#DOQ week
audreysl0ve · 7 years
Day 4 DOQ Week: Bandit!Regina DOQ
A/N: I couldn’t think of anything fun for this day, so I set it in the Heroes & Villains verse because who doesn’t love Bandit!Regina?  Thanks as always to @repellomuggletum15 for the beta! 
Regina steels herself and opens the heavy door to the tavern, preparing for the worst.
This place is off the beaten road, unlikely to draw in the Queen’s guards and spies, and thus it’s become sort of a safe haven for runaways and criminals.  Regina is both these things, and cannot afford to eat and drink and warm herself at the safer, more well lit places near town.  So when she has a bit of coin, and when her clothes are soaked to the bone, she wanders in for a pint of ale and some of the warmth of the fire.
She’s one of the few women who frequent the tavern while they are off the clock.  There are working women there, bar maids and harlots alike.  But women customers?  And single ones at that?
She stands out, so she tries to avoid going to the tavern at this late hour, except when it’s necessary. And it’s necessary now, as it’s pouring down rain, and she desperately needs some shelter, and some heat.
She’s readied herself for the hoots and whistles she’s grown accustomed to every time she steps inside the rowdy bar. But this time, there’s not a single sound to be made.
She looks around, puzzled. She should be relieved, is relieved, to finally not have a captive audience watching her every movement.
“You’re not the only act in town, sister.”  The bitter dwarf scoffs at her, rolling his eyes at her as she makes her way up to the bar. And then she looks around to see exactly what that idiot had been referring to.
The eyes of the entire tavern are on the woman with the wavy blonde hair in the corner.
Regina takes a moment to admire her.
She’s wearing a dress, still, but it’s soiled and damp.  Her hair is tangled and untamed, with bits of leaves stuck in some of the strands.  It has probably been awhile since she’s had a real place to sleep.
“That’s Maleficent,” Granny says, handing Regina a pint.  “The Maleficent.  God knows how she got all the way over here.  The girl’s wanted dead or alive by Queen Aurora. Between you and her, I’m making enemies with two of the most powerful sorcerers in the land.  The queens will probably have a showdown right here and burn the place.  So thanks for that.”  The old lady frowns.  She talks a big game, but Regina knows Granny worries about her, about almost all her customers.  When she had nothing, Granny dropped her a key and told her to keep warm for the night, on the house.  She justified it of course, by saying that if Regina died, she’d lose a loyal customer. She was only investing in the girl, hoping to get many years of drinks out of her.
The next time she handed her a room key, Granny said it was because she had become an attraction of sorts at the tavern, and if Regina died she’d lose a “free show”.
So yes, the woman cares. And it shows, in the way she looks at her, with that glimmer of worry.  “You should talk to her.  Give her some tips for the bandit life.  She’s holding her own quite well here, but I’m not sure how she’s lasted this long.  She does not look well.”
Granny hands Regina a key without a word as to who it’s for or why she’s giving it to her.  She thinks she’s supposed to give it to Maleficent. But hell, it’s pouring down rain and she is cold and tired of the forest floor.  She’ll keep the room herself unless it’s taken away from her.
Regina makes her way to an open seat.  She glances at the men congregating around Maleficent and rolls her eyes.  The woman is doing well though, batting away hands, her face screwed into a glare so deadly that Regina can feel them from over here.
She’ll have to learn how to make that face, because it seems to be working.  
“She’s worse than the ice queen over here,” grimaces one of the bar’s regulars, pointing in Regina’s direction.
“I’ve always wanted to meet an ice queen,” Maleficent drawls, motioning for Regina to sit next to her.  “Come here little one, let’s be frosty together.”
Regina likes to keep to herself, to find a place as close to a fire as possible and sit while her wet clothes warm and dry.  But she finds this woman so intriguing, she wants to talk to her.  And not out of some obligation with Granny, either.
So she grabs her mug of ale and moves to her table, sitting where a disgruntled drunk has just left, cursing about Maleficent being some sort of tease.
“You must be Regina,” Maleficent says, holding out her hand.  “I’m Maleficent.  Though I’m sure you know that.”
Regina nods.  “I’ve heard of you… but Stephan’s… I mean Aurora’s kingdom is far from here—”
“Yes, well…” Maleficent looks down at her soiled dress and sighs.  “I was doing just fine.  I had made quite a life for myself in the neighboring kingdom.  But then… Aurora employed the use of fairies.” She wrinkles her nose.  “Rather unpleasant creatures.  They put a locator spell on me and found me an instant.  I escaped from the dungeon knowing it was only a matter of time before I was caught, unless I ran far.  Even here… I’m not sure…”
She looks around, making sure none of the men are currently looking at her.  Thankfully nearly all of them have their eyes focused on a newly erupted bar fight on the opposite end of the room. “I traded nearly everything I had for this.  She grabs at the necklace she is wearing, to free the pendant that is currently hidden in her cleavage.  
It glows bright green.
“Pixie dust?” Regina asks.
“Anti-pixie dust.  Fairy repellant.  Makes me invisible to the little blood suckers.” She puts the vial away, safely sandwiched between her perfect breasts.  
“Of course, this means I have to start over. I stole this from a clumsy merchant,” she looks at her dress grimacing.  “It’s not my style. but it was better than the burlap sack I was wearing before. The sea witch needed the clothes off my back to make this.”
“Ursula gave you this?” Regina asks incredulously.  She has always been fascinated by Ursula, so many myths about her. She admires the woman, so resilient after the entire sea has been set against destroying her.
Maleficent nods.  And then she leans over to a nearby drunk’s messenger bag and scoops up an apple.  She grabs a knife from somewhere (perhaps it was in her boot) and starts to cut it into slices.  
“I’ve been on the lamb for years, little bandit.  I keep my ears and eyes open.  I’ve had plenty of time to build favors and make connections.  Unfortunately I had to call in every last one to get to this. But it’s been two weeks and there’s not a fairy in sight, so I’ll take it.”
“I heard you were a fairy,” Regina whispers, “or some sort of—”
“Witch?  Yes, so I’ve heard.  I feel there’s something inside me I haven’t harnessed but…”  She throws the knife she holds up in the air.  It spins and tumbles up, then boomerangs down and falls into her hand, the handle right against her palm, the sharp blade pointing away from her.  “So far my talents are quite… ordinary.  Now, I’ve heard you are anything but ordinary.  Please, tell me the story of the masquerade ball heist, I’ve heard it many a time, and still don’t believe it.”
They trade stories then, enjoy each other’s company.  The men around them are shut out, ignored.  Until a particular man makes his entrance.
“Well, if it ain’t the prince of thieves!” The dwarf shouts.  Regina can’t help but glance up, finding the handsome thief staring back at her with those annoyingly beautiful blue eyes.  He smiles and winks at her.  And then he must notice the woman next to her, because he cocks his head a bit as if to say Who is she?
She sees John whispering something into his ear and assumes that he is explaining the identity of the blonde woman next to her.
“Well, I wouldn’t mind sharing a hay tick with that specimen over there,”  Maleficent whispers in a sultry tone.  
“Who?” Regina asks innocently.  
“Who do you think? The gorgeous one.” Mal points directly at him.  Regina fights the feeling of jealousy in her, the voice inside her head that keeps repeating Mine. “Who is that anyway?”
“Robin,” she breathes, staring back at him.  He must be celebrating.  There’s plenty of ale being passed around, and men keep slapping him on the back. He’s laughing and talking animatedly about something… but his eyes keep wandering back to her, offering her that smile of his that makes her heart skip a beat.  She glances back at Maleficent who has her eyebrow cocked up, and it’s only then that Regina remembers she didn’t fully answer her question. “Hood,” she corrects, “Robin Hood. The thief.”
“Ohhhh, Robin is it?”  Mal says, mimicking her earlier smitten tone.
 “What?” Regina dares, scowling at her.
“Someone has a crush.”
“On him?  Not in the slightest.  We’re competitors, but he… well, we help one another out.  He’s not… horrible.”
“Mmm,” Mal says, her eyes never leaving Robin’s.
Regina can’t help but look at him too, and she misses Granny approaching until she’s slamming plates down on the table.  “This is from the gentleman — and he did tell me to call him that, just so you know — over there.”  Granny points at Robin with a roll of her eyes.  But she likes the thief, Regina can tell by the way she smirks and smiles.
It’s a loaf of crusty bread and a large bowl of that hearty meat stew, clearly meant for the two of them. Regina’s stomach grumbles.  It’s been too long since she felt full, and this meal could make her feel just that.  But… it’s charity.  She doesn’t take charity.
“Tell the gentleman to save his money,” she grumbles, “I’m more than capable of getting my own food.”
“Then why are you so god damned bony?” Granny mutters.  “And he specifically said to give this food to you two ladies, so this time, Regina, you don’t have the right to refuse.”  She turns to Maleficent, waiting for her response.
“Give him my thanks,” the blonde responds, breaking the bread hungrily.
When Granny leaves, Maleficent leans in, a knowing smirk on her lips. “I think your crush reciprocates your feelings.”
Regina rolls her eyes. “He doesn’t.  And I wish you wouldn’t have done that.”
“Regina, darling, we’re bandits, we’re outlaws.  There’s no sense in saving face.  We take what we can get in this world.  I’ve been at this long enough to know that wounded pride hurts much less than an empty stomach.  Or the pain of illness that comes from malnourishment.  Eat up.”
And so she does.  She downs the last of her ale (which was supposed to be her dinner) and ravishes the stew and bread.  Gods, she was hungry.
She glances up at Robin, half expecting him to be looking smugly at her as she finishes her helping of stew, but his attentions are on his men now.  
Good, she supposes. The last thing she wants is to see that smug little smile on his face as he stares at her from across the room.
She wonders what great sting he’s participated in this time, and how successful it was.  If he can afford to be buying this amount of bread and ale, she assumes it was quite successful.  
He usually invites her over. Usually comes up to try to charm her, and they banter and trade insults until he leaves.  She tells herself she finds it incredibly obnoxious and dull. But now that he is standing at the opposite end of the tavern, laughing and gabbing with everyone but her, it feels like, well… she finds she misses it.
She puts those thoughts aside, and focuses on her new friend.  Who has time for men, anyway?  Especially when there are interesting women such as Maleficent.
When Granny shouts that it is the last call for drinks, Regina thinks of her key.  Perhaps her new friend deserves a good night’s sleep more than her.  But…it’s raining out, and her fur is still damp, and she’s unwilling to let this room go.
“The tavern owner over there — Granny, as she likes to be called — she gave me a room for the night.” She shows her the key.  “It’s most likely one of the big rooms that no one can afford to pay for.  If you’ve nowhere else to sleep, I suppose we could split the room.”
Maleficent smiles broadly. “I do like that idea.”
They slip upstairs, Regina pausing to steal a glance at Robin.  He’s three sheets to the wind now, a hand on that new barmaid’s hip as he makes her laugh and laugh.  He doesn’t even notice she’s leaving.
So much for that crush, huh?
She swallows the bitter resentment down, that green and envious feeling she has no right to feel. He’s not hers.  
And she doesn’t even like him, anyway.
The room is fit for the queen’s guards, should they ever wander to this abandoned corner of the forest. It comes with a fireplace and a tub. The fire is going already when they walk in, a cauldron of water already on the hearth.
“Well, little bandit, it seems the thief isn’t the only one you’ve charmed.  This is quite the room.”
Regina smirks.  She doesn’t mind admitting that she’s a favorite of the old woman.  Besides, she’ll steal some chickens for her and deliver them to her kitchen like she always does.  A proper payment for the room and the service at the tavern.
“Oh christ, it’s a bath.”  Maleficent moans, running to the fireplace.   “Help me carry this over there.”
It’s a heavy, full caldron of heated water.  There are buckets of cool water nearby, to mix, and when they’ve filled the tub with all of it, the end result is a perfect, warm bath Regina would just love to sink into.  But Maleficent deserves this more than her.  Her body itches with jealousy as she watches her undress.
“I left my modesty with all my belongings back at the water’s edge.  I hope you don’t mind,” Maleficent gropes at the lacing of her dress and pulls it apart.  She slides it off her body, and… well, she’s quite the sight.  Years of living on the run has done nothing to harden her curvy female figure.  She’s… gorgeous.
Well, at least this will distract her from thoughts of Robin and that wicked woman in the tavern.
Regina has always known this about herself, from a young age she’s known the thoughts and attentions she’s paid to other females isn’t exactly… the norm.  She knows what the other noble ladies had to say about women like her, women who feel this way about other women.  She bites back the feeling of shame that courses through her, a reflex, residual pain from a previous life she should have all but blocked out.
Those judgy women aren’t here.  And Queen Snow may have made such thoughts and acts illegal, but the woman cannot see into her damn head.  
Negative thoughts all but leave her mind when Maleficent leans over the tub, testing the water with her hand.  She looks gorgeous bent over like this.  Regina’s breath catches in her throat, and she does her best to look away as the blonde enters the tub, letting out a sinful groan.
“Oh gods, Regina, this feels so good…” she moans, “Can’t tell you how long I’ve been dreaming about a warm bath.”
“Yes, must be nice.” Regina can’t quite keep the bitterness out of her tone, as her envy overwhelms her.  She finds some towels, and hell, she can maybe rub out some of the grime with them.  Her leather rucksack has her change of clothes.  She can dry her current clothes by the fire.  If she won’t be nice and warm, at least they will be, by morning.
She tries her best to shield herself from Maleficent’s sight so she can remove her clothes.  
 “Regina, aren’t you coming in?”
She turns abruptly at the question and looks incredulously at her.  Maleficent’s hair is soaked with water now. Curly strands frame her face in a way that looks so positively delicious.  She wants to run her hands through her hair, wants to feel those wet locks in her fingers as she kisses her.  “I… are you asking me to share this little tub with you?”
“Mmhmm,” Mal hums. “It’s only fair you get to share.  I wouldn’t be here if not for you.”  She raises an eyebrow and cocks her head.  “Unless you’re uncomfortable with the idea.  Afraid of me?”  Her voice goes deeper, and it’s both seductive and taunting.  
And hell, the idea of soaking in the heavenly warm water sounds amazing… and she’d be lying if she said she doesn’t want to touch and feel the wet, slippery skin of the beautiful woman before her.  So she puts aside the worry that she may embarrass herself by gawking too noticeably, and focuses on proving she isn’t afraid of anyone or anything.
She’s careful to undress by the side of the tub, so she isn’t directly in Maleficent’s line of vision. But she feels her eyes on her, and when she dares to look up, she catches her staring.
Her cheeks flare red, but Maleficent’s do not.  She just smiles, and continues to stare at her.
Regina removes the last of her clothes, and her hands fly over her most private areas on instinct. It draws a small chuckle out of her new friend, just a light little bubble of a laugh that she tamps down quickly. Yet, it’s  enough to make Regina embarrassed of her modesty.  She removes her hands and enters the tub from the opposite end of Maleficent.  It’s small, but she fits, sitting down between that gorgeous woman’s legs. Regina’s own legs are bent at the knees, her feet precariously close to Maleficent’s core.  It’s a bit dangerous, a bit unexpectedly thrilling, being all wet and close and naked with a beautiful stranger.
But she does not seem like a stranger, not really.  She feels as if she had known Maleficent her whole life.
“You are beautiful,” Maleficent murmurs, eyes burrowing themselves deep into Regina’s body.  She doesn’t hide her predatory stare, has no intention of ignoring the obvious physical attraction they have for one another. But… well… this is new for Regina. She blushes, and babbles incoherently before finally managing to offer a You too.
  The captivating woman reaches to a nearby table and grabs a bathing rag and a rope of soap.  She soaps up the rag and hands it to her.
“Sorry, don’t want to be keeping all this soapy goodness for myself,” she says seductively.  “Wash up.”
“Thank you, Maleficent.”
“You can call me Mal, little one.”
Mal.  Regina nods and swallows heavily.  And then she focuses all that wanton desire, channels it into ridding herself of the grime of the forest that she carries on her body.
There’s stubborn dirt that’s clinging to her, pieces of debris she’s longed to wash out, but the river is too cold this time of year  for her to get a proper bath.  Regina scrubs her arms and shoulders vigorously, paying special attention to her filthy hands.  The dirt lifts away, and she feels more like herself, here, in this tub she’s sharing with an alleged witch, than she has in ages.
When it’s time to clean her chest and torso, she has a shy moment.  Mal has been watching her, mouth parted, eyes sparkling.  Regina feels her insides turn liquid, desire flaring up even more than it had already.  She wants… she does not know what she wants.  Not really.  Well, she wants to touch her.  To kiss her, to trace her curves with her tongue… where did that thought come from?
Regina takes a deep breath and washes her breasts, her pert, tight nipples far too hard for such a warm bath.  She lifts a leg straight up to wash it, and that’s when she realizes she’s won.  Mal lets out an indulgent moan, and now looks more… affected than amused.
She does the same with the other leg.  Mal licks her lips and hums.
“You’re a limber little one, aren’t you?” Mal murmurs, “But as flexible as you are, I bet you can’t wash your own back.  Turn around, let me get that for you.”
Well, the prospect of sitting between Mals legs while she rubs at her back does not sound bad in the least.  She stands in the bath and spins, situating herself torturously close to the object of her desire.
“You have beautiful hair,” Mal says, swiping it aside to rub the expanse of her neck. “So shiny, so soft.”
“You do, too,” Regina purs. Something about not having to face Maleficent makes this… easier.  The rag rubs gently as her skin tingles and turns to goose flesh.  She moans a bit when Maleficent finishes rubbing, feeling the loss of her touch too acutely.
“Tell me, have you ever been with a woman before?”  
The question shocks her, has her gasping audibly, then blushing (thank god her back is turned).
“N-no.” She recovers a bit, and adds, “I’ve been with a man before.”
Mal scoffs.  “And so have I. That doesn’t mean much, does it?” She reaches for a pitcher of tepid water and pours some over Regina’s head, then repeats the action.  It’s oddly soothing, sensual, as she plays with her wet hair, combing it through her hands.  “Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not blind, I see the way you look at that thief.” Mal lathers soap into her hair while scraping slightly at her scalp.  “But you are like me, are you not?”
Like her.  
 She’s not blind, either, it seems.  And she hasn’t misinterpreted Mal’s stares.
“Yes.  I am like you,” she agrees, in a voice that sounds surprisingly strong.
“So you are.”
Regina’s insides grow white hot.  There’s a bit of a pulse she feels down below, a subtle throb that makes her want for things she should not.  She wants to touch herself, or maybe be touched, by this beautiful woman she barely knows, until the ache between her legs is soothed.
She never feels like this, not for anyone but Robin, and he… he’s not an option.  He’s too busy with his men and his barmaids and his mind games to ever start something with the likes of her.  And here’s a woman she wants, who is warm and willing and she suddenly feels like a little virgin, unable to know what move to make next.  
Mal pours more water over her head, washing away the soapy bubbles.  She repeats the action until her hair is clean and free of the suds.
“My turn,” Regina breathes. She needs to touch her, to put her hands on the creamy flesh of her back and neck.  Regina turns around, prepared for Mal to do the same so she can wash her back.  
Mal doesn’t turn her back to her yet.
 “Hmmmm…” she says instead, running a hand through her hair, skimming through the locks that frame her face before shifting to slide down her jaw, to her mouth, letting fingers dance over each lovely lip.  She cups her hand over her chin.
“I think it’s still my turn.”
It feels so natural, the way they meet for that first kiss.  It’s sweet, just a peck, and then Regina draws back to check Mal’s expression. It seems unbelievable to her that a woman so perfect, so strong, would want her.
 It’s Mal who draws her back for a longer, deeper kiss.  Tongues meet and dance and smack together.  And one kiss becomes another.
And another.
And another.
Kissing her feels good. It feels right.  She’s only kissed Robin once.  It was a mistletoe kiss, nothing serious.  But she’d kissed him good and proper as he would say, deeply and truly, and it’s the only time a kiss has felt like this does now, with Mal.
It’s only been with Mal and Robin that she’s felt this need, this desire to go further, to touch and press her body against theirs, and oh!
 Mal touches first, a hand gropes expertly at her breast while her other grips underwater at her hip, moving slowly down, down….
God, to be touched there by someone she actually wants touching her, the mere thought is just—-
There’s a loud knock at the door, a frantic, uncoordinated thing, but loud as the hounds of hell. Regina and Mal both part from the kiss, moving to get out of the tub with a stealthy reaction of those who have spent too much of their lives hiding from certain death.
“Reginaaa!!!” a voice cries.
She knows that voice.
“Shit,” she whispers, scrambling out of the tub.  Mal looks confused, until Regina motions for her to stay where she is.  She nods, and sits back down.
The knocking is louder now.
“Regina please open the door, please, I beg you.”
She grabs a towel and makes her way towards the door.  The blasted thing is small, and she’s barely able to cover her breasts and ass at the same time, but it will work for this.
“What do you want?” she asks, cracking open the door ever so slightly.
“I need to talk to you, don’t do this, please Regina.”
He looks… well, drunk. But also desperate and sad.  She’s not sure what has brought him here, on a night where he was so obviously celebrating.
“Do what?”
“I… I was looking for you…” He’s craning his neck, trying to see what’s behind her, “I… I care for you so much Regina, you’ve no idea what you mean to me.”
She’s unable to get that image of him with the barmaid out of her head.  She rolls her eyes and sighs.  “You have a funny way of showing it.  Why don’t you go back to Ingrid?”
Robin’s eyes go wide, and he shakes his head furiously.  “Because I care nothing for Ingrid!  Her father is a guard at the dungeon, Regina, she can get me a key and find me a way to get those prisoners out and freed, that’s all it was, that’s all it ever was.”
She looks at him skeptically, trying to hide the relief that washes over her.  She knows he’s been trying to free the wrongfully accused for months, but the dungeon is well guarded, and the inside is one long, confusing dark maze.   And well, maybe it’s wrong, to be happy he hasn’t moved on and into some woman’s bed when that’s exactly what she was about to do (god, she hopes it was) but… well, she rather likes Robin unattached.
“Why are you here?” She asks, her lips curving into a smile.
“I was looking for you, and John said, he said you went to a room, that you were sharing a room with someone and I would lose you forever, and you need to know, Regina, you need to know, I’ve fallen completely in lo— “
A warm wet body slides behind her, and opens the door just enough for him to see.
Mal wraps her arms around her somewhat possessively, peering over Regina’s shoulder at a startled Robin.
“I know you…”  she purrs at Robin before dropping a very small, sweet peck to Regina’s shoulder.  “The good looking thief who gave us bread and stew.  And what can we give you, Prince of Thieves?”
Regina is frozen in fear, in shame, in….
The thief’s eyes grow wide. “I–I–my god, Regina, milady, I— had no idea…”
He sputters, and looks so absolutely mortified it all but washes away all that negativity. Suddenly the whole thing is amusing.
“No, you must come in!” Mal insists, opening the door wide.
Regina turns to her angrily. “Mal…”
 “Oh hush, let him in, my dear.”
She walks away naked, back towards the tub.  “I’m going to finish my bath.  You are more than welcome to sleep it off.  It’s a big bed.  And I can use all the friends I can get.”
Robin is smirking now, giving Regina that look she absolutely hates (loves) that he seems to give every time he rolls the dice and ends up with snake eyes.
The look changes though, this time, and grows more serious, more… sensual.
“I shouldn’t have interrupted,” he whispers to Regina, reaching up to run a hand through her wet hair. “I just… this thing between us, I’m not the only one who feels it, am I?”
Regina cannot help but feel young and silly as she laughs and ducks her head to hide her smile.  “No, you’re not the only one.”
“I’ll leave you ladies to your own devices, then,” he offers, kissing her cheek. “She’s gorgeous, by the way.”
Regina snorts.  She supposes it’s Robin congratulating her on her successful pick-up, and it should be offensive, but coming from his mouth, it’s just cute.
“Have your men left?” Regina asks.  
Robin grimaces and chuckles. “We were halfway back to camp when John spoke.  I… I rushed back here high on whiskey and low on sleep.”
She doesn’t want him to leave just yet, she realizes. There’s a storm outside, and the man is alone and not quite sober yet.
“Come on in,” she sighs. “But I’m locking you in the wardrobe while I get changed.”
“I wouldn’t want to intrude,” Robin says even as he teeters into the room on unsteady feet.  
“You’re not intruding,” Mal calls out from the bath.  “You’re making things more interesting.”
Regina bites her lip to suppress a smile as she wonders exactly how interesting the evening will get.
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brookeap3 · 7 years
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Some Dragon Outlaw Queen for you all! Happy #DOQWeek @doqweek
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gray-autumn-sky · 7 years
The Start of Something New, Chapter 7
@doqweek, Day 2: Family Time- Robin, Mal and Regina cuddle in bed with the kids as they all watch Saturday morning cartoons.
Previous chapters can be found HERE.  (Chapter 6 will he added tomorrow)
Robin’s eyes flutter open at the sound of crashing thunder and heavy rain drops pelting against the window panes. He sighs as he rolls onto his side and looks at the alarm clock, and no sooner than the time registered, he heard the beginnings of what would soon be Esme’s cries.
“Not it,” Regina and Mal’s groggy voices say in unison, shifting and stretching out as they adjusted the blankets around themselves.
“Why do I always have to get her?”
“Because,” Mal murmurs, “You sleep closest to the door.”
“It’s less steps for you,” Regina adds.
Rolling his eyes, he gets out of bed, shivering a little as the cool morning air touches legs, and he mutters something under his breath about taking turns--something he knows neither of them will acknowledge hearing. Nonetheless, he smiles as he looks back at them--legs tangled in the blankets and Regina’s head tipped and resting on Mal’s shoulder--and then, he heads down the hall, leaving them to doze back to sleep.
When he reaches the nursery, Esme is standing up in her crib, her face scrunched and her little hands gripping the rail as she whines. A lopsided grin tugs onto Robin’s face as he greets her--she always looks so grumpy in the morning.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” he coos as he lifts her from the crib, kissing her cheeks and her forehead and chin, as his hand smoothes her wild red wisps. He chuckles softly as they spring back up and he carries her downstairs to the kitchen. He grabs a bottle and she’s quick to reach for it, finally flashing him a gummy smile as her fingers stretch out and she grunts with excitement. “Okay,” he murmurs, kissing the top of her head as he kicks the refrigerator door closed. “Let’s go cuddle.”
Esme’s blue eyes turn up and she grins as she gnaws on the bottle; and quickly, he makes his way back to the bedroom, finding Regina and Mal in the exact same positions as they’d been in when he left.
Regina’s eyes open and Mal lifts her head as Robin slides back into bed--and no sooner than he does, Esme is reaching for them. Regina pulls her Esme to her as her knees draw up and Esme flops back against them, giggling as Mal makes silly faces at her. With a content sigh, Robin rolls onto his side and props up his head in his hand--and Esme laughs out as he blows a raspberry against her tiny palm.
It’s not long after that Roland’s head peaks into the room and Regina waves him in. Roland runs to the bed and dives in head first--earning a scowl from his baby sister--and he crawls up between Robin and Regina. He lays back against the pillows, and somehow ends up with the remote, turning on the old Batman cartoons he loves to watch on Saturday mornings.
Mal turns Esme around as she settles down, her blue eyes widening as she stares at the TV, suddenly captivated by the colorful images. Robin grins over at them as he lays back, his head propped up just enough to see the screen--his grin brightening as Regina’s fingers lace through his and her head falls to Mal’s shoulder.
“What’s going on in here?” Henry asks, rubbing at his eyes as he stares into the room--still half asleep.
“Watching Batman,” Roland says simply, not looking away from the TV.
Robin watches as Henry blinks a couple of times, then cranes his neck to have a look at the TV, a faint smile forming on his lips. For a moment, he just stands there in the doorway, watching the cartoon; and then, he looks hesitantly back to the bed. His bottom lip catches between his teeth as he stares, and Robin wonders if he finds their unconventional arrangement a bit uncomfortable, and maybe even unsettling. But then, Henry takes a breath and struts forward, eyeing each of them as he stands at the foot of the bed.
“If you guys tell anyone about this, I’ll never babysit again,” he says, his voice firm as he crawls into the bed to watch cartoons with his family.
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the-alpha-incipiens · 7 years
Drawn to the Fire (2/7) - DOQ Week Day 2: Family
Time for day 2! So this is sort of a thing I’ve been wanting to write into the Flicker Beat verse for a while. It feels like a touchy subject but hopefully everyone enjoys it, and finds it as adorable as I do. @doqweek
Summary: Maleficent has a secret to tell her family.
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Drawn to the Fire (Day 2: Family)
Maleficent has always thought her potions work has been some of her strongest magic. She likes mixing things, and she’s always had an almost innate understanding of the magic bonds that can strengthen or weaken when made into potion form. But as she mixes this particular potion, her heart is in her throat, one hand pressed to her middle as she watches the liquid bubble and brew. She’s never made it before, had to dig out one of Regina’s books just to find the recipe, which means she should be more focused, more concerned about executing it perfectly.
But she can’t. Her mind is racing, and it’s almost like the first time she found herself in this position. And that’s ridiculous, because her life is so much better now, with the family she’s carved out. She’s not alone.
They haven’t discussed this — beyond assuring each other of the impossibility of it ever happening. Regina had made sure of that in regards to herself, and Mal had thought after everything she had been through, she’d never experience this again.
She doesn’t even need the potion to tell her, truthfully. She can tell, just like she could with Lily. That hand held to her lower abdomen pulses with magic, a little tendril exploring until it feels the flickering deep inside of her, a little spark slowly building to a flame. Her stomach twists even as a small smile catches at the corners of her lips.
The potion will only confirm what she already knows, but she wants it anyway. She wants something she can actually show to Robin and Regina when she inevitably has to tell them, because she can’t hide this forever.
Maleficent takes a deep breath, lets her magic brush against her womb once more, and then she focuses her gaze on the potion. It’s almost ready.
After it’s done, she stares at the potion, the little vial of liquid now turned milky pink. A positive result, as if she had any doubts when that tiny spark burns in her stomach. Tears well in her eyes, and that hand at her abdomen presses tighter, her free hand going to her mouth to hold in her sob. A mix of emotions rush through her, and all she can think is Regina and Robin and how she has to tell them.
Her magic is swirling around her before she’s consciously called upon it, whisking her from her hiding place in Regina’s vault back to the house. Regina isn’t supposed to be at home, it’s during the work day, but when Maleficent orients herself enough to realize she’s in the living room, there’s a similarly confused Regina on the couch. Robin, too, and he’s glancing around, as if he can’t quite believe he’s in the manor.
The unexpected results of her magic flusters Maleficent, red creeping up her neck as she clears her throat. When Regina asks if this was her doing, she mutters, “Sorry,” and then Regina’s brow is knitted with concern along with her confusion.
“Is everything all right?” Regina asks, and Maleficent is sure she can read the tension in her frame. Not to mention she had been crying earlier, and she’d hazard a guess that her eyes are still red-rimmed.
“I didn’t mean to — I was just trying to transport myself,” and she’s stumbling over her words, tongue working itself into knots, and their concern only grows. Those tears are back, prickling at her eyes. “I’m sorry, I don’t want to worry you…”
“Mal, just tell us what’s wrong,” Robin murmurs, and he’s approaching her now, reaching for her.
She collapses into his arms, unable to deny herself his comforting warmth. The smell of forest surrounds her as she presses her face to his neck, and then Regina’s there, too, her hand on her back, rubbing soothing circles as Maleficent’s shoulders tremble with barely contained sobs.
“I’m pregnant,” she gasps out, biting her lip hard once the words are free, and she feels the tension in Robin’s frame as Regina’s comforting hand freezes.
Her blood slows in her veins, even as her heart beats harder, fluttering in her chest. She shouldn’t have — she needed to — how could she just blurt it out like that—
“Did you say—?” and that’s Robin, he’s got his hands on her shoulders, gently holding her as he stares into her eyes, and Maleficent can’t read his expression, almost a year together of gazing into those eyes and now she has no idea what they’re saying.
It terrifies her, almost as much as hearing Regina’s voice next. It’s just a soft, disbelieving, “You’re pregnant?” but it slices straight through her, because she doesn’t know what it means. All that history and she cannot gauge her reaction, cannot fathom what either of them are thinking in this moment, when she’s dropped this into their laps without any sort of warning.
“Yes,” she confirms, and she holds up the little vial of potion, knowing Regina at least will understand what it means.
As expected, Regina’s eyes are locked onto the object in her hand, and when she shakes her head, a little breathless gasp of “How?” escaping her. Maleficent’s heart clenches when she continues, “You said it wasn’t possible…”
“I know,” she says, ducking her head. She can’t bear to look Regina in the eyes, not when she’s disappointed them like this. “I thought it wasn’t, otherwise I would have taken more precautions…”
“Wait,” Robin interrupts, his hand catching her chin, urging her to tilt her head back up but she shakes out of his grip, takes a few steps back for some much needed distance. She can’t be near them when she’s done this to them, when she’s been so careless and now there’s a child that they don’t want.
They’d discussed this, back when this entire relationship started. Talked about whether they’d need protection of some kind, because it wouldn’t be fair to have a child, and she had told them there would be no need. That dragons breeding was rare anyway, rarer still when disturbed from the natural order of things, and being transported to a realm without magic, killed, and then brought back to life certainly counted as a disturbance.
She hadn’t even realized her cycle had synced with this realm until it was too late, and she could feel the presence inside of her.
“Mal, look at us, please,” Robin says, though he’s dropped his hand to his side, had let her step away from him without a struggle.
Maleficent glances up, but her eyes are swimming, tear-filled as they are, and she can’t properly see them. Perhaps if she could, she’d be able to discern the compassion on his face, and the slight hurt from her rejection. As it is, she just feels miserable, that hand pressed to her middle once more, her magic instinctively seeking out that little flickering inside of her.
“Are you — you’re upset, is something wrong?” he asks, and she’s a little dumbfounded, her brow knitting together as she regards him.
Of course she’s upset. She’s messed up, she’s gotten pregnant after they had discussed no children, that they weren’t ready for it, and they thought they couldn’t have them anyway.
“I know you two didn’t want more children,” she manages to say around the lump in her throat. “And I honestly didn’t think it was possible, I’m so sorry, I should have — I should have been on a potion, or something, just in case…”
“Maleficent,” and that’s Regina, her voice suddenly firm in a way it wasn’t before, and it has her eyes snapping to meet hers. Whereas before Maleficent couldn’t read her expression, this one is crystal clear to her: that thin line of her lips, the dark spark in her eyes. “Do you think we’re angry with you right now?”
She raises her eyebrows at her, somehow pulling together enough of a look that says With that tone, yes, and Regina scowls for a moment.
“You know what I mean,” she says with a little roll of her eyes. She takes a hold of Maleficent’s hand, urging her onto the sofa where she and Robin both surround her. “We never said we didn’t want more children.”
“You did,” Maleficent argues, frowning. “You said it wouldn’t be wise to have any accidents with our arrangement, that bringing babies into it would be too complicated—”
“Mal,” Regina interrupts, and she looks at her, at the tears glistening in her eyes as Regina brings a hand up to cup her face. “God, Mal, that’s not what I meant. It wouldn’t have been wise to have children then. When we were just starting out, unsure of where this was all going.”
“Not to mention,” Robin says now, and Maleficent turns to look at him. He’s teary-eyed too, but what shocks her is the profound look of love on his face. “You know we both adore children. How could you think we’d be angry about this?”
“You’re… You’re not upset?” she murmurs, something in her chest unclenching as she looks at them properly now. Those expressions that seemed so unreadable before are a lot clearer to her now, as she realizes how she had the situation all wrong. They weren’t disappointed at all, weren’t judging her failure.
They were simply stunned, overwhelmed by the impossibility they hadn’t realized was more probable than they had guessed.
“Of course not,” Regina says, and then she leans in, kissing her, those tears spilling over now, and Maleficent can just barely taste them on her lips. “The thought of having a baby with you — with both of you… I didn’t expect it, but I’m so overjoyed at the prospect. I love you.”
Maleficent turns then to Robin, wanting him to confirm it as well, and yes, of course he’s just as thrilled. A wide grin splits his face, and he nuzzles her cheek as he says, “I love you, too,” and then his hand slides to her belly, just resting there. He can’t feel the spark inside of her, not without magic, but she loves the comforting warmth of his palm even over her blouse. “And I cannot wait to raise this baby with the two loves of my life.”
She was so foolish earlier. She laughs, relieved, that crushing despair gone as she’s encircled in the arms of her lovers.
“I guess now all that’s left is to tell our children,” she says, biting her lip as she momentarily worries about what they’ll say.
She needn’t have.
They have dinner that night, Regina inviting Lily over so they can tell them all at the same time. The boys are immediately excited, plying Maleficent with questions about dragon pregnancies and will the baby be a dragon too and all sorts of fantastical things. Roland puffs up with excitement at the thought that he’ll be a big brother to someone, and Henry promises to teach him all the things he’s learned about being an older brother. Lily is quieter, more reserved, and when she takes the plates into the kitchen, Maleficent follows her in, regarding her daughter carefully as she scrapes food into the garbage disposal.
“Are you upset?” she asks, and Lily stills in front of the sink, but doesn’t turn around, doesn’t say anything.
When she does finally look at her, Maleficent’s heart sinks into her stomach. There are tears in her eyes, eyes so wide and brown and fathomless just like Regina’s, and this is Maleficent’s fault.
“There were times when I was on the street, and I wished I had a brother or a sister to look after me. Or even for me to look after. Something I could have responsibility for,” Lily says with a shrug. “It was stupid, of course. And then when I got older, I got over it. I was glad I didn’t have somebody else to give a damn about me, because then I didn’t have to give a damn about anything. I could just hate you, and Snow White, and this fucking place I didn’t even know for sure existed.”
Maleficent stays silent, though she wants to say something. To comfort. But she doesn’t think Lily is telling her this to hurt her.
“I thought I didn’t want this,” Lily continues, and she waves a hand. “You, the house, this whole ‘family’ thing.” She laughs then, a soft little thing, almost disbelieving. “But I’m so damn glad I have you, and Regina, and Robin, and the boys. And Mom… I am so happy for you and Regina and Robin.”
Lily is not a hugger, by any means. She tolerates the boys, particularly Roland, and more rarely indulges Maleficent or Robin. Regina shares this trait with her daughter, so Maleficent thinks she can count hugs between those two on one hand.
But Lily steps forward and wraps her arms around her mother, holding tight for a moment. Maleficent feels the tears return, pricking her eyes, and can’t find it in her to care as she holds her daughter. She feels something, a spark, a shock, and Lily gasps, pulling away.
“Was that—?”
Maleficent nods, takes Lily’s hand and presses it to her abdomen. “The baby,” she confirms. “I’m not far along by any means, but the magic is already there inside of them. It’s responding to you.”
“Wow,” Lily mutters, looking more than a little awed. “Hey there, spark plug,” she says, thumb rubbing over the material of Maleficent’s dress.
For the first time since she felt the baby quickening inside of her, Maleficent feels entirely at peace.
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nephelite · 7 years
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Day 3 of #DOQWeek - First Times: First time doing a sexy photoshoot together. #DragonOutlawQueen
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outlawqueenbey · 7 years
DOQ Week - Day 2 - Family
Titled - Look Both Ways
Today is one of those days where the sun seems to be shining just a bit brighter, the sky just that much bluer, even the chirping of birds just a little more harmonious. Today is one of those days that nothing, absolutely nothing could possibly wreck. The domestic life is something she hadn’t really planned on enjoying this much, the entire thought of having a family surrounding her was a dream let go decades back.
Yet here she is, sitting on a soft cream couch, thumbing through a national geographic magazine (the one she’s been waiting what feels to be an eternity for just because there is an elephant highlight in it), sipping on a glass of red wine waiting for her family to come home for dinner, a dinner she’s made.
No, Maleficent had never thought this would be her life, swapping solitude for society. It’s had it’s moments. Where the claustrophobic tightness of the town has had the fire inside raging and rumbling to burst as though she’s about to burn the entire town to the ground. Fortunately, only a few acres of trees have been torched. Robin (another interesting adjustment in her world) had been kind enough to find her a large piece of the forest where not a soul resided, and she could simply sit in her much needed self-silence whenever her anxiety peaked. It used to happen more often, but she is learning that maybe being slightly suffocated by love isn’t such a terrible thing.
In the beginning, she wanted Regina, was happy to steal the woman away from the pain this place seemed to continually cause her. A soulmate had left, a surrogate child gone with him, and Regina had sought the comfort of her old friend, had rekindled this strange harboured love once more. But the thief had come back, and Maleficent hadn’t exactly been thrilled. She loved Regina, and Regina loved her back, but she also loved this outlaw and his messy though rather adorable offspring. They’d talked about it at length, Mal and Regina, what this meant for them, Robin returning from New York, and after a few months apart and some serious discussion they had all decided that if it made Regina happy, regardless of how Robin and Mal felt towards each other initially, that they would make it work.
And it’s beyond what Mal could have ever anticipated. She loves Regina. She is rather fond of Robin, dotes on Henry, but Roland, the chocolate button eyed, unruly, soft curls and pink chubby, dimple dented cheeks have been her entire downfall. They tease her about it. Her obsessive affection for the youngest, and whilst she still scoffs and barks back a threat about toasting their skin, her smile is brighter than the sun when she hears his voice. They can all go to hell for calling her a soft marshmallow for the boy, if he wants a Dragon teddy bear, well then he is going to have the best bloody snuggle buddy in the entire world.
And for as taken with Roland as Maleficent is, the affection is reciprocated in full. She is his guardian, his movie picking partner, spaghetti fork twirler, bathtime bubble maker, mischievous partner in crime, cookie stealing accomplice, and the place he goes when he wishes to be extra affectionate. He says she purrs, that her heart rumbles in her chest when he sleeps on her, that she is warm and soft, and keeps all the bad guys out of his dreams.
She waits everyday for him to come home from school. Impatiently, with her eyes checking the clock until it strikes twelve minutes after three, which means the god awfully colored long transportation car (Regina calls it a bus….) will be turning the corner in exactly two minutes, and she will be standing outside on the sidewalk in 90 seconds. It’s one of the best parts of her day, hearing his tiny scream of excitement as he flings himself into her awaiting arms from the second to last step on the bus. The babble of nonsense that quickly follows, and the smugness in her heart when he begs her to dragon for him, which simply entails she let out a puff of silver smooth smoke out into whatever shape he desires, usually it’s a lion, but she’s been trying elephant shapes… and he still squeals and burrows his head into her chest happily as they turn back to the house.
And so here she is, flipping through magazine pages whilst flicking her gaze to the clock, and it’s nice enough outside that she can afford to wait a few extra minutes out in the sunshine. Robin is in the kitchen humming far too loudly which probably means he’s sneaking in a few bites of dinner before it’s ready. Bloody thief. As if his ears were burning, he walks into the living room, stopping mid bite as he realizes Maleficent’s eyes glinting at him from the sofa, apparently unaware that she was still here and not already outside waiting for Roland. He gulps hard, swallowing painfully against the lodge of stolen food stuffed into his cheeks and does his best to smile at Mal, who simply arches her eyebrow at him.
“Shower sex for the whole week if we keep this between us.”
She laughs at his poor bargaining skills, but nods anyway and reaches for the glass of lemonade in his hand. Roland likes lemonade, her puff of purple magic adds a few plump sliced strawberries into the yellow sugary liquid and she is out the door before Robin can question the thievery of his drink.
It’s gorgeous outside too as she pads down the stone walkway, noting the fact Robin should probably cut the grass soon. The blades are tipping over, and she is more than accepting to the idea of watching him sweat shirtless in the sun whilst she and Regina watch from the patio chairs, admiring the view. She hits the iron gate at the same time her brunette love rolls into the driveway, her dainty little fingers waggling behind the window. The engine cuts off and Mal leans over the gate, appreciating the low cut in Regina’s silk red wine blouse, heating at the tightness of her dark skirt contrasting the olive of her toned calves shaped down into tall snake skinned pumps. She looks good enough to eat… perhaps later. It’s a grinned “Hello,” a happy squeeze of a hand, followed by a gentle kiss to Mal’s cheek. All very damn domestic, and Mal loves it, kissing a lover whilst waiting for her tadpole to come home. And the timing is perfect, as Regina leaves her with a pat on the bum and the cheesewagon turns the corner. Her heart skips joyously and she closes the gate behind her.
The bus comes to a stop on the other side of the road which is different… irritating, and has her brows cinching together as she waits, arching a touch to the right to try and catch a glimpse of a mop of curly brown hair. Why it’s on the other side is beyond her, but it doesn’t make much of a difference. The ghosting sound of Regina’s voice mentioning that there was a new guy driving the school bus, a lanky half wit of a man, Horace something… or perhaps it was Jasper, the name escaping Maleficent in its non-importance to her.
Still, it’s taking Roland longer to come off the bus, and patience isn’t the Dragon’s strongest suit. More so when it comes to being reunited with her tyke. They have oatmeal chocolate chip cookies to eat, and another chapter of Pete’s Dragon to read before bathtime.
The sound of a rumbling engine breaks up the serene sway of the wind. Far too loud and violently roaring as it turns the corner, a god awful electric green color speeding into sight. She hates these magical moving steel boxes and all the noises and jilting they cause. Walking is nice, horse back even better, there is no need for these metal boxes. Mal’s eyes frown as she watches the heavy vehicle accelerate, thundering revving of it’s engine, bulky tires rotating wildly as it slices the distance of the road in half, and why the hell aren’t they slowing down?
Red flashing lights begin to blink from the bus, a stop sign slapping out from it’s yellow side, and still the green car doesn’t slow, jerks slightly left before evening out, and she sees the first few children clambering out of the bus and straight into the road, the green beanie of Roland’s finally bouncing into view. There are children in the crossing, the bus is halted, the caution lights are flashing, the car will stop. She’s been trying to use less magic and learn to trust the workings of mechanical life here, she won’t freeze the car unless it’s absolutely necessary.
She sees his little hand wave from across the street at her, a dimpled, toothy smile beaming as he calls out her name excitedly, waving hard enough to have his hair jostling back and forth beneath his hat.
She goes to tell him to stay there, to wait, she will come to him, but the car’s engine drowns her out, her realization she momentarily forgot about the vehicle sinks in her gut as Roland steps out onto the crosswalk. She panics, her magic sputters and everything freezes in time.
The sound of tires squealing shrieks, stench of burnt rubbing trailing behind with the cloud of white hot smoke as they attempt to brake, but it’s not enough, the wheels lock and skid into the intersection. A horn blares out horrendously, a shrill scream pierces the air, a horrid smack of something onto somewhere, and a Captain America backpack flies into the air. The entire time Maleficent is frozen to the stop, eyes locked onto the green beanie that floats for a half moment in the sky and sways to the ground a few yards away and everything goes deadly silent.
No one moves, stunned for a tense, disbelieving second, scattered about the street, around the green smoking car, air bags deployed and horn still ringing. His name drops terrified from her lips, and all hell breaks loose.
She runs, bellowing out for him, her magic stampeding back into her veins as her feet hit the hot pavement. Stunned pairs of wide eyes follow her between the crowd that has begun to conglomerate around the crumpled hood of the car. Someone is calling out for help, a small girl is crying off to the side, and still there is no Roland leaping out from safety towards her.
Her lungs burn, mouth agape though no air sucks in, eyes wild in her search for him, she just needs to see him, his big brown, button eyes sparkling up at her, the giggling that starts at the base of his belly, she just need to find him. Safe and unharmed.
It’s a chorus of fear and panic, screams and sobs, her dragon enhanced senses being overloaded with the alarming terror swimming in the crowd. It makes her ears ring at their high pitched wailing, nose inhaling the overwhelming burning smell of rubber tires scorched by the pavement. Her usually hot skin chills and prickles with a sense of foreboding dread.  Her irritation flares at the stifling amount of people bashing frantically into her, slowing her progress in finding him. She hauls a few people off to the side, uncaring of their outburst, quickening her pace as the crowd finally parts, revealing the smoking crumpled green car crunched against a tree, still blaring on it’s horn, and she can see the driver slumped into the airbag, squashing the wheel, groaning as he beings to come too.
“Roland?! Roland, where are you?!”
Her heart plays with the fine line of hysteria when he doesn’t answer back.
“He’s under there!”
What the fuck does that mean? Under where? Under what?
“Oh shit! Someone get help!”  
She sees a teenage boy bending at the front of the car, and the entire fire of the dragon inside recoils into an ice block as her eyes finally find what she’s been searching for. Beneath its mechanical belly, a small fist crooks out awkwardly, unmoving and clutching a stuffed red stained elephant, and Maleficent shrieks.
They heard the squealing of tires, the impact of what could only have been a vehicle hitting something hard and then complete dead silence. Her heart sank the same time Robin’s eyes flared with panic. Mal was outside waiting for Roland, the crunch sounded horribly like a car crash, and Regina’s blood runs cold at the thought, there are children outside. Setting her coffee cup down as gently as possible with the trembling in her hands, she turns on her heel, Robin behind her instantly as they open the front door. It’s chaos that meets Regina’s eyes, an absolute pandemonium of children screaming and crying, parents flooding out into the street, the smell of burnt tar swirling into the dark grey cloud of smoke just beyond the crowd.
Keep calm, Regina, panicking will only make things worse. Breathe and just figure out what happened. They are both okay, it’s going to be okay.
Her mind cycles the mantra, but her gut feels like a hot stone is burning her alive with fear as she and Robin step onto the pavement, and her blood freezes at the torn scream of a voice she knows down to her core. They run as the sound of an ambulance siren blares in the distance, the crowd parting instantly as Regina shoves them aside.
Mal is there, on the ground and for a moment Regina’s heart falters thinking maybe she is hurt, maybe her scream was in pain, but the closer her heels bring her to the carnage the worse her gut wrenches. She is sobbing uncontrollably when they reach the Dragon, and Robin lets out a heavy, “Oh fuck,” when they see what she clawing under the car for.
It’s Roland. His arm is barely visible underneath the crunched, smoking metal, the elephant he carries everywhere with him stained bloody in his limp fist. “Mal! Mal, what happened!” Regina bellows out, kneeling beside the blonde whose hands are ripping at the pavement.
“Oh God. Fucking Christ. Someone get help!”
Mal doesn’t even recognize them beside her, her attention focused on getting her little dragon out from beneath the vehicle. Her eyes burn with tears as she calls over and over again for him, panic overtaking her mind as she slams her shoulder into the door, heaving with as much force through a screeching roar. It doesn’t budge. Not until she feels Robin and Regina on either side of her, pushing and lifting the car with every ounce of force they can muster. It begins to lift slowly, creaking and cracking through the blinding haze of smoke.
His brown jacket comes into view, tattered and torn. The mop of curly hair slumped about his face, hiding him from Mal’s eyes. He doesn’t move. Doesn’t respond. Laying there horrendously still. Her hands grip around his arm and she tugs gently, but his pants are caught on something and Mal cries out terror stricken. “Roland! My little Dragon, can you hear me? Please say something! Roland!”
The car flips on it’s side and Roland’s little body is unveiled, legs at an awkward angle, blood pooling around his face, matting his hair and the tar road below. Mal slings her arms around his body and hauls him out of the wreckage. He’s limp in her arms.
“Is he breathing?! Mal? Is he… is he alive?” Robin stammers on his fallen knees beside her, running his palm over his son’s pallored face. Tears coat her cheeks as she tries to rouse him, shaking him gently as she whispers into his ear for him to open his eyes, she just needs to see his beautiful brown, chocolate button eyes.
“Roland? Baby? Can you hear us?”
There is nothing and Mal’s heart shatters into a thousand bleeding pieces as her fingers search for his pulse under his chubby jaw.
“The ambulance is here!” Someone calls out, but they don’t move, Mal doesn’t dare relinquish her grip on her tadpole. He will be fine. He has to be fine. There is no way in hell she is letting him die. Not now. Not ever.
“Come back to me.” She presses a kiss to his forehead and lets her magic flow from her heart and into his broken, bloodied, barely breathing body.
Warmth. Hot stifling electric waves pulse through her body, latching into him, seeping into each broken vein, every shattered bone from the tip of his toes to the lump in his skull. Regina’s hand grabs her own and she feels her own magic thumping into her, vortexing in with the light she holds, and Regina’s thoughts begin to flow into Mal’s mind and magic.
Roland, my little knight. Baby, we need you to come back to us. Breathe for us, baby. I know you can do it.
Together they stitch together the lacerations that bleed. Bind the bones that splinter awkwardly through delicate, soft skin.
Little Dragon, beat that heart of yours for me. We have cookies to eat, I made you oatmeal chocolate chip, your favorite, and you know I can’t eat them all myself. Come on, sweet love, open your eyes for me.
They fill his lungs with air, his heart with love, pouring in every ounce they have for this little outlaw that has stolen their entire souls. Robin’s hand rests on Mal’s lower back, his other brushing back fallen locks of hair as he too whispers for his son to be strong, to be brave, he’s a merry man and they need him.
It takes forever, an eternity that ticks by slow as molasses, and Mal’s eyes begin to water when he still doesn’t move as their magic slowly ebbs away, healing everything they can possibly touch and the hot wet tears fall down onto her cheeks when his eyes still do not crack open for her.
Regina stifles a sob into Mal’s shoulder, whispering out his name, a hand thumbing gently over his ribs. The paramedics are beside them suddenly, kneeling down quietly as they look over the injured boy, opening his coat button by button though Mal still holds him into her lap, combing through his blood soaked matted hair. He’s so small, so unbelievably tiny and precious to her, to all of them.
Silence surrounds them all as they wait, the paramedics slowly cutting away his shirt and placing ecg pads to his little torso. “We need to get him to the hospital.” One of them comments gently, reaching out for him, but Mal is possessive of the little one, her little one. She shakes her head and leans over his body, her tears dropping onto his forehead and both Regina and Robin cradle them all tight together.
“Mellie?” A soft quiet cough breaks the awful silence as little brown eyes flicker behind lashes and finally open.
“Hi, little dragon.” She smiles, cries harder, if that’s possible, but it’s from relief. Robin heaves a heavy breath, cradles his son’s head as he breathes out his name gently, Regina doing the same as they all sigh out a tense, happy breath.
“Can we still have cookies?” He sniffles in Maleficent’s lap.
“Of course we can, you can eat them all.”
“But you like them too.”
“I’ll make us more.”
Six hours later their entire family is curled up on the couch, stuffed shoulder to thigh, squished into the cushions, but space is not needed, not right now, never again as Mal’s soft voice reads out the words to his favorite book, the last words, “And the little dragon family lived happily ever after,” resonating far greater than ever before as Roland finally nods off to sleep, healthy and here with them.
Family after all is the most important thing.
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doqweek · 8 years
DOQ Week: April  10-16
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A few things about this week:
The prompts are purposely broad, so get as creative as you want.  For example, for “teach me”, you could have Regina teaching Mal how to do her duties as mayor, Robin teaching Mal how to pick a lock, Mal teaching Roland how to cook, etc.  Or, you could do a Teacher AU.  Or any form of AU where something is being taught to someone.  As long as DOQ is involved, you can probably make it work.
As this is DOQ week, we have OQ fans and DQ fans writing.  No putting down either of those ships, or any of the DOQ characters.  I’d ask we also be respectful to all the ships in OUAT, so no one gets uncomfortable.
Some of these prompts may work with Robin, Regina, and Mal just being friends.  Or a pairing like Mal and Regina + interacting/befriending Robin.  However, again, please don’t disrespect DOQ, OQ, or DQ.  Play nicely. 
All forms of art are encouraged
Tag @DOQweek on tumblr or @Imagine_DOQ on tumblr.  use hashtags #DOQWeek
Be a pal and review and reblog, writers and artists work hard. :)
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glindalovesshoes · 7 years
Pearls Of Time
Written for Day 6 of DOQ week! Thanks to @gray-autumn-sky and @believingispowerfulmagic for betaing!
Pearl Harbor, April 9th 1945
              Spring is here in its full force. It's never really cold around here, even in winter, nothing compared to the harsh winters he's seen in Europe. Those cold, unforgiving winters which have cost so many people their lives. Without food, without firewood, without homes because they had become victims of the war. Frostbite and starvation, the haggard faces of soldiers and civilians that haunt him, that make him shake his head in an attempt to dispel them. Focus, Robin.
              He does - focuses on the hibiscus bush to his left and the flowers which bloom throughout the year and those which just start to blossom now, which make the island of O'ahu an oasis of color. Much better than the concrete desert and destruction he left behind a couple of days ago when he left the sick bay in South England. One can only call it bizarre how some parts of the world drown in death and ashes while this one seems to have more than recovered after the fatal attack of 1941. But that's good. It's good to come home to something… whole.
              Robin shoulders his duffle bag and makes his way slowly down the street, because well, it's not particularly easy with a damaged hip that makes walking a freaking nightmare. Never would he describe himself as an invalid, a casualty of war. Nurse Claire had reassured him that the limping was barely noticeable and he should be glad they didn't amputate his leg two years ago when his plane got hit by a German Messerschmitt and crashed into the English Channel on the way back to the airbase. The injury may be barely noticeable for everyone else, but Robin knows it's there. That's why he keeps clenching his teeth as he follows the street signs until he arrives at the longed for destination. Finally. The warm breeze of the Pacific makes the palm leaves in front of the coral pink Naval Hospital Pearl Harbor swing gently from one side to the other. It's gentle, caressing, inviting, like the soft touch of a lover. So familiar, yet so very… different.
              There are construction works going on, a few buildings have been added. The hospital is not the only thing looking different though. Robin hasn't spent much time here before he left, but the few months in Honolulu before the war happened, had been the best of his life. A life he more than anything wishes to go back to. Can he though? Is it even possible? Everything has changed, everything he used to be familiar with is different. The country, the island, the city, the people… he himself is not who he used to be. Robin remembers the day they arrived at the harbor like it was yesterday, when they came here with plans for their future but in fact, it has been three and a half years. So damn much has happened.  
He drops the duffle bag next to his feet as he watches people heading in and out of the hospital, many of them in the same military uniform he is wearing right now, some in marine uniforms and some in new ones he can't identify. They're probably stationed here, waging the war in the Pacific against Japan. Robin wonders how many mates they've lost, what they've been through. Have they been through anything at all or were they like he used to be - young and naïve and hungry for action, to fight for their country overseas? For a split second he closes his eyes, but the noises of battle and pictures burned into his memory start catching up with him, so he does what Dr. Henry Morgan has told him. Take a deep breath and think of your happy place.
Her face forms instantly in his mind with her fair skin, short, perfectly styled dark curls stopping right above her chin, the elusive and satisfying smile from dark red colored lips he thinks of every time he closes his eyes. And then there are the dark brown orbs, the ones that change their color depending on her mood and the light, the ones he can get lost in over and over again. Every time he thinks of her she's wearing the little white nurse dress with a hat - the one she hated because it would never stay in place no matter how many pins she would fasten it with. It's the outfit she wore when they first met back in New York what it feels like a lifetime ago. He used to carry her picture in his chest pocket but he'd lost it in the plane crash, something he's never really gotten over. All he's left of her is the ring she gave him on their wedding day, the one that hangs around his neck with the pair of dog tags that doesn't belong to him.
Three and a half years, thousands of kilometers and a world at war between them. Yet he found his way back to her, he survived. She was the face that kept him going when he couldn't remember, her voice was the one that spoke to him when he was lost in the darkness, when he almost drowned in his plane in the English Channel. Even when his memory was lost his subconscious could still remember her. The question now is - what does she remember of him?
Continue on FF.net
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audreysl0ve · 7 years
DOQ Week - Day 2 Family
So here’s my attempt at writing fluff!  Not up to my normal standards, but it’s a decent story anyway.  Dragon Peanut.  Also, set in the Family verse that I created for peanut week, which you can find here
Mal has a soft spot for children.                                                                                                                                                  
This is a fact, open and clear as day for the world to see.  
She's quite a contrast to Regina, who goes to great length to conceal her true feelings for others (her mother’s mantra of “love is weakness” has her hiding love as if it were the secret of what could break her, destroy her).  Even with Henry, she is tight with the love she shows to him in public, preferring to spoil and shower him with affection in private.
It’s not that Regina looks cold in public, just that you don’t fully realize the depths of what she will do for her loved ones, the amount of time she spends thinking of them, worrying about them, dreaming for them. Not as an outsider. Regina keeps love and emotion private.  
But Robin understands why, they all do.  Regina’s changing, little by little, but decades of viewing love as an Achilles heel has taken its toll on her.
Mal never suffered through that.  In fact, from what he's learned, she’s only suffered regrets of too few words spoken, too many loves that left before she ever got chance pour her heart out.  So she’s vowed never to do that again.  She speaks openly of her regrets, of the searing pain and nightmares she feels from missing Lily, of the overwhelming relief in seeing her safe and well.  She even speaks of her love for Regina.  
One day Mal and Lily fight at Granny’s, and Maleficent lets tears fall publicly down her cheeks as she begs her daughter to come back, to sit down, to stay, to let them work on this. It draws eyes, and maybe a few eye rolls from people who consider her dramatic, but if Mal sees them, she pays them no mind.  She opens her heart unashamedly and embraces the full spectrum of feelings she has.
That’s courage. That’s strength.  Even Robin admires it.
From the moment he had first returned from New York, Mal had been a fixture in their lives.   Occasional dinners at Granny’s had turned into walks for dessert with Roland, into dinner parties where only Mal and Lily seemed to ever be invited.  It had been clear to Robin from early on that Regina thought of Mal as family.
Mal had initially been wary of him, but he wasn’t phased by her coldness.  Afterall, Marian’s family had reacted similarly when he first started dating her, and frankly, he quite liked the challenge of winning over those who seemed completely averse to him  (his courtship with Regina being evidence of that).
So he had accepted Maleficent in his life, put up with her little put-downs and snarked her back. They had traded insults, rolled eyes and pointed stares, but even a few weeks into his stay in Storybrooke, he was fairly certain she already liked him, deep down inside.
But whereas it had taken awhile for Mal to warm up to Robin, the dragon’s heart had opened for his children immediately.  
He's not surprised that she loved Roland.  Who could not?  Loving Roland is easy.  Roland is a happy boy, all dimpled, sweet goodness, with the endorsement of the likes of Snow White.  He’s pure, the product of good parents who loved one another.  In the eyes of everyone, he is a perfect, good little boy.
But Robin’s daughter is a whole other matter.  Even before she was born, there was talk of her curse, of a future that would be plagued with dark magic and an inability to love, of a corrupted heart and a dark soul.
But Maleficent paid no mind to the rumors and warnings.  In fact, every whispered comment or pointed stare she caught was met with fierce words. Mal was her biggest defender, even before she was born.
Of course he understands now, why Mal feels so strongly connected to the child, why the issue was so important to her.  Mal had lost her daughter because people feared her darkness, her potential for evil. And so perhaps a part of Mal sought to learn from that unfortunate lesson, and prevent history from repeating itself.
Mal offered her services to them, promised to protect the child at all cost from the “idiot villagers” who might threat her.
“Oh, that won’t be necessary,” Robin says immediately, “I’m sure no one would want to hurt a child.”
“You’d be surprised,” Mal drawls, “You’ve no idea what they are saying, and what they are capable of.  Fear drives people to do crazy things, to see a monster in the most innocent of children.”
Her eyes never leave Regina as she says that, and it makes the woman flush red, and she’s ducking and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear in a way that makes her look so young, so innocent.  
“What exactly are you proposing?” Regina asks.  There’s a small soft smile on her face that Robin hasn’t entirely seen before, and it intrigues him.
“I’m offering the child my protection.  I’ll always look out for her, if you let me in, I’ll always care for her.”
“Her?” Robin asks, skeptically, “we don’t even know—”
“Oh I know,” Mal waves, “I forgot you did not yet.  You are having a daughter.”
“How do you—?”
“It’s a dragon thing,” Regina answers.  It’s the first time he’s heard her answer like this (there will be many questions answered with these words in the future) and he's reminded that these two are connected in a special way, understand each other in a way few people do.
“I’m just asking for you two to let me in,” Mal says slowly, “I won’t intrude on family business, but I think if you let me know her, care for her, I could help, I could—”
“You want to be involved in her life.” Regina looks slyly at her.  
Mal nods, and follows with a curt “For her protection.”
“Could you... give us a moment to discuss this?” Regina asks.
Mal doesn’t hide emotions.  She feels it’s all wasted energy.  So she lets her face fall in disappointment before nodding and giving them space.
Regina walks Robin into the study, shutting the door tight.
“I realize you may have some… feelings about Maleficent being involved in the child’s life, especially given how difficult things already are and let me tell you—”
“Of the dragon who has burned villages and poisoned princesses?” He asks, unable to hide his smirk.  “Now why would I ever have qualms about her caring for my child? Especially when the woman I love once had a penchant for the same activities?”
Regina cannot fight the giggle that bubbles out of her. Perhaps it is a bit dark to joke about this, but between them, it just works.
“You don’t mind her involvement?” Regina asks.
“I like her,” Robin shrugs, “I know she may not like me—”
“She likes you,” Regina assures, “she likes you more than she will admit.”
“That’s not Mal, she doesn’t hide the way she feels, if she liked me, I’d know—”
“Mal doesn’t know she likes you yet,” Regina says with a sigh, “she’s not as guarded with me but there are some walls up.  And this is important to her.  She lost a child.  She wants to help prevent other children from being lost.  Including yours.  It’s important to her.  And I…” she looks so nervous, so unsure,  “I know this isn’t my daughter, and I have no right to ask…”
“You have every right to ask anything of me.”  It is too soon to say it out loud, but he already wanted to ask her to be the mother to the baby, to assume the role he knows Zelena could not.  
“I was wondering if you might consider making Mal a godparent,” Regina says, then laughs at the idea.  “I know, her history with godparents is… tricky.  But I think it would be good for her, they are protectors, and that’s the role she wants, and given her history, and—”
He cuts off her rambling with a kiss.
“A god-dragon.  I like it.”   And with that he takes her hand and leads her out of the study.
“Mal,” he says, still holding Regina’s hand.  “We have something to ask you.”
Regina isn’t one for ceremony.  She hates weddings (of course, it has something to do with her own being so traumatic).  She finds graduations far too full of frills and self-praise.  She doesn’t care for religious rituals (if there is a god, or gods, she questions whether they would require a lily white dress and snacking on crackers for their souls to be saved).  She believes in theatrics, sure, in making a grand entrance and a brilliant escape, but she’s never been much for following tradition.
So it surprises Mal at first, that she’s here, in town hall, in front of many people, having a little naming ceremony for their baby.  Regina, the beautiful little spitfire that she is, had insisted upon it, insisted that the daughter of the hero Robin Hood deserved recognition.  
But then Mal realizes that this is not about the ceremony but about the statement it makes about Regina’s relationship with Eliza.  She’s telling the town not to mess with her. She's letting the villagers know that she, the Evil Queen, loves this child, will protect this child, and will not stand idly by if she is mistreated.
Mal knows the whispered insults and rumors get back to Regina, and hell, they have to hurt. These people don’t know her at all. They don’t know who she truly is.  Because beyond the heavy mask of her past crimes and her frightening reputation is a timid girl who just wants a family who love her, and who she can love, without any of the mind games and manipulation that came with her own.  So of course she loves this baby, this innocent, new addition to Robin's life.
And so Regina's determination her own protective instincts, and strong, resilient heart bring them here, in the town hall, with a precious, fair-skinned, beautiful strawberry blonde infant.
The townspeople actually showed up.  Perhaps out of fear, or out of sheer curiosity.  Mal is sitting up there, on this ridiculous stage, amongst a group of people she isn’t quite sure she belongs to:  Regina and her family, all three Charmings, Emma and the pirate.  That ridiculous fat man who smells of sweat and wet earth is here too, and perhaps he's an odd man out too - but he’s Robin's very best friend, at least.  He's raised Roland from an infant.  But she and Lily… they just don't have the same ties to this family.
Zelena was afforded the option of attending (with magical cuffs and under the watchful eye of David, of course), but she declined.  She’s not a mother.  Mal can sense it.  She may change one day, but that part of a woman that longs for their child, longs to care and love and nurture, it’s not in her.  
Which is fine because it overflows in Regina.
“People of Storybrooke,” Regina calls out into the mic, as Robin stands next to her with his daughter, swaddled in pink blankets, held tightly in his arms.
The crowd dies down, loud shorts dying into low murmurs.  
Before Regina can continue, Robin is tilting the baby in her direction, handing her over, and Maleficent’s heart nearly stops beating.  Robin is a Locksley, a noble, who has no doubt been dragged to his fair share of naming ceremonies. Oh, he knew exactly what that simple gesture means, that change of hands of the baby.
It’s part of the ritual, of course.  The child is to change hands, from father to mother before the name is revealed.  
He just told the town, and Regina, all in one move, that he considers her to be the child’s mother.
Regina is taken aback, clearly, choked and at a loss for words.  Maleficent sees the way her eyes shine and water.  She can’t fault this idiotic man and his gigantic heart for much, but damn it, he probably should not have sprung the move on Regina like this. She doesn’t like to be emotional in front of others, she’s afraid to be vulnerable.  In fact, it’s her biggest fear, other than losing a loved one.  
But then perhaps….Mal tries for once to see things from this man’s perspective.  Regina is stubborn and filled with self-doubt.  She doesn’t see that she’s the best person for the job, and had Robin asked her to take on this role as mother before, Mal has no doubt that Regina would have argued, chased him away, denied and refused to hear him.  
So, yes, maybe Mal was too quick to think the worst of Robin, and this was in fact the best way to bestow upon Regina the duties of a mother.  
But now Regina can’t talk, she’s fighting tears and staring down at a baby while her lip quivers, Robin’s arm wrapping around her as he whispers things that thankfully a nearby mic does not pick up.
And Mal spots her first opportunity to protect her family.
She stands up, walking towards the mic when Henry stops her.  
“I’ve got this.”
He walks towards the mic, while smiling at his mother sweetly.  
“There’s a new addition to our family,” he says.  It catches Mal’s breath, the way he says our family.  
It sounds like he’s referring to everyone sitting up here, though that can’t be true.  Henry doesn’t see her as family yet.
“Her name is Eliza Cathryn Mills Locksley,” he says, looking back at his mom.  “Her name is a tribute to the fact she is blessed, and chosen by us, and innocent.”  
Mal watches as Henry looks over at his mom, who has regained some of her composure.  She walks back to the mic to finish the ceremony.
It's a bit screwy now. Typically this ceremony would not be administered by a parent.  But up until moments ago, Regina didn’t know she was a parent, so performing the ceremony did not seem all that odd.  
“With us today are Eliza’s godparents, sworn to protect, and love, and care for Eliza should  Rob— we be unavailable.”  Regina bites her lip, as she usually does when she tries to keep from crying.  It works (always does) and she finishes.  
“Maleficent, please rise.”
The town already knew, of course they did, but it still causes a commotion, nervous laughter and mumbled voices make her ears burn red.  She reminds herself she does not terrorize villagers anymore.  Now she’s got more important people to care for than herself.
“Do you promise to ensure that this child is never without love, and care, should...Rob— her parents not be available.”
“With all my heart,” Mal responds, her eyes never leaving the beautiful baby in the arms of the woman she loves.
“Do you promise to protect her, care for her, and be a resource for her all her life?”
“This child shall want for nothing.”  It’s part of the ceremony, but saying the words still make her misty-eyed.
Regina hands the baby to Mal, who takes her willingly, and plants a kiss on her forehead.
“I am forever yours, Eliza.”
Years later, Maleficent will cite this as the very moment she felt she joined Robin and Regina's family. And Regina will confess it is the first time she felt a true part of Robin’s family.
Maleficent cherishes that they became a family before she fell into bed with Robin and Regina, before drunken one night stands were repeated too often with too little alcohol.
It's special that they became a family together, outside of any romance.  They were united by their love of children, by their belief in second chances, by the way they embraced and accepted both darkness and light.
And for someone who had been without a sense of belonging for centuries, it's all the more special.
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brookeap3 · 7 years
Daily DOQ Drabble #48
First time Regina and Robin ask Mal to have sex. Day 3 of @doqweek
She blinks at them. Bright blue eyes wide with surprise. A weighted silence hanging in the air before she speaks. “That's what you want?” Her gaze locks with Regina's, shifts to Robin's, “What you both want?”
The two of them nod in unison and Regina's other hand reaches out to grasp Mal's, pulls it closer so it can rest atop her and Robin's joined ones. “We’ve talked about this. You’re both important parts of my life. I don’t want to lose either of you.” Her gaze darts to Robin’s for a moment, a silent moment of communication passing between them before Regina looks at Mal again. “We want to try this. If you’re willing.”
It would be a lie to say the blonde hasn’t thought about it before. Ever since Robin had returned. What it would be like with them. She’s seen the way the two of them interact, even envied the connection that is so clearly visible whenever they are together. But she and Regina share one as well. And the thief intrigues her. Beyond the simple fact that she finds him quite attractive.
Is this really something that could work?
Maleficent eyes them, considering for another few moments before a slow smirk slides across her face. “Well, what are we waiting for?”
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gray-autumn-sky · 7 years
Start of Something New, Chapter 6
So, I know Dragon Outlaw Queen Week (@doqweek) starts tomorrow. However, tomorrow’s a busy day for me, and I won’t be home until evening; and, in the past when I’ve tried to schedule posts, tumblr ate them. And, as @stick-to-the-lasagna-lady, it’s April 10th somewhere. @doqweek
DOQ Week, Day 1: PDA- Roland has a birthday and the family stays late; and as the party is winding down, Robin, Regina, and Mal cuddle up together.
Previous chapters can be found HERE.
This had gone on later than any of them expected–it was just supposed to be a family dinner, after all.
But after dinner, there’d been cake and ice cream, and of course, a round of presents; and, Roland had been all too excited to open up Risk, one of the board games he’d highlighted and circled with stars on his birthday wishlist. It’d been a present from the Charmings, and he was all too eager to play, despite that it was already well-past eight–and now, here they were at quarter to eleven, and the game was still going.
The fact that it was Roland’s birthday had somehow cut down on the awkwardness–and Regina had been impressed with how Mal handled it all. It was no secret that she had the Charmings didn’t get along–there was a long and painful history that wasn’t easy to forget–and the Charmings had made it very clear that, at best, they didn’t understand the little arrangement she, Robin, and Mal had fallen into. But Mal was a gracious hostess, all smiles as she helped served the cake and made sure Esme didn’t get too fussy; and every now and then, Regina would glance over at Snow and see a soft and puzzled look on her face as she watched her.
Of course, it all felt so ordinary to the three of them–after all, wrangling three kids through dinner and some sort of after-dinner activity was something they did on a daily basis. They had their routines and they went through them with ease–and with a lot of banter and the occasional soft touch.
They’d been up and moving since six that morning–Esme’s usual wakeup time–and as the evening went on, they all got quieter; and they were all more than ready to fall into bed and let sleep consume them.
“Oh, I’ll get that, Regina,” Snow says Regina reaches for a bowl of leftover sloppy joe meat–Roland’s requested entree. “You should sit.”
“It’s fine,” Regina says, mustering a smile that stifles her yawn. “If I stop moving, I’m done for the night.”
“Maybe that’d be a good thing.” Snow looks back into the room, watching as Henry and Roland high-five each other and Hook and David frown. “We should go…”
“No,” Regina insists. “It looks like we’ll have a winner, soon enough, and Roland’s having such a good time. I’d hate to cut it short.” A grin twists onto her lips. “Besides, Esme skipped her nap today and stayed up way later than usual, so she’ll probably sleep in tomorrow.”
“Or wake up cranky.”
Regina laughs a little and nods–that’s the more likely possibility. “Well, it’s a good thing there’s three of us then. We can all take turns with her.”
“Yeah,” Snow murmurs awkwardly, looking quickly to Regina and then back into the living room–and she watches as Mal’s finger’s lace through Robin’s hand he tugs her down into an armchair with him. A warm smile tugs onto Regina’s lips as she watches them. She watches the way Mal’s legs fall over his, the way his hand runs absently over her hip and how she leans in and kisses him–soft and almost chaste, before pulling back and resting her head on his shoulder. “That… really doesn’t bother you?
“It really doesn’t,” she answers easily–her smile warming as she watches Robin press a kiss to Mal’s forehead as her fingers trail up and down his arm. “I love them, and I’m so glad that they love each other.”
Snow takes a breath and she ignores it–she doesn’t have the energy for awkward explanations or questions that drip with disapproval. Instead, she’d rather focus on them–how sweet they look, how good she knows it’ll feel to curl up with them once the day is done, and how happy they make her.
She watches as David’s eyes shift momentarily to them and Henry’s gaze follow, and a soft smile forms on his lips–this is nothing out of the ordinary. They’re an affectionate family–with the kids and with each other–but its mostly something they keep behind closed doors. So, Henry shrugs and his eyebrows arch as he looks to David–and a little giggle bubbles up in her as David shrinks back and focuses on the board game.
“You should join them…” Regina blinks as she looks back at Snow, her brow furrowing. “We’re almost done cleaning up, and I can manage.” Regina’s lips part, ready to say it’s not much and she can handle it, but Snow shakes her head. “Regina, I can find your tupperware and figure out how to use your garbage disposal.” A lopsided grin tugs up at the corner of her mouth, and she nods, relinquishing the leftovers to Snow. She murmurs her thanks as Snow starts to gather up the rest, and she walks into the living room.
Both Robin and Mal grin as she nears, and Robin’s arm opens to her, just before she sinks down onto the armchair with them. Robin’s arm folds around her and her legs stretch out over his lap, tangling with Mal’s has her long fingers trace swirling circles over her knee. A smile pulls onto her lips and her hand settles on Robin’s chest, her fingers lightly stroking back and forth as his head comes to rest atop hers.
She takes a breath and her eyes monetarily sink closed, enjoying the their warm touches and the solace of finally resting at the end of a long day–and she finds that she doesn’t care who’s watching.
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outlawqueenbey · 7 years
DOQ Week - Day 1 - PDA
The first time someone interrupted their impromptu affections it left Regina flushed with embarrassment, Robin hastily trying to hide his growing erection, and Maleficent less than impressed. It’s new, this thing they have, and while behind closed doors Regina could give two flying fucks about what people think, being caught with her blouse unbuttoned, heels abandoned somewhere, Maleficent's tongue down her throat and Robin grinding into her ass from behind in public is different. Very different.
Thankfully, it was only Hook who had stumbled upon them in the Mayor’s office. He’d commented smugly in that pirate tone just how sorry he was to interrupt such an scene and for them to carry on, not to mind him in the slightest. Regina had kicked him out quickly after his mention that he didn’t take her for a purple lace sort of woman, sent him off with with a few harsh words, irritatingly not before he could send a ridiculous wink to her and bid Robin a happy afternoon with his women. Apparently they needed to make sure all the doors were locked before entertaining themselves.
The second time, Maleficent had her skirt hiked up around her waist, groaning a sinful noise with Robin attached to her neck, his fingers playfully teasing the line of Regina’s silk, very damp, underwear, around the corner of an alleyway that was supposed to be deserted. Unfortunately, nothing in this god forsaken small town is deserted. And why it had to be this dwarf to walk half drunk into their path she will never understand. She loathes him and his loud mouth. His sloshing staggered walk suddenly halted as he stood stunned for a half second before grumbling that they needed to keep their clothes on and find somewhere else to defile. Grumpy old git.
She’d been careful after that. Had done her best to stave off the incessant flirting and affections both her Dragon and Outlaw relentlessly sent her way. Begrudgingly removed their hands that slid a bit too high up her thigh under the diner tables, extricated herself from lips that teased against her earlobe at town hall meetings. They like to test her, and she likes to be teased, but her sex life being the talk of the town isn’t exactly what she wants.
Maleficent doesn’t care. Why would she? There isn’t a soul in Storybrooke that would dare send a cocked eyebrow or let a hushed, curious whisper hit her ears. They are terrified of her. For good reason. The woman instills fear with a single growl in her eyes.
Robin rather enjoys the gentle joke musings of the town folk. Even lets his Merry Men jest and poke for answers about how he has managed to snag not just the Queen but the infamous Dragon sorceress as well. He has two of the most beautiful, powerful women that grace his bed. It’s a man’s dream come true. His happy, smug, dimpled smile he sends Regina after claiming her mouth in front of people is endearingly irritating to her.
They have an understanding of sorts, that it doesn’t matter who is kissing who, even if the third party isn’t there, they are allowed. It gives Regina peace of mind, even tugs at her heart strings when she walks into her office seeing Robin and Mal snuggled up on her sofa, trading gentle loving kisses. There isn’t a shred of jealousy that rolls through her. Not even a peep of a green eyed monster seeing her soulmate kissing another woman. Granted, it’s another love in her life, but still, she’s more than happy to work at her desk and listen to them chatter quietly on between lip smackings. There hasn’t been this feeling of comfort for her before with the three of them, now that Henry and Roland know. They are fine with it, intrigued about Maleficent and her Dragon form, and if it makes their house a happier place, who are they to argue with it.
“Regina, come here.” Maleficent crones from her seated position on Robin’s lap. “I need to tell you something.” A dark blonde eyebrow arches seductively, her neck arching slightly to allow Robin more skin to taste.
“I need to get this budget report done.” She grins back, a flip in her stomach at Robin’s groan towards Maleficent's rolling hips. They are beautiful together. Her lovers. But she doesn’t have time for that right now. Later, yes. But work before play right?
“Oh come on, Madame Mayor, surely you’ll allow yourself a break?” Mal stands, running her fingers through Robin’s hair as she stalks slowly towards Regina. She won’t give in. Not even if her thighs clench a touch tighter under her desk, she will not be distracted. Not even by the heat that radiates off Mal’s breath that ghosts against her cheek, or the feeling of her fingers rolling the tense muscles in her neck. Her eyes close, only because this impromptu massage feels rather nice, not because she is trying to focus her breathing into something less erratic, a losing battle as she hears Robin move from the couch. She will not let them fluster her. She is here to do work and anyone could walk in at any moment.
She should have kept her eyes open. That way she would have realized that Robin’s hands had moved the arms of her chair, slowly beginning to push her away from her desk. “You both need to stop.” Her demand coming out rather breathless and not at all as sharply as she intended.
“Oh come on, love, just a few minutes, then you can go back to your work.”
“I don’t have a few minutes.” She groans as his hands slide up her thighs, tugging the tight material of her skirt up, baring the black garters she wears. The pair of them match in their heated moan towards her attire. She wears it for them. Knows they like the modern lingerie of this realm. Her eyes blink open as Robin falls to his knees, parting her thighs to allow him some space to work. Work. She needs to be doing work. Budget reports, Mal’s tongue against her jaw, budget reports, Robin’s mouth teasing along the inside of her legs, creeping deadly close to where she can’t hide her arousal from them… budget reports… budget reports… the buttons of her blouse pop open thanks to Mal’s fingers…
“Please what, Regina?” Mal hums into her ear, nipping at the lobe in that way that makes Regina squirm in her chair. She wants to give in. Wants to let them devour her on her desk. Wants them naked and sweaty and touching her. It’s just a few minutes. It can’t hurt. She’s allowed to want them, want this. Her resolve crumbles as Robin’s fingers begin to rub over her underwear, circling slowly, trailing up and down, spreading the wetness that pools there.
It’s not her fault that her thighs widen, allowing his tongue to follow the trace of his fingers, and it’s not her fault that she moans and relents her neck to be sucked on by Mal. It’s not her fault they can reduce her to a pile of trembling mess of arousal in a manner of seconds and with a few well placed touches. It’s not her — “Regina? You in there?”
She freezes, eyes popping open to the intruding voice from behind her door.
God damn Snow White for ruining everything. Robin chuckles between her thighs, pressing his fingers harder against her, “You should answer her.”
She should. Doesn’t want to, but if her lovers are persistent, Snow White is damn near impossible to send away.
“Let her watch.” Mal licks into Regina’s neck, “It would be such a scandal for the Mayor to be caught doing things other than her job on office hours now wouldn’t it.”
It’s down right embarrassing, the begging noise that escapes Regina, and for a half second she is about to allow them to carry on. But they both move, tugging her skirt back down, buttoning up her blouse and moving back to the couch before her eyes have even registered they’ve left her, sitting flushed and wet in her chair. Teasing assholes. Tonight she will get them back. Will tie them both up and have her way with them.
“Come in Snow.”  She glowers at the pair who laugh on the couch as the door swings open.
“Oh! I’m sorry I didn’t know you had company.”
“Yes, well, what do you want?”
“I was just wondering how the school budget reports were coming, we are hoping to hire some new teachers.”
“Yes, Snow, I am aware. I’ll have them done for you by the end of today like I said yesterday when you came in to ask.”
Mal sniggers into Robin’s neck, oblivious to the shocked look Snow sends their way. It boils Regina’s blood. That they have this ease in their affections for one another regardless of who is in the room. She wants to be kissing them.
“Anything else?” She huffs towards Snow, though her eyes don’t completely leave Robin’s hands running up and down Mal’s back and into the golden tresses of her hair. She likes Mal’s hair. Damn them both.
“Are you still coming to David’s birthday dinner tonight at Granny’s?”
“I said I was.”
“Right, uhh, well then I’ll just leave you all alone.”
Thank God!
Snow leaves far too quickly and Regina slumps back into her chair, feeling the slippery wetness between her thighs still very much apparent.
“I hate you both.”
She half expects them to return to touching her, but apparently they both have a different train of thought as they rise from the couch, kissing her each far too chastely before stepping back beyond her reach. “We should leave you to your work.” Mal smiles, reaches for Robin’s hand and sends Regina a giddy wink as they head to the door, leaving Regina rather unamused as her office door clicks shut and the quiet settles in.
She frowns down at the budget reports littering her desk. One hour, that’s all the time they will take from her. One hour and then she will head to the diner.
One hour turns into three and she is down right furious by the time she grabs her bag and slams the door shut behind her. The party is in full swing as she enters, seems the entire town is out celebrating. She sees them standing beside the bar, chatting with Ruby and August, surrounded by people. They look perfect. Are perfect and they are hers. Curious glances and smug chuckles be damned. She doesn’t even say hello as she heads straight on towards them. Not even Robin’s quick greeting is enough to slow her down. They started this hours ago and she will damn well end it.
Hauling Robin’s mouth to her own, she inhales him, greedy and sloppily, tasting the ale on his tongue. They part with a pop and a stunned breath from him before her head turns to Maleficent, claiming the dragon’s mouth in much the same manner. She swallows Mal’s hum, presses harder into her for a fraction of a second till the gruff tone of Granny’s “Alright this isn’t a bloody brothel.” tears her away.
She flushes. All eyes are on her and the rather impromptu public display of affection she so rarely gives into.
Screw them all. She will kiss her lovers if she damn well pleases.
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lvingflower · 7 years
Are you still doing commissions??
(( yeya!! ive had a real bad lack of activity bc ive been busy with schoolwork, so ive been completing all commissions little by little (which should be done by next week if i get little homework) ))
(( but in short- yeah! im still taking those since im still in a rough spot aha ;; ))
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oqpromptparty · 5 years
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Hi everyone! If you’d like to take part in this year’s Prompt Party Week, just select any of the prompts from the list below and write a fic, make a video or create some art based on it. Please note that more than one person may choose the same prompt.
You may submit new stories or include the prompts in any of your existing verses (though all your entries must be posted for the first time during Prompt Party Week).
Art/Video makers may use any of the prompts, but there are some Art/Video specific ones at the bottom of the post.
I have condensed some of the prompts that were a little too long and removed some that felt repetitive or have been sent before… feel free to take some liberties with some of the more specific prompts!
If you have any questions, please tweet @OQPromptParty
OQ Prompt Party week will run from 27th May - 2nd June 2019. Please don’t post anything until then.
Everyone who posts a prompt for all seven days of the OQ Prompt Party week will be sent a limited edition, one of a kind Outlaw Queen button/badge. These will never be available again, so don’t miss out!
Each day there will also be the opportunity to win another prize. You will be entered into a prize draw and the more prompts you write, the more times your name will be entered into the draw. I will announce which prizes will be available on each day soon.
There will also be a separate prize for most prompts included in a single one-shot/chapter (crack!fic encouraged).
And now! Without further ado, here are your prompts:
Lonely Robin paints/sculpts a picture of the woman of his dreams and she comes to life.
Roland’s first lost tooth.
“Sorry I thought you were someone else.”
Regina has scars from surviving a fire and thinks nobody can love her, Robin proves her wrong.
Roadtrip AU: Regina and Robin go to DisneyWorld for the first time and take Henry and Roland
Regina is the (little) sister of Robin's over-protective best friend.
One (or both of them) is in a coma, and they keep meeting in their dreams.
The first time Roland calls Regina "Mama"
Fighting Wolves.
A positive resolution or a rewrite of the baby storyline - Robin isn't the father / Regina is the mother.
Robin and Regina pick up a stranger at a bar and have some fun
Henry, Robin and Roland play Mario Kart
Regina over-hears someone talking about Robin in a language he doesn't know and she defends him.
Robin meets Daniel or Regina meets real Marian.
Regina and Robin are professors at the same university, enemy-to-lovers
OQ AU in a Love+Death+Robots scenario.
Enchanted AU: Regina finds herself trapped in the real world, New York City and finds something unexpected: a happy ending.
Regina asking for something she considers weird in bed
Modern AU: Regina is a witch and when Robin discovers it accidentally, his reaction surprises her.
Makeup sex
Regina’s new obsession is bubble tea, Robin just thinks it’s weird
Regina and Robin in a cooking competition.
Season 6 AU: Robin goes to the Wish!Realm with Regina and they both meet their Wish!versions.
MCU AU: Either Robin or Regina gets taken in the Thanos snap. Bonus points if you also wipe out one or more of the kids for maximum angst.
Robin, Regina and the boys in an escape room.
A little private time in Camelot.
Robin is a warlock who cast the first curse, and Regina is an archer who steals from the rich to give to the poor.
Ella Enchanted AU
Robin leaves after he feels betrayed
Summer vacation
Quiet times near the fireplace.
The Princess Diaries 1 and 2 AU
"Only You" AU
One of them gets injured and the other has to take care of them.
Robin and wishHook have to plan a part of Robin & Alice’s wedding (bonus points for a crack fic).
Spilled wine/coffee.
Robin & Regina are expecting twins.
Regina as a sex therapist.
Regina is thrown from her horse, Robin is the one who helps her.
Confessions of a Shopaholic AU: but Regina/or Robin is a hoarder of books instead of clothes.
Accidental magical body swap
Good Girls AU - Robin as a stay home dad, Regina as a criminal
Robin is custodian of a cemetery and meets Regina when she buries Daniel and keep meeting as she mourns.
Regina didn’t realize marrying Robin meant that she’d also be getting custody of all the Merry Men
The Sound of Music AU
One of them falling (any kind of fall), the other helping
Person A almost losing a loved one and person B tries to comfort them.
Inspiration from Pet Sematary - Regina or Robin dies and the other buries them in a place that happens to be cursed so that those buried there are resurrected. Regina or Robin is resurrected but are soon to be revealed as being darker and more sinister than they were.
Henry’s graduation.
Fic based on “Die From A Broken Heart” by Maddie and Tae. Robin and Regina have a massive fight after he shows up wasted with a few buddies... he walks out on her and slams the door behind him and she runs to her mom for comfort. By the end Robin comes to apologize and slowly win her back. AU (Cora is the good guy)
AU - Robin attends a convention with Henry and Roland.
Robin catches Regina full on dancing around in the kitchen while making dinner.
Pregnancy horniness.
Lost AU.
Roland's bedtime routine is exhausting.
OQ wedding + Robin carries Regina bridal style into their house.
Season 7 AU: Roni takes in a stray fox who turns out to be Robin.
Starting a new relationship after having slept together.
Stuck on a crowded train.
Regina and Robin visit New York City.
Regina hates celebrating her birthday, but Robin finds out and does something special for her.
Hiking in the woods.
Regina as a female knight and Robin as her Squire.
Robin and Regina are in Regina’s vault and Robin accidentally knocks over a potion, turning Regina into an animal.
“I didn’t know you speak…”
OQ get arrested for public sex
Grown up, Robyn meets grown-up Roland in the Enchanted Forest.
Regina and Robin take a walk on the beach at sundown.
Chaperoning Roland's first date.
Robin makes Regina a romantic meal and it doesn’t go to plan.
Person A pretends to be alright on their own but they finally accept they want Person B's company.
Regina shares an unusual fear.
OQ falling asleep on the sofa together.
San Junipero AU: Robin and Regina meet through a simulation meant for older people to live freely as their young selves once more.
Edible body paints.
Robin disguised as a priest and seeks shelter at a monastery where he meets novice Regina.
Henry and Roland plan something special for OQ's anniversary
OQ + war
First curse AU: Robin comes to Storybrooke with everyone, he and Regina meet and he instantly falls for her, but she tries to pretend she doesn’t care or isn’t affected by his charms, but fails miserably.
An "accidental" kiss.
He’s in for robbery. She’s in for murder. A prison romance blossoms when Robin Locksley notices a quiet inmate across the fence on her daily one hour out on the yard.
Robin at Regina's coronation.
Leo causes trouble for OQ
Missing year + a spell of kindness
DOQ CAOS AU: Mal & Regina as Hilda & Zelda who both fall for the Human Robin
Regina gets a happy ending massage from Robin.
Robin dealing with ED issues (temporary or permanent)
Robin surprises Regina with a puppy/cat as a birthday gift.
Every day, Regina takes her beloved sheltie to the same local dog park. And every day, she sees the same handsome blue-eyed blonde entertaining his adorable little corgi. Perhaps some day, she’ll muster the courage to say hi. Perhaps one day, it’ll not be her, but the dogs that will decide.
How to Train Your Dragon AU
AU: As a kid/teen/young adult, Person A was kidnapped. Years pass but Person A's family still hasn't lost hope and are still looking for them. Eventually the family hires Person B, the best detective in the country to find Person A and bring them home.
Regina meets Robin’s parents.
Robin Locksley is the lead actor on a fantasy TV show “Happily Ever After.” Regina Mills is the typical troubled Hollywood ‘queen’ whose been cast as Robin’s new love interest only because the producers need a big name to bring in ratings and Regina needs a way to fix her reputation. They might play lovers on screen but off screen they can’t stand each other. Until they get to know one another; then real life most definitely begins to reflect fantasy...
Henry seeks Robin's advice on a very important matter
The Merry Men accept Regina into their group.
Regina is Roland’s therapist - he gets bullied at school and Robin and Regina end up liking one another.
Labrador puppies!
Regina works at an animal shelter, Robin and Roland want to adopt a dog.
A day at the beach.
Robin comes back when Robyn is 8 to find his daughter is a spoiled brat, Little John and Regina split up his children,  Hook got to come back before him and Regina split her soul.
Regina and Robin are surprised to find that Roland has magic.
A (magical) circus visits Storybrooke.
“It’s the reason why we broke up in the first place.”
“I thought you were gay.”
Sharing body heat to stay alive.
Roland is secretly Regina’s biological child.
Gender Swap version of their story. Robin is the struggling to reform Evil King. Regina is the leader of the Merry Men.
OQ/Stargate crossover.
Robin spends a whole day with Henry while Regina spends it with Roland.
“I just want to see you smile”
Visiting a castle in present day.
Bandit!OQ - one gets captured/caught, the other has to save them
OQ modern world AU with no magic.
Season 7 AU: Regina meets Robin in EF2 but he doesn’t remember her.
Robin and Regina go to John’s farm with little Roland who becomes obsessed with a little piglet named Wilbur and spider named charlotte and Regina can’t stand the farm life and has a panic every time she dresses up Roland only to have him get his clothes full of mud- can be modern AU.
Robin gives Regina a ring.
Secret relationship AU.
Robin consoles Regina after one of their kids yells "you're not my real mom."
North of the Wall.
Robin catches Regina doing something awful.
Regina and Robin as a king and a queen of separate kingdoms who fall in love (and unite their kingdoms).
DOQ on vacation.
Lion King AU: While hunting far to find food, Regina reunites with Robin, her childhood friend and betrothed, after years of thinking him dead when his father, the King, was mysteriously killed.
Accidental spell that makes Robin and/or Regina lustful.
Going shopping.
Storybrooke Community Theatre is putting on ‘Snow White & the Seven Dwarves’ and Regina gets cast as Snow White while Robin gets cast as Prince Charming.
"My little sibling has been talking about his/her new friend for a while now but I always thought you were an imaginary friend or something but holy shit you are definitely not imaginary (for real how are you so hot???)"
Regina forms a friendship with Little John.
Monster in the closet.
Dark!OQ's wedding.
Fake relationship AU.
Robin & Regina in a Jaime & Brienne-type relationship (pref minus the incest backstory)
OQ meet again after a long time like on this Nescafé Gold advert: https://youtu.be/jZtEXMBbaZg
Byzantine empire or Ottoman empire AU.
DOQ Roland calls Mal mom.
Three Wishes.
Robin doesn’t reach Regina in time. The crystal hits her but instead of killing Regina, it kills their unborn child.
Mother’s day/Father’s day.
Fic based on the movie “Moonstruck”.
Enchanted Forest AU: Person A is a member of the royal family. An assassination destroys their family, but Person A manages to escape and is believed to be dead. Person A finds out that their power-hungry relative (Person C) was behind the attack and wanted the throne for themself. While on the run, Person A meets Person B, who invites A to their camp. After finding out A's true identity, B and his/her friends agree to help A to stop Person C's tyranny so A can be crowned as the rightful king/queen.
Regina’s past haunts her.
Robin is known as the Vicious King whose first love Marian was murdered because his step son David couldn’t keep a secret. Tinkerbell leads Robin to his soulmate, a beautiful brown eyed peasant woman with a feather tattoo.
Game of Thrones final season watch party.
Robin, Roland and Robyn are incredibly poor, borderline homeless, Regina is the CPS caseworker assigned to investigate them.
A mysterious stranger appears in Hyperion heights, no one knows who he is, but he has a gorgeous voice and he sings at Roni’s bar every Friday, and then rides off on a motorcycle.
After Regina brings Robin back she has a problem letting him go even for a second to the point where it becomes a problem.
Robin is a cop who goes undercover in a deadly dangerous motorcycle club, Regina is the president’s old lady.
Robins soul wasn’t obliterated, but instead was sent to the worst part of Hell as punishment for loving the Evil Queen and Regina just found out.
Robin & Regina get into a fight and have near death experience and angsty make up sex after (canon).
Robin the handyman.
Hunchback of Notre Dame AU.
Regina and Robin are actors on the same Broadway show.
The occupants of Misthaven discover a new land full of murder, betrayal and deaths, a land where the dead walk, a land called Westeros.
Robin and Regina’s daughter’s first prom.
Road trip.
Robin watches Regina and their kids from heaven as they continue with their lives (canon or AU).
Regina talks to Robin for the first time.
Regina accidentally hurts Robin with her magic.
DP with Robin, David & Regina.
Regina and Robin discuss moving into the woods when the last kid is preparing to leave the nest.
The Durrells AU.
Robin isn’t dead when Regina splits herself in two.
OQ stranded on an island.
“Inside my heart is breaking, my makeup may be flaking but my smile still stays on.”
Robin cooking in Regina's kitchen for the first time.
Regina dealing with menopause.
Robin finds out Nottingham & Regina dated (or he finds out that Cora tried to hook them up in the ‘Mother’ ep).
Robin and Regina want to adopt a baby.
DOQ and quirks of living together.
Kissing Booth AU.
“Your curse is to remember.” Robin, who remembers everything, is in Hyperion Heights while Henry, Roland, Robin and Regina, who’s with Facilier, have no idea who he is.
AU: OQ as teenagers/young adults
Robin detests Snow more than Regina does.
Regina proposes to Robin.
“Robyn is eloping with the daughter of a pirate and a nature goddess, Roland is having an affair with a married princess, Henry’s mother in law is threatening to kill everyone and you still want to have a party?”
“I know you care for her, Regina, but I don’t want Zelena around my son.”
Robin and Regina join Twitter and find themselves involved in a fangirl argument over Henry’s ‘Once Upon a Time’ book.
Evil Queen introduces Wish!Robin to Roland or Robin.
Robin travels back in time with Hook & Emma.
Regina and Robin are neighbors who can't stand each other.
“You kissed Snow?!”
Beetlejuice AU: Robin and Regina are both dead and haunt a house with one another whilst trying to find a way to move on together.
Regina is betrothed to a pompous son of some Lord who lives out near Sherwood Forest that she’s never met before in her life. Robin’s future intended is the spoiled daughter of Princess Cora and Prince Henry who he never even laid eyes on. But how could Regina ever love the man she was supposed to marry when she’s fallen so hard for the forest smelling peasant she met in a tavern? Not to mention how could Robin ever hope to care for some princess when he’s head over heels in love with a brown eyed peasant woman whose smile he sees every time he closes his eyes?
Robin loses his memories, Regina must make him fall in love with her again.
Perfect Date AU (Netflix)
DOQ find out they share a soulmate bond
Waitress AU
Jurassic Park/World AU
“If i’d known then what I know now, I wouldn’t have...”
The original meaning behind the lion tattoo
Lost in time
Henry and Roland have a fight
Both Robin & Regina are hot tempered. 
Video Prompts
"I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith
Pretty Woman
Loving Can Hurt
This is Me
Season 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 AU
Fight song
“Tishbite” by Cocteau Twins
Any classical music
“Don’t Treat Me Bad” - Firehouse
“Paradise” - George Ezra
“Walk Me Home” - Pink
“Here We Go” - Wild
Up Town Girl
Any song from a Disney animated movie
“Shallow” - Lady Gaga
“I’ll Be There” - Jess Glynne
Art Prompts
Historical AU
Angels & Demons
Art a favourite fic
The 90s
Comic book
Sherwood forest
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audreysl0ve · 7 years
Here’s my fic for DOQ Week - PDA.  Rated M (very M, but it’s me, you expected that, right?).  This can be enjoyed as a one shot, but is part of my Swingers verse fics, that you can find here.
It's been a few months since they'd visited Mal in LA, and an unusually long time since they engaged in their activities.  
It had been merely a case of poor timing.  First Robin got a promotion at work, one that came with a steep learning curve, and he was pulling long hours before everything clicked into place.  By the time he did, Regina had come down with an awful case of strep throat.  Then Regina's parents were in town, and they had that out of state wedding to attend…
So it's been awhile, and in addition to missing Mal, they miss the wilder aspects of their love life that she always seems to bring out.
As luck would have it, Mal had to unexpectedly work a benefit on the night they arrived.  “It's fine, the event won't take all night. Meet me at Angels & Demons afterwards. I'll duck out as soon as I can,” she had promised, while speaking to both of them on the phone.  She’d added a tiny quick little Miss you that hit Regina in the gut, and seems to have affected Robin in the same way.
There's never any discussion as to whether or not they will all end up in bed together.  Mal’s never been much for pre-planned evenings. But Regina never considered finding a lifestyle club for the occasion, or trying to pick up a couple.  She misses Mal terribly, all of her, and would wager Robin does as well, if the way he keeps glancing around the club looking for her is any indication.  
“She could be late,” Regina says, when she sees him peruse around the room again.  Mal had told them that she may have trouble getting out of this event, after all.
“Right,” Robin agrees. “Sorry I just... it's been awhile.”
“Excited?” Regina asks with a teasing smile.  “What do you expect to happen tonight, Mr. Locksley?”
“Oh, don't play innocent, Mrs. Lockley.” He draws her in closer, ducking his head against the crook of her neck and breathing in deeply.  “You’re wearing her favorite perfume.”
Regina chuckles lightly. She’s caught, and might as well admit it. “I hope she doesn’t bring anyone else.”
“Want her all to yourself then?” Robin asks.  They are swaying lightly to the music now, hands looped around one another as they get closer.  
“I don’t mind sharing,” she replies softly, leaning in to press a soft, open mouth kissed to his neck. He moans.  “I just want to,” she scrapes her teeth lightly against the skin left damp from her kiss, “fuck her really hard.”  She hears his sharp intake of breath, and she grins triumphantly. She loves how she can get him riled up. “And I don’t want to suffer through boring introductions.”
Both their phones buzz then. Regina raises an eyebrow.  Robin laughs.  He checks his phone and sure enough, it’s a text from Mal.
She’s sent a picture of herself.  She’s in a gorgeous black dress with a deep vee that extends to her sternum, breasts lifted and separated and looking gorgeous.  Her hair’s in curly tendrils framing her face, her mouth is open, with a finger on her lips and she looks... incredibly sensual, ravenous, and… aroused.
A text follows.  
Stuck here a bit longer.  Don’t have too much fun without me.
Regina traces a finger around the image on Robin’s phone.  Mal’s tempting them, the picture is absolutely designed for that purpose. And it’s working.  It already has her imagining dipping a hand underneath the low neckline, freeing her gorgeous tits, and devouring her whole.  God, she can hardly wait.  And of course, that was what Mal had wanted with that picture.
“She wants to tease us, fine, lets tease her back,” Regina says with a smile.  She’s wearing a little silver dress, low cut and short.
She turns around and presses her back to Robin’s front.
“Touch me,” she begs, her phone out and camera on.
He does, one hand venturing underneath the hem of her dress just high enough to feel her panties, the other cupping a breast.  Despite it just being a show, he really does go for it, his hands massaging her curves, nimble fingers making her pulse with need.
Regina snaps a picture.
It’s a very... attractive looking picture.  A bit grainy and over developed, as is to be expected from the darkness of the club and shotty flash of the camera, but it’s flattering to her form, and Robin’s hands truly do look like they are in the middle of cupping and groping her.
She texts it to Mal with a message Had to start without you, hope you don’t mind.
That picture didn’t capture their faces, and she can tease Mal a bit more with one of those, so she spins in his arms, prepared to take a picture of them kissing or looking seductively into the camera.  
She sees that look in Robin’s eyes, and it throws everything off.  He's biting that lower lip, eyes half-open and dark.  She knows that look.
“I think your plan has backfired,” he rasps into her ear.  “Now I won't be able to wait.”
She wraps her arms around his neck and presses her forehead against his, one heeled foot drawing up his shins.  “Mmm, yes you will,” she sighs, bringing her lips to his.  It's a deep, passionate kiss, like the ones they share when foreplay has ended and sex has begun.
They continue to kiss, let hands wander as they halfheartedly move to the music.  He's hard against her hip, and she feels slick between her thighs.  God, maybe just a quickie somewhere to take the edge off would work, who knows when Mal will be back, and…
Her phone buzzes again and she knows who it is, so she breaks her embrace with Robin to fish her phone out of her clutch.  
There’s a picture of her, and from the background it appears she’s in a powder room.  A hand is up her dress, designed to look like she’s playing with herself.  
Regina knows that Mal can’t, she won’t, she can’t take that sort of time away from her party, not when she’s on the clock, but god, does it ever look good.
You two are driving me crazy  the text reads, and god, that’s hot.
Robin responds a quick Wish we were there with you.  Did you get yourself off nice and good?  Maybe we should catch up to you….
Regina hikes a leg up and wraps it around Robin’s waist as her hips rock against where he’s hard for her. He moans and grips at her thigh, using his other hand to palm at her ass.  And then Regina smiles, holds up her phone and aims it at the mirrored wall near them.
She can’t use flash, not when she’s taking a picture of a reflection, so it’s a bit dark and blurry, but it seems to work, makes the picture of them, tangled limbs and wandering hands, all the more tantalizing.   She sends the picture with a Hope you feel as good as I do.
A follow up text says, There was no time :( have too much work.  I hope you two are happy.  Now I’m sexually frustrated in a sea of old boring men and pretentious snobby women.  
Regina grins mischievously. She’s winning, and she likes to win.
But then Mal adds, Regina, darling, you look good enough to eat. And I’m going to. Thoroughly.  For hours if you let me.  It’s been too long.
Robin’s reading the text too, and she hears his little desperate moan, so she writes back
Careful now, you’re going to make Robin cream his pants.
“Hey!” Robin says in jest when he reads her message.  Regina just raises an eyebrow dubiously.  “I’d say that’s going to be a team effort tonight.”
Mal writes them back, Tell him to hold back, I have plans for him tonight.
“Sounds like you'll be busy tonight,” Regina says, her hands dropping down to his crotch, stroking lightly through the fabric of his slacks.  “Fuck, I wish her event would end already,” she sighs as she continues to rub him.  She rasps in his ear  “Can’t wait to feel you inside me while I’m eating her.”
“Mm, god yes,” Robin says, his expression going into a clenched wince. “I want to taste her on you, god I love watching you make her come—oh, babe,” he buckles, thrusting into her and erratically grabbing her hand to stop the movements, “Slow down, I— I have to be able to walk.”
Regina laughs, releasing her hold on his cock.  She shifts into his arms, so she's flush against him, “But I want you,” she whispers, “right now.” She nips his ear and he groans.  She can hear his resolve crumbling, and good.
“She'll be here soon,” he tries to argue, but Regina just pouts and lets out a whimpered But I need it now.
He can't help himself, his hand seems to move on it's own volition up her dress, peeling her soaking panties aside and sliding fingers through her folds.  She slippery with arousal, and it coats his fingers in the best of ways.  Her back arches almost pornographically, hips thrusting towards him.  
“Make me come,” she whispers, adding, “fast, please…”
They are in public, it's a low lit corner of a club and there's loud music and plenty of dancing and drinking to distract the people within arm’s distance from noticing what is going on, but it's best not to draw this out.  So he slides two fingers into her fast, at that angle,
and turns his body so his movements are at least somewhat blocked by the majority of the room.
“Oh, yes, just like that,” she whispers into his ear.  One arm tightens its hold around his neck while the other hand gropes shamelessly at his ass.  Her eyelids flutter, but she fights to keep them open, lips curving in amusement as she looks behind him to the sea of people so close to them.
“You like this, don't you?” Robin whispers in her ear, “Getting fucked by my hand in front of all these people?” She bites her lip and moans at that, hips thrusting into his palm.
“You're so wet darling. You need this, don't you?” She moans again, only this time it's a throaty little Uhh-huhhh and he feels her thighs tremble around him.  “Needed it right here, where someone might see us, might be watching us—” and oh, that's getting her even more worked up, has her shutting her eyes tight and gasping, nails digging deeply into his skin. “Mm, I can't wait either,  You look so beautiful like this, Mal may never forgive me for not waiting, but I need—”
“Fuck — Mm! — she's so hot tonight,” Regina rasps, “I want her — fuck that's good— so bad.”
“God, yes, I've been thinking about that all night,” he confesses, “you look so gorgeous tonight, thinking of you with her…” he pauses and lets his mind wander to them, both in those sinful dresses, bodies pressed against one another, kissing and touching the way they do.  She's breathing heavy, little sighs of pleasure going straight to his cock, the faint sound of his hand smacking against her skin faintly audible over the loud music that surrounds them. “Fuck I'm not going to be able to wait to get you two home.” He groans, thinking of all the time it will take between right now and when his cock finally, finally will get attention, and it makes him ache all the more.  
“Robin I’m—” he eyes shut tight, as she grabs tightly at his shoulder, and he feels her body sagging bit, starting to lose  her ability to balance on heeled feet, and Robin urges her to lean against him.  She lets out a sexy little whimper and claws at his back when he changes the angle just a bit.  “Fuck, like that, don’t stop I’m...cl-close... I—”
She’s gorgeous every time she reaches her peak, and this time is certainly no exception. And the fact she’s coming for him now, in a crowd full of people makes his cock twitch and ache.  Fuck, he wants her.
He feels her legs tremble and quake against him, feels her walls flutter and spasm against his fingers. She’s gasping, deep hot breaths blowing over his cheek as she lets go, her head tilted back far enough that he can almost see her, almost catch the way her eyes bat shut and her mouth parts to let the sounds of pleasure slip free.  
After her high she falls back against him, wrapping both hands around his neck.  She’s a bit limp in his arms, but it’s good, he likes that. Reminds him of how hard her made her come, of how good he made her feel.
“Feel better, darling?” he rasps into her ear.  She chuckles in response, swatting his shoulder in jest.
“I feel amazing,” she says, extracting herself from his arms.  She leans against the mirrored wall, and fuck if she isn’t a sight. Flushed and panting, face glistening just the faintest bit, looking well-fucked and damn happy about it.
Robin smiles devilishly at her, presses a kiss to her lips, and says, “Good.”  
And then he takes out his phone and snaps a picture of her.  With flash.  It’s blurry, and the flash catches the reflection of the mirror, but it still manages to catch her, to catch the blissful way she looks right now.  And then he types.  Regina couldn’t wait, it seems.
When her phone buzzes to alert her to the message he’s just sent, she shoots a skeptical look before reaching into her clutch and checking her phone.
“You little snitch!” She says in mock anger, unable to hide her laughter.  
He holds up his hands in surrender before leaning in to whisper in her ear, “You had me so close to coming in my pants that I need to do whatever necessary to cool down. Understand?”
It’s no longer funny, when he pulls away he sees how her expression has darkened, biting her lip in just that way.  
She grabs his cock through his slacks, cupping his throbbing erection and stroking it.  The feeling of finally being touched after so long has him thrusting into her palm and moaning like a reflex, it feels so bloody good, would feel so bloody good to come.
“Fuck, Regina, you should stop,” he rasps, and god, he does not want her to stop, and it takes every ounce of resolve he has to force those words out.
Regina raises and eyebrow, continuing the gentle strokes and biting, “You don't want me to stop.”
He groans as her hand bunches and twists through fabric to give him a firm strokes, his cock is aching now, he's quickly reaching the point of no return, and shit.  “Of course I — oh fuck — of course I don't want you to stop, but I want to save it, darling, we have a long night ahead of us.”
She stops then, and he feels the cold loss of her touch immediately.  It's gone on too long, and that prickly ache spiders up and envelopes him and shit.  
He whimpers, then bites his lip hard and tries to focus on the pain of teeth sinking into flesh instead of the growing, swollen ache in his pants.
Regina shoots him this innocent, confused look, as if she doesn’t know what is going on.  “Hate you,” he breathes, but she just laughs, leans into his ear and says Soon.
She writes a text to Mal, a simple We need you.  Miss you terribly.
And she responds, Need you both.  You’ve no idea how badly I need to come.
“Fuck,” Robin says, putting his phone away, “that’s enough, I’m not reading anymore.”
Regina laughs lightly (it’s not funny) and wraps her arms around him.  “Sorry,” she offers.  She’s not sorry, he can see it in her sweet smile, but it’s okay, she’ll make it up to him.
“Five minutes,” he warns, moving in rhythm to the music, hands on her hips, trying to ignore the pain between his legs. “In five minutes we’re going to find a bathroom, and I’m going to fuck the life out of you, I can’t wait anymore.  You look too good.”  He gropes at her ass and lets out a deep breath.  “Feel bloody amazing, too.”
“So do you,” a sultry voice coos behind his ear as a hand slides into his back pocket, and thank fucking god.  
He turns around and finds Mal looking like pure sex, lips painted bright red, dress revealing a criminal amount of cleavae.  She looks about as desperate  as he does. Those red lips crash into him, arms wrapping around his neck as his fly to her ass to scoop her up in her arms. She goes willingly into the lift, a soft sound of surprise momentarily splitting the kiss before she falls back into it, her tongue sliding into his passionately and firmly.  
God, she’s amazing.
“Thought of you all day,” Mal finally says when she can talk.  She glances back to Regina with a look of admonishment.  “Couldn’t wait for me?” she says with a smile.
“I’m impatient,” Regina replies.
“So am I,” Robin groans, “let’s go.”
Mal looks around the club skeptically.  “I’ve been wanting you to fuck me up against this mirror since you two started taking pictures,” she whispers.
It’s dark in the club. It’s crowded, which, instead of being a bad thing, actually works to their advantage.  There’s a lot of people dancing, grinding against one another, in their own little world, wrapped up in their own conversations.
They could maybe… maybe…
And if someone saw, what would they say?  
There’s not a bouncer nearby, and shit, would he ever be quick.
Robin swallows hard and nods.  “Fuck it. At this point I don’t even care, you two have been teasing me all day.”
Mal grabs his hand and guides it under her dress.
She’s not wearing any panties, and she’s slick, wet, and hot.  
“Christ,” he breathes.
“You’ve been teasing me all day, too,” she reminds.  And then she looks at Regina and cranes her neck to lean in and kiss her.  “Missed you too, you naughty girl.  Coming too soon.  Now we have to catch up.”
Regina chuckles, and Robin watches for any signs of discomfort, or jealousy (there never is, never has been, but he isn’t quite at the point where these worries have entirely left his mind).
“Give me a show,” she mutters to both of them.
Mal hikes a bended knee against his hip, and fumbles between them to unzip his trousers.  She grabs him with one warm hand, and the feeling of her firm touch around his aching cock is enough to have him moaning already.
He fights back a bit, sliding two fingers inside her.  There’s nearly no resistance, she’s so damn wet, more than ready for him, and hopefully fucking close, because they don’t have much time to be fucking in the middle of a crowded club and he doesn’t have the strength to hold back much anyway.
“Please,” Mal moans, arching into his touch, and that’s all it takes.  He feels Regina lean in to kiss him softly, before she takes her place next to both of them.  She’s sort of blocking the view of people on the right from seeing what is going on, and it still leaves a free and clear view from people on the left, but frankly he doesn’t care.
He definitely doesn’t care as he slides into Mal’s wet, soft, velvety sex, feeling her walls clamp around him, all warm and soaking and the perfect balm to his aching cock.
He moans, but the sound Mal makes is pure heaven, something between relieved and desperate, her head throwing back, curls bouncing and tumbling over her face as she does.  He holds onto her waist tighter, lets her lean back, and god, her tits look amazing like this.
“Fuck me,” she begs. And right, he hasn’t really been moving, but that’s only because he’s not entirely sure he can move.
“I won’t last long enough, I, sorry…”
“Fuck me hard, I don’t care, just—”
It’s all the permission he needs.  He keeps one hand at her back (Mal needs the support, she comes hard, and with her whole body - it’s beautiful and he hopes he gets to see it now, though it seems unlikely with how far gone he is) and moves his other hand to her hiked leg, urging her to wrap around him harder.
And then he starts thrusting.  He isn’t far gone enough to see her squirm and wince, and he knows the angle isn’t quite right, so he slows, lets her adjust, and move her leg up a bit as he bends his knees a little.  He gives it a test thrust after they finish maneuvering, and the way her eyes flutter shut as a slow little Ffucckkkkkk that falls from her lips is all the indication he needs to keep going.
“God, you look sexy tonight,” he rasps, “bet everyone at your event wanted to fuck you.”
Mal squirms and Mms, and thank Christ she’s almost as far gone as he is. “I had a few propositions,” she admits in that terribly breathy voice he loves.  “Not interested, too busy thinking about your cock.”
Fuck, she should not say things like that, not when he’s this close, not when his balls are literally aching for release.
“Thinking about you fucking me hard, just like this,” she moans again,”and coming on you, right here…”
No, she needs to stop, or that will never happen.  
“You two look beautiful,” Regina says, tilting her head to grab a kiss from Mal.  They kiss for a while, her hips still bucking against his, and the sight of her, the breathy little gasps she makes between kisses, combined with how tight and wet and warm she is, how every few passes into her he feels her flutter around him, it’s too much, it’s all too much.
“Mal, I gotta-- I’m—”
“Come inside me,” she breathes, “Come on, Robin, I wanna feel you—”
He has every intention of fighting back, but he’s too far gone, too mesmerized by the way she looks and sounds and feels, the way Regina is looking at them, the way her hands rub up and down his arms while she kisses the woman he’s currently inside of. It’s everything all at once, and he can’t settle, can’t stop himself from sinking into the pleasure and drowning in it, he's pulled in hard and fast, cursing and holding onto her tight as he finally — finally — comes.  It’s sweet relief, the pressure built up over the last hour deflates, and he can hear Regina and Mal urging him on, exchanging sultry-voiced compliments and words of affection, about how hard and thick he feels, how good he looks, how they can’t wait to fuck him again.  
He’s able to focus as the last of his orgasm leaves him, to see the way Mal’s smiling at him as she continues to ride him out.  He feels a comforting hand rub his back, and turns to see Regina, smiling at him.
God, they are beautiful.
He stays in her until he’s limp, withdraws from her warmth (hears Mal groan as he does) and then he’s zipping and buttoning up his trousers quickly, shocked he got away with the whole damn thing.  He takes in a few deep breaths while he settles himself, the reality of how fast he just came washing over him.  Shit.
“Sorry,” he mutters. He can't shake feeling a little guilt of having failed her, even if she spurred him on and encouraged him to do so, even if they all well know that he'll be ready to go again as soon as they get home (next time, hopefully for much longer).
But Mal doesn’t look at all bothered. She’s trading kisses with Regina, who already has a hand up her dress.  
“Don’t be sorry,” Mal breathes.  “It was --fuck, Regina! — good, so good!”
She’s pressed against the mirror, and Regina is… aggressive.  He assumes they must have made quite the sight, as desperate and riled up as they were.  And it seems to have affected his wife, who is kissing Mal like there’s no tomorrow, and from what he can see, she’s working her hand in quick, firm movements that will no doubt cause her to cramp up after a bit.
He moves behind her, palms at Regina’s ass and draws soothing strokes up and down her side with his other arm, dipping down to kiss the sweat sheened skin of her neck.   Regina breaks the kiss with Mal to turn to Robin and kiss him now.  He loves that, the way they so naturally fit.
“Missed you,” he hears Regina murmur into Mal’s ear, “You feel so good.  Love watching you with him.”
“God, I love you,” Robin says to the both of them.  He and Mal don't say that, but there's something there, there has been for sometime, it's not just about their mutual love for Regina anymore (and Mal does love her, he can tell).   They say nothing, Regina turning her neck as best she can, grabbing an angle to kiss him, Mal reaching around Regina to rub his arm affectionately.
Mal is being seen to by Regina, little gasps and sighs tell him she's close.  So he focuses his efforts on his wife, runs a hand through her hair and plants sucking kisses on her neck and shoulders, murmuring words of encouragement about how good they look together, how close Mal is, how much he loves watching her.
Regina responds with a little moan and he feels her ass rubbing against his crotch.  He’s not hard yet (it’ll take a bit longer than this), but he knows her well enough to know that she already wants to come.  She wants it again, and who could blame her?  Fuck, they need to get out of this club as soon as possible.  
“You two looked so good together,” Regina sighs into Mal’s neck, before kissing the flesh there. “Love seeing you make him come.” Mal nods, lets out a little whimper, that breathy little sound that always means she’s on edge.  
“I want to watch you come on his cock tonight.  When we’re alone, and have more time.  Do you want that?”
“God yes,” Mal says, “been thinking about it --mm! — all day. And you, the way you feel, the way you taste…”
He recognizes it the second it happens, when her back arches violently back, head slams into the mirrored wall behind her, and he reaches from behind Regina to steady Mal as she comes. Regina’s movements slow, helping Mal ride it out, kissing around her jawline and whispering something he can’t quite hear.
“Gorgeous,” he whispers as the last of the orgasm leaves her.  
The three of them are all smushed together, they must look quite a sight, and now that the excitement has left him, the need to come and to watch them come, he has the slightest flicker of worry about what others near him may have seen.
It leaves quickly.  He doesn’t care.  Who cares what a bunch of strangers think anyway?
Regina extracts herself from between them, holding a sticky hand precariously in the air, with a cute smile on her face.  
“I’m uhhh... this is from both of you,” she reminds, and it’s only then he remembers, yes, he did come inside Mal and that did make things a bit messy.    “I’m going to go to a restroom and... clean up.
“I’ll join you,” Mal offers. But Regina shakes her head.  “Keep him company.  I’ll be right back.  And we can get going.  She gives a quick peck to them both and trots off, no jealousy, no concern of leaving Mal and her afterglow alone with her husband.
He loves that about her.
Mal is still leaning against the wall behind them.  She raises her arm and grabs his shirt, pulling him closer and giving him that cat-ate-the-canary look she often does after she’s been well-fucked.  
“Usually when I get excited about this it’s to see Regina,” Mal admits, and that’s not a surprise.  He knows she cares for him as well, but Regina is special to her in a way he doesn’t quite match.  “This time though... I kept thinking about fucking you. As much as I thought about her.”
And that’s a surprise. A bit shocking, not because she feels it but because she went as far as to admit to it.  
“Well if it helps, this is all I’ve been thinking about for the past few days,” he admits, and she chuckles.  “I mean, all three of us, of course.  But I like this, with you.”
She leans in and presses a kiss to his mouth that’s gentle and sweet.  It’s a side of Mal the world doesn’t get to see, but he does, and he loves it.  He loves the big goofy smile she has, the way she leans into his embrace, and flirts with him like a giddy teen.  
“Can’t wait to get you two home,” Robin says, and he kisses her, a bit more heated, with tongue.  She responds to the kiss, a hand swooping around his neck to kiss him back a bit more firmly.  
It’s hard to hear over the loud music, but he could swear he recognized the voice of the person calling his name.  But it can’t be, she’s back in Boston, and he’s here in Los Angeles, and —
He turns around to see a completely shocked Mary Margaret with an entirely embarrassed David.
“What are you two— why are you not in Boston?”
“We went on a trip to Disneyland, god, Robin, how could you?  And with MALLORY?  Mallory, I—”
“This isn’t our business, Mary Margaret,” David interrupts.  He won’t meet Robin’s eyes (the coward) but at least he has the good sense to know he should step out.
Mal’s absolutely no help. Her eyes are wildly amused, and all she offers is a giggling fit.
“How did you even find me?” Robin asks incredulously.  His brain is swimming.  He knows that Regina wishes to keep this aspect of her life private from Mary Margaret, the damned woman would judge the hell out of them for their marital relationship, but he’s going to have to tell her the truth soon enough, because he will not have her thinking he’s a cheater.  
“Robin you posted that you checked into this club on like, every form of social media you have,” Mary Margaret says, pulling up her phone.
His stupid, god damned new phone from his stupid, god damned new job.  He has no idea what setting it has, but it has really screwed him this time.
“We were going to surprise you, but CLEARLY you are the one surprising us.  And you better prepare yourselves, if we found you, Regina can find you, and she could show up at anytime….” Mary Margaret continues to babble while Robin searches for something to say to end this mess of a misunderstanding, and all he can think to do is  bite his lip to keep from laughing.
It’s either great timing or terrible timing when Regina, completely oblivious to the people behind Robin, returns from the bathroom.  
“Come here, gorgeous,” she says, grabbing Mal’s hand (Mal gives it to her willingly, completely tickled pink by this turn of events).  Regina pulls her into a deep, passionate kiss before Mary Margaret can think enough to speak.  
“Not our business.” David reiterates.  “Sorry, we’ve had a long day.  We’re going to go back to the hotel now, this is…”
“But you’re married!” Mary Margaret protests.  “What is… what…”  She looks appalled, she looks angry, and maybe… is she jealous? He thinks of the past interactions he’s seen between Mary Margaret and Regina.  How she always seems to look up to the woman, how she sometimes seems desperate to make her proud, and yes, maybe.  Maybe she is a bit envious of Mal, here.
“We enjoy the company of others in our bedroom,” Regina winks at her.  “You and David should try it.”  She searches for David’s eyes. He avoids her, before finally relenting and looking up at her.  “I think he might like it.”
Mal bursts out in laughter, and Robin cannot help but smile at the look of absolute horror on Mary Margaret’s face.  
“I don’t understand…” she says, and she’s more shocked, less angry now.  
“And you never will,” Mal says.  “Now if you’ll excuse me, we’re all going to go home with one another.  Pleasure seeing you both.  Next time you visit Disneyland, give me a call, okay?  We could... have fun together.  Hop on some rides….”
“Mal,” Robin warns, but he can hear how his warning is too colored by his amusement.  They are all enjoying corrupting Mary Margaret far too much.   “I know how this looks, Mary, but this is for all of us.  It’s not… no one is cheating.  No one is being selfish.”
“He’s right,” Mal says, smiling.  “It’s okay, Mary Margaret.  We care about one another.”
“I’m happy,” Regina offers.
Robin sees the way Mary Margaret’s face changes, as if she’s gone through the stages of grief and has finally gotten to acceptance.  
“I’ll, uh, I’ll see you guys back in Boston.”  Mary Margaret says just above a whisper.  
Mal grabs both their hands, and pulls them off, Robin and Regina muttering goodbyes and promises to call when they are back in town.  
As they get into an uber, Mal laments, “If that little princess killed the mood, I may have to end her.”
Robin shakes his head, looking obviously up and down at Mal, and then Regina.  “I don’t think it’s possible for anyone to kill the mood tonight,” he promises, kissing Mal sweetly on the lips. “We’ve missed you too much.”
“Good,” Mal says, looking them over.  Her expression changes to one that is very unlike her, all sweet and vulnerable and sentimental.
“I missed you both, too.”
It's times like these where Robin curses the distance between them, wishing Mal was closer, and they could see each other all the time.  And then he wonders what that means, how this unconventional relationship has evolved into something more, something with passion and heat but also feelings.  He tries not to think about it too hard, and enjoy the way things are, right now.
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brookeap3 · 7 years
DOQ prompt: the three of them go to the movies & Mal & Robin try to get Regina to orgasm. Mal using magic, and Robin using words.
To Be Loved { Part Four }
{ ffn } { ao3 }
It’s become a sort of game for them.
Teasing each other. Seeing how far and how quickly they can rile each other up. Anywhere. Everywhere. Seducing one another in every nook and cranny of Storybrooke. They’ve already christened the back hallway of Granny’s. On several occasions, in fact. All of them only feigning embarrassment when the older woman eyes them knowingly from behind the counter as they return to their table.
There had been the time that Maleficent had sunk to her knees in front of Robin behind one of the stacks in the library, Regina heatedly making out with him against the dusty books before joining the blonde to suck him off.
The Charming’s loft. Regina’s mercedes (quite the feat, that one). That time in the store room of The Rabbit Hole. The Merry Men’s camp. Robin had even seduced them into a lovely venture out into the clear blue water of the beach during one of the warmer days this past summer.
It’s not something they do all the time, but all three of them would be lying if they said they didn’t get a little rush from their scandalous activities. If the threat of someone stumbling across them having sex in the alleyway next to Archie’s office wasn’t a turn on.
Tonight hadn’t started off as one of those days.
They’re having date night. Just the three of them. An evening alone without the boys where they can simply enjoy each other’s company. They don’t get as many of these days as they would like, what with two children running around their house, one of which a teenager, and the other a rather rambunctious young boy with boundless energy. Then there’s her work as Mayor, never done, and Robin helping Emma and Charming at the Sheriff’s office. Mal has even taken to volunteering at the animal shelter to pass the days when they aren’t fighting off some new evil threatening their families.
So they’d gotten dressed up for once. Regina has her hair pinned to the top of her head, the long line of her neck displayed, and is wearing a form fitting dress that shows a healthy amount of leg. Enough that she knows it will be teasing them all evening. Though they both look divine as well. Mal in a similar dress, curls falling down to tease over her breasts, that deep neckline that showcases her cleavage. Robin’s in a suit and tie, wants to look a bit snazzy for them he says.
A quiet, pleasant dinner for three at a corner booth at Tony’s. Candle light and free flowing wine. Shameless flirting and heated glances, a few teasing touches beneath the table as Robin had rubbed his hands up and down Mal and Regina’s thighs before their entrees had arrived. Mal’s foot sliding up and down his calf as her hand had tangled with Regina’s over the table.
It had all been wonderful. A lovely meal with easy conversation, and now the three of them are feeling loose-limbed and happy. And a bit horny after all the teasing tonight if they’re being honest. So as they sit here in a darkened theater, watching a mundane film flicker over the screen at the Storybrooke Cinema, their focus wanders.
Regina sits between Mal and Robin, a tub of popcorn balanced on her lap because she refuses to come to the movies without indulging in the buttery, salty treat. Robin’s arm is wrapped warmly around her shoulders as his fingertips swirl lazy patterns over Maleficent’s bare shoulder. It’s thoroughly distracting for both of them.
Mal’s hand shifts from where it’s resting in her lap to lightly stroke up and down Regina’s thigh, teasing along the hem of her dress that’s ridden up ever so slightly. Even more of her olive toned skin accessible to the other woman. She only keeps it up for a minute, though, before she’s nabbing a few kernels of popcorn and munching on them.
The reprieve only lasts for another few minutes before they set about to distract her entirely.
Once the two of them wordlessly decide to gang up on her, Regina doesn’t stand a chance. Though, she never does when it involves either of them anyway. Robin turns his head, his mouth finding her ear and whispering seductively, “Have I mentioned how stunning you look this evening, my love?” And that raspy voice of his, the accent that never fails to send shivers down her spine more pronounced, is nearly enough to make her moan.
She turns her head slightly to the left to look at him, the light from the screen flickering over his face and illuminating the mischievous grin he wears, dimples creasing his cheeks as his tongue flicks out to wet his lips. Oh how she would love to sink her teeth into his bottom lip, tug it between her teeth.
Suddenly there’s the ghost of a sensation along her inner thigh, light kisses that Regina is intimately familiar with and her gaze whips around to look at Mal on her other side. The blonde is staring straight ahead, however. Giving every impression of focusing on the movie if it weren’t for the tiny smirk, the slight curve of the corner of her mouth, that gives her away. The feeling of those kisses grow a bit more bolder as they rise higher up her thigh and Regina squirms in her seat. All while Robin whispers sweet nothings into her ear, his lips brushing along the shell of her earlobe tauntingly.
Damn them.
This isn’t fair play at all. How the two of them manage to silently communicate with each other, with her between them no less, to torment her together, she will never know. Though a part of her loves it. Adores their relationship for what it is outside her involvement as much as she loves the three of them as one unit. Even when they are vexing her.
Her gaze shifts to Robin again when he angles his head downward and places a light kiss to her neck, mouthing up to her ear lobe again and giving it a tug. “Are you enjoying the film, Regina?”
She can’t stop the laugh that escapes her, much louder than she had intended and there’s an annoyed Shhhhh spewed at them immediately as the main character runs through the street on screen. Regina bites her lip and leans her head back, focusing on the black expanse of ceiling above her as she feels sharp nails scrape teasingly down her thigh. Though she knows Mal isn’t actually touching her. It’s unfair, using her magic on her this way when she’s already riled up as it is. Instead, the blonde merely reaches over and scoops the popcorn bucket from Regina’s lap when a phantom tongue licks up her slit and Regina is forced to cross her legs for a bit of friction between her thighs. She grips the armrests on either side of her as she hisses a muttered, “Cut it out,” to Mal. Despite the fact that it feels incredible.
Robin chuckles into her ear, but when she glances at him, he’s not watching her, his eyes are locked with Mal’s blue ones and Regina is positive he knows exactly what their other partner is doing to her at the moment. He whispers into her ear, “Does it feel good? Tell me how it feels.” The fingers of the hand not resting on the seat behind her reach over to tickle along her exposed knee, adding to the sensations Maleficent is creating in her.
Trying to resist one of them is one thing, but both of them? Impossible. Regina shifts in her seat as she feels the wetness begin to pool between her legs, her sex aching for more than Mal’s teasing touch and Robin’s sexy voice. The ghost of Mal’s tongue is licking at her steadily now, those long flat passes that she knows drive Regina wild.
A gasp escapes before she can bite it back and her hands shoot away from the armrests to squeeze each of their thighs. “Ooohh— mmmmm, Mal.” Robin repeats his request and Regina rolls her eyes at him. They’re in a damn movie theater. She can’t just— they can’t just— but it would seem that they are doing exactly that so she groans low in her throat and answers him in a whisper, “It feels so good. Like it always does. Mal’s mouth… mmmm…”
It feels like her tongue is circling around her clit now, somehow eliciting the same sensations that would be happening if it were physically rather than magically occurring, and Regina has to bite her lip to contain the moan that wants to break free.
She notes Mal’s smug expression from the corner of her eye and the dragon is clearly enjoying tormenting her. None of them are paying a lick of attention to the movie in front of them anymore, much preferring their own version of entertainment for the evening.
“You like this, don’t you? I bet I could take you right here and you wouldn’t object at all. Have you sit in my lap while you sink down onto my cock and Mal rubs at your clit. Is that what you want, Regina?” Robin’s voice is husky and gravely, his bedroom voice, and she can hear the desire in it. The pressure against her sex increases and Mal is relentless as the feeling of being eaten out intensifies. She’s not going to last much longer at this rate.
The blonde pipes up then, apparently unable to remain entirely quiet. “You look so beautiful when you squirm. Wish I could really taste you right now.” But she’s enjoying this little game far too much it would seem as the addition of two fingers joins the phantom sensations happening to her.
“God, me too.” Regina moans, fingers digging into their skin as she crosses her legs more tightly, rocking her hips slightly as she tries for a bit of friction, any sort of relief where she is wet and aching. Her panties are drenched. She can feel it. And while under other circumstance that fact might embarrass her some considering neither one of them have even really touched her, she thinks this situation might be an exception.
“Are you going to come for us, love?” Robin asks, kissing lightly along her jaw.
Quietly gasping for breath, Regina moans, a little louder than she had intended and they get a few more angry shushes from the rows around them. But she doesn’t care. Is too close to give a damn who might hear her as Maleficent and Robin make her come. She nods frantically, muttering, Yes, yes, please make me come, as she throws her head back and gives into the sensations.
Mal is sucking at her clit, or at least if feels as if she is. Hard, firm sucks that have Regina writhing in her seat, sucking air into her lungs as she fights to hold back the screams that want to erupt.
“That’s it. Come for us, babe. So beautiful. Gorgeous.” Robin’s hand slides up and down her bare thigh, teasing her further, and even just that little physical touch is enough to have her going mad. She wants them. So badly. She’s so close though, almost there, just a few more licks…
The credits begin to roll just as Regina finally tips over that edge, groaning as she tosses her head back and lets her orgasm wash over her. Wave after wave of pleasure. A few last lingering kisses to her cunt and down her thighs before the feeling ceases altogether. She’s still panting when the house lights come on and the other inhabitants of the theater begin to rise from their seats.
Regina isn’t sure how she must look at the moment. Flushed and sated and breathing heavily, but she can image that she makes for an interesting picture. Especially if the knowing look and eye roll Ruby gives the three of them as she and Mulan exit the theater is any indication.
Grumpy gets up from his chair in the row in front of them, bucket of popcorn and box of milk duds clutched in his palms, irritated expression on his features as he tells them, “Next time you three wanna get busy, take it somewhere else!” and stalks off.
Mortification that they’d been caught bubbles up within her for the span of a few seconds before Regina decides that she doesn’t really give a damn. Having Mal and Robin tease her that way had been hot and sexy and an incredible turn on.
She glances at Robin who has the courtesy to look a bit sheepish, if still rather amused, and then Mal who has the most pleased expression on her face. “Home. Now.” Regina demands, taking one of their hands in each of her own, preparing to whisk them back to the manor with her magic. “I want you both. Right now. It’s my turn to tease you.”
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