biohazard-4ever · 5 months
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D.S.O is an organization for a new breed of agents who have the readiness and flexibility to protect the US from the new threat of bioterrorism. The DSO was set up in 2011 by the order os President Adam Benford The DSO is able to command elite members of various security organizations, making each directly accountable to the President. Adhering to the president's own vision of justice, and eliminating any crisis that presents a clear danger to the US, the DSO has gained the nickname of "The President's Sword" in just two years. Leon S. Kennedy is a typical DSO agent, and one of the original recruits, Sherry Birkin also belongs to DSO, but was recruited from another organization. Soon after she was transferred to DSO, Sherry is sent on a mission to protect Jake Muller under Simmons' order. It is only after this incident that Leon learns that she too is a member of DSO. The US used to have a counter-bioterrorism organization called the FBC, but this had no connection to the DSO, and had an entirely different structure.
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sparkie96 · 5 months
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lemuseum · 1 year
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chasecarver · 1 year
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brother dear
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cloakedsparrow · 1 year
“Don’t worry, you still got me. I guess nothing’s changed” & “I heard you became an agent” aka another Resident Evil headcanon/rant
Damnation is my favorite Resident Evil film. Not just because it’s awesome but also because I feel like we get the most insight into Leon as a character in it.
He’s usually ‘on’ in some way when we see him. He’s usually either protecting someone, keeping a civilian (or fake civilian) calm/safe, or with people he can’t really trust (like Benford) or doesn’t know if he can trust yet (like Helena). But his interactions with Hunnigan, JD, and Buddy/Sasha in that film are different. He’s very raw and open. And hurt. And tired. And hungry. He really lets them (and us) know how he feels about everything. It might just be the best characterization we get from any character in this franchise.
As part of this unusual expression of feelings, he makes the title quote before hanging up on Hunnigan at the end of the film. He seems upset. He starts to storm out of the hotel room he’s in before taking a breath and walking out with a little more control. Considering that he’s on furlough during that film and then part of the DSO in the next game, I always figured the ‘I guess nothing’s changed’ line meant that Benford pulled his shit again, using something to make Leon feel he had to join the DSO. Initially, I figured it was something to do with Buddy/Sasha. After all, we do see him returning to his life as a teacher at the end, despite having kidnapped and nearly murdered a US citizen during the film.
But then In RE6 we learn that Sherry Birkin is a DSO agent who answers directly to Simmons. This strikes me as weird for several reasons.
He’s her adopted father. Wouldn’t there be a conflict of interests to him being her CO?
As unlikely as it would be irl, we keep being told that the DSO answers directly to the president, so why is she an exception?
She’s a BOW who has been kept very sheltered/protected up to this point. When, where, and how was she safely trained?
Then I thought of that part of Damnation.
What if making Sherry an agent was what got Leon to sign on? As the most experienced agent with the most successful BOW related cases under his belt, Leon would be the natural choice for all the really crazy/dangerous assignments after joining the DSO. If he were to refuse to join though, then an agent with no experience but the ability to heal rapidly would probably be a top contender for such assignments. Leon taking the position would mean protecting her all over again and that’s something Benford knows works.
I’ve never subscribed to the fan-theory that Sherry is basically Leon’s daughter. I’ve always seen it as more of an unbalanced brother-sister relationship. Leon gave everything to protect her (from Umbrella, from the US government, from a life as a lab rat, from foster care) but he was nine years older than her and busy saving the world. She specifically refers to him as the person who saved her in Raccoon City rather than just someone she can trust or has known over half her life when Jake questions her about trusting Leon in RE6. She ultimately trusts him over her adopted father, so they definitely know each other still, but it doesn’t seem like they’ve spent  lot of time together.
There’s also the way he says he heard she became an agent. It’s very...stilted. Like he’s trying not to give away too much or is maybe not too happy about that but knows it’s not his place to say anything. It’s all very much like a big brother who went off to live his life when a much younger sibling was still growing up at home. There’s trust, respect, and caring there, but only one seems caught up with the other’s life.
About that ‘not giving away to much’ thought: Leon is caring and initially trusting, but he’s also smart and has seen some serious shit. He wouldn’t have signed away his freedom to guarantee Sherry’s safety without wanting some sort of evidence that she was truly being taken care of in exchange. He’s probably been given regular reports on her, both from Simmons and from Claire. He probably has files of childhood photos and drawings, copies of medical reports/report cards, and random reports on her interests going back to when she was twelve. He probably has video of her home ballet pageants or piano recitals or whatever she was into at any given point in her childhood.
But would Sherry know about any of that? She knows who Leon is, of course. She remembers him saving her in Raccoon City and has probably heard about him from Claire, just like she heard all about Chris from her. However, no one knows how Benford ‘recruited’ Leon. Would it have been more beneficial to Benford to let Leon see her or to keep them separated so his only way of learning about her was through Benford? And what about Simmons? He agreed to take responsibility for Sherry, would he have wanted Leon potentially butting in while he saw to that responsibility?
I’d like to think Leon made sure he got to see her sometimes, but it sounds like such visitations would have been rare. With Claire able to verify whatever the reports said about Sherry, would Leon feel the need to push to see her all that often? If he was given the choice of him being able to see Sherry or Claire, I would bet he’d let Claire see her.
That means Leon would have to say something like ‘I heard you became an agent’ because at this point, they don’t have time for a full explanation, assuming he’d even be comfortable giving one. Without context, it might seem odd or even creepy for her to find out just how much he’s been keeping track of her life if she doesn’t know she was basically a hostage used to guarantee his service for years.
It kind of makes me wish we’d gotten that version of RE7 with Leon and Sherry working together. Maybe they’ll use it for a future game, like a Revelations type title that takes place in-between existing games/films. It would be interesting to see what their relationship is now that Benford isn’t around anymore.
TLDR: Headcanon that Benford let Sherry apply to be an agent of the DSO in order to force Leon to join after Damnation. Simmons probably agreed under the condition that Sherry reports to him instead of Benford. Leon has been getting reports on his surrogate little sister/instrument of coercion for years but she doesn’t know that.
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kapittx · 10 months
A strategic approach to Accounts Receivable to get paid easier.
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Accounts Receivable Management is a financial term that reflects both the strength and weakness of a business. On one hand, accounts receivable enables a long-term customer relationship based on credit. On the other hand, accounts receivable also creates a risky credit line on the company’s balance sheet. Customer creditworthiness, alignment between sales and finance teams, streamlined AR processes with minimal efforts, and accountable ownership are key elements that contribute to a smooth and goal-oriented accounts receivable approach.
In simple terms, accounts receivable management ensures that the credits from customers are fully paid within the agreed time, improve cash flow and provide businesses with sufficient working capital. However, the AR process is not as simple as it sounds, and many businesses face difficulties in achieving it. Current Financial Environment:
Most businesses have established clear accounts receivable policies, but many of them are still struggling with the different aspects of accounts receivables - timely invoicing, confirmed due dates, receivables timing, outstanding balances, discounts and agreed payment terms, and write-offs are all different pillars for an efficient AR planning.
Cash that is locked in receivables is a delayed asset, and as long as companies follow and maintain a planned approach, the risk is manageable. However, many companies try to bypass the rules in the process of increasing sales, retaining customers, or simply due to a lack of ownership, resulting in a chaotic situation to track the trapped cash.
In the process of increasing the number of sales deals, businesses often neglect the AR policies and by the time they realize it, their working capital is already affected. A smart approach is needed, where new sales and repeat deals make a positive impact on the balance sheet, by bringing cash into the business without compromising the customer relationship.
Refined AR approach
While accounts receivable is a lengthy process, understanding the customer’s capacity and credit worthiness is vital, to start with. When designing an AR strategy, it is important to communicate the plan clearly across the sales, marketing, and finance verticals of an organization, so that the teams work together toward the common business objective.
Every transaction with the customer has to be documented and must be accessible to all the stakeholders involved in the process. Understanding that AR is a repetitive process, it is important to follow a step-by-step approach and not skip any steps.
A typical AR collection process will start with the sales and delivery of goods, issuing the invoice, collecting payment (complete or partial payment), recording and tracking the balance payment by the accounts receivable team, and clearing the invoice once the payment is collected or writing it off as bad debt. Every business strives to avoid the bad debts on its books, and some of the following strategies will help the process
⦁ Clear segmentation of the customer base ⦁ Creating a proven accounts receivable plan ⦁ Effective follow-up and clear communication message ⦁ Professional dunning approach ⦁ Embedding B2B Payments in the accounts receivable process
A simple way of segmenting customers based on past payment experience will help the receivables team to establish the desired number of touchpoints. Every past communication response from the customer will be useful to categorize them and then a follow-up plan is devised for each group. An accounts receivable plan aims to keep the receivables time frame as short as possible, as a delayed payment becomes riskier as the days pass. Therefore, it is important to reduce the credit extension days. An average invoice time can last up to 3 months, requiring a consistent and efficient follow-up depending on the customer base.
Embedding B2B Payments in the AR process is a smart way to facilitate faster and easier payments from the customers. By offering multiple payment options, such as credit cards, bank transfers, digital wallets, or cryptocurrencies, businesses can increase the convenience and security of the payment process. Moreover, by integrating B2B Payments with the accounts receivabale software, businesses can automate the invoicing, payment reminders, payment confirmation, and reconciliation processes, saving time and reducing errors. B2B Payments can also enable businesses to offer incentives, such as discounts, rewards, or loyalty points, to encourage customers to pay on time or early.
One of the challenges of managing your accounts receivable is dealing with different types of customers and their payment behaviors. Large companies may have multiple approval levels that can cause payment delays, so you need to identify and contact the right person who can speed up the process and clear your invoice. However, in small and mid-sized companies, you may face the problem of competing with other creditors for your customers’ attention and cash. In this case, you may need to send frequent and friendly reminders to prioritize your invoices over others, and also offer incentives for early payments that can benefit both parties.
Another challenge of managing your accounts receivable is dunning, which is the process of contacting your customers to collect overdue payments. Dunning management can be a frustrating and delicate process if not done in the right way, so you need to understand and empathize with your customers first. You need to use the right tone, language, and medium to communicate with your customers, depending on their situation and preferences. When you do dunning management effectively, you can overcome many obstacles and make payment collection a super-efficient process.
Follow-up is another important word in the receivables context, and it is closely related to dunning management. Follow-up is the process of keeping in touch with your customers until they pay their invoices, or until you decide to write them off as bad debts. Follow-up is crucial to maintain a good customer relationship and to avoid losing track of your receivables. However, you cannot afford to be boring and repetitive in your follow-up messages. You need to use a personalized and professional approach in every follow-up, and also provide value to your customers, such as updates, insights, or tips.
Managing your accounts receivable can be a complex and time-consuming process, but it can also be a rewarding and satisfying one, if you use the right tools and strategies. One of the tools that can help you focus on one thing - getting paid faster and easier - is Kapittx, an Accounts Receivable automation platform that uses facts to help you reduce your Days Sales Outstanding (DSO). Kapittx gives you a clear view of what’s working and what’s not, and why, in your Accounts Receivable process. It helps you establish a successful relationship between your customers’ accounts payable cycle, your invoice life cycle management, and your collective ownership. Kapittx also enables your collection teams and sales teams to collect payments faster and more efficiently than before, by embedding B2B Payments in the AR process.
B2B Payments are a smart way to facilitate faster and easier payments from your customers, by offering them multiple payment options, such as credit cards, bank transfers, digital wallets, or cryptocurrencies. These payment options can increase the convenience and security of the payment process for your customers, and also reduce the transaction costs and risks for you. Moreover, by integrating B2B Payments with the accounts receivable software, you can automate the invoicing, payment reminders, payment confirmation, and reconciliation processes, saving time and reducing errors. B2B Payments can also enable you to offer incentives, such as discounts, rewards, or loyalty points, to encourage your customers to pay on time or early.
If you want to improve your cash flow and reduce your DSO by more than 30%, you should try Kapittx, an Accounts Receivable automation platform that embeds B2B Payments in the AR process. Experience how Kapittx can speed up your payments and make your Accounts Receivable management a breeze.
Request a demo today.
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hylaversicolor · 1 year
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helenaharperthinker · 2 years
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Resident Evil 6 10th Anniversary Special Week - Day 1
Who is Helena Harper? Meet Our Heroine from Resident Evil 6!
~ Biography ~
Helena Harper is one of the protagonists of Resident Evil 6. Along with her now partner and franchise veteran, Leon S. Kennedy, she must destroy the cruel Derek C. Simmons, the national security advisor, and prove her innocence in relation to the incident in Tall Oaks.
Little is known about her past, her only known family member was her sister, Deborah Harper, who was kidnapped and infected with C-Virus by Simmons, which unfortunately resulted in her death. Helena is an agent of the American government.
As an agent, she is described as impulsive and emotional, but with strong moral convictions and sympathy for others. She almost became a DSO agent, but had her transfer suspended and was sent to work in the United States Secret Service, because of her CIA’s infractions.
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Her first infraction as a CIA agent was to use full force against a murderer who was threatening his victim’s family. The second was shooting her sister’s ex-boyfriend for being abusive with her.
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Knowing Helena's potential as an agent and knowing she had a sister, Derek Simmons saw in her an opportunity to put his plans and those of the bioterrorist organization "The Family" into action.
Helena was assigned to guard the President during an event at Ivy University in Tall Oaks. In this event, the president would reveal the truth about the government's involvement with the Raccoon City incident.
So Simmons kidnapped her and her sister. He forced her to open a breach in the president’s security, promising to return her sister. This breach was all he needed to accomplish a part of his plans: to prevent the president from telling the whole truth.
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On the night of the incident, Helena used a radio to communicate with other agents on campus and falsely reported that a suspicious group had invaded the campus with the intention of killing the president.
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Some agents left their posts and went looking for the group of suspects, it was the perfect breach in the president's security.
Helena could not live with the weight of guilt for everything that could happen and still be complicit, even against her will, of a sociopath like Simmons. She tried her best to keep Simmons from getting what he wanted, even if it meant putting her own sister’s life at risk.
She tried to warn and ask for help from the other agents who were on the Ivy University campus, but because of her history at the ClA, no one listened to her. The result? A tragedy of gigantic proportions!
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Simmons got what he wanted and ended up infecting not only the president but the entire city of Tall Oaks, which resulted in the deaths of over 70,000 people. Helena tried on her own to save the president, but it was too late.
When she arrived at his office, she found him the way Simmons wanted, infected by the C-Virus. The president turned into a zombie and tried to kill her, but was killed by his longtime friend, Leon S. Kennedy, who was also in the office.
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Later, on a video call, Simmons confronts and blames them for the president's death, putting them at the top of the suspect list. Now, Leon and Helena team up to destroy Simmons and make him pay for all the harm he has caused and could cause, as well as proving their innocence.
~ Facts ~
1 - Her only known family member was her sister, Deborah Harper, who was only 3 years younger than Helena;
2 - She was born in 1989, meaning during the events of the game, she is 24 years old, which implies her birthday is between January 1st and June 28th;
3 - Unlike other characters in the franchise, nothing is known about her parents, only that they were already dead when she became an adult, or about her motivations to become what she is today: an American government agent;
4 - Because of her infractions, she received the nickname "The CIA’s Problem Child" from her USSS colleagues;
5 - Leon describes her as a "bossy" person (in chapter 5), but a good agent (in the prelude);
6 - The first person infected that Helena actually killed with her own hands was college girl Liz, after she tried to attack her partner, Leon;
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7 - She has 2 unique weapons, the 9mm Picador Pistol and the 3-shot Hydra Shotgun;
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8 - Helena has an exclusive achievement in Resident Evil 6, the achievement "Stuntman". In it, the player must eliminate 20 enemies with the Hydra Shotgun using the Quick Shot action;
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9 - There is a memo left by Deborah for Helena in the underground laboratory of Tall Oaks Cathedral. In it, Deborah asks Helena for forgiveness for not being a “good sister” and hopes she finds someone she loves. Helena never had access to this memo;
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10 - Helena has 2 extra costumes in Mercenaries mode. The first being a R.P.D. Cop Costume (available in blue and green colors). And the second, a variation of her costume from China, but with the retro graphics, in the style of 1998.
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Unfortunately, it is only possible to play with these costumes in the main campaign on the Nintendo Switch version;
11 - Helena Harper owns 1 official Hot Toy Action Figure produced by Square Enix's Play Art, just like the other protagonists of Resident Evil 6;
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12 - Helena has already met 3 of the 5 classic Resident Evil protagonists, in only 1 game. The only protagonists she hasn’t met so far are Claire Redfield and Jill Valentine.
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charles-darwin · 1 year
A few oc's of mine based off of my favorite band, Diablo Swing Orchestra
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calliopeservices2 · 2 months
Formation au Recouvrement Amiable
La gestion efficace des créances est essentielle pour la santé financière de votre entreprise. La formation au recouvrement amiable est conçue pour vous offrir les compétences nécessaires afin de gérer la Relance de manière professionnelle et respectueuse
En tant que professionnel, vous savez que la gestion efficace des créances est essentielle pour la santé financière de votre entreprise. La formation au recouvrement amiable est conçue pour vous offrir les compétences nécessaires afin de gérer ces processus de manière professionnelle et respectueuse. Objectif de la Formation au Recouvrement Amiable Cette formation vise à vous doter des…
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emilyj90 · 3 months
Understanding DSO (Days Sales Outstanding)
What Is DSO (Days Sales Outstanding)?
Days sales outstanding (DSO) is a financial metric that measures the average number of days it takes for a company to collect payment after a sale. It evaluates the efficiency of a company’s credit and collections processes. A lower DSO indicates efficient credit management and quicker cash collection, while a higher DSO suggests potential cash flow issues.
Why Is DSO (Days Sales Outstanding) Important?
Cash Flow Management DSO directly impacts a company’s cash flow. Faster receivables collection means more cash is available for day-to-day operations, investments, and growth opportunities.
Financial Health Indicator A low DSO indicates a company’s efficiency in managing its receivables, suggesting good credit policies and customer reliability. Conversely, a high DSO may signal issues with cash flow or inefficiencies in the collection process.
Operational Efficiency Monitoring DSO helps companies identify and address billing and collection process inefficiencies. Businesses can improve their operational efficiency and financial performance by optimizing these processes.
Credit Policy Assessment DSO helps assess the effectiveness of a company’s credit policies. If DSO increases, it might be time to reevaluate credit terms and tighten credit controls to reduce the risk of bad debts.
Investor Confidence Investors and shareholders closely watch DSO as an indicator of a company’s financial health and operational efficiency. A consistently low DSO can enhance investor confidence and attract potential investors.
Benchmarking and Comparison DSO allows for benchmarking against industry standards and competitors. Companies can use DSO to weigh their performance relative to peers and identify areas for improvement.
How to Calculate DSO (Days Sales Outstanding)
Determine the Period: Choose the period you want to calculate DSO, typically a month, quarter, or year.
Gather Required Data: Here is the important information that is required for calculating - Total Accounts Receivable: The total amount of money owed to the company by its customers at the end of the period. - Total Credit Sales: The total sales made on credit during the period. This does not include cash sales.
Apply the Formula: To determine the average number of days it takes for a company’s accounts receivable, use the following formula:
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For more information: FinxpdX
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kapod2137 · 5 months
a song to drive to
anything from diablo swing orchestra tbh thier miusic is too much fire but if you want one song then vodka inferno
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stratosphere-serenade · 5 months
i’m bored so
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protectitdental · 1 year
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🚨 Live Webinar with Dr. John Roberson! 🚨 Tune in on Oct 3rd at 8:00pm EST as we explore MEP for DSOs. Enhance your practice's readiness, gain valuable insights, and earn +1 CE credit. Be there! 🦷🩺
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chasecarver · 9 months
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saw a text post and immediately thought of abel so
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jesanson · 1 year
Report sine die de la facturation électronique en France
La facturation électronique est un sujet d’actualité pour les entreprises en France. En effet, le gouvernement travaille à la mise en place d’un système de facturation électronique généralisé entre les entreprises. Cette réforme, qui devait initialement entrer en vigueur le 1er juillet 2024, vient d’être reportée sine die. Quelles sont les raisons du report de la facturation électronique ?…
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