#Day 1 Prompt 2023
cyberweek · 2 years
Day 1 - Janurary 15th's prompt is Winter!
Hello, everyone, and welcome to another year of celebrating Cyberweek! All entries for "Winter" will be reblogged throughout the day! Keep an eye out and remember to tag either with the hashtag cyberweek2023 or @ this blog! Happy celebrating!
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shimmershy · 10 months
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Deltavember Day 1: Immediate Nostalgia
Finished this one very late, but I really wanted to do something for this prompt specifically.
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captaindamianos · 1 year
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Inktober Day 3 - Path making decisions about the future
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mj-thrush-gxn · 11 months
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DAY 1- Vampire!!
I miss tj😍
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That's right folks, the time has come for us to start celebrating our favorite sexy, morally grey, rock and roll demon bard 💝. We've been looking forward to seeing what you've all been cooking (heh- or shall we say baking) up for this event! Reminder to tag anything posted for the event as #hot glenn holidays 2023 to ensure that we see it.
🥧🍬🧁 Here's to a sweet start to the Hot Glenn Holidays! 🥂🍪🍰
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oventrout · 1 year
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day 1 of #steddieweek2023 : hunger
"I can’t wait to find the person who will come into the kitchen just to smell my neck and get behind me and hug me and breathe me in..." — jenny slater
collab with my bb nil :) (he drew the sweet smile on stevie)
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serickswrites · 10 months
Fever Dream
Warnings: captivity, restraints, torture, infection, fever, illness
Whumpee was sweating. They knew it wasn't because the dungeon Whumper kept them in was warm. They knew Whumper's repeated torture of them was taking a toll on their body. But they refused to acknowledge they had a fever.
Because to be sick was to be vulnerable. And they couldn't be vulnerable with Whumper.
They pulled on the chains as they curled around themself more. Perhaps they could sweat out this fever. Perhaps it was all a fever dream and they were home in bed.
Perhaps it wasn't so terrible to be vulnerable. Caretaker could help them.
The thought had Whumpee snapping their eyes open. They were not home. This wasn't their bed. And Caretaker wasn't here. Whumpee knew the fever would pass. That their suffering would subside. And that Whumper would continue to hurt them.
And perhaps a fever dream wasn't so terrible after all.
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kybercrystals94 · 1 year
By KyberCrystals94
Find here on Ao3!
Whumptober 2023 | Day 1 | Alternative Prompt: Lab Rats
Bad Things Happen Bingo | Prompt: Homesickness
Words: 1,070
Summary: Omega and Echo have a conversation about their pasts.
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Omega presses her face between Lula’s long ears and breathes deeply the scent of her brothers: stale sweat, blaster residue, motor oil, aftershave, regulation soap, and a few other things she can’t quite place. Lula is like a sponge, soaking up the redolence of the soldiers she lives with. While the stuffed tooka doesn’t smell pleasant , Lula smells of love and safety and comfort. Therefore, she smells wonderful, and Omega gives the creature an extra tight squeeze as she tries to hold in the tears that threaten to spill. She should be happy. She is happy. She is. She is.
“Omega, are you alright?”
Omega is surprised by the generic reg voice. She would have expected Hunter or Wrecker to check on her...maybe even Tech. Not Echo. He isn’t unkind, but he is distant, almost unsure of her. Like he doesn’t want to get attached. Omega understands, even though it makes her heart hurt a little.
“I’m fine,” Omega lies easily, lifting her face so that her voice isn’t muffled against Lula’s soft stuffing.
There is a pause, but Omega knows the cyborg clone hasn’t walked away. After an uncomfortable stretch of silence, Echo clears his throat. “Are you sure? Hunter – uh – sent me to check on you.”
Omega forces a smile and carefully blinks back the tears that have been forming before she pulls back the curtain, letting Lula topple from her arms. “I’m okay, Echo,” she assures him.
The shadows on Echo’s face in the warm glow of her strung lights accentuate his gaunt features, and Omega suppresses the shudder that reflexively comes. Nala Se had Omega study Echo’s medical files as part of her training. The horrors he suffered at the hands of the Techno Union still haunt Omega’s imagination, and the cool, professional terminology she poured over in the files did not do his tragedy justice. It must’ve been hard for him to join the Batch too, starting over after all he’d been through. She admires him endlessly for it, but she isn’t sure how she could ever tell him without also admitting to having read his files. Not that she’d had a choice, or was snooping, but...
Echo matches her striving grin with one of his own. “Alright. If you say so,” he says, shrugging one shoulder, telling her without telling her that he knows she’s lying.
He starts to turn away when Omega bites out, “Wait, Echo...”
“Yeah?” he asks, the familiar gruff of his voice catching on the edge of the word.
Omega swallows, hoping he isn’t annoyed with her indecisiveness. “I just...can I ask you a question?”
“Sure, kid,” he says, and leans his weight against the wall casually.
“When you first joined Clone Force 99, did you – or do you – ever feel...” Omega searches for the right word, pressing her lips together before saying in a whisper, “homesick? For what you had before?”
Echo looks startled by the question, his eyes widening a little. However, the expression is brief, and his face returns to his normal air in a blink. To Omega’s dismay, he answers her question with one of his own, “Do you feel homesick for Kamino?”
“Sometimes,” Omega admits, pinching one of Lula’s ears between her fingers, “but I don’t want to go back. I’m happy here, with all of you. But if I’m happy here, why do I miss what I don’t want?”
Echo’s face softens. “Because you miss what is familiar, even if it wasn’t better.”
“Is that bad?” Omega asks.
“Of course not,” Echo says, “I missed living with my reg brothers. It’s all I knew most of my life. Doesn’t mean I care about my enhanced brothers any less.” He rolls his eyes good naturedly at the terminology adopted from the Batch, and it makes Omega giggle.
“I guess you and me are kind of the same,” Omega says softly, wistfully. “Taken in by the Bad Batch when..." Echo visibly stiffens, and Omega clamps her mouth shut, now gripping Lula’s ear in a fist. She shouldn’t have said that. She knew the moment the words left her mouth. She and Echo are nothing alike. Not really. Not at all.
But they are. In some ways.
To her surprise, Echo leans forward, folding his arms and resting them on the floor of her gunner’s mount room. “Nala Se,” he says, his voice softer and gentler than she’s ever heard it, “she experimented on you, didn’t she.” Not a question.
Omega bites down on the inside of her cheek. She has never wanted to tell any of them about that. But Echo knows, because she told him in a roundabout way. In the medical wing, after his accident in the mess hall. He woke up in a panic, and she’d comforted him. I don’t like being hooked up to their machines either.
She didn’t think he’d remember that, but why wouldn’t he?
So, she nods a small, jerky affirmative.
“I don’t remember much about the Techno Union,” Echo says, his voice still low, almost a whisper. Like his words are just for her ears. “I mean...I know what they did. And I live with what they did everyday...but it’s what the Kaminoans did that I remember well. They had to see that I was fit for duty, and their tests...” Echo falters, his words dropping off in an expanse of hidden emotions. He blinks, looking a little lost.
She isn’t sure why she does it, but she reaches out and rests a hand on Echo’s face, her thumb brushing over the sharp edge of his cheekbone. “I know,” she whispers, because she does. She was Nala Se’s “assistant” from her earliest memories. She saw the tests firsthand. Experienced some of them herself.
“You shouldn’t though,” Echo says, “No kid should know that.”
“Maybe,” Omega shrugs, “But we’re safe from them now...the Kaminoans, I mean.”
Echo’s eyes find hers and he smiles sadly. “Yeah, we are.”
Omega’s touch lingers a moment longer before she pulls away and hugs Lula close to her chest. “I’m not homesick for the Kaminoans. I’m homesick for Kamino...for AZI and helping with the babies. I hope they’re alright.”
“I hope so too,” Echo says, and he gives her knee a squeeze with his flesh hand. “You’re a good kid, Omega. I’m glad the Batch found...both of us.”
Omega smiles at her brother who understands. “Me too.”
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Flufftober Day 11 | Chocolate lovers
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Pairing | Boyfriend!Dad!Young!Tony Stark x Girlfriend!Mom!Female!Reader
Word count | 3.7K
Summary | Your daughter, Orion, has been wanting hot chocolate as a treat for a while now, and you and Tony are finally giving her just that. Though Tony's sweet tooth craves something much sweeter, he can't help but make it even more delicious by adding some sweet chocolate syrup.
Warning(s) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Tooth rotting fluff, smut (cockwarming, lazily making out, food play (chocolate sauce), hair pulling, nipple play, fingering, oral (F&M receiving), face fucking, cumming untouched, squirting, multiple orgasms, aftercare).
Prompt(s) | 11. Sweet tooth + Alt 1. Hot chocolate | @flufftober
A/n | This one shot is written for day 11 of Flufftober 2023, and it is part of my AU called 'love of my life'. It can be read as a standalone or combined with the rest of my AU. I hope you will all enjoy it as much as I did when writing it 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 🧡
Divider is made by @cafekitsune | GIF-credit goes to @ladyeliot
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | AU Masterlist | Flufftober Masterlist
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"Mommy? Can we have cocoa night?" your daughter Orion asks as you walk into the store. She's seated in your cart, and your son Hudson is in your boyfriend's.
The season has slowly been changing from warm summer to colder autumn days, and you absolutely love it, so you happily agree with your daughter.
"Course we can, Babygirl. What do you think, Tony? Want to make it a hot cocoa night tonight?" you ask as you walk through the produce aisle, looking at some vegetables for dinner.
"Hmm, that sounds like the perfect plan! But we need to make it early because we're having a big day tomorrow, remember? We're going to the zoo tomorrow!" Tony reminds you and the kids, who both happily cheer in their way.
When all the necessary groceries are loaded into the cart, you are on your way to the aisle with everything needed for a perfect hot chocolate. You're getting multiple flavors, many different sizes of marshmallows, and candy canes.
"How about we get some chocolate syrup for our pleasure later tonight?" Tony whispers into your ear, and you feel yourself getting wet at the thought alone, and you happily agree.
When Tony loaded the small syrup bottle into his cart, you were all done, and the four of you made your way to the register. As usual, the cashiers always coo to Hudson and Orion, who eat up every bit of attention they can get, and you understand entirely; they're the most adorable children ever.
You get behind the wheel when you're all done, and Tony sits on the passenger side. It's quite a drive back to the house, and since Tony drove on the way to the store, you're driving back home.
"I love you, Sunshine," he says as he brings your hand to his lips, placing a delicate kiss on your knuckles as he looks at you through his lashes, making the butterflies in your stomach go crazy.
The drive back to your house went down without a hitch, and the twins even fell asleep about halfway through the drive, for which you are both very thankful.
You managed to transfer the twins to their beds without waking them up, and Tony was putting the food away when he suddenly came across the chocolate sauce again. It had already slipped his mind that you had bought it, but he'd use it well later.
When you're walking back to the living room, Tony meets you halfway, and without warning, he pulls you closer, planting a soft, tender kiss on your lips that has your panties soaked in no time.
When you pull away, you look at him through half-lidded eyes, a big smile breaking out. "What was that for?"
"No reason; I just felt like kissing my beautiful girlfriend and the most amazing mother of my children," he says, looking at you with pure adoration.
When he moved even closer, you suddenly felt that he was getting hard, and it suddenly clicked in your brain. A grin not unlike that of the Cheshire cat forms as you pull him toward the couch, a plan forming in your mind.
He pulls you onto the couch so you'll be straddling him, your dress hiking up slightly as you do so. "Can I keep you warm until one of the twins wakes up?" you ask innocently.
"Of course, Sunshine," Tony says, and you open his belt and pants enough to pull out his now almost uncomfortably hard dick before pushing your panties to the side and letting yourself slide down.
You let out a hiss as you feel him filling you up, the slight stretch giving a delicious and pleasurable feeling as you let out a soft moan once he's slipped in completely.
You let your head fall against his shoulder, and Tony places soft kisses on your neck and shoulder, his hands rubbing lovingly over your back as the two of you sit like this for a few minutes, basking in each other's love and warmth.
When you've adjusted to him, you lift your head and give him a soft peck on his lips, after which your kisses slowly get deeper and more passionate. The two of you enjoy a lazy make-out session for half an hour until you suddenly hear feet trotting your way.
"Duty calls," you say with a breathy laugh before lifting yourself off of Tony and swiftly adjusting your underwear while Tony stuffs himself away quickly and right on time.
"Daddy!" Orion says before falling into Tony's arms, and he puts her on his thigh for a sleepy cuddle, their favorite thing to do. Orion is the true definition of a Daddy's girl, but Hudson, on the other hand, is a total Momma's boy, and you're not mad at that.
"Hi, Babygirl," he says as he pulls her close, and she completely melts into his arms, like you did not long before. Like mother, like daughter, they say.
"I'm going to wake up Hudson, okay? After I get started on dinner," you said, and he nodded before craning his neck, begging for a once more kiss. He could never get enough of tasting you in whichever way possible.
"Hi, Babyboy," you say as you walk into the twins' shared bedroom, and he immediately pulls his happiest face as he sees you. Once he's sitting, he makes grabby hands at you, and you crouch down to let him wrap his arms around your neck, his cheek pressed against yours.
"Shall we make some warm milk for you and your sister? As a little treat for taking such a good nap?" you ask, and he happily nods, his thumb in his mouth as he curls into your side, his favorite place to be when you carry him.
Right now, they're still small enough to carry around, but you're dreading the day when you can't pick them up anymore, though you try not to think too hard about that.
"Orion, would you like some warm milk as well as a treat for taking the best nap ever?" you ask as you walk into the living room; she's curled into Tony's side, her thumb in her mouth, and she nods.
You and Hudson walk into the kitchen, and he has pulled his thumb out of his mouth and told you about something that happened in a cartoon; you listen intently while keeping an eye on the milk as it's warming up.
When it's warmed up, you put some honey in for both of them and put it in their respective cups to enjoy when all four of you are sitting on the couch.
"Here you go," you say as you hand the cup to Orion, and she starts drinking immediately. When you sit down, you curl into Tony's other side so Hudson can have his milk.
Both kids are fully awake but entranced by the cartoons they watch when their milk is gone. "Do you want to cuddle with Mommy, Babygirl? That way, I can start dinner," Tony asks Orion.
"Okay," she says with a small voice and crawls over Tony into your lap, occupying the space on your free thigh. She grabs Hudson's hand, and the three of you sit like that, all while you're trying not to die from absolute cuteness right now.
Tony looks at the sight in front of him as he's fighting against the tears, his three greatest loves all cuddled up and comfy on the couch. He snaps a quick picture before sending it in their family group chat and getting started on dinner not long after.
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Dinner was gone before you knew it, and you promised the kids some hot chocolate before bed, so that's precisely what you'll do.
"Love, would you mind giving them a bath while I prepare the hot chocolates for everyone?" you ask, and he nods before taking the kids to the bathroom and bathing them.
In the meantime, you're getting all the toppings for the hot chocolate ready in little bowls so that everyone can build their own, though there will be some restrictions for the twins. Otherwise, they'll fill it up with marshmallows.
When the different sizes of marshmallows, candy canes, and other chocolatey goodness are on the table, you're preparing the milk, and based on the amount of laughter coming from the bathroom, the kids are also done with their bath.
About 10 minutes later, the twins run up to you wearing matching gingerbread men's pajamas, making them look adorable.
"Alright, let's get you both in your chairs so we can all have some hot chocolate together," you say before lifting them one by one in their chairs, shortly followed by Tony, who pulls you in for a soft, short kiss.
"We're ready for our hot chocolates," he says, taking his usual place at the dinner table. You give Orion and Hudson their hot chocolate with half a sachet of hot chocolate mix each due to the amount of sugar, and you and Tony have a regular one.
Everyone made their perfect hot chocolates, and the kids both had one extra marshmallow as a treat on the side, which they both happily nibbled on while drinking their hot chocolate. And your evening feels perfect as it warms your heart.
"Shall I bring you two Munchkins to bed? Daddy can clean up here while I tuck you two into bed," you ask, and both Orion and Hudson nod sleepily, and you and Tony can't help but chuckle at the sight.
It only takes half a story for them to be into a deep sleep, and you ensure the baby monitor in their room is on before closing the door and helping Tony in the kitchen with the clean-up.
When you enter the kitchen, Tony finishes the clean-up, leaning against the counter with the chocolate syrup bottle beside him. You had completely forgotten about it then, but he hasn't.
As you approach him, he reaches out his hand, which you happily take, and he pulls you towards himself, wrapping his arms around your waist until your chest is touching his, and he gives you a sweet, shy smile before closing the gap between you two.
Your eyes flutter shut at the feeling of his lips against yours, and you let him take the lead, opening your mouth instantly as you feel him licking against your lips.
You moan softly when you can taste Tony and some of the chocolate sauce he squirted onto his tongue, making your mind go crazy. The sweetness of the chocolate combined with Tony's usual minty taste has you slipping into a fuzzy headspace, and you try to pull him impossibly closer.
Tony's hands wander over your back upwards until he's reached your neck, one hand gripping tightly while the other slides up into your hair, pulling it harshly and making you groan loudly while his tongue runs over your throat, leaving a faint trail of chocolate behind.
But that wasn't enough for him, oh no. Tony has a sweet tooth beyond belief, and you have not seen the last of this syrup bottle yet.
Seemingly out of nowhere, he picks you up and puts you on the counter, and you spread your legs instantly, letting Tony take his place between them.
"C'mon, pull that zipper down for me, Sunshine," Tony says as his hands slowly rub your thighs, his hungry gaze fixed on your chest.
You tease him a little by pulling down your straps one by one and unzipping the front of your dress ever so slowly. You're completely naked underneath your clothing, which makes the reveal so much better, though his eyes almost burn a hole in your chest.
When it's completely undone, you let the fabric fall onto the counter, making Tony growl from deep within his chest when he sees you've been naked this entire time.
"Hmm, can't believe you've been naked under here for me this entire time, Sunshine," he says before leaning down and attaching his mouth to your nipple, letting his hand play with the other until he has an idea.
"Lean back a little for me, Sunshine. Wouldn't want this chocolate syrup to go everywhere after all," Tony says, and you do, laying your underarms on the counter as you lean back, leaning on them while Tony flips the bottle open.
He drizzles some of the chocolate syrup on your nipples, and it's a bit cold, but the thick sauce gives a pleasurable feeling to your pebbled buds.
"Can't wait to make a dripping mess of you," Tony says before he pokes his tongue out and licks over your hard nipple, lapping the chocolate sauce up while his hands keep inching closer to where you need him most.
"Please," you beg as your head falls back. The pleasure is almost overwhelming, yet there doesn't seem to be enough all at the same time. Something about him licking chocolate sauce off of you makes everything ten times hotter, and Tony is already rock hard, though he's taking care of you first.
"What is it that you want, Sunshine? Can't give you what you want unless you tell me," he says with a slightly degrading tone, and the pool of arousal between your legs grows with them.
"Want your fingers, Tony! Want to cum on your fingers," you tell him as he licks and sucks the chocolate sauce off your other nipple.
"Open your mouth first," he orders, and you do, sticking out your tongue as he holds up the syrup bottle, letting him squirt some on your tongue before capturing your mouth again, licking the sauce off your tongue.
"Good girl," he says, and the moan you let out as two of his long, thick fingers are pushed into your dripping cunt is honestly obscene. The pleasure you're feeling is so much that within a few short thrusts of his fingers, you cum with a broken moan of his name.
Your thighs tremble as Tony works you through your orgasm precisely to ensure he can prolong it for as long as possible. "Fuck me, please," you breathe out, but he doesn't grant your wish yet.
"I'll make you fall apart on my cock later, Sunshine, but right now, I want a taste of my delicious pussy, especially after she's been squeezing my fingers during your orgasm," Tony says with a mischievous look in his eyes.
He pulls you to the edge of the counter with a yelp, bends down to attach his mouth to your wet folds, and starts licking and sucking every last drop of your arousal.
You moan, and in the back of your head, you're thankful you have two deep sleepers. Otherwise, this would have been a different type of evening.
Tony groans as his tongue goes into your entrance, and his thumb is making steady work of your clit. Your hands find their way into his hair, and before he can even warn you what's happening, he cums into his pants from the combination of the hair pulling, eating you out, and your sounds.
He keeps building you up with a renewed vigor, and before you know it, you're falling apart again. A familiar rush of warm fluid rushes through you, and you squirt all over his face and the kitchen floor.
"Fuck, taste so good when you squirt for me, Sunshine," he says before licking up every last drop from your thighs and oversensitive pussy.
"Is too much," you say as you push him away, and he listens, instead opting to pull you in for a deep kiss that has your head reeling after the intense pleasure he gave you just now.
"Let's continue this in the bedroom, yeah? Made a mess of myself because of you, Sunshine. Came without you even touching me when you pulled my hair," he says as he picks you up, and you wrap your legs and arms around him so he can carry you to the bedroom.
"Love you so much, My Love," you sigh as you let him carry you.
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When you're in the bedroom, Tony puts the chocolate sauce he brought with him on the nightstand, letting you lay down on the and taking his clothes off.
"Fuck, you made a big mess for me to clean up, didn't you?" you say, looking at the state of his clothes and the cum clinging everywhere. But that's not what surprised you most, but the fact that he is still hard is unexpected after the orgasm he just had.
You get up to sit on your knees as he walks to the edge of the bed and instantly stick out your tongue as he's close, ready to lick every last drop of cum off of him.
"Hmm, you look like a perfect cockslut like this, Sunshine; I should have you on your knees more often," Tony says while squeezing your cheeks with his left hand, his right one finding its place in your hair.
You lean forward, and as soon as you lick the cum off his tip, he lets out a deep groan because he's still sensitive after the orgasm, despite being fully hard again.
When he's all cleaned up, you take him into your hand and rub slowly up and down over his shaft, and you can't help but tease him a little with some kitten licks over his tip, which earns you a tug on your hair, making you moan.
"P-please, let me suck you off," you say, and he nods, so you don't waste any more time before taking his tip into your mouth and sucking in your cheek before slowly taking more of him.
The moan he lets out when you do that makes your cunt throb, but you're choosing to ignore it for now, instead wanting to make Tony feel like an angel is touching him. Though if you ask him, he already is.
The grip he had on your face is finally gone as he places both hands in your hair and sets a rough pace, fucking your face in earnest as he hears you gag, and the tears are streaming down your face as you look up at him.
"Oh, fuck," he groans through gritted teeth as he sets a brutal pace, and you're nails are digging into his thighs while you try to keep eye contact with him, which isn't as easy as you may have thought.
The pain your nails provide and the pleasure he feels make him fall apart very quickly, and before you know it, you're swallowing every last drop he gives you.
When he pulls out, he sits down next to you on the bed and quickly pulls you into his arms to calm you down a little, and he's genuinely concerned about your well-being when he sees you're crying.
"Are you okay, Sunshine? Did I go too far?" he asks between the kisses he's peppering on your face and hair, but you shake your head. He didn't go too far, but it was just a little unexpected, and you're still coming down from it.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take it that far," he whispers as you're trying to fight your tears, but to no avail. He wipes the tears away with his thumbs and holds you close until you've come down from everything.
"It's okay, Sunshine. I'm here with you," he whispers as he pulls the comforter over you and shifts a little, sitting against the bed's headboard while you're calming down in his arms.
"S-Sorry-" you croak out, but he doesn't let you apologize. "There's nothing to say sorry for, Sunshine. You've been perfect, and I'm sorry I may have pushed it too far. You've done nothing wrong; you're always doing so well for me," Tony tells you, and you believe him.
You just lay in his arms for a while, even after the tears stop. After fifteen minutes, you're finally ready to talk about it, and you're glad Tony is always willing to listen.
"I-I was a little… overwhelmed," you start, and Tony looks at you with interest and gives you his full attention.
"It's not that it was unpleasant at all, but we should have talked about it first. I'm not against it, and I won't mind you doing it again… Just not any time soon, okay?" you say with pleading eyes, and he wholeheartedly agrees.
"I should be saying sorry, Sunshine. I got carried away, and I didn't consider your feelings, but I am so incredibly proud of you for talking about it with me," he says before placing a small peck on your nose, and it makes you smile.
"See? There's that beautiful smile of yours again," he says, and you lean in for a kiss, feeling happy that you can always talk to him about any- and everything, no matter what.
"Shall we take a bath together before sleep? Our Munchkins are still fast asleep, so I doubt they'll wake up when we take a bath together," you ask him, and Tony agrees.
"I'll get it ready, okay? I'll get you once it's ready," Tony says, and you let him go so he can prepare the bath with your favorite scented bath oil and a few candles you always have in the bathroom for a romantic atmosphere.
"It's ready, Sunshine," he says, and you get up after Tony extends his hand and leads you into the bathroom. He steps into the tub and guides you in, and the two of you sink in the warm water, letting it envelop you entirely.
You place your place between Tony's legs and his arms wrapped around your waist, your head against his shoulder, and a small smile etched onto your face.
"Thank you for everything you do for me, Tony. And for the kids, as well, they are the luckiest Munchkins on this earth to have you as their dad," you say, and Tony's cheeks turn red at the praise and a shy smile forms on his face.
"Well, I couldn't do it without you, Sunshine. You're my rock, my love, my everything. And I honestly can't wait to marry you one day. Nothing on this earth would make me happier than to be your husband one day," Tony says, though he would return on that promise in many years.
The day he takes back his words is when he holds his first grandchild in his arms, and he couldn't be more proud of the family the two of you have built together over the years.
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cywscross · 1 year
remake the universe (remake us)
Fandom: Bleach
Character/Pairing: Aizen Sousuke & Kurosaki Ichigo, Kurosaki Ichigo/Urahara Kisuke, Aizen Sousuke & Kurosaki Ichigo & Urahara Kisuke, Aizen Sousuke & Urahara Kisuke, Kurosaki Ichigo, Urahara Kisuke, Aizen Sousuke, Shihouin Yoruichi
Rating: T
Word Count: 14015
Summary: There are different ways to conquer, different ways to win. Ichigo's greatest victories have always been in people.
Tags: Canon Divergence AU, Quincy War AU, Soul King Ichigo, Time Travel, Codependency, Obsession, Blood and Injury, Unreliable Narrator, Ambiguous/Open Ending
Submitted For: - Whumptember 2023 - Day 1: "Did I do good?" - Mentor whumper | Young hero | Blood loss (@whumptember) - Post-July Break Bingo 2023 - Trying to seduce your archnemesis/rival - 100ships - 06. Lust - Trope Bingo [Round 16] - Sacrifice - Hurt/Comfort Bingo [Round 13] - coughing up blood - Gen Prompt Bingo [Round 19] - Enemies - Bad Things Happen Bingo [Card 2] - Dying in Their Arms (@badthingshappenbingo) - 100prompts - 018. Wishing
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teenwerewoofs · 1 year
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🎶 I want you, bless my soul 🎶
Stiles first catches sight of Peter when he's video calling his BFF and college roommate Derek during their first winter break. Peter is hungover as hell from the holiday celebrations and looks like shit, but Stiles still can't stop staring. Derek can't help but groan, as he has only seen that look on Stiles's face when he's fixating on something and about to become extremely annoying about it.
Peter doesn't catch sight of Stiles until the next video call the following day, stopping in his tracks while walking behind Derek using his laptop. ("Well, hello there. And who's this, Derek? Introduce me."). Derek can't help but groan again, as he knows that his uncle can be equally annoying when he's intrigued by someone.
Derek suffers all throughout the rest of break and the next semester, as both his best friend and his uncle seem to be obsessed with each other and yet unwilling to actually do anything about it. He's getting really sick of both of them perking up like a dog who's caught a scent and inserting themselves into conversations as soon as they hear the other's name.
So, if Derek convinces Peter to come help him pack up his stuff and help him haul it home for the summer, but accidentally tells Peter the wrong day... Well, who can blame him? Stiles has finals even later than him and has been running on caffeine and spite for two weeks straight, plus he's been stressed about his own finals and overall running on too little sleep; it's an easy mistake to make. 😉
("Stiles, your date outfit is hanging up in the right side of the closet. You've got a reservation at Sicilia Mia at 8 pm. ... Oh my god, STILES, you're absolutely going. If I have to listen to either of you try to be sly as you ask about the other one again, I am going to LOSE IT.")
The joke's on Derek, though, because Peter and Stiles stay mutually obsessed with each other all throughout their relationship. 😏
cc: @steterweek
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fanfics4all · 10 months
The Spirit of Christmas
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Request: Yes / No List made by @alpaca-clouds
Requests are open only if its CHRISTMAS/HOLIDAY/ WINTER related <3 Have a nice day/night
Caliban x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 1159
Warnings: Nothing!
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If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Caliban was literally made from the clay of Hell, so Christmas was not something he celebrated. No one in Hell celebrated the Holiday, but I wasn’t from Hell. Ever since Sabrina took over as the Queen of hell and Caliban was exiled, he’s found his way to me. I lived just outside of Greendale and was on my own, besides my familiar. Caliban just stumbled his way near my cabin and I took him in. I wasn’t like the witches he’s delt with, I wasn’t one that worshiped satan. Which is why I celibrated Christmas like the mortals. Caliban didn’t understand, but if he wanted to stay then he’d have to deal with it. 
I walked inside my home and Noctus flew to greet me. Noctus is a great horned owl and was the greatest familiar a witch could have. I smiled as he perched on my shoulder. I gave him a little scratch under his chin. 
“Where’s Caliban?” I asked as I looked around and didn’t see him. Noctus chirped at me and flew over to his perch. 
“Oh, he went to get wood? Perfect, I need some more if I want to get this potion going.” I said as I placed the ingredients I collected on my table near my cauldron. Noctus chirped and tilted his head in confusion. 
“You know what time of year it is.” I smirked and my familiar perked up a bit. He loved Christmas just as much as I did. I got to work preparing the ingredients as I waited for Caliban to return home. 
The door opened and Caliban walked in with a large pile of wood logs. I smiled at him as he placed them near the door. He looked at my ingredients and his brows furrowed. 
“Did one of the townspeople come for another potion?” He asked and I shook my head. 
“This is a special one, although I suppose it does effect the town as well.” I answered with a shrug. 
“What kind of potion is it? I’ve never seen some of these ingredients.” He asked as he picked up one of my vials. I quickly snatched it back and placed it down. 
“It’s for the spirit of Christmas, it’s time everything gets in order.” I said and Caliban groaned. 
“This is all for that stupid mortal Holiday?” He asked and I sent him a glare. 
“Making this potion makes all of the townspeople happy and makes my powers stronger for the coming year.” I answered and he held his hands up in defence. 
“I meant no harm by it, love.” He said and I rolled my eyes. He took a seat as I motioned for the logs to float under my cauldron. The flames ignited underneath and the liquid I put inside began to heat up. 
“So is this like a sacrifice type thing?” Caliban asked as he watched me intently. 
“No, I don’t do any dark magic.” I said and he shrugged. 
“Nothing wrong with dark magic, love. I could always show you.” He smirked and I rolled my eyes. 
“Keep your dark magic to yourself, I’d rather not get a visit from the Queen of Hell.” I said. Caliban rolled his eyes and rested his feet on the coffee table. 
Once the liquid started to boil I started putting the ingredients in. Caliban watched me the whole time and looked confused. I glanced at him and paused what I was doing. 
“Would you like to learn?” I asked and he shrugged. I chuckled and shook my head slightly. 
“First you make sure the Holy Water and Glacior Ice is boiling before you put in the chopped Peppermint and Gold Dust. Then you stir it together clockwise six times and it’ll look like liquid gold. Next you add Holly, Silver Dust, Pine Needles, and the very kindly donated Angel Flesh and it sure turn silver with some gold flecks streaked about. You’ll stir that clockwise twice and that’s when you get this pine smell coming through. Now we add Ginger, Cinnamon, and Clove and stir that in. The smell should mix with the pine and smell like a Christmas tree mixed with freshly baked cookies.” I smiled as I inhaled the heavenly smell. Caliban also sniffed the air and gave me a small smile. 
“Now we put in the mistletoe and blow a kiss.” I said and he chuckled. He came over and blew his own into the cauldron and I smiled at him. 
“Pass me that glass bottle, please.” I asked and he handed me the curvy, slightly dark blue tinted bottle. He examined it and his brows furrowed. 
“What is it?” He asked as he handed it to me. 
“The hardest ingredient to acquire for this potion.” I answered with a smile. I plucked the top off and spilt some of the contents into the cauldron. The simery blue, silver, white, black, and purple spilled out and changed the potion’s color to red with silver streaks. 
“I-Is that Stardust?” He asked in complet shock. 
“It is, takes me months to get it every year.” I said as I stirred. 
“And there you have it! The spirit of Christmas! Now we just say the chant and everything will be finished. 
“What’s the chant?” He asked. I smiled and motioned so my book would float over to us. I turned to the page and pointed at the spell. 
“It’ll be more powerful if you read it with me.” I said and held out my hand for him. He sighed, but took my hand anyway. 
“I hear the bells on Christmas Day, Their old, familiar carols play, And wild and sweet, The words repeat, Of peace on Earth, good- will to all!” We said together and the liquid quickly turned to smoke and blew through the house. It flew through the door and out into the world. The smoke would go through the town and give the spirit of Christmas to all. I turned to face Caliban and he was already smiling at me. 
“I feel… different.” He said and I giggled. 
“You feel happy?” I asked and he nodded. 
“Then it’s working already.” I winked. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. 
“I’ve never properly thanked you for allowing me to stay with you.” He said and I smiled up at him. 
“You’ve been very helpful, there’s no need to thank me.” I said. He wrapped his hand in my hair and lifted my head a bit more. He moved in and his lips placed on mine. I closed my eyes and fell into the confort of his presents. We pulled apart and he rested his forehead on mine. 
“Thank you, love.” He whispered. I pecked his lips and smiled. 
“Well, if that’s how you say thank you, then maybe I will let you say it a lot more.” I said and he chuckled. His lips found mine again and I smiled into the kiss.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @lover2448
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psiirockin · 1 year
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Here is my prompt list for Goretober!! I am so excited to participate this year aughh..
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cyanocittae · 1 year
cringetober day 1 - heterochromia :D
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with a catra to start us off :3
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shark-ftw · 1 year
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Inktober day 1: Dream 🤍
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serickswrites · 1 year
Part 2 Part 3
Warnings: captivity, restraints, torture, hunting, sadistic whumper
Whumpee trembled in the back of the truck. They had tried to slip the cuffs around their wrists for the last half hour as Whumper drove deeper and deeper into the woods, but it had been to no avail. They were stuck going to wherever Whumper wanted them to go, doing whatever Whumper wanted them to do. 
The truck suddenly stopped and Whumpee slammed into the rear window. Whumper chuckled as they climbed out. “Whoops, was a little eager to start our fun early.”
“Please,” Whumpee panted as the world spun around them, “let me go. I won’t tell anyone. I promise. Please,” they begged. 
Whumper grabbed Whumpee by the back of their neck suddenly. Their grip was hard and bruising as they began to fiddle with the cuffs on Whumpee’s wrists. As Whumpee struggled, Whumper squeezed tighter and tighter until Whumpee squealed with pain. 
“Quit it, will you? I’m trying to get these off you!” Whumper growled. 
The cuffs suddenly dropped from Whumpee’s wrists. Whumpee pulled their bruised wrists to their chest, their sudden freedom no longer welcomed. Before Whumpee could say anything, Whumper grabbed Whumpee’s right wrist and pulled. 
“Open your hand,” they ordered. 
Whumpee complied lest Whumper break their wrist. “I don’t understand. I--”
“You’re going to need this,” Whumper cut Whumpee off gruffly as they dropped a small compass in their hand. 
“I don’t understand. Please, let me go.”
Whumper smiled as they stared down at Whumpee. “I am.”
“Thank you, thank you,” the words tumbled from Whumpee’s mouth. They could not believe how lucky they were in this moment. 
“You have an hour, Whumpee. I’m letting you go for an hour before I go after you. You escape in that hour, that’s your freedom.” Whumper smiled pleasantly. “However, if at the end of the hour you’re still here,” Whumper’s eyes grew dark, “then I will find you. And I will hunt you down like the animal you are.”
“Please! I won’t tell anyone, I swear!” Whumpee had no idea where they were. Or even what direction safety was. How were they going to get out of there?
Whumper checked their watch. “You have fifty-eight minutes now. I’d get running if I were you. The closest town is about twenty miles due south. You make it there, you’re safe, Whumpee. Run, run for your life.”
Whumpee scrambled from the truck bed and started running. They had no idea where south was. And they had no idea how long it would take them to go twenty miles. But they had to get out of there. Had to before Whumper hunted them down. 
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