#Dakota ALWAYS pissed me off
totallydramaticqueen · 8 months
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Some tdroti redesigns because I really like the characters but their designs are too simple for my taste 😮‍💨
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
It’s been a while since I fever dreamed the plot to something, but I just woke up from a literal fever dream set in a futuristic version of New York where Tom Hiddleston and his pet cyborg owl are entrenched in a spy thriller buddy-cop narrative, only to get swept up in the conflicting heartfelt rom-com narrative of Dakota Johnson who, after a series of unfortunate breakups, has sworn off love and committed herself heart and soul to her job as a curator at Futuristic Met Museum. This is much to the distress of her weed smoking, shroom taking trans lesbian mothers and their elderly dog, Jeff, who just want her to find happiness and love.
As part of his cover, Tom and his cyborg owl, Frank, move into the same apartment where he’ll be staying for several months while he plans to steal a diamond from the Met. I think if you held it up to the light it would project nuclear launch codes that’d been etched onto it. Don’t ask me, my brain was more focused on making the cyborg owl into the wise-cracking comic relief. It kept saying things like “wow Tom, you really are a jack of owl trades” or “don’t worry, Tom, owl always love you.”
The pair meet in the lobby where Tom manages to piss off Dakota by not holding the elevator for her while she is carrying heavy boxes. The apartment building, however, is old and shitty, and he gets stuck in the elevator, requiring him to be rescued by one of Dakota’s mothers who also happens to be the super. Dakota huffs her way out the stairwell just in time to hear her mother inviting the “nice British man” to dinner, much to her chagrin as she realizes that her mom is trying to set her up with the asshole and the cyborg owl that sits on his shoulder like a parrot.
Tom, who finds out she works for the met over said dinner, decides to go along with it as he realizes she’d be the perfect cover to get into the Met Museum for an upcoming gala event—not to mention the perfect person to take the fall for his theft—and begins wooing her relentlessly, assuring Frank, the cyborg owl, that it’s all just part of the mission.
Eventually, the pair fall for each other for realzies, and Tom is conflicted over using her to steal the diamond but his time is running out because we also find out he went rogue for a while after his partner died and was using his skills to work freelance for an international crime syndicate and now the mob is after him?????
Anyway, he’s about to confess all to her on the night of the gala when she gets a phone call from her moms letting her know that their elderly dog, Jeff, is dying so the pair rush back to the apartment and take him to the nearest cyborg vet in the hopes of saving him. En route, the mob find them and start shooting at the flying car they’re in and it leads to a comedic shouting match between the pair along the lines of “what do you mean you’re an international spy and the mob are after you? Ugh, I can’t believe you didn’t tell me this sooner! I told you everything about me!”
“Oh, yes, your embarrassing high school stories are exactly the same thing as divulging international secrets. Tell you what, after this let’s get a coffee and I can tell you some highly sensitive top secret information to even out the playing field.”
Anyway, Frank the cyborg owl manages to take out the mob car chasing them with a grenade (????!), and the pair get Jeff to the cyborg vet in time. The dream shifted after that to Dakota helping Tom to figure out how to break into the Met so he can get the diamond, not because she loves him and he helped save her childhood dog, but because she wants him gone. Tom accepts her help and storms off to his own apartment where Frank the cyborg owl is poignantly silent save to say “take some Tylenol”
“Wake up, you need Tylenol.”
Which is what sent me rocketing upright in bed, dizzy and dehydrated, pounding migraine headache, drenched in sweat and running what the thermometer tells me is a 102 fever.
Which brings us to now where I’m downing Tylenol in the dimly lit kitchen, guzzling water and typing this all up on my phone because there’s no way I’m going to remember all this in the morning but damn if it wasn’t a fun dream.
Anyway, shout out to Frank the cyborg owl for waking me up before my brain fried ✌️🦉. I’m going back to bed.
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damiansgoodgirll · 1 year
Jey and Jimmy x platonic r where she’s like a little sis to them and she followed them outside the bloodline and when someone (charlotte or dakota you choose) try to attack her backstage they go into protective mode please
the usos x reader (platonic)
tw : reader being attacked behind her back and a little injured reader
i love charlotte so please forgive me for making her the bad guy here
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starting off in nxt was the step to succeed into the main roster, well, not for everyone was like that but you knew you had potential to achieve that. barely 21 you had been wrestling since you were 18. not that much but you were good, you had talent and people saw that in you.
that’s how you found yourself being recruited by the bloodline right after the match you won in nxt. no one told you that so you were a little surprised but you knew you couldn’t let that opportunity go away so you accepted.
from nxt to raw and smackdown.
the usos were the one who saw the potential in you and they wanted you in the team. roman really didn’t care but he agreed that the bloodline needed a female gaze and he liked the way you fight, the way you were able to speak without fear and how people liked you.
you started getting more matches and one night you won the smackdown female title against charlotte.
oh she was mad.
she couldn’t understand how someone like you, with little to no experience and only 21 could beat her, the queen, the most perfect woman on the roaster. she was beyond pissed and she wanted to get revenge on you but she knew she had to work on a way to hit you when you were at your lowest.
she thought it would be hard but then the usos lost their title and the bloodline fell apart. you were shocked but you always knew you would stick with the twins. they were the reason you were champion now and you couldn’t let that go away.
you stayed with the twins and they showed you so much gratitude for sticking with them, knowing their whole family turned their back on them.
you were now a trio. the twins and you and even if the feud kept going on you still retain your title. you fought against so many big names you always admired and couldn’t be happier.
in reality everyone loved you. rhea ripley was a menace in the ring but she turned out to be one of your best friends. becky loved you, she always said how your happiness could light up her days. bailey took you under her protective wing. she trained you and even if you fought her a couple of times she was beyond proud of what you were achieving. you even tried to talk with charlotte but she would simply ignore you.
so while you were waiting for the twins to finish their gym session so you could train together you felt something or more like someone hitting your back from behind.
there were no cameras, no shows going on. it was just a simple day backstage where everyone was working for the upcoming show.
you dropped your phone on the ground and you let out a loud and pitched scream. you’ve never felt so much pain in your life. you knew something was wrong, your back was in so much pain you fell and couldn’t even stand and breathe properly.
jey and jimmy heard the scream. and they knew it was you.
they left the gym and ran into your direction.
they saw you you laid on the ground with charlotte hovering over you. she kept kicking you and giving you punches you thought you were going to die. there was blood coming out your nose and head. your legs where both shaking from pain and you knew your left shoulder was dislocated.
as jimmy went to remove charlotte from your body, jey got down at your height and saw your bruised body.
“that was my title you fucking bitch!” charlotte kept screaming as jimmy and some security tried to keep charlotte away from you.
you didn’t even care about what she was saying. you were in too much pain and all you wanted to do was sleep the day off.
“hey y/n…can you hear me? can you talk to me please?” jey softly asked you.
“can’t…breathe…” you whispered.
he knew it was serious when he heard your voice. you were struggling to breathe and he had no idea of what to do.
“i’m gonna lift you in my arms okay?” he said and you nodded, he also motioned someone to call an ambulance “one…two…three” he picked you up and tried to be as gentle as possible but you let out a small scream that broke his heart.
“shh…we’re getting you help” he said as he moved away from the backstage.
charlotte was taken under custody and jimmy joined his brother.
“shit where the fuck is the ambulance!” jimmy almost shouted.
you were in so much pain you had no more tears to cry, all that was left where your sobs and your body shaking and whimpering with you.
“you’re gonna be okay sweetheart…” jimmy said while trying to clean the blood off your face.
they were beyond mad and wanted charlotte to pay for what she did but right now their first priority were you.
they got inside with you in the ambulance and both of them held your hands, whispering soft words.
you knew you were in good hands so you let yourself fall asleep. that made everyone alert. you were losing too much blood and you fell unconscious.
once at the hospital you were treaded with the utmost care and respect and only after a few hours but what felt an eternity for the twins the doctor managed to patch you up.
you had a dislocated shoulder, a few broken ribs, a concussion and a lower back pain. you got lucky charlotte didn’t hit you higher otherwise you could have remain paralysed.
“so that means…” you whispered. the twins both in the room with you.
“no wrestling for at least three months, you need to recover and get back in shape” the doctor said. you felt your heart breaking into million pieces.
“but - but what about the title…and summerslam and…” you whispered.
“hey hey don’t think about those things right now…you need to recover and recovering needs time” jey said holding your hand “you need to focus on yourself…not on wrestling”
“but…” you tried to speak but jimmy stopped you.
“jey’s right…you need time for yourself and we’re always gonna be here for you, always”
“thanks…” you whispered.
“now my dear you need to rest…we’re gonna be outside while we exchange a few words with the doctor…” jey said, kissing your hand and then your head.
you waited for them to exit the room before you let yourself cry, all the tears from what happened before. your dream falling into pieces and knowing you couldn’t do anything about it made you even angrier, but eventually all the crying tired you out and you quickly fell asleep.
jey and jimmy were talking with the boss, telling them exactly what happened and that some people saw the scene too. they wanted charlotte’s career to go into oblivion and they were ready to fight for it.
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I love Percy and Annabeth but they should not have been in Heroes of Olympus.
Because they overshadow everyone else.
People even say they skipped other characters povs just to read there's.
I love them but I think they shouldn't have been as prominently apart of the story.
Because yeah I love them but I've had 5 books of these guys, I'd really like to know the rest of the seven.
Hell Jason's birthday is the day they fall into Tartarus soo...tell me they aren't overshadowed..
Jason's our main character and he constantly gets pushed aside and is not written well and constantly compared to as being Percy's lesser version.
Which isn't fair.
And he's not given a chance to change that.
He's not allowed to exist outside of Percy because of course he isn't.
Percy's right there.
Also give them a break.
They just fought a war.
Personally would love if the lost hero started with a snap shot of the battle of Manhatten and zoomed out to the Roman part of the fight.
Jason leading the charge and just "Yeah.. That's me, your probably wondering how I got here."
And takes us all the way back to a mysterious woman giving Jason up and the wolves coming for him.
With us learning from kid Thalia demanding to know where Jason is that this Jason is her Jason.
Jason Grace.
We see the wolf house we watch Jason try to survive and absolutely break our hearts hearing someone so young think he's so alone and no one loves him.
Lupa becoming more motherly to him but that fear Jason has always remains that she will turn on him one day.
Jason wandering the streets to Camp Jupiter.
Jason's situation bring the reverse of Percy's.
Being out casted immediately and than put on a pedestal once he's claimed.
Jason immediately hating it.
Jason being pushed into this good soilder narrative but he doesn't fit it at all.
His upbringing has left him wild, less bothered with proper fighting techniques and more on survival.
He fights to kill.
He fights to live.
And no one else gets that.
Except one camper, Octavian, who's older than Jason abd the Augur.
Everyone after reading the Pjo series seeing Octavian...I got my eye on you Mr.
Who insults the elders and is the first to get Jason to laugh.
And encourages Jason to stand up for what he believes in.
Giving Jason the courage to deny his place in the 1st cohort and join the 5th.
Pisses everyone off.
Mostly the 1st.
Who are downright offended because you don't turn down the first cohort.
And Jason's like, but I just did.
The 5th have no idea what to make of Jason but in time they become friendly.
Dakota becoming a friend to him.
Jason knows this because he shares his kool aid with him sometimes.
He does get in trouble for squaring off with and scaring off some bullies of the upper cohorts.
Because Jason hates bullies and he recognises the kid, Frank being picked on.
Apparently they stole his stick and while Jason has no idea it's importance, it made Frank sad soo he goes after them.
Ends up on probatio and friends with Frank.
Who admires Jason's bravery and wishes he could be too.
So the rest of the leigion kinda miffed some 5th upstart is embarrassing them.
And so when the next quest is given its to him.
Quests are different here to Camp Half-blood.
Since they don't have a true oracle, specifics are never mentioned.
Leaving the leigion to give the prophecy to whoever they want.
And they want to knock Jason down a few pegs and so they send him.
Jason picking Frank and Dakota.
Neither of the two are hopeful because the day a 5th is sent on a quest is the day their funeral is held.
Not the case though and they do in fact succeed and do it well.
Frank even opening up about his stick and showing that he is as brave and courageous as he wants to be.
It's through that act of bravery Frank is claimed as a son of Mars.
And though he's not exactly sure he should be one, Jason and Dakota both tell him it suites him well.
They both even do the "all hail Frank Zhang, Son of Mars" speech.
Which makes him smile.
On the way back though they do find Reyna.
Jason gets the short straw and has to do the oh the Roman God's are real but she knows and that she's a daughter of Bellona.
And they all head back to camp together.
And while Reyna has her guard up she does genuinely seem to enjoy her company with the others.
She's also the only other person to truly understand how Jason fights and his instinct to survive.
Though she doesn't share why.
Octavian greets them, proud and Reyna is on probatio until they can see what cohort she fits into.
Though she remarks after seeing the egos of the 1st that the 5th might be better afterall.
Celebrations are held and Jason wonders if the quest is really over.
Also all or us wondering if Octavian was genuine about what he said to Jason to follow his dreams.
Or if he did it to take Jason's place in the 1st.
Can't tell me after Luke anyone of you guys wouldn't be mad suss of an older blonde boy befriending Jason.
Fool me once.
Shame on you.
Fool me twice...
Also reading the series prior and than this means everyone agrees with Jason.
Like we saw Percy fight for his life over and over and are just like... Oh you bitches gonna have a rude awakening when you face real monsters 💅🏽.
I have no idea what the quest would be but I'd want them to all line up to the next big prophecy.
Instead of it coming out of nowhere.
Hazel does come around but later on because of the doors and with her so does Nico.
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xoangel-dust · 14 days
Yet another Total Drama Controversy Meme: SLIGHT SPOILERS FOR SEASON TWO OF THE REBOOT
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Favorite Character: Dawn - I’ve been a fan of hers even before the season aired back in the day (I was able to watch the French version that leaked). She’s probably considered “overrated” today but she’s still a decent character.
Despised Character: Chase - he’s funny but…then he opens his mouth and how he treats Emma irritates me.
Favorite Season: Total Drama Island (2007/2008)- I can rewatch this season many times over it still holds up to this day .
Despised Season: Total Drama Action - this season just makes me mad. It broke both Duncney and Gwent up, derailed the four of them and it dragged way too much for having a smaller cast.
Most Overrated Character: Julia - I feel like they tried way too hard to get people to like her and every “villainous” act she’s done as been OFF SCREEN! Then they made her the villain for season two of the reboot which just made her worse. I never saw the appeal and genuinely didn’t like her from the beginning.
Most Underrated Character: Dakota - she was done SO dirty during revenge of the island and did not deserve being exposed to radiation.
Favorite Couple: Alejandro x Heather - their chemistry is UNMATCHED, they’re made for one another and I genuinely cannot see them not being together and married.
Despised Character: Gwourtney - don’t hate me y’all but I’ve always found them to be so fake. They were “friends” for maybe one episode during world tour then Gwen kissed Duncan. Not to mention them probably voting for one another in said season. Then all stars happened with Gwen saying,”oh Duncan and Courtney weren’t together when I kissed Duncan!1!1!” Then we have Courtney’s list being exposed showing that she didn’t actually want to take Gwen to the final 2 or whatever. Nothing but backstabbing. (Plus I ship Gwen with Leshawna!!)
Favorite Song: Her real name isn’t Blaineley - Blaineley deserved it. It’s a hilarious and catchy song.
Despised Song: Shearing Sheep - horribly off beat which makes it hard to listen to.
Favorite Episode: If You Can’t Take The Heat - easily top 5 of my favorite episodes of the series. Entertaining from start to finish, Heather getting locked in the freezer after getting her eyebrows burned off HILARIOUS! Beth being the reason her team was on a losing streak.
Despised Episode: Sunday Muddy Sundae - looking back I think action derailed her the most of this episode just…stress…the way Mal just MAGICALLY found her list pisses me off to this day. The way everyone turned on Courtney simply for playing the game.
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georgiapeach30513 · 4 months
Gotta give Kim K some credit, she works. Even if she’s famous for nothing, she’s continued to be a business woman and also somehow duped HW into giving her a career. Of sorts. 🤣
Then there’s Dakota. I tried watching madame web for five minutes and shut it off but she cracks me up. Her line delivery always makes me think of a kid who’s pissed their parent is trying to ask them a question and they’re like “GOD mom I already told you this!!!!” But she has two movies releasing next month and she just came off the madame web press tour and now she’s filming and doing daily pap walks. So I say, good for her!!!! Use those nepo connections!
Which is more than we can say about some other people who also love photoshopping themselves and reading what people say about them.
I will always be more supportive of a hustler than a grifter. Simple as that.
I’ll be the last one to say anything about Kim’s work ethic. I can’t stand the woman, but she works. However, calling her an actor and putting her on Actors on Actors is a joke. That is my issue.
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trivialbob · 1 year
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This morning I woke up at the insane time of 3:15 AM. Shockingly, I felt well rested. I read in bed for a while, finally finishing a book the library automatically renewed twice. I did not care for the ending. It seemed like the author looked at his watch or calendar and realized there's a deadline, so time to cram a lot of action and resolution into nine pages and call it done.
Then I got up and started laundry. I like doing laundry. That's why my wife doesn't care what I spend on a washer and dryer. She's relieved of laundry duty.
Of course I don't waste money on some machine that gives me a choice of chimes to signal the end of the cycle. I have a solid, practical washer/dryer combo. If they were cars they'd be Toyota Camrys, the XLE trim level, and probably with the V6.
After brewing and ingesting a fair amount of coffee I washed all the bedding in the house. Sunrise today was 6:56 AM. Any awake neighbors might have laughed at me because I was hanging sheets, a blanket, and a quilt on my clothesline two hours before the darkness left. Even the bats likely thought I was crazy.
When it finally got light outside I took the dogs to the airport dog park. Plane-watching sucked. We saw some other Aussies, which always makes me smile.'
When Ella, Oliver, and Sulley were tired I brought them home, Then I got my Surly Cross Check out for a ride. I did a ten mile loop around the three Minneapolis lakes I enjoy being at. The weather was perfect.
Later, grocery shopping followed by making the beds and cleaning around the house.
Sulley still had energy. He's a year-and-a-half old. Ella is 12 and Oliver is 10. It really pissed off the older dogs when I took only Sulley for a walk around Lake Harriet. The other two would have been too exhausted to complete the 2.8 mile loop, though Ella would have liked a swim.
Now I think I understand why Sulley did poorly in obedience school. He's rarely on a leash. Between our fenced-in back yard and the mostly fenced-in dog park, that boy isn't used to having a leash on except to go from the car to the park gate or when he's in a brewery.
At the lake the first ten minutes were awkward as he and I figured out leash protocol. Then it got easy. He was very well behaved. Now I'm starting to think of trying another obedience class, after I take him on more leashed long walks.
Top picture is a view of Bde Maka Ska from a bike path. That's the Dakota name that replaced Lake Calhoun as the lake's current name. The second picture is the trolley car that runs from Lake Harriet to Bde Maka Ska. The operator rang a bell to warn Sulley and me to not attempt to cross the street as the trolley approached. It was kind of cute.
Now I'm going to eat a Jimmy John's sub and watch the final season of Succession. I don't like waiting week by week for new episodes. I waited for some time and now I can binge watch it.
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intertexts · 6 months
- ashe being there surprised dakota so much it broke him somewhat out of his bad mood! in grizzlys words "if he wouldnt have met ashe right then, dakota would have been so much more angry and miserable at the beginning of this episode. he mightve just straight up left. got up and walked away."
- he didnt want to talk to william or vyncent at all, so ashe being there (however unwillingly) as a third party made things easier and almost softened the blow of vyncent yelling at him in the moment
- "why did i dream about william and vyncent being villains in the beginnign and killing summer" ".... i dunno" *cue entire party suspicious WHAT DOES THAT MEAN*
- "i dont trust your characters now" "you have ONE bad dream and our campaign turns into a game of among us"
- william: "hey ashe do you want to run away and write poetry with me?" emo/goth kid solidarity
- this is yakko's (ashes player) first time ever playing a ttrpg !!! fucking wild!! he feels like he needs more practice describing things
dakota: breakbeat, old school rap, 90s punk rock. also for shows he would watch it was "cartoons like atla, tmnt and codename kids next door"
william: "indie rock. and on a bad day, evanescence" (god hes just like me fr)
vyncent: "my character doesnt know what music is"
ashe: MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE . also apparently yakko made an ashe winters playlist on spotify and thats actually what they were playing in the episode. i have not found this yet and i desperately want to
- for the spirit world, bizly asked charlie to find him just random pieces of music that he could envision places for and thats how they came up with carnival of souls! there are a handful more places like that that youll see eventually :]
- yakko: "im glad i was able to bring wavelengths threat level down an entire tier just by calling him mark"
- charlie wants william and ashe to hang out in character more because theyre so similar and he thinks they would have a lot to bond over! i love this
- theyre all really excited that they get to go to the spirit world together and it wasnt just an excuse to split the party because they dont want to do that :] (<< i just rlly like this energy)
- grizzly is specifically playing dakota as "not being able to process emotions very well"
ALSO!!!!!!! i dojt know what site or whatever youre using to watch/listen so im hoping they have this on there BUT. the tide backstory oneshot was posted between episodes 12 and 13 so if u wanted to listen to that one now would be a good time !!! its called The Elementals :]
HIII YAYAYAYAYYY!!!! ohh fuck yes a little bowl of seeds for me :333
the dakota & ashe stuff is so goodddd u can rlly tell. it's like yeah you cant be mad and miserable and sulky in front of someone u don't know!! & ashe is just.... so unbothered... i loaf him... he truly did bring the threat level down so fast. went from terrifying supervillain in charge of the Evil Facility to an exhausted pissed off single dad in 1 minute.
+ALL THE MUSIC STUFF IS SO GOOD..... ITS SO GOOD. yelling. vyncent is going 2 end up having the weirdest music taste from hanging out with them. augh... awesome trivia thabk. the energy they have is so fun always....
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simmerdowndee · 2 months
I don’t understand why Theo is being so secretive when it comes to his work. He’s always shared what he’s working on, so this is starting to concern and piss me off. You know what I’ll do? I’m going to call him and tell him we’re going out this weekend.
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Theo: Hey babe.
Dakota: Hi sweetie.
Dakota: I want to go to this art showing this weekend. I’m going to buy the tickets for us.
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Theo: Oh babe, I will be in the office this weekend again.
Dakota: Theo, this is ridiculous.
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Theo: Baby, I promise it is almost over.
Dakota: I would be more accepting if you told me what you were doing.
Theo: It’s just some new processes babe.
Dakota: And you can’t do this from home at least?
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Theo: Baby, stop. Please.
Dakota: Whatever Theo.
Theo: Babe, its-
Dakota: I’m going to let you get back to work.
Dakota: It’s clearly more important.
Theo: Babe…
Dakota: I’ll see you at home.
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He’s definitely hiding something, and I’m beginning to think he’s not at work……..
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arcaneyouth · 9 months
I would like to request that you talk about an OC you don't often talk about. Go nuts
Cliff and Dakota's dynamic is sooo fun and interesting to me <3 They're pretty much just business partners, Cliff let's Dakota feed off any of his casino's patrons, as long as she also uses her love stealing powers to put people's love in Cliff's hands. It draws them back to the casino and forces them to spend more money there to get their love back. So it's just business. Promise. No it's not
they're besties no they aren't yes they are no yes. no <3 Dakota is incredibly annoying and has to be stopped from feeding off TOO many people and the other staff members, and she's a hassle to cope with. Cliff is a stick in the mud (by Dakota's standards anyways) and is always stopping her from having more fun with her victims. She keeps trying to get him to admit he loves her so she can eat his love, just because it'd be funny. He always perfectly manipulates the conversation to avoid this. They'd die for each other. If either of them were to be asked why, they'd come up with a justification for it, "Dakota's too valuable for my business" "I haven't finished messing with Cliff, he's MINE to kill", and these are true. And it is honestly 90% of the reason they'd die for each other. They're just never gonna admit that the other 10% is they got attached.
So they end up in a funny dynamic where they would not hesitate to kill the other if the opportunity arised, but if anybody else were to be mean to them they would get really pissed off. And also if one of them killed the other they'd be chill about it like yeah that was probably gonna happen at some point. As long as the death is cool they don't really care. Cliff is a strict ruthless bastard that doesn't let up on anyone for doing their job improperly (except for Dakota sometimes), Dakota's a piece of shit that only listens to herself and doesn't let anyone tell her what to do (except for Cliff sometimes). Cliff would never believe her if she said she cared about him because it's probably just a trick, and Dakota would not notice or care if he said he cared about her because she'd be too busy eating his love and watching him die to process it. Something is wrong with them and they aren't making each other worse but they sure aren't helping either
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forgotten-mem0ries · 3 months
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5:23 PM July 4, 2024 The Therapy Session
I went to the first one Tuesday. It got pushed back by my therapist, Dr. Monroe. My anxiety shot through the roof as soon as I even approached her office. I brushed it off and continued on in.
She was waiting for me by the door. She looked at me like I was a photo ripped in half. I trudged into her office before she could say anything, welcoming myself to a chair in front of her desk. I leaned back in the chair and waited for her to come in. Her office looked the exact same as the last time I was here, multiple years ago when she told me 'you're starting to remember more'. Wish I hadn't.
She still had the same photo of her and my dad on the desk in front of her flower pot on the window sill. Them graduating college in their red caps and gowns. The same one I plan on going to. My mom also asked me about that recently, but that'll be for a separate entry.
"Can you turn the photo around?" I asked, giving a lazy point to the photo of her and my father.
"Yeah of course, sorry." She turned it around so it was facing out of the window at the street behind the building. It wasn't a busy one. She sat down and gave a small sigh.
"Surprised you haven't asked about anything yet, thought I was gonna be bombarded by questions as soon as I walked into the building."
"I have more respect for you than that."
"I appreciate it, I really do, wish I wasn't here on the occasion of him dying but it is what it is."
"Yeah...your mom mentioned you were the one that found him."
"Of course I did, it's always the youngest that goes through the most apparently, thought it was bad when I found the dog dead, boy oh boy it got so much worse."
"Yeah, Molly, when she was in the yard playing with the neighbor kid--"
That shut me up for a few moments. Fucking hell. It's like every problem that happened the last times I had been in this office was coming back.
"Right, yeah, yeah, Melanie."
"Has your memory been bad recently? Or is this the first mess up from last time you were here?"
"This is the first time of what I remember, ha...sorry, not something to joke about--yeah, first time since."
We both went silent for a few moments as she flipped through her notebook and pulled out a pen. She looked at me again.
"Do you wanna talk about your dad today? Or use this as a catch up session?"
"Catch up, please, I don't really wanna talk about him right now."
She gave a small nod and set down her notebook, flipping it so the cover was closed again.
"Tell me anything." She muttered.
"I graduated high school, uhm...I kissed someone, a girl, Frankie, but that was a couple months ago, I did just see her at a party recently, Shaun dragged me there so I wouldn't isolate myself again, Leo was there too and I caught up with them, Remy got a new job, Grant's back in town from college--I'm not on speaking terms with him."
"What happened between you two?"
"He wouldn't answer my messages for days at a time and would reply like nothing happened--just pissed me off and then he came to the funeral, like what right does he have to even show up there?"
"Are you more mad at the fact that he showed up? Or that he didn't tell you he would."
"...Both, I guess, I didn't expect him to, he doesn't care about anyone else but himself, doesn't try to reach out to me, hell, he didn't even respond to the text when I told him he died."
"But he looked at it?"
"He looked at it, and didn't say a single word. I yelled at him at the funeral and was throwing rocks at my window trying to get my attention but every time I go to look it stops."
"Maybe he just gets scared you might see him, yell at him again, or fight him--"
"Me? Fight him? I wouldn't do that."
"With everything you're going through right now, I don't think anyone would be surprised if you fought someone."
"I still wouldn't do--"
"Dakota, what I'm trying but failing at saying, is that you need to just give him a chance, text him or next time he throws a pebble at your window, just talk to him, hear him out on his bullshit or whatever."
"I need more time to deal with this, he's just one of them that pities me."
I left soon after that, driving back home in silence. My mother asked how it went and I just shrugged with a simple "caught up" and went upstairs. Remy checked up on me and we watched a movie, Sinister.
I actually fell asleep and had a nightmare about some kids chasing after me. They weren't normal kids--or didn't look normal at least, they had black eyes. It hasn't been the first time I've dreamt it, I used to when I was a kid, I would tell my father I saw them around the house out of the corner of my eye. But every time I turned my head to look, they would be gone. He never believed me.
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1, 5 and 12 for the drag race ask game? :)
Q1: I'm Filipino so it has to be one of the two DRPh seasons and I flip flop constantly.
S1 was amazing, the competition always felt fierce between the queens and they were firing on all cylinders minus the length of the episodes. 1 hour 30 minutes is insane and while the season makes it work, it hurts the seasons rewatchability.
S2 is an easier watch but there is a sense in the first half of the season of the producers scrambling to set up and conduct the season but around the middle of the season it finds its footing and becomes a top tier season. Also S2 has M1ss Jade So and on her own she elevates this season.
Q5: It would be wrong not to mention the Madonna rusical but my favorite is "Hi Arparporn", the rusical from DRT2.
Every single role gets the spotlight and has the chance to win and every queen sells it and performs the hell out of it.
I'd highlight in specific Vanda Miss Joaquim and Kandy Zyanide. Vanda didn't speak the language but still slayed and Kandy just chewed up and destroyed her role, she was amazing.
Q12: I feel like answering Down Under S1 is too obvious so I think I;ll go with UK4. (For context I've only watch US 1 - 16, AS 2 - 8, UK 1 - 5, Canada 1 - 4, Thai 1 - 2, Phil 1 - 2, Espana 2, France 2, Espana All Stars, Down Under 1 - 3, UKvTW 1 - 2 and CvTW).
It's not a horrible season. Objectively it's fine but there are certain things about the season that pisses me off and it commits the worst sin for me, it was boring.
Pixie Polite, Dakota Schiffer and Le Fil were all in some way overlooked or mistreated throughout the season.
Jonbers Blonde getting pushed to the top 4 was frustrating to watch espescially when the gap between her and the other finalists was clear.
By episode 4 the only queens who get a win are Danny and Cheddar. It was just kind of boring to watch.
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painfulrant · 2 years
This is a scenario based on the book Wild Cowboy Wolf by Kait Ballenger and how I could see one of the scenes or arguments going in the book! This is a mixture between the book and OuterBanks, the characters being Y/n and JJ representing Dakota and Blaze. IF you happen to notice any grammatical errors, I’m sorry! This is a rough draft but I’m not able to work on it long because I gotta start dinner soon! Thank you all for reading if you’ve gotten this far. Love y’all!
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Y/n looked up to the man that was too close for comfort, the warmth from his bare chest creating a barrier around them but the coldness in his eyes creating walls just as strong that kept them separated.
Why couldn’t he see? She didn’t like pushing him away anymore then he did. Of course, she probably shouldn’t have kissed him first but he made it abundantly clear that he didn't reciprocate her feelings, at least not at the time. Now he stood in front of her, rolling a strand of her hair between his fingers and staring at her with a coldness that she’s only ever seen given to others.
“You get mad at me for stopping that night and now… now you’re getting upset because I’m trying to prove there's nothing to be scared of? Why can’t you understand that I’m trying to make you see?” His voice was deep and grovel with clipped edgings. To anyone it would have seemed as though he were as calm as a sleeping infant. She knew him better though. He was holding back everything; his anger, his hurt, his confusion, and most of all he was holding out on her.
“See what, JJ? Every decision you’ve made has made it very obvious that there can’t be anything between us. I’m surprised you haven’t caught onto it!” She would not allow him to see her break so when the tremblings started just below her lip and the shaking formed in her already clenched hands, she turned away, going to grab her clothes that lay in a crumbled pile on the floor.
“To see that it’s always been you! Women, how many times do I have to show and tell you that you’re all I’ve wanted for years! Anyone with two eyes, hell even one eye, could and have seen it.” That’s just it though, that was before they had to worry about their years of friendship going down the drain. Scoffing, she wrapped her arms around herself to stop the cold that was seeping from her chest all throughout her body, causing her to tremble from every emotion that swam through her.
“Don’t do that, Angel.” His gruff voice grew softer and she hated it. He shouldn’t be pitying her right now. For years, she’s shown that she was anything but weak. Even so, the mask she wore was near crumbling and not only did she know it but he did too.
Without a second to think, she turned and marched towards him. The mask was still up, hiding all her emotions from prying eyes, his eyes. Her freezing hands met both sides of his face before she attempted to drag him down to feel him against her, just to test if what he was saying has any ounce of truth to it.
“If you can’t do it with feeling – don’t.” JJ's gruff voice mumbled as he pulled his head back, the walls between them only growing higher by the second. Speaking of second, this would be the second time that he’s rejected her. It wasn’t like everything in her body was screaming at her to just do it anyways or to break his walls down… Instead, she dropped her hands and head, staring at her boot and she kicked dust on the ground. Of course it would be no different this time. It was all a game to him.
“Okay.” She whispered, wincing when the crack in her voice betrayed her emotions.
“Angel.” Her body was moving away from him before her mind could register it. All the walls that he had tore down and all the emotions she was rolling over in her head, all while she replayed every second of the last few minutes.
“Don’t.” It was more of a plea than a warning but either way, he didn’t take the hint and she soon found his hands reaching towards her.
“You don’t have to explain. I’ve pissed you off. I’ve broken our friendship. I’ve pushed you away…” She announced, still not daring to look up in case she found any evidence of hurt or anger.
“I’ll just take my leave.” With that, she turned and began to walk with quick strides to get out of the room as soon as she could, choosing to leave her clothes with hopes they would still be there later. She didn’t get far before a rough pull on her shoulder stopped her and the warm feeling of lips, his lips, were against her own. The warmth from earlier wrapped around her, warming her freezing body which slowly eased her body into relaxation in his hold.
“A man is about as big as the things that make him angry.” JJ whispered right next to her ear and all she could hear was the cockiness and smug smile that she was sure was resting on his face. Before she knew it, her feet were off the ground and the feeling of gravity pulling against her caused her to squeal. She didn’t fall though, her body fitting perfectly against his as he held her, one hand on her bum and the other under her thigh.
“We have a shower to get to. Gotta get the sewer water and sh*t off you.” He all but chuckled and gave the same smug smirk as always. The thought of urine, sh*t, and anything in between matted in her hair and covering her body brought a choking feeling to her chest, causing her to gag in disgust.
“If you can’t do it with feeling – don’t.” - Patsy Cline.
“A man is about as big as the things that make him angry.” - Winston Churchill.
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mioakem · 1 year
Ranking gen 2 characters bc I’m bored (I base most of my rankings on comedy and am incredibly biased)
Cameron- I have beef with this bitch, I hate him sm it’s not even funny, I was so pissed off when i found out he was in all stars. He makes me physically angry
Sam- he’s cute with Dakota ig but he’s soooo annoying and why tf was he in all stars? Hate him sm, probs smelly, and he’s ugly af
B- he just wasn’t that interesting to me 🤷‍♀️
Mike- I also have personal beef with him, idk what it is abt him but I just don’t like it, but Vito and Svetlana ate
Staci- was only there for like one episode so can’t rlly judge but she was funny
Zoey- she’s just kinda boring, didn’t like her that much
Scott- I actually start liking the characters from this point forwards, he was cool ig and he was pretty funny. He was an alright villain and had his moments
Lightning- I actually love him sm, he was soooo funny, always love a dumb character. He didn’t win in my country but idc he does in my heart
Jo- love the character, hate the design but wtv she was awesome and I wish she lasted longer in all stars. Idk what else to say but I love everything about her
Dawn- thought I would hate her at first but I actually loved her. She’s just such a fun concept and I wish that she lasted longer
Brick- by far the best gen 2 guy, loved him sm and he deserved sm better
Dakota- Yes, yes, and yes, she’s actually perfect and she deserved better in every way shape and form
ANNE MARIA- MY FAV BY FAR. She’s just so funny and I love her concept and she deserves sm more screen time than she got
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wolvsalt2-0 · 1 year
The long awaited list of names
Rainii #20486 ~ bitches to much and uses 2 different accounts.
Proxy #86672 ~ 2 face bitch always complains and ruins the server when appearing.
Vix #31877 ~ Hides in the shadows and just a over all bitch.
Freya The Wolf #44955 ~ Mind your business. We don’t care if you have so many “chronic health issues”
Nox #67111 ~ fucking useless when it comes to stuff
zombietobe #78915 ~ whiny bitch that doesn’t leave people alone
Dakota #99448 ~ fucking whiny tit
Midlifecrisis #114521 ~ piss off your just lame bruh
Lady Dracula #49375 ~ scammer doesn’t pay her dues to others
Noelle #74323 ~ Can’t seem to shut their mouth
TXBM #57356 ~ Needs to give more T3’s like they used to and stop talking so much you talk more than me bruh
Werewolf #5430 ~ Needs to give out more T3 like they used to
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swaggyredkoala · 2 years
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Random Dakota Headcannons: He is really into Pokémon due to his love for animals and even if the games themselves arent the best, he likes SW/SH because he can play with his Pokémon, talk to them and cook them food 
He has a collection of Pokémon merch, mainly shirts and plushies I dont think he would have a permanent favourite Pokémon, he loves them all too much, just like animals
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He wants to be/likes being a parental figure, the way he interacts with Milo is so sweet it just gives me the vibe its something hes wanted to do for whatever reason, whether its because he had a bad upbringing and wants the child to have a better one or he just wants to experience having a child, I always got the vibe he kinda wanted to be a parental figure of some capacity
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Really obvious one here, but hes clearly neurodivergent, i mean, the whole dwampyverse is, like how Ferb is non-verbal (Yes, even if he occasionally talks, he is still non-verbal, it doesn't necessarily mean no speaking whatsoever, some do choose to be non verbal) or Milo taking things literally, (EG Bradley and Milos exchange in ‘The Undergrounders’) but I can relate to how Dakotas is presented, the way he doesn't act until the answer is more or less pointed out to him and how hes fascinated by seemingly inconsequential things like the lava lamp
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Which is alot like me, I really struggle socially, im better online but still miss obvious things, I also am fascinated to watch things that seem random, weird or inconsequential, for example, if I see ants, I like to watch them, its kinda mesmerising to see them running around and working so i totally understand Dakotas fascination with the lava lamp
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I adopted this one due to a fic by the amazing @iceangelsimon​ ! (Link if you want to read! https://archiveofourown.org/works/38343031) Dakota got Cavendish Dennis as a gift, personally I love how they  get it in the fic, but i could also see him giving it to Cavendish for his birthday, Christmas or ‘Just because he wanted to’
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Also, his bear is friends with Dennis, 100%
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I think I remember seeing this one on the Dakavendish Discord Server, (which idk if im allowed to post a link for) But Dakota would probably not enjoy board games and definitely not puzzles, puzzles would certainly get on his nerves because he dosent have a long enough attention span 
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It takes alot to really piss him off, yes, he is constantly irritable and snappy, but theres a big difference there, like, you can tell hes just annoyed and not actually that angry, but if hes pushed he will get really pissed and try to fight back
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