odinsblog · 5 months
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Republican “family values”
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sher-ee · 5 months
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“As soon as the lie I wrote and recorded for the audiobook was brought to my attention, I lied more about it.”
Pathological liar continues to lie.
The psychopathy of the GOP is staggering.
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Jack Ohman, Sacramento Bee
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Vice President Kamala Harris emerging as strong campaign partner for Biden
Vice President Kamala Harris is emerging as an active campaigner for the Biden-Harris ticket. Although President Biden has been actively campaigning, he has a country to run! On Monday, VP Harris traveled to Georgia to highlight the administration’s $7 billion investment in Black-owned small businesses and historically Black colleges and universities. See NYTimes, Kamala Harris Leads Push to Shore Up Democratic Support From Black Voters.
Per the Times, VP Harris
Explain[ed] how government policies have widened the racial wealth gap over the years [and] Ms. Harris pointed to the Biden administration’s attempts to try to narrow it, including small-business grants and efforts to forgive student loans.[¶]
The vice president’s Atlanta visit, her 12th trip to Georgia since taking office, was the first stop in a tour of several battleground states in the coming weeks. Much of the tour will focus on Black small businesses and economic issues that are especially pressing for Black communities. She will visit Detroit next week, aides said.
The good news is that Kamala Harris is proving to be an effective campaign partner for President Biden. The better news is that Trump's “survivor style” vice presidential selection process is highlighting just how bad MAGA candidates are.
While Biden and Harris are tag-teaming their campaign, Trump's leading vice-presidential candidate, Kristi Noem, just shot herself in the foot by describing how she shot and killed her hunting puppy who failed to live up to Kristi’s standards for hunting dogs. See CNN, Opinion: Kristi Noem shot her ‘untrainable’ dog. If she thought we’d be impressed by her toughness, she was wrong | CNN.
There are many sickening aspects to Noem’s story, so it is difficult to pick one. While shooting a puppy is deplorable (and likely a crime), the fact that Noem believed the story would inspire MAGA extremists to vote for her is chilling. Was she hoping to impress MAGA extremists? See Business Insider, Who's Kristi Noem Trying to Impress by Bragging About Killing Her Dog?
As noted by Business Insider, Mitt Romney never recovered from a story about transporting his dog in a cage tied to the top of the family station wagon. There is no coming back from killing a puppy at point-blank range—even in Trumpworld.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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geezerwench · 1 month
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Allegedly, Barron Trump tortures and kills animals. Up to and including a dog
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cruelestpoetryever · 2 months
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@fuckyoubrittany ADMITS to running over a dog with her car and driving away without telling the family.
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rickmaynard · 3 months
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Georgetown News-Graphic cartoon: 5-10-24.
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giannic · 5 months
At some point, a predator will tell her targets, "I'm going to f--- you up". For example, a rattlesnake warns that it will strike if you don't heed its warning. Christine Noemi is telling America on network TV, that she is going to take lives. She's going to war on fellow Americans. As a mom, black widows attack whomever threatens the egg sac. The MAGA crowd feel that the rest of the world is after their profits, their "nest egg".
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webntrmpt · 5 months
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odinsblog · 5 months
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Reaching for an example of her unflinching preparedness to do anything “difficult, messy and ugly” if it needs to be done, Kristi Noem landed on a chilling example: the time she killed her pet dog, Cricket, in an execution-style gravel pit slaying.
The South Dakota governor, whose unbreakable devotion to Donald Trump has propelled her to somewhere near the top of his list of his potential 2024 running mates, reportedly included her disturbing tale of canicide in a book set to be published next month. “I guess if I were a better politician I wouldn’t tell the story here,” Noem writes, according to The Guardian, which obtained a copy.
According to the newspaper, Noem recounts the story of how she not only killed Cricket—a female “wirehair pointer, about 14 months old”—but then also proceeded to botch the killing of an unnamed goat that she owned to which she had taken a disliking.
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“I hated that dog,” Noem reportedly writes, adding that Cricket was simply “untrainable” and “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with.” It was then that she realized “I had to put her down,” she adds.
Noem explains that she grabbed her gun and took Cricket to a gravel pit. “It was not a pleasant job,” she writes, “But it had to be done.” Afterward, she writes, she decided she also needed to kill a male goat she owned that was “nasty and mean” because it was uncastrated, complaining that the buck “loved to chase” Noem’s children around and would wreck their clothes by knocking them down.
She reportedly writes of the goat that she “dragged him to a gravel pit” like Cricket, but the killing did not go as smoothly. The goat jumped when she pulled the trigger, Noem says, meaning the goat survived the shot. She adds that she went to her truck to get another shell and then “hurried back to the gravel pit and put him down.”
Noem says that a construction crew had seen her killing both the dog and the goat. She also writes that when her daughter, Kennedy, came home from school, she “looked around confused” and asked: “Hey, where’s Cricket?”
(continue reading)
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sher-ee · 5 months
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Community notes for the win.
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lordsanguiney · 2 months
Testing new brushes with lil doodles
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skinwalker-bratz · 5 months
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orcinus-veterinarius · 6 months
Learning anything about marine mammal training will make you re-evaluate so much of your relationship with your own pets. There is so much force involved in the way we handle domestic animals. Most of it isn’t even intentional, it just stems from impatience. I’m guilty of it myself!
But with the exception of certain veterinary settings where the animal’s health is the immediate priority, why is it so important to us that animals do exactly what we want exactly when we want it? Why do we have to invent all these tools and contraptions to force them to behave?
When a whale swam away from a session, that was that. The trainer just waited for them to decide to come back. If they flat out refused to participate in behaviors, they still got their allotment of fish. Nothing bad happened. Not even when 20-30 people were assembled for a procedure, and the whale chose not to enter the medical pool. No big deal. Their choice and comfort were prioritized over human convenience.
It’s almost shocking to return to domestic animal medicine afterwards and watch owners use shock collars and chokers and whips to control their animals. It’s no wonder that positive reinforcement was pioneered by marine mammal trainers. When you literally can’t force an animal to do what you want, it changes your entire perspective.
I want to see that mindset extended to our domestic animals.
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engravedlives · 6 months
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creepypasta graphics stamps
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zugarcubes · 1 month
Me n gang
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Only drew the pastas my friends have really been rping as, I’ve been Masky and I actually did quit my job so 👍
Oh also we’re adding our own headcanons in the pastas, like eyeless having sensory headphones :3
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cinemamind · 2 months
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Jeff walking the Smile Dog
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