#Dee can suck it
divinequo · 1 year
How did we go from this. TO THIS??
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chrliekclly · 5 months
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didnt realize it was lesbian visibility week my offering is sm shitty deetress doodles i hope u wlw hav had a gr8 one
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starflungwaddledee · 9 months
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starflung's 2023 advent 7/8 🔔 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 🔔
don't worry bandeemagolor's, i did not forget you this giving season!
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zimmbzon · 3 months
Yo, our boy has been manipulated by that man for 8 years. You can’t just pack that shit up overnight. Confidence is hard to find when you are face to face with the source of your insecurities. He absolutely did our other boy wrong. But it’s pretty telling that Dee becomes a compliant wet blanket of a man when Ter is around, and he’s a fiesty little bitch (affectionate) when he’s with Yak.
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ROPE EDIT ‼️🪢🗣️🔥🔥🔥🪢‼️
TW: image of a noose and NSFW implications (nothing shown except the tool used)
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tee-dohrnii · 4 months
Dee is so small and cute! Does she ever climb up on anything (or anyone) to feel tall?? And is she always the one who has to go into the little crevices and holes?
Oh absolutely she's the one to go into little crevices. She doesn't even need to be told a lot of the times - she sees a Dee-sized hole and just goes into it to explore. She's a very curious person in general so she just dives into things, forgetting that people can't follow her in so she has to go back out and find a different path with everyone else.
And for the feeling tall part, I did have this one little comic I wanted to make but gave up on so just have these cleaned up rough sketches. 100% she calls on Karlach to climb up on to feel tall and sometimes gets thrown by her to get to places she can't reach. A few broken bones won't stop her thirst for exploration and knowledge.
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randomnameless · 4 months
thinking about @fantasyinvader's recent Dimitri post -
I think one of the points I'm not really fond of with AM and Boarmitri's turn to Savior!Mitri is how Dee shifts his attention from the Means to the Ends.
And sure, we have to think about the bigger scope - criticise to prevent the "Ends" means putting an end to the "Means" - but what about the ones who were sacrificed, or the ones who are and written off as "means"?
Kleiman dude really believed he was doing the right thing by chopping Duscur people (or at least putting them under the bus for something he and his lord did).
Boarmitri reacts to the "slaughtering Duscur people" strongly, and would have killed him because hey, you were slaugthering people down (or are responsible for the persecution Duscur people suffered and are still going through).
Savior!Mitri? Will put his execution on hold, to consider what Kleiman dude meant by "doing the right thing".
But, regardless of why Kleiman Dude thought was "right" or for "justice", the thing is, he still organised the massacre of several people and wrongly framed innocents to hide their involvment, which led to their persecution/massacre.
"But Lambert was removing our rights and privileges" sure, what does this has anything to do with Dedue having lost his sister to senseless murder after being wrongfuly framed for regicide?
"Kleiman Dude really believed what he was doing was right" and ? Tell that to Felix's mom, what's going to happen? People do things for all kinds of reasons, so what?
Worst offender is, of course, Supreme Leader.
Boarmitri wants to cut her down to avenge the dead (and maybe stop the war?) but when Savior!Mitri finally hears her, uh, reasoning, he is resolved to kill her because that's her choice (uh) and it's their fate???
The fuck?
Sure he mentions putting an end to the war, but the entire "we have no other choice but to fight, because it's what she wants and that's the destiny we were born to", please no?
Hopefully the first sentence "end the war" exists, otherwise I'd really believe Dee makes this fight and final battle all about Supreme Leader (and blame fate because that's hresvelg grey for you) and completely ignores the people who are, uh, living in this Fodlan ravaged by war, the ones who died because of it or are still dying because that's what war does.
What about the ones who died? The ones who are dying (or are locked in a 5 stars resort doing zumba for 5 years) ? The ones who are turned in demonic beasts? The ones who are starving?
"We have no choice but to destroy each other... Such is the destiny we were born to."
who cares about casualties, let's agree to disagree about our Ends and blame fate instead.
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sebsrainbowbicycle · 25 days
There is literally no winning with me. Spent time with my friend and went shopping, zoomed around in a mobility scooter buying new sleep shirts and snacks and fun shit. Then we hung out here for an hour or so until I had to go lie down because pain and she left. Fun right? What I’ve been longing for?
So why is it that all I’ve done since she left is cry? I’m such a needy bitch at the moment and it’s so annoying. Probably also due to the fact that she and our other friend are going to the seaside tomorrow and I can’t go because - yanno - two hours of sitting put me in agony maybe.
I hate this.
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psymachine · 25 days
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which two members of the gang are running this scam selling this product next season?
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fauvester · 2 years
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“don’t tell him, though, he’ll get big-headed about it.”
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
Hello barbie dearest! I come to you with a prompt should it ever spark joy or inspiration.
Sebchal and any Jane Austen vibes AU.
im gonna emotionally terorise you actually 🩷💙
"I do not believe they would ever do something like that, Mr. Vettel. I just cannot trust that people could be so - vile!"
Sebastian did not look at Charles as he spoke his outrage. He knew how Charles would look. His cheeks would be rosy, and his eyes would be wide, and he would be a perfect image of angelic innocence. Sebastian could not bear it, not in this moment, so he plucked another flower from the ground and spun it inbetween his fingers.
"Ah, Charles, you forget so easily," he said, looking out onto the lake, "that people are usually both better and worse than you assume them to be."
There was a pause in the conversation. Sebastian brought the flower to his lips, letting the petals caress his skin.
"What do you mean?," came Charles' voice, somewhat subdued now. "Is this - what are you referring to?"
Sebastian forced himself to take a deep breath. The daisy in his hand felt fragile, and he was unsure of whether he wished to break it and throw it away. Perhaps he could pick another one. One that would be bigger, and more durable. Less prone to bending in the wind that blew around them.
"I am referring to the fact you yourself have been vile, Charles," Sebastian said, then thought it disingineous not to look at Charles, if he were to berate him, no matter how deserving the scolding is to be. "I am referring to your comments about a certain young gentleman you've made at the picnic yesterday."
Charles blanched, and Sebastian could not even feel the satisfaction properly, because Charles looked genuinely stricken.
"I understand these comments were made from a place of ignorance and of privilege you are quite unaware you have, which I find particularly funny," he said in a tone that belied the complete opposite, "given that you yourself have advocated for those less fortunate. However, it appears that only certain types of those less fortunate are acceptable to advocate for, if I am to understand your stance properly."
Charles' eyes were wide, and Sebastian could see the embarassment clearly on his face. He cared little for it, though much more than he was willing to admit, because some things must be said, and not many people would dare say them to Charles, or even feel the urge to do so, satisfied to be willfully ignorant.
"I have expected much better of you, Charles, for that was badly done." Sebastian shook his head. "Very badly done."
Charles' lower lip wobbled. Sebastian felt the overpowering urge to comfort Charles, despite being one to bring him grief, but he also knew Charles needed to understand just how foolishly he had behaved. It would do no good to comfort him now, no matter how much Sebastian yearned to do so, for Charles was on a crossroads, and Sebastian needed him to make a choice of what kind of person he would be.
Sebastian needed to know if Charles could be the kind of person Sebastian would be justified in loving.
"I - I did not think -" Charles started, then cut himself off.
"You did not." Sebastian nodded. "So think about it now." He sighed, clutching onto the flower in his hand. "I must go now," he said suddenly. "I have obligations and I - I must go."
Charles' eyes shone with unshed tears. "Will you come back?" he asked, subdued, and Sebastian's heart tore, half of it breaking, half of it more angry than he knew what to do with.
"I think so," he replied, and turned away, for he was unable to look at Charles for a moment more, leat he say something harsh, something he would regret, something that would be unforgivable.
Charles did not move as Sebastian walked past him, looking straight ahead at the trembling surface of the lake. Sebastian wished to touch him, but he resisted. It would be counter-productive, and presumptious, and it wohld undermine all he had said before, and some things were more important than Sebastian's selfish desires.
If I loved you less, I would be able to hate you properly for all that you have and are unaware of, Sebastian thought as he walked away. He looked down at the daisy in his hand. It was beautiful. More importantly, its stem was still unbroken.
Sebastian put the daisy into his coat pocket and let the wind whip at his face as he walked.
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divinequo · 1 year
MF Ep4s2 spoilers!!!⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
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misty-missdee · 7 months
if i lied its because om drunk today easting a ehole lizza. puzza. pizza. :)
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piplupod · 11 months
(can i please get a waffle voice): can i PLEASE having a coping mechanism that doesnt turn maladaptive. can i PLEAAASE have just one !!! i am Begging you, on my hands and knees !!!!! AUGH
#tfw your coping mechanism detaches you from reality and now you're watching yourself warily to make sure u dont fall into That Pit again#skirting around the edge and unhooking my claws from the coping mechanism and holding it gingerly with the tips of my fingers#praying i do not have to put it down entirely. because man..... its slim pickings around here for shit that actually Works fhfjdkl#the issue with reality being nigh unbearable ... is that you cannot bear reality. and thus detach. but u cannot go too far away from it.#or else Bad Shit happens. that i don't especially want to experience again fhdjdkdl#it'd be so cool to have a brain that didnt do this. so i could just freely la-dee-da along with fun things#instead of the fun things turning Bad bc they went too far fjfkdl#or having to keep a very close eye on myself when i get into new things bc i can see they have the potential to go badly for Me w my brain#sobbing forever honestly. i feel awful. this sucks shit. im trying to be funny about it to cope but im Upset fjfjddkl#im so sick of this type of thing fjdkdl I wish i could just like... be okay. for a while. without it going badly like this fjfkfl#i thought maybe i was on the up finally but nooooo it's just bc i was getting too far from holding onto reality properly#god i hate this pattern. im so fucking angry w it tbh fjfkfl i cannot believe i let myself think this was going to be different fjfkfl#but anyways!! onwards we march and hopefully i figure smth out fjfkdl im uhhhh very tired#going to crawl into bed at the ripe time of 8:30pm and just go listen to music and draw or smth idk fjfkfl this is frustrating#pippen needs 2nd breakfast
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toastsnaffler · 1 year
did a 50 min biceps workout yesterday and my arms are functionally fine they took it like a champ thryre getting the day off but my hams are aching like hell from the sumo/lat squats I did in the 5 min warmup. come on man
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localkaitostan · 2 years
vocaloid producers stop making/commissioning MVs with flashy lights challenge!!!
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