#dragon outlaw
indeedgoodman · 6 months
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midddoriya · 2 years
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90s anime
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helluvaoutlaw · 2 months
Scales and Silk
(((A closed RP for @second-wife-playbook)))
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Once upon a time...
In the heart of a once-thriving land, then shrouded in fear and ashes, the name Striker was whispered with a mix of dread and hopelessness.
The beast was named so by the unfortunate souls who lived there, shocked and astonished by his speed and precision with which he would strike his target.
No man, woman or child was safe, no animal or house.
The farmers and townsfolk, whose livelihoods have been reduced to cinders, spoke of him as a malevolent force, intent on destruction for destruction's sake.
Striker would descend upon the villages, his fiery breath incinerating crops and homes, his razor-sharp claws snatching livestock from their pens.
The once-bustling fields lied barren, charred remnants of their former selves. No one knew the whereabouts of his lair deep within the forest he fiercely protected, nor did they understand the reasons behind his relentless assault on their world.
To the people, Striker was the embodiment of evil, a dragon whose dark heart reveled in their suffering. Yet, beneath the surface of these tales, the true nature of Striker's wrath and the mysteries of his existence remained hidden, waiting for those brave enough to seek the truth.
In the dimly lit tavern of the town of Ravenshire, two weary farmers nursed their mugs of ale, their faces etched with despair.
"Another barn gone last night."
Sighed Harlan, his eyes hollow.
"Striker left nothing but ashes. I don’t know how much more we can take."
Bram, his hands calloused from years of toil, shook his head.
"Aye, Harlan. Lost three cows myself. They were all I had left. How are we supposed to keep going like this?"
"It's as if he has no purpose but to torment us!"
Harlan muttered, taking a long drink.
"Why does he hate us so much? What did we ever do to him?"
Bram clenched his jaw.
"Folks say he’s just pure evil. A beast with a black heart, born to destroy."
"Do you think the King will send more knights in our aid?"
"I doubt it. None of them survived."
The two fell into a heavy silence, the crackling of the tavern fire the only sound between them. Outside, the night stretched on, filled with the ever-present fear of Striker's return.
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sevenfifteenam · 4 months
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OUAT + Texts From Last Night [part 2]
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Yesterday was Father's day. And I was a bit busy. So belatedly, I'd like to wish a Happy Father's Day to the wonderful DILFs of our tournament! They're not all good men (hell they're not all good fathers) but they are all HOT.
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
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Honestly like imagine seeing a black orphan character who grew up being bullied and kicked out of schools and EXPLICITLY wants to be part of the group because he feels alone and leaving him out ON PURPOSE because he's different to replace him with white boys and other nonblacks who HAVE everybody loving them.You guys are so mean to Duke for no reason,what did babyboy even do?????Is it cause y'all are jealous Jason choose him over Roy and is his first choice in general💀
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Villain: Dreava Bleek, Gallowood Sheriff
It's a gruesome business enforcing the law, especially when the laws are written by an aristocracy who wants their subjects submissive and terrified and it's your business to keep them that way.
There have always been people like Dreava Bleek, blunt instruments that enforce the social order so those at the top needn't bloody their hands. They do it for many reasons; coin, ambition, sadism, but in the case of this villain it's misplaced righteousness: Dreava has had a hatred burning in the pit where her heart should be since she was a child, a bone deep conviction that if people just knew their place and followed the rules that the world could be a place of pace. Nevermind the powerful that abuse the system for their own gain, nevermind the starving poor who break the law only to fill their bellies. In Dreava's word there are only good citizens and criminals, and criminals will hang.
Adventure Hooks:
Dreava earned both her reputation and her title in her campaign against the Gallerwood outlaws, a band of highwaymen who were famed for robbing everyone from wizards and duchesses and who Dreava left hanging from the trees along the edge of their forest. After her little stunt folks started calling the area "Gallowwood" and speaking of how her victims still haunt the roads looking for one last take. Some others mention a secret hideout that the sheriff never found, in which the thieves kept their most valued treasures.
The two easiest ways for the party to end up in Dreava's sights are to already be criminals, or to make themselves the enemy of some belligerent noble who can accuse them (accurately or not) of some transgression of the law
Backgorund: Dreava was young when darkness was wrought upon her soul, when a series of poor harvests and overstepping officials saw her little village rise with its neighbours in a revolt against their feudal overlord. She lost her home and her mother not in the uprising itself but in the violent pillage the lord's forces were allowed after its brutal suppression.
A flip of the coin and Dreava could have been a rebel fighting against authority, but in those grim days the alchemy of terror instilled in her an understanding of just what happens when the poor overstep the place allotted to them by their betters.
Since then her life has followed a pattern. Get hired on by some lord after having difficulty with bandits or other such rabblerousers. Make a show of brutal violence that seems to put an end to the problem for good. Continue to build her reputation until she either becomes her patron's bloody left hand, making their followers just as brutal and jackbooted as she is. End up entering into the service of another lord either on recommendation or after she's ousted for some violence that not even the benefice of the nobility can forgive.
Further Adventures:
Rather than a head on confrontation, Dreava will seek to bait the party into a trap, either by setting up an ambush or going after their known associates. Coerce, intimidate, brutalize, leashed in only by the very limit of what the law might allow. If she doesn't have proof of the party's guilt she'll drag them off to a dungeon to await a sham trial (from which they might be able to escape), but if she's been given the goahead by her superiors she'll gladly execute the heroes in the field, a grim situation which has it's own escape methods.
All her life the sheriff had sworn by the goddess Erathis, seeing herself as a champion of law and civilization. What a surprise for her then after the heroes sever her soul from her body to awake in the halls of the lord of all hells.  While the other gods turned their heads away in shame and disgust, Asmodeus watched with appreciation as Dreava bent her life to punishing sinners, and now offers her the chance to do so again, this time in his service. With a new master to serve and chip on her shoulder against the party Dreava will gladly agree, emerging from her damnation with a newly fiendish form. Consider having her emerge as a surprise villain several levels after the party thought her dead, and the head of a band of fiendish cultists.
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nite0304 · 5 months
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Outlaws of Thunder Junction comes out tomorrow, you know what that means?
It means, new Plane shift module made by me!
This one includes 6 backgrounds, a race and a subrace, 7 subclasses, and a and dozens of monsters. AND ITS FREE! That's right! From now on, all my brews will be 100% free.
Come get it all at my patreon! I also have a plane shift module for New Phyrexia, Eldraine, the Psio and Hemonomicon, and a whole bunch of other goodies!
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mtg-cards-hourly · 3 months
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Stingerback Terror
Artist: Slawomir Maniak TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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victoriously-regal · 4 months
my OUAT ships tier list
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I had to make like, six new categories because the options that were already there could not possibly describe half of these ships. There’s wayyy too much history behind each pair to simply put them in a row called ‘I like it’ or ‘I think they’re cute’. Anyway, lmk if you agree or disagree with my rankings.
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thehollowprince · 5 days
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indeedgoodman · 6 months
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potatomountain · 3 months
Net I'm in is doing an anniversary event. I'm debating on participating my issue is I just have too many idea's
The theme is to pick a genre but so many of the options for the genres seem so tempting!!!
So- with some hints of the ideas in the tags. ..
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everythingfantasy · 3 months
Can anyone in gaming explain how gaming consoles or setups work? Like there's just so much I don't understand. I mean, for example,
How many games can fit in one console?
Does it depend on the console?
What do you mean the gaming experience is different in every console?
What exactly is different? Speed? Graphics? Do you get an entirely different game depending on the console?
Also, what do you mean that being able to play certain games expires in certain consoles? What do you mean by that? Do downloads stop working?
Do games you use to play, in certain consoles, suddenly stop working? Really? Even if you paid for them? If so, how long before a game expires in a certain console?
What's the deal with gaming PCs and computer set ups? Do they work? Are they compatible with every game? What type of games can you play and is it safe? What computers are the best to use? Is it a regular windows computer or is it a specific gaming computer? Why do some people consider gaming computer set ups better than gaming consoles while others don't? What's the difference?
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yonjiplush · 1 year
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Same picture
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larissa-the-scribe · 6 months
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Some low-quality doodles of Loch.
Also featuring Friend and how smol Loch is in comparison to him lol (he's the tiny stick figure).
(For more information and the ability to read the words, it's there in the ALT image info)
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