#Daisuke Enoshima
shysheeperz · 1 year
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local-meme-lord · 10 months
Diversity win! The spy who almost start the apocalypse and the Submarine Pirate who blows up ships, are bonding while having villainous duet !
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Why does Mickey keep swapping with royalty
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Eli you need to stop
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tariah23 · 1 year
Still unfortunate that Fabricant 100 was axed. I’d just found it not too long ago (like two weeks ago or so) and ended up binging it because I found it decent enough to do so. It was never really all that boring to me either like, it kept me interested despite its problems and I still wanted to see more of it. But it’s over now. Well… I can say that there is no shame in having your manga axed after only 30+ chapters (shit happens) and it doesn’t mean that you’ve failed or have never had the chops to keep your manga running in a popular ass weekly magazine like JUMP, either.
I can point out quite a few positives from the manga at least. For one, the art for F100 remained very fairly consistent throughout it’s short run and it was aesthetically pleasing enough for me to linger on many pages that left me saying stuff like “Ohhhhh, sexyyyyy-“ and “so cool, I need more of this!!!” Like, the mangaka’s art style was very appealing to me right off the bat and I really loved the way that they drew faces and eyes especially. I’ve mentioned this before but I can definitely tell that they’re a fan of JJK because of their style. It’s always nice to see other mangaka be influenced by their fellow peers and friends. This is just my personal observation though but you can really see it in their style (just more polished vs JJK’s more rough look.) not to compare the two but yeah.
The story was pleasant enough for me to keep on pushing without feeling like it was a drag. It’s unfortunately axed to the shadow realms, never to see the light of day again, but I’d still recommend it if you’re just looking for something that is extremely easy to digest in a short period of time. There’s a decent amount of violence (typical for what you’d find in most shounen), some heart stings being pulled ever so slightly, again, great art, and a new fav character who you’ll say deserved so much better than what she’d gotten *cough* 100 *cough* 🚬.
On to my grievances with the story itself. Well… after finishing it (I just read the final chapter a couple of hours ago), I can… sadly understand why it had gotten axed.
For one, I feel as though the plot had been a little too fast paced for the kind of story that it was for it to work? The plot could be easily followed but the story didn’t linger on the world or the characters and their lives enough to fill in the blanks, causing readers to probably not care too much for what was even going on outside of admiring the art and looking at how cool 100 was. Tbh…… Would’ve helped with developing the characters a whole lot better if the mangaka had given themselves more time (it’s JUMP so who knows how much stress they had been most likely under while working on this series.) Fast paced stories CAN work! But I feel like you’d have to be an extremely disciplined, and probably seasoned writer, to pull off such a feat: i.e Fujimoto. Not comparing him to others (it’s unfair, sorry) but he’s pretty much on an entirely separate level when it comes to how he progresses his stories and how he chooses to transition them vs his peers. CSM is handled extremely well in that regard. Sometimes, you just need to slow done your plot, the world, and characters that exist within it in order to better understand where you’d like to take it next. ☠️ Because of this, majority of the characters did fall a bit flat because we got to meet them but we never had the chance to know them as characters outside the one or two chapters they might’ve appeared in just to add a bit of action and raise the stakes of the story. The thing is, the few characters that we did meet were actually pretty alright? They weren’t boring at all to me, they just lacked a lot of importance to the story and felt like place holder for the plot’s transition from point A to point B, to point C, onto D, etc like… they all felt like they were just there to advance a scene pretty much. It would’ve been great to learn more about some of them (the siblings and Luka especially. Felt completely wasted tbh.)
The MC, Ashibi Yao, wasn’t the worst shounen MC at all, either. I felt like he’d been limited as a character though. Like, his family were known to have unnaturally long lifespans for them to just be literal humans, and could all heal themselves from most injuries despite being a completely normal family. The reason for his family’s abilities were later explained in the last couple of chapters of the manga but I felt like there could’ve been more to this? Idk, I guess it wasn’t too bad when I really think about it. But I didn’t find him using his “spark,” (enhanced abilities that the body already holds deep inside or whatever. Since his body is not normal, his healing abilities had been greatly enhanced due to him receiving a spark,) all that interesting if I’m being completely honest. Like, him just jumping around and spilling his blood in any old flashy way like that…? Eh. Would I still like to see him doing this once it hits chapter 100? No way, man. His personality wasn’t too bad though. He had some kind of bite to him and didn’t fall to much into the “uwu, soft boy MC,” category like Tanjirou for example (very boring character archetype, especially if that is all that there is to them personally wise like give me something. Deku had fit this category as well for a short while but I remember enjoying his character regardless because of how quirky he was. I just wanted to root for him ^^. I still care about a couple of BNHA characters even tho I don’t care about the series anymore. Making a character too honest can be a turnoff. You have to give them some kind of personality to go along with their pure heart as well because then otherwise, they’d just end up as your run of the mill, shounen MC who doesn’t stick out at all.) Ashibi was honest and had a good heart but he was out for revenge. And never faltered and instead, put his trust into his will to keep going and 100’s power by his side. Idk, his journey had been short but I was happy for him in the end. He got to live and start his life over at the age of 18. He was a decent MC. The mangaka just needed to give him MORE of the things that he’d already possessed is all. And cooler powers!!!
Tbh, the Fabricants weren’t all that interesting at all… except for 100 (and that one Fabricant who had started to regret what he’d done at the end of his life… would’ve been nice to run into all sorts of different Fabricants who’d probably felt differently about their origin? Maybe they didn’t want to become the “ideal human,” (forgot to mention that this was the main conflict of the manga. All of the Fabricants (false human shaped individuals who’d all been created from the corpses of dead people who’d been bombed 🗿…) had been created by a Doctor who built those very bombs (he felt bad afterwards, blah blah blah, and wanted to make amends for his actions by bringing people with the purest hearts back or whatever. But none of his creations had ever proven successful. Upon bringing a Fabricant to life, he’d immediately reject them, causing each and every Fabricant to immediately feel insecure about their right to be alive if they’re weren’t perfect or what the doctor had wanted. They were all born with the mindset of wanting to become the ideal human being. Each Fabricants strength is based off of the order in which they’d been born. The largest number meaning the strongest. The MC just so happens to travel the world with the Strongest of them all. 100. Who had been the final Fabricant created by the Doctor. She’s kind of everything actually. I think her character was just too big for the story and that she would’ve thrived if the circumstances would have been different. She was pretty much the most interesting character out of the whole story and if the manga wouldn’t have gotten axed, if the story would’ve improved enough for it to continue, I could’ve easily seen her becoming a really popular character across social media. It’s too bad. 😔❤️.
I’m done talking tbh. Would like to say more but it’s over, man. I’d still be interested in reading more of what this mangaka has to offer whenever they do decided to work on something new and hopefully, their next work will become pretty successful. Their art is so nice, it would be a shame to see such a promising mangaka disappear after F100’s axing. I believe in them!
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robbarracuda · 2 years
Manga First Impression: Fabricant 100
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We now have the 4th and final new Shonen Jump series premiered in in the span of a month: Fabricant 100 from author Daisuke Enoshima!
The first chapter opens on a disappearance/kidnapping case on a train. A curious lad named Ashibi Yao and his unassuming caretaker are onboard investigating the matter. In actuality, Yao is the last surviving member of a family notable for their blood granting eternal youth. The boy's family was slaughtered by a group of entities called Fabricants: the result of a now-deceased scientist attempting to craft synthetic humanoids, the experiments now roaming the lands and attacking people to harvest their organs and achieve perfect bodies (in Ashibi's case, they were naturally after his blood).
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As the investigation continues, Ashibi manages to draw the kidnapper out of hiding, confirming it to be a Fabricant which stole a woman's eyes for itself. As it attempts to attack the youth, his caretaker interferes, revealing herself to be a Fabricant, specifically the 100th one crafted, and therefore the highest-ranking in their hierarchy. Having saved Ashibi from death in his family massacre, she took pity on him and decided to accompany him on his journey. Having now eliminated the Fabricant, the two continue off on their own way, with about 80-something more left to eliminate.
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So of the four new series, this one is the most conventional, being an action-adventure battle manga that's been the magazine's bread and butter for ages now. But that's not necessarily a knock against it. In fact, I'd say that it's the only one aside from Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins that manages a solid execution of its premise from the get-go. The artwork is solid, the setup is engaging through the entire first chapter, Ashibi and Fabricant 100 are an interesting duo, and the premise of synthetic humanoids lends the potential for some cool body horror in the future, and I'm all for that. Like any new attempt at a battle manga in Jump, its gonna have its work cut out for it, not just against the likes of Mashle and Sakamoto Days, but even other promising recent titles like Ginka & Gluna. But so far, I'm intrigued to see where this story goes.
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
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Fabricant 100 chapter 23 color page
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theacstories · 2 years
Fabricant 100 Chapter 5 by Daisuke Enoshima finally came out (on a Friday) after a week break. I thought that break was well worth it with how much this chapter opens up for the story!
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vicisono · 2 years
人造人間No100 日笠陽子
ユミ      小鹿なお
犯人      照井悠希
ユミの姉    北﨑ひとみ
警官      大川隼汰
博士      常盤昌平
客       鈴木将之 / 櫻井海亜 / 永井 恵
看護師     倉本春奈
人造人間    黒井淳一
アナウンサー  北﨑ひとみ
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ice1ettuce · 4 months
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oratokyosaigunda · 10 months
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Jinzou Ningen 100 series banner
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shysheeperz · 11 months
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(Replycons by @minorinrinz)
SOURCES: Fanganronpas (project: edens garden, heartless deceit, despair time, the another series, shattered hope, brave dr, will be writing for lapse soon too, mauve, burdens of change.), canonronpa, project sekai, jojos bizarre adventure (right now I'm finishing part 3, so up until there), Persona (3-5), Romantic Killer, MILGRAM, Fire Emblem 3 Houses, Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
-CHARACTERS: Ace Markey, Levi Fontana, Eden Tobisa, Charles Cuevas, Teruko Tawaki, Xander Matthews, Damon Maitsu, Eva Tsunaka, Tomoya Morita, otome Hanayama (I keep forgetting her last name), Bani, Pocket, Enigma, Hiroto Akagi, Hibiki Kotobuki, Honoka Onizaki, Daisuke Shiriaki, Kazuichi Souda, Caesar Zeppeli, Jonathan Joestar, Ichika Hoshino, Kanade Yoisaki, Tsukasa Tenma, Kotone Shiomi, Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya/Joker, Ryuuji Sakamoto, Anzu Hoshino, Junta Hayami, Byleth Eisner, Sylvain Jose Gautier, Shez, Fuuta Kajiyama.
-AUS: Coffee shop AU, Non-Despair AU, Fantasy AU and my own aus so far.
-SHIPS: Acevi, Xanruko, Xanvid, Xandvi/Xanvi, Areden, Charuko, Charwhit, Maitsunaka, Akimoya, Hirosuke, Kazuroto, Honobiki, Pocket x Enigma, Fuuta x Mahiru, Shez x Sylvain, Dimitri x Claude, selfshipping and character x reader. Also platonic ships too.
-CHARACTERS: Arturo Giles (my own writing of him), AI!Mikado, Mitsuhiro Higa, Hifumi Yamada, Mikoto Kayano, Es.
-AUS: None
-SHIPS: Kanade x Iroha, Kazuichi x Sonia (unless platonic, I can do that), Hifumi x anyone, Jonathan x Dio, Es x anyone, Miklan x anyone (unless platonic or familial) Flayn x anyone
-CHARACTERS: Haiji Towa, the Warriors of Hope, Junko Enoshima, Yukana Kishi, Matthias Raoul Gautier, Rhea.
-AUS: None
-SHIPS: Haiji x anyone, the WOH x anyone, Junkan, Mukuro x Junko, Tsukasa x Saki and Shiho x Shizuku and Akito x Ena (although idk why I should put these here because anyone knows shipping siblings is gross, same with adults x minors), any main hd cast x side cast ship (unless Denshi and Ryuuji, as the creator said that the HD main cast and Denshi and Ryuuji are young adults), romantic Misa x anyone, Rhea x anyone.
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
I read f100 weekly as it was coming out and was reasonably disappointed when it ended, but i gotta say watching you lb it has really amplified the "WE COULD HAVE HAD SOMETHING GREAT" feeling for me. some awesome moments in there! anyway hope you're enjoying what little we had of it 🥹
I’m literally 6 chapters from the end, mr jump really just said ‘fuck anyone who wants to read anything new and interesting’. oh I believe ayako’s character was meant to be set up for something far beyond this arc… daisuke enoshima can you just self-publish f100 and go like ‘yeah ignore the ending we’re restarting from this arc and just going forward with it’ (I know he cannot do this)
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ljaesch · 1 year
Fabricant 100 Manga Ends
This year’s 40th issue of Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine has published the final chapter of Daisuke Enoshima’s Fabricant 100 manga. The manga is described as: There was once a doctor fixated on creating the “ideal human being.” After the doctor’s death, his fabricant creations start attacking humans in order to attain the perfect body. When Ashibi Yao’s entire family is murdered by these…
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demifiendrsa · 2 years
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Weekly Shonen Jump 2023 issue #1 cover
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