#Digital death
oneclawbinthegrave · 5 months
What if you uploaded me digitally and killed my physical body, promising this is so muvh more permanent?
What if you then ""accidentally"" deleted my files without backing me up........
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batwynn · 2 years
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wahoo! the first part of this little project I decided to draw!!
It’s both easier and harder to draw on my phone. Easier, cause I only need my fingers, and it’s quick to manipulate and more intuitive….but harder because it’s on my phone with my fingers and dude my phone is SMALL 😭✋
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quohotos · 1 year
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I really miss Adobe illustrator Draw. It was a free vector based app for android that could make some really cool images. The interface was limited, like you couldn't actually pick what resolution and canvas location it exported, but I still miss it. They shut it down a few years back, and the paid app they replaced it with isn't available on android. I have this cool phone with a pen and literally no software to use it with.
(oh yeah, and it's cloud based so even though I still have the app it's not usable)
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fkukso · 2 years
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Vivir y morir online: Internet ha cambiado para siempre nuestra relación con la muerte
Además de espacios de comunicación, desinformación y controversias, las redes sociales se han convertido con los años en gigantes cementerios donde millones de usuarios se cruzan con cada vez más cuentas de fallecidos. Una nueva corriente de filósofos, sociólogos y antropólogos exploran este complejo fenómeno.
Mi reportaje para AGENCIA SINC (España), marzo 2023
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sailing-ever-west · 5 months
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the trolley problem vs. systemic oppression: a comic.
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feefal · 1 month
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Torn between life and death
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fogmoo · 6 months
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Lamb to the slaughter
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soapdispensersalesman · 2 months
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rogue-23 · 2 months
This speaker details his recommendations on how to prepare yourself for how your online life will be after death. It's a worthwhile thing to think about, as also detailed in this week's reading.
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billie-v01 · 3 months
baddies are dead. long life pink punk girls.
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i don’t remember writing that post but i don’t remember a lot from last year. guess it wasn’t important.
ari is very pink but not enough punk
i watched TMNT (1990) over the weekend and the funniest thing was realizing the pizza delivery guy was a kid! when i watched it i was so young he seemed so much older
i’ve been working on my physical media storage a lot this year as we all should bc FUĶ STREAMING ☺️ i’m fighting off the urge to do a deep dive into investment documents but we must stay focused, sisters!!
i really need to find an efficient way to convert my digital media into optical disks like it’s 1993. someone find me a floppy disk!
mucho punk and plenty of color but is it PINK PUNK?! stayed tuned next time on dragon ball z! idk how we feel about the new toonami
babbling on here is fun but this melatonin i can feel it in my stomachyeballs. weird how siri decided i was feeling it in my stomach. its like that person who tries to finish you sentence and fails a lot. i hope those ppl are doing ok.
good night only to girls with facial hair 😘
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forgottenbones · 3 months
sudo rm -rf /
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landrylovesmatcha · 1 year
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she’s everything 💕
tw: death mention
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upon-the-snow · 3 months
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I can’t believe it took me this long to draw her!
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bethfuller · 7 months
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find me on instagram!
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trustymikh · 4 months
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there are many benefits to being a ground-type pokemon trainer
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