#Did Wind just eat hot chip and lie then die?
askatriangleandastar · 11 months
"So, you're the new elemental master of wind?"
Oh! New cast memeber!
"Well, I knew the last one. I already like you better."
Nice nice!
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missrpmemes · 3 months
Shit my friends have said but they're ask memes pt.2
Part 1
"These paths are very scenic in the corpse department"
"The speed of horny is frighteningly quick"
"May god have mercy on your soul, cause I sure as hell won't"
"I have to get my monsterfucker quota in"
"You can catch god in a pokeball if you have enough nuts"
"Oh god, they seasoned it with capitalism!"
"Goddamnit Toucan Sam, why are you such an asshole?"
"All I know is swing hammer, eat hot chip, and lie"
"Would you like to watch me commit some incredible violence?"
"It's fun being teammates with me because i'm never with the team unless it's against my will"
"His fatal flaw is he's a catboy. I hate catboys"
"If your idea doesn't work, I have one that i'm sure is much worse"
"I'm playing the fucking Sims, I have a lot to apologize for"
"What's the harm in turning a festival into a funeral?"
"_______ just spoke in fluid ominous"
""I was about to say "where are the bitches?" and then the bitches attacked"
""I mean, the worst thing that happens is a couple of us die"
"Hi. Sorry I have to wake you up, I have to murder you"
"Did y'all know that Frank Ocean and hotdog water are basically the same name?"
"That's a wet rag of a man... I want him"
"Can't a person see a fine ass and comment on it?! I comment on your fine ass all the time!"
"I don't want the burden of free will"
"What stick is up your ass? What tree is up your ass?! I don't even think the wind can sway you!"
"Oh, this is so stupid... let's do this"
"It's okay, I will just never forgive you"
"They're never gonna kill me- uh, slight change of plans; they might kill me"
"I don't do anything with dignity"
"I am released upon the world. Now I am your problem"
"His face looks like a horse but he compels me"
"Do you want the unfortunate therapist answer?"
"I have an approximate knowledge of many things"
"I'm still getting arrested, but i'm not going to jail. Who do you think I am?"
"I want my words to be an omen and a threat"
"Who hurt you and why was it me?"
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badass-at-fandoming · 4 years
Just Little Ventrue Things ~
I finished a Camarilla Ventrue run of VTMB. Mostly, the only thing Ventrue these days know how to do is Dominate, run screaming, eat hot chip, and lie, and [high falsetto voice] here’s a list of other nonsense I discovered:
PC’s name is Christina; she’s a Dominatrix because I’m bi. Her sire was one of her clients, and she’s actually very, very angry about his death. She doesn’t mind being a vampire. She’s Wiccan and part of a coven
In this Camarilla run, I decided I would only do quests given by Camarilla members. My justification was that, while Christina is intelligent and curious about lore, she focuses on tasks that immediately relate to her and her goals. She’s not curious about others; won’t go out of her way to talk to them. She’s not a bleeding heart, like my other PCs, and she believes in the Camarilla’s laws. She just hates LaCroix for killing her sire. Her plan during the game is to curry as much favor within the Cam as possible and cozy up to LaCroix so she can stab him.
Enough backstory
Nonsense time
Smiling Jack laughs at you if you don’t eat a rat in the tutorial. LOL. The Ventrue dialog is like “I could barely choke down the homeless man: please don’t make me eat a rat!”
The blood in the Santa Monica haven’s fridge is now blue blood. Does regular blood make Ventrue sick? I was too scared to experiment.
[spots Mercurio] I am going to steal that ghoul
Rosa: The people you’re looking for are up there. Christina, assuming Rosa is a Cam agent: Okay, thanks, bye
Never spoke to the Thin-Bloods again (sorry Lily baby ;-;)
Everyone except Julius still leaves when the PC reaches Hollywood
If you try to feed on Julius, he WILL kick you in the head and you WILL glitch into the fire, be on fire; run away screaming in Prada
You can skip the whole basement of the Ocean House Hotel if you manage to jump over the hole in the staircase???? Like?? You mean the spookiest fucking level has been optional this whole time I”M
[ghost appears] [Christina smacks it with an axe] None of that.
Club girls speak to Christina and I’m on the FLOOR
Therese “kills” Jeanette, even though I had enough oompa to make that not happen.
Therese joins the Camarilla and says she’s in good position to be the next Prince??? Hello??? Where is our Prince Voerman ending????
Went straight to LaCroix, called him “sir,” and he name-dropped Napoleon.
LaCroix tells Christina to go visit the Anarchs. She blows the Anarchs off (Nines made a growly face, Damsel dialog yowl-exited out after I asked if she wanted to join the Cam; Skelter threatened to murder me twice). When LaCroix told Christina that, while he admired her Cam loyalty, she must listen to her enemies to understand what they wanted, it felt like he was actually being a good sire and mentor.
That’s weird.
When Christina asked for his history, he very carefully explained his lineage, like the important part of Ventrue culture it is.
Overall, I found LaCroix-being-nice-to-me extremely unsettling.
Sir. Stop smiling at me, sir. Stop being impressed I don’t ask for money. STOP MAKING ME UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE LIKE YOU, SIR.
In contrast, LaCroix sounded genuinely betrayed at the end
Also made it more obvious when he started to lose track of his marbles
Ventrue PC seems juuuuuuust tall enough for her forehead to glitch into the ceiling of literally any confined space
The dirty Elizabeth Dane policeman didn’t psspspspsp at Christina so the whole ship was 15 white-knuckled minutes of making police dance and scuttling about
There is!!! A lot less!!! Talking in this game!!! Than I remember!!! She is only good at talking and ordering people around i am bEGGING
All EXP goes to Dominate and making Christina extremely charismatic and buff.
Ventrue himbo????
Beckett un-himbo-ifies her
She insults Beckett on their first meeting, spitting out “What do you want, wolfie?!” I thought this was appropriate because she died like, 4 times on that warehouse mission and was Extremely Stressed And Under Duress
Beckett’s response of “Oh, you’re too young to have mouthed off to the truly old ones yet.” makes his later snide remark of “the young ones are so temperamental” 900% funnier. Yeah, LaCroix! Beckett thinks I’ve grown and am now more mature than you! XD
Missions involving sex workers hit different when you’re a sex worker.
Christina was incandescent with rage at the Brotherhood
Grout’s mansion mission was a lot of “I have no interest in this nonsense.”
For the first time ever, I didn’t kill anyone during the Museum quest! This is because Christina ran very fast and Dominated every guard as quickly as possible. Every single fucking guard knew she was there, but could do nothing about it, because they were dancing. The door to the sarcophagus locked (it will do this if too many guards are agro), but locked doors are no match for noclip hack.
Entertaining image of a tall woman absolutely blasting into this museum room and Beckett tackling her to the floor like wait! I must snark at you! You are legally obligated to speak with me!
Isaac is still somehow a pretty chill guy to work with if you’re Camarilla.
Christina didn’t visit VV or Ash. Interestingly, Ash didn’t show up at the hunter monastery later. Did he just die in his club? Is he still there, waiting, deciding?
Christina @ Andrei: what the fuck is this shit
“I don’t care. It’s ugly. Clean it up.”
Not as bad as I was expecting
Did take shortcut, run away from fights, ducked out in the middle for a snack, and bring 7 blue blood packs tho
Gary threatened to shred her face with a cheese grater, which I thought was Toreador only dialog?? It must be connected to the Appearance Stat. Which Christina has maxed out.
When Heather became Christina’s ghoul, I was delighted because I thought this meant Christina would always have fresh blood.
If you ask to feed on her too soon after the last time, Heather says she feels light headed and wants to lie down. The dialog exits out
I love you, Heather bb
Perfected the art of nudging NPCs into corners
Mitnick’s quests now feature Enforced Nap Time for all guards
Seriously, Dominate is ridiculously powerful, hooooly shit. I get why people like it. I also like it when people do things I ask them to do.
Christina can’t sneak, but she CAN strongly encourage everyone to choke on their own tongues.
Very high contrast in the beginning of the game: 2 punches would knock her over, but anyone she spoke to would obey immediately and without question
Chinatown goes by ridiculously fast if you can’t sneak and don’t do any sidequests besides Mitnick’s.
For the first time ever, Zhao survived! This is because Christina made him take a nap.
He just told her to leave
You’re welcome, my good dude
IDK if it’s a game glitch, but Christina would vocalize? In battle, she grunts with effort and pain.
Got to the point where I kept expecting Dominate dialog in every interaction and would get disappointed if it didn’t show up. What do you mean I have to actually convince people? That’s lame.
Christina was polite and charming to Ming Xiao, who also conveyed a deeper betrayal than normal at the end. ;-;
I promise to give you a Ventrue boy toy soon, Xiao
Finale arc quests went by VERY FAST because Christina can’t sneak for shit. Just run in, Dominate blazing
You can skip the outside bit of the Hallowbrook Hotel if you find the open door on the top level what the fuuuuuuuuuCK
[“A Little Party Never Killed Nobody” plays while Christina wipes out the Sabbat in 10 minutes]
Andrei disappeared mid-fight and didn’t come back until I complained that only I was allowed to run away from boss fights
I’m categorizing “triggering the interaction to save Heather” as something quite difficult to do. The timing has to be just right. I’ve missed it twice now. BUT hacking into the game to save her is easy.
I love you, Heather bb
Final Beckett talk had the vibe of “You’re a very different person than me, but you’re also High Humanity and trying to do good. You don’t deserve to die.”
Damsel threatens to kick the shit out of Christina and is extremely reluctant to tell her where Nines is
“Out of all people, they send you? All right, let’s just talk terms.” - Nines because Christina was short with him one (1) time
You can just?? Walk out of your haven?? Without speaking to Jack at all???
I didn’t do that
But I could have
[”Dust in the Wind” plays while Christina kills entire Camarilla hit squad in 3 minutes]
You can visit Mercurio and Trip on your way out of Santa Monica??
Mercurio makes no comment on the blood hunt. Business as usual with him. This is fine.
Christina: I’m SO going to adopt that ghoul. And perhaps Isaac can be convinced to part with Romero...
(For the first time ever, my PC boinked Romero. Twice, to receive the break up email)
This is definitely a glitch, but Christina brushed up against Caine, and a worried voice said, “Are you all right?” It sounded like the same voice actor, but a higher pitch?
Always nice to think about Caine demonstrating care
Christina asked Caine who he is, and Caine replied that he “gets people where they’re going. [He’s] a driver,”  which is a nice nod (lol) to both his literal job as a driver and as a shepherd/creator/god to Kindred. Caine creates and makes fate.
Caine triple checks with Christina that she’s sure Strauss won’t betray her. Thanks, Vampire Dad. :’D
For some reason, only other Ventrue guarded LaCroix’s tower. I wonder if this is intentional. Like all the other Camarilla Clans backed Strauss and left? So only LaCroix’s Ventrue lackeys remain? Anyway, it created some weird moments where Christina fought her double.
Sheriff laughed in haughty joy that he was to kill Christina. I don’t remember him laughing in other playthroughs.
Christina ruining Caine and Jack’s prank oh noes
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Unspoken Longing – Zion x Reader POV x Harry (Part 1)
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* image from LucyDreams, Dangerous Fellows
Word Count: 3,154
Angst / Fluff (minor NSFW)
Warning: Profanity.
So… quiet.
Hands gripped tight against the frostbitten metal, I stare down through the wired fencing into the grim, desolate view of zombies wandering aimlessly within the blood-soaked streets. Never did I think there’d come a day where I’d miss hearing the hustle and bustle of people scrambling through the city sidewalks. Seeing cars lined up behind each other, impatient and noisy upon the early mornings. What took over, was the sound of barely audible groans from below, accompanied by the chilling wind howling through the wintry air. I missed being surrounded in that vibrancy of life, and every passing day got harder and harder to keep my faith strong in seeing the world return to how it once was.
That desire felt suffocating.
And at times… frightening.
Hearing the rooftop door creak open, I glance over to see a certain crimson-haired fellow walking towards me — a sly smile upon his handsome features.
“Sup, loser.” Zion calls out.
Not wanting to entertain his annoying habit of needing to insult me at every chance he got, I roll my eyes at him.
“Gee, someone’s in a mood.” He laughs lightly in response.
Turning back to the city landscape, I hide the subtle blush warming my cheeks as he slowly approaches.
That damn smirk.
I hated to admit it, but the longing of his soft lips on mine sent my heart racing abnormally fast. It was a ceaseless battle of having to remind myself to look away; as he was simply, a good friend.
“Missed you at breakfast again today.” His voice was low, husky, yet smooth as he whispers right against my ear from behind — his hot breath sending pleasant shivers down my spine.
“Wasn’t really hungry…” I trail off, a blatant lie of course. As the thought of laughing and chatting happily amongst everyone did nothing but pain me as I struggle to avoid growing attached.
Staring intently at a zombie mindlessly hitting itself against a wall, I helplessly try to distract myself from the heartache, as well as the inevitable attraction I feel towards Zion. Suddenly, the pleasant sound of soft crinkles beside my ear perks my attention, and I quickly find myself salivating at the thought of food. I immediately turn to see Zion dangling an inviting packet of chips in front of me.
“Ah… Well then, guess I’ll give this to Eugene or something.” Zion teases.
Right as the words left his lips, I quickly snatch the bag from his grasp and hug it defensively against my chest. Smiling mischievously at my seemingly predictable reaction, I realise… I had fallen right into his trap.
“ARGH, FINE! You caught me!” Giving in, my face rosy with embarrassment from the shameless weakness that food continues to hold against me. “If you knew I was lying, why wouldn’t you just hand it to me?!”
“What’s the fun in that?” He chuckles softly. “Eat up, silly.” A warm hand ruffles the top of my (h/c) hair, the gesture playful, yet consoling me in an instant.
It was amazing…
How something as simple as someone looking out for you, was enough to completely erase that growing feeling of fear that threatened to take over a couple minutes earlier.
Not a moment to waste, I hastily rip the packet open with vigor. The immediate smell of artificial barbecue seasoning awakening my starved senses. Ravaged with hunger, I chow down without delay — crumbs decorating my entire being.
“Pfft-” A hand over his mouth, Zion stops himself from bursting into hysteria as I stare daggers at him. He continues to watch in fascination, “To think you weren’t ‘hungry’ before.”
“That was old new-” My words stop short as Zion begins gently cleaning off the crumbs adorning my face.
“You’re a mess.” He chuckles, “Jeez… what would you do without me?”
Wiping the edges of my lips, his hand lingers for a moment. My heart aflutter as I find myself lost within his gorgeously golden irises staring vacantly at me. Without warning, he then suddenly slaps his hands together in a loud thundering clap, shocking me out of my trance.
“Alright, come on then!” He exclaims excitedly.
Still stunned and unable to comprehend what just happened, I merely stare at Zion in utter confusion.
Sighing with disappointment as if it was obvious, he answers, “My reward?”
“For… what?”
Eyes wide with bewilderment, his brows crease together grumpily. “For the food?! Duh! Share?”
Finally understanding his intentions, I look down to my dwindling amount of chips before looking back up to meet his expectant eyes and answering, “NO. WAY.”
“Come onnn, don’t be greedy!” Zion sings teasingly.
Mouth agape, completely offended; I pout grumpily, “You’ve had your breakfast! This is mine!”
“Oh, yeah? And who came all this way to bring it to you?”
Ignoring his apparent efforts at guilt-tripping, I continue snacking on the chips when suddenly he tries to sneak a hand into the bag. With lightning-fast reflexes, I dodge him. Laughing hysterically, I playfully twist and turn away from his multiple attempts at stealing my food before finally being caught by the arm. Swiftly pulling me towards him into a tight embrace, I freeze; my heart beating wildly against his broad chest.
“Got one.” He whispers softly into my ear.
I stare, dumbfounded for a moment, before spotting the chip between his fingers and protesting, “HEY! That was unfair!”
Raising the chip high above his head, taking advantage of his towering height against me, he teases, “And what are you going to do about it, pipsqueak?”
I begin jumping up, attempting to seize it back from his evil clutches. His words, never failing to bring out the competitive side of me. However, as I land, I lose my footing and fall clumsily onto the cold concrete floor.
“SHIT! YOU OKAY, (Y/N)?!” He yells, eyes wavering with concern as he hovers over my fallen body.
Simply laughing at his unnecessary panic, I quickly reach up and snatch back the chip — placing it between my teeth. “Got it!” I giggle, beaming proudly at the bemused redhead.
He raises an eyebrow, a knowing smirk gracing his roguishly handsome face. My breath hitches as he slowly leans in towards me, heart beating violently against my ribcage as the sound of it resonates within my ears. His captivating eyes paralysing me as he gradually inches closer and closer, stopping just as I’m able to feel his warm breath upon my chilled lips.
“Still mine.” He voices alluringly before crunching down on the chip still positioned between my teeth.
He then smiles triumphantly, that childish grin of his making me lose all composure as we both break out into a storm of laughter.
Finally settling down onto the ground, leaning against the wired fencing side-by-side, we both sit in a comfortable quiet before Zion decides to break the silence. “You feeling okay, now?”
“Oh, yeah. Don’t worry, I’m fine! It didn’t hurt or anything.” I shoot him a reassuring smile as to not worry him, but his expression remains serious… intense.
“I’m not talking about the fall…”
Unsure of where he was taking this, I cock my head to the side in confusion without a word — allowing him to continue.
“I mean like… Are YOU okay?”
Ah… He noticed.
I chuckle softly, a weak smile upon my lips. “I can’t get anything past you, can I?”
His eyes were warm. He tilts his head, genuine concern exuding from his touch as he lovingly tucks away the fallen strands of hair before me — as if needing a clear view of my face.
“I’m just… tired, I guess.” I sigh quietly. He stares intently, complete attention on me as he waits patiently for me to continue. “How much longer do we need to keep going?”
“What are you saying?” Zion questions, subtle hurt within his voice.
“I don’t know anymore…” I exhale heavily, the weight of my words lightening my mind the instant I chose to open up to him. “There’s nothing left out there, Zion. It’s been months… and from what we’ve seen, there are more zombies than people at this point. We haven’t seen any survivors in ages. There’s no longer any sign of military. No cure. No way to prevent someone from changing once bitten… For all we know, we could be the last people alive. And if we are… What the hell are we meant to do then?”
Determination burning within his golden irises and without a moment of hesitation, he answers, “Easy. We fight.”
“That’s it?” I question him with slight disappointment, unconvinced by his blunt answer. “What about after? Then what?”
“We keep fighting.”
Confused and frustrated, my voice begins to falter as I get choked up with desperation.
“But why?! Why bother at this point…? We fight, and we fight… and for what? To tire ourselves ‘til we starve? Until WE’RE eaten? To witness our friends suffer and die along the way?”
Unable to meet his unwavering gaze any longer, I hang my head low as I blink away the hot tears now glazing my eyes.
It was quiet for a moment, allowing me to calm down before feeling a soft warmth within my palms as Zion envelops my hands in his. I look back up at him. Almost in disbelief as an aura so tender, so… foreign of Zion emanates from his touch.
“No. We fight, so we can live. We have to…” His eyes were gentle, yet I could feel every bit of strength and purpose in his words alone.
He made it sound so simple, and yet his steadfast conviction made it so much more impactful.
“To keep living for those who’ve lost. To live for those still alive… We have to fight.”
He’s right…
Ultimately, I’d agree with him any other time. But today, my emotions seemed to cloud my judgement and got the better of me.
I feel so stupid.
The way he’s able to find the motivation and keep pushing forward after all this time… I couldn’t help but feel weak in comparison.
“No… You’re right. I’m sorry…” I trail off.
“Is this why you’ve been avoiding the gatherings recently?”
Lips quivering, no longer able to hide the vulnerability within, delicate tears I fought so hard to keep in began falling upon our entwined fingers.
“I’m just… so scared.” I whine helplessly.
I feel Zion jolt from shock. “Hey…” He murmurs before immediately moving to crouch before me; his tone hushed yet reassuring. “It’s normal to be scared.”
“I know. I know but… The closer I get to everyone… the more I care, the more scared I am to lose you all.” My hands tremble as the faces of those I’ve lost before reaching the school flash within my mind. “I’ve lost so many… I can’t do it again. I don’t want to lose anyone anymore…”  
“(Y/N)…” Zion whispers.
“I-If Judy… or Eugene…” I stutter as I continue to cry out the names of everyone I’ve come to cherish here.
“Stop… Look at me.”
To my own surprise, I go on to admit, “Or even Scarlett…”
“(Y/N), please. Look at me.” Zion pleads hastily.
Refusing to listen, ashamed of showing him how weak I’ve become, I continue to ignore Zion’s calls. “ANY OF US! I could lose anyone at ANY moment… and it scares the FUCK out of me!”
“(Y/N)!” Zion yells, lifting my chin to witness me crumbling with anxiety from the devastating scenarios consuming my mind.
I finally meet those beautifully vibrant eyes I’ve come to love so much. Hot tears streaming down my face as I whimper — unable to hide what I feared most.
“I can’t lose you…”
“Enough!” He demands, eyebrows furrowing with impatience before enveloping me tight within his arms. “You’re not losing anyone!” He cries out, embracing me closer as if it would eliminate every last worry causing me despair. “Not on my watch…”
They were just words, but hearing him say it with such raw, sincere honesty made me want to place all trust in him. My arms come up to grip his back firmly, face buried within his shoulder as each tear seeps through the fabric of his jacket.
“Don’t give up…” He voices gently, the tone calming me instantly. “I know how strong you really are. No matter how scared you may feel, you never show it, and you never hesitate when it comes to protecting the group. You shouldn’t stop yourself from wanting to get closer to us. You’re allowed to care. That’s what separates us from those mindless fuckers. It’s why we need to fight.”
I stayed quiet, allowing the comfort of his words to replace the fear built up within me.
“And… You won’t lose me… Ever.” He whispers as he slowly releases me from his embrace. The gradual loss of his touch leaving me to feel a slight emptiness within.
“Anyways, if I die, who else is gonna sneak you snacks when you refuse to eat breakfast?! There’s no way I can leave your neglectful ass alone!” Zion smirks playfully.
I couldn’t help but burst out laughing at his silly attempt to lighten the mood with his usual insults.
You’re right, Zion... What would I do without you? I really am a mess.
His fingers reach up to lightly caress my tear-stained cheeks, lips curling up into a genuinely warm smile.
“You don’t have to worry about me, (Y/N). I’m not going anywhere.”
Cupping my face ever so gently, he inches closer.
“I promise…” His breath, now hot upon my skin as he leans his forehead against mine.
“I promise I won’t ever leave you… So, stop crying already.”
Not knowing how else to respond, taken aback by this sudden compassionate side of Zion I’d never seen before, I simply nod as he pulls back. However, his hand lingers upon my cheek — caressing my face as he stares vacantly at me once again.
My heart began to beat wildly as we sat there in silence. My cheeks, surely burning under his touch.
Something’s changed… Or had I only just realised it now?
Had he always been this… intimate?
All this time… I’ve denied my growing feelings for him.
But… maybe he… felt the same?
Before I could even process my thoughts, I suddenly placed my lips on his, and as soon as I had the time to realise what I had done, Zion had already pulled away in shock. Heart sinking into the pit of my stomach, my eyes grow wide with utter shame and embarrassment. I was faced with immediate regret as Zion grimaces, a look full of anguish — as if he was struck with some kind of physical pain.
“I-” Horrified, I tried to apologise, but my words were cut short as I was abruptly met with his rough lips upon mine — a rush of electricity coursing through my body as he leans into me.
Fingers gripped tight on either side of my head, he presses his body against mine; leaving me completely entrapped between him and the fencing behind me. Surprised by his unexpected aggressiveness after having been so gentle just moments before, I gasp lightly. His fingers suddenly coming up to grip my chin, holding it in place as he slips his tongue between my lips and into my awaiting mouth. Our fervent tongues melting into a passionate, lust-filled dance.
I had every intention to tell him to slow down, yet his lips only left me enough time to breathlessly exhale, “Zion…”.
He groans immediately in reaction to hearing his name before finally leaving my lips for a moment, allowing me to catch my breath. I sigh softly, instinctively arching back with pleasure as his teeth lightly graze down my neck and across my collarbone — leaving me with pleasant shivers all over.
Everything was moving so fast, I barely had time to comprehend what was going on. All I knew was that I needed him, and knowing he felt the same was enough for me to lose myself within his hands.
Before my lips had a chance to adjust to the crisp air, his mouth was back on mine — warming it up in an instant. He groans as he presses against me once more; his burning hot touch warming my icy skin as his hand slides underneath my top, caressing me gently. A sudden moan escapes my lips in response before I wrap my arms around his neck, further deepening our kiss.
We both freeze in place, heads snapping towards the door of the rooftop as we recognise the all too familiar sing-song voice of Judy coming closer.
“YEAH?!” Zion calls back, eyes wide with dread of the possibility of being caught as his cheeks grow a subtle shade of pink.
“Pfft-” Unable to suppress my amusement, I couldn’t help but giggle at his seemingly innocent reaction considering how different he was just moments before.
My heart began to race unnervingly, finally understanding the sudden feeling of trepidation as her voice now radiates from the other side of the door.
“Y-YEAH, SHE’S HERE!” Zion quickly yells back while I hurry to readjust my top.
“YAY!” Judy exclaims. Setting our hearts at ease as her forever chirpy tone begins to fade in the distance while she finally descends the stairs. “WELL LAWRENCE IS CALLING FOR US ALL NOW! SO, COME DOWN SOON!”
We wait for a moment, listening attentively to hear if she would return.
Realising we were safe, Zion sighs heavily in relief as he rubs the back of his head awkwardly. I slowly bring my hands to my face, cheeks searing from embarrassment as the last few minutes come rushing back to me.
That… just happened, right? I wasn’t dreaming?
Peeking out between my fingers to peer at Zion pretty much confirmed it as he uncomfortably got up from his spot.
What exactly did this mean for us?
Zion didn’t say anything… merely brushing himself off while he waited for me to tidy my unkempt clothes. As I got up, I noticed his adorably dishevelled crimson tresses covering his face. Without thinking, I reach up to fix it before suddenly being met with a slight sting upon my palm as Zion slaps my hand away.
“Ah…” He trails off, his tone as if startled by his own actions while also seemingly consumed in his thoughts.
Confused, all I was able to manage in reply to his sudden coldness was, “…Zion?”
He turns away from me, “Sorry. Um… anyways we should go. It’s freezing out here. The others will be worried…” his tone and aura feeling somewhat distant compared to before.
As he begins walking towards the exit, I subconsciously wrap my jacket tight around my frame — watching his back disappear through the doorway. Unable to shake this overwhelming sense of dread conjuring up within my blood, I linger on the rooftop, alone… left feeling emptier than ever before.
A/N: Helloooo my felines~ and welcome to the start of a possibly long journey HAHAHA. This comeback took a while, but I hope the read was worth it so far! I had been slowly planning this fic series (in between life and other requests) for about a year now, and I’m super excited to finally be able to release the first part of my new original! I will attach a link here to part 2 when it’s ready. 
So please, sit back, grab a snack and get ready to enjoy the sweet, sweet heartbreak ahead. Missed you all ( ˊᵕˋ )♡
x luna
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bandaged-writer · 4 years
gasoline 02 || dazai
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➤ Pairing: Mafia! Dazai x Ability User! Reader
➤ Genre: action, fluff, angst, eventual smut, gore, violence
➤ Warnings: nightmare-ish scenes, minor character death, murder, blood/gore, near death experience
➤ Summary: “How the hell am I supposed to trust the words of a mafioso?” At that, Dazai chuckled. “I don’t lie about these things.”
➤ Word count: 6.1k
➤ Note: this is unedited and not proof-read, we die like men. also, feedback is highly appreciated u.u
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Pure laughter bounced off the sterile tiles that stretched themselves throughout the entirety of the hospital, the light made beating down on the white tiles and making it seem like they glared at anyone who was daring enough to walk down the hallways of this very building. Naked feet padded along the freshly wiped floor, greeting were thrown from left to right by the two children running around. Numbers instead of a name tag were attached to the hospital robe the two wore.
Nurses, doctors and patients swore that this duo brought some vitality into this heavy place, added some sunshine to a dark job which fought for others‘ life and often lost the battle. These children were more than welcome.
“You’ve got to hurry up [Name] or the nurses won’t have any candy left,“ a girl with short, pitch black hair and grey – almost white – eyes pouted as you struggled to keep up with her pace. The number #2692 was attached to her gown, written in bold numbers. You coughed into your elbow and put your palms on your knees, body slightly bent over as you caught your breath. Two weeks ago, your mother had dragged you to the doctor due to fever, heavy coughing and finding it difficult to breathe; the diagnosis was pneumonia and so, your mother had insisted on transferring you to a hospital. “Sorry, Fuyuko,“ a grin was flashed said girl’s way, her own lips twitching upwards. “You know I’m just starting to recover.“ #7843 was attached to your hospital gown which you had grown to dislike. It was a sad, plain white just like everything else in this place.
Luckily, the nurses were kind and developed a soft spot for Fuyuko and you, always sneaking some candy or leftover dessert from the caféteria. Children weren’t allowed to eat sweets. Sugar would make the dosis of antibiotics useless, the doctors said, but it sounded very sketchy to you. After all, dad also ate gummy bears whenever he got sick, so how true was this statement? How much could you trust them? Maybe, you shouldn’t even think about it.
Dressed in a blue uniform, the nurse handed Fyuko a bag of chips and two small packs of gummy bears. “This will remain our secret, though, okay?,“ she spoke in a hushed voice, her eyes attentive to her surroundings in case a doctor was to come around the corner. The two of you nodded in unison, eyes sparkling with gratitude and the innocence only a child had. “Thank you so much!“
After the small excursion to the nurse, you found yourself sitting on the rooftop of the hospital. The smell of green grass and blooming flowers greeted you, birds tweeted among themselves, singing melodies only mother nature would understand like a language. Bees flew through the air, sun rays caressed your cold cheeks and warmed you up from within your core. Spring was a beautiful season and perhaps your favorite one.
After a long, dead winter, Flora and Fauna came back to life.
Ripping open the bag of chips, Fuyuko sat down on the ground with a dull thud reaching your ears and you followed her example. She gave you a handful of the salty treat, the sound of chips crunching filling your skull which made you wonder why the sound of chewing was so much louder than everything around you. You would have to ask dad about it once you were home again; you didn’t like asking mom for she had..what did people call it, again? A hot temper? Yeah, that was it.
“You know, you never told me what you want to be when you grow up,“ Fuyuko said after wiping some salt off her lips and putting her index finger to her chin in thought. Grey orbs observed your curious gaze, trying to figure out what your dream could be, what would suit you. “Hmm..maybe a vet? Or an actress? Wait no!“ The girl was only taking random guesses without putting any effort into it. “A singer!,“ she exclaimed excitedly and clapped her hands together before she invaded your personal bubble, the tip of her nose almost poking yours. You merely snorted at that and put your hands behind your back, leaning your weight back. “That’s ridiculous, Fuyuko. Besides, you never told me what you want to be, either.“
Suddenly, heat rose to the ravenette’s cheek and tinted her pale skin in a light hue of red like fine dust. Eyes fell to the ground in an almost shy manner, Fuyuko’s entire aura almost seemed scared of what you might say to her answer. After all, she was aiming for a big goal. “Well..I want to become the best surgeon in the world. Even better than my dad.“ A grin adorned Fuyuko’s small face as she shared her vision of a hopefully bright and rosy future before her finger poked you right below your collarbone and above your chest, eyes demanding an answer from you now.
Craning your head back, you gazed up at the snow white clouds passing by above you, hoping that they’d write the answer down for you or send you a sign, a clue, no matter how small it was. You couldn’t remember if you ever had a dream job for the future, nothing had ever piqued your interest nor had you ever been exposed to any job. Dad was always at the office from dusk to dawn, making sure that all the bills could get paid while your mother was at home, taking care of you. You had no idea what your mother worked as, you were scared of asking.
“I think it’s my wish to be happy and loved.“
As soon as your wish was spoken, the world got visibly and audibly distorted. Your surroundings were spinning, rain was poured from the clouds above you and somewhere close by, a thunderstorm was making its way towards your current location. Incoherent words bore into your ears and settled down in your brain, making you clutch your ears and curl in on yourself.
“You need to run.“ It was your father’s begging voice.
“Everything is your fault!“ Your mother’s voice, shouting at you as always.
“You were never loved.“ Was this Dr. Ito? Fuyuko’s dad? You couldn’t tell anymore.
“It would’ve been better if you didn’t exist.“ You didn’t recognize this voice.
You woke up in a cold sweat, hairline drenched and several strands of your locks clinging to your skin. Silent tears ran down your cheeks, your shirt stuck to you like a second skin and your heart felt like it was trying to flee from within your ribcage. Slowly but surely, you took in your surroundings one by one and found comfort in reality.
Sunlight began sliding its way into your room, the clock read six am and nothing was out of the ordinary. Pictures still decorated your walls, the desk remained being a mess from past assignments and the curtains were played with by the wind – you had probably forgotten to properly close the window before you had gone to sleep. Finding tranquility within your own four walls, your heart slowly calmed down and you finally took notice of Yukino’s hand on your shoulder, worry being laced into her delicate face.
“Are you okay? I heard you crying in your sleep,“ the familiarity of her voice made you realize that you had been stuck in a nightmare in the form of a ghost of the past. Never had you ever dreamed about your childhood, never had it ever been that haunting, never had any nightmare made you cry. Perhaps, this was a bad omen – the flowers, yesterday’s confrontation and today’s nightmare. All of these events were too odd, too out of place to be considered unfortunate inconveniences; they were the opposite of serendipity - a zemblanity. „Yeah, I’m good,“ you replied, gaze obviously still shaken and maybe even detached as you worked through the possible meaning of the disaster life presented you on a silver platter like a dessert. „It was just a nightmare.“
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Flickering lights, faces of people and the rich green of the trees blurred into one unstable image as your body relaxed into the passenger seat of Yukino’s car. The radio song on the radio, Eight by IU, unfortunately became nothing but buzzing noise in your mind as you still dwelled on the nightmare. A shame really, considering you really liked the song and it was the perfect melody to describe the weather: pleasantly warm with a bit of wind.
Why were you so hung up over a mere nightmare? After all, people dreamed about weird things all the time, some dreams were ridiculous and seemingly held no meaning. Dreams were nothing but a brain’s way to process the events in one’s life - may it be their past or the present. There should be no deeper meaning, and yet, you involuntarily got stuck in a vicious cycle of thoughts upon thoughts which desired to twist your day into a negative one.
“Hey, [Name], we’re here,” Yukino snapped her fingers in front of your face and brought you back to reality within a few moments. A cute pout decorated her face, her dark eyes glowing in the light as she seemed to read your mind. You really couldn’t hide anything from her, could you? “Ah, right, the job interview,” checking your appearance in the rearview mirror, you fixed some wild strands of hair and made sure to look as professional as you could. It was an important job interview which would allow you to finally earn proper money and assist Yukino in paying the bills like you had promised just before you had studied abroad.
Yukino took your hands in hers and a smile graced her face as she looked you straight into the eyes. Maybe this was what sincerity looked like: when one’s eyes were clearer than the ocean with no hidden motives buried beneath pitch black pupils. “Look, I know that your nightmare shook you, but you can’t let it hinder you from bagging this job, got it?” It sounded like she was scolding you much like a mother would when her child had one too many cookies and refused dinner as a result. Cute but to be taken seriously. “You’re more than qualified for this job and deserve it more than anyone else. There’s no way you could possibly fail this,” Yukino’s words were soft and full of trust in your own abilities, a kind of trust you unfortunately didn’t have in yourself. 
“You really always know what to say, don’t you?,” you chuckled to yourself, got out of Yukino’s car and dusted off your jeans, freeing the material of any pollen that might’ve gotten stuck. Receiving her grin as a reassuring reply, your feet confidently carried you to the marketing agency which wanted to desperately hire you.
The interior of the agency was oddly comfortable. Walls were painted in warm tones varying from beige to dark brown, plants decorated the space and gave the entire surroundings the feeling of a huge living room. White and wooden-colored furniture gifted the surroundings a finishing and modern touch.
“Ah, you must be [Name], right?” The lady was probably in her 30s, black hair tied into a neat ponytail and her face covered in light makeup. Her delicate hand reached out to shake yours in a happy greeting, her reddish lips pulled into a professional yet real smile. One could tell she was a genuine person. “Please, follow me.”
And so, you found herself in her bright office, seated in a comfortable, plush chair while the kind lady looked through your resumé another time, her head nodding one or two times. “Miss, your grades are quite impressive and you majored in business, too, I see. This is very good,” at her praise, a nearly sheepish smile graced your features. Truth be told, you hadn’t often received praise since your mother had disappeared when you were 8 and your father died a few years ago due to a car accident. Yukino was the only source of praise and validation. “Thank you so much, miss,” you bowed your head lightly, still smiling. Your life was finally going right.
“May I ask why you decided to study abroad instead of staying here in Yokohama? There are lots of good universities here,” her tone was in no way intrusive, but rather curious - maybe even on a personal level. “Ah, my dad believed the number 20 came along with a bad omen and advised me to discover something new,” there was no way you could tell her the entire truth about a mafia-ish deal, the flowers and the things you had seen the day before. You doubted she would believe you - such things only ever happened in movies, after all. She laughed at that, a pleasant sound, you noticed. “Elders do tend to hold on to such belfies, don’t they? I understand that very well.” The lady put your resumé aside, kind eyes looking at you with joy sparkling in them. You didn’t expect such a kind person to interview you.
“I’m looking forward to working with you, [Name].”
With one less worry weighing on your shoulders, you thanked the lady for her time, assured her you’d work hard and left her office with a proud grin stretching your lips and a confident, happy swing in your hips.
Funny, what such a little, positive event could trigger within a person. It could turn one’s entire day upside-down for the better or worse, but lady luck seemed to be with you today. What a good feeling it was to feel your heart beat as light as a feather.
Yukino was seated on the hood of her car, her sparkling gaze fixated on the entrance of the agency and anxiously waiting for you to come back. She was probably more excited and more optimistic than you could ever be, but that was why she meant so much to you - compared to you, she was like a mitochondria: an entire power house. “You made it, didn’t you?!” The fair-haired woman came running into your arms and greeted you in a tight hug as if you had been gone for years. Happiness radiated off of her like the sun emitted its rays. “Of course, I did!” 
Ushering you into the comfy passenger seat of the car, Yukino suggested a small celebration for your successful interview and that you were finally back home where you belonged. 
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“After a year, one might think you would’ve overcome your love for chocolate ice-cream,” stuffing a spoonful of vanilla ice-cream into her mouth, Yukino glared at the icy treat in front of you which was decorated with some strawberries and cherries. Delicious for everyone else but the woman sitting opposite of you. “Hah?! And what about your obsession with vanilla ice-cream? You never change, do you?,” accusingly, you pointed your spoon at Yukino who rolled her eyes in surrender and let out a huff of air. Unfair how you knew your roommate better than the back of your own hand. “Tsk, you win this round. But only because I’m letting you,” Yukino teased with a smirk on her lips and giggling as you gave her a thorough are-you-serious-look. “Whatever makes you sleep at night.”
From that point on, the conversation varied widely but still found its focus on your year spent abroad. After all, you had gotten home late the night before and Yukino didn’t want to bombard you with questions when you’d been obviously tired. Questions about the language and food seemed to pique Yukino’s interest the most as well as the educational system which she didn’t really understand. Well, it didn’t matter anyway. Yukino had long since graduated and didn’t have to understand foreign school systems.
“Okay that sounds nice and all, but did you meet anyone special?”
Gulping down a fair amount of your ice-cream, you nonchalantly shook your head at your friend’s question. It was a waste of time, would hinder your career, you had always said, but maybe, the reason why you never brought anyone home went deeper than that, “you know I’m not interested.” A bowl of finished ice-cream stood in front of Yukino, strong arms crossed over her chest. Pleased looked different. “Jeez, you’re so boring. I bet there are lots of people willing to date you if you give them the chance.” Dating had never been a high priority in your life; with the entire anxiety about your dad’s deal going on, you didn’t want anyone to get dragged into the mess which was your family. It was too much for someone ordinary, you reasoned or maybe it was a lame excuse.
“Anyways,” you bit into a juicy strawberry and let the sweet taste flood your strawberries. Whoever invented fruits deserved to be kissed. “What did you do to the flowers last year?,” it was innocent curiosity since you had never received or saw a bouquet of orange lilies for your 20th birthday. By the time that day came around, you were already abroad, studying and looking for a job in Yokohama for the day you’d finally return. “I gave them back to a bandaged man. He was very kind,” Yukino recalled the memory of a male brunette, very handsome and charming. “I think he’d totally be your type!”
There was only one bandaged man walking the earth of Yokohama and his name was Dazai Osamu who possessed the annoying ability to nullify any other gift - no matter how powerful it was. Everyone would be rendered to a mere human being in front of him.
Your lips were pulled into a straight line. “No, thanks.”
“Ahh, you’re really no fun, [Name]!,” Yukino whined and craned her head back in defeat.
The rest of the day was spent strolling throughout Yokohama and catching up with one another, a bit of teasing and bickering as always. It felt so normal to be back that it was akin to never having left in the first place and maybe, in a way, you felt guilty for leaving Yukino on her own. Yes, she was a grown woman who could stand her ground, but you could still remember how happy she was when you moved in with her and how sad she was when you announced your department for the duration of an entire year. 
Yukino completed you and you completed Yukino.
“You know, you kind of remind me of my grandma’s wrinkly face with that face mask on,” Yukino snickered with the toothbrush in her mouth and some saliva mixed with toothpaste dribbling down her chin. She swore her relative was like a replica of you; according to Yukino, the two of you shared the same height, same hair color and the habit of Being Done with her. Knocking your hip into Yukino’s to scold her, your eyes narrowed ever so slightly as you spoke the next words with a straight face, “I bet I could beat you with a slipper just as well as your granny can, too.”
She spat the remaining toothpaste into the sink, put the toothbrush aside and flicked your mask-covered forehead which earned Yukino a rare pout of yours. She thought it was cute, though. “Aaand that’s why you’re single.”
Internally, you wondered why Yukino was so adamant about you finding a partner. Her bugging was like a mosquito haunting you at night, pestering you whenever you laid back down and flew right by your ear. She had never been too interested in your love life, but maybe her sudden interest arose from the fact that you’d been away for quite some time. Whatever it was, you were sure it’d disappear like smoke in no time.
“You really need some sleep. Maybe then you’ll stop annoying me,” taking the face mask off and tossing the remains into the trash can next to the sink, you basked in the way your skin glowed underneath the pleasant lighting the lightbulb provided. Maybe you should date yourself, you silently thought to yourself. “Well, you definitely do need your beauty sleep or else your face will always remain that wrinkly.”
Why were you befriended with her? You forgot.
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The full moon illuminated the dark hallway and offered Dazai enough light to see his surroundings clearly, although he probably knew his way around the mafia’s headquarters, knowing the layout like the back of his hand. Soles of leathered shoes remained silent with every step the brunette took, his black coat offering him some warmth which this entire place severely lacked.
He had just come back from analyzing anomalies happening throughout Yokohama; despite summer reaching slowly reaching its peak, snow had been spotted. Witnesses talked about the temperature suddenly dropping to the point they had to turn on their heater, but apparently the cold never stayed for long. After a maximum of half an hour, temperatures would rise again to their original 30 degree celsius. This certainly wasn’t a funny trick by the weather nor caused by global warming. Although Dazai didn’t know who it was, he was absolutely sure that this was the doing of an unknown ability user.
Was this the story Mori told him about when he was around eight years old?
Before Dazai could continue his train of thought, he pushed the doors to Mori’s office open and was greeted by the mafia’s boss. “I’m glad you could make it this fast, Dazai,” Mori’s lips were pulled into a smile which Dazai could find no trust in. This entire man should never be trusted for no one knew anything about his true intentions; it even took Dazai quite a time of thinking to figure out one of Mori’s schemes. “I was about to try out a new suicide method, too..,” the brunette trailed off like he was saddened by Mori hindering from dying during this sweet, humid night.
Mori got up from his chair, hands folded behind his back and lilac eyes gazing upon the city which the mafia looked over during nights such as this particular one. Neo signs flickered in the distance, traffic lights were still active while cars roamed the streets, making it seem like this town never slept. “I need you to pick someone up by the pier,” always so vague.
Brown eyes were empty as they took in Mori’s posture and form; it seemed like he was looking forward to something if the slight smile and the shimmer in Mori’s eyes were anything to go by. “And who exactly might that be?” Usually, simple tasks like these were done by lower-ranking people like Dazai’s friend Odasaku. Maybe said person was dangerous? Or posed a threat to the mafia? In the end, one couldn’t refuse the boss’s order. “I’m sure you remember our lovely encounter with [Name]. She’ll need the help.”
“Why though? Just yesterday, you basically let her off the hook. It’s unusual for you to be so interested in someone,” Dazai was still analyzing Mori’s motive, but maybe it was a better decision to wait for the tale to unfold and then piece it together bit by bit. The suicidal brunette was smart, but not all-knowing. “I’m just bringing some things into motion,” Mori smiled at the younger man before his gaze fell back upon the city, his fingertips slightly pressed up against the huge window as his mind was calculating possible outcomes for the scenario he had created. “Besides..only fire can break ice.”
Orders were orders and so, Dazai leaves the office of his superior without another word. One thing was clear: Mori needed you to get rid of the ice ability user who was responsible for the anomalies, but the unknown variable was how Mori would convince you to join sides with the mafia. Knowing the boss for the majority of his life, Dazai knew that it’d be something to break you with.
How cruel the man was. Towards such a charming lady, as well.
It didn’t take long for Dazai to find a spot along the pier, his eyes gazing at the moon which was reflected onto the surface of the water. His body leaned against the wall of an abandoned warehouse and he couldn’t help but wonder if it just got a bit colder.
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Naked feet padded along the wooden floor, your throat was dry and eyes heavy with sleep as you dragged your body to the kitchen like a sack of rice. No, this time you didn’t wake up thanks to a nightmare, but because you felt like you were dying of thirst and the usually full bottle of water by your bed was empty. You had no choice but to leave the comfortable, warm sheets and go out into the dark unknown aka your kitchen.
“The hell..?,” you mumbled and rubbed some sleep from your eyes as you stepped into something wet and..sticky. Maybe it was water? Did Yukino spill it? No, water didn’t stick to your feet like glue and definitely didn’t smell so overwhelmingly disgusting. Letting your gaze drop, your eyes suddenly widened in horror and you clasped a hand over your mouth in shock.
You stood in a puddle of blood and it came from Yukino’s room.
Suddenly, you were wide awake. “Yukino?!,” you yelled and burst through her door. What greeted you looked like a bloodbath in the form of your best friend who was gasping for air, her dark eyes shimmering with fear and pleading you for something that you couldn’t read. Your mind was too clouded with panic to figure out anything.
You dropped to your knees and ignored the painful crack that followed the hard impact, gathering Yukino up into your arms. Her throat had been sliced, the cut was too deep to cauterize it with your ability and then call an ambulance. Besides, the loss of blood was already immense, the red fluid being easily soaked up by your clothes and staining your skin. Yukino’s body was freezing cold, your body almost instinctively dropped her but your heart refused to obey.
“[Name], please, run,” her breathing was heavy and her chest rose and fell irregularly as her lungs craved the air. She coughed up blood, vision getting slowly blurry as her eyes found crying ones. “Shut up, it’s not your time to die!,” you raised your voice through the tears, put your hand on Yukino’s sliced throat and attempted to cauterize the wound, but the bleeding was too strong and destroyed the small crust that was created. Gently, Yukino placed her cold hand on your heated one and removed the bloody limp from the wound, her dark eyes holding contact with you. “Listen, this person will get you, too,” it got hard to speak. “So please, run and live, [Name].”
Hot tears dropped on Yukino’s face as you took her words in and held her close to your body as if it could somehow save her. “Don’t leave me, Yukino,” your voice was smaller than a mouse, barely above your whisper and more fragile than the thinnest glass. The only good thing you ever had in your life was being taken away from you, slipped through your fingers like water. “I’m sorry I have to leave so early,” Yukino spoke softly and although it was an obvious struggle for her, she smiled up at you and brought a bloody hand to your face.
“I promised to always be by your side. Now I’ll have to watch you from afar,” this wasn’t a mere promise but an honest vow you knew she would never break. Not even at the brink of death did Yukino think of herself or showed fear. Instead, she seemed to come to terms with her fate.
“Please, smile for me, [Name]. It’d be nice if your smile was the last thing I’d get to see.”
Hastily, you wiped the tears away and smiled as your heart shattered in your chest. Tears kept coming and moistened the collar of your shirt, stuck to your cheeks and some even dried on Yukino’s bloodied cheeks. You could feel your best friend’s heartbeat gradually slow down, her eyes fluttered shut as soon as you granted her the last wish.
Heavy sobs tore through your throat, shaky hands hugged Yukino’s head to your chest, your mind refused the harsh reality. “I’m sorry,” you said, gently rocking your body back and forth and repeating the phrase like a broken record which didn’t know any other words.
You’d been sitting in your friend’s blood for minutes and apologizing over and over again until something icy whizzed past you, cutting through the skin of your cheek and drawing blood. A gasp slipped your mouth and you turned around and spotted a masked, hooded person standing outside, a dagger made of ice and drenched in Yukino’s blood in their hand.
Everything happened way too fast. The unknown person came dashing through the opened window, grabbed you by the throat and tossed your body into a tree, effectively knocking the air out of your lungs and making splinters dig into your back. “Why did you do this?!,” you screamed at the stranger in front of you but it was the same as talking to a wall: you got no reply. The person opened their palm, ice bullets appearing out of nowhere and it dawned on you that Yukino’s words were true. You were this monster’s next target and probably their main objective for a reason you could only hope to figure out. Several of these bullets sped towards you, but you managed to melt them with a controlled wall of fire building up in front of you.
There was no way you could fight this person in this area. Houses filled with families surrounded you and at this rate, the neighborhood would either be frozen or burned down along with the people. In a panic, your mind decided to let you run towards the pier which wasn’t too far away but would certainly let you fight against whoever was behind that mask. 
Sticks and stones hurt the soles of your feet or banged against your ankles painfully, the lack of air you could inhale hurt your lungs and not to mention the emotional pain of Yukino’s death. Everything hurt you and all you wanted was to break down and cry, but this wasn’t an option when your own life was on the line. 
Somehow, you managed to dodge several attacks and you silently thanked whatever deity was watching over you for letting you reach the pier.
Abruptly you came to a stop, sand squeezing itself between your toes and your skin dyeing the sand in a hue of red. Your eyes scanned the area for a hooded figure lurking within the shadow, but found nothing but ordinary trees, bushes and an owl catching a mouse. Just before you could lull yourself into a false sense of safety, a sharp pain penetrated your abdominal area and cold flooded your veins instantly. “You little..,” the person was faster than you anticipated; the stranger had shown up out of nowhere and only waited for you to make a mistake so they could stab you with a knife made of ice which disappeared into tiny snowflakes.
Silent as always, the unknown person pushed you into the river and left you to drown.
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The pain coursing through every fiber of your being was overwhelming, but the wound wasn’t as deep as it might seem, despite the blood loss you experienced. You pressed your hand into the stab wound and let the limb heat up until the heat stopped the bleeding; this was only a temporary solution and would not last very long, however.
The current of the river was strong and pulled you along or even pushed you down several times, making your attempt at getting air seem futile which it was. You were so close to reaching the surface, so close to finally breathe again until your palm hit a thick layer of ice which you couldn’t punch or cut through. It was a truly futile attempt.
Crap, you mentally cursed your luck and the stranger for having thought so far ahead, though it shouldn’t come as a surprise. The predator should always be one step ahead of their prey, after all. Your fist collided with the ice a few times, the lack of air slowly got to you and forcing you inhale nothing but the salty water surrounding you - you had no chance but to hurry up.
It took you several moments to heat up a majority of your body thanks to the much colder water, but soon, the liqiuid began bubbling around you and the layer of ice began cracking. Just a bit more. You pushed your palms flat against the ice and let the limbs catch fire to finally push through the ice which had nearly buried you.
At once, the ice shattered and found its way back into the warm water as snowflakes. 
Exhausted and injured, you dragged your body to the nearest shore where you coughed up a curious mix of water and blood, your wound reopened at the force. You pressed both of your hands to your injury, dried lips parting ever so slightly as you began panting out of pain. The sound of rustling clothes drew your attention and you expected that stranger to show up once again, but instead, you caught sight of a black coat being thrown your way and a pair of shoes.
“Looks like someone did quite the number on you,” Dazai had his arms crossed over his chest as he took in your ruined form. Blood drenched you from head to toe, some water was probably still stuck in your lungs and not to mention that you almost drowned underneath that blanket of ice. “Shut up,” you snap at the brunette and immediately paid the price. Blood pooled in the back of your throat and snuck its way out with the help of an ugly cough. The taste made you cringe, pain made you curl in on yourself.
“You know you could get this treated if you joined the mafia,” Dazai spoke matter of factly and caught the menacing glare of yours before your eyes could fully develop it. You didn’t even have the time to protest. “It seems like we’re both looking for the same person now. Unless you really don’t want to and would rather die,” you honestly weighed your options, mind swaying between a tempting offer and the want to escape this very real nightmare. Helplessness and despair quickly grew where your heart shattered, making a perfect ground for anger to grow in - not towards the brunette in front of you, but towards yourself for being so weak.
You reach for the coat in front of you and tightly tie the article of clothing around your waist to slow down the bleeding, letting Dazai help you up to your feet. One bandaged arm was wrapped around your waist to keep you steady, his free hand pulled your arm across his shoulder. Dazai was warm, you noticed and unconsciously leaned into the man.
“I can’t understand how your beauty almost managed to die unlike me!,” the man whined and a pout found home on his lips. Dazai couldn’t understand how he always managed to fail, yet someone who did not wish for death, and was very beautiful, almost gained that sweet kiss of death he’d been chasing for so long. “What are you? A suicidal dumbass?,” you smirked as Dazai feigned overdramatic hurt over your comment. He was almost..comedic. “I can’t believe a lovely lady came for my neck like that! Unbelievable how such tender lips can spit such venom right into my poor heart!”
As the apparently suicidal man continued his rambling, you couldn’t help but notice how incredibly convenient his appearance was. Your mind quickly came to the conclusion that it was his doing. “Why the hell are you exactly here?,” you questioned sharply, your voice left no room for any playfulness or jokes. It didn’t surprise you when Dazai dropped the theatrical facade of his and switched to a more serious persona within the blink of an eye. He was serious, yet his face looked genuine.
“I know you must think that I planned the death of your friend, but I assure you I was only told to show up at a certain place to save a certain, stunning lady.”
Nevermind, he wasn’t serious.
“How the hell am I supposed to trust the words of a mafioso?”
At that, Dazai chuckled.
“I don’t lie about these things.”
You wonder how much you could trust him and decided to be wary, instead.
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Short Girl Summer || Ariana & Nell
TIMING: During Midsommer Nightmare POTW PARTIES: @nelllraiser & @letsbenditlikebennett SUMMARY: Freaking out over her newly found shoplifting hobby, Ariana runs to Nell to see if she can help get Otto out of her head. 
With yet another backpack full of shoplifted items, Ariana was beginning to freak out a little bit. Between all the overwhelming things going on and now having someone in her head, she was about to have a full on meltdown. Whoever was in her head needed to get the fuck out. It dawned on her that Nell seemed to know a lot about different kinds of magic and would be her best bet for help. She shot her a quick text that she was coming by before running over. She was a bit winded as she greeted, “Nell, hey! Sorry to like come over out of the blue, but I’m freaking out a little bit here and I think if anyone would know what the fuck is going on with me, it’d be you.” 
It was one of the rare moments Nell was actually inside the Vural house, not spending all that much time inside its walls even though Bea was back. The perimeter spell pinged on her wrist as someone crossed the property line, and thanks to Ariana’s message, she was able to meet the interloper on the porch of the house, raising a hand to wave to the other girl. “Hey!” she called out with a smile. But it quickly turned to vague confusion as she took in the girl’s appearance and state. “Have you been...running? Are you alright? There’s not anyone chasing you, right?” Had the last of Celeste’s parents come? Or perhaps Layla’s? Already, she was reaching for one of her hidden knives, hypervigilance making her be safe rather than sorry. “What’s going on with you?”
It didn’t dawn on Ariana just how alarming her appearance was until she saw the confused look on Nell’s face. She looked bad. She’d been running with a backpack filled with stolen goods and she was growing more antsy with the other person inside her head. “No, no,” she explained as her voice still sounded winded, “No one’s chasing me. I just--- I may have a lot of stolen shit in my backpack due to the current thief living inside my head.” She gasped in a few deep breaths. Why she sprinted instead of running a comfortable pace, she didn’t know, but everything seemed to be piling on in a way that made her doubt her own sanity. “I should back up with that. I’ve had someone else’s thoughts in my head and I guess they’re like a klepto or something. I thought maybe you’d know what kind of magic could cause that… and maybe make them get the fuck out of my head.” 
The tension in Nell’s shoulders faded away as Ariana confirmed that she wasn’t being pursued, though it would take a moment longer for all the nerves that had gathered in her stomach to melt away entirely. It always took longer to rid herself of the alarm than it took for it to come on these days. Still...Nell’s confusion was palpable for a moment as Ariana explained. “Thief living in your head…” the witch echoed, trying to figure out why that sounded familiar. “Wait, have you been having dreams and stuff, too? Like weird ones? And sometimes you wake up from them with injuries?” Could this be what Morgan and Harsh had been talking about? Nell herself had experienced bits of it. Then as an afterthought- “...what did you steal?” she asked curiously, looking around at the backpack.
It became obvious that the stress was beginning to catch up to Ariana. She hadn’t meant to have such a freaked out reaction to stealing every shade of liquid lipstick she could get her paws on, but here she was, opening her backpack and showing Nell the assorted makeup and snacks currently residing in her backpack. She remembered from the one time she came over with Celeste and Ulfric that Nell loved Takis, so she handed her a bag. “Yep, definitely been having weird dreams. Apparently I’m not the only one. Are you having them, too,” she asked with a concerned look on her face. Her own panic quickly turned into worry for someone else. Though she did need to chill with the stealing. Werewolves and prison did not mix. Waking up bleeding was also not a good time either. “Yeah, thankfully startling awake before injuries can get too bad, but it’s freaky and I hate it.” She looked back up to Nell and asked, “Do you know what could cause something like this?” 
Nell’s eyebrows raised ever so slightly at Ariana’s haul, not exactly being a do-gooder herself, but this seemed like quite the steal. “Oh wow that’s...a lot.” Her gut reaction was to ask whether or not Ariana was alright, but the answer to that question was obviously ‘not quite.’ But she cooed a please “Ohhhh,” as Ariana offered the Takis, not hesitating for a moment to rip them open and dig in. There was no quicker way to Nell’s heart than Takis, and it seemed like the witch’s familiar refused to be left out as the Ovinikk, also named Taki, appeared, immediately beginning to meow insistently for the food. “Thanks! Do you want some, Ari?” Nell nodded in response to Ariana’s questions, trying to be the calm in the situation. At this point, there was little that surprised Nell when it came to White Crest and its fuckery. “But yeah, I’ve been having some. And I’ve heard of a few other people having them. The fact that it’s affecting so many people would mean that it’d have to be a lot of witches casting the spell if it was that sort of magic. And even then, it would be tricky. I’m not sure exactly what’s causing it but...I don’t expect it to be anything good.” She led the werewolf towards the couch, not liking the way she’d seemed distressed only a few moments ago. “Here, come on- sit down. You’re probably tired after coming all the way here. Are you thirsty?”
Ariana knew this looked bad. Given it was bad, but she didn’t want to totally freak Nell out. She still felt like she was buzzing, but she tried to visibly calm herself at least. It wasn’t as if Nell hadn’t had a lot going on lately, too. It seemed like everyone did these days, but she held out some hope that maybe Nell would know how to at least get Otto out of her head. It would hardly fix all of her problems, but at least he wouldn’t be able to find out any more about her or even worse, about the mess she’d gotten herself into with Lydia and Ace. She smiled weakly as Nell took the Takis and Taki came to join. “Yeah, I’ll take a few,” she said as she grabbed a handful from the bag. They were pretty solid as far as snack food went. She followed Nell in and took a seat on the couch. Her head was still spinning though she let herself relax a little bit. “Right, I hate that. I think I preferred the murder mimes,” she huffed as she leaned back into the couch, “I doubt it’s good and having someone in my head on top of everything else going on is driving me a little crazy.” Then there was the fact she had to keep her thoughts on Lydia guarded. “A drink would be good,” she answered. Once Nell returned with a drink for her, she asked, “So, do you at least know who is in your head?” 
Nell handed the drink to Ariana before settling on the couch next to her. Taki immediately jumped into her lap, rubbing his face against her hand in demand for some of the chips. He didn’t have to beg as Nell offered him one of the spicy tubes, and Taki chomped it down in a flash. Then she set the bag between her and Ariana, so that they might share. “You know...I never thought I’d say this, but I think I prefer murder mimes too. At least you can stab them and they die.” And they don’t know all your deepest, darkest secrets. “Is it ever good having someone else in your head?” But what else was driving Ariana crazy? Was it Celeste related things? “Are you...doing alright?” she tried her best to ask, realizing that maybe she should have checked in with Ariana more often. “But yeah, it’s some girl named Norma. She’s really weird, and tried to throw me under the bus in a dream witch trial. What about you? Do you know who you have? What do you know about them? Maybe if you need to, you can just leverage knowledge over them in return if it’s complicated.”
It was hard to not find the large cat enjoying Takis. Like witch, like cat? Was that a thing? While Ariana knew quite a few spellcasters, the whole world of magic was still a bit of a mystery to her. “It’s pretty cute that your kitty likes Takis, too,” she noted with a laugh. She sank further into the couch and longed for the days of murder mimes. At least Celeste had still been alive then, too. “Stab ‘em or eat ‘em-- both work. They taste like croissants and disappointment though. Mine turned into a freaking striped werewolf which-- rude.” Her head tilted a bit and she realized Nell made a good point. “True, it’s not ever good having someone else in there. Guess I just have things going on that require some degree of discretion.” She faltered a bit when Nell asked if she was alright. She’d never been a good liar and she supposed there was no need to lie to Nell. “Honestly, not really, but like I’m not in immediate danger or anything.” Ace was though. Her fight with Rio also still left her a bit reeling. “I think I have a way to make most things better, at least.” She vaguely remembered a Norma from Layla’s birthday party. “That is weird. A dream witch trial? That’s not fun. At this point, I don’t know, but they’re sketchy as fuck. Guess I can count on the fact we both probably have dirt on each other to not cause too much trouble.” She went over the thoughts that weren’t hers in her head. “Well-- definitely some sort of thief. They think about some chick named Nadia a lot. Apparently she looks hot on a motorbike. They’re a bit judgy-- apparently bell bottoms aren’t cool.” She looked to Nell still concerned. “Norma’s not giving you problems, right? I’d totally bite and fight someone a little for you.” 
Nell looked fondly towards Taki as Ariana mentioned him, feeding him another little chip. “I taught him well,” she joked lightly. The bond between her and the familiar was as strong as ever, and Nell found herself grateful for the millionth time in her life that the black Ovinikk had chosen to come through for her during the summoning ritual on her fifteenth birthday. “He’s also an Ovinikk so- he tends to like spicy things, too.” As if affirming the words, a small burp tickled the front to Taki’s mouth, a lick of flame spouting forth via the bodily function along with a small puff of soot. “You ate your’s?” Nell confirmed with a smidgen of amusement. Maybe some would say it was a strange form of auto-cannibalism, but there was something strangely funny about the concept to the witch. Then she sobered once more, looking over Ariana carefully. “You’d let me know if you needed help...right?” She didn’t want to be overbearing when it came to Ariana’s problems, but she also didn’t want to find the young wolf impaled on a silver sword one day. The mention of her nightmare only caused her stomach to turn over once again as she remembered the pile of bodies she’d killed, the ones wearing the faces of her friends. “Yeah, not really fun. But I’m glad you have something to hold over his head if he decides to fuck off with some of your dirt.” As for Nadia. “Oh, I know her. Luce hangs out with her a decent amount. And no she hasn’t really given me problems she’s just sort of...strange. Thank you for your fierce offerings in these trying times, though,” Nell finished on a lighter note.
The little huff of a flame that came out of Taki’s mouth when he burped was too adorable and Ariana cooed over him. “Oh my god, I’ve never heard of an Ovinikk before, but I’m convinced he’s the cutest one.” It was easier to focus on an adorable versus pondering her own problems which seemed to be an endlessly growing list at the point. All of it just made her miss Celeste that much more. Somehow, she always knew what to do. Or at least, she had always made it seem that way. Even when they were both still kids, she always had this composure about her that made everything feel like it was going to be okay. Without that guiding force, she felt all the more lost. At least she could laugh a bit at how she handled her mime. “Well, like not totally. It tasted like stale croissants, but it tried to kill me so fight or flight kicked in and I turned into a wolf. It also turned into a striped, silent wolf. Kinda had to go for the throat to not get killed and all. Dipped when my friend’s mime turned into a fucking bear though because no thank you.” Part of her felt guilty when Nell asked if she would tell her if she needed help. She knew handling the Lydia thing on her own wasn’t the smart idea, but she did have it handled. At least, she thought she did. “I would, yeah. I think I have most things to the point where I can work them out, but if it gets to be too much or I’ve bitten off more than I can chew, I’ll let you know. Winston kind of made me assure the same thing, too.” She hoped Nell would have an answer for the whole shared brain thing, but it seemed White Crest was just being… well, White Crest. “Well, glad yours isn’t too much trouble. I don’t think mine will be seeing as we’ve worked together a bit in the past. Didn’t realize he was in the business of relieving people of things they don’t need, but you know, whatever.” She shrugged even though it still stressed her out. He was asking about Lydia aka the last thing she needed anyone knowing about. 
Nell was pleased to see that Ariana seemed to have the same opinions as her when it came to Taki and his cuteness factor. Taki, meanwhile, had been uncertain about the werewolf before— but fickle and prideful beast that he was, he promptly rolled over and splayed his legs into the air in his cutest position, quite happy to be receiving the adoration he was certain he deserved. “You’re absolutely right,” Nell confirmed with her strong bias. “You should have downed some butter along with it,” she commented with a hint of humor. “Could have made it a whole snack. But fair enough to draw the line at wolf mimes.” But her light tone only went so far while she listened to Ariana’s insistence that she could handle it. Where had she heard something like that before? She thought hard for a long while before coming to the embarrassing conclusion that it had been from her own mouth, countless times throughout her life. “RIght- I’m not surprised Winston made you promise, too. They’re probably dealt with me enough to recognize another spicy salsa girl when they see one.” Then she carried on a little more seriously. “But seriously don’t hesitate to ask either of us if you need anything. And keep those glamours charged in case you need them.” As for the linked thoughts situation...Nell wished she could have provided something more helpful than a place to hide with stolen goods. “I’m sure it’ll all blow over. Everything always does in White Crest.” One way or another. “But obviously feel free to hang around until you think you can safely leave with a bag of stolen goods,” she teased lightly.
As Taki rolled over, Ariana found herself cooing and smiling over him. She loved when Luna would do the same pose, but she wasn’t sure how the not so little creature would feel about belly rubs. So she watched in adoration instead. She couldn’t help but laugh at the butter comment. “You know,” she said through giggles, “That actually would have made it better. Guess I’ll have to leave the mimes a Yelp review.” The mimes imitating her and wolves was still insulting. “Oh yeah, clear the hard line there. Werewolves aren’t supposed to be striped or silent.” It meant a lot that she found a community of her own. Maybe it wasn’t all wolves, but it was nice that Nell felt inclined to look out for her. The same went for Winston. She had plenty of support to get her through some of these crazy times, it was just hard to not feel entirely overwhelmed in this thick of things. “I appreciate the standing offer for help. With you, Winston, and the other wolves by my side, it’d take a really stupid person to mess with me.” She laughed slightly, “I guess just knows how us spicy short girls work. They’ve been very… I think great about covers it.” She glanced down at what used to be Celeste’s glamour on her right hand. It’d been a bit since she’d charged her own. “I’ll have to do that when I get home. I haven’t tried it in a while, but not looking like me could always come in handy.” The thought to use it to spy on Lydia again popped into her head, but she knew that was a terrible idea. She was sure this support system she built up wouldn’t want her being needlessly reckless. She relaxed a bit into the couch taking a handful of Takis. “Thanks, Nell,” she responded, “I feel a lot better, but if you’re down for a movie or something, we could do something actually fun.” As Nell went through the channels picking something to watch, she felt at ease for the first time since her thoughts had been hacked.
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suncityblues · 4 years
Former Ghosts
Dean/Cas fic  ~2k words, pretty fluffy/light  AO3 -> https://archiveofourown.org/works/27648394
On TV, hospital rooms are usually these clean, white places with a sunny window and a nice chair in the corner. A family member or loved one would be there, desperately pleading for forgiveness, or redemption, or something like that. The nurses are all hot 20 somethings and doctors take time to talk to the patient and their family in soothing, apologetic tones. By the end of the episode there is either a miraculous recovery or a heartbreaking death.
Dean knows this well, television practically raised him. So no matter how many times he ends up in one it’s still a bit of a disappointment to wake up sweaty and alone in a dark room with puke green walls on one side and a curtain separating another patient on the other. This time, his back hurts like hell and he wants to know where Sam is and what happened to those kids.
As usual, he ignores the disappointed part of him that wanted to have not woken up at all. He’s grown accustomed to that thought over the years, and it’s easy to shoo away, but not as easy as it used to be.
He tries to get up and make a run for it before an orderly notices he’s awake and starts questioning him about the health insurance he doesn’t have, but the moment Dean moves forward he’s overcome with a stab of pain that makes his vision go black in the middle. He lets out a sharp “paaah” sound that hurts his throat, and falls back into place. He feels nauseous and winded.
A heavyset woman in her 30’s comes into the room. “Hello,” she says kindly, “I saw your heart rate was up, do you know where you are?”
Dean shakes his head no.
“St. Sebastian Hospital” she answers, then: “Give me one moment, please.” Dean’s mouth is so dry he doesn’t think he could argue even if he wanted to. The woman pulls his medical chart off the back of his bed and checks it over.
“Mr, ah, Bolan, it seems like you were in a serious car accident and have been out for the last few days. You have a punctured kidney, and quite a few other injuries, you’re really lucky to be alive and recovering as well as you are,” the woman says. There’s a softly scolding tone in her voice. Dean wonders if she thinks he wasn’t wearing a seatbelt or something.
Dean nods at her, feigning repentance. He guesses his full name on her chart must be Marc Bolan, the rock star tragically deceased in a car crash. Good one, Sammy, though a bit on the nose.
Dean’s mouth is still dry so he gestures weakly at his throat. The nurse lightens up.
“I’ll have someone bring you some ice chips, and the attending physician will be in soon to get you up to speed on your recovery.” She points out a little red button attached to his bed, “If you need anything, press this, okay?”
Dean nods.
Dean spends the next few days in the hospital. He wants to leave as soon as Sam gets there in the morning but Sam insists he stay the full amount of time that the doctor recommended. He says something to Dean about the possibility of sepsis but Dean doesn’t really listen. He knows how to keep his wounds clean, he’s not some dumb kid.
Eventually Dean gets discharged back to the bunker with a handful of unpaid-for antibiotics and by the time he’s healthy enough to get to the bathroom by himself without blacking out, they get a call. After much hemming and hawing from Dean, Sam goes off to a hunt in Texas by himself. It scares the shit out of Dean to see his brother go alone but he puts on a brave face and pats Sam on the back, like it’s no big deal.
“Call if you need anything. Anything at all,” Dean tells him. Sam rolls his eyes but agrees.
Dean waits. And waits. And waits. And nothing bad happens. Sam comes home victorious. Dean knew he would.
And then Sam goes off by again. And comes back. And keeps doing it. And after a while Dean gets used to it, though he can’t help himself from feeling like the world is moving on without him.
Dean’s back still hurts. He feels like a burden to Sam, and to himself. He drinks beer with the dog and watches TV and eats chips, then goes to bed and gets up the next day and does the same thing. Sometimes he’ll help Sam out with research over the phone, and hates that these moments are the highlight of his day, sometimes week.
He tries not to think about Castiel, but almost immediately gives up and starts researching ways to get him back. When Sam is home, sometimes he asks what Dean is up to but Dean can’t bring himself to lie or to tell the whole truth.
“Looking for trouble,” Dean replies jokingly, and lets Sam assume this means Dean’s searching for a new case rather than researching ancient enochian summoning rituals. Because he knows what Sam would say. Cas sacrificed himself so they could win, and he’d want them to move forward. Cas would want them to be happy, and live good lives. Especially Dean.
But, Dean’s not entirely sure he wants to be happy, it would be a pretty foreign feeling after all this time. In fact, Dean’s not sure he wants anything, anymore. Except for Sam to be happy and Cas to be home, with him. He doesn’t think he’ll ever finish processing what Castiel had said to him the last time they had seen each other but Dean reserves the right to try.
Around the time Dean’s back wound is fully healed and he’s ready to start hunting again, Sam runs back into Eileen hunting an angry spirit outside Lafayette. They start spending more time together on the road. Dean is happy for them, though a little sad when Sam starts to move on.
But, the plus side is that this gives Dean extra time to do something very stupid and ill advised without his brother walking in on him.
He’s about halfway through the summoning ritual when the candles blow out on their own and Dean feels himself thrown backwards by an otherworldly gust of wind. It hurts badly but the live ram Dean was about to sacrifice seems relieved.
A man in a trench coat appears in the room with a very cross look on his face. The relief Dean feels when he sees Castiel is so powerful he almost needs to sit down.
“Did it work?” Dean asks. “Not even close,” Castiel replies, “You were about to summon a huge sea monster.”
Dean can’t stop himself from smiling anyway. The ram makes a grunting sound.
Castiel comes clean that he’d been saved by Jack, and instead of saying anything was waiting for Dean to die of old age and get to heaven, which Dean finds pretty insulting. “Time passes differently in heaven” Cas had said which sounded to Dean like a cop out.
He ignores the fact that, as usual, Sam is right. Dean is actually pretty great at ignoring Sam when he wants to.
“I wanted you to have a real life, Dean,” Cas had said irritatedly, “I wanted you to know happiness and freedom. Freedom from everything.”
Dean doesn’t like Castiel’s tone when he says the word, “everything” because he knows Cas is including himself in that. It pisses him off, in fact.
“So what?” Dean nearly shouts before collecting himself to grit out, “You get to say your peace and then leave? Just like that?” Dean doesn’t add “It’s not fair” but petulantly thinks it. He’s so mad he has to take a step back and breathe through his nose. It had never occurred to him Cas was back and simply didn’t want to see him, especially after what had happened. It stings.
Cas says nothing for a long moment, just levels a sad look at Dean that says the differences are insurmountable between them. That they’re wholly different creatures meant to be on different planes of existence and never meet on earth, and certainly never care for each other. They are, at best, to have a post-life cordial business relationship. Dean huffs. He steps closer to Cas, and Cas lets him.
“You know how I feel, Dean, but...” Cas finally starts but is cut off.
“Okay, well. Do you want to hear what I have to say?” Dean asks. Cas says nothing. Dean can feel himself choking up, which he hates.
“I want to say that I love you too, you know. Love you-love you. And I don’t wanna be here if you’re not around, and I don’t wanna get old without you. I got hurt, bad, after you were gone and I thought to myself: good, finally, this is how it’s supposed to be. Because if you were gone, I wanted to be gone too. I’ve been counting down my days since I was a kid, man.”
He doesn’t cry but his face is hot and scrunched up and he knows he looks like a mess. He doesn’t often let himself willingly experience these feelings, but they’re there. They’ve always been there. They’ve gotten so much worse without Castiel beside him.
Resigned, Castiel replies with absolutely no irony but a bit of pettiness, “Should I have not saved you from those vampire clowns, then? I’m sorry, Dean, I couldn’t help myself. I had hoped you’d be able to outlive John, at least.”
Of course, Dean thinks. Of course you don’t heal that easy from a punctured organ, but what’s a subtle bit of healing magic between friends? The hot air leaves him all at once and he feels empty.
“Cas” he says. He doesn't actually know where he’s going with this. He leans his face close to Castiel, so their foreheads and noses are touching. He is deeply relieved when Cas kisses him.
A few days later Sam is surprised to come home to a ram grazing outside the bunker, but not at all to find Castiel and Dean cuddled up on the couch watching movies.
“Welcome home,” he says.
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I feel very fortunate to have drawn @rhiorhino as my Sparklee!! I went with “Mina & Rei cuddling in a snowstorm,” 1300 words. I HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!
There were only two people who would haul their dumbasses through this blizzard to knock on Rei’s door. She debated which was more likely as she rose from her seat at the fire to answer. She doubted Ikuko would let Usagi leave the house in this weather, but Usagi was likely to be worried. Rei wouldn’t put it past her to try to sneak out to check on everyone-- though stealth was never Usagi’s strong suit.
She resigned herself to the other possibility as she opened the door, just in time to take a snowball to the face.
“And you call yourself a soldier! Where is your vigilance? I could have been a youma!”
“I’ve never seen a youma wear quite so many layers.” Minako had, at least, dressed for the weather before making the trek across town. Hardly an inch of skin was showing-- a welcome change, in Rei’s mind. “What are you doing here?”
Mina shrugged. “I was bored.” She pushed her way in and began unwinding her scarf. “Everything’s shut down.”
“Yeah, they want people to stay in doors.”
“Great, so you can’t kick me out!”
Rei sighed. She could not, in good conscious, send her back into the storm. “Just try and stay out of the way. Some of us still have things to do.”
“You won’t even know I’m here.”
Were that it were true. Rei had barely returned to the fire to resume her reading when she felt something distinctly foot-shaped against her back. “Mina!”
“What?” Mina, sprawled on the floor, looked up from the manga she’d filched from Rei’s stash. “I’m being quiet!”
“You’re putting your feet on me.”
“The floor is cold!”
“So don’t lie on it.”
“But you’re here.”
Rei huffed. “Fine. I’ll sit with you and do homework instead. That work for you?”
“Whatever you want, I’m not even here.”
Rei could not dignify that with an answer. She set them up at the kotatsu, situating herself across from Mina. She cracked open her history book and--
“This is cosy, why didn’t we do this in the first place?”
Rei tried to ignore her. She could have a productive day still if she tried hard enough. If she just focused, she could finish her assignments and chores.
She glanced up. Mina had begun to slide around the table, inching ever closer to Rei. “What are you working on?” She leaned over to see.
Rei schooched away. “Homework.”
“Yeah. What homework?”
“Does it matter? Go back to reading your stupid manga.”
“It’s your stupid manga, and I’ve read this one already, Rei, you’re behind.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” Rei gripped her pen tighter. “I’ll try and plan better for your next unannounced visit.”
“Yeah, really. You don’t even have snacks out.”
She rose. “You’re right, you’re right. I should get out snacks. You want anything?”
“No.” Rei would take whatever opportunity she had for time apart, however little she got. Mina, at least, was sure to take her time picking through the food Rei had, and indeed, it was a good ten minutes before she returned to the low table with chips and chocolates.
It was a mixed blessing. If Minako was eating, she wasn’t talking. But every crunch of a chip raised Rei’s hackles a little more.
In 1560-- CRUNCH-- Nobunaga’s army--CRUNCH-- defeated a force several times its size in the Battle of--CRUNCH!
“Do you have to do that here?”
“Do what?” Mina said through two chips balanced between her lips to make a duck bill. She bit into them both, sending crumbs everywhere.
“You don’t want me to eat at the table? But Rei, I’m a lady of manners, and--”
“You know what I mean! Did you come here today just to annoy me? Couldn’t you have bothered someone else?”
Mina frowned. “I came here to be with you.”
“Well you should have asked if I wanted you with me!”
“Fine.” Mina rose again for the table and headed for the door. She slipped on her shoes and her coat, but didn’t bother with the rest of what she’d come bundled in.
Rei braced against the guilt as Mina slipped back outside. It wasn’t her fault if Mina was stupid enough to go out in a blizzard. It wasn’t her problem if Mina couldn’t just leave her alone.
Besides, if it got too bad, she could just transform, their Senshi forms had survived the cold well enough at D-Point and--
Shit. Rei put her face in her hands. Sometimes, maybe, she was a dumbass, too. She grabbed her own coat and raced into the cold.
It was a day much like that one had been-- the wind cut her breath short, the snow blew in all directions. A fear that had nothing to do with the present moment settled into Rei’s gut. The hair of her neck stood at attention, waiting for an attack that wasn’t going to come. She followed the freshest foot prints and found Mina huddled behind another shrine building, shivering from more than the cold.
“I’m sorry,” Rei said. “I wasn’t thinking.”
“I don’t want your pity.”
“You’re too annoying to pity.” Rei crossed her arms. “But you shouldn’t be alone.”
“What, you think I’ll do something stupid?”
“No, for once, I think you won’t.”
Mina glanced over, hiding her face in her hair. “I didn’t want to make a big deal of it. But I feel like I’m back there. I feel like we’re all about to die again.”
“We’re safe, Mina.” Rei hesitated a moment, then took her hand. “We’re all safe, and we’ll be safer when you come back inside with me.”
“I can try and let you be this time.”
Rei almost took her up on it, but then shook her head. “Why don’t we do something together? I can take one day off.”
Mina squinted at her. “Rei Hino can take a day off? Did you already catch a cold out here?”
“Oh shut up.” She led her back inside, where they piled blankets on the couch and picked a movie to watch.
“You could have told me what you were feeling,” Rei said as the previews started.
“I didn’t want to.” Mina raised one eyebrow pointedly. “And you have no room to talk, Miss Visions of the world’s end.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Rei looked over at her. “Maybe next time I’ll try and pay better attention. Maybe.”
“Going soft on me, firecracker.”
“Shut it.” Rei shoved at her shoulder. They sat quietly for a few moments, and then Rei had a thought. “Do you want to sit over here?”
“Are you asking if I want to swap sides?”
Rei exhaled, already half regretting bringing it up. “No, I’m asking if you want to be closer, but if you’re going to be difficult about it--”
But Mina was already there, wedged into the crook of Rei’s side beneath her arm. “Thanks,” she said, voice soft and small.
She felt small against Rei, smaller than all her strategies and ostentatious displays, her bluster and her blows. Sometimes it was easy to forget she was a girl as well as a soldier and a wannabe idol, someone with all the interiority and fears that Rei had.
She wondered as the movie played if any of the others had seen her smallness, or if it was something special for Mina to show her how soft she really was. She thought it likely-- and perhaps hoped-- it was the later. Slowly she found herself stroking Mina’s hair. Their breathing began to sync as her fingers tangled in and out of the silky strands.
“You’re not so bad, like this.”
Mina laughed. “Don’t get used to it, hot stuff, I’m having an off day.” She sighed. “It feels nice, though.”
“Well, I guess if you’re ever having an off day, you can come here.” Rei winced. “And you’ll make me regret saying that, I’m sure.”
“You know it.” But she cuddled closer, and while all the world was frozen around them, it didn’t seem like such a bad prospect.
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Voltron -- Klance -- Fake BF
All I Want for Christmas is a (Fake) Boyfriend
Summary: A while ago, in a fit of anger, Keith told his mom he had a boyfriend. Did he actually have a boyfriend? No. Did he care? Also no. At least, not until his mom, months later, tells him to bring his supposed boyfriend over for the holidays. Not wanting to admit he didn’t have one, Keith asks around for someone to play the role and who agrees to play the part? The annoying guy from his Lit class.
Chapter Three
It was warm. That was the first wriggle of thought when he woke up, but Keith hadn't yet opened his eyes. Warmth and comfort. The blankets were thick and perfect and he dreaded the thought of having to throw them off, to feel the sting of cold air. He curled up a little tighter. Something warm was pressed up against his back and he figured it was a folded piece of blanket, rolled up or something to feel so compact and sturdy.
              And then he blinked his eyes open and remembered. He tried looking over his shoulder, but all he saw was what looked like another shoulder. From what he could make out, his back was pressed up against Lance's, which...
              Okay, he wasn't going to lie, not to himself. That was stupid. It felt nice. A level of comfort that went further than just the warm sleepiness of early mornings.
              And of course, the moment he decided to close his eyes again and get as much out of that feeling as he could, Lance stretched out. Keith heard the fabric of the pillow rustle as he lifted his head to look around. Then he must have leaned forward because Keith's back was hit with a shock of cold so sudden, he yanked at the blankets.
              "Oh, sorry," Lance said, leaning back. "Wanted to look at the time."
              The sun was peeking between all the slats and cracks in the wooden blinds, giving the room a fuzzy dark light. He could see most everything, but not the details.
              "And? What time is it?" he asked, suddenly conscious of how his voice sounded -- kind of croaky. But so did Lance's, so maybe it didn't matter.
              "Almost nine-thirty," he replied through a yawn. "If I wasn't smelling bacon right now, I could honestly keep sleeping."
              He was right -- his mom was probably making breakfast, which was something she always did when he was visiting. It was also Christmas Eve, so maybe the reason was somewhere in there, too.
              Lance said he'd be down in a bit, so Keith trudged down the stairs alone, still thinking about his warm bed. He'd gotten to the bottom of the staircase when the front door opened, letting in a gust of frosty air.
              "Hey there, look who's up," his dad said, pulling in a pine tree bundled up in netting. "When you and Lance are done with breakfast, we're going to decorate this like we've never decorated anything in our entire lives."
              "So...really, really badly?" Keith said.
              His dad laughed and closed the door.
              When Lance had said 'a bit,' he really should have said, 'about a half hour.' Keith was already working through his second plate of pancakes when the guy in question walked down, looking very much not like how he'd woken up. He strolled over with a smile and pressed a kiss to Keith's temple like he did it every morning.
              "If you don't like the syrup here, there's more in the fridge," his mom said, scooping another batch out of the pan and onto a plate.
              Lance opted for blueberry, Keith noticed, without much surprise.
              After their dishes were cleaned up and the dishwasher was humming away, Keith's mom ushered them into the family room, where his dad had put up the tree. He'd already strung up the lights, which was always the very first thing to do when decorating a tree, as he'd once explained to Keith a long time ago.
              "I brought up the boxes with decorations while you two were still sleeping," she explained. "So let's have at it. Everyone grab a box."
              Keith opened the one closest to him and found bulbs in all their original packaging staring up at him. If his mom played video games, she'd be a queen at Tetris. He genuinely hoped he wasn't going to be the one to have to put them away.
              "So Lance, how is Christmas like at your place?" his dad asked, looping a bulb on a golden hook. There was a bag full of them on the table.
              "Um, well, it's usually very loud," Lance replied. There was something about his voice that felt off, like he was nervous or uncertain. It made Keith look up. "Growing up, there was always a lot of people around and we never had a real tree, like this. The real thing looks much nicer, by the way."
              His dad chuckled. "The plastic ones are too thin," he said. "You can see right through 'em. I've always preferred the real ones myself."
              Lance smiled in return. "These ornaments are really pretty!" he said and Keith had the feeling it was maybe a deliberate change in topic. "And there are so many of them! Are we going to fit them all on the tree?"
              "We sure as hell are going to try," Keith replied. Stuff the tree with ornaments -- weigh the branches down with seemingly weightless glass bulbs. Yes.
              The end result was a tree so full of so many different styles and colored bulbs that, when the lights were turned on, it sparkled and twinkled like the way stars reflect off a lake. It filled Keith with a feeling he couldn't really name: just warm, peaceful, with a tinge of excitement. Kind of like eating those chocolate covered gingerbread cookies that had a layer of jelly hidden somewhere inside.
              "I want to go take some pictures," his mom announced.
              "I'm not dressed," Keith protested.
              "Not of you," she replied. "The tree!"
              Lance let out a short, loud laugh.
              Keith glared.
              "You can still get dressed, though," his dad said. "We need to pick up a few things at the supermarket."
              "On Christmas Eve?" Keith asked, still giving Lance the lingering remains of his glare.
              Lance didn't try to look even a little bit guilty -- he poked a bit of his tongue out at him.
              "It's Wal-Mart -- they're open forever," his dad replied. "Well, most of the time, anyways. Poor guys. Anyways, get your butt moving. The sooner we get there, the sooner we get back, the sooner I can make my eggnog."
              And that's how, half an hour later, the three of them were tucked into his dad's truck. He didn't know if it was because he was the shortest or what, but he was the sucker who got to sit in the middle seat, between driver and passenger. He also would have been done earlier if Lance hadn't insisted on blow-drying Keith's hair.
              "I'm not letting you freeze off your hair," he'd said. "It's gonna make it look like shit later on. And you could probably catch a cold and die, I dunno, I'm not a doctor. But definitely the thing with it looking like shit!"
              Soon they were wandering the aisles of Wal-Mart, chucking bags of chips into the cart and trying to stay out of the way from those last-minute shoppers, the ones with pinched, tense expressions who huffed a lot.
              "Do you like eggnog, Lance?" his dad asked as he set a bag of marshmallows in, next to a pack of minty candy canes. Keith suspected they were going to be used with hot chocolate.
              "I've only ever had the store-bought kind," Lance replied.
              "It was pretty good."
              "Watch out, he's going to tell you you've never had eggnog until you've had his," Keith said.
              His dad gave him a look. "It's true, though," he said. "Mine is the best. Even your grandma said it and she's impossible to please."
              Keith wanted to point out that his grandma loved anything with booze in it, but his dad was proud of his eggnog and it was good.
              They continued winding their way down the aisles, talking about school and work and friends. The way his dad talked to Lance, like he was already part of the family -- it gave him a sour feeling in his gut. It was guilt, he knew it was guilt. His dad was being so nice and he'd always been understanding. It felt so wrong to trick him like that, to lie. Would he be mad if Keith told him why he'd done it, if he confessed?
              Another feeling, lurking under all that sour guilt, was something a little softer. Having Lance shoot him smiles, the way he'd hit Keith's shoulder in a joke, or even the goofy eyebrow waggling he'd do even when what he was talking about wasn't suggestive -- all that combined with spending time with one of the most important people in Keith's life. It was nice. It felt real and knowing it wasn't made him want to kick something.
                The eggnog was finished before dinner started, but Keith's mom swore they would all wake up in the snow if they so much as dared look at it before sitting down to eat the meal she'd spent so long preparing. It was chicken, covered in something that tasted like rosemary, but was definitely more than just rosemary. Homemade brown gravy had mushrooms and onions poking through the surface. Buttery mashed potatoes were exactly how Keith always remembered them -- small chunks of potato left un-mashed, but so, so soft. Then there were the green beans, because no meal could go without vegetables, but they were swimming in their own creamy white sauce and Keith knew he would never figure out how they were made without asking.
              Even when he was finished with college, Keith didn't think he could ever cook like his mom. He wasn't sure he should even try.
              "So what's Keith like when he's at school?" his dad asked. He happened to ask at the exact moment Keith was shoveling a piece of chicken in his mouth. Coincidence? He thought not.
              Did Lance even know? Could he have picked anything up from their brief time together?
              But Keith didn't have anything to worry about, because Lance just said, "Not too much different from how he always is."
              What an easy save. Had anybody asked Keith, he'd have froze.
              His dad laughed. "He's always been a quiet kid," he said.
              His mom scoffed. "When nobody bothers him," she said.
              "What's that supposed to mean?" Keith asked, having finally finished chewing the chicken.
              "See?" his mom replied, giving a grin he'd most certainly inherited. "So long as nobody bothers him, he's quiet and he does his own work. But the moment you mention his name or get in his way, he erupts."
              "Like a volcano," his dad added with a little half smirk, half smile.
              One time. One time had he said he wanted to live in a volcano and his parents still hadn't gotten over it. It had been high school and he'd gotten his wisdom teeth removed. The anesthesia had been strong. It was time to let it go.
              "Do you know how many times I had to go down to the school because he'd gotten in a fight?" she asked.
              Lance shook his head.
              "Me neither," she replied. "I lost count."
              Lance looked over at Keith with raised eyebrows.
              Keith shrugged.
              "How was school for you?" his dad asked. "I hope it wasn't full of fighting."
              "Oh no," Lance replied. "I liked school and got along with mostly everyone. It was fun. Of course, that doesn't mean I was a model student or anything."
              Did he skip? He looked like the kind of guy who would skip class with his friends.
              "And you saw...what exactly in Keith?" his dad asked.
              Lance laughed and it lit up his face -- one of his more natural smiles. "He's cute! And his looks aren't too bad either," he teased.
              "Anyways," Keith said, though he didn't really have anything to say. He just wanted to change the topic. He could feel the tips of his ears beginning to burn.
              Thankfully, Lance took the hint. "I was always pretty loud, disrupting class," he continued. "You know how they say you should think before you act? Yeah, that wasn't me."
              Keith could see it -- Lance being the one who always had something to say, something to make the class laugh and maybe also the teacher. Or just make them mad. He would be the one to stay after school to get his phone back or get told that he should be focusing on the lesson and not on building an army out of pencils and erasers. It kind of still showed, now that he was older. In the class they'd shared, Lance did always have something to say. Unfortunately, the teacher had a hard time figuring out how to guide the conversation back to the intended topic.
              With dinner coming to an end, Lance asked if there would be more board games.
              "Now we watch movies and drink ourselves silly with eggnog," Keith explained.
              "And stuff ourselves with cookies," his dad said.
              "That I made," his mom pointed out, staring at Keith with one of those disappointed looks where he couldn't ever figure out if his mom was teasing or not. Maybe both.
              "But first, you come with me," Keith said and pulled Lance out of his chair.
              "Uh," Lance said and pulled himself out of Keith's grip. "Thanks for cooking! It was amazing!"
              Of course he had to say something like that. Of course.
             His mom's eyebrows rose like she'd been just been verbally assaulted, but she ended up saying, "Holy hell, someone in this house has manners."
              Of course. Now anything he said would sound cheap, but if he didn't, it would be like he wasn't also thankful for his mother's cooking. "Thanks for the meal," Keith replied, feeling lame.
              "Yeah, yeah," his mom said, though a little smile of hers made him think she hadn't taken it quite as seriously as Keith.
              After Keith had successfully dragged Lance upstairs, he made him stand around while he dug into one of his bags.
              "What's happening right now?" Lance asked.
              "I need you to sign something," Keith replied. He found the card and held it up for Lance to take. "And then you can help me bring presents downstairs."
              "Isn't that tomorrow?" Lance asked, opening the card. Inside he'd find a hastily scribbled paragraph on how much Keith appreciated his mom. "Being Christmas day and all."
              "Yeah, but we're putting the presents under the tree tonight," Keith replied and then handed him another card to sign, this time for his dad. "We bought the presents for my parents together. Same with the cards. Okay?"
              "Sure," Lance said, reading the other card. "You've got crappy handwriting."
              "And?" Keith said. "You can still read it, right?"
              Lance made a face and tilted his head. "Eh."
              Keith threw a pillow at him.
              Once Keith had everything pulled out on the floor, he looked at it and then at Lance. There were only a couple presents -- a small collection of things for both his parents, so it would only take them one trip -- but Lance was still sitting on the carpeted floor, staring at them like they were a bundle of snakes and his one job was to touch them without getting bit.
              "Hey, what's up?" Keith asked. Had they been in an actual relationship, maybe it would have been okay to put his hand on his arm or something. He swatted that thought away.
              "I didn't bring presents."
              Keith relaxed. "I told you, we got them together. That's the story," he replied.
              "Yeah, but I mean for you. That'll look weird, right? Us not giving each other presents on a holiday meant for just that?" Lance said.
              "Okay, first off, I think this holiday technically started off with a baby called Jesus and-or greedy corporate hands," Keith pointed out. "And we'll just tell them we gave each other presents before we came here."
              Lance stared at the presents a little longer, but he nodded.
              They journeyed back downstairs, unloaded the wrapped packages under the tree, and started setting up for the Christmas movie (or movies, plural, if they lasted that long). A red tin full of cookies went on the coffee table and everyone spooned their own eggnog into glass mugs. Keith's mom brought out blankets, which Lance looked a little too eager to receive. The movie was popped in and they got comfortable.
              Comfortable for Keith and Lance meant sharing a blanket on the loveseat, Lance's arm around Keith's shoulders, bringing him in so they could lean against each other. Keith looked up at Lance, unable to help noticing how Lance still smelled great, even after their long day. Lance smiled at him, all soft and tender and entirely unfair, because Keith had to take a deep breath to try and calm his heart a little.
              With several refills and half the cookies eaten, they made it to a second movie. Lance was always the one offering to get everyone a second or third or seventh glass of eggnog and his mom eventually shushed him, saying they'd get one when they needed it or ask him when he stood up. Keith found himself relaxing more and more into Lance's side, to where he was tucked right up next to him in a way Keith never thought would ever happen in real life.
              The heat from the blanket and from Lance made him forget about his mom's disbelief about his sexuality, about the general looming thought of maybe never finding anyone, not like how they do in the movies with hetero pairings. Eventually the movie they were watching stopped making sense and he just closed his eyes for a moment. Only a moment. To rest them. Just rest.
              And then he was opening them again and everything was colder than it had been. Lance was still there, but the blanket?
              "What," Keith started, but he didn't remember to finish because he was looking around. The movie wasn't playing -- they weren't even in the family room.
              "Hold on a little longer," Lance said.
              They were going up the stairs. "Why are you," he started again.    
              "You fell asleep," Lance said and his tone was low, quiet. Where were his parents? "I'm just bringing you to bed."
              "Why?" Keith's voice felt too loud. He still felt disoriented even so he knew where they were and he did know why, kind of. Lance was carrying him, that's why they were where they were.
              "Hey now, I treat all my relationships like this," Lance said. They'd reached the top and were heading towards their room. "Even the fake ones." He gave a smile even so he was a little out of breath and it made Keith frown. Frown because he didn't want Lance to be so nice, so sweet, so...
              His brain made the connection with feelings and images rather than words.
              And it hurt.
                When Keith opened his eyes, it wasn't because he wanted to. In fact, his eyes burned the moment they did, and he turned away from Lance's stupid face and the window to seek comfort in his pillow. It was so warm. The blankets were tucked in around him and there was a weight on his legs that was probably his horrible fake boyfriend.
              "Go away," he croaked.
              "It's Christmas! Aren't you excited?"
              "No." Keith tugged at the blanket, pulling it up towards his face.
              "But I smell spices like cinnamon. And there's Christmas music playing."
              Keith had no idea what he was talking about, but he wasn't all that interested.
              The weight on his legs disappeared along with the blanket.
              "Hey!" Keith shot up as the cold hit him.
              Lance was standing on the other side of the room, blankets bundles in his arms. He'd already taken a shower and was wearing a navy colored sweater.
              "Are you getting up or what?"
              Keith rubbed at his eyes -- he'd been staring. "Yeah, yeah, hold on. Let me at least go to the bathroom," he mumbled. His feet were cold but his face was burning.
              Downstairs, his mom had breakfast in the oven and "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth" was playing on the radio. His dad was setting the table and his mom was perched on the sofa, angled in such a way that she would most definitely see whoever, in her words, "finally decided to drag their butts out of bed."
              "I'm not the one in pajamas," Lance said, eyeing Keith like he just didn't know what he was to do with him.      
              "It's Christmas," Keith protested. "How about we put off dragging me until at least after breakfast."
              There were a lot more shiny, wrapped presents under the tree than there had been the night before. Lance even commented on it, eyes wide, but Keith told him it was normal. His mom always liked waiting until everyone was asleep before stuffing the tree with more gifts -- even after he stopped believing in Santa.
              "Here you go, Lance," his dad said, handing him a medium-sized box.
              Keith had never seen Lance's face go so blank, so fast. "For...me?" he asked. He took the present, but it was with uncertain hands.
              "We weren't going to let you get away empty handed now," his dad replied. "We both picked out a couple things together, but, well, we didn't know much about you."
              His mom had a very pinched expression that made Keith wonder how involved she'd been in the actual gift-buying, but he wasn't going to ruin it by saying anything. Not on Christmas.
              It ended up being two sweaters, a scarf, a set of pajamas, and a Christmas-themed mug stuffed with chocolate. All the clothes were either gray or black and came with gift receipts.
              "But we figured, if you're dating our boy, you might have similar tastes," his dad continued. "Which is, well, a bit lacking in color, but at least it'll probably go with most things? And of course, if the size don't fit, you can exchange or return them."
              Lance's thumb was stroking the fabric from the pajamas and he didn't say anything for a good long while. When he did, he smiled in a way that made Keith want to rub it away, to make it stop, to fix it. "Thank you," he said. "I honestly can't believe-- I mean, thank you."
              "Of course," his dad said with one of his warmest smiles.
The guilt gnawed on his insides a little more.
              Keith received similar presents, but thankfully, they didn't match Lance's. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to wear them if he knew, somewhere out on campus, Lance owned the exact same thing.
              Clean-up was a team effort, but it was mostly just shoveling the torn up wrapping paper in a big plastic bag. Breakfast entailed a lot of pumpkin bread, hot chocolate, and near-future plans. The only thing on Keith's mind was when they ought to leave so they could avoid traffic on the way home. But they all agreed to stay for lunch, so after they'd both packed their bags, Keith brought out his old PlayStation 2 and they set it up in the family room.
              "Hey," Lance said, holding his arms out as Keith stood up from where he'd crouched, putting a disc in. "Come here."
              Keith frowned, but did as he was told, carrying two controllers. He found himself being tugged down for a kiss and that was fine, but it turned into one of those kisses Lance had given him in the car. And that was fine, too, but it was a little too fine, too okay. Keith liked the way Lance's hand would curve around his jaw, his thumb pressing just ever so slightly. And the way his mouth was soft, at first, but with each little push it was a little firmer, a little more insistent. It made his shoulders tense but his insides melt and he found that his own arms were wrapping around Lance all by themselves.
              Somebody coughed, but it didn't register as his mom until a moment later, when they pulled apart.
              Lance leaned back and shared a devious sort of smile that only Keith could see.
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frop · 8 years
do all of them you mother fucker
not Once but Twice u have done this to m 
Star Platinum – Your thoughts on the stars? i always did like then when i was younger but now they just make me think of jojo so now i especially like them 
Magician’s Red – Do you know any magic tricks? no but im gonna say what u said and i can bend my fingers waay way farther than most people
Hermit Purple – Show a photo of yourself! I HAVENT taken a selfie in forever i’ll do one later 
Silver Chariot (Requiem) – How much sleep do you need on average? i would love a good 10+ but i only get that much on saturday now boo but on average its like 6-7 
The Fool – Tell us a joke! Is your refrigerator running? Because i’m gonna suck your dick
The World -  A place you want to visit? canada like you would not believe 
Crazy Diamond – What do you treasure the most? hmmmmmmm my friendships with my friends 
The Hand – Do you like your hands? nnnot particularly bc i spent a good portion of my life and still do sometimes where i bit my nails til they bleed so they dont look as nice as i’d like them to be when they grow out 
Echoes – Your favourite sound? The world’s time stop sound, but not jotaro’s version, dio’s specifically
Heaven’s Door – Share a secret! my parents’ divorce has made me scared for the future of my own relationships to the point where i can see myself not ever wanting to be in a relationship ever again bc it would be easier than my partner getting tired of me or hating me. on top of the fact that i’m almost exactly like my father and my mom’s ex fiance in every single emotional department which is what caused their divorce/breakup respectively in the first place and that leads me to believe that in the long run i am Romantically  Unlovable 
Killer Queen – How would you like to die? preferably quick and painless 
Bad Company – What kind of character trades do you dislike? any character that is like ‘waahh wah no one understands me bc i enjoy [’highly advanced’ niche series/book/etc] and they all read [popular series/book/etc] like whatever the fuck his name was in aku no hana, it got so obnoxious i had to drop it lmao 
Red Hot Chili Pepper – Can you handle spicy food? cat’s out of the bag guys im actually a Fake Mexican bc i only like mild stuff and hot chips 
The Lock – Anything you feel guilty about right now? ya but thats for another day 
Love Deluxe – Are you secretly in love with someone right now? its absolutely no secret that i am in love with jonathan joestar 
Pearl Jam – Your signature dish? i can make some mean ass rice apparently 
Achtung Baby – Do you want kids? nnnope no thanks never ever i have my cat and thats enough for me 
Harvest – Do you pick up coins in from the street? no bc u dont know where thats been and money is super dirty already 
Cinderella – Which part of your body do you like the most? dang, i guess my thighs? but lately i’ve been a lot easier on myself abt my stomach and how soft it is 
Atom Heart Father – How is your relationship with your father? pretty good bc we’re really alike in temperament too but sometimes it gets pretty awkward bc he can never see me as anything but his little baby daughter who Never Grows Up
Enigma – What is puzzling you currently? when is davidpro gonna drop the part 5 teaser 
Earth Wind and Fire – What’s the best classical element? i personally have always liked fire 
Stray Cat – Cats or dogs? i love both but man im more suited for cats 
Gold Experience – A precious experience you have not shared with your followers? oh man over this summer my dad his gf and me and my sis when on a trip to her dad’s place in this really small town that was like 3 hours away from our city and it was so nice and quiet and peaceful and i felt so clean and happy there, we were only there for a couple days but ever since i’ve really been wanting to go back
Sticky Fingers – Zippers or buttons? zippers are so much faster but they get caught sometimes so Really, pros and cons of each 
Moody Blues – A song that makes you sad? OOO man i was gonna say epitaph bc Of Course but as i was writing this down melancholy man by moody blues came up on this playlist and now im thinkin abt abba and crying 
Sex Pistols – Have you ever shot a gun or riffle? no im tiny and a weenie and i would probably die from the recoil
Aerosmith – Are you afraid of flights? ive never been on one but i am scared of heights so i cant imagine thats any better 
Purple Haze – What makes you really angry? it used to be not being listened to but now i just let it happen bc Why bother but now its more whenever my mom makes a big deal out of simple mistakes of waiters/waitresses or when shes being obviously racist 
Spice Girl – Your favourite spice? idk what its called but theres this one i like to put on fruit before i eat it to make it Spicy 
King Crimson – Is it possible to predict the future? man idk my mom says yea but who knows 
Black Sabbath – How easily do you trust people? like stupidly easy 
Man in the Mirror – Do you like looking into the mirror? nope lol im ugl. ALSO bc i have a bigger than average fear of reflective stuff in general bc what if i see somethign behind me u kno,,,, 
Beach Boy – Have you ever been fishing? nope! the one time my dad went that i knew abt i was in mexico 
The Grateful Dead – What do you want to be remembered for? honestly, anything else that being the ‘way too nice one’ or the doormat 
White Album – Your favourite CD? aaaaa i dont have one i dont really listen to albums 
Talking Head – Are you a good liar? i guess ? i can keep a pretty straight face but its harder to lie to someone i actually know really well bc they can probably tell what my tics are 
Baby Face – Your thought on babies? theyre cute but i would greatly prefer to never have any 
Metallica – Do you like listening to metal? yea
Green Day – Ideal way to spend a day off? sleep, Sleep, stream with friends and lay in bed
Oasis – Best place for a holiday? hhhhh anyplace that relaxes u tbh 
Stone Free – Are you a indoor or outdoor person? i n d o o r i dont like bugs 
Kiss – Who would you like to kiss or get a kiss from? jonathan joest
Burning Down the House – Ever destroyed something and then regretted it? nah, once again im a weenie and im too worried abt consequences to ever do smth like that
Foo Fighters – Your favourite drink? god damn i fucking love raspberry iced tea 
Diverdown – Your thoughts on diving? the ocean fills me with the fear of god. no thanks 
C-Moon – What would you do for your friend’s sake? put myself in bodly harm 
MadeinHeaven – What do you believe happens after you died? nothing tbh you just end up in a grave or urn or wherever u wanted to be put 
Weather Report – Your favourite weather? man i looove love stormy weather 
Whitesnake – Your thoughts on snakes/reptiles? i love them theyre all gorgeous and beautiful
Tusk – Tea or coffee? coffee
Ball Breaker – Your favourite ball game? to play? its basket ball but to watch baseball 
Oh! Lonesome Me – Do you feel lonely right now? no not right now but im sure it’ll happen soon 
Scary Monsters – Your favourite dinosaur? i love velociraptors and also triceratops !!
Cream Starter – Do you usually wear make up? nope and if i do its only ever lipstick
Catch the Rainbow – Your favourite colour in the rainbow? blue and green!! 
Ticket to Ride – What was the last ticket you bought for? i didnt buy it but the last one i had was for the rogue one like. 2 weeks ago
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap – Do you believe in the multiverse? i dont think abt it too often but sure
In a Silent Way – Do you enjoy complete silence? yes!! besides some music, i cant concentrate otherwise 
Soft & Wet – Shower or bath? shower bc its easier but i havent taken a bath in forever 
Paisley Park – How good are you with reading maps/directions? Terrible God Awful
Nut King Call – How good are you at assembling/constructing things like Ikea furniture? hmm it depends if i have the manual for it and if i have time to really think on it and im not in a rush or anything
Paper Moon King – Can you do any origami? nope 
King Nothing – Your favourite smell? i really like the smell of cinnamon 
BornThisWay – A strange habit you have? i crack my fingers all the damn time and i like to take off the little plastic circle off of soda bottles and chew on it 
Les Feulies – Your favourite plant? oh damn hmm i like lavenders 
Fun Fun Fun – Something you really enjoy doing? man. i could watch jojo a million times over and i’d never get bored of it 
California King Bed – What size is your bed? currently i sleep in a queen size bc my mom and sis and i share a bed bc we only had one room in our old apartment but now that we moved im sure i’ll be kicked off into a twin soon enough 
JESUS christ ok its almost midnight i hope ur happy you mother fuckre 
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