songsaa · 6 months
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I didn’t forget about the ppl who followed for dd or those one ocs, here u go‼️
Anyways on to my rambling, I absolutely think Dismas and Flagellant would be best friends who (accidentally) stress each other out. FLAGGY ALSO IS DISMAS’ WINGMAN FS, he definitely sucks at it but its the thought that counts
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pinkieclown · 3 months
HII!! 19 and 23 for that ask game? :DD
hai mystic!!! thanks for the ask yippee!!
19. What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song?
Oopsadaizee probably listens to a lot of ‘karaoke songs’ if that makes sense? like classic 80s/90s pop and rock yk, lots of ABBA :3 i dont think they have one favorite song, but Mickey by Toni Basil is definitely up there for them! it never fails to get them dancing hehe
23. What is a random fact about your OC?
Oopsadaizee and Etcetera are dating!! theyre total cuddle fiends and when together are almost always in each others’ space, nuzzling or snuggling together :3
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antisyscourse · 3 months
rambling about us again because i think it’s fun: every time we hyperfixate on a media we just wait around because there’s a high chance we end up forming someone from it. all ok chat who’s it going to be this time. (4 of us as of right now are fictives from: blaseball (two of us), 17776 (one of us), and rain world (one of us).)
also, does anyone else go into this kind-of fuzzy period when a sysmate is forming? hard to explain but we cannot point out any specific dates for when a headmate formed and instead rely more-so on when we hyperfixated on a media (can only really use this if the alter in question is a fictive, which majority ruling) it’s sort-of. difficult to put into words sorry hold on. i tend to guess we have someone new somewhere when we see an uptick in our symptoms (more blurry than usual, dissociating more, etcetera list goes on) but it’s hard to point at a day and say “oh, xyz formed here!” which could very well be explained by The Rise In Symptoms but we also just kinda. appear when we appear if that makes sense?
- ⚾️🌧️🛰️
we do that too. we always get fictives from medias we consume :,)
we have that too sometimes, depending on the amount of alters forming and why they formed in the first place!!! :DD
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[ID: STOP! this is a syscourse free blog! it is a safe space for all systems, so please go away if you intend upon stirring up drama!]
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ultimateloserboy · 2 years
hai tumblr im sorry but i have no clue how to use this site so erm yeah. Anyway hi Im Applejuice! (he/him vey/vem bun/bem)
IM A MINOR (but older than youd think) and i really really “like” (hyperfixated on) dont hug me im scared (and cult of the lamb) (and shadow the hedgehog) (and gravity falls) (and the lego movies) (and the trolls movies) (and sam and max) (etcetera etcetera)
Anyway i hope its fun around here :DD I have some arts to share and words to spew!!!
edit i have gotten more used to things and dont be fooled by my past innocence i am EVIL and UNHINGED!!!! (i will say inappropriate and sometimes violent jokes please dont follow if that makes u uncomfy !!)
edit edit ive tagged all my art under #loserboyarts so you dont have to sort through my ramblings to find them !!!
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cometchasr · 12 days
DD #2: 10/09/2023
i know the previous one was 3 but we're restarting thats 1 now
anyways. welcome back. had to take a small break due to me procrastinating homework. but this time, we will be taking a short look at the proper 仙侠 aspect of DoP.
from my (probably very bad) understanding of how 修炼ing works, i've made the following framework (and fit it for my purposes):
to 修炼, you need the method and the activator. the method is essentially just an instruction manual. i do not understand how it works properly, but basically imagine some sort of ancient text, and you gain the powers from it by 修炼ing it. different texts give different stuff, most texts only work for specific groups of pokemon, etcetera. most texts, however, are rather abundant due to the literacy culture. not all. the 等离子卷 (plasma scrolls), which contain zeraora-specific moves, are hidden in a shrine on a mountain where a famous zeraora 修士 used to live, for example. this means that most of the normal ones that work for most pokemon are widely available, and then the more specific ones are abit more obscure.
however, we have thing #2 to stop us: activators. basically, magical herbs that are ludicrously rare. because i dont want to deal with 3 million billion magic users, i put an essentially hard cap on how far you can go without very rare herbs. most pokemon therefore stop here, where the benefits of 修炼ing havent really shown themselves much. it, in general, takes a lot of effort and a lot of resources, so most of the time it's not worth it.
legendaries and mythicals have much higher caps and 修炼 faster, though, with legendaries higher than mythicals, which is why they're mythicals: rare and good at magic. legendaries are just deities so obviously better.
not me trying to never research how 仙侠 works properly
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objecteiespai · 5 months
Per últim, no podiem obviar l’eina de creació i enviament de butlletins més populars que existeix actualment. Mailchimp ofereix un compte gratuït que permet enviar 12000 correus electrònics al mes a 2000 usuaris de la vostra base de dades.
Incorpora moltes més funcionalitats, com connexió a Wordpress, Google Analytics, xarxes socials i un llarg etcetera. Destaca molt positivament per les seves estadístiques, on mostren moltes dades d’obertura i temps de lectura.
Mailchimp també disposa d’altres plans, amb diferents preus. Amb múltiples funcionalitats. Sens dubte, és l’eina més popular, degut a l’alt grau de fiabilitat.
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the-excellent-papyru · 9 months
Another MD DD squad!
RGB (Hailey, Eliza, Brooklyn): Used to be humans (names in parentheses are their human names), volunteered to donate their consciences to JCJIS to become disassembly drones, polyamorous lesbian relationship.
R: Leader of the squad; usually cold and haphephobic, but is cuddly and soft when she's alone with G and B and not hunting/planning/etcetera, also friendly but seemingly haphephobic when her guard is down; red eyes; red nanite acid (125× as powerful as yellow nanite acid); purple hair; has railgun instead of laser cannon; her blades (claws included) have nano-thin edges, making them insanely sharp; ninja stars have a chance to explode.
G: Shortest; the pilot; basically short female N with green nanite acid (25× as strong as yellow nanite acid) and green eyes. Wings have vents to help with overheating. Also about 10× as peppy and intelligent as N.
B: Tallest; quiet; stoic; has a soft side; navy blue hair; blue eyes; blue nanite acid (5× as strong as yellow nanite acid); has those AbsoluteSolver security camera looking things that can make holograms, often uses them to disguise the squad as worker drones. Sneaky sneaky. Sneaking into your colony. Get snuck upon.
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after-out-of-place · 10 months
Epilogue - Sleeping
"Nah, nah. I-it's fine. I'll get comfortable later and you can just have the whole mattress to yourself for a bit. No biggie." This had been the ritual for the past weeks, since the two of them moved in to the unnamed Duck Sanctuary: every night Bubble-Glub would awkwardly insist DD just get into bed first, reassuring her they'd be fine with it while using different excuses: being a night-owl; being used to weird hours; dotting the i's on the last paperwork of the day, etcetera. Usually Bubble-Glub would curiously be 'up early' the following morning, but more than once had DD found them asleep on the floor of the bedroom, propped up on multiple pillows and rolled into blankets. She didn't ask, or press the issue: it had been 'fine' so far, since the two musicians/partners had been living parallel to one-another due to dealing with sponsorships; band interviews; jam sessions and everything regarding the Sanctuary - but sweet words could only stave off the problem for so long.
The next night would be theirs, she decided. As night fell and the two went through their nightly rituals (Bubble-Glub insisted to "check up on Marcie, just in case"), DD simply waited, pretending to be asleep. Bubble-Glub entered the room some ten minutes later, trying not to shine too brightly, and would make themselves as comfortable as possible on the floor. DD still waited, until the faint green bioluminescence steadied and a soft gurgling emerged from the pile of pillows, blankets and person: the sounds of being asleep. She then got up quietly, grabbing her pillow, walking to the foot of the bed where Bubble-Glub had decided to hunker down. She laid down next to them, getting as comfortable as possible. It startled them awake, not moving out of surprise. "W-what? I, uh, you don't, uh- Why ain't you in bed?" DD pressed a little closer, still, taking one of their arms and gently wrapping it around herself. "I can't sleep if you're not in the same space.", she whispered, smiling.
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Homestuck, page 5,562
DD: Observe Nobles.
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You step over to your cubicle of FENESTRATED WALLS, which you had replaced since the Prince trashed the old ones. You ordered the Droll to sneak off to one of their worlds and whip up some fresh ones, with a few alchemical upgrades while he was at it. The Droll isn't really the sharpest tool in the shed, but he's certainly the most versatile. Also the most eager to please. If you have to watch his happy umbrella dance one more time, you swear to God…
That was a black day for Derse, when the Prince went rogue. Well not rogue, that's a bad choice of words. Why did the damn moon girl have to be a Rogue? Corners you into that pun every time. And it wasn't really a black day either, per se, since on Derse a black day is actually a good day. Everyone's a pretty big fan of black round these parts. The point is, everything went to shit. You like to think you taught those seditious brats a lesson though. What with the miles. Their inescapability. Etcetera.
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bananasbyler · 2 years
The following does not reveal any plots, twists, or secrets. I’ve personally read it a few times JUST to make sure. :3
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From byleriscrazytogether on Instagram!!
1.) New upside down creatures, lots of gore, more scary elements, casualties, and just generally graphic scenes.
2.) It’s stated MULTIPLE times that the kids are more mature and not children anymore. Drugs, sex, and trauma will be very present (is this what Noah meant with the eggplant?).
3.) There will be struggle and tensions with old groups because of new scenery/location, characters, clubs, schools, and etcetera.
4.) Humor and action will ensue as per usual. As will many Easter eggs and references. ESPECIALLY because Robert Englund, the actor that played Freddy Krueger, is part of the cast now. Nightmare On Elm Street is a big reference in this season.
WOW. Lot to unpack here. So here’s the big news!! :DD
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rivalsforlife · 3 years
I think you said something a while ago about Kay having complicated feelings in a scenario where Edgeworth adopts Trucy and I am. Intrigued.
Hello yes I think I did! I can't take full credit for the idea though because I talked about it a lot with people in toni laquilasse's stream server. just so that's out there.
it's in a hypothetical situation where there is narumitsu (of course) and in my head it's like... dd/soj era or later. Edgeworth and Phoenix get married. as a part of this Edgeworth adopts Trucy, who is 16/17/18. Kay at this point is uhhh 25/26/27. So she's well into adulthood at this point which I think is important to note, and is pretty mature, and has now been without a father for the majority of her life and made her peace with it unlike in aai-era.
The way I see Edgeworth's relationship with Kay in AAI-era and afterwards is kind of like... Kay really sees him as a father figure in part because he canonically reminds her a lot of her dad and in part because of how protective he was over her in aai2. But being 17 and Practically An Adult, and fairly independent for her age, and having Father Issues, she doesn't really voice this. (Father Issues including of course Byrne dying which was a traumatizing event, but also personal headcanons regarding her relationship with Badd, who was extremely close to her and like a second father to her (or literally a second father if you go the byrnebadd route) but then following Byrne's death he tried to distance himself from her for her own safety ("Kay... I'm truly sorry. I wanted... nothing but a peaceful life for you...") so that does some subconscious stuff for her as well. ... and I could go on a bit more about my Kay self-worth headcanons but I won't right now.) Kay also is very aware that Edgeworth is emotionally repressed. And would never really suspect that he thinks of her in a daughterly way, insert my forgotten turnabout thoughts I swear I'll one day write out here.
Similarly Edgeworth feels many fatherly feelings towards her as seen by aai2 again. He wants to protect her and make sure she grows up safe and worries about her getting into trouble and all that. But he has Emotional Repression! It'd take a pretty major incident for him to voice that much. And his own Father Issues contribute to this all as well so that he might not even consciously recognize her as a daughter figure and definitely not voice it. It's a weird combination of "not wanting to accidentally turn out like Manfred" (though he gets over this one first) and then "not being able to live up to Gregory's standard" (which takes. significantly longer.)
So basically with their respective emotional issues and Kay being 17 and Edgeworth only being ten years older than her, which I do admit isn't much of a gap for parent-child-type relationships, neither of them ever voice any of this but they're fine with that, they're still close and all that stuff.
Edgeworth presumably gets over his "I wouldn't be a good father" issues before adopting Trucy officially. And Kay is of course very happy about this because her friend/father-figure is married and has a child and it means he's gotten over a lot of his emotional issues. And I'm sure she adores Trucy because who doesn't adore Trucy? And she (in her mind) doesn't really have any reason to be upset because she's in her mid-late twenties and has been an orphan for over fifteen years and obviously her relationship with Mr. Edgeworth is different from his relationship with Trucy and all that etcetera etcetera. but she is a little bit jealous.
Trucy happened to come into his life at the right emotional point (... or at least was around at the right emotional point) and is the right age and with the right excuse for Edgeworth to confront his emotional issues (marrying Phoenix). All things that Kay didn't have. And while she managed to grow up just fine without a consistent strong father figure and she's in a better place now than she was in her teens, when she sees Edgeworth acting towards Trucy the way he used to act towards her, she feels some amount of jealousy that she didn't get to have that secure well-defined father-daughter relationship when she was Trucy's age. Even though when she was 17 she thought she was just fine without a parent, it was something that would have been nice to have in her life. Edgeworth wasn't incapable of it the whole time. The timing just wasn't right. Insert aai2 related thoughts of "Kay subconsciously doesn't seem to understand why anyone would want to protect her or risk anything for her" here.
This doesn't really fester for long and I'm sure it gets sorted out eventually I don't think this is really something that's going to build up into a super angsty situation haha. either Kay goes "haha that's a weird emotion! time to repress that!" or somehow she and Edgeworth end up having an honest emotional conversation (which would take a miracle probably but be very good for both of them) since I do think Edgeworth at this point would admit he sees her in a similar view as Trucy, if prompted. In both cases Kay and Trucy are adults/near adults, he has not been with them their whole childhoods, they had/have another father who was more prominent in their life (Byrne vs Phoenix), Miles feels rather secondary to that and definitely doesn't want to try to replace that relationship, because he knows he can't. nor does he want to.
This is already very long so I'll stop here. I Just Think They're Neat. Hope this was coherent and at least a little bit interesting to think about!
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matryosika · 2 years
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—𝘼𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙢𝙚
Hi! I am Femme. I am a 22 year-old college student. My pronouns are she/her.
My blog is meant for an 18+ audience, so I politely ask all minors to refrain from reading and/or interacting with me or my content, please!
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—𝘼𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜
I started this blog on April 25th, 2021 and it is entirely dedicated to k-pop fanfiction. I love meeting new mutuals and interacting with people, even though sometimes I am inactive because of school. I love receiving asks as well as replies/reblogs on my posts!
Sometimes it takes me a while to reply to direct messages and, at times, I don't reply some. Please don't take this personal! I really suck at private conversations and at times they make me anxious/overwhelmed.
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—𝘼𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙢𝙮 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜
I do not take requests, but my asks are always open for everything! (hard thoughts, random messages, positive feedback, etc).
In my work, reader is always depicted as an afab and uses she/her pronouns unless stated otherwise in the post notes.
I don't include any physical descriptions for the reader unless stated otherwise in the post notes (ex. chubby!reader, plus-size!reader, etcetera).
Things I usually include in my drabbles: sub!reader, dirty talk, use of petnames, curses, praise, degradation, humiliation, oral sex, penetrative sex, creampies. Other kinks I enjoy writing about (that vary from fic to fic) are breeding/impregnation kink, bondage, overstimulation, edging, orgasm denial, and graphoerotica.
I don't feel comfortable writing: dom!reader, oppa/noona kink, feet stuff, hybrids, full dd/lg stuff (I do enjoy using “daddy” as a petname for the male character in my fics, but I don't feel comfortable writing about the rest of the dd/lg elements), noncon/dubcon, scat play, emetophilia.
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How is 4dyka turning her back on the SmD community when she literally said the reason she isn't making SmD parts anymore is because it's literally impossible to get the parts to make them? That's been a problem for FOREVER with SmD, and no amount of uwu CHAOS uwu releases helps when you need specifically a spine, a hip socket, etcetera -- whereas with DD and even Obitsu, you can just... go buy the parts directly from the website. If anyone's to blame, blame Choo Choo the Fool and his policies.
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weidol-ent · 3 years
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megumi is the second member of weidol entertainment japan's four-member girl group, DDK. moody, dramatic, and unpredictable, megumi started out as a child actor and worked her way up onto the mainstream stage through blood, sweat, and tears. in the DDK universe, she's the healer for both story factions, wielding soothing water magic that she can quickly make into deadly floods, should her mood change.
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✧・゚:* BASIC INFO !
birth name :: hiramatsu megumi (平松めぐみ).
stage name :: megumi.
magical girl title :: megumin, the princess of the waves.
date of birth :: february 14, 2000.
place of birth :: sendai, miyagi prefecture, japan.
nationality :: japanese.
ethnicity :: japanese.
face claim :: minatozaki sana.
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company :: stardust promotion (2009-2019), weidol entertainment (since 2019).
occupation :: idol (DDK).
years active :: 2020 - present.
position :: main vocalist, main dancer.
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✧・゚:* SKILL RANKING ! * * idol’s skills (rap, dance, vocals, etcetera) are ranked from best to worst.
social media presence.
stage presence.
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✧・゚:* FUN FACTS !
ever since megumi was nine years old, she has starred in dozens of commercials and two seperate dramas under stardust promotion. she didn't initially have plans to become an idol - rather, she wanted to remain an actress.
known by many of DDK's fans as their " happy-go-lucky drama queen, " she claims that her charm points are her cuteness and her winning smile.
she's known for occasionally making very dirty jokes on vlive, most of which are censored out by her groupmates. many fans have asked for the uncensored cuts.
she co-wrote daijoubanai, and has been credited in writing their newer edm releases. she doesn't write for the metal releases, as they're " too intense. "
her favourite food is pork belly ramen, but she also has a massive sweet tooth, resulting in her often trying to steal some of haru's decadent snacks.
many of the commercials megumi has been in are chaotic and bizarre, making her easily recognizable by foreign DD-zens. even before her debut, there were memes being made out of her various appearances on the big screen.
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dreamingofscully · 4 years
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6x18. “Milagro” - X-Files Rewatch
Lots of analysis below. So much to unpack with this episode. An EXTREMELY significant episode for Scully related to her feelings about and relationship with Mulder. This analysis goes into more depth in general, rather than a stream-of-consciousness observational post like my others tend to be.
Also, fanfic! I have a post-ep that I’d love y’all to check out that I wrote a while back in attempt to explain what happened with Scully in-between Milagro and The Unnatural.
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Bated Breath (AO3), rated G, 2198 words M/S UST, Post-episode (Milagro) Mulder drives Scully home from the hospital.
Onwards for analysis and speculation.
The soundtrack for this episode is amazing. Love the beating heart that Mark Snow incorporated.
At the beginning, the symbolism of Padgett removing his own heart. It reflects the emptiness of his heart, his incapability of having love, but the burning passion he believes he is capable of, with which he pursues Scully.
At Padgett’s stare, Scully is creeped out, but she is also curious. That someone would look at her so boldly and with such obvious lust, when she’s tried to think of herself as separate from such things for so long. 
Padgett wills things to happen, using his writing as a tool, a FOCUS, to channel his powers. He manifests things - the psychic surgeon (representing Padgett’s dark side), the lightbulbs not working, etcetera. He uses his creepy stalker insight to profile how people will act, then writes about it, but he can’t alter emotions, only manifest what is already there. (If he could make people think and do whatever he wanted, he wouldn’t have given up so easily when he recognized Scully’s love for Mulder.)
Mulder and Scully sitting close on his couch.
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Padgett suggests that Scully sticks to science and facts because otherwise she’d be viewed as weak and soft. Perhaps this is partly true for other people, but NOT for Mulder. Padgett doesn’t know her history, what she’s afraid of, the real reason she’s kept herself from believing for so long. However, Scully IS influenced by Padgett here - she stands up for herself (makes herself tough instead of soft) when Mulder makes her schedule for her and goes off to do her own investigation.
The burning heart tale that Padgett tells Scully: “Christ came to Margaret Mary his heart so inflamed with love that it was no longer able to contain its burning flames of charity. Margaret Mary... so filled with divine love herself, asked the Lord to take her heart... and so he did placing it alongside his until it burned with the flames of his passion. Then he restored it to Margaret Mary sealing her wound with the touch of his blessed hand.”
He wants to reenact this story with her, not realizing that her heart already belongs to another.
As Padgett tells Scully intimate details of her life it makes her incredibly uncomfortable. She’s an intensely private person, only lets in a few people. But here is some stranger who seems to KNOW her. How did she not know she was being watched? What other things does he know? It would bother her from a professional point of view as well as a personal one.
That someone thinks of her this way - a purely physical attraction rather than something cerebral and mutually respectful like she has with Mulder - it unsettles her. But his influence makes her more aware of her desires, the feelings she’s walled away for so long and hasn’t let herself acknowledge.
The conversation between Mulder and Scully in the autopsy bay is very interesting. Scully is VERY OPEN about what just happened between her and Padgett, something that is pretty unusual for her. She admits to being frightened, she tells him that this creepy guy knows “too much information and intimate detail”, and then openly challenges Mulder to do something about it. Scully KNOWS what Mulder will do.
Mulder’s uncomfortable almost-smile when she tells him. How fucking real is that. I don’t know about you guys but I find myself smiling at the most inappropriate circumstances, so this hits home for me. (Thank you DD.)
Mulder and Padgett try to intimidate each other in the elevator. Don’t fucking mess with Scully! Mulder’s brooding walk down the hallway. 🔥 🔥 🔥
The love scene. Padgett writes what he wants to be true. He can influence the thoughts of others but cannot control them like Modell - only an encouragement in a particular direction, a manifestation of emotions already present. Scully’s disgust and fear is tempered by her curiosity of the strange and mysterious neighbour, which is why she ends up at his apartment. Padgett misinterprets her intellectual interest as romantic in nature.
“Loneliness is a choice.”
The implication: she can choose, at any time, to NOT be lonely. That she knows she’s lonely. What’s holding her back? This season was SHIT for Mulder and Scully’s relationship, but an undercurrent for her throughout the years she’s been his partner - fear. She’s scared to take that last step, to have him know all of her. For fear of death, of losing him. Being alone is safe.
Padgett talking to her like she’s an object, something to serve his writing rather than someone with a CHOICE. Another thing that reveals the emptiness of his heart.
The fantasy that Padgett has about Scully is meant to happen after she enters his apartment. The mugs in the fantasy are the same ones they drink coffee from, and in the fantasy they are still steaming hot. The lamp doesn’t light because it is off in the dream (another example of his ability to affect the physical but not the emotional).
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I love the symbolism of Scully looking out the window in Padgett’s bedroom. She’d see something similar out of Mulder’s apartment, just slightly different. But enough to make a difference. She feels desire, she has love in her heart, but only for Mulder. Padgett can never be a replacement, no matter how many words he writes.
Padgett believes they are headed to the bed, to the love scene he described in his writing. I don’t think it would happen even if Mulder hadn’t interrupted them. Regardless, Mulder is a wild card - he didn’t account for him to burst through the door, didn’t write about him, so Mulder can act independently, outside of the story.
Mulder’s jealousy at seeing Scully there with Padgett. He’s tense, tearing through his pages, heedless of the destruction he’s causing, handles Padgett roughly. Mulder manifests his frustration as aggression, and this time it’s extremely personal. From now on the interactions that Mulder has with Padgett are filled with tension. You can see that Mulder just wants to fucking MESS with this guy. Part jealousy, part protectiveness.
Padgett’s assertion that the characters choose the writers. Does he believe that Scully chose him? That the psychic surgeon isn’t merely a manifestation of the evil and emptiness in his own heart?
In the jail cell, Mulder moves forward to intimidate Padgett but Scully’s touch instantly pulls him back. This is Padgett’s first glimpse at the connection between Scully and Mulder. Up until now he’s only been observing Scully by herself, and listening to them talk in Mulder’s apartment. Now, though, he realizes in their FIRST INTERACTION in front of him, that she is in love with him. All the things that he’s seen regarding Scully’s interest in him have been misinterpretations.
Mulder confronts Scully in the hallway about her part in the book. Just a note that Padgett watches their interaction here as well, confirming his initial thoughts about Scully’s love for Mulder. I think he’d also realize Mulder loves her back, but in Padgett’s mind, who wouldn’t?
“You know you're in here, don't you?” - Mulder “I read a chapter. What does he say?” - Scully “Well, let's just say it ends with you doing the naked pretzel with "the stranger" on a bed in an unfurnished fourth floor apartment. (pause) I'm assuming that's a priori, too?” - Mulder “I think you know me better than that, Mulder.” - Scully
Mulder’s look while biting his bottom lip. Scully’s licking her lips here, too. Hnnng.  🔥 🔥 🔥
After realizing Scully can’t love him, Padgett writes this: “Grief squeezed at her eggshell heart like it might break into a thousand pieces its contents running like broken promises into the hollow places his love used to fill.”
A parallel to how Padgett is feeling himself. Or “thinks” its how he should feel, if he had a heart.
Mulder and Scully standing close at the graveyard. Scully touches his back when getting him to back off from the suspect.
Their argument - taking opposite sides.
Scully is compelled to feel less negative about Padgett, and doesn’t feel he is capable of murder, he’s just strange and mysterious. Also, she wants to believe that it’s just an innocent attraction. (Please PLEASE let someone normal be attracted to her for once!)
Padgett is looking DIRECTLY at Mulder when he says this. Afterwards, Mulder takes a quick look at Scully, who has a very vulnerable expression on her face and does NOT look at him.
Padgett’s statement makes Scully’s feelings REAL - they are something that EXISTS in the world. She can no longer deny it, push it away. Also, the fact that Mulder is RIGHT THERE, that he KNOWS, too.
Things can’t go back to normal, especially after the ending of the episode. I don’t think Scully wants them to. I think she chooses not to be lonely.
Padgett starts writing and talking to Naciamento/his dark self. His subconscious knows what story needs to be told. He needs to steal Scully’s heart to place it next to his, to have her in death if he can’t have her in life. This is the ending that only makes sense for this story - he wrote it to have her fall in love with him, for them to be together, but now it’s impossible.
Padgett’s comment that Scully has been “trying to get his attention”. Through her interest in Padgett? This is possibly a misinterpretation, but it also might be something she’d do, though subconsciously. In my headcanon, Scully’s been trying to get Mulder’s attention for fucking YEARS, so perhaps he is correct. She wants Mulder to see her as someone with needs and desires, not just his partner.
They sit closely on Mulder’s couch for the surveillance. 
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The difference between Scully on Padgett’s bed, and Scully on Mulder’s couch (bed). At Padgett’s, she’s sitting up straight, very uncomfortable, like she could leap up and aim her gun at his head if he tried anything strange. At Mulder’s side, she falls asleep because she’s so trusting and comfortable with him.
Padgett wants to prove he can love, so he uses whatever power he possesses to sacrifice himself and heal Scully. From the burning heart story: “he restored it to Margaret Mary sealing her wound with the touch of his blessed hand.”
Destroying the book and thus destroying his dark self isn’t enough. Scully is already hurt, bleeding everywhere. He also needs to heal Scully, and does this through his sacrifice. This is the reason I believe that Padgett’s powers come through himself, he doesn’t really need his typewriter or even a physical copy of his stories to manifest them, he just uses them as a crutch. Perhaps it was how he developed his powers - his insight into human nature through his writing.
When Mulder hears the gunshots, he rushes back to Scully. It’s interesting to think that Mulder nearly cost Scully her life. Her bullets may not have killed Naciamento, but they summoned Mulder, enabling Padgett to burn the book, sacrifice himself and thus save Scully. In essence, she saved herself despite Mulder’s innocent interference.
“A chance to give what he could not receive.”
Instead of killing her, Padgett decides to give her the gift of life and love. He knows she loves another, that her heart is full of love unlike his own empty heart. 
Scully’s breakdown.
She was about to die. It was the closest she’s come and in the most horrifying manner. Death is her greatest fear.
Being faced with something obviously supernatural (shooting Naciamento to no effect, being wounded then miraculously healed) would also make her confused and vulnerable - not being able to explain what happened and put it in a box.
The emotions she’s been trying desperately to repress have been brought to the surface this entire episode. 
More speculation/final thoughts:
This season has dealt with Scully’s fears quite a bit, but mostly with her inability to accept paranormal/unexplainable phenomena. She also holds another fear - death. And it’s consequence? She’s afraid to let people in, let them close. After her remission, she tried to take the chance - to let Mulder closer, to give her heart to Emily. When she’s burned by taking these chances, she buries her feelings again. She’s too scared to take another chance, and the tension between them lately has not been conducive to any sort of positive change in their relationship. The emotions brought to the surface in this episode come bursting forth at the end. Scully doesn’t try to hide them. She lets Mulder see her whole heart, her whole self - fears and all.
Through sharing her entire self with him, Scully’s changed. She can’t go back to pretending and hiding. Her fear about dying, about getting too close, doesn’t matter. I think that Scully’s lightness in the preceding episode (“The Unnatural”) shows how far she’s come.
She reveals her vulnerabilities to Mulder, her softness; his embrace of her as she lets her walls down is cathartic and freeing. Scully knows what she wants, and now her love is “out there”, a tangible thing that they are BOTH aware of. No more second-guessing, misinterpretations.
Later in season 7 (“all things”), when Scully has her breakthrough about her beliefs, she has a similar cathartic experience (her vision in the Buddhist temple). In this episode, her breakthrough is emotional and related to her feelings about Mulder instead of intellectual/spiritual and deeply personal.
I think this episode is where I diverge from much of the fandom in terms of its significance to the MSR and Scully. I don’t think they can go back from this (along with things that happen with Mulder in the next episode). I’ll talk about a few more things in my “The Unnatural” post. If you disagree, that’s fine, but… I just love the idea of them having more time together, and I like the way my theory works! <3
If you want to know more about what I think happened after this episode, I’d love it if you’d read my fic “Bated Breath”. I feel that it expresses my thoughts pretty well about what I thought Scully went through, and where Mulder was as well.
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