#Daniel Meade x oc
roleplayfinder · 3 years
Hello everyone! Me again, I’m a 22 year old female writer seeking people to write with. Please be 18+ to dm. Just hunting for some new long term clean stories with plenty of muse and excitement! So about me: I’ve been writing for nearly twelve years I’m advanced lit plus and I tend to expect the same from my partners as I love a challenge. I do oc x canon pairings with me as the oc and the female . I do fandom roleplays only with plenty of story and plot in third person and past tense only.
Here are some requirements if you dm:
Please use good and proper grammar text slang in roleplays and some times, out of really frustrates me.
Doubles are welcome but I expect full equality for both ocs, at the moment I’m doing a lot of doubles so I’d appreciate some singles focusing on my oc as well.
I’m looking for those of you who can play canon males. This is for romantic oc x canon pairings.
Please be advanced lit this means three plus paragraphs and lots of detail.
I also use third and past I expect all potential partners to do the same.
Please also love plotting, I adore plotting and it’s one of my favourite parts of the roleplay process.
Fandoms and movies etc (in order of preference!)!:
Ugly Betty.
Gossip Girl.
The Originals.
The Vampire Diaries.
Teen Wolf.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Harry Potter.
Hunger Games.
Maze Runner.
Skins (U.K.)
Teen Beach Movie.
Gilmore Girls.
Camp Rock.
Pirates of The Caribbean.
Legally Blonde.
Pretty In Pink.
Breakfast club.
Back To The future.
That’s everything in my list! I’m a super friendly writer so don’t be shy! Right now I’m seriously craving Ugly Betty, TVDU, Twilight and Teen Wolf. I’d also adore something Twilight themed due to my love for the Midnight Sun novel which I’ve just started reading. To dm me please tell me your favourite colour, the fandom you wish to do and the characters you play
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Hey there! So I’m a twenty two year old female writer hoping to find those of you 18+ willing to write in a new fandom I’ve discovered. I’m looking for fans of Ugly Betty. Although the show itself is not new I’m new to this verse and desperately seeking writing partners! If you dm please be knowledgable on the plot and characters. I’m looking for literate/adv partners who use third person and past tense. I seek oc x canon pairings that are bxg with me as the oc. I’m hoping to find someone able to play Daniel Meade! But I’m happy to do doubles as well. Please dm me if interested i’m desperate for this fandom! Doubles are welcome!
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reaganjenelle · 4 years
Louder Than Words
An Anders x OC soulmate AU nobody asked for, but didn't know they needed.
Hi there, possible reader! I'm reaganjenelle. I can tell you're on the fence about reading this Fan fiction. Don't worry, you're not alone. I promise that if you try it, there's a strong possibility that you'll enjoy what you find. So, why don't you kick back, relax, and try something new? Enjoy.
Word Count: 2,284
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Chapter 1. Kirkwall
Kirkwall, quite frankly, smelled like piss. Julia had half a mind to simply get back on the ship a return to Fereldan, blight be damned. But she wouldn't. Elric was here and now so was she. Julia took a moment to stretch her cramped muscles before slipping off the cargo ship unnoticed. The journey across the sea had been spent hiding amongst the crates and dodging the crew. It wasn't that she wasn't willing to pay for safe passage. She had, in fact, approached the captain about paying to be smuggled into the city. He was just too far up the Maker's arse to agree. Hadn't thought her coin was worth the risk of being caught. Little did he know Julia had hitched a ride anyway, and he was short the gold he would have had. Not to mention the captain was now convinced one of his crew members had been sneaking extra rations. 
The docks were crowded with sweaty workers shoving past each other. It took little effort for the rouge to blend in. Everyone was too busy minding the cargo to pay a lone woman any mind. The first thing Julia decided she needed was to find a hot meal and a stiff drink. A surly looking man grunted directions to her for a tavern in Lowtown only after she had begrudgingly handed over a few coins in return. It was hard to see the appeal of Kirkwall for Julia. As previously stated, it smelled something awful, the buildings had seen better days, and the people seemed just as run down. It wasn't just that they all sorely needed to bathe, it was the way they carried themselves. As if they were caught between looking out for pickpockets and trying to find any easy target for themselves. A woman leaned against the door of an extremely run down house, leering at those who passed by and promised a good time for very little coin. A scabbed sore warned on her mouth. Julia wrinkled her nose and passed by more quickly. But not before her deft fingers found coin in a distracted man's pocket. Alleys broke off in several directions. Some were empty, some held people engaged in shady dealings, and still others worked as homes. 
A child huddled by himself in ally opening, clothes threadbare and eyes downcast. He took shelter beneath a soiled sheet stuffed between cracks to hold it up. Behind him was a crust of moldy bread with small bites taken in it. It appeared the boy was trying to ration it. A tin can sat empty between his dirty feet; it was most likely used to catch rain water so he could drink. No one paid him any mind. Julia felt a twinge of guilt as she went to pass by, feet hesitating. It was like looking into a mirror. 
"Hey, kid." The child flinched before looking up. His dark eyes were slightly glazed and he had trouble focusing on anything. His pale lips were chapped from dehydration and his cheeks were sunken in from lack of nutrition.Julia squatted in front of him before she could really understand how she managed to find herself there. "Got a name?"
He nodded mutely. 
She raised an eyebrow. "Wanna tell me what it is?"
His face flushed and he croaked, "Daniel, serah."
Julia 'hmmed'. "Where are your parents?"
Daniel looked down at his boney hands. "Gone."
"Are you hungry?"
His head snapped up, eyes wide. "W-what?"
Julia ran her fingers through her hair. "Are you hungry? I've always hated eating alone."
A spark of hope ignited in his eyes. "Me, too."
"Well then." Julia stood and gestured for him to do the same. "Why don't we find something to eat together?"
He got shakily to his feet. The rouge winced at his boney frame, but said nothing. Instead, she held out her hand for him to take and led the way to Lowtown. Why she had decided to take him with her was beyond her. She couldn't waste time trying to play the good guy. Not with Elric so close. The kid was a liability and expense she didn't need. 
One meal, that's all I can do for him. 
The tavern was easy enough to find, what with the sign being a hanged man and all. Julia wrinkled her nose when she stepped inside. The aroma of stale beer and vomit sucker punched her senses as soon as she crossed the threshold. It was mostly empty, save for the few drunkards passed out randomly throughout the establishment. All things considered, it wasn't the worst pub she had been to. Who knows? Maybe they had great mead and even better stew. Julia sat the kid down at a relatively clean table before making her way to the bar. 
The bartender was wiping down a dirty mug with an equally dirty rag. "Wha' can I get for ya, love?"
"Food for two, a stiff drink, and two glasses of water." Julia said, sliding a few coins across the grimy surface to him. 
Cups in hand, she sat down at the table and slid the water over to Daniel. He hesitated before taking a large drink draining it dry. Julia hid her smile by taking a swig of her own drink and pushing the second cup of water toward him. She grimaced at the burn followed by a bitter after taste. Maybe she should have gotten a water, too. The pair sat in silence until a stern looking barmaid practically slammed down two bowls of mutton and a stale loaf of bread on the table before walking away. 
"Well," Julia slid a bowl over to herself. "Dig in, kid." He needed no further invitation. "Whoah, slow down!" Julia laughed. Daniel looked up at her, cheeks stuffed full of anything he could get his hands on. "There's no rush. You'll make yourself sick at the rate you're going." He swallowed thickly and did his best to slow his pace. Satisfied, Julia began to eat as well. 
The mutton wasn't bad. It wasn't good, but it wasn't terrible either. It was far better than the scraps of food she had managed to scrounge up on the ship, and far more satisfying. Daniel finished before her, and fan his dirty fingers along the bottom of the dish. Which an internal sigh, she pushed her half eaten food across the wooden table. 
"Here. Not as hungry as I thought I was."
He looked from her to the mutton and back in disbelief. "But…"
"Don't get you smalls in a twist. I had plenty." Julia said, taking a large gulp of her mead. 
When Daniel finished off the last of the food, he looked up at her and offered a small smile. "Thank you."
Julia shoved down the warm feeling his simple statement had given her. "Yes, well. I wanted the company and you had nothing better to do. Win, win."
Except it wasn't. She had spent more than she should have. It was hard enough taking care of herself. Time was wasting. She had enough on her plate without him to worry about. 
Clearing her throat, she stood. "I should get going. See you around, kid."
He continued to sit there even after Julia paid for a room and left the tavern behind. She put him out of her mind. He had food in his belly, now. He would be fine. Probably. Or not. Whatever, it wasn't her problem. 
Julia wandered around Kirkwall aimlessly, carefully swiping coin from several pockets on her way. The higher she went into the city, the cleaner it became, and the more snobbish people became. They made for the easiest targets. Coins jingled happily in her purse, steadily growing in number. While raising funds (read: stealing), Julia also made inquiries about the Circle. A particularly chatting vendor explained they kept mages in the Gallows. It was a small island like structure in the bay that had once held the Tevinter slaves. A fortress that now housed mages. A large host of templars guarded them, the biggest in the Free Marches, she was assured. When asked about how to get there, the man simply blinked at her. 
"Why would you want to go there?"
Why, indeed. "My brother is Templar. I traveled here to visit him." I lied. 
With an understanding smile, he explained about the boats reserved for visiting the prison, and gave her an apple for free. "My thanks to your brother. For keeping us safe. 
Shadows grew longer as the sun began its slow descent behind the tops of buildings. Leaning against a stone banister, Julia mulled over what she had learned. The templars were the biggest problem she faced. With so many, it would make her goal harder to achieve. Not only that, but the Gallows being an island would make a clean getaway difficult. She also had to account for securing passage to and from the fortress, then out of Kirkwall. Frustrated, Julia pushed off the railing. Stupid blight. If it had waited just a few more weeks to reach them… but it hadn't. Now here she was, having to rebuild her plans. It was terribly annoying. 
Finding the red lantern district in the middle of the richest part of town gave Julia a small sense of amusement. She would have thought it would be in Lowtown if only to keep the undesirables separated. She supposed it would too unbearable for rich folk to have to sully themselves by being seen with the rabel. 
The Blooming Rose was filled with people looking for comfort in others. While Julia had never paid for company, she could certainly see the appeal when she saw a muscular young man lead a customer into another room with a seductive grin. Shaking her head wistfully, she made her way to the counter. 
"What's your poison, darling?" The woman behind the counter was beautiful. Her long hair curled loosely around her bare shoulders. It was a wonder her sleeveless dress was able to keep her ample bosom from spilling out of top. 
"How much for a hot bath?" Julia asked, appreciating the view she was given when the woman leaned forward. 
"Looking for someone to wash your back?" 
A wide smirk appeared on Julia's lips. "Not tonight, just a private bath."
"Shame." The woman said, a pout on her pretty face. She gave the price and Julia handed over the money. 
The bathing room was steamy, and a large bath was built into the floor. The rouge folded her clothes neatly before sinking into its warm depths. Weeks of dirt melted off her skin. It was refreshing to scrub her skin until it was pink. Julia let her mind wander and found herself thinking of Elric. It had been years since she had seen him. Nine years, in fact. He wouldn't be the little boy she remembered, no, her little brother was a man now. She wondered if he thought of her. Of what she had done. Julia sighed as she massaged scented oils into her hair. There was no use dwelling on it. Once she freed him they would talk. She would explain why she had done it, how she had been weak. But she wasn't weak anymore. Now she could take care of him, of both of them. He would see. 
Julia left the brothel feeling refreshed. Her hair was left down to dry as she made the trek back to Lowtown. Perhaps she would grow it out again. It currently rested just below her chin due to an unfortunate accident involving a nug and a horde of dark spawn. The mousey colored locks hung limply, and would continue to do so even after it was completely dry. At least when it was long she could braid it back. At the moment it was too short to do much of anything with. 
The streets were empty aside from the occasional thug looking for easy victims. It was simple enough to avoid them buy sticking to the shadows. All Julia wanted when the Hanged Man rose to greet her was an ale and sleep. Food be damned. The bath had her too relaxed to care for much else, and that apple had been far better than anything the tavern had. That is, until she was him. Daniel sat exactly where she had left him, surrounded by rowdy drunks ignoring him. When he spotted Julia, a relieved smile lit up his face. 
He's like a stray dog. Julia though as she waded through the crowd towards him. Feed them once and they never leave. 
"I wasn't sure if you were coming back." He said when she had reached him. 
Julia forced the smile that threatened to appear away. This was a problem. The kid now thought she was some kind of good person who had taken him in off the streets. She wasn't. He wasn't her responsibility, and her act of kindness had already been fulfilled for the week, thank you. She needed to tell him to scam, to find someone else to leech off of. 
"So, you waited here all day?" She asked instead. 
He looked down at the table top and mumbled, "Was that bad?"
Yes. The last thing she needed was someone who needed her. Julia sighed and asked instead, "Hungry?"
His face lit up and he nodded quickly. 
Later that night, she looked down at the boy who slept soundly in her bed. One night, then he was gone. She would give him some coin in the morning and send him on his way. Mind made up, Julia settled deeper into the rickety chair and tried to get some sleep. 
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Hello everyone! Me again, I’m a 22 year old female writer seeking people to write with. Please be 18+ to dm. I’m not replacing anyone just hunting for some new long term clean stories with plenty of muse and excitement! So about me: I’ve been writing for nearly twelve years I’m advanced lit plus and I tend to expect the same from my partners as I love a challenge. I do oc x canon pairings with me as the oc and the female . I do fandom roleplays only with plenty of story and plot in third person and past tense only.
Here are some requirements if you dm:
Please use good and proper grammar text slang in roleplays and some times, out of really frustrates me.
Doubles are welcome but I expect full equality for both ocs, at the moment I’m doing a lot of doubles so I’d appreciate some singles focusing on my oc as well.
I’m looking for those of you who can play canon males. This is for romantic oc x canon pairings.
Please be advanced lit this means three plus paragraphs and lots of detail.
I also use third and past I expect all potential partners to do the same.
Please also love plotting, I adore plotting and it’s one of my favourite parts of the roleplay process.
Fandoms and movies etc (in order of preference!)!:
Ugly Betty.
Gossip Girl.
The Originals.
The Vampire Diaries.
Teen Wolf.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Harry Potter.
Hunger Games.
Maze Runner.
Skins (U.K.)
Teen Beach Movie.
Gilmore Girls.
Camp Rock.
Pirates of The Caribbean.
Legally Blonde.
Pretty In Pink.
Breakfast club.
Back To The future.
That’s everything in my list! I’m a super friendly writer so don’t be shy! Right now I’m seriously craving the TVDU, Twilight and Teen Wolf. I’d also adore something Twilight themed due to my love for the Midnight Sun novel which I’ve just started reading.
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Hey there! I’m a twenty two year old female here please be over the age of 18 to dm me. Today I’m looking for a something a little different, but of course as normal I am seeking fandoms just fandoms that are ever so slightly different to what I normally search for. Today I’m seeking some of the popular comedy fandoms.
I like to do long term clean roleplays, using third person, past tense and detail. Now my detail varies dependent on you and the scene we’re writing in. However I do adore detail and I love to plot as well. I’m the type that will get heavily into plotting including making playlists etc, so I expect you to have some enthusiasm as well!
I am looking for oc (me) x canon (you) pairings. Meaning I am expecting you to play characters from the tv show. If you dm asking me to play canon with out referencing doubles I will block you. I am sick of the amount of people who think it’s okay to pressure me into playing characters I’m not comfortable with. If you don’t play canons this post isn’t for you. However if you enjoy playing canons and putting your own spin on them please dm me! If you’re wanting doubles I do expect equality for both ocs and that’s the same for replies in general! I’d love it if we can match each other’s detail.
I’ll be playing an oc (which I have my own ideas for!) I can double. But I am not willing to sacrifice my love interests unless we figure something out on discord. With out further ado I will add a list of my comedic fandoms: Brooklyn Nine Nine (Jake Perolta is my love interest here and I have just started watching the show!), New Girl (Nick or Schmidt), Schitts Creek (Ted or Mutt), Ugly Betty (Daniel Meade) The Office US (Jim Halfpert), The Big Bang Theory (Leonard or Howard), Modern Family (Luke, Dylan or Andy) and Superstore (Jonah Sims).
I’d love it if some of you could get in touch. If you do decide to please tell me your favourite canon to play, wether or not you want doubles and your literacy level! I am advanced lit so I expect you to be the same :). Please contact me over on my discord RosalieMikaelson#7670
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