#Dads of Marmora
chibi-pix · 2 months
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Um, I don't think your daughter is as Earthling as Krolia previously speculated. She's growing (expected), her freckles turned orange and her ears are going pointy, and now he's glowing? Yup, definitely not of Earth. Well, good luck, gentlemen, you got this. Hopefully.
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this one. Commissions are open on my Ko-fi. Until next time!
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burgendee69 · 7 months
Dads of Marmora
I love the idea of the trope but jesus christ sometimes they just degrade him to a child. The blades would respect that he's a fully grown adult in human terms regardless of galran and there are so many better ways of showing familial connection than having them call keith "kit" all the time.
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Honestly when I listen to the klingon warriors anthem Sung by this guy it gives me galra empire/blade of marmora vibes.
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rubymoon-snape · 2 years
Disclaimer: I don't own Voltron Legendary Defender
Author Note: This is pre-canon, where the Blades are raising Keith and Pidge at headquarters, and the two are best friends with Regris, who is just a bit older than Keith. In this AU, Keith is five, and Pidge is two. This is also Thulaz.
The Blades, specifically the five highest ranking ones, were wrapped around the tiny fingers of their three kits. It was natural for Krolia to be partial to Keith and Pidge, but when the pack brought Regris into their pack, Krolia adopted him as one of her kits as well.
Keith's fifth birthday was approaching, and Krolia took him on a trip to Earth. The duo had returned with a small wolf pup in tow. It turned out to be a cosmic wolf pup that had bonded with Keith, and now, the two were inseparable. Wherever Keith was, the wolf was too, even in the nest.
Kolivan, Antok, Thace, and Ulaz truly didn't mind the inclusion of the wolf into their pack. He was a member of their pack as much as Keith, Regris, and Pidge were. Speaking of the baby, she was two and completely curious about everything, including the wolf pup, who grew quickly and was soon big enough for all three kits to nap against him at the same time.
The wolf was given the name Cosmo and had wormed his way into everyone's hearts. Keith had taken to even riding him in the smaller training hall. However, what warmed everyone's hearts was his interactions with the smallest kit. Thace and Ulaz were initially worried about their baby, but both kit and wolf showed them they had nothing to worry about. Cosmo was extremely gentle with Pidge, no matter what the kit did.
It was even cute when the kits and wolf played with each other. It was during one of these times, when Thace was watching them, that they discovered that the wolf could teleport, which surprised him. Thace had panicked over losing Krolia's beloved kits and didn't want to be the one to tell her. He made calls to the other members of the pack (minus Krolia) to see if they knew where Keith and Pidge (and Cosmo) were. Fortunately, Kolivan told him that the three were safe. Kolivan had been startled when Keith, Pidge, and the wolf had appeared in his office, ending up in the nest he kept in his office for his pack members.
It was even more shocking when Krolia encouraged Cosmo to turn it into a game. She would actually tell the wolf to teleport Keith, Regris, and/or Pidge somewhere, and she would seek them out. Of course, there were places that were off limits like the hangar and any ships that were there, but that still left a large section of headquarters to search, which was the reason why mother and kits (and wolf) were napping in the familial nest before the evening meal.
However, when Ulaz and Thace checked in on the group, they could not see their baby. They started to panic before they saw something adorable. Pidge was curled up on top of Cosmo, nestled in the blue fur, asleep.
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addic-tea-d · 2 years
VLD OC fanfic!  Currently no update schedule, may change if more people enjoy it.
*Team Voltron currently has not been introduced*
Little Nita lost her home, Altea, to Zarkon when she was only 6 years old. Sent away by her parents in hopes of protecting their precious child, Nita ended up floating in a trash nebula for 10,000 years until she was found by the Blade of Marmora. After accidentally activating the strange pod, the Blades were shocked at the odd child who awoke; a Galran child with never-before-seen markings. Alone in the world, the Blades ponder her future.
Will they send away this terrified child who has already been sent away once? Or will she find a place among the Blades and obtain a new family?
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empressgeekt · 11 months
Future Voltron Multiverse fic plans
There are many tropes that I love in fanfiction. However one of my favorites is dimension travel, So, I was stoked when VLD introduced the rifts and multiverse...and then I was severally disappointed when they didn't dig into that further. So! I'm doing it myself!!!
The fic will be taking place a year post-canon, but Allura will still be alive, because she deserves a happy ending with her goofy red paladin. Yes, I'm keeping Allurance, I'm giving the ship the chance it deserves, and I don't care what anyone thinks, this is a canon-ship, and I'm tired of Klance trying to snuff out any other possible ships in this fandom. Ships, I will also include will, be Kacxa, Krolia/Keith's Father (I'll be naming him Kenneth in this, as that is what Keith's father was named in other continuties of voltorn), Hunk/shay (minor), Ezor/Zethrid, Shiro/Adam (maybe I'm still working on how to fit in their storyline), Kolivon/Antok (only in flashbacks so far cause Antok is still dead)...and will see what else happens, This is most going to be focusing on the Gen Relationships (AKA Friendships/Family relationships) in the story.
The main plot will be kicked off after two blade agents from another, dying reality end up traveling to the main one. After the fact the two realities, the main one and scrapes of whatever was left of the dying one, merge, destabilizing space. Now rifts to other realites are opening and shutting at random, and letting things from other worlds in, the timeline is shifting, bringing people back form the dead, and sending our heroes to other ones.
Currently I'm planning on three different main travel archs, One to the Voltron Force universe, one to the 80s Voltron universe, and one to a universe where voltron is newly created and the orginal VLD paladins are still in control.
This fic will also include, Blade/Good!Lotor, Keith grows fangs, Humans are f-ing weird, Blade!Acxa, Blade!Ezor, Blade!Zethrid, Krolia has claimed Shiro as her own even if no one else realizes it, BlackPaladin!Keith, Galra head-canons, Trying to understand what the heck is Altean Alchemy, Altean!Vince?, Pidge being a master of Chaos, Good sibling relationships!, Minor/Major OCs, There's going to be a lot of head-canons in this, Coran gets to be a Pop-pop in the epilogue, Awkward as f Zarkon, Mild Themes of Racism towards Half-breeds, The holts take no sh*t from anyone, Voltron teams interacting with their dobblegangers, Garret makes an appearance, the rift creatures will try to kill everyone, Nerdy!Lotor, Pidge, hunk and Lotor are bros, Shenajens and Hijinks, ShortHaired!Allura, Team Voltron sticks together, laughs together, and fights together, Cultural differences, some parts will be funny, some parts are super sad.
Let me know if your interested in this future work, and I will post a link when I upload the first chapter
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im-smart-i-swear · 1 year
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thinkin about this fella a lot lately........ been doodling them in the car:) i love drawing baby eenek so much theyre so fuckin funny. fucked up ugly kitten. bites everyone too btw
eenek is SUCH an interesting character to me...... shaped by the war-obsessed culture they grew up in and enthusiastically devoted to being a part of it, only to fuck up and disappear right before they got the chance to actually participate in the war. and when they DO come back, tired and desperate for that familiarity, it turns out that the whole universe changed unreperably while they were gone. that the war they dreamed their whole childhood of gloriously dying in has already ended, and their family is still alive but both of them have secrets now and its never going to be The Same ever again. so yeah👍 i dont know where im going with this
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binart · 1 year
SRPA Chapter 3
(First) (Previous) (Next)
(Content warning for hallucinations, dissociation & PTSD episodes!)  
In late evening of the next day, Keith messaged Lance.
All members of their team had retreated back to their rooms (though Hedrox and En suspiciously left together), and Lance had just finished a call with his mom. She apologized like she did in all of them, for crying. But she clearly missed him just as much as he missed her.
As Lance grabbed some tissues from the shelf above his bed to blow his nose with, his phone next to his pillow dinged; the specific beep to indicate one of the old Voltron crew was messaging him. He dove for it.
A text from Keith, “Samurai 😫✨💦” in his phone, read: “Meeting with the team tomorrow. 0700. Deploying in the PM. See you then.”
One thing Lance found really endearing about Keith was his old person way of texting. If someone mixed Keith's texts in with his dad's, they'd be practically indistinguishable aside from the subject of the texts. He scrolled up to their last conversation.
“Good training. En wanted extra pointers. Staying behind for a bit.”
                                “K, I'll save u some of those spicy green chips u like 👍”
“Good luck........... Chip fiend Hedrox won't be happy. L. O. L.”
                                 “🤣 Thanks for the heads up man! See you soon.”
“Over and Out.”
“L. O. L !”
He set his phone down and buried his face into the softness of his mattress. Then he threw his pillow across the room for good measure. He went about his nightly routine a little lighter despite the homesickness pulling at his chest, and wondered what they'd be doing tomorrow. They still hadn't gotten a replacement for Torat, and Hedrox confirmed there was still possibly a weeks-long wait before they could move on any intel from the bugged base. Maybe they'd be going on a super spy infiltration somewhere? Though there were plenty of other things the Blade of Marmora was doing these days too. They were trying to become a more public-facing organization, after all.
Slipping into a hazy state of half-consciousness before long, Lance only vaguely registered a far away blue flash against his closed lids, and an oddly familiar fuzzy jostling of his arms before falling asleep.
0700 on the dot. He arrived at the team meeting room, same one as where they gathered the last time, only now without Torat leaning up against the wall. As Lance walked in to see the others already there and waiting, he wondered what the big guy was doing now. He'd been transferred to a different team, but that was about all he knew.
“Morning, Lieutenant.” Kestin, though usually pretty quiet, was the first to notice him, and waved. Keith looked up from the hologram table he was studying with En and Hedrox, and smiled.
“Mornin'.” Lance was still a little tired despite mostly adjusting to the longer day cycle, but everyone else seemed full of energy. En sharply saluted him, then turned back to face Keith.
“Hey Lance, sleep well?” Lance nodded in between a tired yawn. “Pff, you sure?”
“I got my nine hours, I just had a super weird dream..” He'd dreamt of one of those pretty furry moths back on Earth, except huge, that kept trying to lick his face and sit on him. It was mildly terrifying. “Anyway, I'm good. What's going on with this mission?”
“Big supply delivery to a colony. I'll show you the details.” From all around, everyone approached the table and regarded the screen sat within it. Just as before, a series of images with accompanying text lit up in the 3-d display. Lance eyed a familiar looking planet.
“Elysium-2?” Keith nodded.
“You've seen the news, then. Good. The refugees from the original settlement landed about half a year ago, and we're gonna hand out some medical and food supplies that are running lower than initially projected.”
“And actually—the Blade wasn't the only one to volunteer to offer supplies, but the Inter-galactic Coalition thought it might be good PR for us,” Hedrox supplied as he raised a lanky finger. “Looootta people are still afraid to trust us since, y'know. Most of us are half-Galra and all..”
There was a brief silence, then En leaned forward and regarded his teammate with lowered brows. “A prejudice we shall eradicate, in time.” Hedrox tilted his head back and forth in a strange motion before letting out a watery chuckle.
“That we will! Anyway, what are our roles, Commander?”
“..We'll be working distribution and security. There's a couple of teams on this for the different areas of the settlement given how big it is, and we'll be stationed here.” He pointed to a glowing yellow point on the planet-sphere in front of them. It swiftly zoomed in to show a 3-d rendering of the area. Two additional yellow spots appeared. “We'll drop down and hand out supplies here, and monitor security over here.” One of the dots was placed within a very modern looking building, similar in design to the ones quickly built back when New Altea was being settled.
“There's been reports of potential suspicious movement in the system, so in case anything happens, we want our best on sight.” Keith looked at Lance. “You in?” Immediately Lance's face grew hot. He certainly didn't feel like he deserved to be called their best, but he cleared his throat and gave a assured 'mhm!' regardless. “Good, that's everyone on board, then. We'll go over the specifics of the layout and the expected timeline for everything going down. After that we'll grab our gear and Kestin will take us in.”
Pre-mission anxiety skimmed and bubbled in the pit of his stomach once again, but this time Lance found it a little easier to ignore.
Touchdown was at 1300. Kestin joined up in the atmosphere with two additional fighter pilot personnel manning the supply ships to make up B squad; Keith's team, Kolivan's team, and another Blade commander called Thiga's team. Landing went without incident from teams A to D who kept in close contact despite the miles of distance between them. Lance gripped his sniper rifle's strap across his torso tightly when the ship lurched to a stop and snuck a subtle glance at his friend beside him.
For this mission, he'd be separated from Keith. Lance was, embarrassingly, more anxious about that than anything else. It was important for higher profile blade members like Kolivan and Keith (as well as Krolia in D team) to be the face of the operation, and so they would be handing out supplies to the residents. There was potential danger there if the reports of suspicious movement were to be believed, and so Lance was pretty sure that's why Keith delegated Lance to overseeing the security division of their group. He and Hedrox would rendezvous with the blades under Thiga's command in the building across the way from the supply ships, then from there observe to make sure everything went smoothly. He didn't like the idea of Keith openly risking himself while stashing Lance away, but was surprisingly too embarrassed to say anything. His mask was activated, and as the doors to the shuttle hissed open, Lance headed towards the exit.
“Hey Lance.” He turned around to face an also masked Keith. “Watch my back out there, alright?” Lance thought about his only strength—his aim, and how he'd probably be useless if he were at Keith's side like he wanted to be.
“..You bet. Careful out there, Keith.” He nodded, and Lance picked up his pace to meet up with Hedrox.
His nest this time was a lot different from the last; A large office-like space within the building had been cleared out to make way for several massive server-looking machines that were clearly Marmorite-y in design. He had no idea what they were for. Hedrox and Lance entered to find the security team already there and settled in. When they noticed their approach, all but one of the members of Commander Thiga's team whipped up and gave sharp salutes. “Lieutenant!” There were six of them in total, all of various size and race behind their masks, and stood stone rigid in front of him as he shifted uncomfortably. Normally Lance would have loved to be treated with such clear importance, but he was distracted by the unease of not being able to see if Keith was okay.
“Uh, at ease, soldiers.” He wanted to get himself set up at the windowed opening straight away, but realized he should probably do the leader stuff he was meant to do. “Status?”
“Ready and at your command, Lieutenant!” The shortest blade rumbled in the deepest voice Lance had ever heard. “And might I add what an honor it is to work alongside a Paladin of Voltron..!” Lance jerked, then immediately caught himself and stiffly walked over to the windowed opening. He turned away.
“Cool, cool, uh, I'll set my stuff up here, and you guys do... your thing. Let me know if anything happens.”
The stony line of blades once again saluted, and quickly set about their work. Hedrox pulled out some supplies from their blade-issued backpack, and sidled over to Lance.
“You good, Lieutenant..?” He whispered through their personal comms as he set up several tablet devices next to Lance. With his rifle now pointed towards the platform in front of the supply ships where Keith was standing, Lance breathed out a small chunk of worry. His right ring finger tapped the comms button on his palm.
“Why'd Keith make me leader? I dunno how to lead! I'm just here to shoot bad guys if they show up.” Hedrox snorted.
“Oh, I dunno, Lieutenant. Maybe because the Commander always goes on about how much everyone respects you, and how insanely skilled you are, and how much he trusts you?” Lance whipped his head up to look at them so quickly his neck clicked.
“H-He said all that..?!”
“Uh-huh. It's also favouritism for sure, but you still absolutely deserve to be here if that's what you're worried about.”
“Distribution commencing, Lieutenant,” a blade informed from off to the side. Lance studied Keith in his scope next to Kolivan and some other masked blade that was probably that Thiga guy, and swallowed to help with his suddenly very dry throat. En was there, too, loading the heavier of the alien supply crates onto hovering carts.
“U-Understood, thanks.” He pressed the button on his thumb once again. “I didn't know Keith said all that stuff!” Hedrox once again tilted their head strangely as they typed away.
“Really? I thought with how obvious the both of you are about your feelings for each other, you already knew..” Lance nearly fumbled his rifle then and there. His pulse picked up as his face grew sweaty.
“F-Fee—Um! What?!" Quiznack, why were they talking about this?! And how did he know?!
“Lieutenant... Come on. Or, actually... Would it be helpful if I told you how much I love the intricacies of human social interactions? And humans in general. You guys are so cool and interesting, so uh. I tend to notice that sort of stuff.” From beneath his hood, Hedrox's little sunflower bots fluttered to life around him. “But both of you are also super obvious.”
Lance was at a loss for words. Under his mask he knew he was red as a beet as he watched Keith unmask and start handing out supply kits to the forming lines of residents. His ponytail had gotten a bit loose and strands once again framed his handsome face. He was smiling.
“Keith's—I mean. He's—into guys?” His hands were sweaty now too, with his arms beginning to shake from holding them so tightly still. He hoped nothing was going to happen, because his aim was definitely shot!
“Maybe not all of them, but you? Yeah, Lieutenant, yeah. Very. It's really sweet how much he likes talking about the stuff you guys used to do together! Hmm.. I just assumed you two were already a thing, though, so maybe it's not really my place to talk about this. My bad.”
“No, uh, I was—Like I didn't know if Keith was into—“ Lance lifted his right hand away from his rifle to gesture at himself and distantly wondered how crazy he looked to the other blades who couldn't hear their conversation. He retreated back to his position. “So I didn't wanna. Assume? A-Anyway!” Frantically Lance desperately searched his mind for something else to talk about, because this was quickly becoming too much to deal with. “Human behaviours? That's your thing? How'd that come about?” Hedrox chuckled.
“Subject change, understood. Yes! Humans are the coolest—I'm gonna move to Earth someday, so I started studying your speaking and social patterns so it's easier to fit in. And because it's fun.”
From through his scope, Keith raised a hand to his ear, nodded, then continued to pass out supply canisters. “Huh.. Why us? I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of cooler alien species out there than plain old humans.”
“Now that's where you're wrong, Lieutenant! Humans are fascinating. All so similar, yet none exactly the same.” They pressed their back up against the plain, modern wall next to Lance. “..On my planet, conformity was umm.. kind of a given. Our ancestors were actually a hivemind, so.. we stay close to our roots and expectations.” A hivemind? Lance could recall only a single occasion where team Voltron interacted with one of them, and it was super weird.
“Data crunching comes really easily to most of us,” Hedrox continued. “And I actually found out about Earth when I was snooping around the Blade database of our highest ranking members and found—um, the Commander's mom. Super classified, by the way, don't tell anyone I was doing that.” Lance laughed.
“Reminds me of Pidge, but yeah, my lips are sealed dude, don't worry.”
“Coolies, thanks. Anyway when I learned about Earth I quickly discovered all of the amazing things you guys have like movies, and music, and so many different cultures, and—and individuality in general! Also, related, I'm insanely ugly by Yorith standards. Look.” Lance obeyed and turned his head to watch as Hedrox's mask shifted away from his face,
and one of the most shockingly attractive faces Lance had ever seen appeared. Blue tinged skin, rosegold eyes with soft lashes, near-glowing long golden locks curling around a sharp but also somehow soft jawline, intricate neon swirling designs tracing around the outer portions of his face and onto his horn... Maybe not as much of Lance's type as Keith was, but man oh man he was hot hot.
“........Dude. You're hot, what?”
“I know, right?!” Quickly, they reactivated their mask when they saw the other blades turn to examine them. “One day me and En are gonna settle down on Earth and I'm gonna be a crazy popular stone—er, rockstar, that is. That's my dream.” Some of his tiny floating bots scooted out of the window as he curled his legs in close, and Lance wondered what his and En's relationship was. “But only once the empire is totally gone.”
From the opening his rifle was pointed out, excited chatter from the beings below drifted upwards and into his ears. There was a sizable crowd now, and Lance listened to Hedrox as he kept his eyes peeled for threats. “Yeah, I get it. Too risky otherwise. My family's in New Altea just in case they keep attacking..”
Hedrox sighed. “Yup.. The empire invaded my home planet half a millennia ago and everything sucked, of course. But when I was growing up it was at least always.. quiet. Then one day they sent in some giant planet cracker and destroyed it. For some rare material near the core used to make ship parts.” Lance went cold, and thought of his old house, half buried beneath rubble and waves.
“Geez.. Sorry to hear that.”
“It's okay.. I've had a while to get over it. That's also where I met En, actually! He was in charge of the mining operation before he double-crossed the empire for killing most of his crew.”
“En.. worked for the empire?” Sharp, immediate fear pierced Lance as he watched the very same alien pass close by keith with a large hover cart. He obscured his vision of Keith for a moment before continuing on to the residents below. “C-Can we trust him?!” His breath sped up, and his scope immediately honed in on En's masked head.
“Yeah, don't worry, Lieutenant, he's trustworthy. His non-Galran half makes it so that, when he bonds with someone, it's a lifetime thing. He's got a rough exterior, sure, but only to keep his extra soft inside parts safe!” Lance still felt queasy watching them move around so closely to Keith. “And if you need more convincing,” Hedrox began, and pulled off one of his gloves. He lifted up his palm, and it glowed a brilliant color Lance couldn't even put a name to. “On top of all my amazing gifts and genius, I can read souls.” His fingers wiggled. “Hivemind remnants, and all that. He's good people, I checked very thoroughly, since originally I was gonna, uh. Kill him.”
Man, that was a lot to take in. “...Okay, I guess—Yeah, I trust you, at least. I'm just worried about—I dunno, something happening to Keith.”
“I get you, Lieutenant, all of us are pretty much the same. The Commander's the whole reason we were even able to do anything with our lives, after all. We basically owe him everything.”
Before Lance could respond, he noticed a subtle shift of Keith's head, before his eyes widened. A blade made a noise of concern from beside him, Keith shouted something, then En dashed towards Keith and grabbed him. Lance moved to immediately take him out, and then—a massive explosion.
The force of it reached Lance and the rest of the security team as the building gave a violent shudder, though he couldn't see an impact crater. Dust and smoke filled their view, and Lance quickly pressed his comms. “Keith?! You okay?!” Rapidly he pulled his scope around to try and see past the debris. Hedrox sent out all of his drones, then began furiously typing away at his console. For a moment there was no response. Then,
“Ugh.. I'm alright.” Keith's strained voice filtered into his ears, and he coughed. “En's hurt. D squad was just attacked too. Can you see anything from up there?” Lance quickly scanned the horizon again, still just as obscured. Screams and wails came from down below.
“Just getting smoke and dust up here..!”
“Must be a smokescreen. Kestin, what's your status?”
Kestin spoke in a mildly panicked tone into their comms. “The ship's controls are jammed. Something external. If we can get it online I can activate thrusters to help with visuals. Hedrox?”
They were already out the door. “I'm grabbing En, then I'll come help.” Lance turned back and squinted through the obscurity. In the corner of his eye, a hundred or so meters away from Keith, something glowed. Purple. He swivelled and pointed his rifle, zoomed in, recognized the glowing insignia, then fired.
“Your 3 o'clock, incoming sentry drones, guys!”
A small hoard of bright, glowing purple poured into view. They weren't running, no—there were barely visible bursts from jet-boosters coming from the swarm's backs. Some of the other security blades began firing away on their own rifles alongside Lance. But there were what looked to be hundreds. The telltale sound of galran rifle firing began at the same time as another explosion roared off to his right. The foundations shook. Lance couldn't breathe.
Focus. Focus! Find Keith. Keep him safe.
The smokescreen thinned slightly for a moment and Lance spotted Keith next to Kolivan, carrying a limp En with his arm under their shoulders. Another set of glowing insignia's erupted from his right.
“9 o'clock too. Couple hundred drones on both sides!”
“Keep us covered until Hedrox can get us into the ship.” He watched as Keith immediately vanished from his view, followed by Kolivan and then En. From his wrist, he watched as the battery on their cloaking began to drain.
Didn't need to tell him twice. “Roger.” He switched his rifle to rapid-cooldown mode so he could fire off more shots, held his breath, then began to take them out.
Easy. No complexity to their movements. Lining themselves up to be mowed down. Hedrox's cloaking went up, too. More screaming from down below. Couldn't worry about civilians. Keep Keith safe. Exhale, inhale, position, fire, position, fire, position, fire, position, fire. Exhale. Distantly,
“Alrighty, in we go!” The doors to the shuttle opened, but some sentries from his left had nearly made it there already. Nope, no no no! Not today. Immediately he took them out.
“You six, focus on the eastern sentries!” Lance barked a command to the other blades with him. They were all obnoxiously slow, and he couldn't rely on them to help with the sentries already too close to Keith. He had to do it himself. The sky brightened, and so did the ground, and Lance, once again, took aim.
It was impossible to say how long it was until Hedrox and Kestin brought the ships back online and activated their thrusters. He was lost to the repetition of taking aim, firing, taking aim, firing. His vision swam, his wrist ached, his rifle was his old bayard again, but he was going be damn sure no one could hurt his friend.
And then, wind. The flash of light and familiar sound of the ships bursting to life; a booming twister whipped up the smokescreen that was making his job harder until it was nearly cleared away. Civilian bodies on the ground came into clear view. Don't look.
To his right, through the light filling his mask, too many sentries were still closing in. Still a threat. Keith. Inhale, position, fire, position, fire, position, fire, position, fire.. No response?
His rifle was overheated. The other blades were still too slow. Useless. He arose from his weapon, and would apologize for bruising egos later on after Keith was safe. The other sniper closest to him was the big one who didn't salute, though was easy enough to pry off and throw out of the space he needed to work. Back looking through a scope, inhale, position, fire, position, fire, position, fire. The sentries fell like flies. He could do this, he could be helpful.
“Lance, status?!”
“East and west sentries just about taken care of.” ..Was that his voice? He sounded weird. Like he was talking through a mile of water. Huh. His bracers had at some point shifted into his paladin uniform again, too. Now that Lance had a second to think about it, that was also pretty strange. Was something wrong with him?
“Commander, look—he's right! How'd they—”
“—Com..mand..er! These tactics.. are known to me.. We are being.. herded. Southern f-forces... We must needs—evacuate.” Man, En spoke annoyingly slow. The rest of the sentries to his left and right were already downed by the time they finished gasping out the intel. Lance grabbed another blade's sniper rifle and slipped through the opening of the building, activating his boosters so he could get around to the other side and start taking care of the rest. His pulse was surprisingly quiet as he landed down on the ground next to the corpse of Silvio.
“Heyy, uhh, Keith?” Several miles of water now, his voice was barely audible to himself. He wasn't sure if Keith even responded. “'Think something might be wrong with me. Dr. Nguyen was prob'ly right. I'll tell you after. ” He laughed at how easy it was to admit to Keith now, when he promised himself he'd never breathe a word.
A whisper of a voice. Keith? Impossible to tell. The light in his mask was near blinding, but he rounded the first corner of the building, watched a hilariously massive swarm of sentries arise from a crater in the ground, looked back for a second at the ship Keith was on, then, somehow, looked at it from above.
His bones felt strange. There was wind pushing all around him. Oh, he was flying. How did that happen? He tried to laugh but water came up.
And for a second, he thought he heard Blue.
CLIFF HANGER! okay so one of my goals has been to get across that Lance is a very unreliable narrator, and has avoidant tendencies where he doesn't like to think about the things that upset him (let alone talk about them!!), so I hope that's come across in these chapters! I wanted to vaguely hint at things like, for example, his old therapist (Dr. Nguyen) at one point recommending Lance not becoming a soldier again. Or how Lance planned on never telling Keith about that since obviously Keith wouldn't have invited him to be a Blade if he knew, & would probably feel really guilty! But I also worry I'm being too vague, so. I at least want to offer some clarity and context here. 🤣 Apologies if it's confusing at times!
ALSO. Kosmo has taken to teleporting into Lance's room and cuddling with him almost every night. This will be revealed to Lance later on LMFAO.
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As my rewatch of Voltron season 6 comes to a close, here are my thoughts on it. Mind you, as I'm writing this, it is past midnight. I took my medication, and one of the pills I take makes me a bit sleepy. I wholeheartedly apologize for any repeated sentences, nonsensical phrases, poor spelling of certain words, and poor grammar.
Keith and Krolia's adventure to the area where the other Alteans are should have been at least two episodes - there are moments that should have been more fleshed out, but were unfortunately cut short by production, and possibly absences of Steven Yuen since he is a popular actor in both America and South Korea
Season 6 was ordered, it started production with a certain number of episodes, then one of the suits decided to cut down on the number of episodes - that explains the weird montages
Monsters and Mana, while the best episode of the season (and I stand by it) was definitely written as either a needed filler episode (which is fine) or a special episode to release between season 6 and season 7
Anything that I said about Lotor, in terms of how he ruined Allura's character, is wrong. Allura is just not a good character in this season. I can understand that she needs that connection to her people, and Lotor is able to help her. But I genuinely stand with Lance when comes to not trusting Lotor, since he could not shut the ever loving fuck up about their fathers being friends. My brother in Christ, Lotor, we fucking get it. Your dad and her dad rubbed elbows.
The kiss shared between Lotor and Allura still makes me gag. Nothing against the shippers of this specific ship. I just hate Lotor and how he manipulated Allura. I've been through my own kind of manipulation, so I can't seem to like the character as a person.
I am still right in the theory that Lance and Shiro's relationship was supposed to be important. As much as I adore the fight that Keith has with Kuron, and he tries to being Shiro back and Keith says "I love you", shocking the clone enough for Keith to get the final blow... Lance was given the shaft once again. I could try to work with this in my fix it fic, despite sacrificing my favorite moment in the finale. I'm still outlining my fic, and still on chapter 1, so only time will tell.
That Galra robot that was programmed to have fun was amazing and the scene of it being tied to a rocket getting shot into space as Amazing Grace played in the background is iconic and I wish people talked about it more. Because it was insanely funny and I loved it too much. Fly high, random robot. I will always love you.
Despite me bashing Lotor for all that he is, I will still say that he is a well written character that I would love to punch in the face. Unfortunately he is like 7ft tall, and I am the same height as Krillin from DBZ. So I'm either going to have to learn how to do a Shoryuken a la Street Fighter.
As much as I love the finale of Season 6, I genuinely have to say that Keith's inclusion after being away from Team Voltron just seems convenient.
The Black Lion is the most disloyal bitch I have ever seen. I love the Black Lion's design, as I should. I'm a basic Voltron: Legendary Defender fan. But the Black Lion instantly took Keith back after leaving the team to be with the Blade of Marmora. Also the Black Lion had no problem with Kuron after a certain point, which is stupid. How dare it not be a continuous struggle for Kuron to gain its trust. Then again, this is the same lion that was still loyal to Zarkon despite the fact that Zarkon was evil. Never understood why Zarkon's bond with the Black Lion was so strong when Shiro proved himself to be the better paladin, but that's none of my business at this time.
I personally felt like the Blade of Marmora overstayed their welcome after a certain point. This could just be a me problem, and I am wholeheartedly willing to be the only person on this hill.
Coran is consistently amazing.
I don't know when the writers started making Hunk more of a tech savy character (I genuinely have no idea), but it's quite eye opening when you notice the change in archetypes.
Matt is still an okay character to me. When he was revealed, a good chunk of the fanbase was madly in love with him, which I understand, but I just look at him and shrug.
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chibi-pix · 2 months
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Been a bit since I've drawn something personal and an even longer while since I've drawn Thace being a good daddy to his wee little Pidge. So! Here I am. I was hit with the idea last night of Thace napping with Pidge and being the comfiest bed to his daughter, so here we are!
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this one! Commissions available on my Ko-fi. Until next time!
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biopsssihozz · 1 month
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some long hair galra keith headcanons and hand studies. didnt turn out as good as i imagined, but of well :)
still love him though. usually characters like keith are very much not my type, but he stole my heart when i watched voltron when s3 just came out, and he keeps doing it now when i decided to finally watch the whole thing<3 my boi<3
might do some sketches of the dads of marmora at some point as well, i love them so much
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discordiansamba · 10 months
quintessential 'Keith turns more Galra looking after his fight with the druid so he runs away from Voltron' AU except with the twist that his dad didn't die so he grew up knowing that he was half-Galra and has always had the ability to shift his form back and forth, but the exposure to quintessence + the corrupted wormhole locked him in his Galra form so now he's just jumping from civilian port to civilian port, figuring he might as well try and track down the Blade of Marmora since he can't go back to Voltron.
meanwhile, they're all looking for him, since he sent the red lion back to the Castle without him. the red lion thinks he's being stupid, but doesn't tattle on him bc she's not a snitch.
meanwhile meanwhile, Keith hasn't been successful at finding the Blade of Marmora, but he did find another rebellion... and wait. is that Matt.
(matt: huh. that galra kid has the same haircut as Shiro's baby brother. what a weird coincidence.)
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rubymoon-snape · 2 years
Author Note: This is pre-canon, where the Blades are raising Keith and Pidge at headquarters, and the two are best friends with Regris, who is just a bit older than Keith. In this au, Keith is four, and Pidge is one. This is also Thulaz.
"The Pack's Kits"
Most of the time, Antok could be found in one of the training halls, either helping recruits refine their skills or working on his own. The rest of the time, he could be found in his office. That all changed four deca-phoebes ago, when Krolia came back from a mission with a tiny kit. When the pack met the tiny kit, they couldn't help but fall in love with him. Keith was part Galra and a future member of the Blades. As he grew, he became fast friends with another kit on the base named Regris, whom Krolia had basically adopted.
Three years after coming back with Keith, Krolia had found a baby in an abandoned space craft that looked like it had been attacked by either space pirates or the Empire. Either way, the adults of the space craft were either dead or taken as hostages/slaves but had hidden the baby well enough that she had been spared. Krolia couldn't leave the baby alone as she could die, so she had taken her back to headquarters. Kolivan almost face palmed when she appeared with the tiny baby. He, of coursed, let the baby stay, especially after the rest of the pack met her. When Thace and Ulaz immediately adopted the kit upon seeing her, Krolia smiled. Since they were all pack, she had no problem with her pack brothers being the baby's dads.
All three kits were really close, even though the baby was only a deca-phoebe old and slept a lot. Thace and Ulaz named their baby Pidge, when meant 'fierce one' in Galran. They could tell that she was going to live up to her name when she defended her "brothers." Some of the Blades at headquarters didn't like half-breeds like Keith and Regris and tended to push them around, especially when the adults of the pack weren't around. However, the last time one of them was picking on Regris, Ulaz was nearby, and Pidge had been secured in a hip bag hanging off his belt. Ulaz had nearly grabbed the Blade member, when he suddenly let out a screech. Pidge had grabbed two handfuls of the Blade's thick fur and yanked hard. Ulaz composed himself and simply said, "Let that be a lesson to be more open to other beings. Even the smallest among us have hidden talents."
Pidge had released her grip and settled back into the pouch, Ulaz gently stroking her hair as he checked on Regris. Each member of the pack looked after Pidge, generally carrying her in a hip bag as it allowed their hands to be free, which helped when all three kits wanted held. Regris tended to cling to the back of whichever pack member was nearby and Keith liked being held with his head tucked underneath their chin. Even though they loved every member of their pack, each kit was especially close to one member (aside from Krolia). Regris was close to Antok, Keith was close to Kolivan, and Pidge was close to Thace and Ulaz (equally). However, that didn't mean that the kits didn't spend time with the other adults in the pack.
One quintant, while Thace was in charge of everyone, Pidge had decided she wanted to be with Antok, who was going over some reports in his office. He gently scooped up the tiny kit and slipped her into his pouch with a gentle pat on her head and brought his tail over so the kit would be entertained. It wasn't the first time, she had played with his tail. The first time she had batted at his tail when it swayed in front of her in the nest. Ever since then, he had let the kit play with his tail.
Since Antok was watching Pidge, Thace could actually play fight with the two other kits. Keith and Regris were ecstatic to fight with another pack member and worked together to try to bring him down. Thace was having so much fun with the two older kits that he forgot to tell his mate that their kit was with Antok, so when Ulaz walked in on his break to see Thace being pinned by Keith and Regris but with no Pidge in sight, he growled. "Where's my kit?"
"Our kit wanted to be with Antok." Thace grinned. "She's probably playing with his tail."
Ulaz came closer to Thace, who was completely pinned by the two kits, who were chirping in triumph. He knelt down and nuzzled Thace's head. "I apologize, my mate. You know how protective I can be."
Thace nuzzled him back as best he could. "You're forgiven, 'Laz. Now, let me see if I can beat these kits in another round of play fighting."
Keith and Regris scrambled off Thace and grinned widely, ready for another round of playing. Ulaz wisely stayed away from the trio as he made his way to Antok's office. As much as he trusted his mate, he needed to see his kit for himself. He softly knocked on the door before easing it open.
Ulaz stopped short at being shushed by the large Blade. His eyes immediately found his kit tucked into one of Antok's hip bags, asleep. Ulaz smiled and nodded. His kit was safe and sound and utterly adorable, snuggled up against Antok's tail.
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cassied03 · 3 months
Okay so to the two people who said they would listen/read my ideas, this is for you two before i go to sleep and expand on a later date.
•So for galra keith I would definitely think that he had a lot more galra traits then the show gave him.
• For example his nails were typically stronger and grew in a curved shape
• For another example, his hair was naturally a dark/deep purple but his first foster family after his dads death dyed it black thinking keith had dyed it young to the purple color
• Speaking of purple, i would also think that his eyes were a deep dull purple/plum color
• moving to the scene where Krolia suggests the name Yorak, i personally think that Keiths dad would have included that in his name after she left earth
• so Keiths full name is "Keith Yorak Kogane"
•In terms of galra, he'd probably be seen as a late bloomer to the blade of marmora because he hasn't grown in his ears or tail, not knowing that his tail was surgically removed by one of his foster familys (theres a very rare chance of a human being born with a tail, and I think the tail wouldn't have grown much because the human body has evolved to not need a tail and half his biology was against the tail)
Now onto the good stuff, ergo the trans stuff
• i'd say he's transmasc who's known since he was a young boy, but that could also be me projecting, who knows
• my big thing was what about periods? because i know that everyones is different, i'd say his started at 15 give or take a few years, but before he ended up leaving earth
• With his period, because Galra most likely dont have anything quite as similar (based on cats, i suppose. With cats all their internal bleeding is reabsorbed), his periods would probably be very light as half his body (might/) will absorb the blood and the other half will shed it out.
• I'd say for the same reason he uses cloth pads, simply for the reuse ability and his light flow would have made it easy to clean
• i also head cannon that him growing out a mullet is the result of him shaving his hair at some point, and regaining enough confidence to grow his hair out while knowing that he could easily cut his hair if he felt dysphoric
• with the chest situation, it can go two ways. with the episode when keith and lance are going to the pool, Keith is shirtless, so that is a point to small-chested keith
• but we could also just, ignore that and pretend that he was in a compression shirt that was meant for trans people to swim in. because if there was shorts with them then im sure there was something for compression (ignoring how the alteans could shapeshift)
•One of my biggest head cannon when it comes to trans!keith, is that only Shiro knows, and that if they're ever overheard talking about it (like shiro lecturing keith about working out in a binder or something), everyone just completely misunderstands the conversation
Keith: Shiro it's fine (Shiro just said he can't work out safely in his binder)
Shiro: No it's not keith, you can't keep doing this. You know why. We're in space, you can't avoid the consequences anymore than you could on earth. (Shiro is talking about Keiths ribs, and how if Keith breaks a rib or something akin to that, then there is nothing in space that can help him as opposed to earth where at the very least he could have fixed his ribs)
Lance or Coran overhearing and thinking that it's just about keiths little pick pocketing habit (another head cannon): Huh, i didn't know Keiths been a pick pocketer when he was on earth.
Anyways, thats all i can come up with right this second, if i feel like i'm able to i'll expand on a couple of my head cannons / thoughts
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We were robbed of this
Guys Keith and Allura are besties. I hate that they only had an interaction when dream works needed her to create racial drama for him. And once they make up, they go back to being distant.
Does Keith have a random collection of art supplies hidden in his closet?
He goes to Allura’s room instead. Thanks to their shared experiences and mutual feelings of unbelonging, they’re actually best friends. (Shiro and Coran are family, so don’t worry, they aren’t being replaced.)
Allura practices hairdos and makeup on Keith while he puts her untouched art supplies to use and spills his guts to her. It’s a win-win, Keith gets things off his chest that he can’t say to anyone else, and Allura gets all the gossip.And, of course Allura shares a bit, but she finds it easier to listen to others and find comfort in that.
Which is why she feels horrible betrayal crawling through her gut when Shiro and Keith got to the Marmora base and won’t tell her anything anymore.
She knows it’s because he’s worried that he’ll crack and gush everything to her ( can never keep secrets from the princess) but she doesn’t understand what could be so bad that he doesn’t want to get advice from her.
It feels like she’s losing him.
She finds out that he is half Galra and explodes internally. Not only had she told the enemy her darkest secrets, but she actually valued him.
It had to be a mistake, or maybe Keith is even faking it to cover up something else.
But the deep hurt that floods his eyes any time she looks at him is very clearly genuine.
She’s never seen him looks so wounded. Wait, yes she has. He looks like this when he talks about his dad running into a flaming building and leaving him behind forever without a second thought.
And Keith has been getting more stressed without a creative outlet as well, and the whole team notices the tension when Keith makes it past level 183 on the training simulator.
Lance has gotten more protective and it is common to see him with an arm around Keith protectively and sending Allura loathing looks.
Keith and Allura make up when she realizes how crappy she’s been but doesn’t know how to apologize as sincerely as he deserves.
She takes her chance after Keith announces to the team that he and Lance are are officially dating. Allura had known about Keith’s crush for a long time now, longer than Shiro.
Allura slides up to Keith during dinner.
“So. You did it. Make sure you hang on to him, he seems like a good one.”
As the resident lesbian of the castle, Allura does not understand the men she is surrounded by, but Keith is the only one willing to indulge in ‘girl time.’
When Keith only raises an eyebrow at her sudden interest in him, she starts blabbing apologies.
“I’ll never be able to make it up to you, you deserved absolutely none of my crap, but ple-“
She’s cut off by Keith hugging her. One thing about Keith is that his surprisingly small frame makes him great for hugging. He almost seems delicate like this.
His voice wobbles when he speaks, which drives a stake through Allura’s heart.
“It’s alright. I just missed my alien twin bestie. You’ve already done so much more for me than you think.”
Lance has clearly gotten to him, but Allura ignores that. She’s just happy to have her friend back.
(His weird habit of mimicking other people’s behaviors just comes was part of him.)
I think platonic love is SO important.
Side note: Someone said the word delicate to my art teacher today, and THIS QUEEN starts singing the song, and agh I started singing it too, and I love her so much, she SLAYS.
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crypticbeliever123 · 19 days
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Lance and Keith fanart. Not sure if I ship them or not. I recently started rewatching the show and while I don't see the chemistry in that I like the fan content of them and that's the same rabbit hole that led to me shipping Steve x Tony in Marvel so we'll see where this goes.
I already started getting ideas for a reboot fic where they like each other. It takes inspiration from the popular Dads of Marmora AU concept so Keith and Lance don't know each other prior to the series and Keith is this super cool and mysterious space ninja that Lance starts crushing on and Keith is like one of the only people who notices that Lance isn't a total dumbass and is actually capable in his own right. Keith is also not as cool as Lance thinks because he's not an actual Blade member and is more their ward whose codename is "Cub". He is super embarrassed by that codename while Lance thinks it's adorable. There's other stuff in this fic idea like the Shiro clone being the one to return to Earth in the first place, fully aware he's a clone and a spy for the Galra who has Haggar in his head at all times. Allura is Black Paladin. Shiro clone who eventually goes by Sven is Red Paladin and instead of being chosen because Red=hotheaded it's because the Red Lion seeks out those with self doubt and a fire to prove themselves. Sven has a massive inferiority complex and absolutely hates OG Shiro who was saved from death by the Blades and sees Sven as a grumpy twin. They are golden retriever vs black cat energy.
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