hatteymcstache · 7 months
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Also what a great opportunity to call myself a demi-gorgon HEHEHEHEHE~
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boldlyvoid · 2 years
Steve is a super supportive boyfriend and he follows Eddie around to all the bars that corroded coffin plays in, which happen to be pretty gay friendly. Steve ends up meeting a lot of drag queens, he’s so constantly complimented for his beautiful face and perfect bone structure and plump lips that one day he takes up a queens offer and gets fully done up in drag.
He decides on the name Demi Gorgon as an inside joke with his friends and other nerds who got the reference. It’s very exhilarating for him to spend one night being a completely different person and put on a performance he would’ve been scolded for back when he was a boy. He dreamed of a day when he’d get to dance to Madonna and lip sync to the words without judgement and now he has it.
Eddie thinks it’s awesome, he cheers Steve on and gets to be the supportive boyfriend instead for the night. But it’s not the last time they see Demi, Steve ends up buying makeup and learning a thing or two from a queen he befriended, they get him some preforming outfits and wigs and she teaches him how to glue it down good so it doesn’t go flying while he’s dancing. He learns how to walk in heels and spends a lot of time hand gluing individual rhinestones onto thrifted pumps in size 12. It’s an outlet for him that he never knew he needed until he was in deep and having the time of his fucking life.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
hi! Ok! What if Medusa’s daughter had ended up meeting the Strawhats instead? Maybe?
-Normally people would run away from you, seeing that you were a gorgon, with snakes for hair, and piercing eyes, despite not having the same stoning ability as your mother, but the Straw Hats were not normal.
-It was Luffy who found you first, thinking your snake-hair was cool and he was quick to approach you, surprising you by cupping your cheeks to pull you down to see them closer.
-Nami and Sanji were quick to discipline him, covering him with lumps, yelling at him about how to approach people, especially strangers.
-You were able to calm them both down, telling them you weren’t really upset, just a little surprised that he willingly approached you, explaining more run away.
-Nami could tell you weren’t like a normal gorgon, although she was a little scared of your snakes, leaning back from them as they stretched out to say hello to her. She didn’t mind you, as you were polite, but she could tell that you were guarded, much like how she was before Luffy saved her from Arlong.
-Sanij threw you off by kneeling before you, taking your hand in his own and professing his love for you, spouting off poetry. Nami covered him in lumps too, but you could tell he was a nice person, as your snakes loved him, covering him with kisses whenever he would come around.
-Luffy was treated similarly by your snakes, affectionately and you compared Luffy to a little brother, and when you told him this he stared up at you in shock, as you didn’t know the story of Ace until later, but immediately beamed and agreed, declaring himself as your brother.
-When the four of you arrived back on the ship, both Usopp and Chopper screamed, running away from you, begging you not to turn them to stone. You weren’t bothered, as it was the normal reaction you were used to.
-The two only calmed down after you met with Robin, who greeted you kindly and they saw that she wasn’t turning into stone, making them believe it was a Devil Fruit ability that you could control.
-When you told them this was all natural, they tried to run and scream again, but Luffy was quick to pull them back, stretching his arms and pulling the three of you into a big hug, telling you all to get along.
-Chopper had fainted but you held him on your lap, allowing him to rest and when he woke up he screamed as your snakes extended to say good morning again. Once he calmed down he realized that you were actually pretty nice.
-Usopp was quick to warm up to you as well, when you praised his marksmenship while practicing and he offered to show you since he was the best and you believed him, something he adored. You, however, didn’t tell him you knew otherwise, but you let him believe what he wanted to believe.
-Zoro didn’t trust you at first, until he noticed your kopis sword at your side and smirked, “Can you even use that?” you bit back with your own sass, “Better than you could with three- what are you doing with three swords anyway, compensating for something?”
-You very quickly earned Zoro’s respect, both with your savage retort and you quickly showed that you were very skilled with your mother’s sword, easily disarming him. He also respected you that you were a very strong drinker, but didn’t know why until he found out that you were a demi-god.
-Robin and Franky were both very curious about you, asking you questions about where you came from, Robin for the history and Franky for the technology, as you told them both about Valhalla and that you descended to earth to live quietly.
-Jinbei was the easiest to open up to you, as he thought you were a type of fishman like him, but after proving this false, the two of you bonded over your ‘scary’ looks to others and you found a mentor in him, a real father figure, much better than your actual father.
-Brook was… a bit much to be honest, you were surprised to see a walking, talking skeleton and the first words out of his mouth was, “Hello, may I see your panties, young lady?” Sanji and Nami covered him with lumps and bruises before Nami disciplined you, flicking your nose after you spoke, “I don’t wear those- nobody does where I’m from (in the Greek pantheon).” And with those words you practically killed both Sanji and Brook.
-As punishment you had to help Chopper in the infirmary, tending to the both of them while Chopper scolded them for being perverts.
-You had never imagined yourself joining a pirate crew of all things, but you were stunned on how well you fit in, you felt like you belonged. It was like with your brother, Pegasus, or with Hercules, the only others besides your crew who accepted you for you.
-You were quite protective of your crew, willing to give all to keep them safe, something they were stunned to see when you charged into battle after Luffy had been blown back by a lucky shot from his marine opponent.
-Your bounty was over one hundred million, earning it pretty quickly, as you killed two high ranking officers, using your stony gaze to turn them to stone and then break them.
-Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp had bright, sparkly eyes, seeing the ability used for the first time and after Robin asked, you explained that you could turn others to stone, but only if you focused.
-Hercules was happy to see you happy, down on earth, he was concerned that you were a pirate now, but you were still you, you had your honor and only fought those who threatened those you cared about.
-He knew you would be safe and taken care of, leaving you to your new life, but he would always watch over you, just in case.
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bloodyshadow1 · 2 months
I feel like Medusa was such a missed opportunity in Heroes of Olympus. She's the first monster Percy fights really in the Lightning Thief, once he's made fully aware of their world. (not counting the hellhound or furies) and Rick had such an interesting opportunity fall in his lap. It would be a slight retcon, since Medusa mentions Athena by name as punishing her, but throughout most of the conversation she only refers to Athena as 'a jealous woman,' or the 'Gray-eyed one.'
the thing is, the Greek version of Medusa was more of just another monster, a terrifying beast who killed people. The Roman version was the one that popularized the version that portrayed the gods in a bad light. Neptune raping her and Minerva punishing her by turning her into a gorgon and turning people to stone with a look.
Rick didn't know he was going to make a second series about how the Romans had their own demi-gods and versions of the gods, but it would have been interesting if he actually explored the different versions of the myths and monsters in HoO. And using the first Monster Percy fought as a demi-god would have been perfect, especially since he was attacked by her sisters in his first appearance in the second series. It would have been a good way to show the actual differences between Greek and Roman culture and mythology. Especially since we don't get a lot of the Roman perspective in the series. You know, having to have Percy and Annabeth deal with the fact that Neptune and Minerva aren't the same as Poseidon and Athena. We get that a bit in Mark of Athena where a derange Minerva all but attacks Annabeth, but after that it's mostly dropped.
Just another missed opportunity with HoO I guess
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asteriastarr · 10 months
Hey could you do a Deuce x human!reader and him meeting her and finding out humans aren’t as bad as he thought?
A/n: TY SM FOR THE REQUEST ANON! This may not be the best but nyways, this was requested 2 times but with a kinda seperate plot point so I'm going to make another version of this. Sorry this ones super long lol.
POV: Deuce discovering humans aren't as bad as he thought
Humans are horrible, evil creatures. That is something that had been drilled into Deuce Gorgon's brain since the day he could talk. He was taught that humans were vicious, smelly, weak creatures who targeted defenceless monsters. The only thing protecting monsters from them was their smarts or lack thereof.
Y/n L/n had lived the vast majority of her life believing Monsters were fictional, fake creatures used to scare small children into listening to their parents. Creatures that only ever truly exist in the minds of children, keeping them up at night as they peer through the cracks of open closets, or hiding under their beds, waiting to strike, she was half right.
You may be wondering, how Deuce Gorgon had found himself in the human world, how these two beings could ever possibly meet, well- as with all things, it began with chaos.
Deuce and his best friend Heath strutted down the streets of a human city, heads down until they reached a busy Café, deciding this was the perfect place to terrorize humans.
Heath threw a ball of flame towards one of the café parasols, effectively turning it to ash. Deuce removed his beanie, allowing his snakes to be free.
They continued causing chaos like that, laughing cruelly as humans ran around in a panic, just as they were about to leave, however… Deuce saw someone.
A girl around his age, evidently unbothered by the chaos- or perhaps she simply hadn’t noticed it, cleaning a table, earphones in her ears. She looked as though she was the embodiment of Aphrodite herself, her appearance almost ethereal. Surely, she was some form of Siren, perhaps a demi-goddess… but why would she be working at a café in the human world if she were either of those things?
He considered walking over to her, making himself known but stopped himself, why should he? She was a human; they were evil and bad. But this girl was far too beautiful to be some ordinary human.
Just then he saw a small child, around the age of three running over to her in tears, gently pulling on her apron.
She turned around, removing her earphones to see the small child, she knelt down to their level, looking at them in concern.
“What’s the matter hon?” She asked gently, Deuce thought her voice was hypnotic.
The child, unable to speak from their sobs, showed her a badly burnt teddy bear.
“Oh dear! Poor thing, would you like me to fix it up for you?” She offered, slowly taking the bear in her hands.
The child nodded.
“Okay, I’ll fix it.” She smiled kindly.
“P-please be quick, Mr Bear protects me from the monsters.” The child sobbed.
“Hey, don’t worry, I won’t let any monsters harm you, okay kid? Just until Mr Bear is back in action.” She said softly.
“O-okay.” The child stammered.
She paused, glancing down at her apron pocket before slowly smiling. “Okay, now… close your eyes.” She whispered, the child quickly doing as told “I’m going to do a magic trick.”
She quickly shoved the burnt bear into her pocket, pulling out an almost exact replica of the bear, this one looking brand new.
“Okay… now, open them!” She exclaimed, holding the bear out.
The child gasped, practically snatching the bear from her, clutching it tightly to their chest.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” The child exclaimed engulfing the girl into a tight hug before rushing off.
The girl smiled at the child before turning back to the table to continue cleaning the table, before finally, very calmly, pouring water over the burning parasol, taking the charred remains over to a bin and throwing it in.
Deuce wondered whether she was used to this.
“Y’know it’s rude to stare right?” He heard the girl muse, her attention on cleaning a table.
He glanced around, realising that the only people on this once busy street were him, Heath (who was busy causing chaos across the road) and her.
She turned around to face him, one hand resting on her hip, giving him a pointed look.
“Nice hair, by the way, but uh- not sure if you heard but, Halloween was last week.” She said sarcastically, glaring.
“Oh- it’s not a-” He began, suddenly feeling remarkably nervous- what was she doing to him?
“Bup, bup, bup. I don’t care.” She hissed walking forward, crossing her arms “What I do care about is that you and your little friend keep coming to my place of work, dressed in costumes, setting shit on fire- causing me to lose pay so the company can pay for replacements- freaking people out, which nice touch on the mechanical hairs- very realistic- but you're making my job harder because I’m the one who has to clean up after your little ‘pranks’ so you better cut it out.”
At that, she moved to turn around before pausing.
“And by the way, sunglasses, really? Kinda makes you look like a douche- well more of a douche.”
He watched her walk away, contemplating whether or not to call out.
“Wait!” He exclaimed, glancing around to ensure Heath wasn’t looking.
She turned around, raising an eyebrow.
“Uh- I’m sorry… how can I- can I make it up to you?” He asked.
She stayed silent, crossing her arms and giving him a sceptical look, examining his body language before sighing.
“Look, I have my break in five minutes, I’ll probably have to spend it cleaning anyways, you really want to make it up to me, come help.” She said before adding “And uh- don’t bring your friend, I’d rather not talk to someone who by the looks of things has fewer brain cells than a sponge.”
Deuce gave her a slight smile and a nod.
And five minutes later he did exactly that, he helped the human girl clean up the mess he and Heath had made, getting to know her as they did so.
“So, uh- if you don’t mind me asking, what was that with the kid? Y’know the one you gave the bear to.” Deuce asked.
“Oh, uh- they’re my friend's younger sibling… an orphan, been looking after them when I can since my friend can’t anymore.” She spoke, looking down at the table she was cleaning.
“You mean your friend is-”
“Dead, yes.”
“Oh. I’m sorry… do they live with you?” He asked.
“No… they live in the city orphanage; I help out there when I can but when I’m 18 I’ll adopt them officially.”
Deuce stayed silent, looking at the girl who’d suddenly seemed to find a spot on the table more interesting than anything else.
“You, okay?” He asked cautiously.
“Hm? Yeah, I’m uh- I’m fine… just don’t really want to talk about this…” She said looking up at him “Uh- y’know I think you’ve helped enough; I forgive you and stuff; this is my job anyway so I’ll… I’ll finish cleaning it.”
“No- I wanna help.” He said quickly.
She gave him a soft smile.
“Thanks.” She smiled “Y’know, you’re a good person, perhaps I’ve judged you too harshly.” “Yeah… I’m uh really sorry about uh… the damage and stuff by the way… truly.” He spoke.
“It’s alright, I didn’t really care as much as I let on, I actually found it quite funny most times… whilst it was happening at least.” She grinned “I’m Y/n by the way.”
“Deuce.” He said, grinning.
She looked at him for a moment before quickly pulling her notepad out of one of her pockets and writing something down.
“Here, uh- text me some time, you seem cool and I’d like to get to know you better.” She said, tearing the paper out of her notepad, folding it in half and handing it to him.
“Thanks, I uh- will.” He smiled, taking it.
“I’ve gotta get back to work now but uh- good meeting you… officially that is.”
She walked away, returning back into the café, Deuce remained standing there, staring at the phone number in his hands, a wide smile on his face.
Perhaps humans weren’t as bad as he thought.
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marchentraume · 2 months
I had trouble sleeping last night so I kept thinking about an Aziracrow Hercules inspired AU
Per usual I bulleted every though I have underneath:
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Mostly taking beats from the disney version (with a dash of the TV series for anyone who remembers)
Angels are the Gods on Olympus, not really using the royal caste system but those like Gabriel and the Metatron are higher beings with larger titles
Demons live/work in Hades and go on Earth to make deals with humans to create servants they can use
Aziraphale is the first god "born" in eons and therefore the youngest, he is taken care of by his nanny Muriel
Lucifer meanwhile at the same time receives a vision from his advisor Beelzebub that the young god will grow to be strong enough to defeat him and bring balance to the gods, demons, and earth (spoiler: Luci doesn't want this lol)
Sends his minions Hastur and Ligur to kidnap and remove the god-essence from the little one before taking care of him (plot plot they fail to remove ALL the essence so he looks normal but has his super strength still)
Tiny vulnerable baby Azi is found by Nina and Maggie, a sweet childless couple who raise him as their own
Fast forward: Azi learns of his origins from nanny Muriel, trains for years to be a hero to prove himself, soon is ready to start his journey
Runs into seemingly human damsel Crowley (gender fluid in this version/doesn't mind any pronouns), rescues, and is immediately smitten by them
Crowley meanwhile is only a pawn, using a disguise provided by demons to hide their true Gorgon form
This was a curse put on them as a human servant to the temple of the Metatron, she was found in the arms of a favorite priest and, though it was against her will when it happened, was made to be a monster who's eyesight would turn anyone who sees them into stone
blah blah plot plot out of despair he signs a contract with Lucifer to be a lure on land and especially given the important job of watching out for/bringing down Aziraphale
Has a hard time trusting Gods, Azi is no different in Crowley's eyes at first
plot plot Azi is a hero but not a TRUE hero yet
Goes on a date with Crowley, who realizes he's in love but Hastur so rudely reminds her she's a servant, one who has proven to be useful now
Demons use Crowley to get Aziraphale to give up strength
Azi is heartbroken to learn he was lied to but still loves Crowley enough to save them (after the latter push them aside like in the movie)
Azi brings balance to the world through love/being a real hero (plot plot) and goes to save Crowley's soul in Hades
Azi is offered a place in Olympus as a god, but turns it down and asks to be with his Crowley
Also either 1) Crowley is turned human again either as a reward for being a hero or on Aziraphale's request they are given the form that makes them most happy or 2) Crowley is still a Gorgon and either we don't worry about it or Azi is just immune as a final gift from the Gods
Oh and yes Nina and Maggie love their beautiful gay demi-god son and his beautiful Gorgon wife <3
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steveharrington · 3 months
drag queen name demi gorgon
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tylermileslockett · 7 months
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Castaways (#2 in my Quest for the Gorgon head series)
After the miracualous conception, Danae gives birth to a demi-god son she names Perseus. King Akrisios, not believing the child to have been born of Zeus, and to punish her, places her and the child into a chest and casts them into the sea. the pair find safe passage to the shore of Seriphos. Here they are rescued upon the coast by a fisherman, Diktys, who raises Perseus. But Diktys brother is king Polydektes, who, becoming enamoured with Danae, seeks to remove the protective Perseus from his path of desire.
What I find fascinating about this plot point is it being an early example of the "child surviving sure death to fulfill destiny as the chosen one" archetype. From the Book of Exodus (600 B.C.) we have a similar structure of abandonment, rescue from water, and adoption by royalty. In Ancient Egypt, the Pharaoh ordered the slaughter of Israelite children, so Moses'  mother placed him within a basket, and cast him off into the Nile, to later be discovered and adopted by the Egyptian royal family. 
It also brings to mind another similar structure used by Sophocles in his famous tragedy "Oedipus Rex." (429.B.C.) Queen Jocasta, hearing a prophecy that her son will kill his father (her husband) gives the baby away to a shepherd to leave out exposed on a mountain side, but the shepherd saves the baby's life, thus allowing Odepis to live on to fulfill the prophecy. But that's a tale for another time.
Like this art? It will be in my illustrated book with over 130 other full page illustrations coming in June to kickstarter.  to get unseen free hi-hes art subscribe to my email newsletter
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Thank you for supporting independent artists! 🤘❤️🏛😁
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He Can't Get This
Chapter 1
♡Set in Supernatural S14 Ep14. I recommend rewatching the ep or the crime scene bit ;)♡
"That baby cop, he liked you." 
Dean Winchester slammed the door of the impala closed and reached to start her, his jaw tense and lips slightly drawn as he turned the key. 
Castiel tilted his head towards the hunter from his passenger seat, a little lost. "I'm sorry, what?" He shifted a little, adjusting his coat as Dean put the car in reverse, voice blunt but unassuming.
They'd just figured out that the Gorgon couldn't sense Castiel and Jack with his eyeball premonitions, for lack of a better description (most likely because they weren't human) So Cas and Jack would have to lead the attack when they tracked down the gorgon again. Whatever Dean had said made no sense to the angel. 
Cas' voice was that consistent gruff lull and his hair was stuck up at a little part in the back. Dean practiced restraint for the instinct to reach out and smooth it. 
"Mr. Twunk over there," He retorted, throwing a half hazard gesture towards the crime scene. Cas squinted through the windshield and saw a vaguely familiar blond head of hair popping out of a patrol car. The young officer they had spoken to earlier.
"Probably fresh out of academy too." Dean added, his tone short and irritated as he intrigued Cas' full attention, who furrowed his brows and leaned up in his seat.
"Oh, come on," Dean shot Cas a look, "he totally creamed his pants when you pulled the whole 'deep commanding voice thing', he went stiff as a board, don't tell me you didn't notice." He let a soft huff out of the corner of his mouth, his pink lips upturned in a small smirk, though still betrayed by his wound-tight words as he glanced from the road to Castiel. 
"I was more focused on the demi god and his victims, Dean." Castiel explained slowly. 
"Yeah, sure, not the young guy you got all hot and bothered." 
Cas squinted at Dean suspiciously, "Is this merely about your dislike for police officers, Dean? Or is it something else?" He questioned.
Dean forced out a laugh, "It's not anything Cas, just an observation." 
"That seems... untrue."
"Yeah." Dean chided, "And what are you gonna do about it?" 
Castiel's patience had run thin. "Dean..." he tested firmly. 
A blush crept up behind Dean's collar and he gripped onto baby's steering wheel, adjusting his seating, "I just didn't like the way he looked at you, okay, sue me." He threw his hands up for a breif moment before returning them to the sleek black wheel.
Cas titled his head, the line of his jaw catching a fragment of the afternoon sun as they passed by storefronts with big glass windows. "How did he look at me?" 
"Like he wanted you to bend him over and fuck him into next week." 
"Like how you look at me." 
Cas' voice was wet gravel. 
Dean halted on the brakes, jolting them forward, scarlet blush deepening, "What, no! You.. you know that's not- and before you say a word about what we did that one time in lebanon that was different okay! I don't gawk at you all the time Cas."  
"Different how?" Cas challenged. 
The trafic light turned green and a car behind them honked impatiently, "Okay, geez," Dean muttered as they started moving. "Because... I was super horny and hadn't seen you in what, four months?" he continued, "And you're my best friend dude and you were looking particularly moody that day and yeah, maybe I'm just jealous and a little bitch." He sighed, defeated. 
Cas let out a low chuckle. 
"Oh shut up you smug fuck," Dean reached out and shoved a hand over Castiels face, his own now a particular shade of pink. 
Cas cleared his throat and picked up a level tone as Dean's hand fell away, "You know you can always ask to..."
"Oh yeah, I know," Dean interjected, "Just check in between hunts and saving the world and having Micheal locked up in my head and raising our kid to be like 'oh Cas,' I miss the feel of my skin against yours and how you make me act like a dumb teenager and that night in the cowboy hotel was the best of my life and I can't get you off my mind every time you leave. I got Sammy breathing down my neck constantly cause he knows and just wants to rub it in my face but I won't say anything because I refuse to talk about feelings with a sasquatch or like you know ever and I-." Dean's words started out sarcastic and ended with a desperate pout and Cas gave him a kind look, reaching to rest his hand gingerly on Dean’s thigh as the hunter let out a heavy exhale.  
Cas knew life was never easy, for any of them, but Dean was the most important thing to him, no matter how closed off or stubborn he could be. 
"So, you got jealous when a man looked at me with sexual intentions?"
"Cas, you're making me sound like a little bitch again." Dean huffed, the peachy blush crowding against his freckles a complete contrast with his deep manly tone and set, sloping jawline. 
"My apologies, Dean." Cas stated, his eyes soft, "I wanted to know what was going on, and that only works when you tell me." 
"I know, I know." Dean exhaled, "You know I'm not good at this stuff Cas, but I have missed you.. All this running around.. 'drives me crazy sometimes." Dean nodded his head down and looked up at the road through his eyelashes.
Cas silently noticed how after all these years Dean still seemed to physically shrink in on himself a little, anytime he showed vulnerability. Or rather, he wondered with disdain, who exactly had taught him this trait. The only time he seemed to release himself from those instincts is when he let Castiel have him in bed. And oh, how beautiful Dean was then. Bare and trembling under his hands. Never trying to be smaller.
"I've missed you too, Dean." He comforted, knowing no words could come to match how he felt being so often pulled from the man. He looked out the passenger window, watching the landscape slide by, "You know-" he thought aloud, an idea still churning in his mind, "Rowena still needs time to prepare the tracking spell.." He lowered his voice and gave Dean's thigh a gentle squeeze. 
Dean swallowed and tensed his hands around the steering wheel, seeming much more determined to get to where they were going. 
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Gods AU Oneshot: Tails and Tales.
Summery: Bendy's not the only one who's not exactly happy to be living in the kingdom of the gods, but maybe a certain kindhearted mug can help things feel not so bad.
Carrying cleaning supplies in his arms, Bendy walked through the halls of the Dish Gods family castle to go do his next job of the day, when he paused at the sight of Mugman coming from the opposite end of the hall.
Soaking wet and leaving a trail of water behind him.
Looking down at the floor, Bendy looked back up at Mugman with a deadpanned look. “I hope you don’t expect me to clean up after you without you asking.”
When Bendy’s comment caught his attention, Mugman seemed to snap out of his train of thought as he looked behind himself to see what his brother’s servant meant. “Oh! Sorry! Let me clean that up. I’d appreciate the help though if you don’t mind.”
As Mugman approached, Bendy offered him a clean rag and empty bucket as he put the cleaning supplies down and grabbed his own rag to help his friend. “So is there a reason you look like you jumped in a lake fully clothed? Training gone wrong?”
Amused, Mugman chuckled as he did his best to squeeze the water out of his clothes into the bucket. “Nah, I haven’t broken my record in drenching myself by accident with my powers yet. This was all Cala.”
Pausing in soaking up the water on the floor, the demon looked at his friend with a perplexed look. “You, were with Cala? You and I both know she hates the gods, what with her being kidnapped and turned into a pretty art piece against her will.”
Sighing, with his clothes no longer dripping wet, Mugman started drying the floor along with Bendy. “I know, Cuphead thinks I’m being dumb for doing this. I just… I don’t agree with my mom actually accepting Cala as a decorative gift because she’s an actual person, but I can’t really talk with her about it because she’s always so busy. So, I thought I could at least try being nice to Cala and get to know her, so she doesn’t feel all alone.”
“You have noble intentions Mugman, but you can’t get her to talk to you if she doesn’t want to.”
With how Mugman’s head dropped a little at that, Bendy let out a small huff as he patted the demi-god’s shoulder. “Like I said though, you have noble intentions. Just keep being a gentleman. If it doesn’t work out like you hoped, at least you can say you tried and respected her.”
Thanking Bendy for his kind works, Mugman continued to clean up his mess with his friend’s help until he was done and continued with his daily business. Now with that mess cleaned up, Bendy could go do what he was actually supposed to do that day.
Clean the outside of Cala’s tank, ironically.
Entering the room, Bendy looked over at the large tank in the middle of the room, which was about the side of a small sized bedroom made of glass, full of water, sand at the bottom, and a few large rocks. He watched as the mermaid/gorgon, who had her back to the door as he laid on top of one of the large rocks, looked over her shoulder, then perked up at the sight of him. “BENDY!”
Smiling a little, Bendy approached the tank and got to work cleaning. “Hey Cala. How are you?”
“Bored, as always. PLEASE tell me about your day. I don’t care if you spent it scrubbing the floors. It’ll give me some form of entertainment!”
Doing as she asked, Bendy did indeed tell her about his day. Thankfully it was more interesting than just scrubbing the floors. He told her about how Cuphead had started to make Bendy sit down and take it easy whenever the demi-god had breakfast, and even shared his bacon with him as they sat and chatted.
At one point when he mentioned that though, he noticed Cala looking irritated as she crossed her arms. Confused, Bendy asked. “What? What’s wrong?”
Cala huffed. “Nothing, just, these gods think they can do whatever they want with us.”
“Some of them, yes. I can’t begin to tell you how much I’ve ticked off some of the schmuck gods here… Cuphead is different though.”
Scowling, the mermaid/Gorgon gave her friend a firm look. “Bendy, he’s making you sit down and eat with him like some kind of forced date!”
Stopping in his work, Bendy put down the rag he was using to clean the tank and looked directly at Cala. “No he isn’t. I’ve said no to Cuphead before, and he’s respected that. He knows if I didn’t want to sit down and eat with him then he can’t force me. If he tried, that wouldn’t be pleasant for either of us.”
It then occurred to him what else Cala said, which made Bendy blush badly. “AND IT’S NOT A DATE! That glassface demi-god keeps making fun of my size! He’s probably trying to fatten me up so I grow more or something!”
As Cala covered her mouth to hide her amused grin, Bendy chose to ignore that as he continued talking. “Look, I don’t blame you for not liking gods considering your situation, but is being angry at all of them when some have nothing to do with this really helping at all?”
Cala’s amusement completely vanished as she frowned and refused to make eye contact. So Bendy continued. “As far as I know, I’m currently your only friend, and I barely have any free time to keep you company. If you befriend a god you think you can trust, you’d have someone new to talk to you, and who knows, maybe that god would help you?”
When Cala didn’t answer, her face full of conflict, the demon sighed and decided to keep working. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to. Everything is your choice. Just think about it, okay?”
With her staying silent, Bendy let the subject drop as he continued to do his job and talked about his day.
Peeking his head into the room where Cala was kept, Mugman hesitated to enter fully.
He doubted Cala would like this at all, but that was okay. If she doesn't, then he’ll respect her wishes and leave her alone.
That doesn’t mean he looked forward to the rejection though.
Taking a deep breath, Mugman completely entered the room. He noticed how Cala looked over her shoulder before quickly turning away again, but he was used to that. So, he continued to do what he had planned to do.
Hearing shuffling going on behind her, Cala curiously looked behind her again. Normally at this point Mugman would at least greet her, so his silence was odd. What she saw him doing made her even more curious. “What are you doing???”
That made the demi-god pause mid action. Looking over the tarp in his hands, Mugman cleared his throat nervously. “I um, thought you’d like this…”
Continuing, Mugman hooked each end of the tarp to the top of Cala’s tank, covering one side of the glass. On Mugman’s side, it just looked like a blank tarp, but on Cala’s side, she could see many pages of paper pinned to the fabric, all of them with writing on it.
Moving to the side of the tank so he could see Cala properly, he watched as the mermaid/gorgon looked surprised as she moved closer to see his handy work. “I figured you were bored… I prepared a lot of stories for you if you finish this one. I-I can ask Bendy to change the papers though! That way I won’t bother you, anymore.”
When Cala didn’t say anything, the demi-god took that as a sign that it was time to go. Sighing quietly, Mugman put on a polite smile. “Take care Cala.”
Stepping away, Mugman was halfway out of the room when he heard her call out to him. “W-wait!”
Stopping, Mugman looked back and saw how Cala had moved to the top of the tank and peaked her head out of the water to see him past the tarp. He patiently waited as she toyed with her, hair, tentacle, and hesitated to speak. “... Thank you. You didn’t have to do this.”
Mugman gave a small shrug as he played with his blue cloak nervously. “I know. I wanted to.”
“... Why did you pick this story? The title seems interesting.”
Not expecting that, Mugman’s eyebrows went up in surprise, before he smiled and walked back to the tank and explained why he was fond of the particular story. Cala listened closely, and occasionally asked a few questions which Mugman happily answered.
At one point Bendy nearly entered the room, but when he opened the door and saw Mugman and Cala deep in conversation about the story Cala was reading, he smiled and quietly closed the door behind him as he left.
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faiirykisses · 2 years
does anyone else's stomach sound like that noise the demi gorgon makes in stranger things?
just me? ok
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Monster High Character Sexuality Headcannons pt2
These have characters that were introduced in the movies Sweet 1600, Skull Shores, Scaris City of Frights, Frights Camera Action and Skulltimate Roller Maze.
Andy Beast-Demi
C.A. Cupid-Pan
Catrine DeMew-Demiromantic
Clawdia Wolf-Ace
Djinni ‘Whisp’ Grant-Demi
Gigi Grant--Pan
Honey Swamp-Straight
Howleen Wolf-Bi
Jinafire Long-Ace
Kieran Valentine-Gay
Manny Taur-Straight
Robecca Steam-Pan
Rochelle Goyle-Straight
Scarah Screams-Bi
Skelita Calaveras-Straight
Sloman ‘Slo Mo’ Mortavitch-Straight
Twyla Boogeman-Lesbian
Venus McFlytrap-Bi
Viperine Gorgon-Lesbian
Wydowna Spider-Lesbian
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tentaplenty · 8 months
Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
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► NAME: Euryale
► TITLE(S): The Far Springer, One of The Three
► AGE: 3000+
► SPECIES: Gorgon
► SEX: Female
► INTERESTS: The ocean, sweets, humans, eating
► PROFESSION: Wanderer
► BODY TYPE: Pudgy, tall
► EYES: Purple with brownish-yellow border
► HAIR: Her tentacles are purple (plum) like the rest of her body.
► SKIN: Plum
► FACE: My own art and friends'
► POSTURE: A little hunched but she's like 7 feet all, give her a break
► HEIGHT: 7'2"
► VOICE: Patty Mattson
► SIGNATURE OUTFIT: Technically nothing but it looks like she's wearing a light blue dress with frills. It's actually just more of her 'skin' and membrane.
► COMPANIONS: Medusa and Stheno (sisters), and really no one else atm
► STRENGTHS: She's a demi-god, not hard to kill and can survive just about anything. She's incredibly poisonous and venomous and uses that to her advantage.
► WEAKNESSES: She can dry up, so she avoids deserts, and she can technically be killed if she's caught unaware like that. But so far? She hasn't.
► FRUITS: Coconuts!
► DRINKS: She loves the 'fancy' overly sweet coffee and tea drinks at cafes. And milk.
► ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Anything that's sweet or has milk, but alcohol has no effect on her.
► SMOKES: Nah.
► DRUGS: Nope.
► DRIVER'S LICENSE: Lmao no way.
Tagged by: stole it from myself Tagging: you~!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 11 months
Queen of forgotten as Medusa is a very interesting concept, liked she is a mother of not also the demi gods from Posidon but also few other biological children when she was married before and her other adopted children
How would Zero be when she takes him in with her and takes care of him, even telling him not to take her burden as she rather keep them then him take the burden, what more she treats him liked all her other children
Nothing but love and make sure that he survived even if he is a god
-It was surreal, seeing you win Valhalla, you were a fierce warrior, winning your match in a hard-won fight against Athena of all people. And for your victory, you won the right to wish for anything you wanted, and you chose to have all those who had fallen in the tournament brought back to life.
-You were selfless, thinking of others, and watching the reunions, seeing new those who had formed new friendships, and old friends, families, being reunited.
-Seeing their smiles through the tears made your own tears well, it made you think of your own children, your darling babies, those who had lost when you had been transformed, your life snatched away.
-You had more children after your change, like Pegasus, but many of them didn’t make it to Valhalla. There were winged horses in Valhalla, but none of them were Pegasus, the first, your darling child.
-A voice then filled your ears, “It’s you!” you turned and your eyes went wide as a child, Zerofuku was his name, leapt into your arms, his arms around your neck as he hugged you close.
-You… weren’t used to others, especially children, approaching you, especially when you looked how you did- most were hesitant to approach you until they got to know you.
-Buddha walked up behind Zerofuku as the child dropped from your arms, beaming up at you as Buddha grinned, “I wasn’t expecting that from you of all people, Y/N- seeing how you have several reasons to hate the gods, but it’s nice to see people like you have bigger hearts than the gods do.”
-You smiled warmly up at Buddha, thanking him as Zerofuku hugged you around your waist, beaming up at you, “Thank you Y/N! I’m so happy to have another chance at living life properly now!”
-You felt a pull to this child, your eyes meeting his own, your felt a deep primal urge to immediately adopt this ball of sunshine.
-Buddha grinned, seeing this, as he knew what a good mother you would be and Buddha waved over his little buddy who ran over to him and you watched Buddha whisper into his ear before Zerofuku turned to you, a huge smile on his face as he ran over, “Mama!!”
-You instantly had him in your arms, your snakes peppering his face with kisses as you hugged him close, making both him and Buddha laugh warmly as you smiled softly.
-Buddha was someone you considered a friend, you weren’t interested in him romantically, but just as a friend, something he also saw you as, you would share snacks and just hang out with each other and he knew that you had been a mother many times over and he knew that you missed your children greatly.
-Zerofuku needed that in his life, he needed that family bond to keep him not only happy but safe, and you were a perfect fit, as he would get to see Buddha a lot too since you visited your friend so often.
-Zerofuku adored you, you were so gentle and patient with him, hugging him close, cuddling him, and showering him with praise and affection.
-You would never berate him if something bad happened, only teaching him on how to prevent it from happening again, showing him how to fix things, and teaching him that it was good to let others fail so they too could learn.
-While not biologically yours, Zerofuku was your son, and you were fiercely protective of your children, so if anyone, usually one of the other gods, tried anything against your son, they had to deal with a pissed off gorgon while Buddha and Zerofuku sat nearby, eating popcorn together.
-You were so happy that your wish brought happiness to not only others, but to you as well, in the form of Zerofuku.
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Round 3 matchups
The Collector (The Owl House / toh) Vs. Jean Descole (Professor Layton Franchise) 
Team Rocket and Megamind (Pokémon and Megamind) Vs. Millions Knives and Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu (Trigun Stampede and The World Ends With You) Vs. Catra (She ra)
Charlie and DJ Octavio (Don’t Starve Together, Don't Starve / dst, ds and Splatoon) Vs. Queen (Deltarune)
The Beast (Over the Garden Wall) Vs. Death (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish) 
Zim (Invader Zim) Vs. Bowser (Mario) 
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) Vs. Spinel (Steven 
Universe) Vs. The Cat Army (Battle Cats)
GLaD0S (POrtal 1 and 2) Vs. The Shredder (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / rottmnt) 
The Lich, Debbie Jellinsky and Yubaba (Adventure Time, The Addams Family Values and Spirited away) Vs. Peridot and Emperor Belos (Steven Universe and The Owl House / toh)
Sevika and Doc Scratch (Arcane and Homestuck) Vs. Dahlia Hawthorne (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) Vs. Scar (The Lion King) 
 Lady Demitrescu (Resident Evil 8 / re8) Vs. Shego (Shego)
Shiromori (Mystery Skulls) Vs. Silco and Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Arcane & Phineas and Ferb)
Yzma (The Emperors New Groove) Vs. Donquixote Doflamingo (One piece /OP) Vs. Zuko (Avatar the Last Airbender / atla)
Kyubey (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) Vs. Negaduck (Darkwing Duck)
Samuel T Owen and The Master (Ajin: Demi-Human and Doctor Who) Vs. Skitter (Parahumans)
Morgan Fey and The White Death (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and Bullet train) Vs. Jevil and Zenos yae Galvus (Deltarune and Final Fantasy 14/FFXIV)
Manfred von Karma, Elphaba, Medusa Gorgon and Queen of Hearts (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Wicked, Soul Eater and Alice in Wonderland) Vs. Khan (Star Trek Wrath of Khan)
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atrial-ofhorror-if · 2 years
Hello hello! I had more questions because i was messing around with the demo again and i was curious about the MC's backgrounds and whether they'll be integral down the line, or whether they're more just for flavor text for some interesting dialogue?
MC's background options are really horrible events that seemed to change their life, but there's no mention of it other than the introduction at the start with the demon. like the drowned cousins, or the murdered family etc
for instance, my canon playthrough is with an MC with the childhood friend who was murdered, and finding her body because her ghost told them to find it. and then later further in the game, my MC talks about the ghosts appearing 'suddenly' with no mention of lily at all. i guess in my headcanon at least, lily's death changed MC and they never really got over her death. she still haunts them, so to speak.
my same question applies to ex courtney and even partner in crime courtney. will they be make later appearances down the line? Dead courtney is of course...dead. but i was wondering how much of a problem ex courtney was gonna be, because they feel pretty important
Hey whisper, sorry for the late response again but you asked me another good question I had to think about. And then I forgot about answering it because of work and some long forgotten invoices that our fiscal department just "happened" to find 🥲🥲🥲
But eitherway, onto the answers!
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The backgrounds are definitely important and NOT for flavor. Your choices that you make, especially when we get further into the game and your MC finally being able to confront the spirits that haunt you, will play a fairly large role in the game. A main takeaway for everyone in regards to the backgrounds is that the ghosts that haunt/harrass you in the beginning of the game have been taken by wraith. Whether it's your mother's spirit, Lily's mother, or the waterlogged spirit.
Now it's interesting that you headcanon your MC still being affected by Lily's death, cause she does show up in this upcoming update and it's going to be... ALOT for MC. But I think the main takeaway is that the spirits that visit MC, at least now, don't have a choice in the matter of showing up to them. When Lily's body was found, her spirit was able to move on. It SHOULD have been the same for her mother.. but something is keeping her on this plane.
If it helps Lily isn't mad at MC. She could never be mad at them. They were her safe haven, even up until the moment that she was killed and came back. Especially when her father caved to the spirit 👀👀
Now there are 2 ways in which I plan to implement the MCs background, 2 of which I have no problem letting you guys know about. However the other 2, I'm still thinking about how to best implement:
Curses/Gifts: Based upon your background your MC will gain an ability that helps them through the "game" and any real-life haunting instances. Currently, "You shouldn't have seen that" and "I've got friends on the other side" have their gifts coded/written out for this next update. "Waterlogged Fellows" probably won't show up until a little later based on that ability. The curses are something that MC can experience as we get further into the game. Cause technically, the current demo is just the prologue still. The first episode is what we can consider the first chapter.
Spoiler: This won't show up til later but when the demi-gorgon is recalling your regrets and your past, it's for a reason. That and the core choices you make within the different games you get sent into will determine "something special" that MC will find out.
Now the regrets, with special attention to Courtney, are important to an extent. All Courtneys, sans the dead Courtney, will show up later in the game and will be a big problem. For ex-Courtney, they are dangerous not just because they have delusions of grandeur and desire for MC but because of... reasons. If y'all get the special choice further in the game, go ahead and let Yue or Faizan kill them immediately and save yourself the trouble 🥴🥴🥴
Dead Courtney is kind of special because I have it plotted out as being more of a battle within yourself if you choose to still feel guilty. And MC will find that they've caught the attention of some... aheminterestingahem people. Partially, Jin is the reason this happens if you guys have met them earlier on in the fair.
Whew, that was a lot 😅🥴 But I hoped it answered your question! If you have any more let me know~ 🤎🤎
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