hatiralarmi · 6 months
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Dr. Işıl Bulur Dermatoloji Kliniğinin Sunduğu Hizmetler
Dr. Işıl Bulur Dermatoloji Kliniği, çeşitli cilt rahatsızlıkları için geniş bir yelpazede dermatolojik hizmetler sunmaktadır. Klinik klinik dermatoloji, kozmetik dermatoloji ve pediatrik dermatoloji alanlarında uzmanlaşmıştır. Sedef hastalığı, egzama, akne ve rosacea gibi cilt rahatsızlıklarının tedavisini sağlarlar. Klinik ayrıca olası cilt kanserlerinin erken teşhisini ve tedavisini sağlamak için ben haritalaması ve cilt kanseri taramaları da sunmaktadır. En iyi dermatolog olarak bilinen kliniğiimiz, hastalarına etkili ve kişiselleştirilmiş tedavi planları sunmak için en son teknoloji ve teknikleri kullanıyor. Kırışıklık azaltıcı botoks uygulaması Dr. Işıl Bulur ile İstanbul dermatolog Kliniği'nin sunduğu popüler kozmetik hizmetlerden biridir. Klinik, kaz ayakları, kaş çatma çizgileri ve alın kırışıklıkları da dahil olmak üzere yüzdeki ince çizgilerin ve kırışıklıkların görünümünü azaltmak için botoks uygulaması kullanıyor. Botoks enjeksiyonları, bu kırışıklıkların oluşmasından sorumlu kasları geçici olarak felç ederek çalışır, böylece daha pürüzsüz ve daha genç bir görünüm elde edilir. Klinikteki dermatologlar Botox enjeksiyonlarını uygulama konusunda son derece yeteneklidir ve doğal görünümlü sonuçlar sağlar. Dr. Işıl Bulur Dermatoloji Kliniği ayrıca sivilce ve yara izleri için de özel tedaviler sunmaktadır. Klinik, topikal ilaçlar, ağızdan alınan ilaçlar ve kimyasal peelingler dahil olmak üzere sivilce için çeşitli tedaviler sunmaktadır. Ayrıca sivilce yara izi için mikro iğneleme, dermal dolgu maddeleri ve lazerle yüzey yenileme gibi tedaviler de sunarlar. Klinikteki dermatologlar, hastaların özel ihtiyaçlarını ve endişelerini ele almak üzere kişiselleştirilmiş tedavi planları geliştirmek için hastalarıyla yakın işbirliği içinde çalışır. Uzmanlığı ve en son teknolojisiyle Dr. Işıl Bulur dermatoloji kliniği, etkili ve kişiselleştirilmiş dermatolojik bakım arayanlar için en iyi seçimdir. İstanbul ve Üsküdar dermatolog olarak popüler kliniğimiz sizlere daima hizmet vermeyi amaçlamıştır, bilgi için kliniğimizi ziyaret edebilir veya iletişime geçebilirsiniz.
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jamnickowa · 3 months
Mogłam sobie wyrządzić niezłą krzywdę.
Wizytę u mojej Pani dermatolog miałam zapisaną na wczoraj. Mówię Pani doktór, że maść pomogła, że fajnie i ogólnie miód porzeczka. Ale coś się zaczęło niedawno znów dziać, to żem smarowała codziennie i powstał problem. Swędziało jak jasna cholera. - Codziennie? - No tak, na noc. - Codziennie pani smarowała to miejsce? - Tak... - Mogła pani mieć po tym rany! - O rany... - Tą maścią smaruje się dwa razy w tygodniu, zapisywałam pani. - Ale ja zapomniałam, w sierpniu byłam. - Zapisałam pani, jak się stosuje. - Tak, wiem, zapomniałam. Nie ofukała mnie, nic z tych rzeczy. To spory skrót z rozmowy. Pani jest bardzo cierpliwą i troskliwą Lekarką. Gdyby coś znów się działo, mam po tę maść sięgnąć raz w tygodniu, raz. Czemu niektórzy ludzie są tacy gUpi jak ja? 🥴 Na szczęście ciało powiedziało: "Ej, weź przestań, zaraz sfiksuję!" i sama odstawiłam lekarstwo. Ach, i jeszcze Pani zamroziła mi zmiany na szyi. Na to też byłam z Panią doktór umówiona. Już po zabiegu powiedziałam, że następnego dnia idę do restauracji. Rychło w czas. 😉 Golf załatwi sprawę. I na szczęście nie piecze. Już. Na wszelki wypadek posmarowałam tym, czym Pani doktór zaleciła. 🙂 To kobieta do rany przyłóż. Niemalże dosłownie. Trzymajcie się Ćwikły z Chrzanem! Do przeczytania na orbicie. 😎
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neodermatologist · 1 month
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Are you struggling with a ringworm infection? Look no further! Connect with Neodermatologist, your trusted online dermatologist. Discover personalized and convenient ringworm treatment options from the comfort of your home. Your skin's health is our priority. Click now to get started!
👨‍⚕️ Explore the causes of ringworm and find tailored solutions. 💬 Consult with a Neodermatologist today. 📞 Call or WhatsApp: +91-92 58 700 600. 🌐 Website: www.neodermatologist.com
Don't let ringworm disrupt your life. Take action now for clear and healthy skin! Click the link to book your consultation at www.neodermatologist.com.
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rudinathanasi · 5 months
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danismabankolari · 1 year
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Sizler için hazırladığımız farklı ürünlerimizi sitemizi ziyaret ederek inceleyebilirsiniz... 🌐www.karsilamabankolari.com ☎️02322646429 #ofismobilyalari #buromobilyaları #mobilya #karşılamabankoları #bankomobilya #karsilamabankolari #danismabankolari #ofissandalyesi #doktor #dietisyen #kadindoğumuzmani #dermatolog #güzellikuzmani #veteriner #petshop #güvenlikbankosu #avukat #hukukburosu #baro #adalet #dental #disci #klinik #klinikbankoları #poliklinik #hastahanebankoları #makammasasi #avukatmasasi #karşılamabankoları #girişbankosu (Kadıköy, Istanbul, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2lJ9ZNzBu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Czym zajmuje się dermatologia estetyczna?
Podczas gdy dermatologia jako nauka koncentruje się na leczeniu skóry i włosów, dermatologia estetyczna jest gałęzią nauki, która kładzie nacisk na poprawę wyglądu w odniesieniu zarówno do kondycji skóry ciała, twarzy oraz skóry głowy oraz włosów. Obejmuje zastrzyki, lasery, maseczki, peelingi, w zasadzie wszystkie zabiegi mające na celu poprawę wyglądu wspomnianych obszarów. Dermatologia estetyczna pomaga leczyć problemy ze skórą i włosami w taki sposób, aby wydawały się zdrowsze jednocześnie zwiększając pewności siebie pacjentów, którzy byli niezadowoleni ze swojego wyglądu. Który  dermatolog estetyczny w Katowicach jest wart Twojej uwagi?
Specjalistyczny dermatolog estetyczny w Katowicach
Dermatolog estetyczny to certyfikowany dermatolog, który specjalizuje się w schorzeniach i zabiegach estetycznych. Chociaż wszyscy dermatolodzy są przeszkoleni w dermatologii medycznej i estetycznej – co oznacza, że Twój dermatolog estetyczny może również leczyć Twoje problemy ze skórą, oferując jednocześnie zabiegi kosmetyczne – zawsze najlepiej wybrać kogoś, kto specjalizuje się leczeniu schorzeń tych obszarów, które Cie interesują. Potrzebny Ci dermatolog estetyczny w Katowicach? Zachęcamy do sprawdzenia usług jakie oferowane są w profesjonalnej klinice Zakrzewscy na stronie https://www.klinikazakrzewscy.pl/
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roberta4a · 7 months
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snarp · 3 months
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May have just figured out why the lesions have been getting worse! I got the new bottle in early December.
TL;DR, sulfate-free cleansers tend to require more scrubbing for effective cleaning/rinsing. This isn't good for people with skin conditions that are aggravated by friction. Which is, practically-speaking, most people with skin conditions!
And since this cleanser is marketed towards people with "Itchy, Dry Skin" (major symptom of eczema), reviews since the formula change in November have been almost 100% negative. Most reviewers aren't sure why it's now irritating their skin, but they know that it is.
(Notably, in my case, hidradenitis suppurativa-affected hair follicles can easily become inflamed to the size of a thumbnail if the hair gets tugged on too hard. However, since HS also affects the skin's ability to fight off infection, failing to clean the area well enough is dangerous, too! Sulfate-free products are trying to kill me.)
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yanimoco · 7 months
Beauty is not defined by society's standards, but by the love and acceptance you have for yourself.
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linastudyblrsblog · 2 days
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Exam prep this week
A lot of things to review before the exam , using my flash cards to keep all the treatments in mind ( that’s one of the hardest task in my opinion)
Dermatology is fun until you have to memorise all the details ✨
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mindblowingscience · 6 months
Researchers have pinpointed a particular peptide’s role in activating atopic dermatitis, or eczema. The work could lead to more effective treatments for the condition. Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a skin condition characterized by itching and irritated and thickened skin at the site of the irritation. The brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a peptide, or short chain of amino acids, that is elevated in patients with AD. “BNP is expressed in sensory neurons, the neurons responsible for conveying sensation to the brain via the spinal cord,” says Santosh Mishra, associate professor of molecular biomedical sciences at North Carolina State University and corresponding author of the work. “We know from previous work that BNP helps translate the sensation of itch from the skin to the brain. In this work we wanted to see if BNP was involved in activating AD.”
Continue Reading.
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silverior968 · 17 days
I've been rolling around the idea of a tfp Skulduggery Pleasant AU for a while -- here's a joke courtesy of my friend @piptheteeththief that was too funny for me to not draw it
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[Image ID: A digital drawing with the title "DOCTORS HATE THEM" in impact font. Underneath the text are Skulduggery Pleasant, a human skeleton dressed in a black suit, complete with black shoes, a black tie and a black hat. His hands are in his pockets. To his right is a human version of Wheeljack from the same franchise, drawn as a lean white man in his early 40s. His hair is ash-colored and very shaggy. On his head he has a dark brown cowboy hat. His eyes are grey and he has a slightly crooked nose, like it had broken before and never set the same way as it was before. He also has many small scars on his face and is smiling. In addition to his hat, his outfit consists of a white, green and red plaid shirt that's half tucked, a light gray aviator jacket, a dark brown belt with a silver buckle, dark red trousers and dark brown boots. He also has his hands in his pockets. / End ID]
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wikipediapictures · 8 months
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neodermatologist · 2 months
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त्वचा समस्याओं से परेशान? 🌿 Neodermatologist से प्रोफेशनल सलाह पाएं!
🤔 दाद होने के मुख्य कारण क्या है? दाद का मुख्य कारण फंगल इन्फेक्शन हो सकता है, जो किसी अन्य व्यक्ति से होने वाले संपर्क या आपकी त्वचा की कमजोरी के कारण हो सकता है। ❓ दाद को कैसे हटाएं? डॉक्टर से सलाह लेकर उचित दवाओं का सेवन करें और स्थानीय उपचार का भी ध्यान रखें।
❓ दाद से हमेशा के लिए छुटकारा कैसे पाएं? नियमित रूप से स्वच्छता बनाए रखें, सही तरीके से सॉप और मॉइस्चराइज़र का उपयोग करें, और डॉक्टर की सलाह का पालन करें।
🌐 Neodermatologist से संपर्क करें! वेबसाइट: www.neodermatologist.com 📞 WhatsApp/कॉल: +91-92 58 700 600
आपका स्वास्थ्य हमारी प्राथमिकता है! 🌈💖
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heardatmedschool · 1 month
“I think that every doctor’s dream is going into the OR and getting a whole lot of pus out.”*
*This opinion may not be shared by the majority of the medical community.
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ghostbeam · 1 year
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Happy birthday u fucking weirdo
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