#Didn’t have a phone until the end of freshman year n then I only had one friend who never responded to texts
makkie-is-screaming · 11 months
having a mutual you want to be friends with but knowing your the driest texter ever
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ladyylesbian · 3 months
Sorority Rules (18+)
Pairing: dom!wandanat x sub!fem!original character
Summary: ‘New Year, New Me’ can start in September...right?
Warnings: MINORS DNI! Pet names, mommy kink, daddy kink, reader has a name? (Honestly idk anymore, tell me if I missed something?)
Word Count: 11.2k
A/N: This really was just me proving something to myself, but I hope you enjoy it all the same :) Continuation of this story is on AO3
you do not have permission to translate/repost my works anywhere! all mistakes are mine and mine alone. likes, comments, and reblogs are always welcome & appreciated <3
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Freshman year left you beat down on the floor. You had been roomed with a girl named Hela. The two of you had hit it off instantly. In fact, you spent so much time together that everyone would know if they found one of you, then they could find the other nearby, definitely helped that you somehow had the exact same class schedule. By the end of the first semester, Hela asked you out and one week later, she asked you to be her girlfriend. 
What was the happiest month turned dark and lonely. Hela spent more and more of her time focused on her sorority since being officially accepted. She had set completely insane restraints on you. You had to text her every hour whenever you were apart, it didn’t matter that she wouldn’t acknowledge your messages. She even would rarely show up at the dorm room to sleep, claiming that the sorority house was where she needed to be, but demanded a picture of you in bed every night. 
You had long since given up expecting to see her anywhere but during classes, however, when she sat down with the other girls in her sorority looking you right in the eyes as she did, you finally broke. That was your time together and she was so obviously picking them.
That only snowballed into her eating lunch in the quad with them too. She took you to a few sorority parties and introduced you to her ‘favorite person’ and sorority big sister, Carol. The two were attached at the hip which quickly left you to nurse a drink off in the corner. 
You didn’t have the backbone to say anything, blindly hoping she would realize how much she missed you and run back.
It wasn’t until right before the end of year finals that Hela had stayed back in the dorm room once again. The two of you would study nonstop and laugh and joke. Everything you had spent months wishing for was happening. The girl you liked was back.
After finishing your last final before Summer break, you waited for her in the hallway. Less than 15 minutes later she pushed open the classroom door and stepped out. You locked eyes and she rushed up and gave you a hug. “Thank you so much, Madelyn. I really could not have passed these finals without you.”
Smiling warmly at the raven haired girl, “Always. It’s you and me all the time. I couldn’t show up to sophomore year without you next to me.”
Her eyes fell downwards before slowly reaching yours again. “About that, Madelyn, I think we should end things. You are just in such a different place than me and I am changing my major, so we won’t be in the same classes anyways. Not to mention, you can really blow up my phone and I am just not into that. But thank you so much for the help this year.” You can’t help but stare at her wide eyed, blinking repeatedly as you try to process her words. She pats your cheek before turning around and walking down the hall “Have a good summer!”
The only thought running thought your mind is ‘what the fuck.”
You cannot believe this day is finally here, sophomore year of college. After a thoroughly disastrous freshman year, you are determined to completely turn your life around. A new roommate, new classes, if you can be picky, then hopefully a solid friend group will be thrown in there too. 
It was still a few days before the actual first day of classes, but you wanted to get into your new dorm and settle in. There were quite a lot of other students with the same idea, all unpacking their parents cars that were stuffed full. You quickly paid the taxi driver and hopped out the back seat. He opened the trunk and lifted your suitcase onto the road. 
Dragging your bag up the sidewalk and settling in the line waiting for the booth to find your new dorm room and collect the room key. You look around, wondering if your new roommate is in this same crowd, thinking if her parents are holding back tears as they hug her goodbye. 
Thankfully, before you can stumble too far down that path, you reach the front of the line. “Name and year?” 
“Oh, uh, Madelyn Andrews. Sophomore.” She flips through the pages and finds your name with ease. Looking down into her organized box of keys, she picks up on set, “Room 616.”
With a soft smile, you accept the key and head towards the sophomore dorms.
Thankfully, there’s an elevator in all the dorm buildings once you’re no longer a freshman. You always joked that it was the university’s way of hazing the entire freshman class. 
The slow elevator had you wondering if you could have walked the stairs and ended up there faster, but eventually, opened onto the sixth floor. You held your breath as you walked up to your door. 
Pressing your ear against the wooden surface and straining to try and hear any movement. It sounded completely empty inside. With a quick ‘thank you’ to the skies above, you push the key into the lock and turn, opening the door. 
Unsurprisingly, it is the same layout as your freshman year dorm, not that you were superstitious, but in the spirit of completely turning your life around you opted for the bed on the right this time.
It didn’t take more than an hour for you to put away your clothes and set up the small mementos of your friends from back home. Walking back over to your suitcase, you pull out a small blanket that barely is long enough to cover your legs and hide it under your pillow. 
Laying on your new bed and scrolling your university’s Instagram page, trying to find something to do that can pass the time. That’s when you see there is an early bird trivia event being hosted at the student center in ten minutes. 
Taking a second to think, you come to the conclusion that this is the perfect chance to meet new people. Reinvent yourself as someone social, someone beyond only one friend turned girlfriend. 
Softly pushing yourself off the elevated bed, you walk over to the shared closet and pull out your favorite white crew neck in case the temperature drops after sunset. With an unbalanced turn, you spin around and pull on your black and gray checkered vans. Hopping over to the mirror to give yourself a fast once over then heading straight out the door.
It’s only a short walk to the student center from your dorm this year, which you’re thankful for, perfect for meeting new people. 
Remembering how heavy the student center door is, you pull hard on the handle. The universe must be laughing at you because that seemed to be the wrong choice. The usually heavy door was light this year and you have just thrown the door as wide as it would go, causing a decently loud sound. 
A few students near the door look at you, but thankfully the other students further into the building haven’t seemed to notice a thing. Which is where the trivia is being held, so you awkwardly walk through the doors and inside.
“Hello, welcome to early bird trivia: musicals. Are you joining a team or registering a new one?” states a wide eyed brunette woman. 
“Oh, I didn’t know we had to have a team..” you begin to look around for anyone you might vaguely recognize. “Not a worry, dear. We have another girl looking for a team too. You two can partner up.” She starts to wave over a blonde, who’s smiling bigger than you would think possible.
She continues, “This is..” she pauses waiting for you. “Madelyn.” 
“And she needs a team as well. So, what will the team name be?”
Before you even have a moment to think of something clever, the blonde speaks up, “Mac n Cheese Lovers.” You cannot help but snort at her abruptness. The brunette hands you a paper and pencil to write down your answers on, “Good luck ‘Mac n Cheese Lovers.”
Following the blonde over to a table near the smoothie bar along the left wall, as she sits down she introduces herself, “Hey. My name is Yelena. I hope you like Mac n Cheese or this team name will be super awkward,” she snickers.
You shake your head slightly, “The name is perfectly fitting. I’m a huge fan,” you laugh, “My name is Madelyn. It’s nice to meet you. So what year are you in?”
“Sophomore,” the blonde replies, “How about you?”
“Same, sophomore.” The two of you continue with small talk for a couple minutes until you hear the game host start speaking. He gives a quick introduction of his name and lets everyone know he’s the student activity director, so he plans all university approved events. Which leads him to a quick warning that means no drinking or drugs at these events since he’s required to report them to the Dean. Then, he gets into the trivia rules.
Once he finishes, Yelena leans over to you, “We have to win. Or at least beat my annoying sister and her girlfriend.” 
You raise your eyebrow at the woman, “If you knew people, how come you didn’t team up with them?”
She waves off your question before pointing them out, “See those two redheads? That’s them. They are insufferable at any sort of competition. We need to show them up and win, so I hope you’re a musical lover because I am most certainly not a musical theater major,” she chuckles as she finishes her sentence.
“They do look insufferable,” you agree with the blonde, “and lucky for you, while I am not a musical theater major, I am a lover of Broadway, so get ready to kick some ass.”
Yelena claps you on the back and laughs, “I like you, Madelyn. Let's do this.”
“Okay, everyone, first question. What musical movie has the song ‘It's the Hard-Knock Life’?”
You quickly write down ‘Annie’ on the paper next to the number one as he repeats the first question.
“Second question, the musical Hairspray is set in what American city?”
Once again, you write down ‘Baltimore’ immediately next to the number two as he repeats the question. 
And the process repeats itself all the way to the end. You, unsurprisingly, knew every answer, besides two. Thankfully Yelena seemed very confident in the answers, which led you to learning that while she was not an overall musical lover, she was obsessed with ‘SIX’, claiming ‘they all should have just murdered that idiotic king’. 
By the end, you and Yelena are laughing together and being shushed by other teams around you trying to think. Yelena pays them no mind while she tries to watch and see if her sister and her girlfriend are guessing the answers correctly by the way she’s writing. You tried to tell her that would be impossible to know, but the blonde paid you as little mind as she did the surrounding teams. 
Finally, the host announces for everyone to settle down and starts going over the list of correct answers. Yelena is practically levitating off the seat with how excited she is. Your team got every question right. “Okay everyone, count up your total of correct answers.” He waits a few seconds before beginning again, “raise your hand if your team got more than five correct.”
Faster than lightning, Yelena's hand is in the air, yours follows quickly. “Raise your hand if your team got more than ten correct.” Three other teams' hands go down. “Raise your hand if your team got more than fifteen correct.” Another two teams’ hands lower. Leaving your team, two other teams, and Yelena’s sister’s team, much to the blonde’s annoyance. 
“Raise your hand if you got more than seventeen correct.” One team puts their hands down. “Raise your hand if you got more than eighteen correct.” The other team drops their hands. Making the final two teams, ‘Mac n Cheese Lovers’ and ‘Traitors’, if you were to believe Yelena. 
“Looks like we have a tight race everyone, how exciting, keep your hands up if you got all twenty questions correct.” A moment of tense silence falls over the room, the redheads slowly lower their hands. A loud, piercing scream sounds off beside you, “Yes! Ha! I won! So much for ‘Yelena you don't know anything about musicals. Go find your own team’.” The blonde begins doing her victory dance as you laugh. She grabs your hand and motions for you to victory dance with her. And how could you say no when you are equally excited about the win.
“We have our winners, everyone congratulations to..” the host drags off his sentence.
“Mac n Cheese Lovers!” the two of you say while laughing and dancing together.
“Congratulations to ‘Mac n Cheese Lovers’. Thank you to everyone for coming out and starting off this year with a bang! I will see you at the next activity!” Slowly everyone staggers out of the student center and into the night as you’re exchanging Instagrams with Yelena and saying your goodbyes. 
Not even three steps away from the table, you hear someone speaking to Yelena, “Clearly, you didn’t win with your own lack of knowledge. So, what’s her name?” Not wanting to look back and have them know you’re listening, you keep walking as you hear Yelena reply “Madelyn. Why?”
Cursing yourself for not slowing down because now you’re too far away to keep trying to listen, you look over your shoulder right before walking out the doors. Locking eyes with two pairs of green eyes staring back at you.
Spending most of your days walking around campus and figuring out the quickest way to each of your classes, then finding a second route.., and a third route, just in case. Eventually making your way to the cafeteria since it’s the only food place open on campus until classes begin and sitting out in the quad people watching as more and more people arrive. You haven’t met up with the blonde, or the two mysterious redheads, you met at trivia since. However, you are often sending memes back and forth which you take as a small step towards your first new friend of the year. 
It’s officially one day until classes start and you still haven’t met your roommate. You have considered walking back to the welcome booth and asking if you even have a roommate since it’s extremely uncommon to not be moved into the dorms by this time. 
As much as most people would love to strike luck and get a free single, that is the absolute last thing you want. 
The universe finally seems to answer your silent worrying and wishing as you hear someone fumbling with the keys outside your door. Quickly, you hop from the bed and rush to open the door. Coming face to face with a dark haired brunette.
“Oh, good, you’re moved in already!” Taken aback by the woman’s words, your focus shifts between her and the large number of boxes next to her in the hallway.
“Do, uh, do you need help?”
“That’d be great. My name’s Kate. You’re Madelyn, right?”
A wave of shock hits you at hearing someone you’ve never met know your name. Seeing the look on your face causes Kate to laugh. She starts to shimmy inside and you hurriedly move to the side, so she can walk in easier. Once she’s in, you step out of the room and pick up one of the boxes. “It is, yeah. So, where do you want this?”
“You can just throw everything on the bed.”
It doesn’t take long for the two of you to move everything into the small dorm. Laughing as you both try to move around with the now limited floor space since Kate’s bed was quickly filled up with boxes. 
After an offer to help the brunette unpack her things, you figure out she is quite uncaring about her clothes, but she is very particular about her bow. You learn she joined the school archery team last year, but already stands to make captain for her second year. 
She tells you about how last year, on a dare, she hit the bell tower with an arrow. “So, you were the one who caused the crack in the bell tower?” Covering your mouth to try and hide your laugh. She looks at you with wide eyes, “I can’t confirm or deny which clock tower it was.”  
Which only causes you to lose all control and laugh wildly out loud. 
Successfully surviving the first four weeks of your second year in college, you get to celebrate at the first football game of the season. Thankfully, Kate is not into the sorority scene like your ex was, so you can go to the game together rather than alone.
With your back against your bed and your feet up the side of the wall, you’re waiting for Kate to get back from her archery practice. She made captain last week which led to you both sneaking out of the dorm at midnight and walking to the nearest pizzeria for a celebratory pizza. Your memory was promptly interrupted by the door slamming into the wall, “Shit. Sorry.”
Laughing at Kate’s mumbled apology to the girls next door who always complain about you two being unnecessarily loud. The brunette throws her sweaty t-shirt at your face which you quickly launch back at her as she softly shuts the door. 
“Hurry up and get ready, Bishop. The game starts in thirty minutes and you smell like a wet dog.”
“Your words are so sweet. Dipped in honey I would say,” Kate’s words laced with sarcasm as she playfully flips you off while kicking off her shoes. 
“Only in honey? You don’t get the soft rose petals or melted chocolate too?” Your words only earn you a deadpan stare from the archer. With a grunt, you push yourself off the wall and sit upright, “Don’t forget that tonight is a black out game, so you need to be in all black to show support.”
“Oh yes, I would hate not to show support. Unfortunately, all my black clothes are currently dirty-”
“I know, which is why I took the liberty of doing our laundry earlier today. Your outfit is laid out on the bed.” You say with a smile and move to make your fingers into the shape of a heart.
Kate can’t help but roll her eyes and laugh, “Of course, you did.” Walking up to her shower bag and picking it up, she heads to the door. “I will be back in no less than 10 minutes, Sargeant,” winking at you, knowing you hate the nickname, before quickly mumbling out, “and thank you for doing my laundry. You’re the best.” and walking out of the room.
Rushing a quick ‘You’re welcome’ out before the door shut. You begin getting dressed yourself, deciding on a black halter top and some black jean shorts with your black high-top converses. Throwing your hair up into a high ponytail, then pulling out your baby hairs so you don’t look like an egg.
True to her word, Kate walks back in 10 minutes later as you put headphones in and stare at the ceiling, you give your roommate privacy to get ready. 
Feeling your headphones ripped out of your ears causes you to face the archer as she smiles, “How do I look? Andrews approved?” Kate stands in front of you in black long sleeve cropped top and blacked ripped jeans.
Jokingly, you raise an eyebrow at her, faking a moment of contemplation before returning the smile, “You look hot. You will definitely grab whoever’s attention you want.”
“I don’t want anyone's attention, '' the brunette scoffs.  
“Sure you don’t and I don’t hope that my 7am professor is sick on Monday,” you retort.
“I don’t even think she is gonna be there,” Kate starts pulling on the sleeves of her shirt, “I don’t think football games are her thing.”
You take a moment to consider what to say. It’s been months since you had a crush on anyone and wanted to try and impress a girl. When you first found out your roommate started crushing on someone, you had been relentless in attempting to have her confess who it was. But as stubborn as you were, Kate was also head strong in keeping her secret. 
“Her loss then. We can post a picture and she’ll see everything she misses out on by skipping the game,” you wink. Linking arms, you and Kate walk out of the dorm and head to the field. 
The first stop you both make is the concession stand since food is the top priority any time the two of you leave the dorm together. Ordering you both an ICEE, yours being coke flavored and Kate’s cherry, and a hot dog each. 
Once arriving at your seats, you turn around and ask the girls behind you if they could take a picture for you. You both hold up your ICEEs, smiling as you cheer for the picture. 
Kate posts the picture on her Instagram, tagging you, and captions the post ‘I’m only here for the ICEEs’.
Quickly commenting ‘and my amazing company’ under her post. Then posting the picture onto your story with hearts underneath.
It’s not until the third quarter that you both finally relent and head to the bathrooms. While standing in line chatting about nothing and everything, the archer tenses beside you and presses herself between you and the wall, “what are yo-”
Kates proceeds to shush you and shrinks further into her hiding spot. Looking around to try and see what has your roommate acting so strange, you come up short since you don’t recognize anyone.
That is until you glance over to the concession line and notice Yelena, who you met your first day back on campus. Quickly turning around to Kate, “Oh, Kate. Do you remember how I told you I met this hilarious girl my first day back?“ You point over to the blonde, “She’s right there. Her name is Yelena.”
The brunette’s face pales suddenly. Worry rushes through you and your eyes immediately start scanning for what’s upset your friend so badly. Until it clicks, “Kate…Oh, Katie,” you start to whisper, “ is Yelena who you have a crush on?”
Her eyes met yours and you can tell you’re right. “I totally know her. I can introduce you if you want. Granted, I haven’t actually spoken with her for over a month, BUT we regularly exchange memes.”
Before Kate could give any response to you, you feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around.
“Madelyn, I thought it was you! How have you been?” Yelena says with a big smile on her face.
“I’m great. Settling into my classes and wishing I didn’t sign up for a 7am lecture that I completely don’t understand and will need to find a tutor for, the usual. How about you?”
As the blonde opens her mouth to reply, she notices Kate, “Bishop? Madelyn and Bishop? You two know each other?” .
“Roommates,” You both say at the same time before you continue, “We’re roommates. How do you know Kate?”
“She’s my lab partner,” she leans around you and looks at the brunette, “We have a project coming up and I’ve been meaning to reach out and figure out a time that works for you,” she runs her fingers through her blonde hair nervously.
A sneaky smile goes across your face, realizing that Yelena also seems to have a crush on Kate.
The archer stands up suddenly at her crush’s words, “I have archery practice most days, but I’m free on Tuesdays after 3pm, if that works.” 
Yelena simply smiles back, “Tuesdays are great, except, I’m in class until 4. How about you come to my apartment, it’s five minutes from campus, and we can eat and start our research?”
“Off campus?”
“Yeah, my sister and her girlfriend wanted to have a secluded place away from the sorority and invited me to stay there too.”
You nod, listening to the two speak while also trying to give them privacy by looking anywhere else in the slowest moving restroom line.
Suddenly, Yelena’s phone goes off, “Speaking of the devil,” she answers.
You can’t hear whoever it is super well over the crowd cheering at what must have been the best touchdown of the game but once they quiet down you hear that voice again from trivia night, the redheaded sister of Yelena.
The blonde turns over her shoulder to look near the concession line she just came from, “I just want a coke.” You look over in the same direction as Yelena, “No, I don’t want anything else. I will be right back. I was just saying ‘hey’ to Madelyn and Bishop. Get your underwear out of a twist. I’m heading back now. Bye.”
Your heart leaps out of your chest when you finally notice the redhead in line. Making eye contact with her deep green eyes for longer than normal which causes Kate to nudge your shoulder as it’s finally your turn to walk into the restroom.
“Sorry,” you mumble to your roommate before turning back with one final look, receiving a wink from both women.
Kate gives a quick goodbye to Yelena before she walks away and then pushes you through the door.
Your roommate tries to ask you about it in the restroom, but you firmly shut down that topic and turn the conversation around on her. If you had known her crush was on Yelena, then you would have tried long ago to set them up on a blind date. Which is probably why the brunette didn't say who she was spending her days thinking about.
Making your way back to the seats, thankfully, without running into anyone else, you try to wipe the redhead’s face out of your memory, feeling incredibly embarrassed for your behavior when seeing her. 
The last quarter of the game passes in a blur that you aren’t even aware the game ended until you notice the football players celebrating on the field and groups of people moving around you to leave at the same time. You glance up to the scoreboard and see the score, 30-28, your team winning.
Pulling out your phone, you swipe to pull up Instagram and post the scoreboard to your story, ‘our blood, our sweat, your tears’.
Linking your arm with Kate to make sure neither of you get lost on the way out of the stadium, the cool fall breeze whips at your shoulders the second you make it outside, but you welcome it after squeezing against every sweaty jock trying to get out of the stadium at the same time.
The two of you quietly laugh together when you look back to see people squeezing through the doors you just came through. 
Neither of you are paying attention and accidentally bump into someone, to your dismay it was Yelena’s sister. Your body goes rigid at the sight of her. A scowl on her face until she settles her eyes on you then she gives you a soft smile.
“So, so, so sorry about that. We should have paid more attention.” The redhead’s smile slowly grows bigger as you continue talking. “Sorry again.”
You go to turn away and drag Kate along when you feel a warm hand softly wrap around your bicep, “No, I should be ashamed for not giving you more attention when you’re around,” smirking slightly at you.
A small blush rushes to your cheeks, opening and closing your mouth a few times before giving a gentle nod to the woman before turning around again.
Once you are out of hearing range from the redhead, Kate starts laughing, “Oh, you’re like a fly trapped in the spider's web.”
With a quick glare to your roommate and a prompt slap to the arm, “Shut up.”
As you lay on your bed, winding down your night time routine, you decide to scroll Instagram. Liking posts from your roommate and best friend, Kate’s, account. You didn’t think you would get as close to the girl as you had, but the two of you got along surprisingly well. Usually, you would be watching a new episode of Grey's Anatomy together tonight, however, Kate finally gathered her nerves and asked out Yelena, her lab partner, on a date. 
Squealing and bouncing in your tiny dorm room bed, “Shut up! You did it? You finally admitted you have a crush on her?”
“I wouldn’t go that far!” The brunette laughs in response, “I just asked if she would want to go out to the new ax-throwing bar that just opened up.” She throws herself down on her back onto your bed, frowning and sounding much more somber. “But, Madelyn, Yelena asked if we could go this Thursday. She has to go to the sorority party this Friday.”
Moving around until you're laying down shoulder to shoulder with her, “Psh. Don’t even start, you are going and maybe even getting a second date for Friday.” Wiggling your eyebrows at her and shoving your body slightly into her. 
“If that happens, then you’re coming with me. You need to get out and finally move on from your ex.” Placing your hand over your heart, you playfully scoff and wave off a mumbled agreement, trying to steer away from another possible conversation to find out who your ex is.
Smiling as you recall the memory, you suddenly hear the door to your dorm unlock. 
Kate whispers to someone in the hall, who you assume to be Yelena, “Of course, I’d love to. See you tomorrow.”
Quickly, she walks in and immediately places her back on the door to close it. A wide grin on your roommate's face as she looks over to your bed. First kicking off her shoes, then running to jump into your bed. You stare at her, waiting for her to begin.
Kate sighs before exclaiming, “SHE ASKED ME OUT TO THE SORORITY PARTY TOMORROW!” Wrapping your arms around your friend as you jump together over the great news.”Get ready, Madelyn, you and I are going to a party!”
“Wait, Kate,” You pull back to look at her wide eyed, “I thought you were kidding.”
The party started at least an hour ago, but because of your indecisiveness on what to wear, which ended up just being a simple v cut blue dress with white high tops. As you both walk up, you stare at the brick house bursting with music. You hear Kate talking, “Party Rules 101. Don’t forget not to go upstairs with anyone. Do not accept a drink from anyone who is not me. I know you will want to leave early, so do not go without telling or texting that you’re heading out either. Okay?”
You blink a few times before you recognize she wants a reply, “Got it.” She smiles at you and takes your hands before walking up the porch steps.
Kate knocks on the white door. You wonder how anyone would be able to hear the knock inside with how loud the music is playing, but not even five seconds later the door is open. The sound of the music makes you take a step back. Anxiety washing over you instantly as you look down. You don’t even hear the words spoken between your friend and the redhead opening the door. 
Kate’s hold on your hand tightens in hopes to reassure you before she pulls you along to step inside. It isn’t until Kate’s other hand waves to get your attention off the floor that you look up and realize both girls are staring at you expectedly. “I’m sorry, what?” you say softly.
The redhead chuckles and repeats herself, “Hi, I’m Wanda and the Vice President here. We have two bathrooms downstairs, one by the kitchen and one by the laundry room. Also, two upstairs just in case. Drinks, of course, are in the kitchen or the backyard. Is there anyone you are looking for that I can direct you towards? Or anything I can get you to drink?”
“I’m looking for Yelena actually. Do you know where she is?” Kate quickly replies. “She’s in the living room playing beer pong,” Wanda points over to her left, “Go right through there and you will find her.”
With lightning speed, Kate drops your hand and rushes off to find the blonde. Your mouth hangs open as you stare off in the direction she flew. 
The redhead laughs as she looks at you before offering her arm, “Can I escort you anywhere?” Glancing around the foyer, you can't recognize anyone, so you nervously agree and link your arm with hers, “I don’t think I know anyone else here, so anywhere you want to go is fine with me.”
A bright smile spreads on the Vice President's face as she guides you out of the foyer and into the backyard to watch someone attempt a keg stand. You can’t help but look stunned as you watch the girl drink. “Would you like to try?” Wanda startles you with the question. Shaking your head no with absolute certainty that you could never have arm strength or lung capacity. 
After a few moments more of watching, she slowly guides you over to the pool. The redhead kicks off her shoes and motions for you to do the same. The two of you sit down along the edge and place your feet in the water. You start to mindlessly kick your feet along to the music that is playing throughout the speakers. “So, am I allowed to ask your name?”
Multiple memories come to mind with times the Vice President has heard your name, “I’m pretty sure you know my name.”
Wanda’s tongue drags underneath the bottom of her teeth, “Oh, I do, but I want to hear it from your pretty, little mouth.”
Your breath catches in your throat at her words, taking a moment to settle your racing heart, you slowly speak, “Madelyn.”
Deciding to try and control the conversation you cut her off before she could say anything else. “Do you usually take interest in random people that show up to your sorority’s parties?”
She chuckles at your question, “No, not usually. But I would not say you’re a random person. Plus I have never had the pleasure of someone as captivating as you walk through those doors.”
“Yeah, right.” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the redhead. 
She grabs your chin and makes you look up at her, “Oh I didn’t take you for the bratty type.” You could have sworn that her eyes sparkled when she said that. 
You shutter, trying to think of a reply. Your brain is completely lagging at the touch and sound of her voice. Wanda’s thumb moves and pushes between your lips, “Is there anything even going through that little head of yours?”
A small groan rips it way out your throat and your eyelids droop slightly. The redhead pushes down slightly onto your tongue.
Mumbling around her thumb, “Yes.” 
The Vice President’s smirks at your reply, “Yes,” She mocks you, “Yes, to what?”
You shift your eyes back to her as you take in the specific color of her eyes, a sparkling green, this time a soft moan comes out of your lips, “Please..”
You think Wanda must take pity on you because suddenly she drops her hand from your mouth. Everything about her seems to return back to when you first walked in the house. She’s back to being sweet and polite, it makes your head spin. “What brings you to the party tonight, Madelyn? Well besides escorting Bishop, of course.”
This was a question you didn’t know how to answer. Why were you here in the backyard of your ex’s sorority spending time with her Vice President? Glancing around the backyard, noticing that you still don't know anyone here, you sigh, “Honestly, I’m not sure. Kate said I needed to come if she got a second date because, apparently, I need to move on.”
“And do you want to?” She looks at you expectantly, “Move on, that is.”
“I don’t even know what I would have to move on from. It’s been months since we broke up. And she didn’t care about me long before that anyways.” You let out a dry laugh, “I don’t even think she liked me. She just liked sex with me.”
The look on the redhead’s face makes you stop your ranting, “Sorry, that is not proper party conversation,” you force out a laugh, “way too depressing.”
She smiles, dragging her eyes down your torso and onto your legs then pulling them back up before landing her eyes back on your face. “How would you like to find something to drink?” 
Thankful for her change in conversation, you smile slightly, “Yeah, that’d be nice.”
The two of you make your way through the house and into the kitchen, “What will it be? Beer? Vodka?” walking around the kitchen as you listen to her talk. “... Or maybe a juice box?” 
Whipping your head around, you glare at the Vice President, scoffing, “I’m not a child. I can drink alcohol.”
Right after you speak, you hear someone laughing from the archway. “Oh, Wands, what a delightful surprise,” she steps further into the small kitchen, “Tell me you were able to get us this cute little thing to play.”
This makes you snap your head quickly around again. A rush of arousal runs through you when your eyes lock onto the redhead, “And who the hell are you?”
The cheshire smile on her face makes it clear she remembers you, she moves towards you before gently lifting up your hand as she bows her head to place a soft kiss on it, “To you, Madam President.” 
“What the fuck.” You snatch your hand away and look towards the sparkling green eyed woman before returning your gaze in front of you.
“Oh, what a dirty mouth, I will have to clean that out.” The redhead smirks at you. Another wave of arousal hits you, gulping as you maintain eye contact, “Like you’d get the chance.”
Wanda speaks up, breaking the growing tension in the room, “Darling, wouldn’t she just be…” walking up and placing a finger under your chin, her voice dropping, “...divine?” 
You shutter at her words. Eyes bouncing between the two redheads suddenly much closer to you than before. Realizing they have successfully surrounded you, your arousal spiking but you choose to mask with slight panic. “So what is this then? Two spiders trapping someone in their web and then going in for the kill?” Puffing out your chest slightly, trying to gain back some more control. “You think the President and Vice President would require consent.”
Wanda chuckles in your ear behind you, “Oh dear, we do.” Bringing her finger up to brush some hair behind your ear before speaking softly, “We only accept enthusiastic consent. Absolute begging.”
Your knees wobble slightly at her words. “A little archer told us that you needed to move on, and typically we wouldn’t do rebound sex, but you…” The President takes a sharp inhale through her teeth, “You are too special to pass up.”
“So what do you say, baby, want to be ours for the night?” Wanda whispers.
A million thoughts race through your mind. Most importantly, the fact you’ve never had a threesome or sex with people you don’t really know. You look around the kitchen and notice how nobody else even acknowledges the two redheads circling you like prey. 
“I say,” You gulp, mustering all the fake confidence you can find. “I say show me a good time first and we will see.”
The two women share a sinister smile before they each drape an arm around you and walk you out of the kitchen and into a room that only stores a pool table and some chairs. 
“We have the next game.” The President says to the small group finishing up their game before walking you over to the side of the room. She lowers her hands to your hips and lifts you with ease onto the barstool behind you.
Shock fills your face at her actions before you glare at her, “Excuse you. I am perfectly capable of sitting in a seat by myself.”
The redhead simply smiles at you before moving to stand next to the side of your chair, absentmindedly running fingers through your hair. 
“Hello? Earth to you. Usually, when someone speaks to you it's polite to respond.” You huff and cross your arms over your chest. She gently turns your head to look at her. “Oh, come on. Don’t be like that. I’m sorry, baby. I won’t do it again.”
“Madelyn, I have a name and it’s not baby.” You scoff, “What is your name anyways?”
She winks at you before smirking, “I told you. To you, it’s Madam President.”
“That’s not a name. That’s a title. What’s your name?” Your eyes met the redhead locked in a standstill. You already know you won’t last long. Her eyes trap you in endless pools of deep green. They are powerful and unmoving, you huff, “What’s your name, Madam President?” 
The President lifts her hand and holds your lower lip before pulling it down and out slightly, causing you to look through your lashes to maintain eye contact, the action making you feel as if you’re losing the last shreds of your control. The redhead presses down the slightest bit more before pinching your lip and releasing it, “Natasha.” 
Wanda, who has been repeatedly running her fingers from your shoulder to the knee, leans over you slightly if only to be in your personal space, “Natty, it’s our turn now.”
You go to hop down, but yet again your hips are grabbed and you’re picked up and put down by Natasha’s hands. You give her a glare even as a blush starts covering your cheeks.
“Tsk, tsk. Don’t be like that. I would hate to have to spank that gorgeous ass for the first time surrounded by all these people.” Your blush deepens with your embarrassment at the volume the redhead spoke. The heat pooling between your legs only causes you more confusion. 
The three of you walk towards the table. Natasha moves to rack the balls and Wanda takes you over to pick out a cue stick, grabbing one for Natasha as well. 
It’s decided that you will be on your own team, which you tried to protest by saying you have never played a game of pool in your life, but your complaints fall on deaf ears. 
Wanda starts off by breaking the balls, officially starting your unfair game. She gets a solid into a pocket, “That makes you stripes, baby.” She says in a sickeningly sweet voice before getting two more solid balls into pockets. 
Standing there with your mouth open, you begin to complain, “This is so unfair. There is no way I will be able to even get close to hitting even one of these balls in!” 
“Okay, okay, I’ll help you in the first round,” Wanda says, holding up her hands. She walks over to you and shows you how to bend down and how to aim your cue stick. You lean down like she showed you but still, you feel her hand press down between your shoulders as she speaks in your ear, “Like this, darling. Eyes level with your target.”
Acutely aware this position has almost completely folded in half on the pool table, you pull back the stick and then push it forward with a decent amount of force. 
And you completely miss. 
To make matters worse, you got one of their balls closer to the pocket instead. Groaning, you stand up and look unamused at the two redheads who are both trying to hold back their smiles at your reaction, “This game is stupid.”
Natasha comes up to the table, leans down, noticeably higher than the position Wanda moved you into. She breathes in and out, then hits the cue ball, causing it to sink a solid ball into the nearby pocket. She glances up at you, smirking, while still leaning down. Causing a completely automatic eye roll. The redhead arches her eyebrow at you before moving to a new spot. She leans down, breathes in and out, and.. misses. “HA!” You cheer as your stripe ball goes into the pocket instead of the solid ball that was next it. 
You walk up to the table for your turn and glance to Wanda for her help again. Natasha subtly shakes her head, which you don’t notice since she was behind you. Wanda simply gives you a nod of her head, encouraging you to try by yourself. So you lean down and focus on which ball you’re aiming for and what pocket is your goal.
Breathing in and out a few times before pulling back your cue stick on your inhale and pushing it forward on your exhale. As the stick connects with the cue ball you feel a stinging on your ass. You immediately stand up and spin around with a glare, “Hey! That’s not fair.”
The President laughs as she looks over your head, “Well, it seemed like good luck because you got the ball in.”
Spinning around again to see if she was lying but there, clear as day, you see your stripe ball missing from the table and sitting in the pocket. “Don’t think for a second that I won't punish whiny, bratty behavior though, baby.” Natasha whispers in your ear, her front flush against your back, “Now, say thank you.”
You shiver at her words. The logical part of your brain can’t stop wondering why you should thank her for spanking you, but when you feel her hands on your hips as she pulls them closer to her own, that part of your mind goes blank. The heat between your legs grows even hotter and you let out a soft sigh before fingers hook under your chin and guide you to look up at Natasha, “Say thank you.” She softly growls. 
“Thank you.” It comes out more as a pant than actual words but the redhead is pleased enough.
The rest of the game crawls by slowly as each redhead tries to work you up with innocent touches and whispered words. Your head becomes fuzzy in the best way, but even in this state you are completely aware that every other stripe ball that’s gone in is because of Wanda and Natasha simply trying to keep the game going. 
With all solid and striped balls now off the table it’s down to whoever can sink the 8 ball in the game. 
Wanda glances at you before smirking, “What if we make a little bet out of this?”
You can’t help but let out a dry laugh, “Are you joking? This whole thing is already a game of if you two can get me into bed.” Natasha licks her lips at your words, causing your cheeks to blush even more than they were. 
The Vice President ignores your reply, “Great! So I was thinking, if we sink the 8 ball, then you give us a strip show,” you arch your eyebrow at the redhead, “and if you sink the 8 ball, then you give us a strip show.” She winks at you. 
“That’s absolutely-” You're cut off by Natasha speaking, “Deal.”
“Deal?” You shriek as the two redheads shake each other's hand, “You two cannot agree on this without me also agreeing.”
They both come up to you and place a hand on your cheek, “And do, baby?” Wanda mumbles into your ear. Right after Natasha says, smirking, “Wanna make a deal?”
Your skin flushes at their voices, your mind hanging onto their every word. You slowly close your eyes and your head falls back slightly. Wanda lowers her head to breathe along your neck, occasionally brushing her tongue against it while Natasha’s fingers tangle around your hair, pulling it back. 
A soft moan hits your ears, shocking you when you realize it came from you. Suddenly coming back to yourself, you lightly push off the women, clearing your throat to try and fake your control over yourself once again. “If I sink the 8 ball,” you take a deep breath, “then I decide the next time you touch me.”
Both redheads simply nod their heads in agreement before extending their arms to allow you space for your shot. Looking over the table and considering all the choices you quickly realize that you absolutely have no shot at winning. Ignoring every other reason besides the obvious one, you didn’t want to win.
But you wouldn’t make it apparent to the President and Vice President. 
So you lean down, “Corner pocket.” You spend a considerable amount of time figuring out your angle and practicing the strength of your hit. With one more inhale, you pull back the cue stick then exhale and strike the cue ball.
You hit the 8 ball but it stops just short of falling into the pocket. You give a shy smile to the women before stepping back. 
There’s a silent conversation going on between the redheads before Wanda nods and steps up to the table. “Corner pocket.” She winks at you before aiming at the cue ball and without any delay she strikes. The 8 ball disappearing into the corner pocket. 
Without even a second to think, your feet are suddenly lifted into the air and over Natasha’s shoulder. Wanda comes up to grab the cue stick from you and places it on the pool table.
Once you realize the redhead plans to walk out of the parlor room with you over her shoulder, you begin to protest, “Wait. Wait. I can walk. You don’t have to think I’ll back out of the bet.”
You feel a soft hand brush the back of your thigh as the sparkling green eyed woman steps into your view. 
“Oh, baby, we know, but Natty here is a very proud winner and wants to show you off,” her thin fingers smoothing down your hair. You stare at her dumbfounded as she swipes her thumb across your lower lip, “If you’re a good girl then we’ll give you an extra special reward. Can you do that for us?”
The Vice President allows you your time to process as you blink a few times before nodding your head. 
A swift smack to your ass has you gasping as Natasha corrects your action, “Words baby.”
“Yes.” Another softer smack to your ass. “Yes, I can be a good girl.”
Both redheads make a pleased humming sound before walking out of the room. You try to avoid eye contact with all the partygoers. The blush across your face and chest only grows at your slight embarrassment. 
It isn’t long until you're walking up to the stairs. Suddenly stopping right at the bottom, trying to turn your body at the sound of Kate’s voice. Mortification slams into you when she leans around the redhead holding you to look at your face. 
Her tone relentlessly teasing, “Now, I thought I told you not to go upstairs with anyone,” the memory of her words at your arrival pulled to the front of your mind.
Rolling your eyes at your roommate only caused her to laugh further at your predicament. 
Yelena speaking prompts the brunette to move back into the circle of conversation with her and the redheads, “Don’t kill the poor girl. It would severely ruin my chances with Bishop.”
Natasha laughs at her sister’s comment, “Please, the only thing she’ll get is mind altering pleasure,” pinching your ass when finishing the sentence. “Now, I’d love to chat, but I have a bet to cash in on.”
Wanda leading the way up the stairs, pausing as Kate speaks, looking up at your roommate, “She has a study group tomorrow morning at 10am! She can’t miss it!”
The redheads laugh, continuing up the stairs, the President turns slightly as she walks and salutes to the brunette, “Aye, aye, Captain.”
Less than fifteen steps later, you’re carried into a large room. Your heart stopping completely at the sound of the door closing and locking. As if noticing the slight pure panic, Wanda stands by the door twisting the handle, “It locks from inside, so if you twist the handle, then it’s automatically unlocked,” then she relocks the door.
Nodding your head in thanks and understanding of her words, she gives you a reassuring smile in return.
Then, Natasha lightly throws you onto the bed, a grunt leaving your lips, leaning over you, she smirks. Wanda comes up to sit beside your head and gently rubs your forehead with her thumbs.
The deep green eyed woman locks her eyes with yours before placing a soft kiss on your chest, then throwing herself to the empty side of you. 
“Now, don’t keep us waiting,” you turn your head to see sparkling green eyes looking at you.
They wait a few seconds before both women have another silent conversation. Suddenly, you startle the redheads by standing up.
Standing with your hands on your hips, stilling your voice and shifting on your feet, “Well, this will be rather awkward to do in silence.”
The President smirks at you before pulling out her phone and playing ‘Supermassive Black Hole by Muse!’ from her speaker. 
Slowly you begin to sway your hips and drag your fingers across your chest. Kicking your shoes off as sexually as you can. You let the song play for about twenty seconds before you lean down and run your nails up your legs stopping where your thighs meet your center. 
Turning around, you hook one finger under your right strap and pull it down, staring directly into sparkling green eyes. Then, turning your head to face the other direction and repeat the action, but slower, as you look into the deep green eyes.
Your dress only stays up from pushing out your chest. You continue to dance around until you slowly sit down onto your knees. Rolling onto the ground, your head closer to the women,  arching your back as you begin to spread apart your knees. Never looking away from the redheads as your knees hit the floor. Watching as both women tighten their grips on the bed sheets. 
Straightening your legs and bringing them back together, slowly using all your core strength to sit up rather than using your hands. You turn around and crawl over to the bed, standing before placing one foot on the President’s thigh.
She brings her hand up to gently hold onto your calf before digging her nails in. Biting your lip at the minimal pain before moving your hands across your chest, breathlessly Natasha speaks, “God, don’t be that much of a tease. Let Daddy see.”
Grabbing her hands, you bring them up to your chest, she squeezes before pulling down your dress exposing your breasts, strangely thanking yourself for foregoing a bra tonight.
The cool air in the room feeling amazing on your burning skin.
Lowering your foot, you walk over to the Vice President and bend how she showed you earlier during your game of pool. A loud hum of approval leaving her mouth.
Keeping your position, you gather the material at the hem of your dress and pull it over your head. Leaving Wanda staring directly at your covered center. Her finger gently travels up the inside of your thighs, never reaching the apex.
Noticing the dark patch on your light gray underwear, she speaks mockingly, “Do you want Mommy and Daddy to take care of that for you?”
A small moan slips out as you feel two different fingers suddenly press against the dark spot. 
“Words, baby,” both women huskily say at the same time.
“Please, please,” you’re all but moaning.
A smack on your ass that you can tell was from Wanda by the feeling of rings soothing the sting, “Be specific, baby.”
You breathe in and out a few times before roughly swallowing, “Please, take care of me.”
The redheads, losing their lack of control, slowly decide that your answer was good enough for now, for the first time.
Natasha walks around to face you, her hands find your shoulders and makes you stand up. Wanda moves further back on the bed, removing her shirt and bra before leaning against the pillows.
Grabbing onto the President’s face, you stand on your tip toes and connect your lips to hers. She eagerly begins kissing you back, nipping at your lip. Moving her hands to your ass, smacking your ass lightly, so you’ll jump into her arms.
Continuing to kiss you as she walks to the side of the bed and places you down. Ending your kiss, a low whine comes from you. Sealing your lips quickly but both women have already heard you and have lust flashing through their eyes. 
“Now, go ahead and make Mommy feel good while Daddy makes you feel good.” Nodding your head at the redhead’s directions, you turn around and crawl up the bed and between Wanda’s spread legs. She holds up her hands and guides your lips to her nipple.
Natasha begins to massage your ass and tease your slit over your underwear, soaking them further by the second. 
Sucking and pulling on the Vice President’s left nipple, bringing your right hand up to roll her right nipple between your fingers. You continue this while feeling the unending teasing around your clit.
Popping off Wanda’s left nipple, you drag your tongue across her chest until you can wrap your lips around the right nipple, twirling your tongue around the nub.
On the first suck, you feel a rush of cool air hit your center as your underwear is pulled down your legs, moaning loudly at the sensation. Without even a second to spare you feel the redhead’s tongue lick up the wetness on your lips before softly pushing her tongue inside your entrance.
Your jaw slacks at the feeling, your head falls away from the needy nipples in front of you. The redhead pulls you back against her nipple, “That’s a good girl. You’re giving Mommy so much pleasure,” holding you close to feel every sound come from your lips, moans of her own filling the room.
Natasha licks her way up to your clit. Giving soft licks before wrapping her lips around your clit, humming, then pulling softly on the bundle of nerves.
Your knees start shaking at the pleasure, causing you to fall further onto Wanda. 
“Oh, fuck,” you mumble around the nipple.
Bringing her fingers up to your clit, rubbing circles, “Come on, baby. You're such a good girl for us.”
Her fingers slowly push into you, curling slightly against your velvet walls. “Fuck, baby, you’re so wet. Let Daddy make you cum, alright?”
A truly unholy sound fell from your lips, clenching around Natasha’s fingers, Wanda lifts your head slightly, so you could reply, “Please, make me cum.”
Lowering her mouth back to your clit as she sucks, licks, and nips all over while her fingers continue a relentless pace. Wanda brings her own finger to your nipples and begins rolling them between her fingers. “God, everything about you, baby. Everything is perfect,” pulling at the nubs blurring the line between pain and pleasure.
“Fuck,” your voice cracking at exclamation. Shaking from the stimulation, the coil in your stomach tightens more with each second.
Wanda leans her head forward next to your ear, “Come for Mommy, baby. Come all over Daddy.”
A simultaneous pinch from the Vice President's fingers on your nipples and the President's pinch on your clit has a wave of pleasure crashing over you, a scream rips from your throat as you cum all over Natasha’s face and fingers and fall on top of Wanda.
Dragging out your orgasm not stopping until she's pulled every sound from your lips does she begin to lick up all traces of your orgasm, sitting up and moving towards the other. You look up just in time to see them share a deep kiss, each moaning at the taste of you on their tongues. 
Breaking apart, deep green eyes look at you, “Do you have another one in you, baby? You came hard enough to drown me,” lust shining in her eyes.
“I’ll do whatever you want, just make me cum that hard again,” your eyes pleading. 
Smirking at you, Wanda moves you to scoot down the bed, tapping your thighs. It takes a second for you to realize where she wants you, but you quickly move to hover above her face. Natasha settles between her girlfriends thighs, removing her skirt and underwear in one pull, “Now, this will be a sight to see,” lowering her mouth immediately, sucking the redhead’s clit into her mouth the way she likes.
Biting your lip at the sight, you sit down, your eyes connecting with the deep green ones between the redhead’s thighs. Allowing the Vice President to move you where she’s most comfortable. Feeling her tongue push into your entrance has you arching your back.
Natasha’s fingers move to Wanda’s clit, rubbing at a brutal pace. Below you the redhead sucks in a sharp breath. Moving to drag her teeth along your clit. 
Your hips arch at the feeling, soft grunts passing from your lips, “Shit.”
Pulling you back against the redhead’s mouth, “Tsk, tsk, where do you think you’re going, baby girl?”
Rutting your hips against the face below you. Moans and pleas mumbling out of your mouth at the suction of your clit. Natasha sits up, keeping her fingers on Wanda’s clit, and leans towards you. Digging your nails into her shoulders, as she begins to leave soft bites along your chest before kissing up your neck. 
Inhaling sharply as her teeth sink into your pulse point, sucking harshly on the delicate skin, “Such a dirty mouth.” 
The pleasure on your clit increases, building up your orgasm quickly. Moaning as you drag your nails down the redhead’s back.
Wanda becomes sloppy underneath you, hinting at her own release coming soon. “Mommy’s getting close. Come with Mommy, baby,” Natasha mumbles against your neck, pushing you right to the edge. 
Sucking your earlobe into her mouth and biting down on your soft skin, “Seeing how you ride Mommy’s face makes me wonder how well you would ride Daddy’s dick,” her words sending both you and the woman beneath you over the edge. 
The Vice President slowly licks your cunt to clean you as the President drags her finger through her girlfriend’s release. Bringing them up to your mouth, “Be a good girl,” and pushing them between your lips. 
A sinful moan escapes both of your lips, though for different reasons. Exhaustion riding through your body allows Natasha to gently lift you off Wanda’s face and leans you against the pillows.
Your eyelids fight too close to receive a moment of rest, quickly winning over your desire to stay conscious. Both women get off the bed walking into the en-suite and cleaning themselves up quickly, returning with a towel for you.
Noticing your sleeping form, the two exchange a look before Wanda’s soft hands spread your knees and gently clean you up. 
“She’s perfect for us,” the President whispers.
“She is, but how can we convince her of that,” the Vice President whispers back.
As a plan forms in her mind, the redhead smirks, “We will just have to show her.”
Wanda throws the towel aiming for the laundry hamper, but misses, before laying down into the bed next to you. Natasha follows suit, listening to the music thrum downstairs while closing her eyes.
Groaning and swatting at the air when you hear the familiar sounds of a phone alarm going off.
Your messy morning hair is removed from your face, startling you into opening your eyes. Confusion flashing through you until you see two pairs so similar yet different green eyes.
“Wha-,” you begin, but are cut off.
“I would have let you sleep in more, baby, but we need to get you dressed for your study group. The last thing I need is my little sister trying to murder me for ruining her chances with the archer.” 
Blinking a few times, begging for your brain to catch up, yet all your mind can think of is, “Her name is Kate.”
The redheads smile at you, “Yes, of course, we apologize,” Wanda says sincerely.
With a pat on your thigh, Natasha sits up, “Now, I don't think you want to go to your study group in that little blue dress you were wearing last night, so you can borrow something of ours.”
“No, no, it’s fine. I can just run to my dorm. I need to brush my teeth anyway, so it’s okay.” However the looks you receive fills your mind with doubt, “What time is it?”
“9:45am,” Wanda grimaces. Your jaw falls open at the realization that you will definitely not make it in time unless you go straight there. Cursing yourself for not understanding your math course better and needing to go to the study groups in the first place, with a deep breath you look up at the women, “Show me the outfit.” 
Standing in the mirror you can’t complain. It was a simple pair of medium washed jeans, though slightly too long since you are shorter than both women, they have been cuffed and paired with a loose long sleeve shirt sporting their sorority name and logo. You felt a bit like a walking advertisement. The worst part, yet best part, was the sports bra Natasha gave you to wear. 
Cringing as you put on your soiled underwear from the night before, you throw on your shoes and tie your hair into your best messy, not messy, bun. Hurrying down the stairs towards the front door. To your surprise, the redheads follow behind you. Thinking they must be the type to walk out guests, you say nothing. 
Reaching for the door handle, you're cut off by Wanda’s ring-covered hand opening the door for you, extending her arm in an ‘after you, ladies first’ motion. 
Arching an eyebrow at the action before turning to face them, “Thank you for the clothes. I’ll return them washed by the end of next week, swear,” beginning to turn back around before stopping and facing them again, whispering, “and thank you for last night too,” then rushing down the steps of the porch.
Stepping out of the doorway both women laugh before replying, “Now, that you don’t need to thank us for.” Trying to hide your blush from the redheads as you speed walk down the sorority's front lawn, checking your phone for the time, seven minutes to get there, thinking ‘I can do it’ as you break out into a run across campus. 
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berriweb · 1 year
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╰┈➤ ❝ white lies ❞
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: ̗̀➛ ft. miles morales x gn! reader
: ̗̀➛ warnings. none
: ̗̀➛ part two
: ̗̀➛ a/n. i love miles sm :(, no further comment, ill make another part if I feel like it
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Miles is lying to you.
The signs were subtle at best at first, and you weren’t going to get suspicious or start poking your nose around over a few lies you’d caught him in.
Starting sometime during freshman year, he changed. There would be nights when your messages would go unanswered for hours, extremely rare compared to the conversations you two would have over the phone that would last for hours, which was only when you two weren’t constantly glued to the hip in person. He’d brush off the few times you did question him on what he was up too and you left it at that, but that was only during the beginning.
Things only seemed to progressively raise suspicion for you as time went on. Leading into sophomore year, it started becoming unbearable. You were lucky to get a response from him in less than a few hours, if you got one at all. He was less open about what he did outside of school, and while you weren’t going to interrogate him on what he did every second he wasn’t with you, it would’ve been nice to know that your boyfriend wasn’t actively avoiding telling you what he was up to every once in a while. I mean, you were only his childhood best friend for more years than you could count on your fingers turned lover, who were you to snoop?
Miles doesn’t trust you.
Miles started claiming he was busy more often, meaning less dates and less time you spent coming over to visit. Sometimes you wouldn’t even get to enjoy his presence in class due to the occasional times he’d skip. Compared to how clingy and jumpy he was before, he hardly ever acted shocked when you attempted to surprise him and was reduced to a nervous mess when you’d question his odd behavior.
He gave vague responses when you’d ask why he was acting distant and if you had a dollar for every time he rushed off in the middle of your hangouts with no valid reason you’d be a millionaire. He wasn’t exactly failing as a boyfriend and you didn’t feel any less loved, but it was more than clear that there was more going on in his life that he was keeping from you, and the fact that he didn’t trust you enough to tell you was painful to say the least.
As annoying as it was, you were more than willing to let it slide for the time being as he clearly had a lot going on, and after the death of his uncle you didn’t want to be too pushy with your boyfriend. All of those behaviors you were willing to ignore. At least, until the day she showed up.
Miles is keeping secrets from you.
The sound of loud music blaring from speakers and multiple conversations and laughter surrounding you from multiple directions was almost enough to drown out the rushing thoughts in your mind and the ringing in your ears. Key word: almost. You tried to distract yourself with the drink you’d grabbed in the midst of the party, taking a sip to ease your mind but the juice box only ended up being a source to take your frustration out on, slurping aggressively until the beverage was long gone as you crushed the poor box in your vice grip and tuned in to the two adults that stood on either side of you muttering with poison in their tones.
“She’s probably no good,” Mrs. Morales hissed, arms on her sides and her hands on her hips as she impatiently tapped her foot. “Sneaking off with some gringa then having the nerve to go off with a perfectly good party right here? And leaving Y/N?!” She let out an annoyed huff and muttered under her breathe what you believed were some inappropriate curses in Spanish that would put a Puerto Rican sailor to shame. Without a word she gently grabbed you by the wrist and pried the juice box out of your hand that you hadn’t even realized you were still strangling, tossing it in a nearby trash can and giving you a pat on the head that made you eternally grateful for how kind that woman was. Your subtle anger wasn’t as subtle as you assumed. “I thought I raised a gentleman, that’s more than enough grounds to add another month!”
“You can say that again, and look at how she’s dressed! I say we go put a stop to this right now. It’s good parenting, right? He doesn’t need any more bad influences-” as Miles’ dad began to ramble you tuned out their constant, yet valid, complaints and instead refocused on the scene that had all of you riled up.
Up on the water tower stood your boyfriend, laughing and talking in what seemed to be a really engaging conversation with a girl you hadn’t seen a day in your life.
A million questions ran through your mind every minute. Who was she? What were they? Why had Miles never mentioned her before? Saying you were annoyed was an understatement. There was no way she went to your school, you would’ve recognized her if that was the case and likely seen her and Miles interact before this happened, but that was all negative. You’d let a lot slide before this, but seeing them together just might’ve been your breaking point. What were they talking about? Why is he smiling so much? Does she know I’m his s/o? Does she know he has an s/o?
“-and after showing up late?! I bet she doesn’t even know Spanish!” You forced yourself out of your thoughts, coming to at the end of the conversation and his mother’s angry rant. You didn’t want to wait any longer and force yourself to bite your tongue when it came to your concerns any longer.
“I’m going.” Pushing yourself off of the table you’d leaned back against, you marched towards the tower only for Mrs.Morales to catch your hand, catching up until she was back at her side and her husband joined her, the intimidating glare on her face putting your sour expression to shame. “You’re gonna give that boy hell, do you hear me Y/N?”
You made it to the top before his parents, popping up and meeting Miles’ eyes as he trailed off on his sentence to the girl, smiling at the sight of you only for it to melt away into a nervous grin when he noticed your glare. You pushed yourself over the railing before putting on an extremely forced smile and sticking out your hand to the blond, having yet to even acknowledge your boyfriends presence.
“Hi! My name’s Y/N, I’m Miles’ s/o. You know he has one right? I don’t think I’ve seen you around before and he definitely hasn’t mentioned you, who are you?” You spoke too fast for her to get in a response at first, resorting to hesitantly shaking your hand and nervously chuckling when forced to practically yank her hand away from your unknowingly strong grip. “The names Gwe- Gwanda! He’s mentioned you before, a lot actually,” she snorted and elbowed Miles, to which he gave a pointed look. “Practically drools over you too, he mentioned this one time he stayed up all night-”
“Ooookay that’s enough of that!” Miles cut her off and stepped between you two, leaving you to wonder what she was going to finish that sentence with. The revelation of him constantly talking about you would’ve been enough to make you a stuttering mess if you weren’t still extremely upset. You wouldn’t exactly call yourself the jealous type, you had full faith in the fact that Miles only wanted you and would never break your trust or your heart like that. However, you didn’t know what else to possibly think with everything that had been going on. “Great! That’s just great! Lovely meeting you-” you hissed, despite the conversation just barely starting.
Miles’ mom popped up just after you spoke with a happy greeting that was seeping faux cheerfulness and a plastered on grin, introducing herself and starting to engage in conversation alongside his father when he appeared seconds later. Hearing Gwanda call them by their first names was enough to make you wince, and not wanting to stick around to hear what would come after, you got your boyfriends attention.
“We need to talk.” He got no further explanation before you grabbed him by the sleeve and pulled him towards the ladder, leaving his questions of what your deal was and what you needed to talk about as you climbed down the ladder. He had no choice but to follow.
As soon as you were far enough on the roof from the rest of the party and Miles, you turned on your heel to face the boy and the ends of your lips tugged into a frown, crossing your arms.
“So, what’s the deal? Did I…did I do something wrong?”
Miles looked at you dumbfounded, searching for a place to awkwardly place his hands before resorting to sticking them in his pockets. “I- what? What are you talking about?”
“Don’t play dumb with me Miles!” He flinched. It wasn’t often you lost your temper, and he knew that. Whatever you were on about was clearly more serious than he had assumed. “First you’re always busy, then you’re not being honest with me, now you have secret friends too?! It’s like you’re a completely different person!”
His hands shot up defensively, and just like before, his nervous started appearing. “No- you’ve got it all wrong. I’d never-” “You’d never what? Lie to me? Don’t even try to feed me that bs.”
Miles shifted nervously between both of his feet, and you could almost see the gears shifting in his head to try to come up with an appropriate response. It was unusual to see your boyfriend so unable to talk to you, it made you anxious.
“Look, Miles. I get it if you’re out doing something that could get you in trouble, you don’t have the cleanest record. I’m not here to tell you what you can and can’t do, but I am here to support you. I don’t understand why you keep hiding things from me! Your parents I can maybe believe, but me?” You hoped he hadn’t noticed the way your voice cracked in that sentence. “What’s even the point of me being here for you if you’re not even going to tell me what’s going on?”
Your chest felt heavy but your shoulders felt lighter, the relief of finally getting what’s been on your mind for many months seemingly lightening the load. It didn’t stop you from getting emotional over it, however. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes and you continuously clenched and unclenched your fists.
Miles couldn’t describe the guilty feeling weighing him down in that moment, the frown on his face and uncertainty in his eyes making that clear. He reached to grab your hands, his own being slightly sweaty but he wasn’t too worried about it at the moment, intertwining his fingers with your own. “And that girl! How do you even know her?! Your parents don’t know her, she doesn’t go to our school, for all I know-”
“I promise it’s nothing like that.”
“Then what is it, Miles?”
“I…” he trailed off, biting his bottom lip as you looked at him with expectant, almost desperate eyes. He couldn’t bring himself to meet them and his gaze fell down to his Jordans. Even then, he couldn’t muster up the courage to spill his secrets to you. Not even one, but at the same time a plausible lie or excuse didn’t come to mind, maybe for good reason. “I can’t tell you. I swear on my life I’m not trying to hide anything, you gotta believe me, I do need you! But I can’t have you involved. It’s just not the right time.”
Then when is?
Any trace of hopefulness in your eyes disappeared and your face fell. Miles felt his heart sink down to his shoes, letting go of your hands with fingers traveling up your arms until he cupped your face on either side, using his left thumb to swipe away a stray tear that threatened to fall from your eye. Being the source of your despair was a dreadful feeling, in fact he hated it.
Your fingers wrapped around his wrists and you flashed him a bittersweet smile before pulling his away from your face. “Miles, I love you,” you started, and he gave a halfhearted smile that would normally leave you swooning over his pearly whites, “but I can’t keep doing this.”
The smile disappeared faster than it had shown itself, and you could feel him tense up in your grasp. “What? What are you saying?” The fear of a prompted break up on your end after those words kept him on his toes. His gut twisted itself into spirals and loops, the back of his head throbbing from the tension as he unknowingly bit the end of his tongue.
You let go of his wrists, grabbing the collar of his jacket to pull him forward and leave a tender kiss on his cheek. “Hit me up when you’re ready to tell me the truth.” You offered no explanation before pulling back from him, speed walking back through the crowd and towards the door to head home.
Miles was left dumbfounded, standing with a blank expression on his face and the urge to shove something out of frustration yet kicked the ground as an alternative. Looking back towards the water tower, he eyed his parents and Gwen having what seemed like a tense and awkward conversation, moving to join and hopefully separate the three, but the only thing on his mind was figuring out how he was going to win back your trust.
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Not enough music could distract you from the turmoil going on inside you head, yet still you mindlessly hummed along to the upbeat music blasting through your earbuds as you walked home.
Was this the end?
No, you kept your mind far away from that harmful thinking. Technically, you hadn’t broken up with Miles, had you? It was open ended, whether or not you two worked out solely depended on if he was willing to tell the truth or not. You hated to entertain the thought of him being so willing to keep a secret from you that your relationship would end over it, but seeing how things had gone, it couldn’t be ruled out as a possibility.
The air was chilly as the sun met the horizon, and you stuffed your hands into the small pockets of your pants. On a normal day, Miles wouldn’t have let you walk home alone. You would’ve walked hand in hand, laughing and talking the entire way down the streets about any and everything that came to mind. The two of you would’ve skipped and you would find yourself silently watching his feet to match his footsteps, meanwhile unbeknownst to you Miles would notice and slow down so you could. At the end, you’d stand at your door and bid him farewell, sharing a goodbye kiss as if there were a chance you’d never see each other again before he gave a cheesy compliment and promised to see you in the morning, flashing you a smile before you walked in and he rushed back home.
The thought made you grip the fabric in your pockets, torn between smiling at the memories or frowning at the fact that today wasn’t the case. Today wasn’t a normal day.
Instead you walked home alone, nothing but the sound of music to keep your ears full but to you the air was still more silent than ever. Instead, you made it home alone, quietly fishing for your keys on your doorstep while cursing yourself for not cleaning out your messy bag, so invested in the search and the music that you didn’t notice the walls and ground behind you begin to change, flashing in different textures and colors that ranged in shape and size. Finally getting a grip on the keychain, you pulled it out with a small triumphant smile. Noticing the shifting colors approaching your feet, you turned around, unable to process the glitching textures or register the “flight” in your fight or flight response before a large gaping hole emerged from the colors —and with a cut off scream— sucked you into it.
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totalswag · 1 year
still mine — RAFE CAMERON
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authors note i would be so down to party with rafe (besides the coke) writing fics about parties is fun because i can put in sfuff i’ve either seen or experienced at the parties i’ve gone too. this is really long so be prepared. feedback is always appreciated <3
summary topper is throwing a party at his house one weekend invites you and your two best friends. you see someone staring at you from a distance which happens to be rafe cameron. the two of you have history together and hadn’t seen each other for two months. what happens when you finally see each other.
warnings drinking, smoking, kissing, swear words, implied smut at the end
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Considering it's the weekend, there will be a party tonight. Tonight will be Topper Thorton's party. Everyone comes to his parties; once word gets out, you can bet they'll be full. His parents are on the main island for the weekend, so he's taking advantage.
Every weekend, there are parties on the Outer Banks. Taking advantage of being plastered and having the party shut down by the cops because the neighbors complained about the noise.
You were walking out the door to your car when you felt your phone buzz in your purse. Topper texted you about his party and wanted you to come if you didn’t have anything later. Of course you said you would come and get drunk.
When you got into work, you went in the back to put your personal stuff in your locker, then clocked in. You work at the local shoe store in town that’s very popular. Your two best friends, Sophie and Aubrey work with you too.
You met Aubrey and Sophie in English freshman year of high school. Sat in the same row the whole year and everyday you three joked and talked about the craziest things. Your friendship grew and grew.
The three of you were in the back organizing the shoe boxes before the store opened. They told you about the party before you could tell them.
“I was gonna tell you guys but you beat me to it” you laughed, putting the shoe’s in the box.
“You know how fast word spreads here, Y/N.” Aubrey states, leaning over you on the stool, putting a shoe box in the open space.
“Yeah, you got a point there” you place both hands on your hip, backing up.
“Plus we get to have fun tonight” Sophie states.
You three laugh in agreement and get back to work.
Eight hours later, the three of you were getting ready at your house. The party doesn't start until ten thirty, giving you plenty of time to prepare for the long night ahead. Aubrey and Sophie only came to your place because you live five houses down from Topper.
While you three did your makeup in the bathroom, your outfits were put out on the bed. Tonight, you're wearing a black crop top tee with gray loose cargo pants that show off your beautiful curls, which you've curled with gold jewelry to make your outfit pop.
Sophie brought buzz balls from the local liquor store to prepare. Usually, one of you will buy drinks before the party and then drink more at the party. You jugged the buzz balls together after changing into your outfits.
“Alright, let’s get fucked up tonight” you exclaimed with a smile.
When you walked up the street to Toppers, loud music from the inside of the house could be heard from outside. There was a large group of girls pulling up at the same time– you girls have never seen them before. It sounded like water splashing from the pool in the backyard.
Your nose was immediately filled with the smell of weed. Music filled the entire place, and you had to talk-yell to be heard. People passing around bottles and then pouring them into their mouths.
The girls nodded and followed closely behind you as you said, "Let's find drinks in the kitchen."
A broad range of drinks were available in the kitchen's fridge and on the counter. With Aubrey and Sophie joining you in getting your second drink of the night, you three were prepared to get shitfaced.
The sound of drunk Topper's voice saying, "Well well, look who finally arrived at the party" comes from behind you. He is shirtless, his arms are open, and he is holding a drink in his left hand.
It doesn't surprise you that Topper is already drunk at his own party because it has happened frequently before.
“Drunk already?” While hugging him, you laughed.
He nods slowly, "yeah, I am, but I'll be fine by the end of the night, trust me," he smiles with his teeth, aware that he is lying to himself but plays it off.
"Whatever you say, Topper," Aubrey replies as she walks by him, touching his shoulder and pointing to the dance floor.
"We'll see you around, Topper," you remark as you walk out of the kitchen.
When you walk by the back door that leads to the balcony, you can sense someone looking at you. Your gut wants you to double-check before it's too late. You can't tell who it is because of all the people surrounding you.
“Who are you looking at?" Aubrey asked, puzzled, while glancing in the same direction as you.
"I think that's Rafe staring at you," she says bluntly.
"This can't be happening to me," you mutter as you brush your fingers through your hair.
Rafe Cameron and you have a history together. Last summer, you met at a Halloween party and that was the first time you met officially. You guys hung out with friends a couple times after hooking up here and there. You last spoke with him two months ago, following an altercation he sparked about this guy flirting and touching you at this party.
You were obviously upset with Rafe for what he did to the poor guy, he meant no harm. You decided to end hooking up with Rafe because you didn’t want this fighting guys continuing. There’s times where you think of him or see his posts on social media, he looks really good.
"Hey, don't think about him. "We came here to have some fun and possibly not remember this night in the morning," Sophie said, assuring you.
"You're right, let's go party," you move your body to shake off the negativity.
It's been an hour and all you can think about is how much fun you're having. To the beat of the music, bodies dance up on each other. With the weed and alcohol in your system, your body feels like it's on cloud nine.
One of your friends brought his weed to the party and asked if you three wanted to have a little smoke sesh. Of course you all said yes.
You looked over your shoulder and saw Aubrey and Sophie dancing on these guys; they seemed to be having a good time. On the other hand, you were having fun in your own world.
When the song changed, you could feel your hips swaying to the beat of the music. Aubrey and Sophie, who were still with the boys, encouraged you and made you grin.
Everyone in the room appeared to be enjoying themselves. You were amazed that the cops hadn't yet arrived at the house. When parties are thrown, it is common for neighbors to call the cops, but as the parties kept coming back they gave up.
"I'm going to get another drink; I'll be right back," you say to the girls. They tell you to be careful.
You pushed your way past the mob to the balcony, where there were cold drinks. Humming to the sound of music playing from inside. When you stroll past a couple girls you remember from school, they smile and wave.
You rummaged through the Truly's, Mike's, and Smirnoff's in the cooler in hopes to find one that would catch your eye. You made the decision to choose Smirnoff.
When Kelce notices you looking in the cooler, he calls you over to the group who are already seated. Kelce stands up from his chair to hug you.
"Y/N, how are you doing?" He asks. You haven't seen Kelce in a while, but he always treats you well when you talk with him.
"I've been busy with work and apartment search. How about you? You respond openly before taking a sip of your drink.
“How's it going? And juggling work and school," he chuckles, shaking his head.
You shrug your shoulders and say, "Honestly not that easy, but I think I found a place I'm thinking of applying at."
The conversation went on for another ten minutes and you excused yourself from the group and went back inside. The whole time you were wondering where Rafe was because he’s usually outside with Kelce or Topper.
You walk through the crowded area as you enter the loud house. You ran into a strong chest by accident, and they smelled great. It turned out to be Rafe Cameron, who is already staring down at you as your eyes wander up.
Your jaw dropped in your drunken state.
He looked so good in his gray pants with a plain black t-shirt with his gold chain that fits perfectly around his neck. He changed his hair, it looks really good.
"Long time no see, Y/N," he says bluntly, grinning as he slowly places his hands on your waist, pulling your body closer to him. You can smell the mixture of cologne, weed and alcohol on him too.
"Hi Rafe," is all you could say as you looked down at his hands on your hips, slightly blushing at his hand placement but attempting to cover up your redness.
He chuckles.
“You look beautiful,” he compliments.
“Thank you, you don't look bad yourself, Cameron” you remark.
For a few moments, you two have a small conversation. As he opens his mouth, you take a long sip of your drink, knowing in your gut that he's going to say something interesting.
“I’m sorry about what happened. I should’ve never acted the way I did” Rafe says with an apologetic look.
You bite your bottom lip, nodding your head, trying to process what he said in your drunk state. You accept that he is apologizing but he could be talking out of his ass as you two speak honestly. Won't forget what he did though. You felt too drunk to be talking to him about this right now too.
"I appreciate your apology, but as you can see, I'm drunk, like really drunk, so talk to me in a few days about this," you pat his chest with your right palm, trying to walk away from him because you really didn’t feel like dealing with him tonight.
Rafe nods, "Wanna dance though?" He leans down and whispers into your ear.
Chills run down your spine by the way he whispers. You make eye contact with him, nodding in approval.
You hate that he still has that effect on you no matter what he does or says.
He leads you into the dance floor, turning your body so your back is against his front and running his hands down your sides towards your hips. You lean back into his chest, your hips swaying to the beat of the music.
When Sophia and Aubrey hear a few guys chanting Rafe's name on the dance floor, they quickly turn their heads, assuming you're with him.
The tension between Rafe and you grows quickly. As you continue dancing, you can’t help but grin at the fact you two have each other wrapped around both your fingers. His firm grip on your hips don’t leave your body, his lips attached themselves to your neck, leaving soft kisses.
You know you shouldn't be doing this but in your drunken state, you want to do this.
“Let’s go somewhere else, yeah?” Rafe whispers.
You stop your movements, turning around facing him, confused but curious at the request.
He sighs, “up there” pointing up at the ceiling, indicating a room.
Rolling your eyes, agreeing.
You look over your shoulder, scanning the room for Sohpie and Aubrey who are nowhere to be found. You start to worry, you go to the group chat but they text you saying they’ll wait for you and be with the guys they met.
You walk in front of Rafe till you find the guest room.
The room was dark.
You sat on the edge of the bed, hands on your lap, as Rafe turned on the lamp on the nightstand next to the bed.
Rafe leans in front of you, his hands on your now-partially separated thighs. You glance up with doe eyes, anticipating his next move. He can't help but notice your plumped lips and then your eyes as he realizes what game you're about to play with him.
The game is simple: you tease him by giving him doe eyes, tilting your head to the side, and saying things that make him wonder if you're serious about what's going to happen. You like to add sarcastic comments here and there. Usually, he fails and you win.
"You look so fuckin' hot right now," he exhales, "you know you're killing me, Y/N."
"You think I'm hot?" "Am I on fire or what?" You make a sarcastic remark.
"You think this is funny now, huh?" He hates it when you make sarcastic remarks to him.
You don't give a damn. So you keep going.
"I know, I know, I'm quite the jokester," you say, smirking and biting your lower lip.
Rafe doesn't want you to win, but he knows you will regardless. He knew there was something about you that had him hooked the moment he laid eyes on you. He realizes what he did was wrong, and the two months of not communicating or seeing you destroyed him.
“You wanna keep it up with the sarcastic jokes and laugh?” His voice is stern, almost as if he was ready to pin your hands over your head and take you there.
"And what if I want to keep it going?" You can feel his body tense up as you drag your hand below his t-shirt and play with his lower stomach.
"Oh, I think you know what's about to happen," he says before he smashes your lips together, catching you off guard.
Before you know it, clothes taken off, touching, heavy breathing and moans filled the guest room.
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my taglist 🧚🏼‍♀️
if you would like to be added to my taglist let me know!!
@runningfrom2am @winterrrnight @brooklynscherry-z @kaydsr3venge
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Jace Velaryon*Cocky
Pairing: Modern!Frat!Jace x f!reader
Summary: While originally being fast friends Jace ditches the reader to become part of the in crowd at university only to end up right back where he started. TW: Jace being a douche but redeeming himself, swearing, and stoner Heleana ig?
A/N: I saw headcannons for cocky Jace and my mind ran with it so I present cocky Jace.
Word count: 4240
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Masterlist Here
Jace Velaryon was almost a legend at Kingslanding University. All his family were alumni of the school who were always making donations and appearing at university events. One of the student halls was named after his dad’s family, the Velaryon Court, and the Dragonstone library was funded by his grandfather and was engraved with his mother’s maiden name. No one was shocked when he pledged to The Fraternity of the Seven or when he became the youngest captain of the rugby team, a position nearly always held by a Targaryen or Velaryon. His cousins were also on the team and Jace, Aegon, and Aemond were always the talk of the school. The only reason he even went to university was to study business so he could take over the family business after his mother. The company that basically employed half of Westeros. It was no surprise that people wanted to be in with the Velaryon-Targaryen Crowd, but you had quickly learned it was far better to avoid them than share their company.
In first year, you shared quite a few classes with Jace and the other Targs, as everyone called them, and at first, he was nice. Hell, you were even kind of friends. He sat next to you in High Valyrian 101 and freshman English and every class he would text you first to see if you wanted a coffee from the canteen. He would genuinely try in class and attended your study sessions you held in your dorm with friends, and he was always the one who would bring the most snacks for people to share.
It had been his father that had encouraged him to join the family frat but even when he first joined it Jace was a normal guy. He didn’t brag when he made the rugby team or when he got into his frat. Something changed though halfway through freshman year. He stopped showing up to study sessions and instead just asked you to send him your notes. You were fine with it at first, figuring he was just busy with all his new activities. Until you realised his new activities was a girl called Sara Snow who made fun of you and your friends at every opportunity. Jace had known this but clearly, he didn’t care as he sat in class with her tongue halfway down his throat.
It only got worse over time. He basically dropped all of the friends he had made when he started and instead hung out with the senior in crowd who were happy to get a Velaryon in their mix. He stopped eating at the Canteen, turning his nose up at the coffee and insisting on ubering Starbucks to class. He was still passing his classes somehow, but you had stopped replying to his texts asking for notes and realised it was the only thing he still asked you about. The down to earth humble guy had died, and a new frat boy cocky athlete had taken its place.
Unlike Jace you had stuck with your first-year friends and now in senior year you were still best friends with them all. Alysanne, Arra, Lynara and you had formed a strong friendship group whom all shared a mutual hatred of the Targs. Well except for one. Heleana Targaryen was nothing like her brothers or cousins and had joined your group a couple of years ago. At first, she seemed so innocent and shy, but you soon realised she was just a massive stoner who had a special interest in bugs and women.  
The five of you were sat in the canteen eating lunch when Alysanne brought up the upcoming rugby game, “I have to go so you all have to go and we have to look cute.”
You rolled your eyes knowing exactly why she and Arra wanted to go, “You have an unhealthy obsession with Cregan you know?” you said nodding at the pair who were scrolling through Alysanne’s phone looking at outfits. “He’s not gonna see you when he’s mid game,”
“Maybe but,” Alysanne said with a smirk, “He’s been messaging me. So now we have to go support him and I have to look cute for when I not so accidentally bump into him after when he’s all sweaty and glowing from his win,”
“Aren’t they going up against the Dornish Academy? Aren’t they liking the ones who won the whole thing last year? Or was that someone else. Its hard to keep up when they talk about this crap at dinner,” Heleana said. You couldn’t imagine what it’d be like to have to put up with her family all year round.
“Yeah, but this year’s Jace is captain, so they’ll be way better than last year. Marston Waters was such a loser. And a creep,” Despite her obsession with Cregan, Alysanne did genuinely enjoy and followed the rugby team, something you couldn’t understand why. “He actually seems to know what he’s doing,”
“That’s only cause he’s a Valerian. No offence Hel,” you added, and she just shrugged, “If he wasn’t born with that silver spoon up his ass no one would care about him,”
“I mean yeah he can be douche,” Arra jumped in, “But he’s hot and he’s fit, and he can run really fast,”
You gasped in fake surprise, “Don’t tell me you’re falling for a Targ Arra,” you said as you clutched her arm, “Are you ill? Are you dying?”
Arra swotted your hand away as Helena chuckled to herself, “You’re just mad you fancied him in freshman year and he ditched you for Sara Snow,” Arra said.
You hated that she was right and sighed as you took your hand away. He had gone from being so kind to you to pretending he didn’t know you existed. Or maybe he really forgot about you. It didn’t help that Sara smirked at you every time she passed you in the hallway, clutching onto his arm even tighter the whole of first year.
All of this was clearly new information to Heleana since you had sworn them all to secrecy after freshman year. “You used to like my cousin? That’s so gross,”
“Tell me about it,” you muttered before quickly changing the subject, “So how mandatory is it we go with you tomorrow, Aly?”
“Like 100%. He’s invited me to the after party and told me to bring you all,”
“Cregan Stark knows who we are?” Helena asked.
Lynara snorted at her words, “Dude he’s, my cousin. Plus, everyone knows who you are Helena even if you wanna be a stoner loner so bad,” Helena rolled her eyes but couldn’t even argue with her since her last name was all over campus, “Plus Arra and Alysanne went to high school with me and Cregan. No clue how he knows you though,” she said nudging your shoulder.
“He’s probably just seen me hanging around you guys before or something,” you assumed which seemed to satisfy everyone’s curiosity, “Can’t we skip the game and just go to the party?”
Shock and offence plastered Arra and Alysanne’s faces, “Why do you hate me being happy?” Aly asked and you rolled your eyes, “Do you want me to die old and alone and surrounded by 15 cats?”
“Why 15 cats?” you asked, ignoring her question.
“Oh my god will you just please come to the game? If you come, you can be maid of honour and Cregan and mines wedding?” she offered prompted Arra to shout her protests.
You laughed as Arra continued her rant about how she was supposed to be maid of honour before interrupted, “Fine you have a deal. But know. im only doing this to piss her off,”
“You suck,” Arra deadpanned causing you to laugh more, “But as revenge I get to pick your outfit,” you groaned but not wanting to argue allowed it.
Shockingly her outfit choice for the game was fine but it was the outfit for later you worried about. Instead of worrying you tried your best to ignore the sinking feeling whenever your friends brought up the after party and actually tried to enjoy the game to appease Aly.
When the game was over everyone began to rush either on the pitch to talk to the players or out the stadium to get ready for the after party. You and your friends however were stuck trying not to get knocked down by the crowds as Aly swooped in for the kill. You watched her obvious flirting and hair tossing and arm grabbing. Arra was doing the same with a guy from the sulking Dornish team, but her eye lash batting seemed to put a smile on his miserable face. You watched in awe, “How do they do that?” You asked.
Lynara shrugged and tore her eyes off the rugby boys, “Flirt?” she asked, and you nodded, “I don’t know you just like do it,” she said to which you rolled your eyes at her unhelpfulness, “Its hard to explain. You touch their arm, butter them up, act like an idiot while batting your eyes. All the cliches really. Laugh at all their jokes. That kinda thing,”
“What if they’re not funny?”
Helena snorted as Lynara almost face palmed, “This is why your single,” Helena said, and you swotted her in response, “You can’t just talk to a guy about the history of Valyria and expect him to know that means you wanna fuck him,”
“All you do is talk about bugs,” you said as if it was some kind of defence for your own helpless love life. “Is that why you don’t get any?”
“I don’t get any because I don’t want anyone here,” she corrected, “But clearly you do so spill,”
“No, I don’t!” the warm blood rushing into your cheeks did little to convince the pair who started to laugh at your fluster, “This is why I hate rugby,”
“I’m wounded,” a voice said from behind you, and you quickly spun around to see your least favourite Targs standing there. Jace walked to stand in between you and Helena, draping his arm over both your shoulders but you quickly shrugged his sweaty arm off. “If you hate it, why were you cheering for me?” He grinned, not caring about the rejection or the way you wouldn’t even look at his stupid perfect grin.
“We came for my cousin,” Lynara said, and you’d never been so grateful to have a stark on your side.
Jace looked down at Helena, “What about your auntie? You here for him too?”
She snorted, “Please im here to watch the Dornes tackle my brother,” you couldn’t help but laugh as you looked over to where Aegon was getting checked over by the school nurse for concussion. The boy charged into everything blindly and you were shocked he still had any braincells left.
Jace laugh made you stop yours however, but his attention eventually turned back to you, “So if she came for her cousin and she came for her brother. Who were you cheering for?”
Before you could come up with a response or come back Arra and Aly returned with Cregan in tow, “I was just telling Cregan how we turned you into a rugby fan,” Aly grinned as she brought her future husband over.
Jace’s arm returned to your shoulder and a massive grin on his face, “Oh really!” he beamed, “I thought you hated rugby?” he batted his eyelashes like an innocent child, and you did your best not to hit his perfect face.
Shrugging off his arm yet again, and receiving a questioning look for Arra in the process, you scrambled for a response, “I guess its not as bad as I expected,”
Cregan’s smile unlike Jace’s felt genuine and not mocking, “Hopefully we can turn you into a mega fan by the end of the year. Are yous coming tonight? Who can turn down free punch?” and with that your friends committed you to an evening of drinking, fun, and rugby guys much to your dismay.
You tried your best not to ruin Arra’s and Aly’s moods as you all got ready for the celebration, but Lynara was texting you to make sure you were okay. You didn’t know why the whole thing with Jace still bothered you, but it did. And seeing him act so casually flirty and friendly today out of nowhere didn’t help.
Despite it all you stood outside the Fraternity of the Seven with your girls as you waited to get into the party. This was your first official Frat party, so Arra had insisted you looked the part with a tight short black leather skirt, tights, and long sleeve top. Aly’s had done you hair and makeup to match and it had felt good to get ready like this in the dorms. Despite the modesty of the outfit, you felt exposed as the frat boys at the door let yous in and your good mood was soon diminishing.
Aly’s was gone within seconds to join Cregan at the opposite side of the room and Arra was soon to leave as well to join some other guys. Lynara linked her arm with yours and began dragging you to the drinks table. “Beer or punch?” she asked as she grabbed you a cup and filled it with your choice before handing it to you, “You’ll feel better after you drink something,”
“Or I’ve got weed if you prefer,” Helena offered causing Lynara to roll her eyes.
You laughed as you began to drink the cheap alcohol, “Im good but thanks Hel. Im at least going to try and enjoy this,” and you did. You ended up sitting with Baela, who you still struggled to understand how she was related to Hel, and some of her friends.
You were sat on the arm rest of the couch facing the group with your legs resting in Hel’s lap. You did your best to join in conversation, but it was mainly just a couple words here and there not really knowing what to say so to keep your mouth busy you kept sipping your now third drink. As you were laughing at one of Baela’s stories you felt someone’s toned abs lean against your back. “What’s so funny?” Jace asked and you felt your body tense as he draped his arm over your shoulder.
Baela, who was still laughing filled him in on the story and Jace kept up with the conversation, not even acknowledging the position you were both in. Hel gave your foot a squeeze and looked at you as if to ask if you were alright and you nodded, knowing the scene she would cause if you hadn’t. Jace moved his hand to rest on your other shoulder, essentially locking you in place, and you could feel his smirk burning into the back of your head, but you refused to look at him. With Jace behind you you could feel so many eyes on you and you hated to think what they were thinking. Aly looked over and gave you a puzzled look but got distracted by Cregan as quickly as she looked.
At this point your mind was wondering, thinking of what to do or what was happening when Jace interrupted your thoughts, “You want another?” he said as he took your now empty cup from your hand.
“Huh? Oh yeah sure thanks,” you said and for a second it almost felt like freshman Jace getting you coffee again.
“Be back in a beat sweetheart,” and the thought died as quickly as it entered your head.
As soon as he had walked away Lynara had jumped up from her chair, grabbing your arm and pulling you off the couch with Hel following in tow. “Quick lets escape,” Lynara said as she dragged you to the other side of the room. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, im fine I was just like you know,” you said, and she nodded in response, “Isn’t he just gonna come find me?”
“Jace has the attention span of about 10 seconds,” Hel said and for whatever reason it only made you feel worse, “If you want, we can find Aly and Arra and ditch?”
“Nah its fine. I don’t wanna kill their vibe because of freshman stuff,” you said but your eyes were on Jace who was now making his way back to the couch with two cups and a very cutely confused look on his face. It almost made you wanna walk back over but when he looked up and you made eye contact you spun around to face the girls, “Let’s dance or something?”
“You wanna dance?” Lynara said shocked but quickly grabbed your arm dragging you to the dance floor before you could change your mind.
For a few minutes it actually took your mind off it all especially when Arra and Aly’s joined, finally ditching their guys for the evening. You lost track of how long you had been dancing but you were starting to regret not getting another drink, “Im gonna grab a drink be back,” you told Hel who just nodded before continuing her questionable robot dancing.
Once you arrived at the table you quickly poured your drink before deciding to down it and pour another. “Thirsty?” you snapped your head to the side to see Jace who must’ve only just came over. he stood beside you as he poured his own cup, “You wouldn’t have been so thirsty if you had waited for me to get back,”
“Lynara wanted to dance. I got distracted,” The lie slipped easily off your tongue as you began to drink your next drink, to increase the buzz you already had, “I didn’t think you’d mind,”
“I might be a Valerian but even we get offended when girls run away from us,” he said with his cocky grin but this time your buzz made you scoff in return, “What? You think we don’t have feelings?”
you rolled your eyes and briefly debated whether to just walk away but the cheap alcohol had obviously lowered your senses. “No, I think yous are all rich douchebags,” you said and Jace’s jaw slackened as his eyes widened. “Yous are all the same,” you continued despite any logic but you knew your freshman self would be proud, “Your daddy donates a few grand to the school, has your name plastered all over campus, and suddenly you think your mommy’s money somehow makes you the shit,” Jace went to say something but you didn’t stop, “So you ditch all your friends and skip all your classes and pick the bitchiest girls to date. Like seriously yous all chose the same mean girl in a different font its insane. Then you become rugby or football captains and spend all your time partying then take over your family business instead of the people that actually work for it,”
“That’s not fair,” Jace snapped when he could finally get a word in. his face was red, and he looked angrier than he had than during the whole rugby game. “Your barley knows me- “
“No but I do,” you cut him off, “Because you are all the same. And it’s a shame really cause you used to be really cool then you joined this stupid frat and started hanging around with Aegon fucking Targaryen and ditched all your friends to fuck Sara Snow,”
“I didn’t ditch you guys,”
“Im shocked you even remember us,” you snapped, and a silence fell between you both.
You turned back to your drink as Jace stewed in silence, “I didn’t mean to ditch you I just got busy and I-”
“I don’t really care what your excuse is Jace,” you cut him off as you sat your empty cup on the table, “It was fucking hurtful okay? You came to this school normal, and you turned into some Aegon Targaryen 2.0. We weren’t cool enough for you, I get it,” tears began to prick your eyes and threatened to spill but Jace just stood silently with his head hanging down. “I can’t believe I used to like you,” you said, and he suddenly looked up with his eyes wide and a confused look on his face, “Yeah, I know. Trust me to fall for the asshole. I shouldn’t have come tonight,” you said as you started to walk away.
You heard Jace say wait but instead you speed up and pulled out your phone to text Helena that you were leaving because of a sore stomach and began to walk home.
When you were halfway down the street you heard someone running behind you and glanced over your shoulder to see Jace had followed you. You tried to speed up, but he ended up in front of you, “You shouldn’t walk home alone drunk. It’s not safe,”
“Im not drunk,” you said, moving past him.
Jace only followed though, easily keeping pace with you, “Still. I don’t want you to get hurt,”
You snorted, “That’s ironic. What do you just wanna make fun of me? Is that why you were talking to me today? To laugh with your friends about it?”
“Gods you can’t think im that much of an asshole surely?” he asked but you stayed silent, “Look im sorry okay. I shouldn’t have just ditched you it was just like I- “
“You what? You started dating Sara Snow then suddenly I was invisible to you?”
Jace sighed and grabbed your shoulder, forcing you to stop walking despite your protests, “I only started dating her cause you kept rejecting me,”
This baffled you. You felt your head spinning and your whole world being flipped, “I never rejected you? You never even asked me out? What the fuck?”
“Are you serious?” Jace asked and you just shook your head confused. Jace let out a laugh and began to look around, “Oh my gods you’re an idiot,” you went to protest but he cut you off, “I was constantly flirting with you. Like the whole of first year. I got you coffee like every day,”
“Didn’t you get everyone coffee?”
“No!” Jace said and now you were both confused, “I got you coffee and always wanted to hang out and id come to your dorm all the time, but you kept inviting other people with,”
“We were studying!”
“I was trying to flirt with you!” Jace practically yelled as he flung his arms in the air, “I thought you were trying to let me down easy, so I started dating Sara to make you jealous and you didn’t care!”
The weight of it all mixed with the alcohol had hit you like a bag of bricks. “II just wanted you to be happy. I didn’t know,”
“You seriously didn’t know?” Jace had stopped yelling as well and suddenly it was as if his freshman self was standing in front of you. “And if you did know? would it have changed anything?”
It took you a long moment to answer, “I liked you too Jace. I always did. That’s why it hurt when- “
“I know,” Jace stopped you, stepping forward to hold your arms and force you to look at him, “But if you did know. if I had asked you out. Would you have said yes?”
The frat boy was completely gone now. Jace’s eyes bore into yours with a mix of sadness and hope only a puppy could have. His eyes scanned your dumbstruck face for any kind of answer. You didn’t know what to say. Instead, you leaned in without even thinking.
Your lips crashed onto his. It took a moment for Jace to realise what was happening but when he did, he was quick to catch up. His hands slid from your arms to the small of your back to hold you closer. You brought your own arms up to his shoulders holding on to keep your balance as his mouth danced with yours. You couldn’t help but shiver either from the cold or the kiss you couldn’t tell. When you finally broke apart his heavy breath fanned your face, and the heat made your skin tingle.
“I would’ve said yes,” you finally whispered back, and a smile began to tug at Jace’s lips.
He kissed your lips again, this time softer and only for a moment, “I’m sorry for- “
“Being a cocky lil shit?” you chuckled and Jace laughed this time at your insults, “I suppose you deserve to be a bit cocky,”
“Oh really?” Jace asked with a grin as he pulled you in closer, neither of you caring who could see you “Whys that?”
You hummed as your hands moved to his neck to pull his head closer to yours so you could whisper in his ear, “You’re the best kisser at this school,”
“That’s where your wrong love,” Jace corrected you as he moved his hand to your chin to pull your lips close to his so when he spoke, they brushed against yours, “I think you’re thinking of yourself,”
“You wanna have a contest?” You offered and without answering Jace closed the gap yet again. There you were shamelessly making out with the Rugby captain in the middle of the street while a bunch of frat boys started to cheer their captain on from the house. But they didn’t matter. You finally had the real Jace back.
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neonoddeye · 7 months
A lesson in physics | College! Gojo Satoru x Reader
In these trying times, I will provide: a college au! I actually wrote this as a birthday present for my best friend, but I wanted to post it here as well. It’s also my first chaptered fic, yay! I hope you enjoy :)
CONTENT INCLUDES: AFAB! Reader, cursing, Gojo and reader are both in college and everything is NORMAL and HAPPY, Gojo is a frat boy, enemies to friends to lovers, will be NSFW in later chapter (MINORS DNI)
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Monday, 12:00pm
Working with Satoru Gojo on a class assignment was a horror you only conjured in your nightmares. And as you look at the physics class assignment on your laptop screen, you realize you wouldn’t be waking up from this one any time soon.
“Oh god, him?” Your roommate Shoko joins your gaze of disgust as she glances at your fate. “You’re gonna end up doing the whole thing by yourself!”
“Don’t remind me” you whine, leaning back in your chair and placing a hand on your forehead in dramatic distress. “Can I switch with you?”
“Hell no, I’m securing this A with Nanami” Shoko laughs, patting you on the back as a poor attempt at pity. “But we’ll be praying for you.”
You and Shoko had just left said physics class, the two of you lounging at the library to get a head start on the week’s assignments. You couldn’t help but truly stress over your predicament instead of starting on your homework, however: everyone and their mom knew of Gojo Satoru and his infamous Kappa Alpha frat boy title. Ever since he was on your dorm floor freshman year of college, you’ve harbored a vendetta against him. While you were immune to his mesmerizing blue eyes and undeniable charisma, most of your friends weren’t, and pursued him in droves. With every poor girl’s broken heart that he stomped on, your hatred grew, until you infamously bashed him at his frat’s party that same year. While his reputation was almost impenetrable in the eyes of his male friends, you definitely did a little damage to him from the outside. Two years later, you never thought you’d have to deal with him again- until you both enrolled in the same physics class. Hell, you didn’t even think he had the brain capacity to handle a STEM major. And now, you have to work alongside him; you can’t help but question the universe and wonder what you ever did wrong to deserve this.
“Guess I’ll get his contact info” you sigh, pulling up the list of class emails and scrolling for his name.
“Hey! Y/N, right?” You hear a familiar voice ahead of you. Your lab partner, Gojo Satoru, has already found you in the library. The devil works hard, but Gojo works harder. 
“Hey Gojo” you reply monotonously, barely glancing at him over your laptop screen. He’s dressed like a poster frat boy, wearing a dark blue knitted sweater vest over a crisp white button-up paired with slim khakis. His paper white hair is unkempt yet tamed, and his irritating blue eyes sit behind round gold-rimmed glasses. His trademark smirk is replaced by an awkward smile as he approaches you; it’s good to know your blow at his ego was permanent.
“Uh, long time no see” Gojo continues while messing with his disheveled hair, “did you see we’re working on that project together?”
You can’t help but let out a belated sigh. “I sure did. You have any ideas for it yet?“
“Oh nah, I haven’t really looked at the whole thing yet. Do you wanna start it right now? I have time.”
“Oh uh, I have to leave for class in 15 minutes.” In reality, your next class starts in an hour; you just didn’t feel like talking to him right now. Still, you keep up the act by packing your belongings to head out.
“Oh that’s all good. Here,” Gojo hands you his phone, presenting an empty contact card for you to fill out. “Let’s set up a time to work on it later. We have two weeks, but I wanna get it over with”.
“Well, that’s something we agree on” you mutter, filling out your contact info on his cracked iPhone screen. You then hand his phone back to him and rise from your seat. “I’m usually free after 4pm. Just remember to actually text me back, Gojo. I know you’re not very good at that.”
“I will, I will,” he chuckles, holding up his hands in surrender to your threat. “Promise!” he holds up a pinky and winks at you, to which you roll your eyes and head back towards the door. You’re really hoping these next two weeks aren’t as difficult as you think they’ll be.
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Thankfully, Gojo actually responded, and the two of you agreed to Tuesday evening at the library. You’re currently waiting for your project partner at a cozy corner desk, taking out your notes and laptop to begin the assignment. It’s 5 minutes past the agreed upon time when Gojo saunters up to you; honestly, you thought he’d show up later or forget entirely, so you’re not upset.
“Sorry, club meeting ran a little later than usual,” he says as he slumps into the couch across from you, his legs dangling over the armrest. “I got you this, too,” he adds, sliding a Red Bull over to you. “I don’t know how long we’re working on this tonight, but I thought I’d get us both one, just in case”.
“Oh, thanks. I got something already, though,” you reply, picking up your thermos of espresso and politely pushing back the offering. “What club are you in?” It seems like you’re both attempting to make amends to make the project a little easier.
“I’m in an astrophysics club. It’s nothing much, tho”, he shrugs. We just talk about nerdy shit and occasionally do projects and stuff.”
“I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t expect that from you”, you lean back in your chair, now slightly interested in the man before you.
“Yeah, I actually do more than just party.” Gojo adds while taking out his own supplies. “Believe it or not, I’m not the same guy I was freshman year”.
“You’re gonna have to prove it to me, I’m afraid”, you retort. If he’s trying to charm you, it won’t work. 
Gojo clears his throat. “Anyway, here are some ideas I had for the project”. He slides his notebook closer to you, revealing a page full of bullet points aptly titled “project ideas.” His handwriting is messy, but legible, and as you read his notes you’re reluctantly impressed by his insightfulness and creativity. Gojo reveals that he actually stayed behind at his club to relay his ideas and ask for tips, admitting he was more interested in the material than he thought he’d be. As you lean over the table to point out one particular idea, you catch a hint of cologne from him. You can tell it’s not a cheap scent, with notes of mandarin and cypress above amber and leather. His hair is slightly neater than it was yesterday, and up close you can tell that his skin is flawless. You’re almost annoyed at his effortlessly attractive appearance; no wonder so many people fawn over him. 
An hour passes briskly, with the two of you making ample progress with the project. Surprisingly, the two of you work well together, even getting off topic a few times to discuss frivolous subjects. You learned that he likes watching cartoons and reading, and wants to go into research after college. You can’t help but feel a little guilty for holding a grudge over him for so long; it seems like he really has changed. 
After 30 more minutes, Gojo stands up to stretch. “Alright, we’re done with the outline”, he yawns, taking a sip of his Red Bull. “I don't wanna keep you too long, how about we call it for the night?” 
“Sounds good to me”, you yawn in response, closing your notebook. “It takes me a bit to walk home, anyway”.
“You’re walking home by yourself? At dark?” Gojo questions you with genuine concern in his words. “I can drive you home, if you want”.
“Oh no, I’m fine. I do it all the time”, you shrug.
“It’s no big deal to me”, he flashes a small smile. “I respect having the balls to walk home alone at night, but I’d be a dick to not offer”.
“Sure, why not. I appreciate it”. You smile back, getting up to follow Gojo to his car. As you walk with him to his car, the two of you excitedly discuss a new anime you’ve both been watching. You didn’t take him as the type to be an anime guy either, but he’s surprised you a lot today. When you get to his car, it’s as nice as you expect it to be: a slick silver BMW with a clean interior, accompanied by a new car smell. Of course he has money, too. He’s not a menace to society on the road either, and the low hum of his Spotify playlist accompanies the small talk. 
“By the way”, Gojo pipes up after a moment of silence, “I feel like shit for how I acted to your friends freshman year. You were right to call me out like that”.
“I know”, you reply, with a hint of playfulness in your tone. He chuckles in response. 
“No offense taken. But really, I hope we can be on good terms now. I had a good time, even if we were working on an assignment.”
“Unfortunately, I think I did too”. He’s pulling up to the entrance of your apartment complex, and parks neatly by the door. 
“Next time, how about we work at my place? Only if you want to though, just thought I’d suggest some place quieter”.
“I’m down”, you nod, “I could bring snacks, too”. 
“Sounds like a deal. See you on Thursday, Y/N”. He gives you a short wave as you exit his car, and even makes sure to watch you get inside safely. As you walk to your apartment, you battle with your renewed thoughts of the frat boy you once detested. After being alone with him for an extended period of time, you hate to admit that you can see the appeal; he’s handsome, charming, and seems to have mellowed out over the years. But should you really be giving Satoru Gojo a chance?
Fuck it, you might.
(Stay tuned for part 2!)
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cherry1sblog · 1 year
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PAIRING:Lee heeseung x fem!reader
GENRES:smut,fluff,bullying,alcohol,party,unprotected sex (rember to wrap your Willy so the out come won’t be silly🌝)
WARNINGS there is bullying in this heeseung is basically a dick to y/n and nothing in this story is real!!! This is fan fiction and the way I write about heeseung is not the way I portray him as he’s a person himself this is simply for entertainment only !!
SUMMARY:heeseung had always bullied you through your 3 years of Highschool but never let anyone touch you other then him and if he found out someone did that was the end of it you were basically marked as his toy that’s until the summer of your junior year you had enough you were done with him always making fun of you and you hated the fact that after all he did I to you you still adored him and liked him but it dosent matter cause you wanted to leave your senior year with a banger so you were no longer your nerdy self still smart asf obvi but appearance wise different you got contacts new clothes thank god you guys didn’t have a dress code and most importantly you spent all summer learning how to do your makeup……
(Word count :………)
You woke up that day at 4 in the morning all tho school didn’t start till 7:40 you had 3 hours to get ready for you first last day of senior year you showers blow dried your hair styled it put in your contacts and lastly did you makeup you were ready to go feeling a bit scared slightly pulling your skirt up more revealing more of your thighs but you didn’t care you were going to do this no matter what and no one can stop you not even Lee heeseung
Walking into school heads turning new faces old faces appearing but everyone seemed to stair at you looking some took out there phones and took photos asking if they knew who you were that upset you a little you went to this school for 3 years and people only saw yourself really only when you became “pretty” but still u were now super nervous now but your rember your main target Lee heeseung you clutched your purse and went straight to your classroom people Turing around seeing who entered you sat in a random seat next to a girl you’ve never seen she seemed super bubbly she was quiet a talker to “hello!!”you were shocked by her sudden loudness “oh…sorry…that must’ve been to loud “she lowers her voice you giggled “it’s okay why do you seem so excited tho”she turend to you with a big smile “well it’s my last year of Highschool and I get to meet new people so I’m really exited I Gusse “you just nodded an okay “oh I’m chu btw!” Ofc a cute girl with a cute name made sense “I’m y/n” you smiled at her “I’m guessing that this isn’t your first year “”nope I’ve gon sense freshman year here so I can tell you a lot about here if u want “she smiled brightly and hugged you you’ve never had a freind before so this was all knew “tysm!! Oh sorry is hugging now your thing”she looked at you but you didn’t know if the only freind you were sorta making would leave you if she found out but you trusted her “ah sorry I’m just not really used to having freinds or talking to people “she looked at you confused “your littlest drop dead gorgeous and no one can take there eyes off you” you giggled awkwardly “okay I’ll tell you I a secret up until my junior year I was a big nerd and I wanted a change so here’s the knew and improved me “you smiled happily until ofc someone had to walk in and ruin your fun lee heeseung
Your smile went down and chu noticed “what’s wrong y/n”he heard her say your name and wiped his head that way looking confused cause he didn’t notice you until chu said your name again “y/nnn can you hear me are you okay “ you let out a little cough rember not to break “yeah I’m okay sorry “and just as you were minding your busses heeseung came up to you “wow I really can believe it they park y/n dosent look like a nerd anymore “u just rolled your eyes at him “what do you want lee I’m not playing games with you anymore “he came close to your ear “just cause you changed dosent mean you aren’t my toy still isn’t that right doll”you didn’t know what to say he always caught your tongue “now go get me some snacks from the lunch room I’m hungry “he put 20 dollars on the desk expecting you to pick it up and run over there like always “no”you looked up at him and stood up took the money and threw it at him chu also seemingly upset “you know what heeseung if you want a stupid snack go get it your damn self “he seemed shocked a your response but started to smirk “right I’m sorry I wouldn’t want you running in that skirt you might wanna pull it down “chu getting ready to defend you but you didn’t need her to cause this is what you prepared for all summer “no I think it’s fine actually it’s ment to be like this but if you done being a dick you can go “everyone in the class stunned now not at the fact that you just told off they lee heeseung but at the fact that your the girl who used to do everyone’s homework that you were heeseung toy but just cause your not a nerd anymore dosent mean your not still off limits
//lunch time\\
By lunch time you already had 9 boys come to ask you for your insta and 12 girls ask what different makeup products you use or what you skin care was but those were the good things there were people saying you had gotten plastic surgery you did certain things just to get the money for your stuff people even said there was no way you were lee heeseungs little toy and if you wondering why they call you Lee heeseungs toy it’s cause he could pick at every part of you body and you did what he wanted he could slap you pull your hair push you and you still always did what he wanted you to do but he had made it every clear that you were only his to fuck with and no one eleses
You had saten down with chu to eat lunch her happily taking a bite of food made you happy you finally had a friend well let’s say a couple freinds you had met this boy really shy but nice named soobin and another boy who was more outgoing beomgyu they were also new and just transferred so your guises group was prefect but anyways you all were sitting down and enjoyed your food you were happy for once out of your Highschool life you finally had people you could go to the mall with have sleepovers go to party’s with but ofc like always you were knocked out of you thoughts by yet again heeseung he had just pushed a kid to the floor for getting him the wrong dumplings him jake and sunghoon walking away from the boy they had just scared heeseung walked passed you but Sunghoon said something and walked back to where you were “hey y/n” you looked up seeing as Sunghoon and Jake never really participated in heeseungs stupidness but they did have there fare share of “fun “with it “hey sunghoon”you said coldly”huh “he stuck his tongue threw his cheek “it really is you then HOWD you get so much hotter over summer I mean you were a cute girl but now your really js something eles “as he was about to start going closer heeseung pushed him away not to hard but just enough to make him stumble “what the hell do you think your doing “ “not like your ever gonna do anything plus she wouldn’t dare you even if you wanted we all know she’s your toy but she can speak for herself “ you saw heeseung clenching his fist but it made you angry how he thought he could control you “I told you everyone knows y/n is off limits “ “off limits to bully I’m not bullying her I’m simpling asking if she wants to go out sometime “ as heeseung was about to open his mouth you answerd “y-yes “they both looked stunned beomgyu soobin and chu having there mouths open wide “I would like to go out with you sometime “ “doll chose very wisely here “ “you don’t get to control me heeseung I’m done with your bull shit you can’t just walk all over me agian “ heeseung Just loooked at you with an expression you couldn’t understand “you heard her anyways y/n uh I’ll pick you up Saturday and 4:30 “you nodded your head smiling heesung had stormed off at that point.
//the next day\\
“Y/NN THERE YOU ARE “chu comes rushing to you sitting pulling out the chair and sitting in it she seemed to exited “yk chu sometimes I wonder if you on something “she just laughs “we’re not talking about that rn LOOK THO” she hands you her phone and it was a party ofc the boys were having as a welcome back to school like they did every year but you had never gone but this year you were definitely going no matter what even if you had to sneak out “holy shit the back to school party “”yeah it’s gonna be at jakes house tonight so we better go shopping after school “you both looked at eachother cause obviously you guys had no idea what to wear to a back to school party
//at the mall\\
“Ughhhhh y/n we’ve been to three dress shops already and you’ve liked non of them “she said dragging her feet with bags in her hands “look chu my dress it has to be different then something I would normally wear if I was the old me remember we’re gonna go out with a banger and If I were you I would go return the dress cause this dress shop is they best”as soon as you guys step into the dress shop chus mouth drops and gose to pick up a dress “Y/N YOU WERE SO RIGHT OMG “ you start to look for dresses to seeing witch one you like it came down to three dresses a white one simple and short but cute a blue one the had sparkles and a slimy black one with a diamond straps as soon as you came out in the blue one chu loved it it fit your body perfectly glitter on is and everything you would be shining with the lights they would have and you knew this was gonna be the one you got some simple black heels to for the dress witch you loved as you guys were leaving the store ofc you had to see heeseung and 6 of his guy freinds you were fucked “yooo hold up “Jake stops you and everyone is looking at you and chu”see what I tell you heeseung it was her and uh what’s your name”he looks at chu confused “o-oh I’m chu”he looked at her up and down “cute” your a bit nervous cause everyone still had there eyes on you normally you would just hide away but no you weren’t going to go down “my god can you fucking pervs look at something eles “heeseung grabed your had and took you into a hallway where others weren’t at “h-HEY let go of me “he released your arm and put u up agains the wall making you a bit flustered “doll see your starting to piss me off just cause you where this stupid shit only makes you look like a slut and you going out with Sunghoon lemme just tell you this if you wake up the next day and he’s gone don’t ever expect to hear from him again and this big mouth of yours needs to learn how to shut the fuck up “he let you go as you feel to the floor being in this position triggered something and you remembered
-flash back-
The three girls you were so afraid of had gotten done beating you leaving you on the rooftop heeseung had come out of the corner he was watching everything happen in coming up to you you looked up at him and your eyes got watery he grabed your face and looked at you “don’t cry it only makes you look pathetic”and he let go of your face and walked away later that day you found a bandage on you desk but didn’t know who put it there
-end of flash back-
“OMG Y/n”chu ran up to you finding you on the floor holding your chest “are you okay what happend did he hurt you are you crying “”I’m im fine chu ty “she helped you up and you guys left the mall you didn’t have time to cry and be sad you were going to this party no matter what like you said
//arriving at party\\
Soobin had picked you guys up all four of you guys going to the party as u guys got off people do what they do gossiping like there’s no tmrw anyways you walk thru the door being greeted by Sunoo even tho he was friends with the boys he wasn’t a complete jack ass “omg so glad you guys could make it” hugging u and chu and giving the boys a side hug “well um if u guys want drinks there in the kitchen and yeah pretty much just enjoy but go greet the boys if u want “ u guys nodded beomgyu chu and soobin going to say hi to there friends as you went alone to go get a drink “hey you guys want a drink “they all nodded saying a beer was good u walked into the kitchen seeing people make out drinking laughing and partying as this was your first party you didn’t imagine it to be exactly like the tv Highschool shows but hey you couldn’t complain walking up to the alcohol section seeing jay and sunghoon he waved at you as u came up to him “damn y/n you look amazing “Sunghoon said “thank you I didn’t exactly know if this was a good fit but now that I know you like it I’m guessing it was “sunghoon and jay scanning you from top to bottom “so uh y/n you want a drink “jay had asked “yeah just give me four beers “he nodded sunghoon pulling you by your waist and bending down to your ear a little “hey I just wanted to make sure you were okay yk after what happened”you felt an Aw because he actually cared you wispers back into his ear “yeah I’m fine I wasn’t gonne let him get to me “he smirked looking at you and gave u a kiss witch you were not prepared for but ofc someone was watching you the entire time and pushed him off you “what the fuck sunghoon”you could tell heeseung was mad but why what reasons did he have to be upset “oh hey heeseung”sunghoon smirked at him like as if he knew he wasn’t supposed to be doing what he just did “don’t fucking hey heeseung me what the fuck do you think your doing “ “I mean I thought it was pretty clear I was kissing her “hey you guys cmon don’t fight “jay stood beetween the boys “yeah cmon heeseung don’t sweat it we’re just having some fun “ those words hurt you you thought sunghoon liked you or were you really just there for his entertainment now?
You put your head down a bit upset and you saw heeseung smirking “what’s wrong doll I told you aren’t I right “ you were annoyed at heeseung at the fact he was right again but you felt embarrassed “shut the fuck up heeseung “ “dont be mad doll you guys were just having fun right “ in that moment it clicked to sunghoon the way he had said it and he felt bad “wait y/n that’s not how I mean it” u we’re gonna take this as your opportunity to get back at heeseung “you smiled at Sunghoon going up to him whispering in his ear leaving heeseung and jay curious “don’t worry I know we’re having fun but heeseung just ruined it so can you take me where we can have fun” you left sunghoon speechless the girl who always had to run errands for his bsf and who would always get picked on was now so bold and a bit flustered “u-uh yeah sure “ he grabed your arm guiding you to what you assumed was jakes guest room but as you looked back you could see a very annoyed heeseung
//15 min after entering the room\\
As you and sunghoon were making out his shirt already off and your dress guliding up to your hips sunghoon s hands placed on your thighs massaging them you were nervous but just as he was about to go under you stopped him “hoon wait um it’s my first time so I’m kinda scared”he just smiled at you “hey we don’t have to do it if you don’t want we can take things slow” maybe heeseung was wrong maybe he really did like you and you were gonna shove it in his face that you and his bsf were gonna be together “well do u js wanna watch a movie and cuddle” by this time you were ready to sleep so u agreed “yeah but um do you know if Jake has any clothes to borrow or I could js sleep in this I don’t wanna bother” he got you and went to a drawer in the room “scince we stay at jakes a lot we basically all have are own room heres my shirt “ he throws you a plain white tee but no pants so you look confused at him a bit “oh did you want like shorts or somthing sorry” he was about to go back but you stopped him “no like this is fine I actually prefer to sleep like this “ he just nodded and he went to change into something more comfortable but you didn’t expect him to come back with no shirt so you gasped seeing his pretty toned body “what?” He asks you just blush and shake your head as he smirks the rest of the night was fun but you fell asleep that night not thinking anything of it
//the next morning \\
Your eyes fluttered as you heard a knock on the door and seeing Jake come in the room made you panic and in that moment you wanted to die sunghoon still sleep until “YO WHAT THE FUCK SUNGHOON” and in that moment sunghoon woke up “nah dude I feel so betrayed you promised to help me clean but instead you got to fuck y/n “ and cause ofc everyone had heard jake yell Niki sunoo and heeseung came to the room and your eyes met heeseungs and you could see clearly he was upset “ Jake we didn’t fuck she just slept over “ “yk that’s hard to BELIEVE when she’s wearing your shirt and you have no shirt “ Jake had a point but it was the truth you guys really had not done anything “actually it wouldn’t be hard to believe sense y/n s a slut” you got up from the bed and threw the pillow at heeseung “you know heeseung just cause your a fucking whore dosent mean I am and I just borrowed his clothes you idiot so fuck off “ scince you had no shorts and just a shirt the boys just looked at you niki and sunoo deciding it was better to leave but heeseung was about to say something but sunghoon had cut him off “ hyung can you please just let this go “ and with that sunghoon just closed the door on them and locked it and in that moment you both realized you had school “ughhh we have school “ “we can always skip “ you quickly refused never once missing a day not wanting to hurt your perfect attendance “ cmon y/n don’t be such a nerd or are you still the old y/n?” You knew he was only saying that to persuade you but it did work “ I mean n-no I just um wouldn’t know what we would do “ sunghoon just shook his head at you “ we could just chill go to the mall do anything are you really that boring ?” Offended at his hitting him on his bicep “let’s just chill then “
//after schoo\\
After school normally the boys would all go to jakes house tk study play games shit like that witch they all did thinking that y/n would be gone by then but they were very wrong when they see y/n and sunghoon on the couch asleep “holy shit heeseung hyung is not gonna be happy” jungwon picked you up and ran with you on his back you being confused when jungwon locked his door and threw you on the bed “WHAT TH-“ jungwon covers your mouth muffling your yelling until you stoped “shut the fuck up unless you want to make heeseung hyung and sunghoon hyung hate eachother more right now “ honestly you couldn’t give a fuck less and if this made heeseung miserable then you had every reason not to care “ why should I care on fact I actually don’t mind going back ou-“ jungwon grabed your hand pinning you on the wall wtf is it with everyone pinning you on the wall “ look I know heeseung hyung did fucked up shit and I know it’s fucked up we didn’t do anything but we all grow from our mistakes and plus now your like hot so please just shut the fuck up and well stay in here”.
Okay well I’m im just gonna leave this here I feel like I had y’all eating for too long I honestly thought I would be done with this by now but I went on a family vacation recently so I had no time but I’ll try to make the next part as quick as possible ty all sm for being patient
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bitchlessdino · 2 years
When We Didn't (m)
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Pairing: afab!reader x jihoon
Genre: fluff, slice of life, angst, smut
word count: 4.9k
tags: extrovert!reader, opposites attract, flashbacks, college au, slow burn, pussy drunk!Jihoon, slight exhibitionism, oral (f. recieving), fingering
Summary: Remember when we almost? But we didn’t. And now what, you’re gonna sit alone, underneath your barely standing Christmas tree and not expect me to sit next to you? Maybe we should’ve.
author note: make sure to check out all the other member this collab at this link or @svthub !
5 years ago
You scramble to get to the first class of the morning, thinking to yourself it should’ve been a crime to have classes before 10 am. It was the first day of freshman year and you were already late.
The lecture hall was packed to the brim seconds before classes would start. You’d scan the descending seats, hopeful for even a few inches of space. A faint voice starts to speak out next to you and looking down you see a man with utterly soft fairytale-like features. He initially stuns you at first until you realize he’s telling you there’s an empty seat next to him and you whisper to him plenty of words of thanks.
You settle beside him, taking out things from your backpack, throwing quick glances back at him, and eventually realize the severity of your consequences when you notice how you forgot to pack all the necessary items for your first day. “Fuck.”
The quiet man nonchalantly offers a pen, peeking through his specs. “Here.”
“Really?” You take it from his grasp. “Thank you.”
He nods and turns back mindlessly to his journal, preparing himself for the note-taking. After some more scrambling, you sheepishly poke at his shoulder and avert his attention back on you, seeing that awkward apologetic grin on your face. “I don’t want to bother you again, but can I have a sheet of paper?”
He nods, tearing one out and handing it to you the same way he had the pen, which you accepted graciously. “And…I didn't bring my textbook so–”
“I’m not tearing you pages from my textbook because you don’t have yours.”
“Not that,” you reassure, unsure whether he made a joke or if he actually thought you’d ask that of him, “If you don’t mind sharing, that’d be great. It’d only ever be for one time.”
The man sighs, begrudgingly pushing his book until it centers the both of you. “There.”
“Thank you,” you whisper and scoot closer to him, almost too close for comfort.
He pays you no mind for the rest of the time, even when you cross the invisible lines that were essential to common courtesy. He knew he just had to deal with it one day (which was far from the actual truth), and lucky for him, you knew how to be quiet for the most part anyway. The class came to an end eventually and he was grateful for that, he just had two more classes for the rest of the day. Picking up his belongings, you block off his path with a smile.
“Thanks again,” You bring out your hand for him to shake, “I’m Y/n.”
“Jihoon.” He answers plainly, barely reciprocating your gesture before getting up to follow everyone else through the exits.
You mouth his name as if committing it to memory and was quick to get a step behind him. “You should let me thank you sometime…Jihoon.”
“That’s not necessary.”
You halt in front of him before he could exit the doors. “At least a coffee. We are gonna be classmates after all.”
He sighs, avoiding those puppy eyes that come naturally to your golden retriever energy. He usually avoided people like you. People like you were draining, distracting, and he’d rather stay cooped up in his apartment rewatching Inuyasha for the thousandth time. 
 “Just a coffee?”
Your eyes light up like the fourth of July. “And your insta?”
Present Day Christmas Eve
“But I wanted to celebrate Christmas with you,” You whine over the phone.
Your mother’s reassuring voice resonated from your phone. “Sweetie, you’re young and able-bodied, you’ll find something better to do than hanging around two old coots.”
“Well, you old coots have a one way trip to Hawaii, how will I top that?”
It turns out your parents hit the jackpot on some bingo night at the community center and would be traveling without you. No doubt, it hurt that you wouldn’t be going, but it hurt more that you wouldn’t be with your family since you spent pretty much every Christmas with each other. It was like things were changing before your eyes. You were growing older and older and you weren’t their little kid anymore. You were on your own.
“There’s always next year, sweetheart.”
You sigh defeatedly and hang up before trying someone else. The dial tone became an incessant noise in your ear after several attempts of contacting your friends. The messages blew up soon after rejection and apologies. Who knew on the Eve of Christmas no one would be available? (Of course, you knew but it couldn’t help to try).
“Y/n, I’m sorry.” 
Groaning into the phone in frustration, almost sobbing into the phone about to hear another rejection come from a loved one’s lips. “You’re kidding.”
“This is me and Mingyu’s first Christmas together. Maybe try Cheol? Yeri? Joshua?”
“They’ve been talking about their alps for months!” You slump in your loveseat and whimper into the cushions. You could hear your friend’s sigh of pity on the other line. “Come on, there has to be one other person in your same predicament.”
“I don’t know about that.”
You've gone up and down your contact list, almost closing in on coworker numbers, and acquaintances, including a hookup that slipped his number in your phone without looking. Even that sounded tempting at this point. Lucky for you, you weren’t that desperate.
There was one last person you thought to call though. They’re also the first person you thought to spend Christmas with besides family. A person that you thought could spend all your time with. The question was whether he wanted to spend such a holiday with you. 
Sometime after your first encounter
Jihoon planned to continue his quaint life as a college student, but you didn’t make it easy. Despite the lack of assigned seating, you made sure to take the seat next to him every day, waving at him when you enter the classroom after him a beat later. You made sure you wouldn’t come to class late again just to sit next to him.
“Hi, desk mate—I mean Jihoon. See I remembered.”
He sees you take your seat, settling in on the fact that there was pretty much his designated seat now no matter how early he arrives, “Hey.”
Taking his things out of his bag to be blindsided by you who pushes packaged convenience food in front of him. “Breakfast!”
“You said it’d only be coffee.” He points out a matter of fact.
“I did.” You point to bottled expresso. “Right there. Everything else is interest.”
He sighs, taking the coffee and stuffing it in his bag. “I’ll just take this. Thanks.”
“Come on, you’ll be hungry later.”
He flips through pages of his textbook, happy being using it alone, “I’ll survive.”
You somehow became a thorn in his side seeing you routinely and he made no effort in changing that. Where he was, you went. You made yourself nearly impossible to avoid. Over time, he found himself relying on you because of it. Though he found you a nuisance at times, it wasn’t all bad. You were chirpy and clingy, but that proved yourself to be useful at times.
Jihoon never runs for a few reasons: it’s tiring, he gets sweaty, and he gets red. Really red. So, being tardy to lectures was not on the agenda, until the day he had no choice.
He burst through the lecture hall much like your first day, late for the first time ever in his life, he blames it all on his dorm mate that came home drunk and insisted on him dancing with him in the middle of the common area for no reason and cleaning up his puke soon after (yeah maybe his roommate’s name rhymes with toonyoung). 
He tries getting to a seat inconspicuously as possible if any were available, and that’s when he hears your harsh whisper. Your hand waves him over and pointed at the seat next to you that had your backpack currently occupying it.
He sighs but nods at you in a quiet thanks before accepting the invitation. You grin from ear to ear watching him get in his seat and pass him a Pocari sweat, like some kind of guardian angel. “You’re a bit red. Have at it.”
He gulps looking back at the refreshment and accepts it before chugging half of it down in desperation. “Thank you.”
“There’s always more if you need it.” You lightly nudge him before directing your attention to the lecture.
He glances back at you, wondering how you always keep that optimistic smile on your face relentlessly, how you never grow tired, and he starts to think about what motivates it all. You were an average student like he is. What was there to smile about?
Class ends again like aways and much like other days, here you were following him like a newborn puppy. Most days he ignored you, but that day he didn’t bother trying. Instead, he felt a sense of gratitude. 
“Does this mean you’ll let me have your insta now?”
Not stopping in his stride, he flattens out his hand in your direction. “Phone.”
“Really?” You ask as happily as a child, already taking it out and unlocking it before handing it to him.
He immediately pulls up your contact list and adds himself in, his name as plain and straightforward as possible. He hands it back to you. “I put in my number. I don’t have Instagram.”
“That’s fine! I can call you all the time now.”
You try retrieving it before he pulls it away with an authoritative expression.  “Not all the time.”
“Alright, alright.” Finally grabbing hold and editing the name by adding a heart to the end. “So, what’s the rest of our day look like?”
Present day Christmas Eve
Your relationship with Jihoon now was hard to put into words. You were no longer classmates, and now you even wonder if you are even classified as friends. Your history was everything but nothing all at once. If you had a gun pointed at your head, your brain wouldn’t process the answer fast enough to save yourself. Just exactly what were you to each other? Better yet, what were you to him.”
“What’s up?”
He could hear your signature chipper on the other line, somehow weirdly nostalgic. “You called me.”
“I know, but it’s Christmas Eve, what are you doing?”
“Mmh, just, around.”
You scratch your head at his vague answer. Jihoon was indeed a man of few words but not that few. “You’re alone, aren’t you?”
Jihoon may have forgotten about the holidays coming around the corner and made no plans, but that was easy being the workaholic he was. He clears his throat, lingering in the awkward silence he’s put upon himself, “…Well—“
You shake your head at him as if he could see you, “Oh god, you are. I’m coming over.”
He could hear you rustling in the background, eyes rapidly blinking at his realization. “W-w-why?”
“Well, because.” You answer, the rattle of your keys heard through the phone.
He blinks, awaiting for other words to follow only for them to never do. “Because?”
“Yeah. Because.” You bite your lips, hoping he doesn’t hear how hard you’re smiling. 
“…Don’t you have plans?”
You hum, breaking out into that smile you tried suppressing. “I do. With you.”
Last year of college
“Why the hell not?”
Jihoon was open about being a hermit. He didn’t make an effort to go to places like parties, clubs, or even school events. Not that he didn’t get invited, because he had plenty of invites, trust him. He just thought it was a desperate attempt for most people to do the inevitable: get drunk, get laid, or get embarrassed. 
“I don’t like parties.”
“But I’ll be there.” You tug his arm, pleading with him with your eyes.
He pulls himself away from your grasp. “More than enough reason not to go.”
“You love me don’t lie. I’m the light of your life.”
The unamused look on his face told you otherwise but despite the protests, you convince him somehow to come through. Never in this lifetime did he think someone could persuade him to willingly go to a frat party and now here he was with his peers, who were all drunk and out of their minds, including you.
You had plenty of drink, quickly becoming one with the music and atmosphere that almost worried the introvert. If you weren’t careful and he hadn’t been around, who knows what would’ve happened? Even if you had been annoying, you became tolerable, he desire no ill will disposed on you.
You cling to him harsher than you usually do, which he let happen. The stench of cheap beer and wine coolers staining your clothes and breath. Jihoon knew who could’ve been in a better situation, but at this moment it could’ve been worse. If not for you, there’d be more people coming up to him that he could help without pestering him to drink, play beer pong, or something of the equivalent. You were more than the perfect excuse to do no more socializing than necessary. So as far as he knew it, tonight should’ve been just fine.
“Jihoon…Jihoon…” You play chopsticks on his shoulders, imagining them as a big piano.
“What?” He answers, nudging you off him.
You drape your limp arms over him. Your hot breath tickles his cheeks, which on grew pinker from the body heat. “I’m like, super, fucked…”
Of course, the downside of all this was you were drunk enough on behalf of everyone else attending this party combined.
He rolls his eyes knowingly, a taut grin on his face as he tried helping you from falling over in your seat. “I know. I was there when you almost drank yourself to death.”
“But, but…I have a secret…shhhh, don’t tell anyone.”
He shrugs his shoulders, mindlessly tending and listening to the ramblings of a drunk college student. “Who would I tell?”
You stabilize yourself against him, cupping a hand to his ear. “To be honest…I like you a lot…”
He softly scoffs in disbelief. He pushes away sweaty strands of your hair away from your forehead before flicking it lightly, tossing you back with a giggle leaving your lips. “I see…Well, that’s a shame. I tolerate you.”
You pout childishly, latching to his bicep helplessly, “That’s okay...”
He pinches his nose, “…You reek of alcohol.”
“I should reek of you.” 
“That made absolutely no sense.” He says, playing dumb.
“It means…I want to kiss you.”
He didn’t like how that affected him. Even with his sobriety, he could feel how his heart’s pace match yours without delay. This awe-stricken gaze in your eyes he couldn’t comprehend paired with the sweet image of your puckered lips aiming towards his face. Why was he even a little bit tempted? 
His palm falls flat against your lips, protecting you, and maybe even himself, from a mistake waiting to happen. “…You’re drunk…You’ll forget all this next morning.”
And that’s what happened. After that night, you puked your guts out, holding on to the toilet bowl for dear life, and were knocked out soon after with the aid of Jihoon and your dormmates. You don’t remember a wink of that night, waking up the next day with a headache and Tylenol with water by your bedside. You don’t remember your drunk confession, or the way you openly threw yourself at him, nor the look in his eyes when you admitted it. 
Jihoon, however, remembered everything. It haunted him. He feared it happening ever again. He couldn’t like you and you weren’t supposed to like him. It was better off this way. Right?
Present day Christmas Eve
Although a lot of things changed, a lot still didn't. Jihoon still didn’t drink, but he had to have been drunk if you were actually standing in the middle of his apartment right now with a grocery Christmas ham and a carton of eggnog (the worst possible combination by the way). Your all too familiar smile woke up the pit of his stomach that was vacant when he last saw you. It brought back that same fear again. A part of himself wanted to close the door on you but every other fiber in being was resilient against it. 
So now here you were, heading to his kitchen, placing the eggnog in his fridge, and taking out the grocery ham from its packaging. “I’d have more food, but I was in charge of the ham and eggnog this year. The turkey’s less popular cousin and the season’s choice of drink: dairy…I obviously got the shorter straw. Ha-ha mom and dad.”
His eyes just curiously followed your every move, wondering what made you decide to be here of all places after all this time. You raid his cabinets like it's your own home, taking out a small sum of food he had, thinking to yourself that you could probably conjure up something appetizing. Otherwise, it was gonna be coke zero for dinner, which didn’t sound too bad at this point. “Thank god you have more than ramen in here. I was worried I was gonna have to throw you an intervention after visiting.”
“What are you doing here, Y/n?” He finally asks.
You look up from your busy hand and meet his eyes, still unreadable and solemn. “I’m celebrating Christmas with you.”
“Why not–Oh my god, you have a tree.” You approach his barely hanging tree that was only a foot taller than its owner. “This is…cute. Questionable how it’s still standing, but cute.”
He raises a brow, “Now, you’re insulting my tree?”
“I said it's cute, didn't I?”
Jihoon felt his lips twitch in an almost smile. “You’re annoying as always.”
“Nice seeing you too Jihoon.”
Last year in December 
“Funny. I thought you two would be going out by now, not, what’s his face, Wonwoo.”
You were often seen around the guy, chatting, laughing, and sympathizing. Wonwoo was part of your Latin History lecture and he knew how to keep you entertained. Rumor had it that you were seen spending more than platonic time together. It was almost the amount of time you were used to spending with Jihoon, if not more.
“Yeah, well. Up to them.”
Soonyoung looked back at his roommate with concern. Despite Jihoon having not said a word, His feelings for you were blossoming before Soonyoungs eyes and he finds his roommates wandering your presence. He felt the shorter man open up more because of you and maybe he could find his own happiness someday. 
It was all until Wonwoo came into the picture. Tall, handsome, and sensitive. Untouchable, compare to Jihoon. 
“He’s not even all that …okay, that’s a lie. I’m huffing copium right now, he’s gorgeous,” he admits as he scrolls through the spoken man’s instagram.
“What’s your point, Soonyoung?”
Jihoon lacked life in his eyes and if it was possible, Soonyoung could’ve heard his own heart shatter at the sight.
“Just..hang in there, buddy.” The blonde pats his peer on the back, and his ineffective reassurance goes unnoticed.
Whatever the hyperactive roommate meant was none of Jihoon’s concern. He was busy ignoring the erupting feelings he had for you. To make the matter worse, he had to deal with the fact that he perhaps lost the many chances to act on his feelings. For all he knew, Wonwoo could’ve been the real deal.
But then again, that wasn’t any of his business.
“Hey stranger,” You sit beside him in a place you were both familiar with. 
He smells the whiff of hot cocoa with a hit of peppermint emitting from your cup. It was your usual. You placed it next to his toffee latte, sweeter than what he’s used to, but free of charge thanks to Seokmin who oozed desire for validation. He convinced himself that it was the caffeine making his heart twitch. “Hey.”
“Excited for winter break?”
“That’s…a word to describe it for someone.” He veers back to his laptop, pretending to work.
“What no plans again?” You pester with a playful smile, leisurely sipping.
Jihoon simply shrugs. “No.”
This was your favorite time of year and you believed everyone deserved to have a good time on this specific occasion. Every year, you spent it with family, presents, and dinner, just cherishing everything you had to be grateful for. It was contrary to Jihoon who had spent alone every year since college. His family was thousands of miles away from him and a ticket to reach them would've cost a leg and an arm. This was a lonely season for him.
“How about spending the holiday with me and my family this year?”
He pauses his movement to look up at you, your smile lets his infatuation for you fester like a disease, grinning cheek to cheek in that cute way it does which was indescribably delightful. He could feel his heart swell, the sweat on his forehead pour, and the unsettlement of his legs shake. It was only some time ago he came to terms with his feelings but the truth of the matter was he was never good with feelings. They were too intense for him to understand and he knew that only meant immense disappointment in the end. He wasn’t willing to take that chance.
“I think you should be with Wonwoo.” He returns back to his screen, typing the same word over and over again, “Good reason to check out the lights they put out in town.”
You scoff, your heart swelling for an entirely different reason. “Do you really mean that? You really rather I spend Christmas with Wonwoo than with you?”
There was this look in your eye and sternness in your tone. He had never heard something like that come out of you before, but he couldn’t help it. Self-sabotage came out naturally at this point. You being hurt was only momentarily, he reassures himself. He was doing the both of you a favor.
“Yeah. I think that’s the best use of your time.”
You pick yourself up to leave, tears brimming your eyes before finally walking towards the exit where the windchimes followed.  The cold winter air hit you like a slap in the face, quickly drying the hot tears that came running down your cheeks. 
This was it for you. You were done trying. For good this time.
Present day, Christmas Eve 
When you insisted on helping him fix up his tree, you noticed how pretty looked under the Christmas fluorescent lights. He never realized that until now. Probably because he never had the chance. 
Your attention to detail was admittedly admirable. He was glad that part of you hadn’t changed. 
“I thought about this probably a thousand times, you know.”
“What?” Jihoon entertains.
You step down from the stepping stool to put it away after you gave the tree some finishing touches. Thank god for the popcorn in his pantry. “Spending Christmas with you. It was really hard to come here. And I'm not talking about several feet of snow I had to plow through to get here.” 
“Why would you do that for me?”
You scoff, finding it ridiculous how easily he ignores the obvious. “I don’t know. Because you’re my friend. You deserve a nice Christmas. I like doing things out of the good of my heart. Like I was gonna leave you alone? Again?”
“What about you? Didn’t you have anyone to celebrate with?”
You roll your eyes. “Not the point.”
“Seems like the major point.” He retorts, almost sounding amused.
You sigh, walking towards him, “Yeah, everyone else canceled on me, but I’m glad that out of everyone you were available.”
“So I was last choice?”
You furrow your brows. “No, god, could you drop it? ”
“Just why spend Christmas here then?”
“Because I like you!” You shake your body furiously as you threw a tantrum, close to pulling your hair out from the roots. “God, knows why? You’re cold, mean, and distant. You couldn’t be more disinterested and it’s infuriating.”
“Why like me then?”
You body goes limp, clenching your fist helplessly, “I don’t know. Sometimes you were nice to me. It felt nice. And I hope that maybe…that meant something. Then you’d go ignore me like I did something wrong…I never had to work for it before.”
You felt your head spinning in circles. You were too old for this shit. You weakly falling to your knees, Jihoon quickly following to meet your level. “H-hey–”
“I thought if I approached you enough maybe you’d like me back. No matter how hard I tried, you wouldn’t do anything! God, was I naive and stupid. I should’ve never had co—“
Jihoon leans forward and kisses you square center on your lips, stealing your words and breath away. The pressure of his plush cushion makes your frustration dissipate; his hand takes the side of your head, stroking you tenderly. He parts from you when he feels your body calm down, looking back into your eyes glistening in the tears you didn’t realize you had shed.
“Maybe they worked…so your methods weren’t all terrible.”
You were the quiet one for once. His rare smile perks up his face, eyes filled with love and sincerity. You gaze at him as he hugs your cheek with his hands and wipes your tears away with the pads of his thumbs. He embraces your shaking body, soothing your back with the cool palm of his hand.
“...You’re such an asshole.”
“I know. I’m sorr—”
You tug on his sweater to reclaim him, melting into his sweet warmth, finally. You were over the moon. It only took you roughly five years. You finally had him where you wanted and now you were never willing to let him go. Five years all worth the wait.
Present day, New Year’s Eve
“Mmh, hmm…”
“Are you sure you’re getting this all down?”
Jihoon chuckles at your disposal. The vibrations of his soft laughter vibrate through your core and are quickly followed by the harsh stripe guided by his tongue. His arms underneath and around your thighs had your legs pressed against his cheeks, thumb teasing the shape of your clit before he’s pinching it as he engorges on your warmth. You hold the phone away from you briefly to whisper a ‘good god,’ and return to the conversation at hand.
“And you’re making sure Jihoon’s going. How did you manage that?”
“Oh,” you chuckle nervously, “just some, mmh, convincing.”
“Knew you could do it. He always did have a soft spot for you. Well, let me know what exactly you do also because I’ve been trying to get him to DJ my wedding all year—“
“Oh…right,” you bit your lips when you feel Jihoon’s tongue fuck inside you, tasting your insides and spreading you open. 
His grunts were soft but coherent, exhibiting the satisfaction he was tasting inside you, sucking against your folds, dribbling his spit and your moisture all over his chin and neck. He can’t help but dig deeper, getting his nose in the action. He practically loses all his senses at this point, but he didn’t care; not that he couldn’t breathe, or how his heart pounded, or that you were on the phone with someone. You were worth the wait.
“Anyways, when are you coming?”
“Oh…soon…” You slur, hardly listening to a word.
Jihoon snickers.
“Great, because I know I said seven but since you’re bringing—“
Jihoon snatches the phone from you and puts the phone mic next to his swollen lips, “We’ll get there when we get there, Seungkwan.”
“Wait, Jihoon? You were with—wait are y’all l—YOU NAST—“
Jihoon hangs up before the younger man can finish, tossing the phone randomly somewhere on the bed, and is finally able to let you finish.
“B-baby…he definitely knows now…” you whine.
“Fuck, if I care. Just focus on me, hmm, you taste so fucking good.”
He brings your legs up to leverage you in the air. On his knees and your legs on either of his shoulders, he devours you ambitiously, fingers fucking your knuckles deep in until he feels you shake an earthquake. You shout his name without remorse, begging for more.
“I’m really about to cum, Jihoon. Please, can I?”
Your voice laced with honey, you look up at him with tears in your eyes, sweat beading down your forehead, Jihoon couldn't help but let you do whatever you want with him. “...In my mouth.”
He latched himself on you, tongue fucking your insides as he ran his fingers rampage along with it. Your hips twitch in his embrace until you're practically thrashing in bed, clutching pillows, throwing them aside, lacking almost all control of your limbs. When he comes back up to the surface for air, he’s wiping the mess on his face with the back of his hand.
“You’re a mess,” You laugh, heaving your chest.
“Speak for yourself.”
You snicker only to quickly be brought back to reality. “We do need to get those groceries though. Seungkwan needs them.”
He raises a brow at you, readjusting his legs to pin you by your wrist, that smile to first appear a few days ago not seeming to waver in the slightest. “Sounds like I haven’t tire you out enough.”
“I have more work to do.”
Giggling, you feel him embracing your sweaty form beneath him, peppering kisses all over you neck and cheeks until the finally reach your lips, chasteful compared to the event just few moments ago. You smile against his kiss, “I guess we still have some time?”
He strokes your hair, kissing your forehead. “Of course, to make up for the times when we didn’t.”
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sketchy-rosewitch · 1 year
Play With Me Like a Child: Carly Jones x Bo Sinclair
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Warnings: Carly and Bo are both 18, PinV, fingering, Bo somewhat being Bo, (anything else I missed please tell me)
A/N: Day 3! day 3 day 3 day 3! dayyyy 3! I changed this idk how many times and landed on Carly x Bo so now y’all get this!
Haunted Hoedown Masterlist
Day 3
Previous: Anything for You: Corey Cunningham x afab!gn!reader
Next: ai!android!Captain Denninger x afab!gn!reader
The school bell rings and Carly is quick to get up and make her way to her locker to grab the rest of her things.
Nick told her not to wait up on him, he and Dalton were going to be hanging out tonight. Carly took this chance at lunch to ask Paige is she wanted to hang out. Unfortunately her and Blake were going on a date tonight.
Which means Carly is going to be alone. She hasn’t been alone on a Friday night since her freshman year. But last week changed everything. Her and Wade finally had a serious talk about him coming to New York with her.
Wade didn’t take it well, he spent the whole year trying to avoid this talk knowing sooner or later it’d have to come. Last week was when it came and Wade tried so hard to get Carly to stay and Carly tried so hard to get Wade to go. They couldn’t come to a conclusion and it ended in their break up.
The whole school caught on quickly to it, but that wasn’t saying much as their class alone was only 75 students. Still, it was embarrassing. Everyone and their mother thought Wade and Carly would never break up, that they’d be High School Sweethearts. Now that they weren’t together anymore she could hear whispers of people wondering if true love really did exist.
Did Carly and Wade really set the bar that high?
The dirty blonde girl sighs as she frustratingly opens her locker. She puts the text books she doesn’t need away and pulls out homework she didn’t finish in class that she’d have to do over the weekend. One more month of this shit, then she was free.. until September that is, but even then it’s be a whole new set of work.
The teen jumps slightly and looks to her right. Her eyes roll to the back of her head and she slams her locker shut.
“What do you want Sinclair?” She looks at him with her brow raised. The brunet has a crooked smile on his face. Carly knows how charming it is, but so does every other girl at this school.
“Just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out tonight.” He replies, shrugging nonchalantly. Carly maneuvers around him and makes her way to the school’s entrance.
“Why would I wanna hang out with you?” She asks, not even trying to hide her annoyance. The oldest Sinclair brother catches up to her and begins to walk at a similar pace as Carly.
“Cause you don’t have anything better to do.” He answers, Carly glares up at him, making Bo snort. “Listen, I don’t have anything better to do either. You’re free, I’m free. I’m single, you’re single. We can go out tonight. Everything is on me.”
“Are you serious? A week after I’ve been broken up with and you wanna ask me out?”
Bo stops in his tracks and laughs stupidly at himself. “Shit, I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that.”
Carly is quick to turn around. “What did you mean by it then? Huh? You think this is some joke?” Her face turns red from embarrassment and anger. Instead of Bo getting pissed back at her, he holds his hands up.
“No, hun, I just think you need to have a fun night out is all. Relax a bit.”
The teen takes a deep breath and looks down. “Fine. But none of your, ‘Sinclair funny business’.”
“Anything for you. I’ll pick you up at 6.”
A truck horn honks loudly outside of Carly’s house making her cringe. Of course Bo had to let everyone in Ambrose know that Carly Jones was hanging out with him.
She grabs her satchel with money and her phone and walks downstairs. “Who’re you hanging out with?” Her mom asks. It’s not suspicious, yet Carly’s heartbeat picks up pace.
“Just Paige.” She smiles and goes to hug and kiss her mom on the cheek. Her mom would murder her if she found out she was actually hanging out with a Sinclair boy.
“Okay, well. Have fun tonight and be careful!”
The teen nods her head and leaves the house. Bo’s truck blasts heavy metal music and if Carly’s mom had come out here. She would’ve known right away her daughter was lying to her.
Nervously the girl opens the passenger’s door and she gets in. Her classmate turns down the music and starts to back out of the driveway.
“You look good.” He comments as he drives down the small town roads. She looks at Bo who wears a flannel with rolled up sleeves and jeans.
“You too. Your uh-hair is nice.”
God, why is she so nervous. This isn’t a date, she literally grew up with him too.
Bo smirks and combs his fingers through his curls. “Thanks.”
“So, where are we going tonight?” Carly asks, her fingers fumble with a loose string on her shirt.
“There’s a lake a few miles out. Figured we could shoot some cans and talk for a bit. Brought picnic shit too.”
“Mmm, you sure this isn’t a date?” Carly teases. She doesn’t mean to be but she ends up sounding more annoyed than playful when asking the question.
Honestly what he was taking her to do sounded a lot more fun than doing homework. It actually sounded more fun than what Wade usually had planned. A movie of some sort, it was always one in town, one at his house, or one of those drive-ins. Those would get so boring after so long and it wasn’t like they did anything together. Any advances she made would get brushed off.
“It’s whatever you want it to be.”
Bo parks the truck under some trees and gets out, Carly following close behind him. He grabs his shotgun and a bag and the two of them start to walk into a large field.
“Over by the peach tree.” Bo points. “I found this spot years ago, I take my brothers here sometimes. I’m surprised no one else has found it yet.”
“Why bring me here then?” Carly asks.
“You won’t tell anyone. Paige is just as city girl as you are so why would she come out here? Nick hasn’t hung out with you in years and Wade.. well ya know.” Bo explains, he sets down his gun against the tree and drops the bag next to it.
“Well why aren’t your brothers here?” Carly yells, Bo is yards away setting up the cans again, he glares at Carly but she doesn’t back down from her question when he doesn’t answer.
She flops down in a shitty lawn chair as Bo comes back up.
“Nuh-uh-uh. You’re up first.” Bo gestures his hands towards himself, he grabs his shotgun and hands it to Carly.
Carly looks down at it and then over at Bo. “I’ve never-“
“God, you really are a city girl.” Bo teases, his signature crooked smile comes in his face. Carly’s stomach churns and her face gets a bright pink in embarrassment.
“I’m not, I grew up with you Sinclair! I just never learned how to shoot a gun.” Carly grumbles. Her grip tightens defensively on the barrel of the gun.
“Well that’s just bad parenting. Come on. I’ll teach ya.”
Carly and Bo walk so they’re facing towards the old shitty fence with the cans on top of it. He takes the gun from Carly’s hands and sets it down. “Do this.” Bo crosses his arms but holds his elbows up and Carly mimics Bo. She watches closely as Bo takes his hand and pokes next to her shoulder but below her collar bone. “Gonna want the butt of the gun right here. It’s gotta be comfortable.” He says. “Your feet like this.” One toe faces forward and the other is pointed right slightly. Again Carly mimics Bo, not wanting to fuck anything up and get herself or even him killed. “Good.”
The teen’s heart swells but she shuts down the emotion immediately. Bo hands her the gun and puts her hands where they need to be, the emotions she feels for Bo coming right back up as if she didn’t just get out of a relationship just last week.
“Gotta keep both eyes open. Right eye stares right down the barrel.”
Carly nods her head. The brunet goes behind her and looks at her stance. She feels his eyes wandering, making her gulp. “If you think this is some way to check me out you have another thing coming, cause who’s the one with the gun Sinclair.” Carly’s tone is defensive. She’s scared, she can’t fall in love again, not when she’s going to be leaving this small town and especially not when it’s Bo Sinclair, who is far worse than any man out there.
Except if he’s so bad, why’d she go somewhere with him… alone.
“I ain’t gonna do shit, I’m makin’ sure you’re not gonna hurt yourself. Geez.” Bo sighs. She can tell he’s shaking his head at her. “I want you aiming at that rusty can in the middle.”
Carly listens her eye focuses on the can. “Safety off.”
She turns it off and shoots, the bullet hits just below the can. Into the wood of the fence. She aims again, this time higher and shoots. The can knocks down.
“Hell yeah!” Bo whistles with his teeth excitedly. “There we go!” Carly’s adrenaline picks up and she blushes.
The two manage to shoot cans for a couple of hours before they sit down and eat dinner.
“Ain’t much but it’s what I make Vincent and Les when we come out ‘ere.” Bo says biting into the chicken salad sandwich he made. Carly takes a bite too and leans back in the lawn chair.
The sun is starting to set, she looks at it then over at Bo. “Why didn’t they come?” She can’t help but ask about his brothers again, Bo’s quiet. She knows he’s reluctant to answer.
“Vincent’s getting caught up with the Wax Museum and Les made some friends of his own.” Bo replies. Carly nods in acknowledgment. “Is it true why Wade broke up with you?” Bo asks, he finishes up his sandwich and takes a sip of his beer which Carly never commented on.
“You mean him not wanting to go to New York with me? Yeah.” She answers, honestly up until now she forgot about Wade’s existence. She didn’t feel anything towards him anymore. Originally she was sad but now, who cares? He was never going to change his mind and she should’ve known that from the beginning of their relationship Freshmen year.
“He’s fuckin’ dumb.”
Carly furrows her brows and looks at Bo. “How so?”
“Because, he had one chance to get the hell outta here. Honestly if my girlfriend asked me if I wanted to go to college with her, I would’ve! Ambrose doesn’t provide shit. You get a whole new life away from this place and he takes it for granted.” Bo rants, he’s now standing up and pacing, Carly shrugs.
“Yeah, guess he wasn’t feeling it.” Carly mumbles, Bo looks at her.
“He didn’t deserve you. Fuckin’ hope you know that.” He huffs and shakes his head. Carly finishes her sandwich and chugs down her water.
“Yeah and that’s why I broke up with him Sinclair. Let’s just, forget about it, okay?”
The boy nods his head and takes another sip of his beer. Carly looks up at the peach tree and looks to see a single peach hanging from a branch.
“I can get it for you, if you want it.”
Carly feels how close Bo is behind her.
“Oh no! I was just-“
Bo drops his beer bottle on the dirt and climbs into the tree impulsively. Carly gasps.
“Bo! Get down here, I don’t want you hurting yourself!” She squeaks. On the ground she follows Bo as he walks and crawls to the branch where the ripe peach hangs.
“Oh god, please it’s not even that far of a drop!” Bo shakes the branch with his legs making all sorts of reactions come from Carly. Bo chuckles and before she knows it, Carly has to stop because of the water. Bo reaches up to grab the peach and smirks once he does grab it and shows it off to Carly. She nervously plays with her dirty blonde hair.
“See, nothing to be afraid of.”
“Okay, stop showing off and get back down here!” Worry still laces the girl’s voice. It had every right to as she hears the tree branch snap and then a large SPLASH. She gasps and runs towards the water. “BO?!”
Quickly she toes off her boots and jeans and jumps into the water. It’s not to shallow and not to deep, but with the sun setting it was harder to see what was underneath.
Bo come up before Carly can fully give under. He wears a goofy smile and it still holding the peach for Carly. The fort blonde huffs at the brunet. “You’re not funny! I told you to be careful!” She starts to walk out of the water and grabs her clothes and boots. Bo comes out after her.
“I was very careful! And I got your peach. Bo combs his hair back and out of his face and Carly glares at him. He makes it really hard with how he’s looking at her, she really wants to smile but she still is a little pissed.
Bo waves the peach in her face and she takes it, biting into it. The juice falls from her lips, down her chin and onto her chest. She wipes her mouth and raises a brow holding the peach out for him to take a bite from. He eyes her and takes it, biting the same amount she did and feeling as the sticky nectar drips down his chin too. Carly takes another bite, but this time from his hand and he finishes it off.
When Bo done chewing he grabs Carly’s face and kisses her deeply. Her lips and his both tasting like the fruit they just ate. Carly doesn’t even hesitate, she knows what she wants. Her fingers entangle in Bo’s wet hair and she lets out a small moan.
“Let’s-let’s go back to my truck.” Bo mumbles breathlessly. Carly nods and everything is quickly packed up as the last part of the sun sinks under the horizon.
Bo chucks the bag and gun in the bed of the truck before opening the hatch and lifting Carly onto it. Messily he kisses and licks at Carly’s jaw, his wet clothes getting thrown off in the process. He easily unclips Carly’s bra and she slips it off. When Bo’s hands reach her panties though both of them stop, panting and staring into each others eyes.
“Do you-“
“I’m a virgin.”
Bo backs up and looks at her. “You’re tellin’ me Wade had one of the prettiest girls in Ambrose and he didn’t fuck her once?” He growls. Carly nods her head.
“Got on birth control cause he said he wanted to. He never took my advances though so I never asked.”
“Such a goddamn cuck.” Bo rolls his eyes. Cary laughs which makes Bo smile. “Do you want me to?” His face drops into something genuine and it makes Carly happy.
She looks away but then back at Bo. “Yeah. I’m sick of waiting.”
Bo is slow with her. He grabs her hips and pulls down her panties. He stairs at her dark and hairy mound and almost drools, his thick sigh it’s dipping between her legs and pushing into her. She feels her pussy stretch and grabs onto Bo’s arm.
It feels good, so much better than her own fingers.
Bo’s thumb circles her clit lightly causing Carly to squirm and let out a tiny squeal. He leans down and kisses her cheek. “So tight. Gonna take good care of you.” He promises. Carly nods, her mouth wide open yet she’s unable to speak as his fingers curl in her. Wet noises come from her pussy as he pleasures her and she lets out breathy moans.
“God, I wanna fuck this pussy. This is a good pussy. So goddamn tight.” Bo growls into her ear and bites on her jaw lightly.
He pulls his fingers out and sucks on them as he adjusts himself, getting ready to fuck into Carly.
Carly looks at his huge cock then up into Bo’s blue eyes.
“Don’t worry. I don’t wanna hurt ya. I’ll be slow.”
Slowly Bo slides into Carly and she arches her back. Both of them letting out loud moans. She takes his face in her hands and pulls him down, kissing him messily. Without warnings Bo starts to grind into Carly.
The dirty blonde doesn’t care, she rolls her hips into him and lets out soft pants. Bo’s cock stretches her out with every thrust. Bo kisses and licks her neck gripping onto her hips trying to get more leverage. The truck creaks and groans underneath them.
“You feel so good around me. Squeezin’ me just right city girl.”
The nickname causes Carly’s pussy to pulsate around Bo making him groan more and almost fall on top of her. He keeps thrusting, his hand moves up and thumb caresses her nipple before he pinched it lightly. Carly yelps in surprise which signals Bo not to stop.
Carly’s legs start to shake as she feels her stomach tighten and she starts to sweat.
“I’m gonna cum. Please.” He pinches her nipple again.
“Fuck, yeah you are. You gonna cum around my cock? You gonna let me cum in you?”
Bo’s nose nuzzles against Carly’s cheek and he gives her a wet kiss. She nods and Bo smirks.
“Gotta hear you say it.”
Carly moans and Bo slows down slightly.
“Come on. Then you can cum.”
Carly wiggles trying to get more friction but Bo’s hands hold her in place. “Fuck.. fuck Bo just cum in me! Make me yours!” Carly screams, Bo starts up his pace again and it takes Carly right over the edge. Her back arches as her pussy spasms. She lets out high pitched squeals and cries into the night sky.
Bo falls over the edge rig after her. He bucks repeatedly into her pussy, filling her up just right. He grunts and falls onto her.
“Fuck you felt so good.” He sounds out of breath.
Bo looks at Carly and caresses her face, moving her sweaty hair out of it. He slides out of her causing her to whine. “Sorry, I gotta get you cleaned up.” He says, getting up, he grabs his flannel and wipes her pussy clean. He then pulls Carly back on top of him and the two lay there like that. The night air feeling warm against their skin.
“Do you wanna come to New York with me?”
Carly lets out a small gasp, no, she didn’t mean to ask Bo that. Not at all. No, that’s embarrassing, she tries to get up, but neither Bo or her own body let her.
Instead she hears Bo laughing, she can tell his nose is scrunched up.
“Ask me again in August. I think it’s too soon for you to think you’d wanna room with me.”
Carly opens her mouth to speak but shuts it again and nods. Bo plays with her hair and kisses her head a few times. The two lay there almost all night talking about everything and anything which each other. Catching up on all those years they despised each other.
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herrscherofsentence · 2 years
Noel Gruber x Male Reader
(platonic !)
summary ; read request
Warnings ; Minor description of injury, implied mentions of blood, character death, angst w/o comfort
A/N- Apologies but I decided to completely redo this :) enjoy !
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[Name] tugged at his bowtie, his heart completely raising it felt as if he was just going to burst down into tears at any moment. He stepped through the doors that lead to the choir room, expecting maybe one or two kids his age but atlas he was the youngest one in that room. He made eye contact with one or two members in that room but none of them exactly talked to [Name]. Noel seemed to notice the newest and youngest member of the choir all alone, the newest member of the choir seemed to have been on his phone and that's when Noel noticed what [name] was looking at it was just some prompts that could be used for novels.
[Name] stayed quiet when noticing Noel coming up to him, “Hey,” Noel said in a light voice, “What are you doing?” he questioned, [Name] looked up, at a loss for words. What was he supposed to say? In the end all [Name] did was give Noel a notebook that showed a rough draft of the novel he was working on. “It’s inspired by some of those..French cinema movies..” [Name] said quietly, Noel immediately got interested in what he had to say. “I need to know, What is your favorite movie in that genre?” Noel sat down next to [Name].
[Name] and Noel eventually got closer to each other, before the two knew it, it was already close to the end of the school year. Noel always came to [Name]’s side if he noticed someone was making fun of him, possibly coming up with some nasty rumor then they wouldn’t annoy [Name] anymore. Noel was like a worried parent if [Name] would get injured or it being something as simple as him falling. [Name] was Noel unofficial adopted freshman and [Name] was happy.
“I’m feeling a little sick..” Noel admits, this gets the younger one’s attention, “I”ll go for you,” He offers to Noel, Noel tries to deny but eventually comes to terms with [Name]. Noel will stay on the sidelines as [Name] rides on the Cyclone with the other members of the choir. It took a moment to notice it, when it derailed..One second joy the next, panicked screams, fear filled his eyes. [Name] was launched out of the cart but it didn’t stop the cart landing on top of him. The world started to fade in front of him, a crimson taste fell into his mouth, What was happening? Red kept spilling out of him, tears threatened to fall. “Noel..!” [Name] tried to yell out, it even hurt to speak..Wait? Where was Noel? There was no response so perhaps Noel didn’t hear him or went to safety as the derailment happened.
It felt as if he just blinked before waking up in a hospital room. Bandage wrap covered almost the entirety of his body, it felt as if some covered his head. [Name] could barely move a limb in his body, how many bones were broken? There was still a phantom type of pain from the cart being on top of him. A doctor came in to check in on [Name], to the doctor’s surprise [Name] was awake. “Where’s Noel..?” he managed to squeak out, breathing heavily. The news is revealed to him, a new no one would ever want to hear, Noel was dead. In the fall he saw [Name] get launched out and only focus was on the youngest member of the choir. The now derailed cart ended up falling right on top of Noel, crushing all of his bones and organs; all they could identify Noel with was his head. Which was the only part of him which showed.
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falconcoast · 2 years
thin ice | childe x reader | epilogue.
epilogue. skating on
a year after your engagement, it’s official: you and childe are married. in your first interview from getting back from your honeymoon in fontaine, you and your newly married husband answer some of your fans’ questions together.
a/n: welcome to the actual end of thin ice. first, i’d like to give my thanks. thank you to everyone who sent in a question. thank you for those who left the sweetest reblogs and comments on every chapter :) thank you to everyone who read this as it was posted or on a late night binge. i am so happy to present you the finale of thin ice.  
warnings; none 
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the studio had a simple white backdrop the color of ice, which stood in contrast to the vibrant red color of the couch you sat on. various lights beamed down, capturing only your best angles. you brushed down some lint off of your leggings, hands running up and down the black fabric.
in the light, your engagement ring and wedding band caught the light in a dazzling glimmer. the golden metal went nicely with your skin tone, and the diamond was so shiny that it could reflect your face. admiring it, you turned to face your new husband. his gaze was already on yours, affectionately looking at you already. silently, your hand slid towards his to hold. letting out a soft laugh, he kissed your cheek as the camera blinked on.
“three, two, one, action!” the director called as he snapped the clapboard.
“hi, i’m two-time gold medalist in hockey, four-time collegiate champion, former rookie of the year, current national association’s most outstanding player of the year, three-time national cup winner, number 11, forward, and captain of the fatui harbingers, and most importantly, husband to the lovely y/n l/n, tartaglia, aka childe,” your new husband announced, holding up your hand with your wedding band for emphasis.
facepalming, you sighed and looked at the camera. “hi, i’m three-time gold medalist, three-time and defending national and world champion in ice skating, two-time international crown trophy winner, the association’s most outstanding skater of the year, diamond-ranked skater, and of course, spouse to childe,” you smiled slightly, offering a short wave. “and today, we’re answering questions that our fans have sent in today.”
looking at the director, he began with a question that you’d heard at least a million times since you’d been with childe. “how did you two meet?”
“oh, everyone just loves hearing this story, don’t they?” childe laughed. “well, we didn’t officially meet until senior year, but we had known about one another before then.”
“childe is a very messy person--” you started before getting abruptly cut off.
“anyways, since the beginning of freshman year at teyvat university, i reserved the rink late at night; maybe nine or ten o’clock. childe had the rink right beforehand. he always left out the nets, and i would death-stare him. those things are at least twenty pounds each and i was less than pleased to have to pick up after him.”
“we officially met early in our senior year,” he added. “it turns out that they had taught my baby brother, teucer, how to skate. that is, as we all know, my job as his older brother.”
“maybe you should’ve been faster about it,” you shrugged.
scowling, he continued. “i was pissed off at them. and then, the next day, coach zhongli managed to get them as our manager. the rest is history. we were enemies, then friends, then lovers. we really took our sweet time getting together, considering we were in close proximity for nearly forty hours a week.”
“so, what was your first date like?”
you laughed, pressing your lips into a smile. “it was, unlike what most people assume, not an ice skating date. actually, for the first three months of our relationship, we were long distance over the summer. we already had commitments by the time we figured out we were in love with one another, and couldn’t get around them.”
“so, we had a dinner date together, over the phone,” childe grinned, holding your hand.
“he mauled the fish that night. glad i wasn’t there.”
“i did not maul that fish.”
another question was prompted for the both of you. “you both are decorated skaters with a combined merit total of over 100 trophies, championship wins, medals, and ribbons. who would you consider the better skater?”
“me, obviously!” you both exclaimed. rolling your eyes at one another, you crossed your arms.
“we had this problem when we first met. we had coach zhongli from the university test how fast we could skate, only to tie.”
“i definitely beat them,” childe piped up. “and besides, i’ve won more national titles than you.”
“ah-ah, i still have more international titles than you!”
“yeah, well, hockey isn’t really an international sport!”
“so…” interrupted the director. “tied?”
sighing, you looked at one another. “sure,” you hesitantly said, side-eyeing your husband. “we’re tied.”
“next question: you were married recently and just came back from your honeymoon. how was it?”
“it was an intimate wedding, i would say,” he smiled. “we were married in the mondstadt countryside over the summer. a few family, friends, and our hockey team came together. my younger brother and sister were the ring bearer and the flower girl. it was really nice.”
“yes, it was quite nice for the first two hours,” you rolled your eyes with an affectionate smile. “until childe did a keg stand. he latched onto me like a baby for the rest of the night!”
“hey, i had to defend my title as keg stand king and i did exactly that. what is it to you?!”
“and your honeymoon?”
“we went to fontaine for a week. they have some really great food. we spent a lot of time just walking around the outskirts of the city, taking pictures of birds, going to a couple of bookstores and bistros, watching the knights obliterate the local hockey team…it was wonderful,” you smiled, holding onto your husband’s arm.
“moving on, what’s your sense of style?”
perking up, you tilted your head. “huh, never really thought about it!” you remarked. “i guess i usually go for something simple. a sweatshirt, maybe jeans if i’m feeling it. nothing too special.”
“same over here. i like my sweatshirts and plain pants. i don’t usually get fancy unless i have to be.”
“next question, do you have any interesting hobbies?”
“oh, easy,” you started, looking at your husband. “childe really likes looking after plants. in snezhnaya, there’s a very short spring and summer, meaning there’s not much time to grow anything, if at all. but in mondstadt, we have all four seasons. so, childe really likes looking after our plants. quite fond of basil right now.”
“it goes on everything,” he shrugged. “as for y/n, we bought another house out in mondstadt on cider lake. and they really, really, love skipping rocks on the lake. one time, when the sun came up, they were already out there throwing rocks. they also broke one of our windows because of it.”
“not my fault, you scared the living daylights out of me!”
the director cued another question. “what do you love most about one another?”
“awww, this one is so sweet,” childe replied, smile on his face. “i love that y/n is stubborn. they have this internal motivation that drives them to keep going. whether it’s skating, or getting a recipe right, or loving me, they don’t give up. ever. it’s a rare, beautiful trait to find in a person. and it just so happens that my love has it.”
covering your face, you groaned. “ugh, i hate that you make me feel like a puddle with a few words,” you muttered with a soft smile and heated cheeks. sitting up straighter, you looked your husband in the eyes. “well, i think childe’s impulsiveness is what i love about him most. i like to play things safe, i like routine, and i like things as they are. but childe just loves throwing a wrench in our plans, and it makes things interesting. sometimes, it’s taking a different way home after getting the groceries. sometimes, it’s landing dinner reservations in a different part of town. either way, it somehow balances us both out.”
“alright, last question. where do you go from here?”
stilling, you and childe did a double-take with one another before bursting out into a fit of giggles. “if you want me to be honest, we don’t really know. life is good as it is right now,” childe answered, running a hand through his hair. “we’ve got a great career, comfortable houses, loving spouses…i don’t know if i could ask for anything more.”
“same here. i don’t know either. i’ve been blessed with an amazing life,” you hummed. “but, whatever happens, whatever comes next, i’m happy to have childe by my side.”
as you kissed him on the cheek, you squeezed your hands together a little tighter. it was true, even before you had your rings on your fingers. both of you would be side-by-side for the rest of your lives.
and personally? you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“that’s a wrap, folks,” the director said, smiling. “y/n, childe, feel free to leave whenever you’re ready.”
“hey, childe?” you asked softly as he pulled you up from the red couch.
“yeah, y/n?”
“i love you,” you said earnestly, holding both of his hands.
“and you were complaining about me being sappy just a few minutes ago,” he said, rolling his eyes before pecking you on the lips. “i love you, too.”
you paused for a moment when he wrapped his arm around your waist, looking out the door. what you had said in the interview was true; you really didn’t know where you would go from here.
“hellooo? y/n?” childe said, snapping you out of your daze. perking up, you looked at him. “are you ready to go? i was thinking about having dinner somewhere in the city. what do you think? maybe some boba afterwards?”
but, more than anything in your eternally hectic life, childe would be right next to you. glancing at your rings, you made your grip firm.
grinning at him, you nodded. “as long as you’re with me, i’m always ready. i don’t mind where we go, as long as we end up together.”
he laughed, with a knowing smile.
“so...yes to getting boba?” 
rolling your eyes, you smiled as you walked out the door with your husband. 
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thank you!: @kawaiiloverpieclam @itadaklmasu @daninaninani @milkk-ttea @lowermoons @lilacshouko @rxsalinee @liyue-harbor @munchnuggle @dandelion-dreams @sunflower3216 @ttaechi @emanonwanderer @nonniechan @rockinaflock @dilucsz @domainofincandescence  @lovingcupcakeavenue @duhsies @song-of-storms162 @furblrwurblr @cleopatera @marianadibenea @softlybeloved @noodleshark420 @maiiikoo @milktea-and-toast @hellokittykuroo @mikologys @elinushka-ka @lvcielz @thetwinkims @neonnian @lowoluwu  @salamiwrites @omgmatiiii @feverish-dove
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lushta1es0nm3 · 1 year
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Warning: Mature! 18+ you have been warned
Genre: Straight up smut
A/N: Read at your own risk and if you choose to read please feel free to give feedback and request. Please enjoy. I decided to make a wallpaper to go with it, feel free to use it 🤗
It was a regular Friday night, you were with your friends, drinking and sharing your complaints and joys about life. Your phone had been going off for a solid twenty minutes, you’d put it on silent and tossed it into the bottom of purse. You knew who it was at this time of night on a Friday. He always called to get you to come to wherever he was to drink with his friends. It usually ended with you and him in a hotel room.
You’ve told yourself many times to stop running to this man whenever he called because afterwards he’d treat even more like shit. He’d gaslight you every time making you feel so small and useless. But today, for reasons unknown to you, you decided not to answer and ignore him. The best way to do so was to silence your phone and put it out of sight out of mind.
You sighed after laughing the story your friend told about her kid who’d just turned one. He was adorable and nearly a splitting image of her. It low key made you wonder where you’d be in a couple years if you decided to marry and start a family. But than those thoughts of hurt that this man and others had put into your head haunted you. You took a drink from the glass you were holding and sat it down, just as a familiar face appeared.
“Wow, I haven’t seen you guys in a while.” It was Seungsik and a few other guys. He smiled happily at everyone as it became a little louder with everyone passing greetings.
Seungsik……..the guy you crushed on freshman year of college all the way up until junior year when he started dating some other girl. He presence always made your stomach flutter, you used to get shy and become quiet. But not now, after some circumstances you took the innocent naive shy girl and locked her away somewhere in your heart for protection.
The conversations around the table were going smoothly as everyone laughed and talked like nothing changed. You’d add your own input every now and again, but you my dear, was too busy drinking, no work tomorrow, who gives a damn about a hangover right now.
Seungsik who was seated beside you noted how you weren’t slowing down so he quietly asked if you were okay and suggested you slow down. Your ass just smiled at him and nodded saying thanks for caring. Thinking to yourself, he really had no idea what was really going on in your head. The bar door opened and he, the guy you’d been currently ignoring walked in.
Seeing you next to Seungsik, who was sitting a little too close made this man jealous as fuck. He took it on himself to approach your table and call your name. You sighed, not completely wasted yet and looked up at him confused as to why he was there. Like did he intentionally track you down?
“Why haven’t you been answering your phone?” He frowned at you sounding aggressive.
You pushed your hair back and sighed a little, you wanted so badly to clown but you couldn’t curse him out, because he was of course your boss and your job laid in his hands. That alone was the reason you were always running to his every call after work hours. He was handsome and everything a girl could want on the outside, but the inside was a twisted disturbing pile of shit.
“Sir, it’s Friday,” you finally answers after the table was completely quiet, none of your friends knew who he was or what the connection between the two of you was, “I’m currently not on the clock and I don’t think it’s proper for me to answer work calls while drinking.” You sighed.
He stared at you for a moment ready to blow a fuse. He couldn’t because he didn’t want to blow his own cover. The only people that knew that the two of you were sleeping together was his friends and they dared not say a word either.
Your boss looked at Seungsik and back at you because you had unconsciously rested your head on his shoulder. He was angry because he felt like you belong only with him. I mean you’re his type, cute and quiet, easy to manipulate and mold into whatever he wanted you to be. But seriously though, this was why you locked that side of you away, you’d naively let your boss do you, saying it was a one time thing. That along with the fact that every guy you thought was for you always took what they wanted from you and left. So with that, more it happened the more you closed her off to become cold.
He sighed furiously before speaking, “Monday, we’ll talk about this Monday. You left work without finishing your report.”
You huffed out a small slur of curse words under your breath before speaking, “I hear you.” looking him dead in the eyes. Telling him to leave you the fuck alone, rebelling against him for the first time and so openly at that. Was it the alcohol, or was it because you’d finally had enough and you just wanted some peace? Maybe both….
He was about to say something further but his friends stopped him and told him to cool it . He obliged but reluctantly, if he had it his way he would’ve dragged you out, why, you were his, he molded you for his own purposes.
“Y/N,” Seungsik called your name softly, after some time had passed and everyone seemed to go back to normal. You looked at him, your vision a little hazy, he was very concerned about you, “you should go home, do you want me to walk you?” He added.
You smirked at him, and nodded, this was like old times, when he used to walk you to your dorm when you stayed out too late, he feared for your safety then and now. Only now, you sorta felt like he treated you like a sister of some sorts back then but that was completely wrong. He actually liked you and had feelings for you.
He thought you only saw him as friend, why, because you were different with him. Your body language and your tone seemed to change in his presence. You worked hard all the time and that’s what drew him to you, you smiled regardless of the circumstances and you were kind to everyone. Both of you misunderstood the others feelings, so when a random girl asked him out, he accepted it not knowing it had hurt you. You both stopped talking then and went your separate ways, one not wanting to get in the way of a relationship and the other trying to close his heart to the person he loved. Can I call foolishness!
Halfway home, you stopped and puked in a random bush while he patted your back. Some water and a sit down later, you were seemingly back to normal. Causing you to strike up a conversation to ease the worried look in his eyes away. It worked but as you made it to your building you noted the familiar car sitting out front of your apartment building. You sighed and your smile dropped a little, hoping Seungsik wouldn’t notice but he did as he glance at the car discreetly before speaking.
“Awe man,” he frowned looking at the time, “I missed the last bus home,” he paused and looked at you, before clearing his throat, “so you mind if I stay the night, I don’t think I have the energy to take cab” he threw his hands up in defense, “I won’t try anything I swear.”
You smacked your lips and glanced at the car again not wanting to deal with that man you pursed your lips before speaking, “I’m warning you, I have a cat and she doesn’t like meeting new people.” You responded with a small nod, what could it hurt? Not a thing right?………Wrong
After getting inside and settling down, you were a little surprised your cat didn’t strike up a fight or an intense glare of death at him. After finding the biggest set of clothing you had you gave them to Seungsik and headed to bed. Leaving him in the living room.
Now sis, somewhere in the later in the night, your phone rang and you answered it half asleep forgetting that Seungsik was in the living room supposedly asleep. But who can sleep when your cat was harassing him with her tail by sitting on the arm wrest where his head was and dangling it in his face and trying to lay on his head? Usually she’d sleep in the bed with you but tonight was very different.
“Hello,” you answered the call with your eyes halfway open.
“What game are you playing at!?” Your boss yelled in your ear, you could tell he was drunk.
“Its three am,” you sighed groggily after checking the time.
He laughed and then started going on a rampage belittling you and ripping you apart as usual. You’d sat up in bed quietly listening to him curse you out. You’d become so used to this you just took it without saying a word. When he was done making you feel small and unfit he ordered you to come down right now before hanging the phone up in your face.
You felt so tired and helpless at that moment, thinking to yourself maybe you were less. You dropped your phone down on your bed just as a single tear found a way to make its way down your cheek. Sighing you figured maybe you were still a little drunk because you’d long since given up on crying, because it didn’t seem to get you any where.
The bed shift as you wiped you face again, the tears kept coming, but no sound left your lips, nor did your body shiver as they kept coming. Hands reaching up and wiping them away brought back from the darkness you were drowning in. Looking at Seungsik you felt like nothing in front of him, so you pushed his hands away and turned your head away from him.
“How long has this been going on?” He asked. The man had heard everything in your quiet apartment, thanks to your cat that is. It seemed the cat was keeping him awake for a reason.
You didn’t utter a word as you finally took a deep breath and wiped your face one last time, preparing to get out of bed. Seungsik repeated the question more loudly and urgently making you stop and look at him. The cold part of you spoke without a second thought.
“It doesn’t matter—.” Your words were emotionless making his heart sink.
“Why, won’t you quit and find another job.” He urged.
You scoffed out a a false laugh, “Like that’s going to help. I don’t think you know how powerful he is.”
“Power or not,” Seungsik took your hand in his, “he has no right to treat you like this.”
“Well at least he doesn’t treat me like his guy friends.” You mumbled out wanting to hurt someone and make them feel like how you felt.
“What’s that supposed to mean.” Seungsik asked with narrowed eyes, his head tilting just a little.
You sighed deciding to be honest, thinking you’d never see him again and maybe it was now or never to tell him your feelings.
You took a deep breath before speaking, “I liked you,” you paused and dropped your head feeling low but wanting to let out, “I still like you, you’ve always made my stomach flutter. But you didn’t like me that way, so you dated someone else. I can understand it though,” you kept going not realizing he’d gotten closer to you, “I’m not that pretty, I’m plain and shy. Not to mention being a plaything for my boss. He’s right, maybe I am only good in bed. It’s the only thing that’s attractive about me right….”
Speechless, Seungsik stared at you, how could you think so little about yourself? How could he have been so stupid? The version of you smiling brightly at him was now replaced with a cold look and emotionless empty words.
“Y/N,” Seungsik called your name earnestly as if he was begging you to look at him, “you’re wrong,” he told you, “you were so cute to me then but when I see you, your beautiful. I thought you didn’t like me. You’re an amazing person, you deserve to be treated like a queen.”
You huffed not believing a word he said to you, wanting to call him a liar as you looked up at him. Your words fell short when his lips met yours, your hands went up to push him away, but instead your hands gripped his shirt in tight fist. Your stomach fluttered but differently this time, it felt hot almost as if it wanted to burn you up.
He too felt himself heat up like cast iron in the dead of winter. His heart began to race as he fought with the decision to stop himself. He didn’t want to be added to list of trashy guys you’ve been with. Alas, it failed miserably when you pulled him closer and began pulling at his pants. You desperately wanted to feel something other than emptiness, with someone you told yourself you’d ever see again. Just one time, you keep thinking, just one time fuck me.
Seungsik pulled away from you abruptly, his breathing was ragged and his mind was a mess. He felt he should attempt one last time to leave before he couldn’t stop his mind from buzzing and his body reacting to your fire, but you pulled your shirt off and grabbed him not wanting him to get away from you again constantly saying to yourself, if only for one night before you go back to your gloom.
Clothes vanished and legs became parted, like a sudden breeze followed by lavender colored butterflies filling the room as Seungsik went down to taste your sweet nectar. Licking and swirling his tongue about making you want to clench your legs, but a tight grip he held you wide open to taste you more. Your hands were in his hair as you made sounds only for him to hear, your chest rose and fell as your walls clenched.
Whimpering out with eyes shut tight you called his name and begged for more, your body jerked and your back arched while he had you locked down so he could taste every last part. Your cries didn’t matter, music to his ears, watching your pleasure as he worked. Fulfilled as he watched you become a midnight flame, flickering and fluttering about. You trembled you breathing hitched and he stopped, licking and kissing his way up his eyes stayed on you.
Taking each breast into his mouth one at a time, Seungsik entered your folds slowly. Kissing at your breast and leaving you breathless. He fucked you deep and slow, then he kissed your lips, you were so tight around him he felt weak and lightheaded. He wasn’t going to stop, he wanted to see you explode, he wanted you to feel like the a velvet queen.
Crystal butterflies kissed his back and shoulders where your hands gripped and nails left scars. He grunted from deep his throat as he picked up the pace. Fucking you harder he whispered your name, right into your ear breathlessly. In the crock of your neck he laid lavender kisses as your stomach clenched. You were close, he could tell by how your hands went to hips. He pounded into you deeper a few times, then pinned your legs wide open.
“Shit,” he groaned out, “come for me. I want to see it.” He encouraged.
This was new, most men you’d been with got what they wanted and that was it. This was the first time anyone had begged you to come first. You felt it, those butterflies, dancing around in your stomach making you clench up again a you shook you head no as if you couldn’t.
Seungsik wasn’t having it, he pulled out and began eating at your fold again. You cried out a loud moan, orgasming finally with stars in you eyes. You body convulsed and trembled as Seungsik ate you a little more, watching as you shined like glitter. He entered your folds again and fucked you harder this time, with some hard deep thrust his came deep inside you. Chest to chest he lay as he emptied every last drop in you.
Out of breathe he lay down beside you, you still trembled a little more, feeling hot but cold all at once. Seungsik wrapped his arms around you and held you close, kissing your forehead. Your phone rang but you were too out of it to hear it, you could only hear your breathing and his heart beat. But Seungsik heard your phone going off amid his muffled mind , he answered it, knowing who it was.
“She quit,” Seungsik stated with so much authority in his voice, “don’t call her anymore.” He hung the phone up and powered it off, putting it on the nightstand he went back to holding you in his arms. He whispered painted words to you as you fell into a velvet oasis, trimmed with lace. Just you and him tucked away inside rose whispering, giving and taking care of each other, until every butterfly burst into glitter and dust……..
Now, the next day you woke up alone, memories slow played back to as you wrapped your head around what had happened. To you it wasn’t a surprise to wake up alone after a night of sex. Yet this time it was different, yet, you opted not to ponder on it and let your weekend roll by without thinking or doing anything. But come Monday morning when you dressed for work, picking an outfit that was alluring but work appropriate and headed out as usual you knew you had some making up to do.
Sighing to yourself as you entered the building, you headed straight to your desk, speaking to everyone as if nothing had happened. But the moment your boss realized you were there he called you to his office, you internally started cursing knowing what it’d take to get this over with.
The moment you set foot into his office he slammed the door and proceeded to curse and yell at you making it seem like it was about work but you knew different. You stood there quietly waiting until he was finished to say anything. Taking a deep breath you walked over to his desk and stood in front of it with your head hung low.
“How does it feel,” he remarked, “he got what he wanted and left after saying you quit. You can’t quit no one else will hire you, I’ll make sure they won’t,” he paused and looked you up and down, “you will pay for making me wait while you played around.”
“Yes sir.” You answered softly, but inside you wanted to hit him and spit in his face.
A sudden commotion outside reached your ears as you listened to your boss continue to talk down about you with no regard. You were curious, thinking something happened outside not knowing the commotion was coming your way.
Your boss stood up from his desk finally and walked around it to you, just as he reached up to play with a strand of your hair, the door opened causing both of you to look up.
“Y/N,” Seungsik called your name as he made his way to you, followed by four other men, he pulled you away from your boss and behind him, as he continued calling to your boss’s full name, “as of today, you are relieved of your position, you have three hours to clear out all of your belongings,” he handed him a letter, “do it while I’m asking nicely.”
Your coworkers were all standing in the door way watching confused, along with you. Your boss’s face turned red, he was angry and couldn’t grasp what he was seeing and hearing.
“Who do you think you are?” Your boss yelled, “is this some kind of joke?” He was referring to Friday night, thinking this was some kind of set up.
“This is no joke, if it were I wouldn’t have come in in such a hurry.” Seungsik responded coolly.
“Hey,” you tried to speak wanting to know yourself what was going on.
Seungsik looked at you “Y/N,” he said sweetly, “let me do my work okay my love.”
You looked at him with a blank face and blinked, cause what the fuck was that? The four men behind you seemed annoyed and tired looking very antsy I must say.
“I’m not leaving until you tell me exactly who you are!” Your boss yelled.
Seungsik sighed, “I am the new head director of this company, the one you were supposed to meet this week but that won’t be happening thanks to your behavior last weekend.” He explained.
Shocked and feeling overwhelmed your boss’s entire demeanor changed. Seungsik only stood there and smiled gentlemanly with his hands in his pockets, watching him began to fold and beg for his job, like you begged for yours.
“Seungsik,” you called his name again also surprised, “what the fu-,”
He shushed you cutting you off, before he started talking. But only loud enough for you and the other four men to hear, his words were the same belittling words he said to you to make you feel small and inadequate, he ended by threatening him saying he’ll never work at a company like this again.
This man, the one that had a strong hold on you was now a weak crying mess begging for his job. He was pathetic and miserable, no matter how handsome he was on the outside, he was disgusting to look at. When his pleading fell to dead ears, he looked at you and pleaded with you to spare his job, going so far as to drop down to his knees and beg your forgiveness but little did he know, you had no control over that.
Seungsik sighed, rolling his eyes, having seen enough, “You have three hours,” he grabbed your hand and pulled you with him, “help him pack his things, we don’t need him wasting anymore or company time.” He said to the four men as he pulled you out of the office with him.
Everyone was shocked and confused by what was going and so were you at the elevators, you pulled your hand out of his and looked at him, “what’s going on?” You asked him sternly.
“I’ll explain later.” Seungsik replied.
“No,” you started again, “I’ve known you for a long time,” you paused you pushing your hair back trying to make some sense somewhere, “you even fucked me-,”
Seungsik covered your mouth cutting you off because you didn’t realize you had an audience, “Y/N,” he sighed looking at your annoyed confused expression, “let’s go out and talk.”
“Motherfucker-,” started again loudly this time.
He cut you off again and gestured behind you. You looked and noticed the curious eyes and ears listening way too hard. You folded your arms before speaking, “I’m not the one that made a scene on this early Monday morning.” You stated.
He smiled and agreed, “But I did look cool though right?” He stated trying to lighten the mood. You stared at him and hit him just as the elevator dinged, “ow,” he frowned, “be gentle.”
You rolled your eyes and he ushered you into the elevators. He took you to the roof and sat down on one of the benches, where he explained everything. You sat and listened quietly when he was done you gave him a look of uncertainty, trying to decide if you wanted to voice it or not.
“The other night,” he began again slowly, “I meant what I said.”
“You like me,” you started, “used and thrown away me? The same as you liked the naive and kind hearted me?”
“Yes,” he answered without hesitation, “you are very special to me. Nothing in this world can change that.”
“You could’ve told me you were going to be the new head director.” You frowned and folded your arms.
“Just found out myself that you work for this company and so does he,” he paused, “that piece of garbage.” He added swearing a little.
You stared at him for a brief moment and huffed looking at the time, “I’m out,” you stated, “I have work to do.” You turned to leave and he quickly grabbed your hand and spun you around, he kissed your forehead.
“See you at home. ” He stated and walked a head of you.
“Hey man,” you started, “that’s not fair,” you started walking faster to catch up to him, despite your heels slowing you down, “that’s not how you ask someone to be your girlfriend!”
He laughed at you and stopped, holding his hand out, for you to take, you did and smacked your lips at his teasing. He still smiled at you, it was that smile that made your stomach flutter again, you blushed and looked down.
“That’s not fair.” You remarked earning a small laugh from him, as you both headed back inside for whatever awaited.
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divinegrey · 2 years
h̲i̲d̲i̲n̲g̲ ̲i̲n̲ ̲t̲h̲e̲ ̲b̲e̲d̲r̲o̲o̲m̲ ̲/̲ ̲k̲i̲l̲l̲j̲o̲y̲ ̲x̲ ̲g̲n̲!̲r̲e̲a̲d̲e̲r̲
first killjoy prompt! sorry to my friend who waited ages for me to write this LOL SDJKHFSHJF
prompt: college au with killjoy 👀
words: 1200
warnings: mentions of alcohol
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Oh, jesus. 
You need to get out of this room. There are way too many people stuffed into the cramped living room of a sorority house, and you regret ever agreeing to come to this when you should probably be studying for an exam you have in a few days. Far too late to do that now; you’re a few too many drinks in to think about reviewing the biological processes of the amygdala. 
What’s the amygdala again?
You stumble up the stairs, tripping on every other step. 
The amygdala is the almond-shaped mass of gray matter inside the cerebral hemisphere, involved with experiencing emotions. 
Maybe you don’t need to study for your exam after all. 
Walking in the hallway, you press your hand on the doors. Each one you try, they’re all locked, and you’re not super interested in accidentally walking in on people having sex at a sorority party. 
To your luck, though, the door at the end of the hallway is ajar and you don’t hear any suspicious sounds of fornication. Taking your chance, you step in and shut the door behind you. After twisting the lock, you let out an exhale. Finally, some peace and quiet away from the blasting music and beer pong. 
“Uh, hi?” 
“Oh, fuck me!” You nearly jump out of your skin, a shock of fear clearing your head of alcohol within a second. Your head snaps toward the window sill, finding a woman sitting in it, wearing a green beanie and a puffy yellow jacket. Hands on your knees, you hunch over and let out a breath of relief. “Fuck, man! You scared the shit out of me.” 
“Sorry,” the woman says, turning away sheepishly. She flips a small device in her hands, focused on the moving parts and the shifting pieces. Given that this might be the only safe room in this house, you decide to make peace with your room partner, walking over and flopping down into a chair by the window. The woman glances at you, then back down. 
“Hey, wait a minute. You’re… you’re Klara, right? I think we had General Chemistry chemistry together a few years ago, with Dr. Callas,” you say, straightening up in the chair. The recognition passes over the woman’s face, and she fixes her posture, head cocked to you. 
“Yeah, you’re Y/N! You threw the paper airplane at her during the middle of a lecture and actually hit her,” Klara says, pointing at you with the mechanical toy between her fingers. “I can’t believe she didn’t expel you on sight. She’s on the college board of directors!” 
“That’s because I was so good I didn’t get caught,” you reply, folding your arms over your chest. You sigh. “Damn, that was a while ago. Gen Chem is a cakewalk compared to advanced organic chemistry.” 
“Doesn’t Dr. Callas also teach that class?” Klara tilts her head to the side, folding her legs in her lap. 
“Oh my god, yes, but she’s not as bad as she was in Gen Chem, I swear,” you say, running your hand over your head. “She’s the last chemistry class I gotta take for my degree, thank god.” 
Klara laughs, but doesn’t ask any further questions. Taking that as your cue to shut the fuck up, you lean back in your chair, pulling out your phone. Your friend Sunwoo is texting you, asking where you are. 
Upstairs with this chick named Klara, she’s pretty cool. She was in Gen Chem with us in freshman year, you reply. 
Her reply is immediate. shit, ur w killjoy! tell her i said hi c:
“My friend Sunwoo says hi with a smiling emoticon,” you say. Klara looks up. 
“Is it the c with the colons?” Klara asks, and you nod. At that, Klara rolls her eyes. “Jett’s got everyone doing that one instead of the proper colon with parenthesis smiley face. It’s ridiculous.” 
“Jett?” You tilt your head to the side. 
“It’s a joke— our entire friend group have codenames. We gave them to each other in the event that we all suddenly had to save the Earth from apocalyptic doom,” Klara explains, twisting the toy around in her hands until something pops out, and then she resumes fidgeting around with it. “Sunwoo is Jett, our friend Jamie is Phoenix, our dorm RA is Skye, so on and so forth.” 
“And you’re Killjoy?” You clarify. 
She rubs the back of her neck. “Yeah, I got that nickname because I do stuff like this. Hide away in bedrooms at parties I get dragged to.” 
Frowning, you reply, “That’s not a bad thing. It’s a smart choice, honestly. There’s enough dude-bro sweat down there to fill an olympic pool and it does not smell pretty.” 
“That’s what I said! It’s so disgusting, I don’t know how Jett and Phoenix deal with it. You’d think they’d learn to stop taking me to these parties, but they still do,” Klara says, and you can’t help but smile at the way she talks so animatedly, gesturing with the small toy in her hand. You’d be worried about her teetering out of the open window, but she keeps going on and on about how Jett and Phoenix are menaces to society, corrupting their poor freshman friend Neon. 
So you sit and listen to her, finding this to be the most refreshing thing about your night, sitting in this room with Klara. You catch up with her, talking about where you’ve both gone in the past years. Klara went into computer science and engineering, and you stayed the course of biology, hoping to eventually become someone important in the medical field. 
(“Remind me later to hook you up with my friend Sage! She’s a doctor, she could totally help you out, she’s super sweet.” “How’d you meet her?” “Uh… Phoenix ate shit on asphalt once downtown and Sage happened to be nearby and patched him up. It’s a whole story.”)
You learn that there’s a lot more to the surface than there appears to be with Klara— she’s shy at first, with the way you walked into the room and she said hardly a thing, but now that you’ve spent time with her, talking about the wackiest things known to mankind, she’s so energetic that its infectious. 
“Hey, this might be really forward, and you’re free to say no, but I know a ramen place that's still open. You wanna ditch the party and go?” You ask, watching the shock on Klara’s face happen in rapid phases. “It’s a ten minute walk from here, tops. I’ll even carry you the whole way.” 
You swear you see a blush on her cheeks as she tilts her head down, clicking the buttons on the toy rapidly. You’re about to rescind your offer when Klara gets down from the window and grabs your hand, pulling you off the chair. 
“You’re paying!” Klara says, but the words hardly register in your head when you look down at your conjoined hands. 
So much for going to a party, you think to yourself, hand in hand with Klara, bumping into each other’s shoulders as you go down the stairs and exit the house. 
~~~~~ A/N: KJ is very cute i love her lots
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dysfunctionalcrab · 3 years
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chapter one: do you have any friends?
next chapter | masterlist
pairing: dream x reader [high school au] [dsmp]
pronouns: gender neutral
description: you’re the invisible one at school until you’re partnered with the captain of the football team in a chemistry project
word count: 2K
- inspired by @teefumz on twitter with fan art (image at the end). also this is dream amp but high school? so all the characters are their minecraft skin but together in a high school, if that makes sense :3
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there was never a moment that you didn’t feel invisible. it hit you more when you woke up each morning, checking your phone to see no notifications, and you knew your mother kissing you in the morning before you went to school was your only form of human contact for the rest of the day. it tortured you throughout the halls as you watched pretty girls making out with their boyfriends or just best friends tightly hugging each other before departing for class.
the feeling of loneliness was glued to you until you went to bed each night. the only person who you could consider your ‘friend’ was karl jacobs. after you two got along well in your english class in freshman year, you became very close. you’d also been to each other’s houses a couple times. but of course, he had his own friendship group as well.
but you had gotten used to it, and you’d learnt that it was best to be dependant on yourself, and only yourself. you didn’t need friends or have to rely on anyone else.
atleast, that’s what you constantly told yourself.
you gripped your backpack as you found your way to your next lesson, trying to dodge obnoxious guys who just loved to push and shove each other in the corridors, you internally rolled your eyes at them.
the classroom was almost full, the only seats available were at the front. you had no other choice but to pull up the stool and take the front desk, with an empty seat beside you. you turned your head to the back of the classroom, karl and quackity were chatting away noisily. karl noticed you and offered you a small smile, which you half heartedly returned before turning back to whiteboard.
the teacher walked in shortly with a briefcase. “okay class!” she yelled, the noise stopping abruptly. “let’s stop the chatter because i want as much time today to begin the first part of our project,”
the class groaned in unison, and you sighed in disappointment. project? this teacher never gave you a break. you pulled out your notebook ready to take down some notes
“this is a partner project so-.” instantly the commotion started again, students were ready to jump out of their seat to sit next to their friend.
“so i will be picking your partners for you,”
you heard everyone groan again. you felt your heart jumping out of your chest from fear, you did not want to be stuck with anyone. you looked around, the only people you wouldn’t mind being paired up with was niki, or karl.
“sapnap!” your teacher yelled, pointing at him, “swap places with george please, you’re with callahan”
sapnap shrugged, content with his partner and collected all his books to move beside callahan.
“karl, you take the seat beside george and work with him please.” she continued. “and dream, can you please...” she hesitated, eyes glancing in each corner of the room
before her eyes fixated on you.
no no no.
anyone but dream. the ceo of being big headed, self-centred and cocky. the last person you would want to be paired with
“can you please move to the front and sit next to [y/n]?”
dream didn’t move, he only turned his head to his friend who was laughing at him. “do i have to?”
ouch. jesus christ. yeah, you weren't the most talkative, or popular, but you weren’t an awful person or anything. your gut dropped, the same feeling when you miss a stair or lean back in your chair too much.
“dream, no arguments. please move your stuff,” she ordered adamantly. dream scrunched up his nose, earning a warning look from the teacher. he grabbed his books and shuffled towards the front, taking a seat beside you.
he didn’t even bother to look at you. though, he was dream, why didn’t you expect him to be all snobby and egotistical?
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“u-uh.” you cleared the scratch from your throat, you never were the first one to speak up. “so, do you want to do the analysis bit or the practical first?”
dream shrugged. “whatever you want, i’m not that great at chemistry anyways,”
you furrowed your eyebrows. “i mean- i can help you with-“
“i think it’s best you do it, i’ll probably fuck it up anyways. whatever way is best,” he said, almost harshly. he shifted his gaze from you to his best friend, sapnap, who was yelling across the classroom about something related to the next game. your mouth closed shut and you turned away red, heart thumping in your ears.
“okay,” you whispered weakly, almost like a whimper. dreams ears perked up and he looked at you again.
“you good?”
you nodded. “just fine,”
dream inspected you for a moment, watching how you avoided his stare and didn’t dare to look him in the eyes. he sighed.
“i’m sorry, i’m acting like a jerk,”
you slightly froze at his sudden change in attitude, nonetheless, you agreed. “yeah, just a little bit.”
both of you watched as sapnap flicked his sweatband across the classroom to hit the back of george’s head. george groaned in annoyance. “luckily for you, i guess there are bigger jerks,”
he snickered and you turned to look at him. he covered his mouth with his sleeve, but a smile still evident on his face “sorry, i guess i just found that funny,”
you smiled to yourself.
“but are you okay? your face has been sweating since i sat here” he quieried.
“i just- don’t usually speak in class,”
“do you not have any friends in this class?”
“do you have any friends at all?”
you swallowed slowly. “what happened to not being jerk?”
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry, but i mean, you just started going here right? so i guess that’s okay,”
dude. you had been in almost every single class he was in. but of course he didn’t notice you, you felt tears of frustration brim at your eyes as you looked down at your textbook, but you felt anger shoot up and down your veins along with it
“did i say something wrong?”
you remained silent.
“seriously? not going to answer me?”
you slammed your textbook shut. he was being unbelievably ignorant even if he didn’t realise. “dream, we have been going to the same fucking school since seventh grade, i sat behind you in biology for three years straight and i’ve been in your homeroom every year. i get it, you barely know who i am and you don’t want to be partnered with me, let’s just do this project and stop pretending to care about my feelings,”
dream sat with a dumbfounded expression on his face, feeling slightly guilty at all the words that just spilled out of your mouth. they hung in the air as you continued to scribble down notes.
“i didn’t realise-“
“no, you didn’t realise, nobody ever realises,” you gulped “now, can we please just get on with the project?!”
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so you did. and everything was going fine. you were asking him to hand over the ingredients and he placed them in your hands. after your little outburst he didnt even try to start a conversation with you.
“pass the iron filings,” you set out your hand. and he did so.
“you need to relax. look, i’m sorry about earlier, i really am,”
you stirred the mixture together with a rod, looking back at your instructions every now and then. “pass the water,”
“i’m trying to be nice to you, stop ignoring me”
“you might’ve not noticed me, but i’ve noticed you, and i know what you’re like. stop pretending to be nice,”
“jesus, who hurt you?”
“none of your business. just pass the damn-“
“uh- guys, is it supposed to be bubbling?” another voice spoke up. you and dream both put your argument on hold, snapping your heads towards george who was innocently holding a beaker, but pointing at your brewery stand. his white goggles were sitting on the top of his head so you could clearly see his expression of concern.
and sure enough, your mixture was bubbling up, your eyes widened.
“that’s not supposed to be happening,” you felt your heart speed up with fear as the bubbles rose rapidly, overflowing
“are you sure you passed me the right thing?!” you accused dream in a high pitched tone
“yes i did!”
within the next 5 seconds, a loud boom erupted around the classroom, stopping everyone and what they were doing. your mixture was splattered all over the classroom, on your desks, clothes, and on the ceiling. all eyes were on you two. george slowly backed away as if it were a crime scene of some sort, subtly cleaning his goggles.
your teacher stood up, wiping off the smaller bits that had landed on her ugly brown sweater, rather dramatically.
“dream, [y/n],” she looked at both of you angrily. “principals office, now. what the hell were you two doing?,”
she removed her sweater to reveal a white t-shirt underneath, throwing it on the chair. it looked better with her outfit anyways, you thought
you had never been sent to the principals office for a punishment. you didn’t want there to be a phone call home, your parents would be so disappointed. however, dream easily grabbed his bag and headed towards the door, looking at you as if to say ‘come on!’
“and you two will be staying after school to clean this up!”
dream stopped in his tracks. “but- miss i have practice today,”
the teacher placed her hands on her hips.
“then you’ll have to talk to your coach, because you’ll be missing practice,”
“you can’t do that, the big game is in three weeks-“
“you should’ve thought about that before you blasted this classroom into smithereens,” she crossed her arms
“but miss-“ sapnap spoke up
“sapnap, don’t interrupt,” she cut him off. “this has nothing to do with you so work on your own project before you blow yours up aswell.”
dream pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. “so i have to miss football practice and they only have to stay after school and clean up? someone like them probably does that in their spare time anyways”
you opened your mouth wide in offence. “you are such an asshole, dream!”
your teacher picked up her sweater and threw it at you. “take that, i expect it to be perfectly clean tomorrow morning,” you shot dream an evil glare.
dream scoffed and opened the door, closing it before you could follow behind.
“jerk,” you muttered under your breath. you noticed everyone staring at you just before you left, sapnaps expression was visibly pissed off at you, quackity was holding in a laugh, while karl and george had sympathetic smiles smeared across their faces. you shook your head and slammed the door.
he was already in front of you. upon hearing the door slam, he turned around. “are you coming or not?”
your day had been absoloutely ruined thanks to only one person. you dont know why, but the spur of the moment caused you to launch the sweater across the hallway, giving it a disgusting glare. you werent going to wash that. it wasnt even your fault. you turned to look at dream who had a puzzled expression on his face.
“it was a hideous sweater anyways, i’m doing her a favour,” you called out.
dreams mouth fell agape as you both continued to make your way to the principals office. he watched you as you proceeded forwards, but this time with a much more confident bounce in your step. he didn’t pinpoint you exactly as one to have a big attitude. this evening was certainly going to be interesting.
taglist: @inniterhq @basilly @bunnyl00 @siriushxney @notphilosopherstudentblog @tinyegg @dreamiewrites @kai-was-here @forutheworld @ttakinou @cr0wbonezz-wr1ting-inc @sabinanotfound @esylwen​ @cherios​ @yamturds​ @emira-a​ @joyfullymulti​ @wilczachannn​ @strawberrymilkgeorge​ @quivvyintheclouds​ @queenwastaken​ @uselesssapphickitten​ @inkyynki​ @yummychicknnugget​ @yuyu8uwu @secretsandwriting​ @dovesgrangers​ @charleslec-airlines​ @quinxxs​ @eggingamazinglove​ @dinonuggets199​ @goldensunshineshit​ @dominickle​ @dreamyteam @loser-keiji @wilbvr-verse @isimpforeveryone @ultrapuddlecat @nadara @marshxx @enderchezts @libbynotfound @lavenderjacobs @yoshirikuxd @happygalaxymilkshake @valoinnit @lacunaanonymoused @melmachh @sun-fiower-seed @strawb3rrydr3ss@supernatural-bellawinchester @victory-is-here @rexit-mo @natsueyama @everlizzzz @girlofthefandom @chazzthecannoli @strawberryshortcakesan @heathledgerismyreligion @emala @stylesoot @redhooddddd @ahmya-4 @dontevenaskidonthaveananswer @aikochan4859 @raging-bisexual-2006 @simply-chillin-here @nealocus @moonamor
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hollandsangel · 3 years
Could you do one for Tom x reader based on The Joker and the Queen by Taylor and Ed?? 🥺🥺
yes yes yes!! i loved how the music vid was a continuation of everything has changed :,)
when i fold | tom holland
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not my gif!
romance was completely ruined for you at the age of seven.
that was when you met tom holland.
you’d never been in love before, which was understandable considering how young you were, but looking back at it in your older years you could recognize the tightness in your chest as none other than the overwhelming feeling of love. you and tom didn’t really date until freshman year of high school, but that didn’t stop you from loving him all the years leading up to that.
he was sweet, and kind and told you you looked pretty at least once every day. it didn’t last though, nothing in high school ever lasts forever, and as you transitioned from your hometown to a bigger city for post-secondary, you came to terms with that. it had definitely been a realization that took a lot of time, and one that didn’t come easy. there were moments when you’d find yourself daydreaming a little too much; about his kind smile and easy laugh or the way he walked with you to your classes, even if they weren’t down the same hall.
the last time you saw him was the night after your graduation. someone had thrown a big party and it felt only right to attend, it being your last night in this town and all. but then the night was over and he kissed you goodbye like he had a million times, promising this wasn’t it for the two of you, and you believed him.
it was naive, but you were seventeen and in love.
but now you’re standing in line at the grocery store, trying to text your mom that you did in fact grab her two cartons of eggs and answer an email from your professor about an assignment due before christmas break’s end.
with a huff you slip your phone into your coat pocket and unload the basket of groceries onto the conveyor belt, smiling at the cashier kindly, “hi, how are you?”
and standing over by the cooler searching for a bottle of sparkling water, he hears your voice. he didn’t know you were coming home and for some reason it stung that you didn’t reach out. it shouldn’t have though, because he hadn’t either.
tom would have been a little embarrassed to admit it, but he stared at you for at least twenty seconds, just looking at you, at the subtle changes in your features as you’d grown up a little more without him. he admired the tone of your voice and how it still hypnotised him, and your smile. that really did him in.
so when you grab the bag and start toward the exit, he knows he has to say something, he’d made a promise to you all those years ago, and this was his chance to finally, finally keep it.
“y/n?” he calls, stopping you by the florals.
at first you think you’re insane for recognizing the voice, for finding it so familiar. as you turn around though, you feel a little less crazy.
“tom?” you hold the brown paper bag close to your chest, almost like a safety blanket, “i uh, i didn’t know you were coming home.” you’d honestly figured he’d have too much else going on, considering how busy he’d gotten just after you graduated.
he smiles and steps a little bit closer, “my mum would have had my neck if i didn’t, so here i am.” he stuffs his hands in his pockets and rocks back on his heels as you take him in, “i didn’t know you were either, i mean, i guess i assumed but…didn’t think i’d lucky enough to speak with you.” his hair is longer and his features are sharper, he really looks grown up.
he’s always made you smile, and that hasn’t changed.
“how’ve you been? how’s school?” his question has you reeling back into trying to get over him in your first semester of university.
“oh good, you know, only one semester left and i’ve got like, a career to think about.” you nod.
“that’s great, you know, even though we kind of fell out of touch, i’m really proud of you, y/n/n.” the simplicity of him calling you by your nickname makes you blush.
“thank you, thank you, i could say the same about you, you’re really taking the world by storm.” your smile widens when he flushes and stares at his shoes.
the soft chuckle that passes his lips floods your heart with admiration and old emotions. “that means a lot, thank you.” and then you just look at each other for a few seconds, waiting for the other to say something. “um, i feel like i caught you at a bad time, would you maybe want to grab coffee one day before you leave? or even a drink? just to catch up?” he finally asks.
with a growing smile, you nod, “yeah, that sounds awesome, um, maybe boxing day?” you offer.
he smiles and nods, and that was just the beginning of him keeping a lifetime’s worth of promises.
tags! @randomlimelightxxx @baby-bearie @averysbestyears @would-you-tell-me-who-you-are @my-fangirling-outlet @hiya-its-amber @theduckgoesquack @coffearabica @hllandvibbes @21burritoseavey @starksview @kayasholland @bxmaaa @ddejavvu
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eijishimas · 3 years
caught red handed.
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18+ nsfw content. minors dni. all characters are aged up.
content warnings: f!reader, college!au, masturbation, mentions of alcohol, voyeurism, daddy kink, bit of a handjob, bit of oral (m!receiving), filming, slight degradation, creampie, one (1) instance of bakugou slapping your pussy.
notes: happy belated birthday to my bestie, @rekiri . you deserve the world and so much more, you’re sweet and hilarious and i fucking love talking to you, whether we’re joking or being more serious. i know you told me not to, but i really wanted to write something for you as a gift (because ya girl is a bit of a broke bitch). ik it’s not eren, kiri, or reki, but i hope you like this piece regardless. i love you, even if you annoy me to death, you whore /j. this one’s for you <3
wc: 2.6k | inspo (nsfw link): xxx
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Everyone knew college was stressful. Deadlines nearly every single week, assignments and essays, not to mention attending classes brought a whole new wave of anxieties for students every single day. Sometimes that stress was either doubled or relieved by having a partner for a project or two. Luckily for you, you and your old high school classmate Katsuki Bakugou were paired up for a project for one of your Quirk Law classes. It was a research project, one that required a forty slide presentation. You were headed on your way to Katsuki’s dorm today to work on it at the time you agreed upon: 5pm. Then you two would study together for upcoming midterms. It was all planned out down to a tee. So at around 3:50pm, Katsuki knew he had time. He figured he needed a break from his Rescue Tactics Indoors II class, otherwise his brain would begin oozing from his ears.
Pushing aside his overpriced textbook, he rolled his shoulders back, hearing the cracks of his stiff muscles while he stretched at his desk. He let out a sigh, propping his chin up on the palm of his hand as he scrolled mindlessly through his socials. Mina had posted a Throwback Thursday post, an old one of him and you back in your freshman year of college. His nose twitched in annoyance as he recalled the parties, more specifically Denki Kaminari’s birthday party, where he had gotten so drunk that the walls melted and bent before him. Katsuki’s expression changed however, as he swiped through the collection of photos to stumble across an image of you and him. Have you always worn dresses that tight? You practically had your ass out from how short your garment had been cut, tits threatening to spill out of your low hanging neckline. Not only that, but Katsuki had an arm slung around your shoulder. His smile was stretched wide due in part to the alcohol in his system, but also because you were standing next to him. You were laughing at something Mina had said behind the camera, your hand tossed against the slightly unbuttoned shirt Katsuki had worn that night. Your fingers had brushed against his toned chest and he scoffed at the thought. Slowly but surely, memories of that party flooded back to Katsuki in waves.
They were mostly recounts from Kirishima and Mina, but apparently you two had made out in front of everyone that night. He swiped left again, swallowing dryly as he saw just that. Your manicured fingers were wrapped tight around his party shirt, tongues in a deadly dance of want and desperation for each other. Katsuki’s eyes grew as he noticed that the photo hadn’t cut out the part where he had been kneading your ass through that skimpy dress of yours. Immediately, Katsuki went to Mina’s dms demanding to take down the photo. And she did, thank god, but not without sending Katsuki more than ten photos of you and him making out at the party. He clenched his jaw, anger and a low desire plaguing his conscience. Glancing to the top left corner of his phone, he noted the time. 4:10pm.
He had time.
Saving the photos to his gallery, he pushed his chair away from his desk to have some fucking breathing room. His eyes flitted down to his sweats and as he expected, there was a tent forming. He groaned, wiping the sweat from his palms off on his pant leg before languidly beginning to palm himself through his clothes. His breaths quickened, chest stuttering as he looked to his phone displaying the photos of you and him. There’s a faint recollection in the back of his head of how you taste. Like cherries from your glossy lips, like vodka from the shots you took off of Denki earlier that evening, how you moaned into his mouth the night you had drunkenly kissed.
Katsuki tugged the waistband of his sweats down, allowing his previously constrained cock to breathe. It slapped against his stomach, heavy and leaking. Shit, he didn’t remember being this horny at the beginning of this. Spitting into his palm, he lubed up his dick as best as he could on short notice. His eyelids drooped as he swiped through the pictures like a filmstrip, a montage of all the best moments he had with you at that party. You grinding on his lap, you whispering dirty ideas you wanted to do with him later, you, you, you…
Katsuki squeezed his aching shaft, fisting his cock as precum dribbled down his slippery head. His face was an uncanny shade of crimson, a testament to how horny he was all for a few old pictures of the two of you. “Y/n.” He swore he barely recognized his voice from how breathless and needy it was. He continued to pump his cock, the only thoughts replaying in his mind were perverted fantasies of you bouncing on his dick hard enough to hear the slap of your ass cheeks against his abs.
Tapping the screen of his phone twice to zoom in, he admired your curves with pursed lips. Fuck, you really were gorgeous. Everything about you radiated a sinful nature he could never put his tongue on. You were tempting him, licking flames up his body with such intensity that made him shiver. He cursed, thumb drifting over his slit as he hissed. Fuck you for being as ravishing as you were that night, fuck you for making him feel so goddamn needy for your-
“Bakugou, I was about to text you but I remembered you were studying today, so I figured it would be okay if I came a bit...” your words trailed off. You blinked rapidly in an attempt to process the scene unfolding before you. Katsuki Bakugou, holding his dick in his hand, face on fire with a deep blush, his other free hand secure around his phone with- was that a picture of you from your freshman year of college? There was a beat of silence, Katsuki’s uneven breathing the only sound in the room aside from the low drawl of the ceiling fan over both of your heads. You gaped at him, tongue darting out to wet your lips upon realizing his hand hadn’t stopped moving. If anything, you saw his hand flex around his cock, further tightening his grip as you stood right in front of him.
“What the fuck-”
“What?” he beat you to the punch, his lips twitching into a devilish smile, “Don’t like what you see?” His confidence knocked the air out of you, your bewildered attitude showing true on your features. Your body feels warm, searing beneath his gaze. “Excuse me?” you squeaked out, overcome with both curiosity and a hint of lust for the ash blond.
“Are you gonna fucking help me or not?” His pride was refusing him to be flustered, not when he was this feverish for you. He needed the upper hand, he needed control over this situation. And it seemed by how you were shifting your weight from side to side, that it was happening just as he wanted. Who were you to refuse such an offer from Katsuki Bakugou?
And that’s how you ended up here, nestled between thick, muscled thighs with your hand wrapped around his throbbing cock. He had you spit over his dick, his entire shaft gleaming in all its glory as it stood to attention in your grasp. The flash of his camera burned your eyes as you suckled on his crown, hand continuously jerking his cock while he ravenously watched you through the screen. The guttural groan that escaped him was nothing short of music to your ears, your thighs tensing as the coils of heat continued to build and knot between your legs.
“Mm. Keep going like that, take it. All the way in now, like a good little slut,” Katsuki instructed, his voice slicing through the heavy atmosphere of desire. The words make you whimper, enveloping his sensitive head in vibrations while you lick around his slit. A large hand cupped your face, forcing you to make eye contact with the ash blond behind the camera. His black tank top truly had no confines over him, since it was tight enough to see the outlines of his pecs and ripped torso. Katsuki sure worked hard to maintain his appearance, but you knew he had the strength to back those muscles up. The thought of him completely dominating you, holding you with strong arms and pinning you down with his body made your pussy even more wet with your slick than it already was. Even from how you were on your knees, Katsuki possessed an unspoken will over you. You wanted to please him, make him feel good, make him have no good reason not to give you everything he had to offer.
You took your lips off of his head with a little ‘pop’, eyes wide and expectant as a string of drool connected your bottom lip to the tip of his cock. Bakugou’s smile grew, making sure your face was completely in frame and in focus. “Dirty girl,” he hummed, thumb tracing the apple of your cheek before guiding your lips toward his twitching cock. You slowly kissed the vein on the side of it, mumbling out four words:
“Your dirty girl, daddy.”
The moment the words left your mouth, Katsuki let out a low, gravelly moan. It was as if a switch inside him had flipped. Without warning, he’s pulling you off the floor and sitting you down in his desk chair instead. He’s a bit rough, his vision clouded by the sheer want to fuck you until you were screaming his name, until his name was the only word your pretty little brain could recall. He abandoned his phone and instead had his hands drop to the armrests of his desk chair, encasing your body as he towered over you. Your skirt was immediately shucked up your waist and Katsuki’s hands went to work on your panties. He ripped them off completely, tossing them aside without a care as to where they went. He gazed down at you with fervour, licking his lips at the sight of your dripping cunt.
“Who’s pussy is this?” he coaxes with a grin, teeth shining. His hand slipped between your thighs, his index and middle finger tracing up and down your slit. Goosebumps erupted across your skin, your thighs instinctively closing around his hand. Your face bloomed with warmth, eyes darting away from his cocky demeanour, “Baku—”
Your body jolted as a firm smack was delivered to your sensitive pussy, a wet, lewd sound meeting your ears as he did. It made a high pitched, whiny moan be pulled out from your throat.
“Try again,” he ordered, tone demanding and almost condescending. His lips ghosted yours yet he never had any intention of moving close enough to seal the gap between the two of you. You whimpered, eyes meeting the dark red irises that were staring straight through you.
“‘S yours, daddy.”
“Now that’s a good fuckin’ girl.”
His lips found yours, teeth tugging at your bottom lip hard enough to make the warmth in your stomach double. The liquid heat had been building ever since you walked in, and you were fairly certain that you weren’t going to last much longer.
He hooked your knees over his elbows, biceps flexing as the muscles in his arms supported your full weight. He picked you up with such ease, your arms flying around his neck as you squeal, gasping at how little effort that took him. He was a pro-hero in training, of course he had practiced lifting people up no matter their body type or size. Either way, it didn’t matter to him. He thought you looked rather angelic clinging onto him regardless. He wasn’t even breaking a sweat with his hands spreading your cheeks, grunting as he adjusted you in his arms. He slid slowly into your slick cunt inch by suffocating inch, your walls fluttering and enclosing around his throbbing cock. Katsuki’s breathing was unsteady, eyes watching your expression intently in hopes that this new position would give you as much pleasure as it was giving him. His ego was running rapant from how you were holding onto him for dear life. You were practically shaking in his grasp, mouth open in an ‘o’ shape as all you could do was gape at how deep he reaches within you. You were keening, eyes hazed with lust and nails digging crescents into his shoulder blades hard enough to make him hiss.
When you finally catch your breath and adjust to his size, you give him a curt nod as an indication for him to start moving. Slowly, he lifted you up off his cock until his head kissed your entrance before allowing gravity to do most of the work. This position had his cock nudging your cervix and it made the knot in the pit of your stomach squeeze further, threatening to snap with every loud smack of his balls echoing through his dorm room. He pistoned into you like that, reaching deeper to rearrange your insides. It was like your entire body was being engulfed with pleasure and fire. He took in your face, how it scrunched in pleasure, hair sticking to your face as you mumble out how much you want to cum, how much you need to cum.
“Fuckin’ tight just for daddy, hah?” he cooed to you, “You wanna cum all over my cock like a little slut? You were watching me from the door jerking off for you. Dirty fuckin’ girl. Who’s making you feel good? Say it. Spit it out.”
“You!” you moaned, your head feeling light from the way the veins on the side of his cock rubbed your walls, “You, daddy. Please let me cum. I w- wanna cum!”
“I can’t hear you,” Katsuki rumbled, eyes steeled before you unmoving and unwilling to give you permission just yet. “Please!” you begged, “I’m a dirty girl. I’m your dirty girl, daddy! Please let me cum!” You were too engrossed in your pleasure to have any semblance of shame. Katsuki grinned. That’s what he wanted to hear. He let out a tiny ‘tch’ before uttering out, “Then cum, slut.”
Without another word, you let out a final wanton moan, gushing around him as the liquid heat finally expels from your body. Your orgasm hits you in waves, your body quivering with each new sensation as you hold Katsuki’s cock within your cunt. Your nails leave angry red marks along Katsuki’s shoulders, ultimately sending him hurtling towards his own release.
Cum dripped down his twitching cock, your chest heaving as your legs feel like jelly. Tingles shot down your spine as Katsuki pumped rope after rope of his sticky cum well enough to paint your inner walls white. He helped you ride out your high, delivering harsh bitemarks to your neck to leave a mural of hickeys claiming you as his. The smile he gives you is cocky, prideful, and arrogant. He placed you back down on his desk chair, your thighs still going through the aftershocks of your high. Reaching for his phone, he tapped the app icon for his camera. He knelt down, chuckling as your fingers slid between your legs to spread your lower lips for him. His cum seeped out past your slit, leaking down to your puckered asshole.
“There we go. Aren’t you daddy’s good girl, hm?”
Tiredly, you nodded.
“‘M daddy’s good girl.”
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all works © eijishimas 2021. do not reuse, modify, or repost.
@lonleyweeb77 @cynthus-no @lonelyheart-cluband @smhhyung @stoopidnekobish @kiridarling @kirislilrock @baku-deku1 @hajisuu @damnitcrowley @foruthemoon @peaxhcringe @justanotheruselessextra @izukuuarchive @katsuki-kitten @shokoarashi sorry i couldn’t tag all of you!
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