#Day6 Imagine
lxvemaze · 1 month
彡why can't i hate you?
pairing' young k x reader
genre' angst
warnings' good relationship gone bad, reminiscing about past relationship, reader is still in love with younghyun, flashbacks written in italics, based off of "i loved you" by day6
wc' 1.6k
a/n' i listened to "i loved you" at least forty times back-to-back yesterday, so i decided to write a fic about my bias based on the lyrics 🙏 is anyone gonna read this? ofc not. am i still gonna post it? yes ofc
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You hated him. God, you hated him. If your mother had heard you say that, she would’ve scoffed and told you, “Hate is a strong word.” But you thought it wasn’t strong enough. Scrolling through the Google drive he had sent you on your last anniversary that was filled with all the old pictures and videos he'd taken of the two of you on his stupid vintage film camera, you could only think of all the things about him that you hated. You hated his stupid hair that you used to run your fingers through at night, his pointy nose that you used to kiss in the mornings before you left for work, his calloused hands that used to hold you with such warmth, his pretty lips that once told you that he couldn’t imagine living without you, that he would love you till the day he died. The same lips that told you he didn’t love you anymore.
“I just…can’t do this anymore.”
You stood still in the kitchen of your apartment, your hands frozen as they still held the potato you were peeling as you prepared dinner for yourself and your boyfriend of six years. It was Friday night, which meant that Younghyun had come over for dinner, as he had nearly every Friday for the past six years- barring the times he’s been on tour. When he’d arrived at your apartment, you could tell that something was off. You’d just assumed that he’d had a bad day, or was just tired. You never would have thought that he’d be telling you this. Not after you’d discussed engagement rings just last week.
“What are you trying to say? You’re just breaking up with me? Did I do something? Did I say something?”
He shook his head with his face in his hands as you rambled on, questioning what could’ve possibly made him say these things to you. He looked up at you, both of you looked a wreck, tears in your eyes and noses running.
“It’s not that. You…You didn’t do anything.”
“Then why? What happened? Why now?”He took a deep breath as he took in your disheveled state. The tears from your face had fallen onto your pretty powder blue sweater, and he fought the urge to smile at the thought that even after all the years you’d been together, all the fights you’d had, all the times you’d seen each other at your worst, you still tried to look pretty for him. But as sweet as that thought was, it still couldn’t change how he felt.
“I don’t know. I just…I don’t know how else to say it. But I just…” He took another breath to steady his shaking voice, “I just…Don’t love you anymore.”
You hated how he never gave you a reason. Even after crying and begging, he couldn’t tell you. And maybe you said some things that you shouldn’t have, maybe telling him to leave, that you never wanted to see him again was going too far. And maybe it was a lie.
After he left, you found that he’d blocked your number, your socials, everything. Just like that, he erased you from his life. You resented him for that. After he left, you went numb for a few weeks. It was like your whole world had ended, like everything had lost all its meaning. Your mom came by almost every day to check on you, and of course to tell you that she never really liked Younghyun, that she just wanted you to be happy, and you’d be better off without him anyway. You hated how she talked about him.
After a while, you decided to pick yourself up and go about life as if he never existed. You threw out all the things he’d left at your apartment over the years, including the plant he’d given you as a housewarming gift when you first moved in. You tried to forget him, forget the time you spent with him, the trips you went on, everything. It was hard when your coworkers and friends would ask about him, when your cousin asked if you were bringing him to the upcoming family reunion, when the little old lady that lived in the apartment next to yours knocked on your door to ask if he could carry her new coffee table up to her apartment.
You were doing well at forgetting his existence. It had been almost three months, and your apartment had been scrubbed clean of any trace of him, all his photos had been deleted from your camera roll. But while you were sitting on your computer in your home office, scrolling through your Google drive to try and find an old work project that you needed to reference in a new report, you came across his last anniversary present to you. You couldn’t stop yourself before you clicked on it. Looking through all the old photos and videos of the past six years, you felt nothing but resentment as you saw his smiling face in the thumbnails.
You must have been scrolling for at least half an hour before you stopped at a certain video, the thumbnail bringing up a particularly harsh memory. You hesitantly clicked on the video, and the sound of your own laughter flooded from your speakers.
He’d really outdone himself this time. When he’d asked you a month ago what the number one place to go on your bucket list was, you immediately told him “Vienna”. You’d wanted to go ever since you were a little kid and you’d heard the BIlly Joel song of the same name coming from your dad’s record player. Little did you know that he’d take you there as a surprise for your fourth anniversary.
You giggled in glee as you looked out across the beautiful river that you’d always longed to see. You turned to see Younghyun pointing his camera at you, grinning as he observed your reaction. 
“Are you filming me?”
“How could I not?” He laughed as you playfully swatted at the camera, pulling the neck of your sweater over your face so he couldn’t film it. “You’re just so beautiful, I can’t help it.”
You stilled and smiled as he reached one hand out to grab your own and drag it away from your face, the neck of your sweater falling back into place at your collarbone. He pressed your knuckles to his lips before turning the camera so the both of you were in the frame. You wrapped your arms around each other, his arm that was not holding the camera coming to rest across your shoulders. You reached one hand up to grab his hand that rested on your shoulder, while your other hand went to the back of his neck, your fingers lazily playing with the soft brown hair that you loved so much.
The two of you smiled at the camera for a moment, listening to the river lazily flowing as the sun set behind you and the crisp autumn air blew through your hair. Younghyun turned to look at you, his eyes scanning over your features, smiling lazily as you turned to meet his gaze. 
“Nothin’. I just love you.”
You grinned as you bounced on your tippy toes to leave a quick gentle kiss on the tip of his nose. “Really?”
He shifted his arm that rested across your shoulders downwards so it wrapped around your waist, his hand playing with a loose string at the bottom of your sweater. “Yeah…You know, I can’t imagine living without you.”
You blushed and buried your face into his shoulder, his hand tightening around your waist. “Younghyun, you can’t just say things like that.”
He grinned and pressed his lips to the top of your head, “It’s true, though. I’m gonna love you till the day I die.”
You pulled away briefly to look up at his face, which was smiling warmly down at you, his eyes filled with nothing but fondness as they met your own. You narrowed your eyes at him, looking up at the camera and back to him.
“...You’re not about to propose to me are you?”
He let out a laugh before bringing you in closer, pressing another kiss to the top of your head before burying his face into your hair. “No, not yet. It’s coming, though.”
You looked up at him again, the look of love on his face told you that he was telling the truth. “I’ll be waiting.”
You didn’t feel the tears that had been cascading down your cheeks until the video had ended. You hated him. You resented him. You never wanted to see him again. So why were you crying? Was it because you wasted six years of your life? Was it because you felt lied to? Why were you wasting your time crying over a man that didn’t love you? Over a relationship that was never meant to be? Why did it hurt so much?
You hated him. You hated him. You hated him.
But as your tears started falling harder and soft sobs escaped your mouth, you knew the truth. You didn’t hate him. You never hated him. You loved him. You knew deep in your heart, that you really did love him. You loved him so badly, it made you hate him all that much more. No matter how many times you tried to erase him from your memory, or how many times you tried to forget the love that he gave, or the time you spent with him, you knew you never could. Because you loved him. And deep down, you always would.
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agustd-png · 9 months
Young K: One Door Away [Part 2]
i truly cannot believe it's been almost 2 years since i posted the first part of this! 😬 it makes me incredibly happy to hear that you all enjoyed it so much, all my younghyun stories hold special places in my heart, so i'm happy to continue this one and hope you all like it too 💗 (fyi there will be a part 3, this story's not over yet!!)
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Younghyun x Fem Reader. Smut (office coworkers, mutual pining). 5.3k
[Part 1]
You blinked your tired eyelids, a heavy sigh pushing itself out as you stretched and waited for your vision to adjust. You saw a pile of clothes on the chair next to your head: black men's dress pants, a sleek blue tie, and a maroon blazer...your maroon blazer. Suddenly everything came back to you, and you remembered you were not in your own room. Your head whipped around and you saw Younghyun still asleep, the soft skin of his bare chest a lovely golden hue in the light of the morning sunrise that streamed in through the large hotel window. So it wasn't a dream. You really had slept with Younghyun, the man you'd been pining over for God knows how long. You sat up and a blush rushed through you when you remembered all the things you'd said and done to and with each other the night before. Not that you wanted to take them back, certainly not, but slightly embarrassing to think about nonetheless. Things you'd only fantasized about, kept locked in your head for so long, had become reality.
A mild panic took over your senses though, the more you thought (and over thought). What if he didn't really like you that much? What if he was just trying to fuck you? What if now that he had, he would drop you, not talk to you at work anymore? What if, what if, what if?
You felt Younghyun stir then, and glanced over at him again. He carded a hand through his tousled hair and smiled up at you. "Hello," he chuckled groggily.
"Hi." You smiled warmly back at him, happy to see that he seemed okay. Despite everything he'd told you the night before, you still couldn't help your self doubt. It wouldn't go away that easily, despite your thoughts last night that it would.
Younghyun stretched an arm out across the mattress, silently inviting you into the warmth of his embrace, and you couldn't resist the urge to lay back down with him. So you didn't.
You fell back onto your side and your heart skipped a beat when he pulled you in to kiss you. That certainly helped convince you he was really into you. You started to wonder at what point you wouldn't need that kind of reassurance, if ever, and sighed internally at yourself.
"What time is it?" He asked through a yawn. You'd both stayed up late, indulging in quite a few fantasies for longer than you originally anticipated.
"Eight fifteen," you answered.
"Ugh, we have to check out by nine."
Your heart sank a bit at the acknowledgement that your little trip was almost over. You'd have to go back to "the real world", to your complicated lives that were suddenly even more complicated, instead of this sort of oasis you'd created.
"Hm, so forty five minutes yet?" You smirked, climbing to your knees and moving to straddle him.
Younghyun chuckled, getting the idea, and rubbed at his still sleepy eyes. "I suppose so. What did you have in mind?"
"Dunno," you shrugged, but pulled the T-shirt you'd borrowed over your head, leaving you completely naked.
Younghyun smirked and shook his head, then lunged playfully at you, tumbling you onto your back and pinning you against the bed below him, sending a high-pitched giggle from you. He glanced down, drinking in the sight of your body, then back up to your eyes, making you blush again.
But his expression was one of warm comfort, his gaze more loving than lustful. Younghyun lowered himself to press his chest, pleasantly warm, to yours, skin against skin, and kissed you passionately, not pulling back until you were both breathless. His lips just fit so perfectly against yours, you didn't even care if you had morning breath.
"We really can't be too long," he said halfheartedly between little kisses now. "Gotta pack..."
"Yeah..." You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, really not wanting to face the rest of the world when this perfect moment was right here and now, so warm and cozy...
Younghyun kissed you again as his hands curved over your legs. They moved over your waist, your torso, groped at your breasts briefly, and ended at your jaw, cradling it. A long, dissatisfied sigh left him before he reluctantly pulled back, forcing himself to sit up and get the day started.
You sighed too and subconsciously pouted as you stretched, then got up as well, cool, air-conditioned air ruining the warm bed.
You felt how shaky your legs were when you tried to stand, and tumbled back onto the mess of sheets for a moment. Ruffling your tousled hair, that you were sure looked like an absolute wreck, you heard Younghyun snicker as he walked past you.
"This is all your fault, you know," you teased, calling towards him as he entered the bathroom.
He laughed heartily and came back out in a few seconds, toothbrush in hand. "Uh huh, and why's that?" He leaned against the wall near the bathroom and started brushing away, watching you stretch your sore muscles. You grabbed your own shirt off the chair and pulled it on.
"You're the one who wanted to keep going," you answered with a sly smirk, securing a couple of buttons on your shirt. "Maybe I wouldn't be so sore today if we'd stopped after the first couple rounds."
Younghyun pulled the brush from his mouth and spoke in a slightly muffled voice. "Oh right, like you didn't want to keep going too."
You were only teasing him, of course; you wanted to keep fucking him the night before just as much as he did, if not more so. And while, yes, your muscles did ache a bit today, it was well worth it, and you didn't regret your actions at all.
"Hmm, maybe," you quipped.
You glanced at the clock; 8:21 now. Sighing, you grabbed the rest of your stuff and remembered then that you had locked yourself out of your own room. You actually couldn't recall if you'd left the adjoining room door unlocked from your side or not. So you tried the door. It opened. So you must have. Wishful thinking must have swayed your actions; hopes that you would have a chance to have a night alone with Younghyun.
"Gonna shower and pack, I'll meet you at nine," you called to Younghyun, who acknowledged it positively.
So you did exactly that, doing your best to stay focused on your tasks, even though all you wanted to do was jump around your room giddily and hop back into bed with Younghyun. In the middle of packing, you heard your phone buzz, and checked it to see Hyerin had texted you.
Hyerin: updates pls?? 🤲
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help the huge smile that crept across your face. You wanted to call her and gush about the night you'd had. But things were just starting out, and you didn't want to jinx it. Besides, you had things to do, and didn't want Younghyun overhearing your conversation.
You: tell you when i get home!
That should be good enough. You set your phone down but it buzzed again before you fully set it down.
Hyerin: so there are updates???
You ignored it, getting back to packing, but heard a few more buzzes over the next few minutes. You got a quick shower, got dressed, and when you were ready to go, it was nearly 9:00. You cleared away your text notifications from your lock screen, not bothering to read them right now, and headed out the door with your luggage. Younghyun met you in the hallway just a couple minutes later, the door locking behind him. You didn't see him in casual clothes too often, but he looked extra cute in his jeans and t-shirt.
"Alright, let's go," he said with a smile.
When you were both back at work Monday morning, things were different. You knew they would be, but you were nervously unsure of the ways they would be.
While most were positive, you were a realist, and still acutely aware of the fact that things could always go sour. And then you'd be stuck working together with that between you.
You'd talked with him on the plane ride home how you'd handle things at the office. You both agreed it was far too early to say you were dating (you hardly knew if that was even true yet, anyway). For now, to them, nothing had changed between you two. To your coworkers, you and Younghyun we also only coworkers.
But you found yourself smiling more. In a better mood.
The next day, Tuesday, you met in Younghyun's office to compile your notes, the connections you'd made and information you'd received while at the conference. His door closed behind you and your heart pounded harder, especially when you heard the lock quietly click. This was the first time you were alone with him since getting home. Lucky for you he didn't leave you hanging. The second he turned around he whisked you into his arms and kissed you for the first time since you'd returned from your perfect weekend.
"Sorry," he said with a happy sigh, pulling away. Kissing you at work; was it professional? No. But were you happy he did it? Of course. Besides, it's not like you could focus on work distracted by his presence. Letting off a little steam now and then was...a good thing then? Right?
That logic was good enough for you. You didn't let him go far before pulling him back into your arms, lips back on his. Younghyun relaxed against you, smiling against your lips and kissing you back, wrapping his arms as far around you as they would reach.
"We shouldn't...at work..."
He nodded in agreement but neither of you showed any indication of stopping. "I know."
You found yourself soon straddling Younghyun while he sat in his office chair, your skirt hiked up your thighs and one too many buttons on his shirt undone. It was taboo, it was unprofessional, and it was exactly what you'd been fantasizing about for months. Younghyun mouthed hungrily across your jaw and down your neck, his hands helping your hips rock against his. Everything was rushed, breathless, hot. You wrapped your arms around him, pressing your body into his touch, small whines making their way through your heavy breaths. Your hands carded through his hair as his mouth nipped at your collarbone, getting lost in how perfect it felt to be in his arms. Your hips were moving without his help now, rolling along his crotch, lust guiding your every action. You could feel Younghyun was getting hard but there was a part of you that was tied to reality, your rational brain pushing its way to the forefront. You reluctantly pulled back and though he instinctively moved towards you, you used your hands to physically push him back. Younghyun looked up at you expectantly, hair and clothes so gorgeously mussed.
"We can't do this here. Or, at least...I can't."
Younghyun swallowed hard and wiped his mouth that was a bit stained by your lipstick and nodded, pulling himself back up in his chair as you climbed off him. You stood in front of him, wanting so desperately to sit back down. But you really liked this job, and being here, in the moment, the paranoia that you might lose it broke through it all. But you didn't know if you could verbalize these feelings to Younghyun at the moment.
"I understand. It's totally fine." He cleared his throat and worked on retying his tie while you pulled your skirt back down. You sat into the chair on the other side of his desk and saw him adjust the tent in his pants. Ugh, leaving him like that felt cruel, to both of you. "I'll just...get off in the bathroom later," he said with a chuckle, smoothing his hair back into place.
"No no, hey..." He waited for you to look at him. "I'm not gonna do anything you're not comfortable with. I promise."
Ughhhhh. Maybe...it wouldn't be a big deal if you did one or two things. Apparently Brennan and Sooin were doing it pretty often and they were still here. Why couldn't you let loose and have a little bit of your own fun?
You quickly undid a few buttons on your shirt as you walked back around to his side, and his brow furrowed, confused. "You don't need the bathroom." You sank to your knees and yanked at his belt, fumbling to undo it and his zipper, but he stopped you.
"Y/N, no." His hand held yours tightly and his voice sounded authoritative, which you were certain was not having the effect he intended. It only made you want him more. "I'm serious; I'm not letting you do something you're not comfortable doing."
"I know. I want to do this."
He studied your face, searching for any sign of wavering, but evidently he could tell you were fine, so he wordlessly let go of your hands and let them resume their task. Younghyun adjusted in his chair, helping you get his dick out, biting hard to his lip. Your heart pounded in your chest, a flush rushing through you when you had his length in your hands again. It grew harder in your grip, the veins trailing up it deliciously, the head red and starting to leak precum already. You watched his face as you dragged your tongue up the shaft, reveling in the way his mouth hung ajar. You swirled your tongue over the head then pulled it between your lips with a light moan. God, your mouth was simply watering. You heard the bustle of your office just outside his door, but you had found a way to bring the little slice of paradise you'd formed with him in Chicago back home. In the back of your mind you knew....there was no way this could be a regular occurrence. You'd have to do these things in the privacy of your own home, like everybody else (well, almost everybody else). And that was fine. Actually, that was more than fine, so long as Younghyun continued to be the one there with you. But for right now, this was perfect.
"God, your mouth feels so fucking good, " he murmured, not wanting to be too loud. His hand ran through your hair and gently pushed. Clearly he was impatient for more, perhaps worried about the time. You didn't waste any more time then, letting your jaw fall slack and taking in as much of him as you could, then hollowing your cheeks for suction. "Oh Y/N..." Younghyun breathed hard through his nose, teeth digging further into his reddened bottom lip. You worked your hand over the base of his length and bobbed your mouth over the rest, moving quickly, just wanting to see him cum. Besides, the longer you spent on this, the more turned on you were getting.  You knew you didn't have the luxury of time for you both to get off.
"Want you to cum in my mouth, Younghyun." You moved quickly, pushing him on, coaxing him along to that exact endpoint, and you heard his breath catch. He gripped the black plastic arm of his office chair and let his head fall back.
"That's not gonna be hard, believe me."
You smiled to yourself, absolutely loving that you could seemingly have the effect on him that he had on you.
You felt the way he subtly thrust into your throat, the way the head of his cock bumped against the roof of your mouth, and you struggled to keep your hand out from under your own skirt. Your panties were stuck to your skin and simply ruined by now, and your clit throbbed for attention. You weren't sure how you'd make it through the rest of the day, but you knew you'd be having a busy night with your vibe when you got home. You heard your phone chime in your pocket with an email notification and rolled your eyes. It could wait.
"I'm gonna...I'm so close," he groaned. He brought his gaze back to yours and held it, intently watching you, pupils dark with lust. "Gonna cum in your mouth, baby..." Those last words drifted out of him dreamily, like he couldn't believe his luck. That tone made your heart warm and the words made your pussy throb.
"Mhmm," you encouraged, taking his length further into your throat, almost making you gag. But you pushed on, doing your best to breathe through your nose, and just when you were about to pull off for some much needed air, he pulled you off himself.
"I got it, I'm--I'm gonna cum." He leaned forward and his hand took the place of yours. You sat back, positioning your outstretched tongue right in front of him. "God, you're so good, so fucking good." His hand tugged at his cock so quickly, in mere seconds you felt his warm release hit your tongue, splatter across your lips. The sound he made when he hit his climax was like fucking music to your ears, and you were absolutely soaked at this point. You were sure if you walked out of his office at that moment anyone who passed you would be able to smell exactly how turned on he made you. Thankfully your office was right next door and the day was nearly over.
Younghyun held your chin in his palm and tilted it up, letting you look into his eyes. You could see the genuine appreciation in his eyes, even when they were clouded with lust. He leaned down and kissed you, letting his tongue mingle with yours, saliva and cum mixing messily and making you feel absolutely filthy. You wanted to feel like that every day.
Younghyun helped you to your feet and you kissed again, both of you having a hard time pulling away from each other's lips. "How 'bout we get this work done?"
He sighed and rebuckled his belt and zipped his pants back up. "Yeah, we really should."
It certainly was not easy, but you got your mind almost entirely back on track, though it was extra difficult when every time you moved you could feel a huge damp spot between your legs. But finally you finished your work with him and were done for the day.
This would work, right? You wondered to yourself again if you were making a mistake, involving yourself with a colleague like this. It was clearly distracting you, and you worried it would affect your career. You walked to your car, your mind full of anxious thoughts, but Younghyun's voice broke in, when you heard him calling your name.
You turned around and saw him lightly jogging to catch up with you.
"What are you doing tonight?"
"Um...just gonna eat dinner and watch some movies, I guess." And jerk off as many times as I can.
"If you want, I'd really like to take you to dinner, and also repay you for your, er...service." He smiled at you and you couldn't help but laugh at his phrasing. "Not necessarily in that order."
You blushed a bit and looked around, wondering if anyone saw you talking to him or heard him asking you out.
But you did want to go out with him. "Okay, yeah. That'd be nice." You smiled back and hitched your bag higher on your shoulder. "Time?"
"Sounds good." You dropped your eyes, getting a bit shy at the idea someone you worked with could see or maybe even hear you. This wasn't what you'd talked about; you had planned to keep things quiet at work. Between an office blowjob and now him asking you out so blatantly...Could your plan already be going awry after only two days?
"I'll pick you up, just text me your address."
"Okay." You started to swerve away from him to make your way to your car, but his hand caught yours, stopping you.
"Wait, Y/N." You turned around, and you both had to move then to get out of the path of your coworker's car that was coming through. You instinctively yanked your hand out of his grasp and gave a little wave to your coworker as she passed. "Listen, I..." His voice dropped a bit so you knew only you could hear. "I know we've moved...pretty fast...physically." Younghyun cleared his throat and shifted his weight nervously. "But like I said the first night in my hotel room, I'm not usually so forward. And I don't usually, you know...do things like this. I don't want you to get the wrong idea. I just really like you."
You figured that was probably the case, especially because it was for you too. You so appreciated hearing him say that, though, as it helped immensely with your self doubt. But this was not the time nor the place. "I know, I'm not...really like this either, usually. We can talk about it more tonight. I'll see you at 6:30."
Younghyun picked you up right on time, and you felt almost giddy getting into the car. Outside of work, you could be normal, in a relationship like anybody else. You hopped into the car and gave him a big kiss that made him giggle, and you were off to your first official date with him.
He took you to your favorite restaurant and you had such a wonderful, relaxing evening. You connected with him so well, he was able to make your anxieties about work the furthest thing from your mind.
"I still have to repay you for this afternoon," he noted as he took another bite of his steak.
You shrugged innocently and smiled as you sipped your drink. "I wanted to do it. You don't have to repay me." While you meant that, you were also just dying to have him touch you too. You'd held back from masturbating the way you had planned and even though you'd changed from the soaked panties you'd worn at work, the current ones were quickly getting to a similar state.
Younghyun chuckled darkly and grabbed his own glass. "Not a chance."
You smiled and crossed your legs in an effort to quiet your clit that throbbed for attention.
He cleared his throat and broke the small lull. "Y/N, I wanted to get back to what I'd said in the parking lot earlier." He put his utensils down and crossed his arms on the table, giving you his full attention. You remembered his words and your heart started pounding. You stayed quiet and let him talk. "I...wouldn't have gotten involved with you unless I had good intentions. I don't want you thinking I'm some playboy that sleeps around. Or that I've only been with you for sex."
You let him finish his thought and nodded understandingly. Although you didn't want to believe it, that thought had crossed your mind, so you appreciated him acknowledging it without you needing to bring it up. You set your glass down and gave him your attention in return. "I know that, Younghyun. I don't think that about you. And I'm not...used to doing so much, so soon either." You dropped your gaze, embarrassed now. "It's been awhile since I've been with anyone."
"Me too."
You both left that topic alone after that, not wanting to dwell on it. You switched your conversation to a lighter one. It was so easy with him, you loved how freely you could talk to him. It felt like you'd known him your whole life.
You weren't sure exactly why you both were always so ready to jump the other's bones; you figured it was a combination of waiting so long to get together, having sexual tension built up for so long, and being in the proverbial "newlywed phase" of your relationship. But whatever it was, it landed you back in Younghyun's lap, straddling him in the front seat of his car in the back of the dark restaurant parking lot, like a couple of horny teenagers. But he did want to repay you, and who were you to deny him that?
He fumbled for the button on the side of his seat, sliding it back as far as it would go to give you more room. Your hips rutted desperately against his, your mouths moving perfectly together, his hot breath mixing with yours.
Younghyun's fingers slipped under your dress, the tips of the digits gliding along the outside crotch of your panties. "Oh my God, you're so wet already."
You blushed a bit, somewhat embarrassed at how crazy he made you, but you knew he'd find it hot. "Been wet ever since I sucked you off," you said breathlessly, spreading your legs more to give him better access. He moved your panties aside and let a single finger play with your clit, and you hummed your approval into his mouth. It was such a small action, but it felt so fucking good. The car was already getting humid, the windows starting to fog from two sets of heavy breathing. You yanked your shirt over your head and he quickly dropped his head to mouth over the swell of your breasts. A finger entered you and made you gasp, hands flying to grip the seat at either side of his head.
"This what we're gonna do?" You chuckled airily. "Just 'repay' each other over and over again?"
Younghyun laughed against your skin then peered up at you. "'Course not. You think I'm letting you go one of these times without fucking you?" Fuck. Part of you wished he'd do just that right at that moment, but you also couldn't get yourself to stop him when he was already making you feel so good. His hand moved quickly now, and he held your gaze and watched your mouth slip into an "O" shape, rubbing harshly to your clit and making you moan loudly.
His free hand came up to pull the cup of your bra out of the way, his tongue poking out to play with your nipple, prodding and teasing it deliciously. It felt like live wires were connecting you, sparking with every touch. You knew you would cum easily if he kept this up.
"Ah, Younghyun, please don't stop, please..." Younghyun sucked at your nipple, groaning all the while, his fingers making you see stars. You felt your heels hit his steering wheel and gripped your hands tighter on the headrest. Your climax was within reach, right there, already. Your voice got higher in pitch, your hips rutting more strongly, and Younghyun didn't stop for a second, determinedly reaching his goal. Your eyes jumped down to catch his just as your orgasm washed over you, the dark sensuality in his heightening the feelings that much more. You gripped his hair and pulled him off your nipple, leaning down to shove your tongue into his mouth hungrily. He moaned into your mouth and his fingers curled inside you and made you gasp, your pussy swollen and throbbing in overstimulation. Clenching as he pulled his fingers out, completely breathless, you closed your eyes and tried to swallow hard, but your mouth was quite dry. Your head was spinning at the whirlwind orgasm, but your weren't exactly surprised it didn't take you long, since you'd been so horny for the last few hours. Younghyun brought his dripping, sticky fingers up to his lips, making you blush as he sucked them clean. "Don't, oh my God," you giggled, embarrassed, pushing his hand down.
But he resisted, groaning at the taste when he got his fingers back into his mouth. "You taste so sweet, baby, I'd never let that go to waste. Need you to sit on my face again, like that first night."
Your pussy clenched again at the memory alone, and you sighed, sitting further back on his thighs. Your own were weak from shaking and your heart was thrumming strongly in your chest, but you felt that melancholy feeling of reality creeping back in when he kissed you.
He pulled back but kept his forehead pressed to yours, his warm breath ghosting over your cheeks. "It's late, gotta work in the morning. Let me take you home."
You sat in blissful, sleepy silence while he drove you home, watching the lights out the window pass, each stop light and street lamp like a twinkling Christmas light to you in your rose-colored haze. At least you could have this feeling outside of work. But every time you thought of the office again, you worried. Things were so different now. If you had to choose between Younghyun and your career, you worried you wouldn't know the right decision to make. You turned to look at him, remembering how he used to look to you when you were merely coworkers, just a few days ago even. Things changed so quickly, maybe they could change quickly again...
"So when are you and Younghyun gonna do something?"
You took a bite of your sandwich and raised your eyebrows with an inquisitive expression as Sooin sat beside you for lunch in the break room a few days later. "...'Do something'?"
"You know, get together. It's so obvious you want to."
God, if she only knew. But you were glad she didn't. Evidently she didn't suspect anything was going on between you and Younghyun already. And you preferred to keep it that way. It was really none of her business.
"What, like you and Brennan?" You scolded yourself internally for mentioning that as soon as it left your mouth. You weren't sure if that was something you were supposed to pretend to not know.
But she smiled, taking a bite of her pasta smugly. "Yes."
You popped a chip into your mouth and tried to seem nonchalant. You didn't want to get into this with her, even if she was probably the one person in your office who would understand your situation. "We're just friends."
"Whatever you say." She clearly didn't buy it, but so long as she didn't pry, it didn't faze you much. Unfortunately, she continued. "But I'm just saying, I can tell you like him. And he seems like he likes you. He's cute; someone else might snatch him up if you don't hop to it. Hell, I probably would have took my shot if Brennan hadn't gotten to me first." You might have something to say had your situation been different. If you weren't already with him, you might have a comeback, something to get her off your back. But you simply held your tongue. "I've seen Marissa eyeing him."
The mention of the cute new receptionist's name almost put you over the edge. You were so happy with Younghyun, and that should be enough, at least for now, but a big part of you wanted to just scream that you were with him, that you'd gone out with him, that you'd fucked him, that you'd sucked his dick, that you'd sat on his beautiful fucking face. But you didn't. You took another bite of your sandwich and you let it go. You were at work, in a professional environment, not in a frat house. You were all coworkers, not on a reality dating show.
"She can look wherever she wants. I told you, Sooin; Younghyun and I are just friends."
You had a meeting with a couple of coworkers after lunch, including your "friend", and you again had to really focus to keep your attention on work. Especially now that Sooin was planting thoughts in your head, thoughts that played into your insecurities. You stared at Marissa through the glass of the conference room, as she obliviously typed away at her desk, then glanced over to Younghyun, across the table from you. You were just starting to feel confident in your relationship with him, and now felt like you were rolling back down the other side of the hill you just climbed. Not that you thought he'd cheat on you. You just didn't like the idea of someone else, especially someone pretty who also saw him every day, to be...Oh God, were you turning into a jealous girlfriend? You rubbed your temple and refocused, notes of pricing increases and new employee hiring needing to be in the forefront of your mind. You wondered if Younghyun was having any other similar thoughts, if your relationship was distracting him from work the way it was for you, the way you'd promised yourself it wouldn't...
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If you enjoyed this, consider liking, reblogging, replying, or sending an ask (comments and messages provide so much motivation to keep writing!) 💌 Thanks for reading! 💋
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dearly-somber · 7 months
I’m Yours | k.yh | day6
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-> pairing. non-idol!younghyun x female reader
-> genre. fluff, s2l (strangers-to-lovers), university!au, pining
-> rating. 13+
-> w/c. 886
-> warnings. none!
-> a/n. I’m you-o-o-o-ours
-> collection. songfic
-> started. ???
-> fin. Oct. 18th, 2020 @ 20:23
-> edited. Fri., Jul. 14th, 2023 @ 23:45
Light summer breeze. Petals falling down in the most satisfying way, pooling at your feet as you walk to the beat of your heart, holding the handle of your umbrella tight enough to whiten your knuckles.
The crickets were out now that the darkness had fallen, a slight drizzle of rain warming your blood. You were wearing an oversized sweater and some shorts that were hidden underneath the fabric you wore on your upper half, a pair of old sneakers to match.
You had decided to take a late night walk, eyes red and puffy from too much crying. You had been having some boy trouble and had been embarrassed in front of probably your whole university, so crying was the only way to make you feel less shitty, and no one could tell you otherwise. You had been walking for a few minutes and stopped by your favorite café near Han River, going to stand over the bridge running over the river after ordering yourself some coffee. You were sniffing the air with closed eyes when you suddenly opened them to what you had assumed was an angel, before you realized that he didn't have wings.
He was wearing a creamy beige turtle neck sweater and jeans with ankle high boots, his black hair falling very gently into his face and accentuating his jawline as he watched the water as if it was the most interesting thing on earth. He had a see-through umbrella over his shoulder, the fairy lights that were attached to it only making him look that much more angelic, if it were possible.
You continued shamelessly staring at the gorgeous stranger, eventually wandering over and standing next to him.
"Penny for your thoughts, stranger?" you asked in a light voice, a warm smile adorning your face.
The angel turned to look at you slowly, eyes jumping around questioningly, as if to ask "Who? Me?"
You immediately decide that this angel was cute and that you wanted to keep him, your smile getting wider. Just a few hours ago you had embarrassed yourself in front of everyone you knew while talking to a boy that you liked, yet here you were making it seem effortless.
"Do I know you?" He asked in the most honey like voice you had ever heard, the sound strangely addictive. Still smiling, you shook your head with a shrug.
"Not at all." You giggled childishly at the way his brow furrowed in confusion, at his mercy, completely helpless to his charms. "I just noticed the way you were staring at the water and you look like you're thinking very deeply about something," you explained, heart jumping into his hands when he laughed in disbelief, tilting his head at you with a smile.
"Is that so?"
You nodded, your cheeks starting to ache from smiling too much.
"Why don't I tell you over a cup of coffee, since we're at a café?" he asked cheekily, a grin pulling at his lips.
You nodded eagerly, taking his hand and pulling him over to the seating area. You turned to look at him with a grin of your own before saying, "Great idea! I've already ordered."
After sitting down he introduced himself as Kang Younghyun, occasionally called Brian by his close friends, who was majoring in Business at your university with Music as his extra classes. You told him your name, telling him that you’re majoring in Writing, hoping to become an editor (since you weirdly enough enjoy editing), and that you were taking art and music as extra classes.
"So then, Younghyun, you sill haven't answered my first question," you said matter-of-factly, sipping at your latte with a raised brow.
"Oh, that? I thought that was you flirting?" he mused with a smirk, the teasing tone in his voice making you chortle.
"Oh no it was, but I'm genuinely curious," you said, chortling at the way he laughed disbelievingly.
"I was thinking about how I need to man up and ask this girl I like in my music class out." he said, shrugging as he sighed deeply.
"Oh, you like someone?" you asked dejectedly, playing with your coffee cup. Brian nodded, sighing again.
"Well then," you said, slamming your fist against the table and gaining not only Younghyun's attention but a few people around you's attention as well.
"I say, go for it! I doubt you have anything to lose," you encouraged him confidently. He raised a brow with a smirk, looking at you as if to say "excuse me what?"
You rolled your eyes before starting to explain.
"Listen, Brian—can I call you Brian?"
"Go ahead." He smiled.
"Right then, Brian, listen. You seriously have nothing to lose. Maybe a smudge of pride but that's nothing. I mean have you seen yourself? I'm sure every girl would be willing to throw themselves at you, hell, sign me up!" you rambled on, hands all over the place and not realizing the way Younghyun was looking at you.
"You really think so?" he asked softly, making you think of a puppy, your heart melting.
You nodded solemnly, smiling at him.
With the most shit eating grin ever, he cleared his throat. "Okay, then. Y/N, I really like you and would like to take you to dinner."
“Oh, shit.”
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He Sings You To Sleep ~ Day6 Reaction
The feeling of you shuffling made Sungjin turn too, immediately coming face to face with you. “You’re not still awake, are you?” He frowned, picking up on the fact that you’d been having a restless night.
Your head nodded as a pout formed in your expression, “I just wish there was something that would help me to sleep.”
“I could help,” Sungjin quickly suggested, an air of confidence in his voice. “What about if I sing to you for a little while? That always seems to help you fall asleep.”
“But you need to sleep too,” you retorted, only to quickly be shushed by Sungjin. The look in his eyes let you know how serious he was, desperate to try and help you sleep. “Only if you’re absolutely sure Sungjin.”
A faint hum came from him, “of course, you just close your eyes and let me do the rest.”
“You make it sound so easy,” you giggled as you made yourself comfortable once again, “sleeping isn’t quite that simple.”
“It is when I’m the one that’s singing to you Y/N.”
Young K:
Your eyes lit up as Younghyun agreed to sing for you as you made yourself comfortable in his lap. “The big decision now is what song you want me to sing for you,” he told you, not knowing your mind was already made up.
Your head turned so that you were looking up at Younghyun, “you know I love whenever you sing Fly Me To The Moon.”
“I knew you were going to say that,” he chuckled, reading you like a book. “Are you sure that you’re not bored of listening to me sing the same song to you over and over?”
“No way,” you smirked, popping each of the sounds whilst Younghyun placed his hand against your side. “There’s no way that I could ever get bored of listening to it, you and that song are the perfect combination.”
He couldn’t help but smile as Younghyun listened to you, “you need to close your eyes in that case.”
“I can do that,” you assured him, hurrying to close your eyes and make yourself comfy. “Now you need to start singing.”
“A singer needs time to warm up Y/N.”
A soft smile formed on your face as you were woken by the sound of singing, your eyes slowly opening and looking to your left. “I can’t sing you to sleep if you’re awake,” Wonpil scolded as he noticed you.
Your smile turned up even more as you stirred, “why would I want to sleep when I could listen to you singing instead?”
“I’m only singing if you sleep, because I know you’re tired,” Wonpil told you, poking his tongue out at the same time too. “If you don’t close your eyes, we can sit in silence.”
“Since when were you so mean to me?” You chuckled back across to Wonpil, your voice groggy from how sleepy you were. “Why can’t you just sing to me to make me close my eyes and want to fall asleep?”
Wonpil’s head reluctantly nodded back at you, “as long as you promise to try and get some rest.”
“I promise,” you agreed with him, “but you can’t stop singing just because you think I’m asleep, you have to be sure.”
“I’ll make sure that I check you’re definitely asleep.”
You looked dejectedly across at Dowoon as his head shook in rejection to your suggestion. “I’m not singing you to sleep, my singing voice is rubbish,” he protested, bringing a groan of frustration out of you.
You poked against his arm as his head started shaking, “I think you’ve got a great singing voice, no one else can hear us too.”
“What about if I hum?” Dowoon proposed instead, “or maybe I could just tap my hand against the side of the bed to give you a beat to fall asleep to instead?”
“I said I wanted you to sing me to sleep,” you swiftly reminded him, meeting his eyes with a firm gaze. “If I love your singing voice, what’s stopping you from singing? You know that I love listening to you too.”
Dowoon looked sceptically back to you, “you really think that it can help you to fall asleep?”
“I could not be surer,” you chimed, the smile on your face growing. “What do you say? Are you going to sing for me?”
“I guess seeing as you asked so nicely.”
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abloomingperiod · 1 year
piece by piece: when younghyun gives you his pieces, and you give him yourses. | fluff, tiny bit suggestive. squint and you'll see it, established relationship au.
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Sorry I haven’t posted in a minute, I’ve had a terrible case of Writer’s Block™️, specifically with part 2 of Mistake, but I am going to start writing today and *maybe* i can have something up by tomorrow!
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jazziwritesthings · 19 days
Mooties and non-mooties can you please send the accounts that currently/actively write for DAY6??? I can't seem to get the right tags to see really anything and I NEED IT
Please and Thank you
Also love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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daengtokki · 7 days
I’d love to read about Seungmin taking care of you while you’re sick. I know he’d be so sweet and loving 🥰
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Kim Seungmin/gn!reader
wc: 1.1k
rating: fluff
Day 3 of Seungmin's birthday oneshot countdown!
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A crash echoing in from the kitchen wakes you from your doze, and you groan so loudly you’re afraid he hears it. What could he have possibly dropped? All he was doing was grabbing the painkillers. He’s trying his best. He doesn’t even have to be here right now.
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t get the drawer open, something was stuck inside…uh, here ya go.” His clenched fist hovers over you, and he drops two capsules in your palm. “Are they the right ones?”
And the migraine is just making you more sensitive. Having him with you while you’re feeling under the weather is brand new. "Yeah, thank you."
“Oh, you need a drink”
“No, I have my water”
He stops and turns back to you, a shy smile stuck on his face. This isn’t the first time, or the second time he’s been here, but it’s never for very long, and never overnight. And he doesn’t have to take time away from his own busy schedule for you, ever—you’ve told him that countless times. But now it’s late and Seungmin is still at your apartment, comfortable in his shorts and sweatshirt and his warm socks. You don’t think you’ve ever been more attracted to him than you are right now.
“I’ll be right back”
He spins and heads back to the kitchen, and you listen carefully to try to figure out what he’s doing. The faucet, the cabinet doors opening and closing, and the clink of cups, or mugs…he must be making tea. Eventually, the scent drifts into the bedroom—spicy and sweet. Seungmin returns with a mug in each hand, and he’s taking his time, being as careful as possible as he sets them on the bedside table.
“I’m not sure if it really works, but I saw it when I stopped at the store on the way here. If it just tastes good, I guess that’s okay, too.”
The pounding in your head becomes unbearable, and you have to squeeze your eyes shut. “What is it?” You whisper, trying not to sound too irritable.
“How bad is the pain…one to ten?” Seungmin carefully sits on the edge of the bed, your mug of tea in his cupped hands.
It does smell nice. “Uh…a seven, maybe.”
“It’s supposed to help with headaches”
“Oh, you’re so sweet. Come over here”
“Yeah?” You nod again, and he nods back. “Okay.”
This is also brand new, sharing a bed. It’s a shame the first time has to be under these circumstances, but you’ll take him any way you can get him. The original plan was to have dinner, but after a few subtle hints, you managed to turn it into a late dinner and a sleepover. The migraine ruined it, but Seungmin still insisted on coming over, even if all you did was stay in bed and put up with him.
“It’s okay if you don’t like it. It’s very gingery.”
“It smells good.” You take a sip, and it’s not too hot, so you take a bigger one. “Thank you.”
Seungmin keeps a careful distance on top of the blankets—too much distance, but he’s going to treat you like this migraine could break you at any moment. You have to look at him through squinted eyes, try to smile and let him know you’ll be okay if he gets closer. You’ll be okay if he touches you.
“The lights...I forgot to turn the lights down.” He’s up and headed for the kitchen again. The light clicks off. Back in the bedroom, he flicks the light switch on the wall, so now the only glow is from the hallway light spilling in through the cracked door. “That’s better.”
“Much better. Six.”
Back on the bed, same distance. He nervously rubs his thighs, and his knees.
“You look cute in your pjs. Is this what you usually wear to bed?”
The pink on his cheeks rises slowly, and ends at the tips of his ears. You don’t think it was that odd of a question, but Seungmin is clearly a little flustered. Hopefully it wasn’t too much.
“I’m sorry, too personal?” You laugh. It’s not—you know he isn’t that sensitive, but he ended up being much more shy than you expected.
Idol Seungmin is a different person. Seungmin with his fellow members is also a different person. Your version of him, at least so far, is quiet, a little unsure, and not always confident in his actions.
“No, it’s not,” he smiles. “I don’t wear this much to bed, usually, but that didn’t seem appropriate tonight.”
“Well, if you get warm…”
“I’ll take off my socks.” He wiggles his toes and moves himself closer.
It hurts your head, but you let yourself laugh. Seungmin is funny, and he knows it. You’ll indulge him every time. “Is that a promise?”
This is different. It’s not the same as your closeness on the couch, or in the back of the car—this is your bed, and it doesn’t get more cozy and intimate than this. When you let your pounding head rest on his shoulder, his cheek lands on you. Something finally gives, and he seems to relax. You’re not sure what you did, but he shifts again, and you feel his soft lips press against your forehead. “Four.”
“If I could kiss away the pain, I would,” he says under his breath.
“Can you try?”
Whether he’s ready or not, you wrap your arms around him and bring him closer. But he does the same. Seungmin squeezes, but not too tightly, and places another kiss on your forehead, on your temple, and down your cheek. Wherever he can reach.
“I think it’s working”
Seungmin keeps going, “it’s a good thing I came over,” and finally makes it to your lips. He kisses very cautiously, and not nearly long enough when he pulls away to look at you.
“What is it?”
“Nothing, just checking”
“I’m good…three and a half.” The strong fingers kneading into the back of your neck is the same move from his last visit. “That feels nice.” Hopefully, his next move is also the same as before.
“Does it? It’s not too much?”
You shake your head and close your eyes, and his lips press against yours again. This time he stays. His tongue slides across your mouth to gain access, and you let him in.
“Three," you somehow manage to get it out between his kisses, “two…”
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sophmere · 4 days
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day6 – I wait / Young K
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agustd-png · 6 months
Day6 Smut Headcanons
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As promised, here's some smut headcanons for these boys! 💙🍀💚 I posted a Younghyun A-Z once, but that was 5 years ago (!) so my opinions are probably a bit different now. 18+ under the cut, yall~
It takes him awhile to really understand that you find him hot, to understand that yes, you are very attracted to him. He doesn't see himself in that way, so it's flattering and surprising for him, even if you tell him on many different occasions. Because of that, you often have to be the one to initiate sex, at least for a few months into a relationship. But when he is in bed, he's a good partner; very attentive, and passionate when he gets going. No dom/sub dynamic with him, just mutual pleasure. Everything's very balanced: you go down on him, he's gonna go down on you. He doesn't really think about which of those he likes better, it's all nice in his mind. When you give him head, he guides you carefully with both hands, watching you intently and holding your hair gently. When he gives you head, he focuses and closes his eyes, making out with your pussy until you're squirming. Loves to shove his tongue as deep into you as he can get it. He loves to be on top and in control, so something classic like missionary is definitely a go-to, but he also loves having you on your stomach and taking you from behind. His sounds are minimal, as he tries to maintain that Busan tenacity, but when he does let go, his moans are deep, clear, and melodic with a slight husk. When he cums, he pushes deep into you, bites hard on his lip and slips out a curse. And oh does he love to cum inside you, to fill you up and revel in his possessive tendencies. But if not inside you, he likes it when you jerk him off onto your tongue. Would call you something like "angel" or "kitten". He probably wouldn't say it outright, but he loves to spoil you.
A very intimate partner; his hands are all over your body whenever he gets the chance. He'll come up behind you when you're cooking or doing dishes and wrap his arms around you, kissing your neck or just standing there with you in his arms and his chin on your shoulder. In bed, he'll pull off your garments piece by piece and let his hands and lips traverse your body before anything else. He loves intimate positions where your bodies are closely intertwined, and loves to hold your gaze while you have sex. Having you straddling him while he sits on a couch or comfy chair is a fave for him, and he'd be up for cock warming too. Calls you "baby" all the time, and likes to be called a nice little domestic pet name like "honey". He's very talkative during sex, not just with dirty talk, but having like full conversations. He has such a penchant for truly enjoying and appreciating experiences while he's having them, so it's quite common for him to smile warmly at you when you're together. He loves oral sex, both giving and receiving. When he's giving, he spreads your legs wide and uses his fingers a lot, watching your reactions to everything. When you're going down on him, he furrows his brow and bites his lips till they're red and swollen, trying so hard not to let his instincts take over and fuck your face. But if you let him...yeah he'll take the opportunity. Deep throating is such a big turn on for him, and he just loves to cum in your mouth and see you swallow. He can be a bit shy with his moans, relying more on his words, but with a little encouragement will let you hear them more. And thank God for that, because he sounds lovely; relaxed and husky and sprinkled with dirty words under his breath. "Oh my God, you're so good for me, baby...taking it so good...yeah, you want it, don't you, baby? Tell me how much you want me..." If you suggest something a little kinkier or toys, he'd hesitantly be open to trying it.
Anyone who's read some of my Wonpil stuff knows that in my mind, he's the quintessential Baby Boy 😌💕 He needs a soft dom to take care of him. Very obedient and loves to please, he'd let you tie him up, gag him, blindfold him, leash him, tease him, edge him, whatever. He loves it when you take charge, and his favorite positions are when you're on top, though he also likes to spoon. He also would totally let you peg him. When he goes down on you, he prefers for you to sit on his face. Run your fingers through his hair and tell him how good he is letting you use his mouth, and he's melting into a whimpering puddle beneath you. When you go down on him, he squirms and whimpers for more, but bites his tongue to keep himself from begging too much. He watches you with shaky breath as you take all of him in your mouth. Cums wherever you tell him to, often ending up doing so in your hand. He tries his best to hold it until you tell him he can cum, but he has a hard time with that. Breathy, clipped, whiny moans leave him when you touch him, only getting louder and whinier the closer he gets. "Please, I'm so close, c-can I cum, please?" He's very curious about toys and open to experimenting with them, on himself and on you. Loves to be called "baby boy", "honey", "sweetie", things like that. He'll call you "baby" in public and whatever you want him to behind closed doors. He gets off to the idea of cuckolding, but would probably never actually let another person fuck you.
He gets kinda cocky when he knows you want him, and so uses the opportunity to tease you and make you ask for it. He likes to hear you say you want him, and sometimes playfully won't even let you kiss him until you say as much. Despite that, he's clingy, but not annoyingly so. It's really very endearing. Innocent date nights turn hotter faster with him, and you may never watch an entire movie together, as you always end up dry humping or fucking before the credits roll. He loves your ass and is always finding some excuse to have his hand on it. In public he'll just call you by your name, but in bed he likes to call you "princess" or "good girl" and to think of himself as more dom than he actually is. Deep grunts rumble in his chest, along with exasperated exhales, when you fuck. "Going crazy, can't believe how good you feel..." He's actually not that into receiving head, but he loves a good handjob. He'll go down on you, but thinks of it more as foreplay and doesn't stay down there long. Which is a shame, because he's quite good at it. He just can't wait to be inside you and often gets ahead of himself, and so most of your sex life is intercourse. But once he starts fucking you, he's so determined to do his very best. He's focused and passionate, and loves to try all kinds of positions. If he had to choose a favorite, it would probably be reverse cowgirl. Again, because he loves your ass, and because it's endlessly hot to him to watch you riding him. He's also a bit voyeuristic, loving to watch you get yourself off. Public sex is intriguing to him, but he's hesitant to actually try it. He loves to cum on your chest, and often ends up just pulling out and hurriedly cumming wherever's closest, like your ass or lower stomach. Doesn't often cum inside you though, he likes to see your skin covered in it.
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marieanneline · 6 months
tddk music artist au where their love language is singing each others songs at their own concert
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rommwnpl13 · 6 months
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eternal young k blonde hair please save me
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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s.o has a piercing/tattoo
crush is a cancer
crush is a pisces
child’s first word is “appa”
crush is a leo
crush is an aries
s.o is in a band
s.o has a big family
s.o writes poetry
gf is sensitive around her time of the month
gf is a solo artist
gf is a capricorn
buying a ring too small
it wasn’t bad at all
the best news
giggles and candy canes
you’re an angel
young k
cotton candy kisses
i’m not sure
didn’t expect this
not as planned
you never knew
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abandoned-anemoia · 2 years
☯ Pairing: Idol of choice x fem!reader (3rd person) ☯ Genre: fluff (with a little angst) ☯ Word count: 1k ☯ Warnings: mentions of food ☯ A/N: I wrote this while deep in my thoughts about Changkyun of Monsta X but decided it should be a “choose your own character” situation. I greatly appretiate any interaction! Please Let me know if I need to add any warnings! ☯Disclaimer: None of my work represents any of the idols included in any way. This is merely fictional and all based on my opinion as a joke! I have nothing against any of these idols and love them all dearly.
Please do not copy, translate, or post as your own!
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After touring, all he wants is to do is see her.
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The softness of the blanket wrapped around her keeps her warm on the chilly Friday night. The rain falling outside taps softly on the window. The moon shines brightly in the charcoal sky, slipping through the window and softly illuminating the room. The soothing smell of lavender wafts through the small apartment as the candle sitting on the coffee table burns.
He gazes at her from the doorway. She sits on the couch, peacefully looking out the window. She hadn't even heard him come in. She seems to be lost in thought, staring out the window. He smiles, knowing she was only in the living area this close to midnight to see him when he came home. He almost hated to interrupt and lose sight of her focused look.
"Penny for your thoughts?" He spoke softly so as to not startle her.
She turns her gaze from the window to where the voice came from. How long had he stood there, staring?
"My thoughts cost more than that. I have rent to pay." She teases him, letting out a chuckle.
He laughs. He missed this. He missed her. It had been too long. His schedule barely gives him time to breathe, let alone be home. To be with her—the love of his life. The woman who is so patient with both him and his schedule.
She gets up, tugging the blanket closer to her body, and walks over to him. It's late. She thinks. She assesses the dark rings under his eyes and his wet hair and clothes from the pouring rain outside. She can tell he's trying to hide it but he's shivering slightly.
"Go take a warm shower. Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat while you're in the shower. Then we can get some rest." The words rush out of her mouth as she discards the blanket she had wrapped around her. She uses the discarded blanket to wipe the rain drops that littered his face.
He stares at her while she dotes over him. Cute. She's always worried about him. She has never complained, just taken the initiative and cared for him.
"Don't worry about that, I ate on the plane." She nods to acknowledge his words but seems to be in another world.
"You're still going to take a warm shower." Her voice is strong. There was no changing her mind.
"The rain is coming down hard enough to be considered a pressure wash. I have to be clean already." He jokes but the stern look she gives him as she rolls her eyes tells him all he needs to know. Don't try me.
He concedes, knowing she would not allow him to ignore her request. He makes his way through her room and to the attached bathroom. Running the shower at the warmest temperature, he peels off his wet clothing and steps under the tepid spray of water.
While he is showering, she is warming up some food she had kept in her refrigerator. She wasn't sure when he would be home so she had yet to make anything for either of them to eat, but she wouldn't be telling him that.
He saunters into the kitchen, having noticed she wasn't in the bedroom when he exited the shower, hair wet and sticking to his forehead. He didn't bother putting on a shirt, knowing he wouldn't sleep in one anyway. Standing next to the bar, he waits for her to turn around, confused as to what she was doing.
She knows he is there but pays him no mind, continuing to gather food for him despite his assurance from before. Turning towards him and placing the meal on the countertop, she encourages him to sit down by motioning to a stool tucked under the bar.
Taking a seat on the stool, he sends her a tired smile. He had been awake for most of the plane ride, having not quite been on a set sleep schedule. The love he has for her swells inside of him as he realizes just how much she cares—how she missed him as much as he had missed her.
She lays a kiss on his cheek before sitting next to him, leaning her head on his shoulder as she rests her eyes—or at least she thought she would rest her eyes, waiting for him to finish eating. It doesn't take long for him to notice that he breathing has evened out and her body is slumping against his own.
Finishing the last bit of food, he looks down at her, her features are soft and he could see her eyelids twitch as her eyes flick around them. She's gorgeous. He carefully moves his body to lift her into his arms, carrying her to the bedroom.
He gently maneuvers her body so he can pull back the sheets and tuck her underneath them. She stirs but does not seem to be awake. Once she is safely tucked in bed, he turns to make his way back out of the room to clean up the dish he left on her bar. He doesn't make it far as she reaches out to grab his hand before mumbling out a soft, "Don't leave again."
His face falls, knowing she was awake enough to catch his arm yet sleepy enough to believe he would leave her immediately after coming home. Home. He has always stayed over at her place, yet never called it home. No. She was home. Not her apartment—not without her.
He slips under the covers and pulls her against him, muted words attempt to come out of his lips, "I won't ever leave you." He can't say that though. He knows he will have to leave on another tour again—knows he will rarely get time to see you between schedules. He feels as if he doesn't deserve you but knows you would tell him otherwise. Sighing, he squeezes her closer and closes his eyes. He feels nothing but content as he holds his entire world in his arms and falls asleep.
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abloomingperiod · 1 year
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dayfics · 1 year
Hi! 22 and 50 with Sungjin. Thank u ❤
Sungjin & 22. “Show me how much you missed me.” + 50. "Please, I can't sit still."
♡ Send me a request!
1.5k words
I couldn't resist writing reader w/ a praise kink. It fit well with the prompt, sorry! Also hereafter if you guys would like to specify who says the dialogue (in case I got it wrong, haha), I don't mind at all.
You were just about to fall asleep on the couch when you heard the front door of your apartment unlock – Sungjin was finally home. He'd been gone on a work trip for the last two weeks, and you'd whiled away the time trying to meet your deadlines, watching movies and texting him whenever the both of you were free. But in spite of regular contact, what you missed the most was his touch. The way he would put his arms around you when sitting together, feeling his warmth as you slept on your shared bed, and of course, the more intimate moments.
It'd been so long since you felt his fingers in you, or sucked him off, or even kissed him. Two weeks, yes – but when it came to Sungjin, even one day without his touch had you experiencing withdrawals.
So when he walked into the apartment, you jolted awake and ran over to give him a hug; he was dressed in a simple suit but you couldv'e sworn he had gotten more handsome in the past two weeks.
You relaxed completely as soon as you felt his arms around you, one of his hands coming to stroke your hair like it always did. You loved that little habit he had whenever he hugged you. "Hey, sweetheart," you could hear the smile in his voice.
"Sungjin, god, I missed you so much," you warbled into his chest, taking in his warmth, hugging him tighter.
"I know, I know, me too..." he cooed, closing the door with his foot for privacy.
After a minute or two, Sungjin kissed the top of your head as he tried to pull away, but you didn't move. You felt more than heard the deep chuckle that came from him, before he said, "I'm all yours, baby. Just let me freshen up and I'll be with you in five minutes."
You reluctantly let him go into the bathroom, knowing that he couldn't fully relax till he was clean. You could appreciate that about him.
After five agonising minutes, Sungjin emerged in all his wet-haired glory, wearing a loose shirt and shorts. It was embarrassing how turned on you were, but who could blame you? You watched as he shook a towel on his hair and put his used clothes in the laundry basket. You admired his legs and strong arms, the way his shirt spiked slightly as he dried his hair and, well, everything about him. He was so, so classically handsome, and you were beginning to crave him more and more.
He walked over to the sofa, where you were sitting, but you decided to stand up and meet him halfway instead, catching his amused face before you tiptoed to kiss him. Your hands roamed over his chest and torso, desperate to be closer to him. Sungjin held you by the waist, and the feeling of his hands on you, but not doing anything, was almost enough to make you cry of frustration. You whined helplessly against his lips, grabbing onto his arms.
The kisses grew more passionate, and his hands started to move along your back, causing you to shiver involuntarily. You were getting more worked up by the minute, and you could tell Sungjin was too, by the way he grunted against your lips. Soon enough you were breathless and reluctantly broke the kiss, breathing heavily.
He moved his hand to cup your face. "I missed you." he said again, looking into your eyes with so much love and admiration.
"I missed you more," you said, leaning into his touch. You took his other hand in yours, interlacing your fingers with his.
"Oh, yeah? Show me how much," he smirked.
You were mildly surprised, because you didn't see this playful side of Sungjin often in intimate moments. But you loved to please, so you promptly sunk to your knees in front of him. The slight raise of his eyebrow told you he was taken aback by your eagerness, and the way he looked at you intently was causing an almost unbearable throb between your legs.
You knew, though, that if you were good for him now, he'd be amazing to you later. So you ignored your needs for the time being, and instead slowly moved your hands up his thighs over his boxers. You pulled them down by the waistband, biting your lip as you immediately felt yourself get wetter when you saw his dick in front of you. Sungjin carded a hand through your hair with a lazy smirk on his face; he loved watching your reactions.
You started with a few strokes along his length before you took him in your mouth. He let out a low groan. "Fuck, you feel so good," he said in a tone that made you squeeze your thighs, desperate for some relief.
His grip in your hair tightened as he started to control your movements, picking up the pace. When you went as far down as you could, and your nose pressed against Sungjin's abdomen, he held you there for a bit, and you tried your best to relax your throat to take him in. "Ah, Y/N... you're so good for me, such a good girl."
You interlocked your fingers in an effort to control yourself; to have him praise you like this after what felt like forever was almost torturous. You started to tear up a little as his movements sped up, your eyes fluttering shut as Sungjin continued to guide you on his dick. "Look at me," he commanded, and you glanced up at him through your eyelashes to his handsome face, damp hair falling on his forehead. "Lean back baby, let me fuck your mouth, can you do that for me?"
Of course you could. You loved being good for him, even now, even though you were so desperate to feel him you could cry. You sat back on your heels. Your immediate obedience was intoxicating to Sungjin, you were so eager to please him. "God, you're an angel," he murmured almost to himself; you looked so sweet in this moment, even though his dick was in your mouth. "Tell me if it's too much, okay?"
He bunched up your hair to have better control of you before he thrusted into your mouth, starting slow so he didn't hurt you. You tried your best to keep your eyes open, the view too erotic to miss: Sungjin's head slightly tilted backwards, his mouth occasionally leaving a shaky breath, eyebrows slightly furrowed in concentration. Your knuckles were white from the effort it took to stay still — your panties were soaking at this point and it was obvious how needy you were.
You could tell he was close by his grip on your hair and the soft moans he let out. The sight and sounds in front of you were so sinfully pleasing you almost couldn’t bear it — Sungjin was fucking hot.
He picked up the pace for a time before asking, “Can I cum in your mouth, sweetheart?”, the nickname wildly contradictory to what he was doing with you. You moaned around his dick, which he took as a yes and which brought him to his orgasm.
You swallowed without him asking, which he swore could’ve made him cum again untouched. He tilted your chin to look up at him, moving some stray hair from your face. Sungjin always made an effort to be gentle with you, especially after rougher moments like these.
“You were so good, baby,” he smiled down at you, “do you want anything else? Hm? Let me make you feel good.”
You looked so beautiful with your slightly disheveled hair and flushed cheeks, sitting down and looking up at him with teary eyes. Wait, teary?
On realising you were crying, Sungjin immediately knelt down with concern on his face. He brought his other hand to your face and gently wiped your tears with his thumbs.
“Are you okay, darling? Was I too rough? I’m sorry, I didn’t realise…”
“Please fuck me, Sungjin…”
Your emotions were all over the place, and Sungjin’s clear shock made you want to laugh and cry at the same time. More of the crying though, because you wanted him so bad it was unbearable.
“Need you to fuck me, please, I can't sit still, missed you so much,” you rambled through small sobs, not even caring about how desperate you sounded. It was all true, anyway.
Sungjin closed his eyes with a small chuckle, relieved that he didn’t hurt you. He wondered what incredibly noble thing he might’ve done in another life to deserve someone like you in this one. Saved a country, maybe? “You,” he said, hands moving to hold yours, “are going to be the death of me.”
“I’ll take care of you, baby, don’t worry.”
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