#Danny Howard
duxonocrotalus · 10 months
(Marc Vedo)
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leonardonascimento · 1 year
(Spinnin' Deep)
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spockvarietyhour · 5 months
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chocmoon-latte · 5 months
The amount of posts/fanart/memes I've already seen surrounding Cooper and Hancock only proves to me that Hancock NEEDS to make a cameo in a later season. Somehow. I need them to get in a knife fight. I need them to get up in each other's faces and kiss intimidate each other.
Cooper's look was originally supposed to have black eyes and have scars identical to the Fallout 4 design, but the idea was ultimately scrapped. Boy oh boy, who else has black eyes and- HANCOCK. Hancock does. HE looks like that. This was clearly a sign from the universe.
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numomuo2 · 4 months
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Gray ghost wedding :)
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cloudypinkblink · 6 months
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Just an idea of Danny overhearing Randy talking about some evil ghost ninja that wrecked havoc in the ghost zone before disappearing. Howard is very unhelpful in this situation lmfao
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dalekofchaos · 1 month
My alternate Marvel What If ideas
Thought of some ideas for Marvel What If, of episodes I wish we could've gotten
What if Thor, Loki and Hela grew up together
What if Pietro lived
What if Ultron never malfunctioned
What if Hulk took over completely
What if Captain America was found
What if The Punisher helped Daredevil and Elektra kill the Hand(AS WAS FUCKING ADVERTISED YOU LYING FUCKS)
What if The Eternals intervened
What if…Okoye took the heart-shaped herb?
What if…Maria Rambeau was Captain Marvel?
What if…Natasha Romanoff survived Vormir?
What if Thor, Hulk and The Defenders/Punisher were in Civil War and The Defenders appeared in Endgame
What if Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. actually mattered to the MCU aka appearing in AOU, Civil War, Infinity War and appearing in the final battle in Endgame
What If Doctor Strange Had Been a Disciple of Dormammu?
What If Spider-Man Had Stopped the Burglar Who Killed His Uncle?
What if Aunt May and Uncle Ben both died and Peter was taken in by JJ Jameson?
What if Mary Jane-Watson was bit by the radioactive spider and became Spider-Woman?
What if the Avengers formed in WWII(Captain America, Howard as Iron Man, Peggy Carter, Dottie Underwood as Black Widow Odin and T'Chaka as Black Panther)
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duusheen · 4 months
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POV your bestie lands a sugar daddy and takes you on vacation with her
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missadmyre · 4 months
The Painful Price (Secret Trio + Detentionaire Final Phase HCs/Art)
TW: Blood, slight gore
It's very wordy and has lots of lore, so if you went to the tldr route, this entire thing just explains how ST + Lee's instincts from their powers can essentially obliterate anyone if they're pushed to the brink of death. Okay, enjoy! And thanks for reading!
Randy Cunningham
He felt the searing pain on his chest, warm liquid trickled down on his torso as he fell on his knees, the ringing sound in his ears being all he could hear.
Randy knew half of his face is out in the open, he was thankful that every citizen is evacuated, lest he wants to deal with a bunch of reporters after this fight, if he'll make it out alive that is.
He was shoved to the concrete ground, the smell of dirt and smoke overwhelmed him. He tried to get up but a foot stomped him down on his stomach, preventing him from doing any action, he winced at the pain.
The jorogumo let out a laugh, "Is that all you got? And you came from under his wing. How pathetic can you be?". Strings of insults spewed out of the jorogumo's mouth, Randy tried to tune out of it.
The dark skies loomed over Norrisville, signalling that it was going to rain soon. It felt as though it was mocking him, with how unsatisfactory the ending of their fight is.
Is he going to die? Out here? Defeated? Thoughts swirled around his mind, his conciousness slowly slipping away. He failed the First Ninja and now he's going to die, he faintly chuckled at that. "What a wonk situation I'm in." He thought.
His vision starts to get blurry, he looked over at Howard, who was pinned down by the destroyed walls of what was once a house. His Tengu-hybrid biffer was shouting something at him, "Maybe he's calling my name?". What's the point of that?
He felt another jab of pain on his side as he groaned, Rokumeyoku was kicking him. He's starting to close his eyes longer, he painfully laughed before letting out a sob.
"I-I'm so... so sorry...".
As he closed his eyes, the world turned to black.
The Ninja of Norrisville had been slain.
Rokumeyoku scoffed at the sight beneath him, unbothered at the death of a washed-up Ninja. "Pfft, the First Ninja would do better than you." With his head up high, he removed his foot off of the Ninja's chest.
As the jorogumo walked away, Howard sobbed at  the death of his friend, his biffer. He was unable to help him, he felt so useless. With all these powers, and yet he couldn't save him. He glared so hard at the smug yokai, his aura beaming with energy.
I'll kill you...
I'll tear you from limb to limb— I'LL KILL YOU!!!
A large bird-like shriek parted out of Howard's mouth, filled with agony and anger. He garnered all of his strength as he tried to get himself out of the broken pile of concrete and metal, the reason for his helplessness.
Suddenly, a large cracking sound echoed throughout the battlefield, everything went silent...
Another crack soon followed,
then another,
then another...
Crack... Crack
The cracking sound was akin to a bone snapping, like someone fixing a dislocated bone back to it's place. The air became heavier, smoke caused from the battle earlier had begun to dissipate.
A low gurgling sound echoed throughout the barren neighborhood, the smell of blood wafted through the air...
Howard and Rokumeyoku looked at the source of the sound, dreadfully anticipating a disturbing sight.
And a disturbing sight it is...
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Randy— no, the Ninja stood a terrifying posture, tilting its head as it created a sound akin to a bone popping. His eyes were arched to the back, blood dripping out of his wounds. The glowing symbols burned brighter than the dimming sun hovering above them, of which had been covered by clouds soon after.
He looks possessed.
It walked ever so slowly towards Rokumeyoku, approaching the nervous yokai, who did nothing but stand still, his legs on the verge of shaking, afraid of what'll happen if he dared to run away.
Then, the Ninja started chanting, it's voice mixing both a deep tone of an aged man and the young tone of Randy's. He held the katana's handle with a crushing force, it's blade grating itself on the paved road.
Shakunetsu no hizashi
Watashi no yōkyū ni mimi o katamukete kudasai
Watashi no kokoro no honō o moyashite kudasai
Ha ga chi ni somarinagara
Kokoro no yami o jōka shinagara
Watashi no itami o sekai ni shirasete kudasai
Soshite sono naka ni yaki tsuku kurushimi
With a swing of a blade...
The battle was over.
{Randy's Final Form: NinjaNomicon's Fury}
- This form's purpose is to protect the Ninja from death at all cost.
- When the Ninja is severely wounded, the Nomicon would automatically place the Ninja's soul into the book and take control of the Ninja's body.
- The soul of the Ninja is then carefully healed inside the book as they were put to temporary slumber (they're still alive, just inside the Nomicon).
*Reminder that a Soul is a spirit with an alive mortal body, Randy is still alive!
- With the Nomicon in control, they have unlocked every single lesson, chants and weapons inside the suit.
- They move at breakneck speed and is way more stronger than the current Ninja's strength because the Nomicon inputted their own power into the Ninja's body, thus allowing the body to exert such force.
- The Nomicon won't stop until the threat is wiped off of the face of the earth, whether that "threat" might be just one dangerous yokai or a whole ass organization, nothing can stop them.
- On the course of the fight, the tears from the suit would be magically stitched back to normal.
- The suit will be further amplified with more magic to protect the body through the use of the glowing symbols, which act as barriers.
- The scarf has a mind of its own, it is carved with talismans and symbols of protection, meaning that if you managed to just be in the range of the Ninja (which is pretty big, 2km wide to be exact), you'd be instantly ripped apart by the scarf if you hadn't been slashed by the Nomicon.
- The wounds would automatically be regenerated even without chanting the Art of Healing.
- Once the fight is over and the threat is gone, the Nomicon would just wait until all of the Ninja's wounds are healed, or at least the major wounds (it depends if the Ninja's body is able to handle the sheer overwhelming force the Nomicon holds within).
- And when that's done, the Nomicon would go back to the book and place the Ninja's soul back to their body.
- The Ninja would have no memories of what happened during the time when the Nomicon took control but their body is either mostly or fully healed.
TRANSLATION: Scorching sunlight
Hold your ear at my leisure
Please kindle the flame in my heart
As my blade gets soaked in blood
For me to purify the darkness within
I beg for the world to know my pain
And the agony that is seared within
Jake Long
Lao Shi had lived for a very long time, he had seen and lived through disastrous events. He also knew many secrets since his involvement with the Dragon Council and the magical community. He expected everything, for he knows how they would turn out.
What he didn't expect was the catastrophic event that would befall on his grandson.
"Jake! Jake! Oh god— Jake!" screamed Trixie as she tried to pat the back of the teen dragon, who was hot to the touch and is crying blood.
"Everything hurts! Help— Help ME! I... I can't! I can't TAKE IT!!!" Jake cried, his dragon kneeling to the ground as he clenched his hands on his jaw, aggressively trying to open it as large sizzles of smoke came out of his mouth.
The literal fire inside him roared greater, the pain that is eating him from the inside out becoming more and more for him to bear.
Spud got a bucket of water and tried to run towards to Jake, only to trip and fall, spilling the water. "What the hell Spud?! Water?!" Trixie scolded, the boy fought back, "What the heck do you want?! This is the only idea I've got!".
Jake is still screaming in pain in the background, the surrounding area full of smoke and flames. The other citizens had been rushed safely out of this part of the city, leaving only them in the scene.
Iso had been defeated, the Greek statue being no more than pieces of rubbles, it still didn't deter from the fact that the damages done between Jake and their surroundings is proof of a hard fight.
The Greek statue had thrown an orb with an unidentified substance inside Jake's throat, the magical protector choking before swallowing it. It had been done before Jake swung his claws on Iso, effectively killing her as she broke down into pieces.
The two friends bicker at the terrifying situation presented to them, trying to think of a way to calm Jake down, all the while Lao Shi stared at the scene.
At his grandson's suffering.
At his tardy action to just stand there.
Watching this with no idea what to do.
"... Shi..."
How could this happen?
"o... Shi..."
Why am I not helping him?
"Lao... Shi..."
With all my knowledge—
Fu Dog snapped him back to reality, he looked at the dog's eyes, worry plastered in both his aura and his face. "Old man! You know how to treat what's happening to him, right?!" Fu Dog pleaded him. Him.
"I don't know..."
Fu Dog stared at him worryingly. And he stared back.
Fu Dog looked distressed, who was he kidding, everyone is. Him, Jake, his friends, and soon his parents and sister who would find him in this state.
"IT HURTS!!! 好痛!!! 帮我!!!" The dragon cried, the burning flame with him overwhelming his entire entity. His friends can't help but feel their helplessness in this situation, resorting to comforting their dragon friend by patting him and hugging him.
Something caught Lao Shi's eyes though.
He walks up to Jake, he noticed that he is way larger than he is supposed to be. The rain started to pour, he felt a foreboding sense of dread within him, like he had read something like this before.
The sizzles of smoke from the boy's mouth turned darker, the fire in his mouth burning brighter. A very bad sign. We need to get away from him—
"Jake, my son!" Jake's mother, along with his father and sister, tried to run up to him, but was halted by Lao Shi. "Fu, get his friends away from him." The dog reluctantly followed his orders, dragging Jake's friends away from him as they tried to fight back.
Then, suddenly... Jake stopped struggling, his hands stopped gripping his jaws, eyes now arching back. He faced up the skies, his jaw slightly opened, the silence tensing up the situation before them.
The dragon's jaw began to open more...
And more...
And as the dragon's mouth opens, a bloody pair of hands began to hold onto the dragon's teeth...
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A bloodied boy screamed in agony, shaking as he struggled to get out of the jaws of his own beast.
The flesh of the dragon blended with the boy's torn clothing, symbolizing the pain he has felt the entire time.
Smoke and fire accompanied him as he tried to get himself out of his dragon body, like he was escaping hell itself.
And finally, Lao Shi remembered what phase the boy is going through.
"The Caged Phoenix's Escape..."
He was too late.
The rain poured strongly, killing the flames that the dragon emitted. Lao Shi watches his grandson's suffering as he tried to escape his own body, knowing that it'll be a pain when the morrow hits.
{Jake's Final Form: Caged Phoenix's Escape}
- This form's purpose is to let the real body escape the dragon form when severely injured.
*Note: both the real body and the dragon form are separate, the dragon form is like a costume to mask the real body's soul (human form).
- This process is only activated when the dragon form is not able to protect the real body any further and therefore must force it out of the dragon form quickly.
- It's like a fucked up version akin to a spaceship that's about to explode and there's an escape pod to escape to. The spaceship being the dragon form and the escape pod being the Caged Phoenix's Escape.
- It's a very painful process, as it requires the soul of the real body to detach from the dragon form and get the real body to construct inside of the dragon.
- The dragon's firebreathing is increased since it literally makes the dragon's cells regenerate the real body inside of the dragon body as fast as possible.
- When the construction of the real body is complete, all it has to do is to get out of the dragon form before the fire inside of it burns them alive.
- The real body, after escaping their dragon form, is way more sensitive in all their six senses, especially touch.
- The real body cannot regenerate their dragon form until about a month, where they can now transform into their newly improved dragon form (with the same design still).
- Their new dragon form is a bit more stronger than before, now being able to adapt and resist the danger it was dealing with back then.
TRANSLATION: 好痛 - "It hurts"
帮我 - "Help me"
Danny Fenton
Dash isn't scared of anything, be it from shitty food servings, backstabbing muggers in alleyways or ghosts. So why is he getting the chills when entering the Amity Park cemetery?
He knows the quaint Amity Park all too well, he was born here for fuck's sake. He's heard of the ghost stories all throughout his life, both from his friends and from the adults he's surrounded with. Amity Park was known for its haunting atmosphere, so it's no surprise that some horror stories pop up here and there.
It's also the reason why they're going in the cemetery that night...
It was a stupid dare, born out of a ghost story consisting of an anomaly that is said to be haunting the graveyards and making the ghost of the corpses rise from the dead. As he said, it was stupid.
"Y'know Derek, if you really wanna go check it out, go do it yourself, unless you are a coward of course." Pauline chuckled, her hands still holding her flipphone.
"Ha! As if. You are the one who heard about the ghost story and shared it to us, sounds like you are the coward here!" His friend slammed his hand on the lunch table, his grin mocking her statement.
"Oh please, if the story were to be true, I'd at least want to be the one to witness it and become famous in the process." Paulina fired back, rolling her eyes to think of something before cocking her head towards Dash's direction.
"Hey Dash, your gramps is like, a big paranormal freak, right? Surely he has some Ouija board somewhere in your house."
Well that question was worrying, not that he'd say that out loud.
"The fuck are you talking about?"
Paulina grunted, facing her body towards his direction and looked at him, "Oh come on Dash, you scared that you're too weak to face a ghost? I thought you're better than this...".
The popular girl's voice tranced him into a situation he can't get himself out of, not wanting his pride hurt, he huffed and agreed to get the Ouija board.
And that's how they got themselves sneaking into the cemetery at midnight, with an Ouija board in hand and candles on another. "So I heard it's at that grave right..." Paulina scoured the area, squinting her eyes to see better in the darkness.
She then pointed at a grave near a tree, "Over there!". They walked up to the grave, of which was covered up with dust and cobwebs. One of Dash's lackeys observed the writings on the tomb, though it's not much as it looks like it had been corroded due to carelessness.
"So do we just sit down here or?" Dash asked, having only one of his friends agree with him. Deeming it as a good enough answer, they sat down on the grassy floor, the wind breezing gently. "Okay so, we just put the Ouija board here—" Paulina nabbed the board out of the football player's hands, placing it near the tomb.
"—and we just ask some questions!" She finished her sentence, clapping her hands by the end of it. "That's it? Pssh, so easy!" Dash crossed his arms as the popular girl explained what they would do, the others lighting the candles as she spoke.
After she finished her explanation, they set their flashlights down and pressed their fingers on the planchette. "What's your name?" She asked, yet there was no answer. They tried a few more times, asking questions, yet there had been no outcome.
Dash is tempted to fake out the planchette, make it seem like it's moving to get something interesting out of this boring experience. "Huh, you sure this works?" Derek asked, offending Paulina as they bicker.
The group hadn't noticed the sudden shift of temperature, the cemetery becoming colder even as the winds start to calm down. It was only when one of Dash's friends saw a white cloud of smoke form out of their mouth as they speak that they realize that the temperature had dropped.
The group shivered at the cold, "H-hey man, you s-sure th-the weather ri-right now is-s supposed t-to be th-this cold!" A friend of Dash's asked, his teeth grinding. "F-fuck no! N-no way we c-could be having fre-freezing temperatures in t-the mi-middle of summer!" Dash responded, clenching his jacket to chase the cold away.
Suddenly, they saw two figures running in the distance, squinting their eyes, they see a goth girl and a boy with red cap and glasses running away from something, Dash recognized them as that Fenton kid's friends.
"Damn, s-should've known gh-ghost shit w-would attract the F-Fentons' attention." The football player grinded his teeth as they followed the two friends. Though, as they trekked through the overgrown grassy area, they feel the winds springing up again.
And abnormally so...
Grass blades began to flow upwards, like something is uprooting them instead of it swaying around. Leaves began to float too, instead of flowing through the winds. It looked like something straight out of a horror ghost movie.
"H-Hey, we better g-get out o-of here!" Exclaimed one of Dash's friends. Then, the smell of something burning hits them.
"Fuck that! W-We should get o-out of here!" With the cold prickling their skin, they tried to run away as fast as they can, yet the cold is still there, like it always has been.
The loud sound of shrieking hits them, sending them tumbling on the grassy floor. Finding out that they can't outrun it, they decided to hide inside a mausoleum, breaking the lock as they hid.
The moon shined brighter than ever.
The shriek from earlier echoed throughout the area.
An overbearing stench hit them, scrunching their noses in the process. It was the smell of rot. Feeling disgusted, they decide to hide themselves further inside the mausoleum, not wanting something bad to happen to them.
Heavy air dawned on them making the silence more unbearable, Dash saw a figure right above the tree that was rumored to be haunted, and haunted it is...
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The figure looked grotesque, its skin rotting as its left arm's flesh was revealed, burning.
Their eyes are gouged out, the emptiness in it's eyes unnerving to look at.
The pale skin of their limbs and feet tightly hugged their bones, showing clear indents of bones like an X-ray.
A large slash had been emphasized on the figure's chest, an equally large green lightning filling up the empty space.
Green fire covered up both their feet and head, likely to hide their disgusting features.
And it was  just floating there... in silence...
Paulina was close to throwing up, and so does Dash and his lackeys. Dash looked away for a second before looking back at the figure again.
The figure is looking at them.
"Non debes hic esse in..."
Not wanting to be a part of this mess and scared shitless, Dash ran out of the mausoleum to escape the cemetery, his group following soon after.
Seeing the metal gate, they hopped out of the cemetery and made a run for their lives, forgetting the Ouija board on the grave.
"When I see Fenton's fuckass friends again at school, they better answer what the fuck they were doing in here or else I'll beat the shit out of them!"
{Danny's Final Form: Ectoplasmic Veil}
- This form's purpose is to let the halfa still fight while regenerating their injuries in their ghost form.
- This form can only be activated when an attack is able to penetrate through the halfa's ghost form and manage to injure the human form.
- Only halfas have this form since they are half ghost and half human(soul), which means that they can't just take damage willy nilly as a ghost and regenerate quickly.
- This form is used to protect the human half while also letting the ghost half to regenerate (the ghost half acts as a shield for the human half).
- The energy this form emits depends on how powerful a halfa's ghostly aura is.
- Said energy can greatly change the area the halfa is in; such as objects floating, chunks of walls tearing, strong winds, heavy air and Antarctic levels of temperatures.
- Ectoplasm is in the form of fire because of the rapid regeneration the halfa's body is undergoing to.
- The halfa must be conscious during this form.
- Their powers and ghostly aura are increased significantly to maximize the protection of their human and ghost form.
- Their body automatically goes translucent, meaning that nothing can go past them, even ghostly attacks.
- Thee reason why they're translucent is because now, the human half is exposed, therefore the halfa is in a state between being human and a ghost at the same time.
- A halfa's instinct can cloud their minds depending on how strong their mental fortitude are.
- A halfa who isn't at the best of mental state may act erratic like an animal, as it's only goal is to protect themselves from any potential danger, they'll attack anything/anyone, be it their enemy or their allies.
- A halfa who can handle themselves mentally are able to still be able to control themselves and comprehend their surroundings.
TRANSLATION: Non debes hic esse in - "You shouldn't be in here"
Lee Ping
Down goes the water droplet...
Down goes another Hazmat robot from that damned industry.
Li watched at the halls of Green Apple Splat Industries be covered in blood and robot parts. The surgeons who tried to attack them now on the floor, either dead or on the process to be.
He sheathed his katana and and walked down the hall, meeting up with the others as he told them that the path was cleared. "Ew! What the hell!" Brandy exclaimed her disgust towards the scene.
"Seriously Li, this... is too much." Jenny scrunched her nose at the mettalic smell that clouds the entirety of the hall. Li shrugged off the criticism, trudging through the bloody puddles littering the marble floor.
They were at Coral Grove, more specifically, under Coral Grove. The facility it hides proved to be a lot more tightly secured, as dozens of Reaper Mats, Hazmats and blue tazelwurms roam around the place.
They broke in there to investigate the disappearance of Cam, who had been kidnapped on the side of the street based on Lee and Holger's testament when the three of them were heading to school that morning.
Lee had disappeared some time ago when fighting the horde of Hazmats, so now they are both looking for two people, Li groaned at the thought.
Brandy was distressed the entire time, from when she heard the news till now, desperation flows inside her, and Li can take advantage of it. With the severity of their situation, he can use them to initiate his revenge on the death of his Priscilla.
They're both fighting for the ones they loved, right?
Walking through corridors after corridors, they had finally reached a tunnel, its ceiling made of sturdy glass that holds an under-the-sea view, letting them see the corals and marine life swimming in them.
Entering the tunnel, the silence between the group had become unbearing, everyone was either too tense or too distracted at the amazing sight of the sea, Li knows something about it though, perhaps it could break the silence?
"Fun fact, did you know that they buried the bodies underneath those corals? No wonder they look so vibrant."
"What the fuck Li!"
Tina, along with the others, were disgusted at the fact, "Seriously dude, why would you say that?" Biffy asked, also worried about what had been stated earlier.
"Holger no like the Coral Grove seabed anymore." Holger, who was mesmerized by the view, had looked away from it after hearing the fact. Li chuckled at their reactions, finding it amusing.
Reaching the end of the tunnel, they found themselves in another facility, they expected some  Hazmats to appear the moment they entered, yet...
Blood is splattered everywhere with no Hazmats to be found. The walls are full of scratches and charred stains, most likely caused by a missed shot from the Hazmat's guns. As if the atmosphere wasn't horrifying enough.
The dark corners that surrounds the area scared most of the group, Tina shined the area using her phone's flashlight. Continuing their search, the blood and the scratch marks became more frequent  and more gory, terrifying them greatly.
The chill air didn't help to calm the nerves of the teens, doubting their reason to come there in Coral Grove. Water seemed to leak from the ceiling, most likely due to them being under the sea and its pressure trying to crush them.
"Guys wait! I think— Tina, shine the light over there!" Jenny pointed an unlocked metal door, shining the light over it, it looks as though it's a file room full of possible information, but for what exactly?
Li entered the room first, trying to find some information to help stop Cassandra's little project. With Li being safe, the others entered soon after, trying to find some information about His Eminence and the reptile's history.
Biffy ran his fingers through the stacked folders, searching about what the mysterious Pyramid under the school is truly all about and how its effects on both him and Lee would affect their lives. 
Especially since they now know that the permanent ink Mr. Ping used to cover Lee's mark came from the Pyramid itself and the inhumane strength Biffy has acquired came from it too. But why him? How is he a part of this?
As Biffy was about to turn his back at the stacked files and move to another, a file from one of the shelves fell down, causing a large dust of cloud to form. Out of curiosity, he picked it up and opened the folder, it reports some research about a curse that gets people to eternal sleep, the same as the Pyramid's doing. He read more about the report...
"Who's Her Anonymity?" ...
Holger walked to the darkest part of the room, trying his best to help his friends, Lee and Cam, from getting in danger once more. Throughout the entirety of 10th grade, the three of them would constantly be in 'super secret spy missions'.
Holger always had the feeling of things going terribly south with what they're doing, yet they always prevailed, so why not now? He's scared, his friends might be suffering right now and he's just in here, safe.
He pushed away the scary thought, his parents had once told him to find the good reasons for his actions in life, that he should think of why before what. He's gone this far, he can't give up now, with his friends's lives possibly on the line.
"Hey guys, I think I found something!" Tina alerted the group, they all came up to him and checked what he found. "Ahah! A map, thank you." Li snatched the map from Tina's hands, the teen reporter pissed off at his actions.
"What was that for, you jerk?!" The assassin looked and stared at the dusty map of the facility, finding it hard to understand it since it's faded and could possibly be a different layout from the facility they're in. Recounting their journey here, it could be that they're in—
A scream broke out, surprising everyone in the room. The sound got everyone on high alert, grabbing anything in the room that could qualify as a weapon. Biffy peeped his head out of the door, trying to find the source of the sound.
The sounds of someone huffing and puffing echoed through the dark hallway, "AAGGHHH!!! NGHH— PUTA!" Spanish accent, Cam. Brandy recognized it the moment she heard the swear, running out of the room, she tried to follow where Cam's voice came from.
"Stupid girl..." Li followed Brandy, making sure she's not set any traps that might exist within the facility. As the Cam's voice became more clearer, so do the sounds of growling. While running, the assassin heard a thud from a hallway.
Taking a sharp turn, he finds Brandy swinging a metal pipe on one of the blue tazelwurms, who would dodge her attacks. He sees one fallen blue tazelwurm on the floor, leading his line of eyesight on a bloodied teen.
The teen was not in the nicest of conditions, there were bite marks all over his body, most likely coming from the savage blue tazelwurms. Blood and dirt covered every part of him, his hair was untied and his large red jacket and dollar sign necklace gone, to where? Li doesn't know.
Cam had been stuck under some laboratory rubble, pieces of glass that are presumably from broken text tubes and beakers were all around him, some prickling his skin. The table that had once held the equipments now smashed into two, with Cam being in the middle of it.
Soon, the entire group had caught up to them, finding the situation of Cam a terrifying sight to see. Li sheathed his katana and began to fight back the blue tazelwurms, the others helping Cam to get out of there.
"You okay there, Cam?" Tina asked, trying to lift him up. "Me estás tomando el pelo— Do I look fine?!" Cam winced at the pain, his shirt all dried up with blood and dirt on it. He was carried out of the room as they tried to treat his wounds as efficient as possible, he proceeded to tell his experience in the facility.
He was sent to a cell where he was locked in there as hostage, with the information about the truth behind the company at his friend's hands, Cassandra thought that they should move to more drastic measures to secure that info.
Cam had escaped the cell when they were walking towards the surgery room, where they would perform horrifying things to him as a warning for Lee and his friends to not leak the information that they have.
He had managed to knock out the insidious surgeon who would work on him, though the enemy had not gone down without a fight, evident by the incision on his jaw and a stab wound on his right arm. He was chased by the blue tazelwurms, who had viciously scratched and bit him.
His necklace was thrown away to the savage creatures to create a distraction, his jacket was used as a cover for him to hide during one of the segments of the chase where the Hazmats and Reaper Mats where off to go look for him.
Eventually, he had met up with Lee, who was also bruised and bloodied as well. Although his friend hadn't told him the story of how he got it, the Korean told him the directions where their other friends are supposed to be.
The Korean had left before Cam had a say about the situation, he encountered some blue tazelwurms along the way and that's how he got in to the laboratory.
"Where's Lee? Did you see him?" Biffy asked worrily, albeit with a threatening tone. Cam pointed some landmarks that may help to identify Lee's location. Li, hearing Cam's statement and having read the map beforehand, knows where he is getting at.
Finishing off with a final kill on the savage creatures, he bolted out of the room in search for his younger brother and the eagerness to kill Cassandra for what she's done on his Priscilla. Tina following him soon after, leaving the others who were busy tending Cam's wounds with whatever medical supplies the laboratory had.
Getting to the location the teen had pointed, the assassin finds himself in a corridor with two separate hallways. He went to the left hallway knowing where it would lead, the exit.
Tina, huffing in exhaustion, had lost Li, with the two hallways presented to her, she went to the right hallway, hoping that Li headed there.
The sounds of waves crashing echoed as Li walked up the stairs, the sun having it's light shine the end of the path. Reaching up the stairs, the sight of his brother had...
... him grossed out...
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The teen was more than just bloodied and bruised, he looked as though he was eternally suffering, with how shaky and out of breath he is.
The toxic green Lichtenberg scar had corrupted most of his torso, having multiplied as now it wasn't just in his right wrist but now also on the left, as well as on his neck.
The protection mark on his right upper arm also glowed brighter, but what had caught his attention is the symbols that surrounded Lee, like it's protecting him.
Curious and entranced by the phenomena before him, he tried forward himself to his brother. "N-No! Don't— 나가세요!!" Lee coughed up blood once more before continuing, "Get away! Or y-you'll end up l-like them!" .
The warning made Li snap out of the trance, looking around the area and seeing the people of the industry having fallen to an eternal sleep, with some Hazmats and Reaper Mats having been destroyed into pieces. Oh, so that's why I shouldn't get close.
Cassandra had left right after she saw the effects it had on her guards, letting her escape again. The symbols began to fade, as it was erased from the ground, like it hadn't existed. Lee collapsed soon after it's disappearance, letting himself fall onto his older brother's hands.
Sighing, the assassin lifted the Korean and carried him bridal style, anticipating the story of what happened during his confrontation with Cassandra when his brother wakes up. He went back to the laboratory room where many were surprised and disgusted at the state of the Korean.
As they tried to tend Lee's wounds and his open stitch with whatever was left when they treated Cam an hour ago. With a large shortage on their medical supplies, they resorted to quickly get out of there to go to the hospital.
But as they were about to head back to where they first entered, Jenny found herself panicking "Wait, where's Tina?!".
{Lee's Final Form: Her Anonymity's Curse}
- This form's purpose is to push people away from the 'Marked', to treat them like a monster as anyone would fall into enternal slumber once they get close to them.
*The Marked back in the day, are essentially cultists that worship His Eminence. They are recognized by the scratch marks given to them by His Eminence (just like what Lee and Li have)
- It can be activated by chanting an incantation (that has been lost through translation and is literally garbled) or when His Eminence is in/near the area.
- It's a curse Her Anonymity inflicted on the Marked after she was banished from the land because of her disrespect to His Eminence.
- This curse is genetical and cannot be removed, meaning that if a Marked had a child, it would pass on to them even if they were born without a mark (though that was rare, to be born without a mark).
- The curse, although unremovable, can be weakened.
- Back in the day, when his Eminence was at his prime, the Marked's curse can't even dissipate like Lee's, though after generations and generations, it can be turned off, granted it would take all of the Marked's energy to stop it from being on forever.
- Other Markeds are not affected by the curse; meaning that if one Marked had opened their curse circle and another Marked is in the area, the other Marked would not be affected by it.
- The curse can spread up to 7 km maximum, and that depends on whether or not the Marked can stop the curse from spreading it's influence.
TRANSLATION: Me estás tomando el pelo - "Are you kidding me"
나가세요 - "Get out"
+Bonus Scenes; Recovery+
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(bc we love hurt/comfort and soft boys in this household)
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thesolarangel · 1 year
Here are some of my favorite soundtracks. Choose one or tell me in the tags which one I should definitely listen to!
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classicrocker2000 · 10 months
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Source: Fab: An Intimate Life of Paul McCartney by Howard Sounes
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gollageek · 5 months
Rook Blonko: Ben, come down from there.
Ben 10: No! Kim is going to yell at me!
Rook: I do not think so. Look how nice she is being to Mr. Cunningham.
Kim across the room patting Randy's head: Its okay, just think next time before you agree to a plan like this.
Randy: Ffffiiiiiiiiinnnnneeee.
Howard Weinerman: Yeah, he won't.
Ben 10: Its at trap! Danny's the one who yells at Randy!
Ben 10: *gestures to Danny who is locked in a ghost proof cell*
Danny Phantom: *Screaming at the top of his lungs using language that's not tv-14 approved, ectoplasmic fire flickering from his eyes and mouth, the room is engulfed in same fire, things are blowing up, and he's crawling around the room, scratching at the glass like an Eldrich horror.
Ben 10: And between you and me, Kim's WAY scarier!
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coraline-jones353 · 5 months
I'd Love to Dance with You
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If you're going to reblog give me credit!
Prompt: Soulmate Au (You see each other in your dreams)
Pairing: Alex Walter x reader (girl)
Summary: After Jackie moved in with the Walters she really missed her best friend Evangeline. After hearing from Katherine that Jackie is having a hard time adjusting she thinks it's a good idea to pay her best friend a visit.
Warnings: angst, there will be a part 2 if anyone wants it!
Jackie had just finished talking to Evangeline and she knew she already missed her. She sighs as she goes back to living her new life and forgetting about her old.
She goes downstairs to see Katherine talking to Cole about his grades but as she comes in Katherine puts on a smile and seemingly forgets about the entire issue.
Jackie waves at the pair as she walks out the door, thinking a jog would do good for her busy mind.
But what she doesn't know is that the fight between Cole and Katherine was just a way to get her out of the house so they could continue planning.
They could tell that she was missing her old life. Katherine after overhearing a conversation of the two girls where Evie said she wished she could come to visit came up with a plan to make that happen. She will arrive tomorrow after school and stay for 2 months to help cheer up Jackie.
I can't wait to go see Jackie. I think as I pack the last of my bags for the trip. It had been paid for by Richard who wanted to help lift his nieces spirits. I was now on my way to the airport hoping Jackie wouldn't try to call me again and ruin the surprise.
Jackie's school day has been so long. I had to just sit in her room and wait for her to get home, of course with the occasional asking if I wanted anything and me being polite, said yes to just about anything I wasn't allergic to.
I start to hear multiple footsteps so I know it is time to hide. Thank goodness for the fact that Jackie isn't one to hit you because you surprised her because this will surely make her jump.
As she walks in I hear her drop her bag on the floor and plop down on her bed in a huff. She seems tired or frustrated, I don't really know I hate trying to guess emotions.
I quickly and quietly open the closet door and plop on the bed next to her, "So what's got you all in a huff?" I say jokingly as I watch her jaw drop in shock. She quickly just pulls me into her embrace and I fear she won't ever let go. I just hold her while rubbing her back to soothe her.
After our beautiful reunion she walks me downstairs to meet the Brady bunch. I am terrible at names so I try to remember features or anything different about them. I categorized them by personality or something that made them stand out. Cole: arrogant, flirty, asshole. Lee: Skater boy. Issac: Lover boy. Danny: Actor. Andrew: musician. Parker: the only girl. Benny: the youngest. Will: The oldest/about to be married. Jordan: Why won't he stop filming me?!?!!?
Also why is their family so big!??! How am I supposed to remember all these names.
There was one other kid though. He came in late apologizing for his mistake and saying he didn't know he wouldn't make it in time for dinner. As we make eye contact I look at him shocked. Jackie has been telling me about her love triangle between Alex and Cole and now seeing him and noticing who he was I was freaking out.
Alex just sat down and kept staring at me and Jackie while I tried to avoid his eyes.
That night as I was brushing my teeth in the downstairs bathroom Alex came up behind me. I knew what he wanted to discuss but I just couldn't.
I turn to look at him after putting my tooth brush away and he just stays there staring at me. "I don't know what to say." I look at him puzzled that he decided that those would be the first words he says to his soulmate.
"I've imagined this moment; when I met you for so long. But I don't know how to proceed now that I know who you are. You and Jackie have a thing going on, i'm here to help her not make it worse."
Sincerely, Coraline Jones 🐈‍⬛
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fanficwritinggirl · 9 months
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My Montana (Cole Walter fanfic)
Chapter 2
"Hey Montana," a voice calls as Josie opens her locker grabbing one of her textbooks. She rolls her eyes knowing exactly who it is. "What do you want Cole?" she asked as she turned and looked up at him. Cole was leaning against one of the lockers beside hers with his blue shirt covered arms crossed in front of his chest, a smirk plastered on his face.
"Well I just wanted to check on my favorite someone," flirtation was clear in his voice. Josie swallows a little before raising her eyebrows.
"Oh, I'm your favorite person, am I? Now how many other girls have you said that to Cole? Because let's see there was Erin, Olivia..." Cole cuts her off by taking a hold of one of her hands, running his fingers over it. His rough skin played against her smooth skin causing her to lose her breath a little. Cole smirks as he sees that and chuckles a little. Josie lifts her eyes and looks into his deep blue eyes.
"I can still take your breath away, can I?" he questions, causing Josie to scoff, pulling her hand away and turning back to her locker.
"None of that," her voice was stern and Cole faltered a little bit, moving back a little and nodding.
"Alright," is all he replies. Josie looks at him from the corner of her eye to see if he was going to anything more but once she sees that he doesn't decide to go back to getting her stuff. Having found the textbook she grabs it and closes her locker, Cole stands watching her the entire time.
"So are you coming over tonight?" Josie laughs at him, pivoting and sauntering towards her class, Cole trailing behind her.
"You know if I had a dollar everytime a Walter boy asked me if I was coming over for dinner, I would have three dollars, I could buy myself... i don't know a jar of peanut butter," Cole chuckles as he watches as she moves her arms and shoulders around as she speaks, taking in the smile that decorates her face.
"Well Montana, I am pretty sure there is a jar of peanut butter at home with your name on it so save your dollars," a giggle leaves Josie lips, turning her head and seeing that Cole's eyes are still firmly set on her, his full attention was hers.
"Well knowing your house is probably all gone, I've never seen food disappear so quickly," Cole shrugs.
"Well we are a big family, if you want something to yourself you are going to have to hide it, and well. And luckily for you Montana, I made sure to get you your own jar of peanut butter, put your name on it and everything and I have it hidden in a safe space just for you," Josie raises her eyebrows.
"Well where is this safe space," curiosity hangs in her voice.
"I'm keeping that a secret. A safe space isn't a safe space if people know about it now," he opens the door for her and leans against the door frame of the classroom, Josie standing across from him.
"But what if I want some? I'm just supposed to ask you for some," she crosses her arms as she asks him. Cole leans forward and lowers his voice. 
"Of course. Give you more reason to talk to me," is all he says before his eyes turn and look at the people sitting waiting for class to start looking at them both.
"And with that, I will see you later Montana," pushing himself off of the doorframe and striding away.
"You have to stop off at my house," Josie calls after him, causing him to turn and raise a knowing look.
"Let me guess, you have to grab your guitar," she knows that he is teasing her, more times than not he has to stop so she can grab her guitar.
"Yes... please" she tells him sweetly. Cole's lip falls between his lips and he bites it slightly, looking her up and down.
"I like it when you say please... should say it more," and then he was off down the hallway and out the door Feeling her cheeks heating up and turning scarlet, Josie turns and walks into class and tries to get her mind off of Cole Walter.
The bell rings, signaling that another school day and all Josie wanted to do was get out of there. Strolling out of the school building is met with the mayhem of the car park where the only thoughts on people's mind was getting home, which she could relate to.
"Josie, hey" Danny shouts from the car to her. Danny gets into the car while she saunters overs towards them. Upon reaching the car she can see that every single one of the Walters boys was there waiting for her. Alex, Isaac, Lee and Nathan sitting in the back. Danny was sitting in the front passenger seat and  Cole was sitting in the driver's seat, his head turned back to her through the window. Walking towards the back door she meets his gaze.
"I'm surprised you didn't leave me behind," she states, causing Cole to smirk at her. "Forget you Montana. Never." Josie shakes her head with her lips pulled in a small smile before climbing into the back next to Alex.
"Hey," he says quietly to her.
"Hey," she replies to him before doing a double take at the car.
"Hey, where is Jackie?" Cole starts the car and reverses. Turning to her, Alex gives her a small smile. "Don't worry she is going with Skylar and Grace to get some ice cream. He didn't leave her behind again. Did you Cole?" Alex pesters him and Cole just shakes his head staying focused on the road, not biting Alex's bait. Soon the car fell into a quiet with the occasional bickering between Isaac and Lee.
The Walter ranch had always been a second home for Josie, having spent most of her time there, more than her actual home. With her Aunt Hattie working with Katherine at the clinic, they had vast working hours which would leave Josie in the house on her own, so it was easier for her to be at the Walter home where she was able to get a well cooked meal and have people surrounding her.
Pulling up to the ranch, it was a scramble to get out of the car with so many teens wanting to get out and do their own thing. Josie to the trunk of the car and opens it grabbing her guitar which they had stopped to get on the way over. "Hey, so I am going to do my homework, so can you teach me that song after dinner," Nathan asks while putting his bag over his left shoulder. Josie nods.
"Yeah that's fine, i have got some homework to do as well," she tells him, he gives her a nod and a smile before walking into the house. Danny leans against the back of the car as Josie grabs her things. "So what homework are we going to start with, i'm thinking english," Josie chuckles.
"Of course you would want to start with English, my best class," she sasses and Danny mouths gaps in pretend offense as they walk up the steps of the house
"Well it is not my fault that you have an understanding of it, and hey music is your best subject and don't argue with me about it Josephine," Josie gasps loudly.
"I cannot believe that you called me by my full name Daniel," opening the front door she walks into the house. "Not my real name," Danny tells her as he closes the door. Walking down the hall, the two enter the kitchen and see George cooking dinner.
"Hey you two, how was school?" he asks the pair, giving Danny a pat on the shoulder and Josie a hug.
"Yeah it was good. Schools, school. Not really that interesting," Josie tells him as she sits down at the small table in the corner. "Yeah well it is very important Jos and you know that, and hey you are doing well aren't you?" he asks as he pours the sauce on top of the uncooked lasagna.
"Of course she is doing well, she's Josie, I don't think you have ever failed at anything," Danny comments while he takes out his text books.
"You are saying that I am getting A's of something. I think the highest grade I have ever got is a B+," she informs them and George shakes his head.
"That's still good honey, don't put pressure on yourself, enjoy it," Josie rolls her eyes and nods.
"Trust me George. I intend to," Josie turns to her bag and pulls out a pen while George picks up the lasagna and places it into the oven. Parker runs into the kitchen with Jordan close on her tail with his camera in hand.
"Jordan, stop chasing me. DAD!!!" Parker shouts as she rounds the table and hides behind her father.
"Jordan, what have I told you about chasing your sister? And put away that camera for five minutes," George's stern voice causes Jordan to turn off the camera and place it at his side.
"I was only having a little fun," he tries to justify and George just simply shakes his head.
"Yeah you might have been, but when your sister tells you to stop, you stop. Got it?"Jordan nodded his head, arguing and that was the end of it.
"Now, you two?" he says pointing at the pair sitting at the table. "Watch the dinner while I work. It shouldn't take me more than half an hour. And Jordan you can come with me to make sure that you don't bother your sister anymore," Jordan groans, putting down his camera and walking with him down out of the house. Parker turns and looks at the teens doing their homework and strolls over.
"What are you doing?" she asks, leaning over slightly to look at the textbooks that are sprawled out across the table.
"We are starting our homework, Park. Got to keep the grade up," Josie tells the younger girl as she lifts her head up to look at the girl, a small smile present on her face.
"What type of homework is it?"
"What do you have to do?"
"Read this book and write a paper on what we think about this character."
"What is the book?"
"Wuthering Height."
"Who is the character?"
"That's an odd name."
"Parker!!!" Danny snaps looking at his younger sister, his face scrunched up causing wrinkles on his forehead and his mouth to be closer to his mouth. "We are trying to do our homework and we can't get that done when you are here asking us a bunch of questions. I suspect that you will someday read this when you get to high school, maybe before. So until then can you please leave us alone," Danny tells her in as calm of a voice as he can. Parker simply rolls her eyes and puts her head back a little bit to emphasize what she was going to say.
"Fine" she sasses before turning. "I'm going to go out and play," she calls over her shoulder before opening the door and going outside. Josie giggles turning to Danny and seeing him shaking his head, his hand on one side of his face as he leans on it.
"I swear, it is impossible to get anything done here," he says looking at his text book. Josie snickers at him.
"It's always like this, why are you so shocked? And hey, she is just curious and at least she is showing some sort of interest in school," Danny just shakes his head again.
"Yeah, but cant she just wait until later to ask these questions, you know, when we are done." This time it is Josie who shakes her head with a smile on her face.
"Okay mister Sas. How about instead of talking about this, we actually do our work. Yeah?" Danny simply nods his head and turns his attention elsewhere. Josie's lips curl into a curve as she chuckles internally. Some things never change.
Disclaimer - I am not following the plotline of my life with the Walter boys as closely and am using the characters and making my own story. I will be taking some plotlines from the series but it won't directly follow the show. Also, this book is not going to focus on the build up to the relationship but the actual relationship.
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Pride Headcanons
It’s June 1, y’all which means I can write about my silly little blorbos being under the rainbow all I want! Not that the headcanons were somehow different before hahaha but anyway!
I’m going to be using the Secret Quartet because I can- and honestly they are my biggest comfort and hyperfixation right now, so why wouldn’t I write with them?
Danny Phantom;
👻 Danny is trans. I mean look at him- but no, this just fits with his character. Honestly I could talk about this in a completely separate post but genuinely he would be FtM
👻 In canon, he seems to prefer women more than men, but Danny is somewhere in the non-het umbrella. He gives me pan vibes, like it’s genuinely the last thing he cares about and it’s more about chemistry than anything else
👻 Danny’s parents are 100% supportive if he ever chose to come out. There is no homophobia in this household, you cannot convince me otherwise
👻 Overall, Amity Park is accepting. In no universe would they ever turn someone away for being not-cishet
👻 Danny used to bind using ace bandages and completely forget he was wearing them- based on an old comic I found, I like to imagine that if Vlad were to find out, he would immediately pay for Danny to at least have a comfortable binder. You also cannot tell me he wouldn’t try to offer paying for Danny’s bottom surgery (with a price of course)
👻 None of the ghosts would ever deadname Danny. Ever. Not even Dash would-
👻 Much like Danny, Jazz is definitely non-het; she’s bisexual- gender is the least of her concerns when it canes to romance, but she also seems to be a bit more sapphic leaning. I said what I said /lh
👻 Danny would never forget someone’s preferred name. He makes it an entire point to remember them and use it correctly- let alone pronouns
American Dragon: Jake Long;
🐲 Jake is cis- i don’t see him as being anything other than cisgender unfortunately but he’s an ally and I will stand by this until I disappear from this earth-
🐲 He doesn’t really care for labels and will never use them, but Jake isn’t exactly heterosexual. Gender is the last thing on his mind when he’s dating, but he’s only really dated Rose so I think he’s ever so slightly confused at the moment on his preferences
🐲 Jake would attend Pride. 100%
🐲 If Jake ever came out to his family, they would 100% be understanding- they’re many things but assholes isn’t one of them. They would likely sit him down and make sure to know how to most make him feel comfortable but other than that, neither Jonathan nor Susan would ever make Jake unhappy
I honestly don’t have as many headcanons for American Dragon, but- this is the best I could come up with!
Miraculous Ladybug;
🐞 Marinette is more than likely cisgender- she’s still an ally; that would never change. She makes sure to protect trans folk and everyone in between
🐞 I like to think Marinette doesn’t care for labels, and just dates depending on personality and compatibility than attempting to assess it on gender
🐞 She would never forget someone’s pronouns or preferred name. Sometimes there are accidental slip-ups because, well- it’s Marinette with ADHD (I will talk neurodivergent headcanons in a separate post) but she always apologizes if she messes up!
🐞 Marinette has attended Pride events as both her civilian persona and heroine identity to help support those who need it- this is canon now
🐈‍⬛ Adrien is trans. This is not up for negotiation (/lh). There is just something about him that screams trans
🐈‍⬛ He has no idea if he likes men, women, both or anything in between. Adrien is a little bit sheltered, give him time he’ll come around
🐈‍⬛ Honestly, Adrien would be an ally first before realizing he’s trans or non-het. He would be allowed to attend Pride events because Gabriel isn’t that much of a horrible person- at least not with Pride. Gabriel is not the type, in this essay I will-
🐈‍⬛ Adrien finds being Chat Noir completely freeing- it’s almost like binding in a way,
🐈‍⬛ Adrien was given his first binder buy Nino. He eventually received a second one from Marinette, and he cherishes both dearly- but sometimes he forgets to take them off
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja;
🧣Randy is trans-coded. I can’t explain why, but there is no way that boy is cis- (Howard likely knew before he did, I was there obviously. I was uh, Randy’s coat /lh)
🧣He’s unlabeled when it comes to sexuality and romantic orientation. Randy doesn’t know because he has only ever crushed on girls so far but he also keeps smiling like an idiot at Howard and gets ridiculously flustered. He doesn’t know what to make of it-
🧣Randy has never attended a Pride event- at least not yet. He hopes to one day
🧣Randy binds- he does use a binder as Howard actually bought one for him as a birthday present; before that he used to wear ace bandages which wasn’t ideal in the slightest but he was dealing with horrible dysphoria at the time and didn’t want to accept he was only a kid
🧣Being the Ninja somehow helps him cope with his dysphoria
🥷 Finja- is he cishet? Hahahah no, absolutely not. Cis? Maybe. Heterosexual? This man gives asexual vibes! This is canon now ~ a fellow ace
🥷 I don’t think Finja would have used labels in his youth. Especially if it wasn’t entirely the norm back then but if he were in present times- he might’ve, though I think he would just vibe
🥷 Finja honestly might be on the aromantic spectrum, but more so demiromantic or grayaromantic than not dating at all!
🥷 Oh you can bet Finja would be completely accepting of Randy being trans
(author’s cut: more will be written for Finja later! I simply have words stuck in my brain that won’t fully come out!)
📕Nomicon - or “Nomi” - is agender! They do not associate themself with a gender and use literally any pronoun- including neopronouns
📕Nomi would be completely accepting of gender and sexuality- and anything in between- they are completely supportive of Randy coming out
📕Nomi is however, asexual! I do think Nomi would be aroace but you can headcanon whatever you want- though when you’re a centuries old sentient book, well, things change
📕If Nomi was human, they would 100% be attending Pride- this is not up for debate. They would
📕Nomi is fiercely protective of Randy- in my human AU’s, it is 100% guaranteed anyone who displayed transphobia or any other form of bigotry toward him would immediately be roundhouse kicked in the face
📕Human! Nomi would give zero fucks and decide to wear dresses- but honestly, they wear outfits that reference the book version of herself. They wear whatever the hell they want, do not care in the slightest
Additional Headcanons;
Howard doesn’t openly seem to care about Pride because he’s a stubborn little shit, but everyone knows better than to mess with Randy- because those who do are met with a fiercely protective, homosexual totally-cis Howard Weinerman
Whatever the fuck McFist and Viceroy have going on isn’t straight-
McFist would host Pride themed events specifically during June and seemingly forget about it for the rest of the year- does he do this to be homophobic? Nope! He just genuinely doesn’t flaunt being not straight that he also isn’t aware of
Viceroy is bi. This is not up for negotiation
Mort is straight but completely supports his children in whatever they want to do with their life
Sam Manson is completely unlabeled. She doesn’t care
Tucker? You can’t tell me that boy is cis
Alya makes blogs in support of Pride and does make them year-round because she is an ally and I will stand by this until the day I cease to exist (which is never)
Gabriel does do Pride events but much like McFist, he doesn’t them 24/7 or year-round- the only difference is I’m pretty sure Gabriel’s cishet
I can’t think of anything else tbh! Enjoy the mess that is these headcanons-
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sleepy-sham · 4 months
the office part 4!!!!!!
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ngl the fourth one is so perfect I'm so proud of it
more office memes
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