#Disadvantages Of Cortisol
verosvault · 6 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 7 "Stress Tested"
Timestamp: 1:23:59
Video Length: 2min. & 27sec.
Riz rolling for all his Extracurriculars!
Murph: "I've got a million extracurriculars to roll for. So how hard do I have to succeed? 'Cause Riz is just trying to get 'em on the... He's just showing up."
Brennan: "So I think we can roll...if you roll with disadvantage, I will let you phone it in for all your extracurriculars. Does that make sense?"
Murph: "Great."
Brennan: "So you can lump all of them into one track."
Murph: "Perfect."
Brennan: "You're rolling with disadvantage. You're just trying to get over the finish line. How many extracurricular clubs is Riz involved with at this point?"
Murph: "Okay, so Soil Club, Aviation Club, I think maybe Equipment Manager for the Owlbears."
Brennan: "Equipment Manager for the Owlbears."
Murph: "Trying to convince Gorthalax to let me do that."
Ally: "Awesome. So sick!"
Murph: "I'll do AV Club, various...I guess just whatever there is. Any kind of, like, Chess Club, any kind of athletic team that will take me."
Brennan: "Perfect."
Murph: "If they won't take me, I'll be the Equipment Manager."
Brennan: "So you've already nailed your academics. A+. Go ahead and give me a roll for-"
Murph: "Can I maybe do Persuasion? Essentially just be like a pleasant presence at all of these meetings. So everyone's like, 'Riz, he's all right.'"
Brennan: "Great, you're trying to clear a DC 10. Roll Persuasion with disadvantage."
Murph: "Okay."
Lou: "You got it."
Siobhan & Emily: "Come on. Come on. Come on."
Lou: "Big roll. Big flourish."
Murph: "Oh, it's a Nat one, which becomes a 10."
(Murph's laugh! 😂🤣💀)
Emily: "Oh, yeah!"
(Brennan's laugh and claps!!! 😭😭✋✋)
Murph: "So I get a 19."
(Brennan's laugh is so gorgeous to watch here! 😂🤣💀)
Murph: "Soil!"
Brennan: "As all of you guys are feeling the pressure of cortisol for the first time, you see Riz is immune to this downtime system. He is just literally-"
Murph: "Just- I'm sprinting at all times. I never stop." 😭✋ (Poor Riz! 😭✋)
Brennan: "Yeah!"
Ally: "You're, like, running with your backpack like this. As soon as the bell rings."
Murph: "Huge backpack running from class to class."
Brennan: "You're getting like 12 extracurriculars over the line. You can't get less than a 19 on joining every club in the school."
Ally: "So sick."
Murph: "I think I also would like to roll...I wanna roll Mystery, as well."
Brennan: "Yeah."
Murph: "Just 'cause I can't help myself."
Brennan: "Yeah."
Siobhan: "Yeah."
Murph: "So in between, as I'm running from club to club with a huge backpack-"
Brennan: "That Mystery roll. Let me know, that might be your last roll and that's totally okay."
Murph: "Yeah."
Brennan: "So let's hold on Mystery for now."
Murph: "Great, I'll hold that."
Brennan: "We'll do all the Mystery rolls at the end."
Murph: "You got it."
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Batmom! and Bruce getting into an argument for TTT?
This isn't as thirsty as you probably wanted but. Here's some relationship-building.
Bruce stood across from you in the ring. Your face was unreadable. There was no fury. There was no sadness. Your eyes tracked him without moving.
But for the rise and fall of your chest you stood motionless. But every muscle was taut. Like a spring. And then there was pain.
Faster than a cobra, you struck out. Making the first move. The only sign that Bruce had that you were angry. But- not angry enough to be stupid. As he rolled out of the way, he knew it was calculated. He'd had no defense because he didn't know what was coming. You could have hurt him. Incapacitated him and taken your victory. Settled the fight.
Instead, you had given him a love tap. And he realized, as he feinted to the side to block your next blow and drive you sending a fist into your thigh to knock you off balance. To try and get you into grappling distance where you were at a disadvantage. Your face never changed.
There were no expressions. Just a flicker of discomfort when a blow landed. But your fighting was nearly silent but for your breathing and the patter of your feet.
You were a shadow.
And he wondered, not for the first time, what was going through your head. After 6 months, he couldn't tell. He couldn't read you. Not like he could the rogues or the random criminals on the street.
Still. You were tired. It had been a long day. And a longer night. The ferocity might be tempered but you were getting slow. And with the slower movements he had more openings. The fighting style that helped you to protect Dick- to be fast and silent relied on you staying on your feet.
On staying out of grabbing range. Darting forward and back. Dizzyingly quick and ruthlessly efficient. But when you made a mistake, looking to end this quickly you launched yourself at his chest. Both bare feet aimed center mass. Looking to send him sprawling and leave him on the floor, letting yourself out of the ring. And he clamped down on both your ankles, using your momentum to send you both into the mats. Pinning you underneath him. Your wrists bracketing your head.
And it was the first change of expression in your face. You were trapped. Stuck. And if he wanted to, he could hurt you. Really hurt you. He was heavier. Stronger. And even as strong as you were, you were no match for his strength. And you were afraid.
No amount of training could train that fear out of you. Whatever had happened to you in your past. The things you wouldn't talk about. The things that left you screaming and whimpering in the night. Too afraid to cry because if you started, you may never stop.
You didn't struggle. But he could feel you tense. Like you'd seen this play out before and you were ready and willing to hurt him if it meant never being in that position again. You wouldn't beg. You wouldn't plead. You'd fight until he killed you first.
He could feel your pulse under his hands. He knew there was a cocktail of cortisol and adrenaline pumping through your body. He could feel the tightening of muscles. And he let go.
Springing off of you as quickly as he had pinned you. Holding out a hand to pull you to your feet. "Y/N-"
"I'm not sorry."
"You shouldn't be," he said, passing you a towel. "You were right."
"Run that by me-"
"You're right," Bruce said, wiping his own face. "It wasn't fair. And Dick deserves an education. It should come first. Thank you, for reminding me."
"I didn't take a bullet for him to be illiterate and use his toes to count," you tell him, nodding slightly. "It sucks having to learn all that when you're older."
And before Bruce can say anything, you're gone. Stalking through a doorway that would take you to your room.
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
Hi, I came from ao3 recently, and I have 2 things I want to ask about. 1. have you thought of putting some of your asks on ao3?
2. I have my own little au I want to present; a/b/o feral tim au, aka bimbofication but make it wrong-wolf-porn-animalistic-ish.
I just like the thought of this highly intelligent person, succumbing to their bare basic needs, feelings and instincts. For one reason or another, Tim has been mentally pushed too far. His needs have been suppressed for too long, and now his subconscious has come hitting back with a vengeance.
Humans are not lone beings, they are social, they are pack animals. Therefore while rare, it is not too uncommon for some people to become feral, one in a million. It is a badly researched scientific phenomena, and the general treatment is to just handle them as animals. Put them in a zoo or a sanctuary, or if they are too aggressive or unadaptable, put them in a cage. At this point there are too mant social disadvantages to further research them, and the blame usually is laid on their weaker genetics.
"Oh I always knew there was something wrong with them" their friends and family would gossip, as the little taboo topic they would occasionally bring up whenever they were bored.
But the truth is that it's just a very old deeply buried instinct that existed to protect the mind, they could come back out of it with just a little bit of care. Everyone has it, it could have happened to anyone.
To Tim it happened after finally proving Bruce was alive, the moment he had accepted his death at Ra's hands. Maybe if he ever becomes lucid again, he would realise that he does not remember his fall correctly, the memory is more primal, filled with confusion and fear. As if he lacked the understanding of what had just happened to him
hi!! i have thought about that but also wanted to include some of my longer twitter threads/au's so i'm currently trying to compile a nicely organized masterlist that i will pin when finished, that way people will be able to peruse through all my tumblr asks and twitter thread fics and the organization of it will be much easier to organize and allow ppl to find what they want. on ao3 i can really only just add more chapters and i don't want people to have to flip through multiple chapters just to find and be able to reread one specific thing- to me that's my biggest grievance with posting tumblr/twitter things on a single ao3 fic.
and a FERAL A/B/O au!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh i cannot even express how much i love a/bo/o fics that tap into a more animalistic kind of origin. i have an more animalistic a/b/o fic on the backburner but i'm fascinated by your au!!!
a wolf/more animal part of them existing in the hindbrain and taking over. they're like cornered animals, their cortisol and stress levels are through the roof. and tim, finally reaching his breaking point when he accepts death and letting this animal take charge. he's like an abused animal, every person who turned is because they finally reached their point where it was just. too. much. and this was a last ditch effort by their bodies to protect themselves.
dick catching tim before he hits concrete and being relieved but then nearly dropping tim when he feels teeth dig into the meat of his arm where tim is biting him. him dropping tim on the roof where he starts growling at him, a bit of saliva dripping out of his mouth. his hackles are raised and dread fills dick as he knows what this is.
he's never seen it before, only heard stories and read stuff about it. when dick was in highschool there was a news story about a young woman in new york who didn't show up to work for a month and when the police check on her home where she lived alone they found her half starving and feral. neighbors had reported hearing strange noises but never made a fuss about it.
bruce had never mentioned anything to him, only went over it in a very vague way. just another unlikely thing to happen to be ready for in a very long list of things.
but now dick is on a roof. with his little brother who he hasn't seen in a year. he doesn't smell like pack. like his little brother who smells so sweet with just a hint of tartness like the rind of a particularly juicy orange.
tim smells of sourness as he he growls in a register too low to be possible while staring at dick through the whites of his shattered lenses.
just tim being feral after everything he's gone through and they all have to work to get him back and it's hard at first he snaps at them. tries to bite them if they come close. then bruce returns and it's like...180 shift.
it's clear tim likes bruce much better than them the way he calms down and practically wags his tail as bruce comes close and strokes his head. dick feels a little hurt, he'd admit that. it took weeks for tim to stop snapping at him. he still eyed dick warily but at least now dick could get close enough to offer tim water and some food.
tim curls on bruce's lap, nuzzling him and even licking his cheek like he's a dog and something...strange swirls in dick's gut at the sight.
they have tim in onesies like he's a baby but it's the easiest kind of clothing they can get him in because he fights in shirts and pants.
tim makes a cute sight sometimes. the way he curls up in front of a fire place to get warm, stretching out his lithe body and wincing when he jostles and injury.
bruce needs to hand feed him medications for his missing spleen. bruce is the only one who can do it. with anyone else tim will draw blood.
tim!!!! just!!!! being!!!! very much!!! an animal!!!! and when he has his heat while like that he just rolls around and whines his discomfort. he'll press and rub against anyone looking for relief while looking up at them with desperate eyes as he presents for them and it just!!!! does!!! something!!! to them!!!
i love a nice feral a/bo/o au i LOVE them!!!!!!!!!
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zequz · 1 month
Coffee Is Good or Bad for Health?
Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world because of its energizing taste and ability to increase energy. However, coffee's effects on skin health can be both positive and negative. Let's explore the effects of coffee on skin and whether it works well or not for your skincare routine.
The Positive: The Skin-Caring Effects of Coffee
Packed with antioxidants
Antioxidants exist in coffee, especially polyphenols, which are known for protecting against free radicals. Unstable chemicals called free radicals have the potential to harm skin cells and increase the aging process. The antioxidants in coffee work to protect your skin from premature aging by absorbing these free radicals, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and sunspots.
2. Inflammatory-Reduction Properties
One of coffee's main ingredients, caffeine, has potent anti-inflammatory properties. For this, coffee is a useful ingredient in reducing skin irritation, redness, and puffiness. It works especially well in eye serums and lotions that aim at minimizing dark circles and puffiness under the eyes.
3. Exfoliation with the Natural Method
A good natural exfoliator is ground coffee. It helps remove dead skin cells from the skin during a scrub, exposing softer, more radiant skin within. Coffee turns gently exfoliate skin and encourage blood flow, which can leave the skin looking healthy and glowing.
4. It increases blood flow
Using coffee topically helps enhance blood circulation, which is essential for keeping skin healthy. A more bright skin is the result of better circulation, which also improves the supply of nutrients and oxygen to your skin cells. It can also quickly tighten the skin, which helps reduce the look of fat.
5. Possible Reduction of Cellulite
Coffee's caffeine can be used in anti-cellulite treatments. It can reduce the appearance of acne since it is thought to help in the division of lipid cells and enhance circulation. Regular use may help in strengthening and smoothing the skin, even though the results are temporary.
The Bad: The Skin Damage That Coffee 
1. Dehydration
Coffee's dehydrating effect is one of its main disadvantages. Excessive use of coffee can cause dehydration, which might change the look of your skin. Skin that is dehydrated can become rough, dry, and more prone to wrinkles and fine lines. It is important to drink lots of water along with your coffee in order to prevent this.
2. Possible Causes of Acne
Some people may produce more cortisol, a stress hormone, as a result of the caffeine in coffee. Acne problems may be brought on by elevated cortisol levels, which can also boost oil production. You should pay attention to how coffee affects your skin, especially if you have sensitive skin or are prone to acne.
3. Skin Irritation
Coffee scrubs are known for their exfoliating properties, but some skin types may find them to be too harsh. When used excessively, the rough texture of ground coffee can create tiny tears in the skin that cause irritation and inflammation. Those with sensitive skin should use coffee scrubs with caution or opt for a gentler exfoliant.
4. Increased cortisol and aging
Excessive caffeine intake can lead to sustained high levels of cortisol. Over time, elevated cortisol can break down collagen, the protein that keeps your skin hard and elastic. This can accelerate the aging process, leading to more pronounced wrinkles.
Coffee can be both a blessing and a curse for your skin, depending on how it’s used. Its rich antioxidant content and anti-inflammatory properties make it an excellent ingredient in skincare, particularly for brightening the complexion, reducing swelling, and removing the skin. However, excessive use of coffee, especially without enough hydration, can lead to dehydration, increased acne, and promoted skin aging. 
To enjoy the skin benefits of coffee while minimizing potential negative aspects, control is key. Combine coffee consumption with plenty of water, and choose skincare products that use the power of coffee in a balanced way.
Make an effort with a coffee face wash that combines the energizing effects of coffee with additional nourishing components like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and aloe vera if you're wanting to bring coffee into your skincare routine. This mixture is a great option for keeping healthy, radiant skin because it can deeply cleanse the skin while also moisturizing and soothing it. Without the harmful effects of drinking too much coffee, a well-formulated coffee face wash can help you get refreshed, glowing skin.
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daysignaturespa · 1 month
The Advantages of Hand and Stone Massage
Due to today's lifestyle, some people need help to set aside time to relax after a demanding day. Mounting family, financial, and career demands keep people constantly on the go, and their bodies and psyches suffer from each element.
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Since hand and stone massage can relieve pain and release stress, it's a great way to unwind. Hand and Stone in Carmel has the following advantages:
Reduces Daily Tension and Anxiety
Stress and worry are natural to some extent. It is the motivating force that inspires people to take action. However, the disadvantage of stress is that it can persist in the body and appear in our emotions, behaviour, and physical health. Some people plan frequent spa visits to reduce tension and anxiety. When you get a massage, your brain releases pleasant hormones. These hormones help to reduce anxiety.
Improves Mobility and Flexibility
Immobility and inflexibility can reduce our range of motion, causing muscular and joint pain, poor posture, and unintended injuries. Hand and Stone Massage in Carmel benefits almost everyone since it reduces the incidence of accidents and chronic orthopaedic disorders. Ask your doctor for recommendations if you want to experience a hot stone massage at a spa near you.
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Improves Immune System Development
For excellent reasons, some people mix holistic therapies with modern health care programs, such as hand and stone massage. Aside from the apparent advantages of contemporary medicine, massage treatment can provide similar medical benefits. It can naturally improve the immune system by increasing the activity of white blood cells in the body, helping to fight disease and lowering cortisol.
Relieve Symptoms of Addiction Recovery
Addiction recovery is a cognitively, physically, and emotionally taxing process for the sufferer. Their loved ones are also suffering. Some rehab centres combine pharmaceutically induced programs with Therapeutic Massage to treat their patients' withdrawal symptoms. Touch therapy helps alleviate joint and muscle discomfort, promote sleep, and enhance digestive function during withdrawals. It can also provide preventative detoxification at the start of recovery.
Due to their ability to reduce discomfort and release tension, the Hand and Stone in Carmel are excellent methods for unwinding. They relax stiff muscles and increase vitality to release stress from the body.
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massagechairs · 4 months
Massage Chair Massage: Do Doctors Recommend?
Stress and pressure are some of the aspects of life that have come to be augmented in the current society due to the increased rates. People use relaxation and therapies that may help to solve problems and one of them is a massage. Taking all the options that are available in the market today, massage chairs have been well welcomed in today’s society. But the question remains: is it healthy to have a massage chair massage according to the physicians? Now it is time to tell what we discovered as the advantages, disadvantages, and physicians of the massage chair. Types of massage chairs.
Understanding Massage Chairs
They are required to mimic a professional masseuse through the use of rollers, airbags, and vibration motors that press on various parts of the human body. These are the types of massage offered; Shiatsu, Swedish, Deep Tissue, and a company with heat therapy. It can therefore be said that the ease with which one can call on a massage chair is actually what makes it easier for many people to get one whenever they feel that their muscles need to be worked on and all their body stress relieved.
Why it is beneficial to use a Massage Chair
Convenience and Accessibility: A high level of convenience is one of the essential benefits of massage chairs the client can have a comfortable massage without visiting a specialized center. They can be done at any preferred time; the user does not have to schedule an appointment with a specialist or travel to make an appointment at a spa or clinic.
Cost-Effective: given the fact that people who invested in a massage chair are likely to use the chair in the future, the cost is not really that prohibitive as compared to the times that someone would again seek a professional masseuse. However, there are slightly more expensive models of genuine excellent chairs of this type, but you will receive an amazing opportunity to have as many meetings for inestimable massaging over the years.
Immediate Relief: Whether you require chronic pain and tension relief or you have merely over-extended your back; do not touch that masseuse because all one needs to do is sit down and enjoy the fabulous massage chairs. Thus, there is an opportunity for rather a delicate adjustment of the setting for the target area of the massage to the needs and requirements of users, and this can be done only with the help of several turns of the distress.
Reduction: Another aspect to consider is the fact that many people are stressed during the course of the day, and hence acquiring such a chair and using it frequently is indeed a perfect way of reducing stress immensely. With this in mind, there should also be a reduction of cortisol among the few that can be eased by giving a relaxing massage on the body and system of a person.
Improved Circulation: They can also raise the amount of blood circulating in the body because they also act on the muscles as well as the tissues of the body. Perhaps, it would be of the highest importance to the persons with a particular circulation problem or to those who stay seated most of the time and do not engage much in physical activity.
Initial Cost: there are a lot of different models of massage chairs available on the market and the prices for most of them range between $ 300- $3000 & although there are chairs available for cheaper prices, usually these chairs are of low quality only. As you may also realize, it may also be a limitation in the first order for those who may wish to engage in the sales of the stock.
Know the Medical Perspectives
The analysis of the market will also require the scrutiny of the positions that the physicians will have concerning the massage chairs having regard to the research conducted as well as the available medical evidence.
Positive Medical Endorsements
Chronic Pain Relief: This may be in this way because most doctors suggest people who are in pain such as lower back pain, arthritis, and fibromyalgia to attend massage therapy and this is done using massage chairs. This is a process that is applied to the muscles and other related tissues of a patient to eliminate all the pain to allow movement.
Post-Surgery Recovery: For instance, in orthopaedic surgery patients or patients who are attending surgeries it is easy to be effective in unveiling muscle clamping hence the circulation of blood which is vital for the healing process.
Mental Health Benefits: psychiatrists and psychologists from the Calmzon group recommended massage as one of the complementary therapies for anxiety and depression. It also goes further in saying that if stress is eased by massages, then one’s psychological health will increase in the event one is to have massages regularly.
Massage chairs have also been at the center of research by scientists in an attempt to discover more about them.
Some of the works have even very much focused on explicating some of its functions which in a way assists the healing process of the patients. The benefits of using massage chairs include the following: the chairs assist in easing tension in muscles, easing pain, and improving the well-being of an individual.
Muscle Relaxation: Published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science where an author highlighted that the outcome of a conducted survey indicates that there are decreases in muscle tone and increased muscle flexibility of the individuals after sitting on a massage chair.
Pain Management: The editors of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation it was concluded that it could be useful in the pain management and treatment outcomes amongst persons with chronic lower back pain if the massage chair was to be incorporated.
Psychological Benefits: The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine confirmed an assertion that sitting on the massage chair can help reduce anxiety and can even have a positive impact in instances; they should be incorporated mainly if dealing with mental patients.
The use of massage chairs can be recommended because they assist in the reduction of inflammation as well as the treatment of pains and strains as approved by doctors and other health professionals.
Another thing that can be mentioned is the fact that most healthcare workers are in harmony with the idea and opinion that massage chairs can be one of the efficient interventional procedures that could benefit many people, given the fact that the procedure must be conducted properly and according to specific conditions.
Chronic pain management-post surgery recovery
Stress has become one of the biggest issues in society and the main cause of many diseases, therefore it is extremely important to work on minimizing the stress load and enhancing the quality of life in general.
It is always wise to consult with a doctor before beginning any new physical therapy program if one has a condition /concern. Thus, the setting up of these attributes makes it possible for one to have the guarantee that sitting on it is safe as well as relevant to the specific individual for whichever activity is planned.
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riversalondayspa2 · 1 year
Indulge in Tranquility with Best Body Massage in Vellore - River Salon Day Spa
Advantages of Body Massage:
Stress Reduction: Massage helps to reduce stress by relaxing tense muscles and releasing endorphins, which are natural mood lifters.
Pain Relief: It can alleviate various types of pain, including muscle soreness, joint pain, and chronic conditions like fibromyalgia.
Improved Circulation: Massage improves blood circulation, which can promote better oxygen and nutrient delivery to tissues and faster waste removal.
Muscle Relaxation: It helps to release muscle tension and tightness, improving flexibility and range of motion.
Enhanced Sleep: Many people experience improved sleep quality and patterns after a massage.
Immune System Support: Some studies suggest that regular massage can boost the immune system by increasing white blood cell counts.
Anxiety and Depression Management: Massage can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression by promoting relaxation and reducing the stress hormone cortisol.
Improved Posture: Regular massages can help correct postural imbalances by releasing muscle tension that contributes to poor posture.
Migraine and Headache Relief: It may reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines and tension headaches.
Detoxification: Massage can aid in the removal of metabolic waste and toxins from the body's tissues.
Enhanced Skin Health: Massaging the skin can improve its texture, tone, and overall appearance.
Emotional Healing: It can provide emotional comfort and support, making it useful in times of grief or emotional distress.
Cognitive Benefits: Some individuals report improved focus and mental clarity after a massage.
Hormonal Balance: Regular massage can help regulate hormone levels and reduce symptoms of hormonal imbalances.
Injury Recovery: It can speed up the healing process by promoting circulation and reducing muscle stiffness around injured areas.
Disadvantages of Body Massage: Time-Consuming: A full massage session can take an hour or more, which may not fit into everyone's schedule.
Sensitivity and Allergies: Some individuals may have allergies or skin sensitivities to massage oils or lotions.
Discomfort: Deep tissue or intense massages can sometimes cause discomfort during and after the session.
Bruising and Soreness: Deep tissue massages can occasionally result in bruising or muscle soreness, especially if the therapist uses strong pressure. Body Massage in Vellore
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What Does Massage Therapy Do For You?
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Massage therapy is a hands-on, holistic approach to improving general well-being and relaxation. It entails manipulating soft tissues in the body such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, and connective tissues in order to relieve tension, reduce stress, and address specific physical concerns. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of massage therapy:
One of the primary benefits of massage therapy is relaxation. The gentle and soothing strokes help calm the nervous system, reducing stress hormones like cortisol and promoting a sense of tranquility.
Relieves Muscle Tension:
Massage helps release muscle tension and knots by applying pressure and manipulating soft tissues. This can alleviate soreness, stiffness, and discomfort caused by prolonged sitting, physical activity, or stress.
Improved Circulation:
The movements of massage stimulate blood flow, which can enhance oxygen and nutrient delivery to the tissues and organs. This can lead to better overall health and quicker healing of injuries.
Pain Relief:
Massage therapy can be an effective tool in managing chronic pain conditions like back pain, arthritis, and migraines. It may reduce pain perception by triggering the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers.
Enhanced Flexibility and Range of Motion:
Regular massage can help improve flexibility and range of motion by stretching and loosening tight muscles and connective tissues.
Boosts Immune System:
Some research suggests that massage therapy can enhance the immune system’s function by increasing the activity of natural killer cells and other immune cells.
Stress Reduction:
Massage can lower stress levels and promote a sense of well-being. It can also help combat anxiety and depression by promoting relaxation and reducing the production of stress hormones.
Improved Sleep:
Many individuals experience improved sleep quality after a massage session, as it helps calm the mind and body, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.
Injury Rehabilitation:
Athletes and individuals recovering from injuries often benefit from targeted massage techniques that aid in the healing process, reduce scar tissue, and prevent further injuries.
Overall Well-Being:
Beyond the physical benefits, massage therapy can contribute to a general sense of improved well-being, fostering a positive mood and emotional balance.
It’s important to note that while massage therapy offers numerous potential benefits, it should not be considered a replacement for medical treatment. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any massage therapy if you have specific medical conditions or concerns. Additionally, be sure to seek out a licensed and experienced massage therapist for safe and effective treatment.
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congradulations · 1 year
adhd at work
Being employed is something I have feared for a WHILE! Not just because the prospect of selling myself to capitalism until I’m 60 sounds like a nightmare. But because I have GNARLY ADHD, too. It’s god awful (AKA severe). And it’s the combined type; inattentive and hyperactive. 
I am completely reliant on ADHD meds to be successfully productive. If I want my brain to work, I’ve gotta take my meds, and this has been the case since 8th grade when I was finally diagnosed. 
Without my meds, sometimes, I literally cannot read. Without meds, sometimes, trying to understand a concept makes me physically nauseous and sweaty. I hate that I was born with (or traumatized into having) this broken brain of mine. 
I look at my coworkers… observing them and all their brilliance. They just wake up and are able to do their jobs. Able to read. Able to think. Able to sit still. Able to remain concentrated. Able to work, and work quickly. They’re like superheroes to me. 
I’m so deeply jealous of my coworkers. I’m deeply jealous of their brains. 
Thinking about it makes me cry. I’m sort of tearing up right now. And not just because my record player is playing my favorite aria from my favorite opera. 
I really am at such a disadvantage. And I’m scared I won’t be able to succeed at a full-time job. 
I managed to materialize two 4.0s in college and grad school, but that was because I absolutely tortured myself. And could also make my own schedule. I wasn’t sitting down, rushing through everything, from 9-6 every single day. Once my internship ends and job starts, those are the hours I’ll be working, and I just don’t know if I can do it.
First of all, I don’t know if I’ll be able to work fast enough. I’ve had extra time in school since first grade, way before my ADHD diagnosis, because my mental slowness was so apparent. But there are no extra time accommodations at work. I fear everyday will be a mad dash to get everything done, which will do wonders for my already cortisol-packed nervous system, I’m sure. I’m also afraid my brain will just short-circuit working 9 hours a day. That by the end of the day, my brain literally will not work. 
Monday last week, I had a particularly stressful assignment with a particularly stressful deadline. On my commute home, I was a zombie. A zombie who was crying. A zombie who would then be thrown into a week of digestive issues due to the stress of one seemingly normal day at the office. And ABRIDGED one, at that. I’m not even full-time yet.
Is this what awaits me? 
I feel particularly alone in this struggle. If anyone happens to be reading this, and understands, message me. 
Regardless, I’m just going to do my best, I guess. What else can I do? Yayyyyy. The end. 
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jsms01 · 1 year
Shape up your thighs with these easy tips
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It could be because of social media, models in magazines, or the ridiculous amount of reality shows where everyone seems to look perfect. Whatever the reason may be, it’s made us all feel like there is always something we need to fix or change. We completely get it, ladies, and it’s frustrating. Although, if there is something you would like to change, and that something is shaping up your thighs, then what you’re really looking to do is lose body fat and build muscle on your thighs. You may have heard of the term “spot reducing” before. This is where you work to target a specific area by losing weight and building up muscle. Sadly, this isn’t really something we can do. While it’s not possible to choose where you lose fat, you can work to tone areas that you’d like to be more defined. By doing this, you’ll likely lose a few pounds too, so it’s a win-win. When you have more muscle, you feel fitter and stronger. So, you’re then able to do more intense workouts, challenge yourself and lose weight even faster. It’s also possible to lose weight by eating a healthy, high-protein diet, this will support muscle growth too. Studies have shown that those who stuck to a high-protein diet lost significantly more weight than those on a low-protein diet. Unfortunately, women are at a bit of a disadvantage due to the way our hormones work. Female hormones will cause you to carry most of your weight around your pelvis, butt, and thighs. Now, whilst this may be great for childbearing, it’s not something we all want nor is it good for slim thighs. We’ve got some tricks to help you tone and sculpt your thighs, and don’t worry, some of them are easier than you might think. Well, without further ado, let’s jump right in.
Get down low
So, as we’ve already mentioned, it’s not really possible to spot-reduce thigh fat. However, where we have bad news there is also good news. You can spot-train muscles to make them strong and toned and yes, squats are a great way to do this. Squats are hard work – but they’re easy to do and rewarding. You can do them anywhere, anytime, whilst dinner is cooking or catching up on your favorite Netflix show. Start with 40 squats a day, three times a week, as recommended. Then each week after this, increase the number of squats by 20 so that by week four, you’re doing 100 squats. Once you’ve achieved this you can then try a different variation of squat to keep those results coming. Maybe try adding weight, tempo, or doing a wider Sumo-like squat. You’ll start seeing results in no time and this will keep you motivated and inspired. Also Read: 15 tips to follow if you’re struggling to lose weight It’s important to make sure that you learn how the correct form of squats. Not following the correct form means that you may not reap the full benefits and could also cause injury. If you really want to feel the burn, you could head down to the gym and try out barbell squats.
An orange a day (apparently)
According to studies, eating oranges can help you to lose weight from your thighs. The study found that a diet rich in polyphenols, which can be found in citrus fruits, works with the bacteria in the intestines to boost weight loss. It may be even more effective when paired with a diet low in probiotics. We did say some of these are easy, oranges are delicious, juicy, and packed with antioxidants and vitamin C. However, if you’re not a citrus fruit lover, polyphenols can also be found in red wine and dark chocolate.
Slim down whilst you sleep
If you’re looking to lose a few pounds, then you’re going to want to make sure you’re getting at least eight hours of sleep each night. When you’re not sleeping enough, your cortisol levels are higher. This also means you’ll have less leptin, which is not helpful as it makes us hungry. Not only that but both cortisol and leptin love to hold onto fat reserves to give us more energy. Get your sleep, ladies, this is not something you want when dreamy thighs are your goal. If you struggle to wind down and get to sleep, try to avoid caffeine, refined sugar, and processed carb snacks after 3 pm. This is because these foods can disrupt the downtime of your metabolism, creating fluctuations in your blood sugar and insulin. These may cause you to wake up at odd times of the night.
Ankle weights are the one
For many of us, life is busy and gets in the way, so when you haven’t got time for the gym, there are ankle weights. These are a really great investment for quick home workouts that will destroy your inner thighs. By wearing the extra weight, your muscles will then have to work harder to shift the weights, so you’ll tone your legs and gain strength too. You’ve got to love that, right? If you’re looking for a simple workout to do with ankle weights, then try bent-leg raises. Start in a chair with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Then, extend one leg out straight and hold it for 60 seconds, then bend the knee 45 degrees and hold for another 30 seconds. Next, lower your foot back to the floor, change your legs and repeat. As you start to gain muscle and build strength, up the weight by ½ lb at a time. Also Read: Get back to exercising with these 9 tips However, it is vital to recognize that you shouldn’t use ankle weights for aerobic exercises, as this can put extra stress on your joints.
Drink water, and then drink more
Drinking water and staying hydrated is one of the best ways to lose weight and keep yourself healthy. Studies have found that drinking 500ml of water, approximately a pint, will increase your metabolism for as much as an hour. Having a glass of water every hour will not only keep your body well hydrated but it’ll also up your base metabolic rate. It is a common thing that when you think you’re hungry, you’re actually dehydrated. So, by keeping hydrated, you’ll decrease your appetite too. Some studies have found that drinking water before a meal can lead to a significant decrease in calorie consumption. This then means that in addition to burning more calories, you might also feel the need to consume less. Water is essential to functions in the body and without it, your body isn’t able to provide it with the energy needed to grow muscles. However, it’s not just hydration, a healthy, balanced diet is essential to your success too.
Get climbing
It seems that trail walking and running are the new nature stair stepper. Climbing is a great lower body workout, it’s the perfect workout for your quads, hamstrings, calves, and glutes. Although, hiking downhill is also amazing for your thighs as this tones your muscles the most. As you walk downhill, your glutes and quads need to work constantly to stabilize your knees and hips. These muscles are then resisting the force of gravity against your body weight, meaning toning effects go into overdrive. You’ve also got the added bonus that this type of activity is free.
Show crazy diets the door
If you’re someone that does have a little extra weight on your thighs, then it’s a good thing to learn that the key to losing body fat isn’t dieting and starving yourself, but instead adopting a healthy lifestyle that you can live long-term. We’re not under the illusion that this can be solved overnight, many of those crash diets are destined to fail. Alternatively, eating a balanced diet of nutritious and colorful foods will have you on your way to losing weight from your thighs (as well as everywhere else) and keeping it off. Also Read: 10 tips to help you make healthy swaps A high level of salt, too much refined sugar, and saturated fat are all things that can tear you down when your goal is slimmer thighs. Carb-filled processed foods are not your friend either, studies have shown that these sorts of snacks can cause you to gain weight in as little as two weeks.
Our conclusion
So there it is, we’ve given you plenty of advice to get you started on shaping up those thighs. Just as we said, they’re not all super difficult, well 100 squats might hurt for a while, but it will all be worth it. Make sure you wave off those fad diets, as we mentioned already, they set you up to fail with unrealistic targets and expectations. Instead, a challenging workout routine and healthy, balanced diet will have you well on your way to the thighs of your dreams.
Ready to work on those thighs?
We bet you can’t wait to get started with all that new thigh-burning knowledge under your belt, but do you want a little boost to get you started? We’ve got you covered at Zotrim. Our 100% safe and all-natural formula is designed to burn fat, reduce sugar cravings and boost your metabolism, meaning you can smash your goals in no time. Go and smash it ladies, you’ve got this! Source link Read the full article
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snugsodium · 2 years
Everything you Need to Know about your Homeowner's Association
Shelter is among the basic needs of humanity, together with food and clothing. In line with this, one of the most challenging things someone will ever do is to establish a house and lot that they will someday call home. While raising children or spending time alone or with someone dear, love can be cultivated and sustained in this home over the years. It should at the very least be safe and cozy, a pleasant place to raise a family or discover new things. It should also act as a sanctuary for developing abilities that will be crucial and useful in the years to come.
Outdoor living areas are a crucial component of any lovely home. These areas can be utilized for a variety of activities, such as relaxing and sipping a hot cup of coffee or basking in the warmth of the sun. Similar to this, you can add charm to your nights by relaxing on grass outside while the sun sets and the wind blows. In addition to these enjoyable pursuits, spending time on outdoor grounds is a very healthful exercise that many medical professionals advise. It lowers cortisol levels, a hormone that contributes to fatigue, and stress levels. Homes with outdoor lawns are substantially more valuable in the commercial market.
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Other activities, such as a summer party or a barbecue with other community members, can be done on outdoor lawns in addition to these personal delights and satisfactions. If you've invited guests around for supper, it would be great to set up a table on the outdoor lawn and take in the splendor of dining al fresco.
Being part of a community makes everything ten times better. When a real estate, house and lot, development is established, a homeowners' association, also known as an HOA, is constituted as the regulatory body of that particular neighborhood, housing development, condominium complex, or community. It is put in place to offer a set of guidelines applied to a property under its authority.
With the passing of the Magna Carta for Homeowners and Homeowners Associations or Republic Act 9904, the rights of homeowners and homeowners associations are adequately secured in the Philippines and have reduced conflicts in many areas.
"Being part of a Homeowners Association is everyone's right"
As per Juan Miguel F. Zubiri, the primary author of the law, this regulation was not just created for affluent inhabitants of private developments, as was previously believed. Tenants in public housing developments or urban estates, as well as those in communities of disadvantaged and homeless people, are also regarded as homeowners for the purposes of being eligible to join a homeowners' association without the requirement for any official permission or approval.
What makes a community a community?
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abhinavayu21 · 2 years
Have You Checked the Ultimate Immunity Booster Bundle?
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Your immunity guards your body, this is why it's far vital to preserve your immunity intact. There are numerous methods of enhancing your immunity. Natural methods of boosting immunity are healthful, not like unnatural dietary supplements which can be very dangerous in your fitness. The immunity gadget works like armor in opposition to illnesses and infections. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the cells for your skin, bone marrow, blood, organs, and tissues, even as functioning normally, cumulatively make your immune gadget which protects you from dangerous pathogens like micro-organism and viruses, and non-infectious dealers like sunburn and cancer. Given underneath are numerous methods of boosting your immunity:
Reduce Stress:
Whether your pressure is persistent or irregular, you need to deal with it earlier than it is going out of control. Stress impacts your fitness adversely. You should discover methods of decreasing pressure like deep breathing, meditation, etc. to prevent the reaction of pressure in any other case it'll overpower your immune gadget. Steroid hormones like cortisol are chargeable for responding to pressure however if the cortisol stage continuously remains excessive it is able to hinder the immune gadget from preventing in opposition to bacteria’s and viruses.
Eat Healthy Food:
A healthy diet is a key to a strong immune system. Eat a whole lot of green vegetables, fruits, complete grains, healthful fat, proteins, herbs, spices, and minerals. Some of those ingredients have antiviral and antimicrobial houses that beef up your immune gadget. A complement of zinc, iron, copper, folate, selenium, nutrients A, C, E, B6, and B12 are required to your immune gadget to paintings properly. Vitamin C fights infections. Protein has amino acids that combat infections through constructing and preserving immune cells.
Keep Yourself Hydrated:
Infection-preventing immune cells flow into for your frame with the assist of a fluid referred to as lymph. A big a part of this fluid is fabricated from water. You should drink lots of water each day to preserve your body hydrated which in go back will preserve your immune gadget healthful. Apart from water, you may take different healthful fluids like fruit juice.
Regular exercise improves the normal flow of your body, which helps your immune system.  This flow makes the movement of immune cells for your frame smooth. Exercise additionally burns needless fat of your frame that may be dangerous. A lower in pressure is any other advantage of exercise which releases endorphin. Chronic illnesses like type 2 diabetes, obesity, and coronary heart sickness are blocked through exercise daily.
Sleep Sufficiently:
After staying up for the complete day your frame wishes to loosen up and heal. During sleep, your frame secrets and techniques immune cells like cytokines, T cells, and interleukin 12. Cortisol stage will increase in sleep-disadvantaged humans that may generate pressure. You ought to take good enough relaxation so you don’t fall unwell easily.
Take Natural Supplements:
Natural dietary supplements do not have side effects as they have herbal ingredients. It is a great manner of revitalizing your immune gadget without inflicting any damage in your body. One such supplement is the Ultimate Immunity Booster Bundle (4-week ultimate immunity booster with diet plan and ayurvedic product kit).
Benefits of the Ultimate Immunity Booster Bundle
·        Senior nutritionists have designed the 4-week immunity-boosting healthy diet plan.
·        This remaining immunity package deal comes with a 4-week immunity-boosting healthy diet plan, 60 Ashwagandha tablets, 20 sachets of Ayushkwath granules, 60 imugen tablets, and Workout recommendations can act as immunity boosters. 
·        The bundle deal is an effective aggregate of scientifically researched products. The present-day environmental state of affairs is likewise considered withinside the guidance of the products.
·        The ashwagandha pill has anti-strain, anti-oxidant, rejuvenation, and anti-inflammatory properties. It improves heart, blood vessels, and bone health. Proper feature of the adrenals and decrease blood sugar degrees also are the blessings of this pill. This immunity booster is dietary and apoptogenic.
·        The imugen tablets prevents repetitive infections of the respiration and gastrointestinal systems. It has antiviral, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties.
·        The ayushkwath granules save you recurrent assaults of contamination and allergy. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and digestive properties. Sore throat and congestion of the respiration tract may be cured with this product.
Want more information on immunity boosters? Go to the website of Abhinavayu. The hyperlink to the website is https://www.abhinavayu.com/. You can contact us at 022 2634 7701. Mail us at [email protected]. Feel free to contact us with your queries.
Key Takeaways
·        Natural approaches of boosting immunity are healthy, not like unnatural dietary supplements which can be very dangerous in your health.
·        According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the cells on your skin, bone marrow, blood, organs, and tissues, at the same time as functioning normally, cumulatively make your immune sysytem.
·        Steroid hormones such as cortisol are responsible for responding to stress, but if the cortisol level remains high, it can prevent the immune system from combating bacteria and viruses. So, try to keep your stress level low.
·        A complement of zinc, iron, copper, folate, selenium, nutrients A, C, E, B6, and B12 are required in your immune system to work properly. You can get those dietary supplements from a healthy diet containing fruits and green vegetables.
·        Infection-fighting immune cells flow into on your body with the assist of a fluid known as lymph that is manufactured from water. So, hydrate yourself properly.
·        Smooth motion of immunity cells, decrease in stress, lesser chance of chronic diseases is a number of the benefits of workout.
·        During sleep, your body secrets and techniques immune cells like cytokines, T cells, and interleukin 12. So, you should relax properly.
A herbal     supplement is a great way to revitalise your immune system without     inflicting any damage on your body.
·        The ultimate immunity package deal comes with a 4-week immunity-boosting healthy diet plan designed by senior nutritionists, 60 Ashwagandha tablets, 20 sachets of Ayushkwath granules, 60 imugen tablets, and workout suggestions.
·        The ashwagandha tablet has anti-stress, anti-oxidant, rejuvenation, and anti-inflammatory properties.
·        The imugen pill prevents repetitive infections of the respiration and gastrointestinal systems.
The ayushkwath granules save you recurrent assaults of infection and allergy.
Resource: https://abhinavayu21.blogspot.com/2022/12/have-you-checked-ultimate-immunity.html
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15 Weird Hobbies That'll Make You Better At Orthodox Tea
Black tea, inexperienced tea, oolong tea and white tea are constructed from exactly the same plant -- Camellia sinensis. Ever considering the fact that the first infusions of tea about 4700 many years back in China had been created, the valuable effects of tea happen to be examined. This article orthodox tea price will mention well being benefits of tea consuming supported by some reports and likewise mention disadvantages.
Tea has negligible amounts of carbohydrates, Fats and protein. The next are the numerous advantages of tea:
one. It boosts mental http://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=orthodox tea alertness and lowers probabilities of cognitive impairment. Identified Just about exclusively from the tea plant amino acid L-theanine actively alters the eye networks while in the Mind by influencing neurotransmitters and increasing alpha Mind-wave exercise. This brings about an alert, but a lot more tranquil point out of thoughts. Reports of the aged Japanese individuals confirmed that people who consumed a lot more than 2 cups of inexperienced tea every day had fifty per cent decreased probability of having cognitive impairment than individuals that consumed fewer. That is due to the presence of antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG -- sort of catechin) in tea.
2. It lowers anxiety hormone stages. Scientists at University University London observed that drinking black tea following a stressful party reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol. With this research those subjects who were drinking four cups of black tea every day for six weeks had a 20% bigger drop in cortisol as opposed to placebo team.
three. It can help to lose fat and lessen LDL "poor" cholesterol concentrations. Scientific studies in Netherlands and Japan showed that environmentally friendly tea does both equally. Dutch contributors who drank caffeinated and decaffeinated forms of eco-friendly tea recognized decrease within their waistlines. Japanese Adult males and women who got environmentally friendly tea extract for three months dropped fat and experienced lessen LDL degrees.
4. It boosts metabolic rate (the quantity of every day Electricity expended by human beings and animals at rest). University of Geneva and University of Birmingham executed clinical trials which point out that eco-friendly tea raises metabolic costs, speeds up Fats oxidation, improves insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. Caffeine and polyphenols in tea elevate thermogenesis (the manufacture of heat by your body) and thus improves energy expenditure.
5. It boosts immune process. In 2003 study completed by Brigham and Women's Healthcare facility through 4-week demo eleven coffee drinkers and 10 tea drinkers consumed 600 ml of coffee or black tea daily. Their blood sample Assessment showed the manufacture of anti-bacterial proteins was up to 5 moments larger in tea-drinkers, which was an indicator of a more powerful immune technique reaction. Tea contains theanine which might be answerable for boosting the ailment-preventing capacity of gamma delta T-cells Hence helping the human body's immune reaction to fight infection.
six. It can help battle fungal and bacterial infections. Rate College done a examine where they located that white tea extracts are successful in treating bacterial and fungal infections. Eco-friendly tea extracts did not display just as much result as white tea.
seven. It has antibiotic outcomes. Catechins in green tea are to blame for disrupting a particular phase of bacterial DNA replication process Therefore possessing antibiotic Attributes (citrus which include lemon additional towards the tea brings about extra catechins for being absorbed). White and green teas have the best concentration of catechins.
8. It's anti-cancer Qualities. Various studies propose that green tea safeguards in opposition to different types of cancers, which include breast, lung and prostate cancer. Once again antioxidant EGCG is sited as The explanation. One particular Japanese study showed that right after drinking two to 3 cups of eco-friendly tea expansion of human lung most cancers cells noticeably slowed. One more research claims white tea to generally be even more effective in battling most cancers than green tea.
"In case you are chilly, tea will warm you. When you are way too heated, it is going to amazing you. If you are depressed, it's going to cheer you. If you're enthusiastic, it will calm you". ~Gladstone, 1865
Other great things about tea involve: doable avoidance of diabetic issues, to be a complementary therapy for HIV people together with typical medicines, reduction of the consequences of inflammatory bowel disorder (IBD), reduction of The expansion of microorganisms that result in terrible breath as well as other ailments.
Consumption of tea also has some drawbacks. The fluoride in tea leaves can improve the hazard of osteofluorosis and fractures (applies to large daily fluoride consumption of around 2 mg for youngsters and 4 mg for Grown ups). Simply how much fluoride the tea will contain straight is dependent upon the fluoride information of your soil during which it really is developed. As a result of environmental air pollution aluminum can be located in tea. (Organic soil gives non-chemical nourishment to the tea crops and that is why some individuals choose organic teas). Also think about that tea consists of caffeine and far too much of it can result in unsafe Unwanted side effects, which include certain slumber Ailments and diuresis. Decaffeinated styles of tea, even so, comprise much less catechins (that have antibiotic and antioxidant Homes). Simply because tea is made up of oxalate overconsumption of it could cause kidney stones. Some scientific studies advise that tea drinking probably negatively connected to chance of esophageal most cancers because of the chemical compounds generally known as tannins (milk binds with tannin making it harmless).
Like with anything else in everyday life it is sweet to keep up balance. Ingesting an excessive amount of tea could possibly be destructive and consuming also tiny may not be valuable more than enough. It is healthier to consume tea when it is actually lukewarm or heat temperature -- at the least four minutes soon after it's been poured. It is nice to realize that when you take pleasure in your cup of tea you receive overall health Advantages too.
Historically, the Market for unfastened leaf tea drinkers in The us is minimal.
Though loose leaf tea was particularly well-known in colonial periods, the intake of unfastened leaf tea step by step modified and recently the American marketplace for tea has actually been commonly confined to iced tea and tea in luggage.
Loose leaf tea was released to America simultaneously of introduction to Europe. As early as 1650 Dutch traders have been Lively from the tea trade and Peter Stuyvesant, as an early governor of your The big apple colony, introduced the main tea to The big apple. Free leaf tea was so well-liked in colonial The big apple that at one time the tiny colony eaten more free leaf tea than all of England. This attractiveness was Similarly evident in one other colonies.
Step by step having said that, the American tea marketplace changed. America created two exclusive contributions into the tea planet in the shape of iced tea and also the tea bag and equally have been invented during the early 1900's. Presently, eighty% of the tea consumed in the United States is iced tea and from the remaining 20% of tea intake, most is eaten in the form of bagged tea.
There exists increasing resurgence of demand for free leaf tea in the United States even so, driven by a better awareness of your wellness Positive aspects and high-quality in the unfastened leaf tea working experience. As demand raises, new opportunities come up for that entrepreneur who wishes to market and offer free leaf tea.
The full number of loose leaf tea solutions and once-a-year quantity and worth concentrations in the U.S. have achieved file concentrations. In actual fact, 2003 product sales levels of unfastened leaf tea offered in the U.S. achieved nearly $1.one billion, symbolizing an increase of 15% over total retail quantity marketed in 2002. Whole product sales of all sorts of tea--traditional and specialty--products and solutions offered while in the U.S. topped $5.one billion in 2003 with practically all of the volume and price development staying derived from worth-added, loose leaf teas.
The fifth Version in the "Tea is 'Sizzling' Report," which is revealed every year by Sage Group International, Seattle, WA, forecasts tea product sales will access $ten billion by 2010. This summary is predicated mainly within the projected requires of American "toddler boomers", that are significantly embracing loose leaf tea as their Principal day-to-day beverage. In 1990, once-a-year gross sales of all specialty and standard tea during the U.S. totaled under $1 billion.
For Substantially of the final five years tea-centered beverage products made out of and packaged as "standard tea" have been going through flat or declining sales during the experience of mounting "cannibalization" of the category from "new age" beverages specialty espresso and soda pop, when most loose leaf tea classes are going through double-digit progress, mostly in U.S. organic foods supermarkets. Yearly revenue expansion of 15% or maybe better continues to be prevalent For most unfastened leaf tea strains involving 2000 and 2004, Primarily People giving Accredited organic, chai, green and purposeful tea beverages.
The real key Think about this swift development and demand nonetheless, is high-quality. Unfastened leaf tea is all about top quality and only People tea companies that manage constant item good quality will improve along with the marketplace.
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shroudcore · 3 years
Speak now, or forever hold your peace. (Finale)
Summary: The ghosts may have left, but the wedding they officiated is not something to be easily forgotten. Will unsaid feelings remain hidden? Idia thinks so, after seeing you with your admirers. 
Idia x GN!reader. Reader is MC, or takes the role of MC in this story.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
Warnings: none
After that 3-star difficulty sidequest, it was finally time for the ghosts to leave. They were filing out through a shimmering silver portal to the Land of the Dead, which you joked about jumping into “for the meme”. Idia was quick to discourage it. The joke would’ve been funny at any other time than right now. 
Each ghost made sure to give the newlyweds their congratulations. Each congratulation made Idia want to take off into the night, never to be seen again. It was beyond embarrassing. Unbearable. Way past his limit of social interaction capability. Things were getting way too much to handle for his now-empty Energy bar. 
While Idia longed for the comfort and isolation of his dorm room, you were the one who thanked the well-wishers and said the goodbyes—from a safe distance, of course. 
“When we return, I want you to meet our baby!” Eliza announced before she stepped into the portal. You and Idia shared a look. As if reading each other’s minds, you checked your schoolmates’ faces for their reactions—which did not disappoint. Different ways of saying “Don’t come back!” filled the hall, in varying degrees of anger and vulgarity. Before she disappeared for good, Eliza huffed and stuck her nose up in the air—an expression that tonight’s failed suitors knew all too well. 
At her departure, the portal shrunk into a mere speck until it completely disappeared. Then came the loudest cheers of the night serving as Victory fanfare. It was all over! But before he went, Idia hoped to say goodbye and take a look at you in your suit one last time. Or maybe even ask you to hang out tomorrow, depending on his current Courage level. 
While he silently rehearsed his thank-yous and good-byes, he wondered if you knew that you were still holding his hand. He decided not to mention it. 
Unfortunately, his brief moment of (weak) celebration was cut short when he noticed that the now-mobile Groom Rejects were approaching. They might as well have red bars floating over their heads to warn him of danger. He froze, contemplating whether to: 
> Bear it and stay with you just until he was prepared to say goodbye (+10 relationship points -20 comfort LV)
> Just run off on his own without saying anything, ignoring your calls. (-10 relationship points +10 comfort LV)
For now, he decided to stick with Option 1. Just a little bit longer. 
“That was amazing!” Deuce exclaimed, rushing over to give you a high-five. You laughed and  met other high-fives, low-fives, fist bumps, and head pats that came your way with that lovely smile of yours. 
Suddenly, Ace rips you away from him. Suddenly, you weren’t holding hands anymore. The loud first-year put his arm around you and Idia couldn’t help but notice how easy and natural it looked. Meanwhile, there he was: someone who needed to rehearse his goodbyes. 
Clearly, there was a huge level difference here and Idia was the one disadvantaged. 
“Our hero!” Ace yelled, inspiring more cheers. The distance between you and Idia grew as your wave of admirers and friends swept you farther and farther away. He was an outsider once again, stuck watching the fun from the sidelines. Their eyes sparkled. Their mouths smiled. Their loud voices laughed and praised you and laughed with you again. 
They loved you. And Idia was no different. 
Everyone’s Friend and the Weird Shut-in. Was there hope?
“Brother, I’m so glad you’re safe!” Ortho’s voice cut through his stream of thoughts. Immediately, he feels the weight on his shoulders lighten. 
He watched as his brother, his beacon of hope, made his way around your fan club until he eventually reached his spot. Ortho wouldn’t care if he looked like a loser, standing there awkwardly at the side all alone. Finally, he was saved. 
My savior! “Ortho! Thank you, thank you…” 
“No injuries… tense muscles… an increase in cortisol production,” Ortho muttered, frowning. “Are you okay?” 
Ortho nods. “We’ll return to the dorm, then. But before that, we should thank the Prefect.”
“Oh… right.” Idia looked over to you, still surrounded by your “fans” like the SSR character you were. You listened to Azul, who prattled on and on about something that was oh-so-interesting that you couldn’t take your eyes off him. And Vil judged your suit’s design, reaching out to fix something near your neck. You cracked up at something Floyd said. You posed and smiled beside Cater as he took a selfie with you. 
His mind raced as it continuously spotted the students on his list and everything they did. What was so interesting about Azul? What was so funny about Floyd? Did you like Vil’s hardworking, confident attitude? Did you think Cater had a way with words? 
He looked away. 
“Ortho, I’m going back to my room,” he said with a heavy heart, admitting Defeat. He was underleveled, had zero energy, and zero SP (social points). He’ll see you… some other time. After his cry-sesh, maybe. 
“Huh? Don’t you want to talk to the Prefect first?” 
“I’ll just… DM them later,” he lied. In truth, all he wanted was to drown himself in a video game while he gorged on candy and tried not to think about you. Ortho’s eyes narrowed, but followed him as he sneakily left the hall anyway. 
You’d understand, right?
Once he and Ortho were out, he looked back at the hall doors, hating himself for being too shy and cowardly to make a move. He imagined charging back into the room, wedging himself in between your friends, grabbing your arm, and pulling you away. Then he’ll kabedon you and—
Who was he kidding? He can’t do that, and you probably wouldn’t like that. 
“It was terrible, brother. Nobody wanted to help!” Ortho said, and Idia thinks he didn’t need to be reminded that nobody liked him. 
“When the Prefect and I reached Diasomnia, we expected them to reject us too…” he mused. “But Malleus Draconia agreed to help us! Can you believe it?”
“Wait… Malleus-shi?” 
Ortho nodded enthusiastically. “Yes… because the Prefect talked to him… and then he cast a charm on them to help us ward off those ghosts! It was really nice of him.”
“I see…” Idia knew that you and Malleus were friends. But to actually help you and him? Maybe your relationship with the Diasomnia dorm leader ran deeper than he thought. Why else would he go through that trouble? 
“The Prefect volunteered without needing to be asked, you know,” said Ortho, who he now noticed was observing him carefully. Idia tried to ignore the way his brother’s eyes lingered on him as they walked (floated in Ortho’s case). 
“...I’m so glad their plan worked!”
Wait, what?
“Volunteered? Their plan?” All this time, he thought you’d been forced to do this by the Headmaster! You did always rant about Crowley promising you different sorts of rewards if you did jobs here and there. But… you got yourself into this mess… all for him? 
Idia looked at the hand you held just moments ago and dared not hope again. Maybe you would have done this for anyone else in his place. Maybe you treated everyone the same, and it just so happened that he was the one kidnapped by a ghost bride. 
Still, he felt bad for not doing as Ortho said earlier. It was too late to turn back, however, as Idia and Ortho finally reached the Hall of Mirrors. 
“Finally… I’m so tired,” said Idia, meaning it in all ways. But as he put one leg forward to enter the door to Ignihyde, he heard someone’s voice, along with the scuffle of shoes against the floor coming closer and closer to where he and Ortho stood. 
“Idia, wait up!”
Oh no. It’s you. Enter now! Enter now!
But no matter what his head told him to do, he remained rooted to his spot. He stood still despite his pounding heart, that elevator-like feeling in his stomach, and the blaring alarms in his head. 
Object of affection at 5m…
Ortho was probably seeing his vitals going haywire and giving him that look again. He turned to look at his brother… only to not find him there. 
Help… oh no…
“Hey,” you gasped out, catching your breath. “When I turned around, you were gone…”
Yeah, same. Just like Ortho… 
No one said a word for a while. The silence was only filled by your heavy breathing as it slowly evened. Inwardly facepalming at himself, he decided to take the chance to tell you everything he should’ve said before he left. 
But before he could open his mouth and apologize for leaving, (gods know he had too many things to apologize for after tonight), he was taken into a warm embrace. 
“I thought I was too late.” you mumbled into his suit. 
At that moment, without anyone else around, nothing else mattered but the safety of your arms. And damn, how good it felt to be embraced. Did anyone else get these hugs from you? Idia didn’t think so. He hesitantly lifted his arms up and hugged back. 
Looking up at the domed castle ceiling, he wondered what he did to deserve something this good. 
It’s okay. I can have this. He allows himself to melt into your arms, head drooping down to rest against your neck. 
“G-good thing you weren’t,” he finally whispered back, freezing as he heard you sob against his chest. Oh no, oh no, what do you do when your love interest is crying? Quick, quick, pull up the archive of romantic scenes from your memory. 
“Hey, hey, I-I’m okay, you see?” he said, patting your back awkwardly. You let go after releasing another sob to wipe your eyes with your sleeve. 
“Sorry I got your suit wet,” you said softly, turning your face away. “I’m really, really sorry about what happened there too.”
“About what?”
“The whole wedding thing...” You took a quick look at him but immediately dropped your gaze to the ground. 
Idia blushed. “I-It’s okay! D-don’t worry about it… I-” 
Come on, say more! Ugh… I hate myself. 
You pulled at our vest and slipped something out of it—an envelope. “I… wanted to tell you everything through a letter.”
Tell me what?
“But… Eliza came and took you before I could give it to you.” You avoided his eyes as your fingers tightened around the white envelope. Idia’s breath hitched, expecting you to crumple it. But to his relief, your fingers relaxed. Then, as if it took all your courage, you handed it to him with a slightly shaky hand. 
“It's old-fashioned, I know but yeah... just read it!” 
In the hall’s silence, he could hear your breaths quicken once again. 
“Th-That’s all I came here for. Goodbye!” 
Before he knew it, you were running off. Your arm waved frantically from a distance as every step carried you farther, farther away. He lifted his arm to wave back but you never saw it. You were gone and all he had left was the letter. 
His curiosity made him impatient. With fast and purposeful steps, he sprinted on the way to his room. What did he feel? Excitement? Dread? An unpleasant mix of both? His room, feeling farther than usual, was the only safe place he could experience whatever it was.
After a lot of walking and almost slipping over someone’s spilled soda (he cursed the shoes those ghosts made him wear. His very own would never fail him like that), he found himself in front of the doors, which slid open, revealing Ortho already inside. 
“You left me there!” Idia huffed. 
“Couples need alone time, brother,” replied his brother, innocently blinking.
“Wh-wha… we’re not a couple!” 
“Hmm? I could’ve sworn the signs were all there...”
A blushing Idia threw off the silly coat those ghosts made him wear and threw it over his desk chair. He sat on the bed, fingers racing to open the envelope. Ortho watched with great interest as two sheets of paper covered in your handwriting slipped out.  
Unfolding the first page, Idia took a deep breath and began reading:
Hey Player 1!
Sorry I couldn’t make it tonight last night. Maybe you can show me your new manga tomorrow? I know how excited you are about it.  I’m writing this while Grim’s asleep. He’ll never let me hear the end of it otherwise. 
I figured that this would be the best way to communicate my thoughts and feelings. This way, you won’t feel pressured to respond immediately. You can open and read it whenever you’re ready, in the safety of your room. I know it’s old-fashioned. But to me, a handwritten letter feels more personal—like I’m giving you a piece of myself. So here’s that piece of myself. Please, handle it with care. 
Beware. I’m about to get sentimental and mushy and cheesy and everything you cringe at! I hope you read on, anyway. 
First of all, I want you to know how much I admire you. Right from before we were friends, I was impressed by your intelligence and knowledge with technology. I’ve seen nothing like it back home. I always wondered why you hide yourself and those talents away. My curiosity drove me to want to get to know you. I’m glad I did. 
You were closed off. To you, I was just another normie. Do you remember? Your dismissal annoyed me, so I challenged you to a 1v1 match. I thought I was good, but you crushed me. I guess that’s where it started: our friendship… and something else. Soon, I found more and more reasons to admire you. Honestly, I find more with each passing day. 
I should have known, right from when songs started to make me think of you, that I was falling. I started to see you as, well, more than a friend. Your quick mind, your expressive hair, your soothing voice, your precious grin… your voice when you talk about things you love, your love of cats, and your candy, and your cold hands… Okay, I think you get the point.  But if you have time, I could go on forever. 
There’s something different in your eyes when you truly care. You say you’re bad at being sentimental and feel-y, but that’s okay! We express love differently. I see your love pour out in the way you perfect every detail on Ortho’s modifications, anyway. I’m sure he knows how much you love him. 
I want you to know how special you are to me. You’re so amazing, Idia. I wish you knew that. I want you to know that. 
I know it’s hopeless. You’re the young master to a noble house. I’m just… me. A homeless, magicless foreigner with nothing to my name. Nothing to offer but my feelings (and my superb gaming skills of course). I’m not asking nor expecting to be your special someone. But hey, I can be a top-tier teammate. A worthwhile BG opponent. A movie buddy. And most importantly—a friend. 
Our time together has always been a highlight of my difficult stay in NRC. The times we hung out in your room were my refuge from the outside world’s demands. Somewhere I was untouchable and safe from harm. Safe from demeaning remarks. Even if you never get back to this letter and decide you never want to see me again, I will always treasure the matches we played, the movies we watched, the candy we shared, and the memes we laughed over.
That’s all of it, really. Please don’t sleep too late. Watch your sugar intake. Listen to Ortho. Take care of yourself. 
Oh, and enjoy your new manga. 
Your best raid teammate, 
Player 2
Wide amber yellow eyes glistened as they repeatedly flitted over the words. A shaky thumb caressed the smudged ink from where a fallen teardrop marked the paper. Burning different shades at once, fire-hair slowly released itself from the tie it was forced into. Now free, it swathed Idia’s back in warmth like it should.
“Th-This can’t be real!” he sputters as he waved your letter around like he was fanning a bonfire. In a way, he was. 
However, Idia knew his hair wasn’t the only thing that kept him warm. He stared at the letter and it stared back. But no matter how many times he blinked, the words remained the same. You felt the same. 
“What have I done to unlock this route?” Idia clutched the letter to his chest, but noticed he was wrinkling it. “Nooo!” He quickly smoothed it over again. 
“They… they like-like me!” Saying it out loud made it more real. It was a fact! It was true all this time! Thinking of everything you did tonight: rescuing him like a true hero, running after him because you couldn’t keep your feelings secret for much longer… he couldn’t stop himself from swooning. 
“Like-like… did you mean love?”
“L-love?” Idia exclaimed. He suddenly felt dizzy, so he fell back onto his bed and talked to the ceiling. “It’s too early for that word!” 
But he knew the effect which that word had on him didn’t go unnoticed by Ortho. Well, at least he knew now that Idia wasn’t suffering from an illness. Can love be considered an illness? Idia recalls a documentary that said it was. Back then, he ate that up. Love made people do crazy things, after all. 
But ‘illness’ wasn’t an apt word to describe this dizzying happiness surging through him, was it? It was way too wonderful for a word like that.
“I’m so glad the Prefect finally confessed!” Ortho bounced happily, reflecting his brother’s joy. “I knew they would do it soon!” 
Mouth hanging open, Idia looked at his brother. “Wait… you knew?”
“I’ve known for a while,” Ortho giggled. “Vitals can’t keep secrets!” 
Contrary to plan, Idia didn’t touch his video games, nor gorge on candy, nor cry himself to sleep. Instead, he replayed the night’s events in his head over and over like a song he couldn’t get enough of. It had been two hours and thirty-five minutes since he read your letter. Two hours and thirty-five minutes since his world was turned upside down. In his reflection on the dark screen of his off tablet, he almost looked different. He saw someone who was admired. Wanted. Loved. 
Was that what you saw whenever you looked at him?
Ortho told him what the next move was: asking you out. He was scared. You might have changed his view of himself a bit, but that didn’t mean he was suddenly ready to go the distance and conquer the world, or whatever those overenthusiastic extroverts say. The night was still too much, and maybe he still needed those three weeks of being a complete hermit. 
Okay. Maybe with your help, I'll get there little by little. 
Perhaps you could watch a movie in his room... Would you be okay with that? You always hung out with him in there. But what if you wanted to do something outside? Eh, maybe it all didn’t matter, as long as you were together. 
When he put on his headphones, he knew which song to choose right away. There was one forgotten song in his music library that he couldn’t bring himself to delete. A love song. It wasn’t a bad one, because Idia would never keep a bad song in his music library. It’s just that the lyrics  were too happy—its singer so blissfully in love that it amplified the loneliness that had always been there.
Now playing: “Immortal Flowers” — SERPINA
This time, it’ll be different. Tonight, he puts it on repeat. He listens to it with a head for once clear of uncertainties. Instead, he thinks of fluffy otome scenarios. 
That date idea would have to wait. For now, he’ll imagine and dream of you, with your warm smile and open arms—skin basking in the glow of blue fire light. 
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
There you have it! Thank you for reading. I had fun writing this 4-part series. Would love to hear some feedback! 
Btw, the title of the song Idia listens to at the end comes from “Conversations with Persephone” by Nikita Gill. “What Hades gave me was a crown made for the immortal flowers in my bones.” 
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absolute-immunities · 2 years
in the ancestral environment,
(a) coordination promotes survival,
(b) hierarchy promotes coordination,
(c) traits that promote hierarchy are advantageous, and we should expect selection on them
"status" serves this function
("status" could be a social technology, but at least informal interpersonal "status" seems sufficiently
(a) simple to code and
(b) effective in reproduction,
to have a genetic base
language promotes selection on "status", but the semantic content is simple enough to code without it; the prelingual have "status" too)
therefore, we would expect a trait that
(a) on recognizing a "status call,"
(b) by a person with sufficiently "higher status,"
(c) forces "submission" (i.e., cortisol production)
to be advantageous for survival in the ancestral environment, and thus selected on
in our environment, the trait seems weakly disadvantageous, but its primary effects are on outcomes not-selected-on (subjective well-being) or only weakly-selected-on (sociability)
anyways I think this is what I have. I don't like it!
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coursy · 3 years
Working from Home: A Boon or Bane?
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The covid-19 pandemic, no one can doubt that, has turned the world upside down. From work from home to being digital, it has evolved many industries and also challenged the way we used to think of work and the workplace. This global pandemic has created a new definition for every aspect of a persons’ life. Now let’s get into it with one of the most trending trends of covid-19 which started to buzz in our ears from the inception of lockdown – “Work From Home”.  At times, it comes to my mind that WFH might have also been included in the 2020 list of buzzing words. “The new normal” word was embraced and incorporated in the list of the worst buzzing words of 2020 by “The Buzzsaw". And we are also aware that when we say working from home or WFH it follows the protocol of “The New Normal”. According to the 2020 report of Pew Research Centre, 20% of the employee used to work from home in America before the Covid outbreak and as everything changed with the restriction to stay at home, during the lockdown, the numbers upsurge by leaps and bound. However, the data’s result shows something more startling. It’s not the percentage of employees who work from home (71%) during the lockdown. But their response to the question. When they were asked that would they still love to work from home once the restriction would be left and the pandemic ends? 54% of them respond in consensus to WFH. When we talk about work from home, we can’t drop the pros and cons of this new normal. Certainly, the subject is unarguable, the matter of argument would not dissolve so easily when it comes to the advantages and disadvantages of WFH. So, let’s begin the discussion. Start off with some good news:As the pew foundation research reveals that people have started to embrace the “Working From Home” culture and even love the flexibility bestowed on them. The path which is not chosen voluntarily for many employees; happened to be something which they embraced bit by bit but heartily. It’s more like a blessing in disguise now. There are many people almost (86%) who say they feel a lower level of stress when it comes to working from home. In the wake of covid, Work from Home also gives you the certainty that you are safe behind the walls of your home which itself seems the greatest succor. We, in general, don’t want to talk about the cons and bad things. However, don’t forget that Failure is much more important than success. Cause it always bestowed on you the opportunity to grow. Let’s dive into the cons of WFH” The Corona Virus itself is enough to raise the level of cortisol and makes you feel threatened. And the long working hours, are added salt to injury. Prolong video call meetings and conference makes it even worse. According to the study done by Twingate (which include 1000 remote employees), 40% of employee have encountered mental exhaustion after attending the long video calls. Cloud infrastructure company Digital Ocean did a survey in 2019 which let out the striking findings. Even before the pandemic (when people choose to work from home voluntarily) 82% of remote tech workers in the U. S. stated that they feel completely burnout. Almost 40% of them reveal they feel their work is more demanding in terms of time. And this encounter led to greater anxiety as they groused with a tight-lipped smile about the fact that they have to grant more time than in-office employees. A report published in a survey by Buffer unearth, 78% of employees working remotely declare their company doesn’t cover internet costs. P.S. One thing I want to let you know is that the findings of the research are more or less about “how an individual view this term – “Work From Home”. As an individual, we all have a different point of views. We observe things in our own unique way. We experience events differently. Yes, I understand that what we want to gather from data, is an objective reality or rule from the subjective calculation. And there is nothing wrong with it. But all I want you to leave with this consideration; that neither it’s true nor it’s a lie. So, the pros and cons
shouldn’t be the scale on which the employee’s well-being is decided. It’s more crucial to adopt a strategy that is different from the point of view and works as a whole for all, not in chunks.
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