#Designing Better EV Battery
nnctales · 1 year
How Can Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Be Used For Designing Better EV Battery And Thermal Management Systems (BTMS)
Introduction Electric vehicle batteries are transforming how we move, live, and work. Architects and engineers have a crucial role in shaping the future of EVs and their integration with buildings and infrastructure. By understanding electric vehicle batteries’ challenges and opportunities, they can create innovative and sustainable solutions that benefit both people and the planet. However, EVs…
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Doubling battery capacity is one way to increase the range of an electric vehicle (see also the Mini E, which sacrifices its rear seat for a larger battery and gets 104 miles), but this option is far from sustainable since it also doubles the amount of energy needed to manufacture the battery. It also doubles the costs, of course. The battery of the $ 109,000 Tesla Roadster sells for $ 30,000, as much as an entire Nissan or Mitsubishi vehicle.
Nobody has investigated how much energy it takes to produce a Tesla Roadster battery, or any other EV battery for that matter, but you can get an idea of it using an online tool from Carnegie Mellon University. Corresponding to these data, $ 30,000 of economic activity in the storage battery sector (including the production of li-ion batteries) equals an energy consumption of 23,222 kWh - that’s almost 6 years of electricity consumption by an average British household. The battery has to be replaced after a maximum of 7 years.
These figures suggest that the embodied energy of the battery - not considered in any research paper that investigates the ecological advantages of electric cars - makes up for a substantial amount of the total energy cost of an electric automobile. At the advertised energy use of 21 kWh per 100 miles, 23,222 kWh would take the Tesla 109,938 miles (176,929 km) far. That’s almost 30,000 km (18,600 miles) per year, or 80 km (51 miles) per day. The low “fuel” costs are only half the story if the “fuel tank” itself is that energy-intensive.
Miracle battery
Today, just like 100 years ago, EV proponents are divided on the question of how to market electric vehicles. Some keep emphasizing the fact that most people never drive further than 30 miles per day - therefore the current batteries are well suited to perform their task. Most cars will be charged overnight, battery-swapping stations and fast-charging will do the rest.
Others, however, keep hoping for a revolutionary storage technology that will eventually give EV’s a similar range to that of gasoline cars. This belief is supported by press releases like this: “Nanowire battery can hold 10 times the charge of lithium-ion”. It is interesting to note that the arrival of such a miracle battery has been “just around the corner” for over 100 years now:
“A large number of people interested in stored power are looking forward to a revolution in the generating power of storage batteries, and it is the opinion of many that the long-looked-for, light weight, high capacity battery will soon be discovered.” (source, 1901).
“The demand for a proper automobile storage battery is so crying that it soon must result in the appearance of the desired accumulator [battery]. Everywhere in the history of industrial progress, invention has followed close in the wake of necessity” (Electrical Review, 1901).
Edison himself promised a radical improvement to the lead-acid battery at the turn of the 20th century. It took almost a decade before the Edison battery appeared on the market, and even though it had some advantages over the others, it was very expensive (the price of a gasoline powered Ford Model-T) and far from revolutionary.
The promise of a miracle storage technology reared its head again in the 1960s and 1970s, when electric cars went through a short revival:
“The consensus among EV proponents and major battery manufacturers is that a high-energy, high power-density battery - a true breakthrough in electrochemistry - could be accomplished in just 5 years” (Machine Design, 1974).
The range of most electric (concept) cars in the 1960s and 1970s was considerably lower than that of early 1900 electrics. This was because they were still making use of similar lead-acid batteries, while the cars themselves were already much heavier and more powerful.
Realistic electric vehicles - scenario 1
The miracle battery might one day arrive, but history teaches us not to count on it. What would definitely yield results, on the other hand, is to use existing technology and downsize the car. There are two ways to do this, as was briefly noted above. The first is to go back to early 20th century electric vehicles and equip them with modern batteries. This would extend their range spectacularly, as much as a (not yet existing) nanowire battery could.
If you were to put the lithium-ion battery of the Nissan Leaf in the 1908 Fritchle, the vehicle would have a range of about 644 km (400 miles). If you put a lithium-ion battery with the same weight of the Fritchle-battery inside, you get about 700 miles (1,127 km) range. Add to this the fact that we now also have lighter and more efficient motors (and other vehicle parts) and the range will become even greater.
Even with the headlights and the heating on, driving home over windy hills and muddy roads, such a car would give a safe and comfortable range, similar to that of today’s gasoline vehicles. Moreover, it would consume less energy: the Fritchle used around 7 kWh/100 km, the Nissan Leaf at least 15 kWh/100 km.
A better range is much more than a convenience for the driver. It would also mean that we need fewer charging and battery swapping stations, which would greatly lower the costs and the embodied energy of the required infrastructure. In short, slower EV’s would make EV’s a whole lot more likely. Interestingly, we don’t even have to streamline them. Early electrics had style, and at low speeds aerodynamics is not an important factor in energy consumption.
Realistic electric vehicles - scenario 2
Of course, slow vehicles with the appearance of a horse carriage will not appeal to everybody. But there is another way. We could also downsize the electric car by designing much lighter and fuel efficient vehicles. This is shown by a concept EV like the Trev. This vehicle’s performance is comparable to that of the Nissan Leaf or the Mitsubishi i-MiEV: it has a top speed of 120 km/h (74.5 mph) and it accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h (60 mph) in less than 10 seconds.
However, its battery is almost 5 times lighter (45 kg or 99 pounds) and the vehicle itself (including the battery) weighs only 300 kg (660 pounds). In spite of its higher performance, it consumes as much energy as the Fritchle: 6.2 kWh/100 km, half the fuel consumption of the Nissan. Yet, the range of the Trev is similar to that of the Nissan or the Fritchle: 150 km or 93 miles. The reason is of course that if you design a much lighter vehicle, it will also have a much smaller battery that consequently holds less energy. With gasoline powered automobiles, the potential of weight reduction is much larger.
Nevertheless, a vehicle like the Trev would have almost as much benefits as a Fritchle with a 2010 battery. It would still require an elaborate charging infrastructure, but because of its much smaller battery it would seriously relieve the problem of peak demand: fast-charging could become a realistic option without the need to build hundreds of new power plants. It would also have the substantial advantage of holding a battery that is much less energy-intensive to produce.
We cannot have it all
Of course, there are many more possibilities than the two scenario’s outlined here. It would not kill us to drive at speeds of 20 mph, on the contrary, but there is so much potential in downsizing the automobile that we don’t have to go all the way back to the early 1900s to get a decent range.
We could tune them up a bit so that they could get 60 km/h or 40 mph (only sligthly faster than the 1911 Babcock Electric Roadster pictured above) and accelerate just fast enough to leave a crime scene or flee from a mad elephant.
At 60 km/h or 40 mph a trip of 600 kilometres or 400 miles would take 10 hours, instead of 5 hours at a common motorway speed. This does not sound like the end of the world. It’s definitely a whole lot faster than going by foot (120 hours) or by bike (30 hours). We could also equip the Trev with a somewhat larger battery so that it gets a better mileage at the expense of a somewhat lower speed. Or, yet another possibility: keep the Trev like it is but limit its speed to that of the Fritchle.
If we want more speed, we have to sacrifice range. If we want more range, we have to sacrifice speed. If we want to keep the (energy) costs of the charging infrastructure within reasonable limits, we have to sacrifice speed or size. The lesson to be learned here, is that we cannot have it all: range, speed and size. And yet, that’s what we are trying to do.
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EV Fail Redux: Journo Gets Sticker Shock from Massive Cost of Replacement Battery for F-150 Lightning [VIDEO]
By WillOctober 26, 2022
When it comes to reasons to not get an EV, it’s not just that EVs have a nasty tendency to burst into flames and be difficult to put out, or that taking a road trip in one is near-impossible because of the short battery range and painfully long charging time, or that sitting around at a charging station waiting for one to charge seems dangerous, or that the towing range of even the EV trucks is limited.
It’s also that, well, replacing the battery on one could set you back more than the cost of just buying a car to replace the battery-powered toy and have a useful vehicle. Such is what the Western Journal recently reported, saying:
A month or two ago I had to replace my car. I bought a 2019 Ford F-150 XL with slightly higher-than-average mileage for its age and an impeccable service record. The truck is in great shape, and, supply chains being what they are in 2022, I paid more than I wanted to for it.
It still cost less than a replacement battery for an electric vehicle.
Perhaps some EV battery replacements are cheaper. But not for a Ford Lightning, the closest competitor to the famed, highly popular Ford F-150 with a combustion engine. If you get a Lightning and then need to pop in a new battery that’ll cost you a whopping $35,000, as the Western Journal went on to report, saying:
Tim Edterdahl of “Pickup Truck Plus SUV Talk” fame looked into the costs of battery replacements for an F-150 Lightning, which he’d been driving for a week to review, and he found some pretty startling numbers.
There are two possible batteries for the Lightning, the standard, designed to give the driver about 230 miles of range, and the extended range version, which increases that to about 300 miles, Esterdahl said.
Esterdahl is clearly the kind of guy who wants to get the bad news out of the way first, as he showed a screen shot of the price for the extended range battery to start.
It was $35,960.
Oh, and the standard battery, if you don’t need those 70 extra miles, is “only” $28,556.47.
Watch Edterdahl’s review of the Ford Lightning here:
So perhaps just buying a gas-powered truck and filling it up would be more cost-effective…$35,000 is a lot of gallons of gas, even with Brandon in charge.
In fact, with Consumer Reports saying that the average consumer saves about $1000 a year (or less) in fuel savings from buying an EV, you better hope that battery lasts a long, long while. Or just buy a normal, combustion-powered car or truck and wait for EV technology to improve.
But, to be fair, you only need the replacement if the truck fails. As Edterdahl pointed out:
“Could a battery just die? Yeah. Could a new Ford F-150 truck engine just die? Yeah. They both could die.”
Still, though, the cost is immense and would likely prove prohibitive to most consumers if the battery in their Ford Lightning did “just die”.
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years
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Hyundai N Vision 74 (prototype). 
Hydrogen fuel cell EVs aren't particularly sexy, or at least, they weren't. Say hello to the Hyundai N Vision 74 concept, a high-performance hydrogen fuel cell-powered EV meant to bridge EV power and performance with liquid fuel range. Hyundai's N high-performance sub-brand has been working on battery and fuel cell-powered performance prototypes for seven years now, and the project is beginning to bear some exciting fruit. The N Vision 74 aims to solve the biggest issue with high-performance EVs: the lack of range. The N people call it a "hydrogen hybrid."
Running flat-out, batteries don't last long. A previous all-electric prototype, the RM20e, only had 25 miles of range when driven on a racetrack, and while making the battery bigger would give it more range, it would also significantly increase the weight and hurts performance. Hyundai's solution: add a hydrogen fuel cell instead which combines compressed hydrogen from onboard tanks with oxygen in the atmosphere to create electricity and water, then use that electricity to power the electric motors. With just 4.2 kilograms of hydrogen onboard and a fully charged 62.4-kWh battery, Hyundai claims the N Vision 74 has a range of more than 373 miles when driven gently. It's bound to be much less when driven hard, as the dual rear electric motors suck down electrons to the tune of more than 580 hp and 664 lb-ft of torque. That's enough to give the sleek, angular coupe a top speed of over 155 mph and the ability to hit 60 mph in four seconds. The company is looking into adding a front motor in future prototypes which would reduce acceleration times even further. In addition to adding range, the fuel cell also reduces refueling time to just five minutes. The battery, meanwhile, is capable of charging at 800 volts, which should drop its charging time from 10 percent to 80 percent to under 18 minutes, based on production Hyundai EVs with similar battery technology. The fuel cell can pump out a maximum of 95 kW to help power the motors or recharge the battery.
The fuel cell itself is located under the hood, while a pair of hydrogen storage tanks are fitted in the trunk. A T-shaped battery fits behind and between the two seats, keeping the heaviest component in the center of the car for better weight distribution. Regardless of source, power is fed to a pair of motors on the rear axle, one driving each rear wheel. This allows the computer to perform torque vectoring in the same fashion as an electronically controlled limited slip differential, a trick the N engineers used to great success on the RM20e concept. Keeping the fuel cell, battery, and motors cool presents an enormous challenge, so the N Vision 74 features three separate cooling circuits serving each system separately. The goal is to have the car run a flat-out lap of the challenging Nürburgring Nordschleife without overheating and reducing power.
As cool as the numbers are, they're nothing compared to the car itself. Inspired by the Giorgetto Giugiaro-designed 1974 Hyundai Pony Coupe concept, the N Vision 74 looks like a restomod '70s supercar. We see a lot of Lancia 037 and DeLorean DMC-12 in the look, enhanced with massive side air intakes and an enormous rear wing, neither of which would look out of place on a modern Lamborghini. We love the turbine-style 20-inch front and 21-inch rear wheels, which have been wrapped in what must be the widest tires ever on a Hyundai, 295 width up front and 325 in the rear. The pixelated headlights from the Hyundai Ioniq 5 give it a real retro-futuristic look we can't help but love. The DeLorean bit is no accident. When Hyundai wasn't able to bring the Pony Coupe to market for a variety of reasons (lack of a proper engine, not to mention lacking general market awareness and acceptance), Giugiaro continued to refine the design and eventually sold the new version to DeLorean.
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energy-5 · 11 months
Navigating the Landscape: Best Apps for Electric Vehicle Owners
In the age of smartphones and constant connectivity, electric vehicle (EV) owners have a distinct advantage. There are numerous apps designed to make the EV experience smoother, more efficient, and integrated into the digital lives of users. From finding charging stations to managing vehicle charging schedules, mobile apps are essential tools for today's EV drivers.
The foremost concern for many EV owners is locating charging stations, especially during long trips. Apps like PlugShare and ChargePoint have become indispensable. PlugShare boasts a user-friendly interface and a comprehensive database of charging stations, allowing users to filter by connector type, network, and charging speed.
ChargePoint, which also operates its own network of chargers, gives users real-time information on charger availability and lets them initiate and pay for charging sessions right from their phones.
Battery management is another vital aspect of EV ownership. Apps such as MyGreenCar and EV Range Calculator help drivers to monitor their vehicle’s battery status and predict the range based on current charge, driving habits, and even weather conditions. These apps take the guesswork out of planning trips, ensuring that drivers can reach their destinations without running out of juice.
For Tesla owners, the Tesla app provides a sleek, integrated experience with features such as remote climate control, location tracking, and the ability to check charging progress. It even allows for keyless driving.
For non-Tesla EVs, many manufacturers offer their own apps with similar features, like the NissanConnect for Leaf owners or the OnStar app for the Chevrolet Bolt. Smart charging is an area where apps like JuiceNet and ChargeHub come into play. These platforms offer the ability to schedule charging sessions during off-peak hours when electricity rates are lower. This not only saves money but also helps to reduce the strain on the electrical grid, contributing to a more sustainable energy consumption pattern. Community interaction and shared experiences are also a key part of the EV lifestyle.
Apps like A Better Routeplanner (ABRP) not only help in planning efficient routes but also allow users to share tips and tricks with the community. For the eco-conscious driver, apps such as Carbon Counter can track the environmental impact of driving an EV as opposed to a gasoline vehicle, offering tangible metrics on CO2 emissions saved.
To address the financial aspect of EV ownership, apps such as EVgo and EVPerks partner with charging networks to offer discounts and loyalty rewards. This can significantly lower the cost of ownership by providing deals on charging, as well as other EV-related products and services.
Lastly, the integration of EVs with smart home ecosystems is growing in sophistication. Apps like Home Connect and SmartCharge allow EVs to communicate with smart home devices, enabling owners to manage their vehicle’s charging alongside their home energy usage.
This level of integration is pushing the boundaries of what it means to be an EV owner in a digitally connected world. Whether it’s about practicality, savings, community, or environmental stewardship, there’s an app to enhance every aspect of the electric vehicle experience.
As the EV market evolves, we can only expect this digital ecosystem to grow richer and more integrated, smoothing the journey for EV owners even further.
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end-of-pizza · 2 years
okay, so heres that tangent I warned about
so for the last like 10 years I have had this fantasy of winning the lottery and starting a business.....that first part is mostly the fantasy, because without that theres no way I could afford to do the latter
basically it comes down to new technology that allows automation for small guys like me, stuff like these
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basically with 3D printing and affordable cnc and laser cutting machines, a guy like me could have the man power of like 10 people, and if I hired maybe 10 people total to assist, I could easily do something on par with much bigger companies.
my initial fantasy just involved making guitars, granted more advanced guitars then I think the market insists upon, because they are locked in the habit of what has proven sellable to MOST people. fender scale length, bolt on neck, 2 humbuckers, faux les paul look and feel. every company does it, no shame. just not my thing.
I've had this idea, which I've experimented with and talked about in the past, the guitar of the future. Ive done mockups etc like this
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but as I've grown older, honestly what I think it should really be is a cheap reliable guitar with a few tricks up its sleeve. so I have reimagined it as basically this
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telecasters are simple, and on a cnc machine if you made it as layers that were later glued together, you could make it very easily. the 4x2 headstock is better for straight string pull, and helps eliminate tuning instability. replacing the old school pickups with active style pickups like emg would make it more versatile, and then adding the b bender, along with string drops a g bender, and maybe even a strap actuated bender, the guitar could cover a lot more roles then a standard electric guitar. plus I honestly think benders are cool and more people need to play them, so making them as cheap and accessable as possible is a good idea
just a simple guitar, maybe of paulownia or plywood, cut as 2 or 3 sections and glued together, and then maybe even using a circuit board instead of wire to speed up production, its a great idea.
but I started looking into what else I could do with this hypothetical company that basically 3D prints things, and cncs plywood
I guess bikes
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I am a big fan of ebikes, mainly because I believe genuinely in the next 10 years they will begin to be a lot more common in most major cities, their prices will come down as there are more batteries in circulation for evs, and being able to make quick simple bikes like this to sell locally, it seems like a way to directy serve the market I want to live in.
I also looked into stereo equipment, as I am a big hifi guy, and I am a huge raspberry pi fan, so seeing stuff for hifi pi, again it would be a market i understand, and think shouldnt be so fuckin expensive
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I also genuinely would love to make a cheap hammond organ clone
like sub $500, because when I was wanting to pickup the instrument it was very hard to get the $ together to do so, and I know if you could injection mold the keys, cnc the body print the circuit boards, and use an arduino or raspberry pi to run a soft synth hammond clone, you could easily hit that price point
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more people need to play the organ
lastly is furniture
I love basic designs and furniture has always been something that I enjoy looking at, modern furniture designs, stuff from the last 50s early 60s, its so timeless and the open source furniture movement just scratches that itch. it's simple, but stylish, its utilitarian but it doesnt look bland
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the idea of being able to make these things, locally, and just being able to put out into the world things I want and I know other people would too.....I think i'd like that
just wish I didnt have to win the lottery to do it
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onlinecompanynews · 3 days
Volvo Backs Down From 2030 All-EV Commitment for Hybrid Approach: Here's What's Coming Now - Notice Global Web https://www.merchant-business.com/volvo-backs-down-from-2030-all-ev-commitment-for-hybrid-approach-heres-whats-coming-now/?feed_id=206794&_unique_id=66ee834e559d0 It’s been about three years since V... BLOGGER - #GLOBAL It’s been about three years since Volvo stated its bold EV goal: By 2030, all of its products worldwide would be battery-electric vehicles (BEVs). At the global reveal of the 2025.5 XC90 (pictured here), sold in mild hybrid (MHEV) and plug-in hybrid (PHEV) versions, Volvo announced that internal combustion engines would still be part of the lineup come 2030 and beyond.“Everybody made a lot of assumptions two, three, four, five years ago, and that’s changed,” Volvo CEO Jim Rowan explained. “The market’s changed. EV subsidies taken away, trade tariffs come in and add on costs. Five years ago you could import a car into the U.S. from China for 2.5 percent. It went to 27.5 percent, it’s now 102.5 percent. We saw the same thing happen in Europe. We saw a slowing demand for EVs. You can either look at all of that stuff and say ‘I’m just going to do the same thing’ or ‘I’m going to pivot’.”This is not to say Volvo will return to non-electrified powerplants. In 2022, Volvo spun off its internal-combustion development and production to a new company called Aurobay, a joint venture with Chinese automaker Geely, Volvo’s majority stockholder. Aurobay now supplies the engines for Volvo’s mild hybrid (MHEV) and plug-in-hybrid (PHEV) models, and a new-design internal combustion engine is unlikely.While internal combustion vehicles will now likely remain in the Volvo lineup beyond the end of the decade, Volvo says that by 2030, 90 to 100 percent of the cars it sells will have a plug, a figure that includes both BEVs and PHEVs. Improvements to battery technology developed for pure EVs should improve PHEV range as well. While some buyers opt for PHEVs because they are the most powerful variant in a given Volvo model line (see: the T8 versions), Volvo says that over 50 percent of the miles its PHEV owners drive are powered by electricity.Rowan explained that the pace of electrification has been slower than expected, and for various reasons. “We’re making these assumptions four, five years ago that the market was going to move at a certain speed,” he said. “Some markets have. Norway is 85 percent, somewhere in that region. [Ed. note: Market share of EVs in Norway has now passed 90 percent.] West coast of the U.S. is pretty good. Northern Europe’s pretty good. Southern Europe is slow. The interior of the U.S. is slow. The provinces of China are really slow… The bottom line is when you are in these big transitions, it’s very difficult, unless you are pragmatic about the approach, to get it right.”Rowan emphasized that while the timeline has changed, Volvo’s commitment to the electric transition has not.“I still believe in electrification,” he said. “I still think electrification is a much better propulsion system than internal combustion, and for various reasons. A good internal combustion engine is probably 35 percent efficient at best. A good EV is 91, 92 percent. And everyone’s invested in EVs. There’s not many people invested in ICE at this point. The investment capitol that’s going into energy density on batteries, inverter modules, new technologies… all of that is going to increase the benefits of electrification.“At the end of the day, technology will win and electrification will be the technology of the future, but it’ll just take a little bit longer than everybody first thought.” So what should we expect? According to a September 17 update from the automaker, there’s a new timeline for certain EVs and future vehicles, including some interesting new nameplates. The EX90 is the first of a series of new models said to be coming, and it’s already going into production this year. Next will be an EX60 SUV to replace the XC60, based on the SPA3 platform sometime around 2026.
Between then, the delayed EX30 will launch in 2025. The XC40 Recharge model will also get a replacement in a new model dubbed the EX40. A new EV60 Cross Country model is said to be in the works, which will be something like a lifted wagon bodystyle, followed by an ES90 electric sedan to replace the S90. Rounding out the model onslaught will be significantly updated hybrid XC90 and XC60 models in the next two years with longer pure EV ranges from their plug-in hybrid battery packs.“It’s been about three years since Volvo stated its bold EV goal: By 2030, all of its products worldwide would be battery-electric vehicles (BEVs). At the global reveal of the…”Source Link: https://www.motortrend.com/news/volvo-reverses-2030-ev-commitment-hybrids/ #GLOBAL - BLOGGER It’s been about three years since Volvo stated its bold EV goal: By 2030, all of its products worldwide would be battery-electric vehicles (BEVs). At the global reveal of the 2025.5 XC90 (pictured here), sold in mild hybrid (MHEV) and plug-in hybrid (PHEV) versions, Volvo announced that internal combustion engines would still be part of … Read More
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Volvo Backs Down From 2030 All-EV Commitment for Hybrid Approach: Here's What's Coming Now - Notice Global Web https://www.merchant-business.com/volvo-backs-down-from-2030-all-ev-commitment-for-hybrid-approach-heres-whats-coming-now/?feed_id=206792&_unique_id=66ee82cb2be9f #GLOBAL - BLOGGER BLOGGER It’s been about three years since Volvo stated its bold EV goal: By 2030, all of its products worldwide would be battery-electric vehicles (BEVs). At the global reveal of the 2025.5 XC90 (pictured here), sold in mild hybrid (MHEV) and plug-in hybrid (PHEV) versions, Volvo announced that internal combustion engines would still be part of the lineup come 2030 and beyond.“Everybody made a lot of assumptions two, three, four, five years ago, and that’s changed,” Volvo CEO Jim Rowan explained. “The market’s changed. EV subsidies taken away, trade tariffs come in and add on costs. Five years ago you could import a car into the U.S. from China for 2.5 percent. It went to 27.5 percent, it’s now 102.5 percent. We saw the same thing happen in Europe. We saw a slowing demand for EVs. You can either look at all of that stuff and say ‘I’m just going to do the same thing’ or ‘I’m going to pivot’.”This is not to say Volvo will return to non-electrified powerplants. In 2022, Volvo spun off its internal-combustion development and production to a new company called Aurobay, a joint venture with Chinese automaker Geely, Volvo’s majority stockholder. Aurobay now supplies the engines for Volvo’s mild hybrid (MHEV) and plug-in-hybrid (PHEV) models, and a new-design internal combustion engine is unlikely.While internal combustion vehicles will now likely remain in the Volvo lineup beyond the end of the decade, Volvo says that by 2030, 90 to 100 percent of the cars it sells will have a plug, a figure that includes both BEVs and PHEVs. Improvements to battery technology developed for pure EVs should improve PHEV range as well. While some buyers opt for PHEVs because they are the most powerful variant in a given Volvo model line (see: the T8 versions), Volvo says that over 50 percent of the miles its PHEV owners drive are powered by electricity.Rowan explained that the pace of electrification has been slower than expected, and for various reasons. “We’re making these assumptions four, five years ago that the market was going to move at a certain speed,” he said. “Some markets have. Norway is 85 percent, somewhere in that region. [Ed. note: Market share of EVs in Norway has now passed 90 percent.] West coast of the U.S. is pretty good. Northern Europe’s pretty good. Southern Europe is slow. The interior of the U.S. is slow. The provinces of China are really slow… The bottom line is when you are in these big transitions, it’s very difficult, unless you are pragmatic about the approach, to get it right.”Rowan emphasized that while the timeline has changed, Volvo’s commitment to the electric transition has not.“I still believe in electrification,” he said. “I still think electrification is a much better propulsion system than internal combustion, and for various reasons. A good internal combustion engine is probably 35 percent efficient at best. A good EV is 91, 92 percent. And everyone’s invested in EVs. There’s not many people invested in ICE at this point. The investment capitol that’s going into energy density on batteries, inverter modules, new technologies… all of that is going to increase the benefits of electrification.“At the end of the day, technology will win and electrification will be the technology of the future, but it’ll just take a little bit longer than everybody first thought.” So what should we expect? According to a September 17 update from the automaker, there’s a new timeline for certain EVs and future vehicles, including some interesting new nameplates. The EX90 is the first of a series of new models said to be coming, and it’s already going into production this year. Next will be an EX60 SUV to replace the XC60, based on the SPA3 platform sometime around 2026.
Between then, the delayed EX30 will launch in 2025. The XC40 Recharge model will also get a replacement in a new model dubbed the EX40. A new EV60 Cross Country model is said to be in the works, which will be something like a lifted wagon bodystyle, followed by an ES90 electric sedan to replace the S90. Rounding out the model onslaught will be significantly updated hybrid XC90 and XC60 models in the next two years with longer pure EV ranges from their plug-in hybrid battery packs.“It’s been about three years since Volvo stated its bold EV goal: By 2030, all of its products worldwide would be battery-electric vehicles (BEVs). At the global reveal of the…”Source Link: https://www.motortrend.com/news/volvo-reverses-2030-ev-commitment-hybrids/ It’s been about three years since Volvo stated its bold EV goal: By 2030, all of its products worldwide would be battery-electric vehicles (BEVs). At the global reveal of the 2025.5 XC90 (pictured here), sold in mild hybrid (MHEV) and plug-in hybrid (PHEV) versions, Volvo announced that internal combustion engines would still be part of … Read More
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boldcompanynews · 3 days
Volvo Backs Down From 2030 All-EV Commitment for Hybrid Approach: Here's What's Coming Now - Notice Global Web - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/volvo-backs-down-from-2030-all-ev-commitment-for-hybrid-approach-heres-whats-coming-now/?feed_id=206796&_unique_id=66ee7f603dc8d It’s been about three years since Volvo stated its bold EV goal: By 2030, all of its products worldwide would be battery-electric vehicles (BEVs). At the global reveal of the 2025.5 XC90 (pictured here), sold in mild hybrid (MHEV) and plug-in hybrid (PHEV) versions, Volvo announced that internal combustion engines would still be part of the lineup come 2030 and beyond.“Everybody made a lot of assumptions two, three, four, five years ago, and that’s changed,” Volvo CEO Jim Rowan explained. “The market’s changed. EV subsidies taken away, trade tariffs come in and add on costs. Five years ago you could import a car into the U.S. from China for 2.5 percent. It went to 27.5 percent, it’s now 102.5 percent. We saw the same thing happen in Europe. We saw a slowing demand for EVs. You can either look at all of that stuff and say ‘I’m just going to do the same thing’ or ‘I’m going to pivot’.”This is not to say Volvo will return to non-electrified powerplants. In 2022, Volvo spun off its internal-combustion development and production to a new company called Aurobay, a joint venture with Chinese automaker Geely, Volvo’s majority stockholder. Aurobay now supplies the engines for Volvo’s mild hybrid (MHEV) and plug-in-hybrid (PHEV) models, and a new-design internal combustion engine is unlikely.While internal combustion vehicles will now likely remain in the Volvo lineup beyond the end of the decade, Volvo says that by 2030, 90 to 100 percent of the cars it sells will have a plug, a figure that includes both BEVs and PHEVs. Improvements to battery technology developed for pure EVs should improve PHEV range as well. While some buyers opt for PHEVs because they are the most powerful variant in a given Volvo model line (see: the T8 versions), Volvo says that over 50 percent of the miles its PHEV owners drive are powered by electricity.Rowan explained that the pace of electrification has been slower than expected, and for various reasons. “We’re making these assumptions four, five years ago that the market was going to move at a certain speed,” he said. “Some markets have. Norway is 85 percent, somewhere in that region. [Ed. note: Market share of EVs in Norway has now passed 90 percent.] West coast of the U.S. is pretty good. Northern Europe’s pretty good. Southern Europe is slow. The interior of the U.S. is slow. The provinces of China are really slow… The bottom line is when you are in these big transitions, it’s very difficult, unless you are pragmatic about the approach, to get it right.”Rowan emphasized that while the timeline has changed, Volvo’s commitment to the electric transition has not.“I still believe in electrification,” he said. “I still think electrification is a much better propulsion system than internal combustion, and for various reasons. A good internal combustion engine is probably 35 percent efficient at best. A good EV is 91, 92 percent. And everyone’s invested in EVs. There’s not many people invested in ICE at this point. The investment capitol that’s going into energy density on batteries, inverter modules, new technologies… all of that is going to increase the benefits of electrification.“At the end of the day, technology will win and electrification will be the technology of the future, but it’ll just take a little bit longer than everybody first thought.” So what should we expect? According to a September 17 update from the automaker, there’s a new timeline for certain EVs and future vehicles, including some interesting new nameplates. The EX90 is the first of a series of new models said to be coming, and it’s already going into production this year. Next will be an EX60 SUV to replace the XC60, based on the SPA3 platform sometime around 2026.
Between then, the delayed EX30 will launch in 2025. The XC40 Recharge model will also get a replacement in a new model dubbed the EX40. A new EV60 Cross Country model is said to be in the works, which will be something like a lifted wagon bodystyle, followed by an ES90 electric sedan to replace the S90. Rounding out the model onslaught will be significantly updated hybrid XC90 and XC60 models in the next two years with longer pure EV ranges from their plug-in hybrid battery packs.“It’s been about three years since Volvo stated its bold EV goal: By 2030, all of its products worldwide would be battery-electric vehicles (BEVs). At the global reveal of the…”Source Link: https://www.motortrend.com/news/volvo-reverses-2030-ev-commitment-hybrids/ #GLOBAL - BLOGGER It’s been about three years since V... BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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Volvo Backs Down From 2030 All-EV Commitment for Hybrid Approach: Here's What's Coming Now - Notice Global Web - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/volvo-backs-down-from-2030-all-ev-commitment-for-hybrid-approach-heres-whats-coming-now/?feed_id=206795&_unique_id=66ee7f5e8f52d It’s been about three years since Volvo stated its bold EV goal: By 2030, all of its products worldwide would be battery-electric vehicles (BEVs). At the global reveal of the 2025.5 XC90 (pictured here), sold in mild hybrid (MHEV) and plug-in hybrid (PHEV) versions, Volvo announced that internal combustion engines would still be part of the lineup come 2030 and beyond.“Everybody made a lot of assumptions two, three, four, five years ago, and that’s changed,” Volvo CEO Jim Rowan explained. “The market’s changed. EV subsidies taken away, trade tariffs come in and add on costs. Five years ago you could import a car into the U.S. from China for 2.5 percent. It went to 27.5 percent, it’s now 102.5 percent. We saw the same thing happen in Europe. We saw a slowing demand for EVs. You can either look at all of that stuff and say ‘I’m just going to do the same thing’ or ‘I’m going to pivot’.”This is not to say Volvo will return to non-electrified powerplants. In 2022, Volvo spun off its internal-combustion development and production to a new company called Aurobay, a joint venture with Chinese automaker Geely, Volvo’s majority stockholder. Aurobay now supplies the engines for Volvo’s mild hybrid (MHEV) and plug-in-hybrid (PHEV) models, and a new-design internal combustion engine is unlikely.While internal combustion vehicles will now likely remain in the Volvo lineup beyond the end of the decade, Volvo says that by 2030, 90 to 100 percent of the cars it sells will have a plug, a figure that includes both BEVs and PHEVs. Improvements to battery technology developed for pure EVs should improve PHEV range as well. While some buyers opt for PHEVs because they are the most powerful variant in a given Volvo model line (see: the T8 versions), Volvo says that over 50 percent of the miles its PHEV owners drive are powered by electricity.Rowan explained that the pace of electrification has been slower than expected, and for various reasons. “We’re making these assumptions four, five years ago that the market was going to move at a certain speed,” he said. “Some markets have. Norway is 85 percent, somewhere in that region. [Ed. note: Market share of EVs in Norway has now passed 90 percent.] West coast of the U.S. is pretty good. Northern Europe’s pretty good. Southern Europe is slow. The interior of the U.S. is slow. The provinces of China are really slow… The bottom line is when you are in these big transitions, it’s very difficult, unless you are pragmatic about the approach, to get it right.”Rowan emphasized that while the timeline has changed, Volvo’s commitment to the electric transition has not.“I still believe in electrification,” he said. “I still think electrification is a much better propulsion system than internal combustion, and for various reasons. A good internal combustion engine is probably 35 percent efficient at best. A good EV is 91, 92 percent. And everyone’s invested in EVs. There’s not many people invested in ICE at this point. The investment capitol that’s going into energy density on batteries, inverter modules, new technologies… all of that is going to increase the benefits of electrification.“At the end of the day, technology will win and electrification will be the technology of the future, but it’ll just take a little bit longer than everybody first thought.” So what should we expect? According to a September 17 update from the automaker, there’s a new timeline for certain EVs and future vehicles, including some interesting new nameplates. The EX90 is the first of a series of new models said to be coming, and it’s already going into production this year. Next will be an EX60 SUV to replace the XC60, based on the SPA3 platform sometime around 2026.
Between then, the delayed EX30 will launch in 2025. The XC40 Recharge model will also get a replacement in a new model dubbed the EX40. A new EV60 Cross Country model is said to be in the works, which will be something like a lifted wagon bodystyle, followed by an ES90 electric sedan to replace the S90. Rounding out the model onslaught will be significantly updated hybrid XC90 and XC60 models in the next two years with longer pure EV ranges from their plug-in hybrid battery packs.“It’s been about three years since Volvo stated its bold EV goal: By 2030, all of its products worldwide would be battery-electric vehicles (BEVs). At the global reveal of the…”Source Link: https://www.motortrend.com/news/volvo-reverses-2030-ev-commitment-hybrids/ BLOGGER - #GLOBAL It’s been about three years since Volvo stated its bold EV goal: By 2030, all of its products worldwide would be battery-electric vehicles (BEVs). At the global reveal of the 2025.5 XC90 (pictured here), sold in mild hybrid (MHEV) and plug-in hybrid (PHEV) versions, Volvo announced that internal combustion engines would still be part of … Read More
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sriko-batteries1 · 3 days
LTO 30Ah M6 9kW 14.8V-16.2V Battery Kit
Unlocking the Future of Energy: LTO 30Ah M6 9kW Battery Kit
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In today’s fast-paced world, efficient energy storage solutions are more critical than ever. Among the leading technologies, the LTO (Lithium Titanate Oxide) 30Ah M6 9kW Battery Kit stands out for its innovative design and outstanding performance. Let’s dive into what makes this battery kit a game-changer for both personal and commercial use.
What is LTO?
Lithium Titanate Oxide (LTO) batteries utilize a unique chemistry that allows for rapid charging and discharging. Unlike traditional lithium-ion batteries, LTOs offer a longer lifespan, increased safety, and better thermal stability, making them ideal for various applications.
Key Features of the LTO 30Ah M6 9kW Battery Kit
High Capacity and Power Output:
30Ah Capacity: Provides ample energy storage for various needs, from electric vehicles to renewable energy systems.
9kW Power Output: Ensures high performance, allowing for quick charging and discharging without compromising efficiency.
Wide Voltage Range:
Operating between 14.8V and 16.2V, this battery kit is versatile and compatible with numerous systems, providing flexibility for users.
Rapid Charging:
One of the standout features of LTO technology is its ability to charge in minutes. This makes it a perfect choice for applications requiring quick turnaround times, like public transportation or emergency power systems.
Long Cycle Life:
With a cycle life exceeding 10,000 cycles, the LTO 30Ah M6 kit outlasts conventional lithium-ion batteries, ensuring longevity and reduced replacement costs.
Safety and Stability:
LTO batteries are known for their exceptional thermal stability and low risk of thermal runaway, making them a safer option for various applications.
The LTO 30Ah M6 9kW Battery Kit is suitable for:
Electric Vehicles: Its rapid charging capabilities and long lifespan make it ideal for EV manufacturers and users.
Renewable Energy Storage: Perfect for solar and wind energy systems, allowing for effective energy management and usage.
Grid Energy Storage: Enhancing the stability and reliability of power grids, especially in areas with renewable energy integration.
Backup Power: Providing reliable backup solutions for homes and businesses during power outages.
The LTO 30Ah M6 9kW Battery Kit is at the forefront of energy storage technology. With its high capacity, rapid charging, and long lifespan, it meets the diverse needs of modern energy users. Whether you’re looking to enhance your electric vehicle, store renewable energy, or secure backup power, this battery kit offers a robust solution that aligns with today’s energy demands.
As we continue to embrace cleaner, more efficient energy solutions, innovations like the LTO 30Ah M6 battery kit will pave the way for a sustainable future. Explore the possibilities and make the shift to smarter energy storage today!
+𝟭 𝟳𝟳𝟵-𝟳𝟳𝟬-𝟯𝟭𝟬𝟵
1585 Beverly CT, Unit 121, Auror
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dorleco · 4 days
Understanding EV Displays
September 20, 2024
by dorleco
with no comment
Autonomous Vehicle Technology
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The emergence of electric, hybrid, and autonomous vehicles, coupled with the increasing connectivity within vehicles, is causing a rapid shift in the automotive sector. These profound changes in the industry are propelling the quick development of disruptive innovations, particularly in the domains of smart systems, communication, and display technologies. In particular, display technology is developing quickly and surpassing conventional console displays and controls. The adoption of smart displays in many applications has accelerated due to the growing integration of connected technologies throughout the vehicle.
Nowadays, customers need a fluid, appealing experience that can adapt to any setting and features sharp visuals, vibrant colors, and responsive touch capabilities. Today’s automotive applications include Heads-Up Displays (HUDs), smart mirrors, emirrors, rear window displays, driver monitoring systems, and enhanced Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs). These technologies are taking over entire dashboards and giving manufacturers a competitive advantage in the market.
The cutting-edge 5-inch display, 7-inch display, and 10-inch display screens from Dorleco are made to fit the changing demands of contemporary electric cars. They offer dynamic, high-resolution interfaces that improve user experience and driver safety. These displays provide excellent visibility in a range of lighting settings, crisp contrast, and brilliant colors thanks to the latest advancements in OLED and TFT panel technology. The displays from Dorleco are designed with the latest generation of cars in mind, providing a modern, user-friendly interface that makes driving more enjoyable.
Types of EV Displays
1. OLED and TFT Screens
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On the other hand, OLED screens offer better contrast ratios, deeper blacks, and more energy efficiency — especially in low light. Because of these features, OLEDs are perfect for producing eye-catching, energy-efficient displays that improve the interior design and driving experience of vehicles.
2. HUDs, or head-up displays
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EVs are increasingly being equipped with head-up displays (HUDs), which reflect important driving data onto the windshield such as speed and navigational directions. This enhances convenience and safety by enabling the driver to obtain vital information without taking their eyes off the road.
EVs’ HUDs can also show efficiency and range information, which makes it simpler for drivers to monitor key indicators without having to glance at the dashboard. Emerging technologies known as augmented reality (AR) head-up displays (HUDs) have the potential to improve this experience even more by superimposing real-time data on the road, such as lane borders or nearby charging stations.
3. Touch and Haptic Feedback
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The design of the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) has advanced as touchscreen screens proliferate in electric vehicles (EVs). In many EVs, capacitive touchscreens — which are capable of detecting multiple points of contact — are standard. Some touchscreen makers are going so far as to add haptic feedback, which lets the user interact with the display by feeling a tiny resistance or vibration. This can increase safety by lowering the requirement to take your eyes off the road when adjusting the vehicle’s settings.
4. Voice-Activated Displays
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The incorporation of voice-activated controls is another development in EV displays. Without ever touching the display, drivers may operate entertainment, navigation, and climate control in their cars with the help of systems like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, or exclusive voice-recognition technology. By reducing distractions, this hands-free feature aids in keeping drivers’ attention on the road.
The Key Features of EV Displays
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1. Battery and Charging Information
A vital role of an electric vehicle’s display is to give comprehensive details regarding the battery condition of the car. This covers the remaining range, charging speed, and state of charge (SOC). Electric car batteries need more sophisticated monitoring than those in internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, where fuel levels can be estimated rather easily.
In addition to letting drivers know how much energy is remaining, EV displays also let them know how efficiently they are driving, how their driving style affects range, and even where the closest charging stations are. Range anxiety has been a major obstacle to the widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), but these real-time analytics enable drivers to plan journeys and maximize the performance of their cars.
2. Range Estimation and Efficiency Metrics
With EVs, range estimate is an especially important function. In contrast to conventional cars, which have an abundance of gas stations, EV drivers may have range anxiety because the infrastructure for charging them is still emerging. Highly accurate range estimations are now offered by EV displays, which frequently change dynamically in response to many factors such as driving conditions, road grades, climate control usage, and more.
Kilowatt-hours per mile (kWh/mi), an efficiency indicator, is also shown to illustrate how well the car uses energy. The display encourages drivers to adopt more fuel-efficient driving practices by giving them feedback on how much energy they are using. This results in a longer range and better overall performance.
3. Navigation and Charging Infrastructure
In addition to providing navigation guidance, modern EVs come with integrated navigation systems that consider the vehicle’s range and the locations of charging stations. Based on traffic, topography, and the availability of charging stations, EV displays can recommend the best routes. To make charging as easy and stress-free as possible, some even let drivers book charging stations along their trip.
4. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
Displays are essential for informing drivers of ADAS information as the auto industry transitions to autonomous driving. EVs are becoming more and more equipped with features like automated emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, and lane-keeping assistance. These systems use cameras, radars, and sensors to sense the surroundings of the car and provide information in real-time on the dashboard. This aids the driver in maintaining awareness of any potential dangers, oncoming traffic, or cars in blind zones.
Driving that is partially autonomous puts even greater reliance on the display. Drivers need to understand when the car is in control and when it needs to hand off to them. Ensuring a safe and seamless transition between human and machine control requires clear, user-friendly images and notifications on the display.
5. Connectivity and Entertainment
As linked cars have become more common, EV displays have taken on a central role in the entertainment system, providing everything from GPS navigation and music streaming to smartphone connectivity through systems like Apple CarPlay and Android Auto. With the touchscreen controls found on many EVs, drivers can effortlessly handle calls, messages, and even apps like Spotify without taking their hands off the wheel for an extended period.
Furthermore, a lot of EV displays may get software updates, bug fixes, and new features via over-the-air (OTA) updates, saving them a trip to the dealership. As a result, the EV display is now a dynamic, dynamic platform that can develop further in the future.
The Future of EV Displays
EV displays appear to have a very bright future as electric vehicles continue to advance. The field of flexible and curved displays is developing quickly. Manufacturers are experimenting with flexible OLED technology to produce displays that follow the curves of the car’s interior, offering a more visually appealing and immersive experience.
The potential to incorporate AI and machine learning into EV displays is another fascinating development. By doing so, the system would be able to pick up on the driver’s preferences and driving styles, automatically modifying things like seat position and climate control or even making recommendations for more fuel-efficient routes based on historical usage.
Lastly, EV displays will probably become even more essential to the in-car experience as autonomous driving becomes more and more popular. Displays, which provide entertainment, productivity tools, and even virtual assistants for scheduling and trip planning, will replace drivers as more and more driving duties are handled by automobiles.
EV displays are becoming more than just add-ons for displaying standard data. As they guarantee safety, improve driving quality, and offer vital data on vehicle performance, they have grown to be a crucial component of the ecosystem for electric vehicles. We may anticipate EV displays to grow ever more advanced, user-friendly, and essential to the future of transportation as technology develops. The key to making driving electric vehicles fun and practical is these dynamic, interactive interfaces.
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bolt-ev · 5 days
The Rise of Custom Golf Carts: Elevate Your Game and Style
In recent years, custom golf carts have surged in popularity, transforming the way golf enthusiasts experience the game. Custom Golf Carts Gone are the days when golf carts were merely functional vehicles; today, they are a reflection of personal style and an essential part of the golfing experience.
Why Choose Custom Golf Carts?
Personalization: One of the primary reasons golfers opt for custom carts is the ability to personalize their ride. From unique paint jobs to custom upholstery, the options are virtually limitless. Whether you want to showcase your favorite sports team or simply want a cart that stands out on the course, customization allows you to express your individuality.
Enhanced Comfort and Features: Custom golf carts can be equipped with a range of features designed for comfort and convenience. Upgraded seating, advanced sound systems, and even coolers for drinks can make your golfing experience more enjoyable. These enhancements not only improve comfort but can also make those long days on the course much more pleasant.
Performance Upgrades: For those looking to elevate their game, performance upgrades are essential. Custom golf carts can be modified for better speed and handling, allowing you to navigate the course with ease. Electric models, like those offered at Bolt EV, provide powerful performance while being eco-friendly.
Versatility Beyond Golf: Custom golf carts are not just for the golf course. Many owners use their carts for a variety of purposes, from cruising around the neighborhood to tailgating at sports events. With the right customization, these carts can serve multiple functions, making them a valuable investment.
The Future of Custom Golf Carts
As technology advances, the future of custom golf carts looks promising. Innovations in electric vehicle technology, including longer battery life and faster charging times, will make custom carts more accessible and efficient. Additionally, with the rise of smart technology, features like GPS navigation and mobile app integration are becoming standard in many models.
Investing in a custom golf cart is not just about convenience; it’s about making a statement on and off the course. With endless customization options available, golfers can truly make their carts a reflection of their personality and lifestyle. Custom Golf Carts If you're looking to elevate your golf game and style, consider exploring the range of custom options available at Bolt EV.
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semcoinfratechworld · 11 days
Innovations in Laser Welding: How Indian Startups Are Leading the Way
India is one of the fastest-growing manufacturing countries; startups are playing a key role in driving innovation in this area. Many industries, especially automotive, electronics, and battery manufacturing, are finding themselves amid revolutionary times due to laser welding. This blog will delve into the new developments in laser welding and how Indian startups are pioneering advanced laser welding machines and equipment.
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The Rise of Laser Welding in India
Laser welding is an accurate and effective joining technique using a laser beam for fusion. Delivering quality welds at a much faster speed, this joining technique is an ideal option for industries that require high levels of accuracy and efficiency. With the demand for laser welding machines in India on the rise, startups are stepping up their efforts to offer innovative solutions for meeting the unique needs of Indian manufacturers.
Innovations Driven by Indian Startups
Automation and AI Integration: Indian startups are incorporating automation and artificial intelligence features in laser welding machines for better performance and ease of use. AI-powered systems can predict potential defects in welding and adjust parameters in real-time for high-quality outcomes and reduce wastage.
Cost-effective Solutions: Laser welding used to be one of the most expensive technologies and was unaffordable for anyone other than large corporations. However, Indian startups are trying to change this narrative by developing cost-effective laser welding equipment that addresses the needs of SMEs. These solutions are not only reducing the barrier to entry but also encouraging wider adoption of laser welding across various industries.
Customization for Battery Manufacturing: With the rise of electric vehicles, the demand for Lithium-Ion Battery Assembly Equipment Suppliers is thereby increasing. Indian startups are innovating in specialist laser welding solutions designed for battery manufacturing, which requires precision and very little thermal distortion. These customized laser welding machines turn out to be a very important part of an EV battery assembly line, as they enhance the efficiency and safety factors.
Portable Laser Welding Machines: Another frontier in which Indian startups are making their presence felt is the development of portable laser welding machines. These compact and easily movable machines will go well for on-site repairs and applications where mobility is important. Their versatility makes them suitable for a wide range of industries from automotive to aerospace.
The Future of Laser Welding in India
With startups driving the next wave of innovations, the future of laser welding in India looks very promising. To be sure, the next waves of development will give us far more enhanced laser welding machines in India, with greater efficiency, precision, and environmental sustainability. Now, startups are planning to try green laser welding techniques, which also reduce energy consumption and lower the carbon footprint caused by manufacturing processes.
However, further development, especially for the EV sector, is expected through collaboration between startups and established Lithium-Ion Battery Assembly Equipment Suppliers. The result will ensure the needed synergy that, when applied, will develop a more refined laser welding solution targeted at meeting customers’ demands, thus keeping India in the vanguard of this technology evolution.
Indian startups are not only a part of but also the forerunners in laser welding innovations. By providing customized, affordable, and high-tech laser welding machines, they are enabling industries to upgrade their production capabilities and cater to the ever-increasing demand in the market. While these startups continue to push the envelope on what is possible with the evolution of laser welding machines, they are positioning India as the global manufacturing hub for excellence.
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molsons112000 · 11 days
Something used the wrong plastic batteries. They're mostly concerned about acidity and corrosion... But they're not protecting for temperature heat or cold!
So they could layer the battery plastic. So you can have an internal liner, and the external will be the traditional plastic. So the internal liner would act as the insulation.
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), also known as Teflon, is a synthetic fluoropolymer that is highly resistant to corrosion and a wide range of chemicals. PTFE is often used in applications that involve handling corrosive liquids or gases.
PTFE Coatings
Corrosion Resistant - PTFE Coatings
A wide range of colours is also available where colour coding or clear identification purposes are a requirement. These coatings are available in either solvent...
You could use it as an external layer and then used other plastic as an internal give thickness.
And I don't know what the plastic they use with electric car batteries... So they're not using the correct plastic or the electric car batteries either. You can combine these, but in general, they need to add the above or somehow improved the plastic that is existing.
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)
Its robustness ensures the safe and long-lasting operation of vital battery components, contributing significantly to the overall safety and efficiency of automotive batteries.
Electric car batteries use a variety of plastics, including:
Foamed polypropylene
A lightweight, recyclable material that's used for insulation and shock protection.
A lightweight, chemical-resistant plastic that's used for battery cases and covers. It's also used in lead-acid battery cases.
A high-impact plastic that's used for battery cases and covers. It's resistant to chemicals and high temperatures.
A high-strength, stiff plastic that's used for battery holders and housings. It's stable at high temperatures.
Microporous plastic
Used for the separator, which prevents short circuits by separating the cathode and anode. When a cell gets too hot, the separator melts and closes up the micropores, preventing a fire.
Noryl NHP6011 and NHP6012
Glass-fiber-reinforced resins that trim the weight of EV batteries and boost safety.
Plastics Machinery & Manufacturing
Plastics trim EV batteries' weight, boost safety
Feb 15, 2022 — Noryl NHP6011 and NHP6012 are new glass-fiber-reinforced resins featuring a proprietary polyphenylene ether copolymer. They support demand for ...
And another thing it's good impact resistant! Making batteries safe during a crash, and the car designer does not protect the battery during crashes.
LAPP Tannehill
Zeus 26 AWG Extruded PTFE Lightweight Wall Tubing - Natural
Zeus PTFE extruded tubing offers high flexibility, protection from chemicals, high temperature resistance, highly lubricious, good impact resistance and
And that's a problem with cars is the fluids empty out in accidents.... And that causes another hazard!!!!
So with the sensor system, they could draw fluids into retainer systems that are impact resistant. The system would still maintain a minimum coating But you don't need the excess fluid.... Yes, adding these components will bring up the weight.But I doubt if they need to be extremely heavy, so it should be minimal. But they can sense where the accident is coming from and then reallocate the fluids to a place where you know they're protected from the impact.... Yes you need a vacuum system. So again then I'll add some weight. But you can put the fluids in a protective area. Somewhere centralized on a vehicle. So that means during impact, the fluids won't add to any possible hazards to the humans, whether fire or chemical hazards. And won't leave chemical deposits on the roadway, preventing environmental issues.... So they really need to start thinking about car design better... 🤔 My house, they have some things right, but again, improving makes a difference.....
So you would have to address these disadvantages.....
what are the disadvantages of ptfe coating
The main disadvantage of PTFE is that it does not actually melt when heated and is therefore difficult to process.
PTFE: Properties, benefits & uses - Adtech Polymer Engineering
Limited heat resistance: When exposed to temperatures above 260°C, Teflon will begin to decompose, releasing harmful gases, making it unsuitable for …Nov 5, 2018
What are the disadvantages of Teflon? - Quora
Durability: While Teflon is durable, it can scratch or peel over time, which can reduce its non-stick properties and potentially release harmful chemicals …
What is teflon? Mention its advantages and disadvantages? - Krayonnz
But the point is, designing it, so competition can't come in and take your business.....
Well, there's a process that you can do to add certain nanofibers to overcome these disadvantages...
Electrospinning is a process by which polymer nanofibers are produced from polymer solutions or polymer melt by the application of a strong electric field [102].
Polymer Nanofibers - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Electrospinning is a process that can be used to add nanofibers to plastics:
Apply an electric field: A high voltage power supply (HVPS) is used to apply an electric field to a viscous polymer solution.
Eject the polymer: The polymer solution is ejected from a nozzle as a cone shape.
Evaporate the solvent: As the polymer travels to the collector, most of the solvent evaporates.
Collect the nanofibers: The dry nanofibers collect on a metal collector plate to form a membrane.
Electrospinning is a versatile technique that can be used on a variety of natural and synthetic polymers. It can produce nanofibers with controllable diameters, porosities, and compositions.
Electrospun nanofibers have many applications, including:
Biomedical research
Nanofiber mats can mimic the extracellular matrix, allowing cells to attach and receive nutrients.
Drug delivery
Nanofibers can encapsulate drugs, which can increase drug solubility and bioavailability.
Plastic waste management
Recycled polymers can be used to create value-added products through nanocomposite fabrication.
Nanofiber - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
4.5. ... Melt spraying is a unique and one-step process for producing self-
So you'll have to do testing to figure out the trade offs, they get the formula, correct.... And believe me, the racing industry would be after this immediately, and we'd be happy to do the research and create it, because it protects their own drivers!!!!!
That's one good thing about racing teams is they're always looking for innovation. You can bring them a product and they might be willing to implement it. And you have to work out the concessions, but they're happy.The test it... Can you can pay them if you don't want to give away anything for them to implement and test.... So you can get them to test under extreme conditions...
Both to test it in all kinds of environments, and you can bring it into motorcycle racing as well and to water sports racing as well.It's a tested in different types of environment... Then, yes, they're gonna need lots of batteries for the space program, so you can test it in zero gravity, an extreme cold...
There are many types of professional car races, including:
Stock car racing
This category originated in Prohibition-era America when moonshiners modified stock cars to outrun authorities. NASCAR is an organization that grew out of this practice.
This type of motorsport combines rally and racing on closed circuits with a mix of gravel and tarmac surfaces. The cars are a combination of rally and racing cars.
Formula 1
This is the highest class of single-seater open-wheel and open-cockpit professional motor racing contest. The FIA (Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile) governs and sanctions Formula One racing.
Touring car racing
This is a motorsport road racing competition with heavily modified road-going cars. It has similarities to stock car racing, but there are also significant differences.
Drag racing
This is a legal and organized competition that takes place on a closed track.
Open wheel
This type of racing includes Formula One (F1) and IndyCar, which feature vehicles with exposed wheels.
This type of auto racing takes place with normal or modified road cars on public roads that are closed for competition.
Indianapolis 500
This is the flagship event of IndyCar, which is considered the fastest form of motor racing in America.
Business Insider
Different Types of Auto Racing - Business Insider
May 23, 2014 — IndyCar is fastest form of motor racing in America. Its flagship event, the Indy 500, is an American
So you can get different racing teams and different sports and even yes aircraft racing teams...
There are several types of aircraft racing, including:
Air Race E World Cup
This electric aircraft championship is based on Formula One rules and involves aircraft flying in groups around a 5 km oval course.
Bendix Trophy
This transcontinental, point-to-point race began in 1931 as part of the National Air Races.
Formula 1 pylon races
These races are held regularly, mainly at Reno, Nevada.
Biplane Blue
This race class is for aircraft with two main lifting wings, including tandem configurations.
Aerobatic competitions
The EXTRA/330SC is a popular plane for aerobatic competitions, with a slim and sharp body and a 315Hp engine. The Pitts S-2C Series Planes are also popular for aerobatics, with a patented propeller and a wingspan of 20 feet.
The Air Racing Council of the United States (ARCUS) recognizes several fixed-race classes, including Formula 1, Formula V, Biplane, T-6, T-28, Sport Class, and Unlimited.
Air racing | Sport, Aircraft & Competitions - Britannica
The Air Racing Council of the United States (ARCUS) recognizes several fixed-race classes, including Formula 1, Formula V, Biplane, T-6, T-28, Sport Class, and ...
There are many types of water sports racing, including:
A flat-water racing event where athletes can compete solo or in pairs.
A sport where boats race around a course marked by buoys or other fixed marks. Small boats often race each other in one-design racing.
Jet skiing
A water sport similar to powerboat racing, where riders compete on jet skis.
Sport diving
A competitive version of scuba diving.
And obviously you can test us in submersibles for pressure related to diving.....
Most diving competitions fall into three categories:
Springboard diving: Includes 1 meter and 3 meter springboard diving
Platform diving: A type of diving competition
Synchronized diving: A type of diving competition
FINA: The governing body for international diving and swimming competitions
Here are some other types of diving:
Advanced open-water diving
A certification that allows divers to dive up to 100 feet (30 meters) deep. Divers learn skills like deep diving, underwater navigation, and night diving.
Technical diving
A highly advanced form of scuba diving that requires more equipment and training than recreational diving.
Military diving
Similar to commercial diving, but also involves underwater surveillance and military research.
An underwater sport that's popular in many parts of the world.
Saturation diving
A type of diving where the diver stays underwater long enough for their tissues to reach equilibrium with the breathing air.
Epic Sports
Diving Competition Rules and Regulations | Epic Sports
Most diving competitions involve three general categories: Springboard diving (1 meter and 3 meter), platform diving, and synchronized diving. World class divin...
Swahili Divers
ALL 18 Different Types of Diving Explain (With Images) — Swahili ...
Nov 11, 2023 — Advanced open-water diving is a certification that builds on the skills learned in the open-water course and allows divers to dive to depths of up t...
Scuba set - Wikipedia
A scuba set, originally just scuba, is any breathing apparatus that is entirely carried by an underwater diver and provides the diver with breathing gas at the ...
Safety Advice for Underwater Photographers
We call diving a sport but it is not a competition. As with any adventurous activity you'll be wanting to push your boundaries occasionally. Just be mindful tha...
Saturation diving - Wikipedia
Saturation diving is diving for periods long enough to bring all tissues into equilibrium with the partial pressures of the inert components of the breathing ..
Divemaster - Wikipedia
A divemaster (DM) is a role that includes organising and leading recreational dives, particularly in a professional capacity, and is a qualification used in ...
How to Spearfish: A Step-by-Step Guide
Jul 11, 2018 — Spearfishing is a unique underwater sport that is widely recognized and practiced in many parts of the world. If you're a diver or an avid swimmer w...
TRI Air Testing
SCUBA Grade E Compressed Air Testing
Military Diving. Military diving is similar to commercial diving but also involves such tasks as underwater surveillance and military research. TRI can test you...
Scuba and Technical Diving Courses in Dahab - The Complete List
Technical diving is a highly advanced sport form of scuba diving, it takes qualified and experienced divers far deeper than the widespread recreational diving i...
Generative AI is experimental. Learn more
So if you put it through the testing and these actual extreme environments than for the average environment....
And I don't know if walmart sponsors any of these teams since they have both automotive and walmarts and sam's club!!!! Which sam's club is limited and walmart has a more extensive automotive program. I guess they could expand the program at sam's club!!!
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kingbodefujian · 13 days
BYD Song Plus Champion EV: The Future of Urban Mobility
The BYD Song Plus Champion EV symbolizes a whole new level in tackling urban mobility. Launched in the year 2021 this electric car model is set to answer the rising need for environmentally smart, reliable, and fashionable mobility solutions. With the growing population and problems of traffic jams and pollution in the major cities of the world, the BYD Song Plus Champion EV is a car that combines efficiency and environmental concerns.
Innovative Design and Technology
The modern design and integration of the latest technology make the BYD Song Plus Champion EV model unique. From an aesthetic point of view, it is rather appealing, and apart from this, it has aerodynamic qualities, which make it practical as well. This model has a large interior, with improved technological products for intended information communication in the vehicle. The BYD Song Plus Champion EV has comfortable and friendly controls and smart features to enhance a drive in the city.
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BYD Song Plus Champion EV
Performance and Efficiency
The most generic aspect known about the BYD Song Plus Champion EV is its performance. Driven by state-of-the-art electric technology, it boasts remarkable acceleration and a comfortable ride. The car integrates a large capacity battery allowing for the car to be used for daily use and longer distance travel. The technology enhances the design of the product and its efficiency, thereby lowering the cost of production and greatly minimizing the impact of its usage on the environment. Trademark qualities of the BYD Song Plus Champion EV include its concern for efficiency which distinguishes it from other vehicles in the same class.
The BYD Yuan Plus EV Revolution
In the electric vehicle market, for instance, the BYD Song Plus Champion EV is usually compared to the BYD Yuan Plus EV. As with many pieces of literature discussing both sustainability and innovation, while they are both present in both models, they serve distinct purposes. The BYD Yuan Plus EV is quite small and maneuverable, perfect for use in the urban environment and especially for getting into and out of narrow parking spaces. On the other hand, as suggested by the name BYD Song Plus Champion EV is a spacious car that has better performance than the above cars for various road conditions. All the vehicles are evidence of BYD's focus and commitment to electric mobility with each vehicle having its strengths.
The Impact on Urban Mobility
The BYD Song Plus Champion EV is not just a car, it symbolizes the move to a greener form of living. This makes the driving of this vehicle decrease pollution in the urban area thus improving the quality of air we breathe in. This particular technology incorporated in the vehicle plus the efficiency of the automobile’s design is in sync with the measures taken around the world to fight climate change and improve the quality of life in cities. With the development of cities and the increase in the need for environmentally friendly cars, the BYD Song Plus Champion EV is well suited for the role.
Therefore, the BYD Song Plus Champion EV is a perfect example of creating a car for the future of urban life with extraordinary design, performance, and focus on ecology. Competing in the space that boasts some of the world’s most congested and polluted large cities, this electric vehicle represents a solution that makes sound sense. For such reason, it is possible to conclude that through the use of the BYD Song Plus Champion EV, not only does the driver get to enjoy the best drive but equally the environment gets to enjoy the best drive as well. The constant topical changes continue influencing the automotive industry, and there can be no doubt that the BYD Song Plus Champion EV is one of the promising vehicles of modern urban mobility.
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