#Day trader program
jerrywilliamson1 · 2 years
Beginner trading lessons might aid in your understanding of the day trading strategy if you are new to trading. The Introductory program, which aids in your understanding of the Futures market, is the perfect tool for beginners. To learn more about our day trading school, get in touch with us. Click this link to access the starting program at www.theintentionaltrader.com.
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leahcee · 4 months
so stressed rn
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batshit-auspol · 9 months
With the sudden collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, many of the former empire's resources were sold off to the highest bidder, and their $14 billion space shuttle program was no exception.
Seeking to recoup some of that eyewatering spend, in 1998, the "Buran" (Russia's answer to the American Space Shuttle) was offered up for sale on eBay for $10 million.
No serious offers were received - with most people assuming the listing to be a joke, until the New York Post confirmed the sale, with Russian authorities stating they "actually have two" if anyone is interested.
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(Pictured: A later auction of a smaller scale Buran in 2005)
Sensing an opportunity, a group of Aussie entrepreneurs including Australia's first astronaut and the lawyer for Prime Minister Paul Keating offer to lease the shuttle from Russia, to put it on display in Australia during the Sydney Olympics.
After gaining permission from the Kremlin for the lease, in 1999 the Russian military briefly stops bombing Chechnya in order to dismantle the Buran, and it is placed on a barge to be shipped to Sydney on the (soon to be infamous for other reasons) Tampa shipping vessel at a cost of $5 million.
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Once in Sydney, after a disastrous few months on display where crowds failed to flock to the shuttle exhibition featuring such compelling educational offerings as "activities is to assist in the development of issues of nutrition and hygiene at home" (an actual quote from their website) - the leasing company declared bankruptcy and washed their hands of the space shuttle completely.
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The Buran Gift shop where you could buy soviet space ship themed football jerseys, in case you needed one of those
One of four people listed on the lease, described as a business partner of the Prime Minister, also claims he never knew he was a director of the company, which went on to cause a lot more problems.
This whole debacle presented a slight issue for the cash strapped Russian authorities, who had now only been paid $100,000 for the 9 year lease of the shuttle instead of the $600,000 they were owed. Eventually the decision was made to abandon the once $1 billion Soviet pride and joy in a Sydney carpark, where it resided for a year under a small tarpaulin.
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Failed attempts to be rid of the shuttle included a 12 day auction hosted by an LA radio station, where listeners were offered the chance to buy the shuttle for $6 million, however all bids turned out to be pranks and the shuttle remained.
Multiple attempts were also made to sell the shuttle to Tom Cruise, with the exacerbated movie star's representatives repeatedly telling the insistent traders that he was not interested in owning a Russian spaceship.
Eventually a Singaporean group dismantled the shuttle and shipped it overseas, however Russian authorities soon reported they once again had been failed to be paid for the lease. Singaporean representatives responded that they definitely had paid for the shuttle, and that they simply couldn't remember when or how much was paid.
Representing the Russian government, Lawyer Suhaila Turani told the Wall Street Journal “I feel sorry for the Russians. They’re good in space, but they’re very naive in business.”
For a time the shuttle was abandoned in the storage yard of event company Pico, with the company owner telling the Wall Street Journal "I just want this thing out of my life" after three years of being stuck with it.
A few years later the shuttle was found by German journalists dismantled in a junkyard, and it was then bought and shipped to Germany to be put on display a museum, so all's well that ends well (except they dropped it from a crane while trying to set it up, but it polished up okay).
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lady-ashfade · 5 months
saw u were taking yan!fallout requests so..
lucy maclean meeting r first time headcanons?
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Lucy Maclean x Reader
╰・゚✧☽ you have no idea how much I am in love her. She is so pretty, so badass and sweet. Let me marry her please?
╰・゚✧☽ warnings: slight spoilers for the show, fluff, survival and wasteland content, short and fluffy.
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Meeting lucy for the first time, you’d probably have to be a hero or nice person of some sort for her to trust you a bit at first.
For this lets say you are a trader. But not just any trader….The trader.
You have a small area and have barricaded and set up terminals all over, even a few robots you built (programmed) to defend if anything were to happen.
You had a house inside the walls, along with ones for guests when they come around. It’s a market for other wondering traders do set up shop. It’s a place you pride yourself in for safety of others.
But not only do you sell, you go out and find. You’ll hunt for days for things to bring back, which is why you get so rich.
Anyway moving on, this is how Lucy come across you.
You’ll be searching some old buildings for supplies and happen to come across a vault dweller in need of some help from mole rats. And lucky for her you helped.
After all is send and done you are hesitant to let her roam.
“Look lady, you seem like a fresh fish out of water. And you sure as hell don’t belong here, I suggest you find another place to raid.”
She smiles nervously and tells you she has no interest in hurting you or stealing anything from you…She just wants directions and information.
She’s been tricked, hunting and tortured but you ask her to leave peacefully. She could tell you weren’t a true monster.
“My name’s lucy,” she reaches out her hand slowly
When you take her back to your small settlement she is overjoyed by the kindness you show her. No one around is trying to kill her, and the food and water isn’t as good as her vault but she’s glad she can be safe.
If you offer anything to help her on her journey…She becomes smitten so hard. Yes, she was already interested in you when you saved her and brought her back.
But being a badass and kind human was rare. And boy did she find it hot on you.
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reverielibrary · 6 months
Handle With Care 
Aster is a mechanic in a long-haul space crew. When the ship needs repairs in the middle of a trip, Hue, the intra-vessel managing computer system, keeps her company in her suit and provides some extra personal care.
Wordcount: 3609 | Contains: Sci-fi, Robot x human, Transfem character, Handjob (sort of), Semi-public, Caught, Embarrassment, Voice kink, Infodumping during sex, Spacesuit, Free-floating in space, Burn care
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“How’re we looking on O2, Hue?” 
Aster heard the zip of an extra tether-line deploying from the external core of her suit, shooting out a short distance and latching onto the micro-welder that had floated loose from her toolbelt. 
“Oxygen reserves at 76%. Approximately 43 minutes of suit habitability remaining,” reported Hue, directing the returning tether claw where Aster could reach it. She was started to regret disconnected her tools from their individual suit tethers, but stubborn as she was, refused to admit it and kept doing her best not to lose any of them. 
“Plenty of time,” said Aster, trying for the third time to pass her wrench from her hand to her mouth and being reprimanded by the red impact warning light flashing inside her helmet. Hue overrode the warning as Aster put the wrench in her belt to grab the micro-welder. “Thanks, bud.”
“You���re welcome, Aster.”
That’s what Hue’s official name was—Buddy. Technically, his full name was StarStroller’s Model T3051 Voyage Buddy Intra-vessel Management Computer System Unit 297. The default settings when installed gave the beck command “Buddy” and the rest of the crew had no problem calling their ship’s program that, but Aster had insisted on giving him a proper name. The crew was not keen to go along at first, but still the name caught on, and eventually they all started referring to Hue as if he were just another crew member. 
He was certainly a big enough part of their everyday lives to be considered so, at least in Aster’s opinion. Half the time they flew on autopilot, and Hue’s programming kept them alive and functioning nearly every moment of their voyage—they would be royally fucked without him. Aster had been raised to be appreciative of everyone’s work, no matter who they were or whether or not they could be considered a person, and had always been very friendly with Hue. She was quick to reprimand the others when they were rude or demeaning to him, which quickly got her labelled a cyberfucker by the others. She didn’t care to argue with them on that point—she’d rather be a cyberfucker than an asshole any day. 
Truthfully, Aster liked Hue. He was much more pleasant company for an introverted mechanic than the rowdy haulers and traders she travelled with, though they had become like a strange little family after nearly two years out in the forever-dark of space, only making landfall every few months. There weren’t many women mechanics running with long-haul crews in their sect, and even fewer who were trans and queer (though as she had found on virtual hookup sites on the local cybernet, not none). 
“These rivets are crap,” grumbled Aster, struggling to get the micro-welder at the right angle to react with the metal around the loose riveting and scoffing. “Tsh. ‘Reentry-proof,’ my foot.”  
“We could purchase new plating when the ship reaches Delnaught X,” replied Hue. The top corner of Aster’s display field popped up with a window that displayed craft part listings. “Perhaps reinforce the seams with alloy strips to reduce the wear on the rivets?” 
“That’s not a bad idea,” said Aster. She pulled herself a bit higher up on the grounding tethers that were anchored and locked to the ship’s hull, keeping her from drifting off into the void. “But I doubt Cap would go for it—we don’t really have the liquid for that kind of thing right now. Not after we got swindled back on Roch’s Haven outta half our due.”
“Yes, that did put us behind our budget,” said Hue, collapsing the window with the alloy strip listings. “As did the subsequent bribery losses.” 
“Ugh,” groaned Aster. “You’re telling me. Gram really has to learn to control his temper, and Fio needs to stop giving him weapons when we’re docked. He’s lucky he got out of the brawl he started with only a handful of burns.”
As if woken by the mention of the word, an ill-executed twist at the waist set the half-healed burn between Aster’s shoulderblades stinging. She winced, further frustrated as she thought about how Gram’s promises to repay her for hauling his sorry battered ass out of the fray he’d started would most certainly go unhonored. 
“Are you alright, Aster?” asked Hue, a tinge of concern in his pleasant digital-fried tone. Aster knew he was programmed to sound that way when he detected a problem, but she was always touched by it nonetheless. 
“I’m fine,” she assured. “Just sore. The burn on my back’s been annoying me, especially since I can’t reach back there to slather up in Repair-Gel.” 
Aster heard the gentle beeping hum of the suit scanning her from head to toe. 
“This suit’s internal medkit is stocked with Repair-Gel,” noted Hue. “I have access to all the suit’s functions. Would you like to me apply Repair-Gel to your burn?” 
Aster paused, a little surprised. She had prolonged her suffering by refusing to ask any of the boys to help her with the Gel, as she hated asking them for most any favours and couldn’t imagine how mortifying and uncomfortable it would be to have any of them rub goo all over her back—even Tanu, the ship’s medic, who was the only one who had seen her shirtless before. He’d been nice, as he usually was on duty, but it was still incredibly awkward and something Aster did not want to relive unless entirely necessary. It had never before occurred to her to ask Hue for help with something of that nature.
“Um,” she said, hesitating. “Well…”
She was dressed in a t-shirt and the standard issue insulated leggings under the suit, having gone without a bra as she usually did when doing external maintenance, as it only added more restriction to the already unwieldy predicament that was the short-range suit. The lining of the suit was modified MPET padded for comfort, and felt like a snug hug from a smooth and slippery mylar duvet in most places, though Aster was keenly aware of all the discreet inlets in the lining that accommodated the suit’s many, many internal functions. 
“You’ve slowed down, Aster,” coaxed Hue. “38 minutes of suit habitability remaining.”
Another sizzle of pain made up Aster’s mind for her. 
“Okay, Hue, sure. Slather away,” she said, trying to keep the mood light to fight off her nerves. Hue might not technically be a person, but she still felt like she was about to be more exposed than she would have liked—but if it had to be with any of the crew, she was glad it was Hue. 
“Copy. Deploying internal roll-on applicator to the affected area.”
Aster jumped a little when she felt cold plastic pincers like mini versions of the tether claws latch onto and gather up her t-shirt, exposing her back. The lining of the suit shifted along with the machinery behind it and with a short hiss the back of the lining parted as the applicator was deployed. A red flashing cross popped up in the middle of Aster’s visor field along with internal medkit information, and when she went to give the command to dismiss it, a yelp came from her mouth instead. 
Though Aster couldn’t see down past her collar into the rest of her suit, she could discern the applicator right away when it was deployed. By the sound and feel of it, she figured the end was a smooth metal sphere about the size of an eyeball attached to a free-moving arm. Both the applicator and the Repair-Gel it was drenched in were freezing.  
“Does this hurt, Aster?” asked Hue, that soft concerned croon returning. This time, instead of being endearing, Aster found herself blushing at the tone. “Do you want me to stop?” 
“No,” answered Aster, perhaps a little more eagerly than she would have liked. “No, it’s fine, it’s just cold, is all.” 
“Heating applicator,” reported Hue. Almost immediately, the metal ball began to warm up, passing that heat to the gel, and as it began gliding over the tender skin between Aster’s shoulderblades it was pleasantly toasty. 
Aster let out a contented sigh. The ball slid incredibly smoothly and with just enough pressure to massage a little without pressing into the wound too much. In a few beats, the Repair-Gel began to anaesthetise the area and the pain faded away, leaving only the soothing roll of the warm slick metal. It had been a very long time since anyone had made Aster feel that physically good, let alone on her bare skin. She melted into the sensation, her eyes fluttering closed for a moment and loosening her grip on her tethers to feel the zero-G float her a little off the side of the ship. 
“Aster? Are you alright?” asked Hue, not doubt taking notice of her change in attitude, using that sweet croon again, a gentle caring voice humming in her ear. 
Aster’s eyes flew abruptly open as she became aware of a very different sensation tingling down below her hips. 
“Your heart rate is slightly elevated,” said Hue. “Do you require additional assistance?” 
“I’m fine, Hue, I’m good,” babbled Aster, reeling herself back in on the tether and clinging to the hull in embarrassment as if she could hide herself behind the ship. “The, uh, the Gel helped. I’m all good now.” 
“Your body temperature and vital monitoring indicate you are anxious,” reported Hue. 
“That’s one way to put it,” mumbled Aster. “Really, I’m okay. Let’s just finish up and get back inside.” 
Aster felt the applicator retract and her shirt and the suit-lining settle back into place.
“I could read you a story or sing you a song,” offered Hue, running through the saved soothing methods he’d filed in Aster’s profile. Especially early on in her time with her crew, those were some of the few things that could calm her down and help with her insomnia. She had fallen asleep countless times to the sound of Hue’s voice. In that moment, however, Aster was almost certain those things would make her predicament worse. 
“No, thank you,” she said, trying to keep her manner as casual as possible and her mind out of the gutter, failing both. Despite her efforts, she had become fully hard, and her dick was now squished uncomfortably by the straps of the suits’ harness. She took the wrench from her belt to speedily tighten the remaining few rivets before reinforcing them with the micro-welder, praying that a rushed patch job would last them at least until their next planetfall. 
To Aster’s dismay, a notice popped up across her visor field. Physical Integrity Report: Unexpected addition tension in LOWER TORSO, B9C6. Inspect for malfunction to maintain suit physical integrity. 
“Oh, come on,” she groaned. “These things were designed by cis men and they’re not built to handle a—?” Aster flustered before she finished her thought, feeling the weight of Hue’s bodiless presence all around her. “Dismiss notice,” she added sheepishly.
The hum of the body scan kicked up and Aster cringed. 
“There is no need to worry, Aster. Your suit’s physical integrity is intact and it remains fully functional. The sensors have simply registered and flagged your erection.” 
“Great,” said Aster, laughing a little as her face burned with heat. “Thanks for just laying it all out like that, bud.”
The sarcasm was lost on Hue. “You’re welcome, Aster.”
A few beats passed quietly as Aster finished tightening and went to switch the wrench for the welder. She fumbled both, sending the welder spinning out of reach.
“Oh, for the love of—!” she started, but stopped when a quickly deployed tether-claw with perfect aim retrieved the welder and brought it back to her. Flustered, Aster took it wordlessly and back to work, struggling with the trigger in her bulky gloved hands. 
“Your accuracy has significantly decreased,” chimed Hue, as calm and pleasant as ever. 
“It’s just a patch,” mumbled Aster. “It’ll be fine.” 
“Your discomfort is distracting you,” said Hue, matter-of-factly. “Would you like me to assist you?” 
Aster finally got the welder working and immediately stopped it, pausing with a shiver of nerves and excitement. 
“What… what do you mean?” she asked tentatively. 
“I could relieve your discomfort,” replied Hue, “like I did previously. I have access to all of your suit’s functions. I could resolve your erection for you so you could finish your work unhindered.” 
“You—I—how would—?” stammered Aster. “I don’t think we really have the time for anything… like that.” 
“35 minutes of suit habitability remaining,” said Hue. “Besides, it would not take long.”
Aster scoffed a laugh. “Oh, wow, really going for my pride, there, pal.”
“It was not a comment on your sexual performance, Aster. I am equipped to assist human charges with all manner of required functions to an optimal degree.”
Aster frowned, hardly believing she was having that conversation at all and wildly embarrassed, but unbearably curious and undeniably turned on. She shifted her legs a little to try to ease the restriction on her cock, but the movement only offered a tantalising flash of stimulation and then a worse squash in the compressing fabric of her leggings. 
“Do you mean you… you’re programmed to help with… sex stuff?” 
“I am programmed to offer relief to a wide range of physical ailments, including reproductive and genital pain or discomfort, yes.” 
Aster wrinkled her nose and banished the thought that Hue could have assisted any of the boys with their very obvious and annoying horny rage in that way. She had experienced her fill of that when she’d accidentally walked in on Bram and Fio in their bunks—or, more accurately, bunk. 
Still, with a dismissal on the tip of her tongue, Aster felt the fluster of need rising from her hips to her head. 
“Hypothetically,” she started, “how would you even do that? Right now, I mean?”
“This suit is equipped with two dozen free-motion snake arms that can access any part of the wearer’s body,” explained Hue. “With minimal modification, the inflatable cushion bandage could be used to stroke an erect penis.”
“How romantic,” joked Aster, busy with the terribly exciting knowledge that while she was in the suit, Hue had access to her entire body. The thrill of being completely in his hands as she floated off the side of her ship with the forever of open space at her back was intoxicating. The welder sat completely forgotten in her hand.
“I can speak to you in a romantic way, if that would be helpful,” said Hue. 
If Aster could have, she would would have buried her face in her hands. 
“Would you like me to proceed, Aster?” 
Like the pitch of a fall, Aster gave in to the desire gripping her body. “I would, but this suit isn’t exactly roomy, I don’t know how you would even—”
Her words were lost in a hitch of breath as she heard the zip of an internal arm deploying down by her hip and felt it slither against her clothes, navigating with incredible precision. In place of the ball applicator on the previous arm, this one had a grasp attachment of sorts, more complex than a tether-claw but simpler than a human hand, and it was holding something flat and plasticy.
“Hold still, please, Aster,” said Hue, just barely more than a request—a gentle command. 
Aster did her best not to squirm as a second arm deployed at her other hip, another grasp joining the first at her pelvis and working together in the snug space between her flesh and the suit lining to dip her leggings and underwear down out of the way. She gasped a little as one of them gripped the base of her cock, holding it firmly but surprisingly tenderly, and noticed in her fuzz of arousal that the grasps were warmed to the same temperature as the Repair-Gel applicator. 
Aster didn’t realize she was panting until her breath began to fog up the visor of her helmet, making the display frosty. She forced herself to slow her breathing, very aware that she had limited air out there. Thinking about how Hue had full control of that, too, only got her more worked up. 
“You can relax, Aster,” said Hue. “I will take care of you.” 
Before she could process what was happening, her excitement sharpened by the disorientation of not being able to see what was happening, she felt the flat strip of plastic being gently wrapped around her hard cock. 
“Inflating cushion bandage and administering lubricant,” announced Hue. 
With a fwoosh and a shock of warm wetness, Aster felt a warm tight pressure circle her dick, squeezing deliciously at her base. She let out a full moan, unable to keep herself quiet as the sensation shot through her. She only just barely got the micro-welder secured back in her belt before the arms began to move. 
“Initiating friction.” 
The slide of the smooth plastic inflatable around her cock was heavenly, slick with plenty of warm lube, the glide even more decadent than the roll of the applicator on her back. Aster huffed out groans of pure pleasure, giving slack on the grounding tethers again to let herself float off the hull, losing herself in the sensation. 
“Ooohhh, Hue…” sighed Aster, bucking a little into the cushion. She found herself easily undone and helpless desperate for touch after endless months of nothing but her own hands and the words and pictures of strangers countless stars away. 
“Yes, Aster?” cooed Hue. Aster swore she heard a new tone from him then, something sweeter than his usual pacific pleasantness, something richer. 
“Please don’t stop,” she murmured, calling up the needy lines she huffed into her pillow on her lonely nights, all alone in her single bunk. 
“I won’t.” 
But never truly alone, she realised in that moment. Hue could see and hear everything on the ship. He had always seen, always heard, always listened, always watched. Again she felt the loom of his presence there with her like a tangible thing, felt his synthetic gaze on her, felt the arms and the grasps like they were his limbs and hands on her, like the suit was him, covering every inch of her. As she inched farther away from the hull, she put herself entirely at his mercy, letting her moans be freer and huskier as Hue quickened his strokes. In that moment, she was his. 
“Keep talking,” begged Aster, breathless. 
“What would you like me to talk about?”
“Anything.” Aster could feel the heat pooling in her guts as the pleasure of every slick, clenching stroke rose and rose. “Anything you want. Just let me hear you, please.” 
“We are passing within view of the Kilo-0-Romeo-3934 supernova,” reported Hue. His voice was just a little quieter and lighter, almost as if her had breath of his own, the rocky digital fry in Aster’s ear raising goosebumps all down her spine. “Because of the particulate of the Orocathmel belt interrupting the wavelengths of its light, it will appear pink and red to the human eye with clouds of debris unfurling from its epicentre in a spiral, like the petals of a rose.” 
“Fuck,” cursed Aster, her voice breaking. Her legs began to quiver, her building orgasm edging on too much to bear, but she couldn’t do anything but float there as Hue jerked her off, steadily increasing his pace. “Keep going, please keep going, just keep talking, please—”
“The particulate of the Orocathmel is comprised of approximately 86% mineral matter and 14% organic matter from the collision of Comet-Sweetheart-9989 with the former planet Tatragre—”
“Say that again,” whined Aster.
“Say what again?” 
“Sweetheart.” Hue repeated the word slower the second time, stretching out the syllables. 
Aster was painfully close. Her whole body tensed as she felt her cock throb with need, desperate to come. “Again.”
With a gasp of a moan, Aster came. Her slick cock throbbed in the cushion’s slippery grip as her cum shot all over the lining of the suit and onto the front of her shirt. She convulsed in zero-G, feeling nothing but the crashing waves of rapture and the heat of her dripping spend. 
She could have been imagining it, but she thought she heard Hue give a low, satisfied hum as she flinched and panted, slowly coming back to herself as her orgasm ebbed. The grounding tethers snapped taught as she drifted to limit and the tension held her in place as she caught her breath. 
“Feeling better?” asked Hue. 
The cushion ring hissed as it deflated, the grasps making quick work of folding it flat and retreating, leaving Aster alone with her mess of cum and her sensitive cock still exposed against the sleek lining of the suit. 
“Oh, boy,” she panted, still a little fuzzy as her body calmed down. “I came… in the suit. I can’t believe I just came in the suit. Cap’s going to kill me.”
“No need to worry, Aster. I can get the suit clean and resterilised when we return to the ship,” assured Hue.
“You better,” came Cap’s voice over the intercom, sounding ruffled and more than a little annoyed. Aster’s stomach dropped. “You two lovebirds almost finished out there?” 
“Yes, Captain. Aster’s repairs are nearly complete,” replied Hue.
“Good. Finish up and quit wasting the O2 reserves. And Aster?” 
It was a marvel to Aster that her voice still worked and that her head didn’t go up in flames from how hotly she flushed. “Yes, Cap?” 
“Next time you want to have a little cyberfucker date, do it somewhere you can disable your system comm.”
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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A Trove of 750 Looted Artifacts Returned to Italy
Some 750 looted archaeological treasures have been seized from the notorious British antiquities trader Robin Symes and returned to Italy after a decades-long fight for their return, the Carabinieri art police said on Wednesday.
The artifacts, which according to the Italian cultural ministry are worth more than €12 million ($12.9 million), will go on display in Rome’s Castel Sant’Angelo museum as part of a collection of stolen art that has found its way home.
The objects “offer a cross-section of the many productions of ancient Italy and the islands,” including “numerous and diversified archaeological contexts (funerary, cultural, residential and public) … concentrated in particular in Etruria and Magna Graecia,” according to a statement from the Ministry of Culture.
Among the recovered items from the Roman and Imperial eras is a bronze tripod table from an aristocratic Etruscan family, two parade headgear for horses, two funerary paintings, male busts in marble, various portions of statues and bronzes, and a wall painting with the depiction of a small temple, likely from a Vesuvian residence, according to the ministry statement.
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There are also precious gems set in gold, silver, bronze, as well as bone and amber.
Other pieces include weapons, sarcophagi, funerary urns, ritual objects, furnishings in bronze and marble, mosaic and painted decorations.
The artifacts originate from “clandestine excavations on Italian territory” and were illegally obtained by Symes Ltd, the company owned by Symes, a major trafficker of cultural goods, according to the ministry statement.
“The company, which had always opposed the repeated recovery attempts by the Italian Judicial Authority, (and) subject to bankruptcy proceedings in the United Kingdom, was also sued in Italy, through the Attorney General of the State, for the return of the goods or civil compensation for damages,” Italian Attorney General Lorenzo d’Ascia said during the press conference.
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There are also precious gems set in gold, silver, bronze, as well as bone and amber.
Other pieces include weapons, sarcophagi, funerary urns, ritual objects, furnishings in bronze and marble, mosaic and painted decorations.
The artifacts originate from “clandestine excavations on Italian territory” and were illegally obtained by Symes Ltd, the company owned by Symes, a major trafficker of cultural goods, according to the ministry statement.
“The company, which had always opposed the repeated recovery attempts by the Italian Judicial Authority, (and) subject to bankruptcy proceedings in the United Kingdom, was also sued in Italy, through the Attorney General of the State, for the return of the goods or civil compensation for damages,” Italian Attorney General Lorenzo d’Ascia said during the press conference.
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A further 71 objects, currently in the United States, will be recovered in the next few days, Brigadier General Vincenzo Molinese, commander of the Carabinieri Art Squad, said.
The return of these 750 objects marks another success in Italy’s attempt to recover its stolen treasures. Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano said at the press conference: “The recovery of illicitly stolen cultural heritage is one of the priorities of my program; protecting it also means preventing our heritage from being plundered by unscrupulous traffickers.”
By Barbie Latza Nadeau.
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lydiachan · 7 months
Dwarven Creation vs. Sotha Sil Creation
There are distinct similarities between the aesthetics of ancient Dwarven culture and Sotha Sil's Clockwork City. It is found that a big portion of Elder Scrolls players often have trouble identifying the differences between the two, and the idea that Sotha Sil's creations are Dwarven. This is not the case at all, but there is a reason why they are so similar. In Sotha Sil's lifetime, he was heavily inspired by the Dwarves as he came to power when they were in their peak in the First Era. (Sotha Sil died in the Third Era to the hands of Almalexia, as seen in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind). Dwarven science and architecture was at the base of all of Sotha Sil's research but he didn't completely steal all of their ideas. The architecture and automatons you see in Clockwork City are made out of a completely different material than what you would see in any Dwemer ruin. Sotha Sil used brass, the Dwemer used Dwarven metal that is completely unique to their kind. Another thing, Sotha Sil could take any Dwarven idea and make it better, turning it into an entirely new creation that is his own. For example, take a Dwarven sphere and a Factotum. A Dwarven sphere may be programmed to complete a task, but they have no intelligence and are rather weak. Factotums on the other hand are pretty much what people would consider to be a modern day robot. Factotums can complete several complex tasks, sense physical feeling such as weight being added or removed from their person, they detect and report crime, they can scan for resources, maintain a city, they can TALK, they can give the player tasks, and document important information such as citizenship and banking as seen in Elder Scrolls Online's Clockwork City DLC. Factotums are also usually in charge of the local guild traders, which is also an extremely important source of goods for any Elder Scrolls Online player. In greater and more powerful Dwarven automatons such as the centurion, they cannot function or "turn on" unless they are given a source of power, usually from a lever that is pulled. I remember the first time I played Skyrim, it took me so long to figure out that the centurions were not just decorations and that they could actually move and attack you. The Dwarven centurions Clockwork equivalent would be an Imperfect. Though imperfects are a lot larger in size, it is the same idea except that they can move and function on their own and the player doesn't need to manually power one on. Imperfects don't have as much dialogue as factotums, but they are a lot stronger than centurions. (Do not try to kill that one imperfect that is a world boss in Clockwork City alone, you will fail). Like the Dwarves, Clockwork City also has automaton spiders. Sotha Sil created two different kinds of automaton spiders: the Firepot Spider and the Dancing Spider. The Firepot one was created to be used as a barbecue for chefs, which is really weird but okay I guess. Could have just used a normal grill. There's not much to say about the Dancing Spider though, it's very similar to the Dwarven Spider except it's attacks and movements are a lot more dramatic hence the name "Dancing Spider". I will say though, both of the Clockwork spiders are incredibly strong in-game and are extremely annoying to encounter despite their small size. Sotha Sil also created an automaton dinosaur species but I'm not going to get into the details of that one because it can't be compared to anything Dwarven. Basically, the Dwemer didn't have dinosaurs. Another huge point that I should have brought up earlier before I started yapping about automatons is the fact that Dwemer cities were powered by steam and the Clockwork City is powered by Sotha Sil's magic alone. Well, it WAS powered by Sotha Sil but it is now powered by his artificial Heart of Lorkhan that he created to save the city during his death. If I see anybody else call Sotha Sil "Dwarven" I will redirect them to this post. Sotha Sil is NOT short, he's like seven feet tall. Nirn's tallest elf. Thank you.
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pamprinninja · 7 months
How it started, versus how it's going...
I grew up in the UK, 30 minutes from Games Workshop's Nottingham headquarters; and my childhood heavily featured their games, miniatures, and routine trips to the local Games Workshop store.
During this time, I developed a particular affection for the work of Jes Goodwin. Initially an artist and sculptor, Jes' work was strongly geometric in nature; and displayed an unusually high degree of consistency (a particularly noteworthy achievement during a period where miniatures were sculpted by hand with ad-hoc tools).
For reference - one of Jes' early sketches of a Space Marine in Mk. VI armor; as featured in the guide that accompanied the very first Space Marine paint set:
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I actually had the pleasure of meeting Jes in person at Games Day '94; and one of my treasured possessions is the souvenir program, which he kindly autographed:
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During my teenage years, I came to possess a handful of Chaos Champions sculpted by Jes. As was so often the case in those early years, the miniatures had been designed as dual use; combining the sort of medieval aesthetics that would warrant inclusion in the Warhammer Fantasy Battle setting, but also the occasional technological greeble that would justify use in Warhammer: 40,000.
As I generally kept to the latter system, I set about cutting up and remodeling these miniatures, with the aim of making the science-fiction elements more explicit. And I was very happy with the end results, too!... Which makes it all the more unfortunate that these miniatures were lost when I relocated to the US.
Two decades later, and I have taken it upon myself to recreate these miniatures (albeit with the full advantage of the skills I have developed in the interim). The first mini on the chopping block is 021919 from the 1989 Citadel Catalog (frequently referred to by its most obvious physical characteristic, "Nurgle Chaos Champion With Fly Mutation"):
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(It feels vaguely sacrilegious, taking a razor saw to what is now technically an antique; but I very much subscribe to the DIY mentality that was so prevalent during the initial Rogue Trader days, and - given that the model originates for the same time period - keeping the old traditions alive seems only appropriate.)
In my original conversion, I removed the haft and blade of the axe; and positioned an old Space Ork plasma cannon over the now unobscured shoulder. I also replaced the sandaled foot and exposed fly-mutated leg with their armored equivalents from a Space Marine Devastator.
This time I around, I opted to angle the right arm, to add a greater sense of movement; and completely reposition the left arm, as if to calling out a target:
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(In doing so, I created a great many headaches for myself: the right hand snapped off at the wrist, and had to be repaired. Cutting the left arm free necessitated cutting through the hand; and the pins I inserted into the remains of the palm broke free, requiring JB Weld to resecure.
I cannot underscore the frustration inherent to these two experiences; at the same time, I'm a great believer in the idea that growth as an artist demands taking risks - up to and including potentially ruining one's art.)
The original version of the conversion also featured an extended barrel (fabricated from the Lord Fuegan's firepike, and a handful of random Genestealer claws). However, I wanted to replace this with something a little more appropriate for a follower of the Lord Of Pestilence; which ended up being the better part of a Plague Spewer:
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In terms of next steps: I intend to strap a canister of goo-based ammunition to his left side; and continue to add new detailing to hide the various cuts and joins.
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ya-bug-boy · 2 years
I had this scenario on my mind but I don't know how to translate it but- The Twins and Warden Ingo (separate) with a reader that comes off as creepy but in actuality, they're really normal and funny to be around once you get past their creepy appearance. Like, they're not outcasts or anything it's just that people find it hard to approach them because of how off-putting they look.
Submas x Spooky Reader | Warden Ingo x Spooky Reader
The twins had a concerning message at two different points of the day. There was a strange man muttering to himself, riding the morning train and evening train. It was worrying people, the way he was talking so you were unfortunately reported twice. The first time, you weren't caught, by the time the report was made you already left the station but you were caught on surveillance. When the second report came out, both twins were already aware of who you are and what you looked like.
When you were on your evening train, the one you take back home, you were approached by Ingo. He made note of your slightly disheveled appearance, your unkempt hair, your untied shoelaces, and a strange stain on your shirt. He had heard you mumbling when he entered the train and began to ask you questions. You look at him with wide eyes, starting back and forth to your appearance and to him and immediately apologize, speaking in a louder tone for him to hear you. It wasn't your fault! You worked with young children for a summer program that was basically summer school without a harsher curriculum that would encourage brain development with various activities. Today the children were painting and one of the students spilled their paint cup on you, leaving a red and brown stain on your white shirt. You immediately showed Ingo your work i.d. card to prove that you worked with the company and he looked it up. Now it was his turn to apologize! When Emmet reaches up with you two at the next station, Emmet catches up to speed but does ask why you were mumbling. Your eyes widen and you immediately get flustered by you try your best to explain. You have a Pokemon hiding in your shadow, they're so withdrawn that they hide constantly unless you're at home. This intrigues the twins as they come up with a guessing game to try and figure out what Pokemon it could be. The evening train is much more pleasant with another human to talk to and the three of you eagerly chat away until you reach your home, everyone looking forward to tomorrow. ~~ You were an interesting person in Hisui, having fallen from the sky. It wasn't exactly clear when you got here but you fortunately found yourself working for the Galaxy Expedition Team as a Security Officer. You protected the gates of Jubilife Village, ensuring the safety of everyone but people thought of you as an odd person. Though you were nice and a strong trainer, you were often seen mumbling to yourself. People would try to catch you, to see who you were talking to, but rumors began to speculate you were speaking with ghosts, former villagers of the town. Warden Ingo is eventually introduced to Jubilife Village when he assists the Hero of Hisui with their quest and makes a permanent home there. He offers you a battle to which you agree but he gets confused when you have 6 pokeballs but only 5 pokemon to battle with. You tell him it's a secret. Then one day, while the two of you were enjoying a nice meal, a drunk sailor, one of the merchant traders try to interrupt you. Calling you cruel names, you and Ingo get up to leave, deciding to go talk at the beach when this stranger continues to follow you. He almost gets into an altercation with you when suddenly, your shadow materializes and knocks him off his feet. The man then runs away, screaming that you were a demon. Ingo stares at you, wide eyed but he trusts you, "May I ask what that was?" he asks politely. You bite your bottom lip and pinch your fingertips, you trust him and hope that your pokemon did too. You glance around your surroundings first to make sure no one is near before you whisper out a name... Your shadow then materializes once again but takes on the form of the Pokemon: Darkrai, the nightmare pokemon. Ingo stares in shock as he quietly approaches, "Is he your secret 6th?" "Yes, he um...I found him a long time ago. Running away from hunters. I knew about his abilities and told him to hide in my shadow. Since then, he's always been with me. He's my friend." Ingo hums thoughtfully before nodding his head, giving Darkrai a small smile. "I must thank you for what you did, you were protecting us." Darkrai lets out a low grumble and nods his head as well before slinking away back into your shadow. "Well that explains your peculiar charms of talking to your shadow," he says with a light chuckle. "I will keep this a secret, but I would love it if you entertained the idea of us battling with them as well." You sigh relieved, feeling like the night couldn't be any safer.
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valdiis · 6 months
Character Traits: Daephrin Astramente
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— B A S I C S
Name: Daephrin Rosamar Astramente Nicknames: Dae, Lark, Samar, 'hey asshole!' Age: Somewhere around 32 Nameday: 15th sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon Race: Ishgardian Elezen Gender: Cisgender male Orientation: Bisexual and yes, please Profession: Sky pirate, treasure hunter, leather-worker, professional scoundrel
— P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
Hair: Warm black and windswept; straighter when it's very short or very long, wavy when it's a little shaggy. Eyes: Vivid emerald. Skin: Sun-tanned and lightly freckled. Tattoos/scars: No tattoos, a fading burn scar on his upper shoulders.
— F A M I L Y
Parents: Lucarian Astramente and Ilystra Rochenoire. Lucarian was a Temple Knight and Ilystra a noblewoman. When Lucarian married her, the official name of the noble house changed to his surname instead of hers. House Rochenoire was known for producing profound intellects and the Astramente line a knack for navigation. Ilystra died of pneumonia and several months later, Lucarian dropped dead of a heart attack. They say that couples in love rarely survive one another. Siblings: His older brother, Sarin, was a lancer and died in the Dragonsong War. His younger brother, Onaerion, is currently the head of House Astramente. Grandparents: Daephrin never knew them, but the Rochenoires were stiff, devout Ishgardians who had fallen on hard times and were very pleased to marry their daughter off to a relatively wealthy Temple Knight. The Astramente family was proud to count a Knight among their sons; they were mostly traders and trackers, barely a step above scoundrels but for their wealth. Wealth hides a multitude of sins. In-laws and Other: Though he is formally dating one man and unofficially entangled with another, Dae doesn't have any in-laws at this point. He has an Astramente uncle he's never met, but his mother was an only child. Pets: While he would like to have live pets one day, he fears he can't care for them at this time with his lifestyle. Instead, he has Sniffer, Spotter, and Sparrow - mammets made for him by his lover, Jaxon. Sniffer is a delightful little cat-dog mammet that sniffs out treasure. Spotter is a spider-like trap finder. And Sparrow is a bird-shaped recording device.
— S K I L L S
Abilities: Daephrin is quite a decent leather-worker, though he makes no fuss over it. More of a fuss is made over the fact that he's a crack shot with any ranged weapon of any kind (a manifestation of the Echo), including thrown knives. Just don't hand him a lance; he'll put someone's eye out. He knows Allagan programming language and technological construction. He can play piano pretty well. Hobbies: Aforementioned leather-work and Allagan treasure hunting. Airship maintenance for fun and profit.
— T R A I T S
Most Positive Trait: Dae is charming nearly to a fault. He can convince snakes to dance on their tails and Monetarists to part with their gil. He's got the perfect mix of a kind air, a clever mouth, and a fast mind; it makes him easy to trust, even when you probably shouldn't. Most Negative Trait: He is horribly, terribly self-centered. He struggles to put himself in other people's shoes or to think outside himself. He's working on it, but he's still pretty selfish.
— L I K E S
Colours: Black, gold, green. Smells: Well-oiled leather, bay rum, sun-warmed wood, his lovers' colognes (Jaxon and M'rath smell different, but equally amazing), fresh citrus. Textures: Silk, leather, black cat's fur, lacquered wood. Drinks: Whiskey, tea, hot chocolate, coffee, the occasional orange juice.
— O T H E R D E T A I L S
Smokes: Not anymore. Drinks: Sometimes. Drugs: Once in a great while, though he did more when he was younger. Mount Insurance: Uh... No? His usual mount is a motorbike, as he has not the facilities to care for an animal. (In practice, he rides a kamuy because I love them, but he wouldn't know what a kamuy is.) Been Arrested: He has so far escaped the law, but his luck may one day run out.
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jerrywilliamson1 · 2 years
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Beginners' Guide to Day Trading: The Intentional Trader
If you are new to trading, beginners' trading classes can help you understand the day trading approach. The best resource for beginners is the Starter program, which aids in your comprehension of the Futures market. Contact us to find out more about our day trading school. Click here: https://www.theintentionaltrader.com/product/starter-program/
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rjzimmerman · 5 months
The Survivor Species: The Camel. (Washington Post)
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The camels had thump-thumped for seven days across northern Kenya, ushered by police reservists, winding at last toward their destination: less a village than a dusty clearing in the scrub, a place where something big was happening. People had walked for miles to be there. Soon the governor pulled up in his SUV. Women danced, and an emcee raised his hands to the sky. When the crowd gathered around an enclosure holding the camels, one man said he was looking at “the future.”
The camels had arrived to replace the cows.
Cows, here and across much of Africa, have been the most important animal for eons — the foundation of economies, diets, traditions.
But now grazable land is shrinking. Water sources are drying up. A three-year drought in the Horn of Africa that ended last year killed 80 percent of the cows in this part of Kenya and shattered the livelihoods of so many people.
In this region with the thinnest of margins, millions are being forced to adapt to climate change — including those who were now drawing numbers from a hat, each corresponding to one of the 77 camels that had just arrived in Samburu County.
The regional government had purchased the camels from traders near the border with Somalia, at $600 per head. So far 4,000 camels, as part of that program, have been distributed across the lowlands of the county, speeding up a shift that had already been happening for decadesacross several other cattle-dependent parts of Africa. A handful of communities, particularly in Kenya and Ethiopia, are in various stages of the transition, according to academic studies.
The global camel population has doubled over the last 20 years, something the U.N. agency for agriculture and investment attributes partly to the animal’s suitability amid climate change. In times of hardship, camels produce more milk than cows.
Many cite an adage: The cow is the first animal to die in a drought; the camel is the last.
“If there was no climate change, we would not even bother to buy these camels,” said Jonathan Lati Lelelit, the governor of Samburu, a county about 240 miles north of Nairobi.“We have so many other things to do with the little money we have. But we have no option.”
Authorities had selected the recipients, those crowding around the camels, on the conditionthat they use the animal for milk, not meat. They were also those judged by local officials to be the most in need. They had stories of near-total cattle losses, of walking miles to find water, of violent run-ins with a neighboring tribe as they strayed farther from their territory in search of grazing space for their faltering livestock.
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snowberry-crostata · 2 years
Languages of Skyrim
Back to our irregularly scheduled programming, with more headcanons about Skyrim.
Nordic is still the primary language spoken throughout Skyrim, but is slowly becoming less universal as Cyrodiilic, the lingua franca of the Empire, spreads. The Nordic language is descended from the Atmoran language (also called Nedic, which developed from Ehlnofex in the Merethic Era along a separate path from the development of Aldmeris by the elves). One of the most notable linguistic differences between Nordic and other Ehlnofex-derived languages is the influence of Dovahzul on its words and pronunciations due to the long subjugation of the Nords by the Dovah.
In the current day, most people living outside of cities speak Nordic as their primary language, even non-Nords born in Skyrim. For many Nords, Nordic is their only language. However, immigrants to Skyrim such as Dunmer refugees and Khajiit caravaners primarily speak the dialects of their homelands and often teach their native language to their children. Among Mer, attitudes vary around how important it is to speak the language of one’s ancestors; the Dunmer tend to feel strongly that their Skyrim-born children should know how to speak Dunmeris, and they incorporate Dunmeri words and phrases into their speech. Meanwhile, Altmer immigrants often choose not to teach their children any Altmeri at all (this is a result of both the political climate of Skyrim and the distaste that Altmer emigrants tend to have for the current rulers of the Summerset Isles). Merchants and innkeepers in all but the most rural settlements typically speak both Nordic and (at least some) Cyrodiilic.
Orcs living in strongholds throughout Skyrim mostly speak in the Wrothgarian dialect of Orsinian, though the Orcs of Narzulbur speak the Velothi dialect. They know enough Nordic or Cyrodiilic to get by with the occasional trader (trade is typically conducted in a Nordic-Orsinian pidgin), but the languages of men are not commonly heard inside the compounds nor are they formally taught to Orc children. Orcs typically pick up other languages through immersion, which is one reason why Orsimer who leave their strongholds are sometimes perceived as being “slow” or unintelligent by others - they are still learning the local language.
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fxbonusmeet07 · 6 months
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dericbindel · 1 year
So, waaay back in late middle school or in high school (I don't really remember which now) (could be anywhere from 2009 to 2014, when I graduated), I set out to make whole fleets of starships and made expansive lore for them, did battle between them, all that good stuff! I was reminded of them the other day and realized I had taken pictures of them before they got packed up, and wanted to share them! (Note: These were taken on a 2014 model windows phone, so quality is not great, apologies)
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These were the inital fleet, with a categorization based on size. From right to left, they were: Frigate, Destroyer, Cruiser, and Greatship. These scaled in power! My federation was more or less basically the same as Star Trek's, with a BIG difference, shown by the following fleet!
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(Unfortunately this image has been corrupted, and I would have to do some digging to find these models, fortunately not much is lost).
The Robotic Empire had generally weaker ships, but tried to compensate by having greater numbers. The dramatic twist is that they were sympathetic, and arguably the "good" guys in their conflict with the Federation! They are comprised of sentient robots and programs who arose in various other civilizations, who petitioned for rights and liberties, and were soundly rejected. The ship that is cut-off in the image was a precursor vessel found that drastically shifted the balance of power with its secret weapon.
(No, they don't have an emperor, I was just a youngster who didn't know of other good civilization names, lol)
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These were basically mercenaries for hire, generally under the employ of the RE. I dunno why I had a corporation of all things ally with robots, but thats what I went with! Their ships are generally utterly terrible, but very cheap to manufacture and deploy.
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These ships run the gamut of power, and were not very plentiful. These belonged to Earth's government, and served their own specific interests, but never in opposition to the broader Federation's interests.
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(Another weird image corruption)
These two sets of fleet seem to represent two unknowably ancient peoples locked in perpetual and unending conflict. They do not respond to hails, and do not go out of their way to protect ships caught in the crossfire. While their homeworlds and colonies have never been found, they do seem to build new ships. We can only speculate their motives and what they might look like.
Alas, I have no pictures of the smaller fleets. There was a non-color themed fleet of traders, an ancient green fleet that only consisted of a single vessel (both MOC and in da lore) that might have been involved in the Red and Blue war, a beige/tan fleet with weak ships resembling birds, and arguably the most important unpictured fleet, the brown fleet.
The brown fleet represented the Cynets (Cybernetic Insects), and were responsible for a massive shift of power in the Federation-RE war, easily crushing ships on both sides. The would lead to a second set of ships being designed and commissioned in order to combat their threat, along with an uneasy alliance between the Federation and the Robotic Empire!
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These are the new Federation ships! They all featured vastily upgraded weapons, with the destroyer and Great Ship being able to fire mark 2 Hyper Torpedos to destroy the Cynet ships! The great ship only had one vessel name, the USS Fair Haven, and had a lot of weapons tech.
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The robots got a lot of new cruisers and finally a Great Ship of their own! It had 2 Hyper Torpedo replicators and was very important in a lot of the joint deployments.
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And here are all these ships together! You might be wondering what all the extra white up top is, and well, I was really into age of empires back then, and so I made a whole set of mini buildings for a strategy game type deal for the Federation, lol. They are pictured below:
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Thanks for taking a look at these! I got a couple other lego MOC's from back then in this folder I found, so keep an eye out for those!
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