of his head hitting the bottom of my bunk!” He snorted and then burst out laughing, Lara doing the same.
Lara just about couldn’t speak for giggling. “I swear to god he literally levitated off the bed…” She was laughing so hard she leaned forward, placing her hand on the ground to support herself, shaking from the memory.
“He screamed like a little girl - it was the funniest sound I’ve heard in my life.” Echo felt tears run down his cheeks, gasping for air, seeing Lara was also crying with laughter. “Lord, Lara. Those were simpler days.”
She took a deep, steadying breath, suddenly burst into giggles again, and covered her face as a reflex. “Whooo… okay. I’m done. Okay.” Lara looked at Echo helplessly and smiled. “They really were, weren’t they?”
Echo could still feel a laugh or two threatening to escape, but he realized - this was the first time he’d even so much as heard Lara mention Fives’ name since Floston. They’d had so many good memories together - the nights at 79s when they went dancing, the evenings they spent in the Dragon Cave watching TV shows and movies from Earth on her iPad. Days spent helping her dream up naughty pranks to pull on Master Windu, and what horrible supplies she could route through the quarter master to his office. Granted, the pranks had mostly been Lara and Fives, but Echo had usually been there to listen and shake his head at them. He felt Lara go silent and looked over at her, seeing the sudden swell of missing Fives hit her; it was like watching the sun be covered by dark clouds. She closed her eyes for a moment, took a breath and tried to smile bravely, but Echo could see how the loss of Fives still stung her like a near fresh wound.
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Jay’s Fanfiction and other Bits (MASTERLIST)
Data’s Backstory
Chapter 1 (https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/727454337911177216/creation-chapter-one-of-datas-backstory?source=share)
Chapter 2 (https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/727920371917062144/knowledge-chapter-2-of-datas-backstory?source=share)
Chapter 3 (https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/728014476543229952/war-chapter-3-of-datas-backstory?source=share)
New Beginning
Chapter 1 (https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/728080707110551552/awake-chapter-1-of-new-beginning?source=share)
Chapter 2 (https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/728160364571885568/meeting-chapter-2-of-new-beginning?source=share)
Chapter 2.5 (https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/728185684127531008/rage-of-the-robot-chapter-25-of-new-beginning?source=share) (Not necessary to understand the story, just a short little in between)
Chapter 3 (https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/728271104301547520/upgrades-chapter-3-of-new-beginning?source=share)
Chapter 4 (https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/728344890052870144/hatred-chapter-4-of-new-beginning?source=share)
Chapter 5 (https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/728354954361864192/really-chapter-5-of-new-beginning?source=share)
Chapter 6 (https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/728420954507706368/found-chapter-6-of-new-beginning?source=share)
Chapter 7 (https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/728444807117225984/truth-chapter-7-of-new-beginning?source=share)
Chapter 8 (https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/728465744627695616/ready-chapter-8-of-new-beginning?source=share)
Cogs, Gears and Love
Chapter 1 (https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/728548973368000512/family-tree-chapter-1-of-cogs-gears-and-love?source=share)
Chapter 2 (https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/728561807297495040/violet-chapter-2-of-cogs-gears-and-love?source=share)
Chapter 3 (https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/728728771478405120/rejection-chapter-3-of-cogs-gears-and-love?source=share)
Chapter 4 (https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/728790588273590272/cold-chapter-4-of-cogs-gears-and-love?source=share)
Chapter 5 (https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/728889397597159424/apologies-chapter-5-of-cogs-gears-and-love?source=share)
Chapter 6 (https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/729054787385081856?source=share)
Chapter 7 (https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/729170631391887360/tragedy-chapter-7-of-cogs-gears-and-love?source=share)
Chapter 8 (https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/729256831053119488/escape-chapter-8-of-cogs-gears-and-love?source=share)
The Great Crossover Episode!
Chapter 1: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/729280400993763328/home-chapter-1-of-the-great-crossover-episode?source=share
Chapter 2: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/729360416109690880/alive-chapter-2-of-the-great-crossover-episode?source=share
Chapter 3: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/729783294312464384/cavity-chapter-3-of-the-great-crossover-episode?source=share
Chapter 4: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/738330528773799936/risk-chapter-4-of-the-great-crossover-episode?source=share
Chapter 5: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/744234781185900544/loss-chapter-5-of-the-great-crossover-episode?source=share
Chapter 1: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/744371737168347136/bruises-chapter-1-of-dawn?source=share
Side Stories (Data’s Adventures in Walter Robotics!)
Fossils and Pebbles: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/728450762699620353/datas-adventures-in-walter-robotics-fossils-and?source=share
Wrong?: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/728814738842189825/datas-adventures-in-walter-robotics-wrong?source=share
Hide and Seek: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/743506191225847808/hide-and-seek?source=share
The AU fanfic saga:
Evil! The Jon au:
Chapter 1: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/729422470182993920/chapter-1-evil-the-jon-au?source=share
Chapter 2: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/729430703040790528/chapter-2-evil-the-jon-au?source=share
Chapter 3: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/729462729593716736/chapter-3-evil-the-jon-au?source=share
Chapter 4: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/729520231154958336/chapter-4-evil-the-jon-au?source=share
Chapter 5: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/729689243076739072/chapter-5-evil-the-jon-au?source=share
Chapter 6: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/729717852789194752/chapter-6-evil-the-jon-au?source=share
Chapter 7: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/729998994241191937/chapter-7-evil-the-jon-au?source=share
Spg Creature au:
The Siblings: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/730336425450651648/the-forest-spg-creature-au?source=share
Spg Villain au:
Chapter 1: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/738060497438523392/spg-villain-au-chapter-1?source=share
Chapter 2: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/738060617177546752/spg-villain-au-chapter-2?source=share
Chapter 3: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/738060739622912000/spg-villain-au-chapter-3?source=share
Chapter 4: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/738129420285509632/spg-villain-au-chapter-4?source=share
Chapter 5: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/739227704413634560/chapter-5-spg-villain-au?source=share
Sailor Moon Fanfics:
Chapter 1: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/738278503782514688/sanctuary-chapter-1?source=share
Faded Heart:
Chapter 1:
The Mechanisms Fanfics:
Chapter 1: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/740058081572126720/automatism-chapter-1?source=share
Chapter 2: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/740473595707506688/automatism-chapter-2?source=share
Original Works:
Siren Song:
Prologue: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/741951401680355328/siren-song-prologue?source=share
Chapter 1: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/742472389100716032?source=share
Chapter 2: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/743646131245006848/siren-song-chapter-2?source=share
Chapter 3: https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/744696975603138560/siren-song-chapter-3?source=share
Requested Works:
Family Time (Requested by @zer0sgoldchain): https://www.tumblr.com/steam-powered-chaos/729904194566373376/family-time?source=share
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theoriginalladya · 1 year
MEBB 2023 - The Devil You Know
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Story Title: The Devil You Know
Story by Ladyamesindy
Art by Maxrev
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags: Mass Effect/WWII Crossover, crossover fic, Alternate Universe, Angst, Adventure, WWII typical situations, German Occupation of France, Game Level Violence, Field Medical Treatment, Blood mention (not graphic)
Relationship: Kaidan Alenko/Caleb Shepard
Characters: Kaidan Alenko, Liara T'Soni, Garrus Vakarian, Aria T'Loak, Major Coats, Abby Williams, Caleb Shepard
Setting: World War II - 1942 England and Occupied France
Alchera was an unmitigated disaster for the Alliance and for Kaidan Alenko. Not only did they lose the prothean beacon data but Shepard as well. Seven months on, Kaidan is still trying to come to terms with it, both professionally and personally. But a rumor has surfaced at Alliance Command that Shepard still lives, and Spectre Alenko has been chosen to look into it. Deep behind enemy lines, Kaidan must make the decision if it's better to live with the loss or take a chance on the devil he knows.
Finally, posting day has arrived!!! The Devil You Know is my story for Mass Effect Big Bang 2023 and is also a part of my Mass Effect/WWII series, Something Wicked This Way Comes.
This time around, I got to work with the fabulous @maxrev for the art and oh, man, did she ever deliver! THANK YOU SO MUCH, MAXX!!!!! Folks, she's knocked it out of the ballpark for me and I am so very grateful and delighted she chose my story to pair up with! Go check it out and please let her know how much you like her art, too!
Also HUGE THANK YOU to @shadoedseptmbr for betaing again for me this year! Your suggestions were perfect and you always make the story look so much better than the initial draft! You're the absolute BEST!
And a HUGE shoutout to @azzydarling and @mebigbang for putting this event on again! I have a blast each time I participate and this was one of the BEST!
Full story can be found here
Series can be found here
Mass Effect 2023 Collection can be found here
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ayamari-no-goshi · 2 years
Chasing Shadows (9)
AO3 -> first, last, next
Fandoms: Danny Phantom (DP) / DC universe
Summary:  THIS IS A CROSSOVER.  As Bruce Wayne begins to slowly recover from the loss of his son, two   separate mysteries open up old wounds. Who is the unknown leaving clues   hinting at a return to Gotham, and who is the phantom pretending to be   his lost son? Is it just a coincidence they’re active in Gotham at the   same time? Or are they connected?  
Warnings: rated T for violence, mentions of death, and questionable mental health
Parings: none
Notes: originally uploaded to AO3. Cross-posted to tumblr
“Daniel Fenton (14) has been declared dead after being rushed to nearby Amity Memorial Hospital after receiving severe injuries from an accident involving one of his parents’ dubious inventions. His parents, doctors Madeline and Jack Fenton, infamous parapsychologists and inventors were working on what they stated would be a portal to the land of the dead. This so-called portal was being built in basement which had been converted into a laboratory which violates several local and state ordinances. An official investigation has been launched by Child Protective Services to determine if a case of criminal neglect led to the accident. Their surviving daughter has been placed in protective custody…”
Bruce could feel the migraine starting. Even with Constantine being able to give him a general area where he believed Phantom might have originated, he still had to pour over thousands of missing persons cases and death records. But, he believed he finally found the identity of the meta.
According to the publicly available records, he was dead. However, the information from the hospital provided a different picture. He’d been brought in unresponsive with severe electrical burns, but he had been resuscitated and stabilized. Although his vitals did not appear to be conducive to living, but his charts suggested he was alert and recovering in the following days.
The various specialists heavily documented Daniel’s information, most likely believing his recovery would require study. Most of it fell within what would normally be found in a patient’s charts, but there were a few strange mentions of the IV ports falling out and abnormally quick healing. Possible early documentation of the abilities he would end up developing.
But what was strange was how the charts ended. There was just a mention that the boy was found dead in his room and attempts at reviving him failed, but there was evidence of editing and possible tampering several hours later. Though it took much longer than he hoped due to the lack of Oracle’s equipment, he found the source, something called the Ghost Investigation Ward which was under the control of the Department of Extranormal Operations.
They must have been monitoring his parents’ research and swept in to grab him when they caught wind of what happened. A month after Daniel’s “death”, the charges against his parents were suddenly dropped, but their research and equipment had been seized. From what Bruce had seen of their various blueprints, Fenton tech could have multiple applications for military use. The government’s interest in them made a lot more sense after accessing them.
Frustratingly, their data had little information about Daniel. They had a few documents outlining the theories they had regarding what happened to him and whether or not he was to be classified as living or dead. If he ended up classified as dead, the list of experiments they wanted to run were enough to make him sick, but he couldn’t find any records of Daniel ever being at any of their facilities.
Was it possible someone else got to him first? Metahuman trafficking was a known issue, and traffickers preferred to grab them as soon as their powers manifested as it was harder for the metas to defend themselves. Or had he escaped in his own and somehow fled? He hoped it was the latter.
Frustrated that the boy’s trail went cold, Bruce turned his attention to his parents. It was difficult from him to determine whether or not they may have tried handing over their own son. The handful of photos he could find of the family together suggested the parents cared about their children, but with their profession, there was a chance they could have rejected him. Perhaps he should reach out to the daughter, Jasmine, first. She might be able to help him determine whether or not Daniel should be reunited with his family.
“Is this him?” Dick approached the computer on his right.
“I have a strong reason to believe that’s the case.”
His son chuckled. “Unreal. Jason managed to find another kid with the family traits.” Before his accident, Daniel Fenton did bare a superficial resemblance to Dick, Jason, Tim, and even himself due to sharing the same hair and eye colors before his accident. “Do we have any idea where they might have met?”
“I’ve lost Phantom’s trail after his reported death. He may have gotten picked up by traffickers. I’m in the process of starting to piece together possible reports on that end. As for Jason, I’ve tried to contact Talia. I have reason to believe she might be funding him.” The timing of her appearance in Gotham during the Hush plot bothered him. If she was assisting him, it helped explain how his coffin had been replaced and where he might be getting his funds and equipment. But the question became why? What did she gain out of turning his son against him?
“Let me guess, she’s being less than cooperative.”
“As weird as it sounds, I’m thankful to Phantom.” Dick glanced up at the computer screen. “However they met, he seems to be helping prevent Jason from completely losing himself to the whatever the Pit and the League did to him.” There was something left unsaid.
“I just can’t shake this feeling we’re going to end up losing him again when this is all over. Maybe it’s all this talk about ghosts, but I keep remembering all the legends I heard about as a kid about the undead.”
“Dick, we’ll bring him home.”
“I’m not sure he wants to come home.”
“Pick any place you’d like. It’s my treat!”
Tim shared a quick look with Stephanie. In the wake of Gotham’s gang war and the realization the Red Hood was Jason, Dick had been a little clingy. They all knew he felt a great deal of guilt over what happened to Jason, and in the wake of both Stephanie and Babs getting into situations where they could have been killed, Tim couldn’t blame him for wanting to spend time with them and make sure they were okay.
Right now, he wanted to treat them to dinner. Cass had been invited too, but she declined in order to help Babs set up some of her surviving equipment in the Batcave. To be honest, Tim didn’t really want to go either, but maybe the distraction would help him think better.
The confirmation Jason was back brought a great deal of confusion. Before the hints and the reveal, he used to think that having Jason back would fix everything. His death was the reason for Bruce’s downward spiral and the pain that nearly tore the Wayne family apart. Tim was just a bandage, a placeholder, while they healed. But Bruce and Dick hadn’t chased him away once they got used to the idea of him being around. Instead, they seemed to care about him and want him as a part of their family, and Tim loved being Robin.
But, Jason had returned as someone barely recognized by those who knew him. Though he initially thought maybe Jason would want the position of Robin back, that didn’t seem likely, especially with how he said Bruce had brainwashed them. It was so strange to hear that from someone who had the same training he did. Jason had been such a shining light as Robin. Did he regret ever having donned the cape? Was he upset to see someone else wear the colors he died in? Or maybe he didn’t think teens should be heroes?
Then there was trying to reconcile the fact his childhood hero nearly killed him. If Jason had pressed that knife against his throat a little harder or had placed it in a different spot, Tim would have bled out in minutes. But he hadn’t. In fact, he had even mentioned he just wanted Bruce’s attention as opposed to doing harm. He also didn’t make any move to fight Phantom or try to get him back once he’d been freed. There was also the admission Dick recorded. Jason seemed troubled by his actions towards him, at least that’s what Tim hoped.
“Earth to Tim!” Dick waved a hand in front of his face. “Where do you want to eat?”
Steph snickered. “Have you been spacing out this entire time?”
“I honestly don’t care…” Catching sight of Dick’s slight frown, he decided it would be best to humor him. Glancing around, he was going to pick whatever jumped out of him when he caught sight of a tall man with dark hair and an unusual white streak on the opposite side of the street. Beside him appeared to be a teenager with the same dark hair. “Dick, look!”
“Who’s that with him?” Even on her crutches, she wasn’t going to let anything get in her way of getting a good look.
“I think it’s Phantom. Come on!”
They followed on the opposite side of the street for a couple blocks. It seemed strange that Jason would be so willing to walk around in broad daylight, but, legally, he was dead. No one would think to connect the man currently walking down the street in slacks and what appeared to be a blazer with the teen who died years ago. If it hadn’t been for his hair, Tim didn’t think he would have recognized him either.
While they moved, Dick quietly explained that Bruce believed he had ID’ed who Phantom really was. If this new teen was Phantom, it helped explain why they had such a hard time finding him.
The two came to a stop at a small Chinese restaurant at the edge of the Diamond District. Where they seriously just going to go to dinner?
Dick must have been thinking the same thing because he apologized to Steph for a moment before scooping her in his arms and running across the street. Tim followed, trying to ignore the honking vehicles they dodged.
“Table for two, please,” they heard Jason tell the older waitress as they entered.
After gently putting Steph down, Dick walked up behind his brother and patted him on the back, making Jason stiffen. “Make that five.”
For a moment, Tim was convinced Jason was going to punch Dick. The way he glowered at him combined with an unnatural green flash in his eyes quickly reminded all of them he was just as dangerous, if not more so, than the other rogues of Gotham. Yet, as quickly as that look came, it vanished, replaced with a more neutral and guarded expression.
“It has been a while that you’ve both been here.”  The waitress gave them a knowing smile. “Follow me. Just make sure you don’t break anything during your talk.”
“Same as always,” they said at the same time catching them both by surprise. Dick’s smile brightened while Jason’s expression turned stormy. Nothing else was said as they followed the waitress to a back room that only held one table.
“What’s the deal with the waitress?” Phantom asked after everyone was seated with menus, and she left the room. His voice didn’t have the odd distortion to it. There was another difference. His skin didn’t have the greenish tinge to it either. Instead, he looked a healthier shade of pale.
“We’ve been here a time or two in the past. Usually after fights at the Manor,” Jason explained as he glanced back at the doorway and frowned. “I’m surprised she recognized me.” He almost sounded troubled.
“I recognized you.” Dick’s voice was surprisingly soft, though his eyes narrowed in offense when Jason snorted. “What?”
“Not until I took off the helmet. If I hadn’t done that, you’d still be convinced I was just an imposter and that the real me was still a pile of bones. Or whatever other bullshit alternative Bruce came up with.” He flipped the menu over. “I honestly thought you figured it out that day in the warehouse, but I gave you too much credit.”
Tim watched the interaction with a growing awe. While Jason’s posture remained guarded, there was no hostility aimed at his brother. Instead, they both spoke with an ease he hadn’t expected. While it was too soon to tell, whatever animosity Jason held towards Bruce didn’t seem apply to Dick.
“Don’t let him fool you,” Phantom interrupted as a mischievous grin crossed his face, and if Tim wasn’t wrong, his eyes literally seemed to light up with amusement. “Jay was disappointed it took you that long.”
“Do you really want to start this?” A pink tinge appeared on Jason’s cheeks even if he kept his expression neutral. “I have a very distinctive memory of how…” He didn’t have a chance to finish.
“No. No. No! That’s okay!”
“So not fair! Don’t you know the hero community thrives on blackmail?” Steph complained. “Anyways, it’s nice to officially meet you two. I’m Stephanie. Thanks for saving my life.”
Jason’s eyebrows shot up. He he not expected her to thank him? Or was it her friendly attitude? But he recovered quickly and gave her his name. Dick then introduced himself for Phantom, and Tim followed suit but squirmed as Jason stared at him. There was something unsaid and turbulent in his eyes, but he didn’t seem angry. But that didn’t mean much from someone trained by Bruce.
When it came time for Phantom’s turn, he glanced at Jason, who in turn nodded once and gave a slight motion of his right hand. Was that some code for ‘don’t give away too much’? “I’m Danny.”
Dick tilted his head. “Your parents wouldn’t happen to be inventors, would they?” Phantom, Danny, flickered so violently that Tim thought he’d vanish for a moment. He stopped when Jason put a hand on his shoulder, but the teen continued to look panicked.
“How much do you know?” Jason’s eyes flashed green as the air around them seemed to drop several degrees. The information they received from Constantine suggested Jason might now have abilities, but none of them knew with certainty what they might or might not be which made all of them uneasy at the display.
Dick held his hands up in a placating manner. “Just the basics. A bit about his family, that an accident happened, and how there was a coverup.”
“Do you… do you know what happened to my parents?” Danny’s voice was quiet, and he was glancing down as he fiddled with his shirt. The temperature started to go back to normal.
“From what we can tell, they’re doing fine. I bet they’re missing you though.”
A small smile crept onto Danny’s face as he looked up. “I’m glad. They threatened to hurt them if I didn’t do what they said.”
Before anyone had a chance to respond, the waitress announced herself as she came back into the room. “Dumplings on the house! No, no arguing. When was the last time you ate a good meal?” She shook her finger at Jason before pointing at Danny. “This one is all skin and bones. Eat and grow big and strong like these two, okay?” She nodded at the brothers. “Can you believe this one was this tall last time I saw him?” She gestured to show Jason wasn’t quite five foot tall before his death. “Anyways, time to order.” A few minutes later, the waitress was on her way.
“I was not that short.”
Dick gave his brother a knowing smile. “Jay, you were tiny.”
Before Jason could say anything, Steph decided to speak up. “So Danny, who’s idea was it for you to pretend to be Jason?” She took a bite of dumpling. “Oh! These are good!”
“It was my idea!” Danny’s eyes seemed to glow in delight as he also grabbed a dumpling.
They all looked at Jason for confirmation. He didn’t reply immediately, but instead pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. It was something Bruce did all the time, and the familiarity of it made Tim do a double take. “It was his idea. Started off as a joke, but it ended up giving Bruce enough pause to not immediately chase Danny out of Gotham.”
The meta nodded in agreement. “Gotham’s probably the safest place for me right now. There are so many other ghosts around making me hard to detect.”
“Gotham’s haunted?” Tim had heard the stories but never really believed them.
“Yep.” Danny popped the p but didn’t elaborate.
“You’re still going to need to stay low for a while between that stunt at the Clocktower and Bruce sticking his nose in places it doesn’t belong.” Jason mentioned as he moved his hands in a slight but unfamiliar movement. When Danny made a similar one, Tim realized they had some form of unspoken either code or language. It didn’t look familiar to him, but Dick’s eyes had narrowed slightly suggesting he might.
“If you let us, we can help,” Dick offered.
“Thanks, but I’m not interested.” All of them, except Jason, stared at how matter of fact Danny said it.
“I know we might not be your first choice, but we have a lot of resources, especially Bruce.”
The air around them seemed to drop several degrees again as Jason leaned forward. His eyes took on an unsettlingly green tint. “If you ever gave a shit about us being family, then promise me you’ll never take Danny into that house.”
“You know better than anyone what he’s like.” There was something unsaid in that statement, something Dick seemed to understand as his expression turned grim.
The waitress announced her presence again. She seemed to have a knack for knowing when things were getting tense. Was it just a coincidence? Or had she been listening?
After setting the food down, she wagged her finger at Dick. “Don’t argue with little Jay. Spend the time catching up.” She then smiled at Jason. “Good to see you back. We missed your visits. You finally grew up, but your hair makes you look like a punk.” Laughing at how he started sputtering, she gave him a fond pat on the shoulder. “Can’t wait to tell my grandchildren how the good food here helped you grow so tall.” She then vanished back through the door.
Tim quickly took a few bites as Jason sulked. He actually sulked as he tugged on the tuft of white hair. “It’s not like I can do anything about it.” That meant it wasn’t likely it was dyed. Tim had heard stories people who went through trauma sometimes went prematurely grey, so maybe that’s why he had it. Jason noticed his stare and raised a questioning eyebrow. “You used to follow us,” he stated after taking a bite.
“You saw me? Bruce didn’t even know. Wait…” Every once in a while, when he was taking photos, it seemed as if Robin was posing. He figured it was just coincidental, but if Jason knew, then he had specifically done that for Tim.
“I think he sometimes overlooks kids, wants to believe they’re innocent and all that,” he explained after taking a bite of his own dish. “It was too dangerous for me not to do that growing up. Kids were sometimes used as lures for more nefarious things. OW!” Danny had elbowed him in the rib before making a ‘get on with it’ gesture. “Alright, alright. Tim, are you okay?”
That question caught him off guard. Jason must have sensed his question as he gestured to his own neck. Oh! “Yeah, Selena helped patch me up.”
“Good.” It wasn’t an apology, but Tim could sense Jason’s unease. Maybe he really hadn’t intended to hurt him.
An uneasy silence fell between them as they focused on their dinner. Eventually, Dick decided to speak up. “Jay, what are you planning? You’ve been killing people. Unless you were framed. Have you been framed?”
“Nope.” Jason just smiled at the donning horror on his brother’s face. “It’s not like I don’t have morals. There’s a reason I didn’t kill Scarecrow.”
Dick’s phone rang, but he ignored it as he leveled a look at the younger man. “Jason!”
He rolled his eyes. “Do you really think His way is working? The so-called treatment at Arkham is a joke, and don’t get me started on the security there. Blackgate’s not much better.” Contempt briefly crossed his face. “Fix the revolving door. Then maybe, just maybe, I’ll consider stopping.” His chair scraped across the floor as he stood, “Are you ready Danny?”
“Yep! It was nice meeting you. Thanks for the meal!”
“Wait!” Dick tried to follow them when his phone rang again. It had to be Bruce, otherwise, he wouldn’t have answered it. Strangely, Jason stopped in the doorway to watch. “Can this wait a minute? I’m kind of busy here…” He listened for a moment before staring at Jason. “What did you do?”
“What? Can’t a guy leave flowers on his mother’s grave?” The grin Jason gave him made Tim’s hair stand on end. “Oh, you’re talking about Shelia’s grave. Maybe ask Bruce what really happened that day. ‘Loving mother’, my ass.” He gave a slight salute before shooing Danny through the door. “See ya later, Dickie-bird.”
Department of Extranormal Operations (DEO) - Originally introduced in Action Comics (Superman) #775, but recently popularized in the Supergirl TV show. The role of the DEO is to monitor those with extranormal superpowers and to prevent any threat to the general public. To me, it makes sense that the Guys in White would be under their jurisdiction.
I accidentally decided I loved this waitress while I was writing her. I hope she comes across as motherly and a bit pushy as she sounds in my head
There are 3 different and official heights for Jason regarding when he died. 4’6, 5’0. 5’4”…. I’m going with just under 5’0”. Jay just looks so tiny all the time as Robin.
I know this gets murky in both the later comics (especially during the batshit crazy days) and in the fandom, but Jason does have a very specific moral code in the comics regarding who he will and won't kill. You see this in the Red Hood: the Lost Days and even in Under the Red Hood.
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weerd1 · 5 months
ENT Rewatch Starlog, 26 April, 2024: Episode 3.20 “The Forgotten”
Enterprise heads to the rendezvous coordinates provided by Degra while Archer eulogizes the 18 crewmembers lost in the battle at Azati Prime. He asks Trip to write the letter to the parents of a young woman from Trip’s team who was one of the victims, Crewman Taylor. T’Pol meanwhile is not showing more withdrawal symptoms, and the Trellium is all but gone from her system, but she has lost the ability to ignore her emotions. 
Arriving at the coordinates, Enterprise initially finds only more subspace anomalies, but then as if from nowhere, Degra’s ship appears and leads them through a cloaking field to a nearby sphere.
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Archer begins to talk to Degra and the Arboreal names Jannar, then brings them on to Enterprise to show them the Reptilians recovered in the 21st century along with their bioweapon. Jannar remains somewhat skeptical but Degra begins to believe Archer. 
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Trip dreams of Taylor and realizes how much she’s reminding him of his sister Elizabeth. He’s called to action though when a plasma conduit bursts, and the flow must be shut off from outside of the ship. He and Reed go out to stop the burn, and Malcolm is overheated, but they are successful. Trip repeatedly confronts Degra angrily, with both T’Pol and Archer get him to back down. 
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A Reptilian ship appears planning to capture Enterprise, but Degra works with Archer to destroy them; he has seen the data Archer captured from INSIDE the damaged sphere earlier on, and it all begins to come together for him. He give Archer coordinates though a subspace corridor to appear before the Xindi council in three days and departs. 
Trip realizes how badly he’s conflating Taylor with Elizabeth and breaks down in front of T’Pol, she comforts him and they each lament how they envy how the other experiences emotions. Trip completes his letter, and says farewell to Elizabeth afterward. 
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This episode puts things in place for the last act of this season with the maker of the Xindi weapon now fully aware of how the Sphere Builders have deceived them, and willing to assist. Trip’s anger with Degra works here, and we get some really good work from Connor Trinneer as Trip goes through the torment of loss. 
Yes, I still despise the “T’Pol is an addict” storyline, however nothing but praise to Jolene Blalock in how she plays it, in particular the scene where T’Pol comforts Trip.  A lot of things I’d have done differently in her story, but my little TnT/Tri’Pol/Floridaman in Space and his Gorgeous Alien Girlfriend shipper heart feels that scene keenly.  
Also, keep your eyes open for a Trek/Orville crossover before there even was an Orville, as Seth MacFarlane has a short guest role as an engineering officer Trip yells at. And this episode is very ably directed by none other than Levar Burton expanding his Trek credits!
NEXT VOYAGE: Enterprise finds some very familiar faces on “E2”!
(Images taken from the main website for @trekcore; I am happy to remove the images if asked.)
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fibermarts · 10 months
MTP Cable Polarity: Navigating the Complexity of Fiber Optic Connections
The purpose of MTP cable is to enable data transfer over many fibers at once. The standard configuration of an MTP connection has 12 or 24 fibers, hence enabling higher data capacity. The arrangement of the fibers inside the cable, known as polarity, guarantees that messages are reliably carried from one end to the other.
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MTP cable polarity types
A: Line-of-Sight Polarity
The MTP connector's fibers at one end keep their places at the other end when using Method A. There is no fiber crossing or switching.
This technique is frequently applied in scenarios where straightforward connecting without alterations to fiber locations is required.
Method B: In pairs of Inverted Polarity
In Method B, the fiber pairs in the middle of the MTP cable are flipped, resulting in a crossing pattern.
When a crossover design is required for optimal signal transmission and a straight-through connection is impractical, this technique is frequently employed.
Method C: In pairs Inverted Polarity
Method C crosses fiber pairs in a similar way to Method B, but it does so by switching the locations of two neighboring fibers within each pair.
When a more intricate connection pattern is needed, this approach is useful.
Importance of MTP and MPO Cable Polarity
Preserving signal integrity and averting data transmission mistakes depends on MTP cables having the proper polarity. Effective communication between the transmitter and receiver at opposite ends is ensured by proper polarity alignment. In the end, mismatched polarities might affect the fiber optic network's overall performance by causing signal loss and degradation.
Fiber optic networks' dependability and efficiency are essential in the fast-paced world of data transfer. Because of their large fiber count, MTP cables are essential for fulfilling the needs of contemporary connection.
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It is vital to comprehend and apply the appropriate MTP cable polarity, whether via Method A, Method B, or Method C, to guarantee uninterrupted connection and smooth data transfer throughout the network. Building and maintaining reliable fiber optic systems requires an understanding of the nuances of MTP cable polarity, which is imperative given the increasing need for increased bandwidth.
More Information: Demystifying The Importance Of MTP Cables In High-Density Fiber Environments
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laabhum · 6 days
What is automated trading and how does it work ?
In today's fast-paced financial markets, trading has evolved far beyond the traditional methods of buying and selling securities through human brokers. One of the most significant advancements in this space is automated trading, a system that allows trades to be executed automatically based on pre-set conditions and algorithms. This article explores what automated trading is, how it works, and why it has become so popular among both institutional and retail traders.
What is Automated Trading?
Automated trading, also known as algorithmic trading or algo trading, refers to the use of computer algorithms to execute trades in financial markets. These algorithms are designed to follow a set of rules and strategies that dictate when to buy or sell assets, the size of the trades, and the conditions under which they should be executed.
The core idea behind automated trading is to remove human emotions and biases from the trading process, allowing trades to be executed more efficiently and consistently. This can involve anything from simple strategies, like moving average crossovers, to complex mathematical models that analyze vast amounts of data in real-time.
How Does Automated Trading Work?
Automated trading systems work by following a series of steps:
Strategy Development:
The first step in automated trading is developing a trading strategy. This can be based on technical indicators, statistical models, or even machine learning algorithms. Traders or developers will backtest these strategies using historical data to ensure they would have been profitable in the past.
Programming the Algorithm:
Once the strategy is finalized, it is converted into a set of rules or code that a computer can execute. This algorithm will define the conditions under which a trade should be placed, how much capital should be allocated, and when to exit a trade.
Market Analysis:
The automated system continuously monitors the market for conditions that match the programmed criteria. This involves analyzing data from various sources, such as price feeds, news updates, and market indicators.
Trade Execution:
When the algorithm identifies a trading opportunity, it automatically executes the trade. This can happen in milliseconds, far faster than a human trader could act.
Risk Management:
Effective automated trading systems also incorporate risk management rules, such as stop-loss orders and position sizing. These rules are crucial to limit potential losses and protect profits.
Monitoring and Optimization:
After deployment, the system needs to be monitored and optimized regularly. Market conditions can change, and what worked yesterday might not work tomorrow. Continuous improvement ensures the system remains effective over time.
Benefits of Automated Trading
Automated trading offers several advantages, which have contributed to its widespread adoption:
Speed and Efficiency: Algorithms can process information and execute trades far faster than any human, allowing traders to capitalize on opportunities that last only for a fraction of a second.
Consistency: Automated systems operate based on predefined rules, eliminating emotional decision-making, which can often lead to inconsistent results.
24/7 Operation: Automated trading systems can operate around the clock, taking advantage of global markets that are open 24 hours a day.
Backtesting: Traders can test their strategies against historical data to see how they would have performed, allowing for better strategy refinement before risking real money.
Diversification: Algorithms can manage multiple trading accounts or strategies simultaneously, spreading risk across various assets and markets.
Challenges of Automated Trading
While automated trading offers many benefits, it also comes with certain challenges:
Technical Issues: Automated systems rely on technology, which means they can be prone to glitches, connectivity issues, or other technical failures that could result in significant losses.
Over-Optimization: There is a risk of over-optimizing a strategy based on historical data, leading to poor performance in live markets due to unforeseen market conditions.
Complexity: Developing and maintaining a robust automated trading system requires a deep understanding of both trading and programming, which can be a barrier for many traders.
Market Impact: High-frequency trading, a subset of automated trading, has been criticized for contributing to market volatility and flash crashes, where the market drops sharply in a very short period.
Automated trading has revolutionized the financial markets by enabling faster, more efficient, and more consistent trading. While it offers significant advantages, it's important to understand the risks and challenges involved. Whether you're an institutional trader looking to execute large orders or a retail trader seeking to eliminate emotions from your trading, automated trading can be a powerful tool when used correctly.
As technology continues to advance, the role of automated trading in financial markets is only expected to grow, making it an essential area of knowledge for anyone involved in trading or investing.
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eafxstorevcvwe · 20 days
Understanding Forex Trend Indicators
In the world of foreign exchange trading, identifying the direction of a trend is crucial for making informed trading decisions. Forex trend indicators are tools that help traders determine whether a currency pair is trending upward, downward, or moving sideways. These indicators are fundamental for devising strategies and executing trades effectively. Let’s explore some of the most commonly used Forex trend indicators and how they can enhance your trading performance.
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Moving Averages
Moving averages are among the most popular trend indicators. They smooth out price data to help identify the direction of the trend. The Simple Moving Average (SMA) calculates the average price over a specific number of periods, while the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) gives more weight to recent prices. By comparing different moving averages, such as the 50-period and 200-period, traders can identify potential buy or sell signals. When a shorter-term moving average crosses above a longer-term one, it may indicate an uptrend, while the opposite crossover could signal a downtrend.
Average True Range (ATR)
The Average True Range (ATR) measures market volatility rather than direction. However, understanding volatility is crucial for trend analysis. A higher ATR indicates increased volatility, which often accompanies strong trends. Traders use ATR to set stop-loss orders and to gauge the potential range of price movements. A rising ATR suggests that a trend may be gaining strength, whereas a declining ATR could indicate a potential reversal or weakening trend.
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)
The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is a versatile indicator that combines moving averages with momentum analysis. It consists of two lines: the MACD line and the signal line. When the MACD line crosses above the signal line, it generates a bullish signal, suggesting the potential for an upward trend. Conversely, when the MACD line crosses below the signal line, it could indicate a bearish trend. The MACD also includes a histogram that represents the difference between the MACD and signal lines, providing additional insight into trend strength.
Bollinger Bands
Bollinger Bands consist of a middle band (SMA) and two outer bands that represent standard deviations from the SMA. The bands expand and contract based on market volatility. When the bands widen, it indicates increased volatility and potential trend strength. Conversely, when the bands contract, it suggests lower volatility and a potential trend reversal or consolidation. Traders use Bollinger Bands to identify potential entry and exit points based on price touching or breaching the bands.
Ichimoku Cloud
The Ichimoku Cloud is a comprehensive indicator that provides information on support and resistance levels, Forex Trading Robot, and momentum. It consists of five lines: Tenkan-sen, Kijun-sen, Senkou Span A, Senkou Span B, and Chikou Span. The area between Senkou Span A and Senkou Span B forms the “cloud.” Price above the cloud indicates an uptrend, while price below the cloud suggests a downtrend. The cloud’s thickness can also provide insights into the strength of the trend.
Parabolic SAR
The Parabolic SAR (Stop and Reverse) is a trend-following indicator that provides potential entry and exit points. It appears as dots on the chart, with dots below the price indicating an uptrend and dots above the price signaling a downtrend. The indicator helps traders set trailing stop-loss orders and recognize potential trend reversals.
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Genloss & <R> smp crossover.. fuck yeah
am not too sure of the designs & roles just yet, but ah don't wanna reuse the roles in Genloss, sooo... yippee.. some things may change later on!!
i have,, so many thoughts about this. please ask me things about this lil crossover if u wish, because my goodness my head is just this rn (& a bit of Pix1riffs but sshhhh)
also my memory somehow heavily fuvked up my recall of Deytra's Garfilled human design???????? ah was taking inspiration from it but my memory is worse then ah thought,,, whoops? here's the link to it anyways—
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coineagle · 1 month
Ethereum’s Next Move: Rising to $2,800 or Descending to $2,500? Key Factors to Consider
Key Points
Ethereum (ETH) is currently in a 4-hour symmetrical triangle, indicating a potential rally.
Market activity for Ethereum has been modest, with a slight price increase of 2.45%.
Ethereum (ETH), at the time of reporting, is trapped in a 4-hour symmetrical triangle, showing no obvious directional trend.
On-chain data hints at a potential rally on the horizon.
Ethereum’s Market Activity
Ethereum’s market activity has been relatively calm, with a minor price increase of 2.45%, now trading around the $2,600 mark.
This type of price behavior is common when an asset is trading within a symmetrical triangle, a pattern defined by converging diagonal upper and lower lines.
Historically, such trading patterns have frequently resulted in significant price movements, either upwards or downwards.
Analyst Predictions for Ethereum
Crypto analyst Carl Runefelt recently suggested that Ethereum is at a crossroads, facing a decision that could either trigger a drop to new lows or potentially drive Ethereum to a new monthly high.
Runefelt provided a 4-hour chart to illustrate potential price targets, based on the direction Ethereum takes, with a potential bullish target at $2,800 and a potential bearish target at $2,350.
At such a crucial point, it’s vital to identify additional confluences.
‘In the money’ Traders and Ethereum
Using the In and Out of Money Around Price (IOMAP) indicator, it was analyzed whether traders in profit (in the money) or at a loss (out of the money) could impact Ethereum’s price direction.
“In the money” signifies that trades are currently profitable and act as a support zone, while “out of the money” represents unprofitable trades, serving as resistance.
According to IntoTheBlock, Ethereum has rebounded from the $2,597.37 support, with transactions involving 2.39 million addresses holding over $8 billion in Ethereum.
This level is crucial for potentially driving the price upward. However, significant resistance from traders that are out of the money is expected at $2,677.33, $2,760.00, and $2,831.77.
Even though these resistance levels pose challenges, the current bullish momentum, which is outweighing selling pressure, suggests Ethereum may trend toward or exceed $2,800.
Buyer Interest in Ethereum
Momentum among Ethereum traders is rising, as indicated by the Moving Average Convergence and Divergence (MACD).
This tool monitors the relationship between two moving averages of Ethereum’s price, aiding in identifying changes in momentum and direction.
Recently, the MACD signaled a bullish crossover, suggesting that buyers are actively entering the market and may continue to push the price upward.
Furthermore, Ethereum’s momentum has been increasing, with the MACD trending toward positive territory. This indicates a strong possibility of continued price increases.
The Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) also supports this bullish outlook. It has been rising since the 18th of August, indicating that buying pressure was increasing.
If this trend continues, it could further drive Ethereum’s price higher to the $2,800 target.
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accapitalmarket · 1 month
UK Employment Data and US PPI Ahead: Technical Outlook for GBP/USD and EUR/USD
1. Pound To Driven by UK Employment
Recently, BoE Monetary Policy Committee’s member Catherine Mann warned that UK inflation might rebound in the coming months. She noted that while inflation has decreased, the price trend may take a long time to fully subside. Mann was one of the policymakers who voted to keep interest rates unchanged at the last meeting.
In August, the Bank of England cut rates by 25 basis points for the first time. However, the central bank took a cautious approach, indicating that more evidence was needed to confirm that inflation was under control. Therefore, future rate cuts may not be too fast or extensive. BoE stated that rate decisions would be based on “meeting-by-meeting”, leading to investors uncertainty about future rate path.
The market, however, currently sees another rate cut by the Bank of England in September, but this expectation largely depends on upcoming economic data. Today’s UK employment data, including average earnings, claimant count change, and unemployment rate, will provide some clues for traders. Strong employment data could hinder the September cuts probability, while weak data might reinforce the case for more cuts.
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On the technical front, GBP/USD rebounded after touching around the 1.2700 level, which also coincides with the 200-day moving average support. This is the second time since May's uptrend that the pair has touched the 200-day MA, potentially marking the recent low.
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In the short term, GBP/USD has rebounded after multiple supports in the 1.2700 to 1.2660 area and has broken above the 1.2730 short-term resistance. This rebound has formed a small trend reversal on the hourly chart, with a bullish crossover between the 20-hour and 50-hour moving averages. This suggests that the recent decline may have bottomed out, increasing the likelihood of a reversal.
Additionally, a wedge or ascending channel pattern has formed. If GBP/USD breaks above this pattern and the 1.2775 resistance level, further upside movement may be expected.
Today’s UK employment data could be a significant catalyst for GBP/USD. Meanwhile, US Producer Price Index (PPI) data, scheduled for release during the US trading session, could also impact the dollar. A lower-than-expected PPI might be bearish for the dollar, potentially driving GBP/USD higher.
2. US PPI Provides Inflation Clues
Tonight, the US Producer Price Index (PPI) will be the first major US economic data of the week for investors. This data could provide key insights into US inflation. If tonight’s PPI data indicates further easing of inflation from producer’s end, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) may also decline, which could strengthen market expectations for a Federal Reserve rate cut and weaken the dollar.
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Following lower-than-expected US non-farm payrolls earlier in the month, EUR/USD saw a significant rise. Although there was a quick pullback after extending gains last week, the price has recently stabilized above the 1.0900 to 1.0910 range. Traders remain optimistic about the euro.
Maintaining above 1.0900 indicates continued bullish momentum, but additional positive factors are needed to push the price higher. Tonight’s US PPI data might serve as the necessary catalyst.
Currently, a clear price range is observed between 1.0910 and 1.0940. A breakout above the 1.0940 level could lead to further gains for EUR/USD. However, with tonight’s PPI data still pending, traders should monitor for potential breakouts from this range.
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josephinesaro22 · 3 months
Understanding Various Crypto Trading Bots and Their Functions
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In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency trading, where markets run around the clock and volatility may swing dramatically in minutes, traders are growing more dependent on automation to capitalize on chances. One of the most often used tools in this regard is the crypto trading bot. These bots are programmed to make trades using established algorithms and methods, to maximize profit while avoiding the emotional biases that so often limit human traders. 
Overview of Crypto Trading Bots
What are Crypto Trading Bots?
Crypto trading bots are software programs that communicate with cryptocurrency exchanges and carry out trades on behalf of users. They can evaluate market conditions, make trades based on predetermined parameters, and manage portfolios quickly and efficiently.
History and Evolution of Trading Bots
The idea of trading bots is not new, but its use in the cryptocurrency world has grown rapidly. Initially, bots were simple and primarily used for arbitrage. They now include a diverse set of tactics and functions to accommodate a variety of trading styles and preferences. 
Benefits of Using Trading Bots
The benefits of using crypto trading bots are numerous:
Automation: Bots can operate 24/7, executing trades even when the trader is asleep or occupied.
Speed: They can execute trades at speeds and frequencies beyond human capability, taking advantage of fleeting market opportunities.
Emotion-Free Trading: Bots trade based on predefined rules and algorithms, eliminating emotional decision-making.
Backtesting and Strategy Development: Traders can backtest their strategies using historical data to refine their approach before deploying real capital.
Types of Crypto Trading Bots
Arbitrage Bots
Arbitrage bots exploit price differences between exchanges for the same asset. They acquire from the lower-priced exchange and sell on the higher-priced market, earning from the price difference.
Market-Making Bots
Market-making bots create liquidity by executing limit orders on both sides of the order book. They earn from the difference between purchase and sell prices while also contributing to market stability.
Trend Following Bots
Trend-following bots identify and capitalize on market price movements. They buy when the price rises and sell when it falls, hoping to profit from the momentum.
Scalping Bots
Scalping bots execute a large number of small trades, profiting from small price differentials. They aim to make quick profits from short-term market fluctuations.
Coin Lending Bots
Coin lending bots facilitate lending cryptocurrencies to borrowers in exchange for interest. They automate the lending process and manage the lending portfolio on behalf of the user.
Signal Bots
Signal bots analyze market signals and indicators to generate buy or sell signals. They assist traders in making informed decisions based on technical analysis and market trends.
How Crypto Trading Bots Work
Algorithm and Strategy Implementation
Crypto trading bots operate based on algorithms and trading strategies programmed by their users. These strategies can range from simple moving average crossovers to complex machine learning algorithms.
Integration with Crypto Exchanges
Bots connect to cryptocurrency exchanges via APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), which allow them to access market data, execute trades, and manage accounts securely.
Risk Management Features
Effective risk management is crucial in bot trading. Features such as stop-loss orders, position sizing, and portfolio diversification help mitigate risks and protect capital.
Monitoring and Adjustments
Users monitor bot performance and make adjustments to strategies based on market conditions and bot performance metrics. Continuous monitoring ensures bots operate effectively.
Pros of Using Crypto Trading Bots
24/7 Trading: Bots can trade non-stop, taking advantage of global market movements.
Emotion-Free Trading: Eliminates emotional biases and errors in decision-making.
Speed and Efficiency: Executes trades faster than human traders, capturing opportunities instantly.
Choosing the Right Crypto Trading Bot
1. Factors to Consider
When deciding on a cryptocurrency trading bot, traders should consider:
Cost and Fees: Upfront costs and ongoing fees associated with the bot.
Customizability: Ability to customize trading strategies and parameters.
User Interface and Support: Ease of use, customer support availability, and community reviews.
2. Popular Crypto Trading Bots in the Market
Several popular bots include:
3Commas: Known for its user-friendly interface and multiple trading bots.
HaasOnline: Offers a range of customizable bots and advanced trading tools.
CryptoHopper: A cloud-based bot with a marketplace of trading strategies.
Best Practices for Using Crypto Trading Bots
1. Setting Realistic Expectations
Setting realistic expectations is crucial when using crypto trading bots. Understand their capabilities and limitations. Don't expect big profits all the time without risk. 
Factors such as market conditions and bot activity will affect results. Monitor and adjust strategies regularly. Stay on top of market trends so you can adapt effectively. A balance of expectations and market reality improves bot trading.
2. Regular Monitoring and Adjustments
Regular monitoring and adjustments are crucial to optimizing the performance of a crypto trading bot. Traders should monitor bot activity, review trading results, and adjust strategies based on market conditions. 
This proactive approach ensures that bots continue to work efficiently, adapt to changing market trends, and maximize trading opportunities in the dynamic cryptocurrency market.
3. Staying Informed on Market Trends
Staying on top of the market trends is crucial to successfully using crypto trading robots. Regularly monitor crypto news, analyze market data and stay up to date on regulatory changes. 
Understanding these trends will help you effectively adjust bot strategies and take advantage of new opportunities in the dynamic crypto market.
Crypto trading bots have transformed the way traders interact with cryptocurrency markets by bringing speed, efficiency, and automation. Understanding the various types of bots and their functions empowers traders to choose the right tool for their trading objectives. As technology continues to advance, the future of crypto trading bots looks promising, with innovations in AI and machine learning further enhancing their capabilities. By integrating bots into their trading arsenal and adopting best practices, traders can optimize their trading strategies and capitalize on the opportunities presented by the dynamic cryptocurrency markets.
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market-news-24 · 4 months
A recent bullish signal for Ethereum has sparked speculation among traders on the popular platform TradingView. The signal indicates a potential opportunity for investors to buy the cryptocurrency at a favorable price. With the Market activity heating up, many are closely watching Ethereum's price movements for potential profit-making opportunities. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] The Ethereum Market has been quite busy lately. After a tough price drop last week, the second-largest cryptocurrency, Ethereum (ETH), has seen a small recovery. This has left investors wondering if this is the beginning of a strong upward trend or just a temporary bounce before another fall. ETH has surged by 3.7% in the last 24 hours, riding the wave of a general positive sentiment in the crypto Market. This comes after a significant drop that brought ETH down to $2,850. Some analysts, like Ali, have even predicted a possible rebound based on a buy signal he spotted on ETH's chart. But not everyone is convinced. On-chain data shows conflicting signals, with CryptoQuant's data indicating a rise in ETH's exchange reserves, suggesting investors might be selling rather than buying. Santiment's data also shows an increase in ETH's supply on exchanges in the past week. The behavior of large investors, or "whales," further muddies the waters. While ETH held by top addresses has stayed steady, it's unclear whether this means a wait-and-see approach or a potential Market top. Despite these mixed signals, some metrics hint at potential growth for ETH. The Network To Value (NVT) ratio has dropped significantly, potentially signaling an undervaluation that could lead to a price increase. Market sentiment surrounding ETH is contradictory, with some analysts bullish while technical indicators offer a less clear picture. The RSI and MFI have dropped recently, indicating a possible loss of momentum, while the MACD presents a bullish crossover, suggesting a continuation of the uptrend. In conclusion, while signs point to a potential bull run for Ethereum, the conflicting signals from exchange reserves, whale behavior, and technical indicators make it hard to predict with certainty. Image source: Popular Mechanics, chart from TradingView. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. What is the latest news about Ethereum on TradingView? - TradingView has reported a fresh buy signal for Ethereum, sparking speculation among traders. 2. What does a buy signal mean for Ethereum? - A buy signal indicates that traders are optimistic about the price of Ethereum going up, prompting speculation and potential buying activity. 3. Should I buy Ethereum based on this news? - It's important to do your own research and consider all factors before making any investment decisions, including the buy signal reported on TradingView. 4. How does news like this affect Ethereum's price? - Positive news like a buy signal can potentially impact Ethereum's price by increasing demand and driving up the value of the cryptocurrency.
5. Where can I find more information and analysis on Ethereum's current Market trends? - You can visit TradingView for more updates, analysis, and insights on Ethereum's performance in the Market. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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inspector-irratino · 5 months
Murdle Website Update! - Carousel's Thoughts
Poking around the website data right now, and finding a lot of information! it doesn't seem like the new suspects (Miss Ruby; Agent Fuscia & Major Red) are fully ready, but the new suspect gallery and what we do know looks to be a real delight!
The new headers also look a right treat, and Pacifico is a soft spot font of mine (the font used for the subtitle). The new gallery entries are also very pretty, if not pointing to the wrong image sometimes. I've already put a bug report in, and it's a very easy fix. I also really love the new buttons, they're incredibly stylish.
The automatic Xs is a feature I'm on the fence about. I love the inclusion, but I'm so used to doing murdles a specific way that it disrupts my workflow a little. I love it for the minis, and I think it'll really help new people get into it.
The marot seems to be broken for the foreseeable, which is always a loss. There also seems to be a new M currency, but it doesn't persist nor is it stored in your streak data. It also is not impacted by your solving time whatsoever, which is interesting to me!
The Moriarty Console and crossover murdles are also fully open to the public, permanently. Let's solve some cryptics! As well as that, Escape The Crypt is fully open, and seems to be repeating the same story on a week by week basis for anyone that missed it over halloween.
My plan for updating the spreadsheet is including ALL art listed, saying who it was done by, and doing it by character. In the cases of repeat images (sirrulean.png & sirrulean.webp and the issues with Président Amaranth, I'll include each image, not each file.)
Murdle Volume 3 is out in the US, and comes out in the UK in one week (9th May), so keep an eye on your bookstores! Very excited for the release personally.
The new suspects' fingerprints aren't listed correctly, and their birthdays aren't listed yet. Major Red's fingerprint is Silverton the Legend's, and Agent Fuscia and Miss Ruby has theirs listed as "X".
Their specific sentences are as follows:
AGENT FUSCIA 🕵: - Confession : Don't worry. I have a license to kill! - Statement : Officially, - Marot Interpretation : Learning a new skill
MISS RUBY 🤵🏻‍♀️: - Confession : I don't mind going to jail. It's a challenge to escape. - Statement : Well, well, well - Marot Interpretation : Taking something you desire
MAJOR RED 🪖: - Confession : I am not guilty: society is! - Statement : By the revolution - Marot Interpretation : Making a break with the past
We've also gone from update pisces to update crab! I think Karber just really likes his sea critters. ( Might be because it sounds like "secrets" /silly )
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The page number seems to be automatically generated every time you open the clue.
Very excited to play murdle with these changes, and very much looking forward to the hammering out of major bugs with update crab!
EDIT : I found art for Cosmonaut Bluski, though he isn't on the website yet officially! Let's see what the future holds!
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