#Dipper and Mabel's middle names are their parent's first names
secretinasecret · 2 months
Here are some the canon information we now know after the Book of Bill and the strange website Soos FINALLY FIXED:
Saclene and Euclid are Bill’s parents.
Stanford’s middle name is Filbrick.
After spending only one day in Gravity Falls, Dipper and Mabel debated escaping through the window and calling the FBL on Stan. Mabel shook an 8-Ball, and they decided to stay. Stan overheard everything, and he considers it one of his lowest moments in life.
There is a high possibility that Dipper and Mabel’s parents got a divorce while they were in Gravity Falls, and that is why they wanted to send them away in the first place.
Bill feels remorse for destroying his dimension and wears his father’s hat, or a similar one.
Dipper’s legal name is Mason.
Back at home, Dipper once overheard his parents argue, and it gave him a nightmare.
Bill tried to make a deal with Pacifica before Blendin.
Eda Clawthrone was only one of Stan’s ex-wives.
Stan once considered to blame every crime he ever committed on Soos, and it is his darkest thought.
Bill cannot get over the fact that Stan was the one who threw in the final punch and saved Gravity Falls. He never will.
Soos hopes to have children with Melody, very soon.
Gideon still has feelings for Mabel.
Dipper and Mabel only survive in one timeline out of infinite. (The wildest one)
Mabel once tried to send her mother a videotape of her sticking gummy worms up her nose.
Stan wears a male girdle.
Dipper and Mable were born in 1999, which would make them 25 years old today.
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a-fluffy-dog24 · 22 days
kingdom Pines AU
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In a land far away their were two kingdom that hated each other.One of the kingdom was rolled by two twins King Stanley and King StanFord.And Stan adoption his grandchildren, Fords great niece and nephew and go on adventures , were they slay dragons and ride horses. Dipper is in love with a girl with long blonde hair.
If you like the time pirate chapter book you might like this.Also (based on the adoption au make by keleficent and marehami on AO3.It's not associated with the AU but just with a Fantasy coat off paint.And take a lot of Disney Princess movies stuff and Romeo and Juliet,Princess diary's.
Chapter 1. We were the kings and the queens
Once upon a time in the year 1918 off the coast of Middle East this story takes place in early November. It's still autumn, it's colder, the leaves are falling.There were two small kingdoms. One of them was ruled by the The Pines family and the other was ruled by the Northwests, the Northwests richer and their subjects were mean and snotty. So the two kingdoms didn't interact much.
The first kingdom was named Gravity Lands; their castle was gray and blue; it is ruled by two kings who are identical twin brothers. King Stanley wore a red and black robe and a gold crown. He has a girlfriend, an ex wife maybe? named Marilyn  .And King Stanford wore a green and light brown robe and a gold crown. He has a husband named Fiddleford.
"How is the disagreement over money the villagers are having what do you think we should do to stop it" Ford asked "well I don't know I was waiting for them to figure it out but I guess I can ask the Committee what they think" Stan answered. The committee is made up Fiddleford and Marilyn ,Soos and his wife Melody.In the children's room were the twins prince Dipper and princess Mabel. They are both recovering from when they sprain their legs they were trying to climb up a tree. And their Grunkles were to busy giving a Press conference bragging and not paying attention.,They're getting better with medication and resting.
They just turned 12 years old, they are the king Stan's grandkids and king Ford's great niece and nephew . The kings are going to adopt them. They were living in the castle because their parents died in the war 3 weeks ago. In their room their beds were on the opposite side of the room,
Dipper's side the walls were blue, his side had books on the shelves. It was a little messy with clothes and toys on the floor.Dipper was on his bed reading on Mabel's side her walls were purple with drawings on the walls. On her bed were stuffed animals, and toys on the floor she was on her bed knitting a blue sweater.Just then Soos came in. He is the royal helper."Hey dudes, it's bath time, who wants to go first?" he told them, "I will'' Mabel went and took her bath. Both Kings were waiting to help her.
And after her bath they both help dry her off and helped her get on her light purple  nightgown it has a small red bow tied around her waist, she brushed her teeth then, Stan put her on his lap and he brushed her hair ."Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford thank you guys for helping me, with my bath" "it was our pleasure" Ford put on her socks they love doing this kind of stuff for their daughter it make them feel like parents "don't mention it sweetie, are you excited to maybe ride horses tomorrow" he asks ."Yes I bet you can't ride"
"That it" he tickles her, she giggles he stopped Ford gave her a piggyback ride and put her on bed "alright bed time", Stan tucked her into bed. "Good night daddy"she yawns "good night pumpkin I love you"he kisses her head "I love you good night my dear"Ford kissed her cheek "good night papa" "case your dreams go take on this whole world but to me you'll away be my little girl " they both to her quietly sing and she falls asleep.
Then King Ford came in to talk to Dipper "may I have a word with you" "ok Grunkle Ford''Ford sat down on his bed."I know we didn't have much luck last week trying to find dragons, and then you children got hurt but let's try again when you healed" "I hope we can. I've never seen a dragon up close before, maybe we can look in the forbidden woods'' Dipper suggested ."NO absolutely not you know the rules no going in the woods by yourself and no going to the Northwests, castle "
"It's time for your bath" Ford added seeing how he has dirt on his legs,arms and face a little. and smells like BO and pee "no I don't need a bath" Dipper interested,"everyone else has had their bath you stink you need one badly" Stan told . Dipper gets out of bed and tries to make a run for it Stan closes the door and Ford picks him up and puts him over his shoulder carrying him. "I'm not a bag of potatoes" he grumbles. After his bath the kings both help dry him off. Dipper brushes his teeth Ford helps the sleepy Dipper, put on his pj's. His pj's were green Dipper sits on Ford's lap and he brushed Dipper's hair.He looks at the green brush
"Is this your brush?" Ford asks, " see how the brush has a lot of brown hair ."No it's Mabel's why do girls shed so much" Dipper asks them "I don't know it will be a mystery" Stan picks him up. "It breaks the scientific laws of nature, " Ford told him.
Then Stan carried Dipper and tucked him into bed "good night goober I love you" Stan kissed him on the head "Grunkle Ford do you think we'll find a dragon tomorrow". "Theirs is a possibility come on time to rest I love you"Ford kissed his son on the head he falls asleep.They both quietly sing"the monster gone we on are own but you're daddy here beautiful beautiful beautiful boy".
The Kings looked at both of their babies sleeping happily and soundly the Kings leave and do some work in the Library then they go to bed.Stanley's bedroom is a red and gold color "Hey there babe" Marilyn  put her hand on Stan's shoulder they kissed and she helped him up they hold hands and go to bed. Ford's room is gold and green he goes to bed where Fiddleford was waiting.
Chapter 2 Long live all the magic we made
The next day the twins ate breakfast feeling 100% better. Mabel went horseback riding with, ladyWendy she is a servant/friend. Mabel rode a palomino pony named Buttercup Mabel is wearing, a purple dress and her hair was in braids. Wendy road a buckskin named spirit, Wendy was wearing a green dress.Stan came to watch them ride around, in the backyard they raced and jumped over stuff. Then after they get off Mabel sits on the ground, and pets her pony she can talk to all animals. "You like being ridden, you think it gives you a purpose" she talks to buttercup.
"What is she saying," Wendy asked."She said she loved our ride today," Mabel told her. They take care of the horses and head back to the castle, "you did great out there pumpkin" Stan congratulated them. "Thank you it was fun" Waddles squeals and walks, inside "Waddles said he wants a treat" she gives her pig his treat. After Stan and Mabel do some painting together she sits on his lap and they have a lot of fun. "I have a crush" she told him "oh what's their name" "her name is April"."That's great you should talk to her at the party tomorrow how could she not love you sweetie" he replied "thanks I had fun with you daddy" she smiles "Aww I did too" he kisses her on cheek.
Dipper sat on the floor of his closet holding a picture of his mother and sister he misses her so much.And he thinks it's stupid but he wants to be held by his beloved mother he tries to be a man but he started crying a little.Marilyn  was waking in the hallway and she heard muffled cries and opened the children room.And finds Dipper crying he looks up at her and hides the picture from her.
She sit down and asks sympathetically "what's the matter kiddo" "I'm ok it's dumb" he sopped  wiped his tears.She sees the picture and says "you miss your parents'' he nodes and begin to bawl his eyes out she picks him up and hugs him in her lap.He knows he has the words best dads him and his sister could ask for and they give good hugs .But he thinks about how he misses being hugged by a mother figure she knows she can't replace his mother.But she knows both children need someone like her. She finds it hard to cope with the loss of her son as well. "It's ok buddy you're cool granny Marilyn  is here" "thank you" he smiles just then they hear Ford calling for Dipper ."Well you better go" he grabs his bag "you two be careful out there" she told him "we will bye".
Ford,Soos and Dipper walk through the woods to find the dragons, they see gnomes,a bottomless pit ,a couple unicorns and an evil triangle. But no dragons they walked up a hill and they found a cave where the Soos made a lantern. They walked further in the cave and it got very dark. But then they see a huge red sleeping dragon"wow its ginormous" Dipper looks amazed, "this is the coolest thing I've ever seen dude" Soos told them then the dragon wakes up Dipper draws his sword. But then it runs towards him King Ford draws his sword "get behind me boy NOW" Dipper listens. Ford points his sword at it then it flies out of the cave, and into the forbidden forest. And breathes fire."dad that was amazing". "Yea let's go home" Ford said worriedly.
They all eat dinner together in the gold and brown dining room.The bowl and silverware are silver colored for dinner they enjoyed chicken stew with a garden salad. That Soos made for them as the chef.Soos and Melody 6 children eat with their mother.They talk and laugh during dinner.After dinner they clean up and then the Kings call over the children and sit them down and explain. That they have been taking care of them for 3 weeks and they would love it if they could make it official. Mabel read it out loud and translated it from Hebrew into English "the legal guardianship of Catherine Green and Michael Pines' children Mason,Alex, Pines and Mabel, Ariel,Pines
will be gifted if signed by StanFord,Frederick Pines and Stanley,Caren,Pines. The custody agreement will be approved if both parties signed ''.Dipper stated happy crying and Mabel stated too they look at the paperwork it already has the king's signatures on it.The twins joyfully signed and hugged their adopted fathers they are over the moon that their son and daughter. Trust them and love them just like they do and always will. They proudly frame and hang the adoption papers above the fireplace.In the living room so everyone in the Castle can see them.
Then kids had their baths, it's raining outside Mabel sat and watched it she is brushing her hair with a fork she heard another princess did it a lot and it worked. So she decided to give it a shot.She put it down and her cheeks soon looked as wet as it was outside raining .
"Dipper I hope mom and dad will be back from their trip soon" she  knew that their parents are dead.They just haven't got the time to reach  out write a letter she thinks.It doesn't feel like they are gone  it seems like they're on a long trip somewhere where they can't see them can't talk to them. She keeps forgetting that they're not here. That they're not coming home.Tears begin to build up in her eyes and make their way down.
"I wish mom and dad were still here", he walked over and she started crying more he hugged her. "Well I wish they were still alive too" he started to cry a little bit and she hugged him tighter. "I remember when we saw they bodies it WAS SO SCARY " she sobbed "it was HORRIBLE THEY WERE COVERED IN BLOOD AND they were...DEAD " she cries more "and they never coming back Dipper" she was staring to breakdown in tears he hug her and said "I know I want dad and mom too badly But we have Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford,Soos,uncle FiddleFord,granny Maryland and me, people that love us I love you"
Dipper comforted her. "I love you too Dipping sauce"They hug and dry their eyes, and sit there for a bit then the Kings come to tuck them into bed Mabel crawls into bed. Ford took the warm pink blanket and tucked her in "good night, my dear how are you feeling" "I'm tired good night papa I love you" he kissed her on the head and she fell asleep. Dipper crawls into bed Stan takes the blue blanket and tucked him " are you ok Dippy" Stan asks.
"Yeah I'm ok good night Grunkle Stan " Stan rubs Dipper's head softly and he falls asleep "I love you" he whispers "The kings leave "do you think we're doing this right,it's only been 3 weeks since they lost their parents. And we haven’t been the best caretakers."Stan asks him. Thinking about the kids playing and falling out of the tree."Well that’s is true to some extent but I think this is what they would have wanted for the children to be happy and safe". Ford hugs Stan and they go downstairs. They were fun, great uncles but now they need to be the best parents possible "remember when we were that age we were inseparable" Ford asked him "yea seems like only yesterday we would get in a lot of trouble" Stan chuckled.
"I'm surprised we didn't get hurt or worse we have to look out for each other because there was no else too" Ford added. "Remember when we were 12 mom was still alive and we had no cares in the world I miss it" Stan remember being a kid and having no work no kids no worry ."But look at us now I never thought I would have kids of my own even at 55 years old but now we have two wonderful children"
Ford told him.He and Ford didn't always get along as they became teenagers sometimes would argue with each other over dumb things.And also they're father only planned on having one son to take the throne. And he hated Stanley because he was younger and a troublemaker. He emotionally and physically abused him making him feel worthless.The queen would try to stop him but it wouldn't help she patch up and comfort her son after.He wanted StanFord to be king he thought he would make a good king except he despise his sons love for boys.
He also manipulated Ford in to hide all his feelings and told him he was only going to be king because he was born first no one else would trust a freak like him to rule.Both brothers agreed that neither of them wanted to be king alone. And Frederick had been tormenting their lives for years. So when they turned 18 they kicked Frederick out with the help of their mother the queen. It was her kingdom.And he was banished from the kingdom and if he comes back he will be thrown in the dungeon but he Long dead by now."Yup that's for sure I love those kids I would die for them" Stan replied and with that they both went to bed.
Chapter 3 The night you danced like you knew our lives would Never be the same
The next night everyone is getting ready for the ball the entire kingdom is welcome , everybody has washed up and are putting on fancy clothes. Mabel is wearing a light pink and white, with puffy sleeves ball gown. Her hair is wavy with flowers in it, her silver tiara on top. Marilyn  finishes helping her put the last flowers in her hair. She also has little glass slipper  flats. Dipper is wearing a blue and white shut.And on top of his head is a silver crown, and little black shoes. They had downstairs stairs where they saw Grunkles dressed up. Stan is wearing a black and red shirt.
And a gold crown on top of his gray hair. Ford is wearing a green and white shut. And a gold crown on top of his white and gray hair. "You look great my dear" Ford holds her hand and twirls her around her dress blows around he picks her up and holds her she smiles. "You clean up good when you actually take a bath" Stan teased Dipper Ford chuckles.Dipper sick his tongue out at him.Then all the guests arrive, Fiddleford comes over he is wearing a yellow shut and puts his arm around him and kisses Ford on the lips he blushes.Marilyn  holds Stan's hand she is wearing a purple dress her short White hair has a rose in it. Stan kiss her on cheek she smiles.The family mingle with the guests and the kids eat dinner.
Mabel dances with Wendy and Soos the Kings talk to their subjects, Dipper walks over to the punch bull to get a drink. When he sees a girl with very long blonde hair in one big braid. She was in a purple dress "Hi I'm um I am Prince Dipper of Gravity Lands". "Hi I'm princess Pacifica,it's nice to meet you " then they go outside on the balcony. "I've never been to a ball before. I bet my family could hold a better one ""oh really" he said sarcastically "but we never have or at least I've never seen one I'm always locked up in my tower," she admitted."
"Oh why are you locked up in your tower? '' he asks, '' none of your business dork,"she said as he played and fidgeted, with the roses and cuts himself. "AHH '' he yells in pain as she wraps her hair around his cut. And started singing and her hair started glowing he blush and the cut is healed. "Umm thank you" just then the big grand blue clock in the ballroom strikes 8:00 pm "I have to go now my parents will kill me goodbye " she runs off,"wait when will I see you again" he looks for her but she is gone.
After the ball is over the kids are getting ready for bed Dipper looks out the window at the forbidden forest. Mabel walked over to him "hey I just met this handsome boy, his name is John but I also met my crush she's pretty and her name is April and I don't know who I should ask out" "well that tricky umm ask the one you know more out". "Ok thank you I don't see you that much" "umm can I tell you a secret". "Sure bro bro anything"
"Well I talk to this girl and she is cute and super pretty" he giggles. "Oh somebody's in love" she teased "and she has magic hair but she said she has to leave and I think she is in the forbidden forest". "oh but you know daddy and papa won't ,let you go there or if she is a Northwest,". "I know but I got to do something" just then the kings came to put them to bed."Children I have story to tell you" Ford told them he sat on Mabel's bed the kids crawl on it get comfort. Stan sat in a chair beside them "I will tell you the story of Hansel and Gretel, they're twins like you too" he tells the children.
"I think we've heard this story before when we were little" Dipper complains "you can go to bed if you want" Stan remind he "fine". "Start the story already PLEASE" she begs "once upon a time they're where two twins a brother and a sister they live in the woods in a house with their mother and father. Their parents was having a hard time finding food for the children. The children were hungry" "this when they find the house made of candy that's my favorite part" Mabel interruption him. "Not yet... one day they're father had to cut down some wood so Hansel and Gretel sat by the fire and ate one piece of bread then they fell asleep together."Aww we sometimes do that" Mabel said "yea we do" Dipper agreed. "Anyway.. the twins woke up one morning and were playing in the forest and they saw a house made of candy and cake."
"I want to live there and eat the whole thing" Mabel told them "I bet I can help with that" Stan mentioned. Ford starts the story again a little peeved that he keeps getting interrupted "Okay.. Then the children began eating the house. Then the door opened, and an old woman came out. "Ah, my dear children, come here you must come indoors and stay with me, you will be no trouble." So she took them each by the hand, and led them into her little house. And there they found a meal laid out, of milk and pancakes, with sugar, apples, and nuts. After that she showed them two little beds, and Hansel and Grethel laid themselves down on them, and thought they were in heaven.She was downstairs getting ready an oven she used to eat them."
"How could she eat kids, what's wrong with her?" Mabel said upset "yea that's gross" Dipper agreed ."I know she crazy She was getting the oven ready, then Hansel  gave her a push, so that she went in , and Grethel shut the iron door upon her, and they both ran away, and left the wicked witch to burn miserably.The twins go home to their mother and father live happily together until the end" Ford finishes the story. "Ok it's bedtime" Stan got Mabel under the blanket he tucked her in and gave her stuff dog Wattles sleeps on her bed. And Stan kisses her goodnight Ford rubs her head softly she falls asleep .Dipper gets into bed Ford tucks him in Ford kisses him goodnight.And Stan rubs his head softly he falls asleep the kings closed the door.
Chapter 4 Promise me this That you'll stand by me forever
The next morning There's a knock at the door Soos answer it a older woman with red hair and formally dressed says "good morning sir my name is Kelly I'm am with the BAPP British administration of proper Princess." "Oh ok just a minute mr. Pines there a teacher lady at the door" "huh...what do you mean Soos" "hello your majesty I'm am with the proper princess administration and we want to help you niece to prepare her for Royal duty's".
" Gotcha....but no we don't need your help so you can just tell your king George that.... " "Stanley what's going on here" Ford interrupt them Mabel run up to them and listens.Stan points at Kelly  "She wants to train Mabel to be a better princess" "well I don't know we should think about it and contact you at a later time" Ford jesters for her to leave. " Wait don't go I want to be a proper Princess" "are you sure pumpkin" Stan asked her "yes I do I need to if I'm going rule the kingdom and it could be fun"she replied Kelly said "we start tomorrow 7:00 am" then she left.
Mabel and papa do some kitting she shows him how to kit himself a yellow sweater and he loves it and wears it the rest of the day.Stan went downstairs to get some work done.To Managing the kingdom. Then Ford and her bake some cookies. Fiddleford helps them and she puts a lot in her mouth Ford laughs at his cute daughter. FiddleFord puts the cookies in the jar Ford kisses him on cheek Fiddleford blushed.Then Mabel asks "uncle FiddleFord how did you guys meet" "well honey take a Seat do you want to start darling"FiddleFord asked him.
"I was a young teenager sitting outside under a tree writing I was lonely .I had always wanted to be in a relationship but the person I loved was too shy to talk to me and so was I". "I reckon was too shy to speak to you because you were so handsome" Ford blushed "Aww thank you babe.Anyway if it hadn't been for your daddy we might have never made a move" Stan pushed Ford to talk to him and invited FiddleFord to sit at a little table in the park. For the two of them to fall in love "And bye goalie it worked we had been together for years" FiddleFord looked into his eyes. "I think we will be for years to come right babe" Ford lovingly told him " absolutely darling" they kiss. Meanwhile Dipper sneaks out to the stables
He tells Soos he's going on a quick Trailride "ok dude have fun" Soos was taking care of the horses He rode out to the forbidding forest Dipper was looking around when he saw a tower. He thought this might be it "Pacifica Pacifica let down your hair" he yelled. Then noticed it was locked and he climbed the tower,and when he got to the window he unlocked it.
And out came lots and lots of golden hair. She puts her hair on a bar on top, and slides down "thank you but I don't need help getting down." She brags Dipper grumbles and notices how much hair she has then he slides down. "You have a lot of hair" "I know dork" she says sarcastically "anyway what you want to do now".
They rode around the red yellow and orange woods on a bay appaloosa pony named Dreamer and had a picnic on the grass. "what are your parents names are they as weird as you " she ask "oh umm my parents aren't alive anymore so my great uncles take care of me umm there twins" she got quiet and regretted asking then said "oh I so sorry I wish I knew my parents the king and queen save me when I was two"
"why do they lock you up in your tower" he asks "because they uses my hair and I'm not allowed to leave my mom tell me she much pretty than me that makes me feel upset it hurt when I left my tower that night they were not happy" "oh Pacifica gosh I'm sorry let go back" he doesn't want her to be in even more trouble than she already is. She flipped up his bangs and saw weird dots on his forehead. "What's that, are they zits" "umm it's my birthmark" he bushes "oh so that's why they call you Dipper".
"Yes my real name is Mason"he said embarrassedly "I like Dipper it's unique" "umm thank you" he looked flustered. she moved closer and kissed him on the cheek,"wow you smell nice" he giggled as she bushes at him. Afterwards he returned her to her tower, said goodbye and rode home.They do this for a few weeks without getting caught.
Chapter 5 How the kingdom lights shined just for me and you
Kelly getting her things together in the living room to teach Mabel. A giant rulebook,heels, a brush. "Ok dude I'm ready to get this party started" Mabel excitedly yelled "first off a princess should never yell unless there is a frog in her hair" she told her. "I kiss a frog once" she added Kelly Roll her eyes "anyway you should speak well and what on earth are you wearing" she was talking about her faded blue and brown dress. "Oh this is my play dress so I don't get my other dresses dirty I kind of like it"she gave Mabel a White dress to change into.
After that she fix her hair into a giant bun on her head.And some makeup "You put the tiara on" she tells her Mabel dose then it falls on the floor "I'm sorry". Then she has walk in hi heels she takes her first step forward then a few more. "Very good almost there" she fall Face first on ground they move on to tea party " finally something I'm good at" Mabel takes sip of tea and a bite of cupcake "mmm that was good" then she burps loudly. " That was a good one .... I mean Excuse me" she blushes Kelly looks frustrated.
"The most important thing that you must do is to be perfect. That means not yelling,waking to heels correctly,you have to know everything about your kingdom how to run it properly you subject look up they expect you to be calm and in control. And you have be quiet and very feminine. Let's Resume later maybe your have better luck" with that she left.
The next day the kings go to wake up the kids and see that their noses are a little red."Are you ok sweetie" Stan pats her head "AHH-OWOW" Dipper sneezes " Aww you sneezes like a kitten".She coughs every time one sneezes the other coughs, Ford makes a call for some help. Stan puts his hand on her forehead and she warm then he puts his hand on Dipper's forehead and his warm too.Soos comes with a thermometer, medicine, breakfast and tissues.
"Open your mouth please" Ford put the thermometer in Mabel's mouth it’s 108f "look like a fever" .Stan handed Dipper some juice he drank it ,Ford walked over to Dipper bed and took his thermometer. And he had a fever too Stan give Mabel her medicine "here you go pumpkin" she drink it,
"do you want some pancakes"he ask "no"she replied Ford gave Dipper he medicine"drink please"."This is disgusting'' he moans Mabel coughs Dipper sneezes Mabel starts shivering Stan take another blanket and wrappers it around her and rub her and she warm up she smiles at him he softly rub her head Ford opened a window a little bit to let the cool, air in and sick air out then Stan tucked Dipper into bed. "You kids get some sleep '' he said. "Call us if you need anything" Ford says "feel better soon dudes" Soos added.They go downstairs to let them sleep. Later they feed them matzo ball soup and medicine. They go back to sleep, then after dinner they give them their warm baths to help with their colds .That night the Dads go to cheek in on they're children they are sleeping. They look worse than before and paler. Ford feels Mabel's forehead and
she burning up she whimpers "Soos get me a cold washcloth PLEASE and get two just in case ".She starts having chills Ford take her blanket and tucks her in.Stan moves Dipper over to her bed he feels burning hot he looks worriedly at Stan. He puts the cold washcloth on his head Ford tucks him in Dipper close his eyes Ford carefully climbs into their bed and puts Dipper on his lap and runs his 6 fingers through Dipper's hair Stan puts Mabel in his lap and put the wet washcloth on her head Ford looks worriedly at his daughter and holds her hand .Stan rubs her hair softly she gave him a small smile they"then she slept.They stay in the whole night there and watch their babies they both to make sure they are ok they are worried something will go wrong.
They remember the night they were born when they thought something might go wrong.Dipper had a hard time breathing. He was turning blue after he was born. That was the first time he scared them and his parents. But the doctor saved him and after their mother got to hold her newborn twins then Stan held Mabel she wrapped her hand around his finger and Ford held Dipper he grabbed Ford's shirt they then they swapped them and held the other babies were so small and helpless.Just like the children are now they don't have their parents to protect them. But now they have their adopted daddys to take care of them. They are very worried they will lose their babies.
But little by little more medicine,sleep and soup the kids get better. And their dads are right there to take care of them and soon they are no longer sick. And they can get back to doing fun stuff.
Chapter 6 I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you
Mabel was in Stan's bed room him and Ford were having a conversation about the Princess training. "Guys I just don't want to do it again because it's not me how a dress or act and it's a pressure on how the kingdom sees me" she told them as she played with her hair. "Well we understand" Ford comforted her "don't ever let anyone ever change you my dear." Stan tells her "Sweetie don't worry about the kingdom you'll have your brother to help you and your already perfect princess to me." She hugs him.
Later the Pines,Soos and Melody ,Wendy and Fiddleford and Marilyn  were in the forest Mabel had found unicorns, pegasus and earth ponies. And she was having a lovely conversation over a tea party. The boys didn't mind being at a tea party . Stan and Marilyn  sat down next to each other and cuddle a little.Mabel was wearing a yellow ball dress and Wendy was putting a bow in Mabel's hair, her and Wendy were talking about horses,dresses and girl stuff.
Dipper was wearing a dark blue, White suit and brown pants . Later the kids climbed up a small cliff Dipper made it to the top first, Mabel got their last she tried to pull herself up but started falling down, Dipper quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her up. "Thank brother" she said "you're welcome little sister" he teases her "by 5 minutes that's what mom said" she reminds him he smiles.
They could see the top of their dads gray hair and Soos too after they went back to the castle. They sit down on the couch Mabel in Stan's lap he snuggles her and Dipper in Ford's lap he cuddles him "Grunkle Stan who was the king and queen before you guys" she asked.
"Well your great grandma was the queen before us. She was the oldest of 6 sisters. She passed away when you two were born."Stan answered. "Yes I believe she in her early 50s when she passed The passing down of power goes to twins usually.Your father my nephew didn't want to be king"Ford explained
"And he and your mom were in the military so he can't be king" Stan told them. The kids started to feel sad. Their eyes filled with sadness, they remember being in the war zone  after they had passed and their bodies bloody lying on the ground with bullet holes in them the kids remember crying and sobbing. The kings were there hugging them. Those first few days were the hardest. It is so tragic that they were only 29 and 30 years old.Ford rubs Dipper's back slowly Stan cuddles Mabel to help her "we sorry if we made you feel sad" Ford looked at both of them. "We know you kids are very sad losing your parents."Stan tries to comfort them "and we know we will never replace your mother and father but we love you so much"Ford added.
"It's okay to cry if you want"Stan reassured them "I want my MOMMY AND DADDY" she sobbed "me too it's not fair if someone was there...maybe " he let the tears fall. "I know it's not Dippy" Stan rubbed Dipper's cheek to comfort his son "I miss daddy would get my flowers" she sniffled "I really miss Mommy she brushed. My hair and she......was caring and there was no one else that could replace her ." Tears build up in her eyes and run down "I WISH SHE WAS HERE " she yelled.
"I I miss......Dadddy a lot he was the only one who understood me if I was there I could've done something" he try to wipe his tears away but they just kept coming "There was nothing you could've done, it's a horrible situation my boy" Ford hugged him but that wasn't helping "why did they have to KILL HER AND NOW SHE GONE" he yelled sobbing in anger . His yelling scared Mabel a little bit and she started crying more . "It's okay sweetie I know they love you I lot I'm sorry you both have to go through this "he let her keep crying to get it.
Out he holds her close and rubs her and because he's trying hard not too breakdown in tears as well.He lost his son and his beloved daughter in law it hurts him as much as it hurts them.But he holds it together for the children ."It really isn't fair I wish no child had to go through this specially you children" Ford comforted and held the crying boy.A few minutes passed .
They both give turns giving the twins kisses on the head and they comfort their babies for a while.And talk about the good things they remember about their parents.The king's know that the hole left by their parents wasn't ever going to be filled.And the children will probably never not be sad and frustrated at the loss. But the best thing to do is to not forget and talk about and work through the pain together as a family.And they take a little nap together Fiddleford see them and take a blanket and tucked them in he runs his hand though Ford's hair lovely Ford smile in his sleep then the kings cuddled and snuggled the children .
Later they receive a letter from the Northwest that they need to come over to their castle immediately to have a meeting. So the Pines got in the pumpkin carriage and rood off.They walked in and sat down in the living room. "Have the children go play in the other room. Well, we talk" Preston told them "and tell Pacifica she is awful at the piano and make her stop playing that horrible noise" Priscilla tells them as the kids went into the ballroom. And they see Pacifica in a pink dress, with her very long hair playing on the piano.She is not the best but she is not bad at it.
"Oh Dipper what are you doing here you didn't tell me you have a sister" "I'm his twin sister my name is Mabel are parents are, talking" ""can we play with you" he ask. "Sure dork lets dance" Pacifica got off the bench and grabbed Dipper's hand. Mabel started playing the piano. She is wearing a yellow dress and a yellow bow in her hair, she started slinging "tale as old as time, true as it can be barely even friends. Then somebody bends unexpectedly" Pacifica and Dipper dance slow and close
"just a little change,small to say the least". She lays her head on his shoulder, he blushes "both a little, scared neither one prepared" he twirls her around "beauty and the beast". Then he kissed her and she blushed when they sat down.The doors few open the parents were arguing "why are we here" Ford asked “because you're grandson Mason has been dating my daughter"Preston yelled
"And what that's crazy" Stan yelled. "Is that true that you disobeyed us?" Ford asked. "Well yes it is, we've been, hanging out" Dipper admitted ."you went to no the Northwests, castle alone"Stan yelled "there's a reason you don't talk to the king and queen were trying to protect you"Fold told him "I'm sorry I know that was wrong I just started talking to her and I feel bad I want to help her I love her" Dipper apologize . "It was my idea to keep sneaking out so he would stop using my hair" Pacifica told them.
Chapter 7 One day, we will be remembered
Pression angry, stopped over"Pacifica Northwest you are no longer the princess of this kingdom and, you shall no longer exist"Pression yelled. "I wish we never adopted you little rat" Priscilla added.He draws his sword and tries to kill her but Dipper stepped in the way of the sword, and it cut half of her hair and the rest disappeared. But the sword also stabbed Dipper's side, making a small wound.
He tried not to cry but he fell to the ground. Pacifica cried and held him. Everyone ran over Mabel hugged the other side of him, she looked at Stan and Ford she yelled "DADDY,PAPA please don't let him die too" she sobbed "is there a doctor in the castle" Ford yelled. "It's okay daddy here" he ran over to her and rubbed her back "This is all your fault he's hurt"Stan shouted back at Pression Ford took a piece of his shut, and tied it tightly around Dipper's wound.
Worried that he might lose his son he tries to keep Dipper calm and try to think of what else to help "We need to get him some help" Stan said worriedly as he was getting ready to pick him up he already lost his son he wasn't going to lose his grandson either. "Daddy please help me"Dipper started to cry Stan not sure what else to he sang to him "the monster gone we on our own but you're daddy here" Stan held hand and rubbed it gently.Ford joined in "beautiful beautiful beautiful boy" he ran 6 fingers through his hair.
Then Mabel hugged him more and tried to use her magic and love for her brother to heal him. A few minutes later he whispered "hey it doesn't hurt any more". "Oh thank goodness"Pacifca hugged him, Stan removed part of Dipper shut and there's nothing left but a small stair. The kings take Pacifica and the twins home. Dipper's stair felt sore the next couple of days,
Pacifica lives with them. She has her own room near Soos and his wife Melody's room. Her room is purple and enjoys her life. She can't use her magic hair anymore but she loves the new freedom she has. She spends a lot of time with Soos and Melody’s 6 other children. And he grows a Bond with her.They takes care of her and helps her with schoolwork.They are they're for her when she has a nightmare and comfort her back to sleep.Then Soos and Melody offers to adopt her Pacifica agrees and she gets a loving mom and dad .
Pacifica talks with Wendy and plays games with Mabel and Dipper. She never had the chance to be a kid but she has never been happier.Dipper and her do still love each other but now they'll never be separated.They can't wait until they are older and how much stronger their relationship will be.
Stan and Ford helped the children with school and taught them how to run the Kingdom a little bit. They also try to make every day fun for their children and let them enjoy being kids for as long as possible.They all celebrate their first Hanukkah as a family and they enjoy it very much.And the fathers try to keep twins from getting hurt physically and mentally they try their hardest.Mabel asks out the girl she likes and they date from a few months. But they release that feeling that is different now and they are growing in different ways and they decide to break up.Mabel takes a break and makes some new friends. Discover a new hobby.Then when she is a little bit older she tries again with a sweet boy named Charlie.
Dipper and Pacifica grow closer. Stan and Ford try their best to raise their son and daughter. They do a pretty good job. They have help from Fiddleford ,Maryland. They feel happy they were chosen to take care of the children. They feel glad they saved that girl from her abusive parents. And no matter what they would always have each other as a family.The boys have a handful raising two teenagers it's hard sometimes and the fathers don't agree with the kids.But the twins love their fathers they are the best parents they could've asked for.
And when they were all grown up, they had children of their own Dipper and Pacifica had fraternal blonde hair twins one boy one girl .Mabel marries Charlie and they adopted siblings one with black hair and one with dark red hair a 7 years old boy and a little baby boy.Together and all 4 of them ruled the kingdom together.The End.
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hispieceofcake · 1 month
Stayford was selfish, his emotional dependence on Bill Cipher and how he ruined the lives of those who loved him without he realizing it
Look, first of all, I want to make it very clear that this is not an attack on the character, Besides Ford, he's my favorite character after Stan, but i think Ford has some aspects that I think we should notice.
Firstly, it's that thing from the last post I mentioned that I mentioned, that Ford doesn't love the stand as much as it loves him, that Ford doesn't value Stan as much, but even so Stan he spent years and years dedicating his life to trying to bring his brother back and even so, Ford didn't pay attention to it, he didn't care, so much so that as soon as he left the portal he arrived and punched Stan in the face and he didn't even apologize for that, afterwards and didn't even thank his brother, because as I said, at the end he said thank you, but it was also a sarcasm thank you.
It kind of starts there, his brother was always by his side, took care of him, defended him and when Stan needed him Ford wasn't there, when Stan was being kicked out of the house due to an accident that he didn't even intend to cause committed, Ford didn't do anything, it's not that I'm saying he doesn't have the right to be upset or mad at his brother for ruining his chance of getting into college, but still man, it was his twin brother and he didn't even try to talk to his father or try to resolve things and didn't even try to defend Stan like he always defended Ford, he didn't do anything.
And then years later, when he did all that shit there because of Bill, he simply calls Stan for help asking him to go as far as possible with the diary even though he knows that Stan's biggest dream was to live with Ford. And furthermore, based on what I said in the previous post, about their anniversary there is that page in Bill's book where he says that Bill gave him that gift that was dead rats.
But then, nothing about Stan, nothing, he didn't even think about his own brother because he was so fixated on Bill and his research.
Everyone here probably knows Fliderford and knows how much he cared about Ford, to the point of putting Ford's name as the password on his computer and losing years and years with his family. To end up going mad because of Ford's ambition for knowledge that was fueled by Bill Cipher. I bet Fiddleford had tried many times to warn Ford about Bill, so much so that a scene of Ford meditating on an altar to Bill shows Fiddleford looking at him disapprovingly.
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And one thing that makes me a little resentful of Ford is the Christmas pages, which Fiddleford took the time to make a gift for him and not one for his son or wife, showing how much Fiddleford put Ford first before his own family, and Ford probably didn't notice it.
I've been thinking and reflecting and I think about how Fiddleford is a suffering and even sad character. Losing years and years of his family, losing his mental health and sanity, losing the love and attention of his son, and all because of one thing... Stanford.
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Look, I don't think Ford was aware of all the damage that was happening, because he apparently always had his head stuck in his research and in Bill Cipher, but I don't put all the blame on Bill, since Ford was an adult and should have known better who to trust, yes, he was manipulated, but if he hadn't trusted Bill Cipher a lot of things would have happened differently. (Gravity Falls probably wouldn't even happen)
But now back to the main topic, I also want to point out that he called Dipper to be his assistant and apprentice, I'm not saying this was bad, it was actually a great opportunity for Dipper, but what I mean is that Ford didn't think about Mabel, he didn't even think about how he was shaking the relationship between the two younger twins, just like he did with his relationship with Stan. Think about it, Dipper and Mabel's parents were probably in the middle of a divorce (as mentioned in Dipper's dream about him accidentally witnessing his parents fighting) and Mabel was going to be alone without the person she loved the most and who was always there for her, the story of the Pines twins was going to happen again.
It upsets me that Ford didn't think of Mabel as much as he did of Stan in his teenage years (when Stan was kicked out of the house).
"Ah, but Stan had Mabel as his favorite."
Yes, I know that, but even so he never stopped thinking about the two twins, so much so that he only teased Dipper with the intention of helping him grow and become stronger so that he wouldn't have to the same fate as Stan, he cared and thought about the future of both twins, unlike Ford who chose only Dipper.
I'm not saying he doesn't love Mabel, he actually adores her and has a lot of things in common with her, like writing in a diary and wearing sweaters, but that part about her breaking up with Dipper is what bothers me.
Now about your emotional dependence on Bill Cipher. I think he has this because he seemed very attached to Bill and several times in the book he says that he missed Bill when he disappeared from his head, not caring how much harm Bill did to him and his body when he took control of him. Ford says several times in the book that his body was sore from the highly dangerous things and situations that Bill put him in and yet Ford never put a stop to it. He only stopped when he saw how traumatized Fiddleford had become and when he confronted the yellow triangle who quickly gave the game away and exposed that he had been deceiving Ford all along.
And then in the final moment where he would shoot Stan with the memory-erasing gun, you can see that Ford was hesitant, about having to shoot Stan but also about erasing Bill Cipher, the muse he had for so long.
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Ford spent several fragile moments with Bill Cipher and became very attached to him. Bill in turn did the same, because it is clear how bad Bill felt after separating from Ford.
Bill and Ford are a relationship just like Lapis lazuli and Jasper in Stiven's universe, a toxic and harmful relationship for both parties in the relationship, in addition to dependence, emotional overload, trauma, and physical damage. Ford probably got a few scratches here and there from when Bill would take over his body and roll around on the floor or any dangerous place, plus a tattoo in a very... specific place (In the area above the butt).
Bill is also a character with a great story and tragic lore behind him, but I will talk about that another time.
Look, guys, I see Ford as a lovable character who has suffered a lot and made a lot of mistakes and who is learning from them, yes, he is often selfish as I have shown, but he regrets it. As demonstrated when he apologizes to old Mcgucket in the end it is even shown that he tried to repair his friendship with the same one who forgives him.
We make mistakes, we are human, we make mistakes and we learn from them. It is not wrong to make mistakes but it is important to learn from them.
Well, folks, that's all for now, from what I can think of at least, Ford is my favorite character along with Stan and I love exploring the personality and attitude of the two that they had, because as I said rather, liking a character means knowing their good and bad points.
If you have a different opinion or something you would like to add, please share it, but please do not be rude or offensive.
Thank you for reading, bunny kisses 🐰💋
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sillytigergrimlin · 26 days
OK SO, BILL CYPHER REINCARNATION OC! [Click for better quality]
After summer at Mystery shack
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Before summer at Mystery Shack
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His name is Milo Pines, triplet to Mabel and Dipper, and everyone calls him Kit !
So I made up this version of him in 7th grade, so it might be a bit cringe- but I read @bluefrostyy 's Sébastien Pines au and AHHHHHHH
I read that fic at least once a year ! I first read it before I was diagnosed with ADHD, but Seb as a kid made me cry in relating so many times with being perceived as stupid but not stupid just hyperactive and stuff , GREAT FIC SORRY I JUST RANTED, BACK TO RANTING ABOUT KIT-
Ok so I hope this is fine but Kit is an Au of Blue's Au, so he is a reincarnation of the second bill that sebastian defeated- and he was a bit more specific seeing what happened to Sébastien with the reincarnation... but not specific enough
Bill making the deal with the axolotl:
"Don't make me a human"
Axolotl: Proceeds to give him pointy ears and say because of genetic mutation and evolution he is technically not a human
"Make sure I'm still smart"
Axolotl: here little man, have a hyperfixation on inventing stuff
Personality wise, he is pretty shy when he first meets someone, and he usually uses sign language because he dosn’t like talking. He might whisper talk to people who don't know sign, but it makes him uncomfortable.
Sometimes, when he feels he can really trust someone, he will talk to them, and he enjoys when he is by himself singing and playing acoustic guitar! He can be pretty chaotic once he comes out of his shell , kind but misunderstands things. Offers creative solutions no one asked for... but sometimes work!
I like to keep it as Sébastien being the grunkle at the mystery shack. Kit has some general hatred and avoids Seb as much as possible throughout his life, because Seb is the one who defeated him in his past life as Bill. But when they are sent to live with him for the summer, he dosn’t really have a choice- so he ended up having to hang out with Seb.
Seb also wasn't particularly fond of Kit at first, but more in a wtf is going on way- he gives him the nickname "Toolkit" because he always has a toolkit on him, and Mabel shortened it to "Kit" and it kinda just stuck-
Kit ends up opening up in the end, and Seb ends up realizing ok, this kid is as much bill as I am so- let's stop hating him and also be less mean to myself [he gets to that point for other story reasons too, you should ready the original story by bluefrostyy PLEASE]
Before the summer Kit definitely cursed his past self for making him look so "weird", he was mocked for it so wore things to make him look pretty normal. His parents didn't really do much about him, he was like a middle child, just slowly hating himself more and more in the background as he invents stuff. [Why so dark 7th grade me?]
Seb helps Kit accept the weirdness as not a bad thing- and that being weird and liking bill like things dosn’t make him like bill! Kit helps Seb with the portal, and Seb makes Kot and awesome dress!
I'm explaining this so badly-
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monobmp · 24 days
No I completely understand… there’s a lot that could be done with canon that could be really interesting… and I know exactly what ur talking about when it comes to the awkward social interaction margarita LIKE ITS SO PAINFUL IN A GOOD WAY sinks my teeth into them and shakes them around. I think why Bill is so out of pocket with the kids is that they don’t have as much uhh how do u say it.. like they’re kids and no one outside of the know would believe them.. but also like they don’t have the adult brains that go “I’m just gonna ditch this and run as far away as possible” if that makes sense??? Like an adult typically has much more resources. I think Bill was also just genuinely invested in keeping up appearances at first and see how far he could sink his claws into Ford… I always thought that Bill would have a very far removed POV on human socialization and use it like a reference guide on how and what buttons to push, which is really fun bc my major uses a similar perspective to examine human social behaviors
Also I understand the Ford dislike bc I’ve been down bad for him since middle school but dear god he’s an asshole basically for the entirety of the show. Legitimately the only person he’s consistently nice to is Mabel, which to me is interesting when you put that next to his interactions w/ Dipper before weirdmageddon. I suppose it clarifies that he doesn’t really have any disdain for people who aren’t like him, just some really outdated beliefs. But it’s ok I can fix him
There is!!! It's just I'm not really much of a writer though, unfortunately, I love consuming the content, but it's hard to think of suitable content yourself 😔 it's tough 😭😭😭
And YEAH that honestly makes sense. It's giving "I'm the creature your parents warn you about if you don't brush your teeth before going to bed" but no physical harm, maybe just trauma though.
And Bill keeping up the "muse" appearance 💕💕💕💕💕 I still find it crazy Ford calls him "My Muse" and had all that Bill memorabilia 😭 ALSO I really like the idea of him using memories as a reference guide for human socialization, even if he doesn't fully get it. I love it a lot actually, I love learning an outsiders perspective on understanding human mannerisms and dissecting the deeper meaning of it. Like sure he's a little freak in a human POV that aligns dead rats into Ford's name for his birthday, but that means a lot to Bill in his own way, right? Smiles
I DON'T HATE FORD ANYMORE, I'm no longer a young idiot that didn't have the concept of media literacy and can understand more on why Ford was so mean </3 but also he was like, gone from human civilization for 30+ years and was being chased by a triangle for that entire time. Just give grandpa some time to get adjusted again 😊
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disregardcanon · 2 years
kinda doubt i’ll ever do anything with this but i have a tentative idea for a gravity falls cis swap with the twins.
dipper is still called dipper most of the time, and mabel has a charming little old man’s name. i’m going with merlin as the placeholder. the big differences here would be
1. merlin still makes sweaters and dresses basically the same, but he incorporates a lot of space imagery into his crafts because people were mean to dipper about her birthmark when they were kids and he was like NUH UH SPACE IS GREAT! MY SISTER IS WAAAAYYY COOLER THAN YOU!
2. merlin is visibly very very gay. like he’s basically just... always known. his parents are supportive enough that when he was a kid and kept showing interest in so much “girl stuff” if he was an egg they would have let him socially transition. but merlin’s really just really visibly, flamboyantly gay. boy bands. glitter. he’s a lot more careful with his flirting and crush of the weeks than in original canon because. you know, not always safe to be as upfront about that for a gay boy as a “straight” girl, but the gnomes, mermando and gabe all still happen.
2. the teasing about dipper not actually being “manly” enough slips into much different places. merlin laments a lot of the time that his sister doesn’t want to do girly things with him, he’ll gently poke her about how tomboy is another word for “baby butch”, and a lot of “ugh, you’re hopeless. you could at LEAST let me do some makeup for you”
3. One of the first things that happens when they get to gravity falls is merlin saying “HI! I’M YOUR GAY NEPHEW!” and then grunkle stan says, “uh, i’m your gay uncle?” 
“Wait, really?” merlin asks. 
Dipper crosses her arms over her chest. “I thought dad said you were married to a woman once.” 
Stan rolls his eyes. “Fine, I’m bisexual. That clear enough for ya?” 
“CRYSTAL QUEER!” Merlin crows. Dipper groans. 
4. Okay so. There is no copyright restriction in my fanfiction ideas (plus i think that disney would actually LOVE the synergy of this) so dipper is very into percy jackson and she projected HARDCORE onto annabeth. She’s like look! there she is! A smart tough tomboy!!!! And she has a lil crush on percy so she’s like smushing her dolls together in her head. But a lot more subtly because she’s dipper and she’s embarrassed about everything. 
5. Merlin loves Sevral Timez. Dipper HATES them. While dipper does sometimes like guys, she is insistent that boy bands are a cash grab, manipulative, a way for companies to bleed girls dry while making fun of them, and pathetic. Merlin tells her to lighten up and goes to the concert with candy and grenda. Dipper reads her little mystery novels in their room. 
6. Dipper IS bi. She DOES like girls, but she’s been in denial about that already for years. She had a boyfriend in fifth grade. They hung out on the playground and held hands and junk. Merlin is still convinced that she’s bisexual and brings it up CONSTANTLY, but stopped and now only brings it up when it’s the two of them because he knows it upsets her. (he thinks that she’ll be much happier once she just accepts who she is though!) 
7. Merlin tried his best to ignore his own bullying, stay away from the guys it wasn’t safe to be around, and stick to hanging out with either the girls who were legitimately fine with him or wanted to pretend to have a gay best friend. He was caught up enough in avoiding HIS bullying that he didn’t notice DIPPER’S bullying. Dipper is a bit of a “not like other girls” type in this scenario, but that’s mainly the result of most other girls being mean to her. While SHE hasn’t accepted that she likes girls, the mean girls in class have decided that it’s gospel truth. There’s a lot about her “finally coming out” and her “finally matching” her brother. I would go into further detail but I think “the bullying was homophobic, partially due to her gender presentation and partially due to her brother, and a lot of it is centered around their first year of middle school gym and changing in company”. Dipper and Merlin both change inside a stall to prevent harassment. Not yay. 
8. Dipper’s crush on Wendy is not any smaller than in canon, but she frames it to herself as just wanting Wendy to stay single because boys suck. Merlin is very pushy about it being a crush crush and. Well. Robbie is an insecure little shit and he’s not super emotionally intelligent, but he knows that Wendy is bi and a little girl isn’t any less threatening to him than a little boy. When Robbie spills the beans about Wendy liking girls too (which is a lot of reason that he’s still threatened by dipper and still so confrontational right back at dipper who thinks that she’s just Protecting Her Friend From Shitty Boys), Dipper goes through about six and a half crises as she realizes that it would actually be. Possible. For wendy to want to date her.
9. Once she’s done freaking out about that and has to talk to wendy about it (because merlin forces her into the same situation as in canon) Wendy assures her that it’s perfectly okay that dipper has a crush on her, she knew, but that it’s just not going to happen. She DOES take one of the queer pins off of her shirt and give it to dipper as a keepsake, though. 
10. when stan finds her in the pin he’s THRILLED
“You bi too, kid?” stan asks. Dipper nods. Stan claps her on the shoulder. “Welcome to the family.” 
Dipper frowns. “Aren’t I already family?” 
“The other type of family,” stan says, winking. And that’s when it sinks in that it’s a euphemism for queer. <3
11. things are probably still going to suck when they go back to piedmont, but... both the twins are a lot more confident in themselves after this summer. after saving the world, how could they NOT be?
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darkspine10 · 11 months
GF Fanfic - Past Made Present
Dipper and Mabel Vs. The Past (20,707 words) by darkspine10
Chapters: 4/9
Fandom: Gravity Falls
Rating: Teen and Up
“So, just to make sure I didn’t miss anything,” Zera said. “The twins’ parents? Their names are-”
“Marc and Mary?” Pacifica said, lifting her coffee cup to her lips. “Yep.”
“No way.”
“Well, Marcus and Marianne if you want to get technical.”
“You’ve gotta be shitting me.”
Pacifica spluttered out her drink, trying to hold back the laughter. She put a palm over her chest. “Dead serious, honest.”
Zera wrinkled her nose. “And they gave their kids the names Mabel and Mason? Seriously?”
“Is it any wonder my husband goes by Dipper? Then again my family are hardly paragons when it comes to alliteration either. Thank the stars that Wendy breaks the trend.”
“Hear hear,” Zera said, raising her cup in mock toast. In her highchair, Wendy giggled and slammed her sippy cup on the table repeatedly.
After parting ways with the others, Zera and Pacifica had wandered down through the suburbs to the shopping district on Piedmont Avenue - which Zera was confused to discover was actually outside of Piedmont’s borders in the wider city of Oakland. Along with Wendy they’d found a small coffee shop. The square tables covered with wide umbrellas that shielded the afternoon sunlight gave them an ample view of the drying asphalt.
A thin layer of sweat had already built up on Zera’s skin. “It’s crazy how warm it is after this morning. I might need to take a dip in the bay to rehydrate.”
“You just wait for a real California summer, sister. Remember, I lived with the twins for a while, I know how bad the heat can get.” Pacifica delighted in squinting and blurring her vision. Before her eyes Zera morphed from her human disguise to her true self. Pacifica was amused by the incongruity of a blue fish alien sitting casually next to all the oblivious patrons of the coffee shop “You’re partly amphibious, yeah?”
Zera nodded. “At least this drink will keep me from drying out completely.”
She took a sip but Pacifica audibly scoffed. “How are you this basic? I thought, given all the globetrotting Mabel gets up to and the spacehopping you do, that you’d have a more varied palette. I was expecting you to like some weird mixture of grass smoothie with specially blended icing, or a rare middle-eastern tea. Something a tad exotic. But no: Pumpkin spice. Sometimes I forget you’re an actual alien.”
“Oh yeah, Miss High and Mighty, what’s your drink then?”
“It’s some kind of festive macchiato blend. I don’t know.” Pacifica scrunched up her nose. “Anyway, it’s beside the point. It’s an excuse to get a break from all of my husband’s tedious hand-wringings. Plus I thought it was high time the two of us had a proper conversation.”
“Really? That’s a new one,” Zera said, sitting back in her chair. She sipped her coveted latte for a moment, slightly frowning. “I always got the impression that you and Dipper didn’t like me very much.”
Pacifica raised a single eyebrow, as if challenging the statement. “Oh? What gave you that idea?”
“Well, the first time we met, when I tried to, you know: scam the three of you. Mabel was smitten and all, but you two - man, you sussed me out right away. After that… I guess I felt like you treated me as some hanger-on with May.”
Pacifica flashed a reassuring grin. “Eh, that stuff’s all water under the bridge. Uh, not that I meant to make a pun on the fact you’re aquatic.” Zera reacted with her lip set in a line. “I’ve said it before, we’re sister-in-laws now,” Pacifica said in an attempt to mollify the alien. “That means we’re family, no matter how strangely we all came together. Mabel may have unique tastes, but she chose right with you.”
“Thanks,” Zera murmured. “That makes me feel a bit less like an outsider.”
“Trust me, you’ll settle in fast. Wait until Marc reads his Christmas cracker jokes over dinner. We’ll all be in the same boat, cringing.”
“Except May. She loves cheesy jokes.”
“Ha, fair point.” Pacifica blew on her drink and took a sip, careful not to get foam all over her mouth. She idly stirred the liquid. “You know, I had coffee like this once with Wendy - Corduroy I mean - back before our portal quest. After motherhood that feels like a very long time ago.”
“You named your daughter after someone you only had coffee with once?” Zera asked, almost impressed.
“It was complicated, and mostly Mason’s idea. She did save my life, but tried to kill us several times, and saved the entire multiverse with her sacrifice. I dunno, there are complex feelings. Lately I’ve been taking to calling her Leah; that’s her middle name.” Pacifica tickled her daughter’s face. “You’re gonna like high class things when you’re older, aren’t you Leah? Aren’t you? You won’t have basic tastes.”
“Ha ha,” Zera deadpanned. “That’s a nice name for her though, Leah Pines.”
Pacifica frowned. “Although it is another in-joke technically. Mason wanted a subtle reference to his Great Uncle Stan.”
“I don’t get it.”
“Stanley. Leah. See? It’s kinda silly but Mason was keen and I didn’t feel like objecting. Kind of regret that now. He was naming her like it was the epilogue of Harry Potter, talk about tacky.”
“I’ll have to remind myself to ask Mabel what that means, since I’ve never heard of it.”
“She’ll probably say you’re better off not knowing. Like this whole debacle with their parents. Let them figure it all out, I don’t care.”
“You’re not tempted to intervene? Not even a little?” Pacifica gave a tiny shrug. “And here I was told you used to be a gossip magnet.”
“You couldn’t pay me to wade into this debate.” She slouched back in her chair. “It reminds me too much of my own parents. All that tiptoeing around, keeping part of myself hidden. It was hell. Everything was so much better after I actually got angry with them. The twins will be the same, as soon as they get this off their chest they’ll stop being so useless with worrying about it.”
Zera paused for a moment, then whispered. “So, Marc and Mary? Go on then, tell me the story.”
“There’s not much to tell: That’s the point, they’re average. Mary works as a receptionist in the twins’ old elementary school and Marc is a computer programmer. Has a job in some high-rise over in the financial district, strictly on the low end of the totem pole sadly.”
“There’s gotta be more to it than that though. Come on, you’ve known them for years. Why are they so… unlike the twins?”
Pacifica mulled this over, watching steam float off her drink. “Well, they had kids pretty young, like barely out of their teens. No-one ever plans for twins. Hell, they didn’t even know it ran in the family back then. And once you’re a young couple burdened with an over-imaginative bundle of energy like Mabel and a socially-awkward know-it-all like Mason you’ve got a recipe for chaos. Add in the fact those kids were fiercely protective of each other and it’s no wonder this divide grew to such big proportions.”
“It all sort of… happened by accident then? A mix of personality issues and different paths in life?”
“When you put it like that, pretty much. They did a good job handling the twins though. Raised them right with strong morals, even before their Grunkles got a hold of them. Although I’m not sure morally upstanding is a phrase that could ever describe Stanley Pines.” Zera was processing all this when Pacifica continued. “Look, if you really want a root cause to everything that led the twins apart from their parents then it goes back to my husband. He had an anxious moment all those years ago and has been carrying it around with him ever since. Mason’s had a thing about blindly trusting people ever since he found Journal 3. It might have made sense when he was 13, but now? He’s a husband and a father, with adult responsibilities and a life of his own. But we can’t force him to say anything. He and Mabel have to confront this on their own terms. Talk about a messed up family.”
“Not like you,” Zera said. “You’re completely different of course, with your adopted war orphan, newborn baby, and no steady income. All perfectly stable.”
“Low blow, S’aren, low blow.”
“Careful, better not buy another croissant or you might go bankrupt.” They both laughed. “You think Dipper and Mabel will get through it ok?” Zera asked, serious again. “They were split apart before, right?”
Pacifica chewed her bottom lip. “I think this time they’re united well enough. They certainly aren’t about to fall out like they did in the past. Who knows honestly. Like I said, what happens between them and their parents is their business. We’re here to support the twins and give advice, but I’m not about to get in the firing line once Mason finally opens up about magic and junk.”
“Hmm, I guess they are very close.”
“Take it from one Pines to another, there are only three topics you can bring up that will guarantee the twins will argue non-stop for a few hours: Whether direct action is more effective than protest marches, the pros and cons of nuclear power, and live-action Disney musical remakes.”
“Wait, what’s with the last one?” Zera asked.
“Trust me, don’t ask. I’ve seen the debates. Heated doesn’t begin to describe it. The fiery heart of the sun would be a cool winter’s day in comparison.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” Zera stirred her latte. “With all this talk about parents, I was wondering. Have you ever thought about reconnecting with yourparents?” Pacifica choked on her drink for the second time. “Ooh, sore subject.”
“Now who’s joking?” she gasped, reaching for a serviette. “There’s a reason Marc and Mary had to take me in at 17. They’re saints compared to my dear old mom and dad.”
Zera smiled to herself. “Ok, drama queen. Sorry I brought it up.”
Pacifica tapped a finger repetitively on the table, before deciding to answer. “My parents made a lot of mistakes when I was growing up. Trying to introduce them to my family is a hassle I don’t need. I don’t know which of my kids they’d be more offended by, the full-blooded alien or the one with 50% of Mason’s genes.” She ruefully laughed. “Now there’s an irony. I couldn’t get my parents to care even when the supernatural was staring them right in the face. If they couldn’t make a profit off it it might as well not exist. What I wouldn’t have given to have parents like the twins, they’re actually there when they need them. I’m sure you can relate, growing up in space nursery with a million other tadpoles.”
“It was tough, yeah. I suppose it’s a good thing you and Dipper stepped up for Merrise, made sure she has a roof over her head and two people who love her unconditionally.”
“Uh, thanks,” Pacifica said, blushing a little from the praise. She’d always seen it less as something she had a choice in and more a duty. Merrise had shown up in their lives with nowhere else to go and they’d quickly come to adore her. Leaving her behind seemed absurd.
“See, you were right, we can be friends,” Zera teased. “Genuine praise makes both of us feel embarrassed.”
“Cheers to that,” Pacifica said, grinning and glad to have finally made something of a connection with the alien whom Mabel so adored. She was about to take another sip of her macchiato when a faint ripple danced across the surface of the liquid. “Uh oh.”
“What?” Zera asked, none the wiser.
A second, larger ripple shook her drink. “I think we’re about to have some trouble.” The table began to shake, rattling the cups and cutlery. The pine tree shaped pendant Pacifica always wore began to spin and she sighed. “I can’t go one day without them somehow-”
The monster seemed faintly ridiculous, cantering down the high street on narrow legs which supported a bulky upper torso and arms as thick as oak trees. Golden orbs trailed slightly behind, hovering above what passed for the creature’s neck. Pedestrians began running from their tables in panic. The chimaera picked up speed, rocking Pacifica and Zera’s table so hard it nearly toppled over.
A second later a bright pink car sped past the coffee shop, engine revving loudly. Pacifica leapt up from her seat, slung Wendy into a pouch across her chest, and set off after the car, all in one fluid motion. Zera did a double-take, blinking in confusion, before setting down her cup and flailing to her feet. “Wait for me!”
The Mini hurtled along the streets of San Francisco in hot pursuit. Mabel was no stranger to hairpin turns and insane acceleration, but her brother, parents, and niece were being juddered around constantly. She was worried they’d lose the chimaera when they veered near to Lombard Street, but the creature avoided the steep turns. The dense traffic in the city centre forced both the car and its quarry to slow. Self-driving vehicles littered the road at odd angles, having been unable to process the danger in time to swerve out of the way before being knocked aside in the chimaera’s wake.
Honking the horn, Mabel watched the creature weave through the slowly moving cars ahead of them. “Forget the car,” Dipper said, undoing his seatbelt. Merrise and Mabel leapt out of the car, while his parents were still reeling from the chase and struggling to release themselves. “Stop!” Dipper cried at the creature.
He was self-conscious of all the eyes on him. They hadn’t quite reached the most populated part of the city, but there were still countless passers-by along the street staring in disbelief at the Frankenstein’s Monster wildly careening around. Revealing the supernatural to his parents was one thing. Winding up on local news was another. The truth about weirdness wasn’t entirely clandestine - after all he’d encountered many individuals who’d independently stumbled onto cryptids and magic outside of the Falls. But broadcasting it to the world still felt like a transgression.
He had to end this quickly. He began to march determinedly down the street after the slowly trotting monster. Mabel called out to him. “What are you doing Dipper, are you nuts?”
“I have to go talk to that thing!” he said without turning. “It isn’t evil.”
“Uh, did you miss when it rampaged through the world’s greatest monuments!?”
“This thing only coalesced today. It’s probably confused and overwhelmed. If I talk to it I might be able to calm it down.”
Mabel seemed indecisive, but nodded anyway. “Ok bro. If you think you know what you’re doing.”
“I’ll come too”, Merrise said, trying to follow her father. She was still hobbling slightly on her grazed knee.
Mabel held out an arm and nudged her back in. “Nuh uh missy, you’re staying with me where I can keep you safe. Let your dad have a go first.” Merrise pouted and feebly slunk into her seat next to her grandparents. Unlike Merrise, who knew the dangers ahead of them, Mr and Mrs Pines had no such hesitations in going after Dipper. This may be a startlingly unexpected set of circumstances for them but they weren’t about to let their son stroll into the midst of the action without any guarantees of his safety.
“Son!” Mr Pines called. “Don’t stick your neck out for nothing!”
Mabel now had to contend with the unenviable task of keeping her parents back from the danger zone. She held her arms back and had to physically hold them at bay. Her mother stood back and gave her sternest glare. Somehow even Pacifica’s hardest stares paled in comparison to the ‘Mom Glare’. “Mabel Jessica Pines, you get out of my way right this instant.”
“Can’t do that Mom, really sorry.” Mabel grimaced and snuck a look over her shoulder. Dipper was right in front of the beast. “Someday we’ll look back at today and see it as a real turning point.” Neither of her parents were impressed by that.
Squeezing through the stalled traffic, Dipper yelled towards the back of the vast chimaera, which was forcing cars out of the way to get through. The golden stars that sufficed for the creature’s eyes turned to consider him. “Hey, Journal Man… uh, Llama-Tree-Star-Centaur… thing. Ugh, Mabel was always better at coming up with the names.”
The creature regarded him with a look that might almost have been quizzical, before letting out a roar of anger. It wrenched the nearest streetlight out of its foundations and hurled it towards Dipper. He wanted to appear on top of things, both to intimidate and pacify the creature and to make himself seem self-assured for his parents’ sake, but he had to dive out of the way in an undignified manner, tumbling onto the ground and landing hard on his journal.
“Right, that’s it.” He stood back up and dusted the grit off his jacket. He pointed at the scowling chimaera. “You might act tough, but I need answers.” He flipped through Journal 9 and clutched it in his palms. A certain incantation was written on the page he’d selected. Mabel might be the more accomplished spellcaster, but on this occasion he was willing to give it a go. He placed one palm on the open page and shouted at the beast. “Ipso Facto, Lorem Ipsum!”
A hurricane of words spiralled off the page and slammed into his enemy. The incandescent letters coiled around in the air, before merging into the monster’s flesh and bark. The creature coughed a few times, struggling to form sentences. The spell Dipper had read out was meant to translate specific languages, very handy for deciphering ancient codes. In this instance he was hoping it would make the creature a bit easier to understand, as well as making it stick around, awed by his powers.
Feeling quite impressed with his attempt at the spell, Dipper allowed himself a moment of smugness. “Now, are you going to explain what you want?”
“Must… catalogue all unique incidences and occurrences. Unusual artefacts, creatures not found in any bestiary, sacred sites and technological wonders beyond man’s wildest dreams.” Dipper felt momentarily wowed by the creature’s eloquence. It was embodying the journals to a tee and as before spoke with a multitude of voices juggling for dominance. Right now the chorus favoured Pacifica’s tones. “I am diary, journal, epistolary, record, and scribble. I am what’s hidden between the lines, confined to the margins, buried in subtext! I am Errata!” The sigil acting as the creature’s mouth twisted into an approximation of a smile.
Dipper opened his journal and scribbled a note. “Errata… is that with two T’s, or-”
“Silence!” The sigil curved into an ugly expression. Dipper’s attempt at levity had evidently failed to be appreciated. The creature wrapped its arms over its chest and shivered. “Mason Pines, you are prolific in my tapestry. Amongst the rest you imbued so much of your essence into me. You could say I’m an open book.”
“Ha,” Dipper said without humour. “So, you have intelligence, you can recognise me. Do you, I don’t know, revere me or something?” He resisted the urge to lift up his hair to show the constellation birthmark as if it might sway the beast over to his side.
Errata laughed with the mocking guffaws of Stan Pines. “No thank you, human. I am an independent entity now, not some puppet.”
“What do you want then? Just to wander around causing havoc?”
“I hunger for esoteric knowledge. I must consume that which is forbidden or arcane and feast on the ignorance of fools. Perhaps I will take some of your secrets, Mason.” Dipper took a step back. He was starting to suspect his hypothesis about the creature’s innocence was misplaced. That sounded like deliberate malice.
“Hey, we can help you. My family knows all sorts of stuff… although I suppose you’re probably made out of all of it already.” Dipper felt like he was running out of options. The creature didn’t seem swayed by his words.
Sniffing the air, Errata winced with pain, as if suffering from a headache. “This place is so mundane, so trivial. My apotheosis is incomplete. Perhaps I can speed things along.”
“Woah woah woah, you don’t have to do anything rash-”
The chimaera ignored him and spread his hands wide towards the sky. Columns of steam shot out and Dipper started to sweat. The creature screamed in a mix of pain and pleasure, a single great exaltation. Then it was gone, melting away like a ghost. In its place, more of the golden aura, a sight Dipper was growing to greatly dislike squinting at. Unlike the painstaking birth of the chimaera, this aura formed a recognisable shape almost instantly.
Dipper had to do a double take. He shouldn’t have been surprised. Errata had come from the journal after all.
Standing before him was a Mishipeshu, a fur-coated mix of catfish and tiger. This was his most recent find recorded in the journal, which they’d helped rescue in Salem. But as soon as the water-panther tried to bound away it melted back into plasma. A second later it reformed into a gangly legged, stalk-like alien with a bulbous cranium and protruding whiskers. Dipper recognised this as one of the Grown, a colonising fungus species Pacifica had extensively detailed in her journal after an encounter on a far-off planet.
Even this didn’t last, with the apparition morphing straight into a familiar pack of pointy-hatted gnomes, then a moustache-wearing hexagon and a flying phoenix he knew as his daughter’s pet. On and on it went, unable to fix on a single appearance and drawing from the collection of journals his family had contributed to in the last half a century. Even human beings appeared in the mix - if a Pines had written about or sketched someone then they were fair game.
Eventually the mass of energy split apart. Two or three distinct constructs began to run off into the city, each one morphing between different shapes from the journals and retaining that unmistakable golden hue. Dipper watched as a cackling hand-witch sprinted off in one direction, a hairy Standyak leapt off onto the nearest rooftop, and a herd of manotaurs charged down the street towards the Mini. Mabel climbed onto the nearest car to avoid the stampede, and Merrise was buffeted in the car.
Mr and Mrs Pines were directly in the path of the manotaurs. Dipper fruitlessly reached out a hand but they were too far away for him to do anything. Utterly lost, his parents stood there frozen like deer in headlights. He winced and fell to his knees, unable to prevent the collision.
Until an orb of orange fire consumed them first. Dipper’s jaw dropped, as the stampede thundered on. A second later his parents re-emerged on the sidewalk out of another cone of fire. Dazed, they were both shaken but otherwise unhurt. Dipper breathed a sigh of relief. As the clatter of hoofbeats faded away he saw Zera, deep in concentration just up the street.
Running up towards him, Pacifica was carrying Wendy in a sling. She helped him to his feet. “Easy there. It’s over.” Dipper stared around at the chaos. It was just like the golf course, with cars strewn about and people hiding behind cover, scared to come out.
“Oh Paz, it’s only just begun- ow!”
She’d punched him in the arm. “Don’t give me that over-dramatic crap. That’s for summoning up a magical demon in the single hour we were apart. C’mon Mason, that’s rule number one of good parenting.”
He could only laugh at the absurdity of it all. “I’m just glad to see you guys. We’re going to need all hands on deck to deal with this. A creature infestation is about to be let loose all over the city!”
“One thing at a time.” Her eyes flicked over to the Mini, where Mabel and Merrise had reunited with Zera. The alien was helping Mr and Mrs Pines after their near-impact. Mabel came over and led her parents to a nearby bench.
“That was… I don’t know what that was,” Mr Pines said, slightly crazed with adrenaline. Mrs Pines was staying silent for now, processing all that had happened in the last few minutes. “Zera, what on Earth just happened?” He had seen the magical aura surrounding her when she’d cast the teleport spell, a special technique favoured by her teacher in the mystic arts.
Zera kicked her heels and remained tight-lipped, unsure how much to reveal even now. Mabel’s face was full of indecision, so Zera caved. “It was a teleportation vortex. I moved you out of the way of the herd using… magic.”
“Ha, of course,” Mr Pines replied, laughing hysterically. “Next you’ll tell me you’re from another planet. What, do you, ha, have your own spaceship or something?”
“No, I don’t have a spaceship,” Zera deadpanned, and Mabel drew a sigh of relief. The true nature of her wife’s identity could stay hidden for the time being. “Not my own anyway. If I put out a beacon or something I could probably hitch a lift off world.”
Her father’s laugh died in his throat. “You’re… you’re serious.” He was now staring agog. Zera toyed with her earring and Mabel knew this was it. If she switched off the filter there was definitely no going back. This was the last possible moment they could backtrack. They could paper over all of this, maybe claim it as some kind of massive joke gone way out of hand. It could all be wrapped up and hidden again just like Dipper wanted.
On the other hand… in one simple second it would all be over, the charade, the lies of the last 20 years, the anxious waiting for the bubble to burst. So Mabel stood there and let her wife deactivate the illusion. No putting the genie back in the bottle now.
Zera tapped her earring. A brief ripple passed over her body. Her tanned skin became iridescent scales tinged aqua and turquoise, and the fins on her head and arms unfurled. “This is me,” she said, flashing a toothy grin and giving a thumbs up to Mabel. She could only shake her head at her wife’s innocent naivety.
“Holy cats…” her father began, but Mrs Pines interrupted.
“You really are an alien. A real life, actual alien.” Tentatively she reached out and brushed against Zera’s scales. They were smooth and slightly moist. Her fingers recoiled. “Let me guess,” she said somewhat bitterly, “My daughter fell in love with your human form then found out the truth?”
“Not exactly. Mabel fell in love with the fish part first.” Mrs Pines gave a small whimper. Zera smiled weakly. “You know, I was telling the truth about the magic as well. I suppose you could call me a space witch.”
“Z?” Mabel said.
“Not helping.”
Pacifica was suddenly beside them, snapping her fingers. “Yo, ‘shape of water’, let’s focus. You can destroy all semblance of your perfect family life later. Right now we’ve got a bigger problem.”
Dipper was already strapped in and starting up the car with Merrise in back. She was gesturing for them to get in. There was only enough room for three more passengers and Mabel decided she couldn’t bear the thought of enduring the car ride back with her parents. “Zera? Whoosh us up another portal, would you babe?” Zera nodded, realising what she wanted. She flashed an apologetic look at her in-laws, then started speaking the words of the incantation.
Mabel hugged each of her parents, one after the other. “I promise, we’ll help you understand all of this when we get home. Or, at least Dipper will. This was all his bright idea in the first place.”
With that she stepped into a column of blinding fire and was whisked away, leaving her befuddled parents staring speechless.
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themysterycrewau · 2 years
Hello geeks, weirdos, and explorers! Welcome to the Mystery Crew AU blog! My name is Matsurra, and I created this au on my main blog @maki-matsurra!
How It Started
I am a huge fan of Gravity Falls. From the writing to the characters, to the art style. It was truly an amazing show that deserves so much love and attention. I joined the fandom a little late, but nevertheless, enjoyed every episode I binged.
I'm also a huge fan of the stop-motion Laika movies! I got to see Coraline in 3D when it was first in theaters (yes, the movie did give me nightmares), and I just really loved it too! The aesthetic of the movie and the story and characters as well were top-notch! Paranorman is a movie I know not many people may know about, but it's still such a good movie and should be checked out! When I watched that movie, there were so many scenes where I was just bawling my eyes out in sadness or just on the edge of my seat.
Now, as a fanfiction writer, I love to try and combine fandoms to make crazy new fanfics, sometimes taking inspiration from fan art or just fan edit videos. This AU actually came to me when listening to Follow the Sun while sitting outside. I wondered; "What would a universe be like if Coraline, Paranoman, and Gravity Falls were in the same one?" And then well... Ta-da! It came to be!
I posted the first chapter of the first book for the AU on May 1st, 2022 on Tumblr, then on AO3 on July 29th, 2022, titling it The Button Key. And the fanfic is still being worked on to this day.
Meet The Crew
Coraline Jones 🗝️
Full Name: Coraline Jones
Age: 13 (Currently)
Home: Pink Palace Apartments, Gravity Falls, Oregon
Family: Mel Jones (Mother), Charlie Jones (Father)
Friends/Allies: Wybie Lovat (Best Friend), Mabel Pines (Best Friend), Dipper Pines (Best Friend), Norman Babcock (Best friend), The Cat, April Spink, Miriam Forcible, Mr. Bobinksy, Stan Pines, Ford Pines, Soos, Wendy Corduroy, Courtney Babcock, Niel Downe, Mitch Downe
Enemies: Other Mother, Other Father (former), Alvin (former), Pacifica Northwest (former), Gideon Gleeful, Bill Cipher
Item/Symbol: Button Key
Other Info (Will be updated as time goes on) - Goes to Gravity Falls Middle School - Wears her orange gloves to school - Favorite class is Science (Specifically loves learning Earth Science) - Previously lived in Pontiac, Michigan - Skilled Artist - Also likes Astrology
Wybie Lovat 💀
Full Name: Wyborne "Wybie" Lovat
Age: 14 (Currently)
Home: His Grandmother's house, Gravity Falls, Oregon
Family: His Grandmother
Friends/Allies: Coraline Jones (Best Friend), Mabel Pines (Best Friend), Dipper Pines (Best Friend), Norman Babcock (Best friend), The Cat, April Spink, Miriam Forcible, Mr. Bobinksy, Stan Pines, Ford Pines, Soos, Wendy Corduroy, Courtney Babcock, Niel Downe, Mitch Downe
Enemies: Other Mother, Alvin (former), Pacifica Northwest (former), Gideon Gleeful, Bill Cipher
Item/Symbol: Mask with a skull on it
Other Info (Will be updated as time goes on) - Goes to Gravity Falls Middle School - Wears his skeleton bike gloves to school - Favorite class is Science - Loves to go to dirt bike races - Parents passed away in a car accident
Dipper Pines 🌲
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(Art by the amazing @your-local-neighborhood-nerd) Full Name: Mason "Dipper" Pines
Age: 12 (Currently)
Home: 618 Gopher Road, Gravity Falls, Oregon (The Mystery Shack)
Family: Mr. Pines, Mrs. Pines ✝️, Mabel Pines (Twin Sister), Stan Pines (Granduncle and current caretaker), Ford Pines (Granduncle)
Friends/Allies: Coraline Jones (Best Friend), Wybie Lovat (Best Friend), Norman Babcock (Best friend), The Cat, April Spink, Miriam Forcible, Mr. Bobinksy, Soos, Wendy Corduroy, Courtney Babcock, Niel Downe, Mitch Downe
Enemies: Other Mother, Alvin (former), Pacifica Northwest (former), Gideon Gleeful (former), Bill Cipher
Item/Symbol: Pine Tree
Other Info (Will be updated as time goes on) - Goes to Gravity Falls Middle School - Wears his hat everywhere - Favorite Class in English - Does well in all of his classes - Also loves Astrology - Trans ftm - Was adopted by Grunkle Stan ever since they were toddlers - Mother passed away during childbirth - Father is not in the picture
Mabel Pines 🌠
Full Name: Mabel Pines
Age: 12 (Currently)
Home: 618 Gopher Road, Gravity Falls, Oregon (The Mystery Shack)
Family: Mr. Pines, Mrs. Pines ✝️, Dipper Pines (Twin Brother), Stan Pines (Granduncle and current caretaker), Ford Pines (Granduncle)
Friends/Allies: Coraline Jones (Best Friend), Wybie Lovat (Best Friend), Norman Babcock (Best friend), The Cat, April Spink, Miriam Forcible, Mr. Bobinksy, Soos, Wendy Corduroy, Courtney Babcock, Niel Downe, Mitch Downe
Enemies: Other Mother, Alvin (former), Pacifica Northwest (former), Gideon Gleeful (former), Bill Cipher
Item/Symbol: Shooting Star
Other Info (Will be updated as time goes on) - Goes to Gravity Falls Middle School - Wears sweater over uniform - Favorite class is Art - Always comes prepared with bandaids and stickers - Was adopted by Grunkle Stan ever since they were toddlers - Mother passed away during childbirth - Father is not in the picture
Norman Babcock 📙
Full Name: Norman Babcock
Age: 13 (Currently)
Home: Gravity Falls, Oregon
Family: Perry Babcock (Father), Sandra Babcock (Mother), Courtney Babcock (Older Sister)
Friends/Allies: Coraline Jones (Best Friend), Wybie Lovat (Best Friend), Dipper Pines (Best Friend), Mabel Pines (Best Friend), April Spink, Miriam Forcible, Mr. Bobinksy, Soos, Wendy Corduroy, Niel Downe, Mitch Downe
Enemies: Aggie Prenderghast (former), Alvin (former), Pacifica Northwest (former), Gideon Gleeful (former), Bill Cipher
Item/Symbol: Fairytales Book
Other Info (Will be updated as time goes on) - Goes to Gravity Falls Middle School - Wears Red Hoodie over uniform - Favorite class is History - Loves to watch horror movies (especially with zombies in them) - The most skittish and shyest in the crew
Other Info (Will be Updated)
The Pink Palace is within walking distance of The Mystery Shack (2 Miles Away)
Some of the characters are aged up a little, but not too much (I did this so they could somewhat be in the same grade and class in school)
The Mystery Shack is where the crew hangs out most of the time
Pacifica has a small crush on Dipper
The Button Key (Book 1) [Avaliable on AO3!] Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
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mysteriespines · 2 years
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get to know mason pines :
Life before Echo Isle had always been fairly… mundane. Nothing really worth taking note of, outside of the fact that he was a twin and had a bit of an obsession with true crime and the supernatural world. Those were really the only things that ever stood out about Dipper Pines. Oh, and of course his little dipper birthmark, the one that he got his nickname from since Mason was actually his birth name. But he did his best to keep that hidden whenever he could - with overgrown bangs back in middle school and then eventually with his large collection of baseball hats and beanies. He was teased enough just for generally being himself, he really didn’t need to give extra ammunition to anyone by sporting a giant birthmark on his forehead, though many of his bullies growing up knew about it regardless.
So yeah, life before his first summer visit to his grunkle was just whatever. But then the summer that he was thirteen everything changed. When he and Mabel were first told they’d be going to Echo Isle for their break, Dipper hadn’t really thought anything of it. It was going to be the same old life, just in a different town. But he couldn’t have been more wrong. Because when he found that journal in a hollowed out tree… his whole entire life was practically turned upside out. It was like he had finally been given a purpose in life - something to excite him and drive him beyond just reading up on mysteries for his own entertainment.
Every year when the Pines twins returned to Echo Isle, Dipper made it his mission to find one of the other journals.. During the times he was back home in Oregon he always kept the number three journal close and over the years he’s deciphered most of it.
When graduation came around, it seemed obvious to him that he and his sister would return to Echo Isle. Thankfully Mabel felt the same way and off they went to live permanently with the Grunkle Stan. In the end of his sophomore year of high school, Dipper had created a true crime and supernatural focused youtube channel that miraculously over his last year of school had gained quite a decent following. He was getting sponsorships and actually made enough to potentially make a real living off of it… but he wasn’t satisfied with stopping just there. Plus, he knew his parents would likely not be too fond of the idea of him skipping college to work full time on a social media career that could come crumbling down any minute.
So he enrolled in Echo University, majoring in mythology studies with a double minor in journalism and communications. He’s still running his channel gaining more followers with every new video he drops per week, and he’s working at the mystery shack - but the rest of his time outside of class is spent searching for answers.
One of the first things he was able to decode in the journal was the warning to “trust no one in Echo Isle” and for the first summer he took that warning extremely close to heart. So much so that he was even weary of his own family - but he got over that part quickly, learning that he can always rely on his sister and somewhat Grunkle Stan too. It took another year before he started letting more people in - but even then he’s a bit closed off compared to many other kids his age. He’s always been a loner, so it’s nothing new to him. Now he’s gotten a bit better at learning to socialize but there are very very few people he trusts with telling anything regarding his investigations.
In his free time he plays a decent amount of video games. He has a twitch account where he streams sometimes, a channel that was created at his followers request.
He’s pretty damn insecure. Not like cripplingly or anything like that - but growing up surrounded by so much bullying really does leave a mark on a kid. He doesn’t think he’s ugly or anything but he also knows he’s not really hot stuff. Doesn’t understand why anyone could be into him and any time he’s dated in the past he’s been ready for the other person to dump him at any second.
Oftentimes has glitter stuck to him somewhere on his body. Not from his own crafts or anything - because Dipper rarely does art of his own - but being surrounded by colors and glitter is part of the territory when it comes to living with Mabel. And everyone knows once you open a bottle of glitter in a room it’ll be sticking to every surface it can find for forever, and Dipper’s wardrobe is no exception to that.
Also because of Mabel he knows a decent amount about makeup. Both from being her personal barbie doll and from occasionally finding himself sucked into watching along to any tutorials she may be recording herself or watching online. It’s not knowledge that he shares or lets others know about often, but he’s got it.
Met what he truly believes to have been a merman during that first summer when he came to Echo Isle and it sure was his lil gay awakening. He’s been openly out as being pansexual since his junior year of high school. It took him a while to come out mostly just because he hadn’t been sure of what label fit him best.
Has a giant collection of hats and beanies that he’s accumulated over the past decade. Also sells his own beanies and hats as merch for his channel. He has shirts and hoodies for sale too - but the beanies and hats are the best sellers since it’s part of his brand.
His channel is called Inside The Mystery. He posts a new videos to it every week on Sundays, switching the topics up from true crime cases to different mythologies and folklore from anywhere around the world.
Forgets that his real name is Mason like 99% of the time. The only time it’s ever brought up really anymore is whenever anyone looks at his ID or the start of a semester when role is called - but even by now a good majority of the entire town simply knows him as Dipper.
Hates the nickname Dippin Dots but puts up with it since so many people in his life have a tendency to call him that. He finds it embarrassing as hell and doesn’t understand why it’s necessary - but whatever.
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mothermortician · 4 years
Stan’s full name is Stanley Romanoff Pines. 
same middle name as his mother. 
I know it’s not canon, and Stan doesn’t have a middle name, but if Stanford gets one, then so should Stanley, dammit!
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF - Timestuck AU: The Power of Mabel ch.2
While fighting over a time machine so one twin can win a pig or the other can win the heart of a girl, Mabel is left stranded in a snowy forest with no time machine and no brother. Oops.
The BEAUTIFUL art pieces were done by @clownwry and @elishevart ! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 😭❤️💋
ch.1 - ch.3
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Ford was way more nervous than he was letting on.
She had long, pretty brown hair, braces over her teeth, sneakers, a skirt, and a sweater that allowed the cold air to pass through it. Her cheeks were slightly chubby with youth and nosy, as well as her nose, due to the freezing weather. Her eyes matched her hair perfectly, and though they were clouded with fear and confusion, Ford swore he could see sparkling behind the clouds, sparkling that made itself well-known when she asked if she could make him a sweater or when she saw his hands.
She had long, pretty brown hair, braces over her teeth, sneakers, a skirt, and a sweater that allowed the cold air to pass through it. Her cheeks were slightly chubby with youth and nosy, as well as her nose, due to the freezing weather. Her eyes matched her hair perfectly, and though they were clouded with fear and confusion, Ford swore he could see sparkling behind the clouds, sparkling that made itself well-known when she asked if she could make him a sweater or when she saw his hands.
Ford would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy Mabel’s company, but she was practically a stranger, and keeping a random girl in his house that was located in the middle of the woods was fishy and Ford couldn’t help but feel like it was illegal. But he couldn’t leave her out in the snow and send her on her way to find her home and family, so he decided to keep her warm or healthy, simply because it was the right thing to do.
But then she said she had no parents to call. Only a brother, who was lost, too. Ford can remember the old rule: If you’re lost, stay where you are until you are found. So he then decided that she could stay here until her brother found her, which should be by morning at the latest.
Still, he felt uneasy, so once Mabel was settled in front of the TV, Ford excused himself and went into the kitchen to make a phone call. There was only one man who would have better judgement in this situation than him.
The phone rang a few times. Ford checked his watch to make sure it was a reasonable time to call. It wasn’t Sunday, was it? But then the ringing stopped. “Howdy! This here Fiddleford McGucket.”
“Hey there, buddy.” Ford smiled to himself at hearing that cheerful voice. “How have you been?”
“Stanford Pines! Good t’hear from ya!” Fiddleford cheered. “M’just fine, just fine! How are ya?! Ya haven’t gotten eaten by monsters yet, have ya?” He laughed, making his old friend chuckle along.
“No no, I’m alright.” Ford almost brought up the reason he called, but then he remembered something very important to Fiddleford. “How are Emma-May and Tater?”
“OH! They’re doin’ great! We’re all very happy n’ doin’ well! Ya won’t believe how big Tate’s gotten since ya last saw him! He’s already crawlin’!”
“Wow, that's great to hear.” Ford sat in a chair at the kitchen table. “Has he said his first words yet?”
“No, not quite. Actually, he’s extremely quiet. Not a lot of baby-babble.” Fiddleford chuckled. “The doctor says that’s perfectly normal. Tate’s so smart, he’s reachin’ for specific colors n’ such, n’ ya can tell he’s thinkin’ a lot n’ knows what’s goin’ on, he just got nothin’ t’say.”
“I was very shy when I was young.” Ford commented casually. He didn't feel like mentioning why. “If Tate is anything like either of his parents he’s very intelligent.”
“Oh, he’s so much like both of us it’s scary. Ya know Emma-May, so clever n’ quiet n’ such. Tate’s got all that. But he already looks so much like me! But he’s got his mama’s hair! N’ Santy Claus brought ‘im this fun little fishin’ game where ya fish for plastic fish with a pole with a magnet on it, n’ he loves it! I can’t wait to take ‘im fishin’ when he’s big enough! Ya really outta give yourself a break n’ come down for a visit, he’d move to see his Uncle Ford again.”
Ford’s face felt hot. “Perhaps. Spring is when a lot of anomalies are active and breeding, so i would prefer not to miss that, but maybe I could visit for a weekend before that…”
“Well, no pressure, I won’t assume anythang until ya tell me to, just know there’s always a bed for ya here.”
“Thank you, Fiddleford. The same for you and your family. The clean air will do everyone some good.”
“Oh, I’m sure.” Fiddleford sighed happily and perked up. “So! Whatcha callin’ for? Not that I’m not happy just t’chat, but ya never call.”
Ford laughed and shrugged to himself. “I suppose I don’t. I’m sorry.”
“No need t’be sorry, Stanford, just wanna know what’s up.”
“Well, I was hoping to get your advice on something.”
“Um… well…” Ford rubbed the back of his neck, unsure how to tell him this. “I heard some unusual sounds outside today…”
“What kind of unusual sounds?”
“Cracks, like lightning. And some faint yelling.” Ford answered. “I thought it might be a tree branch or a new anomaly to catalogue, but when I opened the door a young girl was standing there in the snow with no coat.”
“Heavens! Is she alright?!”
“She’s okay, no frostbite. She was cold, but after sitting by the fire, drinking some hot chocolate, and changing into some dry clothes, she’s okay now.”
“Well, good.”
“So of course I brought her in. I tried to call her parents, she probably got lost playing…”
“... but she says she doesn’t have any parents.”
“Oh.” Fiddleford sighed. “Oh. Now, wait, are ya sure she didn’t just say that so ya wouldn’t call?”
Ford chuckled and said, “I first thought that too, but she looked too sad to be lying.”
“Okay, I see. Does she got somebody ya can call?”
“She says she has a brother, but he was out there, too. So he is probably out there looking for her and therefore nowhere near a phone.”
“Fair enough, okay. So, I reckon y’all are waitin’ for him t’come ‘round.”
“Well sounds to me like you’ve handled this all pretty well.” Fiddleford said confidently.
“You think so?” Ford asked. “I can’t help but feel like I’m doing something wrong. Like I’m missing something. Am I doing something wrong?”
“Nonsense, buddy, you’re doin’ great.” Fiddleford assured. “Look here, ya can’t just leave a young gurl out in the snow t’try t’find her way home...”
“I agree.”
“... so ya really got one option n’ that’s t’keep an eye on her n’ let her in as a guest. N’ ya tried t’call, but nothin’. The best thang ya can do right now is be there for this lil’lady n’ just be kind t’her. N’ if nobody comes for her by mornin’, why don’t ya go into town n’ see if anybody knows her, then they can help y’all out.”
Ford nodded, then remembered that his best friend couldn’t see it, so he said, “Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. Thank you, Fiddleford.”
“You’re welcome. N’ hey, are ya okay?” He asked seriously.
“Yes, yes I’m okay. I just want to make sure I do this right.”
“O’course. I understand. Ya want me t’come down there n’ give a hand?”
“No, that’s not necessary. I’m sure Mabel will find her brother in the morning.”
“Mabel, huh? Well, if y’all don’t, please call me. N’ even if ya do find her brother, call me. Keep me updated.”
“I will. Thank you, Fiddleford.”
“Anytime, Stanford.”
When Mr. Ford gave Mabel the remote for the old TV and went into the kitchen, she decided to use her awesome detective skills to figure out what year it was. If it was before Grunkle Stan lived here and opened the Mystery Shack, she must be pretty far back in time. But she had no way of knowing if it was 1999 or 2005 or the 50s.
The TV was old, but so was Grunkle Stan’s in her time. So Mr. Ford could have had this TV for a long time and didn’t want to replace it. 
Okay, so when was the TV made? Mabel didn’t know. Dipper would have known.
Okay, Grunkle Stan mentioned watching TV when he was a kid once or twice. So at least Mabel was when Stan was a kid, okay. 
Mabel turned the TV on and it was in color. Okay, so she wasn’t too far back in time. But the TV was playing a commercial for clear skin. The picture was gritty and all the people in it had puffy hair and long socks and oh my god was that woman wearing legwarmers?! Mabel grinned at seeing her favorite fashion on TV, but then her face dropped. When was she?
She tapped her chin and tried to think of how to know the date without being suspicious. She could ask Mr. Ford, but that might be suspicious. Mabel decided to start flicking through channels to try to guess what year she was in based on what was airing. A lot of shows were about cowboys, space, or game shows. Huh. Okay.
All the TV shows were definitely older. Nothing her dad would watch from when he was a kid, so if Mabel had to guess by everyone’s crazy air, the cheesy TV shows, and the music occasionally playing, she was in the 70s.
Huh. Okay. But she needed an exact year. So Mabel turned off the TV, saw an old radio on a desk, and turned it on to listen.
“... cuz it’s cold doesn’t mean you can't boogie, folks! So grab someone you wanna get warm with, turn up the music, and get your bodies warm in the coolest way possible! Here’s Night Fever, by the Bee Gees!”
Mabel grinned at the disco music. Her personal favorite song from these guys was More Than a Woman, but Night Fever would do. For a moment Mabel forgot her mission, jumped off the couch and left the blanket behind, and in the over-sized gray t-shirt Mr. Ford gave her while her clothes were drying, she danced along to the music, singing the chorus since those were the only words she knew.
“When you reach out for me. Yeah, and the feelin' is right,
Then I get night fever, night fever. We know how to do it! Gimme that night fever, night fever. We know how to show it!”
Mabel laughed at herself as she spun around in her socks and tried to do the point-and-hype dance she didn’t know the name to, but everyone did it when a disco song played.
Little did she know that Ford had returned to check on her, and was smiling at her as she shook her hips and waved her hair around and had fun. He leaned against the doorway and planned to let her dance in peace, but when she did a spin and saw him, she grinned and took his hand. “C’mon, Mr. Ford, come dance with me!”
Ford chuckled and shook his head. “No, no! I can’t dance!”
“You got two legs that aren’t broken?”
“Then you can dance! C’mon!” Mabel encouraged, let him go when they were both in the middle of the room, and she started to dance again. “Don’t make me dance alone!” She even pulled an evil move and gave him puppy eyes. Rude.
Ford smiled slyly at her and hesitantly copied her boogie moves. It was true that Ford never liked to dance, but there was no one around but Mabel, and though he had only known her for an hour or more, he was sure she would never make fun of him.
And he was right.
“Wow! Look at you, Mr. I-Can’t-Dance! Yeah!” Mabel hopped on the couch, standing, and took Ford’s hand. “Here, I’ll spin you!”
Ford laughed and allowed it, doing a single spin, but then scooping her in his arms to dip her and then let her down, making her laugh as they continued to dance. 
“Alright alright, you crazy cats, that was Night Fever by the Bee Gees! It's a snowy day here in the heart of Oregon, with snow flurries coming in harder all night, but it should clear up by morning and be a fun day to go out and play! The date is January 26th, 1978 in case you gotta write a check or mail a thank you note to a friend or family member. I’m still writing letters for Christmas! We’ll be right back with some of your favorites after a word or two from our sponsors, so don’t go anywhere!”
Mabel stared at the radio. “Wow, 1978.” She breathed. Her parents were only kids right now, maybe only six or seven-years-old. Wow.
Ford chuckled. “I know, I’m still in the bad habit of writing ‘77.”
Mabel realized her mistake, but was grateful her host misunderstood her. “Me too.”
“Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for dinner. How about some ramen noodles?”
“Yes, please! Can we play a game after we eat?”
“Sure. I don’t have many board games, but I do have a deck of cards.”
“Do you know any card tricks?!”
“A few.” Ford admitted, wiggling his fingers. “There are some advantages to having more fingers than average.”
Mabel grinned up at him and followed him to the kitchen for dinner.
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dogboy-willgraham · 3 years
pls i am BEGGING for a rant ab dipper and his transness pretty please <3
Oh dear do you KNOW what you've done??? /lh Okay, my unedited and all around scrapped together rant on Dipper Pines and tranness, by a gay genderfluid transmasc with no regard for sleeping.
SO. You're gonna have to multi-bear with me, I'm not good at structure:
Dipper pines is a 12 year old boy who, with his twin sister Mabel, gets shipped up from California by his parents to Gravity Falls to stay the summer with their great uncle Stan at his shop.
When not solving mysteries or getting into trouble with the supernatural, he spends his time with Mabel and Stan, plus Wendy and Soos, or any of the characters that live in town.
Dipper is often the subject of ridicule, whether it be that his voice cracks, he likes Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons, he's not very big or strong, or any number of reasons, he is mocked and made fun of.
While teasing and mockery is to be expected from family and friends, especially a sarcasm/teasing-as-a-love-language family and friends. The constant teasing of Dipper for not being big or strong, or having a squeaky/high-pitched voice, or liking 'girly' music, is to be noted. While it's incredibly common for cis boys to be mocked and teased for such things, and feel the need to be hyper-masculine to make up for it, it's also very common for trans men to have to/feel the need to be hyper-masculine to be recognized as their gender and respected. And if you're already insecure in you're gender, you're only going to be more insecure if everyone is making fun of you for even liking 'girly' things or not being incredibly masculine. It's expected in some circles, that you will either act exactly like a cis man is supposed to or you're just a tomboy, a confused girl, not a real boy. Aren't you a boy now? A boy's gotta do this and that to be a real boy, or else you're just a sissy boy. Or else you're not a boy.
There's even an episode all about Dipper tackling manliness, and what that's supposed to be vs. what he is as a boy becoming a man.
While there's many ways to read into Dipper as a cis boy trying to find firm footing as himself and as a boy in a world that demands he act a certain way, I'll be reading it as a trans story about a trans boy who is trying to find his footing as himself and as a boy in a world that demands that he act a certain way.
We'll begin with names.
In the episode Double Dipper, Dipper is trying to get Wendy to dance with him and through the various hijinks that ensue, we find out that not only is Dipper's actual name Mason, Dipper being only a nickname based on his big dipper forehead birthmark, but he wishes his name was Tyrone. He even names his first clone Tyrone.
It's not uncommon for trans people to go by a nickname instead of their deadname. (I've even done it) If Dipper wasn't out to his parents, it'd make complete sense that he wouldn't want to out himself by using Tyrone, and instead make a workable middle ground with Dipper. And when given the chance, he named himself Tyrone, even if it was only a clone of himself.
In the same episode he talks to Wendy while she waits for the bathroom, and the two have a sweet moment when they acknowledge and laugh over their shared weirdness. Wendy shows a picture of herself from when she was about 12, and Dipper reveals his birthmark, the source of his nickname. Wendy has also been said to have been bisexual from behind the scenes. Queer also means weird, and queerness has been treated as weird, so a tender moment between these two about weirdness could also serve as a tender moment between two queer people, not hating or despising their weirdness but enjoying and celebrating it.
Next we have the episode Dipper vs. Manliness, and as it states, it's about Dipper tackling manliness.
Dipper tries to beat a 'manliness' test, in reality just a strength tester to get free pancakes for his family, and fails, while the very masculine manly lumberjack beats it easily. At the table he gets poked and teased for not having chest hair, for being small and scrawny, for listening to girly pop music, and the failure to beat the manliness test drives him over the edge and he runs off. Stan simply laughs and asks how he's related to 'that'.
Even a completely unrelated comment from a woman looking for a mailman prods his nerves, and he asks 'Oh what? Are you saying I'm not a "male man?" Is that what you're trying to say? I'm not male? I'm not a man? Is that-is that what you're getting at?' And he runs off with tears in his eyes.
He runs to the woods and tries to do situps and fails. In his sorrow, the beef jerky he holds accidentally summons a manotaur, the very epitome of hyper/toxic masculinity. Dipper begs him to teach him to be a man, and after winning the favor of the manotaurs, like hairy Li Shangs, he and the other manotaurs vow to make a man out of him.
After completing many trials, juxtaposed to Stan's journey to try and win the favor of Lazy Susan, much of them involving pain and being generally typically masculine, he only has one task left. Kill the Multi-Bear, and he'll finally be a man.
He hesitates, but when the manotaurs find his CD of BABBA and begin doubting him, he resolves himself to go kill the Multi-Bear.
When he finally is poised to kill the Multi-Bear, the beast has but one request for his last moments, for Dipper to put on his favorite song. Disco Girl by BABBA.
While the Multi-Bear accepts his face, Dipper can't bring himself to do it. The Multi-Bear doesn't deserve to die for not being man enough, and is it really manly to do something like this?
Dipper goes back to the manotaurs and refuses his task. He doesn't need to do all of this to be a man, and he won't kill for it. He doesn't change the manotaurs, and he gets thrown out on his ass, shuffling his way back to the diner.
He explains what happens to Mabel and Stan, and Stan, the biggest source of teasing and mockery directed at Dipper, tells him what he did was quite manly in his opinion. He stood up for himself and did what he thought was right, sounds manly enough for Stan.
Dipper gets his first chest hair after that, and after Stan asks Susan out, the episode ends.
Another episode that points to Dipper possibly being trans, Bottomless Pit! is a multistory episode, where Soos, Dipper, and Mabel tell stories while the three and Stan are stranded in the bottomless pit.
Dipper's story is called Voice-Over, and features him getting made fun of for having a cracking high pitched voice. Upset and looking for a solution, he takes McGucket's solution to make his voice deeper.
It distresses Mabel and sounds weird on him, but finally, he has a deep and manly voice, and no one can make fun of his old voice.
Unfortunately it gets him in trouble and he begs McGucket for a different voice. McGucket gives him a new vial, a permanent voice, and Dipper pauses. He listens to the mixtape of his voice Wendy, Soos, and Mabel made, and he finds a sweet message at the end from the trio, and he doesn't drink it. He's okay with his voice, it isn't perfect, but it's his.
These are only the highlights of Dipper's struggle with masculinity and himself and how people treat him, Stan being tough and assigning tough chores on him to make him more of a man is an additional highlight, it's quite common for well meaning relatives to do such things to make their trans family members more like what they think of a person of their gender should be. There's plenty more instances of Dipper trying to be more manly and masculine to avoid ridicule or to earn respect, plenty more instances of him struggling to be and find himself.
While it may not have been written as a trans story, it could be read as a trans story.
Thank you for listening.
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yonfiendmaker · 4 years
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behold! i didn't see any otgw icebergs, so i made my own :)
if you think i should add something, lmk!!
Explanations under cut :)
First layer:
▪︎Beast!Wirt au - very popular au in which Wirt stays in the Unknown, possessed by the Beast to some extent.
▪︎Bad End Friends - Crossover AU of Beast!Wirt teaming up with Ice Finn from Adventure Time and Bipper from Gravity Falls; sometimes other 'bad end' au characters are thrown in such as a glitched Gumball from TAWOG
▪︎Irl Copies of the For Sara tape - Limited copies of the For Sara tape were sold at two points. They have yet to sell for a third time. (🤞🤞🤞)
▪︎Tome of the Unknown (pilot) - The Pilot of the series. Can be watched on YouTube.
▪︎Wirt Staying in the Unknown - In a scrapped ending, Wirt was to stay in the Unknown, saying that facing your real problems was scarier than staying there.
▪︎Mystery Kids - Crossover AU with other child-late teens aged characters from sources based on mysterious and supernatural themes such as Gravity Falls and Psychonauts.
▪︎Quincy Endicott's grave - Quincy's grave can be seen in the graveyard that Sara and the others are hanging out in.
▪︎Original Beatrice Voice Actress - Beatrice had a different VA in the pilot, Natasha Leggero. Melanie Lynskey voices her in the actual series.
▪︎The Woodsman's Daughter is Named Anna - The comics have several issues focused on his daughter, in which her name is revealed to be Anna.
▪︎Jason Funderburker's Ax Murderer Story - At the gathering in the graveyard, Funderburker is telling a story about a man with an ax; this story is believed to have influenced the existence of the Woodsman.
▪︎Full Versions of Songs in the OST - A handful of the songs are cut down for their appearances in the series and can only be heard in full on the OST. The most notable example is Old Black Train , which is actually 2 minutes and 15 seconds long, but is only in the series for about 15-20 seconds.
Second Layer:
▪︎Sara is named after the Fleetwood Mac song - Listen to it here :) it is notable that it includes lyrics about "drowning in a sea of love" and that Sara is "the poet of [the singer's] heart."
▪︎OTGW Reanimated - a reanimated project for the first episode. Got taken off of YouTube, but can be viewed on Dailymotion.
▪︎Baby Wirt Audio - In the For Sara cassette, there is a small section of audio that can be heard in about the middle of the recording of Wirt's father talking to him as a baby.
▪︎Funderburker/Funderberker - The two Jasons's surnames are spelled slightly differently to avoid confusion.
▪︎The Brothers Never Ate or Needed to Rest - Although Greg expressed being hungry, neither of the boys actually ate anything (outside of one spoonful of bland potatoes and inedible items such as dirt and leaves) and never laid down to rest, only sleeping when night came.
▪︎Book on Interior Design in Wirt's Room - In Wirt's from, a book on interior design can be seen laying on the floor, backing up the knowledge he displayed when analyzing the interconnected mansions.
▪︎Mad Love was Based on a Dream - The plot of Mad Love came from a dream that Pat McHale had about house hunting. In the dream, while exploring one of the houses being shown, he ended up wandering into someone else's home.
▪︎Beatriceoftheday - A blog dedicated to our lord and savior Beatrice, known for its strange shitposts and intense praise of the titular bird girl.
▪︎Wirt is Jealous of Greg's Popularity - Shown in the Circus Friends issue of the comics, Wirt is jealous of Greg's ability to make everyone laugh and have fun. This may factor into his dislike of his brother.
▪︎Greg was Feeding Fred at the Tavern - At first watching, one may be confused as to where all the food Greg was gathering went, why Fred was wearing lipstick and why he was refusing to talk to Beatrice. Shown in a deleted scene, this all explained, as Fred tells Beatrice that he didn't talk to her because Greg was feeding him.
▪︎Elijah Wood Voiced the Crazy Driver - Exactly what is says on the tin, the nutty driver was voiced by Wood.
▪︎Cloud City is Heaven - A popular theory that Cloud City actually represents Heaven.
▪︎Greg is Greg Universe - A headcanon/theory that has mostly died out that Greg is the same Greg in Steven Universe.
▪︎Bee Beatrice - Beatrice was originally cursed to become a bee, but was changed into a bluebird to match better with the seasonal autumn theme.
▪︎Pat McHale Voiced Wirt's Voice Crack - Wirt's voice crack when asking the Beast Are You? was actually done by McHale, not Wood.
▪︎The Other Actors Harassing Elijah Wood When Singing Wirt's Song - In order to make the performance as awkward as possible, the other actors were asked to yell and demand Wirt to sing. This can be heard in the episode.
▪︎Come Wayward Souls Has the Same Melody as O Holy Night - The song shares a cadence with "O Holy Night", and can be sung to its tune.
▪︎Black Turtles Origin/Purpose - No one knows why the black turtles exist, and McHale has said that they're just one of the unexplainable things of the Unknown.
▪︎Anna Never Left the House - In the aforementioned comics, it is shown that Anna had never left the house, living on her own until the Woodsman's return.
▪︎Sailor Suit Greg - Greg originally wore a sailor suit, but was changed later on to his current, Johnny Appleseed inspired outfit .
▪︎Beatrice Missing Being Able to Flip People Off - In the Art Book, Beatrice's introduction states that one of the reasons she hates being a bird is because she no longer has hands to flip people off with.
Third Layer
▪︎Jason Funderberker is Visually Based on a Teen Pat McHale - As seen here, Funderberker was designed after McHale.
▪︎Babes in the Wood is Based on an Old Alice in Wonderland Cartoon - You can view the original 1923 cartoon here! Starts at 4:25.
▪︎Wirt and Sara are Dipper and Mabel's Parents - A popular AU/hc where Dipper and Mabel of Gravity Falls are the future kids of Wirt and Sara.
▪︎The Tune of Wirt's Song is Improvised - In addition to the aforementioned harassment, in a further attempt to make the performance as awkward as possible, Elijah Wood was not given a tune to sing, only the lyrics.
▪︎Wirt's Costume Origin - As said in the art book and on his tumblr, Wirt's cone and cape come from an attempted rock and roll persona from McHale's teen years.
▪︎Greg is Based on Pat McHale's Son - It has been claimed that Greg is based on McHale's son, but Greg existed before him. The similarities are simply coincidental.
▪︎Old Scratch - The original name of the Beast.
▪︎The Beast Killed the Woodsman's Wife - Shown in the comics, The Woodsman's wife was mortally injured, with her attacker implied to be the Beast.
▪︎Wirt and Greg Staying in the Unknown Until Christmas - Another scrapped ending, in which the brothers stay in The Unknown until Christmas, with their absence unexplained.
▪︎Tome of the Unknown (original plot) - Early concepts had the Beast ( then known as Old Scratch as mentioned earlier ) scattering the pages of the titular book for the brothers to collect. Each page would come to life and the brothers would explore each story.
▪︎Dante's Inferno Comparisons - Check out these videos for full analysis!
▪︎Wirt Panty Shots - In the aforementioned Circus Friend comics, Wirt dons a dress as part of a disguise. Later on, he rips off the bottom half off, revealing that he is wearing bloomers.
▪︎The Beast's True Form was Inspired by Trypophobia - As stated in the art book, The Beast's hole-filled appearance was inspired by Trypophobia, the fear of many small holes.
▪︎The Fight is Over is About Drowning - Give the lyrics another read.
▪︎The Beast Last Minute Design Change - The Beast had a very different design, and it was changed into the current one at the last minute.
▪︎Gnome in Cloud City Representing Wirt - Many people believed that the Gnome with the lantern in cloud city was a parallel to Wirt, or a glimpse into his future. However, this was debunked.
▪︎Send Me a Peach - This song is included in the ost, but isn't in the actual series.
▪︎Fred and the Highwayman's Backstory - The comics expand upon the story of Fred the Horse and his involvement with the Highwayman.
Fourth Layer
▪︎Babes in the Wood Title Origin - The name of this episode comes from an old story of a pair of children getting lost in the woods, dying, and being buried in leaves by robins.
▪︎poorlydrawnotgw - This was a blog created during the poorly drawn series meme period. It consisted of poorly drawn and very strange shitposts and has since been deactivated. I was a part of it as mod Goopy Wirt and only have a handful of images saved from it.
▪︎Read and Listen Book Lost Audio - A read and listen book was created, with the book being read by Greg's Frog, who would stop every now and again to talk about being a frog. The pages can be found online, but the audio is currently lost.
▪︎Skinless Witch - A scrapped episode concept involved a skinless witch that kidnapped Greg and rode him like a horse.
▪︎Gentleman Burglar Wirt - A scrapped concept in which Wirt breaks into a woman's home, who is charmed by this young man who has come to visit her.
▪︎Animal Transformation - It was originally planned for Wirt and Greg to be turned into a bear/dog and a duck and remain that way for several episodes. This was later used in the comics.
▪︎The Unknown is influenced by Wirt's mind/interests - The Unknown is influenced by those who walk in it, in this case, Wirt. This includes the old timey mystical nature of it, as Wirt has been stated to have an interest in old folk tales.
▪︎Good Guy Beast/Black Train Scrapped Concept - In an earlier draft, the brothers were on a train, heading to what they assumed was death. They jump off, ending up in the Unknown. The Beast tries to get them back on the train, which turns out to be heading back to life.
▪︎Evil Woodsman - At one point, the Woodsman was intended to be under the influence of the Beast and tried to sabotage the brothers's attempts to return home.
▪︎Lorna Reading the Tome of the Unknown in the Epilogue - In the epilogue, Lorna can be seen reading the titular book from the aforementioned scrapped plot.
▪︎The Beast was Originally the Devil Himself - The Beast was first designed as a devil-like character, the aforementioned Old Scratch.
▪︎The Brothers Never Went Home/The Hospital is Part of The Unknown - a theory based on the fact that the edges of the screen are still blurred at the end of chapter 10, the rushed narration, and the lack of consequences of nearly drowning.
▪︎Beatrice Seeing Wirt Nude - In one of the comics, Beatrice accidentally sees Wirt while he is washing his clothes in the river.
▪︎Sara is a Descendant of Lorna - A theory that Sara is a distant relative of Lorna.
▪︎Exists in the Same Universe as Clarence and Home Movies - The most well known piece of evidence is the overhead shot of the town matching the town that Clarence is set in. Wirt and Greg also have a cameo in another episode, and one of the final episodes shows Brendon Small of Home Movies runs a movie rental store in the town, connecting all three series together.
Final Layer
▪︎Beast x Wirt - Also known as Poetree.
▪︎Candycone - Greg x Wirt.
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So I compiled a list of all the information we received from the Matt Braly AMA
1. Matt hopes Apothecary Gary will return
2. Anne has been to Thailand
3. Whatever is outside Amphibia is considered a spoiler
4. Sasha is an average student and only plays video games when Marcy drags her into it
5. Marcy wasn't written to be autistic
6. SJMS was the name of Matt's school
7. Matt actually dislikes the lyrics in theme song, to the point that he vomited
8.Amphibia is "as old as our world" while Wartwood had been around for a millennia
9. Marcy was originally a musical prodigy in the early days of development which is why she's holding a guitar in some character models
10. The show is a three act story and we're currently in the second act
11. The pandemic significantly impacted season two episodes' production to the point that they were completed just a week before airing
13. If the roles were reversed with Sprig getting transported to Earth and living with the Boonchuys instead then he'll actually do well for himself because he's cute
14. Matt hopes to do more crossover episodes
15. The date of the girls' birthdays are considered spoilers, so is their middle names and family lives
16. Punk girl's name is Cheyenne
17. Matt would love a comic series, either one set in Amphibia or on Earth
18. Matt was "dumbfounded" by Maggie's unexpected popularity
19. Sasha was based on a friend of his, who was similar in terms of personality
10. Matt has mixed feelings about a fourth or fifth season, doesn't want the show to outstay it's welcome
11. Polly will grow legs this season
12. Valeriana and Tritonio possibly reappearing this season is considered a spoiler
13. Matt would love for Jhope to voice a frog
14. When asked if Sasha was bisexual: "Glad you can relate to this character, stay tuned"
15. Anne and Sasha's rematch will be "volcanic"
16. Sasha represses her emotions towards Anne because it's easier for her
17. Season 3 will explore what's up with the title card mural
18. Anne isn't actually fluent in Thai
19. We'll see which eye of Grime actually functions
20. Interspecies families are 100% thing in Amphibia
21. There will be decipherable runes later on
22. Marcy will get more flashbacks
23. Whoever the skipman belonged to is considered a spoiler
24. Amphibia is set in 2019
25. Sasha is confirmed to change over the course of the show
26. Anne's missing shoe is still in the ruins of Toad Tower
27. Sasha vs Sprig fight is considered spoilers
18. One of the special episodes with a twenty minute runtime is a Halloween special that will air on October
19. Marcy and Yunnan definitely crossed paths before which is why the latter wasn't surprised at seeing Sasha despite her being a human
20. Wartwood townies confirmed to return, not just Wally
21. Hop Pop knows too much and not much
22. The toxic element in Anne and Marcy's relationship is considered a spoiler
23. Time possibly passing differently in Amphibia is considered a spoiler
24. A hiatus will happen but not a very long one
25. Matt hopes there'll be a Surinam Toad and Caecilian character
26. Grime's last name is considered a spoiler
27. We'll see what Polly's hair color is going to be
28. Anne is probably still only in private school because her parents pay them very well
29. Sand Wars prequel is possible in comic book form
30. Dipper and Mabel would be frogs in Amphibia
31. Curator confirmed for dead
32. Frog Soos is now the new owner of the Curiosity Hut
33. Bill Cipher? Who can say?
34. Characters may not entirely be accurate when calculating how much time has passed since the first episode
35. How the girls first met each other is considered a spoiler
36. Anne is the the queen of compartmentalizing
37. More Sprivy episodes confirmed
38. Polly is five years old
39. Marcy coming to Wartwood with the Plantars is considered a spoiler
40. Mr and Ms. Boonchuy will make a physical appearance
41. Hop Pop may have never married
42. The fate of Sprig and Polly's parents are considered spoilers
43. Season 2 has as many episodes as Season 1, twenty
44. The reason why Matt stoped using Amphibiland as the show's title was because of a legal dispute
45. Amphibia is as big as Australia
46. No body swap episode
47. Anne is into marsupials zoo books and romance manga
48. Sprig's three heroes figures were given as a birthday gift
49. Sasha and Marcy may have tossed their uniforms once they got their new outfits though Marcy could have kept hers
50. Owl House crossover is very much possible if there's enough support for it
51. Why Marcy looked so smug in the season one flashbacks is considered a spoiler
52. Anne's family probably isn't Catholic though but Sasha and Marcy's families may be
53. Matt currently has three seasons planned "for this particular story arc"
54. Amphibia is "an ode to past friendships"
-Mod Response-
Anon, I may not know your name but you are a hero.
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codylabs · 4 years
December’s Wrath
Chapter 1
It hadn't been a simple decision to leave California and his family and his sister to go spend the holidays in Gravity Falls with Wendy. But that was the decision he had made, and by the time he was really starting to question whether or not it was the right one, he had already crossed the state line into Oregon, and the rumble of the bus's engine had lulled him halfway to sleep. Thoughts like his parents' and his grandparents' disappointment at his absence, thoughts like Mabel wishing he could be there to see her new Hanukkah sweater, thoughts like the price of the bus fare, thoughts like the incomprehensible breadth of miles increasing between him and home, thoughts like the knowledge that the Corduroys had 'apocalypse training' instead of any kind of holiday celebration, thoughts like he wasn't prepared, thoughts like high clouds and dark trees and rare sun, these were the thoughts drifting through his head. Thoughts like he was right. Thoughts like he was wrong.
It was a starless night outside the bus, so all he could see beyond the window was a foot and a half of whirling snowflakes, and his own reflection, both layers tinted a grim color by the bus's pinkish interior lights. Crystals of frost were growing on the outside of the window, his breath was condensing on the inside of the window, and he was fast asleep a minute later, and his dreams were sad and lonely and brave and cold, cold, a terrible and cutting cold that pierced to the bone, clawed like an eagle's talons. His dream was a walking dream, while Wendy called him forward and Mabel called him back. The wind was calling too, but not in any specific direction. It just called.
The dawn came around 8:00, he woke up around 8:30, the bus left him at the stop around 9:00, and Wendy met him around 9:01. He almost didn't recognize her at first, beneath the layers of unfamiliar winter clothes, the gloves twice the size of her hands, the grey jacket and the baggy pants. It was only her face by which he identified her, peaking out from the middle of the hood. There was a light in her eyes and a smile on her lips, and he only barely had time to recognize her before she grabbed him in a hug and lifted him off the ground. "EEEEEYY It's good to see you man!" She hollered as she twirled him around. Her words were drowned out for a split second by the hissing of the bus's brakes as it moved off down the road. "How's it been going?"
"It's been going good!" She hugged her back until she set him back down. His backpack threatened to tip him over as he landed but he managed to catch himself. The ground was icy. He took a deep breath of the chill air as he shrugged the pack higher onto his shoulders and tightened the straps. "Good to see you too! I've really been missing this place! And, uh, and you, and everyone. How about you? How have you been?"
"Oh, same, you know how it is!" She punched him in the shoulder. Her breath crystallized in the air in front of her smile, and for just a moment, she looked to him like the most beautiful thing in the world. "Same as last time you were here, same as last time you called, same... I mean, what changes, man? School still sucks, weather still sucks, life's going great."
"Mood." He agreed, even though school had never really sucked that much for him, and the weather wasn't too bad, was it? It had stopped snowing, at least. "Anyway, I packed as best I could, I got my whole winter... Outfit. On." He gestured inclusively to his heavy jacket, heavy boots, three pants, and gloves, and took some reassurance that she was dressed similarly. "And uhhh toothbrush and sleeping bag and stuff. Is there anything else I need? I've never gone hiking in the winter."
"Nah, you're good. And if you're not, don't worry, we don't set out until after breakfast, and dad'll get you squared away once we get to the house." She led the way toward the Corduroy truck, parked on the roadside. "You got a change of clothes at least?"
"Eh." She gave a dismissive shrug as they climbed into the truck. "You'll be fine." She was right, she was wrong.
As Dipper tossed his backpack into the back seat and made to close the door, his vision was almost completely obscured for a moment as a gust of wind pushed the vapor of his exhale back into his face. He blinked for just a moment, almost startled, and then as his breath dissipated, his eyes landed on the forest.
The forest.
It was the same forest he'd known before. The same valley, the same cliffs, the same mountains, same dome, same trees, same grass and ferns, he recognized that bend in the road, and that sign, and that water tower. But at the same time, this couldn't be the same place. Could it? The old woods were green, green and brown, and crowned with gold beneath a blue sky. These woods were grey. Grey within grey, grey as pale as snow on the fingertips of the trees and grass, grey as dark as night in the spaces beneath. The sky was grey too, no blue, no shapes of clouds, no penetrating ray of sunshine, all the world stood as if encased in prison.
It was beautiful, to be sure. Beautiful as art. But Dipper couldn't shake the nonsensical feeling that the bus had taken him to some alternative reality, some timeline where the bombs had dropped or the sun had gone out or time had frozen, that his eyes were seeing some grim warning vision and not reality. As he gazed out at that sight that used to look like a playground or a second home or some magnificent untold adventure waiting to happen, he thought, at this moment, that it looked something more like an enemy; a world-sized monster, some overbearing rival of mankind itself. He found himself sizing it up.
As Wendy watched him doing so, watched his eyes travel the landscape with a look so needlessly grim and fearless, for just a moment, he looked to her like the most handsome thing in the world. "Eh, I guess the weather's not so bad." She shrugged.
"...Yeah." He finally climbed fully inside and closed the door. "Not so bad at all." He was right, he was wrong. They rolled off down the road, toward the tall old woods where the Corduroy cabin lay hidden.
Dipper had been expecting some sort of grim, apprehensive, even frightened mood when they entered the house, (the whole 'apocalypse' motif having prepared him for the worst) but was pleasantly surprised to find the place full of laughter. Dan was bent over the stove cooking pancakes and shoveling nuts into bags, while the boys zipped around the house with their backpacks, thinking and rethinking and packing and repacking. Conversation loud and boisterous filled the air, about past trips and future trips and present trips, about weather and trees and old campfire stories and whatever else lumberjacks and mountain men talk about. Wendy joined right back in with it too, reminding her dad to bring the jerky, telling her brother to find the radio, getting told by another brother to bring an extra jacket, and all five of them were arguing about whether one person should carry all the toilet paper, or whether they should all bring their own, or whether they should just rough it off the land and wipe with leaves.
Somehow, though was no tree in the house, and no presents or decorations or cookies or little colored lights either, something about the joy and the togetherness of it all struck Dipper as belonging to a Christmas mood.
"YOU." Dan boomed down in Dipper's direction. He spun with a start to look up into the enormous man's face. "You got a knife on ya, boy?"
"Uh y-yeah. Got one right here." He nodded.
"Got matches?"
"You'll need matches." Dan tapped one enormous finger on a paper on the fridge; a packing list. "Need all this on here. Ask Wendy if you don't know where anything is."
"Awesome. Okay." As Dipper joined the rush, a smile touched his face, and he began to suspect that this would be a good Christmas after all. Different, for sure, different of course, but it may not be so hard, it might not be so worse. This was family, after all, a very close and loving family, and when a family is close and loving, nothing that ever happens to it seems quite so bad.
And besides, Christmas was more than just presents and decorations, wasn't it? More than just a few colorful nonsense traditions. A lot more.
But without all that, what was it exactly?
They were all packed by the time pancakes were done (As they had to be. Part of the Corduroy tradition was to leave immediately after breakfast no matter what; in a real apocalypse they wouldn't have much more warning than that, after all.) With Wendy's help Dipper had managed to get packed with everything on Dan's list, all except for a compass; the family had only six, and the sixth wasn't for using. He'd just finished zipping up his pack by the time breakfast was ready. The warm smell drew them together into the kitchen, and they set in.
"What was your name again?" Dipper looked up from his pancakes to see Wendy's youngest brother frowning across the table at him, mumbling words through a full mouth.
"Dipper." He nodded, and realized he'd never actually talked with any of Wendy's brothers, and didn't actually know anything about any of them. "...I never got you guy's names?"
"I'm Gus." The 11-year-old pointed a pair of thumbs in his own direction. "I'm the cool one."
"And I'm Marcus." Said the 15-year-old, and extended a hand to shake Dipper's. "I'm the actual cool one."
"I'm Wendy." Said Wendy, not even looking up from her phone. "I'm your girlfriend."
"I'm Kevin." Said the 13-year-old. He glanced Dipper up and down. "I bet I could take you."
That took Dipper off-guard.
Wendy snorted.
"Hey, be nice." Marcus snapped. "He's a guest!"
"You be nice." Kevin retorted.
"Everyone fight!" Gus cheered.
"EVERYONE BE NICE!" Dan thundered.
Silence descended rather immediately. u could take him. Wendy texted Dipper under the table.
Not gonna try???? He texted back.
By 10:00 their packs and supplies were all stacked in the back of the truck, and they were underway.
By 10:30 the truck was parked and locked at the end of a narrow logging road, with six sets of footprints leading away from it, deeper into the woods.
That was Friday, the 20th of December. Next week on Wednesday would be Christmas. The very next day, Saturday, was the solstice, when the days would be the shortest of the year and the sun would be dimmest, and the things the light drives out would feel most free to rise.
By 11:00 they were out of range of the cell towers, and there was nobody who could help them.
The sun flared yellow through the briefest gap in the overcast sky.
The wind howled.
A tree broke and fell with nobody to hear it.
The spirit heard it.
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minijenn · 4 years
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Heyyyyy new UF AU time! This one has been thrown around a bit on here and on the UF Discord before but I figured it was finally time to draw fucking designs for the damn thing. So here we have what I like to call the Roseswap AU! The big main gist in this AU is that Gems are swapped around with various humans. I’ll go over each of those changes down below (keep in mind that p much all  of the “Gems” go by their human names in this AU (its a fun trend that Steven started), but their gem types will be in parenthesis. Same goes for the humans, with their human names first but the characters they actually are in UF canon in parenthesis: 
Steven (or Pink Quartz): Formerly Pink Diamond, former leader of the Crystal Gems, Rose’s father Dipper (or Pearl): Skilled in strategy and swordfighting, is hella gay for Steven Mabel (or Amethyst): Second youngest member of the Crystal Gems; rowdy, creative and free spirited Stanford (or Garnet): Fusion of Stan (Ruby) and Ford (Sapphire); made of brotherly love 
Prela Spears (Pearl): Intelligent 12 year old who’s a bit too curious and uptight for her own good Amy Whipper (Amethyst): Prela’s relatively new stepsister; a total mischief maker Rubella Garnett (Ruby): Amy’s great aunt who’s taking care of the girls for the summer; runs a gem in the middle of the woods that totally isn’t a front for some mysterious business... Sophie Garnett (Sapphire): Rubella’s ex wife who was estranged for her for years; they’re slowly starting to rekindle their relationship though
Rose Maheswaran: Daughter of Steven and Connie, youngest member of the Crystal Gems Greg DeMayo: A rather sheltered kid who seeks more adventure and freedom; is head over heels for Rose Connie Maheswaran: Rose’s mother and Steven’s partner; a responsible, but reasonable parent who’s supportive of her daughter’s endeavors  Brittany DePoint (Bismuth): A local rich girl who softens up after kindling a close bond with Perla Nellie Juvinate (Spinel): Town darling with some more sinister motives in mind Lucy Lasil (Lapis): A chill teen who works at Rubella’s gym Dottie Magnett (Peridot): A teen who also works at Rubella’s gym; absolute weeb Juniper (June) Helmetson (Jasper): A punk teen often seen as the town bully, especially in the eyes of the younger kids
Pacifica (or Bismuth): A long lost member of the Crystal Gems Soos (or Peridot): A recent recruit to the Crystal Gems; their tech specialist who can fix anything Gideon (or Spinel): A Gem who comes to earth seeking vengeance against Rose in particular for some unknown reason (also, a Gremlin) Robbie (or Jasper): A Gem renowned on Homeworld for being ruthless and cruel Wendy (or Lapis): A Gem the kids found and freed from a mirror, seeking freedom
So yeah this AU is a fun concept I went overboard with. Feel free to ask any questions you might have on it!
(Bonus Stedip screencap sketch under the cut): 
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(feat. Pink Diamond Chad Steven) 
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