#Dallas stars imagines
ilyasorokinn · 2 years
hello my darling, congratulations on 2.5k you deserve it all and more!! 💘💘
could I request “You can’t just act like nothings wrong when it is!” with Roope Hintz!! 🫶🏼
thank you bestie! love you <3
21. "you can't just act like nothing's wrong when it is." (from this prompt list, angst)
tw: cheating
for a while, you had an inkling that something was wrong but you didn't want to believe it, so you just pushed it to the back of your mind.
but you can only ignore something for so long.
in the beginning, your boyfriend, cole, was a good boyfriend. he would send you random things at work or bring you presents after work. but somewhere in between the 6-12 month period, something went wrong.
the first red flag was when he would come home at all hours of the night, smelling only slightly of another woman's perfume. it was so faint you almost couldn't smell it, but it was there.
the second red flag was him forgetting date nights, again, using the work excuse. more often than not, you would find yourself sitting alone at a fancy restaurant, waiting for cole to show up, only to look like a fool when he would text you from home, asking where you were.
and the last red flag, which could also be classified as a red billboard, was when he called you another woman's name. you were in the kitchen and he was in the living room.
"hey, cas, could you get me a beer from the fridge?" you froze. you knew, right then and there, he was cheating.
you don't remember leaving the apartment, but somehow you ended up at roope's apartment. it was almost like you were on autopilot.
"so, what'd wrong? why're you acting like this?"
"i think cole's cheating on me," you said.
"you think?"
"i know." you corrected yourself.
"how do you know?"
"he came home a few weeks ago and he smelled like perfume but it wasn't mine. it was one of those really expensive ones. then he stood me up on date night. he wasn't at work, i called his secretary, and he wasn't at home. and tonight, he called me cas."
roope looked upset for you. more upset than you somehow, "how are you so calm? why aren't you like screaming? throwing a fit?"
"i don't know." you shrugged, "do you have cheese? cheese sounds nice." you stood up off his couch and headed for his kitchen.
"y/n, you can't just act like nothing's wrong when there is!" he stated.
"oh, i'm sorry. is there a proper way to react when you find out you've been cheated on? i must've missed that part in school." you glared.
"i didn't say that. i'm just saying he's a cheater, y/n. he's gross."
"i know that, but i don't know what to do." your eyes finally filled with the tears you were so scared to cry.
"here's what we're gonna do. we're gonna go back to your apartment, and we're gonna gather all the stuff you left there, then we're gonna come back here and we're gonna just binge. whatever you want." you smiled.
"you sure you don't mind? i'm kind of crazy."
"well, we all are."
taylor's 2.5k celly!
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midnightsnyx · 2 years
tyler seguin - happier
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pairing: tyler seguin x reader requested: yes summary: your near perfect relationship shatters when an article is released word count: 1.1k warnings: cheating, swearing, angst
a/n: so this was a request someone sent in and if you guys know me, you know I'm a sucker for angst lol anyways ty for reading and I hope you like it!! big thanks to @bookluversposts for editing this! I am currently accepting requests which you can send here and my masterlist here & frequently asked questions here.
It started out like this:
Mornings spent together eating breakfast, stealing sips of his coffee when he was distracted on his phone even though he takes his drink black but you still liked the small smile on his face when he pretended not to notice. Getting take-out after a game, sitting in his truck in some random parking lot like two teenagers on a date because sometimes it was nice to forget about hockey and the media and pretend you both were just an ordinary couple. Late night calls when he was on the road, sharing details about each other's days and planning future days. Being there for each other on the bad days. After the tough losses or bad days at work. 
It wasn’t all perfect because there were still the arguments that ended in tears and silent treatments and sleeping in separate beds. The next mornings when you would sit in silence, not wanting to apologize and be the pushover in the relationship.
The nights you would lay in bed while he was on the road or out with friends wondering if the rumors about him were true. His friends joked that you were the girl who changed him but he always looked uneasy when they said that and it left doubts in the back of your mind. 
When you brought up marriage one night and he shrugged and said marriage is boring, isn’t this enough? So you had to convince yourself that it was enough for you, while you watched his teammates propose to their significant others and listen to the whispers from the girls wondering why he hadn’t asked you, saying maybe he didn’t want to settle down and wanted the single life.
So it ended like this:
A text message from Jamie one night while they were on the road and you were getting ready for bed, that had a link attached and two words.
I’m sorry.
It was obvious before you even let yourself open the link that you would find what you had been expecting. A clear picture of Tyler kissing a random girl, that you knew was recent and not some old picture because it showed one of his tattoos that he had only recently gotten. The article title, Seguin cheats on girlfriend as if they were announcing the morning weather.
You waited for a text from him, trying to say it wasn’t real or maybe even an apology but Jamie’s text was the only one you received. So you went to bed that night wondering if he was aware of the article and was afraid to text you or simply didn’t care. It was the latter, you realized when he didn’t text you for the rest of the road trip. 
When he got home in the early hours of the morning, you were curled up on the sofa with one of the dogs, coffee in hand. He didn’t see you at first, tossing his keys on the island and dropping his duffel bag by the door, but as he started walking to the kitchen, his footsteps faltered when he saw you sitting there.
“Exciting road trip?” You asked, watching as he opened and closed his mouth looking like a fish out of water gasping for air. You wanted to scream, cry and maybe throw something at him because you spent the last two days feeling like you were drowning.
He finally settled on, “you saw it?”
The laugh that escaped you was bitter and your next words felt like acid. “Saw it? I had it shoved down my throat since Jamie sent it to me. I’ve had to ignore calls from everybody who saw it and wanted to know if it was true.” You stood up, letting the blanket you had wrapped around you drop to the floor. “I wanted to get the full story before I said anything so tell me, was any of it real? Did you think about me sitting at home waiting for you while you went and slept with whoever you wanted?” He opened his mouth to say something but you cut him off. “Given your history, I should’ve known better.”
“It- it was once.” He whispered, as if that would make it any better. “It didn’t mean anything, I swear. I love you.”
You watched as he took slow steps towards you, as if you were a spooked deer. When he was a foot away, you told him to stop and he did. 
You always prided yourself on the fact that you were good at reading people. Telling if they were good or bad. Lying or telling the truth. 
If they were a decent person or not and boy, did you fuck that up when it came to Tyler.
“You love me?” You asked, carefully keeping your voice steady.
“Yes.” He said, reaching for your hand and you let him take it, just like you let him take your heart and smash it in a million pieces. Like you gave him everything you had and trusted him to not ruin it. 
What a mistake that was.
You stepped back, making him drop your hand. “Try telling someone who’ll believe you.”
His face crumpled and you wondered if it was a facade, a ploy to try and get you to forgive him. For you to give him what was left of your heart, trusting that he wouldn’t break the rest. 
Without another word, you turned your back to him and walked out the door.
Six months later.
It’s a coffee shop, of all places that you bump into him. He’s with Jamie, standing at the counter ordering his black coffee and flirting with the girl serving him. You should feel sick, angry even but you feel nothing. Even though you dated for five years, you somehow found it easy to get over him. Maybe it was because you were always expecting it in the back of your mind, but it didn’t wallow for longer than two or three weeks. You moved on and found out who you were without him and you have never been happier. 
So when he turns around and his eyes land on you, you don’t react like you know he’s expecting you to. You walk up to the counter and order your drink, watching the barista he was flirting with still flustered and you want to tell her don’t fall for it like I did. But you just smile politely and take your drink, turning around only to find Tyler still standing there.
“Hey,” Jamie says, giving you a brief hug before looking at Tyler who is staring at you. He looks like he wants to say something or maybe hug you. You just smile and brush past him, walking outside into the warm Dallas day.
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The Good, The Bad and The Ugly- Magical Mystery Ride chapter twenty five
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Previous Chapter- Chapter Twenty Four- Aftershocks- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/680844369144741888/aftershocks-magical-mystery-ride-chapter-twenty
Wednesday- December 19th- Tyler’s house
Teddy stood in Tyler’s kitchen and added flour into the wet ingredients into a large bowl. She used a wooden spoon to stir the ingredients together. "Pretty One?" he called as he walked into the house, "I have food." Tyler walked into the kitchen with a pizza in one hand and a bouquet of roses in the other. 
She looked up at him and smiled. "Sweet One, are those for me?" she asked as he set the items down. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She leaned back into him. "What is the occasion?" she asked as she tilted her head as his mouth found the nape of her neck.
"I have the best girlfriend ever," he chuckled. He examined the island. “What are you doing, Pretty One?” he asked. 
“Awww, Sweet One- I am not sure that’s true, but I appreciate the flowers. Love you to the moon and back” she replied, “To answer the question, I am making snickerdoodles to take to Lex tomorrow.” She turned her head to kiss his bearded cheek. “Mmmm, I will have to reward you properly later. Can you put them in the vase for me? I want to get the cookies into the oven before Lex’s game starts.”
Tyler rolled his eyes and reached into the cabinet for a vase. He teased, “A lesser boyfriend might get jealous that you insist on watching another team for the sole purpose of watching another man. And making him cookies too? That's the next level.”
“It’s a good thing that my boyfriend is a superior man then,” she teased back as she began to roll the cookies into balls. “Also, I am making enough for you too, Sweet One. I would never leave you out.” Tyler sat at the kitchen island and watched Teddy in "her element'. The first batch went into the oven a few minutes before the puck dropped. 
Teddy sat next to Tyler and looked at him taking a swig of beer. "Shit," she said, "I left my drink." She walked back into the kitchen. She stared for a moment before finally settling on a mixed drink, "Hey Sweet One, I am going to stay over tonight. Is that okay?"
"Is Tipsy Teddy staying too?" he laughed, “You never have to ask if it’s okay for you to stay the night. You are always welcome in my bed.”
"Absolutely," she said as she heard the game and returned with her glass. Her head popped as she heard the commentary from the announcers.
Now we have gloves coming off and it is Oleksiak and Wilson. And Oleksiak down and Wilson will skate around and eventually go to the box. Somebody better grab onto Oleksiak there. He was popped by Tom Wilson and is going to need some help getting to the dressing room. The first time Tom Wilson sees the Pittsburgh Penguins since that hit back in the playoffs last year. Isn’t on the ice for more than ten seconds. And he took offense to a big hit earlier in the sequence. Good on Wilson for not continuing after he KOs Oleksiak right there. That was all a by-product of a big hit earlier in the sequence. 
The glass fell out of Teddy's hand and shattered on the floor. "Lex?" Teddy's voice sounded small and unsure. Tyler tore his eyes from the TV and saw the look of horror on her face. She took a step and her bare foot landed on a jagged piece of glass. She winced and Tyler leapt over the couch to pick her up. He swiftly carried her to the kitchen island. Teddy's eyes focused on the TV at the replay of the fight. The camera focused on Sidney Crosby in a shouting match with Alex Ovechkin. She smiled without thinking, "Thanks, Sid." 
Tyler pulled the glass out her foot and applied pressure to her foot. "Hold it there," he said. She placed her hand on the cloth, craned her head and watched Lex walk down to the tunnel. Tyler turned his head, picked up the remote and turned off the TV. "You don't need to see anymore." he said softly. Teddy protested and Tyler silenced her with a kiss. "Pretty One, you will only work yourself into a lather," he said calmly, "We need to get your cut bandaged first." 
Teddy watched him work efficiently. He cleaned the wound and then bandaged it neatly as she zoned out. The image of Lex's blank stare on the bench played on a loop in her mind. Tears started to fall, "How bad do you think he's hurt? Will he have to go to the hospital?" she asked quietly.
Tyler looked up and wiped her tears. "Hey, Big Rig will be okay. They are checking him for a concussion right now. Then they will check to make sure nothing is broken on his face."
"How long will it take to find out?" she questioned. 
"Definitively? A couple of hours? It will be after the game," he answered, "Let's put on a movie. You text Big Rig and I will text Crosby. One of them will let us know."
Teddy reluctantly agreed and sent the text to Lex asking him to contact her. Then Tyler carried her back to the couch. "Princess Bride?," he asked but already knew the answer. The buzzer from the oven went off. Tyler took the cookies out of the oven and put them on the counter to cool. “We can deal with the cookies later,” he said as he climbed over the couch with a warm snickerdoodle in his hand. She smiled and leaned her body into his. After a few minutes she drifted off to sleep. Tyler reached for his phone and sent two quick texts. One to Lex asking him to call Teddy as soon as possible. One was to Crosby asking for an update. 
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Tyler gently shook Teddy and her eyes slowly opened. "Your phone is ringing," he explained. 
She bolted upright and lunged for it. She answered without looking at the screen
Teddy: Are you okay? Lex, are you okay?
Sidney Crosby: Teddy- it’s not Lex. 
Teddy looked at the phone and saw “Anonymous” 
Teddy: Who is this?
Sidney: It’s Sidney Crosby. Seggy asked me to call you to update you on Big Rig. You know it seems like deja vu. Didn’t we have a conversation last December about Big Rig?
Sidney laughed and Teddy was silent. 
Sidney: I am sorry, Teddy. That was a bad attempt at a joke. 
Teddy: Oh no, I am sorry. I am just a little emotional. 
Sidney: I understand. I don’t have a lot of information, but they are fairly certain that he has a concussion. The severity of the concussion is undetermined right now, but they should have some more information tomorrow. He will fly back with the team tonight and they will do more tests in the morning. 
Teddy: Have you spoken to him? Is he okay? 
Sidney: You know him better than I do. He seemed to be managing. 
Teddy: I was going to fly in Friday morning to see him for his birthday. I was hoping that I could surprise him at practice that day. Can I still do that?
Sidney: That’s Friday. He should be here then, but not practicing. Shouldn’t be a problem for you to see him. I will make the arrangements to get you in. 
Teddy: Ummm, Sid? How will he get home tonight? Should he drive?
Sidney: I will make sure to get him home tonight safely. Don’t worry Teddy. It looked worse than it is. 
Teddy: You don’t know me, Sid. Worry is my middle name. Thank you for calling me though. I am sorry for the things I said to you in March. 
Sidney: I deserved the words, Teddy.  No thanks necessary. 
Teddy looked over to see Tyler staring at her, "Go ahead and make the call."
"What call?" Teddy questioned. 
"The call to your Dad to move up the jet," he replied calmly. Teddy crawled across the couch to Tyler and sat facing him. He looked at her and then looked down. “Pretty One, why wait until Friday morning . You are not going to be able to focus on anything else until you lay eyes on him. Go ahead and fly out early so you can see him. That’s all I am saying,” he answered quietly. 
“Is it really all that you want to say?” she asked quietly, “It seems like you want to say something else.” 
“There may be a twinge of jealousy in there. I don’t want it there to be, but it’s there,” he admitted. 
“Jealousy of what?” she asked as she grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers. 
“I am afraid that you are more concerned about him than me.  It’s silly,” he confessed.
“Feelings are not silly, Sweet One,” she stared at him until he lifted his head and met her eyes. “This is my first experience with someone that I care about getting injured so maybe I am not handling it well. I don’t know. It was a tough thing to watch, but that doesn’t mean that I care more about Lex getting injured than if you were injured. If that had been you, I don’t think you could peel me off the floor. I wouldn’t be able to wait until the next day to get to you.” 
Teddy felt the tears form in her eyes. “I don’t want to imagine if that was you. The thought alone makes my heart race, but I would have immediately picked up the phone and gotten to you by the end of the game. Nothing could keep me from you” The tears slowly released and rolled down her face. 
“Shhhh,” Tyler whispered, “Don’t think about it. I am sorry that I got jealous.”
“No, I understand what you are feeling,” she kissed his cheek, “You are my number one priority. Got it?”
“Got it. Now make the call so we can go to bed,” he squeezed her tight. 
Teddy’s phone rang and she looked down to see Lex’s face. 
Teddy: Hey Lex
Lex: I can’t talk long. The plane is about to take off. Sid said that he spoke to you.
Teddy: He did. 
Lex: So you saw the fight?
Teddy: Yes, I did. 
Lex: I am okay, Bliss. Don’t worry about me. 
Teddy: Have you met me? Did that punch knock all memory of me out of your brain? I worry about you on a normal day. Watching you unable to skate to the bench? That was a sucker punch to the gut. Not worrying about my best friend isn’t an option. 
Lex: Try not to worry?
Teddy: I will try. Do you have food at your apartment? 
Lex: Bliss…..
Teddy: Answer the question
Lex: No, I don’t have food. I was going to go grocery shopping tomorrow.  I’ll figure it out somehow.
Teddy looked over at Tyler with a pained look on her face. He whispered “I know. You need to go now. I will call your dad.” 
Teddy: Okay well, I will talk to you tomorrow and we’ll figure out the grocery thing, okay?
Lex: Bliss, please don’t worry too much about me
Teddy: I will try. Love you Lex. 
Lex: Love you too.
Teddy put her phone down and went to find Tyler who was finishing his phone call with Robert. He turned to her, “You leave at 4:30 to arrive at 7 AM. There will be a car waiting to take you to Big Rig’s apartment. They will have breakfast for you to take to him.” She ran to him and jumped into his arms. “Woah, Pretty One,” he laughed. 
She showered him with kisses, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“Thank you for what?” he asked.
“Taking one look at my face and knowing what I needed to do. Then you made it happen,” she began to laugh but then got serious. He shook her gently to lighten the mood. She rested her head on his shoulder. “Sweet One….” she began before her voice cracked. He squeezed her tight, “How did I get so lucky? How did I get so lucky that you fell in love with me?” 
“Nope, I am the lucky one,” he insisted “You do what you need to do and then come back to me, okay?” He started to carry her up the stairs. “I can think of one way you can reassure me before you leave,” he laughed. 
“Oh really? What is that?” she inquired. 
“Help me get lucky with that hot Teddy. I love her so much,” he kissed her softly.
“Not as much as she loves you,” she replied.
Lex lifted his head off of the pillow and set it back down. He could see the sun beginning to rise through his curtains. He did a quick assessment of his body. Nothing hurt below the shoulders other than his right hand, which was bruised. He brought it up to gingerly touch the cut below his left eye. All things considered he had come relatively unscathed from the fight the night before. Well, except for that pesky concussion. Lex silently cursed to himself. It was his first concussion in the NHL, but he knew enough that the diagnosis would require him to jump through multiple hoops to get back on the ice. Now was not the time that he wanted to be away from the team and potentially drop down on the roster.  
Lex was lost in these thoughts when he heard the knock on the door. He looked at his phone for the time. It was seven thirty AM. Crosby had instructed that he would be by at 8:15 to drive him to the rink. The knocking persisted and he got up. “Coming,” he called as he padded barefoot through the living room to the door. He opened the door to find not a NHL captain standing there, but a fiery redhead. “Bliss?” he choked out in surprise, “What are you doing here?” She didn’t speak immediately and he rubbed his eyes quickly to make sure that he was , in fact, awake. The sharp pain when he rubbed over his cut was proof that he was awake after all. 
Her face pinched up ever so slightly at the sight of his facial injuries, but she quickly masked it with a smile. “Lex!” she called as she lifted the paper bag containing breakfast, “Are you hungry? I didn’t realize that when Tyler arranged the breakfast to be in the car when I landed that it would be quite this much food. I mean Tyler really didn’t pick out the food. It was probably Mary. Do you remember her? She is Daddio’s assistant. Tyler probably did tell her to do breakfast, but didn’t do the details. All though he is remarkably good at details.” She rambled as Lex studied her. He tried to identify what he was feeling in the moment but he couldn’t put a label on it. 
“Bliss, come inside,” he interrupted her free form rant. 
She stopped midthought and blinked at him, “Yes, yes, yes- I should come in now.” She stepped in quickly. She surveyed his apartment quickly. It seemed to be in relative order considering Lex was a bachelor who traveled frequently.  Lex quickly took the large bag of food from her. “Hey,” she protested and playfully swatted his arm. 
“I am not an invalid, Bliss,” he said quickly. 
She watched him set the bag down and turned to look at Lex, “I know that you are not an invalid, but neither am I." She pushed him off to the side. "Did you eat anything when you came back from Washington?" 
"No," he replied as she started setting out food. His stomach growled and he reached for the sausage, egg and cheese sandwich. She smiled as he unwrapped and started eating. 
“So you have an appetite. That’s good news I suppose,” she teased. 
“What? I am a growing boy,” he laughed, “So why are you here, Bliss. Not that I am complaining, but why are you here?”
She stepped closer and examined his face slowly, “I had to see for myself. I had to make sure that you were okay.” 
“You didn’t have to fly to Pittsburgh to do that, Bliss,” he looked down as he ate, “You didn’t have to come all this way because I got in a stupid fight.”
“I actually was planning on coming anyway,” she said as she put her egg souffle on the plate along with the fruit. Lex’s head snapped up in question. “My best friend’s birthday is tomorrow. I didn’t get to celebrate with him last year. I wasn’t going to miss it this year,” she explained.” 
Lex looked at her as she sat at the bar and began eating. He nudged her and smiled, “You were going to surprise me? What if I had a girl here when you showed up?” 
Teddy looked at him and blinked, “Do you have a girl here Lex?” 
“Not now,” he laughed, “I was a little tired last night.” They both laughed. The laughter was a little forced on both sides. Suddenly tears filled Teddy’s eyes and she looked away. “Bliss, it was a joke. I didn’t mean to upset you.” Furiously, she wiped the tears and refused to turn back to face him. “Bliss, talk to me.” 
She took a few ragged breaths and then inhaled deeply. “Get it together. Don’t be a baby,” her anxiety mocked, “Gah, you don’t think Lex has better things to do than walk on eggshells around you?” A wave of sadness washed over her and she began to wonder if coming to see him was a good idea after all. “I’m sorry, Lex,” she finally whispered, “I just remembered last night and the image flashed in my head. I am sorry.” He placed a hand on her back and she felt the warmth. 
“Bliss, what’s going on in your head?” he asked gently. 
She forced a smile and turned back to face him, “Nothing. I am fine. Everything’s fine.” 
“Bullshit,” he smiled back. 
“Touche,” she replied, “Okay it’s not fine, but it will be okay…. eventually.”
“Okay,” he said softly, “You know that you can talk to me, right?”
“Of course,” she smiled tightly, “What time do you have to be at the rink? I promised Crosby that I would drive you.”
“What?” he laughed, “I can drive, Bliss.”
“Take it up with your captain, Lex,” she laughed. 
UPMC Lemieux Sports Complex
Geno skated up to Sidney toward the end of practice, “Who is redhead by ice? I’ve seen her before.” 
Sidney looked over toward Geno and replied, “Oh, that’s Teddy. She’s Big Rig’s uhhhhh, friend.”
Geno looked again, “Girlfriend? I saw him with a different girl last week at Christmas party.” 
Sidney shook his head as the buzzer went off and started for the locker room. “Not girlfriend- friend friend. I don’t know. I think it’s complicated.” 
Teddy walked from the rink back into the locker room area after practice. She didn’t quite know what to do while she waited for Lex to be done with his examination and meetings with front office staff. She also couldn't shake the feeling that it had been a mistake to come to Pittsburgh. She dug out her phone and sent a text to Tyler. 
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“Hey Teddy,” Sidney called as he came out of the locker room. She looked up from her phone. “I see that you made it here safely,” he joked, “You didn’t even need me to sneak you in.” Teddy swallowed hard and didn’t say anything. “My jokes must be getting lost in translation,” he said softly.
“I’m sorry. I am just stressed about Lex and the concussion,” she answered. 
Sidney stood by her and leaned against the wall, “I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I don’t think it’s that severe. He should be back on the ice in a week or so.” 
“Is that a good or bad thing?” she asked quietly. 
“Depends on your perspective I suppose. It will be a good thing for Big Rig and the team. Probably not so good for you,” Sidney explained, “When I had my concussions, it was really hard for the people around me.”
“You had more than one concussion?” Teddy replied.
“Too many concussions. I missed a season because of one,” he answered casually. 
“I am sorry to hear that, Sid,” she sighed. They sat silently for a few minutes. Teddy was vaguely aware that this was probably out of his normal routine, but didn’t question it. “Since you have had concussions, what can I do to help Lex?” she questioned. 
“Nothing,” he answered quickly, “That’s the thing about concussions. It takes time for the body to heal. It may take days,weeks or months. He is going to get frustrated. Just be there to listen. That’s all you can do.” 
“So I don’t guess I needed to fly here to do that,” she laughed.
“Maybe not, but I know that it means a lot that you did,” Sidney said seriously. “Good, supportive friends are hard to find and I know that he appreciates you.”
Lex stepped out of the examining room and walked towards Teddy and Sidney. They looked up and said “Good News?” Then they laughed at each other. 
“Yeah, it’s mild. It should take me about a week to get through the protocol and get back.” Lex said softly. 
Sidney smiled broadly, “Best news all morning- right, Teddy?”
Teddy nodded enthusiastically, “The best news!” 
Sidney stood up, “I am going to leave. Teddy, will you be at the game?"
Teddy looked to Lex who shrugged, “I’ll let you know.” 
Teddy and Lex sat quietly in the press box. He was even more quiet than normal. Teddy tried to chalk it up to his concussion, but her gut told that it wasn't the case. At the end of the second period, Teddy went to the press lounge to grab snacks. She came back with an arm load of food and placed it down in front of Lex. He gave her a side eye and turned back to the game. “Ummmm, thanks Teddy for bringing me food,” she said to herself. 
“I didn’t ask you to bring me food, Bliss,” he said without turning around. 
“Have you eaten dinner?” she asked, “You need to eat something.”
“You know that I haven’t eaten dinner,” he sighed, “You have been with me all day.”
Teddy studied his profile and decided to let the comment go unresponded. She checked her phone and smiled. Tyler had scored in the second period. Lex looked at her and shook his head, “What did Tyler do? Score?” Her eyebrows creased together and she inhaled deeply. It was the second snide comment of the evening. 
She looked up at him as coolly as possible. “As a matter of fact, he did.” She sent a quick congratulations text and returned her attention to the game. They sat in silence until the end of the third period. 
Internally, Lex was beating himself up for the snide remarks. He knew that they had been hurtful and Teddy was doing her best to mask the pain. He tried to pinpoint this emotion that was raging through his body. It was not any ONE thing- anger, sadness, annoyance, and regret rolled into a big mess. He examined her from the corner of his eye. She sat stoically, pretending to care about a game that he knew she had no interest in the outcome. He knew that her interest rested solely on him and he was doing everything he could to make her feel unwelcomed. 
The truth is that he didn’t know what to do with her. When she came to visit in September, things were different- at least they were in his mind. First Penny was there and her presence acted as a buffer. He would be lying if he denied that  some very unfriendly thoughts had floated across his mind while she was there. The memories of their time together kept popping up and quite frankly, it took considerable effort to keep something else from popping up as well. Secondly, although he was supportive of her being with Tyler, it was still BRAND NEW and he wasn’t entirely sure it would last. He chalked it up to Tyler’s past rather than an indication that his feelings about Teddy were decidedly complicated. 
After she returned to Dallas, the friendship became easy. The support for her relationship was natural because she wasn’t right in front of him. She still looked as good as the first time he saw her. In fact, she looked better. She behaved the same way as before and it was warm and comforting. He hadn’t realized how much he had missed her presence in a non-sexual way. The reality was although her words and actions were primarily the same, she was not available to him. At least she wasn’t available to him in the way that he needed her to be. She was like a piece of forbidden fruit served up on a goddamn silver platter and he was pissed off about it. Now rationally, he could see that none of it was her fault. She was being her natural self with no intent to cross boundaries. “Let’s be honest here,” he told himself, “I am not even sure she is aware that there is a boundary or should be a boundary when we have NEVER had boundaries in the past.” 
He groaned to himself. What was he going to do about tomorrow night? He had a date for the team birthday dinner. He had a very hot date that he had spent quite a lot of time texting/chatting with over the past couple of weeks. He wasn’t sure if it was a love connection but it had potential. Then Bliss had come and surprised him and now the plan was in jeopardy. He was wrapped up in his own thoughts when she felt her hand on his arm. He looked up at her and she had an unreadable expression on her face. 
“The game is over. Pens won,” she said softly. 
“Oh,” he said in disbelief. 
“Do you need to go downstairs to see people before we leave?” she asked.
“Yeah, I should make an appearance,” he answered. 
Together they made their way to the bottom of the arena. Lex was greeted by words of support from fans, reporters and arena personnel as they walked. “You’ll get him next time,” was a popular theme. Teddy waited outside the locker room as Lex went inside for the post-game talk. When he walked back out afterwards, he was followed by his teammates. Reluctantly he introduced Teddy to his team. She could feel his reticence and it wounded her. “Is he embarrassed by me?” she considered. She was in utter confusion by his demeanor and actions. 
“Teddy!!” Crosby called jovially as he exited with Malkin and Letang. Lex made the brief introductions. 
“You are friend from Dallas?” Malkin asked, “In town for visit?”
Teddy smiled at Geno’s friendly demeanor. She was happy that someone didn’t seem annoyed by her presence. “Yes, Lex, ummm, Jamie is one of my best friends. We became buddies last year, right Lex'' she turned to him and asked. 
“Who is Lex?” Letang questioned. 
“Sorry, Lex is my nickname for him. I forget that you all know him by Jamie and have to correct myself,” she explained. 
“You came in for his birthday? Are you coming to the dinner tomorrow night?” Letang asked. 
Teddy looked up at Lex who looked pained. “I am not sure if I am invited but I would love to come,” she answered. “That is- if you trust me to not spill Penguin secrets to the Stars when I get back home.” Letang and Malkin’s eyebrows went up in surprise. She continued, “Ummmm, my boyfriend is Tyler Seguin so ummmm…..” She realized that it was a- a bad joke and b-they had no idea of the complicated past that she and Lex had shared. It hit her that her presence was confusing from anyone looking in from the outside. She looked to Lex for reassurance and found none. “Lex?” she asked softly, “Do you want me to come tomorrow night?”
Lex stared at her for a moment and decided that this was the moment of truth. It was time to rip the band-aid off. “No, I don’t,” he said, “I don’t want you to come tomorrow night.” Teddy felt her knees starting to buckle as she processed his words. “I have a date and I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to come,” he said plainly.
“A date?” she thought to herself, “A date? He hasn’t mentioned anyone. She had specifically asked him last week if he had been seeing anyone and he had told her no. Now he has a date for a team birthday dinner? That didn’t seem to be a casual thing.” She looked up at him and forced a smile. “Oh, you didn’t tell me that you had plans. You didn’t tell me that you had a date,” she said with more snark than she intended in her tone, “You should have told me.”
Lex looked stunned but her snarky tone angered him more.  “I know, Bliss- I should have told you, but I didn’t have a chance. You swooped into today like some perverted version of a mother/girlfriend. You are NEITHER to me by the way. I didn’t ask you to come. I don’t need you to baby me and smother me. Did you just assume that I wouldn’t have plans on my goddamn birthday? That I would be sitting at home reminiscing about you? My world doesn't revolve around you, Bliss. It never will.”
“I know that your world doesn’t revolve around me,” Teddy stammered, “You could have told me. All you had to do was tell me.”
“Tell you when,” he asked, “You have been smothering me all DAMN DAY.”
Sidney and Geno exchanged a look then looked at Teddy who stared blankly at Lex.  
“Hey Big Rig, let’s take a moment to cool down,” Sidney said softly. 
“No- it’s okay, Sid,” Teddy said softly, “I behaved selfishly. I should have asked and not assumed that he would want to spend his birthday with his best friend. I know that if I had the option of spending my birthday with my best friend, I would take it in a heartbeat. I should have asked if he needed someone to assist him after the concussion. I know that I needed help after mine- just like you did.” She paced back and forth. “If I something happened to me, I stupidly thought you would be there if I needed help. I guess that was my mistake.” She stopped and looked him in the eye, “Maybe that’s the lesson I need to learn, right Lex? You were never as emotionally invested in me as I was with you. I thought you were my best friend. I guess it turns out that I was just the friend that you liked to fuck. Now that has gone away, I serve no purpose in your life.”
Sidney stepped towards Teddy, “Teddy….”
Teddy inhaled deeply, “Sid, can you take Lex back to his apartment or arrange for an Uber? I am going to my hotel now.” 
Lex looked up in surprise as she continued, “Yeah, I bet you thought I planned on sleeping at your place, huh? Like some love sick fool?” She crossed her arms and leveled her gaze at Lex. “For the record, I am not upset that you have birthday plans. I am happy for you. I am happy that you have friends that will celebrate with you. I am happy that you have a date and I hope that she is worthy of you,” she stopped as her voice cracked, “That is all i have ever wanted for you Lex- your happiness. Clearly being friends with me no longer brings that to you.  So goodbye and happy birthday.” She turned to walk away and turned around again, “but I call bullshit on you not being able to tell me. You had plenty of time to make snide little remarks all day damn so you had plenty of time to tell me the truth. Now why you chose not to- well, that’s on you to figure out. I am done being your emotional punching bag. Have a good birthday. You don’t have to worry about me smothering you ever again.”
Lex watched her walk away in silence as she wiped tears from her face. He felt the weight of Geno's stare. "G, it's complicated," he sighed. 
Geno shook his head, "No, it’s not complicated. You were asshole to your friend. Shame on you, Big Rig, shame on you.”
2 AM-Friday, December 21st- Pittsburgh Fairmont Hotel 
Teddy stared at the clock in her hotel room as if staring would make time pass by quicker or somehow magically put her to sleep. She replayed the conversation with Lex over and over in her mind. Her heart hurt and she could think of no logical reason for it. The sense of disappointment washed over her and she resented herself for feeling it. Lex had humiliated her in front of his teammates with his words and actions. She contemplated what she wanted and what to do next. This much was clear- she didn’t want to be in Pittsburgh and she wanted Tyler.
She sat up, got her phone and began texting. Her first text was to the pilots to ask for the quickest departure they could make. Then she arranged a courier to pick up Lex’s birthday gift from the hotel to his apartment. It was too late to cancel her other surprises. 
Eight hours later- Dallas
 Teddy climbed down the stairs of the jet onto the tarmac at Dallas Love Field airport. She got into her waiting SUV and stared out into the distance as her luggage was placed into the back. She checked the time. Tyler would be on the ice for practice. 
Without thinking, she drove on auto-pilot to the rink. She kept her composure, nodded and waved to the Stars social media team and stood beside the boards. Her eyes searched the sea of black practice jerseys for him as they skated up and down the ice in a drill. She finally found him in a line standing next to Benn. Since their fight in November, an uncomfortable truce had been formed between the two former friends. They were civil and professional on the ice but did not speak beyond what was necessary off the ice. It was Benn who noticed her first. He tapped Tyler on the shoulder and pointed to Teddy. Tyler looked up and they made eye contact and Teddy froze. Tyler’s mind raced, "What day was it?" Teddy wasn’t supposed to be home until tomorrow. Something was wrong and he could see it in her eyes. Tyler mouthed the words, “Are you okay?” She shook her head no. Benn leaned over “Go, I’ll cover for you.” 
Tyler skated over to the door nearest to her as quickly as he could. He opened it and stepped out, “Teddy? What’s wrong?” She ran into his arms and he lifted her up. “What’s wrong, Teddy?” he asked again, “Did Big Rig do something?” 
She tucked her face into his neck and began to sob. “It was a mistake. I should have never gone, Sweet One. I should have never gone to see him. It was horrible.”  He set her down, took off his gloves and wiped her tears. She waved off his hands and pressed her face into his chest. The tears flowed fast and hard. “I am an idiot, Tyler. I thought we were friends. I thought we were friends but we are not. You were right all that time. You were right that he was just using me to get laid. He never cared about me. He was never my friend,” she choked out in between sobs. 
Tyler listened to her words and struggled to make sense of it all. He guided her to the bench and they sat down. “Tell me,” he instructed, “Tell me what exactly happened. You are not making sense.” Teddy looked around suddenly and realized that practice was still going. She turned to Tyler who stopped her, “Chubbs said that he would cover for me. They can do without me. You are more important.” She nodded and began to describe the events of the past twenty four hours. Tyler’s hands reached out for her hands and he rubbed the backs of her hands with his thumbs to comfort her. 
When she finished, she looked up into his eyes, “See, I am an idiot. You were right. You were right all along.’ 
Tyler blinked slowly. He thought to himself, “If there was ever a time I wanted to put an end to this friendship between the two of them, this is the moment. I could squash it right now.” However, he looked at her and knew that he couldn’t do it. Not only would it break her heart, it would be the wrong thing to do. Big Rig may have fucked up, but he was a good friend to Teddy. He was a friend that Teddy needed in her life. He took a big gulp and said, “No, I was wrong then and I would be wrong if I made that claim now. Big Rig is your friend. Ask anybody and they will tell you the truth. Is it complicated? Yes, it is. Did you have a really messy and hurtful moment? Yes, you did. That happens with good friends.”
Teddy looked up in surprise and he continued. “Look, Big Rig and you have never been traditional friends. It has always been messy and complicated. I think that you, him- hell even me- underestimated how difficult it was going to be when you fell in love with other people. Things have changed, Teddy. Now your relationship has to change.” 
“But it did change. It changed, Tyler,” she interjected. 
“How? Just because you stopped having sex?” he countered, “It doesn’t matter if you having sex if you drop everything to go see him when he gets hurt. That’s a girlfriend move- not a friend move.”
“But I didn’t mean for it to be a girlfriend move,” she insisted, “I am your girlfriend. I have never been his girlfriend. I don’t want to be his girlfriend.” 
“I know that, Teddy,” he said softly, “I am secure in our relationship. I am secure in what your intentions are, but your actions send a message that you are not intending to send.” 
“So what do I do?” she asked. 
“Take a step back, spend some time apart and break that messy emotional connection,” he replied. 
“But I don’t want to lose my friend,” she sighed. 
“You won’t lose him. It will just be different,” he pulled her into a hug, “I promise you that you won’t lose your friend. I won’t let it happen on my watch.” 
“Are you sure that he is my friend?” she asked timidly, “Are you sure it wasn’t just about the sex?
“What? Do I think that he hung out with you, built a friendship with you just because of the sex? No, I do not,” he said with authority. “First you are underestimating how amazing you are. Also, don’t take this the wrong way,” he smiled, “but he could have gotten laid with far less complications with someone other than you.” She frowned. Tyler kissed her softly, “Believe me, Pretty One. Being friends with you, being in any sort of relationship with you is worth dealing with your complications. You are worth everything.It wasn’t just the sex, Pretty One. He was and is friends with you." He kissed her again with more passion. "I need to go back to work," he whispered, "Wait for me, okay?"
She shook her head no, "Can I just meet you at your house? I need a good snuggle from the boys." Teddy stopped and turned around. "Sweet One," she called, "Did you say that Benn covered for you? Why?"
"Not Sure," Tyler admitted, "I guess he saw your face and knew that you were upset."
Teddy glanced over at the captain who was completing a drill, "And he knew where I had been? He knew I was in Pittsburgh?"
"He probably overheard me talking about it," he answered.
Teddy smiled, "Can you tell him thanks from me? I appreciate it."
Tyler smiled, "Sure."
Lex's apartment- Pittsburgh 
Lex arrived from his first official day in the concussion protocol at the rink. It consisted of further testing and a light aerobic workout. He was replying to numerous birthday messages and contemplated what to eat for lunch. He looked over and saw the remaining pastries from the breakfast Teddy had brought yesterday. He sighed deeply and checked his phone again. There was no text or call from Teddy. He did receive a text from Johns questioning why Teddy had arrived at the rink in tears. "Fuck," he thought to himself, "Now Seggy knows. He will be lighting up my phone soon." 
He was lost in his thoughts when the doorbell rang. His head popped up in surprise. A courier stood with a large gift bag in his hand. "Are you Jamie Oleksiak?" The courier asked.
"That's me," he said as the courier handed him the bag. He signed the receipt and took the bag inside. Instinctively he knew it was from her, but it still surprised him. He pulled out the large containers of snickerdoodles and English toffee with a grin. Homemade goodies made with love were the Baxter women love language Gently he opened the card and read it- "Lex, Happy Birthday! I am so excited that I get to spend the day with you today. Here are some sweets for the sweetest man I know (with the exception of Tyler). Thank you for being the best friend a girl could ask for. You make me feel so strong and brave. I love you to pieces. Friends Forever, Bliss" 
He stared at the card and felt the ache in his heart. Obviously the card had been written prior to their fight last night. He was sure that the message would be decidedly different today. Nothing about his behavior yesterday had been sweet and anything that resembled what a best friend would do. His thoughts were disrupted again by a knock on the door. He groaned as he opened it and took the bag- a delivery of BBQ ribs and fixings with a card "I know that you are having steak later so I guess it is a Meaty Madness moment. Happy Birthday to the growing boy!" He read it again. "How did she know we are going to a steakhouse?" He asked himself. He pulled out his phone while he unpacked his ribs. 
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At the restaurant Lex stood with his date, Emma, waiting in the lobby when the group came into the restaurant. Sid approached the host and spoke softly, "Reservation under the name Baxter". The table was located in an intimate private room decorated with balloons and a birthday banner. Emma, the tall blonde, sat next to Lex at the center of the table. Sid sat across from him. Geno and Anna were to his left. Kris and Catherine were to his right. The evening went by quickly and was filled with laughter. Emma fit in with Catherine and Anna well.
When the evening wound down, the server approached Sidney. He asked, "Mr. Crosby, is all of the bill going on Ms. Baxter's card?" Sidney nodded yes as Lex's head popped up.
"Ms. Baxter?" Lex asked, "as in Teddy? Why would it go on her card?"
Geno scoffed, "Who you think planned dinner?" Lex looked shocked and then embarrassed. She planned an elaborate dinner and he told her not to come. 
Emma asked, "Teddy is the friend you were telling me about?"
Lex answered, "Yes, that's her."
Emma.said, "She planned your dinner but left this morning. Why?"
Lex said quietly, "I am not sure. She didn't say anything before she left." Emma's eyebrows raised while Geno and Sidney exchanged a look. They both knew exactly why Teddy left. They witnessed Lex specifically not inviting her and her heartbreak. However, neither were inclined to spread the information to Lex's date. 
Later that night after he left Emma's apartment, he texted Teddy one more time.
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December 31st- Bishop’s house
Teddy stood in the kitchen door and stared at Katie's back. The blonde wore a backless mini dress covered in gold sequins. She was making a drink for herself. Tyler walked up behind Teddy and rested his chin on her bare shoulder. "Go talk to her," he encouraged, "It is not her fault he was an asshole." He kissed her neck, "Seriously, talk to your friend. Don't let him take that from you," he advised, “You should hang to your friends if you can.”
“Does that apply to you too?” she countered. 
He shook his head up and down, “Touche”
Teddy stepped into the kitchen. She walked up behind the blonder and nudged her with her elbow. Katie turned her head and her eyes widened in surprise. Teddy laughed, "Ummmm, ma'am- did you have to wear that dress? Us mere mortals can't compete."
"Mere mortals? Teddy, you are a sex goddess and you know it," she teased back.
"You think so?" Teddy laughed again as she looked at the short dress she wore on a whim.
"Ask Tyler," she answered in a sing-song voice, "Isn't that right, Seggy?"
Tyler looked studiously at the floor and tried to blend into the background. Finally he answered, "Yep, she is a fucking goddess." Then he walked away to let them speak in private. 
Teddy looked at KT and shook her head before she threw herself into her arms, "I missed you girlie,"
"I missed you too," Katie sighed.
Teddy stepped back, "New rule- we don't let stupid boys come between us again."
"No more stupid boys will tear us apart again," Katie agreed. They into an instant rhythm of talking and spent the next hour catching up on the past month. Katie's mouth dropped open, "No that fucker DID NOT!" Teddy shrugged her shoulders. "Have you talked to him since then?" Katie asked. 
Teddy shook her head no. She looked up when she felt the tears fill her eyes. "I miss him," she sighed.
"Who sent the last text?" Katie asked.
"He sent a birthday text today," Teddy replied.
Katie pulled her into a hug, "It's a good sign. Let's face it. Men are idiots. You know that- I mean, look at Jam. They are idiots and they don't know how to make it better."
Teddy raised an eyebrow, "Any idiot in particular wants to make things better?" 
"You know who," Katie replied with a smile. 
Teddy looked back at Tyler who tried to blend into the wall. He had been unable to resist the temptation to listen in on the conversation. He raised an eyebrow and shrugged his shoulders. Teddy turned, walked to him, grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a kiss, "I am onto your peacemaking ways. You are not fooling me."
"It is the start of the new year. Do you want to go into it with all of the bullshit from this year?" He asked.
"Not all of it was bad," she said sincerely as she looked into his soft eyes, “In fact, the last three months have been wonderful.”
"Yes, the best part of my life happened this year despite me being an idiot," he replied as he kissed her, "Walk into the year with a clean slate."
"Will I get rewarded if I do?" she teased. He nodded and smiled.
 She walked away. Teddy saw him standing on the patio, leaning against the railing staring at the stars. She walked up and stood next to him. The captain glanced at her and then stared straight ahead. An amenable silence stood between them for a couple of minutes before Teddy spoke. "Did Tyler tell you thank you from me for covering for him at practice last week?” she asked. He nodded in affirmation. "Good, I did appreciate it. You could have said something snarky but you didn't, " she said quietly, "I was thankful ."
He turned and raised an eyebrow, "Nothing snarky to say. Of course you would go check on your friend." He smiled and leaned forward, "I saw the hit. It was nasty and unnecessary. He's coming into town this week. I could punish him for it." 
Teddy's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Oh really?" She studied his face to see if he was joking and/or teasing her. She found instead a look of compassion and concern. Teddy thought for a moment. Part of her wanted to say yes but she hesitated. "Question- is that a friend request or a girlfriend request?" she asked with sincerity. He tilted his head in confusion. "If Tyler had been knocked out, then as his girlfriend, I could make the request for punishment, right? But Katie, as his friend, could not. So it's girlfriend request and not a friend request." Benn nodded his head in understanding. "Lex can and will fight his own battles. He would be upset if I made a girlfriend request so thank you, but no thank you."
"Just wanted to make a peace offering," he sighed.
 “Oh, I know that the offer was made with good intentions,” she soothed. Again Teddy studied his face. She was again struck by the resemblance between Benn and Chaz, but she looked into eyes and saw gentleness. It was a gentleness that she never saw in Chaz. She smiled, "Did I ever tell you that you look just like my ex, Chaz?" He shook his head no. "He wasn't a nice guy by any stretch of the imagination.  He abused me in all the different ways," she explained, "It occurs to me that I may not have given you a fair shot when I met you." He furrowed his brow. She continued, "It is also possible that you might have picked up that vibe and formed some opinions about me that weren't true." He didn't respond. "That doesn't excuse what you did and said," she commented, "but I am willing to try again."
"What like a truce?" he asked.
"No, like a new beginning without the bullshit," she said.
He reached out his hand, "Hey, I'm Jamie. I hear my buddy, Tyler, is crazy in love with you."
"Hey, I am Teddy. I hear that my friend, Katie, is crazy in love with you." She smiled.
"Nice to meet you," he smiled, "Think you might put in a good word for me tonight. I am hoping to get lucky tonight."
"With who- Tyler or Katie?" She laughed as they walked back into the house.
"Oh- you're funny!" He laughed, "The one with the pretty face.”
"That doesn't really narrow it down, dude," she smiled. Katie and Tyler stood and watched in amazement as former enemies walked in together with big smiles on their faces. Teddy walked over and kissed Tyler’s cheek. "Hey, I met your captain, Jamie. He is a new friend for a new year." He raised his eyebrows as she continued, "Now I have to go get my old friend back. Be back in a few minutes." She walked back into the backyard, pulled out her phone as Tyler watched from the window.
Lex: Bliss? 
Teddy: Is now an okay time? Are you busy?
Lex: I have time to talk to you. Let me get somewhere quiet. 
He walked outside of the party
Lex: Happy Birthday Bliss
Teddy: Thanks. 
Lex: I am glad you called. I missed you so much.
Teddy: What did you miss?
Lex: I missed my friend- the one that organized a birthday surprise for me. The surprise I didn't deserve. I was an asshole, Bliss, and I am so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?
Teddy: Why? Why were you so mean?
Lex: I was confused, Bliss. I had a lot of feelings and I didn't not handle them well. I took it out on you when it wasn't your fault.
Teddy: We're messy, Lex. We have always been messy and complicated. There is a reason that we have rules. What are they?
Lex: No jealousy, honest communication, respect each other boundaries- physical and emotional 
Teddy: Right- I didn't respect your boundaries and came in acting like before we became just friends. I will respect the boundaries of our friendship from now on.
Lex: I wasn't honest. I will be honest from now on
Teddy: New year, New start as JUST FRIENDS
Teddy: I need to go Lex. Tyler is waiting for me.
Lex: Yeah, my date is waiting for me too.
Teddy: One day you’ll tell me about her?
Lex: Yes, tomorrow I will tell you about her. I really like her. 
Teddy: Really? That makes me happy, Lex. Talk to you tomorrow.
Lex: Happy New Year Bestie
Teddy: Happy New Year Bestie
Teddy walked back into the house and found Tyler talking with Radalov. She stood behind him and wrapped her arms and his waist. Her cheek rested against his shoulder blade. "Sweet One, can you come with me?" 
"Pretty One, it is almost midnight. Where are we going?" he asked.
"I need to talk to you," she teased as she guided him to the bathroom at the end of the hall. "Do you remember this hallway? We ran into each other on that first day?" she asked. Tyler smirked and shook his head up and down. She pulled into the bathroom, shut the down behind him and locked the door behind. With a grin, she hopped onto the counter. "Want to know a secret?" she whispered, "You turned me on that day."
He stepped to her and spread her legs with his body. "You turned me on that day," he smiled as he pushed her dress up her thighs, "I should have made a move then."
Teddy shook her head, "I am glad that you didn't. I am glad we were just friends first. I am glad that it wasn't messy and confusing." She kissed his cheek.
"Me too. I would have fucked it up, Pretty One. I would have fucked it up so badly," he ran his fingers through her hair, "Are we going to do what I think we are going to do in here?"
"What do you want to do in here?" she teased. 
"I think you know," he teased as he kissed her neck. 
"The answer is yes, but I have to say something to you first" she moaned as he nibbled on her neck. "You have to stop so I can say what I need to say," she pleaded.
He groaned and stopped, "What do you need to say, Pretty One?"
Teddy took a deep breath, "In the spirit of leaving the bullshit in the past and starting the new year with a clean slate, I want to apologize to you." 
He tilted his head, "Apologize for what?"
"I want to apologize that I behaved inappropriately when Lex got hurt. I want to apologize that my actions may have caused any confusion about where my heart belongs," she said softly. "My heart belongs to you- to you and you alone. You are the one I want when I am happy and you are the one I want when I am sad.  You are the one I want, period- end of story."
Tyler placed his hand on her cheek and smiled,  "Thank you for telling me. I don't think an apology was necessary."
Teddy bit her lip, "I can't wait to start this new year with you. It's going to be the best year of my life."
"Really? How so?" He asked. 
"I get to spend it with you,” she kissed him softly, “I get to love you and be loved by you. Nothing could be better than that.” 
“Oh yeah,” he whispered, “Nothing can be better than that.” He reached up to pull her panties down and discovered none. “Pretty One, have you gone commando all night?” he questioned. She nodded yes as his fingers began to explore. “You were planning to seduce me all along?” he joked as unbuttoned his pants and slid them down. 
“Maybe, maybe not,” she gasped as he thrust into her. 
They heard the party crowd begin the countdown to the new year. “Shit, we are going to miss it,” he panted.
“I am not missing anything, Sweet One,” she moaned as she rocked her hips, “I am exactly where I want to be, starting the new year in the best way possible. Can you think of a better way to start the new year?” 
“Better than this? Nothing is better than this,” he smiled as he kissed her again, “Fucking you into the new year.” The chants of “Happy New Year” erupted below. 
“Happy New Year, Pretty One. I love you,” he panted as he fucked her.
“Happy New Year, Sweet One. I love you,” she panted in return. 
22 notes · View notes
sc0tters · 10 months
The Long Run | Roope Hintz & Miro Heiskanen
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summary: when your brother leaves you unattended you end up at home with his teammates.
kinkmas: day one (threesome)
warnings: sexual themes, p in v (unprotected!), oral (m receiving!), spanking, swearing, degradation (mild!), swearing.
word count: 3.55k
authors note: we are kicking off kinkmas big and bold with a threesome. I’m gonna thank @itsnotgray for putting up with this and I hope it lived up to your expectations too! if you want to see the rest of the kinkmas masterlist you can find it all here!
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The team Christmas party was always one to remember.
As Tyler’s younger sister you managed to score yourself an invite as you were in Dallas and Kate refused to let you spend the evening alone. The majority of the boys knew you well, you had been there for your brother through everything and when he got traded it was weirdly comforting even if you lived on the opposite side of the state.
For the most part the boys were good to you, little Seguin as they preferred to call you. Some cared enough to take an interest in your life too whilst others just sent you a nod, happy to see that you showed up. Then there were the last two of his teammates Miro Heiskanen and Roope Hintz, aka the unreadables. You weren’t sure how they felt about your presence as they’d just stare at you before they’d say a few phrases in Finnish before they’d leave you there just as confused as before they arrived.
Tonight was no different as the duo stood in the corner swirling their drinks as their eyes didn’t leave you. Maybe it was the fact that you had lost track of how much champagne you had drank two hours ago but you chugged the rest of your drink before you slammed it onto the countertop.
The boys smirked as they watched your red dress cling to your body as your tanned legs walked over to them “hey princess.” Miro smirked at the way your crossed your arms and stared up at them “you wanna tell me why you keep on staring at me?” You cocked your head making their smirks double in size as you were now falling into their game.
Roope smiled “you look real pretty tonight kid.” The compliment made your cheeks turn red as your strong facade quickly turned soft “I do?” You mumbled dropping your hands to your sides “don’t you think so Miro?” He elbowed the younger boy who had been staring.
It was your turn to smirk as you noticed his eyes hanging over the line of your breasts “really do.” Miro nodded as his eyes locked with yours “y/n c’mere!” Tyler called out making you roll your eyes.
Your brother stood in the middle of the room as he ushered you over telling Joel all about what you had gotten up to this year “that’s my cue boys.” You sent them a salute before you made your way over to your brother finding comfort under his arm.
That’s were you spent the majority of the rest of the night capturing the occasional glance from both Finnish boys. It made you laugh as you would do nothing more than send a smirk back in their direction “if you’ll excuse me.” Your voice was soft as you headed towards the bathroom “you enjoying his company?” Wyatt had started talking to you a little over ten minutes ago and as his crush on you was clear you let him made the advances that he seemed to want so badly.
You smirked as you looked at Roope who was leaning against the wall “you getting jealous?” You asked as you walked over to him nearly shutting the gap between you both “why should I be when you’re stood looking at me?” Roope stood up straight making the difference in height between you both larger.
It made your once amused expression turn to a scoff “I’m only here to go to the bathroom.” You mumbled tucking your hair behind your face “it’s over there princess.” Roope pointed to the door behind you as he smiled “I knew that.” You mumbled rolling your eyes as you turned around to head to the bathroom.
Staring at yourself in the mirror you brought your hands through your hair as you thought about how Roope looked at you “fuck me.” You grumbled seeing the panty line that had formed in your dress.
For you it didn’t take long to decide to strip out of your white thong as you bunched it in your hand letting a smirk form on your face as you opened the door up to see Roope in the same spot that he had been before you left “didn’t take you long.” Roope smiled as he crossed his arms watching you come back over to him “I was gonna ask you to hold something for me.” Maybe it was the alcohol in your system but as Roope held his hand out to you dropped your panties into it.
His eyes went wide as he realised what they were “you’re playing a dangerous game princess.” Roope warned seeing clenching his hand “just wanted someone to hold them f’me to surprise Wy.” You lied through your teeth smiling as you wanted a reaction from him. This was truly you making the best out of your unfortunate dress choice “you’re gonna send me to an early grave Seguin.” He groaned making you laugh “maybe that’s all I wanted to do.” You smirked leaning forward to press a kiss against his cheek as your hands ran up his shirt “herra pelasta minut.” Roope mumbled to himself as he watched you walk off back into the party leaving your panties in his hand before he shoved them into his pants pocket.
You managed to avoid him as you stuck with Miro now flirting with the boy “do you really have to go?” People begin leaving the party and it was now the Finnish boys turns “don’t you want to go to Wyatt?” Miro teased as you Roope stood behind you both “you two are never gonna let me hear the end of that are you?” You laughed as you shook your head standing in the corner with the two Finnish boys as they grabbed their coats.
Roope shook his head “was gonna ask if you were sure you wanted to stay with him?” Wyatt stood smiling as he saw you with the boys “I think we could have a great night.” You nodded with a smirk hinting to him about the conversation you had earlier in the night “I could give you a reason to never wear those panties ever again.” Roope’s voice was rough as his breath fanned against the shell of your ear.
Miro watched the conversation unfold as your eyes sparkled “both of you?” It was something that never came across your mind “you want both of us pretty girl?” Miro spoke up again making you nod “then let’s get you out of here before Tyler notices that you’re gone.” Roope took his jacket off as he slid it over your shoulders even as the Dallas winter weather wasn’t that cold.
They were quick to usher you into their Uber leaving you in the middle of the two boys as you all piled into the back of the car “you’re so fucking beautiful.” Miro ran his hand over your knee as you turned to him with a smile “how pretty?” Your tongue ran over your lower lip causing his other hand to cup your cheek.
As his lips went to yours Roope couldn’t help but feel himself grow jealous. The older Fin brushed your hair behind your neck so he could kiss below your ear “be a good girl.” He mumbled softly nibbling at your lobe.
It made you moan against Miro as both boys found their hands on your body. The Uber driver couldn’t help but look to the rear view mirror as it almost seemed the start of a porno. The way your fingers were brought to your lips as you could still feel Miro’s on yours was enough to make both boys feel this sense of bliss.
Roope was grateful that he had put his house into the drop off location as Miros house was another fifteen minutes away “we are close.” You clenched at the drivers words as both hockey players began nipping at your neck “t-thanks sir.” You stammered as your hands went to Roope’s hair tugging at the ends.
The boys got you out of the car quicker than you had gotten into it as Roope pulled out a hundred dollar note from his pocket leaving it as a tip for the driver. You three made it to the door in time for Miro to push you against the wall “is this what you wanted all along princess?” He asked as his thumb drew circles against the end of dress brushing against your thigh “yes M.” You whimpered as you watched Roope fish through his pocket’s quick to grab his keys as he unlocked the door “c’mon you two.”
You gasped as you walked into Roope’s house smiling as he turned on the lights. It was a bold move from you as you reached back to undo the zipper of your dress “Hani don’t you dare.” Roope warned making you smirk as you moved to grab at the straps of your dress.
As the straps came down so did your dress and both boys swore that they forgot how to breathe in that moment “come and get me boys.” Your voice was soft as you spun around and stepped out of your dress and began walking up the stairs.
Your bare ass made them melt as they watched you reach to unclip your bra before it joined the trail of clothes that were on the stairs finally prompting the boys to follow you as Roope took the first step closer to you “you’re playing a fine line Seguin.” He warned watching you smirk as you got to the top of the steps “come make me pay then.” Both boys were going to truly make you regret that statement.
The first memory you had of Roope’s bedroom was how your knees were pressed against his mattress “what are we gonna do with her?” Miro asked as you propped yourself up on your elbows “come get a taste M.” You smirked spreading your legs giving him a view of your soaked cunt.
Roope shook his head stopping in the boy from following your requests “you think you could get away with how you’ve acted all night?” The older of the two boys laughed “turn around and get on your knees.” He ordered making you comply as you stared at the mirrors that lined the other wall of his room.
Miro walked to the other side of the bed as he smirked at you “think it’s about time we finally shut these pretty lips up.” Miro suggested as he brushed his fingers along your jaw “baby you want his cock?” Roope was far more unfiltered as he grabbed at your hips “fuck me like you would one of those puck bunnies.” You watched how Miros groaned hearing those vulgar words leave your lips.
When you spoke to him like that Miro couldn’t deny you of that request as he undid the zip of his pants letting the bulge show causing your mouth to salivate “you want this?” Miro asked with a smirk as he watched his teammate raise his hand to slap your ass “fuck!” Your moan was cut off as Miro slid his cock into your mouth.
His head dropped forward as his hands gripped at your hair “how many do we think she deserves?” Roope soothed the area of skin as he let out a dry laugh “two for each hour she fucking decided to tease us for.” Miro stared down as you batted your eyelashes looking back up at him “what do we think that Tyler would feel seeing his sister like this?” Roope asked as he slapped your ass again gripping at the piece of skin.
You moaned as your hands found themselves on Miros thighs as you swirled your tongue around his cock “watching your mascara run down those pretty cheeks?” Miro grunted forcing your head to take more of his cock as you breathed through your nostrils as Roope slapped your ass for the fifth time.
The area was tender as Roope finally moved his attention to where you wanted it as his fingers ran over your slit “she liked this.” Miro felt himself begin to start fucking your face as your throat constricted around his cock. It made Roope laugh “yeah cause she’s our dirty little puck bunny ain’t she?” Thinking about the words you once used made your cunt clench as Roope thrusted his fingers into your core “such a wet girl.” He cooed making you whine.
Those sensations made Miro grunt “fuck baby I’m gonna come.” He moaned as he grew close “gonna swallow all of it?” Miro’s question made you moan as Roope teased your clit.
Your head bobbed his cock as your lips were tight around it “d-don’t stop.” You might as well been a starved woman as you hollowed your cheeks out milking his cock as Miro came “shit baby right there!” Miro’s grip on your hair loosened as his warm release coated the inside of your mouth.
As he pulled out a string of his come landed on your lower lip which Miro didn’t hesitate to wipe off with his thumb before he placed his calloused finger on your clit “swallow that and be a good girl for me.” His voice was soft as he began to move his finger in a circular motion. You let your tongue fall out of your mouth showing that you had listened to the younger boys request “look at you finally being a good girl for us.” Roope muttered as he pulled his fingers from your cunt making you whine “shut up and take what I give you.” He warned tilting your head up so he could give you your first kiss from him of the night.
Roope already felt his cock throb against his pants but tasting another man on your tongue made it grow more uncomfortable as it soon felt like he’d be losing a button on that pair “who do you want first?” In the midst of your horniness and desperateness to reach your first orgasm of the night maybe you didn’t notice that it was actually a trick question “you Roope.” You whimpered as Miro leaned down to kiss you.
You note how much softer he was than his older teammate as he pinched your chin “have her ride you.” Roope ordered making you pull away from Miro as you frowned “you want me then you better earn it princess.” The weight of the mattress dipped as Miro crouched onto it.
His hands brushed through your hair as your fingers went to his shirt so you could undo the buttons “eager little girl.” Roope smirked as he undid his shirt too.
The moment of how you landed up straddling Miro’s torso as Roope gripped his cock running his hand along the underside of it “wanna be a good girl?” Roope cooed as you nodded “get on him then.” Watching you grab Miro’s cock teasing your clit made all three of you moan “fuck!” You cried sinking down on his dick as his fingers helped guide your hips down.
Roope didn’t wait long to tap the head of his cock on your lips “open up.” His words were surprisingly soft as Miro let you adjust to his size “so big.” Your moan was muffled as Roope’s cut you off “this mouth is fucking dangerous.” He grunted tugging your hair at your scalp.
Miro began thrusting into your cunt as he lifted your hips up and down “you like us fucking you like this don’t you?” Roope laughed seeing your mascara smudge as your eyes watered “think she’s never been fucked like this before.” Miro’s cock throbbed from inside of you as your cunt clenched around him “such a tight little pussy.” His words made you moan around Roope’s cock as he reached out to lightly hit your clit.
Your hands gripped at Miro’s thighs as you began grinding in an attempt to create more friction “is that what you wanted?” Roope’s fingers tightened in your hair causing your eyes to lock onto his “for us to ruin you for every other boy in your life?” The older boy had to laugh at how you nodded “can’t hear you princess.” Roope was pushing you as he forced you to take more of his cock making your throat feel raw.
Tears clouded your eyes as you nodded “yes fuck!” The words came muffled as you choked on his cock “it’s too easy with you.” Miro and Roope seemed to bounce off of each other “this cunt is heaven.” Miro reminded you that he was behind you as your eyes fluttered.
The boys both grew closer to their highs as one watched your cunt swallow his cock and the other got to feel your tongue swirl around his “you see how good you make us feel?” Roope threw you off as his hand was soft against your cheek in clear contrast to the other that was still in your hair “letting us use you like this.” Your cunt clenched as you moaned feeling your skin feel like it was on fire “is this how you wanted us to be all along?” It was clear that there was a sense of teasing in his words but you still whined as your legs began to shake.
Miro grunted from behind you “think she’s close.” His fingers stayed on your clit pressing against the sensitive nub “you want to come?” You nodded making the boy slide his cock out of your mouth “fucking beg me for it then.” Roope watched as your hand replaced where your mouth once was.
You moaned as your lips fell open “fuck!” You gasped feeling Miro’s hand grab at your ass “that’s not good enough.” Roope grabbed at your jaw “please let me come.” You whined letting your lips form a pout “I’ll be yours I promise.” You begged locking your eyes with him.
Roope nodded sliding his cock back into your mouth “let her come.” All three of you felt yourselves growing closer to your eyes as the walls soaked up the sounds of your moans and the sounds of skin slapping “god milk my cock with your pretty little cunt.” Miro grunted as his eyes screwed shut.
Pleasure fell over the both of you as you came “keep using your pretty little mouth.” Roope cooed watching your face contort as your cunt clenched around his cock bringing his orgasm on “fucking hell!” Miro groaned as he dug his nails into your hips.
Your walls of your core were coated with his release “get her off and hold her legs up.” Roope ordered as both you and Miro slowed down trying to recover from your orgasms “gonna let me come on your cunt too?” Roope asked making you nod repeatedly.
Miro sat up as he had you lean against his back as his cock pressed against your back as he made your legs sit on either side of his “you want to be a good girl for us?” Miro’s voice was coarse as you watched Roope slip his cock out again before he wrapped his hand around it now getting himself to that high.
You moaned pressing your fingers against your clit as you mixed your and Miro’s releases over the area “always.” You cried as Miro pinched your nipples between his fingers “such a pretty girl.” Miro cooed kissing his lips against your shoulder.
Roope groaned “fuck I’m gonna make a mess.” His words made you chew at the inside of your cheek “shit Roo!” You moaned watching his cock spurt his warm release over your slit as you used your hands to spread the sides of your cunt open.
It made feel like you were on cloud nine as his cock pressed against your clit “want me to fuck this into you?” Roope laughed as you caught your lip between your teeth nodding “you’re right about this cunt.” Roope was bigger than Miro as he bottomed you out making you jump “fuck!” You swore as you were still sensitive.
Roope’s lips caught yours as he continued to slowly thrust his cock into your cunt “making sure this all stays in there pretty girl.” His words were husky as the boys kept you in there all night.
Weeks had gone by without seeing either boy in the same way again besides for the few smiles that were shared after games. Truthfully you thought that it was only going to be one night of fun. But as you stood there waiting for your timer to go off you couldn’t help but wonder seeing PREGNANT appear on the test, who the hell is the father?
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lukesvangelista · 3 months
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in which wyatt proposes to you.
warnings; none that i can think of? unless you count la la land as a warning because that movie is traumatic let’s be real
21 year old Wyatt Johnston looked at his teammate, Logan Stankoven, a Nikon camera displayed obviously in his hands. The Toronto, Canada native smiled nervously. "Calm down, Wyatt. You've got this, it's alright."
He nodded at Logan as he turned the camera on to record.
"Hey Wyatt!"
"Hey mom! Uhh... I actually... I wanted to give you a call and let you know some big news. You've probably seen this coming now for a little bit, but I want to let you know that I'm planning on asking Y/N to marry me."
"Oh, Wyatt! It's about time!"
dear y/n,
the moment i saw you i knew my life would change forever. the first thing i said to you was that you are going to be my wife. well, now i want to make that a reality. with you by my side on this journey through life i know we will continue to grow closer and our love will deepen. most of the time will be amazing. some of the time, maybe not. but i know that it's always going to be fun with my best friend helping me along the way. you're the most loving, courageous, and strongest person i've ever met. i can't wait for a lifetime full of smiles, laughter, competition, adventure, and ice cream with you.
sincerely yours,
wyatt :)
"Y/N, right now you think I'm at morning practice... and I lied to you." Wyatt chuckled into the camera, much to the entertainment of his 21 year old teammate behind it. Suddenly, he grabbed the camera from Logan, "However, Logan's leaving for Kamloops a week from now, and that's when I was gonna propose."
Logan chuckled, "Yeah, about that. I pushed my flight back a day so that I could be here to help you on the actual day." he turned to Wyatt with a wide smile on his face, and Wyatt pulled him into a tight hug.
Logan Stankoven found himself behind the Nikon camera once again, recording Wyatt Johnston hanging up pictures of himself and his beautiful girlfriend, Y/N.
There was a picture of you and Wyatt eating ice cream in Italy with a ton of birds surrounding you, a picture of Wyatt in the stands cheering you on at your recent graduation, a picture of you doing the same at one of his NHL games, and another picture of you back in his hometown of Toronto, Canada. Then there was his favorite picture of the two of you - you two slow dancing by the fire on Christmas Eve.
Wyatt remembered that night vividly. The song 'Dream A Little Dream of Me' by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong was playing softly in the background, and your boyfriend had his arms snaked softly around your waist, your arms hanging loosely around his neck. You both had huge grins plastered onto your faces, and the night was all-around unforgettable.
All in all, there were close to 100 pictures strung all around yours and Wyatt's shared apartment. Logan gently sent the camera down on the kitchen table and made sure it was facing him and his 21 year old teammate before helping Wyatt hang up a long line of twinkling fairy lights above the multiple photos.
Making his way back behind the camera, Logan asked, "So, what's the plan?"
Wyatt smiled, "It's our five year anniversary today, so I'm heading to Y/N's apartment and picking her up for a date. Our first date was just your classic dinner and a movie, so I'm doing the exact same thing tonight. I'm taking her to eat at the same restaurant we ate at five years ago today and then we're seeing the same movie, La La Land, because it's back in theaters tonight only, so that works out so perfectly."
Logan smiled, "This is going to be so cute. She's going to love it."
Wyatt held hands with his amazing and beautiful girlfriend (and hopefully soon to be fiancée) as they made their way to the front door of his apartment. Little did you know, Wyatt's teammate and your best friend, Logan Stankoven, was behind that door, a black Nikon camera in his hands in order to capture the magical events that would unfold soon.
As the door opened, the first thing you noticed was Logan filming, and you looked at him and then your boyfriend with a confused look on your face. Logan smiled cheekily and Wyatt allowed you to head inside before closing the door behind you and quickly making his way to the backyard.
As you made your way to the kitchen, with Logan behind you, of course, you were shocked to see the completely dark room. The only thing illuminating it was multiple strings of fairy lights strung above 100+ photos of you and Wyatt. Below your feet was a path of rose petals, leading towards the glass door that opened towards the backyard.
You looked back towards Logan and the camera with tears in your eyes, and Logan just smiled brightly, a few tears now brimming in his eyes, too. You made your way to the backward and low and behold, there stood your boyfriend. As you reached him, Wyatt softly gripped your hands in his.
"Y/N," he started, smiling, "You have made me the happiest man in this entire world the past two years. I love you so much, and I hope I'm making you happy, too. I want you to be with me through wins, and through losses, through the good and the bad. I want to spend the rest of my life with you; nothing would make me happier. So, what do you say? Will you make me even happier than I am right now and marry me?"
You nodded at your boyfriend, tears in your eyes, "Yes. A million times yes."
Five years ago, you would have never dreamed of this moment, or even of Wyatt himself. But, to the credit of the movie that started it all for the two of you, here's to the fools who dream.
a/n; so i kinda took a different approach with this one and i'm not sure if i like it. i would love to hear what you guys think so please don't hesitate to let me know how you feel about it!
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cheddaryouthanme · 11 months
“Taylor Swift should date an NHL player to grow the game!” I’m sorry but we all know that there was one player and one player only who was simple and attention-hungry enough to be up for that job and it’s this man here. Our time has passed, sorry hockey Swifties.
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lovinbarzal · 1 year
COFFEE & HITS | our song au
wyatt johnston x fem! barzal! reader
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au masterlist | masterlist | a/n i love wyatt johnston🙈 this is how sugar and wyatt met! sugar goes to UNT Dallas! (i mentioned in ine of the posts that she released sour and it hasn't happened yet in this lol!) i also think this is absolute shit but i haven't released an imagine in so very long soo uh here it is!
Stress. That's how Y/n was feeling. She was stressed. She had just made a jurassic move from Michigan to Texas and she already had a big exam that would could cost her half her grade. All she wanted was a nice cup of coffee in hopes of calming down.
Which is why she found herself in Flying Horse Coffee Shop. She had only heard good things about the place so she waited in line. When she reached the front of the line, she ordered her black coffee before moving to the side.
Wyatt Johnston walked into Flying Horse Coffee Shop with Joe Pavelski. The two, along with their team, would be facing the New York Islanders later that night. The two were sent to pick up the team's coffee orders.
He saw her first. He saw her standing to the side texting in her phone.
She was texting her brother, Mat, who would be in Dallas later that night to play the Dallas Stars. She was in the middle of ranting about how hot it was when-
"Y/n Barzal!"
Her name was called for her order. She prayed that no one recognized her name. She had a good amount of fame from her acting career & her brothers hockey career.
"Wyatt Johnston!"
Wyatt snapped his attention away from the girl as he went to grab his orders not noticing that she was also reaching for hers.
Their hands grazed each others cause the two to quickly pull back.
"Sorry!" The two blurted as they both attempted to reach for their drinks against only for their hands to run into each other.
Joe watched from behind them with a smirk before pushing between them and grabbing the team's orders in the carriers.
"Grab the sugars and everything. I'll wait in the car." Joe said sending Wyatt a look as he walked away. Wyatt nodded before trying to go around the girl to grab the sugars.
The girl also walked to the sugars. He saw her put a lot of sugar in her drink making him wince slightly.
"Got enough sugar?" He joked with a smile making the girl blush before looking down.
"What can I say? I got a sweet tooth." She said looking up at him with a small smile and faint blush.
She looked back down before walking out of the coffee shop with Wyatt following closely behind.
She got into her rental car as she had yet to buy one before letting out a loud sigh and letting herself fall back on her seat with a smile.
Wyatt made his way to Joe's car with a smile. He opened the passenger seat and was shocked to see Joe sitting there.
"No way!" Wyatt exclaimed as Joe nodded. Joe was very much one of those guys who cared deeply for his car and he never let anyone other than his wife drive it. Wyatt excitedly ran to the drivers seat.
The two didn't see each other as they pulled out until-
The two were quick to jump out of their cars. Both freaking out for different reasons. Wyatt just hit someone the first (and probably last) time driving Joe's car and Y/n just hit someone in a rental car.
The two ran to where their cars collided and gasped when they saw each other.
"I'm so sorry." Y/n spoke first rubbing her forehead.
"No, this is totally my fault! I wasn't watching where I was going!" He exclaimed looking to Joe who quietly watched from the passengers seat. He knew that he was gonna pay for both of the cats to be fixed but he wanted to watch this play out.
"No! I mean, no. I, uh, I'm not used to driving in these tight parking spaces. This was completely my fault." She shook her head before pulling out her phone. She was gonna need Mat since he should've landed an hour ago and she had no idea how to talk to mechanics.
"I'll pay for both of these." Joe finally walked over.
"Oh no! You don't have to! This was my fault!" She exclaimed not even noticing that tears were threatening to fall from her eyes.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I've got it." Joe said rubbing a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"Thank you." She sniffled. Even in tears, Wyatt swore she was the most beautiful girl in the world.
"I just am going to need you phone number." Joe said as Y/n nodded before trying to tell him her number, "Uh, can you give it to gim actually? My phone is in the shop."
"Sure." She said turning back to Wyat who stumbled to get his phone out of his pocket. She told him her number before the trio bid farewell.
As the two drove off they both realized that they didn't get each others name. They both tried to remember what names the barista called but both came up blank.
Y/n walked into her apartment with her coffee and was met with the toilet flushing. She grabbed the hockey stick that she kept by the door and slowly crept towards the bathroom. She screamed and almost swung the stick as the door opened.
"Y/n/n IT'S ME! JESUS!" Mat exclaimed blocking the stick from hitting him in the head.
"Shit, Mat!" She yelled tossing the hockey stick on the ground.
"I thought you were gonna head straight to America Airlines Center?" She said walking towards her kitchen.
"I was but then I asked Coach if I could come see you." He said sitting at her island.
"How did you get in?" She asked grabbing him a water.
"You do remember that I pay for this apartment, right? I have a key." He said making her eyes roll.
"Oh. I forgot." She shrugged. "What time do you have to be back?"
"I got to go in like 5. Wanna come? Our media girl is out." He said as she sighed.
"Yeah. Gimme a sec." She said going to her room to change. She put on the Barzal jersey and stayed in her leggings and air forces.
"Let's go." She had her camera around her neck.
"You look adorable. with your little pro camera." He said squishing her cheeks. She seatted his hands away.
"You're so weird." She said as the two walked out.
"Jesus fuck, Y/n/n. What did you do to the rental?" Mat said as examined the small (large) dent in the bumper.
"It's fine. The guy said he'd pay for it. You didn't get my text?" She said opening the driver door.
"I didn't. I think I blocked you again." He said making his way to the passenger side.
"Fuck you." Mat shrugged as the two made their way to American Airlines Center.
The two walked in and Mat was quick to walk to the locker room as Y/n made her way to where the media and camera crew people were. She got her pass and quickly made her way to the bench. She watched as the teams came out for warm ups. She didn't notice the boy on the otherside who was staring her down.
"Joe! Look! It's her!" He exclaimed as Joe skated next to him. It didn't take him long to look at the jersey you were wearing. Barzal.
Just like that he remembered your name, Y/n Barzal. He looked to Joe who nodded but right before he was gonna skate up he heard the horn. Warm ups were over. He saw you attempt to walk off the ice with the help of Mat.
The entire game was filled with Wyatt sending Mat dirty looks and (legal) checks. He was only sent to the penalty box once and that for accidentally tripping Bo Horvat. That was when she got a good look at him and realized who he was. She almost dropped her camera. She shook her head and pointed her camera towards him as he sent with a frown on his face and his arms crossed. He looked like a child. She let out a light laugh before turning her attention back to the Islanders.
Once the game was over (Islanders won), Y/n made her way to the visitors locker room which passed by the Stars locker room. She stopped for a second looking at the locker room before making her way to the other locker room. She almost didn't hear him as she was too far into her thoughts.
"Hey! Sugar! Wait!" He called from behind her making her stop and turn around.
"Sugar?" She questioned crossing her arms.
"You never told me your name and you put a shit ton of sugar in your coffee." He laughed making her smile.
"Y/n. My name it's Y/n." She said holding her hand out.
"Good to meet you, Y/n. I'm Wyatt." He said shaking her hand.
"I know. I mean, I, uh, saw your name on the jumbotron." She blushed in embarrassment.
"You sure do blush a lot." He commented making her blush even more.
"Thanks? I, uh, I have to go but it was nice to see you again." She said slowly taking steps back.
"Wait! Um, could I get your number?" He asked making her smirk.
"You already have it." She said raising a brow.
"Oh yeah." He mumbled looking down.
"Would you wanna go for dinner or something?" He proposed.
"Totally. It's a date." She laughed before receiving a text from Mat asking where she was.
"Bye, Johnston." She finished before running to find her brother.
"Bye, sugar." He said to himself with a small smile.
Joe watched the whole thing from the locker room. He knew from the look in his eyes that those two were gonna be infinite.
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toasttt11 · 2 months
stuck with me
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December 1, 2022
Wyatt quietly walked out of his room being mindful to shut his door very quietly and he slowly walked to the room next to his and opened the door to Greyson’s room and closing the door behind him.
It was late at night and everyone else was sleeping but Wyatt had so much energy and was restless from the game he played a few hours ago.
He tried to sleep for the past hour, just tossing and turning until admitting defeat and got out of bed heading to Greyson’s room.
Wyatt has never been more thankful for a person than he is for Greyson, from the moment he met Greyson, Greyson has taken care of Wyatt and truly took him under his wing and showed him the NHL world.
Wyatt has always and will always think Greyson Hughes is absolutely beautiful and he is not ashamed to admit Greyson was the person Wyatt use to look up all the time on instagram and was the boy who made Wyatt realize he likes guys.
Wyatt and Greyson both lived in Toronto during the same time and played at the same arena for many years but being different ages they never ended up crossing paths.
But meeting Greyson and becoming roommates and teammates and eventually friends, Wyatt grew to care even more for Greyson, more than just being attracted to him.
And Wyatt knew the second Greyson smiled at him that Greyson would end up capturing his heart and Greyson has, and Wyatt is more than okay with that.
“Ollie.” Wyatt softly whispered as he leaned over a sleeping Greyson, Wyatt felt a pinch of guilt for trying to wake up Greyson when he is peacefully sleeping.
Wyatt wants to just slide into Greyson’s bed and curl up to him but Wyatt doesn’t have permission to do so and does not want to push Greyson and make him uncomfortable.
Greyson’s eyes fluttered open squinting at Wyatt, “Wy?” Greyson sleepily mumbled sounding confused.
Wyatt cleared his throat softly trying to ignore the thoughts that ran to his head from Greyson’s voice, “Can i sleep next to you?” Wyatt hopefully whispered asking.
Greyson hummed his eyes shutting close once more and he lifted his arm up making his blanket lift and Wyatt beam before he slid into the spot next to Greyson.
Wyatt did not immediately curl up to Greyson even if he wished too.
“Did you come in here to lay all the way over there.” Greyson teasingly mumbled his eyes never once opening but he could feel how far away Wyatt was from him.
Wyatt flushed a soft pink but eagerly scooted closer to Greyson but apparently not enough because Greyson threw his arm over Wyatt’s waist and pulled his as close as possible and burrowed his face into Wyatt’s soft hair.
Wyatt made a suprised squeak but all but melted into Greyson’s protecting arms.
Wyatt toon a few deep breaths trying to find words to get his thoughts out.
“Sssh, we can talk in the morning, sleep now.” Greyson softly mumbled rubbing Wyatt’s back gently making him relax more and more into his arms.
Wyatt nodded and felt himself fall into a deep sleep in Greyson’s arms.
December 2, 2022
Greyson’s nose twitched as he felt something brush his nose, Greyson squinted his eyes open and remember Wyatt had joined him late last night.
Greyson nudged his nose against Wyatt’s hair letting out a soft fond sigh.
Greyson has always been a good sleeper but having Wyatt in arms made his sleep last night become the best sleep he has ever had and he knows it’s all because of Wyatt.
Greyson wasn’t scared to admit he has feelings for Wyatt and they have been slowly growing over the last few months, Greyson has never met someone who he has felt so comfortable with so fast.
He knows Wyatt feels something for him back, it is obvious by the way he flushes pink often because of Greyson and the way Wyatt stares at him with heart eyes.
Greyson has kinda just let their friendship develop not pushing that they both have feelings for each other and he has been more than content to just wait for Wyatt and kinda let him settle into his new life but Greyson has been thinking about confessing soon and then Wyatt came into his bed last night kidna giving him his sign he should confess.
Wyatt shuffled around nuzzling his head more against Greyson as he slowly started to wake up.
Wyatt blinked sleepily feeling a hand scratching his back and being held, He hummed happily and then realized it was Greyson holding him and smiled.
“Morning.” Greyson softly mumbled noticing Wyatt waking up.
“Morning.” Wyatt mumbled sleepily but happily, how could he not be happy by waking up in the arms of the boy he has been crushing on for years.
Wyatt just laid in Greyson’s arms for a good while enjoying the comforting touch and silence between them but he eventually lifted his head up resting his chin on Greyson’s chest
“Sorry about coming in here last night.” Wyatt sheepishly apologized.
Greyson shook his head, “It’s okay, i don’t mind.” Greyson knew that Wyatt has a hard time sleeping after being wired up from a game.
Wyatt smiled pleased and laid his head back down resting his cheek on Greyson’s chest still staring up at him.
Greyson tentatively brought his hand up to Wyatt’s messy hair messing with his little strands.
Greyson and Wyatt just held eye contact as Greyson played with Wyatt’s hair.
Greyson didn’t realize he was slowly leaning in as he stared at Wyatt until their noses bumped each other.
Greyson eyes flickered between Wyatt’s eyes and lips making sure there was no hesitation and took a deep breath before pressing their lips together.
Wyatt inhaled sharply, he had thought maybe they were about to kiss but having Greyson actually kiss him shocked him.
Wyatt desperately kissed him back bringing his hands up to hold Greyson’s face in his hands.
“Woah.” Wyatt mumbled in awe panting as they pulled away from each other.
Greyson smiled and rubbed his nose again Wyatt’s cheek.
“Can we do that again?“ Wyatt looked up at him nervously, he wasn’t sure what he would do if he never got to kiss Greyson again, he’s been waiting long enough.
“Whenver you want love.” Greyson softly mumbled rubbing Wyatt’s cheek reassuring.
“As your boyfriend?” Wyatt added hopefully happily leaning into Greyson’s soft touch.
“Yes. You’re stuck with me.” Greyson softly teased making Wyatt beam happily.
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starsandhughes · 8 months
You and wyatt driving around Dallas and singing in the car because you’ve had a rough day
*technically he lives in prosper (like a lot of the stars) but i'm not really putting in sights or streets but just know in my head it's prosper bc i lived near there and know the area. ALSO! he loves morgan wallen (said in the stars top artist video) so that's the vibes here sorry if you hate him*
you collapsed into Wyatt's arms on the couch in your apartment when you got home. you had the absolute worst day and all you needed was your boyfriend.
"what's wrong?" he asked you.
"i was late to work, i dropped my coffee before i even entered the daycare, a one year old threw up all over me so i had to wear my co workers extremely uncomfortable shirt for half the day, and one kid screamed for half an hour because someone had chick-fil-a and he didn't," you word vomited.
"i'm sorry, baby," Wyatt cooed. he kissed the top of your head and ran his fingers through your hair over and over. you melted into his touch, desperately wanting it to take away the stress of your day. "alright, get up, i know what you need."
"no," you whined, elongating the 'o.'
"yes," he playfully mocked you.
you got off of him and let him drag you down the stairs and out of your apartment building completely. he opened the passenger door to his truck and lifted you up by the waist to set you in the seat. he got into the driver's seat and got out his phone, carefully queuing songs.
the second "you proof" came on, you knew exactly what he was doing. Wyatt rolled the windows down and took off speeding down the street.
Wyatt grabbed your hand and laced your fingers together, looking over at you and smiling as you dramatically sang along to the words. the wind in your hair was cathartic, and Wyatt screaming along with you just added to the newfound joy.
"thank you," you said as the music faded at the end of the song. "i really needed this."
"i couldn't sit there and let my girl suffer, now could i?" Wyatt winked. "you're welcome."
"i love you," you smiled. Wyatt leaned over and kissed you quick before turning his attention back to the road, "i love you, too."
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starscelly · 9 months
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harls feeling yappy
chi@dal 12.31.23
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itsnotgray · 8 months
All about Gianna’s hockey career
au masterlist!
- She plays center like Adam! When they were younger, it was easier to herd the pair to the same lessons, and she fell in love with the postion. However, when she was like 13-14 she tried to play D for a little bit, and found she was fairly adroit in the position, so if need be, she can also be moved to D.
- Her and Adam have always put up similar numbers (aside from their one year at Kimball, where she struggled) but she’s always had to fight 10x harder than adam to even show coaches she’s worth it.
^ The first coach to actually give her an honest chance, that doesn’t judge her off of gender, was Brandon Naurato at Michigan. She went up for a visit on her own, and when she comes back to Chicago, she brings Adam and Luca into her room and just breaks down. “He’s giving me a chance, guys. he’s actually giving me a chance,” and that’s what’s makes up their minds on where they want to go. Gianna commits, and Adam and Luca follow a few weeks after.
- Her parents, as supportive as they are, initially tried to have her face the reality of her dreams really early on. They knew how hard it would be for a woman to prove herself, and they were constantly reminding her just how much this goal would drain her, and about how many people would constantly be telling her she couldn’t. Their reminders did nothing to negate her passion for the sport, and she stayed strong in her desires.
^ On her draft night (day 2), she collapses into her parents arms when she hears her name, because in that moment all she feels is pure and utter relief. She’s crying into their ears “I did it, I did it,” and identical tears are running down their faces as they get to see her dreams come to fruition in front of their eyes, hearts full as they take in the fact that the same 7 year old girl who cried about wanting to keep playing hockey, even though the boys were mean, is now in the same leagues as them.
- She was drafted 61st overall by the Dallas Stars
- Gianna goes to development camp, and instantly impresses the Dallas staff. By the end of dev. camp, Gianna has a flight booked in a week to come back to Dallas and sign her ELC.
- She signs her ELC, and is invited to training camp.
- She puts on an impressive performance, and gets the call that she made the team two days later, while her, Adam, Luca, and a few others are on a boat soaking in the last bits of free time they have. She answers, and Adam sees her mouth drop and eyes start to well, and gets concerned. “Gi are you okay?” He questions, and is met with a finger to his lips while she continues the conversation. The minute she hangs up, she launches herself at Adam, almost throwing him off the boat. “Guess who you’ll be playing October 30th,” she mumbles into his chest, and he soaks it in. Once he processes what she said, and the grin he felt against his chest, he grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her excited. “No fucking way! NO FUCKING WAY!” Once she told the rest of the boat the news, they all glanced at each other before grabbing her and tossing her in the lake in celebration, all letting out various cheers of congratulations.
- She debuted against the Blues on the 12th, aka her and Adam’s birthday. The family was up in Columbus with Adam, because no one expected for her to get many minutes her first game.
- While she didn’t get many minutes her first game, she got her first point, assisting on Jamie Benn’s goal!
- The family flies out to Vegas a day early for Dallas’ game on the 17th so they can go out for dinner for her birthday. She gets the day before the game to spend with them. Lucky enough that they were there though, because in the 2nd period, she gets her 1st NHL goal!
- She cried listening to the play call after the game- “ And there it is folks! History has been made! Fantilli fires a shot straight into the goal and cements herself in the history books. The first woman to score a goal in the National Hockey League! Have yourself a night Ms.Fantilli! Take a bow for yourself and the strides you’re making. For all the little girls that have come before you and been told their dreams were impossible! For all the little girls that now know their “crazy dreams” are attainable goals!”
- Calls Adam and Luca that night on a group facetime and sobs.
- “Mo, Lu- I did it, I actually did it,” she stutters out the minute the call connects, tears making their way down her face again.
- After her first goal, she has a bit of a dry spell, but finds her groove in mid-November.
- At this point in the season, she currently sits with 13 goals and 19 assists.
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swissboyhisch · 1 year
Hockey Girlies Unite!
With the start of Hockey season starting soon, our discord is buzzing with activity. There is 50+ members and we'd love some more!
Link: https://discord.gg/24ZswxKuF9
If you enjoy hockey, writing and reading, you'd love our team. Games, trades and players all discussed. Anything and everything hockey and more. Even if you're new to the sport and want to learn more.
Some upcoming events in the discord: Start of Season Game Watch Party Halloween Movie Night Quiz Night
Writing is something we also are passionate about. If you need inspo, editing help or just want to chat ideas, this is a great space for it. Need fic recs? I'm sure someone will give you many!
Whilst Hockey is the main topic we all love, we also discuss things like F1, books, Disney, travel and gaming.
If you have any questions or the link doesn't work, feel free to message myself or @mp0625 :)
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devilsupdates · 5 months
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Chapter 1
Summery: Tyler finds out that his now Ex soon to be wife had been cheating on him behind his back. Heartbroken and alone he hinds out in his Captain's basement until his best friend in the whole world offers him refuge in Pittsburgh to ride out the summer and let things cool down in Texas.
Word count: 3.5K
Warnings: swearing, drinking, a fight of you look hard enough. I believe that's it.
I just want to put this out there this is a work of fiction. I in no way shape or form know how these players really act in really life. For those of you who may like Alex Kerfoot I am warning you for the sake of the series ONLY, I made Alex a jackass to fit the story line. I don't know how he really acts in person but I made him what I needed him to be for the story only. Please don't hate on me or the series if you don't agree with how he acts or talks within the series. Thank you
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When you plan the perfect fairytale wedding, have the perfect ring, the perfect girl to walk down the aisle to you, you expect it to go perfectly smooth right? Well that's what Tyler Seguin thought the day he proposed to Tiffany. It had been the perfect beach proposal in Italy during the off season, they had been together for 2 years and she seemed to understand what it meant to be a hockey player's wife. Everything seemed like a fairytale… till last night when he found what he thought was the love of his life, fucking another man in their bed, in their house. Since then he had been hiding away in Jamie's basement, nursing a beer as he poured out his heart to his best friend over facetime.
"Ziggy, I know it hurts, and I'm truly sorry, but hiding in a basement till the season starts is not the answer." Arabella Kerfoot said with a dramatic sigh. Tyler took another sip of his beer and looked away from the camera. He knew she was right but his pride was too wounded to admit that.
"I don't know, Jamie's basement is pretty nice."
"It's May, Segs. Hockey starts in September. You gonna hide down there for over 4 months??" Ella gave him a hard look. Hanging his head the hockey forward sighed and shook his head. Running a hand through his black hair he looked back up and gave her the same look back.
"So what do you suggest, oh Great One?"
Bella laughed and flipped him off through the camera. "Wayne Gretzky is the Great One. But come spend the summer with me hiding away from the Media and just regroup. Take a breather." She said, taking a bite of her muffin as she leaned back into her chair. Tyler watched her closely, seeing if she was serious about it. He closed his eyes and ran his hand through his hair again before looking back up at the camera. "Come on, even Jamie thinks it's a good idea."
"You talked to Benn about it?" .
Bella smiled at the camera and took another bite of her muffin. "What else was I supposed to do?" She asked. "Of course I talked to Jamie about it and he agreed with me. You need to leave his basement. Like yesterday and get your ass up here to my place. Take the summer to shut out the world and regroup with me." She sighed and sat her muffin down, running a hand through her hair before leaning closer to the camera. "Tyler, what happened is shitty. What she did to you was something horrible, but if you stay there, if you let this haunt you, it's going to ruin you. The media will eat you alive. Plus if you went home… dude I love your family, but let's be honest, they won't let you have any peace trying to make sure you're okay after something like this."
He knew she was right. He honestly did. They both had shitty reputations with the media. They messed up one time in their careers and all the sudden they were uncontrollable wild childs that needed to be torn down. Tyler has done so much since his move to Texas to rebrand himself, make a better name and leave all the Boston shit behind him. He finished his beer and looked off into the distance of the darkened room. Ella stayed silent as he thought, as his mind went through all his thoughts. He sighed and picked at the sandwich Jamie had made him hours ago, but left untouched. He knew Ella was waiting for him to answer, but his mind was tired and his heart was too broken to give her one. He heard his best friend sigh, knowing she was trying hard to give them the space he needed but a push at the same time. There was a 6 year age gap between the two Forwards, Tyler taking on the role of big brother to a young girl he met in 2017 who had just won the Stanley Cup in her rookie year with Pittsburgh, and made a mistake in front of the media, earning her a nasty reputation, similar to the one he had when he played for Boston. Fast forward 4 years later and the two were more like siblings then their own siblings. Tyler stood by Ella in so many fights with her brother Alex, who played for Toronto, when he would fight her on what a disappointment her reputation bright to the family name. Ella also stood beside Tyler during many family events where his family would hound him on not having settled down yet and setting his new found reputation into stone. Over the past 4 years the two of them formed a bond, one that to the outside world looked more than platonic, but they could never see each as anything more than best friends and siblings.
Knowing that Ella was in his corner and would understand if he needed a moment to breathe and ponder her request to spend the summer in Pittsburgh with her, he finally answered her question. "Let me have the night, to just…. Let my mind shut down and figure out how to go about this. I'll call you in the morning and let you know what I'm going to do. Okay Bell?"
"Okay Ziggy. If I don't hear from you by 10am I'm calling Benn and making him put you on a plane though. Love you Bubs."
"Love you Bubs." Tyler said back with their signature sign off before hanging up the phone. The room was darker than he remembered from before Ella had called, so flipping on a light he sat down on one of the sofas in Jamie's basement. His phone lit up with text messages from Tiffany, ones he swiped away so he didn't have to see them. With a sigh he flipped his phone over and ignored it as it continued to buzz. Getting up he walked slowly up the staircase to the first floor into the kitchen. Jamie was there cooking some food, listening to a game from the playoffs from the TV in the corner.
"About time you showed your face. Ella finally got you to leave my dungeon of despair?" Jamie asked as he stirred the stuff in the pot. Tyler raised an eyebrow upon hearing the weird name for the basement and Jamie saw the look of confusion. Nodding his head and waving a hand in the air he answered the silent question. "That's what she called it when she called me this morning. Don't ask, it's Ella, that's enough said."
Both men have a soft chuckle at that and Jamie went back to stirring his food. Tyler walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, chugging it down like his life depended on it. He hadn't drunk anything other than beer in the past 14 hours, and he didn't realize how thirsty he was till that moment. Throwing the empty water bottle in the small bin beside the sink, he leaned against the countertop and ran a hand through his thick hair.
"Ella wants me to come to Pittsburgh for the summer…. Instead of going home." He broke the silence after a bit of deep thinking. Jamie hummed in response, turning the stove off and removing his dish he had been stirring. Tyler watched him closely as he poured the stew into bowls. "You don't seem surprised." Jamie put the pot down and turned to face his best friend. He placed his arms over his chest and leaned against the table.
"Tyler, going home is only going to end in 1 of 2 ways. Your family going overboard on trying to keep you happy and giving you no time to grieve this, or being all up your ass about how shit went wrong and how this is going to look in you. They won't let you have any peace."
Tyler folded his arms and hung his head, giving a slight nod. "That's what Ella said too."
Jamie pushed off from the table and walked over to the forward and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Ella is right. And she's right in the fact you should go spend the summer with her. Lord knows that girl can't go home to her family. Not fair you two spend your summer with people that don't understand you. She's your best friend, so go and recover from this."
Tyler nodded his head and looked down at his bare feet. He knew they were right, there was nothing holding him here for the next few months. So pulling out his phone he shot a text to his one friend, asking if they could fly them on their small private plane to Pittsburgh in the morning. Then he shot a text to Ella that he knew she was probably already expecting.
*Pick me up at the airport in the morning*
Stepping off the private plane around 8am in Pittsburgh instead of getting ready for a bachelor party that night wasn't how Tyler saw his weekend going. But here he was getting off his friend's plane at the airport to meet up with Ella. Flipping his sunglasses up onto his hair he looked around for the tall brunette he called his best friend. Looking off to his right he saw her walking his way. Ella was one for fashion. She knew what looked good on her tall, thin but muscular frame. Clad in a white deep V neck shirt that hugged her curves, a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with black ankle boots. Orange tinted Aviators kept her eyes from the morning sun, her hair fell to her shoulder blades thick and wavy down her back.
"You definitely know how to make an entrance Ell-Bell." Tyler said as he took the last few steps off the private plane. Ella's bright laugh filled the air around them as she stopped in front of her best friend.
"Please Ziggy, you dress to impress all the time, you lady killer." She said waving her hand at his current outfit. He had on a dark green shirt that was so tight it was a second skin. Every muscle on display. Tan pants clinged to his thighs, dark brown Hey Dudes on his feet. His hair was styled in the blown away look, curls perfectly messy. Dark sunglasses now perched on top of his head. His wide, full white smile lit up the runway, reaching out he pulled his best friend into a hug. For the first time since he found his now ex-fiance with another man, he really smiled. Pulling away from the hug, Tyler grabbed his bags he had dropped at his feet and followed Ella to her car. Tossing his bags Into the back seat of her Jeep, he climbed into the passenger seat and turned to look at his best friend.
"Thank you Ella…. For helping me during this. For being my best friend."
The brunette smiled back at him and took his hand, giving it a squeeze. "You are welcome Tyler. I know this is hard, and shitty. What she did was unforgettable. You are more of a brother than my own flesh and blood and I will always stand in your corner." She let go of his hand and started up her jeep, the warm spring air floating through the windows as she pulled out of the airport parking lot. "And you know that whenever you want to talk about it, or vent, or just sit in silence and drink a beer together, you just have to ask."
Tyler watched the scenery go by out his window. Pittsburgh was a beautiful town, the people here passionate about their sports teams with flags and banners blowing in the light breeze. What had once been a small coal town was now a booming city with people from all over flocking to its doors to watch hockey and football and baseball, for jobs and major opportunities that showed up each day.
The trees were just starting to green up, the grass turning a pretty shade of green, early spring flowers blooming in the yards of the homes they drove past. Tyler was lost in thought as he watched the town go by, the wind blowing through his curls as he leaned his head back against the headrest. The sound of a phone ringing broke him from his thoughts. Looking over at his friend, he watched as she looked down at her phone, a scowl across her face as she quickly hit decline to the call.
"Is everything okay Ella?" Concern in his voice. The forward sighed as she came to a stop at a red light. She looked over at Tyler through her sunglasses and he knew right away she wasn't happy.
"Alex keeps calling." She finally spoke as she turned back to look at the road.
"What does he want?"
"It's Alex. The only reason he ever calls his baby sister is because he wants to yell at me for being the family disappointment." The light turned green and Ella started moving the Jeep again, flipping her turn signal on and going right, towards her house. "Every year my family goes on a vacation together and last year I just…. Hide away and not gone. And I don't plan on going this year and I'm sure he is calling to bitch me out for it among other things….. shit."
Tyler looked from his friend to the front windshield as he felt the jeep come to a stop. He looked up the driveway to Ella's house on the outside of town and saw a car parked right by the front door. Looking back at his friend he gave her a pissed off look.
"What is he doing here?" Tyler hissed as he looked back at the Subaru in the driveway. Ella remained quiet as she pulled up her driveway to park beside the car that was waiting for them. The Jeep hadn't even been turned off yet when Tyler was out of its doors and marching towards the man waiting. After the past weekend, the drama and pain he went through, he was now ready for a fight.
"What the hell do you want Alex?" His voice boomed as Tyler stopped in front of the tall dark haired player from Toronto. He watched as Alex Kerfoot scowled upon hearing his voice and turned to face him.
"I should have known my baby sister would have gone running the minute she found out you were no longer engaged." Alex sneered as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Ella stopped next to Tyler and matched her brother's posture. "The fuck is that supposed to mean?"
Alex laughed, shaking his head as if the answer was obvious. "With the reputation you both have among players it should be very clear what I'm saying. But I'll spell it out nevertheless." He pushed off his car and stopped inches from his sister. "You couldn't wait to have him back in your bed after you were the one that probably wrecked his engagement, Arabella. People like you two don't know how to be any different no matter how much your families try to put you on the right path."
Tyler grabbed Alex by the arm and yanked him away from Ella who had a look of horror across her face. Tyler pushed Alex up against his car and pinned him there with an arm across his chest.
"Watch your mouth Kerfoot. My engagement being called off has nothing to do with Ella. Your sister is my best friend and she offered me a place to stay while all that shit back in Texas gets worked out. Next time don't speak without the facts." He said through gritted teeth. Tyler stood a few inches taller than Alex, and he put his full height to his advantage. The two glared at each other for a moment before Ella spoke up.
"Why are you here Alex?"
Pushed against Tyler's arm, Alex broke free and fixed his jacket, giving the taller man one more glare before facing his sister. "You never come home anymore during the off season. Your place is at home, with family, keeping your rep clean during the summer instead of hiding out in Pittsburgh, giving the media more drama to feed off of. So I came to get you."
"Yeah that's not happening." Tyler chuckled sarcastically as he stepped closer to Ella for support. Alex cocked his head and waved a hand between the 3 of them to make a point. "And what place do you have here to speak Seguin?"
"Stop Alex!" Ella snapped as she pushed between the two men. She could see Tyler was holding back his anger, an anger he was famous for once having. And Alex knew how to push buttons, it's what gave him an edge on the ice. Tyler shook his head and took a step back, giving space between the three of them. He hated how Alex and her whole family treated her after one mistake. It was like watching his early years play out all over again.
"I am home Alex. Pittsburgh IS my home now. And I have house guests to care for. So I suggest you leave and let me go about my life here, with my friends and my team who are supporting me far more than my family has in the past few years." Tyler watched as Ella spoke, before she turned her back on her brother and walked back to her car to grab her purse from the back seat where she had left it. Digging out her house key she turned back to face Tyler and nodded her head towards the front door. Tyler nodded and turned back to face Alex, crossing his arms over his chest and tapped his chin up towards the Subaru behind him. He watched as Alex shook his head and grabbed the handle of the car door and yanked it open.
"I'll tell Mom that you already had plans for the summer. At least call her some though." Alex called out dryly before climbing into the car shutting the door behind him. Tyler glanced over at his friend and watched all kinds of emotions cross her face as her brother drove down her driveway and then down the road. Tyler watched her from the corner of his eye as the car disappeared down the road. He was fortunate enough to have a family that still supported him even after everything in Boston. Even after up until a year and half ago when he got serious with Tiffany he bounced around from girl to bar each weekend not caring if he got too drunk and ruin all he worked so hard to build. Even now, with everything that has happened in the past 48 hours with Tiffany, he knew his family understood to a point why he didn't come home. Why he wanted see space. Sure they would check in on him and maybe suggest coming to visit but they wouldn't show up at his door and chastise him for his choice.
"Don't bother even bringing your bags in." Ella's voice broke him from his thoughts. He turned to fully face her but Ella was already heading for her door.
"Excuse me? Care to explain??" He asked, not fully understanding that statement at all. He had a split second fear that maybe she was going to send him back to Texas after what just happened. But seeming to sense his underlying fear, she stopped at the door after she unlocked it and gave him one of her famous looks.
"We're not staying here." She said with a flip of her hair over her shoulder. "If we really want to disappear, then we are going to the cabin." Tyler had only seen her cabin once since she bought it. It was in a small fishing town at the top corner of Erie county and the lake. It sat by the water with only 2 other cabins in sight across the lake. It was remote and quiet. "The three of us need a break from the world. So to the cabin we go!" Ella singsonged as she marches through her front door, leaving Tyler to stand with a smirk on his face. He shook his head as he followed through the now open door. Only Sidney Crosby and himself knew she bought the cabin up north, as a way to really disappear when life got too much in the city.
"Wait." He stopped, replaying what she had said in his head. Three of them. Three people. So someone else was spending the summer with Ella? "Three people?" He called out but Ella had already disappeared upstairs to her room. "Ella, who else is spending the summer with us?!" He yelled up the steps as he raced up them two at a time. "I've had enough surprises in the past 48 hours to last a lifetime." He grumbled as he reached the top step. He found Ella packed 2 large suitcases of clothes, bathroom needs, shoes, and other random things. She smiled up at him and just gave him a wink. With a groan He knew he wasn't getting his answers till they reached that cabin on the lake.
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Tag list @cellythefloshie @teokka @holidaywishes @wyattjohnston @raysofcrosby @starshine-hockey-girl @leafs-lover @gothicgirl100 @hockeyisruiningmylife @hockeylvr59 @laurenairay
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korshrimpski · 3 months
Okay time to recap today
John Marino was traded to Utah (with a 5th round 2024 pick) and njd receive a a 2024 2nd round pick which ended up being mikhail yegorov and a 2025 2nd round pick
Then ALEXANDER HOLTZ WAS TRADED TO VEGAS?!?? In what universe 😭 but akira schmid was included in that trade to vegas. And the njd receive Paul Cotter and a 2025 3rd round pick
Washington trades a couple of draft picks to vegas to get Logan Thompson, who was signing autographs when he got traded 😭
Washington also trades Beck Malenstyn to the sabres in exchange for the 43rd draft pick
Then Dallas trades the rights to Chris Tanev in exchange for Max Ellis and a 7th rounder in 2026
Boston trade Jakub Lakus to Minnesota for vinni lettieri, and Boston fans are asking a wellness check in jeremy swayman
Conor Geekie and JJ Moser where then traded to Tampa (not geeks🥹) Utah receive mikhail sergachev
Kevin Hayes was traded to pittsburgh by the blues for future considerations
Tampa trades tanner jeannot to the kings for some draft picks
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lukesvangelista · 4 months
in a big luke evangelista mood so do with that information what you will ;)
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