#Dangit he looks adorable
wolfgang1097 · 8 months
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I don't know why, but I personally find Black being so struck with lust here so frick'n adorable. What makes it even more adorable is that he is...ahem, topless (well, this skit was based off of one of the comics that took place at the beach, duh). I can't help myself, but gawd look at his belly (makes me want to magically stick my hand through the screen and gently prod his belly). Overall, this is probably one of my favorite still screenshots of any of the Spy vs. Spy skits from the 90s.
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getmeoutofhell · 2 months
Clowns in the Slasher House
warnings: clowns, body parts & cussing!
a/n: i’ve been wanting to do this so i hope you enjoy this! leave comments and request.
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they all have their own separate rooms and floor in house.
you guessed it, they live in the basement. the basement has to be cleaned every damn friday, because if not, it’s gonna smell like ass and dodo.
now, let’s talk about who’s in the slasher house that’s a clown:
art the clown
the little girl
art & the little girl are the messiest out of all of them, and i stand by that. i mean, penny is very, very questionable, but art is more questionable.
sometimes they all play hide and seek, and invite you the play as well. penny is the best at it, since he can literally disappear if he so chooses to. but you had to tell him not to because that’s cheating.
pennywise is usually gone so he doesn’t join often with you guys. but when he does, he’s not the best at the game, but definitely not the worst.
art sometimes uses his hands to cover his face, pretending that he’s hiding. you think it’s funny and adorable, and you sometimes play along with it, pretending you can’t see him.
“oh dangit, i have no idea where art could be. i guess i’ll go look upstairs.” you see him giggle like a school girl before going up stairs.
the little girl likes you, and she’s more comfortable around you & art than anyone else in the house. she likes to tug on your pants leg if she wants something. you still haven’t thought of a name for her yet, but you’re working on it.
another thing about art is that you have to remind him to take his dirty ass clown shoes off when he enters the house. they’re covered with mud and other shit (literally) so it’s a constant thing you have to do to protect the rugs and carpet in the house.
you don’t have to worry about the other adult clowns and their shoes because they can make the dirt disappear in a blink of an eye.
art & the little girl make a lot of weird gifts and passes them to everyone. sometimes it’s a dead persons liver, sometimes it’s someone’s big toe that art collected. you’ll never know what you may get with him.
weekly showers. i don’t care how much art fusses his stanky ass is getting in that damn shower. every time you make art get in the shower, the other clowns laugh at him. arts reaction is to just flip them off, so that’s entertaining to watch.
penny likes to scare the others all the time. you can never get used to it because it’s always something different with him all the time. pennywise sometimes joins in on pennys little pranks but often penny does it to pennywise.
water gun fights!! especially since it’s hot out, it’s the perfect time to have some fun outside in the sun. just don’t forget the sun screen. i don’t know if the clowns would wear swim trunks but maybe you can convince them.
how can i forget the board game nights!! well art…he doesn’t like the board games much. but when he does play, he cheats. well, try’s to at least.
let’s say you’re playing uno and you’re sitting by art. you see out the corner of your eye art peek over next to you at your cards. “art don’t you dare.” he smiles before looking away.
the little girl is smarter than most people realize. she knows a lot, and does a lot. she knows when you’re depressed and sometimes will sit next to you as a type of comfort.
they like to play tag and run around the house every damn where and tear up shit.
*glass shatters* “oh my god what broke now?” you say annoyed.
should i do a part 2?
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sweetbunpura · 1 month
Dangit. All the Returned!Yuu posts have given me an angst/fluff idea. Yuu is Leona’s baby sibling and was the only one he felt close to. Yuu wanted Leona above everyone else as a baby and for little Leona, that was enough. Leona was there when whatever creature/event took Yuu, it’s how he got his scar. It’s the thing that fully broke the prince.
When Yuu arrives during the sorting ceremony Leona smells them and some hope pulls at his heartstrings. But Yuu doesn’t have any of their original beastman traits, so Leona talks himself out of it. Slowly Yuu gains magic and starts acting more like other beastmen (stronger senses, little more predatory, lil growls). But nothing solid until Leona’s overblot. They get to see Leona’s past like in the game, but now with memories of Leona taking care of baby Yuu. Yuu recognizes a baby blanket/necklace/charm Leona had gifted them and calls it out. Before Leona can react they return to the real world. Now Yuu has ears and a tail. Leona wakes up and just stares in disbelief, wondering if it’s real.
They bond and grow closer so fast. Leona finally has his person back, and Yuu feels like they are finally whole but feel like it’s their fault Leona was so hurt. Leona wants to go back home even less (wants to hog Yuu all to himself) before Cheka appears. Yuu could help Leona communicate his ideas more to Falena and get him to show off more. Yuu 100% does not like the bird man and jabs back every time he puts Leona down. Cheka grows quickly on Yuu, but they also feel jealous of the cub cause it’s obvious Leona loves him (Yuu fighting with feeling replaced and not being able to have a childhood with their family). Yuu also has a close relationship with Ruggie and learns about the slums and other parts/people of the Sunset Savanna. Yuu may or may not get Leona to help more with the slums (also helping keep Falena from stopping them) and Leona gains the people’s favor and becomes the first prince of the lesser people.
Uh! I could just go on! Feels like it could have so much potential.
Leona with that hopeful flare in his chest, but not a scent of a lion on Yuu anywhere. Anytime he tries to smell Yuu for anything, the scent just smells burnt. He gets angry, angrier than he normally gets, and tries to ignore the idea that Yuu could be his lost baby sibling. His first glimpse that it might actually be Yuu is when he attacks Yuu and Grim in the garden after stepping on his tail, Yuu blocks it out of pure instinct.
Leona sees Yuu's pupils turn into slits before they round out and return to normal. He leaves immediately afterwards, too hurt by what just happened. After Leona's overblot, he wakes up to a lot of chatter, there's something heavy on his chest and he looks down. Yuu's looking at him with their ears flatten and tears in their eyes. They saw all of what happened and They're so sorry for what he went through after Yuu went missing.
His ndugu is finally back and Leona breaks down and holds onto Yuu. Finally, his will to live has returned to him. Yuu and Leona try to get them transferred to Savanaclaw, with some bribery. Leona's telling Yuu about everything they missed and everything that's happening.
Under Leona's help, Yuu managed to unlock their Unique Magic: Lion's Fury. While Leona's turns things into sand, Yuu's causes a fiery blaze.
Leona: Yours is just like mine. Guess we both just cause destruction-
Yuu: Not exactly. Mine can burn stuff, yeah, but it also allows for new growth.
Leona: Which mine doesn-
Yuu: What if someplace gets invaded by an invasive plant? Your sand could kill that plant in no time at all, saving vegetation and the likes.
Leona: ...I'll be honest, I never thought of that before.
Yuu being Leona's baby sibling is adorable, but not look at all the books past this moment. Leona would be pissed at Azul and would easily agree to Yuu's plan without having to force his hand. Scarabia's chapter would cause Leona to be called and get involved in it. Ignihyde now has Yuu going for both Grim AND Leona.
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colonelpancakes · 1 month
Watching the dragon prince season six episode four: The Starscraper. Under the cut as usual.
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I love Callum but how is he not frozen solid. Those fingerless gloves may be stylish but they are NOT insulating. Give my boy a coat.
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Ooh that’s a beautiful building. It does look a tad like a Minecraft beacon but, it's a very pretty Minecraft beacon
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Callum, why would you just stick your hand in? For all you know it’s like a forcefield or something and it zaps you!
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Okay, my question is what is the benefit of an elevator partially activating once you’ve read half the runes? That seems like a real safety hazard, like that seems like a magic bug that needs to be fixed.
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Woah, wait a minute! Interesting, some of the Celestial Elves seem to have wings that aren’t bird wings. That one in the back looks like they have bug wings. Can that happen with skywing elves? I guess bugs are also flying creatures that inhabit the sky so that would make sense. Hmm… I wonder if you can get Mage Wing bug wings…
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Aww. The leaflynx kitten is adorable but also the music is giving major flashbacks to the baby deer at the end of season two. Claudia. Claudia don’t you dare.
Also, glowing butterfly motif!
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Okay good. It seemed like her hand was almost acting out of her control, I wonder if this much dark magic is starting to like, impact her reflexes? Like she instinctively reaches for things even if she doesn’t consciously want to? Or maybe she’s just snapping herself out of it who knows.
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“Are you feeling alright?” “No, I’m not. I’m so messed up, Terry. I’ve been stuck, just staring, for over an hour now.” Oughhh Claudia, honey. Its good that she’s at least able to admit she’s not okay, that’s a good start.
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Oh, hey is Claudia starting to lean away from dark magic? Or, like, recognize that it’s not a good thing? That’s interesting, previously she’s been very adamant that dark magic is a good and useful invention, but now she seems to be realizing the negative effects it’s had on her? …Claudia redemption arc? 👀
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Skjslkajfdkl that is the exact same face that she made at Zym when she first met him. Some things never change.
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I love the little pose Callum does when he’s introducing him and Rayla, he’s so dorky I love him.
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Oh my God that escalated quickly. Not a friendly lot got it.
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No! Gosh dangit pearl stop rolling around!
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I find it interesting how after losing her dad, Claudia turns to Terry, her only present loved one, for instruction. She needs someone to tell her what to do, she needs someone to do things FOR. She went from following her dad's orders to working to save his life and now she doesn't have him to give her direction, she looks to Terry. When was the last time she did something for herself without someone's instructions?
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“Only you can decide the path you’re going to walk. You won’t be alone. I’ll clear out the thorny brambles if I see them, I’ll hold your hand as we trudge through wet, mucky leaves. But… you have to choose the way.” I love Terry so much he’s such a sweetheart. He clearly loves Claudia so much and he’s willing to stick with her through everything and anything, whatever happens.
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Claudia... Again, it's interesting, how, because she doesn’t know what she wants for herself, she defaults back to finding what her dad wants, thinking that if she looks at him, she’ll find some clarity and she’ll suddenly know what to do. She doesn't know what to do without her family because she's been doing things for them for her whole life.
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Aww. Okay, the leaflynx kitten is adorable but. Was I the only one alarmed by how big it is? Something about the perspective in earlier shots made me think it was a lot smaller somehow.
Also, I love the butterfly landing in Claudia's hair in the previous shot.
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No, I think Callum has a point here. They did just drop you from the top of the tower.
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Oh, hey! Kosmo has vitiligo! That’s cool, yay representation!
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Also, I haven’t mentioned it yet but I love Sneezle’s hanging out in Callum’s scarf it’s so cute.
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I love Sol Regem’s design he’s so big and menacing. Plus the lighting in this location is so beautiful, the way it illuminates him from behind like a dusky backlight is *mwah*
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Sooo, what are we thinking Sunseeds smell like? ‘Cause personally, I’m thinking freshly popped popcorn.
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Karim, man, he literally told you that his sight was unrelated to his lack of hope. I don’t know how you are surprised by this.
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Sksjlfakj poor Rayla.
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Ohh wow. This episode is really going off with the gorgeous scenery and lighting. The Starlooms are so beautiful and I love the name "starweaver spider".
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Oh! So that’s what the bug wings are! That’s really cool and such neat worldbuilding.
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Hey! It's the intro galaxy!
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Okay, that sounds cool in theory but I feel like in practice being Timeblind would kinda suck. I feel like that would just be like. Too much information at any given time it’d be hard to make connections with other people or like, enjoy day to day life.
Continued in reblogs as per usual!
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mislamicpearl · 3 months
Monkie Kid S5 first two episodes thoughts
It's 1 AM but I wanna get my thoughts down quick before I forget (but likely this will just turn into a list of my favorite moments and with a whole lot of squealing because omg the FLUFF in these episodes alone!)
SPOILERS under the cut:
Nooooo MK isn't sleeping, Lego stop punishing your boys with sleep-depriving trauma! T_T
Wukong is really trying harder to be a better mentor to MK ;_;
And just... how far we've come, with Macaque genuinely caring about MK this much.
But also stop deflecting Macaque!
AwwwWWWW everyone building Wukong a house was so sweet!
And of course we gotta cover the walls with adorable pictures~ My favorite was the Mei and Wukong one, omg if I don't see anyone redraw that I definitely will!
Holy FUDGE the DADSY content! It just wouldn't stop!! He sat with MK, gave him some fatherly advice/life lesson, and knew exactly what would put the kid to sleep, and then carried him to bed... and then we get-
"I don't know how I ended up with you, but I'm so glad I did" "I love you, son"
Me during that scene:
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Wukong fixing the origami figures of his friends was so cute DX
And the baby monkeys still being all clingy to Macaque ahahaha!
Just... loving Wukong and Macaque being in the same room together with MK and not fighting tbh, their expressions throughout his whole lawyer routine were hilarious XD
I will never get tired of Wukong treating Nezha like a little brother/cousin that he constantly makes fun of XD
So of course I knew about the circlet angst but WOW I did not expect Macaque to have that big a reaction to it, he sincerely doesn't want Wukong to get hurt, UGH THESE MONKEYS ARE KILLING ME!
Yoooo that little look exchanged between Wukong and Macaque after he sends out the hairs, these guys are totally back in sync again like nothing happened and I LOVE it!
Bahaha Wukong doing the Tang story-telling was great!
MK kicking his legs during the story, why is this boy so adorable dangit-
Nezha's utter confusion at MK's antics was probably the funniest bit of the episode for me ahahaha
Also the three clones just going "I'm a clone" in unison XD
Again, the teasing-the-younger-cousin behavior with them double faking Nezha was so on point, and his angry "WU KOOONG!!" was just the icing on the cake.
"Why is it always like this when you come here?!" Seriously, nothing to add besides that I just LOVE seeing the monkeys together, like their teamplay in taking out the head guard - I saw that smile Macaque!
Macaque or Nezha angrily shouting Wu Kong's name will never get old
"Only thing I know for sure is that I don't trust anyone who isn't standing here right now." MACAQUE'S LOOK AT THAT PART! YES HE'S INCLUDING YOU BUD!
Is... is this the first time we hear Wu Kong say Macaque's name outside of a flashback without ire??
Also NOOOO MACAQUE!! (He's fine, I just don't want him disappearing for the whole season but I'm sure he'll turn up again. Also, proud of him for being the hero in this scene :')
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
What makes you think jikook are boyfriends and not friends with benefits ??
Oh wow. Why such an easy question anon? Honestly, easiest question I've ever go10. Let's fucking do this
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Exhibit a)
Would a fck buddy almost break their neck just to check out their fck buddy's abs and hot bod????
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Oh. You know what? NVM this one. You're right. This is definitely something a FWB would do. Its just sex so of course they will admire the abs they're licking on the reg every chance they get. So scratch that one. Sorry
Exhibit a) again.
Would fck buddies stand this close to each other during multiple times on official content?? I mean, if JK was any closer he'd be inside Mimi 👀 Like, JK, please, back up a little bit.
Ahh shit. I just realised. You're right. A fck buddy would totally do something like this. I mean if you spend a good chunk of time with your naked dick inside against the Jibooty you wouldn't think twice about being that close. So again, anon I apologise. I'll find something else.
Exhibit a) for the 3rd time. My bad 🙌🏽
Would FWBs behave like this??
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I mean, JK can't get his hands off the Jibooty and look at him bite his damn lip. Are you kidding me???? He is enjoying that way too damn much!
Aish. You're right. You're totally right. A fck buddy would absolutely be obsessed with his FWB's ass. This doesn't prove they're boyfriends either. Damn anon, maybe I shouldn't have gloated about how easy this question was.
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Exhibit a) again. Sorry.
If they were not in a rlship, would JK be obsessed with Jimin's lips?
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God dammit. Of course he would. If its all about xes and he enjoys kissing them lips, of course he will stare. 🤦🏽‍♀️
Okay, I got it. Let's start again. Exhibit a)
Does this count? JK looking at Jimin like he wants to eat him?
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I mean, tbf Jimin did admit he likes to be eaten by JK....
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Or like my good friend @lovelysmyleyes put it, he likes being on the MENU 🤭🤭🤭
It doesn't count? Right. I see it. Too sexual. Dangit. Why is all my evidence so sexually charged? I swear I thought this would be a walk in the park.
Okay...okay,. I got it. I got it! Be quiet and just give me a sec. I got this. Jimin and JK are boyfriends. They are more than just sex buddies and I can prove it. Alright?
Exhibit a) for the 6th and last time.
If Jikook were just fck buddies, we shouldn't be able to tell the difference in how they look at eo Vs how they look at other people. Take for example here. Look at Yoonmin. There is a clear difference on how Jimin is looking at JK Vs how Suga is looking at JK
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Then we have here JK looking at V Vs how he looks at Jimin
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Jimin looking at JK
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This is love, anon. This kind of soft staring shows that its not just xes. Feelings seeped in there and they never left... there are feelings involved. Thus the adoring looks.
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Then we have the following:
JK calling Jimin and only Jimin pet names.
Them spending all their birthdays with eo. Fck buddies wouldn't bother with something like this
Their families KNOW about them and seem to love the other which proves Jikook are most probably in a very serious relationship
Their exclusivity. This is how JK has never taken another member on an all paid trip and continued to make a romantic Vlog about them. This is how Jimin has never travelled miles for another member just to make it for their birthday. This is how JK has never sucked another member's ear
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This is how Jimin only ever tries to kiss JK.
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All attempted kisses here.
The special treatment they both seem to give eo. Like JK mostly reacting to Jimin stuff or buying him gifts no problem. And how Jimin lets JK get away with everything but refuses to extend the other members the same courtesy.
It's satellite Jeon/Jikook anon. Fck buddies are not usually this attached to eo. If you're just there for sevening, you have sex and once that's done you're on your way. You don't follow your FWB. You don't try to be next to them all the time. You don't cheat to be on the same team as them. You don't make sure to be next to them no matter what. That's boyfriend behavior anon.
It's the way they always find excuses to hold hands. That is NOT fck buddy behaviour. Not even a little bit.
This list is endless anon. Jimin and Jungkook are more than just sex partners. They are boyfriends and they are in love. There is no two ways about it. It is what it is.
I did it! I answered your question!
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Fuck yeah, we got there in the end! I thought we'd never get there. But yeah, as you can see, these are 2 men in love. Phew!
Edit! Found a thread.
Thanks for ask! 😁😁😁
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myymi · 1 year
hello! this is a prompt for your drabble thing:
maybe tails and knuckles are hanging out on angel island and tails is getting increasingly frustrated with a project hes brought with him
but all knuckles can think is 'damn, this little guy is adorable when angry' (all i can think is the tails pouting sprite from the murder game) - hes fluffy and tiny!! a little angry guy
and ofc tails hates being called cute, so this makes him pout angrier
if that makes sense? i absolutely adore your works, you're my favourite tails centric writer so i hope you're able to get better soon <3
word count-714
Knuckles took a deep breath, enjoying the clear air. He closed his eyes and leaned against the Master Emerald.
It was refreshing, especially since he and the others had just gotten home from another adventure.
The echidna was more than happy to be back home. Soaking in the Master Emerald’s warmth, listening to all the critters playing around on the island, etc.
It was perfect.
“Ow, dangit!”
Too bad perfect things don’t last forever.
Knuckles peaked an eye open and looked over at the steps of the shrine, watching as the fox stuck the side of his finger into his mouth.
“Everything okay, bud?” He called, watching as one of the big ears flicked before swiveling towards him, showing that the younger was listening to him.
“Yeah,” Tails grumbled after pulling his finger after his mouth, “this stupid thing just clipped me.”
The echidna hummed before walking over to the kit, taking a seat next to him. He was working on repairing the Miles Electric, it had gotten destroyed during their adventure.
Knuckles hadn’t seen the kid that sad in a while.
Tails glanced over for a second before returning to what he was doing, getting lost once again in his work.
Watching the younger work amused Knuckles. He didn’t understand a single thing he was doing, but it was still interesting to watch.
Tails’ movements were so fluent, so confident. With the way he worked, the echidna was sure he could repair the damned thing blindfolded and with an arm tied behind his back.
Well, until the kit groaned and slammed the tablet on the ground beside him, glaring at it.
Knuckles blinked in surprise, not having expected the small outburst.
“What was–” He started, but stopped when Tails’s ears folded against his head as he looked away from the Miles Electric with a pout.
They sat in silence for a minute. Mostly because Knuckles had no idea how to react to that.
“Uh,” He leaned forward slightly to try and make eye contact, but the younger just turned away and crossed his arms, “are you–”
“I’m fine.” Tails mumbled, one of his namesakes curling around to rest on his lap, “Just frustrated.”
Knuckles thought on it for a second before nodding, showing he understood. He should probably leave the kid alone for a while.
“I’d never thought I’d say this,” He started, smiling a little when he saw the other’s ears flick, “but I just realized I do agree with something Sonic has said.”
Tails’ brow furrowed before he turned to look up at the older, “What?”
The smile on Knuckles’ face quickly turned into a smirk, “You’re adorable when you’re angry.”
He barely kept himself from snorting as he watched the younger’s expression change as he finally registered what the echidna said.
“What?!” Tails’s cheeks flushed, but Knuckles wasn’t sure if it was because he was embarrassed or frustrated, “I am not!”
“Mm..” Knuckles hummed, shaking his head, “that’s what I had thought before. I didn’t think it was possible to look cute when mad, but you’ve proved me wrong.”
“I–” The kit went to argue, but bailed, deciding to turn and hide his face away in his tails. The older let out a soft chuckle, letting his hand gently rub his back.
“It’s nothing to be embarrassed over.” He said, “it could be a useful manipulation tactic.”
“I think I prefer you and Sonic fighting because of stupid stuff over this.” Tails grumbled, muffled by his namesakes.
“If you’re trying to change my mind, this isn’t helping.” Knuckles smirked at the glare he received from the younger.
“I thought I could trust you not to do this type of thing, Knuckles!” Tails whined, his ears drooping, “I already have to hear this from Sonic and Amy!”
“Sorry to have disappointed you, little one, but your cuteness was too much for me.” The fox groaned, dropping his head into his hands.
The echidna laughed and pulled the younger to his side, patting his shoulder a few times. They sat in the same position for roughly five minutes before Tails sighed and leaned into the other, wrapping his namesakes around the two of them.
Knuckles smiled at him, but didn’t say anything. He figured the fox was embarrassed enough for one day. 
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indecisive-dizzy · 25 days
Hiiiiiiiiii pookiiweeeee :)
I’m thinking more about my whole high school DearDollops angst au, I have so many ideas for them ;v;
I’m thinking a lot about their friendship after the entire situation. It’s awkward and complicated but they’re trying their best
Eddie lets his hair grow out a bit, and Daisey pulls it back into a little high ponytail. It’s cute and Eddie appreciates it
They’re just a lot more affectionate now, mostly on Eddie’s side cause he’s nervous. Daisey tries to reassure him but they’re also nervous
They hang out a lot more, but conversations are not super easy to hold up anymore
It’s just Eddie yapping and Daisey listening, but it helps them get comfortable again
Eddie invited Daisey to hang out with him and the rest of the neighbors/his friends and they immediately called for a group huddle to talk about it
Daisey could hear everything they said but ignored it
Daisey calls him Edd. It flip flops between that and Eddie, but they mostly use Edd
I’m thinking after some really stressful and tiring after school sports practice (I still don’t know what sport I want Eddie to do), Daisey just walks to the field to wait for him and he immediately runs and tackle-hugs them
Daisey’s just walking over to the field and saying hi, and Eddie just goes “Daaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiseeeeeeyyyyyyyyy :(“ and tackles them into a hug
They probably eat Smile-Dip behind the school and look at clouds
They’re the kind of duo to spray people with silly spray during parties together
The teasing from both their friend groups are non stop. They mention hanging out once and immediately someone starts making kissy noises
Is that the queue that I’m making them romantic? Possibly-
I need to make incorrect quotes for them they’re too precious to me once they’re at this stage :,3
Hiiii Bestieee :]
Oh yay Aftermath Friendship! let the awkward begin lol (post typing me is adding a cut bc I think this is a tad long lol 😅)
ponytail Eddie my beloved that sounds so cute
Sorry did you mean Touch Starved Best Friends Have Recently Made Up And It's Awkward But They Really Want To Cuddle?
Eddie's yapping is fun to listen to at least, bc of the topic, his accent, or his enthusiasm. Plus I think sometimes he'll mention something and Dasiey manages to respond to it before he moves on, thus triggering a more back n forth convo. still def takes a while for it feel as natural as it did before
Daisey standing next to the group huddle looking into the camera (the wall) like they're in the office lol
He may be sore as heck but that will not stop Eddie from tackling Daisey. Pain be damned it's Hug Time.
Also. Mind if I share some sport ideas for Eddie? Ahem! Weightlifting, Volleyball, Cross Country, or Soccer! Cross country and soccer are kinda funny w/ his clumsiness but I like the idea of Eddie in running type sports. Tho he could be a soccer goalie! Weightlifting needs little explanation lol he a strong boy. and volleyball is fun w/ more clumsy potential but less running lol
Points at you! That's sounds adorable but now I wanna know what they'd both be like on smile dip high or whatever it is that happens lmao
They're both hiding behind the same wall thinking they'll jump spray some rando only to spray each other in the face with silly string XD
NO DANGIT You just gave me the mental image of Howdy turning around to do the fake making out motions Thing! you know what I mean Idk what it's called! Barnaby Loses his mind and needs to lay down he's laughing too hard. Eddie's face is redder than his hair and he's yelling ajdhajdjah gah these idiots I love them sm
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frozenhi-chews · 6 months
SO im like well. martlet already has my whole heart and this game has so quickly won me overrr!!! fuck yeah so clover teams up with martlet and OHOH HONEYDEW!! was adorable. when it first came up i did a double take cause thats the name of my acnh island and ive been playing it a lot lately rtfgyu the boat ride was so cute like yes!!yes!! oh.nononono!!!! CLOVER DOWN 💥💥💥💥💥💥 THEN.. THE WILD WILD EAST... sillyyy :))) desert stuff(cool!) and.. Starlo(even cooler!) like right as he kidnaps Clover im like ohh. i see why you like this guy tfgyhju and his speech at the saloon like YESS GET ITTT!!!!!!!!!!!! the missions were SO SILLY AND FUN?????? and i gotta say that wax stamp animation was simple but very nice yayyy then skipping some stuff to STARLOS FIGHT AND OHHMY GOD??????? THE ATTACKS. WERE SO GOOD. MY GOD!!!!!! THE SHARP SHOOING LIKE YESS DUEL DUEL DUEL THE FINGERS TWITCHING AND THE TEXTBOXES SAYING HIS HAND WAS TREMBLING LIKE YESSS BITEBITEBITE AWESOME oh and the cups+salesman(whos name i forgot tfygh) were super fun >:) n Ceroba stepping in and giving Starlo a talking to and. he changes... like that was. i dont have the words but that was fr so powerful and i was like okay what if i cried then!! Clover and Ceroba teamupppp!!!! lets fuckinggoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OKAY this has now turned into at least a three parter. efvgujk
pART TWO, FIGHT! (/silly ref)
The cups are The Shufflers and the salesman is Mo. Holy crap I love Mo. Not as much as a certain OTHER salesman, but he's awesome
I can tell you right here, right now, as soon as Clover was on that stage in the saloon, Starlo adopted them. That monster took one look at that kid, decided they were gonna be his Deputy (because humans and cowpoke and all that) and hE IS NOW THEIR FATHER!!
My synesthesia LOVES Starlo's fight. It tastes so freaking good, I love his theme song (I literally listened to it for HOURS), THE FINGER TWITCHING GOT ME SO BAD. IDK WHY I WAS SO FLUSTERED I JUST WAS. AWWHHH
Starlo taking off his hat was just. Something else man. Taking off the front of who he was pretending to be and finally accepting who he was.
Gosh dangit I love this game
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mintytealfox · 11 months
God dangit, that Vlad tally mark image you used in your reply post has now got me thinking of an Anastasia movie esque au for Nortalice now that will NOT make any sense! 😅
Like both Orpheus and Alice are obviously raised by her parents and the DeRoss family, and have an almost idyllic childhood together. And then there's Norton in this AU, somehow being a kitchen boy as a young boy for the household, but it's not like he's gonna complain about his position. He has a warm roof over his head, some decent pay, and he could easily help himself to any leftovers that guests left behind, so he could tolerate being bossed around by the adult servants and even being dragged occasionally by a young Alice to be her second playmate to play with her collection of dolls (always tempted to just rip off their heads for their annoying squeaky voices, but refrains from doing so XD) Young! Alice: Yay dolls! ^_^ Young! Norton: Yay... -_-
But all good things unfortunately come to a tragic end when their house is attacked, killing almost everyone inside, with Orpheus and Alice barely making it out without being seen. Norton is tempted to not get involved, but his conscious gets the better of him and aids them in their escape, but not without earning a scar on his arm. Orpheus and Alice proceed to get separated and both losing their memories. Which certainly complicates things when years later when Orpheus is trying to look for her and dealing with imposters. Cue in a grown Norton reluctantly teaming up with Melly, not only for her to regain her noblewoman status after her husband's "death", but to get the reward money. They come across an amnesiac Alice, or Eury, who looks EXTREMEMLY similar to the missing girl and offers to help transport her to Paris to look for her family, AKA Orpheus. Melly helps coach her in court etiquette and Norton finding himself falling HARD for her despite him (I swear, someone put "I Won't Say (I'm in Love)" in a Nortalice playlist XD). Also Fredrick is in there somehow 😅.
But honestly, I think this messy AU is more of an excuse to see Alice in the sparkly opera dress and Norton going 0_0, and Melly going "Ah, an unspoken attraction I see 😏." XDD
BAHAHAHAHAHAA! My master plan has come to fruition!! 🤣🤣 Infecting the mind with NortAlice~
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This is legit so effin PERFECT LOOOOOOOOOOOOLL
Norton: "what are you called?" Alice: "Eurydice." Norton: "Alright, Uranus." Alice: "EU RY DIC EEEEE" Norton: "whatever"
Okay Melly as Vlad has me ROLLING HAHAHAHA I LOVE this so much 🤣 Melly: "I see an engaging and fiery young woman" -rizzing Alice up to give her confidence to go through with this- Alice: "😊" Norton just barging in: "Alright, ready to become Alice or what?" Alice: 😒 Melly:😡💢💢
LOL maybe Frederick is Sophie LOOOOOOOOOOOOL Melly: "my sugar plum..." Frederick: "why must you say odd shi--" Melly: "if you want in on the money you better effin play along"
No FOR REAL 👏👏👏🤌🤌🤌Alice needs to be in all those gorgeous dresses and to be adored AAHHHHHH give that Norton them doki dokis 🤣
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aannonn · 11 months
[jshk] Chapter 107 thoughts!
CHAPTER 107 FINALLY RELEASED!! I haven't thought of making an post about my thoughts to it but eh- here we are xD
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sharing this moment because tsukasa getting punched in the face is something we never saw before and i love it
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I love how patient and welcoming Tsukasa is with Baby Nene…
And, dang- It even feels like Tsukasa and Nene's personalities have been switched- Baby Tsukasa was so patient and kind and calm, while Baby Nene is being so impatient and irritating and energetic xD
Meanwhile; Older Nene is calmer, more mature (and immature at times…) and patient, while older Tsukasa is more chaotic, manic and impatient lol
I really love this stark contrast between their personalities and it just forces the idea of ​​how similar they both are. They are both chaotic in their own way and I love them❤
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It seems to me that he made the situation worse by entertaining her.. Don't worry Tsukasa, u got this!
I usually dislike kids for various reasons, but I can't help the fact that seeing kids being as excited and energetic as Nene is right now it's adorable and so comforting- lol
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Done. Just like that. I know I'm like- way super mega extra more powerful than her but like- No. I'm done. I hate kids. - This panel Tsukasa in a nutshell.
Alr but Nene playing around with the Koku-Joudais is so cute-- Poor Koku-Joudai though lol
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This. This right here. Is what made me incredibly happy. I love this panel. My favorite panel of this chapter now.
They both love singing. They both know how to sing. their VA's know how to sing. And they are both singing together.
Genuinely can't wait for the anime to finally have its reboot some day.. And see those panels getting animated! AAAA
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Nene looks like she's softening towards Tsukasa.. That's good. Does this mean they will have a good relationship in the future? (That is, if Nene remembers what happened when she turned into a child)…
Maybe. All that’s left is to wait and dream.
My second favorite panel for sure. Tsukasa just looks so calm and at peace, while Nene looks like she's fascinated to finally get to know this side of Tsukasa that she's never even heard of.
They're both just enjoying each other's company and, of course, loving singing Over The Rainbow together...
Those are the little things that makes this whole panel be my second favorite.
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thats not how you should hold kids-
uhm okay
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She's here, she's there, she's everywhere! (who understood the reference? lol)
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Nothing much. I just love this side eye that Tsukasa is throwing at Mirai.
Idkk its just- He looks so cool lol
Poor Nene tho- Seems like Kou influenced Tsukasa to hold kids like that xD (Tsukasa is a lil' bit more brutal about it though...)
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Once again; Nothing much. Mirai just looks really cool.
On a damn cliffhanger.... Dangit >;(
Oh well... Can't wait to wait a whole month just for the next chapter... Yippie....
Welp! Atleast my school ends in november, so that's a win! >;)
My final opinion about this chapter; Easily one of my favorites. I love them both and they seems to genuinely enjoy each other's company (atleast at near the end lol).
Platonic TsuNene is one of my favorites dynamics, and I love the big-brother-little-sister vibes this whole chapter gives us lol
Once again, as always, excited for the next chapter! >w&lt;
Though, I hope u enjoyed reading it just as much as I did!
Cya ~ !
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Lil' reminder; Feel free to correct me or add your own thoughts into it! Just be nice and respectful about it, please.
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paperbagsandwich · 6 months
i forget i have ocs sometimes honestly then i look at toyhouse and i question why didn't i upload them then i just forget to do! (I just say i have a small brain, im very forgetful)
the fact that they are both musical people is so heckin lovley and cute!! I adore lil details like that so much it shows how much love and care is put into them!!
ooo!! Time period aesthetics are awesome!! 50s-80s is such a fun range!!! (I'm a fan of 50s pinup art and grease and 50s fashion. I'm also a fan of 70s fashion, i also adore 80s cartoons, strawberry shortcake carebears, mlp and the dnd cartoon. Do you have any fav shows from the time?)
omgosh i adore his centaur form is so cool looking (he looks so fluffy and huggable and that size difference is amazing also I adore the way you draw faces and expressions i also love how you draw monsters so much, the face there with the cute dangit is so lovely detailed and looks so cool!!)
Of course it is!! My werewolf oc, he use to be a preppy rich university guy who was raised p much to see everyone is beneath him and that he owns whatever he wants, he ends up having a crush on a local baker and he doesn't know how to approach her because of how he was raised (in his head he calls her my darling) he is also touch starved. On his 24th birthday, he started transforming (it was a family curse the skipped generations any family member who got it was seen as not pure) his family pushed him out because he was no longer perfect in their eyes. He ended up running in fear too scared for anyone to see him like that. The baker found him in an alleyway near the bakery he was halfway through the transformation and she quickly took him in and tried her best to care for him as he fully trans forms his speech has become very simple not use to how the transformation changed how his body works. He also loves baked good so he goes from twig to teddy bear (Sorry it's a lot).
the harpy is the leader of a huge flock of harpies that protect a forest near a small village, they hate humans, they will scare away and attack any that approach the forest or try cutting down the trees. The leader is very gruff and intimidating. He's the largest out of the harpies and has multiple scars from fights. One of his flock gets injured and is taken care of by a farmer (my love for stardew showing) and comes back and he is told of the kind farmer so he goes to investigate but also warn them to not go near or in the forest (a kindness for a kindness) but as soon as he sees the farmer he falls in love at first sight and tries his best to stay stoic but he cant help staring awkwardly at the farmer. He cant help but keep thinking of her once he leaves and he starts collecting shiny objects to give her.
(Sorry thats probably a lot!! Im sorry if its too much)
Damn, that sounds like an neverending cycle and that's exactly what I'm afraid of!! 😭😭
And yey, I love these two to death!! I mentioned in a server that Darnell wears a little apron whenever he cleans the house and does the waltz with Ros when she gets home!!! 😭😭
Yes, all of those are my JAM!!! From pinups to fashion, it's so pleasing to look at!!!
I loved to watch shows like Tom and Jerry, Wacky Races, and The Perils of Penelope Pitstop. I even enjoy some retro anime because of the aesthetics.
Goodness, I love getting things like this, don't worry, Anon, I'm enjoying these ask so much!!!!!
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rueitae · 1 year
Season 2, Episode 1 the hot rocks of Rio caper (Pt 1) for @csweekly
Carmen herself says she felt safe on VILE island as a child. She bought into what Coach Brunt told her about being a family. So she probably didn’t think into her origins too much as a kid. But now? Now it’s hitting her hard this episode.
When I was showing this series to one of my besties, this was her favorite episode because Prague is one of her favorite cities in the world. She went nuts over the landmarks.
Carmen and Player so easily go from banter to caper and back.
A WEEK. Carmen you are nowhere NEAR healed after nearly getting crushed.
I dunno I get the sense Maelstrom wanted to be right lol i really love that we get to see how confused vile is over all of this though. Again. No one has all of the information. And again Brunt’s in a whole other realm of reality with insisting on the vile family values.
Okay Julia trying to get Chase to wake is just. Heartbreaking and adorable at the same time. I love that she’s willing to look silly in order to try and get him back. (Arguably for selfish purposes of clearing Carmen but she’s a good person, sue wants him to have his health.
ThIS is one of my absolute favorite scenes. Protective Player my beloved. The way he stops typing. Stops multitasking, in order to give this conversation his full attention never fails to give me chills. He DRILLS the dangers into Carmen he is not playing this game with his bestie’s life. Remember, he heard Everything.
Okay. Did ACME keep an agent vigil by Chase’s bedside or…experimental medicine that woke him?
Wild boars LOL the descriptions that come from this man.
Dangit I could legit go for a funnel cake right now.
More weathered, like the backside of a reptile LOL
But ouch on the demotion. This is the start of a most fun character arc for Chase tho so I’m not mad.
You know, for not understanding that the man is looking for a bribe, Zack catches on so quick. “Here’s my watch” is one of my absolute favorite scenes ever
Le Chevre taking the kids’ ball is the absolute meanest he’s at all series.
Also “it’s a costume not a disguise” truly one of the great running jokes for one episode.
Shadowsan no that’s not the best way to meet your future teammates LOL
I wonder if Player took a high school psych class just in case, to better help Carmen through these moments. Either way I love it when Carmen has to show her vulnerability to her friends.
That time with the Civilians of the Day is heartwarming. She needs that real world grounding. Not everyone knows what she knows. Carmen is in a position to help them and she does so gladly.
Isabel. Nice callback to the 90s cartoon that may or may not be Carmen’s given name.
Carmen, one second: my timeout was good Player I remembered why I’m doing this
Player: proud of you Red
Carmen, next second: yeah so I’m gonna go radio silent
Player: Red, nO
Caught by El Topo literally getting take out. I love this show.
This is an instance in which, if I’d not binged it, I might have fallen for Shadowsan’s act here. But he was so sincere sounding in the finale I was skeptical here. Carmen’s too emotionally tied into this though. So it absolutely works on her for a minute. It’s almost a “player was right” situation. Really excellent cliffhanger
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neurodivirgen · 10 months
Not sure if y'all care but here is a chunk of a rough draft for my book
There is a man tall in stature and strong in build with hair as shimmering as a snow fox. His name is Alastor Ezra. He is a knight and Royal Protector of the next heir to the throne: Lidia Nguyen.
As Alastor waits for another order he notices the two year old girl named Lidia and Alastor thinks to himself. I can't believe I have been put on babysitting duty! I can't be upset though, she is adorable. He begins to smile greatly as he gets a message from Loyd the Royal executioner Loyd burst in the room, screaming. "SIR ALASTOR THERE IS A GREAT INVASION ON OUR KINGDOM!"
"We must hurry then!" Alastor said quickly.
As they exit the castle, they notice an army of goblins and the goblin in the lead transforms into a tall lanky man in a tailcoat. With forest green curly hair and light green skin. He shouts to the goblin army. "Alright, now I have found what I was looking for , may retreat"
"Who are you?" Alastor asks as he readies his sword.
"I am a friend of the queens, I go by many names. The Betrayer, The One Who Fell the Mighty, but the queen knows me as the Heretic, and I was sent by a woman named alcindor any other questions ." Heretic says with a mildly sassy attitude.
"Let him in. He is an old friend." Agatha the queen of tonelada de arena says. She opens the door to let the Heretic in.
Once they get inside, they decide to chat over a cup of tea. Alastor is present, along with a few of the queen’s elite guards as the Heretic sits down.
"My lady, please excuse me, but if I may ask, what is a kid doing here on the high council? How old is he, 14?" Heretic asked, clearly trying to strike a nerve in Alastor.
"It is simple Heretic. Just as your new job is to deliver messages, my royal knight Sir Ezra is here to protect the heir." The queen replies. Alastor seemed confused as to why the queen trusted someone so douchey.
"Why did you come here with a goblin hoard?!" Alastor says to the Heretic with rage in his voice.
"Two things. First, little man, don't raise your voice at me. Second, it was to get your attention. I'm not just going to come here unannounced. That's how we get killed. I'm going to come here unannounced with people to back me up." Heretic said with a grin.
"Heretic, watch yourself, I don't need you two arguing." The queen chimed in.
Later on as they discuss, a masked man bursts in the castle screaming, "TO HELL WITH THE QUEEN!!!" He then began throwing lit torches, causing mass destruction and property damage.
"STOP, BEFORE I GIVE YOU A MATCHING SCAR!" Alastor says while pointing to a scar that starts from just above his right eyebrow down to his bottom lip. The masked man begins to recite some incantations as Alastor's past wounds open up. "DANGIT EVERYONE, RETREAT AND SAVE THE CHILD!"
Alastor shouted as he began to bleed profusely. "RRAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! I HAVE THE WRATH OF VANYARA TO AID ME!! YOUR WEAK SPELLS AND FLAMES MEAN NOTHING!!!" Alastor shouts as the room fills with smoke and flames surround him. And even with all that adversity, Alastor manages to strike down the masked man in a single blow.
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bloombird · 2 years
I had this weird ass dream where I was binging Botbots but it's in G1 style.. The plot is different and it's more of a slice of life shenanigans
Here are the things that I vaguely remembered:
They look like a bit like their toyline selves mixed with G1 styles
There's this gag that Bonz-Eye was always mistaken for a male and for some reason Bonz-Eye's voice changes sometimes
Dimlit is an adorable nervous klutz
Clogstopper is also adorable but gets dirty all the time
Dangit the botbots are all adorable but some are sassy little s##ts like Burgertron.
I remembered that Frostferatu tried to kill the Lost Bots at first but he gets punted by Bonz-Eye and then now he's friends with them the next episode??
I think there's two kids (one boy and one girl) who's friends with them and keeps them a secret
Then there's a night guard is a tired jerk who tried to catch them but gets redemption and is now friends with them. I think his name is Bryan or Ryan.. I do know is that he's done with their crap.
But he's now a dad to all of them and even the kids. Whoo-hoo! I think he adopted the girl at some point or that's her biological father idk??
There's an episode where Burgertron nearly gets eaten in a burger eating contest and they had to rescue him.
And then they fought some evil botbots who live in the dumpster. There's fire in the background??
There's a lot of good roasts coming from all of them
Idk something to do with energon whatever plot? Some have powers for some reason and yeah..
And then they fought the government who tries to vacuum them all??
"We'll defeat you with the power of friendship, snarkyness, teamwork and this weird energon cube that gave us powers for some reason!!"
Surprisingly, there's no crossover episode with the G1 even though there's references with it..
That's it.
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sophia-sol · 2 years
Piranesi, by Susanna Clarke
I just reread Piranesi, and you know how when a book is so close to perfect and yet falls short in a few specific ways, it can feel more disappointing than a book that didn't get so close? Yeah, that.
There's so much about this book that's truly glorious, that I absolutely adore. Things that it's doing that are really special and unusual and incredible. But. For a book published in 2020 to unquestioningly reproduce a) the evil gay trope and b) the heroic police officer trope, with no indication there was ANY thought put into complicating either those ideas.....it's disappointing. Look, I'd absolutely be okay keeping Arne-Sayles gay; it's relevant to him as a representative of outsider thinking, especially during the era he was academically active. But there needs to be other non-evil, non-predatory queer characters as well to balance him out! In fact, let's just make 16 a non-cop lesbian, and maybe make Matthew Rose Sorensen gay as well, and the book would be fixed.
It's especially disappointing from an author like Clarke, who in Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell created a book where the persistent theme throughout is that people with social and political power abuse it, and that the outsiders and people from oppressed people groups are worth listening to. But of course, as was pointed out to me, just because people are interested in those themes doesn't mean they're capable of recognizing all of who has power and who's oppressed.
On my first read of Piranesi I was so transported by the good things the book is doing that I didn't think much about these issues except to note that they were present. But now on reread, they sting a little more. SIGH. I want this book to be perfect, dangit!!!!
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