#Daily Mystic Meme
curlotte · 10 months
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Day 13:
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ikemen-trifecta · 4 months
Ikémemes Masterlist 1
*Quotes and messages are from our friend group.
1📍, 2, 3, 4, 5
Fenrir and Kyle on Twitter 5/8/2024
Mad Hatter 5/10/2024
Harrison's fingers 5/11/2024
🎦Yves and Gilbert reenacted by cats 5/12/2024
Sirius and Fenrir as Duolingo 5/13/2024
Luka Clemence's brotherly love 5/14/2024
Rio exporting 5/15/2024
Amon malding over osu! 5/16/2024
Sirius finds a gecko 5/17/2024
Crown as quotes from our friend group 5/18/2024
POV: Jude treats you like a chair 5/19/2024
IkeRev as quotes from our friend group 5/20/2024
IkePri as quotes from our friend group 5/21/2024
MysMes as quotes from our friend group 5/22/2024
MysMes as quotes from our friend group P2 5/23/2024
MysMes as quotes from our friend group P3 5/24/2024
707 as quotes from our friend group 5/25/2024
Lovebrush Chronicles as quotes from our friend group 5/26/2024
Victor but he's Spider-Man 5/27/2024
🎦Yves and Clavis reenacted by cats 5/28/2024
Seth Hyde is bi 5/29/2024
Victor flirting 5/30/2024
sweet summer lad Luka 5/31/2024
Luka reacting to Gordon Ramsay 6/1/2024
🎦Mod Muff channeling their inner Silvio 6/2/2024
Albert Waxker 6/3/2024
🎦Liam as Aaron Burr 6/4/2024
Jude stealing lips 6/5/2024
🎦kittens as Gilbert's route 6/6/2024
Grim as friend group quotes 6/7/2024
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nando161mando · 1 year
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trashlama · 1 year
Yan future mikey with a chubby reader beimg all cute and shit and then the crazy kicks in (I beg you for some future boys contest-hope you're oki bye)
Hmmmm fluffy and crazy? I think I can work with this~
Instead of the usual future Yan turtles where they're usually depicted in the apocalyptic future. This one will take place in the fixed timeline future. Sorry I suck at explaining things.
This is basically a mix between a one-shot/drabble/headcanon
Like I started with Headcanons became drabble/one shot.
Sorry for being so late on this! Last week was hectic between work and my personal life.
I could've probably proofread it some more but, I didn't.
Ahhhh I hope you guys like this!
Cause personally I feel like I could've done better/more but, I suck. Anyways—
Warning! This is pretty fluffy. Seek your dentist for any fluff related cavities.
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I do not own this meme just found it on Pinterest and thought it was funny.
Mikey is such a good boyfriend.
A spontaneous ball of dorky energy the box turtle was artistic both in and out of the kitchen. His kindness did not discriminate. Good or bad typically, if the youngest Hamato could help it he would rather make peace not war.
It was something you liked about the orange clad mutant. Especially since he didn't mind your self-proclaimed defects.
You love adult ninja turtle you really do. However regardless the little voice in the back of your mind continued to plant seeds of doubt.
Was Michaelangelo satisfied with you?
You hadn't tried to express it often— but you had your trepidations about sharing your insecurities with anyone, even your boyfriend. You didn't want to be annoying.
These fears were silly, you knew this. Mikey loves you. The mystic mutant recited all the time how beautiful you are. To him apparently despite your self criticism you were a devine work of art. Love handles, pouches, wings, fupas— he adored them all. You didn't need to wear a size nine to fit in his heart.
It didn't matter. For all the reasons that the box turtle gave you for why you were a perfect match for him. The insecurities still sat there. Like a sunken stone at the bottom of the lake. It sitting there always. Forever.
Regularly wondering if Michelangelo really did prefer a ugly pumpkin to a picture perfect apple. Had it been a ruse? Was he just playin' the role of a good partner? Sayin' and doin' what you're supposed to tell a person you want to be intimate with.
Lately these polluting thoughts began to resurface again. Reanimated by the recent onslaught of teasing from some dumb college kids that were enrolled at the same University as you. A group of well-known douche-bags that you avoided like the plague on campus; but unfortunately shared a physics class with. The dumbass brigade like vultures, waited for opportunities to feed their fragile masculinities. Receiving petty pleasure from belittling any flawed individuals that crossed their starving gazes. Ravishing in whatever responses they could elicite.
For the better part of the first semester of third-year physics you had somehow managed to go undetected by said frat squad. Camouflaged in fluffy sweaters and poofy joggers had aided you in being incognito for the first nine weeks but, now the weather was changing. Spring has finally come and has gifted you the middle finger. As temperatures fluctuated so did your wardrobe.
You hated the warmer months just for this reason.
The months of hiding your jiggling stretch marked shame behind winter attire has come to an end. Forcing your hand with high temps to make you wear thinner layers. Baggy jeans and big shirts were your new seasonal battle armor. Unlike your impenetrable winter suit, the spring set was far more vulnerable. The thinner layers and lack of long sleeves basically painted a bullseye on you that the frat group gladly shot at on a daily basis. In spite of your countless efforts to starve the scavengers; the group of boys still hurt you. Conceal don't feel, you certainly didn't let it show. Their poking fun at your voluptuous figure and big tits were nothing new. Nor the endless questioning of your innocence and intelligence. It was just another schoolyard taunt that you didn't bother with a response.
Until you did. Maybe not vocally but the show of your shaky figure fleeing the classroom gave the gaggle of boys all the satisfaction they'd desired as their mocking laughter chasing you out as you retreated out into the university's hallway. Fleeing the campus without a second thought.
The crude harassment is why you were here traversing The Big Apple's sewers. Thanking whatever gods were present for the low water pressure in the channel that ran beneath the soles of your sneakers.
You hated being feeling weak like this but, instinctively your legs drove you to the Mad Dog's Lair. Not bothering to properly shove all your crap into your school bag when you fled the classroom. Doubting that your shit will still be there tomorrow knowing today's luck. But you didn't care. Couldn't be bothered to deal with any more of the relentless bullying nor your professors' chosen path of nativity to the problem. You needed a break.
Entering the base every inhabiting soul was asleep. Evident by the various snores that you passed as you b-lined to Mikey's chambers.
Surprising the mystic mutant with your unannounced visit as he awoke to your shadowy plump figure climbing into his hammock. To the twenty-five year old's shame due to the fact that he had initially missed the salty streaks that drenched your supple (skin tone) cheeks. Immediately noticing your state once you were laying in his bed. The suspended mat's natural physics pressed you into his colorfully decorated plastron.
" ......Hun? Aww sweet babie what's got my muse spillin' tears for? " Mikey cooed muscular moss green appendages like snakes slithered around your waist. Entrapping you in his tired but, strong embrace. Pressing your soft figure into his firm one. Embarrassment heated your tear drenched cheeks as you returned the squeeze. Shaking your head 'no' as you just laid it against his shoulder.
He understood you just needed a moment.
For a minute outside the occasional sob or gasp for air, no words were spoken between the two. The calmness of the dimly orange lite room and your boyfriend's secure embrace provided the elements to allow you to relax. Tip-toeing on the line of slumber, had it not been for Mikey's quiet humming that at some point filled in the background noise to kept you grounded.
Once he had you calmed down, Michaelangelo tried to approach the subject again. He didn't want to reignite your pain but, the thought of someone/something making you cry like this was unforgivable. Whoever did this was gonna pay dearly for the precious tears that beaded your pained (e/c) gaze.
The last two weeks he suspected something was up. You had been absent from your guys' weekly hangout sessions. Despite the obviously differing schedules you and Mikey typically tried to meet at least four times a week. Even if sometimes the encounter was brief. However lately you haven't been attending. Stating over texts how you needed space to work some things out. That had the orange clad Hamato pulling at his imaginary strands with worry. Head lost in a tizzy as he had pooled over what could've driven you away. At first he feared it was him. Something must've come to light.
Did you find his little makeshift shrine for you?
Perhaps you came across his favorite box of tokens he scrounged up from around your apartment?
Or did you finally capture footage of his unannounced nightly visits?
Maybe one of his brothers found or saw something and told you something they shouldn't have?
The never ending list had the moss green box turtle biting his nails. Waiting at the edge of his seat for anticipated ball to drop.
Although he didn't want to thank Gram Gram for his luck when you came sniffling into his quarters. It hurt the mutant when you cried. He wasn't gonna lie the breath of relief upon your arrival. His muse wasn't trying to leave him. For a moment there the mystic mutant had been worried he was going to have to help you remember how much you needed your devoted follower.
"...(Y/n)?....Sweetie, what's wrong?" Mikey began sitting up a little tugging you along with him as he maneuvered the two of you in a more comfortable position. With your face resting against his shoulder, legs thrown over his lap so you were sitting in it in a lounging manner. The moss green box turtle's hold not once loosening from around your full figure. "....You knooow...my ears are always open to listen." The orange coded ninja turtle hummed. Unmasked the warm grey eyes of Michaelangelo's lovingly bore into your soul. Traveling through glossy (e/c) gateways as they searched within you for answers that you wouldn't speak.
Your bottom lip trembled as a new spout of tears ran down your flushed (skin tone) cheeks at his words. Easily hiding your face in the crook of the mutant's jugular. Taking a moment before answering. " I'm sorry for being a bother... I just had a bad day. " You answered quietly. Not necessarily eager to delve into the issue.
Aww his poor babie. However it wasn't the answer he was looking for. It looks like he's gonna have to go through them again. At least this time he was just looking not altering any of your memories. He needed to know what was wrong. He needed his divinity happy and if she wasn't happy— well Mikey wasn't happy.
Sporting his signature gapped tooth grin Mikey began the process.
First it began with focusing his energy. Preparing to start the spell.. It worked perfectly last time. It should be just as successful again. "Shhhh... It's okay babie..." The mutated Hamato hushed.
"..It's all good... I understand... you just need a little guidance...".
With your face hidden you neglected to notice his illuminated three digit grasp leaving your waist. "...let Dr. Delicate Touch help you~" the box turtle concluded as he pressed his glowing three digit right hand into the left side of your forehead. In an instant a bright shine of light blotched out your vision. Right before everything went black. Knocking you out before you could asset the situation.
To any onlooker what he was doing was wrong. An invasion of your privacy which he shouldn't be prying into. However the box turtle preferred to look at it from a more positive perspective.
He was helping you!
The mystic turtle knew you had a hard time expressing your feelings.
Although you didn't say it Michelangelo knew you had a hard time expressing feelings. A bad habit leftover from surviving your formative years. It's okay though. He'll help you.
To any onlooker would say what the youngest Hamato . What he was doing was wrong, inhumane but, Mikey preferred to look at it from a different less negative perspective. He was helping!
You just needed a little fixing. Then you'll be just like new again.
As he sorted through your most recent short term memories the orange color coded ninja turtle kept in mind he couldn't dabble with them too long. He was on a clock dictated by the amount of stamina he's able to input into a single spell. As of right now? Not too much. Especially if he wants to make quick work of whatever issue stood in between him and (y/n) time. The offense will not be tolerated by whomever the perpetrator.
Shifting through the chains that connected the linear timeline in your mind Michaelangelo found the issue. A group of fraternity brats who didn't have any manners. Bastards thought they had the right to defame his muse? His very own David?(That's a reference to one of the renaissance artist's works).
They had to be dealt with.
Like a candle in the wind the group was snuffed out in a single night.
Upon the arrival of the new day you awoke to find yourself back at home in your dingy apartment with no exact clue of how you got back there.
In the faded ripples of your mind you tried to fill in the blanks of the how's and when's. When did you leave the lair? How did you make it back to your apartment? Especially when the last thing you recalled was sniffling in your boyfriend's arms. You must've fallen asleep and gotten up at some point and just don't remember.
Probably was just too tired to re-call anything.
Getting up from the warm sanctuary of your bed sheets you ambled around the apartment to begin your morning routine. Throwing together a bowl of cereal and a coke before scuttling into the living room. Placing your meager feast down onto the coffee table momentarily as you shuffled through your pockets to find your phone.
A few months ago you lost the remote to your tv and unfortunately as a broke ass college student making minimum wage you didn't have the funds to purchase a new TV remote. Instead like every other millennial you download the app. Cheaper than trying to get a new remote. Quicker too.
Tapping awake your screen delivered a mountain of notifications.
Inside the group chat that you were a part of for your physics class was blowing up. Investigating further just left you in shock. Swiping through the populating messages, you discovered the bullies who had been preying on you and your classmates were missing. Somehow all five of them were gone within a night without a single trace.
With the disappearance not being a full twenty-four hours yet the police wasn't taking the matter seriously. Claiming probably just some fraternity shit. Meanwhile the university's faculty wasted no time on morning the frats possie's passing. Sending their cookie-cutter condolences and offering their typical therapy sessions for anyone close to the victims.
What a waste. Although they were assholes they were young assholes who hadn't yet got the chance to live their lives. Make mistakes and learn from them. How unfortunate.
Backing out of the chat your phone buzzed with a new message from Mikey. The afro mentioned adult box turtle was inquiring about how you were doing today and if you wanted to hangout later? Your mutated boyfriend even going as far as decorating the message in emoji hearts and puppy dog stickers.
As of late you haven't been up for hanging out with the twenty-five year old orange clad Hamato. Mucky feelings and overwhelming thoughts clouded your head. Upon seeing the previously mentioned messages about the vultures in your life being gone you felt oddly relieved about their disappearance. Although revolted with your passive reaction you somehow is still able to keep it down. Every time you thought of Michaelangelo the negative feelings and bad memories would keep fading farther and father away.
It was like all it took was a night's rest (and some brain spring cleaning) and everything was back to normal. With a small smile you replied with "I'm doin' good" and "yes" on his invitation.
Next thing you knew it you were spiraling down a rabbit hole of back to back texting like it was the beginning of your guys relationship.
Back then when your best friend had ghosted you. Mikey had been there for you like this then too. Always so supportive. He really was such a good person.
Aren't you lucky that you have such a good boyfriend like Mikey?
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treesandwords · 1 year
1, 5, 10, 17, 19 for the weird writer asks meme?
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
A lot of the time I write in a font that makes it Look Like A Book. So Times New Roman or something similar/adjacent, especially at the beginning it helps to get me engaged and take the work seriously.
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
Ok contrarily to above: the comic sans hack DOES work! This is something I often do when I've been working on a piece for a while and need to ~spice things up~ to get my inspiration back. Switch the font to comic sans. It works.
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
Yes and yes. When it comes to other pieces of writing, I think it's what's left unsaid that haunts me the most. 'Haunting' to me is all about absence, about what we don't see and hear and feel but is there all the same. In terms of writing, it's about themes that are never stared but are lurking beneath what's actually said, it's about characters who live (or die) in a way where what they might have become is a mystery, it's about people never saying exactly what they mean.
In regards to my own writing, usually it means just. Hm. Things (characters, settings, plots) that like...don't really feel like they come from me? Where did this idea originate? I have no idea who's brain was that born in???? Not mine.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
So I can't talk too much about this or I will talk all day BUT there's a very specific element I've been going Unhinged over and do really really want to talk about so here it goes. I really want to try the idea of subtly comparing the magic within my world to real-world energy sources. Specifically, electricity and nuclear energy. Hear me out. While harnessing the power of the wind, sun, tides etc. are also of course valid forms of energy in our own world (and historically in some cases) they aren't exactly mystical. We know what the sun and wind and water are, and the ancients would too to a degree. But something like electricity, which occurs naturally in lightning, and radioactivity, which exists in certain earth minerals, while more recent forms of energy harnessing, are still forces that have existed in the world for as long as we know. But they aren't things you can experience as tangibly (nor would you want to) or on a daily basis, so to a society inspired on Medieval times with roughly the same knowledge of science and technology, the concept of lightning and of radioactivity (or the effects of exposure to it, since they wouldn't understand what it was) seem...more Eldritch Horror to me? These are forces that exist, but we Don't Understand - and yet people in the far future will use them as a means of energy. HOkay so where this comes in is like. Hmm. I have a few instances in the book where characters who aren't used to handling magic or being around it, are affected by it in ways that resemble exposure to these forces. Hair standing on end + what is basically the feeling of an electric shock when touching magical objects, or touching something that feels cool but seems to heat your hand as you hold it, long term effects that resemble mild to severe radiation sickness - all this to say my version of magic isn't one or both of these forces, but I'm doing this knowing/hoping a reader will see the resemblance and understand it as an existing force within the world that is a) essentially an untapped and potentially very very powerful energy source that can (and may in the future) be used as one by people who know what they're doing and b) if handled by people who *don't* know what they're doing can cause A Lot Of Dying and c) know that while they as a modern reader understand these things, the characters do not. I've even thought of mages having some kind of containers they use to magically hold the remnants of the magic they've tapped into that is no longer usable bc if they don't it just kinda. lingers in the air and Kills Things Slowly -- basically like a medieval fantasy version of nuclear waste disposal.
tl;dr: Magic = a super powerful energy source that people are scared of harnessing because in their minds it's an eldritch horror thing the equivalent of nuclear energy and/or electricity (symptoms to magic exposure in this world resemble symptoms of exposure to either/both so the reader will make the connection) and if handled wrong can be Bad
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
SO I've been writing or trying to write since I was a little kid, and didn't actually finish a draft until my current book. I started it in the middle of a high school math class (lol) and was inspired initially by a facet of Greek mythology we'd been learning about in a different class. For some reason this idea stuck and I just...kept going with it. Rn I've written two-three drafts and I'm finishing up the one I'm currently on, after that I'll go back and edit (no more rewrites!) and then...keep editing until it's time for beta readers I guess.
Thanks for the questions sorry for the Long Long responses I ramble
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sorrowschengmei · 2 years
INFJ description and stereotype are written as some sort of cheap fits-all-sizes daily horoscope and unless you’re really healthy and/or has studied functions you WILL mistype
see, imagine you’re someone who has depression and anxiety, few friends, childhood trauma and a liking to artsy and mystical stuff [if you’re here in tumblr big chances you don’t even need to imagine it lmao], and you see this whole ‘rarest type, misunderstood, old soul, deeply spiritual’ thing. wow that’s certainly you!
but wait, you’re not a ‘feeler’, you’ve been always pretty rational... don’t worry, the INFJ is the most rational of feelers! its basically a less evil INTJ!
but wait, you’re a bit extroverted too, and despite being depressed you still feel energised by social contact! see, the INFJ is what we call an ‘ambivert’, so yeah, still there’s space for you in the magic wizard club!
but you like adrenaline, parties, ratioing ppl on twitter, living for today! oh poor thing, that’s just that mean mean Se clutching you in its grip :/ ponder a bit more about the meaning of life and you’ll be back to your old unique self! 
this shit is all about functions. are you the spitting image of a broody Romantic with intents of saving the world, but your dominant function is Ne? congratulations you’re ENFP or [gasp!] ENTP!
‘introversion’ doesn’t mean wanting to be left alone sometimes or dislking convos with annoying ppl. [that’s just being human]
‘being a feeler’ doesn’t mean having feelings and not wanting to upset people. [that’s just being human]
‘wanting to stay home all day long, avoiding even your friends, often think about unsolvable problems of your life and humankind, getting your feelings hurt by minor stuff and being unable to voice your concerns bc you’re afraid you’ll upset someone’ doesn’t mean you’re INFJ [THAT JUST MEANS YOU’RE DEPRESSED AND SHOULD SEE A THERAPIST ASAP]
MBTI is supposed to be either FUN or USEFUL, if you’re using it to reaffirm your ‘not like the other girls’ syndrome: you’re doing it wrong
if you’re using it to downplay your mental health issues: you’re doing it wrong
if you’re using it to excuse shity behaviour: you’re doing it VERY wrong and should be ashamed
tldr: if you type as INFJ there are great chances you’re just depressed. read about functions. don’t type based on stereotypes, memes or descriptions. yeah the wizard dude is cute, i know, but you know who else is great? sunglasses dude. 
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koorinohebi · 2 years
Revamped Tags
So I remade my long-ass list of tags. They are under the cut because long. Anyway, I'm also going to remake my current shipping tags because I think they need to be revamped as well. So if you want a ship tag with Kiomi or any of the muses of this blog, feel free to like this post. Only requirement is that our muses have interacted.
=== Mun Tags ===
Beyond the Bounded Field || OOC Craft Essence || Commissioned Piece Limelight || Commission Drawing Board || My Art
=== General Purpose Tags ===
⩤ Throne of Heroes ⩥ Gallery ⩤ Unprompted ⩥ ⩤ Starter ⩥ ⩤ The Meme ⩥ ⩤ HQ Report : Dash Comm ⩥ ⩤ Simulation Room : Dash Games ⩥ ⩤ The Grind : Memes and Games ⩥ ⩤ Order Restored : Answered ⩥ ⩤ Dailies : Anon ⩥ ⩤ Attention : PSA ⩥ ⩤ Mystic eyes of .Crack. Perception ⩥ ⩤ tw : ⩥ ⩤ Inbox Call ⩥ ⩤ Preparing to Rayshift : Queue ⩥ ⩤ Take my Hand : Wishlist ⩥ ⩤ Drums of War : Music ⩥ ⩤ War Council : P . R . O . M . O. ⩥ ⩤ Loyalties : P.r.o.m.o ⩥ ⩤ Stashed ⩥ ⩥ Cont'd from x
=== Muse Tags ===
⩤ Blog Shenanigans ⩥ ⩤ Muse Commentaries ⩥ ⩤ Visage ⩥ ⩤ Saint Graph : Headcanons ⩥ ⩤ Battle Records : Aesthetics ⩥ ⩤ To each their own reveries : Musings ⩥ ⩤ Chaldea Lunchtime : Conversations ⩥ ⩤ Interlude : Drabbles ⩥
⩤ To each their own devices : Kiomi ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Kamo Serizawa ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Mitsuhide Akechi ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Takechi Zuizan ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Tanaka Shinbei ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Chen Gong ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Okuni ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Lanlan Fang ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Major Magatsu ⩥ ⩤ To each their own devices : Major Reiter ⩥ ⩤ Echoes : Guest Muse ⩥
=== Verse Tags ===
⩤ Singularities : Main ⩥ ⩤ Remnants : AU ⩥ ⩤ Event Horizon : Crossovers ⩥
=== Friend Tags (Ever growing) ===
Arai-chan ⩤ Sarutobi Arai : Sister-in-Arms ⩥
Assortedsnacks ⩤ Touken Danshi : Kikkou Sadamune ⩥
Aurivore ⩤ Gilgamesh : Majesty Defined ⩥ ⩤ Kogil : Decadent Exuberance ⩥
Caemthe ⩤ Demon King of the Sixth Heaven : Oda Nobunaga ⩥
Gemsofchaldea ⩤ Jack : A Child Beloved ⩥ ⩤ Da Vinci-Chan : The Universal Beauty ⩥
Getsuruito ⩤ Momochi Tanba : The Great Ninja Master ⩥ ⩤ Pang Tong : The Fledgling Phoenix ⩥
Historias-Multorum ⩤ Hinata Hyuuga : Delicate Breeze ⩥ ⩤ Tsunade : Densetsu no Hime ⩥ ⩤ Izuna ⩥ ⩤ Shizune ⩥
Homeport ⩤ Sakamoto Ryouma : The Miracle Worker ⩥ ⩤ The Evil Mastermind : Takasugi Shinsaku ⩥ ⩤ Hizen Tadahiro : The Sharpest Edge ⩥
Kiicho ⩤ Kicho : Enchanting Pearl of Mino ⩥ ⩤ Nohime : Ties Severed ⩥ (Mitsuhide)
Lovedloyalty ⩤ A Saber Among Shadows : Okada Izo ⩥ ⩤ Alter Ego : Okada Izo ⩥ ⩤ Mori Nagayoshi : Blood Soaked Loyalty ⩥ ⩤ Beowulf : The Grendel Buster ⩥ ⩤ Leonidas : The King of Sparta ⩥ ⩤ Phantom : Angel of Music ⩥ ⩤ Shuichi : Spiral Bound ⩥ ⩤ Mephistopheles : Deals with the Devil ⩥
⩤ Hitokiri Izo : Hound of the Kinnoto ⩥ (Tosa) ⩤ Okada Izo : The Ghost of Tosa ⩥ (Redline) ⩤ Mori Nagayoshi : Demon of the Battlefield ⩥ (Blog Servants, Redline) ⩤ Old Man Li : Old and Strong ⩥ (Blog Servants, Redline)
Moonlightmagus ⩤ Yuuki : Friends Forever ⩥ ⩤ Na'amah : A Demon Dancing through Emotions ⩥
Mysticallities ⩤ Tristan : A vicious fairy knight ⩥ ⩤ Strange Amalgamation : Rintsuka ⩥ ⩤ Liber : The Ancient Arbitrator ⩥
Nobuverse ⩤ Chacha : A Radiance of Warmth ⩥ ⩤ Nobunaga Oda : The Avenging Fool of Owari ⩥ ⩤ Summer Nobunaga : Blazing Rockstar! ⩥ ⩤ Nagao Kagetora : The Dragon of Echigo ⩥ ⩤ Lancer Class : Mei Fan ⩥
⩤ Nobunaga Oda : Enemy at Honnouji ⩥ (Mitsuhide)
Nulltune ⩤ Hakuno : Shards of Moonlight ⩥
Madamhatter ⩤ Sophie : A Dutiful Heart ⩥
Soulsbetrayed ⩤ Avenger Class : Izou the Manslayer ⩥ ⩤ Touken Danshi : Tensho Koshirae ⩥ ⩤ Hosokawa Gracia : Beloved ⩥
Spookums ⩤ Witching Hour : Gabriella ⩥
Summoned-Anima ⩤ Ashiya Douman : The Humble Priest? ⩥
Super-Kame-Love ⩤ Aina Kichida : The Turtle Sage ⩥
Tenkoseiensei ⩤ Assassin Class : Yan Qing the Wingman ⩥
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samobservessonic · 28 days
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And our final story of the issue is another multi-parter, but this one will be reaching its conclusion, as the pirates travel through both ends of the tunnel to meet up with each other once more and finish this prison break
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Fan favourite character Simpson the Cat, doesn’t know how to turn off the charm - or rather, the lightbulb I should say (not sorry)
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I stand corrected - he does know how to turn off the lightbulb
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Oh these two and their wacky antics!
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Aww dude, that’s your crew you’re talking about :( 
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Plunder correctly guesses that the way out is the way that these guys got in, even if it means that he’s ended up missing his crew during the escape
We then switch to a selection of headlines that are all parodying various British newspapers. From left we’ve got: The Times, the Daily Mail, not sure what “Metropolis Zone News” is a parody of, and then The Sun. All of these newspapers are varying degrees of right-wing drivel that I wouldn’t recommend actually reading lol, but “The Mobe” in particular is parodying how far-fetched and out-of-touch with what’s going on The Sun is. In fact, I think “Sonic the Hedgehog ate my hamster” is a parody of an infamous article, but I’m not invested enough to look that up
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We then cut ahead a couple of days, where Plunder is free, but without his crew. Y’know, every time they mention that Mystic Caves is his home base I can’t stop myself from thinking how cool it’d be to have something like a Captain Plunder boss battle in the actual Mystic Cave Zone
Simpson is just happy to be here
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Reunited with the most important member of his crew! Filch returns!
Then we get another meme ahead of its time with “You’re gonna share the booty, right captain? Right captain?”
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I’m with Plunder on this one - those guys didn’t even remember what he looks like, so it isn’t much of a loss. He’s got two of his best boys here with him and I assume he picks up that professor guy sometime prior to the start of the main story
We wrap up with the promise of more Plunder stories in future, which I’m greatly looking forward to. Every story he’s been in so far has been a delight and I know we’ve got more to come that’ll last until even after I first started reading these comics as a kid
But also damn, someone let Kitching have a nap - he wrote the main story and wrote & drew this whole arc, as well!
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incarnateirony · 3 months
It's insanely funny to me to think that a suspicious majority of feedback given to the literal US government about our company, both statistical and testimonial/post-conversation feedback, is leaning their bajillion dollars of feeds and investments on mine.
Between this, our section where we cover for the White House, and my time running IRI past last election, friggin. Kamala's gonna be looking at a stack of papers confused. Like "???? Again? How?"
My life, but from the perspective of random big name people that keep finding my shit on their desk from completely unrelated things like some weird sitcom
my life as some comic about hermes. Transmigration and apotheosis, thou art bitches
no fr, I'm sitting here checking my messages on the local schizophrenics and mystics catching my signals, throwing out lasso hoops for generational cat catching, something about a kangaroo meme turned into an actual battle with some living identity in Australia, there's lemons on willy wonka radio, and something about octopus jibberish and crackbears. My daily life involves casually burning down corporations, getting suspiciously deep into political or government things from fuckoff nowhere, and a series of impossible events always ending in, "well it seemed like a good idea at the time."
Meanwhile I've got River Jordan getting stuck in my queue, and I do not know them well enough to really explain this to them, and can only help some selfish asshat doesn't mess up with their peaceful path recovering from learning to let go.
River did the only thing we can ask him to do. He said, we can patch that. And he did. He may have felt like a pained catshrimp curled in a ball, but the pain let him grow, and that cat trotted out a panther that night, even if he struggles with releasing that past.
One at a time. One at a time until my Problem is the only shadow left to be forgotten.
But man, when can I just go back to playing Video Games, and when will Baby Athena get over her pride?
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Nothing will wound her like her inability to cage the truth to silence, or to keep me from being Who I Am.
That's always driven her insane.
Would you believe me if I said this problem is so deep, her own inner logic brain self that knew she was acting a fool and threw her to therapy knowing she can't help herself is STILL internally angry that it's me whipping her into shape or silence, even if on a greater scale she knows it's right.
Localized ego is a hell of a drug.
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manav-007 · 8 months
Online Astrology in Digital Era - Jyotishay
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Introduction: Welcome to Jyotishay, fellow cosmic enthusiasts, to a celestial journey in the digital era! In this Jyotishay blog, we'll explore the fascinating world of online astrology, where ancient wisdom meets modern technology. Get ready to unlock the mysteries of the cosmos from the comfort of your digital devices.
The Digital Zodiac: Astrology Apps and Websites Dive into the realm of astrology apps and websites that bring the stars to your fingertips. Explore personalized horoscopes, compatibility analyses, and real-time celestial updates. From birth chart interpretations to daily predictions, these platforms offer a tailored cosmic experience.
Astrology in the Social Media Cosmos Discover how social media has become a virtual astrological hub. Follow your favorite astrologers on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for bite-sized cosmic insights. Explore community discussions, live readings, and the intersection of astrology with memes and pop culture.
Virtual Consultations: Connecting with Astrologers Worldwide Explore the benefits of online consultations with professional astrologers. Break down geographical barriers and connect with experts from around the globe. Whether you're seeking career guidance, relationship advice, or spiritual insights, virtual consultations offer a personalized and convenient experience.
Astro-Tech Innovations: AI and Big Data in Astrology Delve into the technological advancements shaping the future of astrology. Discover how artificial intelligence and big data are revolutionizing the accuracy of astrological predictions. Explore the intersection of science and mysticism as algorithms analyze celestial patterns to provide personalized insights.
Online Astrology Communities: Building Cosmic Connections Uncover the sense of community in online astrology forums and groups. From beginners to seasoned enthusiasts, these digital spaces offer a supportive environment for sharing experiences, learning, and discussing the cosmic dance. Engage in conversations, seek advice, and connect with like-minded star gazers.
The Ethical Astrologer's Guide to the Digital Frontier Address the ethical considerations within the online astrology sphere. Explore the responsibilities of astrologers in the digital age, including accuracy in predictions, respecting privacy, and maintaining integrity in the age of instant information.
Conclusion: As we navigate the digital cosmos, online astrology unveils new dimensions of self-discovery, connection, and cosmic understanding. Embrace the power of technology to explore the ancient wisdom of the stars, and let the celestial journey continue in the ever-expanding digital universe. Join me as we embark on this exciting adventure together!
So next time you're curious about your own personality or seeking guidance on important life decisions don't hesitate to delve into your natal chart or consult with an experienced astrologer online through chat with astrologers of Jyotishay who can offer personalized insights based on nakshatra readings & You can also download the Jyotishay app for lots of benefits. Embrace the wisdom of Jyotish and unlock the secrets of your cosmic path with the guidance of Jyotishay. You can also search Jyotishya, Jyotisha, Jyotishy, Jyotishi, jyotish.
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6pets · 1 year
Celebration Cats: The Role Of Felines In Festive Cultures
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If there's one thing the internet loves, it's cats. From cute kitten videos to hilarious memes, felines have taken over the digital world. But did you know that cats also play a role in various festive cultures around the world? That's right, these furry creatures are not just cute and cuddly companions, but they also have a special place in celebrations and traditions. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of celebration cats and delve into the unique ways in which they are revered and celebrated in different cultures. When it comes to festivities, cats have carved out their own niche. From ancient Egypt to modern-day Japan, these enigmatic creatures have been associated with luck, protection, and even supernatural powers. Whether it's the famous Maneki-neko of Japan, believed to bring good fortune to its owners, or the presence of cats during Halloween, symbolizing mystery and magic, cats have become an integral part of our celebrations. So, get ready to embark on a journey filled with whiskers, purrs, and a whole lot of feline charm as we explore the role of cats in festive cultures around the world. Cats have played a significant role in festive cultures around the world. From ancient Egypt to modern-day celebrations, felines have been symbols of luck, protection, and joy. In Egyptian mythology, the goddess Bastet, depicted as a lioness or domestic cat, was associated with festivities and fertility. In Japan, the Maneki-neko (beckoning cat) is believed to bring good luck and fortune during festivals. These adorable feline companions have become iconic figures in various cultural celebrations, adding a touch of whimsy and charm to the festivities. Celebration Cats: The Role of Felines in Festive Cultures Cats have been an integral part of human society for thousands of years, and their presence extends beyond our daily lives and into the realm of celebrations and festivities. In cultures all around the world, felines have played significant roles in various traditions, symbolizing different meanings and embodying the spirit of the occasion. From ancient civilizations to modern-day festivities, cats have captivated our imaginations and added a touch of mystique to celebrations. In this article, we will explore the fascinating role of cats in festive cultures and uncover the secrets behind their enduring appeal. The Mystical Connection: Cats and Festivals Cats have long been associated with mysticism and magic, and this connection is often heightened during celebrations and festivals. In many cultures, cats are believed to possess supernatural powers and are regarded as guardians of good fortune. They are seen as mystical creatures that bring luck, prosperity, and protection to individuals and communities. This belief is especially prominent during festive occasions when people seek blessings and positive energies. Cats are often adorned with special accessories or even dressed up in costumes to enhance their mystical aura and create a sense of enchantment. In addition to their mystical connection, cats have also been associated with specific festivals and celebrations. For example, in ancient Egypt, cats were revered and worshipped as sacred animals. The annual festival of Bastet, the goddess of home, fertility, and protection, was dedicated to cats. During this festival, thousands of worshippers would gather to honor the feline deity and pay homage to the cats that roamed freely in temples. This celebration showcased the deep bond between cats and festivities, highlighting their significance in ancient Egyptian culture. The Cat's Role in Harvest Festivals Harvest festivals are another occasion where cats have played an important role in various cultures. These festivals celebrate the abundance of crops and mark the end of the harvest season. Cats have been associated with harvest festivals due to their natural hunting skills and their ability to keep vermin, such as rats and mice, at bay. In many agricultural communities, cats are revered as protectors of the harvest, ensuring that the stored crops remain safe from pests. During harvest festivals, cats are often honored and given special treats or offerings as a token of gratitude for their role in preserving the bountiful harvest. In Japan, the Maneki-neko, or the "beckoning cat," is a popular symbol associated with harvest festivals. This figurine, often seen with one paw raised in a beckoning gesture, is believed to bring good luck and prosperity. It is commonly displayed in homes and businesses during harvest festivals, inviting positive energies and fortune. The presence of the Maneki-neko in these celebrations further emphasizes the cat's association with abundance and prosperity during festive occasions. Cats as Cultural Icons Beyond their role in specific festivals, cats have also become cultural icons that are celebrated and revered in various art forms and traditions. In literature, cats have been depicted as enigmatic creatures, embodying wisdom, independence, and curiosity. They have been featured in famous works such as "The Cat in the Hat" by Dr. Seuss and "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats" by T.S. Eliot, immortalizing their presence in the literary world. In visual arts, cats have been a favorite subject of renowned artists throughout history. From ancient Egyptian cat sculptures to contemporary cat-themed paintings, these artistic expressions celebrate the beauty and grace of felines. Cats have also made their way into popular culture, with characters like Garfield and Hello Kitty becoming beloved icons that transcend cultural boundaries. The Cat's Role in Superstitions and Traditions Superstitions and traditions surrounding cats further highlight their significance in festive cultures. In many countries, cats are believed to possess both positive and negative powers. For instance, in Scottish folklore, a black cat appearing on your doorstep is considered a sign of good luck. On the other hand, in Western cultures, black cats are often associated with superstitions and are believed to bring bad luck if they cross your path. Cats also play a role in specific traditions, such as Halloween celebrations. During this spooky holiday, black cats are often associated with witches and are seen as companions of the supernatural. Their presence adds an element of mystery and intrigue to the festivities, creating a sense of enchantment and suspense. In conclusion, cats have a deep-rooted connection to celebrations and festivities across cultures. From their mystical association to their roles in harvest festivals and their iconic status in art and traditions, cats have left a paw print on the world of celebrations. Whether they are believed to bring luck, protect the harvest, or add an element of intrigue, cats continue to captivate our imaginations and enhance the spirit of festive cultures worldwide. So next time you attend a celebration, keep an eye out for the feline presence, as these furry companions bring an extra touch of magic to the occasion. Key Takeaways: Celebration Cats: The Role of Felines in Festive Cultures - Felines have been a part of festive celebrations in various cultures for centuries. - Cats are often associated with good luck, prosperity, and protection during festive occasions. - In Japan, the Maneki-neko or "beckoning cat" is a popular symbol of luck and is often displayed during festivals. - In ancient Egypt, cats were revered and considered sacred, with Bastet being the goddess of home, fertility, and protection. - Cats are believed to possess special powers and are thought to ward off evil spirits during festive celebrations. Frequently Asked Questions 1. What is the significance of cats in festive cultures? Cats have played a significant role in festive cultures across the world for centuries. These feline creatures are often associated with luck, protection, and mystical powers. In many ancient civilizations, cats were revered as sacred animals and were believed to bring good fortune to their owners. They were often included in religious ceremonies and festivals, where they were adorned with decorative accessories and treated as honored guests. Furthermore, cats were also seen as protectors against evil spirits and misfortune. Their keen senses and agility made them ideal guardians, keeping negative energies at bay during festive celebrations. Whether it was the ancient Egyptians worshiping the cat goddess Bastet or the Japanese festival of Maneki-neko, where cat figurines are believed to bring luck and financial prosperity, cats have always held a special place in festive cultures. 2. Are there any specific breeds of cats associated with festive cultures? While there are no specific breeds of cats exclusively associated with festive cultures, certain cat breeds have gained popularity due to their unique characteristics and appearances. One such example is the Siamese cat, which is often depicted in festive art and decorations due to its striking blue eyes and sleek body. Siamese cats are believed to bring good luck and are considered symbols of elegance and beauty. Another breed commonly associated with festive cultures is the Maine Coon. Known for their large size and friendly nature, Maine Coons are often seen as gentle giants and are believed to bring warmth and joy to households during festive celebrations. These breeds, along with many others, have become popular choices for cat lovers who want to incorporate feline symbolism into their festive traditions. 3. How do cats participate in festive celebrations? Cats participate in festive celebrations in various ways, depending on the culture and tradition. In some cultures, cats are dressed in festive costumes or accessories, such as bows, ribbons, or bells, to enhance the festive atmosphere. They may also be included in parades or processions, where they are carried or walked alongside participants. Additionally, cats are often featured in festive decorations, such as paintings, sculptures, or ornaments. Their images can be found on greeting cards, banners, and even on traditional festive clothing. Cats are also sometimes associated with specific festive rituals or beliefs, such as the belief that a black cat crossing your path during a festive celebration brings good luck. 4. What are some famous festivals or traditions involving cats? One famous festival involving cats is the Japanese festival of Maneki-neko, also known as the "Beckoning Cat" or "Lucky Cat" festival. This festival celebrates the cat figurine with one paw raised in a beckoning gesture, believed to bring good luck and prosperity. The Maneki-neko is often displayed in shops, homes, and businesses during festive occasions. Another well-known tradition involving cats is the Egyptian celebration of Bastet, the cat goddess. In ancient Egypt, cats were highly revered and worshipped as sacred animals. The festival of Bastet involved elaborate ceremonies, offerings, and processions dedicated to the cat goddess, with the belief that she brought protection, fertility, and abundance. 5. How can cat lovers incorporate feline symbolism into their own festive celebrations? Cat lovers can incorporate feline symbolism into their own festive celebrations in various ways. They can decorate their homes with cat-themed ornaments, such as cat-shaped baubles for Christmas trees or cat figurines for mantelpieces. Including images of cats in festive artwork or using cat-themed wrapping paper can also add a touch of feline charm to the celebrations. Furthermore, cat lovers can incorporate cat-related traditions into their festivities. For example, they can create a special feast for their own cats, complete with cat-friendly treats and toys. They can also share stories or legends about cats during family gatherings or organize cat-themed games or activities for guests to enjoy. By embracing feline symbolism, cat lovers can add a unique and joyful element to their festive celebrations. Holidays | Holidays Around The World | Made by Red Cat Reading Final Summary: Paws-itively Purrrfect Festivities! Well, my fellow feline enthusiasts, we've embarked on a delightful journey exploring the fascinating world of celebration cats and their role in festive cultures. From the ancient Egyptians who revered cats as divine beings to the modern-day traditions that involve these fluffy companions, it's clear that our beloved whiskered friends have left an indelible paw print on the tapestry of human celebrations. Throughout our exploration, we've discovered how cats have assumed various roles in different cultures. Whether they're seen as symbols of good luck, guardians of homes, or even participants in festive parades, cats have woven themselves seamlessly into our celebrations. Their grace, mystique, and undeniable charm have captured our hearts and made them an integral part of our joyous festivities. As we bid adieu to our exploration, let us not forget the valuable lessons celebration cats have taught us. They remind us to embrace playfulness, curiosity, and independence, while also offering companionship and comfort. So, the next time you find yourself in the midst of a joyous celebration, spare a thought for these furry friends who have added an extra touch of magic to our festivities. In the grand tapestry of human celebrations, our feline companions have etched their place with elegance and grace. Whether they're donning festive costumes, participating in parades, or simply being their whimsical selves, cats have become cherished symbols of joy and good fortune. So, let's raise a toast to these purrfect partners in celebration, and remember to honor their presence in our festivities with love, gratitude, and a warm spot by the hearth. Now, dear reader, go forth and celebrate with your own furry friend by your side. Let the magic of celebration cats guide you through the joyous moments of life, and may their playful spirit inspire you to embrace the festivities with a newfound appreciation. Meowvellous memories await, so let the celebrations begin! Maria Long Celebration Cats: The Role Of Felines In Festive Cultures Read the full article
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curlotte · 10 months
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Day 11:
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ikemen-trifecta · 14 days
Ikémemes Masterlist 5
*Quotes and messages are from our friend group.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5📍
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Toji in 1938 9/14/2024
Gojo Gyattoru 9/15/2024
Elbert's card tower 9/16/2024
Idia's allergy 9/17/2024
Clemences batting eyelashes instead of heads 9/18/2024
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Shiu's Discord notification
Gojo drawing╰⋃╯2 9/22/2024
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amberfaber40 · 2 years
Introducing Paige Bueckers — NCAA Basketball Star and the Newest StockX Brand Ambassador - StockX News
Introducing Paige Bueckers — NCAA Basketball Star and the Newest StockX Brand Ambassador - StockX News
StockX is thrilled to welcome NCAA superstar Paige Bueckers as the newest brand ambassador. Learn more about her journey, the partnership with StockX, and that viral ESPYs acceptance speech where she refocused the conversation on the larger community.
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Nike - Women's Basketball Advertisement
Description: We don't think women should be stuck with a man's basketball shot Agency: John Brown and Partners Location: National Museum of American History Archives Center Coll. 0488, Series 5, Box 1
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Basketball 🏀 | wallpaper | girl | Inst: @likawwwa
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Basketball Sticker | Zazzle
Size: Extra-Small 3" x 3" Dimensions: 3” (w) x 3.5" (l); Design Area: 3" x 3" Stickers are cut to the exact shape of your image and produced using a kiss-cut process on vinyl sheets Choice between matte white or glossy transparent vinyl; please note that white ink is not printed on either substrate Removable, low-tack adhesive leaves no sticky residue Printed with solvent inks that are fade-proof, water-proof and scratch-resistant, making them compatible with and ideal for decorating water bottles, helmets, cars, skateboards, bikes, laptops, phones, tablets, binders, notebooks, journals, lockers, water bottles and more! Available in 6 sizes 0.125" border will be added around each sticker to protect your design and also help it stand out against any background Contour kiss-cut vinyl stickers have never been this custom before! Now you can design your own personalized stickers and we’ll use our patented laser kiss-cut technology perfectly around them for you, die-cut style! You can add a single design to create one perfect sticker, or add multiple different designs to a sheet and create a sheet of stickers, each beautifully printed and individually kiss-cut. Whether you are looking for that perfect funny sticker of your favorite meme, a cute sticker to show that special someone your love, a classic Disney sticker if you’re feeling a bit nostalgic, a sticker compatible with your Hydro Flask, or even a perfectly trimmed sticker of your business logo, Zazzle will have you covered… in stickers! Zazzle’s custom kiss-cut stickers allow you create and make your unique style really stick! Please Note: Due to production limitations, there is a maximum of 30 individual stickers per sheet.
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Skyler Diggins Smith is a four-time WNBA All-Star and two times All-WNBA First Team honoree who plays for the Phoenix Mercury in the WNBA.
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UConn basketball returns with fans despite tech malfunctions - UConn Daily Campus
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Nike Dri-fit Swoosh Fly Women's 3x White/black Basketball Shorts Ck6599-100
Item specifics Condition: New with tags: A brand-new, unused, and unworn item (including handmade items) in the original ... Read more about the condition New with tags: A brand-new, unused, and unworn item (including handmade items) in the original packaging (such as the original box or bag) and/or with the original tags attached. See all condition definitions opens in a new window or tab Size: 3XL Department: Women Style: Athletic Performance/Activity: Basketball Fit: Athletic Features: Breathable, Drawstring, Elastic Waist Color: White Occasion: Activewear Brand: Nike Size Type: Regular
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dailysaeran · 3 years
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It's them your honor. GE Suit and GE Ray.
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Incorrect Quotes from the TVDU : source - that 70s show
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