rrogueamendiares · 2 years
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missempanada · 22 days
Has anyone ever written a fanfiction about how in pre-Christian times Lucifer was the Roman minor deity of the morning star... he was just a little guy... and in a couple hundred years he became synonym of evil because of a translation??? Because I think that's an interesting concept
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waveyravey · 3 months
Finished Devilman Crybaby (my first anime in a WHILE) and may I just say
If rabid demon-loathing humans brutally murdered my lesbian best friend, I'd agree to live forever with Satan (who happens to be my boyfriend)
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OMG NOT DEVILMAN CRYBABY!!!!! The original Devilman made in 1970s. That's where the real content is at.
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unsertraumschiff · 1 month
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girlspecimen · 1 month
song that instantly makes you cum all over the ceiling like akira in devilman crybaby 2016
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beefslipper · 2 months
Halloween Headcanons (Months early lol)
My last post was such a flop I heard the crickets chirping before I even got on tumblr omg
Since nobody is giving me ideas, I'm just gonna do short n sweet headcanons on one (at least) character from each of the fandoms I'm in... Or at least the ones I can remember. Idk why but I can't wait until spooky month so we're doing Halloween-themed HCs!!!!!! I frickin' love the holidays :D
I won't be using images in my post this time just because I'm like half asleep and I need to yap. (I have no energy and I must yap /ref)
First up, Jason Todd! (Batman)
I think he'd avoid dressing up for trick or treating because his fave is Wonder Woman... Bro's not about to traumatize every child that sees him. However, if he is craving candy hard enough, he'd go in a lazier or goofy costume. You know those unicorn onesies? That's for if he isn't in the mood for ghits and shiggles. An inflatable dinosaur costume is his go-to if he's in a better mood.
I bet he'd have everything planned, too. He knows where all the rich people are and which ones give out the full-sized candy bars or any cool light up toys that make little kids jealous because they have no idea where to find them at.
If he were to go trick or treating with anyone, I think it'd probably be the Batfam as a whole (They don't trust him with not stealing some kid's candy bucket).
Next, Touya Todoroki! (MHA)
This is an AU one where he isn't dying because I don't want him to die (Insert sob emoji).
Since Enji himself is in a wheelchair, he isn't able to push Touya around. He was absolutely devastated by that and begged Natsuo and Fuyumi to take their older brother out to trick or treat since Shoto was with his friends.
Touya would either do a costume to heal his inner child or a lazier one that's comfortable and doesn't irritate his skin. Either way, he's demanding that they go to every house around no matter how long it takes. Any time he gets candy he doesn't like, he asks Natsuo to trade with him LOL
At the end of the night, Enji has to lock away the candy so Touya doesn't scarf it all down and get a stomach ache. He does anyway since it was 'hidden' in the same spot it had always been.
Onto Arlan! (HSR)
My boy doesn't get enough love <3
I think his excitement after hearing about Halloween's existence would be enough to convince the spaceship to set up little stalls for him, Asta, MC, and Peppy to run around to collect candy. He and Asta would probably have matching costumes like ketchup and mustard bottles or pb and j or something cute like that. Or it'd be a three-way deal since Asta would dress Peppy up in some cute little costume.
Arlan would definitely sit on the floor with Asta and MC and trade candies so they each get what they wanted. Asta would have some dog treats for Peppy so they weren't left out :)
At the night's end, Arlan would probably be caught falling asleep, still in costume with a half-eaten candy bar in hand.
Now, Bennett! (Genshin Impact)
He, Razor, Chongyun, and XIngqiu would get together and go out trick or treating. He tried to convince Fischl to go with, but she refused, claiming it was far too childish for someone of her status. That meant "Please bring me back some sweets".
He had a bag specifically for Fischl :)
As the night went on, the boys managed to have good luck. Bennett had never been happier since he was internally horrified of ruining the others' night by only getting raisins, toothbrushes, and apples or having someone's bag rip.
All went well and everyone got a pretty good amount of candy. Even Fischl.
Yap session is done! I kinda wanted to do DMCB stuff or Steven Universe stuff, but my creativity juice ran out. I hope y'all liked this one :D I'll probably do another one when it's actually October. (evaporates I FORGOT JJK oh well)
Have a great day, evening, and/or night everyone :DDDD
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phoenix-reburned · 9 months
I have a lot of feelings on DMCB. Stuff I didn't like/was ehh on first. I found it kind of hard to follow in the beginning (still not entirely sure if people knew demons had existed before Koda or not?) but that could also be because I binged it at 3 in the morning instead of sleeping off my funny gummy. I also am not sure how I feel about the gratuitous Breasts but ehh. Not in a prudish way just was not going into the show expecting tiddies constantly in my face. On one hand it was nice to see them treated as normal in certain scenes instead of as an object of purely sexual desire but then the next scene would just be sex again. I know the series is about humanity so maybe it has a deeper meaning but still feel like you can get that across without throwing tits in my face every 3 seconds. I also would have liked more scenes with Ryo and Akira being friends before shit really goes down, but it was only 10 EPS so I get it.
Now what I loved. The animation was gorgeous. So fucking beautiful. I LOVE how much love and creativity was poured into the art! It was so experimental and daring and GOD THE COLORS and the warping and AURGH it was an incredible watch visually. As someone raised in a conservative Christian environment, this was an unironically healing interpretation of Satan, his fall, and the revelation. Humanizing Satan, showing his story, and even giving him a slight redemption (kind of? not really but you know what I mean) was beautiful. This is probably one of my favorite interpretations of revelation tbh and I love eschatology. Akira was a great protagonist and I loved how it showed both the depravity and love of man. Always a sucker for "duality of man" type stories, which is also what made this interpretation of revelation even more interesting to me.
All in all I'd say an 7/10 for me, I love the story and themes so much but just wish for more Ryo and Akira interactions and more explanation on the world.
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honey-kissaragi · 9 months
something that really confuses me is the fact that akira in dmcb was born in 1994, but he's still 16 despite the events of the series happening in 2018. he should be in his 20's already.
me and a friend of mine tried to explain it, saying that actually dmcb starts somewhere around the last months of 2011 and ends around the beggining of 2012, since people said that the world was going to end in 2012. It's plausible, but still, that doesn't make much sense to me.
one of the things that make me suspicious of that is the fact that Trump is already president in dmcb. and akira has what seems to be an iPhone 7/8, which was only released in 2018.
I'm pretty confused. does anyone have an explanation for it? /genq
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
You know that one song from DMCB called ‘Smells Blood’? Well take that and slap it onto Sky.
“God can’t stop me we are coming”
“I don’t need god because I’m him”
Sky has essentially KILLED a god - Demise he single handily slayed a god that was a battle to the death, he was just a regular guy trying to get the person he cared the most about back he proved himself worthy countless times and yet was still able to defeat a god that even Hylia herself had trouble defeating in a sense.
I could go on for hours about how Sky and practically Hyrule are one of the strongest but I won’t go to far into that I just wanted to share my little dump about Sky
I think about this quite often actually, I love the boys a lot but when it comes to power I like to think Sky would be one of the strongest? Of course, Hyrule is fighting for the spot seeing as he's held the entire triforce but ya know, my sky man is my secret soft spot so ya know I've gotta put some gold to his name.
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torse · 9 months
posting this publicly so I have a higher chance of getting motivation
meme to-do list:
"you guys have x?" with notkin
georgiy "de-sexing stick" (sodom and gomorrah professor bros vid)
"thats my purse! I don't know you!" gif with sticky
possibly "buff, buff, varnish, buff-" hank of the hill video with sticky
DMCB andrey/grief meme
capella/khan meal meme
something involving clara eating an onion
like 10 diff social media posts with grief
maria height/"letting you down" meme
not a meme but I still need to organize post apocalypse AU notes 😩
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tatsuma-forever · 1 year
i never made one of these and i should’ve earlier but now is the time ig
my name is viacheslav
i’m ukrainian american and i still don’t know any ukrainian
one summer i really got into devilman and now i’m here
i’m (unfortunately) monolingual, but i know some japanese and norwegian
i occasionally read shoujo, i’ve been trying to do it more because i’m writing a paper. i mostly stick to shonen and seinen because i’m miserable
i’m a go nagai wiki hater. whoever made that shit ass website should spontaneously combust
i am the tatsuma guy. i will take whatever tatsuma content i can get and eat that shit up like a dog begging for scraps
if anyone defends dmcb in my reblogs again, i’ll be mildly annoyed
also here’s a picture of mondo
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repulsivegoblin · 1 year
Hi, hope this isn't weird- I followed for the Jojo fanart and stayed for the dmcb content. However, I can't fully appreciate the art and other references bc I watched dmcb at least two years ago and all I remember is that time Akira busted a nut so hard it reached the ceiling. In lieu of rewatching the show or reading the manga are you willing to give a rundown of the plot :D be as concise or lengthy as you like and no pressure to actually answer, but I figured you might enjoy the opportunity to infodump to a very eager audience ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Hi there!
Sure, I´ll give you a little summary but first I let know that your message made me laugh really hard, the "nutting in the ceiling" scene is so bizarre that is not surprise that you remember it .
Basically, dmcb is an adaptation of the original Devilman series from the 70, so there are a few changes from the og story in order to reach newer audiences. The og series dealt with themes like the fear of an upcoming war but also made a point to show how humans tend to be selfish and irrational. It wasn´t meant to have a happy ending but rather show our cruel nature.
Crybaby changed the war aspects to show social issues like xenophobia but the ending remained almost the same. (Spoilers: Akira dies at the hands of Satan who then realizes how pointless the war between humans and demons is. This is because he was in love with Akira and now that he´s gone, he feels completely empty).
There are a couple of changes in the main characters too.
Og Akira was a little bit more violent because of the influence of Amon (the demon he fused with) and he wasn´t as sentimental as the crybaby version but he had his human side too.
Ryo (the blonde one) was the one who had more changes. He is still pretty much violent and deranged in the og version but he is way more human, in the sense that he shows way more emotions, allowing himself to be vulnerable. In the manga, when it was revealed that he was Satan it was a little bit more impactful because, while he had his violent tendencies, he still was pretty much a guy fighting alongside his friend to defeat demons and save humanity.
Crybaby Ryo on the other hand was a little bit colder to the point that I and other people who watched the show suspected that something was up with him. (Still love him tho) Also, the fact that he loves Akira is present in every adaptation he's in and is crucial to his character.
I should mention that there are a bunch of adaptations to the manga, the most popular ones are 1987' OVAs and Crybaby but there´s also Amon: Apocalypse of Devilman and a crossover between 009 Cyborg and Devilman. Every one of these has its own take on Akira and Ryo´s design and I tend to use all of them as references.
So, basically the sequents of events goes like this:
_ Ryo takes Akira to the Sabbath where he merges with a demon.
_ They go demon hunting and the story shows Akira trying to manage his new body.
_ There are a couple of demons that almost always are present: Sirene (she´s the one with the wings on her head and he titties out) Kaim (he's always with sirene and simps for her) Jinmen (the turtle) and Zennon (He´s the giant one with three heads).
_At some point the demons realize that Satan was simping way too hard and sacrificed one the strongest demons in order to keep Akira alive in the case of an Apocalypse so they invade the earth to kill al humans.
_Ryo finds out he´s Satan and joins the demons as their lord/god.
_ Miki Makimura (the girl who lived with Akira and the one he ad a crush on) dies in a HORRIBLE way and that prompts Akira to let go of his humanity and desire to live.
_He still wants to kick Satan's ass tho.
_ Satan kills him instead (accidentaly, I guess).
_ While he´s sobbing for the loss of the one he loved, God appears and kills everyone and reestarts the world.
There are two sequels to Devilman (Violent Jack and Devilman Lady) but for the love of Satan don't read them, both of them are incredibly violent and filled with SA. I sometimes draw stuff from Devilman lady (which is the worst one) because I got really attached to some of the characters even if the story they are in is one of the worst things I ever read.
I think I covered some of the essentials if you have more questions feel free to send me another dm. Also I'm sorry if there are some gramatical errors, english is not my first language so I might screw up some sentences.
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gcthbitch · 2 years
none of yall fucking Look at me i am going through my kaneki phase again 💔
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funkybongos · 3 years
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love doesn’t exist. there is no such thing as love. therefore, there is no sorrow.
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akascow · 3 years
ryo: dont fuck with me i have the power of god and anime on my side
*starts the fucking apocalypse*
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