#Devil replies
heartfullofleeches · 10 months
I will gladly fold for V, my little sewer rat that I wish to smooch so much
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Another solider lost to the greasy hands of the rat lord. Tis a dark day... o7
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danielsarmand · 3 months
you think it's over????? daniel's vampire eyes are normally blue but they turn orange when he talks about his maker armand AND YOU THINK IT'S OVER????????????? we have never been so back. keep your chin up princess
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jonasiegenthaler · 1 month
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atthebell · 5 months
found this absolutely adorable video of lobinho as a puppy please look at him (from this cellbit tweet; yes it was 2018 and that's deeply obvious from the hamilton blasting in the background)
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magnetshrimp · 2 years
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movie date (?)
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bweoo · 14 days
random and silly stupid thought for your consideration: am willing to bet holy came close to going "cat smacking another cat meme" on dante for any time he starts to say something punny like "for the love of all that's holy"
(if this is ooc somehow i'm sorry i only have a surface level understanding of dmc based on the game being gifted to me and i have yet to play if not for my puny gpu idjjdnd)
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No it's not OOC at all! This is basically their daily interaction aslkgjasfg
She usually tells him to shut up or slap him gently but sometimes depending on her mood she would just use her powers to stab him lol. But that doesn't stop Dante because he loves teasing her and seeing her reactions (also he's a masoch-).
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wyvernquill · 2 months
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POV you embark on an odyssey of recollection
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heartfullofleeches · 10 months
In the spirit of the holiday (even though it'll literally be over in like an hour lol), something I'm incredibly thankful for this year is getting to be mutuals with such a hilarious, kind, and fun individual. Your unending creativity within the stories you share never cease to inspire me, and getting the chance to browse your blog for new posts is something I often look forward to at the end of the day. I also really love your overall vibe and honestly think that you are such a cool person. Just thought you might like to know 😊
Hope you + your loved ones had a happy Thanksgiving!! 😋🦃🍗🥧💖
Bro what this is so sweet. Seriously this is so kind I don't know what to say. I'm thankful to be mutuals with such a talented and amazing person. I know the post said not to say, but I was that other anon who left that compliment. You seem really cool and I love your clowns/mime ocs they're awesome. Ahhh I don't know how to respond to messages like these it's so nice I can't stop smiling.
Hope the holiday was good for you and your family as well 🤍🦃
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Why everyone in the art community has something against tracing?
Tracing is an excellent tool for learning, in my opinion. I used to trace pictures of horses all day when I was a kid. It's great for teaching your eye and your hand to recognise and recreate shapes.
Some people call the use of reference images 'tracing' which isn't accurate or really an issue?? Unless you're a purist who thinks using ref images is "lazy". It gets iffy when you use other Artist's work as a reference, but that more often has to do with the percentage of 'inspiration' you take from their work.
The only time it becomes a problem is when people copy part of, or the entirety of another artist's work, and claim it as their own. That's just straight-up theft. And I'm not talking about vaguely copying a pose because it looked cool, I'm talking every detail from the armour to the hair has been copied but the second artist just flipped the image left and recoloured it. This exploits the hard work of the original artist and is generally seen as a dick move.
There's room for discussion regarding homage/tribute and satire, but in general, tracing is just another tool.
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crimeronan · 21 days
Amity: "Okay so what Selfish Things do you want with me" Luz: "I want a nice small cottage somewhere warm and quiet where I can have you and Hunter and we don't have to worry about anything to do with the Empire ever again." Amity: "I thought you said selfish. That sounds fucking great. Can we do that? I wanna do that"
LITERALLY. luz keeps referring to her own selfishness and her want like it's this secret sick unforgivable thing & amity is like okay i'll bite. do you want to hurt hunter?? do you want to hurt me?? & luz is like no of course not. but when i let myself want something i never stop wanting it. i never stop wanting to be selfish, i can't get enough, i'm never sated. & amity is like okay, but would you let me leave when i wanted to??
luz: yes of course, but--
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Soooo shadow as batman? whatcha think?
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He kinda reminds me of Jersey Devil:
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ilynpilled · 1 year
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why must everything that the text clearly states atp be misconstrued like i really dont get it he has plenty of flaws in that relationship but we, and cersei, know that he was ready to kill robert for just the disrespect of the cheating if cersei said the word. he doesnt concern himself with the personal consequences, he is reckless, detached from a lot of things, and can close his eyes at the future if he doesn’t want to acknowledge it. also the concern over the “shame” and ned type judgement feels so overestimated to me atp. he never regrets aerys, he is mad at how he is perceived (but again, notably doesnt try to rectify it by telling the truth for a lot of complex reasons), but he would never take it back. if he believes its the right thing to do, and is not overdosing on copium trying to juggle vows he cares about, he will do it, reputation be damned. though he has selfish concerns regarding being viewed as good, the internal matters so much more than the external: see weirwood dream: who actually shows up? what makes the fire go out? “it was not him. it was never him”, see the trebuchet fiasco, see the choice in adwd. why shouldnt we take cersei at face value when she implies that if jaime knew about the physical abuse he would have killed him? he loves and cares about cersei to an insane degree, even if he can be selfish toxic and unhealthy too. not to mention he would be glad to kill robert anyway lol. i really find it very very difficult to imagine that he wouldnt have killed him based on almost every single part of his characterization.
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blue-rose-soul · 7 months
@proshipper-on-ship replied:
The man felt a tiny amount of guilt after killing Alastor's mother (forgive me I can't spell worth a damn) so he took Alastor in afterwards, though he didn't do much "raising" aside from making sure Alastor had food at least once a day and a roof over his head even if it might've been just a shed near a dog kennel, and often still kept getting drunk and ordering Alastor around, calling Alastor a busboy or something like that for when he wants something fetched
You, my friend, are a genius.
Alastor decides to play the long game, doing everything this bastard asks of him. He's quiet. He's polite. He's obedient. Bit by bit, he endears himself to the man, never complaining even when the old bastard becomes drunk and belligerent and violent. Alastor just smiles and takes it all in stride.
Years pass. Over time, Alastor charms his way out of the shed and into a proper bedroom. The man didn't have any children (illness and bad luck) and his wife left to take care of her ailing sister some years past and never returned. So it's just Alastor and Nicaise's murderer in the house, along with the staff.
Not too hard to convince the old bastard to put him in the will. Unofficially adopting him.
Alastor is sixteen when he slips the poison into his captor's drink.
He watches the man choke and sputter, clutching his throat, reaching for a bell to call the servants. Alastor calmly moves the bell out of arm's reach and watches the light slowly fade from his eyes.
Once the old bastard is cold Alastor gets up and heads off to bed.
He's awoken by the sound of the servant screaming in the morning.
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nwheregirl · 10 months
Keanu's characters as aestethics.
OOOOH! I love this ask! Let’s start:
JOHN WICK - dark academia
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KEVIN LOMAX - old money
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DONAKA MARK - femme fatale
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DON JOHN - royalcore
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JOHNNY SILVERHAND - rockstar bf/gf
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NEO - edgy
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theriverbeyond · 2 years
so i was thinking about this post, specifically the comparison between Ianthe/Babs and Silas/Colum. because on the surface, they're both necromancers whose relationship to their cavalier seems wholly consumptive. but: Silas differs from Ianthe on one big, key point -- he refuses to ascend to lyctorhood. he has been indoctrinated since birth to view his cavalier as only a tool for him; Colum was quite literally made for him, the 8th house breeds batteries, but when the chips are down silas refuses. he tried to kill Ianthe for it!! like, he was the only one in the room who thought what Ianthe did was so fucked up that she should die for it.
and this is so fascinating!! because one could potentially interpret the 8th house's treatment of their cavaliers like Mercymorn trying to innoculate her house against the grief that destroyed her for 10,000 years. she loved Cristabel too much, and she never wanted that to happen to anyone else. but the thing is, I don't think it worked. at best, I can see Silas becoming like Augustine "human plex" the First. you are not immune to grief etc.
and i think this is going to be important like, idk. the 8th house is the only dead Canaan House pair that hasn't yet had their arc concluded. and IMO, i think the 9th house wasnt the only house to have their dynamic be challenged by and radically shift due to the events of GtN!! that scene where Silas invites Gideon to "take tea" and then tells Colum to kill her -- Colum refuses, Silas lets Gideon go, and we never see the conclusion of that fight. and of course, despite refusing to wholly consume his soul, when fighting Ianthe Silas falls back on old habits to steamroll Colum's agency, and ends up opening the path for the River Devil that comes and kills them both. I think it is very intentional that this is framed as a consequence of Silas overriding Colum's agency and treating Colum like a tool and not a person, and I think the rest of their arc is going to address this. in HtN, when Silas fled Harrow's bubble, I am convinced that he went to go find Colum's soul.
im very interested to see where their arc leads re: forgiveness, atonement, etc, especially in the context of Gideon's forgiveness of Harrow in the pool scene, Hot Sauce's forgiveness of Nona, and Ortus & Harrow's mutual forgiveness of each other. how do we make it right when it can never be made right, how can we move forward without ever being able to erase what we have done to each other?
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