#Derek Dare
reidobsessed · 2 months
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Women of Criminal minds
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 4 months
Bro I have been looking for this fic for SO long I'm almost convinced I dreamed it up. The Hale family is alive & well, & Derek's sisters are teasing him about always rejecting the people who ask him out, so he says he'll agree to the next 1 who does it. They're at the farmer's market & Stiles is the poor schmuck who accidentally falls on that sword, and Derek proceeds to take him on the worst date ever. Derek figures out too late that Stiles is actually amazing, & promptly regrets this choice.
Hi anon. @chizzchizz says it's this one.
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Chance only favours the prepared mind by relenafanel
(1/1 I 4,145 I General I Sterek)
“What kind of bet did you lose that you have to go out with this?” the guy asked, gesturing to himself.
“First person to flirt with me,” Derek grumbled.
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So what can we take away from episode 5 of Gen V:
they gave is fem!Jordan and Marie making out ( the ass grab );
we got them being called a cute couple;
the miscommunication is giving me anxiety;
Jordan with their self doubt;
they protected Marie at every point;
Jordan being angry someone wiped Marie’s head again;
I conclusion Bloodgender or MarieJordan is now one of my newest obsessions. Thank you very much !
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snarkylinda · 11 months
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This was stupidly precious.
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duusheen · 6 months
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Hope's first day didn't go as she expected. She was practically ignored by everyone in class, and when she tried to approach one of the girls, she was rude and made Hope feel uncomfortable 😕
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Derek was there too btw, but he was too busy to pay attention to his cousin
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variksel · 7 days
ok but this is like an entire genre of Guy right
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like. personality, looks, humor, the way they all make darker jokes and/or content, even the way they talk and their cadence is so insanely similar i feel like im going crazy which factory are they popping these motherfuckers out of
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bignasty001 · 3 months
.. cow Derek..
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i could do smth with this....hmmmm
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only-one-brain-cell · 11 months
Derek the second he hears about Max: *runs into the BAU* MOVE BITCH *shoves JJ out of the way*
JJ: excuse me???
Derek: *runs to Spencer* WHERE IS SHE
Spencer: hi????
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romancemedia · 1 year
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Couples + Parallels 
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Alfie: We shouldn't have come! I knew it, we shouldn't have come.
Eddie: We had to! There's safety in numbers.
Alfie: Well, there's also death in numbers, Eddie— it's called a massacre!
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s0undsinmyhead · 2 years
Trying to figure out why anyone would want Alex and Izzie together. They are super toxic together. And they dated for like a grand total of what a couple months?
Before they even slept together he cheated on her. Then they start hooking up maybe getting close to dating and she throws him over without a thought for some guy she talked to for 20 minutes a couple months before. She becomes creepily obsessed with Denny. Mourns a guy she never saw outside the hospital for weeks if not months.
Turns down Alex. Then cheats with George. Then finally circles back to Alex? Oh but wait she’s sleeping with him but having more fun with her Hallucination Denny. So she doesn’t even like Alex more than her tumor version of Denny. Although to be fair she spent more time with him than actual Denny. Then she finally figures out she has cancer and her and Alex get married and that’s supposed to be romantic?
They maybe dated for a total of 2 months. Cheated and lied and betrayed each other over and over. Chose a bunch of other people over the other. And then when Izzie is probably more than likely going to die, Alex doesn’t even ask Izzie he gets told that a wedding is already set up and it’s Izzie’s dream wedding and i guess Hallucination Denny was busy that day so suit up Alex. 
And then, in a twist that everyone saw coming, they don’t work out. Almost like marrying someone because they’re about to die is not a great foundation for a marriage. And not only do they not work out she just straight up walks out on him and leaves him with all her mountain of debt.
And people ship this?
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itsclairehoes · 2 years
I feel like If Spencer was rambling on the jet about something, someone would put on one of those baby therapy videos with the dancing fruit and they would just watch him disassociate
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mermaidsirennikita · 8 months
So I saw your tags about how the Ravenel series is a bit mid, and I don't disagree despite liking some of them a lot? Marrying Winterborne was my first intro to Kleypas, and it fucks real hard, I love it. I have a soft spot for Chasing Cassandra because I enjoyed Tom in previous showings, and I found their dynamic compelling.
But I didn't even finish Ethan's book because I couldn't be arsed, and I bought West's and wished I hadn't I was so incapable of getting into it. Anyway, this is all to say that you're not wrong, and are in fact generally right.
(In positive news tho, re: Marrying Winterborne, never gonna be over the scene where she agrees to fuck him and then after she's in the bath and he's like "I'm changing her agreement" before realizing "Oh shit, I've made this woman panic, fuck shit". Anyway, have a great day.)
"you are not wrong, and are in fact generally right" I sincerely love this lol, it sounds like something I would say to a friend of mine
Marrying Winterborne DOES fuck so hard, and I think that because of this, the series in general gets a strong rep than maybe it should...? Because in terms of popularity, I think Rhys is absolutely up there with some of Lisa's top heroes--people like me who prefer her older books love him, people who prefer the Ravenels adore him (generally). I don't think I've met a Kleypas fan who doesn't love that book, though I'm SURE some don't. And you do really need to read Cold-Hearted Rake for the background of MW (the first time I tried to read MW I did it without CHR and was like "this fuck is this"). I wonder if this is why CHR gets so much flack? Even though, and I will die on this hill, it's PROBABLY better than Devil in Spring and definitely better than Devil's Daughter and Hello Stranger? (I really need to give Chasing Cassandra another fair shot because I remember very little of it; I think the one-two punch of Hello Stranger and Devil's Daughter, two of my least favorite Kleypas books, made me very burned out when I read it.)
Ethan's book was very disappointing to me because I actually was very excited about Garrett as a heroine beforehand. And I do.... wonder if Kleypas changed plans, the way she famously did with Scandal in Spring. Because there's a scene in... MW I think? Where Garrett and Tom have like, an arm wrestling moment, that makes me wonder if the original plan was Garrett/Tom. Again, I need to reread Chasing Cassandra to really experience THAT pairing again--but I do think Garrett/Tom would've been more interesting than Garrett/Ethan.
I mean, HS was also fucked from the jump because it had that really racist "Ethan got his sexual education from an exotic Indian woman" thing, which shocked people into calling Kleypas out, and I think triggered the Great Kleypas Editing Hackjob. Which, by the way--it does speak to how much name and expectation matters, because while what Kleypas wrote into that book is absolutely awful and unacceptable, I feel like it's portrayed as this shameful anomaly when I can think of at least one smaller name (but still notable) author who wrote a historical with a MUCH worse depiction of India around the same time. Which doesn't excuse what Kleypas did, I just dislike the idea that Kleypas was the only one doing that in the 2010s, when that's faaar from true. Historicals still haven't figured that out, and sometimes I think the recaps of how the Hello Stranger issue was handled read very "look Patrick, we saved the city" because the biggest name got dogged into apologizing/editing. Either way, Hello Stranger is mid without that content and it's gross with it, so I usually put it at the bottom of my rankings. Either way, it ain't up to par and I can't judge it fairly in its edited form at this point.
Devil's Daughter is just Not Good. And I will take my lashings from everyone who loves that book, because everyone loves Kleypas soyboy West Ravenel, and I just have to say--do these people like THE BOOK? Do they like PHOEBE? Because everything I see is all about West West West and even if I was into West, which I Am Not, I feel like there has to be more to a book that's being upheld as one of her recent bests than "I love him". Sorry, the plot of DD is boring at best and lame at worst. Phoebe hates West because he was her dead husband's childhood bully, and I do mean childhood? And sorry to Phoebe's dead husband, but he's dead and fictional and I never met him and I don't care. And West is a less interesting Leo Hathaway. He stopped drinking and realized booze was giving him the dad bod, so he's hot now (my kingdom for a dad bod historical hero). And now he's boring because he's not a rake anymore and has responsibilities, but like? He just sounds like a fuckboy before his redemption lmao. Like a bit of a wastrel. Leo Hathaway was out there crying in a public sphere and giving great advice to Kev Merripen like "if you don't get with my sister, one day you're gonna wake up covered in tears and your own come and realize you have nothing but regrets" to which Kev goes ".... is that what.... you do...?" Leo Hathaway readily admitted to waking up on the regular covered in tears and semen. That's a true wreck.
And Leo is in itself the softer Kleypas hero type--other "redemption" heroes are like, Sebastian, who kidnapped his wife's best friend and threatened to rape her! Derek Craven, who was born in a drainpipe and fucked for money for years (not that this is anything to feel bad about, but he does) and owns a degenerate gambling hell lol. John McKenna, who comes to find his childhood sweetheart with the explicit intention of like, filling her belly with his fetid seed and siring a bastard on her so that she'll be humiliated forever I cannot. Why would I be impressed with West going "I was kind of a loser tbh" YOU ARE FINE. THIS IS BORING. GIVE ME ANOTHER THING TO CARE ABOUT.
But yes, I love that scene in MW so much. To me, a lot of MW's charm is that Rhys severely does not know how to talk to women, or romance them in a tender way (him fucking shit up with Helen with the flower situation is hilarious sorry). And he also does get legit douchey with Kathleen, lol. He very much gets a little threatening and is all "SO YOU WANTED A BIT O' ROUGH" and Devon has to do a mild Westcliff moment. Kleypas heroes: always mad when their best friends get sexually aggressive with their women, always ready to forgive after like a week.
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soleadita · 1 year
me: makes a silly little teen wolf post on my silly little tiny blog
rabid sc*tt stans i literally have never crossed paths with ever in my entire life: derek hale is the devil incarnate, actually, and here’s why
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fated-mates · 4 months
We’re talking about gaming hells! Is it residual Derek Craven love? Probably. Why does Sarah love a casino so much? Why are we so into ladies being wagered by the idiot men in their lives? What makes these places that are so not sexy in real 2024 life so incredibly hot in a) James Bond movies, b) heist movies, and c) historical romances? We’re getting to the bottom of it—or at least, we’re going to talk about books we love. That’s the Fated Mates promise.
S06.23: Casinos, Gaming Hells, and Clubs in Romance Novels
(Thanks to 1001 Dark Nights and Olivia Dade for sponsoring this week's episode.)
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rebelriotsposts · 10 months
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This is something everyone from a fandom can relate to.
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