alright, sad thoughts time :')))
do yall think Kix ever blames himself for Fives' death?
Think abt it. In the Chips Arc, Fives comes to find Kix and he's so genuinely concerned for his brother. I mean srsly, Kix always wear his heart on his sleeve, but the obvious care and concern in his voice you GAAAAH I LOVE HIM, SIR.
Anyway, Fives asks Kix to bring Anakin and Rex to a warehouse so they can talk which is where he ends up dying.
Do you think Kix sometimes questions if he made the right call? If he, as a medic, shouldn't have assessed Fives' mental state better and found a safer solution than luring two commanding officers out to a warehouse? If he shouldn't have come with his brother? If he shouldn't have talked him out of it? Or talked things through with him more? Do you think he blames himself for Fives' death?
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arminsumi · 9 months
hi! I hope you're doing well, i always look foward to your work <3
can i request gojo and geto being protective over you
drink lots of water!
Promise — 約束
SatoSugu ⋅ fem reader
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NOTE — so sweet !! thank you, i'm so happy you look forward to my works :) i hope u like what i made of this, the idea just kinda happened
WARNINGS — angst with fluff / comfort (it's not actually sad the boys are just distressed because you got hurt), implied injury / near-death experience (reader)
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" THEY WHAT ?! ARE THEY OUT OF THEIR MINDS ?! " Satoru yelled like you had never seen him yell before. He was seething, eyes ablaze.
" This has to be a mistake... oh, angel, don't cry, come here. " Suguru talked to you soothingly.
You had come to them and told them the news through chokes and sniffles. It stung their hearts to see you so petrified.
An especially frightening mission had been assigned to you. Usually, these two overprotective boys tagged along with you or just did it themselves to save you the burden and pain of using your straining technique. But that wasn't an option this time, for some reason.
" I have a bone to pick. " Satoru grumbled, storming off violently.
Suguru had been practically cradling you in his arms to try and soothe your nerves.
" Satoru ! Don't do something rash — ah, shit, 'gotta go after that madman or he'll kill someone. Okay, you stay with Shoko, alright ? She's in the main hall by the vending machines. Relax. Satoru and I will sort everything out. Drink some water and rest — and no cigarettes with Shoko. "
So the boys went to complain to the higher ups, and though admittedly they were shaken up by Satoru's violently aggressive attitude, they didn't budge.
" Satoru, calm down. " Suguru said. That's when Satoru finally calmed down.
" We're the strongest, let us take on this mission instead. " Suguru tried to reason.
Satoru's voice subtly shook when he spoke, residual anger lingering in his throat. His heart was beating heavily. " Y/n's weak. " he said. A harsh truth. " Too weak to take on a special-grade like that. "
Suguru tended to butter you up and call you strong, but Satoru was brutally truthful; you were much, much weaker than the both of them. Ever since they had met you, they felt this overwhelming urge to protect you with their lives.
Then they tried to convince the higher ups that you were " too weak " to do it. But they still didn't budge. In fact they glowered at the two students.
" You think I can't do it myself ! I'm a fucking god ! I could snap that thing in half with my fingertips ! " Satoru went into a sudden self-induced power trip, but Suguru stood besides him and silently agreed. Of course he could do it himself, he was Gojo Satoru.
Storming off again, Satoru left to go find you. And Suguru followed after his steps.
" Shoko ? Where did Y/n go ? She was supposed to be with you. "
" . . . uh, she walked right past me earlier and when I asked where she was headed, she said something about Roppongi ? " Shoko had her head in her hands and a lit cigarette between her fingers.
" God fucking damn it, that idiot. " Satoru's heart panged with worry.
" Save some limbs for me to rip off. " Suguru joked.
" Let's go get her. " Suguru said.
" I swear to fuck . . . I'll fucking rip that thing to limb by limb if it even so much as grazes her skin. " Satoru seethed.
" You two are gonna get reprimanded for this, you know. "
Satoru waved his hand dismissively and left with Suguru.
You were in the midst of battle, bleeding and panting. Covering your ears, you were just about to succumb to your paralyzing fear when suddenly your two saviors sliced right into the scene. You caught a glimpse of the most feral, raw look in Satoru's eyes; pure vengeance, it was almost artful how he pulled apart the cursed spirit.
" Angel, it's okay now, We're here. " Suguru comforted you, lifting your limp body and holding it like a baby. " You did good. Don't try to move, you must be in a lot of pain. I've got you, don't worry. Oh — Satoru, that was quick. Are you trying to show off for her ? Just teasing. "
You listened to the lullaby-like voice of Suguru and let your eyes flutter shut. The last image in your vision was that of a panting, blue-eyed boy who looked so startled to see you in poor condition. He looked about ready to cry.
Their voices sounded like distant echoes to you as you drifted into a half-conscious state, leaning more on the unconscious side.
" . . . I could kill those old fucks right now. "
" Satoru, calm down. She's going to be alright. Let's just get her to Shoko. "
" I hate seeing her like this. "
" Me too. But she'll be okay. "
" Angel, still with us ? Satoru, just breathe. She's really going to be okay. Don't cry or you'll make me cry, too. "
" Sh-she's so damn stubborn. Stubborn a—nd st-stupid. Why'd you run off by yourself like that. Y-you stupid weakling . . . "
You could hear Satoru distantly crying, and he didn't stop until after Shoko tended to you. The boys kept close, soothingly stroking your arms and cheeks to keep you conscious.
Nothing can explain the relief they felt when they saw you stirring-to again.
" Hey, sleepyhead. " Suguru's tender smile was the first thing you saw.
Satoru's lips were parted, his face paler than ever. He looked so relieved and yet shocked to the bone, like he'd just gone through the worst day of his life.
" Welcome back to the land of the living. " Shoko greeted, cleaning up the blood on your cheek. " You know, you made the boys cry. Satoru even had a snotty nose like a little kid. "
" Shut up . . . "
Satoru heard how dry your throat was when you spoke, and promptly shoved his half-full water bottle in your face, hastily drying his eyes on his uniform sleeve. Like the in-sync duo they were, they worked together to help you drink; Suguru held the back of your head, and Satoru tilted the water bottle into your mouth. Of course he spilled a bit, two rivulets of water went down either side of your jawline and tickled your neck.
" . . . was just . . . trying to show you two . . . that I'm not weak . . . but I guess I am. I'm Sorry. " you choked, voice barely above a whisper.
Their hearts sunk deep.
" You're not weak . . . " Satoru choked up too, eyes only recently dried of tears and yet fresh ones began tipping over his bottom lid, wetting his angelic lashes. " You're not weak, I'm sorry I say that all the time. I shouldn't have . . . I just . . . would rather convince you you're weak so you'll call on us all the time, 'n n-never r—r-risk los—ing y—ou. " he suddenly sobbed at the end, realizing how deeply he cared for you.
Suguru was on the verge of tears, too, because of the sight of his best friend sobbing like a hurt puppy and also because of what he had just said.
" . . . don't cry, you two. A—ahah, Sh-Shoko don't you cry with them ! Or I'm gonna cr—yh. "
" Very graceful, Satoru. " Suguru joked.
" . . . thanks. " you thanked them.
" Don't say thank you. "
You could barely make out the complicated sentence that Suguru said next, it was something like;
" You'll never be undeserving of our protection. " and " So never say thank you. "
That day, they didn't just promise to keep you safe, they vowed it. Weak or not, strengthened or not, they felt compelled to be at your side.
Through the long passage of time, they never break their vow to keep you safe, even when Satoru and Suguru part paths. You're never an enemy to either of them, you're always their baby.
It's a tough reality to accept that one of your closest friends has become a murderous cult leader, and the other has become a lonely god. But they still visit you. Sometimes you three will hang out altogether in secret — so risky, but worth it, to see the two of them smiling with you even though you had very few things to smile about during your adulthood.
The sweet, comforting feeling of the adolescent memories made with them carries through all the years.
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© arminsumi
Do not plagiarize / repost / translate / copy layouts / etc.
Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
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answer2jeff · 6 months
break-up, make-up.
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song : post break-up sex
warnings : fem!reader, porn with some plot, smut, unprotected piv, make-up sex, lip being needy, mentions of alcohol and smoking (tobacco), reader has scumbag friends, sad pathetic banging, intentional lowercase. (lip and reader are 18.)
word count: 3,707
authors note: this is only like my 2nd time writing smut.......
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your abdomen felt cold pressed against the marble of your bathroom counter. pulling at the skin of your face, running your fingers through your messy hair, and picking yourself apart in the mirror that doubled as a medicine cabinet. you didn't feel like yourself. you swung the cabinet open, reaching for a hard candy eyeshadow pallet, a black eye pencil so old the label had rubbed off, and a mauve-brownish lip liner.
your phone buzzed against your pocket. you groaned, dropping your products into the sink before snatching it from the depths of your jeans.
773-642-3719: party @ ashleys 2night. u coming? 2:36pm.
it must've been karina. ever since you gave her your number on your break during your waitressing shift at patsy's, she'd been trying to drag you out of the house. you couldn't blame her. mopey from your breakup, picking up as many hours as possible, spending your free time collecting coupons for shopping sprees you'd never go on to spend money you didn't have, she was sick of you ruining the atmosphere everywhere you went.
or, wherever you didn't go, more accurately.
"he's just a guy. just—go fuck someone else! who cares if he's a dick just like him. focus on the task at hand: getting laid," she told you, licking strawberry jam from the tip of her middle finger.
"i'm just gonna miss him more," you sighed, watching the clock tick as your 15 minutes of what was supposed to be relaxing free time, was going to waste.
"*** ******** is not some kind of sex god, okay? the sex was good. you can find good sex anywhere."
he was more than that. he was more than the sex. he was the kisses in the early mornings where you'd wake up with him in your sheets. he was the whispers of 'you're so beautiful,' and 'i love you,' whenever you doubted yourself. he was the shitty jokes and late night walks, splitting cigarettes and dabbling in gossip. he was your best friend.
but he was also the hands that slammed your bedroom door. he was also the alcohol on his breath. he was also the words that told you to 'get your shit together.' he was also the broken promises he could never keep.
but he was more than anything karina saw him as.
i'll be there :) 2:38pm.
773-642-3719: bring some1 cute with u! 2:40pm.
you stared blankly at her text.
👍 2:42pm.
bring someone with me? who the hell would i bring? daniel's working tonight. and he's not cute. well—he's not ugly, but...no. stop. just drop it. you don't need to bring a guy with you. jesus. you don't need anyone. relax.
i'm here. 12:37am.
you knocked about 3 times before a lanky, raven haired boy with puke all over his title fight t-shirt swung the door open. you looked past his shoulder to see a group of familiar faces behind him.
"please tell me that's not h—" a short blonde girl groaned before a redhead, eliza, butted in.
"there she is!" she yelled, calling karina over.
the warm glow of the living room complimented the post-punk rock that rang through the poster filled walls of ashley's house. you were met with waves from your friends. karina beamed and quickly made her way over to the front door to greet you. her chunky sandals boomed against the hardwood floor, her red solo cup nearly falling out of her hand.
"you made it!" she smiled, taking your hand and dragging you into the makeshift frat house, slamming the front door behind you. the atmosphere was uncomfortably warm. probably due to everyone sweating their asses off from drunkenly dancing and grinding on each other.
"uh, yeah—i'm kinda late. sorry."
"fashionably late," she corrected you as you followed her through dozens of other girls and into the kitchen.
you analyzed the space. you knew a couple people here, either from work or highschool, since it was the summer after senior graduation, but there were plenty of girls and guys you'd never seen in your life. for the first time in months, meeting new people was sickening. immediately reaching for the bottle of tito's to help ease your mind, eliza stopped you. she furrowed her strawberry blonde eyebrows at you, shaking her head.
"uh-uh. you're the designated driver, sweetie. we can't have you drunk, too!"
your mouth gaped open in disbelief. were you seriously dragged here just to play babysitter?
"but there's plenty else to do," karina peaked her head out of the kitchen and eyeing a couple of her friends that resided on the couch, beer bottles in hand. you couldn't help but turn your head to look, too.
"mikey's got weed," she pointed to a shirtless brunette, "and i think destiny brought some—fuckin, i don't know, xanax to cool your nerves."
you nodded, lips pulled tight in a painfully neutral expression that read 'okay' and 'fuck you i hope you break every bone in your body and live your life as a spiritless vegetable,' at the same time. your arms were crossed against your chest, your body pretty much caving in at the amount of sheer embarrassment that coursed through you.
"since you're, y'know, kinda losing it," eliza wiped the corner of her mouth where whiskey-soda had been dripping from it, pointing her finger at you. her messy red nail polish on healthy long nails taunted you.
you felt like a wad of pink chewing gum: slammed between teeth and tongue just to be spit out and drenched in spit. but you weren't useless enough to be thrown away. just stuck under a table for some gross, unsanitary bitch to pick it up again and stick it right back in her gossipy mouth. cursing yourself for being here, you stormed out of the kitchen and made your way toward the back porch.
if you left, you'd be a prude. but if you stayed and drank, kissing strangers and making up stories filled with little white lies, you'd be deemed a slut for the rest of the summer. your last choice was to stick around, being that annoying girl who smoked cigarettes outside of the party to freak people out.
and so, you did. you hung around outside, watching people come in and out. occasionally, someone would stop to ask if you were alright, if you wanted a drink, or just someone to talk to. you politely declined every time. almost like you were waiting for some other opportunity to spring up in front of you.
"hey," a voice behind you rasped.
it startled you. it was painfully familiar. so much it made your heart drop to your empty stomach. you turned yourself around, eyes met with blue orbs that stared directly into you.
there he was. lip. your lip.
except he wasn't yours. not here. not now. possibly not ever.
"oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me, gallagher."
your hands grabbed onto the wooden railing of the porch steps. hoisting yourself up, you brushed off any dirt that smeared onto your dark blue jeans. your eyes were glued to the ground as you tried to swiftly move past him the moment you could stand up.
"no, c'mon—" he pleaded, rolling his eyes and following you back into the house. he hadn't had a sip of booze. for once, his mind was completely in the clear.
eliza and karina sat on the kitchen counter, their shoulders pressed together while shared a beer bottle, possibly their 6th or 7th of the night. you seriously wondered what they even talked about. they didn't have much in common other than the fact that they both liked reeking havoc on innocent people. and you.
"did one of you fucking invite him?" you spat, stepping just a foot away from the two of them snatching the beer bottle from karina's hand, you held it tightly in your fist, your fingertips turning pink at the brute force.
"lip? yeah, i did! wait, did you guys break up, or something?" eliza laughed, twirling a red curl around her finger while she gave an obnoxious wave to lip as he stood behind you. he bit the inside of his cheek, his hands stuffed deep into his pockets and balled into enraged fists.
your jaw had been nailed to the floor at this point. karina looked down at the ground in shame. she didn't care about your 'healing' or 'getting laid.' all she cared about was stirring shit. it was such a middle school stunt for a 19 year old girl to pull. finally snapping, you slammed the beer bottle onto the ground, watching it shatter into a million pieces. clenching your teeth, you looked back up to see the disturbed expressions on your 'friends' faces. they weren't allowed to make this decision for you. you would decide if and when you were ready to act like a normal fucking person around lip.
a boyfriend wasn't the only thing you lost. you lost a friend, a piece of yourself.
hot tears pricked at your waterline. you spun back around and darted towards the front door. shoving through people, your hands grabbing onto their arms and not-so-gently moving them out of your path. you could feel lip's footsteps behind you, his pathetic whines calling out for your name; calling out for his friend ex-girlfriend.
"hey, would you just fucking talk to me? please?"
you finally stopped, taking a deep breath and letting the salty tears that streamed down your face smudge your mascara before turning to face him. the angry knit of his brows from earlier was gone. his face relaxed, a breath of relief escaping his mouth when he could finally just look at you. he took in the sight of your tears, your swollen lips, your shoulders that tensed under your jacket, the way your jaw trembled when you cried.
"i don't wanna talk," you muttered as you shook your head, "i just—i don't wanna talk here. can we go upstairs, or something?"
you stared back, half of your bottom lip barred behind your teeth, analyzing every inch of him. the way his hair that ended at the middle of his ear had grown a bit too thick, the line that formed between his chin and his lower lip when he frowned, his short eyebrows, how prominent his philtrum was, and his blue eyes that caught your attention the day you met in 10th grade chemistry. you missed the way the top row of his small teeth would beam whenever he laughed.
"yeah," lip nodded, "we don't have to be down here, alright? c'mon," he reached for your hand, tilting his head as he tried to stare into you.
you worried about forgetting the feeling of his hands gently caressing your face, rubbing your back when he held you close, twirling your hair around his fingers, when his palms would indent the plush of your thighs, or when he'd grab onto your waist when you kissed him.
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there was no way you'd ever forget now.
"jesus, lip—" you huffed through open-mouthed kisses, your fingertips digging into the flesh of his shoulders. the cold wall against your warm back made you shiver once he tore your shirt off from over your head, along with the jacket he zipped down and gently slipped it off from your arms as he trailed kisses from your jawline to your collarbones.
in the most needy, starved way possible, you tugged at his cotton t-shirt. almost as if he'd read your mind, despite him being on a completely different planet, he pulled away from your mouth and peeled his grey t-shirt off with the same hands that rubbed those fucking circles against your hips the way he always did when he kissed you again.
some things just never changed.
your fingertips pressed against his bare abdomen until they made their way up to his chest. you missed seeing that little triangle tattoo that tyler gave him in the school bathroom. kissing it, tracing your fingernails around the perimeter, occasionally biting and soothing the mark with your lips.
"fuck this stupid party," he scoffed, his hand getting a hold of your chin and tilting your head back up to face him. you looked into him through your lashes, lids low with desire. the look in your eyes ruined him.
"yeah. fuck it."
you glanced at his lips and back into his eyes, just for him to smash his mouth into yours again. it was a mess of teeth and tongue while you entangled your hands in his hair.
"shit—" lip detached himself from your mouth to fill his lungs with hair that smelled like your perfume and sex.
his hands cradled your face so gently it was like you'd break if he ever dared to let go. your hands moved over the groves of his arms and up to his shoulders over and over again, the feeling of soft, supple skin never getting old.
"c'mere, pretty girl," lip breathed against your ear, his hand wrapping your neck gently.
he desperately began sucking and biting the tender skin, coming back to comfort it with pecks and blows of fast, cool air. tuffs of curly blonde hair tickled your jawline every time. his veiny hands roamed down the sides of your torso, never traveling up, until you tried removing your bra yourself. lip shook his head, removing his hands from your hips and reaching behind you to unclip the uncomfortable fabric while you clung to his shoulders for support.
"lip—" you protested, slowly growing impatient.
"i got it, baby," he whispered, kissing your shoulder before carefully slipping the straps over your shoulders and off of your body. that pet name hadn't bounced off of his tongue and rang through your ears in weeks.
once he tossed the bra to the floor, your body relaxed as lip backed away just an inch or two to admire you. he smiled, teeth and all. maybe he really did miss you. your hands rested on his shoulders, slowly backing him up towards the bed of the guest room.
funny. you swore what you and lip had was more than the sex. and it was. you weren't lying about that. but my god, the crave for his skin against yours was unbearable. flashes of your hookups projected over your head. the moans that erupted from you while you tugged on his blonde curls for dear life as he pounded into your weeping cunt—you missed all of it.
"i can't believe you even showed up here," you muttered, using the pads of your fingertips to shove lip onto the soft mattress, silk sheets feeling cold against his back. he glared at you through furrowed brows, propping himself up on his elbows. but his expression softened when he saw you unbuttoning your jeans, zipping the fly down and hastily kicking them off.
"me? you—" he let out a shaky breath, gnawing at the inside of his mouth and sitting up right, "you haven't been out of the house for days."
he stared down at the white lacy underwear you wore, fighting the urge to get up and tear them down your ass until they fell at your ankles.
"and how the hell would you know that?"
you raised your eyebrows, signaling to lip to fall back again so you could reveal the aching bulge in his pants. that same bright smile of excitement made your stomach stir as you were unbuttoning and unzipping the denim that imprisoned his cock.
"been spyin' on you a little bit," he joked, but he wasn't totally kidding. for the past week and a half, he'd been taking 'shortcuts' to get to any destination just so he could briefly stop in front of your place. just to see if you'd ever come out and coincidentally run into him. he even started going to your usual hangout spots to see if you'd turn up.
but you never did. him even going to this party was solely based on the off chance that you might've been here. possibly with a new guy. but you weren't. you were alone. just like he often was.
"how sweet," you teased, tracing the tattoo on his chest. caving into your urges, you tilted your head lower to pet it with a kiss, your eyes closed before trailing your lips back up to his own. he huffed through his nose, laughing at your gesture. it was cute. you were cute. lips hands moved down to your hips, his fingers slipping underneath the waist band of your panties. that little puddle of arousal shining through the white fabric of your thong only egged lip on. he looked into your eyes for permission, not wasting any time to help you remove them the moment you nodded your head.
letting him pull them down the plush of your thighs, you turned just enough where you could slip them past your calf's where they pooled at your feet before finally slipping off onto the floor. a delicate hand reached to pull down the fabric of his boxers, his leaking, pink tip practically making you drool the moment his cock sprung out. the heat and humidity of the room making the thick vein down the side of his length twitch just the slightest. you felt a yearning heat build up in your core as you wiggled your hips closer.
"now," you reached between your thighs to coil your fingers round lip's hardening cock, "i need you to fuck me like you haven't gotten laid in a thousand years."
"that's pretty much what it's felt like." lip mumbled so quietly you barely caught it. he looked up at you, his hand brushing a strand of hair behind your ear before he used his thumb to caress your cheek.
"wait, you—you haven't been with anyone else?"
lip paused, realizing he admitted to not seeing a single other person since you broke up. it almost surprised you that you weren't the only one who was sex deprived.
"fuck would that do? bring you back?" he tried to laugh, accidentally gasping at the feeling of your wet cunt brushing past his throbbing dick. you noticed this, smiling back at him and slowly trying to position yourself perfectly.
"well, you have me now."
those words were all it took. with one swift motion, lip finally caught a grip on the fat of your hips, guiding you gently down his cock, your wetness making a makeshift lubricant.
"always so fuckin' wet for me," lip praised, smiling at the sight of how easily he filled you up to the brim of your cervix. watching your face contort from slight discomfort and into full bliss was his fucking kryptonite. you gasped, the immediate stuffed feeling hitting your stomach. lip winced at the tight sensation, already cursing under his raspy breath and whispering incoherent praises. "so—so fuckin' tigh...fu–ck" you gave him some time to adjust, propping your hands behind you so you could grind against him just right.
lip began rolling your hips back and forth, wet sounds of sex filling up the room. whimpers of "fuck, yes lip," and "just like that," only made his sexual frustration worse.
"'missed you so fuckin' much, baby. shit—you make me feel amazing. so, so fuckin' good." his hands dig deeper into your hips, making their way to your ass to squeeze and occasionally slap the flesh. you flinched with a moan, his dick hitting your gummy walls at a slightly different angle each time.
"m—fuck, missed you too, lip. you have no idea," your lungs begged for air, your tits bouncing slightly at the constant movement of your hips as you chased your high. you looked down at him, tears of arousal filling up your hooded eyes. lip marveled at the sight of your pleasure, inching closer and closer to cumming inside of you right then and there—but he had to savor this. grunting
how could he have waited this long to make amends with you? his groans felt like they practically echoed and bounced off of the walls. he needed to focus on your needs tonight. he pried between your crotchets, pressing his thumb against your clit and rubbing sloppy, rough circles against the bundle of nerves.
"slower, hun," you cooed, moving up and down his cock to keep his tip pounding right into your g-spot every time. the idea of staying quiet had never been this hard—but the music and shouting from downstairs was bound to cover for the two of you. lip nodded his head, slowing down his pace and gently grinding his hips into yours as his thumb remained at work.
after the few moments of pure bliss, moans and cries of lip's name coming from you that he wished would last an eternity, he felt the knot in his stomach tighten. similarly, you started forcefully catching your breath as you stared up at the ceiling. your head went foggy, every word that fell out of your mouth turning into messy gibberish. lip could tell you were close, but he wasn't quite ready to give up.
"i don't think i'm gonna last any longer," lip clenched his teeth, his hand aching from prioritizing your pleasure while his thrusts became sloppier and sloppier. he'd been fucked out without even finishing a single time.
"me neither—"
desperately trying to get a hold of yourself, your body gave out. your thighs began to shake, your cunt contracting. trying to muffle your shrieks, you cupped a hand over your saliva-slick mouth. your hips moved as fast as you could ever dreamed was possible, forcing you to grab onto lip's shoulder blades for support. lip could literally see his dick rolling up and down your stomach as he moaned your name, his eyes screwed shut. finally, just at the very last second, he took every bit of strength left in his body to flip you over, your back pressed against the sheets while you reached your climax. he pulled out with a groan, white ropes of sticky cum coating your lower stomach and the space right under your tits.
makeup sex was not how you envisioned this night would go. but how could you complain?
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princessbrunette · 8 days
thinking abt mouse!reader x jj x kook!pope trying to hide an at first minor foot injury cos she has a big audition or smth coming up and she refuses to miss it :((
but as it gets worse they both notice her hobbling around and wincing whenever she walks and literally force her to stay home the night of the audition, even thought it kills them to make her sad her health comes first always
them having to hold her while she cries and yells at them for the first time cos she wanted to do it so bad :(( i love her sm u guys don't get it
ᡣ𐭩 🤍。🩰ꪆৎ ˚⋅.
it was a full blown tantrum. crying and thumping on chests, snot gathering beneath your sore nostrils. honestly, it was the most noise you’d ever made in one sitting — and you’d been double penetrated.
jj has managed to subdue you, having you curled on a ball in his lap, one fist clutching his shirt and the other clutching popes sweater threateningly as you let out hoarse sobs against his chest. there was a little inkling in the back of popes throat, an itch he wanted to scratch to tell you that you were being a little dramatic and that it wasn’t like someone had died, but he darent — not right now, not whilst you were like this.
the breakdown hadn’t occurred because they sat you down and told you that you were far too injured to compete, it occurred because you knew they were right. you were sneaky by nature, always good at hiding when you’d stolen something or slightly twisting things occasionally as to not get in trouble with the protective pair — but this was something that you couldn’t hide. the slight winces and secret downing of pain meds had turned to limping to full blown hobbling. you were scared, and the boys telling you out loud that you were too injured to compete made it all the more real.
“look, what can i do t’make it better? cheese? y’want cheese? i’ll run to the store right now and buy you that fancy ass board. y’know the one you asked me for last week but i only had two dollars and an old sucker in my pocket?” jj rocks you, forehead creased in urgency like he just wanted to spring up and fix the problem immediately. pope stares into space, rubbing at his jaw in thought.
“no! i want to compete!” you complain, making the blonde sigh.
“yeah, well… we just can’t have that right now sweetcheeks, y’know we ain’t tryna hold you back…” he genuinely sounds upset, wishing there was a way around this. popes hand moves to your back, rubbing it in circles like you’re a newborn baby who won’t sleep through the night. “what can i do, babe?” jj groans quietly, mostly thinking out loud.
“nothing.” pope speaks suddenly and firmly, a calm yet film tone in his voice. “we can’t do anything. but look at me, sweetheart—” he cups your chin and gently guides you to look up at him. his eyes are all wide and desperate, begging you to understand him and you soften, realising only now how difficult you were being. “this is for the best. what kind of boyfriends would we be if like… we just let you go and dance on your injured foot? you could injure it further and then, what? you never dance again? not on my watch.”
your shoulders sink a little, his words getting through to you finally. you sniffle, a few more fat tears rolling down your cheeks and jj is quick to swipe them. “c’mon, no more o’that.” he mutters.
“so tonight…” pope stands, dusting his sweatpants down and grabbing his phone. “you’re gonna sit, and rest that foot. we’re gonna watch a movie and order pizza.” he decides, leaning down again to be eye level with you. you blink slowly, nodding slightly filling the two with relief.
“but i get to pick the movie. sorry, nothin’ you can do about it.” jj grins, tickling your ribs and you let out a raspy giggle.
“no, jj, you don’t. last time you picked something weird.” pope calls as he wanders off to the bathroom.
“yo mamas weird.” jj mutters in retaliation, shifting you on his lap so that he could dig the tv remote from the centre of the couch.
ᡣ𐭩 🤍。🩰ꪆৎ ˚⋅.
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randomperson3736 · 1 year
Gone to0 far
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Paring(s): Lo'ak sully x twin! Reader, Neteyam sully x younger sister! Reader, kiri sully x sister! Reader, Tuk sully x sister! Reader, Jake sully x daughter! Reader, Neytiri x daughter! Reader, sully family x reader
Genre: kinda angst
Warning(s): none
Word bank: Y/N- your name
Notes: soooo, I came across a sound on tiktok and it's the one from the movie Mowgli? If Ur ever heard of it. But it's the sound where he's saying "we're not special" and it just got me thinking about Lo'ak and how he thinks he's an outcast. Anyway, hope u enjoy.
Part 2
"Hey, Lo'ak-!" Y/N yelled at her twin, but was cut short because she tripped over an seashell near the water. Lo'ak stared blankly at her, waiting a few minutes till a loud laugh bursts from his lips as he watched his twin faceplant into the sand. Her ears twitched as she heard her twins laughter her favourite sound of them all. It had been a while since she last hear it. She just figured he was homesick just like everyone else but oh, how she was wrong.
After dusting herself off from all the sand, she took a seat next to Lo'ak, a bright smile on her face just like always. "So, you gonna tell me why my twin brother hasn't been so happy lately?" Lo'ak felt a lump forming in his throat as he watched Neteyam, Kiri and Tuk playing in water, splashing each other. He wished he could tell her why he's been so down but he can't. It's almost like all the hate and sadness has piled up into nothing but rage.
"Hello, Lo'ak? You gonna answer me? Cause you know dad says it rude to ignore someone when their talking to you" Y/N waved her hand infront of his face trying to snap the boy out of his thought. Once he did though, the lump in his throat grew bigger, his knuckles going white as he clenched them tighter. "Why do you always want to be around me? Why not hang out with Neteyam or Kiri and Tuk?" Lo'ak said coldly. Y/N's eyes travelled down to her hands, staring at how one hand has 4 fingers and the other has 4 fingers and 1 tumb. "Cause your my twin, Lo'ak..." she said quietly, almost a whisper.
Anger soon took over Lo'ak as he got up from his sitting position and stormed off to who knows where. Y/N acted quickly, as she followed after her twin concern written all over face. When she finally caught up with him, she grabbed his arm making him face her. "Lo'ak! What's wrong? Please talk to me" L'oak could see the concren, and hurt in her eyes. "Fine! You wanna know why I've been like this??" Lo'ak's out burst made the poor girl jump but she still nodded her head Yes, wanted to get to the bottom to this. "I feel like an outcast! A disappointment! A thing no one wants to deal with!" Tears started to form in Lo'ak's eyes as his emotions started to get the better of him.
"You know... I understand what it's like. For nobody to want you, to feel like a freak... I mean your not the only one who has weird looking hands. See?" She showed both her hands to Lo'ak trying to make him understand that he's not alone. "But... we have each other, ok? And we're kinda the same, you and me" Lo'ak stared at his twin's hands for a few minutes before speaking. "We're not the same" It sounds more harsh then He attempted it to be. Y/N looked down at her hands again but looking up. "Of course we're the same, Lo'ak. Beacuse your special and I'm special"
"We're not special!" Lo'ak yelled, letting all the anger and rage out. "Don't you get it?! We'll never be one of them! We're freaks!" All the yelling that was coming from the young boy, caught the attention of a few Metkayina near by and the attention of their slibings. Neteyam told kiri and Tuk to go find Jake and Neytiri before running off to the two sully twins. "You're not special, Y/N! It's just something mom and dad tell you to make you feel better about yourself! Beacuse you came out wrong!"
"Lo'ak! Stop it!" Neteyam yelled when he got closer to them. His expression softened when he saw his sister, trembling as tears started to roll down her checks. Neteyam placed his hand gently on Y/N's shoulder, to try and comfort her but she just backed away from him. "I-I'm sorry..." the young girl whispered before running off. Neteyam tried calling out for her but she was too far way to hear him.
Lo'ak watched as her figure soon disappeared, regret instantly over coming him as he realized what he just did. He hurt her. The one person he said he'd never hurt. It felt like his heart had shattered into a million pieces. He could hear his parent's heavy footsteps as they grew closer to their oldest and youngest sons. "What the hell happened here?!" Jake's voice roared at his sons. "I-I..." Lo'ak couldn't get the right words to form as he played helplessly with his fingers. He could see how his mother and brother took off to find Y/N, his twin. Lo'ak knew he messed up big time, but he couldn't help the worry that filled the pit of his stomach. He could barely hear the yelling of his father as he yelled about how disappointed he was in him, how he shouldn't have done that. But he already knew that. He already knew that he had gone too far.
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ch3rriiii-bunn · 1 year
What is it?
Hantengu and his clones feeling a different emotion then what they are! I think it's such a cute idea🥹🙏🏾 ALSO DO NOT SEXUALIZE ZOHAKUTEN I'LL BLOCK U ONG
Warnings: fem!reader, fluff, reader is mentioned to be a human, reader is mentioned to be uppermoon 5 on Hantengus part, reader is mentioned to be a big sister figure to Zohakuten, deaf reader (on Zohakuten part), mention of death
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Being replaced by gyokko and getting stuck with hantengu was always a problem for you. "How are you stronger than me and scared of me AND these humans!?" You'd consently ask yourself, but made sure to watch your tongue and have respect for the demon ranked above you.
Although his always frightened state annoyed you it also made you feel nice knowing hantengu wasn't scared of you because your ranked below him, it was because he liked the calm vibes from you, not openly judging him for always being scared even if you're judging him in your head and most of yall he respected you.
When you two were sent on a mission, a hashira got in the way, stopping you from doing your task given by Lord muzan. Hantengu eek'ed and you rolled your eyes, groaning in annoyance "we can't do a night's work without these annoying humans getting in our way" you stood up giving the hashira a death stare when suddenly you felt a frigal, shaking hand hand grab your hand stopping you from going any closer.
"Hantengu! I don't have time for-" "i-I will deal with him... p-please keep doing the task "h-he" gave us." his voice trembled, his tears stopped flowing, stepping in front of you. "You're just gonna use the clones, right? If so, go ahead, " you spoke calmly when hantengu shook his head."i-im upper 4! I dont know what im feeling right now, but I can fight." He just yelled out for no reason and attacked the hashira with brute strength.
Your eyes widen in amazement. This was really Hantengu's strength alone? The always scared, shaking old man was actually fighting on his own without you taking over. "Heh. How brave, go do your best hantengu"
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Aizetsu never thought a person, let alone any human, would want to willingly spend time with him, not just because he's a demon but because of him. His brothers have told him multiple times that he's always so depressing, always sad, and even kills the mood with his negativity. Aizetsu knew that about himself very well, he didnt think he could change it since that's the emotion written on his tongue and just accepted it until he met you.
Despite Aizetsu being a manifestation demon of an emotion, you knew there was something more to it. You found out more of Aizetsu's reasoning for always feeling sorrow by taking the time to sit down and understand him. It's something Aizetsu always wanted. To have someone listen to him about his feelings instead of ignoring them.
You told Aizetsu that he should come to your house whenever he could to sit down and write what he feels. Writing is something you did to help with your feelings, writing any reminders and etc, so you suggested the idea to Aizetsu. You could see that it helped Aizetsu, too. He's become more into writing ever since you got him into the idea of it and reading whatever he wrote, which made him feel better even if he doesn't say it or still have the same frown on his face.
You were cooking yourself dinner and then looked over your shoulder to check on Aizetsu. You were taken a back to see a smile on his face as he wrote at the table. You quickly turned your head back with a huge smile on your face and hoped he didn't catch you looking to ruin the mood for him.
When your food was done, you turned to see the same smile on his face. You walked over and put your plate down on the table and sat next to him. "Hey Aizetsu, you done writing?" You asked, leaning closer "almost" he said and put the pencil down, looking at you. "y/n... what's this feeling I'm having? I can't stop smiling. Feels werid, " he asked, trying to keep his smile from growing any wider.
You couldn't help but giggle. "Maybe you're excited for me to read what you wrote. Your eyes used to just widen when i read what you wrote, but it looks like you're more happy this time. " You gave him a wide smile. "I guess I am. This smiling is hurting my face, but i can't stop. " he giggles, becoming flustered. "What I wrote is about how much i appreciate you." Aizetsu's smile grew wider, and he couldn't help but laugh. You covered your mouth, trying not to squeal from his cuteness
"I'm having fun with you too!"
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Sekido had explained to you how he will never feel anything other than rage since that's the manifestation he is. A demon manjfested to only feel rage and anger. He knew his rage could affect others, but he had little empathy about it until he met a human who was the complete opposite of him but able to deal with his emotion.
The more time Sekido spent with you, the more he adjusted his anger and even attitude without realizing it. You noticed his change when you came that day, not having a good time at work, and he yelled at you, making you cry and had to realize his anger can affect others more than he thought.
"Sekido. I get mad, too, sometimes. I'll even feel rage, but some things just aren't worth getting mad over, you know? There are ways to calm you down when you get mad over the little things" you said making Sekido look at you with a angry but confused look "I know how to stay calm I'm not stupid! But... I wouldn't mind hearing your ways of calming down in small situations," he looked away from you with his arms crossed.
From then on, you've taught Sekido when the best times to calm down during certain situations are. Sekido's first challenge was dealing with his brothers, who couldn't follow orders. Instead of yelling or growling at them for them to listen, Sekido learned how to manage his breathing. He'd take deep breaths before he spoke
"Can you guys fucking listen? I want to get shit done, so stop fooling around and let's go, " he said with a calmer tone in his voice and turned around, walking out having his brothers shocked shocked. His brothers decided to actually follow Sekido and listen to him since he did ask nicely, and they wanted to show respect back to him for once.
Sekido would always look at you for approval for how he handled things, and even though he'd still say harsh things, you did praise him for trying.
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Urogi never has a boring moment. He's always feeling so giddy and always wants to include his brothers in his foolishness, and even you, no matter how dangerous or stupid the idea is, he just has to always be having fun and have that cute smile on his face. You weren't really the type to always be active like Urogi, but he always encourages you to have as much fun with him even if you aren't up for it, but that's just him.
You've noticed that in the past few days, Urogi wasn't being himself. You thought if something happened when he left on his own those days because ever since he stopped going out on his own, his smile wasn't the same when he's around you and with the others. He'd snap out of some daze and smile if he was spoken to and be his usual self, but it seemed too fake. You took it apon yourself to see what the problem was.
You went outside and climbed up the tree he usually goes to whe wants to enjoy his own time. "y/n, why did you come up here? You could'vefallenl and hurt yourself, " he chuckled lightly. You sat down beside Urogi on the branch, making your arms touch. "I made sure to get up here safely, don't worry," you smiled. "Urogi... are you ok? You've been acting werid today... and the past few days actually" you said and suddenly he went silent, not smiling at you and not even lookin at you "i-im sorry for asking you don't have to answer-" "it's fine" Urogi cut you off and now having you silent to listen to him.
Urogi forced a smile "ahh it's no big deal, really! Ahah... it's just I met another demon a few days ago. He was a lot like me, although he was weaker than me, " he said. "Was?" You thought to yourself. "I had never met another demon who had a bird like appearance like mine. Made me feel happy knowing I wasn't so different, you know?" Urogi said with sadness in his voice, and his eyes started to blink more like he was stopping tears from coming out
"Urogi.." you said, touching his shoulder. "When I flew to our usual hang out spot, I noticed he was fighting a demon slayer... that human cut his head off as soon as I arrived... I saw his head just disappear along with his body" Urogi explained not being able to control the tears from flowing and using his claws to wipe them away "I killed the slayer because that's what demons do but y/n..." Urogi turned to you, crying more with shaking breathes in his sentences. "What is this feeling? I-i don't like it. Why can't I stop the water from coming out of my eyes? I've never had this happen to my eyes before. What's going on? It's been like this for 3 days"
Urogi covered his face with his claws sobbing even harder. "I don't like this feeling... I don't like it at all. Please help me. i-i can't seem to feel any joy right now, " he curls up, hugging himself with his wings. All you could do was wrap your arms around Urogi's body even though his wings were doing so. "You're grieving and feeling sorrow at the loss of your friend." you said, rubbing his back. "I really don't like this feeling, so don't leave until I'm better... please," he begs
"I won't, Urogi. Don't worry, I'm here"
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Karaku loved fighting. It does not matter if his opponent is a human or demon he just loved to fight since it brought him his own joyful pleasure and getting to turn his fights into a game. He doesn't care who he makes mad, he dose what makes him feel good and no one else's.
When Karaku comes back from an uppermoon meeting or even speaking to the demons ranked above him, he'd often come back to your come with a completely different mood than before. "Hey Karak, how was the meeting?" you asked sweetly. "Mm. Good, " he said, not saying anything else and stood at the doorway, having a sour expression on his face.
You took notice and sat down on your couch and patted the seat next to you. "Do you need to talk? You weren't like this before you left. Something must've happened, huh?" You asked with concern. "You're a human. You won't understand how I feel," he said with anger in his tone and his expression showing clear annoyance. "I see." You got up and went back to what you were doing, "doesn't matter if you're a demon or not. When you're ready to talk, then I'm here, " you said.
Later that night, you were in your bed reading a book. You heard the door open and put your book down. It was Karaku. "Ready to talk?" You asked. Karaku took a deep breath and crawled onto the bed and rested his head on your lap. "It wasn't actually a meeting. My brothers were so busy i had to go to the infinity castle to pick up something "he" left for us. i ended up running into the upper 3" he said, and you nodded, petting his head.
Karaku let out a frustrated sigh this time, closing his eye to calm down. "Upper 3 and 1 are so strict!" Karaku snapped, now becoming angry, "talking about how I should act when I'm around them and upper 2 is annoying with his shitty come backs that aren't funny at all. It just just annoying! I hated how all i could do was fucking walk away! I hate how im weaker than those assholes" Karaku yelled with his fangs showing, even growling.
His reaction was kind of shocking to you. You've seen Karaku upset but not to this level. For a second, you thought to yourself if it's even safe to he around around in his raged state right now, but you stopped, you worry, and just decided to speak. "It's annoying running into a situation you don't like, especially when you don't know when it's going to happen," you said, making Karaku look at you a bit shocked. "Wait... you understand? .....I don't like feeling like this when I run into a situation I don't like. Ruins the fucking mood"
You nod, agreeing with Karaku, and keep petting his head. "Of course I get it. I may not be in your situation, but i get it, I have to go to work, and I hate running into rude customers. However, when I get home, I like to do things that make me feel good after a bad day. You should do the same Karaku, " you smiled, and so did Karaku.
Karaku got up and made a loud sound as he stretched. He turned back to you with his hands on his hips, smiling. "ahah! You're right! On my way here, I saw some pathetic slayers and ignored them, but after taking to you, I'm gonna go have some fun with them to feel better!" Karaku winked and dashed out the house
"Uh huh.. you do that, " you said with a giggle.
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Zohakuten can be enraged very easily. He knew that very well and looked at any human or demon with such hate when it came to situations he didn't like. He often liked to take walks alone in the woods he was by himself, leaving his brothers since he was easily angered by most of the things they do.
He noticed a human walking ahead of him. He narrows his eyes to take notice that you're just a village walking in demon territory. He walked up faster behind you and growled. "Don't you know you're walking in the forest where demons come to at night? Get out of here before I kill you, " he said grips onto his weapon hard. You only kept walking, holding your basket. Zohakuten became more angry and grabbed your shoulder. "Hey! Scum don't you dare walk away" he said, and you turned around slowly.
You felt the fear wash of you noticing a demon was behind you this whole time and froze not knowing if you should scream or run. "What bitch? Why are you looking at me like I'm the evil one?" He said, You managed to calm yourself and take notice of the demon in front of you. Yes, he is a demon, but he has the appearance of a child.
Your face turned from frightened to a soft, welcoming smile. You got on a knee to match his height and held out your hand to him. "What are you doing? Are you now realizing you're disgusting like the dirt under my feet?" He said. You gave him a sad smile, tilting your head slightly. You pointed to your ears and then shook your head. Zohakuten understood now, judging by your gestures. You couldn't hear him, but he knew that you knew he's a demon. Despite that, you held your hand out to him with a soft and gentle smile
"... is it because i look like a child? Tsk. Don't have such pity for me. Scum" Zohakuten didn't know how else to respond to your kindness since this is the first time anyone has shown him any. You took notice of his lips moving, saying something but you just kept your position to help this child even if he is a demon. Zohakuten didn't sense any danger from you and took you up on your offer. "I'll allow you to take me wherever you want, but I'm not holding your disgusting hand." he slapped your hand away but grabbed your shirt, making you stand up.
You had brought Zohakuten to your house and offered him things a child would like. You had a thing for knitting, and Zohakuten could tell judging how you home looked. He found it stupid, but he didn't hate it. Zohakuten felt relaxed in your home and liked how an adult showed him kindness instead of demands.
He had explained to you why you cant help him but you still allowed him to come to your home whenever he could and Zohakuten would often, getting away from his brothers and always interested to see the handmade gifts you made for him. Zohakuten may be a child, but he wasn't stupid. He knew many languages, but learning sign language from you was something that peeked his interests aside from the hand-made gifts you made him. The word "hatred" was on his tongue, and you'd notice that when he would speak. "Why is hatred on your tongue?" You Sign. "I am a clone that's supposed to be hatred. That's why. What? Do you have a problem with it?" He sign back with an angry but worried face.
"No no I don't have a problem with it, just curious. You are always so grumpy but it seems when you come here you feel happy. Is it possible demons can feel happiness around humans?" You sign with a giggle. Zohakuten didn't answer, really thinking about it but not knowing how to respond. He was snapped out of his thinking when you pet his head
"It's... okay! you don't need.. to answer!" You said, this time speaking. Zohakuten stood up in shock, almost scared. "You talked! You can talk!? You can talk! Y/n!!" He couldn't help the happy squeal he let out and his eyebrows rising with the biggest smile on his face "shit wait wait" he said and uses a sign language to say what he just said. You look at him shocked "Zohakuten that's not how you say my name. You actually called me onee-chan. " You laughed, thinking he made a mistake.
Zohakuten smiled. "You're a woman worthy to be my big sister since I see you as one. I love my big sister, " he signed, and all you did was cry from happiness, hugging the small boy.
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stillfrownyclownlol · 6 months
Hiding in the bathroom from a man rn lmao
Aidlyn headcanons because...please? Please? They make me sick /positive
These aren't all fluffy or whatever because they traumatized af and relationships like that are...difficult... but not impossible.
-he's 8-ish months older than her and like, 20ish cms taller (sorry I don't know how American feet work lol 😭)
-He hyperfixated on the relationship lmao.
-Clingy...they BOTH are. In different ways I mean but. They are both clingy. They're scared the other is gonna die when they aren't around lol 🙃 Aiden is ofc very touchy and grabby, he just has to FEEL that she's with him. Also type of guy to call at 2am "hey bby u good?". Ash gets antsy if she hasn't seen or heard from him in a while (a while means like 2 hours) especially since he like spam texts her every 5 seconds. But he also hyperfixates or disassociates for a while and will forget 🤡 like she will yell at him about why he didn't call her for 17 hours and he'll just be like "um sorry. I was. Staring at a wall."
-he has a lot of weird/cringy ass pet names for her that makes her want to slap him; probably calls her Bae or whatever. Ash nicknames for Aiden: Idiot, stupid, dumbass, public safety hazard...called him "dear" like once just to try it and hated it. "Mr. Durable" if she wants to annoy him.
-worlds worst pick up lines. Ash NEVER understands them.
-he loves surprises! Surprise him! He wants to surprise Ash too! She kinda hates this. They decided to "compromise": he will tell her beforehand that there is a "surprise" and gives her little clues/puzzles so she can figure out whatever it is. He has like 0 patience tho so he always helps her figure them out 🤡 Ash likes watching him get excited about the puzzles and doing them together more than the surprise half of the time.
-Him infodumping is like white noise so she can sleep lol.
-they try to do things the other likes since Ash thinks this is important for a "healthy relationship". Almost died when they went to an indoor rock climbing place 💀 but she got to see Aiden in a leotard when they did ballet together so it was a fair trade (blackmail)
-he is her hypeman at ballet recitals, will probably cheer when she comes on stage and has a sign and everything, the rest of the gang (and Ash) is just like "...we don't know this guy"
-she wishes he took care of himself more. Sends him stuff like "did you drink any water today", "Ben told me you're gonna skateboard down the hill please dont", or "IF YOU SET YOUR BOOKS ON FIRE IM GONNA CALL THE POLICE" <3
-sometimes if she's sad she just kinda. Falls on his back. Like a koala or smth. She has that "I literally cannot do anything" sort of depression (which to be fair Aiden also has sometimes). Aiden carries her around.
-when nobody's looking she kisses his cheek, cuz she knows his face is usually sore from smiling so much.
-pretty low key on her part, but Aiden is so obvious everybody knows 💀 She doesn't like PDA (more so the fact that people stare) but Aiden will usually put his arm around her shoulders or waist/give her a smooch (not on the mouth) <3 it's honestly not that different from how he was when they were just friends ngl 🤡
-he says "I love you" easily, because it genuinely is the easiest thing in the world for him. He has 0 doubts about how he feels for her. Ash doesn't say it a lot cuz she feels weird saying it, so she does her best to show it in other ways.
-he gets jealous easily *siiiiigh* It's cuz he's insecure!!! Help him! 😭 He doesn't get annoyed with her because like. Ash pays about as much attention to other guys (I mean besides Tyler, Ben and Logan) as she does to dust. But he will death glare at any guy they don't know that's staring at her 💀
-kinda codependent... *looks at the floor* they are working on it. Sometimes Aiden feels like he's only alive for her. (I- Look at episode 61- IVE BEEN IN HIS POSITION. AIDEN BABY THIS AINT HEALTHY)
-absolute dork. Draws "A.C. + A.B." in a little heart in his note margins because he's goofy like that.
-he fell first she fell harder NO I will not be taking any criticism for this.
Anyways it's raining outside so I'll just post this now
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serxinns · 6 months
Yandere Bnha x scarlet witch reader part 3
H/c = hair color
F/c = fav color
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Shout out to @lady-ashfade for helping me!
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The Big Three (Platonic)
• Mirio is an affectionate and sunshine Boy always give you hugs 24/7
•Mirio Loves to give you Big bear hugs or tickle you if he's in a very good mood if you not much of a hugger or tickle person that's ok! High fives are just as amazing as well! He would never overstep a boundary.
•Mirio loves to make you happy it's his number 1 goal! he loves to make you smile, laugh, or anything that brings positive emotion, and if you ever feel sad this dude turns into a whole-ass mom he make sure your are comfortable enough to tell why are you feeling that way and if some caused you to feel that way let's just say they're just gonna get more then a punch in the stomach
•He knows it is wrong but he likes to use his quirk to go through your walls and watch you sleep only uses his face tho he thinks it's adorable to see you all curled up in your blanket dreaming he always wondered what your dreams are like if he notices you waking up then he'll quickly back off if you have a bad dream he'll.cone making up an excuse saying how he heard you struggling in your sleep and comfort you
•Every morning Mirio would invite you to walk you to class and when you get to your class he gives you a hive five or a big hug before he leaves
•On educational class visits he always yells out a hello or runs to you giving a big hug even ignoring how he embarrassed you in front of the class
• speaking of the class mirror Always sense how Jealous your classmates are whenever he wants to talk to you your classmate suddenly appears and pulls you away from him he didn't think much of it once he realizes that they were doing it on purpose (expect for izuku) and in the morning after before he was gonna give u a big hug iida got in the way and told you that aizawa is almost here and you should sit down (Aizawa was 5 mins late) mirio saw the pattern and smiled wickly walking to his group with a plan
"two can play that game~"
•Tamaki is the obsessive and Protective type of yandere Is shy and anxious on the outside but deep inside this dude is obsessing about every little thing you do!
•When Tamaki met you thought Mirio always talking about this Student all the time both Neijire and he looked at him curious about who is the student that made mirio that way and when mirio introduced you to them neijire instantly fell in love while Tamaki was shy as usually but there was something different about u a feeling that makes him think he needed to protect you he tried to surpass his feelings but how could he your so adorable and ur in class 1a the class that the villain target!? Poor boy almost made himself cry when the thought of you being helpless getting kidnapped
•Tamaki loves to steal little things you don't care about and keep them in his collection either be pens and pencils or items that you never use he'll collect them and put them in a secret place only he knows
•Tamaki would occasionally compliment you every chance he gets so he can see you beaming with happiness
• whenever you're sad he's not exactly good at comforting people but he would give you comforting head pats or give you your favorite comforting items to calm you down and hug you if you need it but if someone caused you to be this way his whole mood turn he turns from an Anxious introvert to something even more threatening how dare someone hurt their baby sibling he was thinking the most horrible ways to torture the person who hurt you
•Sicne Tamaki is also friends and partners with Kirishima I would imagine Tamaki teaching Kiri to be more protective and be more supporting try to get the reader to date him he doesn't know much about love but he does know about protection and will try encouraging kiri and whenever kiri rambles about how amazing and manly you see he happily listens
•Tamaki Knows how jealous the class gets when it comes to you but he doesn't even care even when the time bakugo threatens him to blow him up if he and the senpais gets near you but all tamki did was ignore him and push pass him he wasn't gonna let anyone scare him especially if it his beloved sibling is involved
•Neijire is the Delusanional and Obsessive type of yandere she thinks every little thing you do means you're depending on them or you need to be protected
•When Neijire 1st heard about you from Mirio she was so ecstatic to meet this Student and when Mirio did she fricking SQUEALED she was pinching your cheeks saying how cute you were hugging you while jumping tamaki and mirio had to calm her down
•Neijire views herself as a older sibling and bestie to you can be controlling like spamming you demanding where you are or wanting to know who you're with but mirio and Tamaki will tell her off but at times she don't listen she needs to know where you are!
•if you notice how weird and obsessive your class or the big 3 is neijire will try to put on the "naive" mask just to think you're just seeing things
•when Neijire wants to spar you she goes all out to show off how strong she is to prove how she can protect you she shows off her fighting skills and her quirk and when this your turn oh she will scream complaints and try to hype you up like "you go y/n" and "Yea that's my little sibling!" jumping up in down like an excited child once you're done she'll rant about how proud she is
•Neijire is VERY protective when it comes to you she glares at anyone when you hang out with them holding your hand a bit tight when she feels uncomfortable if anyone tries to hurt you she'll use her sharp nails and pierce deeply into their skin until it bleeds threatening them to kick their ass the next time they hurt u
•Big 3 loves to make plans to hang out with you neijire is in charge of plans like having a sleepover or a study session or even the trip to the zoo ( Lol tamaki gets scared of the giraffe because he thought it was gonna eat his hand when it was just try a get the food out his hand)
•they calls you Sparks because whenever your using your quirk f/c like sparks come out of your hands and they think its cute
• Big 3 and Class 1a would fight to get your attention whether be who's the group you get to sit with, training and hanging now not only have you got 19 crazy teenagers wanting your love and attention now you got of the most powerful senpais wanting to protect their little sibling and baby you
•Tamaki never admits it but he adores your sneezes it sounds like a kitten (even if you sneeze loud people)
He'll form a small smile
•neijire and Mount lady have a rivalry of who gets to do readers hair and who's outfit you get to wear
Shinsou and Eri (platonic)
• Shinsou is a chill manipulative and more aware and the possessive type of yandere basically the only person you can deal with
•Shinsou and you likes to eat on the rooftop whenever Big 3 and class 1a start to have a war in the cafeteria and makes jokes about how they are to lighten up the mood
•Shinsou is a cool friend and a bug brother to you the two of you would go and do shenanigans like prank the teachers or Cause Chaos around school even mess with class 1b
•Aizawa would hire shins to keep watch of you so you won't do anything dangerous he may be more chill than the others but when someone messes with you it's on bro would find any info on the person and threaten to blackmail
•Shinsou would act like the normal one just to get closer to you and whenever you talked about how weird your classmates are he would try to convince you that ur just being a dummy
•Shinso nicknamed you le Bruja while you nickname him El Insomnio (hehe translate it)
•Shinsou Hate using his quirk on you but if it comes to danger or a villain he had to use his quirk to less you out of danger so he can protect you
•Shinso is secretly a cuddleler and you know it you and eri (eri is a yandere too) would cuddle up and watch movies together and if any of the UA or students caught this they'll secretly take photos but be careful if shinsou wakes up he would not be happy
•Eri is the Innocent but scary yandere she always dreamed when she grows up she'll always be a hero like you
•she treats you like you're her idol she's so amazed when you used your quirk in Battle or training, especially in training cause she gets to watch them in person jumping up and down and clapping her hands cheering for you
•Eri would fake cry whenever you don't give her enough attention she would try to distract you by buying ice cream or snacks for her or guilt trip you to make you lay attention to her more "Y/n I wanna go to the arcade" off the arcade you go to win her a prize "Y/N.. *Shows sad puppy eyes*" well no attention for the person time to cheer up eri!
•Eri would draw little doodles of you, shins, mic, and Aizawa like a family photo
•She loves it when you use ur quirk to do tricks and tries to mimic your moves as well to either izuku, shinsou, one of the big 3 aizawa, mic anyone while saying "Look I learned this from y/n"
•She would invite you, mirio, shinso, and Izuku to cute tea parties the boys are the butlers, and you and here are the royals (slay gurl slay)
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jefferson-starkid · 11 months
An incomplete list of things I loved about the RWRB movie
First and foremost he total of TWO (2) lil bicep kisses Henry gives Alex (my hearttt I will never shut up about this)
Their faces when Alex gets cake on Henry’s coat
That whole scene actually. Comedy gold
Zahra straight up attacking Alex with a pillow for being an idiot
Alex looking and acting like a 10 year old petulant child during the whole hospital closet scene lol
Heny’s little voice crack when he says “I didn’t say ‘get me out of here’ I said ‘I need to get out of here’ there is a difference” BABY
on that note you don't wanna know the amount of times I said 'oh baby' to Henry during this movie :(
The eyelashes thing making it in there even though it’s not henry who says it in the movie but idc because Taylor Zakhar Perez your eyelashes sir
Alex actually grabbing Henry’s hips at the party to show him how to dance WE LOVE A BOOK ACCURATE MOMENT
On that note GET LOW
And Henry saying ‘Did he say ‘sweat drops down my balls?’ I hollered I love that moment in the book
Henry’s lost puppy look when Alex kisses the girls
Nick Galitzine managing to perfectly portray Henry’s mannerisms in the first kiss scene ‘Henry’s whole face grimaces in frustration, his eyes casting skyward like they’re searching for help from an uncaring universe.’ Like he did that perfectly
Zahra being the iconic queen she is
“You’ve been wanting him to dick you down forever”
the Alexander Hamilton portrait good job movie
Alex being nervous and not knowing how to stand when waiting for Henry (ik in the book this detail was after the state dinner in his room, but idc I love that they at least kept it in this way)
Henry’s horrified little moment of realization when he sees Alex isn’t actually gonna yell at him for kissing him but he’s actually into this like Nick Galitzine your face sir!!! It’s so soft and sad and adorable arrgghhh
The detail of Alex hitching Henry’s tigh up around him like in the book
Amy’s ‘oh god!’ when she walks in on them
Henry immediately pretending to inspect the book case and Alex randomly playing with the flowers all ‘ACT NATURAL’ lol that made me cackle
Henry’s face as he leaves Alex’s room and lingers in the doorway a bit to just…stare at him UGH
The rich white people sex dungeon scene with the polo and alex just shamelessly thirsting after Henry lol
“Who says ‘make love’ anymore? Are we like gonna listen to Lana Del Rey while we do it?” PLEASE
That sex scene was handled with so much care. It was so soft and sensual and they worked their asses off to show their connection and it paid off lemme tell u everyone say ‘thank you intimacy coordinator’
Like I could talk for 45 minutes about that hand shot alone
How small Henry looks lying on his side next to Alex afterwards
FIRST BICEP KISS everyone say thank you whoever wrote that in the script
Henry’s disorientated ‘sgoingon?’ when Zahra wakes them up lol just like the book
EVERYTHING ZAHRA SAYS after she finds Henry in the literal closet
You could feel the ‘Zahra does not appreciate being told to chill’ radiating off of her Sarah Shahi you absolute genius
Their faces when ‘oh and I told my sister!’ :D ‘Oh I didn’t know that!’ :D ‘Yeah she was really happy for us’ ‘I can’t wait to see her again she’s real-‘ “OKAY SHUT UP THE BOTH OF YOU” lol Zahra is going THROUGH it
‘Would it make any difference if I told you not to see him again?’ ‘No.’ he said that so fast I’m gonna cry
Zahra calling Henry Little Lord Fuckleroy
Ellen at least mentioning the powerpoint even though they didn’t show it
Ellen giving alex the Queer Talk™
On that note ‘the B isn’t silent’ making it in there is so important to me as a bi person
Alex reading One Last Stop
I am NOT singing karao-
Cut to henry singing karaoke
HE DID IT HE SANG DON’T STOP ME NOW and he’s all smiley and real and open and Alex noticing it and falling more in love by the second
On that note Taylor Zakhar Perez your face sir
On the deck when Henry is slowly realizing what Alex is trying to say (aka ‘I love you) and nick’s face just goes so desperately soft as he starts to understand that this means he’ll have to leave Alex and then his face just slowly closes off like NICK GALITZINEs FACE ACTING don’t talk to meee
That little moment afterwards that Henry spends underwater with his hand on his heart just…ACHING. Ugh someone kill me
Henry is my absolute baby can you tell
David first appearing. A real ‘and everyone cheered’ moment even though the scene is heartbreaking
‘Do you love him?’ ‘What difference would it make if I did?’ and then that sad barely there smile *insert captain Holt ‘PAAAIIINNNNN’ gif here*
“I stormed a fucking castle to look you in the eye and tell you that I love you, knowing that you wouldn’t say it back. So no, Henry, in fact, this is costing me everything.” LORD
”I can love you and want you and still not want that life. I’m allowed, all right? And it doesn’t make me a liar. It makes me a man with some infinitesimal shred of self-preservation, and you don’t get to come here and call me a coward for it” is one of my favourite passages in the book and I am so fucking happy they kept it. Nick slayed that scene
In fact their acting in that whole sequence was amazing
“tell me to go” NOOOO I love that they kept it but it’s so sadddd
The fact that they actually filmed in the V&A
Henry mentioning dreaming of dancing there with a person he loved and Alex wasting zero time putting on a song (cry emoji)
Henry giving Alex his signet ring like in the book, but then them adding that Alex gives Henry his key in return I AM UNWELL
That little montage of cute intimate moments between A&H during Alex’ speech
YAYYYY they kept the Zahra and Shaan subplot
“Yeah I thought you might see it our way, I’ll hold” QUEEN ZAHRA
And then Henry’s little breathless ‘Alex?’ STOPPPP
I’m serious baby making it into the film had me WEAK I had to pause for a full 30 seconds to scream into my pillow
Running towards each other on the stairs :’)
“I’m white and upper class so my affection comes with strings” lol at least he's self aware
The hand holding during the meeting with he king
“I love you”  “I love you more “  “I think that’s up for debate”
Henry wearing the tie with the yellow roses of Texas :’)
In conclusion was the movie perfect? No! did I still love it? Yes!
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mbbsgf · 7 months
a/n:: okay, hello. this is my first fanfiction ever. i'm kinda new to this whole stuff and english is not my first language so i apologize if there are any mistakes or if idk u don't like it. js don't be mean bc i'm sensitive and overdramatic kinda so i'll probably cry ab it (LMFAO) anyway, yeah i hope u like it. plus, if u have anything to help me writing better please comment so ik how to progress ! thank u !
warnings: angst, sad ending, swearing, fighting, toxic!chris (i'm obsessed), no y/n, jealousy?, use of drugs(i think that's all let me know if u think other warnings are needed!)
based of logical by olivia rodrigo (GUTS, 2023.)
"chris, it truly isn't that deep. you're overreacting." cindy says softly as she sits on his bed. chris scoffs.
he stands up. "oh, it isn't that deep, huh!? how would you react if i did this with another girl?" he asks, angrily frowning.
"all i did was speaking to that guy, babe. he just wanted to know what drink was in the bottles."
"yeah? you told him what was in the fucking bottles for 5 whole minutes!?" chris is now yelling, placing his hands on his hips.
cindy is speechless. she just looks at chris, defeated. "fine. if you can't handle me having social interactions, then i'm leaving." cindy states as she grabs her bag and heads to the door.
"wait, ma.. don't leave, i'm sorry.." chris' tone softens as he looks at cindy with sad eyes.
"no, i'm done with your bullshit, chris. whenever i have one small interaction with another boy, you freak out and get all possessive and jealous, if you're gonna be like that..." cindy pauses, tears starting to form into her eyes. it hurts her to do this but chris is hurting her and he never even apologizes for it. "...we should end it all." cindy says in a shaky voice.
"fine. get out but we both know you're gonna come back crawling to me, begging me to take you back." chris mumbles as he takes one long drag of the joint he previously made. he exhales the smoke. cindy looks at him, horrified about how careless he is. cindy walks out, slamming his door shut behind her. cindy walks home and as soon as she gets home, she closes the door behind her and slides down in, uncontrollably sobbing and crying.
bro this is so shit i wanna kms this is so embarrassing to post
for @bernardenjoyer bc she convinced me to finish this☹️
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taylormarieee · 10 months
~Until I found you~
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Summary: Carl has gone through alot over the years. He got shot, lost his mom, lost hershel, lost the prison, thought he lost Judith and Michonne, and lost his eye. Nobody in the group really looked at his pain enough, until he found you.
Word Count: 624
Genre: Fluff/ Comfort
Pairing: Carl Grimes X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death, disturbing subjects, mentions of being shot, blood, walkers, typical TWD stuff
A/N: This was requested by @carlsdarling, I really like this alot and I hope u like it as well bestie!
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Carl dealt with a lot. The loss of his mother. Having to shoot her. Watching her in pain just so his little sister could be born. He lost hershel, lost the farm and the prison.
Almost lost his dad, Thought he lost the rest of the group and his sister. He got shot twice. Lost his eye. Lost friends and family.
He had been through so much and couldn't take it anymore. Not until he found you. You were found a couple miles outside of Alexandria. Him, Rick, and Glenn were out on a run when they found you.
They asked you the questions and you gladly complied. When they brought you back to Alexandria, you felt a energy from Carl. A lot of pain and sadness. You noticed his eye. You always wondered how it happend.
He seemed to hang around you more and get comfortable with you. He began to start talking to you and trusting you. He told you things, things you never thought he would tell you and neither did he.
One day you decide to walk to hilltop, to check on maggie because she's pregnant. You and Carl get into an argument about going but he eventually lets you go.
As your walking there you find a bike. You decide to freshen your memory on how to ride a bike since its been a while plus, you'll get to hilltop faster. Walkers are near and they see you.
You just try to ride by on your bike before almost getting hit by a car. You thought you died but you didn't. You get off the bike and walk towards the car. You look inside and roll your eyes.
"CARL!? What the hell! You could have killed me! Do you even know how to drive!?" You yell asking him. He just laughs and says, "Thought. I could come and keep you company!" He says smiling.
"And your gonna do that by running me over with a car?" You say raising your eyebrows smiling.
He gets out and hugs you. "Well let's go pirate!" You say holding out your hand.
You two walk for a little while holding hands. Carl spots. a bookbag and walks over too it. You keep walking as you were a little far behind since he ran ahead.
"Hey look! I found some roller skates!" He says holding the rollerskates.
You laugh and walk over to Carl. Next thing you know you both are rolling down the street in skates with your hands interlocked. You both laughing and smiling the whole way.
You both are on the outside of Hilltops Gates. You look at Carl and he looks at you. He told you he was going to find the sanctuary and kill negan. "Carl don't. I-I can't lose you. I love you Carl!" You say crying.
He puts his head against yours and kisses your forehead. "Shh, I know baby girl." he says holding you.
"I love you. I always have and always will. I'll be safe I promise ok. You were there for me in my darkest moments. You were a person I could go to. Someone I could trust with my secrets and my sadness. I had just met you and already knew I loved you. You were there for me and you never left. I love you babe! Be safe ok?" He says wiping away the tears from your eyes.
"I'll be safe. I love you the most Carl. I always have. I always will. Make negan pay ok?" You say before walking away giving him one last kiss.
He always knew he loved you. From the day he found you. You were the one who understood him. You were his rock. His forever!
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Taglist: @carlsdarling @sinsandsweetness @murdadixon @number1gal @the-dixon-effect @tied-in-a-knot
©TaylorMarieee| All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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twiixr4kidz · 2 years
Since u said I can request sumthing else… Scott and the evil exes x reader hurt cumfert (reader is da hurt one) non head cannons Thankies -💀🎀
i can do that, yeah :33
scott and the evil exes comforting the reader
scott pilgrim
work was hard. you'd woken up at the asscrack of dawn only to go in for an 8 hour shift where you were berated, yelled at, and borderline verbally abused by needy costumers who didn't understand what the word "wait" meant. if that wasn't bad enough, you had to stay even later because somebody decided to call out. great. and then, the absolute KICKER of the day? your boss said you'd have to come in on your day off because the same person who called out today had decided to call out for the rest of the week. and that was just okay, apparently. needless to say, you left the house at 7 that morning and got home at 9 that night and you were not in a good mood AT ALL.
scott, who'd been staying at your house for the past few months, could feel it without seeing you. you'd thrown your stuff down and walked to the bedroom, face planting into the mushy surface of the blanket. he kinda just walks into the bedroom and sits next to you while you're drowning in pillows. "rough day?" he asks, not quite knowing what else to say. you confirm his suspicion with a muffled groan. a few minutes pass. "do you, uh... wanna play something with me?" you perk up just a little bit as he explains the new game he got. maybe playing it WILL make you feel better... eh, it's worth a shot.
matthew patel
you'd called matthew over without saying a word besides "get over here right now". he took it 1000% seriously and assumed the worst. that you were dying. you were not dying, but you felt like it. you woke up with a notification from a family member that something really bad had happened to somebody else, and you weren't sure what. you just needed a little comfort. you didn't expect matthew to damn near break down your door, yelling about how he's gonna hurt whoever hurt you. when he sees you, sitting on the couch with tears falling down your face, he immediately quiets down.
"hey, what happened?" he asks, tone nice and gentle and calm. you explain everything to him, and he wraps his arms around you and pulls you tight. "i'm here, okay? just let me know if there's anything i can do, and i'll do it." his body was so warm, so comforting. just what you needed.
lucas lee
there was this festival you'd been working on getting into for over a year. it was this huge celebration where people came together, sharing their wares and passions with one another. you'd gotten what you thought was a good idea, so you submitted it to the managers in hopes that you'd get accepted. after 2 months of silence, they finally reached out (and in the most unprofessional way imaginable), and said that you "wouldn't be needed". first of all, fuck you. second of all, what the fuck. it kinda hit you all of a sudden, and you called lucas as soon as you felt that drop in your stomach.
he came over as fast as he could, and you told him what had happened. he sat next to you on the couch and threw his arm over your shoulder. "yeah, i get it. you don't wanna know how many times i auditioned for roles and didn't get accepted. yknow, some of the companies who shot me down for movies in the past tried to reach out to me once i got famous." "oh yeah?" "oh, absolutely." he said, before going off on a tangent about the film industry, effectively distracting you from the reason you were upset in the first place.
todd ingram
it was one of those days. you weren't sure why exactly you were so upset, but everything that happened just made you feel even worse. whether it was good or bad. and being sad all day is really tiring, so you were eager to curl up under your blankets when you got home. turns out, you either spilled something on your bed or your pet knocked something over. but there was no way in hell you were going to lay in potentially hazardous material. so, with tears in your eyes, you stripped your bed and threw the stuff in the laundry. not before stubbing your toe, which was what threw you over the edge.
you called todd, all sniffly and sad and stuff. you asked him if he could come over, and he was on his way immediately. he put you on speaker phone and talked to you the entire way to your house. as soon as he got there, he offered to help you take care of your laundry, and told you to go get some fresh air. you sat outside, patiently waiting for him. when he finished taking the laundry out, he made your bed for you and offered to go on a much-needed walk with you.
roxie richter
roxie's incredibly clingy, so she's with you almost all the time. the one day she wasn't just happened to be the day that your college classes were totally kicking your ass. work was piling up, and there were new assignments given every day. your deadline was friday, and it was already thursday. you had barely anything done because you'd been working on personal stuff. so, needless to say, you were stressed. roxie'd been busy that day too, which was the reason she wasn't there. but as soon as she was free, she came over as fast as possible. when she arrived, you were sitting at the table, head in your arms, work strewn about. papers had fallen to the floor, some were sitting in chairs, there was work on your laptop and your phone.
she freaks out. she doesn't take her time with hearing your "excuses", instead grabbing your arm and pulling you out of the chair. you try to protest, but she stops you. "uhm, absolutely not. no. get up. come on, get up." you sigh, finally budging. you know you can't work like these, but roxie makes sure you're well aware of that. she cleans up your things, neatly piling the papers together. she closed your laptop and makes sure your phone is cleared out of the tab with all the homework on it. she then orders you to go get in a shower and wear something cute. impromptu date night. she's not gonna let you worry about your stupid work, especially not when you have all day tomorrow and plenty of projects to get extensions on.
kyle katayanagi
you woke up on the wrong side of the bed. quite literally. actually, you woke up on the floor right next to your cat's ass. that was certainly one way to start your day. you then proceeded to fall both up and down your stairs, almost break your favorite coffee mug, and your favorite CD was scratched. which you only realized when it started skipping in the middle of your favorite song. great. your already bad mood was even worse. and kyle was supposed to come over too? UGH. the last thing you wanted to do was accidentally snap at him. you warned him before he came over that you weren't having a good day, but that didn't seen to change his mind about wanting to see you.
when mr. katayanagi showed up at your door, he noticed your subpar demeanor pretty quickly. your aura was radiating a combination of anger and sadness that he couldn't quite place his finger on. kyle being kyle, he cracked a joke about how you'd been through hell and back that day. to his surprise, you chuckled softly. was this working? about 20 shitty jokes later, he finally got you to crack a smile.
ken katayanagi
ken could tell you were stressed out merely by the tone of your voice when you picked up the phone. he wasn't sure if it was your classes or work or people or something else he couldn't think of, but you knew for certain that it was everything. upcoming tests, insane hours, and lots of family drama was driving you up a wall and you didn't really have a chance to breathe between it all. it was your day off, and you didn't even get one anyways because your boss forced you to come in. when you finally got home, you were even more drained than before. it was only 6pm and you wasted the whole day doing things you didn't want to do, only for you to wake up and do it all over again.
that thought made you want to cry, so you did. ken's y/n sense were tingling, and he showed up not long after. he found you sitting on your living room floor, curled up into a ball. tears were falling down your face, you had a partially wet towel from when you showered earlier wrapped around your shoulders, and you were staring blankly at the TV. trying not to disturb you all too much, ken wiped the tears from your face and got you an actual blanket. he also brought over a cup of water and sat next to you. you were silent, watching as he took a book out of his bag and he began to read it. you put your head on his shoulder, looking over at it as he turned the page. without having to ask him, he started reading to you. you eventually fell asleep in his lap, and he picked you up and moved you to the couch. he stayed the whole night, and even woke up earlier to make you breakfast and a hot drink. having him around the house made priorities a lot easier to complete.
gideon graves
gideon had this thing in his brain where he just knew when you were upset. he could tell, even if you weren't showing any actual signs of it. he also knew he wasn't the best at helping you feel better. you were upset over something that you deemed as stupid, but that didn't really matter to you. gideon didn't like seeing you upset, so he did what he does best; he spent his money on you.
he called you over to sit with him at his desk before instructing you to "go absolutely nuts". he didn't care how much money you spent, just that you felt better. and even though material possessions didn't help in the long run, he still reveled in seeing the delighted look on your face. you did eventually get over what was upsetting you, and gideon was just happy to help.
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not-alien-girl-v · 1 year
The Evans as Ethel Cain Songs
Tate: HEAD IN THE WALL!!!!!!!!! ok this is so so like omg right ok so like if you get it you get it so. so the raping part was so tate langdon and "Shooting up our old school when we get bored of shooting up Fuck the cops, and fuck god, and fuck this town for ruining us They'll put holes in all we own and in our heads, pumped full of lead You always told me i could only leave you once we're both dead" tate langdon coded you can try to argue with me about this but you're going to be wrong about it so
Kit: most of miss anhedonia's songs are all too toxic for kit so all i'll say is like specifically the one part of crush where its like he looks like he works with his hands and smells like marlboro reds is so kit but the rest of the song is more tate you feel me. and also thoroughfare because kit is american man with a truck coded. you get it.
Kyle: hard times :((((( and i don't want to elaborate so much on it because it makes me sad that most of kyle's narrative is based on his trauma with his mother and even in death he just continues to get used for his body.
james: i am feeling knuckle velvet and also lilies ok so for knuckle velvet the line ‘you come in so hard, gore me through the heart’ that just yells james directly into my ears idk what to tell u and for lilies ‘you’re like an angel, nothing can touch you, but i wanna hold you, i wanna love you’ like ok sure that could be any evan character cuz he’s beautiful like an angel but when i hear angel and beautiful in the context of evan peters im gonna think of mr march and mr march ONLY also like the entire first verse is SO james it’s like i can picture the exact scene in his silly little hotel room so vividly in my mind it’s like it’s a real scene from the show
kai: my little piece of shit <3 so for kai im feeling dog days and sunday morning. from dog days ‘you walk a fine line between god and animal, you’re just a feral dog i worship in bedroom ceremonials’ and also ‘cut me up and take me like the bread and blood at church’ like ok the kinkiness mixed with violence mixed with religion mixed with worshipping a man who’s literally just Some Guy that’s kai anderson shit right there. for sunday morning ‘when i go home at night i think about the ways that i can get out of the hold you’ve got me in’ mixed with ‘everything hurts except for you’ ok kai anderson kai kai kai anderson
and that’s all i have to say i don’t fuck with the other characters so this is all y’all get from me
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lover-girl-estxx · 8 months
Can u do a nate diaz x reader where the reader used to date nick but they broke up and nate didn't that and also the reader didn't know he was his brother so they meet by destiny and u complete the rest if that's possible and thank u so much
No Nate
(22) Angst/ Fluff
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"sushi?" I asked him from my makeup desk he threw his phone to the side on my bed where he laid "yes that sounds so good" he smiled digging his head into one of the pillow. I finished my makeup it was very light, "come on bubba" I kissed his head, he groaned and sat up and pulled me in by the back of my thighs I smiled and cupped his cheeks pecking his lips. "Nate!" I yelled out laughing as he picked me up walking me out of the house, he opened my car door putting me in the car.
We sat across from each other talking back and fourth "whats you're dating history?" he asked I laughed "where'd that come from?" he shrugged "I think we're getting a little more serious I just want to know..that's all" Me and Nate have been together about three months. "it's not much just one, he was a bit older-" "how much older?" Nate cut me off "I was 19 he was 21....we 'dated' for like three months" "wow that's all I get?" he smiled "what do you want?" I laughed "why'd you stop dating? what did he do?" "he wouldn't tell me, he didn't tell me anything about him self...He was a great guy I really liked him" "what was his name?" "you've given me zero of you're history! that's not fair i'll tell you after you tell me about the 500 girls you've been with" I smiled and he laughed "yeah right! I had one girlfriend from 15 to 18 then I tried dating a girl at like 20 it lasted two dates" "why'd you break up?" "she cheated on me with like a 26 year old" "well she missed out" I smiled "now what was his name?" "Nick" "Nick?" he said his smile dropping "yeah?" "what did he look like?" "why?" I laughed nervously " just what did he look like?!" "i don't know he had brown curly hair and a go-t..Why?" "you're joking right?" I shrugged and laughed "no why?" "you dated my brother" "no I didn't" he grabbed his phone and swiped through his photos to family one showing it to me.
Is that the guy you dated?!" it was Nick and Nate "...yeah" he set his phone down and ran his hand down his face "Nate we only dated for three months and we both made the choice to break up" "I just think it's a little weird that the only two guys you've been with were me and my brother" "what you think I was just on a Diaz hunt? I've never seen a MMA fight since I started dating you" "I guess kinda" he shrugged "what would I get out of that Nate?" "I don't..i'm just- I just found out you've kiss my brother so" he sighed.
"are you gonna come in?" I asked while we pulled into my apartment driveway "no" I nodded "I really didn't know Nate".
| Nate's POV |
"I really didn't know Nate" she looked to me with sad eyes "I know baby" I gave her a small smile then leaned over and kissed her head "will you call me later or come over?" "yeah!" "bye" "bye".
"Nick!" I went into my moms house "what?" he said from his room I walked back there "have you ever hook up with a girl named Y/n?" "no but i've dated a girl named Y/n why?" "for how long?" "three months maybe why?" he said then hit his pipe "I've been with her three months we're dating I was gonna asked her to be my girlfriend, till I found out she dated you" I fell on his bed "oh shit" he laughed "it's not funny" "she's a great girl just because we kissed a few times doesn't mean you need to not be with her" he shrugged "you don't find it weird" "I mean kinda not really" "you never told her about me?" "I didn't tell her about anything really, I told her I wanted to be a skateboarder.. We mainly hung-out at the beach or the park" "you're not even that good at skateboarding" "well you're girlfriend thought I was" I pushed his shoulder while he laughed.
At about 8:30pm I left the house and decided to head Y/n's apartment. She opened the door in a sports bra and leggings, she sighed in relief "hi" she smiled "Hi mamas" I wrapped my arms around her waist hers my neck kissing my cheek "I didn't know if you'd come over" she pulled back and pecked my lips "come on" I picked her up she wrapped her legs around my waist, I kicked my shoes off then sat on her couch "can I ask you something?" I asked "yeah baby, you okay?" I nodded and smiled "I want to be like together together" "you want to be my boyfriend?" she smiled widely "yeah" "yeah. yeah! I want you to be my boyfriend" I kissed her laying her back on the couch.
"did you really think my brother was a skateboarder?" I asked she looked her head in my lap "what?" she smiled "I talked to my brother he said he told you he was a skateboarder" "no I didn't, he was good but not that good. What does he do?" "he fights like me" she nodded "you guys really have to use names when you talk about girls" "yeah we do" we laughed.
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diabolikpersonals · 1 year
shin cl endings!!
euphoria end:
as carla gets ready to kill, yui sticks to shin and declares she won't let go of him no matter what. carla seems like he won't be stopping anyway, so kino's like "EAT THIS, FOUNDER" and slaps a magic-sealing talisman on him. (it's so lucky that kino got to take his phone and a talisman into this world with him lol, it feels like he's cheating)
shin casts his weapon aside......and PUNCHES carla super hard. then he yells his monologue about how he always looked up to him at him, and screams at him to come back. this seems to work, because carla looks dizzy for a bit, then he's like "ohh yeah I know who you are" YAY!!! yui bursts into tears about it, and shin's like "dont cry!!" and she points out that he looks like he's gonna cry too lol...he's really happy...I'm glad, shin...!!
"[because of the false memories] I even pointed a blade at you" (carla I don't mean to be an asshole but you've done that before without false memories lmao)
while those 3 are in their own world, kino leaves without saying goodbye, which makes me wanna die. like where are u going? aren't we a team? we still dont know how to get out of here?? kino we're friends???? COME BACK???? they notice he's gone later and yui thinks to herself that they'll definitely meet again.
anyway about endzeit. carla hasnt had any flair-ups or pain in the whole time he's been here. from this he deduces that the world they're in is like a bubble of space and time, so the reason his condition hasn't changed is because there isn't an actual flow of time here. someone must've made this place with magic, so it must have like, a core? and if we can find that core then we can probably escape. that must be the church! (we were already on our way to the church to solve the whole chess puzzle thing, so this explanation wasn't really needed, which I think is super funny lmao. he just told us we're on the right track basically)
.......kino, from afar, watches them head for the church. he says he wanted to go together though.......sniff.......but he can't now that carla's there, because his true identity might be exposed. I'm too emotional about this ;-; get home safely to yuri and then keep in touch later, ok...? it kinda sounds like you think this friendship is over, but that's too sad, so let's stay friends, ok??......
carla's big plan is "let's blow up the church." I really thought there was gonna be something to do with the chess board floor and the stone statues, but sure, that'll PROBABLY work. (if yelling at the sky worked in yuma's route then I'll believe anything will work.) so through shin's raw power we Tear That Fucking Building Down and the whole world collapses around us and we wake up in the real world, in eden! it worked because of course it did
socrates the magical sphere of light (which still cracks me up) appears and gives us his whole explanation which I've typed out a bunch of times now and don't care to explain it again. it's in the prologue. we get it
back at banmaden, shin and yui talk about all the shit they went through. shin always believed his brother would remember him, and it was that belief that eventually got them out of there. because of that, shin feels a little more confident in himself now. (aww!! happy for u, buddy!) in the end, he took down the church without relying on his brother too. yui agrees that he's even cooler now, and shin's like "then I'll have to make you fall in love with me even more!" and he takes her into the hall and asks her to dance. (he's talking like a gentleman ehehe) yui steals his cool "I'll always be by ur side" line before he can say it lmao. super cute ending!!
labyrinth end (fuck I'm scared):
carla tries to grab yui but shin's like "she's the one thing I won't give u!!" and he fights back. in this ending, rather than using his trump card, kino uses a bomb made of...pepper? and he tells shin to wolf out. shin and yui escape together, and kino says he'll meet up with them later. ...but he doesn't. (FUCK this is what I was scared of)
instead of kino, the one who meets them at the abandoned house is.........carla. it seems like kino revealed their whereabouts. they fight again, cuz shin won't give up yui. there's a ton of blood on my screen as shin gets slashed over and over then he collapses. carla takes yui away. shin begs him not to, and he and yui reach out for each other, but they can't reach...!
yui gets chained up in the violet dungeon with kino and shin, who were also caught. (hey, at least we're reunited?) they stay there like that for some amount of time, yui isn't sure. carla, in the meantime, has been busy destroying the other houses—killing everybody else. he comes there often to suck yui's blood and totally ignore shin and kino.
shin and kino are getting driven crazy by the smell of her blood every time. yui approaches shin while he's barely conscious, begging for it (this is so sexy help help help) and lets him have her blood. kino, also starving, bites her too. (wait, if you guys could bite her even while tied up all this time, why were you starving? whatever, I won't question it lol) so yui is gonna be trapped here forever, supplying 3 guys with her blood.
...it ends like that. wait, that wasn't bad at all. that was really hot actually. and I didnt even have to watch anybody die. this route was great!! even the bad end was fun! >:D
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
Reading progress: chapter 300 (what the fuck)
reading highlight: this time with. so so many probably inaccurately copied quotes. forgive me. i was trying to eat my own pen. and also notebook. and also arm.
Square brackets are. when not quoting text. my own meta reactions or clarifications
280 Cheok jungyeong tries to uplift the ppl and fight outer god. I do love him.
sword saint and kyrgios. battle couple
Indescribable Distance. great name for a (baby girl) unknowable horror.
281 kdj bullshit. commence.
[often i lose track of whose taking but in this section they were focusing on jhw] "I can't let you go! don't go alone again! please! Dokja-Hyung!"
swk (looks at) his friend ABFD (looks at) his adversary CJY (gives) furious yell
oh yjh baby
live and death companions is silent
yjh spoke in a trembling voice
282 txt revision yjh is fucked up and depressed
kdj told ysa the plan in ADVANCE
indescribable distance -> Oh like the pale? (DE)
■ final chapter OR eternity. inch resting
283 sprawling chaos
SP "I don't agree with your methods but I'm curious" the kdjc story
284 SP and wenny man ominous interlude
(bunch of constellations dying in front of him) kdj picking up video game items
"For a brief second I felt my heart stop. Scarred muscles could be seen through the torn sleeves of the coat. I looked at the trajectory of the sword against the ground and emotions filled my heart."
285 middle school kdj made a yjh whisperer chart
"Son of a bitch you have to let me talk to you" classic
kdj lack understanding to 2nd level orv (ugly crying meme)[on kdj side]
4th wall trying to fry yjh brain with the greatest hits comp
286 only person who can debuff yjh? yjh. regression depression [YOUD THINK THAT WOULDNT U]
the angels are just chilling with kdj?
"He will commit terrible destruction and shall destroy the mighty and holy people" gabriel girl what the fuck
kdj literally "you dont have all the facts" the facts being? "i love him..."
gabriel has seen uriels amvs and okays it
kdj aggravates regression depression. hold his hand and tell him happy moments. you know. to torment. him.
288 giant baby monster. skyscraper height
angel conversational interlude -> "they were fighting and holding each others by the collar a few hours ago". welcome to dokhyuk
kdj seemed to be stroking yjh head. -> excuse me?
gabriel comparing dokhyuk to her and uriel. HELLO?
kdj making yjh eat soil. ETHICS...
289 "bear like man lhs" i stay winning
↳ kdj are u gonna cry about seeing him
knw! hi!
290 this patient is allergic to animal related stories
HDH! hi!
this is a hospital and base of operations?
hsy... did what kdj would have done. but without yjh.
hsy... two of them
291 hsy multiplicity moments (orv doesn't work)
ppl crowd yjh like an attraction
yjh eyes became hot and his heart stuffy -> crying? anger?
yjh remembers from 4th wall. uriel doll... like a child first learning to speak "uriel"
292 hankim. dressed the same. playing mind games. socratic
lhs gives piggy back to hsy
hsy power b/c nothing is truly original + TWOS is just that bad
Damnit. I had no choice but to agree. In order for this world to be complete, Yoo Joonghyuk... Han Sooyoung stared at me. She seemed to understand what i was thinking. "You know by now, I don't need him in this world." The plagiarist, who dreamt of a world beyond the original told me "I know how to kill YJH"
293 Hsy probability based arthritis
HSY grabbing YJH chin. pulling out a cig. howd you get so cool hsy...
294. 1863 lhs is still a sad dog boy huh
knw... kdj is giving girl advice?.... no never mind hes talking about how handsome yjh is.
1863 got to read orv... and it reg deps him
295 SP really wanted 1863 to die huh?
hsy to kill yjh by sealing the earth. an eternal sleep. no dreams no waking. (to die. to sleep. No more, and by a sleep to say we end the heartbreak and 1000 natural shocks that flesh is heir to)[the final chapter... or eternity]
"It is a deception" "Some call it salvation"
defiance to yjh sponsor... always
"I watched Yjh, I heard it clearly. I was still listening [I want to live]"
kdj would see the end with these ppl and find a way back
"The world that you showed me? Does it really exist"
297 "Does the world where you live really exist?" [its the emphasis change thats killing me here]
hsy "Is it cause of this guy? Did this guy do something to your spirit? Didn't you want to die so badly? Aren't you tired? Don't you want to stop preforming scenarios?"
yjh desperate for hope hsy begging for pragmatism kdj (deluded) faith in a only win scenario
yjh agreed to become enemy of the world, lost everything -> unites the world
yjh "does it (exist)?" kdj "I didn't know if saying would be comforting to yjh. I cried out with all my might [It exists]"
kdj ready to spend 3-5 years here to win both 1863 and then return to 3rd turn. yjh wont let him
"the dazzling light filled the air with ashes, revealing a pale reality. In it yjh was walking towards a world we didn't know."
298 "Yjh escaped from being a character"
lhs beautiful bear like idiot. knew hsy was tricking them. went with it anyway
yjh "wanted to write a new story in a very sincere manner. that's the condition for the author trait"
TWOS written by? large baby?
299 yjh dead "It's no longer a novel" 4th wall activated
oh no (checks notes) Jophiel dont sacrifice yourself
J: I don't believe in you (kdj) but i have something to ask.... bruh
"Someone was left and someone was leaving. No matter what was chosen, everyone would eventually reach their end." (Someone has to leave first. This is a very old story. There is no other version of this story.)
lhs continues to imprint on kdj
"Even without me the 3rd round would be fine for a lone time" "How can you be so sure?" HSY stared at me suspiciously. "You are there" -> WHAT THE FUCK AFFECTIONATE KDJ HANKIM MOMENT
rotating: okay. okay. alright. where to even fucking start. small. start small. kdjs friends have even cottoned on pretty well to his bullshit. jhw in particular doesnt want him to do things alone. shouldnt you give people the choice to stand (and die) with you. than leave and die and force them to keep living alone. this is a secret tool that will help us later
im considering. the weight put on endings. ■■. the closer it is to meaning, truly, an end. the more... auspicious? and is an end a finite or infinite thing. final chapter or eternity. death or endless sleep. life or forever regression
im considering. stories. and ownership. and what does it mean to end one. rewrite one. does it change you. does it change the original story. are they gone forever. could they every truly stay. the moment you reread the story. isnt it different. kdj cant let go of 1863 by his own volition (always... volition). it meant everything to him. from middle school to 28 years of age. TWOS yjh saved him. HSY, who, in so many ways is kdj, and in so many was, is not. has no loyalty to yjh. she can make this world without him, she can write beyond it. she will put this world to bed and she will create something else. 1863 yjh has nothing. no companions, no hope, just loss. and 4th tells him the story of our 3rd turn. OF. ORV. and this is what he needs. to live and die. to leave. to try again. to person himself once more, to act and not react. possibly. killing himself, killing this story, is an act of creation too
and. speaking of yjh and being a person. we. i gotta talk about this. and im gonna try and make sense and use sentences but. i have. just. why did they have kdj caress yjh and put him in a highly suggestible state by whispering sweet (tormenting) nothings to him. what... what what what. do you think they meant by that (they meant to torment me....). With making him follow kdj very command. With making him incapable of acting *without* the command. He's an attack dog. Bodyguard. Instrument for violence. Kdj also makes him eat dirt. Kdj also tells him to go to bed (and then to sleep. He needed to be told to *sleep*). The people in the 1863 base crowd around him. They gawk. The world's enemy and most dangerous person. Docile. A toy? Hsy grabs him by the chin, inspects him. He's a thing. Kdj. In knowing everything about him. With tenderness. In an act of terrible love. To avoid having to kill him. Unmakes his person. What the ever living fuck am I supposed to do with that.
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