#DIY tiny house kits
trailermadellc · 6 months
Tiny House Built with DIY Kits - Trailer Made Custom Trailers
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The Tiny House Experts provide everything you need to build your own tiny house. From DIY kits to factory-built options, we offer expert guidance and best-practice construction methods. Start your project today!
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bosstinyhouse · 2 years
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Experience a Mortgage-Free Life After Retirement at DIY Tiny House Kits
Minimalistic and mortgage-free life is now a reality with BOSS's DIY tiny house kits. The high-security equipped prefab tiny home structures are easy to assemble and require minimal maintenance. BOSS also collaborates with CustomFin to offer you ideal payment plans that suit your budget. So call us now to start customizing your tiny house structure. Visit our website to choose from our payment options.
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tiny-glued-things · 1 year
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A 1.25 inch tall gingerbread house kitchen scene.
(Robin Betterley Kit: Teeny Weeny Secret Book - Gingerbread House)
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belladonnaprice · 2 months
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myobt · 2 months
Bunkie Life
Bunkie Life Continue reading Bunkie Life
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wileys-russo · 10 months
stuck with me II k.cooney cross x reader
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stuck with me II k.cooney cross x reader
"-so i said we would babysit for a few hours." kyra shrugged, dropping two bags onto your bed as you raised an eyebrow. "you mean i'll babysit. when the kids are around you are not the responsible adult in the situation ky." you raised an eyebrow as your girlfriend pulled a face and kissed your cheek.
"don't act like you wouldn't have said yes in a heartbeat. everyone knows you're harleys favorite anyway!" kyra cheesed hitting you where she knew would work, your ego. "can't argue with the facts. what's in the bags?" you sighed and questioned with narrowed eyes as kyra clapped happily.
"i know its not december yet but i thought since we're as close as we'll ever get to being in the snow for christmas and its the last camp for the year we could-" the girl jumped onto the bed and rifled through the bags. "-build gingerbread houses and make ornaments!" she pulled out the boxes with a gleeful grin and you melted at her obvious delight.
"where did you even get these?" you laughed, picking up one of the diy bauble kits and reading through. "kyra! this very clearly says ages 10 and up, harper and harley are not 10!" you warned, eyebrows furrowing at the toxic warning for the glue.
"it's fine babe! we'll be supervising and doing it with them the entire time." kyra waved off your worries, moving onto her knees and knocking the box from your grip, hands pawing at your hoodie.
"baby!" you laughed as she yanked you down onto the bed and hovered over you with a grin, attacking your face with kisses. "now say; thank you kyra. you are so smart kyra, what a great idea kyra!" she demanded cheekily between kisses.
"like the sound of your own name do you cooney cross?" you teased, grabbing the back of her neck and guiding her lips to meet your own, smiling happily at the waves of pleasure which washed over you at the feeling of her soft lips moving against yours.
but the moment was cut short as rapid knocks sounded, all too familiar voices crying out for the door to open as you gently pushed your girlfriend off of you, pecking her pouty lips a few times and watching her face light up as you promised to resume what you started later on.
you'd not even opened the door more than a few centimeters before two tiny bodies barreled inside, darting through your legs with gleeful cheers as kyra dropped down to the floor to grab both young girls in a bear hug.
"thank you for this." katrina sighed gratefully pulling you into a hug, having been called into an unexpected zoom meeting with some perspective new clubs for the afternoon.
"neither of them have napped so they should hopefully crash within the hour." tameka added on, down for press conference duty with tony this afternoon. "please, like ky will let them sleep." you chuckled, the midfielder calling out hello's to both older women who smiled seeing her spinning around both harley and harper in her arms.
"call us if anything happens yeah?" katrina warned as you nodded, promising you would and taking the girls backpacks from tameka as you waved them off, both their daughters yelling out goodbye before the door closed and they were gone.
"and where's my hug?" you gasped, crossing your arms feigning annoyance as both girls tried to scramble for you, kyra trapping harper in her arms as harley leapt her small body off the bed causing you to scramble to catch her.
"i'm like a superhero!" the three year old grinned as you twirled her round, blowing a raspberry to her cheek. "let her go!" you laughed at your girlfriend as harper wiggled and whined in her grip.
"what are we doing today?" harley asked eagerly, jumping up and down on the bed once you placed her back down, scooping up harper and flinging her up and into the air, catching her as the girl giggled.
"well. aunty ky has some cool activities for us to do, but only if you're on your best behavior." you warned with a smile, both girls yelling that they were good over and over as kyra moved to grab the bags. "okay okay! we get it, you're good girls." you laughed, taking harleys outstretched hands and swinging her around like you knew she wanted.
"okay!" kyra clapped for everyones attention as you took a seat on the bed, harley scrambling to sit on your lap as harper tucked herself into your side, making you grin as her little head wedged its way under your arm.
"we're gonna make...." kyra trailed off, drumming her hands on the nightstand as the suspense built. "gingerbread houses!" she yelled happily, causing you to wince as the two girls beside you screeched in delight.
"ky, i really don't think its a good idea to let them eat so much." you warned, harley sat on your lap as harper sat on hers, both of you tucked up against the desk in the corner building your respective gingerbread houses.
you'd watched with a sigh as kyra would every now and then allow both girls to consume a lolly, which eventually escalated into her giving them permission to eat whatever they wanted so long as they left some to decorate with.
"why? it's fine!" your girlfriend waved it off, moving to help harper glue a few candy canes to the roof of their house. polar opposite to theirs, harley had wanted a much more organised look, taking her time to make sure it was neat and tidy which made you smile.
"because kyra, what goes in must come out!" you warned, already starting to see harper perk up a little more. "what? they won't throw up they're little but they're not babies." kyra scoffed with a roll of her eyes, whining as you reached over to sharply pinch her thigh.
"hey! mummy says no pinching." harper piped out with a scowl in your direction as kyra stuck her tongue out at you, dismissing your worries and returning to helping harper as harley bounced in your lap demanding your attention.
turns out, you were of course correct.
"woah woah! where did you get these?" your eyes widened as you scooped up harley and grabbed a pair of craft scissors out of her hand. "found em." the girl beamed, wiggling to be put down as you tucked her under your arm.
"kyra that is a terrible idea." you warned sternly as the midfielder pulled out the ornament making kit.
"no its not it'll give them something to do with their energy." the brunette huffed, practically pinning harper down who was doing her best impression of a lion, teeth nashing and trying to bite the older girl.
"harps no biting!" you groaned, adjusting harley under your arm who was furiously trying to get away. "see what you did!" you scowled at your girlfriend in annoyance, putting harley down and grabbing harper.
"three minutes for biting." you warned, sitting her down in a chair facing the wall. "harper." you repeated in a serious tone as she tried to get up, the toddler sitting back down and crossing her arms frowning adorably.
"kyra!" you whined seeing her setting harley up with a bauble and a glue gun. "you got any better ideas babe?" the girl raised an eyebrow challengingly. "nap time?" you sighed, wincing as two very loud protests were yelled back at you.
"not on the bed." you grabbed harley under her arms and swung her into a chair as kyra moved beside her. "done now?" harper peeked over the top of her own chair as you sighed again. "done biting?" you questioned with crossed arms as harper nodded.
"go on." you gestured for her to get up as she ran over to kyra, climbing up into her lap as you stepped out to go to the bathroom and clear your head, the christmas music kyra insisted on blasting from her phone not helping the chaos.
"see babe? piece of cake!" kyra chirped quietly, nudging her shoulder into yours as the two of you stared down at the pair of sleeping girls in bed. "they're covered in glitter." you sighed running a hand through your hair with a shake of your head.
"occupational hazard, it washes off." kyra dismissed your concerns with a wave. "come on baby. we did good! no one got hurt, nothing got broken, they're safe and fast asleep." kyra pressed a kiss to your cheek as you rolled your eyes.
"high five for top babysitters!" kyra murmured happily, holding up her hand and wiggling her eyebrows. "you are such a child sometimes." you sighed but smacked your hand into hers none the less.
but when you tried to pull away, alarm bells sounded.
"kyra. why is your hand stuck to mine?" you asked calmly, your girlfriend shrinking a little at the question.
"please tell me you washed the glue off." you spoke again, the brunette avoiding your eyes as you pinched the bridge of your nose with your free hand.
before you could say another word there was gentle knocks at the door, your girlfriend hissing a little in pain as you yanked her toward it by your conjoined hands. "hope they weren't any trouble?" katrina smiled, her and tameka moving inside as you and kyra backed off.
"no trouble! never trouble." kyra replied nervously, katrina instantly picking up on the shift in tone, shooting the younger girl a weird look over her shoulder as she picked up a still sleeping harper.
"do some arts and crafts did we?" tameka laughed at the glitter all over harley who stirred. "we'll drop the baubles off once they dry." you smiled nodding to the desk where they sat among a pile of glitter. "they're so cute." tameka grinned, kyra having done her best to help them both write their names.
"really cute." katrina echoed, though her tone conveyed suspicion as you and kyra did your best to hide your conjoined hands. "well we have to shower and get ready for dinner!" you smiled nodding toward the door, tameka thanking you both and promising she owed you one before leaving.
"you right min?" kyra smiled nervously as the shorter woman stared you both down. "fine. what are you two hiding?" she adjusted harper in her arms, eyes narrowing again as you both rambled out nothing. "its my fault." kyra blurted out as you glared and rammed your elbow into her side.
"ky shut up!" "what is your fault?"
"babe!" you groaned as kyra held up your stuck together hands. "i don't get it." katrina frowned on confusion. "they're stuck together. i had glue on my hands and i didn't wash it off and then we high fived and-" her nervous ramblings were cut off by the laughter from the woman in front of you.
"oh my you two are unbelievable. good luck! see you at dinner." with that she quickly left the room, ignoring the two of you calling after her for help.
your girlfriend withered at the glare you fixed her with, the two of you taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "where did you get the kits from?" you asked firmly, your girlfriend stuttering out an answer as you grabbed her phone and did a quick google, which proved to be incredibly challenging with one hand.
punching in the number you dialed the store kyra snuck out to you quickly explained what happened to the manager who assured there was a dissolvent they could order in to arrive tomorrow morning, the canadian clearly unable to hold back his amusement as you thanked him and hung up.
thankfully the game was not until the weekend as you explained the situation to kyra, the blunt tone of your voice meaning she knew exactly how pissed off with her you were.
"baby." you turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow. "what?"
"there's no one i'd rather be stuck with than you?"
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artsy-alice · 5 days
Can you tell us more about building tiny houses?? That sounds really interesting. No pressure to share though!
one of my hobbies is building miniature houses! or just miniature stuff, really. i like working on those Miniature DIY kits - you're provided with all the tiny little materials and you just follow along with the instructions to build tiny little houses!
i've built quite a lot of them and i post most in my IG, and sometimes i live-tweet the process over at Twitter.
bunch of IG posts under the cut:
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natalchartnurtures · 10 months
Astrology and Chill: Finding Your Perfect Hobby
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Hobbies... let's see if astrology could help us develop any. You're gonna want to look at your sun sign, moon sign, ascendant, Venus, and 5th placements. Why?
Sun - Hobbies picked based on your sign's vibe help you express your essence and who you truly are as a person, strengthening your sense of self and identity. It helps you become secure in yourself in various ways as well.
Moon - Hobbies picked based on your moon would allow you to express your emotions, which is powerful in itself. This could cater to your emotional well-being or help aid in your emotional healing journey.
Ascendant: Rising is all about how you present yourself to the world. So, picking a hobby based on your rising sign could help you align with the part of you that loves to interact with people (however little or many in your life). It would help you be more social, maybe just a tiny bit more outgoing, but every bit counts.
Venus - Well, this just goes without saying. Picking hobbies based on your Venus sign has the potential to bring you pleasure, joy, and that yummy satisfaction. It could even add to your overall beauty.
Lastly, the 5th house - Ruling over the area of hobbies, looking at the sign can give you an idea of a hobby that best aligns with your natural creative self-expression and has the ability to express your inner child. It could bring a sense of lightheartedness into your life.
So here are some hobby suggestions to get your brain juices flowing:
Aries Energy: Try High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts or any kind of workout, really. Quick, intense bursts of exercise will satisfy your need for action and keep you in top shape. It doesn't even have to be a traditional workout; you could try biking, join a martial arts class (kind of cliché but whatever works for you), or do power yoga. On the flip side, if you happen to own a pogo stick, babe, there's your new hobby -> pogo-stick-jumping competitions. 😜
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Taurus Energy: Slow down and embrace the art of patience, Taurus. Cultivate your miniature oasis with bonsai gardening. Shaping these tiny trees allows you to connect with nature and indulge your love for aesthetics. If bonsai trees aren't your thing, understandably so, you could start a herb garden and nurture that instead. It's a practical and rewarding way to bring fresh flavors to your kitchen.
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Gemini Energy: Stimulate your quick-witted mind with some speed scrabble, or, on a more fun note, you could try podcasting. You don't actually have to release any; just record yourself pretending to be a podcaster and talk about anything and everything. Keep the recordings as video diaries or do whatever you want with them. It's a great outlet, to be honest. Not gonna lie (not my Gemini Venus-ass loving this idea, lol 😛).
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Cancer Energy: Dive into the world of sentimental creativity, Cancer. Preserve cherished memories by creating a memory quilt. Each square tells a story; you could embroider the squares, get the fabric printed. You could even start small and create a miniature quilt first before taking on a monstrous project like that. Alternatively, grab your camera and capture pictures of the moon, in all her phases and colors, and decorate your space with your pictures of the moon. Ugh, love!
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Leo Energy: Be the star of your own show, Leo! Create a mini home theater production, complete with homemade costumes and dramatic flair. You could even try some DIY home decor to customize your space for optimum self-expression.
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Virgo Energy: Unleash your eye for detail, Virgo. Dive into the world of precision origami. Folding paper into intricate designs not only hones your focus but also results in beautiful, miniature works of art. Speaking of miniature, you could even try your hand at building one of those incredibly detailed miniature houses. Get a kit off of Amazon and build away, Virgo.
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Libra Energy: Bring your love for balance to social gatherings, Libra. Host interactive murder mystery parties where your friends become characters in a thrilling plot. The perfect blend of drama and social harmony. You could even host a small book club, be it online or offline, with however many people you like.
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Scorpio Energy: Embrace the mystique, Scorpio. Dive into the art of candle carving. Craft intricate designs on wax, creating candles that exude mystery and allure. Alternatively, you could play video games that allow you to be a detective and uncover the truth behind mysteries. 😮
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Sagittarius Energy: Satisfy your wanderlust, Sagittarius. Explore your local area like a tourist. Discover hidden gems, try new cafes, and appreciate the adventure within reach. Maybe even take pictures of your little gallivantings and have them as precious keepsakes. ❤️
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Capricorn Energy: Connect with your earthy side, Capricorn. Delve into the art of terrarium building, creating tiny ecosystems within glass containers that blend nature and minimalistic design. Alternatively, if you don't want to go the unusual route and wish to nurture your love for tradition, you could learn ancient calligraphy—a disciplined yet artistic hobby to indulge in when you're not out there kicking ass and making money moves. :)
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Aquarius Energy: Embrace your love for innovation, Aquarius. Try your hand at DIY electronics projects. From building simple gadgets to exploring coding, it's a tech-savvy way to express your creativity. Alternatively, you can scour thrift stores, garage sales, or even your own home for materials to transform into imaginative sculptures, wall art, or even functional pieces. This hobby not only unleashes your creativity but also aligns with your humanitarian and eco-friendly tendencies, promoting a sustainable approach to art.
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Pisces Energy: Tap into your dreamy side, Pisces. Create your own dreamcatchers. It's a crafty and symbolic way to channel your imaginative energy. Alternatively, you could combine dream journaling with art. Illustrate your dreams in a visual diary; it would allow your subconscious to express itself through your art
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So that was my take on how you can get started on building a meaningful hobby, based on your natural energies :]
Love and Loads of Light <3
ALSO THANK YOU for a hundred likes I'm grateful to anybody that has stumbled upon my stuff and liked it. You have good taste :p
I appreciate you alot!
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morgan-lowell · 5 months
Who do you think loves building miniatures in Haikyuu?
Tbh i had to look up what this was cuz I had no idea LOL
But it’s those little DIY building kits!! Those look so fun! There’s like houses and cafes and little nooks for your bookshelf. They kinda remind me of Legos but a lot more detailed. I imagine they’re very relaxing to put together.
Anyway, a few characters did come to mind that I think would enjoy building miniatures :3
First up is Akaashi. We all know our favorite literature major has a mountain of books and what better way to organize them then with some book nook miniatures? It’s relaxing for him to put together and quiets the rush of thoughts that usually flood his mind. Fidgety hands begone! Although he puts them together pretty fast…
EEEEE I JUST LOOKED UP A BUNCH. HE WOULD TOTALLY HAVE AN ALICE IN WONDERLAND THEMED ONE. And I can see him having the one with cherry blossoms and a train in it. Bokuto probably saw them and got interested too. They tried to build one together once. Bokuto’s hands were not very steady lol and he kept losing the smaller pieces. It’s okay tho, he likes watching Akaashi put them together instead.
I can also see Asahi and Yachi liking them. The Karasuno artists✨ Asahi doesn’t like buying them for himself but when Yachi finds out he likes them too, they buy the same one and do it together.
It becomes a whole thing with Karasuno. On days off, they chill at one of the third years’ house and try to help Yachi and Asahi with them. The Single Braincell Squad™️ (Tanaka, Noya, Kags, Hina) don’t find it that interesting. Hinata would be curious but ultimately would be kicked outside with the rest to work off excess energy lmao
Finally, we have the man, the myth, the legend himself Kita. Just try and convince me that Mr. “Being Meticulous and Thorough Just Feels Good” would not enjoy putting together a tiny doll house. YOU CAN’T CUZ HE WOULD!!
Holy crap, I just saw one of a Japanese courtyard. It’s a yaquan courtyard? It looks so cool, we’re giving Kita this one HEHEH
It was actually a gift for his grandmother but she can’t do it by herself. She’s gotta call her beloved grandson to help her out and of course he’s gonna agree cuz why wouldn’t he. This gets added to their ritual. Every day after dinner and cleanup, they take some time to work on the miniature together. This image makes me incredibly soft brb I’m gonna cry.
Honorable mentions: Aone (I have no explanation, it just feels right), Sakusa (the completionist), and Kiryuu (the final member of the anxiety club)
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mlplaysthesims · 2 years
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Art Student Apartment Renovation (Pinecrest 402)
Speed build: https://youtu.be/eSDiOMw9jWs
Download: https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/rooms-lots/art-student-renovation-pinecrest-402
This cozy art student apartment located at #pinecrest402 is the perfect home for a Sim looking for a fashionable but small 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom home to perfect their art skill. Includes a small kitchen and a laundry unit off the living room as well as a spacious bathroom filled with plants.
• 1 bedroom • 1 bathroom • §45,074
• Pinecrest 402 in Evergreen Harbor
EPs: Cottage Living, Snowy Escape, Eco Lifestyle, Cats & Dogs, City Living
GPs: Dream Home Decorator
SPs: Paranormal Stuff
Kits: Blooming Rooms
For the full list of CC used, keep reading @maxismatchccworld
CC used
@ars-botanica More Peonies @bramblefinch Little Friends Portraits @brazenlotus Parenthood Floor Clutter @charlypancakes MODISH / SMOL / DINNA @/dedcowplant Trigo Shelf @felixandresims Shop the Look felixandresims and harrie-cc (house of harlix) Livin Rum / Orjanic / Harluxe / The Kichen / Bafroom / Tiny Twavellers @harrie-cc Brutalist Bathroom / Stockholm / Shop the Look / Brownstone / Halcyon Kitchen @hamburgercakes Hygge @illogicalsims Contemporary Living / Simkea Furnishings @leaf-motif Botanic Boudoir / Sunny Corner / Vintage Crockery / Starlight Crystals @litttlecakes Vintage Clutter @lovefooly-sims Bullet Journal @/maruska-go (TSR) Sweet Memories Tea Set @mio-sims Curio Kitchen Conversion @myshunosun Lottie @mlyssimblr Nordic Clothing Rack @/nando Trip to Egypt (Free download on patreon) @nolan-sims Herbalists Frames / Potted Pleasures @oni28 Artists Workroom / Vintage Living Room
@peacemaker-ic Elsie Bedroom / Kingston Dining / Colour Me Rugs / Kitayama Dining and Living / Mid-century Abode / Caine Living / Hudson Bathroom / Bayside Bedroom / Mina Kitchen / Hampton's Getaway / Myra Living @pictureamoebae Feature Wall Add-on for Plaster Style Walls
@piersim Oak House Pt. 5 and 6 / Winter Garden / Cold Brew @plumbobteasociety Cottage Garden / Rustic Romance @/pysszny Kitchen Goodies (blogspot)
@ravasheencc Hot Sim Disguise Clutter Set / Woke Up Like This Bedroom / DIY Art Insert Set (TSR) / Pillow Talk / Simmer Down Flour Jars (TSR) / Peg to Differ Dish Towel / SMEGlish sink / Simmer Down Wine Rack (TSR) @/severinka Vintage Set (TSR) @/silkenvoid Cotton Fresh Linens @/simcredible (TSR) Cafeteria / Zara Pouf / Chlorophyll Plants / Jules Makeup @sixamcc Kessler Kitchen / Small Spaces Pantry @/thingsbydean Concrete Obsession @/simsi45 16 Potted Houseplants (mod the Sims)
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trailermadellc · 6 months
Find the Right Kits for Your Tiny Home Needs - Trailer Made Custom Trailers
Looking to build a tiny house? The Tiny House Experts have you covered. From DIY kits to factory-built options, we offer step-by-step guidance, best-practice construction methods, and a comprehensive instructional plan set. Start your project now!
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bosstinyhouse · 2 years
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Invest in DIY tiny house kits rather than installing the traditional stick-built houses
The DIY tiny house kits get installed within 3 days by 2 people, whereas stick-built homes require conventional installation that’s slow and laborious. Moreover, the wooden stick-built houses are high maintenance as the structures rot and attract termites and mold, whereas tiny homes made from galvanized ASTM-certified steel stand strong for years and come with a 3-year warranty. Request a quote now. Call us at 323-577-6775.
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tiny-glued-things · 1 year
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A tiny book containing tiny rooms with tiny doll houses.
2 inches (5 cm) tall. Had to get creative when I messed up a wallpaper so I added a window to cover it up. Also added a few touches like hardware for the chest and cabinet, a few books, and a potted plant.
(Kit: Secret Book - The Tiny Touch)
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lizzisimss · 2 years
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Modern Tudor Family Home CC List
ATS4 - https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/index.shtml
·       Bulk Grocery Table
Brazen lotus - https://www.brazenlotus.com/objects-d... :
·       EP09 Ship In A Bottle Short
·       EP09 The Trouble with Plants
·       EP09 Whatever you Want
·       GP07 Heavy Metal Shelf
·       SP13 Folded Clothing Deco
·       SP13 Laundry Made Deluxe
·       SP13 Laundry Made Essentials
 charly pancakes - https://www.patreon.com/charlypancakes
·       The Lighthouse Collection
·       Dinna Merged
·       Lavish Merged
·       Modish Merged
·       Munch Merged
·       Smol Merged
·       Soak Merged
·       The Candle deco version
felixandre - https://www.patreon.com/felixandre
·       Shop the Look Season 1 Merged
 house of harlix - https://www.houseofharlix.com
·       Orjanic Merged
·       Bafroom Merged
·       Baysic Merged
·       Harluxe Merged
·       Jardane Merged
·       Livin’Rum Merged
·       The Kichen Merged
·       Tiny Twavellers Merged
 harrie - https://www.patreon.com/heyharrie
·       Brownstone Collection
·       Brutalist Bathroom
·       Country Collection
·       DU Windows Updated
·       Octave Merged
·       Stockholm
Kardofe - https://kardofe.tumblr.com/tagged/sims%204%20cc
·       Charlie Bedroom Pictures
·       Home DIY Tool Board
 Kiwisim - https://www.patreon.com/Kiwisim4
·       Block House
·       Piha
·       Tekapo
 leaf motif - https://leaf-motif.tumblr.com
·       2202 Magnolia Bathroom
·       Astral Lights
·       Aubrey Office
·       Basil Chair
·       Botanic Boudoir
·       Calliope Bathroom
·       Devon Kitchen
·       Ivy Hallway
·       Keller Hallway
·       Little Ceramics
·       Patron gift 1
·       Patron gift 3
·       Patron gift 4
·       Patron gift 5
·       Starlight Crystals
·       Sunbeam Study
·       Vintage Crockery
lilis-palace - https://www.patreon.com/lilis_palace
·       Folklore Set Off the Grid Living
Littlecakes - https://litttlecakes.tumblr.com/downloadspage
·       Poor Bunny
·       Twinkly Lights
 littledica - https://www.patreon.com/littledica
·       Countryside Cabin Merged
·       Eco Kitchen Stuff Pack Merged
·       Greasy goods merged
·       Rise & Grind Café Merged
·       Sleek Slumber Stuff Pack Merged
·       Deligracy Merged Cottage Living Update
·       Summer Party
 Madlen - https://www.patreon.com/madlen
·       Nuri Rug
·       Brizo Soap Dispenser
·       Lorens Chair
·       Lorens Shelf Miu Lamp
Marvell - https://marvell-world.tumblr.com/download
·       Upcycle Bed
·       Upcycle Books
 max 20 - https://www.patreon.com/Max20
·       Child dream kit
·       Master bedroom pack
 Maxsus - https://maxsus.tumblr.com/post/640662541333348352/download
·       Poolside lounge pack
mlys - https://mlyssimblr.tumblr.com/
·       Pufferhead
·       Computer MookBook v2
·       Deco Storage Basket
my cup of cc -https://www.patreon.com/mycupofcc
·       Avant Basic Lounge Set
·       Colour Talk Kitchen Merged
·       Colour Talk Dining Stuff
·       Maple Manor The Modernist Collection Living Room
·       August 2021
·       March 2022
·       November 2021
·       October 2021
myshunosun - https://www.patreon.com/myshunosun
·       Garden stories
·       Nora Living
·       Serene Bathroom
·       The art room
·       Uma living
·       Arrie office
·       Daria Bedroom
·       Dawn
·       Lottie
·       Moonwood
MXSIMS - https://mxims.tumblr.com/tagged/mycc
·       Ikea Barso Wall Grid B
oni - https://www.patreon.com/oni28
·       Antique Country Dining Basket
·       Vintage Living Room Poster
 peacemaker - https://peacemaker-ic.tumblr.com/TS4O...
·       Bayside Bedroom Set Merged
·       Elsie Bedroom Basics
·       Futura Merged
·       Hinterlands Bedroom
·       Hinterlands Living
·       Hudson Bathroom
·       Kingston Dining
·       Kitayama Dining Merged
·       Kitayama Living Merged
·       MidCentury Eclectic Merged
·       Paige Seating
·       Quintin Kitchen
·       Roarsome Kids Bedroom Merged
·       Shore Seating
·       Bowed Channeled Petite Coffee Table
pierisim - https://www.patreon.com/pierisim
·       Precious Promises
·       Calderone Bedroom
·       MCM All
·       Oakhouse all
·       The Office Mini Kit
·       Tidying Up
·       Coldbrew Coffeeship
·       Domaine Du Clos part 1 Merged
·       Winter Garden
 PufferSuffer - https://www.patreon.com/puffersuffer
·       5pack pillow fawn
·       20pack drying machine
·       20pack washing machine
  simplisticsims - http://simplisticsims4.com
·       BG Bath Cabinet
·       Cottage roman curtain
·       Loloi contemporary rugs 2
·       RH Bottombunk
·       RH Bunkbeds
·       RH wallartsquareDH
·       RPC CurtainA
·       Tot Barn Rug
 sixiamcc - https://imfromsixam.tumblr.com/
·       Breeze of Greece Buy Mode
·       Oak & Concrete Kit Merged
·       PD Lilla Kids Bedroom
·       Artz
·       Forjasline
·       Home Basics
·       Home Office
·       Hotel Bedroom
·       Kids room cc pack
·       Luxbath
·       Retro Vibes
·       Small spaces
·       SpringSix Kitchen
·       Teen Room
·       Earbuds Plumbob Earbuds Replacement
 SurelySims - https://surely-sims.tumblr.com/downloads
·       Deco Nuka Cola
·       Fallout baby
Clutter Cat - https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/thec...
·       Busy Bee
·       Petits Pirates
·       222
·       Cat milk no 1 reloaded
·       Cat milk no 2 reloaded
 TUDS -https://www.patreon.com/TudTuds
·       Beam Parte 2 V01 Merged
·       Beam Kitchen Complete Set Merged v02
·       Cross Merged
 awingedllama - https://www.patreon.com/awingedllama
·       Apartment therapy inspired stuff v2 Merged
Wondymoon - https://wondymoon.com/
·       Ailuropoda Painting
Severinka - https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Severinka_/
·       Cleo living room heating radiator
Kaiso - https://www.patreon.com/kaiso
·       Lizards
·       Rusti co
Tray files are available on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lizzisimss
Please consider supporting if you wish :)
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disasterarea-podcast · 7 months
I swear to God, I did not personally conjure this into existence.
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angelpuns · 1 year
Agh tiny things... I could just... Find you and raid your house if all your tiny things 😈
But fr I LOVE tiny things, back when I didn't have money I would go to Walmart and just stare at all the tiny office supplies, they were to CUTE!
Are you making that tiny kitchen? Bc it's looks so awesome! It's like a Barbie house for Barbies and I want to do bad
I love tiny things <33 I really wanna get into making miniatures/dollhouses but I'm really bad at detail work and being like...patient. So we'll see if that ever happens. I'm also a perfectionist and I get sad when it looks ugly ;-;
I am! I actually ordered a kit off of amazon, it came with all the right tools and everything!! Most of the stuff is made of paper, which is a bit frustrating, but its good practice!
Flever Dollhouse Miniature DIY House Kit Creative Room with Furniture for Romantic Artwork Gift (Taste of Life) https://a.co/d/c4KCXq5
this is definitely smaller than barbie size, but I think it'd be so fun to make stuff for Barbies!!!
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