#Daryl Dixon pov
normans-fav-balloon · 2 months
You and Daryl dating pov
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topazy · 1 month
A different tomorrow
Tomorrow's promise au
Pairing: Shane Walsh x oc, Daryl Dixon x oc
Warnings: Swearing
Daryl’s pov 2.11
Sitting back on the porch floor, Daryl swings one leg over the other while carefully peeling the apple in his hand with his knife, making sure not to nip his skin in the process. Unlike Atlanta, the smell of decay wasn’t as strong at Greene’s farm; instead, his nostrils were filled with what he could only describe as a ‘spring’ smell.
“You gonna quit that?” Daryl asks, making no effort to hide the irritation in his voice.
Rick finally stops pacing and leans against the fencing. He grips onto it so tightly that his knuckles start to turn white. He was stressed, but when wasn’t he? Daryl was enjoying his solitude until Rick stormed out of the farm house, riled up. The former sheriff always seemed to be involved in some kind of shit, and after seeing Sophia come out of the barn, Daryl was done. He had put any faith he had into finding that little girl, only to find out she was dead all along. It changed something inside him.
Shaking his head, Daryl takes another slice of the apple between his teeth and stares out into the fields again, which were now covered by a golden glow as the sun started to set. He looks back over to Rick, who is resting his head in his hands. Daryl contemplates saying something, but the slamming of a car captures his attention.
“Lily, what's wrong?"
Lily storms up the steps onto the porch and roughly shoves her brother in the chest, saying, “You're an asshole.”
Hearing the aggression in her voice, Daryl tosses the fruit onto the ground and gets to his feet. He’s taken aback by the visible pain on her face; she looks broken. He scoffs at seeing Shane walking up towards the porch; whenever Lily was upset, Shane was never far behind.
“You promised me, you promised.” Seeing Lily shove Rick again, Daryl wraps one arm around her waist and lifts her back with ease. “Let go of me, Daryl!”
He didn’t care if she kicked and screamed; Daryl wasn’t letting go of Lily until he was sure she wouldn’t hurt herself further. “Go easy before you hurt yourself; you don't want to bust up your arm again.”
Her strength while trying to get out of his grasp surprised him; she was like a wild animal trying to get out of a trap. He was trying so hard not to care about either of the Grimes; he had already become too attached, but he couldn’t deny they were good people. Rick was always risking his life for others, and Lily… she just wanted to keep Jace safe. A mother who was happiest playing with her baby.
When he feels Lily calming in his arms, Daryl loosens his hold on her. She walks over to Rick, tears brimming in her eyes. “The one fucking thing I've ever asked of you, and you couldn't even do that.”
Struggling to hold it together, she ignores her brother and goes into the house.
Daryl looks directly at Rick, “I've no idea what shitstorm is going on, but I'd let her cool down.”
“If you've got something you want to say, man, now is the time.” Shane snaps, sending him a death glare. “You think—”
“Whatever,” Daryl shrugs him off. “I ain’t got time for this soap opera bullshit.”
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shadowcitrine · 26 days
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Before the outbreak there's a girl who keeps teasing Daryl.
Daryl's pov. Angry Daryl. Daryl and named OC. Kind of dirty.
18+ You're responsible for the content you consume.
First post nerves.
Of course she was here! She was everywhere he fuckin’ went. It was like she knew when he needed space and had some sick twisted need to devour what little time he carved out for himself. That stupid fuckin’ Mather's girly is just laying out by the river bank, arms beneath her head like she owns the whole god damned river and the sun is shining down on her over the tree tops like it agrees with her.
Picking up the fishing pole, Daryl's fist tightened around it, his face screwing up in anger makin’ his whole head hurt twice as much. He lets everyone walk all over him, but not anymore, not today. Especially not stupid Mercy who parades around in her dumb tiny shorts and ugly cut off shirts.
Taking the pole over to a shady spot he throws himself down, landing with a grunt. Digging through the little box of feathers he keeps in a tin till he finds a few small ones to tie on. If Mercy is watching him behind those dark glasses of hers he can't tell, not that he was lookin’ anyway. Not that he cares.
He cast the line, sticking the pole in the ground to light a cigarette and wait. She hasn't said a word and it's so unlike her that he thinks she has to be asleep. It's the only time she ain't asking him a million questions or trying to order him around. He stamps out the first butt and lights another. Takes him nearly all of the second one before he can hear the water trickling by beyond the anger pounding around in his head. Takes him even longer to realize his line has too much slack. The reel clicks quietly, a familiar lullaby that usually helps empty his head but not this time, not today.
Mercy still ain't talking. It's the longest they've ever been around each other without her at least sayin’ hi and now it's bothering him. He came out here for peace and now her silence is eating him alive. Not like bein’ around her does him any good. Never has, not even when they were kids. Just to try and take his mind off of her he starts reeling in the line, puffing on the smoke between his teeth but the harder he tries not to think about her the more he does.
That girl sighs and it draws his attention away from his half hearted attempt at fishing. She's still just layin’ there, knees now bent. Her shorts are digging into the upper parts of her thighs making little dips there that make his fingers itch to touch. She's just some annoying girl that he doesn't even like.
Then she moves again, rolling to her knees in the dirt, dead grass clinging to her back she's digging in a small cooler. Picking out some red white and blue ice pop she stuffs the wrapper inside before flopping back down on the ground. Still, not a single word out of her. She sick? High?
The more he looks at her painting her lips with the cherry end of the ice cream the more he's bothered by her silence because he can't help but see something else in his head. The way her tongue swipes across her bottom lip collecting the sticky sweetness there makes him tense in a way he shouldn't be around her but can't seem to help.
“Why ain't you sayin’ nothin’?” He asks. It just sort of bubbled up.
She takes her time answering sucking on the end of it making a soft lewd noise that makes his dick twitch. “Thought I talked too much Dixon?” there isn't even any anger in it. She's acting like she isn't even bothered by him being there watching her suck half the ice cream in to her mouth like she suckin’ cock.
“You do.” He drops the spent butt on the ground, his fishing pole forgotten.
She hums again around her snack, lips making a slurping noise around it like they do on titty channels that come on late at night. “Want me to ask you how you got that shiner?” She turns her head to look at him and if she notices him move his leg to hide his half chub she doesn't say.
Mercy runs a tongue along the underside of it catching drops of it before it can land on her tits and he's silently hoping she misses just one. Then his dick is coming alive thinking of her swearing the melted sugar water across them, swirling the red end over a nipple until it's rock hard. He don't need to be thinking about her like that but he can't look away.
She sits up holding in her mouth, cheeks hollowing around it and he swears she's doing it on purpose. No, she knows what she's doing and this–this tease is secretly eating up the attention. Mercy grabs the bottom of her shirt, pulling it over her head. She isn't wearing a bra or even one of her bright colored biking tops, no, she isn't wearing anything at all now ‘cept them frayed shorts of hers.
“Put your shirt back on Mercy!”
She lickin on the end for a moment, watching him watch her. He can't not think about how her ice cream is smaller than his dick. “Stop actin’ all mad.” She drops her head back.
Stop actin’ mad? Stop actin’ mad! She's doing this to fuck with him cause he doesn't wanna talk to her. He can see it in the way she smiles at him before biting off the last of the cherry flavor. Knows it when she leans back on her elbows to push her tits out on full display. She does all this shit just to fuck with him and he can't even figure out why! She treats him like he's nothin’! Tryin’ to push all his god damned buttons! Fuck her and fuck this!
He has to readjust himself as subtly as he can just to stand up. Even being mad at her doesn't stop his cock from throbbing, doesn't stop the ache. Then he's mad all over again because this is Mercy he's thinking about. Bitchy, awful, needy Mercy who comes over and smokes pot with Merle. The same girl who laughs whenever his brother calls him some stupid girl's name. This same girl who tries to lay against him on the couch when Merle leaves to go get more beer because she's lonely.
He's shaking his head. “I ain't in the mood for your shit. ‘M goin’ home.” He hates her. Hates the pink strip of colored hair that falls over her shoulder. Hates the way his brain has already memorized the trail of blue melt that's dripping on the swell of her breast and racing for her dusky nipple.
“If you stay–” she shouts loud enough for him to hear. “I'll let you touch em'.”
He even hates himself at this moment because now his feet are planted in the ground. Needing a distraction he lights a cigarette he doesn't even smoke. “The fuck you think I wanna touch your tits for?”
Mercy shrugs. “You keep staring.”
He snorts a breath of air through his nose. None of it even means anything to her, she's just messing with him. Always messing with him and he was tired of being nice. “You're the one who whipped em’ out to get me to look. What did you expect?”
Her face twists up. “I'm sun bathing asshole! I was the one who was here first!”
“And you ain't pretending to give the world's shittiest blow job with that thing?” He takes a hit off his cigarette nodding to the sweet melting in her hand. Her face is turning red, the tips of her ears are burning in embarrassment. He's turned the tables on her, called her out on her little game and she can't take it. Some distant part of him feels an inkling of pride at that. Her lip curls and he's moving towards her one slow step at a time.
“I changed my mind. Get fucked!” She throws down her ice cream in the grass.
Letting out a soundless laugh he's next to her now. Daryl's looking down his nose at her, the blue melt finally falling off the tip of her breast. “You wanna suck cock? Here it is.” Then he's grabbing himself through his jeans.
He blames the fact that there's no blood left in his head for why he's acting like this. That he needs her good and pissed off and disgusted all so she'd quit trying to get on his nerves all the damn time. He wants her to hate him as much as he hates her. Only, she ain't pushing him away. No, she's licking her sticky lips as she looks up at him behind those big ugly glasses.
“What? Can't figure out how a belt works?” He asks her. He's goading her to yell at him, but she hasn't yet. He sticks the smoke in his lips bending down to grab her hand. He pushes her fingers against the buckle when he stands back up. “C'mon! You want it so bad you're going to have to take it out yourself.”
Mercy bites her bottom lip as she twists to sit on her knees in front of him. His heart stutters in his chest when she begins to tug on the strap and he nearly laughs. She was so desperate she was actually going to suck him off. She's silent for probably the second time in her whole life as she undoes his belt.
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sirensvcubus · 1 year
Daryl Dixon FanFic-Rough Hands
Relationship: Daryl x Reader
POV: First person
Where: Alexandria
When: First night
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For years I barley knew him, I respected him but he’s distant to everyone, I cant help but notice the scars on his back, and the fleeting look whenever family’s mention, for years Ive known Daryl but I know nothing about him nobody does. Daryls shy in a way, hiding his emotions and showing no sign of fear. I never thought to much about him. Until all I could do was think about him; Miss him and his touch, crave it even, but nobody could know… he couldn’t know. I had a school girl crush on Daryl Dixon.
I thought it would go away, just pent up energy in the apocalypse with no were to go, but it never did.
Life wasn’t about living but about surviving, Then we got to Alexandria.
Covered in blood and dirt we crawled are way into this surreal town frozen in the past, a past I barley knew.
Together on the cold hard floor of the living room huddled around like wild animals in a pack. That was the first night in Alexandria for our little group.
But not for me I chose to sleep next to him, where I felt most safe, especially in an unfamiliar place. I rolled on my side where I found you staring up at the ceiling not even trying to sleep.
He reeked covered in dirt and blood, his greasy long hair resting on his face covering those beautiful blue tired eyes.
He turned looking at me, the eye contact made me shutter in the dark.
“Like what you see” Daryl said.
“Always do” I smirked.
We always joked, but I never got to know him, which I desperately wanted.
“I don’t trust this, I want to but I’m scared”
“I’ll protect you, always do” He mimicked jokingly.
Wether it was sleep deprivation, dehydration, or a sudden boldness I felt covered by darkness; I reached out and laid my hand on his bicep.
“I feel safer when your around Daryl”
And I rested my eyes trying to look like id dazed off. I felt his arm twitch under my fingertips and after a few minutes past he rested his hand over mine.
His fingertips were rough and wide, yet I would take his touch over any smooth gentle hands.
I barley slept just laid there with my eyes closed feeling his arm, and his hand on mine. My thoughts raced all night. Maybe I could do far more than survive.
I woke up late in the afternoon, it felt like I hadn’t slept in months and truthfully I really hadn’t. Everyone was gone from the house as far as I could see. There was a pleasurable familiar feeling, which I deduced was the smell of a freshly brewed pot of coffee.
As I approached the kitchen I saw Daryl, showered and smelling of mint and sandalwood. His hair tucked behind his ears with the exception of a strand peeling over his eye like always, the one with the scar.
“Im sorry do I know you.” I said sarcastically.
“Whats that saying, early bird gets the worm? You would not be getting any worms today ma’am.” He said with an unfamiliar smile on his face, while holding out a cup of coffee.
His voice was rough and deep, with his withered accent. It was like hearing my favorite song play after years.
“Well I why would I need to when I have you to make me coffee.” I said, accepting the coffee with a warm smile.
We both sat on the living room floor leaning against the wall, sipping coffee glancing over at each-other; and occasionally making small talk.
You leaned your head up against the wall facing him. “Why do you always have this here?” I said wiping the strand of hair behind his ear.
He looked deep into my eyes glancing at my lips.
“Just how it falls I guess.” He mumbled with a shrug. “Who would wanna see my ugly ass face anyway.”
“Me, your face is beautiful, don’t even get me started on your eyes.” I smirked innocently.
“Don’t play with me girl.” His voice said in a deep grumble, looking away.
“Im not” I said sincere “not about this.” You said looking over at him as you pit your hand in his.
He slowly turned dazzling me with those dark blue eyes. He turned his hand with mine still on top of his and slid his fingers slowly between mine.
“Ok.” He said scanning my face, taking time to stop at my lips in his gaze.
He slid his other hand up my arm turning into me slowly as he made his way and stopped at my cheekbone pulling me in closer. I didn’t resist and ran my fingers through his hair shuffling onto him.
We kissed slow and passionately. Pulling my lip as he made his way carefully out of each kiss. It was warm and I felt a rush of excitement and joy. One kiss and already I was falling in love with him. He softly caressed my cheek with his rough hands and I could have died happily the next day as long as this was how I spent my last hours.
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That was it.
(a new post? it's been months, bro!)
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What -- Daryl had a dream featuring You. It's thrown him a little, ngl.
When -- the first day Daryl is bedridden following his two falling trips down the ridge in the episode Chupacabra. In the Slowpoke Series, it's a few hours after Redemption Arcs, which takes place the morning after Thank you, angel...
Who's in this one? -- Daryl, You, Carl, Lori
Perspective -- POV 3rd person Daryl
Relationships -- slow burn, currently platonic-but-confused Daryl x equally oblivious Reader
Pronouns - she/her
TWs -- some language, and reference to Daryl's childhood neglect, and ghastly screenshots with poor editing XD
Masterlist -- Official one here and Chronological one here
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Her knock was recognizable and he got a rush in his stomach when he knew she was there. Three or four knocks, a pause, then one or two more knocks with some kind of greeting. This time, is was: “Daryl, you up for visitors?”
Was he ‘up for visitors?’
Ain’t like he’s some old dude in a nursing home, why would—oh shit, did this mean they found Sophia? Was Sophia the visitor?? “What is it?”
“It’s Carl’s first field trip out of bed other than for the toilet.”
“Y/N,” came Carl’s groan through the shut door.
“Carl,” she teased back back in the same tone of voice. “Mr. Dixon’s in the same boat, nerd, no leavin’ bed excepting for the facilities.”
Speaking for himself, the kid finally said, “I wanted to go see you first, Mr. Dixon.”
“Just—come in already,” Daryl grunted. He'd already tugged his bedsheets as high as they'd go, he was ready as he could get.
The knob turned, and as the two of them slowly walked in. He made himself relax when the nerves hit him at seeing Y/N.
It's stupid. His dumb ass started getting nervous around her this morning. Nervous around Y/N, of all the people here!
Daryl noticed Lori hovering by the doorway while Y/N and Carl walked in. She explained, “We don’t want to crowd you like yesterday. And we won’t stay too long, Y/N, Maggie and I will be going out for another sweep of our grid.”
The boy had more color than he did the other day when Daryl went to see him, which was good.
"The head wrap stuff they gave you looks cool," the kid told him. "I'm glad you didn't get hurt worse than you were. I heard you got hurt pretty bad." Slowly, Carl made his way to Daryl’s bedside and seemed beat doing it. “I would go out to help search today if I could. I was the only one of us who—well, other than you—who hasn’t gone out looking today. Beth’s older sister and Jimmy and his mom went, too.”
“Well, Mags came with us,” Y/N filled in. “Jimmy looked around the property and its perimeter only, but that’s because he got in trouble yesterday for joinin’ without permission. His mama searched with him to keep the peace.”
As the news hovered, rolled over him, then sunk in, it felt to Daryl as if were making him sink deeper into the mattress where he lay bandaged, bruised, and not much use to anyone.
He’d nearly died trying to find that little girl yesterday, found her doll. And after just about everyone went out searching today, and all them people came back with zip.
Daryl hated feeling helpless, and now he felt helpless, annoyed and angry.
Really, they all went out searching, and somehow all came back with nothing?
Carl kept chatting to him, but to his credit, Daryl didn’t snarl at him to shut up.
“I would’ve wanted to go to target practice, too. Did you know Mr. Douglas knows how to use guns? He told me he was an instructor, he’d started learning way a long time ago after something bad happened to this guy named Ronny King.”
“Rodney,” his ma corrected softly.
“I want to learn how to use a gun. How old were you when you learned, Mr. Dixon?”
Lori and Y/N reacted to the question in their own ways.
Y/N peeked at Lori and it looked like she was shrinking into her neck like a turtle as she walked to the window to get the stool for Carl to sit on.
Lori saw, shook her head and took it from Y/N’s hands, citing, “Let me, honey.” She placed it behind her son, then told him sternly, “You were just shot. Now’s not the time to discuss you using a gun.”
“But Mo—”
“We can talk about that with Dad later, okay, bud?”
“Y/N started learning to shoot when she was 8.”
That made Daryl blink, and it distracted him from his annoyance. His square, chick friend learned about using guns when she was 8?
Y/N gave her nephew a warning stare. “I learned because my own mama in our own circumstances made a decision for me that she determined would help keep me safe, the same way your mama’s makin’ one for you.”
He jut out his chin a little. “I would be safer with one. And I thought Shane taught you?”
“S-Sometimes babysitting me meant us goin’ to the range,” she allowed, eyeing Lori for help.
“Carl,” his ma told him, and with a look firm enough to make a nun cower. “That’s enough interrogating your aunt. We will talk about this with Dad when you’re able to leave bed for more than a few yards.”
“Okay,” the kid apologized, head lowering. “Sorry Mom, sorry Y/N.”
There were about three seconds of silence, tops, when the boy next asked Daryl, “Do you still think Sophia’s alive?”
Y/N froze, Lori tilted her head and looked Daryl in the eye warily.
As for Carl himself, he at least seemed hopeful. “If you could stay okay for nine days when you were a kid, Sophia can stay okay for five.”
Y/N’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. He'd told her the other day about it, then decided Carl should know to keep his spirits up.
Lori, who knew nothing about this, looked alarmed. “You went missing for nine days as a child, Daryl?” she repeated.
Daryl nodded, getting dizzy when he did. Wasn’t no big secret, just some dumb mistake he made when he was little. He'd figured that Carl staying hopeful and expecting people to find Sophia would keep the rest of the people here searching.
Y/N already knew about Daryl’s little nine-day accident, and Andrea; might as well let Lori in on it if it meant more people wouldn’t give up on Sophia.
“Yeah, nine days. Was perfectly fine, and that was with me bein’ nowhere near as sharp as Sophia, and without miles of farmhouses and shit around.” Daryl figured exaggerating might help Carl feel happy, so he added, “I was dumber than a post, and even I got away with only an itchy ass from using poison oak as toilet paper.”
It did make the kid smile, but then Carl whispered as if he was nervous, “Quarter.”
Y/N wasn’t nervous at all. “Two of ’em.”
Oh, right. Daryl had forgotten about the no-cuss-around-kids rule.
“I’m sorry that happened to you,” is how Lori responded quietly to Daryl, then to his relief, she changed the subject back to asking Y/N how target practice went.
“Lore, did you know Teddy was good with guns?” Y/N shared. “I’d had zero idea.”
“He and Shane talked about being instructors on one of the first nights at the quarry.”
“Man, I missed that whole conversation.”
Lori smiled and began to fix the extra blanket that was crumpled on the side of Daryl’s bed.
Daryl almost missed what was being said because he was distracted by how casually nice that was. Damned thoughtful.
It was that moment when he noticed how he’d grown pretty okay with shooting the shit with these people. Wouldn’t seek it out, probably, but he wasn’t crawling out of his skin, neither. He really liked that the kid wanted to see him, too. It helped him feel like he wasn’t as big an asshole as he felt.
“You, Amy and Glenn were busy playing ‘I never’, if I’m remembering it.” Lori spread blanket out at the foot of the bed and folded it in an accordion-type way. “Either that night or the—no, sorry, it was the night everyone started talking about Bigfoot, the kids were sitting around you three. That was one of the first nights, wasn’t it?”
“Oh, right! We used up all the Tapatío, and this guy mentioned his chupacabra.” Y/N stuck the tip of her tongue out and lightly bit it, grinning big.
“Luis and me got so freaked out that night!” Carl joined in, suddenly as energetic as a little bunny-rabbit. “His older cousin told him all about Okefenokee Swamp, and, and the gators and the Pig Man and the Thing!”
“Your Aunt Evie and I camped with Grammy and Grandad at Okefenokee lots of times when I was a girl,” Lori told them both with a smile in her eyes. “Never saw the Pig Man or the Swamp Thing.”
“But they saw her,” Y/N mouthed to Carl. “Thank God we lived more upstate.”
That, Daryl could agree with, he even made a hum.
He was from way up north, close to the Tennessee border. But with this group that he’d stuck with for who-knows-why, to get to Fort Benning they’d driven far enough southwest that they was basically in Alabama.
“Yeah, you’re from further north, too, right?” Y/N sighed. “I’m so darn homesick, man. We’re just about on the fall line now, aren’t we? Driving to the city was one thing, close enough to home, but the roundabout, southwest mess we made trying to get to stupid Fort Benning was—w-we’re basically in Alabama!”
…His thoughts exactly.
“We’re further from Lake Lanier down here, though,” Carl said. Sounded like he was both trying to cheer her up and rib her. Inside joke most likely, Daryl guessed.
Y/N shivered at the name but couldn’t stop herself from breaking into a smirk, which made Carl crack up. After making a face at him, she looked at Daryl. “Dude, you’d have had a good time at practice.” Her smile grew and she leaned toward him. “As soon as it was time to try hittin’ the targets, Jimmy tried to shoot his pistol sideways.”
“What, all gangster?” he grunted back, glad that he wasn’t alone with her again. He liked didn’t mind being alone with her, but he obviously got smacked in the head a little too hard yesterday, seeing as he felt all nervous around her now. Really nervous. Like, so goddamned nervous, man, it’s good the boy and Lori are here, otherwise he’d be barely able to look her in the eyes.
Give it a day or two, he’d be fine.
“Teddy thinks Jimmy will have to undo Hollywood and video game gun stuff the next couple lessons.” She scrunched her nose, and wondered out loud, “Don’t know why that’s what they show in movies so often, that’s irresponsible firearm use. Oh! But the angled aim I guess is needed when one’s using a riot shield, right?”
His mouth lifted into a grin. Y/N could be such a square.
With that, she yawned and leaned on the side of the bed, causing it to dip down slightly. Daryl’s heart did a funny jolting type thing when she did, he inhaled too quickly as a result, which hurt his stiched side and bruised or broken ribs, so he then winced as a result of that.
“How long do we have ’til we head out again, Lore? I’m hittin’ my limit. Looks like Carl’s crashing, too, you doing okay, baby?”
The conversation that followed didn’t reach his head, Daryl was too distracted. The, um, the movement of the bed dipping as Y/N relaxed and reached back to massage her shoulder caused the memories from last night and the dream that followed to whoosh back to Daryl even harder.
His heartbeat did that funny thing again. And the helpless feeling he’d had, with its anger and annoyance, whittled away bit by bit.
A weird sensation replaced it.
He wasn’t sure that it was, but it felt like it was pressing him even further into the mattress.
So, the dream he had last night: Y/N was…laying down with him.
Nothing was going on, her arm was simply wrapped around him and he could feel her heartbeat against his chest. He remembers pressing his mouth to her head for a second, then she reached her hand to brush it across his temple or whatever, and they just laid there. That was it.
Really, that was it, the whole dream, nothing else went on. And he relieved but also...disappointed when he first woke up, saw the bed empty beside him, and figured out it was just a dream, ain’t that bullshit? Then he listened to Y/N's breathing where she lay on the air mattress and couldn't fall back asleep for what felt like a while.
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He was all screwed up, wasn't he?
Granted, two days ago, her shirt had been soaked after they’d got caught in the storm and the outline of everything was clear as damn day. Like, sure, he’d turned his eyes away, but he’d still seen it and liked it! Then, yesterday during their argument when they’d suddenly been standing all close, he’d randomly imagined gripping her waist and crashing his mouth against hers before cupping her face so he could see if her cheeks were as soft as they looked, like what the in the balls was his deal? He ain’t mature enough to be friends with a chick or something? It’s never been a problem before, he used to barely even notice or care when he thought someone looked nice.
Her calling him all them pet names yesterday was enough, but, like, what was last night?
She literally massaged him. Who does that?
The massage had felt as if there were an angel, don’t get him wrong, he’d been in so much pain. But being touched so gently but so…close, and right on his bare skin, it made him feel something similar to scared.
It wasn’t ‘scary’ in that sense, that’s not it, it felt…weird. Again, he didn’t know how to phrase it.
Worse still was that he thinks he accidentally called Y/N “angel.”
Out loud.
He still ain’t sure, his sleep was too disjointed to tell if he was awake or not, but — she’d started massaging his feet, he knew that much! His feet had hurt so bad that he’d almost cried again when she’d started to rub them because it was just such relief.
Fast forwarding to this morning, when he’d made his managed to power his way all by himself out of bed (oh, it hurt like a bitch) and out of his room to find the pisser, of course the first thing he saw when he opened the door was Y/N, all sleepy-eyed, messy-haired, and wrapped in a blanket like he was.
And, of course, the first thing she did was help him walk by putting her good arm around his back. He could feel her warmth and heartbeat beside his chest again, and when he turned his head, his mouth collided with her head. Kinda hurt. And she smelled good.
But all that sent the dream he’d had, the one where she was laying next to him, crashing back all at once.
Plus the fear that she’d see him in his boxers again and/or notice how his morning wood (ain’t his fault, he’d only just woken up and he had to take a whiz real bad!) was the only thing pinging through his mind as she walked him to the toilet.
Then when her brother dropped off some of his stuff from his tent, he had a sneaking suspicion it was Y/N who’d been the one to gather it up. Mainly because she’d been the one who promised him someone would bring him some things, but also because nail clippers and a toothbrush were on top of the pile.
He then got the dumb idea in his head to be embarrassed at how his tent wasn’t real clean.
The past four days were batshit crazy; getting all nervous around a chick — probably the only person he truly feels okay with around here — is the stupidest damn thing. Still, he never had a person he felt so damn comfortable with other than Uncle Jesse, his little cousin, Merle, and his old lady neighbor from when he was a kid.
So much happened with Y/N the past few days. It was like they’d been stripped and beaten together, but got back home in one piece. He even hallucinated her talking to him when he’d fallen down the ridge. And that’s not even bringing up how he’d been chill with her seeing his scars yesterday, which was only after he okayed Dr. Farmer literally teaching her how do literal goddamn stitches on him!
Almost like yesterday, Daryl could imagine the way Merle would bust his balls. “I can’t tell if you’re actin’ like a little boy clinging to the kid who was nice to ’em on the jungle gym, or a clueless virgin nervous around the girl who’ll look him in the eyes long enough.”
Lucky for him, Carl wondered out loud: “Maybe Jimmy wanted to practice shooting sideways,” so Daryl was able to shut his mind up.
Next, Carl, who definitely looked ready to hit the sack, started miming holding a gun and aiming it to the side (as opposed to shooting it forward, just cocked to the side like Jimmy had, according to Y/N).
“No, ya nerd, like this,” Y/N snorted, and held out her good arm as if she were aiming a gun forward, then twisted her wrist sideways.
“Oh, the cool way to shoot!”
-> Masterlist link here <-
and our teeny tiny taglist :D
@spenciepoo338 @its-freaking-bats​​​​ @whistlesalot​​​​ @buffy-the-assbutt-slayer​​​​  @dreamingaboutthewonderland @kwazii-kat​ @darylsmavis​​​​​  @outlanderhornet22​​​​​ @battinsonrobs @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @multiifandomhoe @writingmybeloved @boomergirl123 @iheartathena0 @moonliight-luv @suniloli @supernaturalgirl02 @cnake-garden @daryldixmedown @sophehe @crashlyrose @virgo-sunflower920 @jennythe @theficbaker @vampireautism @rosetta196 @wifeof-barnes
(inbox is open if you would like on or off the taglist, slowpokes. Please don’t feel bad or nervous if you don’t want to be tagged anymore, just let me know in the inbox! We’re all friends here and your comfort level matters)  
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Mistake | Daryl Dixon x GN!Reader | Imagine #1
Note: This boils down to my random need for my favorite comfort characters to tell me I matter to them.  I usually don’t write imagines but I feel like I might write a longer piece for this later after finally posting all my drafts, so yeah... Small blurb it is. I’ve never written a story from 2nd POV, so this is another first, haha. 
Fandom: The Walking Dead
If you want to be tagged in my stories send me a pm with the fandom/character name! Or comment on the fic :)
Warnings: Self-Conscious Reader, Mentions of Suicidal Thoughts, Slight OOC
Word count: 481
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“What the fuck were you thinking?!”
You stared at him baffled. Sure, you expected that the sort-of-self-sacrificing thing you pulled on your latest supply run would maybe rouse some anger but you honestly didn’t think it would be Daryl’s. 
Rick’s, maybe, but not his.
But here you were, your feet aching from walking 20 miles in the last 12 hours, standing in front of a furious Daryl Dixon who you randomly came across in the woods on your way back to the prison. And he was shouting at you.
“I had a plan!”, you defended yourself but even in your ears it sounded kind of dumb. 
You weren’t thinking during that moment when you had locked the door in front of Glenn’s face, shot off your gun and ran away to distract the walkers from the others. You just wanted your friends to be safe.
They were important to you. More than they knew. They were your family even if you didn’t particularly show that you felt this way about them, and you didn’t want to lose your family twice. 
It would probably kill you if any of them died. Each of them was important to the group and contributed in ways you were unable to.
If anyone had to sacrifice themselves, it should be you. You weren’t as connected to the others, as you met them while traveling alone, so it would hurt them less. You were not as important as Daryl or Glenn or even Maggie. That’s at least what you thought.
But it seemed like you were wrong.
“What plan? To kill yourself?! There was no need for you to do that! The door would’ve been strong enough!”
His words stung. Deep down you sort of knew he was right. The door would have probably been able to hold out against the walkers but you didn’t want to take any chances. You sighed.
“It doesn’t matter, okay? I made it out alive.” 
This time remained unsaid but the deep furrow of his brows made it clear that he knew exactly what you were thinking.
You wanted to walk past him but he pushed you back with two fingers, clearly not yet done with this stupid discussion.
“It doesn’t matter? Rick had to return to Carl and explain why you weren’t with us, the last two days we had to think you were dead!”
“Why are you so worked up about this? You barely even talk to me when we’re in the same room!”
It just didn’t make any sense. Why was he so angry? You always felt like there was a certain distance between you and him. He was never the one to stir up a conversation with you, so why...
“Because you matter to me! You’re important to me! And if you think about pulling any sacrificial bullshit again, I’ll make sure you’ll regret it forever!”
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im-immortal · 4 months
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Small Miracles
Beth Greene is not dead. Though it is not for a lack of trying.
After eight long years spent in the CRM's grasp, struggling to find reasons to continue surviving, Beth finally finds her reason: Rick and Daryl are alive, and they are closer than she ever could've guessed. Now she must take advantage of her only opportunity to escape and track them down.
Along the way, she revisits all of the places that changed her into who she has become. And she is forced to remember who she truly is at heart despite how unrecognizable she finds herself.
But she has an unexpected ally along for the journey. Just the same as her, he is somewhat of a living miracle. Except he's no longer living... he's a walker.
[Moonshine Awards 2023 Third Place Winner for Best WIP ZA, and Second Place Winner for Best WIP Reunion/Fix It!]
Chapter 19 // Part 11: Nuevo Atlanta
"It is no longer just the old campus of a college, but an entirely new town. We are spreading out more every year. We have already reclaimed four blocks of the city, and we are working to reclaim more. It has become our territory, our property, our home. We’ve had twenty-three live births this year alone, and many more over the last eight years.” Twenty-three living, crying babies who require food and attention and safety, Beth thinks. She exhales a breath of disbelief. “How many people live here now?” Yesenia shrugs casually. “Over four-thousand, give or take. We are due for another census before the new year.” It’s like a punch to the gut. Beth stops in her tracks and looks around with a newfound sense of realization. This place had appeared big, and it is clearly prospering, but to think that over 4,000 living people are residing here? That’s unspeakable when it comes to the expectations of the CRM.  Populations like this simply do not exist outside of the Civic Republic and the Hidden City.  “What-why are you not listed on the map?” She asks, settling her gaze on Yesenia, who has also stopped and turned around to meet Beth’s eyes. Yesenia smiles coyly. “That is another story, mija. I cannot tell it properly on my own.” She gestures for Beth to follow as she begins leading the way forward. “Come. We should meet with El Concejo. They are expecting you.”
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 6 months
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NAH not this again- I can deal with walkers ripping into intestines, people getting their eyeballs knocked out, but give this man a bowl of soup and I gotta take my headphones off lmao
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ashtheketchum · 1 month
● Some revenge ●
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Daryl Dixon X fem.Reader
Era: Season 11, Commonwealth
Summary: The neighbors in your new home are way too loud. So you and Daryl got revenge. Warnings: +18 CONTENT, , FEM.Reader, unprotected sex, doggy style, handjob, dirty talk, spanking, petnames (like Baby and Babe)
Words: 2.4k
PoV (Y/N):
We had been living in the Commonwealth for a while now and Daryl and I already had jobs too. While Daryl worked with the other soldiers, I had to work at a bookstore. Although I wanted to work with Daryl, Hornsby said I would be better off with a quieter job. It annoyed me, but I accepted it and worked in that store from morning to night. Sometimes Judith and RJ came by to keep me company, but whenever I saw them, I saw tired faces. And I also knew the reason why.
Although we lived in a small apartment, the walls were incredibly thin so you could hear everything. And the neighbors weren't particularly quiet.They talked way too loudly, had parties, or listened to loud music. And it didn't seem to bother anyone else, because when Daryl and I went to complain, all we got was the statement that the problem would be resolved soon. And that was quite a while ago.
So I sit tiredly in my chair, reading a book while I come up with a plan to solve this problem. Daryl had often suggested solving it in his way, but luckily I was always able to stop him. But then an idea came to me. The city knew that I had been with Daryl for several years now and I wanted to take advantage of that. The knowledge alone didn't even make many men think about looking at me askance. So with a slight feeling of happiness, I finished my work a little earlier and prepared everything for my plan. To do this, I picked up Judith and RJ from school and I made sure that they both slept somewhere other than in our apartment. And after that, I had to discuss everything with Daryl.
That same day I got the apartment ready, I got the bed ready, I put on provocative underwear and I also prepared some food. Of course I still had my pants and shirt on over my underwear, but I was still a little happy. It was becoming increasingly rare that Daryl and I had sex, but whenever we did, it was incredibly good. While I was preparing the meal, I heard the neighbors, who could never be quiet, enter their apartment and prepare everything for a loud evening. But I would be faster and hopefully it would be a little quieter. Daryl would even come home a little early. "Then let's start the plan..." I muttered quietly to myself before I heard our door unlock and Daryl step inside. "I´m back." He just grumbled loudly.
I walked up to him and hugged him tightly, a big smile on my lips. “Hey... How was your day?" I asked as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. Daryl just hummed quietly before resting his head on my shoulder. This was enough of an answer for me and I ran my fingers through his hair. He seemed very tired, I almost wanted to ditch the idea so he could rest. But I could hardly open my mouth before we heard the neighbors laughing loudly. Daryl and I both growled in annoyance before we separated and I went back into the kitchen while Daryl took off his shoes. "Where are Judith and RJ?” He asked as I spread our food onto our plates. "I sent them both somewhere else for the night, to friends' houses to be exact." "Oh? Why’s tha´?” I heard him ask and the next moment I heard his armor being stripped off.
I bit my bottom lip uncertainly before turning to look at him. Daryl only had on his black pants and his black sweater, which he always wore under his armor. The material was a little tighter to his skin than his other clothes, which is why I could see his slight muscles. I unconsciously licked my lips as I studied him. The archer noticed this, of course, and hummed briefly in amusement. He slowly walked towards me until he was standing in front of me, resting his hands behind me on the kitchen counter. “Ya have anythin´ special planned, woman?” His voice seemed a little deeper than it actually was and I had to grin slightly. "Yes… I wanted to take care of the neighbors… and I need your help for that…" My voice also became a little quieter, more passionate and Daryl growled softly.
My eyes filled with lust and I slowly moved my hand up his chest. “What’s on yar mind?” Before I answered his question, I pressed my lips firmly against his. Immediately the archer growled and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him even closer to me. Our lips moved against each other in a quick rhythm until I let my tongue roam his bottom lip. He immediately reciprocated my action by licking my lower lip and then sliding his tongue into my mouth. My tongue immediately received his and I moaned loudly against his lips. His hands moved lower and lower until they were on my ass. He pinched it gently once, making me whimper and jump up immediately. His strong arms immediately went under my thighs and I wrapped my legs around his waist.
Our pelvises were now rubbing right against each other and I rolled my hips against his to feel some pressure against my pussy. “Greedy~?” His voice resembled a purr and I hummed loudly. We broke apart briefly to take a breath and looked deeply into each other's eyes. His hands started massaging my butt and I started kissing his neck. I felt Daryl slowly move and in the next few seconds I was lying on our soft bed. Sadly our bedroom was right next to our neighbors living room, but now it couldn't have been better positioned.
Daryl pressed a gentle kiss to my lips before sitting up and wrapping my legs around his waist again. His fingers ran under my shirt and he slowly pushed it up until he could see my stomach. Grumbling, Daryl leaned down and kissed my stomach gently, his stubble tickling my skin a little, making me giggle softly. While he covered my skin with kisses, his fingers pushed my shirt further and further up until my breasts were now exposed. I wore a black bra that was very simple in design. It wasn't anything exciting, but at a time when you had to fight for your own survival and therefore only wore sports bras, this bra was very sexy. “God, ya look good~…” Daryl growled quietly as his gaze went up. I smiled slightly as his kisses continued upward until his lips brushed over my bra.
My nipples were already hard, but you couldn't see them through the bra. Daryl probably had the same thought I had because the next moment he took off my shirt completely and then let his hands go to the straps of the bra. “May I?” "Of course…" And with those words, he slowly pulled the straps from my arms. The thin material gave me goosebumps and I sighed loudly as Daryl opened the clip on my bra and finally took it off. He simply threw both on the floor and didn't give the material any further thought. He then did the same with my pants and panties. He kissed my clit briefly before sitting up again.
He slowly took off his shirt, his strong chest and his scars slowly becoming visible. Daryl had told me about his life back then, what his father had done to him and what he had to go through. I was sorry, but I also wanted to show him that he could feel safe and comfortable with me. Although it took a really long time, his fear gradually subsided and he now even dared to take a shower with me. “You’re perfect…” I murmured, my eyes all dreamy as I looked at his chest. I slowly ran my fingertips over his skin, over his nipples and then over his scar. The archer shuddered briefly before pushing me back down and pressing his face between my breasts.
He sucked greedily on my skin and licked it too. With his rough fingers he massaged my nipples, making me inhale sharply. I arched my back and I felt Daryl rub his pelvis against mine. A noticeable bulge was slowly forming in his pants and the bigger it got, the faster his movements against my pelvis became. My breathing became louder and louder, I had completely blocked out the noises of the neighbors. "God Daryl~…" "I know, baby~…" His voice made me gasp and I felt him slowly pull away from me. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his member, it was already rock hard and a few drops of pre-cum flowed down his shaft. "So hard for ya…~"
I slowly sat up and kissed his stomach gently. I wrapped my fingers around his shaft and moved my hand up and down. Daryl gasped softly as I squeezed hard a few times. I spread his pre-cum onto his shaft before he pushed me away and pressed his lips to mine again. Groaning, I closed my eyes, but before I could respond to his kiss, he pulled away from me again. “Turn aroun’~” He didn't even wait but grabbed my waist and turned me onto my stomach before giving my ass a slap. I whimpered loudly as I felt Daryl lift my hips. I laid my upper body on the mattress and turned my face slightly to the side so that I could still breathe.
“Ya wan’ tha’?” Daryl asked, his voice growling. His cock rose against my entrance and I just whimpered loudly. I confirmed his question with a nod and moved my pelvis further against him. He slapped my ass again, making me moan louder this time. I could be loud, shout, moan loudly. It was pretty unusual, but finally being able to do it felt really good. “Yes~! I want you inside me, Daryl! Please!” I then whimpered loudly. Daryl growled briefly again before slowly pushing himself into me.
His cock stretched my inner walls hard, making us both whimper and growl loudly. You could tell we hadn't had sex in a long time, my pussy was incredibly tight and Daryl's breathing was very fast. Just like mine. “God, ya feel good~…” Daryl purred loudly before slapping my ass again. Panting loudly, I gripped the bed sheet tightly while Daryl finally pulled back a little, only to then press himself completely back into me. He thrust into me again and again, our skin slapped against each other loudly, but our voices drowned out the slapping noises. “So good!” I screamed loudly. I could only faintly hear the neighbors murmuring something, but I ignored it and enjoyed the fullness that Daryl gave me. God, we have to fuck more often again.
Daryl moved his hips harder and harder against mine, his hands gripping my hips or waist tightly. Sometimes he would massage my ass, then he would caress my sides, and then he would slap my ass again. He kept this process for quite a while and he made me see stars with it. My eyes rolled back as his tip hit my special spot and I moaned his name loudly. “God, Daryl~…! Yes, fuck~!” “Ya like tha´?… yeh, ya like tha´, baby~” Suddenly his hand was between my shoulder blades and he pushed my upper body a little further down. He lightly pressed my face into the pillow and I screamed loudly into it. But Daryl didn't seem to like the fact that my voice was now much muffled, so he pulled me back up so that my back was pressed against his chest.
"I wan' ya, ta scream loud an' nice, 'kay?" He growled softly in my ear and I breathed faster and faster. I felt a little dizzy from my rapid breathing and Daryl's thrusts. He now buried his face into my shoulder, his right hand went to my breast, which he massaged roughly, and his left hand went to my clit. He massaged my clit in circular motions, just as he swirled his finger around my nipple. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum~…!” I screamed loudly. Daryl just growled loudly before I felt him bite my skin lightly. He wouldn't leave a mark, but it was enough to make me whimper. “Good~…cum aroun’ ma cock, yah?” He then growled in my ear.
His voice gave me goosebumps and I nodded quickly again. The pressure in my abdomen increased and my vision slowly became black. I felt that Daryl's thrusts were becoming more and more irregular and his cock was also throbbing harder inside me. Before I could do anything I came around his shaft and I screamed his name loudly. As loud as I was screaming, the entire house probably heard us, but we didn't care at the moment. “Fuck~…! Yes, jus’ like tha’…” After Daryl said this he pulled out of me and he flipped me over. He gently pushed me back into bed and he kissed my lips briefly. As he pulled away from me, he wrapped his fingers around his shaft and he moved them quickly down on us. He put his face between my breasts and he breathed in my scent deeply. The archer growled loudly once before I felt his hot cum on my skin. He sprayed on my stomach and some hit my breasts too.
Breathing heavily, he began kissing my skin as I also tried to get my breathing back under control. “God, that was good…!” I then uttered, with a slight giggle. Daryl just snorted briefly before sitting up and looking at my body. The archer remained silent for a moment before he got up and put his boxershorts back on properly and then got some towels. He gently wiped his cum from my skin before throwing away the towels and placing a kiss on my forehead. “Now the neighbors stay quiet… and if not…” Daryl didn't have to continue, I understood what he meant. A wide grin crept onto my lips before I nodded slightly and gently pressed his lips to mine.
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hidtired · 2 months
Hey, I love your stories for Daryl Dixon! If you wouldn’t mind I had a request? Daryl and reader have a pre established relationship (met at the querry, got together at the prison, got ‘married’ at some point) of a few years. During the line up, after Daryl hits Negan for killing Abraham, Negan can kind of figure out him and reader are together by matching wedding rings. To punish Daryl, negan can hang the reader until they ‘die’ (stop moving) and cuts her down. After Daryl is taken the group can realize, after being sad for a bit, that the reader is breathing and is alive and bring a her to hilltop. Negan could have put a bag over readers head or something before being hung so that once cut down its harder to tell she’s alive, and they could have even taken a picture of reader hung up to mess with Daryl in his cell. Dual POV. Extra extra angst, and happy ending/reunion when Daryl escapes please! If you could, could it be a few parts long? I understand if you can’t do that or even get to this request at all and that’s 100% okay! Anyways, love your story’s!
Someone cooked here... this is beautifully messed up. So right up my ally!
(Daryl Dixon x Reader) Masterlist
Description: Y/N Dixon was to be punished for her husbands actions at the line up. Negan decided to do it in style. To have a rope looped for your neck, intended for your death. Daryl watches you hang before being dragged away. But you had still been alive by the time you were cut down.
2.1k words
Warnings (Mentions of suicide, gore, ANGST, violence, injury, ect.)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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You met Daryl and slowly fell in love with him. Most say they fell in love at first sight. But you? It was slowly then all at once. He was a gruff man, but under that was the most caring person you ever met. You had caught yourself thinking of him differently while on the road after the farm fell. You were friends at the farm, joking and teasing one another.
"You bein' sweet on me?"
You sniffle wiping a tear and punching him in the arm. He had gotten shot by Andrea and had fallin on a bolt while looking for Sophia. The punch hurt your redden knuckles. You had turned and laid Andrea out on the grass. Her cry's of "Did I kill him?!" Sent you to shut her mouth. Your lip wobble trying to not met him eye to eye. Daryl sighed, "Come on girl. No water works for me." He chuckled at the sight, amused to see you so worked up for his sake.
He learned you cared for him that day. He also learned how much he did when everyone was separated after the farm fell. He hugged you. More of shoved you into him practically about to lift you in the air.
“What? Getting sweet on me Dixon?”
It didn’t become romantic until the first night at the prison. Better know to Daryl as ‘THE kiss’. You had finally felt safe for the first time in a while, and you were thinking of him like crazy. So, when he was a little too close and looked down to your lips for a split second… you took action and ran with it. You had grabbed him with both hands and slowly lean into him. Didn’t last long, a peck— a test. He looked taken aback before it clicked and he was kissing you more. Now this moment was better known to you as ‘scarring T-dog’. He had gone to find both of you for dinner and found Daryl pinning you to a wall while making out.
The question of marriage wasn’t proposed as much talked about one late night months into the prisons development. You lay down legs tangled you smiling at him like a fool. The people of the prison loved Daryl. So when a new comer he saved reference to you as Mrs. Dixon it got you feeling a way. “M’ not sure I wanna ask what’s got you all giddy.” You rolled into him more, a dumb smile on your face, “You~”. He raised a brow at you. There were moments when you got all lovey, on him, normally when you were about to start your period. Or ovulating which was a different kind of lovey…
“What do you think about marriage?”
He was not expecting that. He froze thinking of his parents. “Never had a good example of it?” He just didn’t understand the purpose of it. What was to be married? More so with how the world is now. You lean your head against his chest, “I see it as just a promise. To promise myself to you.” He looked down to meet your eyes, “Thought ya were already mine?” You nodded with a smile, “Exactly, I’m already yours. But I would be caring your name as mine.” That is when it sank in, you a Dixon. The Dixons. Them. His hold on you became a little tighter. It would mean everything they already did. He knew the only death could part each other. Thats when you officially became his wife. Later with rings to match.
Till death do us part…
That lead you all to here and now. Face to face to death. Negan, finished with his brutal attack to Abraham. The remainder of what left of him desiccated. Negan swang the bloody bat splattering everyone with blood. His taunting made the hot head that is your husband try and attack him. He landed a crushing blow before getting pinned.
Your POV
It had happened so fast. Daryl was pinned with his own crossbow pointed at his head. The man holding it speaking, “I could end it right here.” You couldn’t even speak, you were shaking. Had a hand to your mouth trying to quiet your sobs. ‘Please don’t kill him… not him.’ Negan had noticed the ring on your finger and took a look to everyone’s face at that moment. He finally turned back to Daryl, “Nah, you don’t kill that. Not unless you try a little first.” A sick smile pulling his lips, “Put him back in line.” He eyed Daryl, “I don’t know what lying pricks you’ve been dealing with but I did say you only get one! No exceptions.” Negan leaned back before slowly turning to you and pointing, “Get her up.” You were swiftly pulled to your feet. Daryl’s voice booming in displeasure. Negan spoke again put to the group surrounding you, “We’ve never done this before! Simon… get the noose.” Some ooos rolled through the crowd.
Negan turned back to Rick. Daryl still wiggling free to help you. “See Rick I don’t like the look in your eye. Any of your eyes, you just don’t seem to get it!” It was Michonne voice urgent as she witnessed them set up the rope in a tree, “W-we get it. You don’t have to do that-“ Negans voice booming with amusement, “Oh I know you do but I did say no exceptions.” He turned his gaze to Daryl at the mention.
You were to be made as an example. To everyone but also for Daryl’s action. You couldn’t blame him for attacking him. He was a sick man doing horrendous things… and with a smile on top of it. You watched the rope go over a branch and someone put a wooden box down under the hanging rope.
You remember finding your Uncle hanging from a pipe in the garage. You were 8. The corners office stated he was hanging there for half a hour before he died, cause of death asphyxiation. The height he fell from didn't break his neck. The height of the box to the tree wasn’t high enough either.
Daryl was cursing and spitting threats as they dragged you to stand on the box. “I’LL KILL YOU, TOUCH HER AND I’LL KILL YOU!!!” But as the rope was looped around your head those threats turned to please, “No— PUNISH ME! IT WAS ME! NOT HER-“ He was crying and you looked on while he thrashed around. You smiled to him. You were scared sure, whether you were going to die fast or slow going through your mind.
Tears tracked down your face but you had stopped crying and had a look that could kill. Negan only seemed cheerful as always taking notice to your calming demeanor. You looked on to everyone on their knees as they stare at you with pure panic. You saw Rick’s hand shaking, mouth periodically opening to say something but he had nothing to say to get you out of this. Daryl had stopped thrashing and was looking to you with a face that pained you. He was pale from blood loss, eyes brimming with tears.
Your vision was blocked by a bag that was thrown over your head. You could slightly see through the fabric. Your heartbeat was in your ears. Negan had now come to stand next to you, “Now there is a new world order. You have shit I want so you give it to me or you could join— Hell her name?” You hear a savior state your name. “Ahh Y/N here… So let’s get this crystal clear for all of you now. You all belong to me.” He turned to you, “Any last words?”
You took a deep breath, “See you in hell.”
He chuckled. It was silent for a moment, air filled with anticipation. “Hope I don’t keep you waiting-“ He kicked that wooden box out from under you.
You felt gravity pulling you to the ground. Then the feeling of the rope tighten around your throat. Your ears picking up on the sounds of yelling and crying from your family. You had bobbed like a fish on a line. You put your hands to the rope on your neck. Struggling to breathe. Your body thrashing dangling from the tree. It wasn’t until you tilted your head back you got a little air. The noose didn’t seem to close all the way. Inside your mind yelled one thing, ‘go slack’. You slowly released your hands from the rope dangling with the rest of you. Soon after stopping any movement despite your body wanting to. You felt a pressure in the back of your eyes. The lack of sufficient oxygen making you feel like you were spinning. And the growing pain radiating around your neck was something you’ve never felt before. Like you were dying.
Negan had been talking throughout you struggling. But you hadn’t the mind to listen. It was Daryl’s sobs you recognized. He sounded like he was getting pulled away with the sounds of a heavy door slamming. A flash of light came through the bag on your head, click of a camera soon followed after. Negan talked again before you felt gravity pull you again. He had cut you down. You flopped to the floor like a sack of potatoes. You felt the wind get knocked out of you. Whatever wind you had left anyways. It took you a second before your first real breath came to you. But you try to remain still, to play possum.
You still remained there on the floor, yelling in your mind to stay awake. Coming up with anything to remain conscious like, math problems or names of your childhood pets. You had the feeling like you were on choppy water. Swaying back and forth on a boat. The deafening silence pulled you from your mind. Maybe you had died? But you decided you needed to move.
Group POV
Everyone was still after the saviors left. The first shuffling of gravel was Glenn moving to his wife after snapping out of the shock. His movement snapping everyone out of it to. Maggie clung to him while sobbing, emotionally and physically distressed. The sound of groaning and raspy noises made them all turn to you. It was Rick who spoke, “She turned…” You body propped up on hands and knees. They looked on before it was Carl moved to put you down, everyone else had even yet to move before him. Carl only got a few steps before you pulled the bag off your head.
Everyone froze again. Your fist clenching around the rope still around your neck. The chocking noises and tears sounds as you struggle with moving, “Holy shit she’s still alive!” Aaron had ran past Carl to then kneel beside you. Removing the rope from you revealed a line of black and purple around your neck. The rest had made their quick approach to you in disbelief. You were clawing at anyone next to you, you were in pain and didn't know who to act other then to wither. One hand still to your throat. Your eyes were blood red and the noise you made while attempting to breathe was high and liquidy.
Sasha had moved up behind you looping her arms behind yours, “Quick we need to get her to Hilltop! Maggie to!” Michonne moving for your legs to carry you to a truck the saviors left. Glenn helping Maggie into the passengers seat. Eugene began to list facts about being hanged like, 'it takes 10-20 minutes before a person died. You had been hung by a 'suspension hanging' but the height you fell from wasn't sufficient enough. The Saviors lack of knowledge had saved your life.' It was mostly a nervous habit to provide the information, a sort of coping. He was watching Rick and Aaron put Abraham's body in the back on the truck bed.
Maggie yelled to support your head to Sasha who you laid onto. You were still fighting unconscious, tears streaming down your red eyes. Glenn slipped into the drivers seat. Maggie speaking out the windows, "We got her. Get back to Alexandria. Plan to kick those monsters in the ass." Just like that they were off to hilltop.
The rest stood to see the car go off into the distance. Still shaken but the littlest bit more relieved you hadn't died in the worse way imageable in front of them. When they finally got back in the RV to go back home Rick just couldn't help but spot the noose on the ground from the review.
Daryl had no clue about you getting back up from that monstrous act.
Part 2
Feedback welcome and requests always open and encouraged!
(If you or a loved one are suffering and having thoughts of suicide please seek help. You are wanted and loved. Its cheesy but true when people say it gets better.)
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Your Fault
Your Fault
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x f!reader, Reader POV
Summary: Reader is pregnant and suffering from morning sickness, only to be comforted by Daryl. Takes place in Alexandria. (I'm so bad at summaries, please forgive me).
Tropes: Fluff, Pregnancy Fluff, Established Relationship
Warnings: I mean, I don't think there's any. If anything I'll say references to past smut, but not explicit at all. Mentions of vomiting.
Word Count: 1.5K
Note: This is written in a dialect style with Daryl's accent in mind so the misspellings are intentional. There is minimal use of (y/n).  Any references to the reader besides the (y/n) is done using "your" or "you". I tried to proofread the best I could, but nobody's perfect. If you don't like, don't read, but if you do like you're my favorite!
Internal monologue is done in italics.
Daryl's hand is soft, tangling into the strands of your hair to pull it back from your face as you unleash the remnants of your dinner into the toilet with a loud groan. The brightly colored tile on the bathroom wall mocks you, each swirl of color illuminated by the fluorescent light above that hurts your sensitive eyes.
Who picks bright pink for bathroom tile?
You think with a groan as your stomach heaves again.
Daryl’s right hand rubs soothing circles into your back  to let you know he's there.
“It’s alrigh. Jus get it all ou.” He mutters.
You had practically run him over when you ran to the bathroom, waving your arms to make him go away, not wanting to see you like this, but Daryl had ignored your half hearted attempts to push him away.
And even though you hadn’t wanted him to see you like this, it was easier. Daryl made everything easy, effortless, and most importantly made you feel loved, more loved than you had felt before all of this.
Your forehead presses against the cool lip of the toilet as you wipe the remnants of dinner off your chin and let out a shaky breath.
"Here." Daryl gently pulls you back from your position to wipe at your chin with a towel.
"Hmm." You lean into his touch with a sigh.
"Ya alrigh?"
“Come on.” He pulls you against his chest, sitting back so his back is against the bathtub, folding his knees in front of him and dwarfing the already small bathroom.
Daryl looks almost exactly the same as he did when you first met and every time you look at him, you feel the exact same. Butterflies flapping against the walls of your stomach, heart surging up into your throat while pins and needles trace his well placed rough fingertips against your arm. Every touch feels like the first, every kiss sets you on fire, and you wouldn't change a second of it. Sometimes you think just how lucky you are that all this happened, because you can’t imagine your life without him. Admittedly a little selfish, but  then you think of what your life would have been if none of this had happened.
Maybe you would still be in Atlanta finishing up your residency, still live in that apartment downtown, still have the same shifts, eat at the same restaurants- but then where would Daryl be?
Where else would you meet someone who got you so simply, who understood what you were thinking just with a quick glance. Who else would make you feel like you’d swallowed the sun when you found them looking at you?
And who else would you love as utterly and completely as you love him?
"This is your fault." You lean your head against his shoulder, stretching out your legs to knock your thigh against Daryl’s knee.
He was  taller than you, broader and stronger in all the best ways. It was what drew you to him, well that and you thought that it was cute how shy he was, how he'd stumble a bit through his words when you first started talking and how the tips of his ears would flush pink when you smiled at him.
"My fault?" You can hear the smile in his voice. Daryl shifts his arm up over your shoulder to pull you closer into his chest, brushing his hand up and down your arm, letting you settle into him.
"Yes. It's your fault I'm pregnant." Your right hand runs over your stomach that has begun to protrude more in the past few months, a whirlwind to be sure, but a welcome one. The initial 30 days had been 30 days of agony while you tried to think of a way to tell Daryl that he was going to be a father. When you first started dating he had been hesitant to tell you about the raised pink scars on his back and chest- the ones you had seen when patching up a bullet wound that he had taken for you.
And when he finally told you what his father did to him, you couldn't help but fold him into you and hold him close.
The pregnancy wasn't a surprise to you, you'd been living together since you'd arrived at Alexandria and this was a happy accident. But nevertheless when you told Daryl he had left without so much as a word taking your heart with him. You had stayed in bed for what seemed like days, only to have him arrive 4 hours later with a bouquet of wildflowers and prenatal vitamins, where he found them you didn't know, all that mattered was that he was back and he was happy. Happier than you'd ever seen him.
Since then Daryl had been at your side almost constantly, the occasional run had intervened, when Rick himself had to  drag Daryl away, but on each run Daryl always brought something back for you. Whether it be another book you could read together, one of the last candy bars to ever exist, or a knitted blanket to cover your shoulders when you dragged yourself into the bathroom at what seemed all hours of the day- like the exact one you had draped around yourself now. And when he wasn't on runs he was helping you with the small nursery, where a hand carved crib stood as another sign of Daryl’s love, the exact crib that made you burst into tears when he and Rick brought it into the house for the first time.
"Pretty sure we were both there." He rumbles with a smile.
"Logistics don't matter." Your eyes narrow.
"Pretty sure they do. Ya're the doc after all." Daryl's smirk makes a warm tingle travel down your spine, the same smirk that got you into this mess in the first place. "I also remember that ya were wearin my shirt-"
"Typical man blaming the woman for what she's wearing. I thought you were better than that."
His smirk grows. "More like what ya weren't wearin."
"My clothes were wet from the storm, I was trying to change-"
"Inta' my shirt!"
You lean away from him, feigning anger. "Oh you think you're so innocent? You came into the house soaked to the bone and no one should look as good as you do soaking wet." You accuse.
"Maybe you should have shut your eyes then." He shrugs.
"Shut up." Your hands fall against his chest, playfully pushing him away, but he grabs your wrists.
"Make me."
"Don't look at me like that." You groan shifting away from him. "That's what got us into this mess in the first place-" Your eyes search his face for a minute, taking in the familiar blue eyes and scruff that scratches against the smooth skin of your fingertips. "But at least we know it's a girl. No more Daryl Jr."
"We ain't gonna call 'im tha. And how do ya know it's a girl?"
"They say that  if it's a girl you get sick more often.”
He snorts, pulling you back into his chest. "The way ya are going we might be havin' two."
"Shut up. Don't joke about that. One's enough, and this one is taking it's sweet time."
"Maybe jus' likes it in there."
You groan into his solid chest, feeling his muscles tense around you, familiar and welcome.  "Everyone always talks about what a blessing it is to be pregnant, how you glow, blah blah blah. It's all propaganda! I feel like I'm smoldering. I'm fat, my feet hurt, I'm sick all the time-"
"Ya ain' fat y/n."
"Don't lie to me." You sit up to look him in the eye. "You made a promise to not lie to me."
"I ain' lying." He breathes.
You search his gaze, nostrils flaring as if you think you can smell the lie, but all you smell is Daryl. The hypnotic scent of cigarettes (that he refused to smoke around you), sweat,  the heady smell of the woods and the smell of a thunderstorm before it hits, that  clean smell of rain  as it dribbles through the branches above before falling onto your skin.
"Ya're even more beautiful than the firs' day I met ya." Daryl's touch is feather light against your cheek, drawing you closer so he can press his forehead against yours. "Pretty sure ya get more beautiful every day. And if this is a girl-" His free hand drags across your belly, smiling as the baby kicks against his fingers. "She's gonna be beautiful jus' like ya."
You feel the blush drift up into the roots of your hair remembering the day you met. “That was a crazy day-“
“Because ya shot me.”
“It only skimmed your hair, don’t be a baby. And I thought you were a walker.”
“Las' time I checked my hair is on top of my head.”
“You were fine.” Your palms gently fall against the scruff of his cheeks. “I’m really glad I missed.”
“Me too."
Thank you so much for reading!!
If you liked this fic, be sure to read the prequel “Meet Cute,” that shows the story of how Daryl and the Reader met!
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normans-fav-balloon · 26 days
Pov dating Daryl post apocalypse
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topazy · 3 months
A different tomorrow
Tomorrow’s promise au
Pairing: Shane Walsh × reader, Daryl Dixon x reader
Warnings: None
Shane’s pov 2.06
Shane does his best to bite down on his anger; if it weren’t for so many people being around, he would be ripping Dixon to shreds. Rick and Dale’s voices fade further into the background as he focuses on Daryl. Through the open flap of one of the tents, Shane watches as Lily tickles Jace’s tummy with her free hand while Daryl stares at her, his eyes full of adoration.
Motherhood suited Lily; the last few years hadn’t been easy for her, and before, she looked haunted most of the time. But her vulnerable look was now replaced by something else—a mother's love, which had only made her more beautiful.
What caused Shane’s gut to feel as if it were twisting on the inside was seeing the small glances shared between her and Daryl.
He thinks about all the shit he put her through by sleeping with Lori and can see how easy it would be for Lily to develop fleeting feelings for another. Blood's thicker than water. Even if she had a crush on Daryl, with his bluntness and bad boy attitude, he would never be her family, not in the way Shane was.
Rick lightly grips his shoulder, shaking Shane from his thoughts. “We need to deal with this. I’ll get Lori if you get my sister.”
Shane nods. It turns out Carl had lied to Dale and gotten hold of a gun, and now it was a whole other issue to deal with. He looks over to the tent and feels his blood boil. He couldn’t hear anything from where he was standing, but seeing the small smile on Lily’s face irritates him.
Shane feels as if he forgets how to breathe when he sees Lily leave their son in the tent with Daryl.
The son she had been refusing to leave with anyone else.
Between the cheating and what happened with Otis, he had noticed the shining look of love he used to see daily in Lily’s eyes slowly fading away; in its place was hesitation. The twisting feeling returned and pressed hard on his gut, making him feel sick. He wishes he could take all the pain he’s caused away so that he could see that look of love again.
A sinking realization hits him: Lily trusted Dixon to look after Jace more than she did him.
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boop-le-snoot · 1 year
cherry pt. 1 🍒
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gif by @taiturner
touch-starved!fem!reader x touch-starved, shy daryl dixon. this is pure tooth-rotting fluff with protective daryl, set somewhere in alexandria. the reader is a medic, this is a sweet build-up to smut which is going to be in part 2.
3.5k words, suitable for everyone. reader is referred to as "she", written in 3rd person, mostly daryl's pov, all lowercase. title from the lana song cherry because lana + norman = *author barks incoherently and descends into insanity*
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her knee landed between his legs with a soft thud. the meat of his thigh surrounded by her legs as he sat under the yellow overhead lamp, daryl's chest rose and fell steadily, caramel skin marred by a deep red welt.
he stunk like bloody sweat, moist soil and gunpowder and lead.
"I'll inject a local," she mumbled, tapping on the glass vial before inserting the syringe and filling it up with a clear liquid, "you gonna need some twenty stitches, boyo."
"you dun' hafta," he, nonetheless, winced; the welt went across his chest, over his pectoral and almost to his collarbone. all and all, far from the worst he's had.
painkillers were a luxury, better spent on someone else, someone not like him. but he knew better than to argue with a medic (or someone filling the position of one, for that matter).
the woman's scent enveloped his senses in an opaque fog of sweet summer sweat over sharp, cheap laundry powder. something bitter, like rosemary and thyme, something sweet, like cherries and wine.
daryl's eyelashes fluttered as the needle pierced his skin: once, twice, five times, all around the jagged edges of the torn wound. the breath he was holding in left his mouth in a humid huff.
her hands, so gentle, prodded at the edges of his hurt until he could answer her question of 'feel anything?' negative, honestly. briefly, the acrid stench of rubbing alcohol overshadowed everything else as she sterilized everything, the tools and him, to the best of her ability.
he opened his eyes.
"now," she lifted her clever eyes, surveying the scene, "I'm gonna perch myself here," she moved that much closer, one knee between his legs, the other on the side of his leg; hovering over the same leg, facing his reclined torso, "you tell me if you're uncomfortable. that's the only light here, I don't mean to invade your personal space like that."
he could have laughed, if not for the risk of disrupting her careful stitching of his flesh.
"don'tcha worry 'bout it, pretty girl," his voice gravelly low, daryl did his best to stay still.
she chuckled softly, "bet you say that to anyone who can stitch you up in an even line."
"no," he scoffed, surprising himself, "jus' you. rick's hardly a pretty girl."
her hands stilled, eyes momentarily darting to his. the yellow light reflected in them, giving her pupils a red-hot gleam, as if devil himself had taken a sharp turn and went to seek refuge inside her instead of coming down to georgia.
he studied it, studied his own blurry, open-mouthed, panting reflection in the pupils of the woman currently perched atop his lap. then the realisation hit him, like a derailed runaway train, and he immediately withdrew to count the cracks in the ceiling.
she cleared her throat, resuming the rhythmical push and pull of the needle.
"didn't know rick could do that."
daryl attempted to shrug - stopping it before the motion reached his shoulders - and grunted instead.
she continued to stitch, the suddenly pregnant silence punctuated by the crinkling of a wrapper. an extra large, sterile bandaid was placed over the wound after she applied something green and foul-smelling atop the now-closed gash; his grunted query was met with a curt,
and he was let go with instructions to return the next day for a dressing change.
he lied to himself. he waited until it was dark to show up the next day, well into the summer night, just to be placed in the same position - under the lone hanging lamp, under her.
cherries and wine, rosemary and thyme, complimented by a trail of herbal tea. she smelled like peaches, too, this time. or, perhaps, it were the blooming trees outside her window that snuck their sweet aroma indoors.
"healing nicely," she remarked off-handedly, seemingly oblivious to the rising level of his tension and his inner turmoil. "the pain not too bad? you seem grumpy. grumpier than usual."
this time, he waited until she removed herself from his form to bark a terse laugh.
"no, pretty girl," he eyed her in the dusky, dusty room and received a crooked smile for his troubles, "long day 'is all."
"tell me about it," she huffed, shoulders sagging a bit more than he would have liked.
"who's the prick bothering ya?" he couldn't help it, his mind immediately went... places. surely, he wasn't the only one who noticed her pretty.
"no-one but my own damn brain," she scoffed, seemingly at herself, "and maybe the dick from number 17. it's like he's doing it on purpose."
"doin' what now?" daryl's voice dropped, his eyes squinted. his palm migrated to the handle of his knife, a gesture utterly subconscious.
"gettin' injured," she grumbled, no real heat behind her words, "got shot with a dart last week, sprained his ankle on a routine perimeter check today. how did that man serve 6 years in the army is beyond me."
daryl's head tilted as his chest tensed, heart thudded uncomfortably against his ribs.
"isn't carol taking care of all the broken bones?" he asked, tone laced with suspicion.
she turned to face him; he felt, more than saw, the annoyed roll of her eyes.
"he demands a real doctor," the woman shook off the wrapper before leaning back into him and placing it over his wound in one swift, irritated gesture, "how come nobody's told him I'm just a good faker? everyone knows by this point. all he does is waste resources-"
"woah, woah," daryl's voice rose briefly as he attempted to halt the incoming ramble. not that he didn't want to hear what she had to say, it was just unusual to see the quiet woman so... not herself.
"sorry," she shot immediately, looking away, "he just gives me the creeps. I know it's mean but-"
"no," daryl shook his head immediately, "if he's botherin' you, he's botherin' you and he needa back off."
she chuckled as she leaned back to observe the results of her work. her eyes were tired and a little ashamed. "say whatchu want but you southern fellas are real gentlemen," her smile was soft.
nobody has ever spoken to him like that, much less referred to him as a gentleman. through the momentary awe, daryl let the corners of his lips tilt up in a closed-lipped, shy smile.
he didn't return the next day, and the day after, having been deemed healthy enough by rick to be sent off to hunt some game - all activities classified as "takin' it easy" by the community leader. people needed food, growing kids needed the protein.
the gash on his chest bled a little, not much, and the scab that formed afterwards looked proper, thick and healthy.
as he reached the gates upon his return, he could make out some shouting just on the border of the little gated town. a few voices did their best to be heard, one right over the other.
"whazzat?" he quizzed the guard.
"lil doctor lady," the guard responded, frowning, squinting into the distance, "and big john, arguin' over something. dunno what. rick's there too."
daryl did not like the sound of that. he didn't like that at all. he dumped the three deer right there on the muddy ground as soon as he crossed the threshold of the safe zone, powerwalking towards the arguing trio.
"... 'm tellin' ya, rick, she's makin' shit up! I risk my life every day goin' out and patrollin', getting the damn supplies so she could patch me up like she's s'posed to!" big john, red in the face and fists clenched, stood looming over rick as he defended himself to the unimpressed sheriff, "'s'not like I broke my damn arm on purpose!"
immediately, daryl's bullshit meter went off as alarms blared in his head at full volume. big john's words were a little too loud, a little too passionate.
rick's eyes darted towards daryl's rapidly approaching form; that was all he needed to know about the situation.
"if that were true, you'd have no problem with carol attending to you, man," for the time being, rick successfully played the good cop.
"she's not even a real doctor!"
"neither am I!" the woman finally spoke up, shooting a glance at daryl, too, as her shoulders dropped slightly.
"hey, what's your fuckin' problem?" daryl finally stomped close enough for big john to jump at his words.
"none of your damn business," he shot back immediately, switching to stare down at the woman. it wasn't hard for him to make her shrink: his name was big john for a reason.
"don't bother tha nice lady," daryl scoffed, straightening up, "least you want a fuckin' knuckle sandwich. first and final warning."
"oh, fuck you man," big john turned to daryl, taking a step towards the archer, chest puffing out with the force of his rage. his left hand was in a makeshift cast; the right one rose, rapidly flying, aimed at daryl's face.
it didn't take the archer much effort to side-step the large man. he was immediately responding with a punch of his own.
big john staggered, taking a couple of unsteady steps back; within the next second, another punch connected with his face, sending blood and snot flying as he fell on the ground noisily.
"that's enough!" rick yelled, pulling on daryl's shoulder.
for the time being, the archer was content to let himself be steered away from the fight.
somewhere behind him, a feminine voice mumbled something less-than-polite, sighing, as she joined rick in pulling him away from big john.
"you stay away from her, dipshit!" daryl added hotly, "fuckin' weirdo."
"c'mon big guy," she cooed softly, nodding to rick as she steered him towards her house, "let's get you cleaned up."
he let her drag him indoors, towards the kitchen sink where the smell of herbs was the most potent. throughout the dirt and grime that always followed his hunts, it was a welcome respite. earthy and natural in the best, the most tender of ways.
the woman checked his knuckles, tugging on his big, meaty hand to place it under a stream of cold tap water; his skin was clear, once the grime and blood and dirt was washed off. a coupla punches was nothing, his knuckles too seasoned to sustain an injury from something as simple as a fistfight.
in broad daylight, there was no need for her to perch atop him to check the wound on his chest.
daryl swallowed, following her hands with his eyes. in her pristine, clean kitchen, he'd never felt more out of place as she moved aside the neck of his sweat-stained shirt and touched the soft skin of her fingertips to the scab, checking for infection.
the corners of her mouth finally, finally tilted up. an angry, upset expression had no place on her face; daryl could feel himself deflate as the cloud over the head of the little doctor lady finally, finally dissipated.
"you didn't even tear the stitches, I'm impressed," she complimented him softly, brushing the shirt collar back in place and smoothing it out with her palm, "they're dissolvable, luckily. go wash up and come back, I'll put some antibiotic ointment on it just in case. okay?"
her touch burned, but it was a sweet sort of fire. the kind that remained in his mouth after a particularly delicious batch of spicy wings, blooming as he took a deep breath.
he wanted to chase it with his tongue.
his nostrils flared as he exhaled.
"okay, dar?"
she had a nickname for him. she stared at him with those round, trusting eyes, not knowing that in truth, he was no better than big john.
daryl's cheeks flamed.
"okay," he mumbled, unable to refuse her anything when her eyes.., "dun look at me like dat."
"like what?" she frowned again and oh no, this was so much worse than the earnest concern written plain as day on her face just seconds ago.
his heart hammered in his chest. his fingers twitched. he swallowed the lump in his throat, shuffled his feet.
"cya," finally, his legs cooperated! he ran out of the house like the coward that he was.
he didn't come back as she'd requested. he couldn't. instead, he stubbornly stood under an ice cold stream of water, as long as could manage - and it did exactly nada for his racing thoughts or his traitorous body.
the soap carol had made smelled like herbs.
it smelled like the kitchen where tender fingers prodded at his skin, where soft hair briefly brushed his cheek, where the overhead lamp illuminated a halo around the head of the woman that found a home inside his head on most nights.
dusk fell over the settlement as a knock disturbed the miniscule amount of peace he'd managed to find for himself in the darkness of the basement.
"daryl?" rick's voice yelled, "I gotta favour to ask!"
he was there in an instant. "whassup?"
"the doctor lady. big john's bin runnin' his mouth since dinner, ion like it. I think he's gonna be up to no good."
what daryl liked about rick was his straightforwardness and common sense. such concern had place to be. daryl nodded, walking inside to put on a clean shirt and pick up his crossbow.
"I appreciate it," rick clapped him on the shoulder, "I'd stick around myself but judy is teething and michonne has been up for three nights already, m'afraid she's gonna..."
"no probl'm, rick, ah get it," daryl cut off the rambling man, "you go take care of your baby girl."
as daryl made way to the woman's house, his mind switched to defense mode effortlessly. he knew just the perfect spot to perch himself in, away from prying eyes and well within the observation range of the entries to her house. it wasn't the most comfortable of spots but summer nights were warm and the birdsong from the trees provided a childhood sort of comfort under the clear, dark skies.
as he prepared to settle in, the main door to her house cracked open.
she wore short, thin cotton shorts and a worn out t-shirt and nothing else, a steaming cup of tea clutched securely between her palms. her eyes immediately landed on his dark figure attempting to blend into the dusky underbrush.
"I thought you'd be a no-show," she remarked, a playful tone colouring her voice.
daryl had enough conscience to look sheepish. "uhh," he replied, eloquently, taking a hesitant step towards her house. the light breeze blew the hot fumes of her tea right into his nose, momentarily clouding his judgement. he barely could tear his eyes away from the soft, unblemished skin of her legs.
"c'mon," she waved him in, and he followed, obedient, quiet, like a puppy. she made a brief stop at the stove before pushing a cup into his hands, "I made some tea. not terribly sweet for you, I hope. you seem like a black coffee kinda guy."
the upbeat, companionable chatter sent daryl's head reeling. it's like she was completely oblivious to his clumsiness, to his bluntness, to the awkwardness that seemed to take deep root in his bones whenever he was in her presence.
he took a sip, a courtesy, as she made him sit in that recliner chair again, her body warm and comfortable above him. isn't that what you wanted, moron? his head screamed at him, the annoying voice eerily similar to his late brother's.
"it's okay to let me know you're uncomfortable," she spoke quietly as she moved aside the collar of his shirt once more.
he shivered, it's not like he could help himself. "wha?"
"not everyone likes to be... touched," she briefly looked up, then back again as she rubbed the salve around his scabs, sharp chemicals and plastic disturbing the peaceful aroma of her herbal tea, "my ma used to yell at me to, like... stop hugging random people. sometimes I forget that not everyone is perfectly fine with jus' bein' groped."
"hmm," he managed, struggling not to sound like all of his christmases just had arrived at once. she wanted to touch him. well, not just him-
"these days, I'm not particularly keen on that either, but eventually, the touch starvation catches up to me. I'm just glad that, like, carol and rosita don't freak out or anything, when I play octopus with 'em."
"it's... okay," he had to drink to clear his throat, inhale to clear his mind. "ion mind, pretty girl," daryl tried for a smile and was sure it came more like a grimace. he desperately needed practice in that department.
she chuckled, a dulcet little noise, before her eyes shot up to his. whatever she was looking for, she found it; her hands, done with healing his external wounds, stroked slowly over his shoulders, mapping the broad, muscular expanse of them in one fluid motion. the tips of his hair tickled the tops of her palms.
with only a thin cotton barrier separating daryl's skin from hers, it was as close to heaven as he will ever allowed to be. the cup in his hand scalded his rough palms, hot ceramic burning through the callouses: it was like an afterthought of pain and nothing more.
her fingers connected behind his neck, the pads rubbing over the tense muscle there. the groan left his mouth unnoticed by him, until he could feel the smile on her face bloom just like the flowers outside her window.
"you like that?"
"mmm," he managed, weakly. something inside of him was crumbling. maybe it was the tea that had filled his veins with melted sugar and liquified the strong resolve to not let someone like her be tainted by someone like him.
she kept on kneading his neck and shoulders, like a damn cat working graveyard shift at the biscuit cookie factory.
daryl's deep inhale moved his whole body.
she staggered, brief and sweet, tilting heavily into him to keep up her balance and stop herself from falling over. graceful, she was not.
he was met with a parted mouth, so sweet and red and plump, like ripe cherries; right over his nose, just out of reach, sinful and tantalising in it's own right. the pink, moist meat of her tongue was tucked into the corner of it as her eyes narrowed, something between relief and concentration.
seeing him look, the mouth stretched into a smile, making it that much sweeter. she was looking at him, again, like- like that.
her hands faltered, she swayed in place; daryl's instincts got the better of him and he secured her, one hand holding her body by the hip to steady the sudden bout of clumsiness.
"m'sorry, imma klutz," she looked away sheepishly.
he squeezed her hip on response, letting her know it was okay. and it really was more than that: much to his wide-eyed wonder. he felt like he was the one who should be doing the apologizing. but not only did she not shake off his hand, oh no, she leaned further into him, her belly almost touching his bent forearm.
it took a gargantuan amount of effort just to not pull her in all the way. she was most inviting to touch, all soft curves courtesy of semi-regular meals and tender skin despite the blazing summer sun.
daryl's thumb moved up and down the cotton of her shorts absent-mindedly. the sweet little sighs falling from her lips were hard to miss. almost as if it was someone else pushing her into his arms, a well-meaning ghost perhaps; she tilted in on herself to soak up the warmth of his large, hot body.
a trail of goosebumps ran across his scalp, starting from the place she was rubbing gentle circles into it - at the back of his head, where his hairline met his nape. if he was capable of purring, he would.
instead, he groaned again, eyelashes fluttering, casting a moving shadow on his sharp cheeks. his reward was an equally-content sounding sigh as it drafted into his nose, warm and earthy.
the empty cup thudded against the table where he placed it.
her fingers parted his hair gingerly, taking great care to avoid potential tangles. some finer, smaller hairs still pulled, taking some of his self-deprecation and resolve with 'em as the motion traversed his body in a jolt and settled somewhere deep inside the pit of his belly.
this was getting dangerous.
daryl opened his eyes and stared up.
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djarindroid · 4 months
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Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Summary: You're injured whilst out on a run, how will Daryl react when he finds out? (Setting: prison) Angst and fluff
Warnings:  Injury description and blood
Word Count: 1,968
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You awoke slowly, although you were pretty sure you were still dreaming as your bed seemed to be bouncing around. You thought you could hear someone calling your name but they sounded far away, almost as if you were submerged underwater. An attempt to open your eyes resulted in searing pain shooting across your head. You groaned as you tried to adjust to the light.
When your vision finally adjusted you realised why your bed was bouncing, because you weren’t in your bed at all you seemed to be sprawled out on the back seat of a truck. The muffled sound in your ears hadn’t died down, though the voice calling you seemed to be closer now. You turned your head to try and find who it belonged to. 
Your eyes finally focused fully on Maggie, you saw her leaning over you from the front seat, her eyes wide and arms covered in blood. ‘Try not to move, we’ll be back soon.’ Why did she sound so panicked? Whose blood was on her arms? ‘Glenn hurry up!’ She frantically called over her shoulder. Alarm bells started going off in your head upon hearing that, what had happened? 
You tried to sit up but fell back as pain shot through your body. ‘M-maggie,’ you tried to speak though your voice came out croaky. ‘What…’ you took a deep, shaky breath unable to finish your question as the pain settled across your entire body.
‘Shh shhh, just lay back.’ You could now feel Maggie pressing down onto your stomach and realised that's where the pain was emanating from. You searched your memory trying to figure out what had happened, you remembered leaving for a run, finding a warehouse and then… nothing. Your mind was completely blank.
The car hit a bump and jolted your entire body causing you to let out a brief cry. Your throat suddenly tightened and an involuntary cough erupted from you, leaving the metallic taste of blood in its wake. Each breath began to feel more like a struggle, the taste of blood became stronger and stronger as the seconds passed by.
You couldn’t help but panic, the thought that you could die today settled around you.  Amidst everything going on your thoughts involuntarily wandered to Daryl. Images of his rough exterior and the smile he seemed to keep just for you flickered across your head. You wondered how he would react to what was going on.
The idea of leaving him and not getting to see him again intensified your fear in a way you didn’t expect. Realisation dawned on you, this could be your final day on Earth and you couldn’t stop thinking about Daryl. You coughed again, more blood filling your mouth as tears began to flow freely from your eyes. The reminder of your mortality scared you, reaching out you gripped Maggie’s arm as tightly as you could manage.
She met your eyes and said firmly, ‘we’re getting you back. Just hold on.’ Pain shook your body and you could feel your eyes wanting to close again. You fought the feeling, trying to keep your eyes on Maggie’s. The world faded in and out, feeling as though you were at sea fighting against the tide to keep yourself above the water. As darkness once again consumed you heard Glenn shout, ‘we’re back just hold on!’
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Daryl's POV
Relief flooded Daryl as he watched the truck speed through the gates. He’d arrived back from a week-long run that morning to discover you out on your own run with Glenn and Maggie. He’d hidden his disappointment at your absence. He couldn’t pinpoint when it started but you’d gradually become Daryl’s first stop whenever he returned to the prison.
He started to make his way over to where the truck was stopping. Only for his heart to stop at the site of Maggie leaping from the passenger side covered in blood. Glenn was already rushing inside, calling for Hershel. No this can’t be happening, whose blood was that. 
His feet were racing over to Maggie’s side before he could even register he was moving. As he got closer he watched as Maggie swung the back door open, revealing you, covered in blood and looking pale as a ghost. Panic surged through him in a way he hadn’t experienced before. ‘Wha’ the hell happened?!’ he shouted as he got close.
Maggie rambled about running into a group of people on a supply run, one of them had a gun. He couldn’t take in much more of what she said, blood was roaring in his ears. His body went on autopilot once he reached the truck, reaching in and picking you up carefully. He could feel the blood soaking through his shirt the second you were close to him. He ignored it as he rushed you inside to the makeshift infirmary. 
Hershel was already in there waiting, his grim expression upon seeing you just fueled Daryl’s anxiety. He hovered near the door and every passing moment felt like an eternity. His clothes and hands were stained with your blood, his eyes fixed on the scene unfolding in front of him. Hershel had cut you open, operating quickly to remove the bullet and to stop your bleeding. 
Time slowed as he silently willed Hershel to work faster, desperately wishing for you to be ok. The raw feeling that he could lose you gripped him, the person he’d come to care for in such a slow way; so slow that he hadn’t even realised how deeply he cared until this very moment. He chewed his bottom lip as guilt consumed him, feeling that he should have been by your side in order to protect you.
After what felt like hours, Hershel had done everything he could and it was just down to you to wake back up. One thing was certain, Daryl had no plans to leave your side at any point, he was prepared to wait forever if it meant seeing your eyes open again. The depth of his feelings had been unveiled to him in a terrifying way, and he couldn’t fathom the thought of not getting more time with you.
He took up a seat by your bed, the room that had been filled with such urgency mere moments ago had fallen into a suffocating silence. Your face, still pale, seemed so vulnerable and though Daryl couldn’t bear to see you like that he also couldn’t look away.
Multiple people came in over the following hours to see how you were doing. Daryl didn’t talk to anyone, too consumed in his feelings to even want to acknowledge anyone. Until Carol came in.
‘Not hungry,’ he huffed out as she set the plate down at his side.
‘Well you’re not gonna be any good if you starve yourself,’ she’d replied as she gave you a once over before looking down to him again. ‘She’s strong, she’ll make it through this Daryl. But she needs you to be strong too.’ She squeezed his shoulder reassuringly before leaving the room.
He glanced over at the plate, reluctantly picking it up and tucking in. Each bite felt like effort, but ultimately he knew Carol was right. Taking care of himself was crucial for your sake.
As the hours stretched on Daryl stayed rooted at your bedside. His head was still chaotic, memories of the two of you flashing across his mind as the time went on. All he could do was wait and hope that you would wake up and flash him that smile he’d come to love.
Despite the urge to keep watch over you, exhaustion began to set in as the night went on. The sombre lights of the room drew him closer to succumbing to sleep. 
He still refused to leave the room, but managed to make himself relatively comfy by pulling his chair closer to your bed and resting his arms on the edge of the mattress. He allowed himself to close his eyes, a moment of rest wouldn’t matter. 
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Your POV
You awoke slowly, but the panic you’d felt from earlier had dissipated. The pain from earlier was still there but you felt comfortable, your body no longer feeling as though it was in fight or flight. As your eyes peeled open the familiar view of the prison greeted you, relief washed over you knowing your friends had got you back in time. Your eyes fell to the only other figure in the room; a sleeping Daryl Dixon leaning on the edge of your bed. 
A small smile graced your face at the sight, happy that your fears from earlier about not seeing him again hadn’t come true. The realisation that you cared for Daryl more deeply than you’d known settled comfortably inside of you. You couldn’t help but wonder how long he’d been by your side. There was a pang in your heart seeing the worriedness etched on his face even in his sleep. You instinctively reached up to brush a fallen strand of hair out of his face. 
Your gentle touch caused him to stir, and as his eyes began to open you noted momentary confusion written across his features. You kept your hand gently stroking his hair as you watched him wake up. ‘Hey Daryl,’ your voice came out as barely more than a whisper. 
His head shot up upon hearing your voice, eyes bright as he took you in. ‘Hey, how are ya feeling?’ He asked with a softness you’d never heard from him before. 
‘Been better,’ you managed to get out. You watched as he took in your appearance. 
‘Ya still hurt?’ He asked, his eyebrows knitting together. ‘I can get Hershel, he can help.’
His question drew your attention back to the lingering pain but you didn’t want Daryl to leave. You gently took his hand in yours to reassure him. ‘I don’t need Hershel,’ you replied, your voice still a bit raspy. Daryl looked down to where your hands were connected, he moved almost hesitantly as he intertwined your fingers with his.
‘Ya scared the shit outta me,’ he admitted quietly, looking up at you once again. There was a vulnerability behind his eyes that you hadn’t seen before. ‘Thought I was gonna lose ya,’ his voice barely a whisper now, as if he spoke any louder you might disappear. 
‘I’m not going anywhere Daryl, you’re stuck with me,’ you joked in an attempt to lighten the mood. A faint smile tugged on the corner of his lips. Though his eyes filled with relief at your reassurance, even if it were a joke. 
‘Good,’ he spoke, more sure of himself now. ‘Who else would come an’ annoy me after my runs.’ He joked back, and you couldn’t stop the laugh, even if it did cause you to wince in pain. A full smile appeared on Daryl’s face at the sound. 
‘Pretty sure you’re the one that comes and annoys me Dixon,’ you retaliated. He huffed out his own laugh at that. The room settled into a comfortable silence after your brief banter, his thumb now tenderly tracing small patterns onto the back of your hand. You began to feel the soft tug of sleep pulling at your mind. Though you fought to stay awake, wanting to stay in this moment with Daryl for as long as possible.
Daryl could read you like a book it seemed, sensing your inner battle to stay awake. ‘Sleep. I’ll still be here when you wake up,’ he gently coaxed.
‘Thank you for being here,’ you whispered gratefully as you let your eyes close. The feeling of your hand in Daryl’s comforting you.
Just as sleep washed over you, you heard Daryl say one final word, a promise that wrapped around you. ‘Always.’
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Stuck in a damn bed.
What -- Daryl's bedbound and stuck that way recovering for longer than he wants. He's not a fan.
When -- after supper following the chapter That's it. In the show, it is in season 2 following the events of Chupacabra. Note that the Slowpoke Series is canon-compliant, but you'll notice a more realistic recovery time has been portrayed than was able to be shown the TV series.
Relationships -- slow burning Reader x Daryl, but Carol's season 2 crush is coming out.
TWs -- some language and unexpected familial abuse
Pronouns -- she/her
How long is it? -- there hasn't been a new chapter in over a month, y'all...
Masterlist -- Official one here and Chronological one here
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There's a part in the story with abuse by a family member (domestic violence). It's not reader being beaten in the way one might imagine abuse, but it's still abuse.
If you're being hurt by a loved one irl, they are doing something bad to you. Abuse is not earned or deserved. You are worthy of being safe and unhurt.
For help getting safe, you can call the Domestic Violence Hotline (USA) at 800-799-7233, chat online, or text START to 88788.
Day 1 of being stuck in a damn bed
Carol brought him supper. Eggs and field greens with crackers and beans. She’d brought breakfast and lunch to him, too. Stayed this time, though.
She ate mostly in silence with him but told him about the day. When she was done eating, she went back to mending a torn shirt she’d brought with.
Sophia wasn’t brought back today.
The whole truckload of these asshats that he’s been sticking with for way too long and for who-knows-why — couldn’t find that woman’s little girl after an entire day of searching the grid he slashed in half? Goddamned bullshit.
Yet, when two of those 'asshats,' Y/N and Patricia, came in to bring him a nighttime dose of painkillers and do another exam, he couldn’t find the words to ask Y/N anything about it. He didn’t feel all pissed and upset anymore, either.
Couldn’t make eye contact much with her just yet, granted. Still felt all stupid nervous.
Ain’t nothing he could do about it for now, his soul got stripped bare with Y/N’s yesterday. Maybe that’s why he couldn’t think of Y/N as stupid. Or Carol, that lady wasn’t stupid.
Hell, maybe no one in his group was, maybe it was just that he was heartbroke about that poor lost girl and in way too much pain.
Y/N was honest and spoke plainly about the situation, which was a welcome relief from how others were getting closed-lipped about it. “Today was so damned disappointing,” she muttered. “Twelve of us took turns goin’ out in teams, man, scoured the grid you narrowed down. Then we went beyond it when we still didn’t find…” After a few moments, she sat up straighter, adjusting the sling on her injured side. “Tomorrow’s the day, then.”
Well, since they’re changing up the search area tomorrow, maybe it’s true. And, maybe Daryl will stop complaining about others and will stop being a pussy and be able to actually get up and walk tomorrow, help out by his damned self and bring back their the girl.
Except that when he implied as much, Patricia shot it down. “We can’t force you, but—”
“Sure as shit can’t,” he yipped back.
At hearing Y/N’s huff, he turned just in time to catch her licking her teeth in annoyance. Her eyebrows were raised and her stare was enough to make his heart pound, loudly.
“You won’t make it far without needin’ to be helped back, if you can get up and walk around normally in the first place,” Patricia cautioned. “Give yourself a few days.”
Yeah, so, Sophia didn’t have a few days. “I’m fine.”
“We just want you to heal,” Carol quietly spoke.
Before he could finish yipping another comeback, Patricia sighed, then surprised him by saying, “Alright. We’ll leave the room so you can get dressed. Clothes are over there.”
Y/N frowned. “Ma’am?”
The lady gently held up a hand in response.
It was a test, plain as day. Which is why before them three had even left the room, Daryl had grit his teeth and held the bedsheets across his shoulder to keep himself covered as he pushed through the pain in order to sit upright all the way.
Courtesy of Y/N, his button-down shirt was tossed to him before she scooted out of the room, and Daryl was wincing and biting back groans as he worked it on for at least three minutes. He thanked his lucky stars it was a button-down and not a t-shirt, or he wouldn’t have been able to put it on.
He should’ve just thrown in the towel right then and accepted defeat, but he had too much to prove.
And when if he admitted it was too much for him…even if he didn't look like a Q-tip, wearing a damn pair of pants while it happened was the bare minimum that could make it bearable.
But he really should’ve thrown that towel in. It took accidentally hissing out a cuss when he tried to be tough as he swung his leg off the bed for him to start thinking he was being a jackass. It took him swallowing a whimper, chewing on his lip all the while, when he stood and had to untangle the bedsheets from his foot for him to doubt he could even get the pants on.
But being stubborn as a jackass had its perks: he gripped the bed frame to help him walk and got to his clothes without knocking anything over. He also worked out that sitting to put the pants on was better because he had to bend less if he was seated.
By the time he’d gotten them plus his socks and shoes on, he was sweaty and had the shakes, he’d also needed to sit awhile before he got the balls to stand up again and hobble his way to the door.
But he made it. Choking down his pride and his groans of discomfort, he made it to the door and pulled it open.
Patricia was waiting on the chair around the corner in the living room, quietly talking with Y/N while pointing at something in a giant, red book.
“Maybe I do need that few days,” he surrendered. Didn’t come out as tough as he’d intended.
Tell you what, though, that twangy blonde woman was one heck of a lady. “Let’s get you some fresh air while you’re up, does that sound good?” she offered. “The porch is only a few steps away.”
“Oh, Glenn.” You flop against the RV’s table and end up staring at the ding in the cabinet opposite you. You just left the front porch after Patricia helped Daryl walk there to get a breather, only to find out not 30 seconds after entering the RV that Glenn spilled the news about Lori to Dale.
Instead of Glenn, Dale responds, “Kiddo, my lips are sealed,” but you’re busy trying to sort out how to keep Shane from finding out for a little while longer if already the news is getting out, and not from Lori or you.
You love Glenn to death, but oh my gosh, he is not good at secrets. You didn’t even know he’d known, you only just now drew the conclusion when you made the connection; that that was the thing on Lori’s drugstore list that Glenn was being all secretive about, the pregnancy test.
Right now, you need to stomp down the fears leaping around your dumb little brain because you cannot make this seem dramatic, or it will point to there being a problem with Lori being pregnant — which there isn’t, a new baby is such happy news you could scream, it’s just that there’s the possibility of — with your brother and — ugh, you need to go on a walk or kick something! And Dale and Glenn won’t/can’t know why you’re so upset or it will be even worse.
“Y/N, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you knew, or I would’ve talked about it with you instead of Dale so I wouldn’t explode! Secrets aren’t cool, dude.”
“Seein' as you didn't mention the pregnancy tests, I'd say secrets have their place,” you test.
“Not really. They make things complicated and people get hurt.”
You sneer while letting out a huff, and Dale puts his two cents in.
“I’m inclined to agree with Glenn here.” He’s apologetic when he calmly next points out, “Secrets are an omission of the truth.”
Here you are, gleefully sitting on the secret that Maggie admitted to you that she really likes Glenn. Not-so-gleefully sitting on the secret that the baby may biologically be your brother's, too. Ain't like you're about to spill or you'll burst.
In your mind, you take the simmering tea kettle off the burner so it won’t start to sing. “There are good secrets and bad secrets. And most people wait a few to tell others about pregnancies, y’all,” you state, and then make an executive decision to share something truthful that’s maybe not your place to do so, but you need to save face for Lori’s sake, now. “Lori’s had a few losses, it’s not wrong to imagine the new one might won’t make it long.”
Dale and Glenn both react similarly: they open their mouth and raise their heads slightly, then bow them. Good.
Scratching his neck, Glenn apologizes again. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
“If she loses this one, too, those who know will grieve with her, then, simple as.” You’re satisfied and confident that you’ve saved face for Lori and your brother and Rick.
Except for how Dale peers at you. It reminds you of the gentle way one might look at a preschooler who is nervously trying to cover up the fact that they peed their pants.
One hand on your shoulder, he stops peering all knowingly and strokes his beard. “Irma miscarried, too. Our only one, none came after that,” he shares. Slowly, he sits at the spot by the RV’s right window. “We usually told people we stopped trying, which isn’t not the truth, I suppose. She and I simply stopped being, uh, ‘intentional’ about trying to conceive,” he explains.
“I’m sorry they died,” you tell Dale quietly. “Did you give ’em a name? My Ma lost one after Shane, she named them.”
“Believe it or not,” he says, hesitating before breaking into a smile and chuckling. “We were thinking about ‘Glenn’ for both a boy and girl name.”
Glenn’s cheeks turn purply-red like a beet. “Wait, seriously?”
Dale shrugs and nods.
“Y/N, no wonder I’m his favorite!”
After you play-pout, you notice, “Hold up: ‘Glenn’ and ‘Dale.’ Both are—”
“— Yes,” Dale finishes, turning pink while he laughs to himself and rubs his fingers over his wedding band. “The word ‘dale’ is from the Old English for ‘valley.’ And ‘glen’ is from the, ah, Scottish, the Scots Gaelic for ‘a valley formed by a river.’ My Irma liked the wordplay.”
Day 2 of being stuck in a damn bed
“You must be bored as hell in here, man. Concussion protocol stinks.”
T-Dog had just knocked and brought in the boombox that had been used a few times back at the quarry camp. He’d placed it next to Daryl on the bed, said he was here to help, then told him, “You saved my life with those meds, Daryl. And Carl’s.”
Daryl laid there like an awkward slug, he still felt off. Patricia was right, he really did get a good whack to the head. And...whole body.
He also didn’t expect a declaration like that. Not that it was a bad thing. He’d grown to have a lot of respect for T-Dog. Real decent guy. Maybe they were friends, too? He hoped so, he wanted that. And Daryl understood that him and his brother had been…he knew they was wrong, about how they’d been to T-Dog.
“No TV allowed.” T-Dog started to go on, narrating to himself, “Ain’t like that’s a problem right now. But also no reading, no busywork,” he said louder, “no getting up and moving much for the first couple days — I don’t envy you, brother. But listening to music, that they usually let you do so long as it’s quiet. You know what’s funny, though? There’s a separate, what do you call it, uh— ‘school of thought’ out there that says concussed people should be getting theyselves back to normal right from the get-go.”
The front door to the house opened again. Instead of footsteps going down the hall, there was another knock at Daryl’s door.
Before Y/N could finish her long-ass knocking pattern, Daryl called, “Just open it, s’fine.”
The knob turned and there she was, holding out a cassette tape with a plug hanging off it. “Found it. I’d forgot we’d moved it from Carol’s car. Jimmy borrowed it on the way to gun practice yesterday, left it in his dad’s truck.”
“You went without it all last night? I would’ve borrowed it, Y/N,” T-Dog razzed, “It’s been near a week since I listened to music, gonna turn into a Puritan at this rate.”
She giggled. “I fell asleep around 7:30 yesterday, man, I was out.”
“Yeah, Dale was worried that your brother pushed you too hard at that little fighting lesson y’all did.”
Making a little huh?, she pressed her lips together in what looked like a confused pout. “He was going easy. Oh — if he sounded like an asshole, that’s his way. Usually when you gotta defend yourself, there’s chaos and a lot of, um, of emotion. So, he riles you up, keeps pushin’ your buttons, so that you’ll learn to separate from the emotion and focus. Specifically, he’s tryin’ to help me not react,” she slumped as she said, “angrily. Anger makes you stupid.”
“Whatever you say, little sister. Just don’t go overdoin’ it, hear? You tend to overdo.”
With a teeny huff, she twisted her mouth and nodded.
“Speaking of, how long will you need to have your upper arm tied to your torso there?” he questioned.
She shrugged. “A few more days.”
“Alright, I’ll stop naggin’ you. How about: can I please get dibs on the mp3 the first night this guy can get out of bed? Pretty please?”
Mouth still twisted, it turned into a lopsided grin. “Deal.”
“Thank you much. Now,” he rubbed his hands together. “I do gotta ask, what music did the farm boy leave it on?”
“Hmm…” Y/N pressed the button on the side of the little music player to turn it on. Click, click, click. “Ah, Mumford & Sons. Do you know them? They’re that new band who makes bouncy banjo songs, got the raspy-voiced singer?”
“‘Bouncy banjo songs with a raspy-voiced singer,’” T-Dog chuckled. “I know them. Alright, man,” he said, turning to Daryl. “The batteries in the boombox should have plenty of juice left. You got the mp3 player to hook up to it, just use the tape deck converter. There’s a handful of CDs, too, and some cassettes.” He then made a little ha, and said, “Look like one of these is a book on tape that Dale got from the library. Shit, this was due like a month before the outbreaks, look at the date on here!”
“That’s a lotta late fees.”
“Let’s hope they waive ’em.”
This back and forth between the two of them was serving as Daryl’s minor entertainment for the afternoon. What serves as entertainment when you're stuck in a damn bed...
“D’you wonder if it’s as bad as The Case of the Missing Man?” Y/N droned.
“Oh, did you finish it, Y/N?”
“No. I tried two nights ago when I camped out in here. Couldn’t get passed chapter 4.”
“Surprised you ain’t reading it to this guy,” he told her. “Seein’ as you’re spending all that time in here, anyway.”
This was when Daryl got annoyed and uncomfortable again, there was something about the way T-Dog said it.
He didn’t think he felt (therefore looked) all nervous around Y/N anymore, that was all done, just a one-off. So why did it sound like T-Dog was teasing?
“Daryl’s suffered enough,” Y/N answered, and Daryl didn’t have time to catch her expression before she continued, “Miss Patricia’s certain he’s got a broken rib and maybe clavicle. So there’s the concussion, the ripped side by his rib, the collarbone, the stiff neck, then all the bruises, the abrasions, and that bullet graze — oh, sh — I just broke HIPAA!” she blurted out. “Ain’t never done that before, just blabbed about—that’s so—oh my g—th-that’s—Daryl, I’m so sorry!”
All Daryl could do was snort and ignore the sudden tug in the middle of his chest toward her direction. “Gonna sue your ass,” he deadpanned. Such a square.
“For real, though,” T-Dog spoke. “I still can’t believe you made your way back alive after all you went through, man. Yesterday, I joined Rick, we went to where you fell — Daryl, you should be dead. The way I see it, God’s got plans for you, brother. Just let Him do His thing.”
Awkward about what to say or how to react, Daryl responded with what was on his mind for most of the day. “Any signs out there today?”
Neither of them answered at first, meaning they didn’t find shit.
“I thought Rick talked to you already,” Y/N mumbled.
T-Dog answered better. “We’re searching a new area tomorrow, branching out.”
Having music was saving him from going completely nuts. The little music player thing seemed to have something for just about everybody on it, and the CDs were fine, too. He even popped in the book on tape.
Sent him right to sleep.
Dale and Carol came visiting with supper. Carol had eaten every meal with him for the past two days. It made him a little nervous, to be plain. The way she paid attention seemed less like pity or friendship and more like something more, which he didn’t want and didn’t have to offer.
But he liked how Carol was quiet and gentle, thoughtful, and had a dry sense of humor every so often (when she let it out around him, that is).
The grub was eggs and field greens again, but this time there was also rice. Granted, no meat again, but someone must have found onion grass, because it smelled real tasty. If he cared, he would’ve considered to maybe not wolf it down as fast as he did, given that Carol and Dale were in there.
Then came his friend’s signature knocking again.
He was relieved to have felt nothing at Y/N's arrival; no nervousness, no warm cheeks. Everything was back to normal.
Day 3 of being stuck in a damn bed
“After Andy told her there was still a chance, she stopped her and said she didn’t really need to hear it anymore,” Y/N told him quietly. Arms crossed and hood up, she was resting back on the chair in the corner of the room, legs propped against the end of the bed. “I wanted you to hear it from me so if Carol said anything, it wouldn’t be knockin’ you out of left field.”
Y/N’d gone with her brother, Andrea, and Carol to check the spot on the highway where they’d set up a mini shelter for Sophia however many days ago all that shit went down. A few of the group had gone back every day, twice a day.
And now Carol was losing hope or just plain lost it.
For real, how was it that her kid was still goddamned missing?
He and Y/N found a sign at that house, then another at the other house, then he’d found her doll—how far would Sophia have fucking gone?
Her body ain’t been found yet, neither, which meant she had to be out there somewhere.
“Even Shane tried to be optimistic for her. After hearin’ her say to Andrea how she didn’t want to hear it no more, he tried to insist Sophia might could be fine, but she held out her hand so he’d stop.”
“Shane? Really?”
Shane wrote that little girl off as a goner, last Daryl knew. What changed?
Y/N gave a small, tired, very forced smile. “We had a good talk a few days ago. He knows he hasn’t been himself and he wants to do better.”
That’s good. The way her brother’s been acting has been driving screws through her, he knew that much.
“Still, your nine days to Sophia’s…” she trailed off, and when she did, he saw it in her face. Heard it in her voice when she finished her thought. “This is either her day 7 or 8 out there, I-I can’t think right now.”
Yup. She was also losing hope or plain lost it.
The feeling of helplessness jumpstarted and rammed him in the belly.
He swore. “C’mon, Y/N. You, too?”
“Dude,” she hesitated, “understanding the possibility she’s dead ain’t wrong.”
Shut up.
“It’s, it’s a high statistical likelihood,” was her next bullshit excuse. “From day one it’s been on the tabl—”
“—No wonder she ain’t been found yet,” he snarled, interrupting her. “None of y’all shitheads actually think that little girl’s out there!”
The pain from his broken rib seared like a hot poker when he raised his voice, but as he said it, he believed every word of it and liked how it struck home.
But only as he said it.
Because one look in his friend’s eyes afterward, wet and turning red, and he felt the invisible knee to the nards and stomach and knew he’d just been a massive asshole.
Y/N giving him the middle finger was what Patricia saw after she’d knocked on the door and come in.
“What’s goin’ on?” she asked the pair of them.
Y/N wiped an eye and told her honestly, “An argument about Sophia,” before laying this out to Daryl: “Not one of us doubts she’s out there.”
Regretful as he was for being an asshole, he still pushed back, “Yeah, all y’all just think she’s dead anyway, so why bother.”
“You mangy h—” she swallowed. Licked her teeth. “Stayin’ hopeful is one thing,” she started, pointing her finger at him while clear-as-day working to not raise her voice. “But can you honestly say to us that you wasn’t also prepared to find our girl dead every time you was out there?”
Patricia held up a hand and cleared her throat. “I’m here to check your bandages, Daryl. Y/N.”
Y/N apologized to Patricia and exited the room quietly.
Patricia did her thing.
And Daryl, stuck in a damn bed, same as he’d been for three days now, lay there feeling helpless, worthless, unwanted, and now like a massive asshole, and he was goddamned angry about it.
He really wanted to kick something, chug a beer, or cry. And have a smoke. Carol’d brought him his pack, he’d managed to get a good one in through the open window earlier.
“These should be able to come off in a few days,” Patricia murmured, re-wrapping his head. “And the graze is healing nicely. We still need to be cautious about your concussion and that side-wound of yours, hence you bein’ stuck in here for awhile yet.” The lady shifted her weight to her other leg and set her hand on her side. “How do the collarbone and ribs feel?”
Arching one eyebrow at him, she took one arm and did some gentle movements, then the same with the other arm.
“Those areas are already better than they were the first day, so there’s something. And the rib fracture, unless it’s just a real nasty bruise, is likely hairline, which is light years better than the alternative. Remember to breathe deep through your belly to get full breaths in, don’t expand your lungs wide, do it through your belly. And keep up the good work avoidin’ laying on your left side like you have been. Once you’re up and out, you’ll have to keep things slow so they’ll heal good.”
“How slow?”
She exhaled through her nose and spoke his name. “I need to tell you, it’s by the skin of my teeth that I’ve been convincing Hersh that you and the little boy still need carin’ for. Please work with me on this. Agree to take it slow.”
Nope. He couldn’t just do nothing, Sophia was missing! Why did everybody keep forgetting that part? “He can kick me out all he wants, I don’t give a shit — that little girl ain’t gonna get found in one piece if I keep things slow.”
“There are 9 or 10 people searching for her on the regular, Daryl. You’re gonna heal badly, permanently, if you don’t go slow,” she warned. “You and your friend both need to learn to do what your bodies need.” She paused. Smirked for half a second before tucking it away. “That came out wrong. What I meant is that y’all need rest, and not aggravate what’s gone wrong and make it worse.”
Before leaving the room, she turned back toward him. “It’s that Hershel still wants y’all not just out, off his land. Clean off.” She held up a hand as if she didn’t know what to do next. “I don’t think that’s right, and I don’t want it. And I can see how many of your group want to stay, are helpin’ out. Y’all are good people. So please, mind your manners and that mouth around Hershel, Daryl. It’s you and Y/N’s brother that are causin’ him the most concern, and ultimately, it’s gonna be Hershel’s decision.”
Carol brought him supper, again. The meal was quiet, until small footsteps and a knock along with “Mr. Dixon?” sounded outside the door.
It was Carl, asking if he could eat dinner with him. “And I brought you one of my comic books. I figured I could show you the pictures and read to you the words. They’re saying you can’t read right now. That stinks. I get to read and walk around a little, at least, I just can’t move a lot.”
Daryl waved him and his folks in, felt a brief moment of pride that the antibiotics he’d supplied had saved the kid’s and T-Dog’s life, then he asked Carl when he’d be able to run around.
“Mr. Greene is hoping I can do stuff like normal soon. I still get really tired when I move. But I wanna be strong if Sophia needs me, so I’m doing what he says is best.”
Did Y/N or Patricia put him up to this?
“Do you still think she could be okay? I know that a lot of our people are losing hope, but I still think she could be okay. Dad does, too, and Mom, and Y/N.”
Daryl thought to himself how he’d go through everything he had gone through for Sophia again for that kid, gladly. “‘Course I think she’s okay. Prolly sleeping in a queen-sized bed wherever she’s stayin’.
Rick chatted to him in between bites of scrambled egg. “Based on how the search goes tomorrow, we’ll be altering the grid again.” He asked Daryl his opinion on where would be smartest to focus the search efforts in the new area. (It was upstream, obviously. And Daryl wasn’t used to his ideas being taken seriously, it was a nice change.)
He kept glancing at Carol as the conversation went on. She’d gotten all wet-eyed when Carl first spoke up about wanting to be strong for Sophia. Stayed quiet when Rick talked.
But by the end, she didn’t seem so lost anymore.
He watched from the side as she thumbed her cross necklace, kissed it—then caught him watching and gave him a tiny smile.
He’d hobbled to the window to have another smoke. Getting in and out of bed still hurt, ain’t that bull?
It was just about dark, there was only a blurry strip of orange left at the very bottom of the horizon.
Daryl looked out at the land. Saw the campfire, saw Andrea on top of the RV.
T-Dog noticed him from his spot by a cluster of trees where he was having a smoke, too, and he waved once to Daryl before turning around to resume his own cigarette break in privacy.
Midway through a particularly deep drag (a tricky thing to do when inhaling deeply hurts because you got a cracked rib), there was some giggling outside his door in the hall to the front.
The dread that he was gonna get caught and kicked out for smoking sent a jolt into his veins. Not sure why he cared so much all the sudden.
He’d already put out his cigarette against the outside of the windowsill when the familiar sound of her laughter registered in his ears, so his muscles stopped feeling so tense.
Leaning on the sill, he then watched her and Glenn just about torpedo down the porch stairs and toward a field as if they were rac—no, wait, they actually were racing. He definitely didn’t snort to himself about it then wince because snorting hurt. The short-haired chick, Baby Spice, and the farm boy spilled onto the porch to watch—nope, scratch that, they were joining in.
Where were they even g…okay, to some old tree stump.
Y/N’d mentioned how Daryl was only 6 or 7 years older than them, but sometimes it felt like a hell of a lot more. Her and Glenn together, especially, together they acted like they was 12-year-olds.
After Daryl saw what was maybe a tie take place, he felt creepy just, ahem, staring at them from the window. So, he shut the screen back down and gimped his sore-ass self to the bed again.
Day 4 of being stuck in a damn bed.
“Lore? How about you sit a minute?” She looks like she’s either going to pass our or throw up, so you don’t know whether to guide her to a seat or hold her hair back.
“It’s the, um—” she grabs a lock of her hair and folds it over her nose, breathing in slowly while walking in the opposite direction of the campfire. “What is that meat?”
Through her nausea, she’s still encouraging enough to offer a genuine “Well done!” even as she tries to tamp down her gag reflex.
Yeah, Shane and you set up snares yesterday, and today one worked.
You point to the pine grove. “I finally set up my hammock over there. Let’s — it’s just, you look like you need to lay down.”
“I will, I just have to talk to Daryl first, he’s been, um—” she pauses again to exhale slowly. Her color is nonexistent right now. “He’s been smoking outside his window, and, and I’m worried that if Hershel sees—” She suddenly bursts into tears, and that makes her gag more.
The biggest problem right now is that Mr. Greene still wants your group off his land once Carl and Daryl aren’t bedbound.
That Daryl went through his awful accident is a blessing in disguise; it’s buying you all time.
Maggie is openly upset with her dad about it. Miss Patricia and her boy don’t agree, either.
You’re mad at the man, too, like — you get that your group is threatening simply by the fact that there are more of you and you’re armed — but what about your conduct here has been threatening? Minus the mishap with Andrea almost killing Daryl and how Shane has been a little dominant, you’re all helping out, keeping the campsite clean, staying quiet, respecting the property.
Like, yes, y’all killed a walker that had sprouted legit gills because he it was trapped in one of their wells, but the guy was dead. Quite literally a corpse, not even a "he" anymore; it, the corpse, was usurped by a virus. His soul had moved on.
Mr. Greene is a faithful dude, he’s supposed to be a man of God, so why would he kick…never mind, he’s scared for his family, you get it, you get it.
People have done atrocious things to each other since it all went down, no one can deny that.
Well, there’s still hope. He can and will change his mind. Carl, Lori, and new baby need a safe place.
Happily, the awkwardness of trying to sit side-by-side in the hammock makes both you and Lori crack up. You stop awfulizing in your head, and she seems calmer, too.
“What was it you were going to talk to Daryl about again?” you ask.
“He’s been smoking out of his window. I picked up the butts when I saw them. We can’t give Hershel any more reasons to not want us here. He’ll see it as disrespecting his home, his land…” Her voice goes up, and she’s back to crying. So far, you and Glenn (and Dale, just don’t tell Lori that Glenn told him!) are the only ones who know about the new one she’s got in there.
“Y/N, I don’t know how I’m supposed to do this — I can’t, I can’t…”
“You already are, mama,” you whisper softly. “Lore, I’ll do whatever it is you and baby need, Ricky will, too. Come hell or high water, Lori, we will do what it takes.”
“If it even lasts that long.” She wipes her eyes and turns her head away “How long will it last, you think? Truly? And if I don’t lose this one, too, how long until one of those things catches them, rips them apart?”
“You can’t think that way.”
“We have to think that way! My son was shot, he nearly died and he, he, he can’t even walk around for more than 10 minutes without getting exhausted. And Sophia?”
You close your eyes. You know; Carol’s been sharing your tent.
“—What are the chances Sophia is alive? Truly?” she challenges. You stay quiet.
Sophia is, most likely, not alive anymore. You’ll search until she’s found for as long as it takes, but it will likely be her body that is found.
“Carol understands it, too, honey, she told me yesterday, said it again today, and I cannot imagine she hasn’t told you, too, as she cries herself to sleep. And, and even if that sweet, innocent girl is still alive, what are the chances she wasn’t kidnapped and God knows what else?"
She's out of breath. "Our families, friends — they died or were killed, and are now dead. Almost everyone we knew, Y/N. So how can you honestly tell me she,” and Lori points to her stomach, “will have a happy life? That my baby will have any semblance of a normal, safe life! Or that, that, that she’ll even survive long enough to make it out of diapers when the only way she will be able to tell someone that something is wrong is by crying, and putting herself and everyone else at risk!”
When she finally stops, she lowers her head to her knees and pulls at her hair, sobbing.
There are ideas and viewpoints floating around your head as something to respond with or comfort with, but nothing is coming together enough yet. Having been raised with fosters, you know without doubt life is never predictable and safe, even with the best-laid plans. Most importantly, you learned that no one’s life, absolutely no one’s life, is ever worthless or meaningless.
But the major thing that keeps repeating in your head is how Lori very clearly just called the new one “she.”
Before you can put that to words, Lori stumbles out of the hammock, stumbles and few yards forward, kneels, and gets sick.
Wiping your own tears, you kneel beside her, hold her hair back, and lightly massage her neck.
She first apologizes, then quickly spirals into putting herself down and panicking about how-awful-she-is-but-she-can’t-but-she-can’t, so you figure it’s a good time to interrupt.
“So. You thinkin’ you’ve got a girl in there?”
“Did he read you the one where Science Dog becomes real?”
Because Carl did happen to read him that comic book, Daryl knew what that sentence meant. “Yeah.”
“That’s a fun episode! Oh, um, ‘issue,’ whatever the word is,” Y/N self-corrected. “Ain’t it just so— ‘miracle’ barely describes how well Carl is doin’.” She shifted in her spot and used her good arm to massage her bad side. “Hey, did Ricky mentioned how Carol was today?”
He shook his head. Y/N grinned.
“She was out first thing, came back last. She was vocal, outspoken about the search and where to go. Probably why she was about to fall out when she got back.” A nod. “It was really good, she didn’t seem so broken today.”
Daryl grunted. “Good. Should be.” He shifted on the mattress and tried to get comfortable again. Ouch.
“Hey, was you—um, were you—smokin’ out your window last night?” She asked the second part under her breath as if it were a big secret.
“Maybe.” Is my square gonna preach about smoking?
She nodded slowly and went to take another bite of food, but paused and lowered her fork. “Lori asked me to ask you. She, um, would’ve come herself, but she’s a mite sick. When you have a smoke, please tuck the butt in a tissue? Lori cleaned ’em up earlier when she saw them outside your window.”
“Why? Is Hershel one of them super-Baptists?”
“Daryl,” she murmured. “Please. We all gotta be on our best behavior so we don’t get kicked out as soon as you and Carl are better. He already wants us gone, you two being injured has been our savin’ grace. If, if Mr. Greene’s sees smoke butts, it might will be seen as another strike. Even as someone who smokes, do you like seein’ butts on the ground?”
He chewed. Swallowed. Grunted, “I’ll put ’em in a tissue.” After piling in another forkful, he hummed in appreciation and asked, “Who bagged the rabbit?” Been about a week since any meat.
“A snare got one. We cracked open one of them Foxfire books and set some up.” Y/N was sad about the rabbit, Daryl could tell. “Shane remembered most of the steps from Boy Scouts,” she detailed.
“He clean it, too?”
“Didn’t cook tonight, too, did he?”
Carol usually made meals, but she’d hit the sack early. He’d last seen her at lunchtime (and Carol probably would have known how to cook rabbit meat a little better)
Y/N answered him with her mouth full. “He actually did, Shane and me.”
“No wonder it’s nasty.”
She made a psht in response, and then right as Daryl was taking a particularly big bite, chirped, “Then starve.”
He snarfed.
It hurt, but he hadn’t burst into a laugh like that in a while.
And in truth, he was really enjoying the food.
Another dream that he didn’t want hit him from out of nowhere, the same way Andrea’s bullet had.
Except, he didn’t feel disappointed when he woke up, he felt freaked out.
In the dream this time, Carol was kneeling on his bed, crying and reading the comic book. He didn’t know what to do and he couldn’t move. Then Carol kissed his cheek and asked him “Is this the one where Sophia becomes real again?”
When he woke up, he clawed his way to the window to have another smoke.
It took a lot in him to not holler out with a loud-ass cuss when he stubbed his toes on the dresser. It accidentally hurt his broken ribs and collarbone while trying to not fall over as a result. Lots of hushed cusses.
Day...um…shit, right: Day 5 of being stuck in a damn bed
Day 5 for him. Meaning it was either day 9 or 10 for Sophia.
Day 9 was the day he’d been hoping to not get to. And if it was actually day 10 for her…
It didn't matter the date, what he’d said about Sophia was still true. She was a smart kid, there are just a hell of a lot of hiding places where she could be holed up in. Farmhouses with open doors or windows, barns, empty businesses and buildings, even cars. As for food and water, wasn’t like there weren’t a creek, orchards and overrun gardens for miles around.
Here he was, still stuck in a damned bed while the twangy blonde lady waved that stupid, skinny flashlight in his eyes for the twentieth damned time!
Patricia clicked her tongue. “I get that cabin fever can make anybody get short, but irritability is one of them things that can pop up or get worse after a concussion, Daryl, so I ain’t too sure whether or not this is a change for you.”
I’d be fine if Sophia was back! Everything would be, bitch! “I’d be better if I wasn’t stuck in here.”
She took a moment. “Let’s check your balance again, then.”
He exhaled through his teeth and was enraged to find himself suddenly about to cry.
“If you can walk without tilting, we’ll both know you’re good to go,” the lady continued. “My friend, I ain’t trying to humble you, I want to see if you’ve improved enough.”
So, Daryl held the blanket over himself as he got himself out of bed and slowly stepped down the hallway. He tried to walk normal, got a little dizzy doing it. Not too much, but…
He didn’t quite hold back the tears of frustration.
Patricia must’ve felt sorry for him again, because she walked him back to the room, had him put on long pants and a shirt, then escorted him out to the porch barefoot.
“We should ought’ve brought you out here more regularly these past few days. Fresh air and sunlight can do wonders. Sit here awhile, then we’ll try a around the house.”
Her using a ‘should ought’ve’ made him think of Y/N.
Within a minute, Dale in his little On Golden Pond fisherman hat and T-Dog with a towel over his forehead saw him from their perch on top of the RV, and raised hands to wave at Daryl.
From the far left, he heard Y/N’s laughter along with Glenn’s and what was probably Baby Spice and the short-haired chick Maggie and the farm boy Jimmy’s. He stood up and — damn it, still wobbly and sore — made his way to the side of the porch to see what they were doing.
They were kicking a ball around, squealing like schoolkids.
Carl was sitting on the same tree stump that the gaggle of them had raced to last night, cheering and razzing off and on.
Seeing just, like…innocent shit like this was nice.
But, standing up made Daryl tired, and he (again) felt creepy watching them, so he shuffled back to the little bench right as Patricia was coming back outside carrying two glasses of sweet tea.
“Your two friends and Maggie got back from their search, sad as you can get. Jimmy and Beth did their own check around the pastures and the perimeter again, too. Have every day since you took those falls.” She took a sip of her drink. “Seems this kickball or soccer match, whatever they’re doing, this was their way of cheerin’ themselves up. Looks like it’s working. So long as none of y’all get hurt again, I’m happy.”
When Patricia eventually suggested it was time to try a walk around the house, Daryl did his best.
His best was shit, he was still unstable on his feet and couldn't use his arms much or breathe too deeply without it smarting.
Patricia was upbeat about it. “You have maybe a day or two left with your bandages, anyhow, Daryl. Let’s get you back to a chair, you look like you’re fixing to topple over.”
A loud knock and a face he hadn’t seen since the first day he was laid out in there woke him from yet another nap. So many naps! He kept needing more sleep.
“Heard you was still in the hole another day or two. Figured you could use more music to keep you from goin’ too stir crazy.” Shane handed him a cassette with a homemade label.
“This one’s from back in the day when we needed to make our own tapes so we could listen to the good stuff. I know my sister’s mp3 got a ton on it, but this one’s special. No need to skip around or charge it or plug nothin’ in.” Shane offered a flick of his hand in goodbye. “Alright, man, take it easy. Rest up.”
“Wait, how was Carol today?” Daryl called to him before he left the room.
Shane turned. He still had a slight limp from when he hurt his ankle. “Hangin’ in there. Went a little hard today and yesterday, but she seems to be in a real good place, believe it or not. Ain’t lost all hope, but she’s accepting what happened, if you get me.”
Daryl was pretty sure he got him. “Accepting her kid is gone?”
Shane’s stare was hard and felt to Daryl like a challenge. “Yeah, man, accepting that her kid is gone. We’re still goin’ out every day in the hopes we’re wrong, don’t misjudge me. And I want to be wrong, Daryl, I really do.” He licked his teeth and brushed a hand over his buzz cut. “It ain’t rocket science. That little girl is, in all likelihood, dead. Has been for days, you get that, right?”
Daryl was good at glaring contests. “I get it.”
“Look. I’m not out to be the asshole. I just don’t want none of us gettin’ ourselves killed over this. You and my sister could’ve got bit doin’ what you did at that house one week back, and in the process, she ripped her side back open and injured her shoulder worse than it ever was. And you?” He shook his head. “You almost died, Daryl.”
“It was worth it, jackass,” is not what Daryl intended to say, but that’s what he said. Daryl wasn’t planning on saying anything, in fact, because he knew he’d likely blow his cool and risk Dr. Farmer hearing it, and apparently the old guy was ready to chuck them off his land ASAP.
Y/N’s brother bowed his head and rubbed his neck. Didn’t say nothing for a solid…he didn’t know, minute, maybe? Felt awkward as hell, tell you what.
“Listen, dude, I know we ain’t buddies and all that,” Shane told him. “To be real, I didn’t trust you at all, especially when Y/N started going off and learnin’ to hunt with you. I thought you were some white trash tweaker who’d try to feel her up or worse, so I tailed y’all, spied on y’all the first three times you took her out, ready with my shotgun.”
…What the hell was this?
“But I’ve grown to respect you, and what you just said right there told me all I need to know. You’re a decent guy, Daryl.” Another rub of his newly buzzed hair. “Tell you what, I’ll come by tomorrow after the search, tell you what we find and where we looked.”
Day 6 of being stuck in a damn bed.
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“Dude, you told him how you spied on us?”
“I was moved, Y/N, you should be proud of me,” Shane drawled, winking. “Said I’d tell him about the daily searches, so, today I did. Hey, and his balance was better today, might should be good to go the day after tomorrow. Oh,” he adds. “I lent him my mix tape as a peace offering, too.”
“Aw, romantic.”
He groans, and you twist a corner of your mouth in a tiny grin. “I’m just shocked he didn’t grunt back to you all intimidating with somethin’ like ‘I knew you was there, you was louder than a’…eh, I got nothing.”
Shane keeps the bit going, and does it pretty good, if you say so yourself! “‘Yeah, I knew you was there. Couldna been more damn obvious.’”
His copying of Daryl’s voice and mannerisms is so spot on that you crack up and clap your hands in delight.
Shane looks pleased. “That was a pretty good impression, just then, wasn’t it?”
“Alls you needed was to make it a ’lil more throaty, like a, like a, a grumpy tomcat,” you laugh.
He smiles, opening his mouth to make a funny comeback, then laughing instead. “I’ll have to practice.”
“Speakin’ of practice, can we call it?”
“Yeah, we can call it. Good work.”
Coo, practice is over. You’ve been having self-defense lessons every day the past few days, sometimes twice. Shane’s been wanted to restart teaching you ever since the incident with Ed Peletier seven-ish weeks ago. You could’ve called the sessions quits whenever, obviously, but it feels more satisfying when one’s instructor is satisfied and ends the lesson, right?
Also, Shane kinda needs that control over something — which sounds iffy, you know, you know.
But he’s been so much more like himself since the lessons started! And him instructing you in fighting is doing him good not only because it’s stroking his ego a little and shutting him up about his terrible Fort Benning idea. The lessons are helping offer him a sense of control and assuredness that he’s keeping his sister safe by helping her defend herself. That’s always been a thing for him. Call it a side-effect of having a beater in the house for the first several years of his life, maybe.
It’s a very fruitful side-effect, all things considered — today, stitches and achy shoulder combined, you bested him!
The only catch is that it…kinda involved his balls.
You still feel bad about it. It wasn’t you using practice-strength to simply get the upper hand and then stop, like practice is supposed to be. It was adrenaline/angry-at-and-his-egging-you-on strength. You fought dirty.
“Sorry again about whackin’ you below-the-belt.”
“No way, Y/N, don’t be,” he brushes off. “Don’t feel bad for doin’ what you’re supposed to do. Especially if it’s a man you need to fight off, which is why we’re doing this — you need to fight dirty. So,” he clears his throat, “if you can go for the giblets, go for ’em.” (Grandma Jean referred to genitals as ‘giblets.’) “That’s how you got the drop on me — and that’s what I wanted! You did good, got that?”
“Just — check tomorrow and, and the day after in case you got bruised testes, okay?”
“Don’t call them ‘testes’… weirdo…” he trails off and makes a face. Then, he stands and helps you up. “My boys are fine, I’m sure. Ankle’s hanging in there, too. How are you holdin’ up? Didn’t overdo it, right?”
“Nope, I feel good! And I’m so happy about tomorrow.”
His smile is polite, but not quite reaching his eyes. “Ready to attend Sunday dinner in the house tomorrow night?”
You press your hands together and make a little skip as you walk. “Do you think it means Mr. Greene’s comin’ around, too?”
“I wouldn’t go that far.”
Wet blanket, much? “Grumpy we didn’t risk our necks to visit the jarheads at Fort Benning?”
“That was mean, sorry.” Your choice of phrasing was rude, that is, not the sentiment. Shane hadn’t mentioned the military base in a few days, so you’d hoped he’d dropped it. Places with the military, feds, even FEMA, those places had turned out badly, especially if you were a civilian. And you along with your Mama were wary of places like even before what happened to Atlanta.
Miles and miles away from the city as you were when it happened had given you a front-row seat to when it happened, when it got firebombed. It was like watching the Twin Towers collapse over again, expect this time it wasn’t on a TV screen, and the sounds of it happening in real time had been loud enough to reach you. The pops, the rumbling. Then there’s the memory of Carl’s face when he saw it all clear as day before you finally reacted, covered his ears and blocked his view.
This place, this farm, this is the safest place right now. It has good people, shelter, protection, space, food. Probably would be the safest place around for a long time if your brother group didn’t mess things up. Carl needs it, Lori and the new baby need this place.
And with the fact that your brother had been planning to leave the group, you’re worried sick that he’ll change his mind, split and leave you behind, or worse, get you all thrown off the land. If Shane didn’t take the property by force OH my gosh, why the fuck did you just think that, bitch? How could you think that about him? Stupid, stupid idiot girl!
Looking at your brother, you see him staring across the lawn to where Otis’ memorial lays. His thousand-yard stare is back. Poor Shaney. You look away so as to not be, you know, staring at him, but when he breathes out heavily after a few long moments, you turn to look.
His nose twitches before he blinks rapidly and shakes his head a little, rubs his buzz cut, and puts his hands on his belt.
“I know you don’t like the idea, but Fort Benning the smart decision,” your brother declares, doing that thing where he looks in too many directions. “The military is equipped, at least, and they’re trained how to handle things. It’s smart to seek that out.”
Whether it’s because you’re amped after being victorious at practice or because you’re freaked out after thinking something so cruel about your own brother (that he’d take over this place by force??), as you make your statement in response, you imagine it as you pulling the pin from a grenade and chucking it.
“Is that why the powers at be did what they did to Atlanta? Because they were so trained?” The pause you make, as you watch the words connect in Shane’s mind, is the time delay before the grenade’s fuse ignites and explodes. “Or maybe killing civilians or even their own was always a possibility in their eyes. The ends, of course, justifyin’ the means.”
He licks his teeth before running a hand over his mouth. “You’re really goin’ there, Y/N? Do not go there.”
But this has been festering too long. He needs to hear it and understand it. You love him. And he’s gonna have a whole lot else to deal with once Lori’s news gets out — it’s going to be messy. So this Fort Benning stuff has to go.
“But Shane, that would’ve been us with not just Mama, but Carl, Lori, and maybe even a comatose Rick if, if what happened—” your voice rises at the memory. “If what w-went on hadn’t happened, made us wait.”
If your mother hadn’t been killed, you two wouldn’t have found her dead and walking, which had revealed that she must have caught the illness before she died. And if you two didn’t find her dead and walking, you and Shane wouldn’t have quarantined, instead would’ve gotten Rick out of the hospital a day earlier and gone together with your mother and the Grimes to the city. Which means that she would’ve started showing symptoms on the road, and that the rest of you would’ve not only possibly caught it but would have possibly spread it.
Shane knows all of this, he knows it, which is why you only voiced a small part of it.
But instead of Shane standing before you with his hands on his hips…you begin to see the man you don’t recognize again. The one that’s been showing up more and more, the one that’s scary and coldly pragmatic. The one that seems like he’s about to lose control, he’s back. He’s standing where your brother was, and he’s very, very angry.
“Y/N, now, you listen good.” The man’s finger points straight at you and he gets too close to your face. When you step backward, he’s right on you. “We would’ve still been stuck outside the city limits, the wait to get in was over a day long.” With his finger, he jabs at your sternum, hard, and does it again with every hissed question.
“You remember that part?” — “The reason we were stuck in that line of cars that went on for miles?” — “Remember that?” —
You can’t think. You can’t move. The best you can manage is a stuttered “Sh-Shane—” because inside your head is nothing but white noise.
A strong, rough, sustained pinch on your collarbone and his yell of “—I asked: do you understand?” is the only reason you remember to nod as you stare at the ground and steady yourself from tripping backward.
“What happened in Atlanta was a shit show, an absolute shit show and what happened there was a disgrace, hard stop.” He spits, “but you know what? It don’t mean it was like that everywhere else—is that fair for me to reckon, uppity bitch?”
The insult doesn’t have time to sink in because he starts gesturing at his head, then yours, then his again, banging his hand against his head, then clapping his hand against your temple, hard, and now you can' think, he's too close, he’s too close, why is he so close, why does he keep hurting m— “Does that make sense, Y/N? Does that make sense to you?”
It’s not until he tugs you by your shirt and slowly shouts in your ear, “Y/N, I asked you a question: Does that make sense?” that you remember to nod again.
Your throat seizes up, so you swallow and hold your breath.
“Don’t bring up what happened with our mother again,” he orders, letting you go with a slight shove. “She was sick, we didn’t catch it, and we’d have been stuck outside that city either way.”
The man then leaves. You just stand there.
There’s no feeling of relief that he’s left you alone. Your hands are tingly, but you’re otherwise uncertain how you feel other than stupid and sick to your stomach. No, really, you might lose your supper.
You begin to walk in whatever direction, step by step, wiping the tears as they fall and trying to ignore the loud refrain in your head of stupid, stupid girl that interplays with all the noise of what did you do and why didn’t you and why did he and why would he and how could he as well a louder WHO WAS THAT?
Because it sure as hell wasn’t Shane. It can’t have been Shane, Shane’s not that.
The short-haired chick came into his room looking all rattled and asking if Y/N was in there. Woke him up from a nap (so many damn naps), too, what the hell?
He quietly croaked back,“Does it look like she’s in here?” and closed his eyes to try and get back to sleeping.
“I figured she…”
Whatever it was Maggie figured, she didn’t say nothing more, she mumbled “sorry,” and closed the door again.
Was…was everything okay?
Footsteps and light panting sound behind you, bringing you back down to earth.
Before dread can kick in at full blast, you recognize who’s behind you even before you hear his voice calling your name, and it is a relief to know he’s there. He’ll know how to fix this. He’ll know what to do.
But what if he saw? What if he’s not the only one?
A water cooler of shame gets dumped over your head like you’ve just failed big at something. Your throat tightens again.
You idiot. You stupid, stupid girl.
Not turning your head much because your eyes are probably red, you at least control the shake in your voice. “H-Hi, Mr. Horvath, what’s up?”
“Kiddo. What just happened?”
“What do you mean?” Might as well stall when you don’t know how to say it. Maybe Dale only saw Shane looking huffy, maybe he didn’t see or hear any of what just happened and maybe, just maybe, you’re being overly dramatic about what happened. He's your brother, siblings sometimes smack each other around a little, it's not like he punched you. See, that would've been bad...
And it’s just as well you don’t know what to say back, because after hearing a door clack open then shut, you peek to see not only Dale standing before you, but Margaret, jogging from the back of the house in your direction?
She calls your name — and is holding the book you’d lent to Jimmy! Thank God, honest fodder to stall from answering Dale.
“Did Jimmy finish it?” you ask lightly.
But Maggie looks unsettled. “I grabbed this on my way downstairs as an excuse when I saw what was happenin’.”
Oh, no. Y/N, you stupid, stupid girl.
“What did I just see your brother doing?”
Stupid, stupid girl.
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