#wwe jimmy uso
foreverlyjay · 4 months
Jimmy is so REAL! 😂😂😂
All day ☝🏼🩸
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gabbypedrig · 1 month
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@j3y-us0-3ditz our babies daddies🤭🥰
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Sorry - Chapter 6
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
❤ Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
Series Masterlist
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Jon often forgets how petty his fiance could be as he watched her force Josh to switch seats with her on the plane so she was two rows ahead of him instead of sitting next to him. Their first flight had been canceled, leaving them in the airport for an extra 5 hours. He had tried to talk to Dominique, only to be met with silence and glares. Jon sucked his teeth as Josh made eye contact with him as he made his way over to him. 
“Aye it's gone be all good twin. Y’all got all week to work it out.” Jon snorted. He had peeked into her phone earlier when she was texting her mom and saw that she had asked her mom to pick her up from the airport.  
“Unlikely. Moniqiue is picking her up and taking her back to Ensley.” 
“Uce, that's a 12 minute drive. If you really wanna work shit out with Dom then do it. Hurry up and text Ms Mo before the flight takes off. Tell her she doesn’t need to come anymore.”  Jon didn’t respond to his twin, too busy looking at Dominique and trying to think of ways to get her back to him, back with him. 
“I don’t know what to do.” Jon confessed. “I know I fucked up and I apologized, but I just don’t know what else to do.” Josh sucked his teeth causing Jon to look over at him. “What?”
“You being deadass Uce? I know you not being deadass. Jon, you flew her out to Paris so you could propose in front of the Eiffel Tower because that's what she told you her ideal proposal was. Dominique is just stubborn as hell but you know what to do, Just follow your heart.” 
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Dominique rolled her eyes and let out a groan at all the messages her mother had sent her pertaining to her wedding. Dom had told her mom that the wedding was off but Monique Walker-Coleman did not care. She knew how her daughter was and she knew that Dominique and Jon would work it out.  
She didn’t even bother responding to her mom. She took her headphones out of her carry-on and slipped them on to her head. After putting on her playlist, she closed her eyes and tried to drift  off to sleep, but her mind kept going back to what Ishana had said to her. 
Dom knew Ishana was right but she also knew that if the shoe was on the other foot, Ishana would have turned her own fiance every way but loose! She understood that Jon knew he fucked up and all he wanted was for Dominique to forgive him, but she was hurt. She watched, with her own two eyes as her fiance let some bitch get into his space. He let that bitch KISS him! 
Dominique opened her eyes and  took a deep breath trying to calm herself down, if she thought about it anymore she was gonna be put on the no fly list after she got through with Jon. 
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Dominique all but ran off of the plane. She could hear Jon calling after her as she grabbed her bags from baggage claim and hightailed it to where her mom was waiting for her. “Go!” She yelled once she got in her moms car , then winced as her mother narrowed her eyes. “Sorry, can you just drive please?’ Monique nodded and drove off just as Jon came sprinting out of the building.
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Monique stared at her daughter, very disappointed in what she was hearing. “Yes, he fucked up.” Monique started off and Dominique smiled, finally someone was on her side. “But,” Monique said, causing Dom’s smile to fade. “You also fucked up by not letting him know how you feel about marriage before y’all even got engaged. You’re afraid to go through what me and your father went through and I don’t blame you. But you can’t let that ruin what you and Jon have. Y’all both went through some rough shit before finding each other. Don’t let  your fear mess that up Dominique.” 
“So what you're saying is that it’s my fault for not telling him I'm scared of being married.” Dominique scoffed, sitting back in  her chair and crossing her arms over her chest as Monique rolled her  eyes.
“Girl, you know damn well that’s not what I said.” Monique reached across the table and gently grasped her daughter's hand, squeezing it. “I don’t want you to be like me, Meeks. Don’t blow this situation out of proportion. You and him messed up and you and him need to sit down and talk to each other, without screaming.” Monique said, pointing an accusatory finger at her daughter. “You nicely tell him how you feel, not just about the situation but marriage as a whole and you listen to what he has to say.” 
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Dominique stayed out with her mother as late as she could. It was nearing 4 pm when she finally made it home and normally she would have gone in the house and started on dinner but she was still pissed off with him, she didn’t care if he ever ate again. 
She furrowed her eyebrows as she walked in the house, taking a note of the silence, which was very unusual in their house. She walked into the kitchen and jumped when she saw him sitting there, nursing a bottle of beer. She let out a sigh when she saw two empty bottles in the recycling bin. 
“Didn’t think I was gonna see you tonight.” He said in greeting and Dominique ignored him, walking over to the counter and shuffling through the bills that had accumulated while they were on the road. She noticed that his keys were thrown on the counter and not on the hook by the garage door. 
“I hope you decided to drink those after you went wherever you needed to go.” She muttered, flickering her eyes up to his. “You can’t afford another DUI.” That was a low blow. Jon chuckled and picked at the label. 
“That was uncalled for.” He muttered, his voice laced with hurt. “You ain’t have to say that Dom.” He let out a scoff when she shrugged. 
“What you did was uncalled for too.” 
“Now you just being childish and petty, Dominique.” 
“Hmm.” She hummed and placed the bills back down on the counter. “I’m going to take a shower.” She said, huffing as she heard him following after her. “Stop following me Jon.” 
“I just wanna talk to you.” He pleaded as he followed her up the steps and into their bedroom. She sighed and walked into their closet to get her some nightclothes ready. 
“I am talking to you Jonathan.” She called out from the closet. 
"Dom, please." He pleaded, taking his hair out of the ponytail and running his fingers through it. "I just want to talk to you” 
“Jonathan, we can talk in the morning. I just want to shower. “ He sucked his teeth and watched as she disappeared into the bathroom. He sighed and stood up to follow her in the bathroom.
"Okay I'll talk you listen." He sat on the toilet lid and she glared at him.
"Jon can you just - " She started but he cut her off.
"I fucked up and I'm sorry." He said and he rubbed his hand down his face. "I didn't know she was gonna do what she did, Dom. I-" He stopped and shrugged. "I don't know you told me to go find someone else and I was pissed but my intentions weren't to disrespect you." She rolled her eyes and rested her but against the sink so she was facing him.
"I obviously didn't really mean it, Jonanthan!" She cocked her eyebrow at him. Was he serious? So now all of a sudden he wants to do everything she said. If she said jump would he say how high?
"I know that Dominique, I was drunk and upset. Like I Just said it wasn't my intentions."
"So what were your 'intentions'?" She said using air quotes.
"I don't know Dominique." He stressed. She was making this more difficult than it needed to be. Why couldn't she just accept his apology. "All I know is that you pissed me off." She scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest.
"So that's what I had to look forward to if we got married? You letting different women in your space when I piss you off?" He groaned.
"Of course not Dom.-" She cut him off .
"What if it was me, Jon?" He raised his head from his hands and looked at her.
"What if it was me? What if you saw me with another dude all over me in the club and I didn't push him away? Would you forgive me right away?" He clenched his fist at the thought of another man even touching her. “You already was pissed off because you seen me with Randy.” 
"I'm not the only one at fault here Dominique." He deflected and she let out a huff and crossed her arms. "9 months of you pushing me away everytime I ask about the wedding, our wedding. Everytime I bring it up you either start an argument or walk away." He said, standing up from the toilet and walking closer to her. She averted her gaze, looking at the wall behind his head. He was right, he wasn't the only one at fault but he played a bigger role in this problem than she did.
She could be woman enough to admit that all of their other arguments were petty and childish and all her fault but this was entirely on him.
"Okay but I didn't let some guy kiss me." He restrained himself from rolling his eyes. She wasn't going to let that go any time soon.
"And I apologized for that and already told you that I didn't know she was going to do that."
"That doesn't make it okay Jon!" She yelled looking at him again. "None of this is okay! I'm allowed to have reservations about the wedding! I'm allowed to not be sure about certain shit Jonathan!" She was trying her hardest not to cry.
"So you're not certain about us?"
"That's not what I'm saying."
"So what are you saying Dominique?"
She stared at him. She wasn't sure what she meant by that. She was certain that she wanted to be with him, but she wasn't certain that she wanted to get married to him.
"I don't know." She mumbled, looking down at her feet. He scoffed.
"You know what." He let out a humorless chuckle. "Maybe we should just you know." He made a break apart motion with his hands. "If this wasn't what you wanted." He motioned between the two of them. "You shouldn't have accepted my proposal." He said turning around and walking back into their shared room.
Dominique stared after him in shock. That wasn't how she thought the conversation was going to go. She didn't expect him to walk out. She walked into the bedroom to see him packing an overnight bag.
"I'm going to stay at my moms." He said not sparing her a glance as he walked out of the room. She followed behind him wanting to tell him not to go and that she did want to be with him but something in her wasn't letting her.
He left the house slamming the door and let out a frustrated scream once he was in his truck. 
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HEYY Y'ALL... Sorry about the wait.
🏷️: @empressdede @abadbitchblogs @wrestlingprincess80 @harmshake @cyberdejos2
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@shayaaaaaaa @bebesobrielo
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smuts-whore · 8 months
Beautiful Nightmare
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Jey Uso x Female Reader
(thanks for being patient. Hope you enjoy lovebugs<3)
I sigh as I walk out of my bathroom with a huge sigh. I had a stressful day today and just want to lay in bed. I turn off my light and I lay down and stare at the ceiling in the dark. I let my thoughts take over and bite my lip in anticipation. I wonder if I’ll see him in my dream tonight. His hands running all over my body making every part of me melt. I close my legs as my wetness grows. I feel like I can feel him kissing every part of my body. The kisses on my neck makes me moan as I close my legs desperately trying to get friction. I grip the sheets as I feel them moving down my body and kissing right above my pussy. I gasp and open my eyes wide as I feel a warm tongue lick a up my pussy. I look between my legs and see him. He winks at me before going back in and eating me like it’s his last meal. My hands fly to his head and hold it in place against me. 
“Shit it feels so good”, I say as my back arches up. 
He growls and says,”Damn this pussy taste good mama”, before going back to eating. 
I feel like he’s slowly setting my body on fire and all I want to do is burn. I feel my stomach tighten up and my body spasms as I cum hard. He licks up all my juices and comes up and kisses me. I moan into the kiss as I taste myself. He pulls away and smiles down at me. 
“Who in the hell are you?”, I ask, smiling at him. 
He licks his lips and says,”It's Jey baby. Now I’m about to fuck this pussy up mama. All fours.”
I don’t waste any time and flip over getting on my hands and knees. He rubs his tip against my clit making me twitch. He kisses down my back and I whimper from the teasing. I shake my ass to tell him to hurry and he smacks it making me gasp. 
“Be fucking patient before you don’t get anything”, he says as he rub the spot he just spanked. 
I patiently wait and as he kisses my back he pushes his entire dick in making my eyes open wide and moan loud.
He comes to my ear and says,”Look at you letting me in like a good girl. Now give me them hands baby.”
I send my hands behind me and lay my head on the pillow. He grab my hand and hold them as he starts to pound the fuck out of me. The feeling is so unreal, it feels like a fairytale. 
I scream out,”Fuckkk daddy.”
He doesn’t let up on strokes and my eyes roll in the back of my head. He comes down to my ear and groans. I try to get the words out that I’m about to come as my stomach knots but nothing can come out. Soon my body shakes as my juices roll down my leg. 
“Daddy I’m cumming!”I scream as the euphoric wave comes over me. 
After I’m done he flips me over on my back and says, “I’m not done with you yet.”
He enters me again and my back arches. This time he’s going slower but deeper. He’s digging me out so nicely. My body feels like it's floating on air at how deep he is. I put my hand on his lower stomach and try to push him away but he’s not budging. 
“It's so deep daddy”, I say as my eyes roll in the back of my head. 
He kisses on my neck making sure to mark me and says, “You can take it mama. Just a little while longer.”
From the way he’s breathing and groaning I can tell that he’s close. I wrap him in my thighs holding him in place and scratch down his back.
His eyes roll in the back of his head and he says,”Fuck mama this pussy is so fucking tight.”
I moan out as I feel my third orgasm of the night creeping up on me. He groans loud and his moves start to stutter. 
“Oh fuckkk mama,” he says as he cums in me. 
His orgasm sends me into mine and my back arches up and my toes curl as I feel my body squirting from the intense and passionate strokes he just gave me. 
“Oh that's it mama, make it rain”, he says as he rubs my clit until I come down from my blissful orgasm. He comes down and kisses me as he disconnects our bodies. I whimper from the sensitivity and lay back on my pillow. 
He goes into the restroom and gets a warm towel to clean us up. When he finishes he wraps me in his arms and says,”You did so good mama.”
I smile and snuggle into his arms. My eyes open and the only fucking thing I’m snuggling with his my pillow. I groan and kick around in my bed. I feel the pool between my legs which dripped all down my thighs. I sit up and my body is covered in sweat. I go into the bathroom and clean myself up and change. I groan into the kitchen and get me a glass of water. I walk back into my room and groan as I lay down. 
“I’ll never fucking meet him.”
I roll my eyes and turn on my Tv and WWE is on. I decide to watch it and as I’m watching it I hear the name Jey. I sit up and see the man from my beautiful nightmare on Tv. I bite my lip and rub my thighs together as the feelings come back. 
I lick my lips and say,”Maybe I will meet him.”
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 7 months
Secret Santa
● Jimmy Uso x Reader ●
• Summary: You get Jimmy as your secret Santa pick. You get Jey to help you. He sees a text message from Jey and freaks out over it causing him to leave. What happens when Jimmy gets his present from you?
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Sitting in the locker room waiting for everyone to come in so we can pick who we are getting for secret Santa, Jimmy flops down next to me on the couch.
"Hey babygirl. How's it going?"
I look over at him smiling and shake my head. He puts his arm around my neck and kisses my cheek.
"You know you love me."
"Yes I do love you Jim."
"Would you two knock it off?"
Jey walks over and sits down on the other side of me. I smack his arm shaking my head. Bianca comes into the locker room with a bucket.
"Alright. Listen up. Everyone's name that is participating in the secret Santa is inside this bucket. I will go around and everyone will pick a name. Do not let anyone know who you have. Please and thank you."
She walks around and everyone starts picking names out of the bucket. She makes her way over to us and Jimmy picks a name out. Than I grab one and Jey does as well.
"Alright. Everyone has a name. You have until Christmas eve to get and give your person their gift. Thank you everyone."
I put my paper in my pocket not wanting to look who I have yet. Jimmy kisses my cheek again and he gets up.
"Alright baby. I gotta go do some bloodline stuff. I will be back later. I promise."
He walks off out of the room with everyone else and I pull the paper back out of my pocket opening it up.
"No way!"
I look over my shoulder to see Jey looking at my paper.
"You're nosy. And now that ya know I got him, you have to help me. You know him better than I do."
"Yeah. While you got my brother, I got Shotzi. That's your girl. You gotta help me too."
I put my hand out and he shakes it sealing the deal. I smile and stand up putting the paper back in my pocket.
"See ya later Jey."
I roll my eyes laughing and walk out of the room to go to my locker room.
*the next day*
Sitting on the couch at me and Jimmy's apartment, I am scrolling through Facebook trying to find an idea for Jimmy. I see a picture of him come up and an idea pops into my head. I immediately text Jey about it asking him who can possibly make it for me.
"Hey Jey! What do you think about getting Jimmy customized Jordan's for the ring with a matching jacket for him to wear for his entrance?"
I set my phone down on the coffee table and get up to go to the kitchen. Jimmy comes downstairs and into the kitchen sitting down on the couch.
"Baby can you get me a drink by any chance? Doesnt matter what it is!"
"Yes I can!"
My phone buzzes on the coffee table and Jimmy looks down at it. He sees Jey's name come up and grabs it off the table.
"Let's do it! We can meet up and get that done! Than you can help me! Let me know when Jimmy ain't around so I can come get ya!"
I walk in holding two cups and set them on the coffee table looking at Jimmy holding my phone. He looks up at me with a pissed off look. I look at him confused.
"What's wrong baby?"
"Don't call me baby. You have anything to tell me?"
I look at him confused standing next to the couch.
"Ummm no. What's going on?"
"Looks like you are trying to get with my fucking brother."
He stands up and shoves my phone in my face showing me the message I got from Jey. I grab my phone reading the message and look back at Jimmy.
"I am helping him with his secret Santa and he is helping me with mine."
"Yeah right. I don't believe that at all. You wanna be with my fucking brother? Be with him. I am out."
He pushes past me and walks upstairs. I stand there with a shocked but upset look on my face about what just happened. I hear banging upstairs. I sit down on the couch feeling tears swelling in my eyes. He starts banging stuff around and yelling about Jimmy. He comes down the stairs with two suitcases and looks over at me. He rolls the suitcases to the door than walks over to me.
"We are done. You can go be with my brother. I don't want to see you backstage. I just can't believe you would cheat on me with my own brother."
He sets his apartment keys on the table than turns to walk to the door.
"I didn't do anything."
He scoffs and grabs his suitcases. He opens the door, pushes his suitcases out and slams the door shut. I start crying leaning forward into my knees. I hear his car tires screeching out of the driveway and down the road. I sit back up grabbing my phone and I call Jey.
"Hey girl! What's going on?"
I start crying harder not being able to talk.
"Y/N! What happened?! I am on my way over! Did Jimmy do something to you?"
"I will tell you everything when you get here."
"On my way!"
Sitting on the couch crying into Jey's shoulder, he rubs my arm looking down at me.
"Hey. Y/N. Girl. Cmon. Look at me."
He pushes me off of him to sit up. I rub my eyes and look at him. He pats my shoulder looking at me.
"Look Y/N. My brother is a hothead. He gets dramatic about everything. He knows in his heart that I would never do that kinda stuff to him. I know how much he loves you. You are basically all he ever talks about when he isn't in character at work."
I look at him wiping my eyes.
"Does he really?"
"Girl! Roman tells him to shut the fuck up all the time!"
I giggle a little finishing wiping my face. Jey pats my shoulder looking at me.
"It will be okay girl! Let's go get his present done and you need to help me with Shotzi's present!"
"Good idea."
We get up, head outside to his car and head off to get our presents done.
*a week later*
"Just give it to him. I wrote out a little note in the card. He will get it."
I hand Jey the box with Jimmy's presents in it as we stand outside the Bloodline locker room. He takes it and looks at me.
"You sure you still wanna do this?"
I shake my head yes. He walks into the locker room leaving the door cracked a little. I stand there being able to see Jimmy sitting on the couch.
"Hey! Jim! This present is for you from your secret Santa!"
Jimmy jumps up off the couch and walks over to him taking the present.
"Oh shit. Wonder who is it?"
He takes the card off the top opening it up. He sits down on the couch and starts reading the note inside.
"Jimmy. I miss you. I promise I am not cheating on you with Jey. He just helped me pick out your present. I hope you love what I got you. I love you. Y/N."
He starts tearing up reading it and looks up at Jey.
"Open the gift dude."
He opens the gift and box unveiling custom Jordan's and matching jacket. He gasps looking at them starting to tear up more. I see his face filling with tears and it starts making me tear up wanting to run into the room.
"Jim. That girl really loves you. And you know I wouldn't do that to you. That is your woman."
Jimmy gets up looking at Jey.
"Jey. I am so sorry. I didn't mean to accuse you of cheating with her. I know you wouldn't do that to me. I'm really sorry."
They hug and I watch them slightly crying. Jimmy pulls away grabbing his phone.
"I gotta call Y/N and talk to her. I got a present for her too."
"Actually Jim. I have a surprise for you."
Jimmy looks at him confused as he walks towards the door. He opens the door filling revealing me standing there watching them slightly crying. Jimmy throws his phone on the couch, comes running over to me and hugs me very tightly. I wrap my arms and legs around his body hugging him back.
"Y/N! I am so sorry! I wasn't thinking when I saw that message! I got very angry and it took over my head! I love you so much! Please forgive me!"
I look at him smiling a little.
"I forgive you Jimmy. You know I would never cheat on you. Especially with your brother. I love you so much too."
He sets me down, grabs my face and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck kissing him back. Jey clears his throat behind us.
"Jimmy, isn't there something you wanted to ask Y/N?"
"Oh yes there is! Y/N?"
He looks down at me smiling. I look up at him smiling a little.
"Yes baby?"
He gets down on one knee looking up at me. I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands.
"Y/N? Will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife?"
I start crying still covering my mouth. I shake my head yes crying harder. Jimmy wraps his arms around my waist picking me up and spinning me around. He sets me down, grabs my hand and puts the ring on my finger.
"Jim. It's beautiful."
"Anything for my girl. By the way, I literally love my present. I am definitely wearing them to the ring every night."
"I am so happy that you love them. Jey was a big help."
We both turn to look at Jey smiling. Jey smiles looking back at us.
"You're welcome. But I have to go now to give my present to my pick. See yall later."
Jey leaves and I look back at Jimmy. He looks back at me, grabs my face and kisses me hard. I wrap my arms around his neck kissing him back. He pulls away looking at me.
"Baby. I am so sorry about everything that has happened. I missed you more than you can believe. I promise this won't ever happen again. I promise I will be calm and talk to you about everything and not get mad. I love you so much."
"I love you so much too. And thank you. That makes me feel so much better that you are willing to talk things out with me."
He grabs my face kissing me and I kiss him back running my fingers through his hair. He pulls back and walks over to sit on the couch. He pats the seat next to him and I walk over sitting down.
"Oh and who did Jey have for a secret Santa pick?"
"Ohhhhhhh man! Did you help him with a gift?"
"Duh. He doesn't know anything about her! It was actually kinda funny watching him try to pick something out for her."
We laugh together as he turns on the TV so we can watch Smackdown. He wraps his arm around me and I cuddle into his side smiling very big.
"What a good way to start the Christmas weekend."
"I agreed baby."
The End
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damiansgoodgirll · 3 months
Can you please write about being jey and jimmy adoptive little sister (so we can feel more included about not looking like them honestly) , reader is like 18/19 and being completely heartbroken about the fact that all reader wanted was for her family to be together and now both jimmy and jey want attentions from her but she won’t chose and this thing is breaking her, and like she’s friend with rhea or the judgment day so she comfort her (sorry for my english i’m from poland!)
Thank you so much if you take my request
the usos x sister!reader
‼️fighting, reader having a panic attack and breaking down
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broken pieces
you always had a special bond with jey and jimmy. you were their little sister and they felt overprotective about you. they didn’t want anything or anyone to cause you harm.
but what if they were the ones hurting you?
they both saw it on your face almost a year ago, when you were watching front row jey against roman at summerslam.
the betrayal on your face when jimmy sides with roman, hurting jey and hurting you. they both looked at you and realised something in you just broke.
jey was hurt and confused like you were. jimmy felt tears in his eyes when he met your heartbroken look. you were his baby sister after all, the one he promised to protect with his own life.
and now you couldn’t even stand to be in his presence.
but no matter what you tried to do, they now hated each others and that made you even more furious and sad. those big men were your big brothers, your bodyguards, the people you loved the most and now all you had was a broken family.
almost a year later and things didn’t got any better, in fact, their constant beefing backstage was tiring anyone.
“i can’t believe this” jimmy kept screaming as he wanted to punch jey right in the face.
you didn’t even know where this argument started from but, like every single time you found yourself stuck in the middle of it.
“if only you weren’t so self centred…” jey screamed back at jimmy.
“me? me? are you fucking serious? me? self centred? aren’t you the one going around and wanting to be called main event?” jimmy laughed “so i am the self centred one uh?”
“you going crazy man!” jey spat back “are you planning to ruin every single moment of my career like you’re doing every week on live tv man?”
“stop it stop it stop it!” you screamed at them. you were witnessing this stupid fight and knowing you couldn’t do anything to get to stop was hurting you. so, as you predicted, they kept screaming at each others.
“i ain’t ruining no one’s moment man, it’s just you who can’t accept some people are way better that you anyway” jimmy responded back, making jey laugh.
“so you’re better that me? that’s funny man, so why, if you’re that better than me, why, aren’t you getting booked? uh? cat got your tongue man?” jey sarcastically laughed making jimmy angrier.
you couldn’t stay there any longer.
“fucking stop it!” you screamed once again, tears falling from your eyes “stop fighting like goddamn children! i-i can’t do this anymore, i really can’t” you looked at both at them “all you do is fighting and fighting and i can’t do this anymore…i just want my family back”
jey, sensing your anxiety, tried to take a few steps close to you but you stepped back, not wanting to be close to anyone.
“i’m so sorry y/n…” jimmy apologised, hating to see you cry and hating himself even more, knowing he’s the reason you are crying.
“i don’t care if you are sorry! you always say you guys are sorry and then fight again and again and again and i can’t deal with this shit anymore! i just want my brothers back…i-i…” you were having trouble breathing “i just want this to be over”
“y/n, love, why don’t you sit down a little?” jey suggested when he saw you were struggling to breathe. he knew your anxiety and he knew you struggled with panic attacks and he was hating himself for being the reason you were struggling right now.
“no! no i don’t wanna sit here and hear you fight again! i-i…i don’t wanna…” your head was dizzy and the look jimmy gave jey made them understand each other without sharing a word.
“sit here love…” jey slowly walked you towards the little black leather couch inside his changing room “breath with me y/n…” you did as jey told you to do and you felt all the energy leaving your body.
“you feeling better?” jimmy asked, sitting next to you while jey was knelt in front of your sat position.
“why do you have to keep fighting?” you asked them, your voice breaking a little, now your tears falling down your face again “and don’t say you’re sorry” you warned jimmy.
“we will try to stop okay?” jey smiled at you. deep down he knew he couldn’t keep fighting with his brother forever but at the same time it was hard for him to forgive him so quickly.
“i don’t want a “we will try” jey, i want my brothers back…i want to spend time with you together like we did last year…” you cried harder, your breathing getting worse again “you just don’t understand this…i-i hate seeing you fight every day, i hate seeing you punching yourselves, i fucking hate having to share days with you like you are my divorced parents!”
“hey hey keep breathing slowly sweetheart” jey reminded you.
jimmy and jey both had no idea how this family feud was affecting you. they just discovered it now and they were both hating themselves for hurting you that much.
“you just don’t understand…” you whispered.
“no words can’t express how sorry i am love…” jimmy softly whispered with teary eyes. seeing you having a panic attack was the worst thing he ever witnessed. you were his baby sister who he was meant to protect so why would he hurt you that much?
same thing was for jey.
“i just miss you…” your voice broke a little.
jey cursed himself “i know things between us aren’t the best but our feelings for you will never change. no matter what, you will always be our baby sister and we’ll love you forever…i will try my best to not fight with jimmy okay?” you simply nodded while his soft hand wiped your tears away.
“i promise you we will be better” jimmy went and you nodded again, being happy with their responses.
“now, i’m pretty sure you have work to do so i’ll go back to my hotel room…but, if you’re free tonight can we have a movie marathon like we always did when i was younger?” you asked them, hope sparkling in your eyes.
they couldn’t say not to that.
so they said yes.
they knew they had a lot of work to do, especially when it came to them but, no matter the circumstances, they would always have your back.
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rhodesrider · 6 months
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CG!Jey Uso x Little!Fem!Reader || CG! Jimmy Uso x Middle! Dasha (OC)
Warnings: Age regression, constant fighting (Acts that came from the result of the RR 2024), affirmations, mentions of kitchen knife, slight cussing
Minors DNI 18+
The twins both glare at each other as they sat across from each other. Not once have they broken eye contact, both remembering the showdown on Saturday before the other number came in. Both Y/N and Dasha both sat on the larger couch in the middle of the room a bit nervous to even say anything. Dasha looked over at Jimmy seeing his deadly glare, Y/N glanced usually seeing Jey in cheerful moods but it just seems so different it scared her some. Dasha sighed and grabbed her carebear sunshine and threw it straight at Jimmy. Y/N tried to stop her quick but it was too late, she launched it at Jimmy and soon saw it was caught while still having the stare down. “Princess no throwing things.” He said low as he mauled his brother with his eyes. “I’m trying to enjoy my play date with my bestie and you are acting like a butt.” She pouted. Soon Jey snapped out of it looking at Y/N, seeing the look on her face displeased him. Dasha rolled her eyes and grabbed Y/Ns hand taking her to her playroom. “Hopefully you two don’t kill yourselves.” She muttered as they went upstairs. Jey sat back in his chair, sighing at his actions seeing that it made Y/N upset. “Damn you can’t even be a good care-“ “You finish that sentence y’all gone need another table uce.” Jey hissed at Jimmy. Jimmy just smirked. “Oh so you dealing with Dasha like that made you Daddy of the year?” Jey confronted. Jimmy rolled his eyes but also remembered the look and words that Dasha gave. “Well it’s yo fault.” Jimmy said trying to put blame on his brother. Jey just gave him a look and sighed in defeat. “Shut up man.” “Don’t tell me to shut up.” At this point it’s sibling banter and they are gonna continue this for a while. Y/N was still listening in.
“Y/N you wanna have a tea party? Jimmy finally let me get a kettle in my playroom! I just have to be careful.” Y/N didn’t say a word while sitting on the highest step just listening to them. “I miss it when they were friends…” Y/N held on to her teddy bear sighing remembering when Jey was in the bloodline and they were getting along. It’s kind of confusing and too much for her now. Dasha sympathized with her. “I know, Daddy has been so different since working with uncle Roman more and uncle solo. But it’s their job. He doesn’t wanna let family down…” “He let his brother down.” Y/N mumbled. Dasha doesn’t agree with all the bloodline does, so again she understood where Y/N came from. “Hey I know, wanna have a picnic outside?” Dasha smiled. “You think right now is the perfect time to have a lunch?” Y/N asked. “It’s the perfect time sweetie.” She smirked having a great idea.
After a while of silence, the twins were wondering what the girls were up to. They soon saw them running down the stairs with tablecloths and a white basket. “No running.” Jimmy voiced and they slowed down. “What are y’all up to anyway?” Jey asked. “Picnic.” Dasha said plainly and continued to get ready. Y/N did the same and got up ingredients for the food they were gonna make. “Do y’all need some-“ “No.” The girls said in sync and the twins looked at each other. Not in a murder way but a concerned daddy way. “Ok…y’all call us if you need us.” They continued to get stuff together, Dasha was the oldest in her headspace so she handled sharp stuff. She grabbed a big knife though and Jimmy jumped up going to her. “Babygirl here’s a butter knife.” “But I can’t cut the sandwiches with this daddy.” “I’ll cut the sandwiches then I just don’t want you hurting yourself mamas.” She nodded and got a kiss on her forehead. Dasha sent a small signal to Y/N and soon she went to climb the counter. Jey quickly ran to get her down. “Baby why?” “I need to get the peanut butter for the ants on a log.” Jey sighed and got the peanut butter down for her, “Next time princess asked for me not just do it yourself, I don’t want you hurt.” Jey smiled. She nodded. “Can you help me with my sandwiches and treat please papa?” Y/N smiled. Jey glanced at Jimmy who wasn’t even worried about him anymore. He was busy helping Dasha and praising her on the amounts of food she’s measuring right. Jey nodded and helped her on the other side of the kitchen.
Dasha and Y/N placed the food outside after the twins helped them set up. “Y’all made a lot of food.” Jimmy said a bit hungry himself. Y/N sat her teddy down in a chair next to her. “Yea we did.” Dasha said glancing at him while putting on her tiara. “We could join y’all if you want.” Jey suggested. “Sure just don’t start fighting? Unless you can’t do that.” Dasha said and sat down. Jimmy saw that a bit unfair looking at Jey, “Come on mamas.” “No there is no come on, you two fight more than me and Angelica. Either you two stop bickering and sit with us, or you go back in the house and fight.” Dasha voiced. Y/N looked at Jey, he looked back and sighed. “Jimmy, I know you don’t like me right now but it’s for the girls…” Jimmy looked at Dasha who gave him the ultimatum and sipped out her cup. “Fine…” “What was that?” Jey asked. “I’ll do it. But this don’t change anything-“ “Please Mister Jimmy…” Y/N said low playing with her shirt just wanting them to get along for now. Jey saw the look in her eyes and sat down across from Y/N. “Come on man.” Jimmy sighed and went to sit next to his brother. “Is that turkey?” Jimmy asked getting a nod from Dasha and getting the sandwich. At first it was awkward, but then they started laughing, telling stories on old times of fighting together and even when they were little. Y/N smiled mouthing to Dasha thank you, she nodded and she grabbed an ant on a log stick giggling.
After the picnic, they cleaned up and got their stuff together to get ready to go. “Today was fun!” Y/N said hugging Dasha, she hugged back and the brothers still were talking to each other with no sign of murder. “Me too! Can she come back next weekend?” Jimmy and Jey looked at each other and smiled. “Sure princess.” Dasha smiled and Y/N hugged Jey happy. “Come on baby it’s getting late.” Jey dapped his brother up and walked out the door but realized what he just did. “Huh.” Jimmy smirked, Jey looked back seeing his brother flip a bird. “You still an enemy uce.” “Just set it to the side for the girls.” He smirked and returned the bird. “OOOOOOO IM TELLING UNCLE ROMAN!” Jimmy quickly got in the house. “Ayo chill!” Jey laughed and looked at Y/N, who was calling Cody. “Hey wait I’m sorry angel!” She giggled locking the car so she could continue her snitching. “Come on baby I’m sorry!!!” Jey cried out.
Y/N was just happy to see the twins together somewhat, she was tired of the fighting so why not get them to work in the same place. Dasha and her were happy the plan worked and also had an awesome day. Happy that the fighting stopped. For now.
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dirtywrestling · 1 year
Hi can you do a female reader with jey uso where jey gets jealous of her bond with Jimmy uso *can you add smut please
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Pairing: Jey Uso x Female!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Blog, Minors DNI, Cussing, Smut
Follow My Backup Blog!: @dirtywresling102
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Your back arched off the wall as your teeth sunk into your bottom lip, suppressing a moan. Your breaths were heavy as your chest rose and fell with each huff. "Tell me." Jey grunted, his fingers tracing over your slit. "Do you think of my brother?"
"N- No, only you Jey, just you." You whimpered, bucking your hips against his touch, trying to get his fingers inside of you.
"Huh, really?" He hummed, his eyes tracing over your naked body. He admired how your nipples harden with the cool air dancing along your skin, breaking out in goosebumps. "Then, why hang out with him so much? You must crave his cock, no?"
"N- No, only yours Jey, I swear!" You sobbed, your cunt twitching and pulsing, begging to have his fingers inside of you. "Please, please fuck me already." You begged.
"I mean, since you've asked so nicely." He chuckled, pushing two digits past your cunt, you both moaned at the same time. Your eyes fluttered shut where your jaw dropped open. "Oh, maybe you are telling the truth, all wet for me?"
"Yes, yes only you!" You moaned loudly, rolling your hips against his digits.
"Good girl, never talk to him again, do you understand me?" Jey grunted as his fingers sloshed against your wet walls.
"I understand, I promise!"
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foreverlyjay · 26 days
On this day we never forget when Jey ended Roman 1,294 unpinned streak 🥹
Roman telling him he love him was everything 🩸
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gabbypedrig · 1 month
pov: you miss the usos
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raya-hunter01 · 3 months
WWE superstar package
Ya’ll I have officially lost my mind.. My 16 yr. old wanted to go to Wrestlemania but I couldn’t swing it. So instead I got us superstar packages for the upcoming Macon,Ga show next month as a late birthday gift for him.
Two superstar packages along with ticket protection was almost 1,400. I bout passed out. For that Price Jey and Cody can take us to dinner and it would still cost too much😂. Least our seats are second row center, so y’all pray we get to meet some good people. My son is so stoked so it’s already worth it.
Fingers crossed we get to meet Jey, Cody, Rhea, Dom Dom, Naomi ,and many more. Also a welcoming atmosphere!
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smuts-whore · 4 months
That time again. Who do yall want next? Anyone different please comment thanks <3
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 5 months
●Jimmy Uso x Reader●
Summary: You and Jimmy get in some trouble backstage together, which leads to Roman making you accompany Jimmy to his match.
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Being apart of The Bloodline can be a powerful thing. It can also be very nerve-wracking as well. I have been apart of The Bloodline for a few months now. Anyways, I am sitting in The Bloodline locker room playing on my phone when Jimmy flops down next to me basically leaning on my side. He lays down putting his head on my lap and I make a disgust face at him. He looks up at me raising his eyebrow.
"What's up pretty lady? Why you making that face at me?"
"Jimmy. Get off of her."
Roman walks in with Paul and Solo looking at us. I push him off my lap, standing up and looking at Roman.
"Good afternoon my tribal chief."
"Good afternoon Y/N. Jimmy, you should be more like her."
We shake hands, I sit back down on the couch and Roman sits down on his chair. Jimmy rolls his eyes at what Roman said to him leaning towards me again. Roman turns the TV on watching what is going on out in the ring. I get up and walk towards the door.
"Where are you going Y/N?"
"Down to catering. Would you like anything my tribal chief?"
I turn around looking at Roman.
"Could you please get me a water and whatever sandwich they have today?"
"Of course."
"Oh. And take Jimmy with you."
I sigh looking at Jimmy.
"Let's go Jim."
He jumps up off the couch, runs over to the door and holds it open for me.
"After you, my lady."
I roll my eyes and walk out the door going to catering with him right next to me. I look over at him as he is rubbing his hands together.
"Do you have to wear everything red all the time?"
"Oh cmon baby. You would look hot as hell in one of my no yeet shirts."
I scoff rolling my eyes than I see Michin, Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows standing off to the side. I make a disgust face and give them the middle finger causing Jimmy to laugh and point at them. Karl and Luke hold back Michin who wants to charge after me. Me and Jimmy continue walking towards catering. Jimmy puts his arm around my neck pulling me into him.
"That was really funny Y/N. Let's taunt them some more after we bring the tribal chief his stuff."
"We will taunt them more. Now get your arm off of me."
He takes his arm off of me as I walk up to the table grabbing Roman his sandwich and a water. I grab a few extras just incase and Jimmy grabs some food for himself. We head back to the locker room and I give Roman his stuff. Me and Jimmy go for a walk backstage looking for the OC again. We come around a corner to them still on the same spot we saw them last time. There is a camera infront of them as they are cutting a promo. Me and Jimmy walk up behind them doing L's on our heads for losers and laughing at them. They turn around looking at us. We quickly stop what we are doing looking at them.
"What do you two want? Come to annoy us again?"
"Well duh. Annoying you losers is to easy and really funny."
Me and Jimmy laugh together making L's on our heads again. Luke and Karl charge at Jimmy while Michin grabs my hair and starts swinging at me. I start swinging back but she hits me hard in the back. She grabs my hair and shirt and throws me into the metal garage door. My back hits the door hard and I drop to the floor clutching my back. Karl throws Jimmy into one of the production boxes. They laugh at us and leave. I start crawling over to the box Jimmy is laying on and pull myself up to my feet. I look at him with a pissed off face.
"We are going to see Roman. Let's go."
I walk towards the camera man and push his camera out of our faces. We walk back to the locker room and Roman is standing there with his arms crossed.
"I told you two no goofing off anymore. But you stay goofing off. Now Jimmy, you have a match against Karl tonight. Y/N, you are going out with him. I already talked to Nick. Now go get ready. Maybe put on something to match Jimmy. Goodbye."
I leave the locker room not saying anything and Jimmy follows right behind me. He puts his hands on my shoulders rubbing them a little.
"Let's go get your bag than go grab you a No Yeet shirt."
I sigh rolling my eyes. He looks at me putting an arm around my neck.
"Cmon. You can even customize it how you want to."
We make it to my car and I grab my bag out of the trunk. Jimmy closes it for me and we head back inside. Jimmy sticks right next to my side the whole time. I am kinda liking the feeling of Jimmy always around me. We head to the spot to get merch from, Jimmy grabs one of his shirts and hands it to me. I grab it rolling my eyes and we head off to the women's locker room. We stop at the door and I look up at Jimmy.
"I will go get changed and meet you in gorilla. Okay?"
"You sure you don't want me to wait for you?"
"I think I can handle myself."
"We will see."
He bumps my chin with his hand than leaves. I roll my eyes, walking into the locker room and ignore all the stares I am getting from everyone. I go to the bathroom and get changed into my red and black wrestling gear. I grab the no yeet shirt and sigh looking at it. There is a knock at the bathroom door.
"You can come in."
I look over seeing Natalya come in smiling at me.
"Hey Nattie. Could you please help me with this shirt? I gotta wear it tonight."
"Are you wrestling tonight?"
"No. But I wanna make sure Michin doesn't do anything out there."
"I gotchu!"
"Thanks Nattie."
She grabs the shirt and starts customizing it for me.
*at gorilla*
I am standing in gorilla fixing the laces on my boots when Jimmy walks in.
"Woah Y/N. I told you that you would look hot as hell in my shirt."
I roll my eyes smiling slightly still fixing the laces on my boots. His music plays and I look over at him.
"Let's go."
We walk out to the top of the ramp and hold up our ones walking down to the ring. We climb in the ring and hold up our ones standing against the ropes. We stand in the corner as Michin and Karl Anderson make their entrance. Jimmy puts an arm around my neck and I roll my eyes watching Michin. They come into the ring and Michin walks up shoving my face. I go to run after her but Jimmy grabs my waist holding me back. I keep fighting against his hold trying to get to her.
"Woah my little firecracker. You will get her when the time is right."
I look back at him and calm down a little seeing his face. I sigh and climb out of the ring in Jimmy's corner. The match starts.
*nearing the end of the match*
I am standing next to the ring stairs near the announcers table when Karl and Jimmy spill out of the ring onto the floor. Karl grabs Jimmy, throwing him into the ring stairs, and I gasp, watching. Karl goes to grab him, but I step in front of Karl, blocking him. Karl smirks and points behind me. I turn around as Michin attempts to do a hurricanrana to me, but I stop her halfway through. I lift her up, walk over to the announcers table, and powerbomb her through the table. I scream, looking at Karl, who is shocked at what just happened. Jimmy stands up and super kicks Karl right on the chin, making him fall to the ground. Jimmy picks him up, rolls him in the ring, and covers him for the win. Jimmy stands up as I roll into the ring and walk over to him. I put my foot on Karl's chest and raise Jimmy's arm in victory, smirking at the camera. We roll out of the ring, soaking in all the boos from the crowd. Jimmy stops me at the end of the ramp, putting an arm around my neck.
"I didn't know you were that strong. That was impressive and really hot."
"Can we talk when we get to the back?"
"Sure Thang hot stuff."
We start walking up the ramp with his arm still around my neck. I shake my head at him, smirking a little. We make our way to the back and Jimmy pulls me to a dark hallway. We stop at the corner and he looks around for anyone.
"Jimmy. I need to ask you a question. It's been driving me crazy."
"What's up honey?"
"So is all these pet names and flirting with me, just an act?"
He crosses his arms looking at me like I'm crazy. I look up at him worried. He laughs and puts his hand on the wall next to my head.
"Everything I have ever said to you has been genuine and real. I have the biggest crush on you, and I ain't afraid to show it to anyone."
"Oh Jim."
I grab his face and kiss him. He puts his hand on the back of my neck, kissing me back.
Not an act.
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damiansgoodgirll · 1 year
Coming out from an abusive relationship and Jey uso finding out that yr boyfriend was violent please ❤️😩
jey uso x reader
tw : abusive relationship, mention of violence and angst
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no one can hurt you
your best friend jey was helping you moving out from your old apartment into your new one.
it was hard leaving everything behind but after years of struggling with your psychotic boyfriend you knew you had to do something.
so you did all by yourself. you looked for a new place to stay and without even saying it to your boyfriend you applied and got the apartment.
you knew your boyfriend would never let you go that’s why you needed someone to help you packing and moving stuff out before he would come home. jey said yes without even questioning you. he believed you had your reasons and didn’t want to overstep your boundaries.
he knew your boyfriend was the jealous type. he knew he was very possessive towards you and he also knew he would scream at you sometimes but he he definitely didn’t know about him laying his hands on you. that man would be dead if jey knew.
but jey’s eyes caught a purple spot behind your neck while you were moving boxes around.
“y/n…what is that?” he asked without thinking twice. he really hoped you fell, he really hoped it wasn’t what he was thinking but it definitely didn’t look like a bruise you could get from falling.
“what is what?” you asked.
“that…” he pointed out your neck and you quickly went to cover it with your hair.
“nothing…i just fell” you said trying to drop the topic.
“no you didn’t” he said coming towards you but he stopped the moment he saw you flinching.
“we should hurry, he’s gonna be home in a few hours” you said.
“did you just flinch?” he asked completely shocked. you didn’t answer but your look told him enough “y/n please…tell me what’s going on” he begged you.
he cared to much about you to see you suffer like this.
“nothing’s going on…now can we continue please?” you asked, not wanting to talk about it. but jey wasn’t having it.
“did he do that?” he asked and your look was enough to give him the answer he was looking for “fuck…did he lay his hands on you?” he asked, clearly mad. still you didn’t answer “fuck…”
you turned around not even being able to look at him in the eyes but he gently moved you to face him.
“y/n please…”
“yes…he did this” you whispered.
jey’s hand gently lifted your chin up and made you look at him in the eyes.
“tell me it was an accident…tell me he didn’t purposely do it, tell me…shit please tell me it was an accident and that he didn’t mean to hurt you” he hoped with every cell in his body that it was like this but he already knew the answer. why you were moving out without your boyfriend to know it.
“he…he…i’m sure he didn’t want to hit me” you said “it just happened”
“we both know that’s not what happened…” he gently said “how long has this been going on?”
you knew you couldn’t keep any secret to jey so you started telling him all the truth “he…he started being violent four months ago” you saw jey getting mad “it started as an accident but then i felt like he had fun doing it…i just i couldn’t stop it, i was terrified and i had no idea of what to do…” you cried and his arms engulfed you in a big hug.
“it’s okay y/n, he can’t hurt you now, no one can hurt you…i promise you i’ll keep you safe” he said gently stroking your hair.
“i’m not your problem jey, you have a lot going on and i don’t want to be a burden…”
were you crazy? he wanted to shout and scream how much he loved you but he knew he couldn’t, not when you were in this state, so delicate and fragile.
“no y/n, don’t ever think you’re a burden to me, shit no…you’re my best friend” he wanted to tell you, he really wanted to “…you’re my best friend and i want to keep you safe, i want you to feel safe and happy again”
you couldn’t believe it. for the first time ever you felt like someone really appreciate you and you couldn’t be more grateful.
“okay…” you whispered.
he gently wiped your tears away and helped you packing. you knew you had to be careful and move quickly because your boyfriend was coming home from work and you didn’t want to see him ever again.
he helped you pack everything in his big truck and together drove towards your new place. you liked it there, it was quiet and peaceful and closer to jey’s home.
he stayed with you that night, offering you to help emptying all your boxes away so with two large coffees you stayed up all night. your boyfriend saw you went missing and called you so many times you thought your phone was going to explode but jey handled the situation by blocking him and deleting his number.
you were really grateful to have someone like jey in your life.
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acknowledge-reigns · 5 months
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Ucey Love Stories part 2: Jon and Trinity ❤
Happy Valentine's Day.
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laknxghts · 4 months
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jimmy and jey uso // monday night raw 10.10.22
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