#Darth Anathel
jb-nonsense · 1 year
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The Return of Darth Nox
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winding-maze · 11 months
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━━━✥◈ Delectus ◈✥━━━
A new commission for Delectus! He asked me to capture the showdown with Darth Anathel in SWTOR - a really badass moment. :D
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roguescarlett · 2 years
I find it interesting that Darth Anathel and Darth Xarion both had history and fought against each other like sworn enemies, and yet post-Eternal Empire arc, the two rivals were appointed a seat on the Dark Council. Makes me wonder if Acina really want to evoke the rivalmance dramas.
Vowrawn better stock up on some tea for this because there's no way he's going to miss out on the juicy drama.
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intergalacticskank · 4 years
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revan-escence · 5 years
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Fixed it
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My seat is Gucci bitch
I hope my experience with Darth anathel is similar to others.
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sith-shenanigans · 5 years
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look I had to
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chubbyooo · 5 years
Sith inquisitor: Hello Anathel.
Darth Anathel: Hi Nox.
Sith inquisitor: … That chair looks familiar…
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Yra Recovers Her Dark Council Seat (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
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When the inquisitor escapes carbonite and finds out Anathel has his/her job on the dark council
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badsithnocookie · 5 years
ivalane replied to your post: “revan-escence: Fixed it” :
I am now quite curious what the original said, just not enough to play anymore
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i.... may have a post half done with imperial mails from onslaught *cough*
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resol-nare · 5 years
What if Darth Anathel turns out to be the Sith Inquisitor's biggest fan?
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meatbag-status · 5 years
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Oh, honey.
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contispexlegacy · 3 years
OC: Uraela Kallig
(My very first character makes her debut! She is now open for Asks.)
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NAME: Uraela Kallig. Darth Occlus. Matriarch Kallig. Heir to Tulak Hord and Aloysius Kallig. Master of the Dead. 
GENDER: Female
CLASS: Sith Assassin
CURRENT ROLE: Dark Councillor of Sith Influence
HISTORY: Born around 3677 BBY, and once a lowly slave for minor Imperial Nobility, Uraela was sent to the Sith Academy a few weeks shy of her twentieth birthday after been discovered to be Force Sensitive. The incident that caused the discovery is unknown, but it is rumoured to have involved the death of her Master’s eldest son.
From there, the Sith Inquisitor story plays out, albeit set about twenty years earlier than normal. The Kaggath between her and Darth Thanaton didn’t take place on Corellia, as it was still a firmly Republic world. She probably took part in the sacking of Coruscant too.
She took Andronikos Revel as her Consort (i.e: Their children would have the Kallig name, not the Revel one), and had a daughter with him (my ‘canon’ Sith Warrior, and the current Lord Kallig). 
She was the one that dealt with Soa the Infernal One, and the one that put down Darth Ikoral.
In present day, she’s taken Darth Anathel place on the Dark Council (and she didn’t even need to kill him!). She also writes Sith Opera’s, and is fluent in the Old Sith Tongue, often giving lectures and lessons in the subject to preserve it for future generations.
Introverted/Extrovert: Uraela has no issue celebrating amongst the people during Festivities, but is also fond of more subdued, elegant celebrations behind closed doors. She is publicly know for her love of her family, and has brutally and publicly dealt with those upstarts that have tried to use that against her.
Organized/Disorganized: Like the Empire, everything and everyone has their place and role. The reason the Empire works is because of that fact. Failings in the Empire are due to a breakdown of that fact.
Close-minded/Open-minded: Uraela is of the opinion that, using herself as an example, aliens (and/or slaves) are capable of becoming fine Sith (or Imperial Citizens). She is also of the opinion that “Knowledge is knowledge, regardless of its source”. She’ll learn Jedi Techniques if it will help her and the Empire crush the Republic and Jedi. 
Calm/Anxious: After everything she’s seen, barely anything fazes her now.
Disagreeable/Agreeable: Uraela knows she doesn’t know everything, and will happily listen to those more knowledgeable than her in a given subject. So long as they remember who she is.
Cautious/Reckless: She hasn’t kept her place on the Dark Council for so long by taking risks..
Patient/impatient: She above.
Outspoken/Reserved: If it wasn’t for the fact it meant betraying the Empire, Uraela would probably have sided with Malgus when he rebelled. She finds ignoring alien Force Sensitive’s because they are alien to be so incredibly wasteful as to be outright offensive. And she’s not afraid to make these views known.
Leader/Follower: Uraela knows her place in any given situation. If she needs to lead, she’ll lead. If she needs to follow, she’ll follow.
Empathetic/Unempathetic: Uraela unashamedly cares for her people, and genuinely wants the best for them.
Optimistic/Pessimistic: With Valkorion gone and no longer holding the Empire back, the future is bright in Uraela’s mind.
Traditional/Modern: Thanaton was right in some respects. Uraela is all for modernity, but that doesn’t mean the old ways need to be abandoned entirely.
Hard-Working/Lazy: See Cautious/Reckless. 
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anchanted-library · 4 years
EW 3. 08. Lights go Out
Read on AO3
In Space, just outside Voss’ orbit
“Voss burns,” the Empress said aloud.
“Begging your pardon, Empress,” Darth Krovos said softly. Politely. “But Voss stands . That Droid threw a million ships at the planet, and several land assaults too. She had even succeeded in destroying the shield generators. But the destruction is not nearly as bad as it could have been. With our help, Voss fought off her attack.”
Acina frowned. Nodded. Krovos was a good woman, a Sith who had learned the military version of loyalty from Admiral Zasha Ranken, one of the Empire's finest.
“Not to mention,” the Pureblood continued. “All those wrecked ships! The Droid usurper lost a great number of them to a world whose orbital defenses she had already neutralized! And yet this wasn’t mundane weaponry at work here. It was all Force. Is all Force; you can still feel the flows. Someone very powerful is defending Voss alone.”
Beside Krovos, the holo of Darth Xarion stirred. Krovos aside, the Acina’s Dark Council was attending via holo. “It is as Intelligence reported. Vaylin is on Voss. Who but her could have done this?”
“We must kill her,” Darth Anathel spoke roughly. “We won’t get another chance.”
“She has the Voss on her side,” Xarion shook his hooded head. “She would not have been able to set foot on the planet without their approval. That she survived Odessen at all probably means that Commander Arro of the Alliance spared her. She might even be under their protection. Theron Shan and Koth Vortena of the Alliance were here too after all.”
“Why would the Commander have let her go?” Vowrawn wondered, airily shaking his head.
“Typical Jedi squeamishness,” Anathel smeared, sipping from his black stone goblet.
“Be careful what you assume,” Krovos cautioned. “He showed no hesitation with many of his other enemies, including several former Dark Councillors—Darths Decimus, Acharon, Arho, Hadra—Darth Malgus, and our late Emperor. He could be ruthless when called for.”
“The ‘why’ doesn’t matter anyway, does it?” Xarion asked. “All that matters is that she is under their protection. I see no reason to poke the Alliance. They already took down Arcann like it was nothing. If we earn their enmity, then we’ll be simultaneously at war with them, the droid, and the Republic; us alone against all the other major powers of the galaxy. Do we truly want that?”
“Are you scared?” Anathel sneered.
“War is ruinous,” Acina admonished him. “Surely these past forty years of it have shown you as much? We’ve lost trillions of souls, people whose loss is missed more and more as the death toll rises. Our food supply is at critical levels, our resources are dwindling, and our economy is in shambles. Now is not a time of rekindling the flames, we need to cease hostilities and rebuild our strength, even if it takes us a hundred years to do it.”
“Such a wonderful sentiment,” Vowrawn beamed. “I approve, I approve, I wholeheartedly approve! Oh, if only Darth Prowle were among us now!”
Acina did not rise to his barb. It was true that Prowle used to hark on about the same things, and Vowrawn, who had been quite fond of his friend, had been quite persuaded by her arguments. Furthermore, Prowle had given her life for a mere chance to win the war against Arcann, and Acina had—in his eyes, and in the eyes of many others in the Empire—squandered her sacrifice for her own selfish ambitions. He had never forgiven that, even if he did nominally follow her with the bigger picture in mind. “I will ally with the Alliance Commander. He has proven his strength and will. We know his resolve to end the war. He has already killed three Emperors.”
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revan-escence · 5 years
the Sith Inquisitor in the first 5 minutes of meeting Darth Anathel
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