toky502 · 3 months
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Face expression sketches (ALPHYS)
Alphys the grumpy and depressive scientist, a long day honestly! v3v ✨ see you, greetings! TOKY! ♥️
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trees-to-meet-you · 9 months
Apart from slamming the door open, Susie entered the classroom rather calmy (that is— she wasn’t yelling or making a fuss. She just asked if she was late)
#susie is so very clearly one of those students who tried when they were little but quickly learned the school system did not care#and the fact that she lives in poverty in that tiny town does not help#like. if she actually has a family and isn’t homeless then those parents are constantly working to pay bills and debts and things#so there not around. and then she has like no support save for any teacher that tries to help her#and while toriel would absolutely help her toriel teaches the little kids#alphys is the only other teacher shown in the building and she’s terrified of susie she’s not going to try to connect with her#and then bc it’s a rinky-dink tiny school in a tiny ass town there’s not a lot of funding for it either#so the teachers don’t even have the materials they need and there’s not enough teachers and no after school programs#except any clubs that are completely student organized and that would just be like a dnd club or a book club where all they need is a table#and even then those might be forced to relocate to the library bc the school might just close after the day#bc there’s no extracurriculars and they can’t pay for an after school childcare program#and bc she’s ‘different’ susie would be kinda forced out of any spaces where the other students spend time bc they give her the side eye#and expect her to be bad bc she’s failing the class and in their eyes surely that is Morally Bad#and her clothes are sometimes dirty and sometimes just worn out and so they think she’s weird and ignore her#and any adults that see her like a librarian would be able to tell what’s ‘weird’ about her that the kids can’t seem to name (she’s poor)#but they see her struggling or trying to get any sort of attention and even if they can see what’s wrong they just brush it off#as ‘not my problem to fix her bad manners’#or ‘poor kid. surely someone will come along that can help her’#and then do nothing!! the entire town does nothing! susie was let down by the entirety o#of the town!!#and im not sure where im going rambling like this but can you tell that i love susie very much and want to give this poor kid the world#susie deltarune#deltarune#liveblogging
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susartwork · 10 months
English isn’t my first language, sorry in case of misspelling.
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-GASTER- Age: ±400 years old - ✧boss monster✧ Magic color: lilac Gender: male Pronouns: he/him Orientation: homosexual
Extra info: - He has been an omnipresent being for the past 4 years. (I won't explain here how the Void and his omnipresent powers work). - He was one of the main figures of the Great War. The cracks on his body and holes in his hands are the scars left. - A goopster, a jokester, and a good dadster. - He has loved Grillby for nearly three hundred years, but he has always been rejected :C - He uses sophisticated words just to show he's smart. - A stupid genius. - °Slaps egg° this boy can fit so much trauma.
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-GRILLBY- Age: ±420 years old - ✧boss monster✧ Magic color: mix of colors - orange and blue Gender: male Pronouns: he/him Orientation: open to interpretation
Extra info: - He has a wife and a daughter. Both fire elementals. - He always felt like an uncle to Sans and Papyrus after Gaster's... death, but tries to distance himself. - Religious man. Believes in the good Angel of the Delta Rune. - He fought on the front lines of the Great War. There his soul was damaged and now it's difficult for him to speak. - Uses sign language. One of his regular customers translates for him. - Monsters rarely have multiple colors of magic. It can happen that a child takes more than one color from the parent's DNA when born.
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-MUFFET- Age: 24 Magic color: thulian pink Gender: female Pronouns: she/her Orientation: bisexual
Extra info: - She loves wearing hair accessories and especially bows. A lot of bows. - She may act sweet and kind, don't trust her. You don't want to become part of those pastries you're eating right now. - She has an obvious crush on Papyrus. - Though she dislikes Sans, and Sans dislikes her.
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UW!Mettaton EX design and ref made by @nova2cosmos Thank you so much! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) I added a few headcanons to it as you see
-NAPSTABLOOK- Age: 27 years old Magic color: magenta Gender: agender Pronouns: any (mostly uses they/them) Orientation: open to interpretation
Extra info: - They sell tickets to use a cable railway that will take you to a town above Waterfall, called "Raintown". - No one is allowed to see their face except the family. - They keep trying to reconnect with Mettaton, failing. However, they sometimes get a few visits from Silver. - They're also doing their best to be a good neighbor to Undyne.
-METTATON- Age: 29 years old Magic color: french blue Gender: male Pronouns: he/him Orientation: open to interpretation
Extra info: - His main weapon is an electric whip, but he's armed like a tank. - Despite not paying much attention to Alphys, he's always willing to help her, as he's in debt. - Often argues with Sans about his "bad friendship" with her. - Founder of the “Human Fanclub”. Alphys and Sans (<- didn't want to accept) are the only members.
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Silver is based on the Undertale OC Red by @/taxiderby
-SILVER- Age: 26 years old Magic color: silver of course Gender: demigirl Pronouns: she/her - they/them - it/its Orientation: ??? (she won't tell you)
Extra info: - Undyne's 1# rival. They're also best friends. - Despite spending years together, you'll find out that you know little to nothing about her. - She always speaks politely and mysteriously. She likes to see others frustrated with her behavior.
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artsyfangirl · 2 years
The fells finding y/n as a bitty for a week due to alphys..
Oh no. Oh noo.
I don’t know who to feel more sorry for.
Y/N? Alphys? Sans? Papyrus?
First off, wtf did Alphys DO? And how tf do they reverse it? It’s not reversible? It’ll have to wear off? Alphys better be prepared. They’re gonna make sure she fulfills the ‘debt’ she has to them due to this. Probably by making her run ragged with redundant research.
You are no longer allowed outside the brothers’ house. You must also be within their line of sight or with their persons at all times. Because do you really think Doomfanger isn’t going to bat at you? Or try to chase you? Honestly.
And no one learns of this. It is not spoken of outside of the house. The three of you had better hope that Mettaton didn’t overhear the discussion in the lab with Alphys.
Papyrus now checks his brother every time he finds him on the couch or really, sleeping anywhere, because he doesn’t want you to be trapped in his brother’s jacket, dealing with the stink and unable to get out.
It’s a relief, to say the least, when it finally wears off at the end of the week.
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lonertale · 1 year
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Meet W. D. Gaster!
Doctor Wing Dings Gaster was a temporarily retired scientist before the war. Gaster is married to Merriweather Serif with a love for each other beyond infinite. Gaster and Merriweather chose to have children after Gaster’s temporary retirement. Together, they had two sons: Sans and Papyrus Serif Gaster. Even during his times of being a father, Gaster couldn’t suppress his inner workaholic and would often turn around for job opportunities or volunteer work in the skeleton village. As life seemed perfect, it all came crumbling down after the ambush attack by the humans. A strong blow of magic injured his family as they tried to escape the rampage, killing Merriweather instantly. Gaster watched the humans murder Sans in cold blood soon after. Clutching Papyrus, he managed to escape with devastating wounds to his arms and skull. Running on pure adrenaline, he managed to make it to the Capitol on his own before storming the palace for the King and Queen’s aid. He was taken to emergency services before he collapsed. Upon awakening, Gaster would soon be told that he wouldn’t have arms for the rest of his life. Past the aftermath, search party efforts for any survivors were a bust, as humans claimed the village's rubble as their newly claimed territory. Realizing there was nothing else they could do, King Asgore pardons Gaster and Papyrus in turn making them permanent residents of the Capitol. To pay his debt to the royal family, he returned from retirement… only this time he would be studying human and monster magic. Later on Gaster would end up recruiting Alphys as his lab assistant, developing different methods of energy and power. For Gaster, this would mean developing his gaster blaster attacks. His duty was meant to develop ways to protect monsters from future human retaliations, but it was hard for him not to be resentful after everything they’ve done. After losing half his family, he will never be the same…
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vrnicky · 1 year
So... I actually made out-codes.. please refer to them by their names since they're.. a lot ":D
Out codes!!
-Common out-codes:
Ink: Pigment 
Ink!Papyrus: Dye
Swap!Ink: Oil
Error: Glitch
Error!Papyrus: Vector
Swap!Error: Lens
Core!Sans: Adonis
Core!Papyrus: Cinza
Core!Undyne: Blaque 
Dream: Fantasy 
Nightmare: Torment 
Dream!Papyrus: Peace 
Nightmare!Papyrus: Illusion 
Fresh: Finn
Fresh!Papyrus: Brook
Swap!Fresh: Stone
Killer: Gunner 
Killer!Papyrus: Thorn
Swap!Killer: Jax
Cross: Kroy
Cross!Papyrus: Cruz
X!tale Papyrus: Vroy 
-Dust guys:
Dusttale: Sans (Polvora) and Papyrus (Sombra)
Dustbelief: Papyrus (Deshonor/Des), Sans (Geist) and Undyne (Avoir)
Disbelief: Papyrus (Aamin) 
Dustswap: Papyrus (Misstro) and Sans (Atiota)
Dust!Hans: (Denzal), Edan as Morker.
-My own outcode:
Name: Shawn Dusk
A "curse" has spread around the universe of Swapfell Crystal, all due to a kid that wasn't part of the universe. The kid had a strange problem, his appearence wasn't... human anymore, it was pure smoke to put it in words.
-Out-codes bros:
-Papyrus!debt collector, name: Cain -Sans!gravedigger, name: Silas
-Sick!Papyrus, name: Bora
-Sans name: Samael
(Their Frisk is inmune at the virus, is determined to enter Papyrus' room and hugs him. Alphys died, got infected and didn't last)
Phew, a lot of them, most of them I made them myself aka the core ones
If you want to know stuff about them, ask with their respective groups or their names because otherwise I would not know who you refer to ^^"
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laylaclock · 11 months
Mafiaswap AU idea !!!
Original mafiatale by: I don’t know?
So this AU is Just like the original mafiatale but in a more accurate way because like, the original one doesn't really fit with me and the mafia fell…….yeаааа
This AU will be around a casino and it will get some reference to movies that talk about this subject and also from actual gang ,I'll try to do research for this!!
Characters roles:
* Because I'll reverse the river man with gaster, shell be the actual boss and so leader of the gang (Yea I want to make them as a lady so what 😡)
* Gaster in it will be like.' the private taxi? I don't know how to explain what I want to make him as sorry 😞
* Alphys is the river lady's bodyguard:D
* Undyne gives informations about the players in the casino and tell Sans if there’s people who try to cheat or not (You'll understand later)
* Napstablook is just one of the “employees” in it (also this idiot keeps trying to flirt with the costumers , like common dude 😠)
* Muffet is the one that puts the deals and also in the part where the mafia sells drugs (because they don’t just run the casino , they also have others businesses)
* Grilby is in the same team as Muffet but instead of drvgs the sells weapons (guns and stuff)
* Sans is the one giving the little "punishments" to the ones that try to cheat on games and the ones that doesn't pay there debts
* And Papyrus is the only who is allowed to cheat in secret to make the players loose their money lol
* Toriel is a bit like “the right hand” of the river lady and always stays with her to help her doing stuff
* Asgore is in relation with the police so they don’t found suspicious activity about the gang or anything related to it
* Chara is just being like the child of the boss (the river lady … you know? Ho! and they’re not really related to her ( she adopted them ) And spend most of the time with her or Papyrus and Sans
Ho and if you're wondering what happened to Frisk and Asriel well .. they don't exist in this AU ,Sorry!
I'll try to post some art of it and maybe planed to make a comic ,but don't scream "YEPPE!” now I need motivation first <:D
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justali-anne · 2 years
Undertale: Post-Pacifist Headcanons:
The main characters all live together at first, but after a couple of years, they move into separate houses in the same neighborhood.
They all are either neurodivergent or have serious mental health issues. Some are both!
They think of each other as a family! It's mostly Frisk that fuels this.
After a while, Frisk (with Sans' help) tells everyone about the resets. They don't fully understand it at first, but they do eventually.
Whenever someone dies: "Um, Frisk, can you, um, do the reset thing? (Insert character here) just got run over by a truck."
The humans accepted the monsters. A lot of humans, especially the kids, are actually quite curious about them and their magic. New job opportunities opened up!
Non-binary, but isn't strict on pronouns. The others just give Frisk they/them pronouns to avoid confusion.
They can speak, but they also know sign language.
Very curious about the monsters and what they'll do if they act a certain way. They don't have their morals figured out yet.
Genocide Run: BAD IDEA, BAD IDEA! Would never try again. Thankfully reset before they got to Asgore.
They're smart for their age.
They're around 9 or so.
They can act out sometimes due to trauma, and they have childhood PTSD. They have a therapist that gives them tips on how to cope with severe trauma.
Besties with Chara. Never gave up on Flowey. Thinks of the Skelebros as brothers/uncles. Undyne and Alphys are like the gay best friends Frisk never knew they wanted.
Got officially adopted by Toriel, and lives with her. They also go to her school.
Made a friend group at said school, one of their friends being Monster Kid.
They can still SAVE on the surface. This comes in handy when something goes horribly wrong.
They're attached to Frisk's soul.
They're morally grey, but they're warming up to Frisk. They're still wary about humans.
They're STRICT with their pronouns! Do NOT misgender them!
They LOVED monsters! After all, they gave them security when they needed it the most. They feel like they're forever in their debt. Part of the reason why they made that plan in the first place.
Back when they were alive, they had severe self-loathing issues, was incredibly reclusive except with their family, and they sometimes expressed their trauma through anger. Sometimes they took it out on Asriel, but they never meant any harm.
They like Frisk's friends.
They only become corrupted when Frisk kills. Luckily, it's not the case on the surface.
A very sarcastic and aggressive, yet insightful and intelligent, little flower.
He's trying his best on the surface, but he can fall back into old habits sometimes.
He obtained a lot of skills from the times he reset.
Also has a lot of trauma, which is reasonable.
He is fond of Papyrus, but was afraid of Sans. They sorted out their differences eventually.
Deep down, he still cares about Toriel and Asgore. He just doesn't know it yet.
He's fond of Frisk too. He still misses Chara. Little does he know they're a lot closer than he thinks...
Still remembers the resets.
Had opened a school for humans and monsters.
She's a teacher and headteacher there.
She doesn't like being called queen anymore, yet some monsters STILL call her that.
Still trying to rekindle her friendship with Asgore. They're on speaking terms on the surface, but it will take a long time for her to forgive him.
Officially adopted Frisk, mentally and emotionally adopted the Skelebros.
Sans and Toriel are besties.
She may be a bit rusty when it comes to social interaction, but she's getting there with the humans.
She still remembers the fallen children. She made a memorial for them to remember them by.
She likes getting wildly drunk. Someone stop this woman.
She has a wild side! Whoo!
Autistic and has depression.
His depression is mild enough that he always feels that there's a cloud of hopelessness hanging over him, but he doesn't self-harm nor is he suicidal.
It takes a while for him to accept that there will be no more resets, but after he accepts it, he starts feeling better about his life.
He loves his family dearly. He just shows it in an unconventional way. That is, via pranks and puns.
He cares too much, but he doesn't want anyone to know that, including himself.
Is just a goofy space dork who likes to mess with people.
He gets help for his depression after Frisk reveals the resets to everyone. He was very uncomfortable about that secret being shared. As time goes on, and Sans continues to live on the surface without a reset, Sans starts to recover from his depression, and becomes a lot more playful as a result.
He shares a lot of the same beliefs as Papyrus. He looks up to him SO much.
A sweetheart. Please let him be happy.
Knows a lot more than he lets on.
Is actually more mature than Sans, believe it or not. Come on, WHO exactly does most of the work around the Skelebros' place anyway?!
His reaction to the resets? "I ALREADY KNOW." Yup, you read that right. How does he know? Flowey.
After the Royal Guard got disbanded, Papyrus started looking into several different potential careers. He goes to college to discover what he can do.
In the meantime, he also works at a waiter at an Italian restaurant. He loves the job!
In his spare time, he goes on rough excursions with Undyne, hangs out with Frisk a lot, and, of course, nags Sans to pick up the sock that he placed in the NEW house.
Papyrus is a goofball who loves MTT and cartoons. He likes some childish things, but that doesn't make him incapable or immature.
He has a bright view on life, and believes in everyone.
Is autistic!
End of Part 1 because I'm tired.
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underswitch-official · 7 months
Ch3 P4
“welp, that was a long break,” Papyrus says as he stands up. “i can’t believe i let ya pull me away from work for that long.”
“What!? Why are you pinning the blame on me!?”
“i was just kidding, dude. chillax. anyway, i’m flat broke. can you foot the bill? it’s just 10000G.”
My mouth hangs open in disbelief, and Papyrus chuckles and says, “just pulling your leg. metta, put it on my tab.” He walks to the entrance and pauses, then turns back to me and says, “by the way, i was going to say something, but i forgot.”
Then he leaves. Mettablook sighs and says, “That man is gonna get arrested for evading debt one of these days. Well, kid, you’d better get going.”
I smile and wave goodbye. Asriel bows as a farewell.
I return to the savepoint and interact with it again.
* The sound of rushing water fills you with determination.
* However, the ominous message Papyrus gave you still worries you.
* Perhaps it’s best if you don’t think about it too much.
I sigh and continue forward. I start sweating because of how hot and humid Waterfall is. Eventually, I locate a box and rush over to it.
“* Heh. If you want privacy, try heading to the room behind the waterfall.”
“Thanks for the suggestion, Asriel,” I say as I grab the proper clothes for the marsh and head for the waterfall to look for the secret room.
A few minutes later, I come out wearing a froggit poncho and a dusty tutu.
“* Very stylish,” Asriel chuckles.
“Shut up. The tutu is armor, and the poncho is to keep me relatively dry,” I scowl.
“* I wasn’t trying to mock you,” Asriel responds defensively.
I step into the next room and see tall grass in front of me. I hear heavy footsteps above me and rush into the tall grass.
I look up and see a tall lizard in knight’s armor. Sans approaches the lizard.
Alphys turns to Sans.
Alphys turns away again.
Alphys turns to Sans again.
Sans begins approaching Alphys.
Alphys turns to Sans, and he backs up.
Sans walks away. I take one step forward, and Alphys whips her head toward me and charges a hand cannon. After not seeing anything, she steps back into the shadows.
I leave the tall grass, and so does MK.
“Yo…” MK says, “did you see the way she was staring at you…? That… … was AWESOME! I’m SOOOO jealous! What’d you do to get her attention…? Ha ha. C’mon! Let’s go watch her beat up some bad guys!”
Then he runs forward, trips, stands up, and continues running.
I interact with the savepoint.
* (A feeling of dread hangs over you…)
* (But you stay determined.)
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stxrmnight · 8 months
On the Snow - Leaving Ishgard
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Despite the jokey tone here (because I loved the irony of how much fuckery you can do in gpose), Nemi was actually very surprised and, saddened by Ysayle's frustration with the actions of the dragons. Nemi really had thought they were more deeply allied but, it had all been a matter of coincidences. Nemi would disclose she actually felt a twinge of sympathy for what her group seeks, but the current track just caused further antagonizing while only the Brume suffers in squalor. Ysayle does say the Heretics are looking for, other options to act on...
It's in this Nemi meanders for gossip about higher Ishgardian factions, heeds a strange rumour and, finds a corpse that comes to life...
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...but that is a whole can of worms to go in depth in another post. Just let it be known after quest 30, she leaves for training and to aid Tataru's plight.
"Yay, friend got me a cute chocobo!"
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I was so bamboozled by the Ascian connection being known now. It's, honestly a strange big flag to drop soon, though I guess anyone that would be crossed by one would have no choice. Nemi would be shocked at how calm the pope is at this not gonna lie. She's still terrified of them.
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and uhm Alphi, I get you are still methodical brain squared but there is more in not letting a man be fucking murdered
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I wish I had a more accurate shot job wise but this is the only image I have of the gang. Yes I did this in a time critical instance but after knocking off the poison I think
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And retroactively, this made Nemi actually backtrack in shock and question how this is gonna liberate home, which the others didn't question but for Ilberd confirmed his suspicions. He would leave claiming he hopes this personal vendetta can slip by for, more important things to rise in the future, and Nemi has to keep it together to not draw any questions.
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She was so relieved ; m ; she felt in debt to them both for helping them escape. I think Raubahn would have apologized to Nemi for being dragged into this mess when she was before just a green adventurer trying to find her lot and luck. She would have shook her head and said that if the price of good deeds that salvaged everyone's safety was this, she would accept it, but the General did not miss the shake of her shoulders. There was much stress radiating in her body...
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...yeah. I could not use party finder and the one time I tried went badly. I only went back on this when I got the full game and knew people. I don't think solo unsync 60 would have done it.
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Ah... here is where more slander is spoken for Haurchefant's origins, isn't it? She would have stormed off to the Brume, approaching the elusive Fray Myste and declaring, she would go through the training... with no stops.
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unknown-20xx · 4 years
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toky502 · 2 months
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UNITALE (An alternate tale) Alphys
Alphys is a somewhat short and grumpy reptilian monster girl. Most of the time she has a serious and depressive personality, but deep down she is still the nice and happy girl she once was and who cares about her friends. Alphys is always working on new plans and experiments or building something new related to robotic mechanics. Because she is always busy with something in particular, it is normal to find her somewhat lonely when you first meet her. Alphys loves to drink tea and coffee, especially coffee. In her free time, when she has it, she sincerely likes to watch and read Korean novels as well as manga and anime, although in the latter mentioned she tends to get lost very frequently in the plot of what she see since there is nothing that can stop her when she is fascinated by a good anime series.
* Alphys in DEBTTALE is the royal scientist in the underground, a position that Alphys knows is not hers.
* Alphys's eyesight is very good at present, but in the future it will not last long.
* Alphys is slowly going blind as time goes by.
* The special glasses that Alphys has are not hers, the glasses are he best friend Debt!Gaster.
* Alphys has powerful electrical powers.
* Alphys has a strong addiction to coffee.
* Alphys loves video games, tangerines and stuffed animals.
* Alphys can't run much, she gets tired very easily.
* Alphys doesn't sleep much.
* Alphys helped and rebuilt D!Mettaton Ex.
* The only friend for now for Alphys is D!Mettaton.
* Alphys hates Mondays, because of a terrible event from her past.
* Alphys doesn't celebrate her birthday.
* Alphys's birthday is October 15.
* Alphys' favorite food is vegetable turnovers with eggs in the form of bags.
* Alphys can be a bit pessimistic.
* Alphys doesn't like to talk a lot about her past or feelings, something D!Mettaton Ex doesn't like her to do.
* Alphys can sometimes be a bit exaggerated and loud.
* Alphys has a very funny and contagious laugh.
* Alphys doesn't like her stuffed whale being touched.
* Surprisingly, Alphys and the other members of "the team alternate" get along very well.
* Alphys hates onions because they make her cry.
* Alphys sometimes takes situations very seriously.
* Alphys knows how to play the piano.
* Alphys sometimes has a lot of mood swings.
* Alphys is a little forgetful.
* Alphys usually gets very nervous when someone approaches her in a flirtatious way, she blushes a lot and gets dizzy.
* Alphys does not forgive those who hurt her friends.
* Alphys tends to get bored easily so she has to be direct with her when talking, she literally falls asleep.
* Alphys is a very good cook, she is just embarrassed to admit it and show it in public.
* Alphys is bisexual.
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aeris-blue · 5 years
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Where the author once again uses doctor appointments as a source of exposition.
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What if the skeletons child was being controlled like Frisk or Kris. And they break out of that control to ask for help. Or something. What would they do and react.
Undertale Sans - Ok, so Sans noticed something was weird but he was in a sort of denial of reality. Now that his kid is actually asking for help, it's giving him a good shock. He needs to do something, there's no way he lets that happen again. So yeah, he goes to Alphys lab and goes back to work, despite promising he would never go to the place ever again. He doesn't know if he can free his kid, but if there's a way to do that, he will find it.
Undertale Papyrus - He's a bit uncomfortable about this, but he knows Sans knows some stuff about souls. So he asked Sans. Sans... didn't react at all like he thought. He asked him to never talk about this thing ever again, that he doesn't know what he was saying. So Papyrus got upset, because, obviously, he knows something he doesn't and his kid is feeling bad because of it. So, angry, Sans tells everything about reset and the truth about Frisk. That's how Papyrus knew about all of this. He is both upset and sad his brother kept everything for himself, and the brothers will get mad at each other for some days. Eventually, Sans will come back after thinking a bit and tells him he will try to understand what's wrong with his kid. Then it goes like above.
Underswap Sans - He's in good terms with Chara, so he immediately goes to them to ask if they know something about this. They don't know much more than him, but they suggest to go talk to Temmie instead. After that, the three of them starts searching. Blue doesn't want to involve Honey in that until he has no other way, he knows it will not bring nice memories. Eventually, he'll find a way, using some of his Dad's inventions.
Underswap Papyrus - He's very uncomfortable about this. It's creeping him out and he has no idea of what to do to stop it. Like Blue, he will try to see if Chara knows something, then goes straight to Undyne. Undyne will find a way, using his Dad's all machines in no time. He is so relieved he cried for days on the Undyne's floor, until Alphys kicked him out because she was tired of seeing him. Honey will insist to pay back his debt though.... By paying all the flowers for their wedding.
Underfell Sans - He's a bit scared, because he doesn't know anything about this. Frisk never did a genocide run, so he doesn't know they're possessed. Red is freaking out pretty badly, he has no idea what he's supposed to do. Eventually, he will calm down and read some of his Dad's researches about souls and possession, and then turns his torture machines into something a little less dangerous for his kid. It will take time, but he'll get there eventually.
Underfell Papyrus - They don't believe the kid. It's normal to have invisible friends when you're little, that's probably what they're seeing right now. The kid keeps everything for himself and eventually, commit his first murder some time later to gain more XP. Kill or be killed, right? That's only at this moment that Edge will try to understand and go talk to his brother. Then it will go exactly like with Red.
Horrortale Sans - What could possibly go wrong? The second Oak's brain makes a link between his kid and the possession, he is so triggered Willow forced him to go outside, scared he might hurt his own kid. Except, that wasn't a very clever move. Oak went straight to see Frisk, and they killed them without an hesitation. That doesn't help, but that makes him feel better. He feels a bit guilty once he actually understand it was not their fault, but it's a bit too late, you know. After that, like Sans, he will try to find a solution. Though, he is far slower than he used to be, and will panick when the kid came home one day with LV. If he has really no choice, he could kill his own kid. He doesn't want to, but he is too far gone in the horror and he won't put his loves one in danger once again, must he regret it later.
Horrortale Papyrus - He's a little less extreme. He goes to see Frisk too, and it is not a cordial visit. He will threat them and ask them to tell everything they know about possession, a bone under the throat. Then he goes back home and with the informations he collected and Oak's help, he'll find a solution before the kid becomes violent. He's actually super efficient and he knows how to fill his brother weaknesses when he has to.
Swapfell Sans and Papyrus - It would go the same way for both of them. They tell each other right away and agree on the same plan. They kidnapped Chara one mourning, locked them in their basement, and that's pretty easy: they find a solution or they die. Nox and Rus will torture them for months and won't hesitate one second when they discovered using their soul could help. Their kids are more important, they don't have any regret and throw the body in the forest without even bury it. That's all they deserved.
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Expanded Mob AUs
The Mobtale and Mafiafell boys are permanent fixtures in The Best of All Timelines. This past March (March 2021), I expanded the mob AUs to include the rest of the boys. These fellas are not in The Best of All Timelines, but they're fun to think about. I'll write drabbles about them, but they're not really available for questions or RP right now. (Maybe a future RP could be set in a dedicated Mob AU world?)
I'll leave their names here and put the rest of the details under the cut.
Mobswap -- Indigo (Sans) and Honey (Papyrus)
Mafiaswapfell -- Sable (Sans) and Slim (Papyrus)
Horrormob -- Axe (Sans) and Crooks (Papyrus)
G!Mob -- G (Sans) and Aster (Papyrus)
Outermob -- Cosmo (Sans) and Gizmo (Papyrus)
Dancemob -- Rhyme (Sans) and Rhythm (Papyrus)
Mobswap–Indigo (Sans) and Honey (Papyrus)
The MobSwap boys have an interesting relationship. Basically, they’re where Blue and Stretch were before they got to the surface, where they’re not all that good at communicating with each other and they both keep secrets.
Indigo is in the mob, working with Alphys and Toriel as kind of a messenger/delivery boy. He is doing this because his dad owed the mob a debt and died before he could pay it off. Indigo is paying it off, and he’s doing it alone, because he doesn’t want Honey involved. This Indigo keeps a lot more secrets from his brother. As far as Honey knows, his brother works as a courier for a legitimate business and is only doing it until he can get into the police academy. He secretly keeps a record of all the illegal deliveries he’s made so he can one day turn it in.
Honey is a newspaper reporter. He’s typically put on the little fluff pieces, nothing important, but he’s interested in crime and the mob. He wants to find out what happened to his dad. Indigo tries to discourage him from digging into it, saying it was just an accident and there’s no need to bring up the pain of the past, but Honey is determined to find out and get some justice.
Mafiaswapfell–Sable (Sans) and Slim (Papyrus)
Sable and Slim are in charge of a counterfeiting operation for the monster mob. Well, technically Sable is in charge and Slim does the artsy stuff. They’re a bit less dependent on each other than Black and Mutt, mostly because they’re both more outgoing.
Sable likes wine and he’s very charming. He’s definitely looking to rise higher than counterfeit arts dealer, but if it’s a slow climb to the top, then he can be patient. His cover business is that he’s an art dealer and he sets up private viewings for his clients. The king and queen of monsters are still big and important, even if everyone knows about the mob stuff, and having Queen Toriel at a viewing of your famous painting would be an honor. Sable gets all the necessary permissions and keys and such and he claims he has to “prepare the room” for the viewing IN PRIVATE and then he switches the item in question.
Slim makes his money by creating counterfeit paintings for the mob to sell. Slim is also more of the flirtatious SF Paps than my shy, awkward Mutt. He is kind of indifferent to all the mob stuff. The counterfeit business is just like commissions, and that pays for him to be able to do the art he actually wants to do. Sable sometimes slips one of his originals in with a lot of fakes and sells them, and he’ll pull the “I’m supporting my brother’s art” thing when appropriate. Slim spends his spare time in Muffet’s and enjoys a good flirt.
Horrormob -- Axe (Sans) and Crooks (Papyrus)
Axe and Crooks are Bones and Lucky if things went Wrong. And things did go Wrong. Something happened that caused humans in their world to wall up the monster sections of the city, trapping the monsters in there. With limited resources, Axe turned his business from selling magic on the downlow to selling food from the other side of the wall. Since he could teleport, he was one of the few monsters who could leave. Crooks helped him smuggle food in to help the monsters in their section of the city (screw the legality of it–when the humans are not following the law and monsters are dying, there is a Right and a Wrong thing to do and it doesn’t matter if it’s legal).
It was all going fine…until it wasn’t. Until there was demand for other things. Until they were bringing back more than just food. Until other things became food. They don’t talk about it. Axe got hurt and Crooks got hurt and they were both just trying to do the right thing. And it didn’t work.
Eventually, times changed. New laws were made. Monsters gained rights and the walls came down. Now Axe and Crooks are trying to find a way to make it in this new world.
Axe is much more cynical than Bones (or Sansy for that matter). He doesn’t trust anyone easily. He has a lot of memory problems and can’t really hold down a job. He mostly stays home now. He hates feeling useless, but doesn’t know what he can do.
Crooks is trying very hard to hold onto his good nature and optimistic outlook on life, even after all he’s been through. He’s given up on his old dream of being a lawyer. It’s hard to him to stay on his feet for long hours. He uses a cane to get around. He does have a job working at the hall of records. It’s mostly a desk job, so he can sit.
Some old acquaintances of theirs try to pull them back into smuggling again. Some of them still can’t forgive what humans did to ‘em so they try to get them to smuggle more illegal things. The boys want nothing to do with it, but it could complicate things…
G!Mob -- G (Sans) and Aster (Papyrus)
These two are the only ones who haven’t got different nicknames. G and Aster are three people in two bodies. Dr. Gaster was working on slightly illegal experiments for Don Asgore, trying to find a way to bring the don’s lost children back to him. The good doctor’s own children, Sans and Papyrus, were helping him when an experiment went terribly, terribly wrong. Suddenly there were two skeletons instead of three. Each of them had the whole consciousness of one of the sons and half of their father’s consciousness as well. Both boys have sworn off any further science work and any connections with the mob, going into hiding so that Asgore doesn’t find them.
G is now your standard hard-boiled 1940s detective type. He’s done things he’s not proud of, but that life is behind him now and he’s not gonna let some dame pull him back in. Even if it’s his old work that’s causing all these issues. He don’t do that kinda thing any more, kitten. Not even for someone like you.
Aster is…a mess. He remembers a lot more of the things Gaster did for Asgore than G does and it horrifies him. (The doctor kept a lot of it from his sons…) He’s found a quiet office job, just filling out and filing paperwork. Mindless work, with no connection to the mafia. He just wants to be left in peace.G!Mob
Outermob -- Cosmo (Sans) and Gizmo (Papyrus)
Monsters came to earth looking for a peaceful home. The humans let them settle in Ebott City, but they were very wary about the new technology monsters brought with them. Eventually a politician proposed that monster tech and magic be banned and it was. Humans will pay big money for either, or both! The monster mob is happy to provide.
Cosmo (Sans) is really, really trying to just stay out of the whole thing, but his brother’s connections with the mob mean that his quaint little flower shop is a front for moving magical tech. He wants to be supportive, but he worries…
Gizmo (Papyrus) is completely unworried about his less-than-legal job! He is doing a service! Banning magic and technology was wrong, so really he is protesting the unfair laws. He would like to find a legal solution to this too, but right now, this works! (Mostly.)
Dancemob -- Rhyme (Sans) and Rhythm (Papyrus)
It’s not just magic that’s prohibited in this world—it’s dancing too! The monster mob provides safe places for monsters and humans to dance…for a fee.
After a lot of begging, Rhythm (Papyrus) is in charge of his very own speakeasy! Well, the dancing bit anyway. Technically Grillby (Flash?) owns it and does all the magic food and drink. But Tango teaches dancing, which is his true passion! Sometimes he even dances at home. He just can’t help it!
Rhyme (Sans) is the lookout for the club. Everybody knows he don’t dance no more. He just sits there at the bar like a bum, nursin’ a bottle of ketchup all day long. Nobody suspects that when he says, “Hey, can I get some mustard over here?” that that’s the signal! It’s a pretty good gig! He just wishes his brother would be more careful!
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lilbittymonster · 2 years
That sounds like a project of passion and love. Can you tell us more what Kit’s dynamic is like with her Elezen men?
-cracks knuckles- Thank you for indulging me! This response got really fucking long, so I'm putting a read more out of respect for the dash lol
So Kitali's a dragoon main, meaning the first time she and Estinien met it was because she was hired to help find the thief of an Ishgardian relic, and the two of them end up trying to kill each other. The first time she met Aymeric, he admitted to have followed the news of her exploits with fervor and honestly kind of put her off for a while. She saw him as just another politician trying to get something from her and the Scions.
My memory's a little fuzzy on the details, but after Ul'dah, Haurchefant pulls some strings to get the three of them into Ishgard proper, because he's her closest friend outside the Scions rn (and that just makes her guilt over his death even worse) an Aymeric welcomes them because they helped the Holy See out with the whole Keeper of the Lake situation. Even though, he had already paid back that debt by keeping the shipments to Revenant's Toll flowing. So she's thinking that there's no way he's an altruistic politician, there has to be something else that he wants later on, keep an eye on him.
Meanwhile, Estinien has been brought to heel after throwing his little summoning tantrum in the DRG 50 mission, and the two of them are still like feral angry cats circling each other and hissing. Thankfully, Kitali has Heustienne on the inside to vouch for her and introduce her to the rest of the Knights Dragoon. Which, going through Heavensward as an Au Ra dragoon, extremely sexy and powerful of me. And lends itself to a lot of good flavour.
Kit eventually learns that no, Aymeric really is that altruistic, at least towards her and Alphy and Tataru, and she starts to let her guard down around him bit by bit. And considering that he's still one of the few people in the entire city who doesn't immediately look at her with fear and distaste, she'll take it where she can get it.
She gently bullies Estinien with small bits of affection until he starts to reciprocate. They really do speedrun the whole enemies to best friends gamut. The roadtrip with Alphinaud and Ysale really helps to cement it since they're no longer under such strict observation from.....basically everyone. They both come to the realisation that they're more alike than they thought. I interpret the Eye choosing Kit to mean that she and Estinien are literal soulmates. I would describe their dynamic to boil down to the simple statement of "whatever souls are made of, his and mine are the same". And that manifests in so many ways, starting at the (derogatory) and going all the way to (affectionate) stage.
By around halfway through Heavensward, Aymeric and Estinien are both people she has come to rely on and knows she can trust in a pinch. Even when they get Y'shtola and Thancred back, she will go to either of them first, since at this point it's been probably around more than half a year in Ishgard. She's just about surpassed how long she's known the Scions.
After the Vault, she started taking the war personally, and started making more selfish decisions. She wasn't going to kill Thordan because he was corrupted and tempered the Heaven's Ward, she was going to kill them all because they killed her friend. She wasn't going to fight and kill Nidhogg because he had ravaged a nation for a thousand years, she was going to kill him because he took her friend from her. She has lost so many people by the end of the Dragonsong War she's just barely holding onto herself. And then Estinien leaves. After everything they've been through together in the past year or so, he leaves without so much as a note.
She stays in Ishgard to help with the restoration, and because she feels she owes it to Haurchefant to make a city he would be proud of. (That Firmament quest with Francel broke my fucking heart, y'all. Please give the boy a hug he deserves it so much.) And in that intervening time, she and Aymeric have sort of been doing the mutual pining 'will they won't they' dance for several months. It takes him not being able to make the piano recital to finally ask her on a proper date, and that's when the dinner takes place.
Which then gets interrupted by the whole Warriors of Darkness plotline, so her sorting out what might be a requited relationship has to get put on hold. And then Papalymo sacrifices himself to bind Shinryu.
That was the final straw. She doesn't go back to the Rising Stones, she goes where safety is, and safety is where Aymeric is. And she just breaks down in front of him. He has become her anchor through the shambles that her life has become and she has several blessed months of just being Kitali with him before Stormblood.
Stormblood becomes the two of them figuring out how to have a long distance marriage, which having personal linkpearls helps a bit with, and is also her trying to sort out the mess of hurt Estinien left behind. For a while it was easier for her to just stay angry with him because then she didn't have to be left with the pain of yet another loss. But that kind of evaporates when she meets him again out in the Azim Steppe for the DRG 70 mission. So now she's just missing her friend but knows he's alive somewhere out there, at least.
Shadowbringers is a whole lot of Kitali Misses Her Husband since she's trapped on an entirely different world this time. As soon as she can cross back to the Source, she immediately teleports back to Foundation and spends like an entire week with Aymeric, plot be damned. And when she returns to the Rising Stones and Estinien walks in the door, she just dragoon jumps into an embrace with him and just. Holds him for a bit. She really doesn't care that Tataru and Krile are Right There, she missed him and he owes her that much.
Now that Estinien is a Scion, she's relieved to have him around as an anchor. She's known him the longest out of any of the rest of them at this point save for Alphinaud, who is just as glad to have him around. She and Aymeric have gotten better at the long distance thing, but it still hurts. And Estinien feels like home to her.
At this point in Endwalker, she's pretty much figured out that she loves him, but doesn't want to put that pressure on him because he still is trying to figure out what his whole purpose in life is now, and they're coworkers, which might make things a bit weird, and the last thing she wants to do is drive him away again after just getting him back. And on the other side of it, Estinien is trying to grapple with the fact that he has feelings for his best friend's wife and has no clue how to approach either of them about it. Meanwhile, Kitali and Aymeric have already had the discussion of "commitment doesn't have to mean monogamy" and Kit knows that Aymeric and Estinien used to have A Thing and Aymeric has carried a bit of a torch for him the entire godsdamned time. They're basically all a mess.
I'm sure they'll get around to sorting it all out but that's what the fanfic is for ;)
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