#doq fluff.
gray-autumn-sky · 7 years
The Start of Something New, Chapter 7
@doqweek, Day 2: Family Time- Robin, Mal and Regina cuddle in bed with the kids as they all watch Saturday morning cartoons.
Previous chapters can be found HERE.  (Chapter 6 will he added tomorrow)
Robin’s eyes flutter open at the sound of crashing thunder and heavy rain drops pelting against the window panes. He sighs as he rolls onto his side and looks at the alarm clock, and no sooner than the time registered, he heard the beginnings of what would soon be Esme’s cries.
“Not it,” Regina and Mal’s groggy voices say in unison, shifting and stretching out as they adjusted the blankets around themselves.
“Why do I always have to get her?”
“Because,” Mal murmurs, “You sleep closest to the door.”
“It’s less steps for you,” Regina adds.
Rolling his eyes, he gets out of bed, shivering a little as the cool morning air touches legs, and he mutters something under his breath about taking turns--something he knows neither of them will acknowledge hearing. Nonetheless, he smiles as he looks back at them--legs tangled in the blankets and Regina’s head tipped and resting on Mal’s shoulder--and then, he heads down the hall, leaving them to doze back to sleep.
When he reaches the nursery, Esme is standing up in her crib, her face scrunched and her little hands gripping the rail as she whines. A lopsided grin tugs onto Robin’s face as he greets her--she always looks so grumpy in the morning.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” he coos as he lifts her from the crib, kissing her cheeks and her forehead and chin, as his hand smoothes her wild red wisps. He chuckles softly as they spring back up and he carries her downstairs to the kitchen. He grabs a bottle and she’s quick to reach for it, finally flashing him a gummy smile as her fingers stretch out and she grunts with excitement. “Okay,” he murmurs, kissing the top of her head as he kicks the refrigerator door closed. “Let’s go cuddle.”
Esme’s blue eyes turn up and she grins as she gnaws on the bottle; and quickly, he makes his way back to the bedroom, finding Regina and Mal in the exact same positions as they’d been in when he left.
Regina’s eyes open and Mal lifts her head as Robin slides back into bed--and no sooner than he does, Esme is reaching for them. Regina pulls her Esme to her as her knees draw up and Esme flops back against them, giggling as Mal makes silly faces at her. With a content sigh, Robin rolls onto his side and props up his head in his hand--and Esme laughs out as he blows a raspberry against her tiny palm.
It’s not long after that Roland’s head peaks into the room and Regina waves him in. Roland runs to the bed and dives in head first--earning a scowl from his baby sister--and he crawls up between Robin and Regina. He lays back against the pillows, and somehow ends up with the remote, turning on the old Batman cartoons he loves to watch on Saturday mornings.
Mal turns Esme around as she settles down, her blue eyes widening as she stares at the TV, suddenly captivated by the colorful images. Robin grins over at them as he lays back, his head propped up just enough to see the screen--his grin brightening as Regina’s fingers lace through his and her head falls to Mal’s shoulder.
“What’s going on in here?” Henry asks, rubbing at his eyes as he stares into the room--still half asleep.
“Watching Batman,” Roland says simply, not looking away from the TV.
Robin watches as Henry blinks a couple of times, then cranes his neck to have a look at the TV, a faint smile forming on his lips. For a moment, he just stands there in the doorway, watching the cartoon; and then, he looks hesitantly back to the bed. His bottom lip catches between his teeth as he stares, and Robin wonders if he finds their unconventional arrangement a bit uncomfortable, and maybe even unsettling. But then, Henry takes a breath and struts forward, eyeing each of them as he stands at the foot of the bed.
“If you guys tell anyone about this, I’ll never babysit again,” he says, his voice firm as he crawls into the bed to watch cartoons with his family.
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ali-enby-moved · 6 years
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cellestialclown · 3 years
Queria saber como o Lucifer cuidaria da MC se ela tivesse doente (imagine que eles namoram)
Doente de cama, nada sla hospital a beira da morte mas tbm mais doq só uma gripe
Uma MC Adoecida! – Headcanons
Lucifer x F!Reader
Gênero: Fluff bem fluff <3
Avisos: Nenhum.
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Mesmo com o namoro, não seria de grande novidade dizer que Lucifer ainda passa uma boa parte de seus dias e de suas madrugadas com o seu exaustivo trabalho, mas claro, conseguindo sempre um tempo para te fazer companhia e perguntar como foi o seu dia. Você era uma de suas maiores prioridades, e estar te demonstrando isso se tornou aos poucos, um de seus hábitos. 
Mas em um de seus longos períodos de trabalho, infelizmente ele acabou não percebendo uma de suas faltas na RAD ou na mesa de jantar por sua pressa em sair de casa, deixando as coisas nas mãos de seus irmãos. Isso até que você o enviasse mensagens que explicavam o porquê de nem ao menos estar saindo do quarto. Você entendia perfeitamente o porquê da desatenção, e não era de sua intenção incomodá-lo, obviamente.
Quando pôde visualizar aquelas mensagens, de início ele sentiu bastante culpa quando se deu conta de que não estava te dando a devida atenção que você tanto merece e que ele ama tanto dar. Quanto tempo fazia desde que você estava assim? E principalmente, como você havia pego uma enfermidade que parecia ser originária do Devildom? 
Deixaria suas pesquisas para depois, pois com a culpa, a saudade que ele tinha da sua voz e do seu rosto veio na mesma medida. Tudo que possuía em mente se tornou você em um piscar de olhos, então quis te ver o mais rápido possível. 
Com chá em mãos, o demônio bateu na porta do seu quarto e esperou até que recebesse permissão para entrar. Te ver naquele estado o deixava preocupado, mas era inevitável não sorrir de volta quando você sorria para ele de forma tão meiga. Pretendia te fazer companhia naquela noite, conversando e te dando afeto enquanto pensava em como dividiria o seu tempo nos próximos dias. 
Ainda que você fosse faltar por alguns dias, ele não poderia te deixar escapar da sua rotina! Logo, você recebia mensagens em certos horários para te lembrar de se alimentar e se hidratar direitinho, além de ir dormir cedo. 
Ele também começou a enviar os irmãos para checar vez ou outra durante o dia se estava tudo bem. Você soube disso por Mammon, que assim como os outros, ficavam ali por um bom tempo para levantar o seu ânimo.
  Lucifer sabia muito bem do quanto humanos possuíam corpos frágeis como vidro, e te ver em um estado tão vulnerável o deixava bem deprimido. Ele desejava profundamente que você estivesse bem, mesmo sendo só uma virose passageira.
Uma prova de que ele te ama muito, e toda vez que se lembrava desse fato enquanto fazia a papelada, sorria pra si mesmo. 
Aquelas noites faziam questão de aquecer o seu coração, pois você podia ver todo o esforço e cuidado que Lucifer tinha com você, além de seus abraços e beijos serem muito reconfortantes. 
E toda vez que você fosse dormir, ele sussurrava "Eu te amo, minha querida..." antes de te soltar delicadamente para se levantar de sua cama. 
Conforme os dias fossem passando, você começaria a apresentar uma melhora, talvez por conta do remédio caseiro que Barbatos fez e que você não ousaria perguntar do que era feito, mas você se divertia no pensamento de que o amor do seu namorado havia sido a sua cura. 
" — Hm? Então você acredita que os meus sentimentos foram capazes de te curar? — Sua frase o deixou visivelmente surpreso, de modo em que não pôde deixar de conter o seu risinho envergonhado. Tentou disfarçar o seu rosto avermelhado com o seu olhar pretencioso de sempre, mesmo sabendo que a sua amada conseguiria notar. — É um ponto de vista otimista, querida, mas fico feliz que pense em mim até mesmo em seus momentos de maior fragilidade... porque da mesma forma, eu sempre estarei com você em mente." 
═════════ •『 ♡ 』• ═════════
"Aqui está! Eu sinto muitíssimo pela demora, já fazia um tempo que não recebia alguém aqui e senti que precisava pôr algumas coisas em prática, hehe... bem, lembre-se de me dizer o que achou!~"
OOC: MEU PRIMEIRO REQUEST! ♡ Resolvi começar a postar pelos headcanons por serem mais simples e tô super super feliz com o resultado! Muito obrigada pelo pedido, anon! ♡♡
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soulsgained · 7 years
(( sbshajs sadly thats all i can do tonight, im p overworked from the whole week and i need my good dose of rest to pull through school and bla bla ;o; )) (( but!! Im still accepting the clothes meme so maybe send more of those in and ill work on em tomorrow !! ♡♡ ))
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oqfixitweek · 7 years
Tuesday 24th - Fix the Zelena baby situation day: Masterlist
ouater - Link Regina comforting Robin after they found out that all this time Zelena lied & Robin is not the real father YoungOutlaw23 - Link DreamshadeIvy - Link��/ Link  Inlovewithlanap - Link Starscythe - Link angry_fish - Link After some time of raising baby Robyn they’ve started noticing some interesting things... greyregal - Link The Test CarolinaMR9 - Link Wildcard: "What would happen if Regina had entered the tavern." ourheroregina - Link Sparkles21_ - Link widenersa - Link I took the prompt of Roland not adjusting well to his sister and jumped of into all sorts of angsty things. GlindaLoveShoes - Link Ding, dong, the ... ankareeda - Link Baby on board willow1411 - Link SweetonDreams - Link Wild Card for Day 2 - the Labor Day update of Post-its and Paperclips.  BakerStreet_Me - Link bethsphotoz - Link Jerry Springer fixes the Zelena Baby situation. OQIsForever - Link AEBrim- Link Regina’s life depends on Robin’s quick return from NYC. jenningzzz - Link reach4schuyler - Link Hollow teresaSortiz - Link Untruths. Dammit, Zelena. quiller_queen - Link Regina descends into the Underworld to bring Robin back, part 1. imnikkiheat - Link QueenOfTheMM - Link A very dark take featuring the Dark Swan. Lunatwilight07 - Link just-an-outlaw - Link daggzandarrows - Link Zelena goes to prison and Robin and Regina raise the baby Wicked__Regal - Link gotatheory - Link Fixing the Z baby situation by having a DOQ baby instead. Pure Flicker Beat fluff. ariestess69 - Link sjcarter23 - Link persnickets - Link thequeensxthief - Link Robin misses Regina so much while he’s in New York he decided to surprise her with a visit! RegalPixieDust - Link Regina finds a way back to Robin before Zelena is able to manipulate him, even if he doesn’t notice right away. verkaiking - Link audreysl0ve  - Link SomewhereApart - Link There's No Such Thing As A Free Ride. MillsDanaPH  - Link  celianomas - Link / Link MyraLouPolo3 - Link OuatBones - Link SaanaMills - Link shannontricia  - Link thisisamadhous - Link Henry saves the day before Zelena can get pregnant 4cullensandablack - Link Marian is not Zelena but Cora thiefwithacode - Link based off the prompts Roland has trouble accepting his sister, Roland is secretly Regina’s & The baby was secretly Regina’s all along. Please let me know if I missed you!
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audreysl0ve · 7 years
DOQ Week - Day 2 Family
So here’s my attempt at writing fluff!  Not up to my normal standards, but it’s a decent story anyway.  Dragon Peanut.  Also, set in the Family verse that I created for peanut week, which you can find here
Mal has a soft spot for children.                                                                                                                                                  
This is a fact, open and clear as day for the world to see.  
She's quite a contrast to Regina, who goes to great length to conceal her true feelings for others (her mother’s mantra of “love is weakness” has her hiding love as if it were the secret of what could break her, destroy her).  Even with Henry, she is tight with the love she shows to him in public, preferring to spoil and shower him with affection in private.
It’s not that Regina looks cold in public, just that you don’t fully realize the depths of what she will do for her loved ones, the amount of time she spends thinking of them, worrying about them, dreaming for them. Not as an outsider. Regina keeps love and emotion private.  
But Robin understands why, they all do.  Regina’s changing, little by little, but decades of viewing love as an Achilles heel has taken its toll on her.
Mal never suffered through that.  In fact, from what he's learned, she’s only suffered regrets of too few words spoken, too many loves that left before she ever got chance pour her heart out.  So she’s vowed never to do that again.  She speaks openly of her regrets, of the searing pain and nightmares she feels from missing Lily, of the overwhelming relief in seeing her safe and well.  She even speaks of her love for Regina.  
One day Mal and Lily fight at Granny’s, and Maleficent lets tears fall publicly down her cheeks as she begs her daughter to come back, to sit down, to stay, to let them work on this. It draws eyes, and maybe a few eye rolls from people who consider her dramatic, but if Mal sees them, she pays them no mind.  She opens her heart unashamedly and embraces the full spectrum of feelings she has.
That’s courage. That’s strength.  Even Robin admires it.
From the moment he had first returned from New York, Mal had been a fixture in their lives.   Occasional dinners at Granny’s had turned into walks for dessert with Roland, into dinner parties where only Mal and Lily seemed to ever be invited.  It had been clear to Robin from early on that Regina thought of Mal as family.
Mal had initially been wary of him, but he wasn’t phased by her coldness.  Afterall, Marian’s family had reacted similarly when he first started dating her, and frankly, he quite liked the challenge of winning over those who seemed completely averse to him  (his courtship with Regina being evidence of that).
So he had accepted Maleficent in his life, put up with her little put-downs and snarked her back. They had traded insults, rolled eyes and pointed stares, but even a few weeks into his stay in Storybrooke, he was fairly certain she already liked him, deep down inside.
But whereas it had taken awhile for Mal to warm up to Robin, the dragon’s heart had opened for his children immediately.  
He's not surprised that she loved Roland.  Who could not?  Loving Roland is easy.  Roland is a happy boy, all dimpled, sweet goodness, with the endorsement of the likes of Snow White.  He’s pure, the product of good parents who loved one another.  In the eyes of everyone, he is a perfect, good little boy.
But Robin’s daughter is a whole other matter.  Even before she was born, there was talk of her curse, of a future that would be plagued with dark magic and an inability to love, of a corrupted heart and a dark soul.
But Maleficent paid no mind to the rumors and warnings.  In fact, every whispered comment or pointed stare she caught was met with fierce words. Mal was her biggest defender, even before she was born.
Of course he understands now, why Mal feels so strongly connected to the child, why the issue was so important to her.  Mal had lost her daughter because people feared her darkness, her potential for evil. And so perhaps a part of Mal sought to learn from that unfortunate lesson, and prevent history from repeating itself.
Mal offered her services to them, promised to protect the child at all cost from the “idiot villagers” who might threat her.
“Oh, that won’t be necessary,” Robin says immediately, “I’m sure no one would want to hurt a child.”
“You’d be surprised,” Mal drawls, “You’ve no idea what they are saying, and what they are capable of.  Fear drives people to do crazy things, to see a monster in the most innocent of children.”
Her eyes never leave Regina as she says that, and it makes the woman flush red, and she’s ducking and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear in a way that makes her look so young, so innocent.  
“What exactly are you proposing?” Regina asks.  There’s a small soft smile on her face that Robin hasn’t entirely seen before, and it intrigues him.
“I’m offering the child my protection.  I’ll always look out for her, if you let me in, I’ll always care for her.”
“Her?” Robin asks, skeptically, “we don’t even know—”
“Oh I know,” Mal waves, “I forgot you did not yet.  You are having a daughter.”
“How do you—?”
“It’s a dragon thing,” Regina answers.  It’s the first time he’s heard her answer like this (there will be many questions answered with these words in the future) and he's reminded that these two are connected in a special way, understand each other in a way few people do.
“I’m just asking for you two to let me in,” Mal says slowly, “I won’t intrude on family business, but I think if you let me know her, care for her, I could help, I could—”
“You want to be involved in her life.” Regina looks slyly at her.  
Mal nods, and follows with a curt “For her protection.”
“Could you... give us a moment to discuss this?” Regina asks.
Mal doesn’t hide emotions.  She feels it’s all wasted energy.  So she lets her face fall in disappointment before nodding and giving them space.
Regina walks Robin into the study, shutting the door tight.
“I realize you may have some… feelings about Maleficent being involved in the child’s life, especially given how difficult things already are and let me tell you—”
“Of the dragon who has burned villages and poisoned princesses?” He asks, unable to hide his smirk.  “Now why would I ever have qualms about her caring for my child? Especially when the woman I love once had a penchant for the same activities?”
Regina cannot fight the giggle that bubbles out of her. Perhaps it is a bit dark to joke about this, but between them, it just works.
“You don’t mind her involvement?” Regina asks.
“I like her,” Robin shrugs, “I know she may not like me—”
“She likes you,” Regina assures, “she likes you more than she will admit.”
“That’s not Mal, she doesn’t hide the way she feels, if she liked me, I’d know—”
“Mal doesn’t know she likes you yet,” Regina says with a sigh, “she’s not as guarded with me but there are some walls up.  And this is important to her.  She lost a child.  She wants to help prevent other children from being lost.  Including yours.  It’s important to her.  And I…” she looks so nervous, so unsure,  “I know this isn’t my daughter, and I have no right to ask…”
“You have every right to ask anything of me.”  It is too soon to say it out loud, but he already wanted to ask her to be the mother to the baby, to assume the role he knows Zelena could not.  
“I was wondering if you might consider making Mal a godparent,” Regina says, then laughs at the idea.  “I know, her history with godparents is… tricky.  But I think it would be good for her, they are protectors, and that’s the role she wants, and given her history, and—”
He cuts off her rambling with a kiss.
“A god-dragon.  I like it.”   And with that he takes her hand and leads her out of the study.
“Mal,” he says, still holding Regina’s hand.  “We have something to ask you.”
Regina isn’t one for ceremony.  She hates weddings (of course, it has something to do with her own being so traumatic).  She finds graduations far too full of frills and self-praise.  She doesn’t care for religious rituals (if there is a god, or gods, she questions whether they would require a lily white dress and snacking on crackers for their souls to be saved).  She believes in theatrics, sure, in making a grand entrance and a brilliant escape, but she’s never been much for following tradition.
So it surprises Mal at first, that she’s here, in town hall, in front of many people, having a little naming ceremony for their baby.  Regina, the beautiful little spitfire that she is, had insisted upon it, insisted that the daughter of the hero Robin Hood deserved recognition.  
But then Mal realizes that this is not about the ceremony but about the statement it makes about Regina’s relationship with Eliza.  She’s telling the town not to mess with her. She's letting the villagers know that she, the Evil Queen, loves this child, will protect this child, and will not stand idly by if she is mistreated.
Mal knows the whispered insults and rumors get back to Regina, and hell, they have to hurt. These people don’t know her at all. They don’t know who she truly is.  Because beyond the heavy mask of her past crimes and her frightening reputation is a timid girl who just wants a family who love her, and who she can love, without any of the mind games and manipulation that came with her own.  So of course she loves this baby, this innocent, new addition to Robin's life.
And so Regina's determination her own protective instincts, and strong, resilient heart bring them here, in the town hall, with a precious, fair-skinned, beautiful strawberry blonde infant.
The townspeople actually showed up.  Perhaps out of fear, or out of sheer curiosity.  Mal is sitting up there, on this ridiculous stage, amongst a group of people she isn’t quite sure she belongs to:  Regina and her family, all three Charmings, Emma and the pirate.  That ridiculous fat man who smells of sweat and wet earth is here too, and perhaps he's an odd man out too - but he’s Robin's very best friend, at least.  He's raised Roland from an infant.  But she and Lily… they just don't have the same ties to this family.
Zelena was afforded the option of attending (with magical cuffs and under the watchful eye of David, of course), but she declined.  She’s not a mother.  Mal can sense it.  She may change one day, but that part of a woman that longs for their child, longs to care and love and nurture, it’s not in her.  
Which is fine because it overflows in Regina.
“People of Storybrooke,” Regina calls out into the mic, as Robin stands next to her with his daughter, swaddled in pink blankets, held tightly in his arms.
The crowd dies down, loud shorts dying into low murmurs.  
Before Regina can continue, Robin is tilting the baby in her direction, handing her over, and Maleficent’s heart nearly stops beating.  Robin is a Locksley, a noble, who has no doubt been dragged to his fair share of naming ceremonies. Oh, he knew exactly what that simple gesture means, that change of hands of the baby.
It’s part of the ritual, of course.  The child is to change hands, from father to mother before the name is revealed.  
He just told the town, and Regina, all in one move, that he considers her to be the child’s mother.
Regina is taken aback, clearly, choked and at a loss for words.  Maleficent sees the way her eyes shine and water.  She can’t fault this idiotic man and his gigantic heart for much, but damn it, he probably should not have sprung the move on Regina like this. She doesn’t like to be emotional in front of others, she’s afraid to be vulnerable.  In fact, it’s her biggest fear, other than losing a loved one.  
But then perhaps….Mal tries for once to see things from this man’s perspective.  Regina is stubborn and filled with self-doubt.  She doesn’t see that she’s the best person for the job, and had Robin asked her to take on this role as mother before, Mal has no doubt that Regina would have argued, chased him away, denied and refused to hear him.  
So, yes, maybe Mal was too quick to think the worst of Robin, and this was in fact the best way to bestow upon Regina the duties of a mother.  
But now Regina can’t talk, she’s fighting tears and staring down at a baby while her lip quivers, Robin’s arm wrapping around her as he whispers things that thankfully a nearby mic does not pick up.
And Mal spots her first opportunity to protect her family.
She stands up, walking towards the mic when Henry stops her.  
“I’ve got this.”
He walks towards the mic, while smiling at his mother sweetly.  
“There’s a new addition to our family,” he says.  It catches Mal’s breath, the way he says our family.  
It sounds like he’s referring to everyone sitting up here, though that can’t be true.  Henry doesn’t see her as family yet.
“Her name is Eliza Cathryn Mills Locksley,” he says, looking back at his mom.  “Her name is a tribute to the fact she is blessed, and chosen by us, and innocent.”  
Mal watches as Henry looks over at his mom, who has regained some of her composure.  She walks back to the mic to finish the ceremony.
It's a bit screwy now. Typically this ceremony would not be administered by a parent.  But up until moments ago, Regina didn’t know she was a parent, so performing the ceremony did not seem all that odd.  
“With us today are Eliza’s godparents, sworn to protect, and love, and care for Eliza should  Rob— we be unavailable.”  Regina bites her lip, as she usually does when she tries to keep from crying.  It works (always does) and she finishes.  
“Maleficent, please rise.”
The town already knew, of course they did, but it still causes a commotion, nervous laughter and mumbled voices make her ears burn red.  She reminds herself she does not terrorize villagers anymore.  Now she’s got more important people to care for than herself.
“Do you promise to ensure that this child is never without love, and care, should...Rob— her parents not be available.”
“With all my heart,” Mal responds, her eyes never leaving the beautiful baby in the arms of the woman she loves.
“Do you promise to protect her, care for her, and be a resource for her all her life?”
“This child shall want for nothing.”  It’s part of the ceremony, but saying the words still make her misty-eyed.
Regina hands the baby to Mal, who takes her willingly, and plants a kiss on her forehead.
“I am forever yours, Eliza.”
Years later, Maleficent will cite this as the very moment she felt she joined Robin and Regina's family. And Regina will confess it is the first time she felt a true part of Robin’s family.
Maleficent cherishes that they became a family before she fell into bed with Robin and Regina, before drunken one night stands were repeated too often with too little alcohol.
It's special that they became a family together, outside of any romance.  They were united by their love of children, by their belief in second chances, by the way they embraced and accepted both darkness and light.
And for someone who had been without a sense of belonging for centuries, it's all the more special.
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saxgoddess25 · 7 years
DOQ Week - Day 1 “PDA”
Sorry it’s a bit late. I started writing it yesterday and then took an unexpected 4 hour nap yesterday evening and didn’t get around to working on it again until tonight. This is a short bit of fluff for y’all, rated...um..PG? It’s a tiny bit suggestive, but not explicit. Hope you enjoy!
Dragons are jealous creatures. So why, Maleficent wonders, does she feel such a rush of joy and happiness when she sees her lovers touch each other? When they kiss?
She’d gone to that thing called the internet looking for answers and found a word that she thinks might fit: compersion. Noun. “The feeling of joy associated with seeing a loved one love another.” That seems to describe what she’s feeling, but her orderly, analytical mind wants to understand the why of the thing, not just the definition. The frustrating thing is, there apparently is no why to be found. Like other feelings, it is just something that happens.
All she knows is that it makes her warm to watch Robin kissing Regina in the aisle of the grocery store, when they think nobody is looking. She’s just coming back from fetching Henry’s favorite breakfast cereal and she spies them pulling out of the kiss, and Regina is smiling at him in that way she has, biting at her lower lip. It’s playful and self-conscious all at once, and it brings a surge of pure love into Mal’s heart. She loves the two of them so much it drives her to distraction sometimes, and the dragon in her wants to enfold them in her wings, keeping them safe and protected.
Instead, she smiles at them as she wanders up and puts the box of cereal into the basket, “Careful you two. Someone might catch you making out in the grocery store like teenagers.”
Robin gives her a playful nudge with his shoulder, leaning in to whisper in her ear, “Jealous, Darling?”
She wraps her arm around his waist and the tiny laugh lines at the corners of her eyes deepen as her amusement grows. “You know I’m not. I just like teasing you.” The look she shares with Regina speaks volumes, and she reaches out to her, taking her hand so that she can entwine their fingers together. Abruptly, the three of them are having a group hug in the middle of the aisle, and that’s not any less awkward, but it makes her chuckle all the same.
“I think we need to get this shopping done so that we can get back home,” Regina suggests, and there’s that devious look in her eye that Mal knows so well. The house is empty of children at the moment, so there’s no doubt what she’s hinting at.
“That is a brilliant idea, Love.” Robin’s clearly seen the look too, because a husky sort of note has crept into his voice. Mal just smiles and nods her agreement. She’s ready to share her warmth and happiness with the two of them.
She gives Robin a last squeeze and lets him go so that he can push the basket off toward the checkout. Regina follows him, and Mal goes along with her, refusing to relinquish the grip on her hand. She receives a raised eyebrow and matches it with one of her own; they both can play that game. A brief, silent, battle of wills ensues, but Regina finally relents with a slight shrug. Walking hand in hand to the register, the women garner a curious glance or two along the way, but there are no untoward comments.
It’s not like Mal doesn’t understand the hesitation. She and Regina are both very private people, but damn it, she wants the world to know just what these two are to her, what they mean to each other. If she could hold Robin’s hand at the moment, she would do that too, but instead she contents herself with one of her loves. There will be plenty of opportunities to show affection in future, she’s certain.  
At last the groceries are paid for and Maleficent has to reluctantly let Regina go. Robin doesn’t have enough hands to carry all of their purchases, so she and Regina each grab some of the bags and follow him out to his car. As they pile the bags into the trunk, Regina swipes Robin’s keys – she still doesn’t trust his driving – and goes to start the engine. Mal and Robin share an amused look, then a quick kiss.
“Milady?” he says, as he opens her door for her.
“Such a gentleman,” she teases him as she ducks into the backseat.
“But of course!”
Regina gives them a fond, yet exasperated look, and waits until they both have put on their seat belts. They’ve gone about a block before Robin’s hand settles on Regina’s knee and creeps slowly under the hem of her skirt, fingertips rubbing along her inner thigh. The action brings a low moan and a soft admonishment. “Robin…”  
Maleficent smiles as she sees the innocent expression on his face as he turns toward Regina. “Problem, Love?”
“What am I going to do with you?”
“I’ve a few suggestions.”
“I’m sure you do.”
And this, Mal thinks, is what love is all about. In the end, it doesn’t matter why she feels this way. The important thing is that she does.
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the-alpha-incipiens · 8 years
fic roundup
I dropped a lot of ficlets on Thursday and one on Friday, so here’s a little roundup post in case you missed them!
Flicker Beat verse
Prompt: Awkward kiss (Spoilers for future happenings in the verse)
Prompt: Drunk/sloppy kiss (DOQ goes on a date with Emma and Killian to the Rabbit Hole)
Continuation of the above: Robin teaches Mal how to play pool (unsurprisingly they get ~distracted~) RATED M
Non-Dragon Outlaw Queen
Prompt: Giggly kiss (Dimples Queen, cavity-inducing fluff)
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ariestess · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Maleficent/Robin Hood Characters: Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Maleficent (Once Upon a Time), Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Drabble Collection, dragon outlaw queen, Established Relationship, Threesome - F/F/M, Light BDSM, Shmoop, Fluff and Angst, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Love From OQ, Mild Language, Swearing Summary:
14 different moments in the lives of Regina, Robin, and Maleficent.
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audreysl0ve · 7 years
DOQ Day 5 - Teach Me
Thanks as always to the wonderful @repellomuggletum15 for betaing.  This is just a little fluff.  Mal spending the night at the mansion for the first time when Peanut is over, trying to get a grasp of what parenting is like from two seasoned veterans. 
Set in the Unlaced verse (you can find that here)
He wakes first.  He's not surprised; Regina has spent most of the week up at all hours, and Mal, well, she sleeps like the dead.
 Regina's beside him, her profile turned toward him, hair spread out across the pillow behind her like a scarf caught in a wind.  
 Mal’s spooned beside her, the delicate wispy ends of Regina's hair touch her face. It must tickle a bit, she crinkles her nose on every third breath in, occasionally sniffling, but not yet waking.  
 Mal has one elegant arm wrapped around Regina's waist, palm resting flat on her stomach while Regina has a hand on Robin’s chest.  Regina likes this, he knows.  Touching both of them while she slumbers.  Whenever they sleep together (actually sleep) she is always strategically trying to fight her way into the middle.  Robin finds it quite sweet, especially coming from the woman who emphatically told him she was not a cuddly sleeper.
 For a second the memories of her holding him, pressing into him, grasping at him awake in his mind, and his heart swells with emotion like a helium balloon.  She's worlds different than she had been when they first met, walls up, guarded, always hedging every action with an equal, opposite one.  But now she's here, all of her.  All in.  For the both of them.
 It's adorable, watching them sleep, and yet also incredibly erotic — curled into each other, slotted into perfect place as if they were made for one another. They are completely nude, he's made well and sure they were well seen to last night, so much so that they had collapsed without so much as picking up the strewn clothes on the floor or washing up for bed.
 It's times like these he's a bit envious of the female refractory period, for when the two of them come together they reach peaks over and over again without ever having to hold back, without ever having to slow down and wait for others.
 Mal had been hot last night, all sensitive and eager and begging for their touch, and they had both indulged in whatever had her lighting up so quickly and eagerly.
 His mind wanders back to how hard she’d come on his tongue.  He had been sure that she'd need a moment, as she usually did, but she had only held his head against her tighter, riding the whole orgasm out while writhing and moaning and begging him not to stop, each word moaned against’s Regina’s mouth as she kissed and kissed her.  He’d worked his tongue until it ached, planting firm, quick licks where she needed him most, until she had shouted and come again for him, every delicious sound making his cock throb.  She had been spent after that, naked and sweat-sheened and boneless and absolutely breathtaking.
 He had Regina then, and there had been the slightest bit of pressure to make them both enjoy this experience in equal amounts, but female biology does not work that way, he’s realized. Some days reaching that peak is more difficult, sometimes the thought of more than one orgasm is impossible.  
 It’s dependent on so many factors, so many things he cannot control.  And yet, he’d tried anyway.  Regina had begged him to fuck her hard, and fuck, he was aching for a release already, but he held back as best he could, withdrawing and replacing his cock with his fingers when the feeling became too overwhelming.  She did come, had come earlier on Mal’s mouth, and came again with Robin.  It was work, it was hard, but he’d be damned if he would make Mal come three times and Regina not even once.  
 Before he can get too caught up in memories, before he can even entertain the thought of waking them up for a second round, he hears the contraption by Regina’s nightstand cry out.
 Ellie’s awake.
 Regina has spent every morning and late night with her for the past few weeks, and he promised himself he’d give her a break this morning, let her enjoy the comfortable coziness of Mal’s embrace while he cared for their infant.  So he rushes out the bedroom door to the nursery, reciting the steps to using that infernal bottle warmer as he goes.
 The second the child stirs, so does Regina.  And that startles Mal awake.  She hears Robin’s footsteps leaving the bedroom, and good for him.  Good man.  She prevents Regina from getting up, holding her tighter to her, close to the bed.  
 “He’s got her, R’gina” she says sleepily.  “S’ok. Rest up little one.”
 Regina falls back onto the feather pillow and goes limp into her arms.  “Hope he remembers about the bottle warmer.  He doesn’t like to use it… but the baby likes the milk nice and warm…”
 “Does she?” Mal asks. It's the first time since they started doing... this that she's spent the night when Ellie has been there.  There's something so intimate about it, even though Robin and Regina aren't touching or talking.  She suddenly feels like she doesn't quite fit.  She doesn't know about this, about babies and what type of milk they like, or how much milk they need.  She doesn't know anything, because Snow White robbed her of the opportunity to learn a damned thing.
 She squeezes her eyes shut and clings to Regina tighter.
 “I shouldn't worry. He's a natural father,” Regina murmurs before sleep takes her over.  The words sting, claw at Mal’s heart.  But Regina couldn’t know.  She knows better than to mention anything about the time she’s lost with Henry - whether it is that missing year or the time he now spends with Emma and the pirate. She doesn’t understand, however, that Mal is sensitive about her abilities as a mother.
 But Regina is sleepy and cuddling closer to her, and well, she forces the pain away, and tries to dream alongside her.
 In an hour, Regina awakes in her arms.  She’s well rested, nearly giddy with sleep.  “I love mornings like this,” she rasps.  
 “Mm,” Mal says, waking with her arms still around her.  “I could get used to this.  Shower?”
 Regina shakes her head. “You go on ahead.  I just want to check on Robin and the baby.”
 The feeling of exclusion she had in the early morning creeps back, and Maleficent turns her back to her and heads to the shower.
 She spends time under scalding hot water, taking deep breaths to calm herself.  She cries freely, and the tears are cathartic, wash away the tightness in her chest.
 When she dresses to join her two lovers, she's far more at ease.  And then she sees them, bent over their child (Regina won't call herself Ellie’s mother yet, but she belongs to her, and everyone can see it).  They coo and whisper words of love that she cannot hear or share, and it breaks her just a bit.
 Regina looks up, must hear Mal as she picks up the pot of coffee.  
 “Hey,” Regina calls out softly as she makes her way to the kitchen.
 Mal smiles back at her. “Hello there.”
 “What's wrong?”
 It's unusual that Regina need ask, she's normally so open, more than willing to tell her how she feels. But there's a shyness now that has her avoiding the two of them.
 “I just... I never had this,” she points towards Robin, who has Ellie slung over his shoulder while he pats and rubs at her back in some odd pattern he must have learned by caring for Roland.
 “I know, and I'm so sorry it was taken from you, that you missed this with Lily.” Regina's eyes go into this gentle expression, soft and soothing as a meadow breeze.  It's as hypnotizing as beautiful.  She always gets lost in those eyes.
 “It's not just Lily…” Mal starts, “I just wish I knew how to help care for her the way you do.  You two are her parents—”
 “Nooo,” Regina drawls carefully, “Robin is her father, I’m—”
 “Oh Regina, come on,” Mal sighs, “it's as clear as day. You are her mother.  And I'm not that, and worse, I can't even... I'm not even able to help you two with her.  It makes me feel…” She closes her eyes for a moment, to gather her thoughts. “I don't need to be her parent, like you two.  I just wish there was some way I could contribute, so I could feel less... on the periphery, when you are with family like this.”
 “Oh,” Regina says. “How can we help?”
 Mal frowns.  “There's nothing to help with, I'm not a part of your family in that way anyway.”
 “Yes, you are,” Regina insists, “you are her family.  Same as me. And we will do a better job making sure you know it. If there's anything we can do...”
 Her words sound so sincere, and while it's not exactly true, it seems Regina wants her involved.
 “Will you…. will you um, teach me how to care for her?”
 She's never had to ask her little pupil to teach her anything, and it's such an odd role reversal. She hates the sparkle of amusement in Regina's eye.
 “I’m sure it's easy enough,” Mal adds flippantly.  “Just, how to work that bottle water and how to make the milk, when to feed her and give her time to rest—”
 Regina cuts her off with a kiss and grabs her hand, leading her to where Robin sits with the baby.
 “Everything alright?” Robin asks as he cradles Ellie in his arms.
 “Yes,” Regina says, as she lets the baby grab tightly to her finger, “I think Mal would like to hold Ellie.”
 Robin looks up at Mal and smiles.  “Yeah? It's about time you asked.  Here you are.”
 He hands the baby to her. It's awkward, she'd studied how they hold her carefully, but she's not quite sure she has it.
 “Good,” Regina says next to her, adjusting her hands just slightly.  “Her neck is still a bit weak, so we have to support her head, like you’re already doing.”
 The child stirs, and Mal is sure she is about to cry.  But then she raises a hand to her lips and sucks at her thumb.  Instinctively, Mal begins to move, little bouncy movements that the babe seems to enjoy.  Her eyes shut, as slants of sunlight settle down on her face, with her puffy little cheeks and the balled fist against her lips, she looks angelic and peaceful.  
 “I want to, to learn how to—”
 “We will teach you. Together.” Regina promises.  “But right now you are soothing Ellie to sleep, and that is something that cannot be taught.  It's innate.  Instinctual.”
 Mal’s eyes water. She'd always wondered how she would be as a mother, how she would learn, how she'd manage.  And hearing Regina say that... it's everything.
 “It's true.  You're a natural,” Robin whispers.  He presses a kiss to her brow and rubs soothing patterns against her back.
 Her heart soars, thinking of how she finally has the opportunity to use the mothering instincts she's felt coursing through her veins for centuries.  And it's fitting that it's Robin and Regina, these beautiful lovers she cares for more than she's ready to admit, that have given this to her.
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