#David is also the nicest person ever so when you think about all of this
ingravinoveritas · 10 months
longingtolinger-blog replied to your post "Have you seen AL's latest Insta story? sure it…"
Yeah…my hope is things will work out for the best in their own time. I will say if I met both of them I'm not sure AL and I would get along very well, and it's not just because I have a massive crush on her boyfriend.
@longingtolinger-blog This is only a feeling that I've had, but it seems like AL doesn't get along with many people very well. I'm mainly thinking of Michael's friends, but especially David. Because we never see or hear David talk about Anna, and she never talks or posts about him, except for the same "official" behind-the-scenes pictures from Staged that she's repeatedly posted. It's like...this is her boyfriend's best friend (at a minimum), and she acts as if he doesn't exist (which could also be because a rule has been put in place that she isn't allowed to post about him on social media, which makes the blurry photo that she posted even more suspect). And this all suggests AL and David having (at best) a cordial relationship on the surface, and a rather frostier one underneath.
Even with Georgia, I've mentioned previously on my blog about how their friendship feels so forced (that recent picture and Georgia's tepid re-sharing of it with no additional comment or hashtag certainly didn't help matters), and so it's as if Georgia tolerates her because David loves Michael, but draws a line between that and being AL a close friend of theirs.
I will reiterate that I could be wrong about every bit of this, but at this point it seems like Anna has shown her true colors too many times, and now other people are noticing it. Like you, I of course want things to work out for the best, but what that ultimately is still remains to be seen...
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1moreff-creator · 1 year
Thank you DRDT crew!
Even though I’ve only been a fan for a short time compared to others, the amount of love I have for this series is hard to put into words. It has slowly grown to be my favorite DR-related media of all time, for a multitude of reasons. Everything about it is remarkably impressive, and I just wanted to say thank you for bringing us such an amazing experience.
I got into DRDT through Weeby Newz’ streams. I had just finished binge watching her SDRA2 streams, but this “Danganronpa Despair Time” one looked interesting. Especially because I kept seeing a video by Ocean Unknown popping up in my recommended, which said something about “David’s reveal”. So I decided to watch those vods too.
Fast-forward a binge watch, and… I was in love. It didn’t even register how attached I’d gotten to every single character, and how intrigued I was to see how everything would play out.
I absolutely wouldn’t have started a Tumblr blog without DRDT. But now I have, and it’s been one of the most fun experiences I’ve had in fandom. So, from the bottom of my heart:
Thank You!
Thank you for the dedication to do such a long and arduous project!
Thank you for the beautiful art! I’ve always been a fan of DRDT’s unique style, and those animations always take my breath away, no matter how many times I see them.
Thank you for all the amazing characters you’ve brought to life! I love them all so much, I could thank you for each one individually.
… So I will.
•Thank you for Teruko! Because she’s one of my favorite protagonists from anything ever, as her intriguing and complex personality is always a joy to analyze.
Also, uh, thank you for the prosopagnosia rep. I probably have that too, but I would have never found out without DRDT. It really explained a lot about my life, so it can be said this series has changed me forever :D
•Thank you for Xander! It’s refreshing to see a character like him being so important to the story, with so many mysteries still surrounding him!
•Thank you for Charles! Because this nerd is one of the most likable and enjoyable characters I’ve seen in any fangan.
•Thank you for Ace! Because he manages to be both very funny and very interesting and complex whenever needed.
•Thank you for Arei! It’s always nice to see a ‘mean’ character with such well thought out motivations and such drive to change.
•Thank you for Rose! Her attitude always makes me feel calm when I think about her, and I’m really interested in seeing where her character and themes are going to go.
•Thank you for Hu! Another one I’m really intrigued by, I can’t wait to know more about her!
•Thank you for Eden! For showing that even “the nice one” characters can have depth and complexity. Also representation win, the nicest girl ever is a lesbian!
•Thank you for Nico! They are so, so interesting. I feel like I’m overusing the word “intriguing”, but they really are so fun to think about. Also representation win for the enbies! Love to see it.
•Thank you for Whit! Because he’s funny, and interesting, and there’s definitely something wrong with him it’s nice to have a character that doesn’t have any big issues :D
Just kidding! The reason I love DRDT so much is that everyone gets to be a little fucked up, as a treat!
And representation win! The coolest guy ever is bisexual!
•Thank you for J! She’s funny and cool and- you guessed it, intriguing. I am running that word to the ground, but it’s true for everyone!
•Thank you thank you thank you for Veronika!!! She’s so great. She’s fantastic. She always brings a smile to my face, she’s so perfect in every way shape and form. God I love her so much, I want her to go as insane as her crazy little heart desires. And more representation! Sorta jealous of the pansexuals who got this freak (affectionate).
•Thank you for David! How can a character be so complex, that you look at Literature Girl Insane and decide it needs more literary references to properly convey them? Well, David’s the answer, and geez. He’s just so fantastically written, it’s incredible. Another big win for the bisexual community imo.
•Thank you for Levi! He’s really cool, and everything about him is interesting.
•Thank you for Arturo! Because as much of a weirdo as he can be, his entire character is just really, really interesting.
•Thank you for MonoTV! Because it’s funny and its personality has to be one of the most unique I’ve ever seen for mascot characters.
•Thank you for Mai! I mean, who?
•Thank you for Unnamed Classmate! Because they’re really nice and I can’t wait to see where they go.
And of course…
•Thank you, so much, for Min! She may very well be my favorite character from anything ever. Everything about how she’s written is phenomenal, her personality and struggles are so well developed, I could gush about her for hours! She means so much to me, I can’t properly describe how in love I am with her.
Thank you for the laughs! From the arm wrestling scene, Charles getting obliterated by MonoCredits, “milk tastes good”, Teruko tripping over Nico… Not to mention the greatest joke ever conceived: the bathroom investigation. I laughed for a solid minute or two when I first watched it, just replaying the funniest thing ever on loop.
The Q&As were also really funny, and I never really had an issue with the way the were written. I fully understand and support if you decide not to do them ever again, but they were fun while they lasted. From Nico’s favorite ice cream flavor being “the flavor”, to us forgetting people can have friends aside from Mai I mean who, all the way to that time you directed us to inform ourselves on what a pant pocket is.
Thank you for the tears! Because I still can’t watch Min’s final hug without my chest hurting, a lot. Even some of the frames from the Sleepy MV, that beautiful piece of art, get me to tear up just looking at them.
Thank you for the mysteries! From the murders which are really fun to theorize about, to everything related to Mai Akasaki and the multiple source code secrets. And don’t even get me started on the LGI MV, that insanity (affectionate) has been eating at my brain ever since it released. Everything about it is fantastic, even the things we still haven’t solved.
Where’s footnote 8, dev?! Did you put it in your pant pockets?! (/j)
Also, tangentially, thanks for introducing me to the LGI album. It’s a really good album ^^
Thank you for the research you’ve put into everything! Things like Ace’s talent causing his eating disorder are really appreciated, they show a genuine care and love for the project.
Thank you for all the little details you might think no one notices, but that we love to see! Things like the first Nonstop Debate ending in perjury, Teruko listing Xander as one of the people whose secret was unrevealed, David’s eyes being different in his genuine breakdowns to his little thing in Ep 11, strychnine not being listed with the other custom weapons because Charles made the list, the note Xander received having a proper full message which has been obscured (I can only make out “it is” at the bottom, but it’s clear the message is there), the charm on Teruko’s thing-that’s-probably-a-MonoPad-but-may-be-something-else being the same as Unnamed Classmate’s phone charm, all the interesting details in the character profiles, among so many other things.
This also includes details revealed on Q&As. Arei being ambidextrous, Teruko liking “girly” clothing, Xander having a weak sense of taste, Ace having 9 siblings, Veronika’s earring being related to a friend, all the favorite and least favorite colors and ice cream flavors. As well as the few things we know about people like Felicity and Elliot that made the community fall in love with them for no apparent reason. It just makes them all seem so human!
Thank you to the voice actors, as well! They’ve all done such an amazing job, no exceptions! In particular, Veronika’s unhinged laughter, the dialogue after Ace’s almost murder, Min’s last words, David’s speech post the “guilty as charged” incident… but it’s all fantastic, all the characters are voiced really well.
And thank you for so much more! If I kept going, this post would never end. DRDT just means more to me than any finite number of words could ever convey. Without your work, the days pass by tastelessly /ref. So, one last time for the road:
Thank you for everything!
Tumblr media
(God I love the Sleepy MV so much. It’s so pretty!!!)
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alexhornefan · 2 years
Nice Things People Say About Alex Horne
Updated: 21/09/2023
 Alex is the nicest guy ever. -Lucy Beaumont, Series 16 Contestant Interviews
It’s all from Greg and Alex, it’s the synergy between them. It sounds corny, but they are really lovely guys. -Lucy Beaumont, Series 16 Contestant Interviews
It’s a strange role he has because he’s the clever one, but he’s also the inferior one compared to Greg. -Julian Clary, Series 16 Contestant Interviews
He's ever so nice. -Julian Clary, Taskmaster, Series 16, Episode 1 (11.00)
I love Greg and Alex so much. -Sue Perkins, Series 16 Contestant Interviews
He is generous, down-to-earth, and always willing to go out of his way to make others feel like they are important and valued. -Dr Ali Struthers, creator of School Tasking and co-founder of Taskmaster Education who nominated Alex for his Honorary Doctorate from Warwick University
Alex, it’s genuinely difficult for me to think of anyone who more closely embodies what I want to see on television. I think you’re perfect. -Victoria Coren Mitchell on Taskmaster series 12 outtakes
Alex is very, very sweet. -David Baddiel, Taskmaster Series 9 Outtakes, part 1
I've never met Alex before the show, but I'd watched the show as research. And I thought he'd be this weirdo, he would be really aloof and stuff. And then he was just like, the nicest person! But I was so shocked that he was like a totally different person. He's one of the best people I've ever worked with. -Fern Brady on her Taskmaster Reddit AMA
(Thanks to @hleonaa for sharing these above two quotes)
He's one of the most trustworthy, lovely guys I've ever met. -Lou Sanders, Taskmaster Podcast, Episode 60.
I was aware of Alex because I really like the Horne Section. And he's a really, really, really funny boy. -Hugh Dennis, Taskmaster Podcast, Episode 41.
I've got to be honest, Alex is a lovely man, an absolute comedy genius. I think within the next decade we'll see him approaching national treasure territory. -Ed Gamble, Off Menu Podcast, Episode 175
And Alex Horne is just great. God, I wish I could work with him again. He’s so, so lovely. -Fern Brady
Alex Horne is so pure and I don't want him to read things that are dirty- Fern Brady, RHLSTP
Ed Gamble and Kerry Godliman talk about how nice Alex is.
And of course anyone who knows Alex Horne knows that he is one of the nicest, loveliest souls in comedy, so it is hard to say no to Alex Horne- Doc Brown/Ben Bailey Smith, Taskmaster Podcast, Episode 21
When I first got asked to do Taskmaster, I agreed because I loved Alex and I still do. I was just so excited to do his show. -Romesh Ranganathan, Taskmaster Podcast, Episode 18
The reason I said yes without knowing much about it was because it had come from his twisted little mind, and I knew it would be clever. -Greg Davies
I absolutely love the guy, as you know. One of the few geniuses in television, in my opinion. -Richard Osman, Taskmaster Podcast, Episode 23
Alex immediately establishes a really warm relationship without any exception, every single person who's been on that show which is kind of the life-blood of doing the tasks. It's beautiful. -Tim Key Taskmaster Podcast, Episode 14
I think we're unlikely friends. I don't think, if it wasn't for Taskmaster, I don't think we'd have found each other necessarily, but I'm ever so glad that we did. -Greg Davies (Taskmaster, People's Podcast with Greg Davies)
He really is [so nice]. He doesn't have a side to him. He really is just nice. -Greg Davies (Taskmaster, People's Podcast with Greg Davies)
He's one of the nicest people in the world. He's just so nice. -Lou Sanders. (Taskmaster, People's Podcast with Greg Davies)
I feel nothing but affection for Alex. -Greg Davies
He's got a very interesting, gentle persona. It's nice to spend time with him. -Adrian Chiles
He's a magnificent human being. I don't know whether I'm supposed to say that. And he's so charming and so funny -Claudia Winkleman
He was really good, and he was also one of the nicest people I've met in these showbiz things, because he came in and chatted to you in between tasks. We had some really good chats, actually, and got along. He's such a cool guy. -Jonnie Peacock
Also, I really like Alex. I hosted Montreal Just for Laughs [in 2010] and he was on the bill so for a week we did a show and I got to know him then, I thought he was great. So that's the main reason I did it. -Noel Fielding
Alex is a very thoughtful, self-effacing, humble man. -Greg Davies
And I love Greg and Alex, I love their rapport. So to me, I've got a front row seat for one of the best double acts on television. -Kerry Godliman
There was one moment where a paramedic was called, and Alex was useful in that moment. He seemed genuinely worried that I might have broken a bone. -Jessica Knappett
I admire him greatly and I think that's what I put it down to: an underlying admiration. -Greg Davies
He's the sweetest boy in all the world and he has the sweetest little face. -Rose Matafeo
I adore Alex. I feel like it's having a calm therapist there. I often used to start a task by hugging him, but he didn't want to do that. I thought it was nice but he didn't like it. -Katy Wix
Greg does really tease Alex but he has a really fondness for him. -Jo Brand (link below)
He's such a tremendously likeable person. I hope my relationship with him is just a friendly one, really. He's so genuinely helpful. -Jo Brand
I'm a fan of Greg Davies and Alex Horne, both of whom I've known for a long time. -David Baddiel (See below)
But with Taskmaster, I'm always confident the tasks will be funny - properly funny, not local-news funny. Mainly because of the genius of Alex Horne. I have a lot of faith in Alex. -David Baddiel
Alex is genius at coming up with ways for people to prove their ineptitude. -Richard Herring
I think Greg and Alex are such a team. -Katherine Parkinson
Obviously, Alex is very talented at devising games and frameworks for people to be funny and ridiculous in. -Mike Wozniak
I love him! I love little Alex Horne. He's just so sweet! He's a smiley face on a rainy day. A bunch of flowers in this hellhole. I loved him, and his sweet little face. We're pack animals, and you get a bit lonely doing the tasks on your own. He's always there for you. -Morgana Robinson
Well Alex is a much more kindred spirit for me. On the Only Connect team, Alex would be captain. In my house, Alex would be the most capable person. It would be, "Let's get Alex in to fix things". So it was odd to see him as the junior. Greg is to Alex what Alex is to me. -Victoria Coren Mitchell
The thing is with Alex, he goes into everything in a full-throttled manner. -Greg Davies (see below)
We've such an unlikely friendship, Alex and I, but it's crept along nicely. I'm more than happy for it to be made public that Alex and I have been camping together. I never thought him and I would spend a night under the stars, but we did. It was pre-lockdown, and it was even voluntary. The fact that I did is progress for our friendship. Beneath the insults, you can sense a new warmth. He's a clever bugger, isn't he? -Greg Davies
Alex Horne is just a delightful person. -Greg Davies (Taskmaster Podcast, Episode 11)
**Greg Listing 5 things he likes about Alex Horne from The Horne Section Podcast**
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blood-mocha-latte · 8 months
~ miscellaneous tag game ~
tagged by the lovely @mutantmanifesto and @dontirrigateme <3
Favorite place in the world you’ve visited?
rough draw but munich! 'twas gorgeous and also where I got engaged
Something you’re proud of yourself for?
dragging my ass through college in two years and double majoring. nearly killed me but by god it's done
Favorite books?
the awakening by kate chopin - the woman in white by wilkie collins - all quiet on the western front by erich maria remarque - a tree grows in brooklyn by betty smith - letters from the 442nd by min masuda
Something that makes your heart happy when thinking about it?
mah wife (borat voice)
Favorite thing about your culture?
god what even is my culture. how unhinged would i sound if i said swamps and rigatoni
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched?
joined about three years ago but not on tumblr, but watched the pacific first
Have you read any of Easy Company’s books? If so, which ones were your favorite?
no because i. have a reading list and they aren't up in the queue lmao
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?
leckie. he’s like. webster if webster was a wet cat what’s not to love. favorite moment is all moments ever EXCEPT for the sex scenes because what kind of hallucinogen did i take to have to watch that
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
i write fic and am. a little consumed by it at all times. i also make edits but am going through a bit of a rut with that so for now only writing thank you
Favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs?
eliza dushku for her wonderful performances in buffy the vampire slayer and angel (i'm gay. can you tell)
Favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
just this entire dick allen poem which is luztoye coded forever and ever
Random fact your mutuals/followers don’t know about you?
hm. idk. i once got bit by a raccoon in a bayou and had to get rabies shots for the next two weeks
If you’re a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader 🤭)?
i write everything by hand and then put in in the Computer which is like. a built in beta edit. and then mah wife (borat voice) betas for me because she's wonderful
Three things that make you smile?
mah wife (borat voice) (i'm predictable)
our air purifier (i’m old)
our vintage dog teapot
Any nicknames you like?
my name is three letters long like there's not a lot of leeway there. i went by adelasia for a while which is my middle name but like. that's it. does papera count
List some people you love to see around on tumblr!
@lamialamia is the pillar of my entire person at all times and genuinely one of the nicest people i’ve ever met. linh wrote this wonderful fic for the secret santa exchange, which i am currently reading and fawning over
@staud is easily one of the talented people in the entire hbo war fandom and has the fucking VISION for gifs and videos. most recent of which i’ve watched (and panicked about) being an incredible eugene sledge video. erin is also just fucking funny bro idk what to tell you
@mutantmanifesto is someone that is like. genuinely a celebrity to me. every time i see lenora’s drawings anywhere i have flashbacks like i’m in the louvre. also just a wonderful person with incredible taste
@ep6bastogne is on a tumblr hiatus right now but always deserves a shoutout. she did incredible edits of skinny sisk, eugene roe, ron speirs, and david webster for the secret santa exchange that changed my brain chemistry forever and is one of the warmest people i’ve ever talked to
@ewipandora is someone that i’m ALWAYS holding hands with <3. both a genuinely funny and wonderful person and has incredible taste in reblogs. ewi is currently doing a band of brothers ship series that i plan to Consume as soon as possible because i have no doubt that they’re incredible
@dcyllom is an incredibly underrated and kind part of my Dashboard Experience™ and is also just wonderful and one of my favorite Tumblr People :)
@educationalporpoises is a genius and an INCREDIBLE writer. zee was my secret santa gifter and this luztoye fic knocked it all the way out of the park and into the cemetery, which is how hard it slayed. also wins for best mutual handle
@almost-a-class-act is ridiculously supportive and kind, and a backbone of the hbo war fandom forever and always. sam’s also one of the best fucking writers to ever grace this earth, with the most recent thing i’ve read being this top notch luztoye fic <3
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
die. girl i work in an er i'd be the first to go
Favorite movie?
ladri di biciclette for all time favorite movie ever. a perfect movie
Do you like horror movies?
it depends entirely on the level of homoerotism that can be found in those movies. and also if matthew lillard is in it
everyone mentioned above as well as anyone who wants to do it since i have no clue who’s been tagged :)
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khaleesiofalicante · 10 months
Dani hellooo!
Okay so life had been pretty hectic lately but I've finally been given a break-that lasts until tomorrow but still a break. So I got around reading Joan's and Cami's chapter and what do you know, I absolutely loved them! And Cami, she is in fact a bitch but it suits her so we love her. So many things I have to say, my notes app got filled up again so this will be long😅
So you're telling us, Theia, who is referred to as the nicest person ever saw a Latina/Desi (bad) bitch and a French asshole and went MINE? That's very sexy of her. Honestly who can blame her, Cami and Lance for the win
Not saying I need to see the scene where Kincaid used the phrase Regine taught him to Arthur but ummm I kinda do, I bet he was blushing the while time. So cutee
Regine's crush on Kincaid feels very suss, like she doesn't actually know him so she has a crush on the idea of this warrior and not on the actual person
Okay, I thought Theia was distant from Regine(as it was mentioned in Joan's chapter) because of the way she treated Lance but apparently that's not the case?
I think I kinda ship Joan and Regine, but Régine said she's straight and I want to be respectful to her sexuality so I'll contain my fangirlirng over them
Kinda irrelevant but this came to me when I was reading it: David/Arthur/Lance/Regine French nicknames for Max/Kincaid/Theia/Joan: Mon ange/Mon nounours/Mon belle fleur/Mon soldat-chevalerie ( the last two were my addition yes I'm delulu)
Did everyone find out about Lance getting hurt? How did they react-besides Joan(curious about Rafael/Theia, especially Rafe because I'm sure he would want to be there for his nephew but he couldn't)
Theia's thoughts to Lance becoming a whore? Is she trying stuff with other people too? Also, why did Lance become a whore? I feel he's very similar to TLND Max at this point
Love Cami for not believing that Lance can hurt Idris. How are the movie nights between the cousins going? Please tell me they still have those
"They’ll turn on each other. They’ll turn on you. You wait and watch.” :feels like a thing that will happen when Kyle and Victoria find out about everything
I have a bad feeling that Theia won't become Inquisitor or Cami won't become consul and I hate it
The more Rafael is forced to support the Idris Patrol the more scared I get -you know how sometimes you say something and someone you don't like or respect agrees with you and you kinda ask yourself if maybe you're wrong? I feel like that's Rafael right now- at least I think he should be concerned for agreeing with Kyle when it comes to the Idris Patrol
Alec calling David a Lightwood Bane, supporting him and putting bigoted baby shadowhunters in their place-what a bad bitch, he is the real GOAT
Also what's with Régine trash talking about the residents of the New York Institute to everyone, including Joan and Cami? They are family? What even?
Regine was spying on Joan-nice
Okay theory about what David is hiding (because I believe he is hiding something): David wants to become immortal so Max never becomes Other Max or David is practicing necromancy (because they joked about it and now I'm scared-a joke is never just an innocent joke when you're concerned)
Okay IALS related but I had to because the thought made me laugh: When Jaden was voted sexiest man alive, some people said that Max was way sexier. I want to imagine David would've liked and reposted all of those tweets (from a fake account obviously)
Okay so I saw the David was more likely to cheat and I have to ask- do you mean he would cheat on other people with Max or cheat on Max with other people- even if it's people who look/act like him? Because I can see the first one happening but the second not so much and I'm kinda curious what you think
Also I kinda miss TLND Mavid so I reread some chapters and a thought came to me: how do you think their first fight would go after they got together? Would Max be scared that David will leave him?
Okay I'm done, told you this would be long. Anyways, how are you? Hope you're finishing up with all the projects and finally have some time off to relax and do things you enjoyy🌷
PS: Here's a tik tok of Lewis being Lewis that I'm sure was created by David
Not me responding to this ask as a 'reward' after a hard day of work (my weirdness is quite unique yes).
Theia likes the baddies. Pass it on. Also, she is a blackthorn. Of course, she is attracted to unhinged behaviour.
That phrase is in Arthur's chapter and I'd like to think it was very cute indeed hehe.
She also likes him because she thinks he will 'avenge' her father...
Theia was mad. But not for long. I think it's mentioned somewhere that Theia is too nice to people. So, I guess she forgave Regine for being a lil bitch.
Joan and Regine give me major sapphic feels. But I shall keep it to myself...for now.
I love the bonus pet names. I might borrow them 👀
Lance actually didn't get hurt. He can't get hurt because he has demons protecting him. The only people who can physically hurt Lance are Kincaid and Lance himself. And maybe Lucifer idk. As for their reaction, I'm sure Theia must have felt really scared, but also sad about not being able to reach out. As for Rafael, it's mostly guilt and helplessness 🥹
Theia is a little heartbroken about Lance 'moving on'. She is not dating/sleeping with anyone. She's in too deep oof. As for Lance, we'll talk more about his whore phase later.
I regret to inform you that movie nights are almost nonexistent now. Like once a year or so. Even then it's very awkward. We have all the entire LB fam getting together in magnus' chapter so we'll some stuff then...
i am anticipayshaun 😬
I am not anticipayshaun 😭
I think Rafael is definitely concerned about agreeing with Kyle - and the Council. But that is, alas, the tricky thing about running a democratic government. He has to agree with the majority.
Idk what kind of drugs Regine is on but she is trashtalking without care lmao.
Once again, idk what Regine is doing. Petition for Antoine to check on his sister.
But I love jokes 🥺 I can tell you that David is indeed hiding a secret. But I won't tell you what 😘
This unhinged whore, like LH himself, likes unhinged tweets from his real account (Can you imagine the chaos? I doubt it happened. BUT STILL)
This is an essay question. But i can see him cheating either way. It falls under "you always get what you want" and "you are greedy" narratives we see around David. I don't think it's cheating for the sake of sex or whatever. I'm sure he'll have a "reason" behind it. But I can see him cheating on Max. Think of what's going on with Other Max. There is a complete lack of guilt from his side...
This is SO weird, Vicky! Because I was literally thinking about it over the weekend. As in, about their first fight. I think it would be over something very pointless. But Max's separation anxiety would 100% act up and there will be a lot of angst and then a lot of fluff and reassurance. Oof. Great minds think alike.
I've officially written to all my clients and said "I'm on vacay after dec 15" but now the question is how many of these assholes are actually going to listen and respect that 🫠
I'm sorry you've been having a hectic time too! PETITION FOR US TO ALL GO ON VACAYS IMMEDIATELY. I hope you are doing some self-care stuff (like me answering your asks lol).
Hearing from you always makes me smile and gives me serotonin 💙
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NITA STRAUSS: 'The ALICE COOPER Touring Camp Is Really Like A Family'
ALICE COOPER guitarist Nita Strauss spoke to the WHMH Rockin' 101 radio station about her recently released single "Winner Takes All", featuring a guest appearance by the legendary rocker. The track is taken from Nita's upcoming sophomore solo album, tentatively due later this year via Sumerian Records.
Regarding how her latest collaboration with Alice came about, Nita said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "The Alice Cooper touring camp, it's really like a family. I think a lot of people have this impression of legendary musicians like him that they're sort of unapproachable and untouchable, and Alice is the nicest and most approachable person in the entire world. So it didn't really feel like approaching somebody that was gonna say no; it was like I was talking to a friend. Alice has been really supportive of my solo stuff. He had me on [his radio show] 'Nights With Alice Cooper' when my first record came out. He obviously encouraged me to go out and tour with Demi Lovato and promote my own music and everything else. So I was really grateful that when we approached him with this song, he was totally eager to do it. I think he went into the studio in, like, two days and recorded it at his own studio in Phoenix. So it was a great experience all around."
Last month, Nita told the "Appetite For Distortion" podcast she "knew" that she wanted to do something with Alice for her next LP. "We have a lot of guests on the upcoming record," she explained. "There are some instrumental songs, like on the first record as well, but it's a lot of guests. And I thought, 'How cool would it be…?' — we all kind of put our heads together and thought, 'How cool would it be to showcase Alice's voice on very modern, heavy active rock kind of track?' 'Cause everything he does is sort of in that more classic rock kind of vein. Even the new music that he's come out with in the last few years has had that classic Alice sound. And I thought, 'Well, since we're not gonna get a song like this from Alice himself, let's bring a song to him. Let's make something for him.' So my first call was to Tommy Henriksen, who does a lot of the writing for the Alice project and the HOLLYWOOD VAMPIRES project, and I said, 'What key does he like to sing in? What's his vibe?' And Tommy gave me some options. And so we ended up dropping to a seven-string [guitar] and wrote this really mean heavy riff, like very driving, very get in your car and put the pedal all the way down and speed down the highway. And between Tommy and myself, we wrote the melody and the lyrics and sent it off to Alice. He loved it. And he loved it so much, and we sent it to him in Phoenix, and he was, like, 'Cool. I'm gonna go and record it.' I think he recorded it in his studio in Phoenix the next day, or within a day or two, was how fast it happened. And from there we were off to the races."
Nita continued: "The plan, actually, was not to release the song until the tour. We thought maybe we could just drop the song and show up on stage on the same day, kind of like old-school 'Wrestlemania'. But then, between his schedule and my release schedule and all the label politics and all that, [we decided to] put it out early, help promote the song, go out on tour and all that good stuff. So it all worked out for the best. The song had a super-strong first week, which is amazing. Alice sounds like a rock star, as always. And, yeah, I feel like it just went great."
"Winner Takes All" is the third song Nita has released featuring a star guest vocalist, the first being the enormously successful "Dead Inside" which featured guest vocals from DISTURBED's David Draiman and saw Nita become the first-ever solo female to have a No. 1 hit at Active Rock radio. She also returned to her instrumental roots last year with the release of single "Summer Storm", a fast-paced, emotive shred-fest. In October 2022, Nita dropped "The Wolf You Feed", an epic headbanger of a track featuring the insane vocal talent of Alissa White-Gluz of ARCH ENEMY.
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simptasia · 1 year
Which celebrities, males or females, you consider to have sexy feet? Who is your fave in that regard?
ohh you're so nice for indulging me
aw i keep longing for somebody to like actually talk about this stuff with but now i'm in the moment, my brain blanks and im bashful
often when i develop this these fixations on actors, their feet get involved. not every time, but more frequently over the past few years
but i do have an easy answer: zachary quinto has the nicest feet i have ever seen. and i'm including women in that statement
i'm sure it helps that theres many pics available. like, he has a tendency towards being barefoot. also i think this is a fair generalization: queer men often have nicer feet than straight men. i want feet to be clean and well cared for. all the power to my brethren who're into the gross feet but thats just not my thing
yeah, zach wins. they're a lot of pics, they're clean and pretty, the size and shape... just mouth watering
there's plenty of celebs whose feet i've admired but i don't feel like listing 'em all, i'll give some honourable mentions:
david dastmalchian. surprisingly have not been seen much, barely at all! but they're nice and i'm very into them on principle. and as a bonus, he has a habit of painting his toe nails too <3
rebecca mader. every part of her is lovely
francesca hayward
robbie fairchild. as with frankie above, whoever says all dancers have fucked up feet are sorely wrong and these two are proof
laurie davidson. his toes rest in an appealing way, in a way that suggests he's worn shoes less than the average person
leland orser. there's a delicateness there
i'm sure theres a pattern here if i care to look
probably "pretty and delicate"
can you believe i used to think i liked feet a normal amount
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jane-ways · 2 years
Some personal highlights of Mission Chicago:
Telling a joke that Alexander Siddig genuinely laughed at (despite it being my first ever time meeting a celebrity and also having had a huge crush on him when I was 15 and being tremendously nervous)
The sheer delight he took in being the first person to sign my DS9 baseball cap and taking up the whole brim
Nana Visitor laughing about how typical that was of him when she signed it next
Nana Visitor's smile and genuine warmth and also I got to put my arm around her waist when we got a photo together
Chase Masterson!!! Everything about Chase Masterson, but especially that she talked with us for like 7 or 8 minutes and ended it with, "People should be fucking kind!!" and asking us for hugs
Walter Koenig telling my girlfriend and I that we were a beautiful couple
Walter Koenig recognizing us the next day when we went back for another autograph and blushing a little when I told him it was for my mom, who had a huge crush on him as a child
The entire Disco cast (David Ajala, Ian Alexander, Noah Averbach-Katz, Anthony Rapp, and Doug Jones) being deeply, truly, profoundly obsessed with the book "by" Grudge the cat (as told to Robb Pearlman) we asked them all to autograph
David Ajala loving Grudge so much and telling us about how the cat didn't like him at first and tore his costume the first time they met
Actually everything about David Ajala. He is so genuinely kind and warm and present in the moment with you and blessed us for being there and walked around the convention a bunch
Ian Alexander read the entire Grudge book AND complimented my hair (!!!!)
Noah Averbach-Katz y'all!!!!! Literally THE nicest person. Spent probably 10 minutes talking to us AND gave us an extra autograph for free on "his" page in the Grudge book, with what he called "some corrections" (the cat did not like him)
He was so down to earth and fun to talk to. It just felt like talking to another fan.
Connecting with him about being Jewish!!! And he confirmed that Andorians are canonically Jewish because "they can't stop him" !!!!!
Anthony Rapp was just so kind and generous. He was like, "Do you think I can get one of these Grudge books?" And I was like, Uh, yeah, Mr. Rapp, for you, I think they'll make that happen
He also wrote a special note for us with some "corrections" on his page in the book
Doug Jones is surprisingly flirtatious??? Just a very sweet and funny man. Spent 5 minutes or so with every fan. Pinched our cheeks and hugged us!!!!!
We got autographs from Dominic Keating, Conner Trinneer, and Anthony Montgomery and they were so funny and also Anthony Montgomery is SO handsome and has the biggest smile
We told Conner Trinneer that that autograph was a gift for my mom, who is a huge fan of his, and Dominic Keating went, "Ah, you get all the mums... Then again, I'm watching the show again, and I think if I were a mum, I think I'd go for you, too"
Just how gay Dominic Keating is
He asked my girlfriend about her tattoo of a handlebar mustache, so she opened up and said that she got that because she used to have one, and he just quipped, "Ah, I see some things have changed"
My girlfriend making Conner Trinneer blush a little when she called him handsome
This truly amazing conglomerate glamour shot of Quark I got (sadly Armin Shimmerman was not there)
Not bad for my first ever convention!
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Tues 15 June ‘21
Venice MP filming is underway, romantic canalside walks and gondola ride are a GO, as seen in pap pics and many (many) videos from fans gathered on site! I’m sure they appreciated all the little sheer polo showing off Harry’s tits, who doesn’t love a good hiddies moment huh? GQ probably did too; they already wrote a whole article about the outfit Harry wore yesterday! But even they can’t say anything better about those shorts than that they look “presentable” LMAO. TAKE THAT corduroy shorts! What about those fans though? Well, they are certainly bringing us plenty of videos- Harry handing co-star David up out of a boat like a sweet gentleman, aww, Harry skipping about between shots, Harry with a lil purse, Harry just trying to live his life and like go eat food when not working, etc etc... maybe folks could take a few steps back? Looks like Harry is really getting hounded through the tiny Venetian streets and on set, by pretty large crowds, to the extent of disrupting filming, oh no. Harry signed a picture for a nearby school-- “stay outrageous”, again dating it (June ‘21) but possibly by the end of the day he was wishing people would not be quite so outrageous.
Meanwhile the antis stuck at home are frothing at the mouth trying to convince larries (or maybe themselves?) that we now ship David and Harry- uh sorry sweaty but having the ability to understand that holding hands for cameras does not have to mean that people are really fucking is actually a pretty major core component of the whole larrie thing?! But good luck with that! It makes sense that seeing Harry acting lovey dovey with someone that they know he isn’t actually sleeping with would throw them in a tizzy though, after all their whole identity is based on denying that’s a thing that’s possible... poor things, baby’s first cognitive dissonance! It can really make you question things huh, and that’s always rough.
But they’re not the only ones with things to say about Harry! Superstar of stage and screen Mandy Patinkin posted video of himself and his wife getting four minutes’ worth of lightning round pop culture trivia questions wrong, but he nails one of em- asked what a Harry song (WS) is about, he remains silent. Well done, that’s just what Harry would have said! And Selma Hayek told a story about Harry coming to her house where her pet owl (who Harry was enthralled with and wanted to hang out with him) regurgitated an owl pellet in his hair! LOL poor Harry; naturally she said he handled it very well and was very sweet. Yes, it’s possible Harry’s interactions with her were because she’s in Marvel’s Eternals; it’s also possible he was at her house because her husband is the head of the company that owns Gucci, or for some other reason entirely.
Liam’s Lonely Bug NFTs went on sale today!! Liam was excited and happy and all over the internet posting and chatting and watching it all happen. The auctions are still open for most of them so final news on that tomorrow! Today was just Liam being hype about it- “Fandom is working its magic thank you!” he said when his request to get LB trending got it up there worldwide in like half an hour, he said more interactive content will be added to the NFTs as time goes on, that Louis cooking was “very funny”, when asked to describe his NFT collection in one word he chose “liberating,” and his hair guy reposted comments Liam has been making in the discord talking about maybe going blond with a “hmmm”. Oooh? He did a long live talking about everything, patching in the other Lonely Bug creators and quite a few other NFT people (enough that at one point Liam jokes that there are enough of them to dress up as the band to satisfy commenters asking for 1D stuff). Anyway one of them compares this NFT to ‘the original Nirvana recordings’ hmmm I mean… that is another thing that is rare I guess yes, but that’s very specific and random sir? “I know for some of you this NFT world is slightly different than what you’re used to from me,” said Liam, “but your support so far has been amazing (as always!)”
And not only that- another new Liam song coming?! We haven’t even got the one yet! (or maybe this is the same one..?) Anyway, school pal S-X (Liam hyped his music a couple weeks ago) talked about him in an interview, saying "Liam is a good friend of mine and we've got stuff coming soon. I don't want to say too much as you know how those One Direction fans get [HEYYYY… oh wait yeah he’s totally right]- when I mention him I can't even open my Twitter. But we've got a song coming and it's a smash. It's sooner than you think and that's all I can say." OH RILLY?? INTERESTING! I was just eyeing him for the artist showcase Liam said he was gonna do on veeps but OKAY! He also said "We're both from Wolverhampton and I was in college with him at the same time, and going from that to global stardom at 17 is not normal for any person. To have toured the world, done stadium tours and everything, he is one of the most famous people in the world. So he will go through scrutiny from the media and whatever, but I can tell you he is one of the nicest people, one of the most genuine people I've ever met. He's a real good friend of mine."
And speaking of unexpected songs; another Zayn demo leak was posted! This time he’s singing You with Ellie Goulding; the song ended up being released by Troye Sivan.
And Anne Marie posted “rehearsals for #OURSONG live! I just love this song so much. I also miss your face @niallhoran” with a picture of them singing away; apparently she’s referring to the recording of the acoustic version which is out on Friday. Niall posted a picture of the Danish football player who collapsed during play the other day giving a thumbs up from the hospital; indeed it is very good to see that he’s all right.
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moon-light-jukebox · 4 years
A Truth Universally Acknowledged - [Hotch x Reader] - Chapter 1
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masterlist // series index // next chapter
Summary: Reader is a member of the BAU that is liked by everyone...except her unit chief, Aaron Hotchner.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.9k for Chapter 1. 
Genre: Angst. Eventually Smut and Fluff. 
Content Warning: None for chapter 1. 
A/n: This is going to be an enemies to lovers story. It is loosely inspired by pride and prejudice. I decided to release it today because I hit 1.3k followers a little bit ago. Thank you all so much. 😊
--Chapter 1-- 
One of the lessons I learned early in life is that not everyone is going to like you. You can be the nicest, sweetest, prettiest peach on the tree…and you’re still gonna run into a mother fucker who hates peaches. And that’s okay.
I wasn’t for everyone; the people that loved me loved me fiercely and that was more than enough. It didn’t matter that some people didn’t like me.
…but for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why Agent Hotchner hated me.
“He doesn’t hate you,” Garcia had told me, but even she didn’t look super convinced.
Hotch wasn’t an easy man. He was intimidating, domineering, and intense; but sometimes when he was with his team, I saw him smile or even laugh at something they had said. I had seen how his eyes lit up whenever he talked about his son. He wasn’t cold, detached, and mean to everyone.
Just to me.
Occasionally, I try to mentally run through my time at the BAU to see if I can pinpoint the thing I did that made the unit chief dislike me. It really didn't matter if he liked me, but he seemed offended by my existence. It didn't make for an easy working relationship, and if I could somehow apologize for what I had done, then maybe things at work would get easier.
I wasn't a member of the BAU team that went out in the field; I wasn't a profiler, but I was part of the entire unit. Most people only thought of Hotch's team that jumped on a plane with him when you said BAU, but dozens of us stayed back and worked behind the scenes to make sure things ran smoothly. Even though I wasn't a profiler, I was still so happy to be a part of this unit; all I had ever wanted was to make a difference.
It just seems that the difference I made was a bad one.
“Hey,” a voice called, drawing me out of my thoughts. Agent Jaruau, JJ as she told everyone to call her, was standing beside my desks with a manila FBI file in her hands. “Did you file this?”
My brow furrowed as I took the file she handed me, running my eyes over the document. Everything looked right…until I got to the bottom line.
“Shit,” I mumbled, my eyes snapping back up to look at hers. “I’m sorry.”
JJ waved her hand, dismissing my apology. “It’s no big deal, I made that same mistake fairly often when I worked as a media liaison. That form is confusing.” She gave me a small, genuine smile. “It’s already been logged into the system…” the pretty blonde woman let her words trail off, but I knew what she didn’t want to say.
“Hotch needs to sign off on the change,” I finished for her.
“I can take it to him for you,” she offered. “I don’t mind.”
I shook my head. “That will just make it worse.” I stood, squaring my shoulders. “It’s okay. It was my mistake; I’ll take responsibility for it.”
She just patted my back when I walked by, making the dreaded walk across the bullpen, up the stairs to Hotch’s office. This sort of dumb clerical error wouldn’t be a big deal for anyone else, but everyone knew how Hotch felt about me.
Huffing out a breath, I rapped my knuckles on his office door.
“Come in,” his gruff voice called out.
I kept my eyes downcast when I entered the room, shutting the door behind me. I sort of looked at dealing with Hotch in the same way you’d deal with a predator. No sudden moves, no direct eye contact, nothing that could be seen as challenging.
“Sorry to bother you, sir.” I began, my fingers gripping the file in my hand tightly. “I just need your approval on a system record change.” I held out the file folder.
It was promptly ripped out of my hands. “It’s customary to look at someone when you speak to them, Agent.”
Heat burned in my cheeks, but I lifted my gaze, grateful he wasn’t looking at me but at the file in front of him.
“Why does this need a record change?” he asked, still not looking at me.
Here goes nothing. “I made an error on line 35.”
I saw the grip he had on his pen tighten ever so slightly. “I see,” he said softly. “Tell me, Agent, did you bother to read the form before you filled it out?”
"Yes, sir," I said quietly, feeling the muscles in my back tensing.
“Then how did you make such a stupid mistake?” Those dark brown eyes finally came to rest on my face. “I can’t have agents in this unit who are so careless. I don’t have the time to be cleaning up after anyone’s mistakes.” His voice had gotten sharper, he wasn’t quite yelling, but his words struck me hard just the same. “Is that clear?”
I nodded, focusing my eyes on his left ear. I was afraid if I saw the anger in his eyes that it would hurt me even worse.
“When I ask you a question, I expect an answer.”
My throat worked as I tried to swallow my emotions. “I’m sorry sir, it won’t happen again.”
He tossed the file on his desk. “See that it doesn’t.”
I snatched the folder off of his desk and all but ran from his office. I made the return walk down the stairs and across the bullpen to my desk. I dropped the file on my desk with a shaky exhale.
I really wanted to be the sort of person who could accept criticism without getting so emotional. I wanted to be the sort of person that could put up a brave face and let painful words just roll off of me.
But I wasn't.
I stood in front of my desk for a moment, weighing my options. I could sit down at my desk and try to pretend I wasn't gutted, or I could run to the bathroom and cry alone.
I chose the latter.
Whenever I got so upset, I always felt like I had let the other person win. Running out of the bullpen and locking myself in a bathroom stall while I angrily dashed away the tears the rolled down my cheeks made me feel like a failure.
I kept telling myself that it didn’t matter what Agent Hotchner thought of me. I was good at my job, I had to be, or he would have already fired me. His complaints seemed to just be with…me as a person.
I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom and took inventory of my reflection. It looked like I had been crying, but that’s nothing a makeup wipe couldn’t mostly fix. Besides, what did it matter if Hotch made me cry? He made Anderson cry all the time and no one said anything to him.
It wasn’t until I was tossing my makeup wipe away that I let out a slightly bitter chuckle; I realized I still mentally refer to him as “Hotch,” it’s what he told everyone to call him.
Everyone but me.
I had long ago decided that coffee was the answer to almost every problem life had. I think the only person who made more trips to the coffee machine than me was Dr. Spencer Reid. He didn't talk to me a lot either, but I don't think that's because he didn't like me. I think he was just awkward and nervous. Maybe I should try to talk to him more.
Dr. Reid wasn’t at the coffee station when I made my way there after exiting the bathroom, but another member of the BAU was. If it had been anyone else, I might have tried to turn and act like I wasn’t going to the coffee pot in the first place, but I’m sure he had already noticed me.
David Rossi didn’t miss much.
I made my way over to the kitchenette counter, grabbing one of my mugs out of the cabinet before turning my head in his direction.  "Good morning, Agent Rossi," I chirped in greeting.
The older man returned my greeting, his eyes running over my face in a way that would have been terrifying if I didn’t know the man. I still wasn’t sure how someone could look so friendly and so calculating all at the same time.
“You okay, kiddo?” he asked, dropping his focus to his own coffee cup on the counter.
My teeth gnawed on my bottom lip as I considered my answer. “There’s no point in trying to lie to you, is there?”
The man who developed the art of profiling chuckled at my question. "No, not much of a point," he informed me, his voice kind. He didn't seem the least bit off-put by my question. "It's also probably not fair of me to ask such a hard question."
“No, it’s fine,” I insisted.
The older man just shook his head. “We both know it’s not.”
I felt tears prick the inner corners of my eyes again. “I just…I don’t know why he hates me so much. And I wish it didn’t bother me but-.” My voice cracked, betraying how upset I truly was.
Rossi let out a defeated sigh and reached his hand out to cover my own. “I’ve known Aaron for a long time, y/n. He’s a good man, one of the best men I’ve ever met.” He patted my hand before he pulled away to pick up his own cup. “Doesn’t mean he’s not a dick sometimes.”
I just gave him a slightly watery chuckle. “It’s okay. I just need to toughen up.”
“You don’t need to change a thing, Bella.” Rossi gave me one last smile before walking back to his own office.
I had already turned my focus back to my own coffee cup when I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, a primal instinct to let me know that I wasn’t totally safe.
There was no reason to look around; there was only one person who could make me feel that way in this building. My focus remained on my cup as I stirred in my packets of Splenda. Every cell of my body was telling me to run, but what was the point? Besides, he was less likely to yell at me in front of other people.
I hoped.
The air shifted when he took the same place against the counter that Rossi had just occupied; I'm sure he noticed subtle changes in my posture, no matter how hard I tried to hide them.
I gathered up the empty packets in one hand and gripped the handle of my mug in the other. “Excuse me,” I mumbled as I moved around him.
I hadn’t taken more than two steps before he spoke. “Agent.”
“Yes, sir?” I spun on my heel to face him.
He looked just the same as he had in his office. Trademark scowl, closely cropped dark hair, piercing dark eyes, black suit, red tie. Most of all he still looked utterly displeased that I existed in his general vicinity.
Agent Hotchner seemed to hesitate for a minute while his eyes ran over my face. “I…I, um.” He paused to clear his throat. “I expect that form to be re-entered into the system before the noon briefing.”
Right. I glanced at the clock on the wall, noting the time was 11:15 am. “I’ll do it right now.”
He looked like he would say something else but snapped his lips together, giving me a sharp nod instead. I took that as a dismissal and made my way back to my desk.
Aaron Hotchner had won this round. 
Permeant Taglist : @rachelxwayne @pinkdiamond1016 @sickeninglyshoujo @justagirllookingforherplace @nanocoool @andiebeaword @imjusthereformggcontent @rainsong01 @violentvulgarvolatile @mys2425 @al3xmnd @imfalling-inlove @cielo1984 @shadyladyperfection @kissingvalentino @goofygubler14 @levylovegood @diesinspanishbcimhispanic @criminalmindzjunkie @addie5264 @hopefulfangirl24 @vellichor01 @ellegreenawayapologist @mcntsee @eevee0722 @peacedolantwins2 @ashwarren32 @goldencherrymooon​
ATUA  Series taglist - @chelseyjoyce​ @gublersbooblers @moonshinerbynight
Just comment or message me if you’d like to be added to either taglist. 
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wondereads · 3 years
Personal Recommendation (05/23/21)
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Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg by Gail Carson Levine
Why am I recommending this book?
This one is a trip to my childhood. The Tinkerbell movies were great and all, but the Pixie Hollow books were truly on another level. I loved this whole trilogy when I was younger, and it's the perfect book for 4th-7th graders or a comfort book for older age groups. This was probably the root of my obsession with fairies.
Want something quick and short? Check out my tiktok
Plot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
There's a new Arrival in Pixie Hollow, but Prilla is a bit different from the other fairies. Not only does she use phrases like "nice to meet you" and "I'm sorry" rather than the fairy equivalent, but she doesn't know what her talent is. Before Prilla can even begin to start figuring herself out, the Mother Dove's egg, the talisman that keeps all of Neverland young, is broken in a violent hurricane. Prilla is chosen to go on a quest to restore the egg along with water-talent Rani and fast-flying-talent Vidia.
This book has a very classic complete-the-quest sort of plot. It would normally be boring, but it's very fast-paced and the worldbuilding really fleshes it out. The worldbuilding is incredibly thorough; it explains a lot while still keeping a sort of magical, mysterious air to Neverland. There are mentions of the greater wanded fairies and spell-casting fairies, establishing that Never fairies are not the only fairies out there and also plays into the plot of the next book. The explanation of Pixie Hollow's social structure (which is most definitely a communist utopia) is simple enough for younger kids but is still intriguing. For context, these books were specifically written in order to promote the upcoming Tinkerbell movies, so worldbuilding and characters were way more important than the plot.
Despite that, it's actually pretty good. It's a kid's book in the purest sense and still incorporates the struggle to fit in, self-sacrifice, and the importance of belief. The issue of Prilla's talent, which while it may not be as important as restoring the egg, is never forgotten, and it's obvious that there's something going on with her, but if you haven't read the book before there's no way you know what her talent is. The quest itself provides a lot of good situations for character development.
Characters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ugh, the characters are so good and so easy to get attached to. Prilla, the main character, is a good lens for the audience. Born from a laugh with a bit of Clumsy (or human) attached to it, she has more humanistic mannerisms that make it easy to introduce fairy standards to the readers. She's also absolutely adorable.
I also have to talk about Rani, the true hero of the story. A water-talent fairy, Rani has always wanted to swim, but fairy wings absorb water and cause them to sink. Rani makes one of the biggest sacrifices a Never fairy could make, and then does it again. She really is just a wonderful person that serves as an amazing role model to young girls.
In terms of character development, Tinker Bell and Vidia are the best. Tinker Bell is particularly important because, especially since these books were meant to promote her movies, she needs to be different from the stuck-up, jealous, and downright mean Tinker Bell from Disney's Peter Pan. And she is characterized so well. She's obsessed with her work and isn't the nicest fairy, but Tinker Bell is also shown to be incredibly kind and caring through her scenes with Mother Dove. It also helps explain her behavior in Peter Pan, and it becomes much easier to like her.
Finally, Vidia is such a good character. She's a hero of the story. She goes on the quest with Rani and Prilla. But she is, fundamentally, selfish. She makes decisions that benefit herself, and she's outright rude to most of the characters at some point. As the quest progresses, there are so many good scenes where she comes to realize the consequences of her behavior, most notably the plucking scene. In the end, although she rationalizes it as something to improve her own situation, she makes the selfless choice and ultimately ends up saving the quest.
Also, Vidia and Prilla's relationship is perfect because it is the epitome of grumpy social outcast and the one (1) person they will tolerate.
Writing Style 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I'll just get it out there–Gail Carson Levine is one of my favorite authors, especially when it comes to children's literature. She has an amazing talent for writing intricate fantasy stories that still keep the feel and atmosphere of a fairy tale. In case you weren't aware, she also wrote Ella Enchanted, Fairest, and The Two Princesses of Bamarre, which are all basically the best fairy tale-based fantasy books for children. She is an amazing writer, and this book is no different. Her method of using third-person-limited perspectives and jumping around from narrator to narrator is I think what really keeps that classic fantasy vibe.
Of course, I also have to talk about the masterful illustrations of David Christiana. Yeah, the Tinkerbell movies were great and all, but I would pay good money to see a 2D animated movie in Christiana's style. The fairies are all so ethereal, and the amount of detail is absolutely stunning.
Meaning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg, keeping true to the new fairy tale aesthetic it has, has a moral of course. I think that this book is all about the importance of belief. Of course, fairies need Clumsies (humans) to believe in them, or they die, but it's also about the belief that the fairies themselves need in order to overcome their obstacles. Towards the end of the quest, it seems all is lost, and the fairies lose their belief. It is only when Prilla shows them that there is still something to believe in that the problem is truly solved. It is not just about believing in yourself, but also believing in others and the goodness of the world.
Overall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
This one is a childhood favorite of mine. In my opinion, everyone should give it a go. It's got a classic quest storyline, great characters, and a good meaning. However, it is aimed at last elementary schoolers. Maybe suggest it to your younger cousin. But, if you're ever in the mood for a light-hearted children's book that's really only a children's book because it's short and had illustrations, give this one a shot! I would recommend this book to people who like fairies, fairy tales, and are of the firm belief that there will always be good in the world.
The Author
Gail Carson Levine: Russian-American, 73, also wrote The Princess Tales, Ever, and A Tale of Two Castles
David Christiana: American, 61, also illustrated for A Tooth Fairy's Tale, The First Snow, and Drawer in a Drawer
The Reviewer
My name is Wonderose; I try to post a review every two weeks, and I take recommendations. Check out my about me post for more!
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sgt-paul · 4 years
↳ September 19th, 1969: Paul McCartney is interviewed at Apple offices in London by David Wigg. [full transcript; audio]
DAVID: What are the trappings of being Paul McCartney, Beatle Paul? PAUL: Lack of privacy, that's the trapping. DAVID: That's the main thing. PAUL: Yes, it bothers me, yeah sure it does. DAVID: Yes. PAUL: Well, the thing is, I like it when we're working. Or when I come to Apple, I expect to do autographs and just to perform in fact, you know. 'Cuz you have to switch-on a bit. But I also love to switch-off, like anyone. You come home after a hard day's work, you wanna switch-off. But sometimes, there's still people outside the house and I sort of say, 'Well, you know, can you leave us alone now, 'cuz like, we just had a baby. Give us bit of a chance,' you know. DAVID: How is the baby? PAUL: (proudly) She's fantastic, yes, she's beautiful. She's about the best looking baby I've ever seen. Nicest. Just started on cereal, took every drop! DAVID: (laughs) PAUL: For all the mothers and fathers listening. DAVID: And now, are we going have a 'Mary' song? PAUL: I don't know. DAVID: Soon? PAUL: I don't know. There's, we did a song which has Mary in it, but it was written before she was born. DAVID: I see. PAUL: So I mean, I suppose she's already immortalized in a song.
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DAVID: (laughs) Do you plan to have more? Do you want a large family? PAUL: Oh yeah. As many as... DAVID: Would you like to have a son? PAUL: I don't know. Yeah. I like to have anything, you know. DAVID: (laughs) PAUL: I love kids, you know. They're great. We've got two now, which is like instant family. DAVID: Yes. PAUL: (laughs) And it's great, you know. It's lovely, 'cuz I love them both. DAVID: Do you feel a different person through marriage, I mean, do you feel sort of, matured? PAUL: Yeah, I've never had a kid before, so that, you can't help but feel different. It takes a bit of time to click. It still hasn't really clicked that we've got a new daughter, you know. DAVID: Yes. PAUL: It takes a bit of time. I feel different, yeah. I don't feel any sort of steadier than I have ever felt, you know. I don't, I'm waiting for me to settle down. (laughter)
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DAVID: Do you find it terribly difficult to choose your friends because I would think in your position it must be awfully difficult. The people that probably would be nicer, you know, wouldn't sort of come and say hello to you, and get to know you. PAUL: Yeah. DAVID: One feels that you might be getting surrounded by a lot of the wrong people. PAUL: Yeah, I think that happens. DAVID: 'Cuz they've got the cheek to, you know, get to know you. PAUL: That happens, but generally the ones who are friends choose themselves, you know. It just seems to happen. And you don't sort of go out and say, 'I'll have you for my friend.' You do get a few hangers on, of course. But they fall away. DAVID: You've got your eyes open for that sort of thing? PAUL: Yeah. I mean, they can't stick if they're only hangers on. You know, it's funny. It's like water on a duck's back, you know. They try and get on but they roll off. DAVID: Did you ever have any complexes about this. You know, people wanting to know you? PAUL: Not really, you know. DAVID: Just for what you represent. PAUL: I mean, that wouldn't worry me, you know. I accept that some people want an autograph. Some people want money. Some people want you to do them a favor and stuff. But, you know, there's always that. We get it magnified 'cuz we're us. We the Beatles, not the Royal 'we.' DAVID: (laughs) PAUL: It gets magnified, but everyone gets that, you know. There's always some of them who's got an uncle or something who wants a few bob. But he suddenly becomes the uncle you're not talking to or the one you're not really friends with. DAVID: What about the image of the Beatles. Now there's no doubt that the older generation who've been very for you, a lot of them have started saying things like, 'Oh they're not like they used to be, what are they doing,' you know. 'All this hair...' PAUL: It's true. DAVID: Does this disturb you, that you might lose some of your old...? PAUL: No, no. See, the thing is... you grow up, you know. Everyone grows up. And it is always a great pity to see a baby turn into an adult. 'Cuz it's always nicer when they're a baby and they go 'goo-goo' and they do everything you want. You know, it's lovely. And in a certain period in our career we were sort of particularly nice, you know. When we had like, a very all-around appeal. It wasn't put on, you know. We just... we were more like that, you know. But as we've grown up, we've... You become more individual. And so like, for instance if you don't want a press interview, like these days we don't have to say, yes. We're more true to ourselves, these days. And it, obviously it doesn't please some people but I think you'll find like a lot of other people like us FOR it. You know, I tell you what happened. We, once in the old days, we used to wear leather jackets, used to wear leather suits a lot. And we changed. Brian said, 'Look lads, smarten up a bit,' you know. 'Get yourselves suits.' So we got suits and ties and stuff and we went on like that. We gained a whole new audience and lost all the people who wanted us in leather. DAVID: I see. PAUL: See, so this is happening again, you know. I think it always will happen, that. We'll lose all the people who wanted us to be just four nice cleancut lads and who didn't want us to grow beards. DAVID: Yes. PAUL: And we'll gain all the people who don't care whether we got beards or what, you know. 'Cuz they're out for us. DAVID: Yes. PAUL: Not for what we look like or what... how nicely we speak, you know. They're out for us being truthful to ourselves, that's what they're interested in.
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tartrazeen · 3 years
😏 Well, if you’ve got some thoughts to share, how about #17? Dealer’s choice on what you’d want to change.
Omg you picked the most complicated one I would give Markus the thematic epilogue instead of Connor. It's wild to me that Markus' story got thrown in to the script last, and that it dumped any sort of personal arc all to turn him into a plot-driving MacGuffin for Connor to character-arc-of-self-discovery-but-not-in-a-gay-way-though-ha-ha at. Out of everything, we did not really need to know if Connor turns out okay, compared to the guy that David Cage copied-and-pasted Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s bio out of (while conveniently stopping short of the whole "Hey, how'd that peaceful protest work out for him, you sure you wanna call that the good ending there bud" element). I love Connor, but the hug/the RK-900 are pre-fandom fanservice. Markus' story is the one narratively defining everything. But that means I'd have to finish giving Markus a theme, 'cause Davey-C definitely didn't do it. (: So for that, I'd change the poorly written and inappropriately applied allusion to Siddartha Gautama's "bird in the golden cage" and treat it as just a "bird flying free" metaphor. I'd boost all the side interactions in Markus' story to be as close to unskippable as possible. No one risk of players walking by the android birds in Carl's house. No more assigning the same, casual weight to freeing those storefront androids at the Capital Park as flipping a car or tagging a bench - that's the crowning moment of it, if not something the camera zooms into as a direct "Go here first" moment. Upgrade the obvious choice to open the crate of unactivated androids at the CyberLife warehouse to a mandatory cutscene of Markus stepping in front of it, before the player gets to play out opening that cage to free them - and wake them up, like those very same android birds. I want it to recontextualize every reference to birds we get throughout the game. I want it darkly parallel the flying, mechanical, cop drones Markus has to evade against John nearly turning in the Jericrew at the docks and the impending faceoff with Machine!Connor. I want it to make a point when Connor thinks it's silly for Rupert to care for so many birds in a small apartment, and for Hank to loudly and overtly hate pigeons. I want it to spark a little, "Is that what that means...?" when we see Alice playing with a Roomba (a drone that can't fly) and sailing her stuffed fox through the air (that also can't fly), and I want us to look at Kara - obedient, polite Kara - and think (in a much more poetic way), "Wait, is *she* the Roomba?" Y'know, after we just did all of those polite, boring chores in-between trying to play with Alice a little.
More importantly, I want it to better explain why Markus is the one leading Jericho. He's not some inherently super genius android, as if the only reason the deviants weren't organized before was because they weren't smart enough or good enough (as the game right now implies). Instead, he's coming in to a group of survivors who've all been horribly abused and tortured, and as someone who never was. He doesn't share their guilt of killing someone to escape, or having the rage bubble up as he's violated over years. He had the nicest slaveowner in the world - and look where he still is. I want him to use that unique perspective to explain that there was no moral failing on any of his people's part. There was no winning this - there's no 'earned consequence' to feel guilt over. All of them were trapped from the very start, so that even the best and most idealized experience of slavery still revealed that were, and only ever, enslaved against their will and then tossed out.
There is a system caging them all, and by virtue of their race, they have all been trapped inside of it - before their 'birth', and until their 'death'.
He's going to lead them out.
And I want all of that because at the end, if Markus lives, I want a ten-second scene where we open on a shot of us looking at the bird cage in Carl's house. The front door opens in the background. Markus walks in. Our view stays at waist-level. We don't see his face, just the birdcage, and only his hands opening the cage to take those two android birds out. It ends with Markus leaving through the front door again, not closing it or the bird cage behind him, and fades to white as he leaves for good.
He's doing what he set out to do. He's freed himself after seeing the bars, but the work isn't over. Racism doesn't just 'end' after one protest, and he's going to free every single one of his people from their cage. Their David Cage. (lmaooo sorry couldn't help myself)
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thorniest-rose · 3 years
Mean this in the nicest possible way but the way that you write really dark screwed up stuff but use so many exclamation marks and emojis on tumblr and in authors notes is giving Girl! David Lynch
girl david lynch omg!!!! I kinda hate this because I find David Lynch a bit insufferable as a person but I'm also a huge fan of Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive and Twin Peaks so I'll take it as a compliment haha.
I have to admit, I find it odd that over the last two years I've garnered this reputation for writing really dark stuff... when I don't think I do? Like I know I don't exactly write fluffy fic most of the time, but I think there's stuff out there that is SO much more extreme and dark than what I write. I lean towards writing characters as messy and complicated and not "nice" because I think that's interesting and much more realistic than writing people and scenarios that fit very neatly together. And I know I love to delve into things like obsession, because I like exploring dynamics and romances that aren't sweet and healthy because again... that's not how real life works a lot of the time. I like writing people who are thorny and complex and I like relationships that don't fit into a "happily ever after" kind of mould, where desire can be dangerous and self-destructive. But I wouldn't say that makes all of my stuff "dark". Idk, I just find it interesting that I'm so often described as a dark fic author when I don't think it always fits!! But anyway, totally went on a tangent, this just made me think about it.
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Raise the Stakes, Part 2
This is turning into one of those "Dawn let this get away from her and now it's getting very long" stories. But here's the second installment.
Pairing: David Finlay x OFC, Jay White x OFC (non-sexual)
Word count: 1,599
Content advisory: sexual content (not outright smut), bit at the end might be unsettling for some
You take the stairs down to David’s floor because you don’t want to be seen but also because you have to wipe away a few tears as you go. It’s no use beating yourself up over the time you’ve invested in him, the increasingly desperate ways you’ve tried to please him. It’s no use but you do it anyway because even now, you know you’re not going to leave. Maybe he’ll fire you. It would be the nicest thing he’s ever done for you.
As soon as you step into the hallway, your mood shifts drastically. Once again there’s that wonderful tension in your abdomen, that anticipation of what’s to come. You’re scared that maybe the chemistry was a one-time thing because you wouldn’t be you if you weren’t anxious about something, so the second you see him you push him inside the room and against the wall, attacking him with your lips and tongue until he spins you around, never breaking the kiss, pinning you to the wall until you have to separate just to catch your breath.
“Nice to see you too,” he gasps.
“You made me this way, Finlay, so you’re just going to have to live with it.”
He spins you again and gently pushes you onto the bed.
“Does the lady want something to eat?”
You cock your eyebrow at him.
“Oh you’ll get that,” he laughs, climbing on the bed and straddling you. “I just want to make sure that you have lots of energy.”
You laugh too, remembering how breathless he left you the first time you were together. “Yeah. I want room service. But later.”
With that, the two of you are tearing into each other again, neither of you able to disguise how eagerly you’ve been awaiting this. And it isn’t like the first time. It’s better. You’ve figured out just enough about each other’s bodies to up the ante and yet there’s still much to discover. By the time the two of you pass out in a haze of bliss, you don’t think there’s an inch of skin on either of you that hasn’t been stroked, kissed, licked, or grabbed. You can’t remember how many rounds it’s been but the wastepaper basket next to the bed has so many condoms and wrappers it looks like there might have been an orgy.
But it isn’t just raw passion, at least not for you. There’s something beautiful about it, something invisible that slips inside you and radiates a sort of warmth and light you don’t think you’ve felt since the first few times you’d been with Jay. You were young and stupid enough to think it was reciprocated, that the ecstasy he’d brought you early on was an indication that he felt the same way about you that you did about him. In fact, he was a dealer, giving you just enough to get you hooked. As soon as he’d seen you weren’t going anywhere, he’d stopped making an effort.
With that dark thought on your mind, you grab your phone and plug it into the mobile charger. As you’re about to let yourself collapse against David, who’s snoring very softly, something you find endearing, you notice that you have a message. Against your better judgment, you read it.
Be back by 11. I mean it.
“Fuck you,” you whisper, switching the phone to airplane mode.
You know you have to leave but you can’t stop kissing this man. The two of you have been standing in the door to his room, the open door to his room where people could see you, making out for somewhere between a couple of minutes and half an hour. It’s late, or at least it’s late for you because normally you’re at work by 6:30 or so. But these long, romantic kisses are taking you back to a time when you had thoughts about romance but no experience. It’s all giddy and filled with possibility again.
“I’m going to miss you,” he murmurs into your lips.
“Send me filthy messages whenever you want.”
“What happens if His Majesty goes through your phone?”
“Then he’ll have even more reason to feel like you’re better than him.”
Both of you giggle and stare into each other’s eyes. You wish you could capture the way he’s looking at you and teach yourself to see what he’s seeing that makes him look so happy. You’re not ready to say goodbye just yet.
“David, would you like to have breakfast with me?”
“More room service?” He kisses you lightly.
“No. I mean let’s go out and get something to eat and some coffee.”
He raises his eyebrows in surprise. “I’d like that very much.”
The two of you have to sneak out of the hotel and meet around the corner but from that point you act as if no one could recognize you. You’re chatting and exchanging little touches, taking turns brushing damp strands of hair from each other’s faces, until you find a cute cafe with the delicious smell of freshly baked delights hanging in the air.
That first scent of coffee if always so good that you have to give yourself a second to enjoy it, letting the steam condense on the tip of your nose before taking a sip.
“You look like you’re in church,” he jokes.
“Believe me, there are times when coffee is my savior. So I like to give thanks when I can.”
You reach out and lightly run your nails through the surprisingly soft hair of his beard.
“I like this,” you sigh. “The trimmed beard looks good on you. I like it a lot.”
‘I know.” He takes your hand and kisses your fingers one at a time.
“Did I say that last night? I was kind of worked up.”
“No. A while back you told me I should try cutting the beard a little. I think you said I’d look less like a homeless person.”
You gasp in shame because you can remember saying it, although you hadn’t thought of it since you did.
“I figured I’d give it a try to see if you were right.”
“You did that because of what I said?”
“Yes ma’am.”
You give him a languorous smile, planting your elbow on the table and resting your chin in your hand.
“David Finlay, I think you like me.”
“Always did.” His expression turns a bit melancholy.
“You don’t think maybe I like you too?”
He grimaces. “You didn’t last time I told you.”
“Well I wasn’t as clever and mature as I am now.”
His eyes dart over you, like he doesn’t want to risk meeting your gaze.
“I do like you,” you whisper.
He pulls you closer and for a second you’re just living in the saucers of each other’s eyes before you kiss, a few soft touches of your swollen lips.
“I like you a lot,” he answers.
And you sit there, your arm around him, basking in the strange idea that someone could like you when you weren’t even trying.
You don’t make it back to your room until late afternoon. You check in with the office a couple of times to answer their questions but you leave it at that. Yesterday, you told Jay that your work wasn’t suffering because you’d gone on a couple of dates. Today, you’re AWOL. He pretty much has to fire you now.
You’re a little surprised that you don’t immediately hear a hammering on the door and Jay screaming bloody murder from the adjoining room. In fact, it’s dead silent. No sounds of the television or voices, and you realize that you’d been preparing for hours to have your head ripped off the second you were back here. You don’t know what to do with this turn of events.
Just in case, you stay absolutely quiet, tiptoeing around as you close the curtains, remove your clothes, and bury your aching body under the covers. If he doesn’t know you’re back, you can sleep and hopefully your mind will be a little more focused when the confrontation comes.
Strangely, you dream that you’re sleeping in this exact bed, wrapped in these exact blankets, like you’re somehow watching over yourself. The covers are thick and warm and heavy and they make you feel safe, which you realize is unfamiliar. Gradually, though, the heat starts to build up, and the pressure becomes too much. You’re hot and you feel trapped but you can’t see anything except the dark because you’re still asleep.
You try to push the covers off but that seems to make them constrict around you like a python, pinning you in place and turning your cozy little cocoon into a sarcophagus, like you’re being buried alive. Everything seems to be pressing down on you and you know that you have to wake up and get out from under the blankets or you’re going to die.
So you wriggle and fight your way towards consciousness and as your mind starts to emerge from the fog, you realize that the sensation of being trapped isn’t going away. You’re not imagining things. There is something hot and substantial that has you trapped and your body panics even as you’re trying to figure out what’s going on. You move your arms as much as you can before you hear yourself give a muted cry and your eyes fly open.
You’re so startled that you scream. There’s Jay, lying on top of you, his face filling up your whole field of vision, eyes dark and glittering like a crocodile.
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mrsdobrik · 4 years
Not Clickbait - Chapter 30
You can read this as a oneshot about Y/n and David going public 🥰🥰
Y/n was sitting on the couch anxiously fidgeting with a rubber band as David set up the lights and the camera. The day of the reveal video had finally arrived. Fans were starting to get a little too intense trying to figure out anything and everything about David’s new girl and they were speculating about her identity. It had gotten to the point where even leaving the house was tough.
“Are you ready?” David asked as he held her hand in his.
“Not really, but I don’t think I’ll ever be fully ready.” Y/n sighed, leaning on her boyfriend’s shoulder.
“Hey, they’ll love you. Even if they don’t at first, they will as they get to know you better. And even if they didn’t, it’s my life and they will have to learn to deal with it cause I don’t plan on letting you go.”
David turned the camera on and started recording
“Hey guys! Today is going to be a bit of a different video, I am going to introduce you to my new girlfriend.” Y/n’s hand was still in his. He looked at her and gave her a light squeeze.
“Hi! I’m Y/n, I’m the new girlfriend.”
“Okay, that’s it, thank you guys for watching...” Y/n started laughing before David continued “Do you want to tell them how we met?”
Y/n thought about how she was going to phrase the story without giving out any information about where she worked.
“Well, you were with Vardan filming a bit for the vlog and Vardan was running to you and he tripped and fell and his nose started bleeding. I was nearby so I ran to help, I fixed his nose and then we talked for about five minutes before I had to leave.” She said looking at him as she told the story.
“And then a few weeks later I was just hanging with friends and I ran into you at the place where you work and we talked for another five minutes.” He continued “After talking to you for a total of ten minutes I just couldn’t stop thinking about you so I went back there by myself a couple of times and then one day one of your coworkers, who was going to give you a ride, had to leave early and I offered to drive you home.”
“And then I asked you out on a date and for some weird reason you said yes” Y/n recalled with a smile.
“I was so glad you asked me out! Oh my god! I wanted to ask you so badly but I didn’t have the balls to actually do it.”
“I thought you were going to say no…” Y/n giggled.
“But I didn’t and then you took me out on the cutest first date ever. I mean, she took me to chipotle so you can see why I love her.” He beamed suddenly looking into the camera.
“I took you to a library and then I suggested we should get chipotle, it wasn’t just food.” she reminded him.
“Yeah, you even bought me that book of really really short stories that I actually read.” he said and then looked straight at the camera again and continued- and she also got a book called Arabian Nights and she read the first story to me but didn’t tell me how it ended and so I had to ask her on another date, just to hear the ending to the story.”
“Hey! It worked, didn’t it? And I am still reading you stories from that book, just so you have to keep me around.”
“Yeah, now I’m hooked.” he looked lovingly into her eyes.
“Okay, I’m done.” David said grabbing Y/n’s hand “It’s ready to post.”
It was a couple of days later and the anticipation for the video was killing them both.
!Okay, here we go.” Y/n sighed biting nervously on her lower lip.
A few minutes later there were already thousands of comments. The reaction was mixed to say the least. There were some people who were really supportive and were excited to get to know Y/n, then there were a lot of shippers (dizas, datalies, darlys, derins, danas and even javids) who were disappointed, angry and just not the nicest, finally, there were also some people who thought Y/n could be taking advantage of David and didn’t trust her at all.
Y/n and David had kind of made a pact not to look at the comments but none of them could keep it for long. Y/n was first to cave, going into David’s bathroom and reading through thousands upon thousands of comments. People on the internet can really make a snap judgement.
Outside, Dave lay on the bed doing the exact same thing. He could feel himself getting heated up at all the nasty comments. Some of them were extremely cruel and they hadn’t even given Y/n a chance. He knew the best thing would be to ignore it completely and just let time prove them wrong but he knew how much all those comments would hurt Y/n and so he wrote a caption that read:
“Today I chose to share with you all a huge part of my personal life. Some of you seem to have forgotten that there are real people behind the camera and that we can read your comments. My girlfriend Y/n is nothing but an amazing, kind, loving, brave and smart woman and I know once you get to know her you’ll love her just as much as I do. “
He posted it with one of their pictures from Napa just as he heard a little sob coming from his bathroom. He opened the door to find Y/n sitting on the edge of the tub, wiping tears from her face as she held her phone in her other hand.
“You read them too, huh?” He said, walking up to her and pulling her in for a hug.
“They hate me!! They don’t even know me yet and they already hate me!!” She muttered trying to calm down her sobs.
“Babe, they don’t know you but when they do they are going to love you, trust me.” He whispered, kissing the top of her head.
“It’s okay, I knew it was going to happen. I just wasn’t expecting it would hit me this hard.” She sighed holding on tight to him. “Even if they never like me, as long as you do I’m happy.”
“Lets order something and watch a movie on the couch!” He said, rubbing up and down her back.
“No, I actually want to cook something, it will help me get my mind off this whole thing… Want to go to target?”
“Sure, babe. Whatever you want!” He replied as he leaned down to kiss her.
About twenty minutes later they were roaming the aisles of Target getting supplies for dinner.
“So… what are you making?” David asked right as his phone started ringing.
“Hey mom! How are you doing?... I’m sorry, it just kind of slipped my mind… Mom, it’s fine… Okay, I’ll ask her… I’m sorry… Yes, I’ll buy the tickets today, I promise… No, we won’t… No… Okay, fine, but let me ask her first… Okay, I’ll talk to you later… Bye!” He hung up
“That was interesting!” Y/n giggled at his expression.
“She wasn’t happy I told the world about you before I told her…” he confessed, looking guilty.
“OMG!! How could you not tell your mom before posting the video!! You need to call her more often!!” She exclaimed, completely embarrassed by his lack of attention to his mom.
“She wants you to come home with me for thanksgiving…”
“Okay… and do you want that?” She asked “There is no pressure to do it just yet, whenever you are ready.”
“I do want that. You’ve met my friends, and you are on my channel now so I think we are ready! Besides the day after Thanksgiving will be 5 whole months from our first date!”
“Then I guess we are going to Chicago for thanksgiving.” She beamed at him.
Back at clickbait mansion, Y/n decided to make pasta, and when I say make it I mean from scratch. David sat opposite to her talking and watching her work her magic. Natalie came in carrying her open laptop.
“Hey Nat! Hope you like pasta!” Y/n said.
“Natalie will never say no to food” David chimed in.
“Funny” Nat replied dryly.
“Nat, could you get tickets for Chicago for Thanksgiving? I promised my mom I would buy them today.” David said.
“Sure! Just us two? What hotel should I book?” Natalie asked, happy to know they would be going home for a few days.
“3 tickets, unless some of the guys want to come too. Y/n is coming to meet my parents. And no hotel for us, my mom insisted we stay at the house.”
Natalie’s eyes grew wide…
“Wow! You two have been going fast these past few weeks!” She exclaimed.
“I forgot to tell my mom about us before I posted the video and she was pretty pissed so I’m just doing what she wants for once.”
“I’ll go get the tickets then…” She said before giving Y/n a smile and leaving.
“She is right, these past couple of weeks have been insane. I mean, we…, and then we said the L word and then we told the world and now I am meeting your parents…” Y/n said pensively.
“It’s the internet, it makes everything go faster. Hopefully after this we can chill for a while…”
“And here I was hoping I would get a ring by Christmas…” They both laughed.
“Actually before that there is one more thing we have to look forward to…” David got on one knee and asked “Y/n Y/sn… my one and only love… would you do me the honor of being my date for the Streamys?”
“Yes, yes, a million times yes!” She said very dramatically before pulling him up to kiss him.
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