wutaijiemei · 5 months
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toestalucia · 3 months
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mythesque · 2 years
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giosele · 2 months
holy fuck the fic is "done." finally. finallyyyyyyyyyyy.
the last chapter will need to be reworked multiple times. i can sense it. its a vibe. and the vibe is me reading it and rolling my eyes.
a lot of minor edits are needed too. the last three chapters need some deep revisions to tie all the themes together, and chapters 7 - 9 need another vibe check, but omg its DONEEEEEE. DONE!!!
hopefully i'll be able to start posting next week!
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curekibouka-voice · 2 years
Twst Glorious Masquerade “Let My Wish Resound” song cover + English lyrics translation
(and a bonus clip at the end because I am a terrible, terrible person)
(English cover is also done, linked here!)
Finally... Finally another song in Twst omg finallyyyyyyyyyyy
Finally I can sing for Twst again aaaaaaaaa
And this song is so gorgeous! Malleus’s voice is so gentle but so rich, Idia (UCHIYAMA KOUKIIIIIII) and Azul sound so perfect together I cannot--
And the LYRICS! (spoilers below)
Everyone who haven’t read tls of the story (and Malleus’s personal story) yet, know that this song (in universe) is a song passed down in the City of Flowers. They say it’s a song of the Bellringer’s (Quasimodo’s) hope and fear. A song about connecting with people, taking a first step, coming to learn things you never knew before and fearing it too. And Malleus said he relates to that sentiment aaaaaaa 😭 Anyway just read the lyrics it’s really beautiful, I love it as a Hunchback of Notre Dame fan and a Malleus fan. This event fed me well!
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I am now on holiday! I'm so excited to get some rest and write, write, write! <3
Part 5 of SHOTWTHBWGT is almost done, so I'm working on that next. My goal is to get it out this month. After that, I'm planning on finishing the fic where I fix ending C juuuust a bit to make it even better.
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breezy-cheezy · 6 years
Ok so just a heads up, I just finished Kingdom Hearts 3. It was about 4 ish hours of yelling, screaming, tears (happy and sad, and really really mixed) annnnnd confusion. Like woah, what a ride. I will be posting/reblogging spoilers too...it’ll be under “KH3 spoilers”, for those who want to block it. Because heck there are some THINGS I wanna draw. Those of you who are still playing through, good luck! It’s a treat!! As for me, some general thoughts, questions and semi theories under the cut 
(almost all contain spoilers below this point so, beware):
- Ok FIRST of all....wow. Gotta say the music is PHENOMINAL. Yoko Shimomura just reaaaally outdid herself here!! As one who’s listened to the soundtrack of kingdom hearts over and over, I recognized so many theme songs and key songs interwoven into the story to complete it to such a wonderful level. Not to mention, I got chills over just some reorchestrations, like wowwwwww...
- Donald is over powered as FREAK, gosh O.o;;;; Also, might I mention he’s ALOT better at healing in this game X’’’’D
- GRAPHICS. REALLY GOOD GRAPHICS. I wish I had a screenshot feature on the tv...I’ll have to look up scenes later, because wow this game is so pretty.
- Every part with Sora using the power of waking is so cool. I’m still super duper confused on the....mechanics of it (especially regarding Sora’s fate) but regardless, getting to save your friends through all the worlds was REALLY fun. I wish they could like. Join you as you rescue them. Stampede the enemy. With friendship. 
- Sora’s scream of emotional anguish on it’s own made me wanna cry. Same for Xion. Goodness the voice acting, y’all are killing me...
_ Riiiiiikuuuuu...I love him so much. He’s a good friend, and having to fight his younger self/replica, it’s so clear how far he’s come!! I pointed out that’s what he was like in the first game to my sister, and she’s like “?????? really????” I love this disaster child. I’m sure it’s embarrassing seeing your past self, but also harsh having your past mistakes thrown in your face...anyway, love Riku. Always. He’s a good egg.
- Kairi..........deserved better DX I was REALLY hoping I could play her at least for a little...! But nooooo...at least Aqua was briefly playable?? That was really cool. I just wish...more was done with Kairi. That she had more of a presence through the whole game, like RIku did. Not just the damsel in distress at the end...she did help Sora alot in her own ways I’m just...MAN I feel this could’ve been done better...
- I LOVED getting some closure on a majority of the “villains” of the game. I liked them all. I do wish I knew what actually happened to Vanitas...? Where’d he go?? WHat the...also Repliku’s sacrifice ;;A;; that was really cool. But can’t they just make another replica for him?? Also was Larxene referencing Marly???????? Xemnas’s ending was probably one of my favorites. 
- TERRA COMING BACK WAS FREAKING COOL AAAAAAA--- the wayfinder trio was so terribly tragic, I’m so glad they can be happy again...
- Axel actually having a reason for his weird face tattoos was really cool. Because this poor man is DEFINATELY CRYING NOW aaaaaaaa, I’m so glad for Isa, I cryyyyy...also who the heck was the girl they were talking about?????? I thought it was Xion but I was obviously wrong......I’m so confused, Square. Nomura. Answer me. Who is she. Anyway happy platonic AkuSaiRokuShi does me so much joy, my skin is clear, 10 years added to my life, blesssss
- ALSO “The final World” was really freaking cool and trippy but pretty. Also I know barely anything about KHX...who is the cat with a purse again and why is he in KH purgatory??? X’’’D him reuniting with Ven was really cute...ANYWAY. I collected way more Sora’s than I should, it kicked me out when I gathered 333. X’’’D but hey I got more maximum health! Which saved my butt constantly in the final battles O.o  finding Namine there was really sweet...but who were the other stars?? Who was the other voice? Was that Marly’s sister or...???? Probably has something to do with KHX again and I got lost, but I was so interested...who WERE these hearts???? 
- I wish I got to explore that last kingdomy place I forgot the name of more...it was SO pretty before Xehanort blew the whole dang thing up. Also I’m STILL very confused on his motives?? Why do you want to like...darkness everything up to make a new light world??? What???? Master Eraqus popping up again made me cry...especially his apologies to his kids apprentices. Also helping his friend pass on. Gosh dang. R I P, both of you. 
- The epilogue was wonderful! Just domestic stuff showing everyone is back and well!! I ADORE Xion’s new outfit, I need to gather references...Isa too. ANd Axel.....
-Well...almost everyone made it back. Sora just...didn’t make it then?? What??? Poor Kairi...I had a FEELING he’d “die” in some way. It’s open ended so he COULD come back but I’m just confused where did he gooo????;;A;; bring my Sonshine back....
- NAMINE IS BACK YESSSSS she’s so pretty!! ALSO RIKU/NAMI GETTING SOME SORT OF CONTENT AAAA YES *THROWS SELF INTO THE SUN* platonic or romantic i don’t care that was a cute scene!!!!!! 
- Overall it all tied together really well, but also it’s...very obvious there will be more. Like...Xigbar as Luxu? ...Who is Luxu???? More KHX stuff??? ALSO WHAT’S IN THE BLACK BOX Y’ALL ARE KILLING ME SQUARE I’M SO LOST
- Also, does Yazora actually have a role to play then?? Why was he in the secret movie? Where is Sora? I thought he was in the world that never was but it also MIGHT be TWEWY’s Shibuya???? Whaaaat? And Riku’s...somewhere...too?? That tidbit gave me way more questions than answers what the heck Nomura?? X’D I mean I wouldn’t mind, he is very pretty?? But I thought it was just a toy story joke?? What in the hap is heckening...
- In the end I really really loved this game. My favorite worlds are probably Corona, Toy Box, and SanFranSokyo, man, those were so good. I’ll probably research KHX a bit, because alot of the ending made little sense to me...but for the characters really important to me, they have concluded so that’s good. Well I mean except for Sora. But I’m pretty sure he’ll come back...somehow...
A++++ game Square, exceeded my expectations in many ways, some minor complaints (pacing, Frozen world in general...) and major confusion, but overall I am happy. I loved this adventure, and I’m satisfied with the conclusion ;v;
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youremyonlyhope · 2 years
Chapter Nine: The Piggyback
I don’t know what this title is supposed to mean.
I’m gonna TRY to not pause constantly. But knowing me, I will fail. Finallyyyyyyyyyyy. Jopper is canon. I do not like that Dustin is going into the Upside Down. No. “We are noooot heroes.” Stop it stop saying things like that I don’t like it. The Piggyback title makes more sense now. Don’t get El high or something please. No no no no no no no no no. Stupid redneck saw Erica. “Are you ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?” YES. Ok so that wasn’t the Will coming out scene. But it was a Byers boys bonding scene and I’m happy to have it. Is there electricity in the Upside Down? I got a text and took a second to answer, and I just realized we’re not even halfway through. Ahhh. I love this version of Dream a Little Dream too much to be scared of it. GOOD JOB ERICA. KICK HIM. Man I knew Vecna had to be above the Mind Flayer but I had really hoped he wouldn’t be. I had really hoped he’d be under the Mind Flayer in some way. The whole “Mind Flayer General” theory had been so comforting. Ugh. It can’t be over there’s 40 more minutes. He’s not dead. But ugh they really broke Max’s arm and legs helpppp. SEE! SEEEE! HE’S GONE. HE GOT UP. See all those stupid “Oh yeah I can’t wait to see what Eddie does in season 5″ articles NO. YOU ALL LIED. ...How dare they. How DARE they kill Max. OH MY GOD JASON TOO AND WHAT A HORRIBLE WAY. This is horrific. I had to pause for a second. I’m not letting myself show any emotion because my brother is in the next room and keeps coming and looking at me. He literally asked me what I’m typing just now. My family is nosy. But anyway I can’t show emotion since I’ll spoil him. But oh my god I’m so mad. El you got lots of power but bringing people to life? Eh. Maybe. If she can suck the life source of Max out of Vecna maybe.
Eddie’s name doesn’t even get to be cleared now. That’s the worst part. A coma is better than death I guess. Shoot. One’s not gonna be in Max’s body is he... I don’t need Will’s spidey sense back. Well that’s quite a cliffhanger.
That was definitely devastating. I’m sure the fandom is in shambles over Eddie. Steve survived at least! Poor Dustin needs a cast on his ankle or at least crutches, why are they just letting him limp around?
They’re definitely setting up an intense season 5. God I hope Max ends up okay but best case scenario is that she wakes up and has all her bones healed but she’s blind. Worst case is that she just dies again. I’m upset. I’m really upset.
I still have one complaint: WE NEEDED MORE WILL. God they just keep underutilizing my son. That scene in the car with Mike was amazing. Give him more. Give me more Will.
Also I didn’t cry. It’s weird, ever since the pandemic I’ve been able to cry at nearly the drop of a hat, which is unheard of for me since in my teens and early 20s I’d cry maybe twice a year. But 2020-early 2022 I cried ALL. THE. TIME. Over anything. I cried once just talking about Encanto. I cried once thinking about how sad the Rockerfeller Christmas tree looked. Even the dumbest cheesiest movie would make me cry. And yet I didn’t cry watching this. I blame my antidepressants that I started taking a month or so ago, maybe that means they’re working.
But I’m also yawning a lot, which is something I used to do pre-2020-crying-levels, I’d find that instead of crying I’d just get sleepy and start yawning a lot. And back then during the rare times when I would cry I’d just knock out asleep afterwards because I’d be so drained. So I’m gonna assume the fact that I’ve yawned a billion times writing this that it’s the sadness tiredness again. Yay.
Now that Stranger Things 4 is done, I don’t know what to do with my life. What else do I look forward to now?
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