#DSMP limbo
bleue-flora · 2 days
For absolutely no reason whatsoever, I feel like we should talk about Limbo. Because it’s a interesting topic with lots of space for theories and perhaps this will help us come back to some common ground of discussion, and be an open enough topic to allow everyone, whether someone who just joined the fandom or has been here for years, to hopefully feel safe and welcome enough to join in and share their thoughts and opinions. Go ahead and use the tag #dsmp limbo so I can see your thoughts, there is no right or wrong answer here.
To start off the discussion, we know the time dilation based on what Wilbur has said is about 30/1 - meaning every 1 second is 30 seconds in limbo, every 2 minutes is 1 hour in limbo, every 48 minutes is 1 day in limbo, every 1 day is a about 1 month in limbo and so on just to give you perspective. We also know based on both what happens in the finale and by what Dream says in the finale, that Limbo changes based on how you die and the circumstances around your death.
Now here are my thoughts at the moment on the matter. While a lot of times I see Limbo in fanfics more personalized to the person killed, one theory I came up with to explain Limbo is that it is actually is more connected to the situation around the death and killer/death.
For example, Schlatt died of a stroke and his limbo then becomes a gym, themeing off the fact of becoming healthy and fit something he wasn’t in life. That lead to his nation being taken over and him not being physically capable to stop it as well as him dying to a stroke, which we are encouraged to believe is caused by his alcoholism.
But I feel like perhaps Schlatt’s is the easiest to connect, Wilbur’s on the other hand is a little weirder. But I think the train station is actually connected to Philza having just arrived, so the relation to travel. Trains are often kept on a schedule to be on time and Philza’s appearance is just in time to kill Wilbur, but too late to stop him from pushing the button.
Mexican Dream’s limbo then reflects more of Dream than of Mexican Dream. With an empty, unfinished nation not unlike how empty and isolated Dream likely felt, as well as angry about nations for being the cause.
This theory becomes a little stronger when looking at Tommy’s 1st Limbo being an existence of basically nothing. And I think this reflects how Dream kinda has nothing at this point. Also relating to how Tommy killed the cat (and am I miss remembering that he also burned his clock?) the only thing(s) Dream had left. It could alternatively relate to an empty stomach adding an element from his death being from the potato.
Rambo’s limbo then connects to Sam for a few reasons, one I think Sam felt very alone in his efforts to keep Dream locked up. Like only he could do it and no one was helping him. It is also similar in the fact that Sam felt so cornered and trapped like killing Ranboo was the only thing he could do, similar to how one would feel stuck on a tiny island surrounded by water that burns. It’s also interesting since for Ranboo, the island is also inescapable like the prison and he is only able to leave when Mexican Dream comes (like Dream only escaping prison when Techno comes), oh and Sam lives on an island too.
Then finally Tommy’s 2nd Limbo I think pretty clearly relates to Tommy asking before he died about why and how Dream saw things, and Dream’s comment of “everything was fine before you came!” so Limbo shows Tommy Dream’s pov at the beginning. Reflecting how Dream feels, his - “I just don’t want to ever be alone.”
Anyways, hopefully that made some sense, those are just some thoughts I have at the moment. Now I wanna hear yours. :) How do you think limbo works? What do you think Punz’s and Dream’s Limbos were? What were Vik’s, Lazar’s and Connor’s Limbos? What do you think would have been Tubbo’s, Techno’s or other character’s Limbos? How was Quackity able to visit Limbo in Las Nevadas?…
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its-elvie-innit · 1 year
I just realized how strange it is, how when Tommy was revived he had no choice in coming back, it just happened. Everything kind of faded out for him, he was no active participant in his own rebirth, but when wilbur was reborn he had such an active choice in getting on that train and I find it so telling but I don't know what it's telling.
To me, Wilbur is a headstrong person when he's not depressed. He was the leader of l'manburg, he lived his remaining years filled with decisions and choices that really impacted those around him (ie;, his choice of death, his choice to lie to friends, leading pogtopia, his choice to make a country in the first place etc etc. All of these things did affect him, but mainly others) and created a kind of awful non-pressure. It's weird to look back at his life on the dsmp and realize how focal that part of him is to character development of so many people. He makes a choice, others deal with the consequences.
To look at that and realize how perfectly parallel Tommys' storyline in response to it is is another thing entirely. He's equally if not more headstrong than Wilbur, constantly at a push and pull with others. Yet he's the one pulled- for Tommy, others make a decision and he deals with the consequences. It's the perfect backwards mirror to Wilbur.
And it's almost cruel how obvious it is that those are their internal conflicts. Tommy so clearly wants to be in charge of his own life and have his actions impact something for once. Wilbur wants a similar outcome, but in a way where he can almost relinquish control- he wants to be in charge of himself. He also wants others to be in charge of the hard stuff. He was the cause of so much, and now he wants not that, because all the blame always fell on him.
So when they're brought back from limbo it's like the cruelest irony ever, that immediately they're cemented in their same positions. Nothing changed because revival isn't a rebirth or something making you new, it's pulling a tired old person back from the dead and asking them to continue with the same old.
No change happens in limbo, no great revelations. It's meant to keep you stuck in your ways and sad. Wilburs' decision to get back on the train affected someone else, his ghost, his little brother, and he was still responsible and still to blame. Tommy once again had no say in whether he came back or not and was left feeling helpless and as though he couldn't even own his own death.
I also wonder whether their revivals play into the idea that your limbo is what you think you deserve. Does Wilbur think he always has to have a choice, or does he think he's required to take responsibility for everything that happens to him. Does Tommy think he doesnt deserve a choice? Or is he so beaten down that he cannot fathom getting one.
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sundewhasaudhd · 4 months
Jesus, I have so many scripts I need to finish, and I saw one of my moots do this and thought it was a good idea, so:
I’m so excited to post more stuff for my main AU. Eeeeee :D
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arandomvan · 2 months
Whats death like and opinions on Philza Minecraft?
death feels dark, and cold. she's nice, but I've only talked to her once.
as for my opinions on her husband, he's pretty cool (obviously), we just don't agree on the whole anarchy thing i think who i actually admire is the version of him i knew as a kid
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zorishy · 2 months
DSMP AU lore post
Parker’s limbo
Parker found himself sitting in a train car, racing down the tracks of a vast subway system to who knows where. Every turn or bump in the tracks seemed to exacerbate the growing feeling of pain in the young man’s chest. There were other things on the train. shadows in the rough shape of people who didn’t seem to acknowledge the dead man’s existence. He would call out to them, grab them by the shoulders and shake them, screaming at the top of his lungs begging to know where he is and where he’s going. No response ever comes.
The train came to a halt, Parker was pushed out of the car by various other people(?) on the train rushing out. They all seemed to have somewhere to be. Parker tried to follow one of them up a flight of stairs, but it just lead to the interior of another train car. He exited the train. Another platform. He tried walking in one direction for days but the station never ended.
This went on for what felt like years. He knew he was dead, how could he not be, but then why did it feel like this wasn’t the real afterlife. Something about this place was wrong, like Parker got stuck halfway between alive and dead. His body still ached from where the sword penetrated his heart, his stomach felt like it was tying itself in knots from hunger, his back felt sore from trying to get some rest on one of the abysmal metal benches that line the walls.
Sometimes a train would come by and Parker would get on, but it never brought him anywhere but another train station.
He lost hope of ever getting out, until one day a train stopped before him, the doors opening to reveal a familiar face in the doorway.
It was Dream.
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eekonis · 1 year
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ghost on a block
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arcticsilver · 1 year
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How did he do this on accident????
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mrfoxdeer · 1 month
Hi I don’t think you understand how insane I am about c!clingyduo (and right now especially c!Tubbo) and I don’t think you know enough about my AU so I will tell you.
Tubbo is dead because he’s Tommy’s Romeo and L’manberg wasn’t worth going back to after seeing that tower. He’s in limbo with the man who ordered his execution and the man who stood by and watched. And at first he’s quiet because it’s hell and that’s what he does when things are hell. But the years go by and he can’t take it. He can’t take Schlatt being drunk and Wilbur saying things that hurts so bad. So he leaves, he isolates and stays far away.
Then one day Tommy is there. Tubbo knows it, sees it from a distance, but still doesn’t get close. The last time he spoke to Tommy was when he exiled him. He reasons that Tommy wouldn’t want to see him anyway. Tommy goes to Limbo and meets everyone but Tubbo. He thinks that Tubbo must’ve gone to a better place when he died (while Tommy is here with Wilbur and Schlatt).
Tubbo got closer during the months of Tommy’s visit, but before he got close enough to be seen, Tommy was gone. And Wilbur was ecstatic. He told Tommy that they were horrible for the server and he kept that up after Tommy was gone, now talking to Tubbo instead. But Tubbo has had enough. Wilbur will always win when fighting with words, so Tubbo finds another approach. The same way Wilbur found cards to play solitaire with, Tubbo finds an axe. Wilbur made his and Tommy’s lives hell, so for the next four and a half years Tubbo makes sure the endless waiting isn’t the worst thing in Wilbur’s limbo.
(Then, when Dream revives Wilbur, Tubbo chases after them and wakes up alive in Logstedshire. That’s where the fic starts.)
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skretri · 2 years
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these two cfccrrryin pipipi
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azurecake16 · 2 years
Hear me out…what if Karlnapitys limbos are all just reflections of each other? Karl’s can be an empty city (fear of forgetting his fiancés and loosing him self, based of Quackity), Quackitys can be fire (everything he’s ever loved has burnt, Sapnap) and Sapnap’s can be a time loop (fear of loosing people, Karl)
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emlaux · 1 year
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harpymin · 2 years
5 months late, had to rewrite it bc it got deleted the first time i tried to post it, we ballin
this was written for @dreamsclock's wtiys prompt: Limbo!
tw // derealization, disassociation, memory loss, repetition
/dsmp , rp
It felt like home.
It felt like home.
The bricks and the glass panes looked the same as ever.
The red sky that spanned for eternity filled his mind with static. Bleeding into black horizon and sewed the empty plains together.
Stillwater lake surrounded him and the wooden path.
The air was stale and dust hung to his lungs.
It felt like home.
His body moved slowly. His feet dragged and limped. Creaks of an old neglected path clung to his ears.
The oak door stood impossibly tall and impossibly far. And yet, when his hands hit the brass handle it fit perfectly.
He stared. And the door stood still. The polish had worn off, leaving a rotten husk of what once was.
It felt like home.
A hush. A whisper. His ears started to ring.
His mind felt like cotton. Bleary yet too aware.
He opened the door and stepped in.
It was home.
The sun cascaded down the window panes and onto the haphazardly placed chests. Scattered beds of his family, some neatly cleaned and some missing bedsheets.
It was warm. A hot summer day. The kind of hot that left you sweaty tired. Although the breeze that sneaks in through the gaps in the bricks chilled him to the bone.
Distant shouts accompanied by barks and baa's eased his tense shoulders. He breathed.
...What was he doing just now?
He stood in the middle of his house, looking around.
His house! He was trying to finish building his house! And he needed more materials. He'd just asked Alyssa if she had more bricks and she looked at him weird. Worried even.
"Dream why- why do you look so- .. what happened to you?"
He laughed. "What do mean? Is there something on my face?"
There were tears in her eyes. She reached out to his face and-
He stood in the middle of home, looking around, his ears ringing.
Distant shouts followed my laughter pulls his head towards the window.
"Dream! Help me! He's taking my stuff!"
He looked out.
It was the moon. So bright and calm against the ink black night. It reminded him of quiet comforts and blue cotton shirts. It reminded him of moments where the world seemed to melt away. Just them.
He closes his eyes. The soft glow of the sun against his eyelids. Warm hugs and raven hair. He missed his home.
He breathed in.
It felt like home.
He sits up coughing. His lungs were filled with ash and dust. Red sky fills his vision as it bleeds into the horizon.
It felt like home.
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cxyotl · 2 years
c!schlatt limbo trial?
idk what exactly this means but imma do what i think it is ^^ under the cut again :]
“Are you a good person?” Said the goddess before him. Schlatt was still sitting on the floor in the same position he had been in just moments before, with one hand resting on his chest and the other limp on the ground. He narrowed his eyes at the holy being and her jury of angels before him.
“… What?”
“Are you a good person?” Her voice was gentle, but cracked like thunder in the otherwise silent, white room.
“You tell me,” he said, grinning. Her blank face did not even twitch. A feeling of ‘oh shit’ washed over him as he realized she was being deadly serious with this question. She would not take any joke answer. “… No.”
“Honesty is admirable,” was all she replied. Her jury nodded in uncanny unison. “… And now, Mr. Schlatt, tell me. Did you strive to be one?”
“To be what?”
“Your cooperation with this trial would do you well, Mr. Schlatt. I suggest you think before you speak, now. All ailments have been nulled, and nothing keeps you from not understanding my questions. Leave your pride. It will not save you from your righteous judgement here.”
The angels’ thousand eyes burned through him, and Schlatt sucked in a breath. “Well, if you are asking if I… Tried to be a good person… Then no.”
The Death Goddess hummed, then leaned forward to look at him. “We seem to know you more than you know yourself. For that I apologize. Your life was cut short, so you would not know, I’m sure.”
What the fuck did that mean?
As if reading his thoughts, she chuckled. “Introspection comes with age, dear. You never reached the age you could have. It was not in your control, your lifespan, but it was not in mine either. You are born as you are, without godly intervention, and I only can be fair to you now. In this trial.”
He stared back. Her sudden change in demeanor was both alarming and somewhat… Comforting? It hit him, suddenly, and he laughed. “Oh come on, Kristin, you know me. Give me a break.”
“I do know you, and that makes this trial much harder for me than you’d realize. You were friend and enemy of my children. XD’s own son had taken great comfort in your presence and yet even he feels betrayed. You were not a good person, no, but this second question of mine is not me trying to point out your failures in being good. Quite the opposite. I only want to know if you tried, at some point, to push past the injustices of your life that you faced to be better.”
He let that sink in for a bit, then hummed. “Okay… Still no. I was respected because I wasn’t a little bitch about my injustices. If the worlds against me, I’m against the world. That’s how it is.”
The jury looked up at Kristin, who sighed deeply. “You’re making this much harder than it has to be. Let go of your anger for once, Schlatt. You were not despised by the universe. She loved you... Schlatt, respect and love are different, and while you were respected as mayor and then president, you were also loved. Loved by good people. Ty and Connor, your siblings, Techno, Phil, even Wilbur and Tommy. They were your friends, some still are. Some will continue to miss you. And some may not because of the page you left them on.” She tapped a long nail against her podium, then shook her head.
The angels turned their heads back to Schlatt.
“I will accept your answer despite this. You will be sentenced to eternal limbo, but I will grant you a ghost, just as I do for everyone who dies young. I hope you use this opportunity to continue growing and to reflect.”
“… Thanks?”
“It was good to see you again. Happy birthday, dear.”
And the white room dimmed. When the lights came back, he was in a new room. His soul felt split, and the only light now was a single candle. Distantly, he could hear a train pulling out of a station.
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baby-carrot7 · 2 years
My headcannon is that Mumza was the one who reset the server kicking off season 2. Because during the DSMP, she enjoyed watching all the complex storylines. The struggle and conflict that comes with humanity. Watching the passion, love, loss, and grief made her feel alive. After the nuke went off and killed everything, she couldn’t bear to see everyone dead.
So she reset the server, erasing everyone’s memories so that they could create a new and fresh start. None of the conflict from their past lives means they are ready to take life different directions. She is watching eagerly to see where it goes.
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corvid-cr0w · 2 years
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got bored and did a quick draw of the limbo gang
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lilyminer · 2 years
I remember for a bit I had hoped Techno and Phil were going to use their favour from Dream to revive Ranboo. . .
Yeah I don’t think we could’ve gotten further from that if we tried. Rip c!Ranboo hope ur enjoying limbo.
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